WHARFEDALE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY – FOUNDED 1796 208th OTLEY SHOW President: N. Houseman, Esq. Champion Pedigree Shorthorn 1949 YFC Dairy Cow Judging 1939 Champion Sheep Judging 1949 Champion Swaledale 1949 Saturday, 20th May 2017 CATTLE & SHEEP SCHEDULE th Entries close 20 April Chartered Accountants WISH EVERY SUCCESS TO THE 208th OTLEY SHOW HON. ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS TO WHARFEDALE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ● LAURENCE BENTLEY, F.C.A. DAVID EADON, F.C.A. OTLEY BUILDING SOCIETY CHAMBERS WESLEY STREET Tel: 01943 462518 e-mail:
[email protected] Website: www.bfebrays.co.uk 2 WHARFEDALE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY’S 208th ANNUAL SHOW Held under the Society’s Regulations governing the Show General Introduction All communications must be addressed to: The Show Secretary, Mrs Janet M. Raw, 15 Bridge Street, Otley, West Yorkshire, LS21 1BQ, Tel: 01943 462541 or 07961 966952. Cheques and postal orders should be made payable to: Wharfedale Agricultural Society. The Secretary will not acknowledge receipt of entries but will forward all numbers etc. at least 7 days prior to the Show. In case any mistake has been made, exhibitors MUST AT ONCE inform the Secretary and return all correspondence. ALL CATTLE AND SHEEP must be on the Showground NOT LATER THAN 9.15 a.m. Loaded wagons will be admitted to the Showground for unloading, after which wagons must be parked in their allocated areas. Drivers are asked to co-operate with the Show Management in order to reduce congestion and confusion in the Showground as space is limited. In case of necessity, a Tractor Service will be provided free of charge by the Society.