Chelan County Rare Plants County List
Chelan County Rare Plants County List Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status Meadows, open woods, rocky ridge Agoseris elata tall agoseris tops Asteraceae S Anagallis minima chaffweed wetland, freshwater riparian areas Myrsinaceae S Anemone patens var. multifida pasqueflower High elevation Ranunculaceae T Antennaria parvifolia Nuttall's pussy-toes sandy, gravelly, ponderosa pine Asteraceae S Anthoxanthum hirtum common northern sweet grass moist meadows, riparian areas Poaceae R1 grassy hillsides, sagebrush flats, and ponderosa pine/Douglas fir, wide ecological amplitude forests. Rocky Astragalus arrectus Palouse milk-vetch and dry to moist and rich soils Fabaceae T Astragalus sinuatus Whited's milk-vetch Shrub-steppe, Fabaceae E SC Forests, moist meadows, riparian Botrychium paradoxum two-spiked moonwort areas, compacted old roadbeds Ophioglossaceae T SC Carex comosa bristly sedge Marshes, lake shores, wet meadows Cyperaceae S Carex magellanica ssp. irrigua boreal bog sedge wetlands, wet meadows, marshes Cyperaceae S Carex praeceptorum Teacher's sedge sphagnum bog, wetland Cyperaceae R1 Carex proposita Smoky Mountain sedge High elevation Cyperaceae T 4900-8000 ft elevation, dry rocky Chaenactis thompsonii Thompson's chaenactis slopes Asteraceae S Cicuta bulbifera bulb-bearing water-hemlock wetlands, bogs, streams Apiaceae S Cryptantha simulans pine woods cryptantha Boraginaceae R1 Cryptantha spiculifera Snake River cryptantha shrub-steppe, stony soils Boraginaceae S Cryptogramma stelleri Steller's rockbrake moist shaded cliffs in forests Pteridaceae S Mid to late seral Douglas-fir or Cypripedium fasciculatum clustered lady's slipper Ponderosa Pine forests Orchidaceae S SC Chelan County Rare Plants County List Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status Moist meadows, springs, seeps, Delphinium viridescens Wenatchee larkspur riparian areas Ranunculaceae T SC 6600-9000 ft elevation, dry scree Erigeron salishii Salish fleabane slopes, sedge meadows Asteraceae S Eritrichium nanum var.
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