Octcber 19. 1912 e B a OCTOBER 19, 1912.

Reitz &. Carsei ■ulld. Paint, Rant ana Buy SCENERY Page Page 22 Msehanloal Klfael a Rperlalty. Ethel .Maj BarkT Front Cover Circus and Wild West " Pheas, North 1888. UM tossawia 8L Chlaat Editorial S Carnival News The Amusement Week In New York 4 Film Synopses The Amusement Week In S Fair Managers' Repotts Amusement Events of the Week Tbrough- Cirrus Gossip ODt America 8-7 ROl’TES— The Arcus Ticket Co Datit. B., So Dearborn St Burlesque News of tbe Week 8 Performers’ Dates •116 CHICAGO •TilL FURNITURE Music News and Song Bevlews 8 Dramatic and Musical COMPANY. Tbe Vanderllle and Burlesque Week In New Permanent Stock •tmE RaMEt. York aty 10-11 ^1 GUARANTEED Stock and Repertoire MM. The VaodeTllle and Burlesque Week In Chi¬ Maw York Offloa. ISO cago 12 13 Burlesque Miftfe Aaanua: Boa- Motion Plotore Mews of tbe Week Through- Bands and Orchestras IM. S14 Concraaa St., Philadelphia. 010 Roll RcsfRvto Scat ont tbe World 1415 Minstrel Mtandan Bids-. PltUburg. 818 Blaaell Circuses and Wild Wests TientTs Coupon TientTs Songs Publiabers Are Boosting 10 Carnival Companies SiN&it Os Coupon StPiAi Op Dario Headers’ Column 17 Mlseellaneous Watebe's Column 17 Additional Performers' Dates Tbe Wisconsin Additional Circim and Caralval Ronles A postal Marriages, Births and Deatlw 17 Film Release Dates will BRING Suting Conpany. T. M. A. Notes IV Opera House Directory Here and There 17 Chicago Attractions SAM Pits I PRICt ^ Amusement Events In Big American Cities 18-I8 Letter List BY RETURN Tlie World on Rollers 20 21 Directory «EW , MAIL • , THEATRE SUPPLIEI simples, used M dart.81SS St Power'! .No t. uaad 44 Ura .. . 144 44 AsMTlrsn Standard, uaed 4# dara.... I St 44 MoUniaaah. uaad 44 dart . . 144 04 Edison tnw-Ptn. used 5 months. Tl 44 Ft. Warm Ooaaienaarr. Itu voha. uaad 40 dart .. (4.44 Opera Chairs, used 4 months raeh.at F^dlnr Chain, allahtlr uaed. 84 Pianos at bargain prim: also other show ■Doda. All aooda guaraiiUed coaiplete and la OPERA CHAIRS Sm class oandltkMi Write for compMe UaL Will ship aablect to tnapectlon SAM LEARS. 509 Cbestiit St. St.LiiH, Mo

jiaouarus Never break — HERE’S A NEMf ONE — 300 Easy to set op ED6AR ALLER--M. S. EPSTIR, Inc. 1488-90 BROADWAY ROOMS I4I8.M

84 ieck 84 lech 84 lech Tef Trari Opera Chairs I ||,|,|||o|j jpQRTING GOODS COMPANY Skirt Trert Not Inoeiporated. PETER & VOLZ, CO.g Mfrs., SEND 88.04, BALANCE C. 0. D. ArMofton Heights, IlliBois. “A NEW FIRM” BUT NOT NEW IN THE BUSINESS. A eomplete Um of both Upholstered and Veneer NEIKUr ( MClSEl THUNK CO. Chain, at prices that vrlU be found lutcrectlng. Cor- Dealen end Manufacturen of CLUB ROOM FURNITURE, CARDS and DICE. Dept. A, ISO Narta Evtabllahed 8T Tears. teepondence willdted. Fittk Avtaua. Ckicage. Writs for ear sew fel4tr. 444 Wavklagtaa Aet.. Bt. Leals. Ma. BEST, STRONGEST MADE ^ Mak« $500.00 to 51000.00 During this Fair Saason BIGGEST SUCCESS OF THE YEAR. f 4 ^1* uinner made In Poet Card., -nade while vnu wait That la what la aiaklng BAR- CHEWING GUM. Foldingchairs REL8 OF MONEY at the SOUlHEBN PAIRM. CIRCl 8EB and CO.WENTHiNH. Spearmint Gum. for Fain or Premlume. 5 Individual All operators with our Ptl8T CARD MACHI.NKri are coining moner ever, da, new, wraiiped ellckj, to pack. 84 parlu to boa. 19r a boA / 14' k"** •'* **’* ‘I®’’' ^’0 eiperleiire neceaearr and no dark room needed VeiHler Gum for machlnea flt anr maclilne. 9c mk™ S48 p«r 100, up. M J/ 1,4 PHtmiR, GROUPS and PORTRAITS direct on poet card, WITHOIT negatlvm. on each pack. 106 pacha to boa. 4ac a boa Pin Gum ^ V i\ PICTURES and PRUTUS delivered RIGHT ON THE SPOT. .No renu to pay; JiM for give awav purpoaee. led unwrapped etlrks la We aeU aeeond-haM FaUlns TT-J I \ follow the crowd. 9r a boa. We par freight on caae loc orders THI and Opera Cbalra. !>■ ’ \ A BIO CASH BCSINEKS WITH LARGE PROFITS. SMALL INVESTMENT. IIKIAUrr GUM SHOP. Clndnnatl. O. 'm 1 Write at once tor free catalogue, wr.e—-A- NEW YORK FERROTYPE CO.. CHAIR EXCHANGE, y ISS'/i Detaaecy Street Oept. 54. New Yerk City. WANTED—For AFRICA and SOUTH AMKRICA ^ Braaek—1118 S. Halcted Street Ckleaae. III. Market. 804 lleture Hachliies lanr and all makae): 1535-37-39 Chnstint Si., l.uoo reaU Fllam lanr age; muol be good orlart: aevcral ooplee two and lliree-reel feaiurea: lactm PHILADELPHIA, PA. Heu and anrlhlng In the M I’ line Glee full de- PLAYING THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE talU niXIE rtlJI EXCHANGK. til Locual BL. oweneboro. Kr. _

