The Billboard 1912-10-19: Vol 24 Iss 45

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The Billboard 1912-10-19: Vol 24 Iss 45 Octcber 19. 1912 e B a OCTOBER 19, 1912. Reitz &. Carsei ■ulld. Paint, Rant ana Buy SCENERY Page Page 22 Msehanloal Klfael a Rperlalty. Ethel .Maj BarkT Front Cover Circus and Wild West " Pheas, North 1888. UM tossawia 8L Chlaat Editorial S Carnival News The Amusement Week In New York 4 Film Synopses The Amusement Week In Chicago S Fair Managers' Repotts Amusement Events of the Week Tbrough- Cirrus Gossip ODt America 8-7 ROl’TES— The Arcus Ticket Co Datit. B., So Dearborn St Burlesque News of tbe Week 8 Performers’ Dates •116 CHICAGO •TilL FURNITURE Music News and Song Bevlews 8 Dramatic and Musical COMPANY. Tbe Vanderllle and Burlesque Week In New Permanent Stock •tmE RaMEt. York aty 10-11 ^1 GUARANTEED Stock and Repertoire MM. The VaodeTllle and Burlesque Week In Chi¬ Maw York Offloa. ISO cago 12 13 Burlesque Miftfe Aaanua: Boa- Motion Plotore Mews of tbe Week Through- Bands and Orchestras IM. S14 Concraaa St., Philadelphia. 010 Roll RcsfRvto Scat ont tbe World 1415 Minstrel Mtandan Bids-. PltUburg. 818 Blaaell Circuses and Wild Wests TientTs Coupon TientTs Songs Publiabers Are Boosting 10 Carnival Companies SiN&it Os Coupon StPiAi Op Dario Headers’ Column 17 Mlseellaneous Watebe's Column 17 Additional Performers' Dates Tbe Wisconsin Additional Circim and Caralval Ronles A postal Marriages, Births and Deatlw 17 Film Release Dates will BRING Suting Conpany. T. M. A. Notes IV Opera House Directory Here and There 17 Chicago Attractions SAM Pits I PRICt ^ Amusement Events In Big American Cities 18-I8 Letter List BY RETURN Tlie World on Rollers 20 21 Directory «EW LONDON, MAIL • , THEATRE SUPPLIEI simples, used M dart.81SS St Power'! .No t. uaad 44 Ura .. 144 44 AsMTlrsn Standard, uaed 4# dara.... I St 44 MoUniaaah. uaad 44 dart . 144 04 Edison tnw-Ptn. used 5 months. Tl 44 Ft. Warm Ooaaienaarr. Itu voha. uaad 40 dart .. (4.44 Opera Chairs, used 4 months F^dlnr Chain, allahtlr uaed. 84 Pianos at bargain prim: also other show ■Doda. All aooda guaraiiUed coaiplete and la OPERA CHAIRS Sm class oandltkMi Write for compMe UaL Will ship aablect to tnapectlon SAM LEARS. 509 Cbestiit St. St.LiiH, Mo jiaouarus Never break — HERE’S A NEMf ONE — 300 Easy to set op ED6AR ALLER--M. S. EPSTIR, Inc. 1488-90 BROADWAY ROOMS I4I8.M<SAI4I8«I8<SA PHONt. :444 BRYANT _ NEW YORK ___ _ FITZGERALD BLOG. __ We make for quick shipment. 100 t.VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS AND PROMOTERS; styles. _ _ Writs Wire Call Phoac T»UNK$ No. 80. All sllghtlr uaed hot Bood U new. J WE CAN BOOK YOU RIGHT'aWAY | Fibre covered and Fibre lined. Hand Ask for Catalog 303. Western Acte wanting Eastam bookings, write. riveted itcel liimmliigi Guarauleed E. H. STAFFORD MFG. CO.. • • CHICAGO. MR. EDGAR ALLEN (fereierir ef Weber 4 Allea), 3«ce aeO Betlsttt Maaagtr. five rears. 