Agricultural History Review Volume 31 (1983)

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Agricultural History Review Volume 31 (1983) VOLUME 3 I983 PART I Glamorgan Custom and Tenant Right A W JONES Landowners and English Tenant P,ight, 1845-I 852 j R FISHER Farmers' Organizations and Agricultural Depression in Lancashire, 189o-19oo ALISTAIRMUTCH Irish horse breeding and the Irish Draught Horse, I917-I978 COLIN A LEWIS Annual List and Brief Review of Articles on Agrarian History, I98I RAINE MORGAN THE AGRICULTURAL HISTORY REVIEW VOLUME 3 1 PART I 1983 Contents Glamorgan Custom and Tenant Right A W JONES I Landowners and English Tenant Right, 1845--18 52 J R FISHER 1 5 Farmers' Organizations and Agricultural Depression in Lancashire, 189o-19oo ALISTAIR MUTCH 26 Irish horse breeding and the Irish Draught Horse, 1917-1978 COLIN A LEWIS 37 Annual List and Brief Review of Articles on Agrarian History, 1981 RAINE MORGAN 5 0 Book Reviews: Excavations at Bishopstone, by Martin Bell T F C BLAGG 61 Farming Practice in British Prehistory, edited by Roger Mercer AXEL STEENSBERG 6I Ttte Class StruLqle in the Ancient Greek World, by G E M De Ste Croix E A THOMPSON 63 An Historical Geography qfEngland and Wales, edited by R A Dodgshon and R A Butlin ROBERT S DILLEY 6 4 Pathways to Medieval Peasants, edited byJ A Raftis R H HILTON 6 5 History qfttle Farmstead, by John Weller; Traditional Far, l Buildings in North-East Wales, 155o-19oo, by Eurwyn Wiliam ROY BRIGDEN 6 5 Scottish Rural Society in the Sixteenth Century, by Margaret H B Sanderson MALCOLM GRAY 67 Country Towns in Pre-hldustrial England, edited by Peter Clark C W CHALKLIN 67 The Workin2 L[fi, q['Women in the Seventeenth Century, by Alice Clark RAINE MORGAN 68 Coal and Tobacco: The Lowthers and the Economic Development of West Cumberland 166o-176o, by J V Beckett j R HARRIS 69 Msh Population, Economy, and Society. Essays in Honour of the late K H Connell, edited byJ M Goldstrom and L A Clarkson M W FLINN 70 (contim~ed on page iii of cover) k . " .: : ..... ' .......... "..... , .i: "' : :i, .7/[:::~ .::5""!:::"i [ " . , .... i - . ' ' • , : . " " " 7, ; _ !11111,~ I 11 J I :ILl C21l _.. A I '_ll 7LI"L,--I rill iI) A |..I I | C~:I" l I1,)M. _~ N/~ 1 1.!'~]V ....... : .] __~= .. -*, -:... --~--'; .7_ ; [[ L.~':: i , i [, ! HUITIJEME CONGRES INTERNATIONAL D'HISTOIRE f~CONOMIQ UE EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL l .3rd~ ECONOMIC HISTOR Y CONGRESS ght. BUDAPEST 1982 t the GRAND DOMAINE ET PETITES EXPLOITATIONS "the EN EUROPE ;um AU MOYEN AGE ET AUX TEMPS MODERNES ,ord i ....... :ab- RAPPORTS NATIONAUX I i ~ve- LARGE ESTATES AND SMALL HOLDINGS I of IN EUROPE i, t to IN THE MIDDLE AGES AND MODERN TIMES the tent NATIONAL REPORTS .nto Publid par~Edited by ldi- P6ter GUNST--Tam:is HOFFMANN was 1982 • 404 pages • 17 × 25 cm • ISBN 963 05 3160 7 • $29.00 ears fter ! , he Ce volume contient la riche collection des rapports nationaux, 61abor6s ilue comme dtudes pr61iminaires pour le th~me A.I du Huiti~me Congr~s een International d'Histoire l~conomique qui se tiendra "a Budapest du 16 au ; of 21 aofit 1982. ;ted This volume contains the