THE WORLD’S GREATEH SULLIVAN andCONSIDINE CIRCUIT GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICE. GENERAL BOOKING DEPARTMENT AGENCY. FOR SALE THEATRE CHAIR SULLIVAN CONS'O'.'VSiEVfs® ■ **"* '««» B«0A0WAV. HEIDELBERG BLOB.. NINE SECTION ANII COMPARTMENT Saaltary. Baaee-Savlas, Life- SEATTLE. WASH. . Savlai, Meaey-Savlag. FERD LINCOLN. Geaeral Maaaser. CHRIS. 0. BROWN. Maeaaer. To Use this Chair la to Make BRANCH BOOKiNG OFFiCES. SLEEPING AND HOTEL CAR Your Bustneee Grow. Write Todar for Circular C. In Srat.rlaoa condition Chrap for ra«h OENERAL S Ne. Clark St. Bulllvaa 4 Ceatldlaa Bldg.. Markat Street Emgi RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO, 1444 Old Calaar Oldf^ HARDESTY MFG. CS.. Btraee Bldg., Ckleage, III. Seattla, Wash. Tkeatre Bias., Ckleata.__ Caoal Dover, Okie. Baa Fraacleae. Cal. PAUL 60UDR0N. MAURICE J. BURNS. W. P. REESE. ILLUSIONS for SALE or TRADE LONDON OFFICE. Ne. 14 Greea Street Leadea. Eaglaag; B. OBERMAYER, Reareeaatatlve. Black Art. Illueloii Ad. rnmpMe end read, la work. Tills act la mmplele with tleiirlral elfecta. and In- cluilsa Ihe FAMol'S HKD ClAtAK llliMlon readr for ahlpment. In large trunk nr craia. Will aa4I clieap. or trade for lAher Magical lllueinn or Apya- CARS AND rtlua What have rouf DFHMoTTI. Magical Ile- YOU CAN MAKE BIG MONEY pnt, 3n Welcome St , New Be ug.o4. winWill ^ipehip ' anrwheretnrwhrre on receipt of 810tioou ou AlanAlao oimovm HaeebauBaaahau Norell, outnt. nearlj new, 834.40. HIMIRR HROR.. For Show People fl/Jl Mountford Mf g. Work», 100 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. g/laiieer, X'Mich.

WANTED—Good, First-Class, Money-Getting TOR SALE Marry-Oo-Mourvd S, ... ^ . Flrsl'ClaiBi outSt. cheap Alw all kii4>le nf Trained hows with Good r ronts Dom. novr*. IVture Ma


ruBUCATiov orncz: ADVERTISING RATES—Twenty cents per line, agate measurement; Billboard Building, 25*27 Opera Place, CINCINNATI, OHIO, U. 8. A. whole page, $140; half page, $'0; quarter page, $35. No advertisement measur* U>Df Dlstaora Tritpboor, Csasl SOW. Prlrst* Esrhansa, Conoectlns all DrpartmaaU. Cable Addreaa (Beclstered) "Billyboy.” ing less than 5 lines accepted. Subscription, $4 a year; 6 months, $2; 3 months, $1. Payable in advanoa. NEW YORK. MINNEAPOLIS. No extra charge to Canadian or Foreign subscribers. Boom No. 6, Hollaod Ralldlog. 1440 Broadway. 63 N. 12tb 8t. 'Pbose, N. W. Nicollet 6148. Telephone, 1A30 Bryant. DENVER. CHICAGO. Bourn 307 Railway Eirhange Balldlng THE BILLBOARD la on sale on all trains and news-stands throughout the United Statsa aaS laos Srblller Bnlldlng, 04 W. Randolph Street Canada, which are supplied by the Amerioan News Co., and its braachaa. It is also on aala Telephone. Central 6034. SEATTLE. 210 King Street. at Brentano'a, 37 Avenue do I'Opera, Paris, Franca. When not on aalo, please notify this oAoa. ST. LOUIS. Boom SOS. Central National Bank Balldlng. COLUMBUS, O. Remittances should be made by post-office or express money order, or registered letter, ad¬ dressed or made payable to The Billboard Publishing Company, SAN FRANCISCO. Princess Theatre Bldg. Bell Phone, Main 7401. 330 Market Rlreet. The editor can not undertake to return unsolicited mannaeript; oorrespondeats should kaap LONDON, ENGLAND. copy. KANSAS CITY. 8 Rupert Court, Piccadilly Cirrus. W. HIT Commerce Batldlne Telephone, Main 3037 Telephone, 4104 Gerrard. BALTIMORE. PARIS, FRANCE. Saturday, October 19, 1912. 867 Weal North Areniie. 121 Rue Montmartre Telephone—222—01