84 ieck 84 lech 84 lech Tef Trari Opera Chairs I ||,|,|||o|j jpQRTING GOODS COMPANY Skirt Trert Not Inoeiporated. PETER & VOLZ, CO.g Mfrs., SEND 88.04, BALANCE C. 0. D. ArMofton Heights, IlliBois. “A NEW FIRM” BUT NOT NEW IN THE BUSINESS. A eomplete Um of both Upholstered and Veneer NEIKUr ( MClSEl THUNK CO. Chain, at prices that vrlU be found lutcrectlng. Cor- Dealen end Manufacturen of CLUB ROOM FURNITURE, CARDS and DICE. Dept. A, ISO Narta Evtabllahed 8T Tears. teepondence willdted. Fittk Avtaua. Ckicage. Writs for ear sew fel4tr. 444 Wavklagtaa Aet.. Bt. Leals. Ma. BEST, STRONGEST MADE ^ Mak« $500.00 to 51000.00 During this Fair Saason BIGGEST SUCCESS OF THE YEAR. f 4 ^1* uinner made In Poet Card., -nade while vnu wait That la what la aiaklng BAR- CHEWING GUM. Foldingchairs REL8 OF MONEY at the SOUlHEBN PAIRM. CIRCl 8EB and CO.WENTHiNH. Spearmint Gum. for Fain or Premlume. 5 Individual All operators with our Ptl8T CARD MACHI.NKri are coining moner ever, da, new, wraiiped ellckj, to pack. 84 parlu to boa. 19r a boA / 14' k"** •'* **’* ‘I®’’' ^’0 eiperleiire neceaearr and no dark room needed VeiHler Gum for machlnea flt anr maclilne. 9c mk™ S48 p«r 100, up. M J/ 1,4 PHtmiR, GROUPS and PORTRAITS direct on poet card, WITHOIT negatlvm. on each pack. 106 pacha to boa. 4ac a boa Pin Gum ^ V i\ PICTURES and PRUTUS delivered RIGHT ON THE SPOT. .No renu to pay; JiM for give awav purpoaee. led unwrapped etlrks la We aeU aeeond-haM FaUlns TT-J I \ follow the crowd. 9r a boa. We par freight on caae loc orders THI and Opera Cbalra. !>■ ’ \ A BIO CASH BCSINEKS WITH LARGE PROFITS. SMALL INVESTMENT. IIKIAUrr GUM SHOP. Clndnnatl. O. 'm 1 Write at once tor free catalogue, wr.e—-A- NEW YORK FERROTYPE CO.. CHAIR EXCHANGE, y ISS'/i Detaaecy Street Oept. 54. New Yerk City. WANTED—For AFRICA and SOUTH AMKRICA ^ Braaek—1118 S. Halcted Street Ckleaae. III. Market. 804 lleture Hachliies lanr and all makae): 1535-37-39 Chnstint Si., l.uoo reaU Fllam lanr age; muol be good orlart: aevcral ooplee two and lliree-reel feaiurea: lactm PHILADELPHIA, PA. Heu and anrlhlng In the M I’ line Glee full de- PLAYING THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE talU niXIE rtlJI EXCHANGK. til Locual BL. oweneboro. Kr. _ THE WORLD’S GREATEH SULLIVAN andCONSIDINE CIRCUIT GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICE. GENERAL BOOKING DEPARTMENT AGENCY. FOR SALE THEATRE CHAIR SULLIVAN CONS'O'.'VSiEVfs® ■ **"* '««» B«0A0WAV. HEIDELBERG BLOB.. NINE SECTION ANII COMPARTMENT Saaltary. Baaee-Savlas, Life- SEATTLE. WASH. NEW YORK CiTY. Savlai, Meaey-Savlag. FERD LINCOLN. Geaeral Maaaser. CHRIS. 0. BROWN. Maeaaer. To Use this Chair la to Make BRANCH BOOKiNG OFFiCES. SLEEPING AND HOTEL CAR Your Bustneee Grow. Write Todar for Circular C. In Srat.rlaoa condition Chrap for ra«h OENERAL S Ne. Clark St. Bulllvaa 4 Ceatldlaa Bldg.. Markat Street Emgi RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO, 1444 Old Calaar Oldf^ HARDESTY MFG. CS.. Btraee Bldg., Ckleage, III. Seattla, Wash. Tkeatre Bias., Ckleata.__ Caoal Dover, Okie. Baa Fraacleae. Cal. PAUL 60UDR0N. MAURICE J. BURNS. W. P. REESE. ILLUSIONS for SALE or TRADE LONDON OFFICE. Ne. 14 Greea Street Leadea. Eaglaag; B. OBERMAYER, Reareeaatatlve. Black Art. Illueloii Ad. rnmpMe end read, la work. Tills act la mmplele with tleiirlral elfecta. and In- cluilsa Ihe FAMol'S HKD ClAtAK llliMlon readr for ahlpment. In large trunk nr craia. Will aa4I clieap. or trade for lAher Magical lllueinn or Apya- CARS AND rtlua What have rouf DFHMoTTI. Magical Ile- YOU CAN MAKE BIG MONEY pnt, 3n Welcome St , New Be<lf<ird. Maaa _ AT THF: fall fairs with this CAMKKA It miikcs a HIGH STRIKERS W'e have 4 new Itll Rtiikees U aeU at 140 04 each, built In four eectloni. 