rich collection of national reports elaborated as :ion preliminary studies for Theme A. I of the Eighth International Economic trm History Congress to be held in Budapest from 16 to 21 August 1982. and Jew nth the ing AKADI~MIAI KIADO Ltu- MAISON D'I~DITION ro- DE L'ACADI~MIE DES SCIENCES DE HONGRIE .rm PUBLISHING HOUSE md OF THE HUNGARIANACADEMY OF SCIENCES his BUDAPEST ,'his the ere mir are I ! i r t SOMMAIRE • CONTENTS H. HARNISCH-G. HEITZ Feudale Gutswirtschaft und Bauernwirtschaft in den deutschen Terri- d torien. Eine vergleichende Analyse unter besonderer Berticksichtigung der Marktproduktion F. IFSIGLER Gross- und Kleinbesitz im westlichen Deutschland vom 13. bis 18. Jahrhundert: Versuch einer Typologie J. THIRSK i Large Estates and Small Holdings in England = 2. O. PICKL Herren und Bauer in den Ostalpenl/indern K/irnten und Steiennark vom I Mittelalter bis zur Neuzeit R. MELVILLE Der adelige Grossgrundbesitz im biirgerlichen Zeitalter. Reaktionsweisen -! auf die Industrielle Revolution G. AiKIES-B. VINCENT Grand domaine et petite exploitation agraire dans la P6ninsule Ib6rique J. GOY Remarques pr61iminaires sur le grand domaine et la petite exploitation en France de l'6poque galloromaine au XIX c si6cle V. ZIMANYI-GY. BEN DA Grand domaine et petite exploitation en Hongrie (XIIV-XVIIV si6ctes) _i ZS. P. PACH Labour Control on the Hungarian Landlords' Demesnes in the 16th and 17th Centuries G. CHITTOLINI-G. COPPOLA II Grand domaine et petites exploitations: quelques observations sur la version italienne de ce module (XIIF-XVI1F si~cles) -i A. M. VAN DER WOUDE Large Estates and Small Holdings. Lords and Peasants in The Nether- 7. lands during the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times ~1 ............ f'~___/_ ....... .I J. TOPOLSKI Grand domaine et petites exploitations, seigneurs et paysans en Pologne au Moyen Age et dans les Temps Modernes ~rd, ,~ht. E. L. PETERSEN the Large Estates and Small Holdings, Lords and Peasants in Scandinavia. the Denmark um ord E. JUTIKKALA Large Estates and Small Holdings, Lords and Peasants in Scandinavia. ................. :ab- ~ve- Finland of S. TVEITE t to Large Estates and Small Holdings, Lords and Peasants in Scandinavia. the Norway tent .nto L. HERLITZ ldi- Large Estates and Small Holdings, Lords and Peasants in Scandinavia. was Sweden :ars fter A. L. HEAD-KONIG , he Petites et grandes exploitations dans l'arc alpin helv&ique ilue J. VALKA ,een Le grand domaine f6odal en Boh~me et en Moravie du 16c au 18e si~cle. of (Un type d'6conomie parasitaire) ;ted :ion A. ~PIESZ trm Der feudale Grundbesitzer und der Bauer in B6hmen, Mhhren und in der and Slowakei im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert iew L. MILOV-A. TCHISTOZVONOV :nth Les propri6taires fonciers et les paysans de Russie aux XVII c et XVIW the si6cles ring ltu- J. KAHK-E. TARVEL Large Estates and Small Holdings in Estonia from the 16th to the 19th )ro- arm Centuries and J. ADAMt~EK his Die AgrarverMltnisse in Kroatien vonder Mitte des 15. bis zum Ende des fhis 17. Jahrhunderts the aere heir • , " , are BON DE COMMANDE ORDER FORM /t retourner ~t to return to