The Billlioard, for years recognized as America’s Leading Amuse- | success in this line, namely—the unscrupulous piratical and high-* mcnt Weekly, is. in every sen«e of the word, friendly to the X’audeville handed tactics employed by some of the other vaudeville publications, profession. For the past several years its editorial policy has been to which schemed and connived their professional advertising in a system uplift that end of the profession. Granted, there is a certain per- not far removed from blackmailing, This distasteful coercion not only cent.age of the variety artists not familiar with The Billboard as redounded to their own discredit, but also encouraged a most hearty it is today. There’s a very plausible reason for that fact. Not so support of The Billboard on the part of the theatrical profession. very long ago The BilllKiard was recognized as the official organ of . This rebellion has not yet been brought to a truce. all out^tiile amuscirents: for a while it was content with that reputa-1 When journalistic criticism is not governed by the amount mulcted tion, but in recent years various other amusement publications have j for advertising, the agent or manager is sure to be guided by the opin¬ adopted such liold and high-handed tactics in order to influence adver¬ ion of said critic. This is the situation in regard to The Billboard. tising that gradually the profession has arisen in rebellion. The booking We have conducted our reviewing departments so fairly, so squarely agent wants, yes, needs the reviews on various acts appearing in their [ and so untaintedly, that the best agents in all parts of the vicinity. W hen a criticism is governed by the amount paid for an ad. have placed faith in our criticisms. We have developed, therefore, into the agent or manager pays as much attention to criticism as though he the most gigantic institution that the vaudeville profession has ever had not even read it. In fact, criticisms of this nature really disparage erected. We are sponsers for the truth that advertising can not be the chances of the actor. The Billboard is a gigantic institution. It influenced by the cudgel. Honestly governed vaudeville criticisms, does not need to use a club to influence advertising. Honest criticisms written by fair-minded and honest critics of experience, have, in the past two years, placed The Billboard in a position where every agent the country admits that our weekly issue is not only an assistance but and manager in the United States is gradually learning that it is not only an essentiality. a great help but actually essential. In fact. The Billboard is even in a In corroboration of the fact that agents are making indexed card position to produce positive proof that certain agents have made a card systems of our criticisms, we submit the following letter: index of vaudeville criticisms taken from its columns. Ocean Park, California. February i6, 1912, The large family of Billlx>ard readers will, therefore, immediately Editor, Billboard, recognize the necessity of the new vaudeville departure recently in¬ Cincinnati, Ohio. stituted. Dear Sir: This department is to be continued permanently and is, indeed, Permit me to compliment The Billboard upon the clear and depend¬ most fitting and beneficial for the prestige of Old Billyboy, which for able review of vaudeville acts in your Chicago and New York corres¬ years has been recognized as .-Vinerica’s Leading .Amusement Weekly, pondence. This matter is of great value to managers who are obliged ever friendly, in every sense of the word, toward the vaudeville somewhat to depend upon agents and letterheads. I know of many profession. managers who are installing card systems with The Billboard reviews Not so many years ago. The Billboard was recognized as the official pasted on them. organ of all outside amusements only. It paid very little direct atten¬ In my experience, booking vaudeville as a manager, I found that tion to the thespian brotherhood. As soon as the circus, the carnivals, the show papers’ reviews were not written with merit as a guide, but the parks and the various other fields, in The Billlioard developed to rather reproduced advance notices by press agents. The Billboard’s maturity, the theatrical profession liecame the vital element knocking Chicago and New York reviews are hitting the nail on the head. Can at the door for recognition by The Billlioard. The kntKk was olicyed, not they be extended to other large cities? the diHir was opened, hence, the well-comlucted vaudeville department Yours sincerely, of this pulilication. -^notller f.act which contributed to our mutual (Signed) Paul D. Howse. GUARANTEED CIRCULATION OF THIS ISSUE, 33,800 COPIES THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN NEW YORK WOMAN-HATER’S CLUB THE BRUTE MEDIOCRE

An Amusing Comedy, With Excellent Music, Is Well Received in Kummer s Latest Effort Fails To Please First-Night Audience—^Con New York Premiere at Astor Theatre, Which Reopens census of Critical Opinion Is T hat the Play Is Doomed Under the Management of Cohan and Harris to an Early Death

le Woman Hatera' Club, a muaical comedy In Ings there, too, and quite naturally each tnea The Brute, ■ play in three aet» liy Kreilerlrk three acta. American book by (JeotKe \ ilo to drive the other out. Neither will yielj, till Arnolti Kumuier. I'nxlured bjr (.'juuitiK-k auil boaidl.—The Brule, Fretlerlck Arn>ild Kuiu bart. .Muaic by Edmund Eyaler. I'roduced the auBKi-atlon of an liu|>ru|H'r stor.v pula the Geat. Klrat New York pruiliiftiMii tt tlie tiier'a play, waa Klven Ita nrat metro|M>lilan by A. H. Wuoda. Firat New York i>erfor- women to flight. The atory enda ver.v Uvopil.T. Tlilrly-olutb Street Theatre, October b, IttlU. l•elfurmauce at the SUtb 8lr*-et Theal.v taat mance at the Aator Theatre. October 7, 1912. however, for each one of the women hatera ulKht. The play Itaelf la very medircre, and uieeta hla match In one of the objecta of hla CAST. would have been a complete failure, iiad it not THE CAST. hate and auccumba to cupid'a dart. Ihe .uualc Donald Rogera.. Brneat Gleridennlng Im-cu redeemed aomewbat by the work of aev Tilly Von Eberbardt .Dol la the tiest part of the iday, full of very i>ret Edith Rogera . .Ruth Sbepley eral menibera of the raat. T':.Tbe atory t.haa t.i do Baronesa Von Eberbardt._Mra. Stui ty little waltaea. Everybody waltaea, and at Bobble . .Steiiben Davla with the trlala and trlbnlatlona of«r the;;.e average Frau Von Kreger.. the end of the ahow, even the audience haa an Ylra. IN>pe .... .Jenre.ta l.s'Wl» American workman, Ibe wife In Ihe atory lie Jennie .Au Inaane dealre to walti, walta and then walta Alice I'o(>e ... .Ethel (•l.ayton cornea dikcontented with her humdrum et ,t Nellie .Uel Emerson Hall . .Willard Roberta.>n euce and reaolvea to elo|>e with a very rich Frau Von Aullander. (Continued on page 60.) Jamea Brennan .Nell yioran lover. On the eve of her elo|ieroent. new a Kitty .Grace come if Ihe death of her lover, who. by tba May .Adele nay, la a college cbnm of her hushaml. In hla Frau Von Rabat .KItl SALLIE FISHER will be leavea to her tbe bulk of hla eatatc. jesale .Glat which amouDta to about a half million, all Ada .Ca of which la. of courae, kept secret from tba Lama .Gwemlol hiiahaud. Through goaalp. The Brute, aa be Spilzkt .1) Is stybal by hla wife, learna of tbe beqneat Colonel Elebwolil.Cbarlea W and calla on hla wife. After denounrlng her Captain Sebuepp.Suiti In moat violent terms, be leav.a with hla Herr I'fhlger.Alber little leiy fur bis flat In Harlem Th- alr| Baron Sileer.Bert then realltes that her husband aiid her bihy Herr Zimmer.Herbe mean more to her than life. She goea to blui Lieutenant Wagner.Arthur and after a violent srene In the Harlem flat, Herr Obermiller.Hat slie ylelda and again becomea tbe dutiful wife Herr Krupp .Walter of old. Major John Vou Esaenburg... Walter Ernest Gtendenning playi tbe leading role aa I'aiiilllo. bis Nepbew.Jose^ tbe hardwurkid hiishand, tr.ring bis liest to Ia>rd Everb-e.LesI provide for bis w*lfe and batiy. He d.s-s some Marie Wlltou .S ex.-ellent work and la by far tbe beat In tho cast. Ruth Sbepley. aa Eeclal to The Bll' is fairly g smI. although a little more study of board 1.—At the .Vstor Theatre la«t night, was the part might bai-e made It considerably bet. liiaugiirateorge V Holmrt. the (smsensiis of oidninn of the crltlca, as tbe and the lyrics by Edmund Eyaler, who vrote following ejeerpts will attest: the music In Tbe I.ove Cure. Ihe New York Sun: “There were onl.v three The i.lav Is a delightful little comed.v. full a'ts. but they could not well have been worte of excellent music and some very Interesting ■| lo-n there were only seven actors, but they situations. A few old bachelors., sore a^ The snccei-di-d In displaying ahuit as large rn world in gi-neral and at women 'n particular, amount of bad acting aa the metro|iolltaB stage because tbe.v bad loved, but In vain, lorin the has witnessed In tranv a day." hitman Hate's* Club, and select as their meet The Times: "The Rrute la. on tbe whole, tug place, an tvlil castle, which wjs bequeath.at rather a cut and dried affair that sngg. sra Jointly to one of the members of the elnb. tnd to nittliigs from a macatlne store In which form tbe Isdy of bis choice, who bsd scorned him. It undoubtedly flrat saw light." She, W'omsn-llke, decides to bold her cliih meet The American: “The Brute waa not larking In a certain alncerlfy. hut If was amiteiirlsbly put together, elumslly dlalogned. and crude " Trial Performance Erlanger Alleges Of New Play Blackmail Case New York. urt today, that he had the Maxine Elliott Theatre, under the auspices algne.1. together with Mare Klaw hla thettrleal the National Fedeiatlon of Theatre Clubs. pi rtner, a contract to pay an actresa 1*26 (kfl) In The federation Intends In this war to en yearlv Installm'nta of f2 Mio. nmler what ha courage unknown playwrights to snb-.nlt their declared waa a threat of blirkmall baaed upon works to Its committee for consideration, anil Frianger'a tllegeil friendship for Edith 8t. It also intends to give trial performances of (lair, an aetrea*. inch play, as seem to be worthy. The Higher The statement was made by William T Jer Court la the flr,t play to be performed under cme. connsel f.T the Klaw A Erlanger flrra. la this plan Tbe atory la that of a father, a part of the defense at the t lal of Mia, 8t money king. who. in hla eagerneaa to have Clair’s suit to enfore* the contract. Max D hla aon becirne money-mad like himself, drives Sfeiier, lawyer for tbe aetrrsa. Mr. Jerome al- the bov Insane, The lad recovers hla reason !• ged had been told by Erlanger at Ihe Hma through the love of a girl, whose father Ihe that the demand made npon him by her for money king had puln«d some time bef.ire the iiM ney In 1910 was "blackmail." hut that the opening of the play. During the course of contract later offered was algmsl hecauae Mr*. Erlanger was then a sick woman and In Europe a*d he d d not want her confront'd with an annoyance on her retnm. which waa then near at hand. Mra. Erlanger has since procured a divorce.