15 fad SLEEPERS perfect picture in .30 seconds. WriU* for Free HtM.klct und Price high *'auI:Also ™ncM uwd little,tTto."iivw 118.44. Our 1411 ‘'l^iek jlirtB I List and Sample Pictures. Jou.i”Joint" stoker.Striker. iu«tlu«t out iTife,Price, ut148> ug.o4. winWill ^ipehip ' anrwheretnrwhrre on receipt of 810tioou ou AlaoAlan ovmoim HaeebauBaaahau Norell, outnt. nearlj new, 834.40. HIMIRR HROR.. For Show People fl/Jl Mountford Mf g. Work», 100 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. g/laiieer, X'Mich. WANTED—Good, First-Class, Money-Getting TOR SALE Marry-Oo-Mourvd S, ... ^ . Flrsl'ClaiBi outSt. cheap Alw all kii4>le nf Trained hows with Good r ronts Dom. novr*. IVture Ma<lili4ee aiHt rilma Will IIWWS WtriLII XMWWU riuill.9 ei.Tenge What have you! I’HoF. IIARRV SMITH. Southern Iron Eqoipnont Go Can use food Gonceedona any time. Good opening for Knife Rack. Candy WTheel. Ruby Olaas Kngraver, Jap Grata. I’a. Howling Alirr. Hoop-La, an, I/eglilmatc Conreaaiont; no graft and no eaclualvee sold Want eaprrteiicrfi Mrr- r,-Go-Rniind Riigliirer. one capable of hai4dHng the crew, taking charge of crew simI ouiBi Ad^lroiia QUtfN alAIOUI'SG AIOOliNCi kal.rwl 1*1*41*8*1 ATLANTA. GA. CRESCENT Skawe.Skewe. Laatagtea,Laatagtek, Ttaa., 14-14: Oaferg, Mill., 81-84.81- HathHoth on main streetsaireru arountlaround Court4'aurt Hillauea.wei*. At ona-tanth..Tru the.k. usual. ■ roel.- Machlnae... *. rnintu. Inki-a needlee. deelgiiR I'artlrulara etaam- I'RoF, JOB If ywi aaa It la The Billbaard, tall them m. FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT, MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING AOVERTIBERB. BROADBKRT, Tattuolet. Gluvtnville. New York. Americals Leading Amusement \^feekl;^ W. H. DONALDSON ruBUCATiov orncz: ADVERTISING RATES—Twenty cents per line, agate measurement; Billboard Building, 25*27 Opera Place, CINCINNATI, OHIO, U. 8. A. whole page, $140; half page, $'0; quarter page, $35. No advertisement measur* U>Df Dlstaora Tritpboor, Csasl SOW. Prlrst* Esrhansa, Conoectlns all DrpartmaaU. Cable Addreaa (Beclstered) "Billyboy.” ing less than 5 lines accepted. Subscription, $4 a year; 6 months, $2; 3 months, $1. Payable in advanoa. NEW YORK. MINNEAPOLIS. No extra charge to Canadian or Foreign subscribers. Boom No. 6, Hollaod Ralldlog. 1440 Broadway. 63 N. 12tb 8t. 'Pbose, N. W. Nicollet 6148. Telephone, 1A30 Bryant. DENVER. CHICAGO. Bourn 307 Railway Eirhange Balldlng THE BILLBOARD la on sale on all trains and news-stands throughout the United Statsa aaS laos Srblller Bnlldlng, 04 W. Randolph Street Canada, which are supplied by the Amerioan News Co., and its braachaa. It is also on aala Telephone. Central 6034. SEATTLE. 210 King Street. at Brentano'a, 37 Avenue do I'Opera, Paris, Franca. When not on aalo, please notify this oAoa. ST. LOUIS. Boom SOS. Central National Bank Balldlng. COLUMBUS, O. Remittances should be made by post-office or express money order, or registered letter, ad¬ dressed or made payable to The Billboard Publishing Company, SAN FRANCISCO.
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