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50 THE: MUSIC TRADE: REA/IEW COMPOSES MUSIC AT SEVEN. SIGNS UP WITH THE WITMARKS. blackbird sitting high up in a tree near the band stand accompanied the instruments and stopped Prodigy in France Surprises Professors by His Frederic Peters Signs Exclusive Contract with when they did. Genius. That House—Some of His Works. He sang during the whole movement—beauti- A dispatch from Paris to ful, leisurely snatches of melody. His notes states that a seven-year-old boy of Rennes has Frederic Peters, the gifted composer and late seemed like an instrument added to the band and such extraordinary musical genius that he is said orchestral conductor at the Studebaker Theater, quite equaled in quality any of the wood winds. to compose beautiful and original music with as- , on his return to the city recently, signed "I he way in which his extempore melody fitted tonishing facility and speed. Among the works in with Beethoven's composition was perfectly of the boy, whose name is Rene Guillou, are sym- marvelous. phonies, sonatas, melodies, fugues, and duos for All through that summer the heat in Paris was piano and violin, all of which have provoked the terrific. Often every day 1 had occasion to pass admiration of the professors of the Conservatoire. along a torpid old street in the Latin Quarter, Scientists are much interested in this case of near which 1 lived, the Street of the Four Winds abnormal precocity. Young Guillou plays the —a narrow thoroughfare, lined by high white- piano perfectly, but his chief ability seems to be painted houses above which could be seen a mere that of composing. His ability appears to have ribbon of dark blue sky. developed suddenly one day after the child had In this street a cobbler, an ex-bugler in a heard a military band play Chopin's funeral cuirassier regiment, had his booth. About tin* march. booth hung a large wicker cage in which was a On returning home, although he had never blackbird with a tremendous voice—a "hundred- touched a musical instrument, he is said to have throated" bird, to borrow the adjective with which gone to the piano and played the march quite cor- Tennyson qualifies the nightingale. rectly. Rene Guillou is the son of a postoffice The ex-bugler had taught his merle (the French employe. work for a blackbird) a cavalry call, and many times a day the street reverberated with the blood- stirring sounds. One broiling day in July an old abbe stopped in front of the cobbler's stall and be- gan to mop his crimson face. "Monsieur," he said to the cobbler, "accept my congratulations; your merle is the most eloquent preacher in Paris, for his notes are a battle call to the strong and a sursuw corda (lift up your hearts) to the despair- ing."

FREDERIC PETERS. NEW STAR IN "PEGGY." a contract with M. Witmark & Sons by the terms Audrey Maple, the accomplished singer and of which he will write exclusively for that firm actress, last seen in this city in the production of for a number of years. "The Arcadians," joined the cast of "Peggy," the Mr. Peters will be best remembered for his score Gaiety Theater success now playing at the of the "Mayor of Tokio," the popular musical Casino Theater, and is appearing in* the title part. comedy in which Richard Carle starred with much She sings the several songs allo'.ted to Peggy in success. Prominent among other meritorious a delightful manner that adds much to their ef- works from his pen may be mentioned "The Monks fectiveness. of Mallabar," the Japanese operetta "Otoyo" and a new musical piece entitled "A Winning Miss," which enjoyed an extended run in Chicago and the Middle West. BUY YOUR IVUJSIC FROM Mr. Peters is a graduate of the Conservatory of Music at Leipsic and a musician of undoubted skill. A new score from this composer's pen is !1II NOW AT 130 WEST 4oTH STREET, NEW YORK. set down for an early production, and those who have heard it declare it to be the best he has yet WORLD WIDE HIT written. WHITE-SMITH MUSIC PUB. CO, PUBLISHERS, PRINTERS & ENGRAVERS OF MUSIC Main Offices: 02-64 Stanhope St., Boston Down By The Old Midstream BLACKBIRD MUSICIANS. Branch Houses: New York and Chicaoo Every dealer should have it; also, Wonderful Ability for Carrying Airs—Imitate WALTER JACOBS "DAVY JONES AND HIS MONOPLANE" Various Instruments with Startling Accuracy. 167 Tremont St.. BOSTON. MASS. 1 Publisher of "WHEN WE WERE SWEETHEARTS ' "Kiss of Spring," "Some Day When Dreams Com* Trut." "BUCKWHEAT CAKES1' One April while studying bird voices in a wood And Some Others World Famous near a breezy upland village in Banffshire 1 was "FARE-THEE-WELL" startled, says a writer in The Scotsman, by a B. F. WOOD MUSIC CO. Order from your Jobber, or, "EDITION WOOD" whistler, who produced again and again part of BOSTON NEW YORK the opening phrases (six notes) of the fine Eng- 246 Summer St 98 East 80th St Also at London and Leipzig TELL TAYLOR, MUSIC PUBLISHER lish song, "Should He Upbraid?" Grand Opera House Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL. No professional clarinet player could have ren- JOS. M. DALY dered the phrase with closer attention to qualit> Gaiety Theatre Bldg., 666 Washington St., Boston, Mass. of tone and to exactness of time and pitch. At Publisher of 'CHICKEN REEL." "SCENTED ROSES" WALTZES, Victor Kremer Co., first I thought that it had been whistled by a And Many Others Publishers of ploughman who was working in a neighboring field. Other blackbirds in the same wood whistled OLIVER DITSON COMPANY "LITTLE PUFF OF SM0KE,G00D NIGHT" the phrase, but no one performed it so well as BOSTON NEW YORK "HONEY SAL" the bird I hrst heard. Anticipate and Supply Every Requirement of Music Dealer* "SING ME AN IRISH COME-ALL-YE" Two summers ago a blackbird that patrolled a "RAGGED EDGES" small beat in the gardens to the south of Buccleuch SOME OF "MOTHER" place, Edinburgh, whistled a part (over a dozen notes) of a five-finger exercise for the piano, "WHY DON'T THE BAND PLAY DIXIE" which he had without doubt picked up from some HAVILAND'S HITS 73 H E M A N ST player in one of the neighboring houses. Some I'M CRAZY 'BOUT THE TURKEY TROT Victor Kremer Co., VH . O A G O years ago, in the month of June, I attended a con- I'VE GOT YOUR NUMBER cert in the Luxembourg Gardens, which may be THAT PARADISE R&G considered the central point of the Latin Quarter There's A Dixie Girl Who's Longing For A ROBERT TELLER SONS & DORNER in Paris. Yankee Doodle Boy. Music Engravers and Printers The performers were the band of the Garde Re- Our New Issue Proposition will be of interest to you publicaine (the finest band in the world) and the —write us for it and our special bulletin of big hits. BEND MANUSCRIPT AND IDEA OP TITLE program they submitted consisted wholly of ex- FOR ESTIMATE The F. B. Haviland Pub. Co. tracts from Beethoven's works. While the Adagio 125 West 37th Street New York III WIST Hth STBMT, NIW YOU C1IY of the "Sonate Pathetique" was being played a