MU, Fuller U a handaome and graceful figure aa tha beroloa In A. H. WooiM' new i New York. Oct. 10 (Bpeclal to Th» Billboard) Woman Ualera club, which had lia meliopuiiiau pmuirrc at the Aauu rbeaiic. A contraet tw-tween the Elebler Company and Ihe George C. Tyler Company, producera. and Charles M. Burnham, manager of W’allack's Theatre, wh reby the prodnring companies agreed THE HIGHER COfRT—A play to fill Ihe lime f.ir the aeas.in at Wallaek’a. la Ipg Dodge: drat performs UP AND DOWN BROADWAY ie,pon, hie f r bringing to New York ahead of tnarices of the National time. The New HIn, now playing at I’ower'a Theatre Clubs, at Maxli Theatre. Chlrago Tbe New York pnalueflon October 7. Edna Baker baa b'-en engaged by H. II. Fra kriiiwn as the "Wurlltaer Hope Jones Unit wilt lake place October 16 The east Indndee ace a, leading woman In Hache'ors .sn mas. O'lititi as. for two new rviiiilr rqieras IsiZIto'a New Y’ork City Marin- Band proved t« Gates . The flrat presentation of Tlie Argyle .''a»e. l>e a drawing feature at Ihe Bmnx F'sxl Show .I.onlB Hallett Marguerite Skirvin. who played Kathleen In McCutebeon . ItolH-rt Hilliard's m w idav, or I-r tlie 'iianage •luring Ihe first week of the exhlhlthoatp'>ned the opering at Mr*. Slocum . ....Mary Stewart night. Novenilx-r .*). The Siithern sn I Marl, w- tlie p.>pu1arlly of the band. Mr. 8'<>cum . .... N. n. Werner Ihe llari'la Theatre, which waa ,< t for Oci.ihir • 'iigageiiieiil at this house will end on Nov 2 1.1 to tlie lattir part of the moiilh "Sandy” Henderson .George C. Staley Thriiiigli the cmirtesy of Frank McKiw Stetn Iliime and Tliomaa. a trio of alnglng The part created hv Wilton I ackaye In En Kate Morr'aon . Suzanne Wi-atfonl tneiitv of Ihe Mind employees of I he Zh gler 0«>medlana from Ihe West ttow on the Orpheum gi ne Waltir'a iday. Fine Feather,, lit now be Sol, Craddock .. ..Edward Mawa.m Magazine for the Blind attetnbsl Ihe afleru'sin time will 1m' «e n In the East R.dh are un¬ ihg playnl In Chicago by Frank Sheridan. Blanchard . .T. Morse Konptl pel r..riiianve of Clifton Craw bird In My Best der the manag.-ment of Alf T. Wlllon. There la now being Inatalli-il In the Cenliir* Girl, at the Bark Theatre, last Wednesday. Theatre a new mn,iral Inatrnmeiit. ,o de,:giii'.l .lidiii Cort ha, put Into ri'lo-araal. Mis, 1‘rlii The M..,tc' i.f the House moved from the that a tingle artist at the k> vlsisnl ran '■^o cess, a new Aineriran niieretia The tosik 1- Thirt.v nlPih Street Theatre to the I yie The ilii ■ III.. .•Tri'l, of an orche»lra of thirty h.v Frank Mandel, the lyrics by Will B John A cornplote list of New YorW At •r- II.'.'er 7 where It Is to remain f'>r an mualclana. It la being plaeed under the api ■ i ractiont will be found on page 42. ln*l*-fln’Te period. of tbe stage, entirely out uf tight, md I, THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN CHICAGO RED WIDOW WINS RIALTO GOSSIP