AKADI~MIAI KIADO MAISON D'I~DITION DE L'ACAD]~MIE DES SCIENCES DE HONGRIE PUBLISHING HOUSE OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES P. O. a. 24, H-1363 BUDAPEST Je d6sire recevoir Please supply = GRAND DOMAINE ET PETITES EXPLOITATIONS EN EUROPE | AU MOYEN AGE ET AUX TEMPS MODERNES RAPPORTS NATIONAUX J LARGE ESTATES AND SMALL HOLDINGS 1 IN EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE AGES AND MODERN TIMES NATIONAL REPORTS z I Publi6 par/Edited by P&er GUNST--Tamfis HOFFMANN i ISBN 963 05 3160 7 • $29.00 Ch+que joint/Cheque enclosed _q NOM/NAME m ADRESSE/ADDRESS --2 | DATE SIGNATURE Primed in Hungary Akad~miai Nyomda. Budapest z Glamor an Custom and Tenant Rieht* TIlE Ill{ I 11 Sll Alilll CUI,'FI~I1,At, HI ,qTOllY SOC1 ],,TY h~(lllK JR 1)IIO(IRESS 198~ It is now five years since Dr. David Hey compiled the last Work dlord, in Progress and the Executive Committee of the Society has decided right.• that another survey should now be made• As in the past surveys, this CO the smmaary of work in progress will appear in the Agricultural Histor~ ofthe Review, we hope in volume 31, part II. ~I sum ~dlord Members will be aware how valuable these lists have proved to ................. estab- scholars and you are asked to send in details of current research work 3rove- on agricultural or agrarian history. In the past, these lists have de of proved valuable to scholars in many countries, and you are asked to set to make th£s survey as comprehensive as possible by including details of Of the work in which colleagues, research students, and others are engaged• ement Please enter details below, and return this form to: g into condi- gn. D. Byford~ 1[ was 58, Station Road, e years DONCASTER~ tr after South Yorkshire• :ed, he DN7 6~J. ' value : been Name Research Topics . ype of l vested lee,o.oeo.eeo•o,,.leloloeolloeo.eo••leeooe.o,e,o6eleleee,eeooelee,oeQi uation e farm e•o••oele,i•,,e1,e,g•,,•,,..e,el.e,,,*,.ll,lo,p,oeooeeQ,Ioeelel,lo,eeo )rt and ooIieleeee,eee.e,aG,eoeloe°e,,eeooe,oloe,ee•oei,,et,e..e,.,o,,,,,,,,,i icview ',teenth to the t being icultu- d pro- e farm es, and for his s of his "d, the l mere ~ their IIII~IIIOt~IIlIIilI~IililIt~IQ~IltlIII*I~.IIlII~IIII~ilIIII~IIIIII~I :rs are !. BON DE COMMANDE ORDER FORM fi retourner ft. to return to AKAD,~.MIAI KIADO MAISON D'I~DITION DE L'ACADI~MIE DES SCIENCES DE HONGRIE PUBLISHING HOUSE OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES P. O. B. 24, H-1363 BUDAPEST Je d~sire recevoir Please supply GRAND DOMAINE ET PETITES EXPLOITATIONS EN EUROPE AU MOYEN AGE ET AUX TEMPS MODERNES RAPPORTS NATIONAUX LARGE ESTATES AND SMALL HOLDINGS IN EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE AGES AND MODERN TIMES NATIONAL REPORTS ii Publi6 par/Edited by P6ter GUNST--Tamb.s HOFFMANN ISBN 963 05 3160 7 - $29.00 Ch4que joint/Cheque enclosed NOM/NAME ADRESSE/ADDRESS DATE SIGNATURE Printed in Hungary Akad~miai Nyomda, Budapest ~lnmnrcrnn I'~.11~tnrn Ten n - D hr* TIIE I~lll I I ,~11 AI;II1(:I;t,'fl,IIAl, Ill SI[IIW .~0(', I lqfY ~¢)1~I( JN I'I~OfiIII,~SS 1983 It is now five yei~rs since Dr.
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