Raymond Hitchcock, With the Assistance of Flora Zabelle and a Theatr’cal Pickup; Personal Items and General Notes of F Pretty Chorus, Lead the Musical Comedy Loving Chicagoans Managers and Agents, Now Contributing To the On a Joy Kide Via the “Red Widow” Route Theatrical History of The Windy City

IMtW .\ musical three-act farce, ll«- retiiriiH «*n<-li tlin*- iimrt" iM'muaulve than pver. I ast week. tieKinuinR Sunday night, until ii> Channlnr PolUs'k and Uennold lip liuK tlip \uliiablp aaslHtaiipe ut a lively piece, engagement at McVlcker's Theatre. The tltla Wmlnesilay night, liiclii'-lve. the ojiera. The Se¬ luslc by Charles (leberl. l‘re- a KimhI aii.r. aiiiinl ilealre for aiiiiitetiieiit. Hence Mr. cret of Suzanne, by Wolf Ferrari, was heard man. who has won favor with the Chicagoans by the Grand t>is‘ra House, Uctober llltchctM'k'H ti-iiuni'.T of thla theatre oDcht to l>e The opera was precedeil by a concert. .\t icesent Ills successful imrts in Tlie Man of the Hour, A hniK anil piithiiHiaHtIc. The iiiuaic. by Charles J. the theatre. Orchestra Hall, is offering kinema- Geutleman from Mississippi, etc. ilclM'Kt, HUKitcatx the pur|H>ap of iiiuataril on co il color travel pictures, styleil From Ijiidand to After a separatiou of six years. Miss Wlnnl- loiiKiip. ami. aa hiuIi, Ih not to lie analyzeil or Spain. fred Harris and .Miss Alida Cortelyou wero patliiiateil It acrvca nliiilily for throat ami an¬ This season marks the half centiirv p,'lnt for united by chance in The Blue Bird Compaq. kle. and with ei|ual facility. The i-ostnnies are William Crane's career on the American stage. t'lMui the close of the iiresent run of The Win¬ chic, the acttintta are lurltiiiit to the eye, the He is now apiiearing in The Senator keeps some Widow at the Colonial, F. ZIegfeld, Jr., fun I* continuous, the dances are lively. The House. Mill send tile prisluction on a tour of a few Sunday night. Octolier 1.3. «ltneaseera will proceed to the Dlymidc In the same pro¬ House. .''Utnlay, Gclols-r •! .Mr. llllchciM-k, as duction. the comisllaii. has a wa) all his own, atiil with George M. Cohan's comedy, Get-Rlcb-Qnlck the help of a ginNl company ami lively music, Wallingford, continues to please at McV'icker'a. Tlie (iarden of .Allah, with all its s|iectacular has am|ile o|i|sirtunltles to sliuw his meills. He has the faiully of pultliu.' mirth lulu every grandeur, proeirerlugly advances at the Audito¬ thing, ami thou h a Idl spl'y at limes, one run rium. Sarah Padden niove-ordlug recent hit of the Palace Music Hall, to appear Co musical coiiieilr princlp'.es yet isimpdcaled In with him in .All Fur the l.a|>dttan, full of tlie iilftiiies', iHirii of long ald, will succeeti The Winsome Wlilow at the experience, with not a Isrof' movement in Its Colonial on Octolmr 1’6, Fo'lowlng this. Bee three acta In tlie Judgment of last evening's Hitr will show for one month only. audlenie. It was a iiulck and lively com|>.i-l:ioD William Brady may protluce later on at the of paii.ely I'Miig mnsir, aVrt lines, darli g story, Princess Bought anil Paiil For. There Is a poe- hasty Culian daiulng, ami Uavuioml Hlithcuck. sltdllty of changing the name of the theatre to Thus, it will ilo well " William A. Brady's Playhouse. The Ctdcago Inter (h-ean says "Ever since Next week. In Milwaitkee. Miss Margaret An¬ the days of old King Dislo, this iDy haa ke|it glin will revive Green Stockings. In Its heart a warm place for the mau who cou.d Is- funny evi n with a stale st.. y for ummunllmu (Continued on page 50.)

Makes Parachute Garden of Allah Jump From Bipl ses Camel

Chicagi. III. Ikt P i.S|s-clBl to The Bill- Chicago, October 10 (Special to The B411- tsiardi More than 1.5.'»si people wltlie-sisl the boardl.—One of tlie Bve camels used In the successful Jum|i of Mink" De Konda from Max production of The Garden of .Allah, died here l.lllle's Wright hl|ilaiie at the National Imide- Monday morning. The I.Icbler evunpany brought meiil show grounds, at Pesirla. I I.. Ia»l Wevl- these camels to this country, also twenty Arabs newlav Gii Tuesday I Bile was iiiialde to rea b of the desert. The camel was traveling along the dcsireil blight, hut on Wislnesdav he sue Wabash Avenue, slijiped on the asphalt street ceeileil In cart.ving a parachute, and IteKonda and in the shock swallowed bis cud. Death to a height of J.issi feel, from which altitude followed. The animal was buried by Ihe ttie dinng hallism and parachute man of manv -Arabs, who were much affccteil b.v the 1 >S8. halr-ral'ln ex|sTlences. cut lis-se an I silhst .Another camel has been secured from John slowly bark to earth. Tlds was the flrst lime Bobiuson, of Cincinnati. DeBoiida hud ever Jumtieil from a Wright bi¬ plane. ami the stunt was thitniug In the ex¬ treme Starting sowly. wltu De Itonka cling- lug to ^le skills with one liand. and holding the pararliule with the otlier. I I lie gradually ai«s>e Chicago. Oct. 12 (Sp clal to The Blllboarvl). and at limes was obllgisl in describe long awlng- —On November 18. at Power's Theatre. David Ing I'lrcles, for tlie additional weight was some¬ Belasev) will prvsliice a new coineviy stylevi Year* what of a haiidli ap. and to any other aviator, of Discretion, written by Frederic and Fannl* the exiietleiii-e ml 111 liive bis-n dlsastrvius H- I>ocke Hatton, two Chicagoans. Mr. Belasco la oally, at a lielght of 'J.issi fis-t. the siswtalora very much enthused over his new securance. ciiiild see the daring Juniis-r rlliiihliig down to bis paiaclinle. and a moment later slissi breath- lews as he siMit down fully .'ski feet tiefoie tlie SUES ACTOR FOR DIVORCE. hig paradiute ois-insl AVhen he left the bl- (ilaiie. the marhiiie was seen to lurch heavily, Chicago, October 9 (Special to The Bill¬ and It was a full minute liefore I lllie *J|aln board i.—On a char-e of cruelty and deser¬ galiieil isimjileie mnlriil over Ids air craft. Both Miss .Aiiflln Is aiiprarlna Ihls season tn Kzypt. now rnnnlna at the Garrtrk Theatre. Chlcaao. Although tion. James C. Goovihue. an actor, was sued l.lllle and IS- llonda were warmly congratu atevi MIsa Anglin's acting tn her tiew play lia.s besui most favorably cominented upon, but the piecsi lUelf Is not oon- vesterdav for divorce. Mrs. G‘HKihue also al¬ by tlie Ida <-rnwds on re.vrhlna tlie around, and sldeivsl lha auual of Mr Sheldon s other elTorts. Salvation .'Aril and The -Nigger. leged that he kicked and beat her. a new "stunt" liad )sw*n establlshe-l In the way of outside amusement tlirlllers lie Konda It well known as a liandcufT artlal. and has betn SAID AND SEEN IN CHICAGO. seen witli his Ida balliMin at aonie of the laigeat fairs and expositions In the country I Incoln To Commemorate Barrymore The New Sin left the Power's Theatre laat Beachey also ttew at Peoria durin : the Imple¬ Satiintay, to api>ear at AA’allack'a Theatre ta ment Sliow I'he avlatora and IV Honda wert New A'ork. October 15. In all probability the tsstkisl liy Kam DuA rles of the Its a I 8 A C. Power's win remain dark until October 28, wbea offlees Bard’s An niversary Goes To Coast Mrs. Flske will ap|>ear tn Edward Sheldon's The High Koad. Next season Thomas Kosa will produce a new NEW COMEDY COMING. oomeily by George Itanilolph Chester. Chicago, Oct. 12 (Spi-elal to The Billboard). Chicago. Oct. 12 (Special to The Billboard). Six idayers of The New Sin experienced their Chlcag.i. Oct. 11 tS|>erlal to The Billboard). —Ivan .Miclaren. who Is now ap|>earlnf with —Ethel Barrymore, after spending several days first .American musical romeily by attending a —Frlvuluiia Geraldine, a new ctiiuedy written the Marlowe Players iimler tin illrecilon ol In Chicago, visiting her cousin. Miss Georgie matinee of The Girl at the tiate. The prlncliiai by Joe Howard and Pnvf. Stisldard of AVIs I.onlse Kandvdph at the Marlowe Tiieatre. con Drew Mendum. who plays In The Modern Eve of Ihe latter relnrne.v making moon In Chicago lati'r In the season, with John a revival of Hamlet. S'svtn as chief fun maker. LIEBLER MANAGER NOT OTTIETY. The original cartoons and drawings of Chl- ca o's newspaper artists will he exhibited at LOOK WHO'S HERE NOT READY. Chicago. Oct. 10 (Special to The Blllbivardl. Chicago, Oct. 12 (Sp rial to The Blllboardl. —The College Theatre was openiHl Monday the .American Music Hail. The first number Tlie verdict of not guilty was returned by ('blcago. tvt. 12 (Sp clal to The Blllhoard). nignt, tvtober 7, h.v T. C. Gleason. Eiiward will be the pictures of C, .A. Briggs of the Chi- cao Tiihiine This will include the entire se¬ Miinlcliial Judge Turnliaiiah In regard to the —Due to the fact that the niiialral skit. lyook H. Bobbins and Edith I yie ni'adeil a stiwk n StiH-kIngs. A complete list of attractions at 4. The Isle of Dreams, by Mrs. Rida Johnson Siunetlmc after .N'ovemher. Billie Burke will On November 17. at the Cort. Fine Feathers Young, will start a three weeks* engsgement a( Chicago Theatres appears on page incar lierr In I'Inero'a The Mind the Paint will Iw siioceisled hv Bschelora and Benedicts, McA'lcker'a October 27. playing Chauncey Ol staged by James Montgnuiery. oott. i OCTOBER 19, 191Z AMUSEMENT EVENTS OF THE DAUGHTER OF HEAVEN NEVER SAY DIE

)ler & Co.’s Second Annual Spectacle Pronounced the Most A New Play By W. H. Post and William Collier, the Latter Ap¬ Magnificent Production Ever Seen on an American Stage— pearing in Leading Role, Given Its First Production on Any Viola Allen and Basil Gill in Leading Roles Stage at Lyceum Theatre, Ithaca, N. Y.

THE DArOHTER OP HEAVEN—A dramatic First Lady In Waiting .Boaa Norrla Ithaca, N. T., October 12 (Spo'lal to The ceremony with the girl. 8be then leaTes tor spectacle la three acts and eight scenes Dancrra—Nina de Broker, Helm de Ficon, Kra Billboard).—William Collier's new |ilay.”^eTer a year. Wuodberry unex|>ecledly recuTera and by Pierre Loti and Judith Gautier. Eng¬ de Ficon. Besale Mar Kngllali, BUnrbe Say l>le, written by W. H. Poet and Mr. Col¬ the second act describes hla dea|>erate efforts lish adaptation by George Egerton. Pro¬ Aimee. Holly Halnea. lier. was given Its first prtMluctlon on any to glre the girl ber freedom ao she may marry duced by Llebler A Co. Staged by Hugh Lore Serenadera—Golden Gardner, Herbert Mat- stage, by Lew Fields at tbe Lyceum here last ber old sweetheart. He even eiigagetl a da> ■ Ford. World premiere at tbe Ceutury lett. night. tectlre to secure a dlrorce erldence, but tbe Theatre. New York. October 12, 1912. girl Anally dlscorera tbe scheme and decidaa The story Is that of the adTenfiires of a TO THE COURT OF PEKIN, that she i>erfers to remain Mrs. Wudberry. wealthy young American, who Is doomed to die •niE CAST. Well of Wisdom, Councillor to the Emperor Snpi>urtlng Ur. Collier were Paul A. Maar, In a month hy bis physicians To assist an Tbe Daughter of Heaven, Empress of the .Henry Bergman Mlaa Emily Klttroy, Grant Stewart, Nicholas old friend In a love affair, a Dionysius Wootl Chinese race, of tbe Dynasty of Ming Judels and \Vm. Collier. Jr. berry, goes tbroug a perfunctory marriage .Viola Allen (Continned on page 42.) The Em|>eror of China, of the Mancbu race In tbe I).rnasty of Tain .Basil Gill BOMAVITA'B FLAMB. Son of Spring. Child Emperor at Nankin VIOLA ALLEN .Master Norris Millington .New York. Oct. 13 iSpeclal to Tbe Blllltoard). TO THE COURT OF NANKIN. —lire siidilen death of the great showman Frank C Bostoek. bat completely upset the plana of Prince Fidelity. Prime Minister ....Lee Baker Captain Jack Bonsvlta. Ihmavlta wts to have Prince Winged , Chief 8«‘crelary of Imnil*>D rnterprliat State .Bernard Fairfax •luring the winter iueclal to Tbe Blllb*>ard). The Iliimphack .L. Lewis —Tbe ault brought by l.aura Burt Stanfuid The .Woodford Byingtoo against Castle 8<|uare G|>era Company for breach (Maids of Honor.) of nmtract was dlsmtsse*! tislay by Justice Page. Bose leitiis .Ruth Rom* Clnnamoii .Resina Henley The court fouml that the actress couhl be die- Seed P«*arl .Fiancea Wright mlaae

New Departure in Follies of 1912 Winter-Quarters Given Premiere

New York. Oct. 12 (Si»ecial to The Bill Phlla.lelphla. 0.t « rSnccIsI to The Blll- board).—The firm of William Bart>la A Co., of hoardl.—Tbe Elegfeld Follies of 11*12 was given New Y<'rk, la alaiut to l>e Installed in unique • Is Initial |ir**plled the bia>k New Y'ora an oppurtuully of aeeing a complete aiiil ItsyinoDtl lliihbell tbe music. Tbe new wild auiiiial show throughout tbe stormy months. work, wbirb It in Ihnee arts ami l.l elsteirate Upon tlie aeveuth floor of the Henry Siegel scenes, has been staged b.v Julian Mlirh.-ll Tbe 14tl St ret t ature, carpeuteri aud Interior flulau cast, a large one. incliidea Harry Wats^in. Jr., •rs are at work transforming the erstwhile I.iilian lj>rraine Bernard Granville, lla.v Sain palace of merchaoiDae Into a rocky wilderness nets. Ilia Adams. <'lisrh*a Juilels, Stella Chate whert in will be found all of the wild life tbai lalne. Joale .Sadler. Vera Maxwell. Wm. 8<’hroder. goes to make up a complete menagerie. In the peter Swift. Grate Duliolse. .Vrilne Roley, llaxej center of the fl.ior apace—about lOOxKX) feet— liTwis. .Margaret Morris. Trixie WIIsoo and Bert there will bt* placed a Hon cage wherein Bona Williams. The New- York opening It arheduled vita will perform with his untamed African for the Moulin Koiige, October 21. Hon. “Brutus,” tbe same which ao nearly did f**r him several times during the summer at the Bur.ip.-an Circus, Coney Island. THE OLD CBBIOSITY SHOP. In addition to “Brutus" the entire menagerie •f the Bartels firm will he brought over from i Tt> the unttiMterving iierstm. Chicago preaenta Hillside Park. Newark, to winter In the seventh •tn'.y one Ineohereut mass of tall bnlldlnga. Boor of a mercantile building In the heart of never c<*aaing trafttc, anti a general buhhub ^ New Y’ork City. Such an unprecedented depart- hustle hustle sights. Thera ara ao many plaeaa are Is stime blocks ahead of even the efforts of of itilerest which he never sees and ilo*-an't the Selfrldges. the Shaves and the other mer¬ care tt> see, simply l>eeause they do not present cantile kings of London, and Buenos Ayres, and an liivlllng ap|iearanee. Ctiiisequantly. ha navar Berlin. knows what he Is pissing up, day after day, la Tbe enterprise It under the personal direction Ills tiorrylug'Bcurrylng. of Fred .Mitchell and for the opening perform¬ If hy chance .mu should ever be paaslag ance—besides Btvaavita—be has book^ Jack along that wntitlerriill.v coustruetetl street knows Irwin and hla performing dogs and ponies and tbe as llalsted, do not fall to give a few momenta Peyranl’s with their performing birds and dogs. of your lime to tlie “Curloalty Shop" of Mr. It Is Intended to make this a pennanent exhibi¬ Frank ih-aiinitmt. No. ‘21)7 loo will never tion for which new features will be engageil gri*t it and tt «HI Im* worth yonr while. If from time to time; there will be an aviary In the portrayal of the character of the Mint Kmpreaa, the leading role In the new Ltehler Oo. spectacle, there Is one tiling that Is more “rare than a with trees and shrubbery and fl.viug rages, a Tlie Daugtitr of Heaven, Miss Allen adds another remarkable triumpli to her long Hat of hlatrioulc M-lilcve- lla.v 111 June," it Is to s|>eiid a few momenta la nntque collection of monkeya and lemurs In a menta. this old ahiqi of I’orlosittes. What can consti¬ roomy nioukcy bouse, swaua and cygueta In a tute a more nleasiireable few moments than pond with running water, a complete line of riiiiimagtiig aroiintl In a iilace of this kind? Ev¬ poultry and Incubators and the moat np-t«>-date erything anti anything, anti no two things allka. and scleutifle metht>dt t.f poultry farming, and Atmiit you, at lund you. In front and behind yon, a taxldermlst'i booth under the personal dlr**c- Millie-Christine Wells and Hoblitzelle to the north, to the south, east or west, notb- tlon of H A. Walters, the noted Philadelphia Ing but “Junk" Ah!—but It Is the moat Inter¬ taxidermist. esting kinil of Junk, aiul the word la only tp- Besides serving the purpoae of an attraction Twins Dead Get Together pninriate Insonioch as no other w-oni can de- for the New York shoppers the enteritrlae will ■erltie the many and amusing novelties which give the hrm a pecnlalrly advantageous uptown siirroontl you. •bow and salearotmia wherein proaiteetive buyers In oue comer there are fnsika; good books, bad —within easy reaching distance of their hotels Wilmington, N. C., October 10 (Special v Birmingham, Ala., October 10 (Special to The iHMiks, old biNiks and new btsiks. In fart, em- and the railroad stations—may look over the Tbe BHIIsiard).—The celebrated MHIle-Chrla. Blllhoird).—A threatened theatrical war In thli liraiiiig everything from the bright red. new- Block, and while htoking over. Judge of the tine twins, known all over tbe world, died cll.v hss iM-eii averted. More than a year ago ItHiklng Trials of An Aiitoniohlllat, to the old, diawing js.wera of each through tbe measure of yesterday at the old bomeatead in Culunibus Jake Wells ojicnctl the Oriihi-um In o|i|Misitlon to ■nuaty-looking German Bible Passing from the popular attention they attract. county, tbia state, witbtu a few houra of one tlie .Matestic. which Is on the Inlersl:ilc tliiii* IsH.ks, yon encounter—well, what doa’t another. Tbe twins were about 60 year old Recently Mr. Wells aunonnet-d that he woiihl fitnl t Bom In ala very tlmea, tbe women, who we.e have a new taonse, the Lyric, to play high class Sweaters, games. Jewelry, winitiiw glass, type- eolored, were sold tu their youth for ftO.laai vaiideville. Then came the nevva ihsi Karl wrltera, filing csltliiels, iniislral Inal rumenta. New Yark, October 14 (Bepclal to The Bill¬ for exhibition purposea. They were s|.>.-.-u Iltililitzelle. president of the Interstate Vsinle shis*s, athletic gtssts, all have their respective board).—Early yestenlay moruiug. Miss Char¬ from the owuer In Philadelphia, ami a few vHle AssiK-latlon. would hiillil a hig hlpittslronie places. But. perhaps, the nioat wonderful part lotte Walker waa given quite a scare when years later were found In I-ondon, where they here, and put on a line of vsiiilfvllli- that wisilil of It all la htiw Mr. Beiiiinionl knowa hla atock. she found an Intruder In her apartments In tbe were being exhibited. They were recoveretl by the Im- uiiMirpasaed. Thin came the ainlilen an Hotel Algonquin, on an alleged mlaalou of owner aud have been exhibitetl tbroughout nouncfinenl. a fea- daya ago. of the fttrinatinn burglary. .Miss Walker's screams attracted tills and other ctiuntrles ever since. They were of the Birniinghsin Aiiiuseiiicnt Compauv, with attention and tbe invader waa arrested. seen In this city with a carnival a year or so Jake Wells, presitit lit: Karl il.tliHlrt He. vit •- ago. preslilenl; K P. Wbitocy, former manager of the UNCLE BEN SNOW DEAD. Majestic, secretary, ami M. L. Senion. former The twina had two heads and two seta of manager of the Orpheuiii, local iiianagt-r of the lower extremitiea, but had the same btsly. It Oct. 11 (Sfieclal to Tbe Billboard). comhiucil hoiisca. la reiHirted that they were very wealthy. —Benjamin M. Snow, known to tbe theatrical profession as Uncle Ben, and for years connecteil Frank Kirk, the miialcal tramp, hss Just closad with Ixithrop Theatrical Company, and stage a aucceaafiil season with the Jake Rttaciilhal and RIno and Hall, the two eccentric F.ngllsh Van floTcn. the dippy mad maglclai Cira Ilcrkwilh road ahow, and went on the Ot»- manager of tbe Bowdoln Kt|uare Theatre, died conii-dlana who made a hlg bit in Europe with nil- Ki-nt. formertv of Kelly and Kent here last night at tbe age of 75. operatlve Association time, under the direction their comedy act, are now In the Htatea iiiairletl In Novemiter. of Arthur <1. Toon. OCTOBER 19, 1912. Xlie Billboard WEEK THROUGHOUT AMERICA FAVERSHAM’S REVIVAL WRIGHT LEAVES FORTUNE

espeare’s Tragedy, Julius Caesar, Given Premiere at To- Account of Estate of Dead Aviator Filed, Showing Personal and ), Ontario—A Production Worthy of the Highest Praise Rea) Property Valued at Over a Quarter of a Million Company Includes Many Noted Actors and Actresses Dollars—Brothers and Sisters Heirs

JCLIl’B CAESAK. William Rbakespeare’a trag Act III. Dayton, Ohio. Oct. 9 (Special to The BIII- Katherine Wright, sister. $.'50,000; Lorln Wright, edy. I*rougIas Stevenson, Eugene Revere. James Servant to Caesar .Herbert Belmore Reany, Charles .Mason. Vernon Castle, David Octavius' Messenger .Charles Webster .\brahams, Samuel Burbank, Harold Russell. Ed¬ 1st Cltiaen .Monel Belmore gar I.. Hay. Ed. Randall. George Phelps. I.illian 2nd Cltiaen .Ward Thornton Is-e. Queenle Vassar, Alene Crater. Vlctorlne Srd Cltiaen .Benjamin Kauser 11 lyes. Vivian Riishraore. Peggy Wood, Florenco 4tb Cltiaen .William Bennington Williams, Edna Bates, Gladys Zell, Lillian Rice Calpnrnia. wife to Caesar .Jane Wheatley Portia, wife to Brutus .Julie Opt> and .\ngie Weimers, Renators, I.ictors. Soidiers. Attendants, Dancing A RICH MAN'S SON STAGED.

.\IIantlc City. Oct. 8 (Special to The Bill¬ board).—James Forbes’ new three-act comedy, A Hleh Man’s Son. was staged for the first time at the .\pollo Theatre last night. Ralph Morgan did well In the part of the rich man’s son, who gets into all sorts of trouble si>ending bit father’s money. Assisting Mr. Morgan are Jessie Ralph. Paul F.verton. Eugene Woodward. John Cumberland. May Moran, Walter .Mien, Jane Corcoran. Eonia Marinoff and Gideon Bur-

McGraw to Appear Start Move To In Vaudeville Abolish Tipping

New York. October 12 (Si>eclal to The Bill¬ New York, October 11 (Special to The Bill¬ board).—Now It It John J. McGraw, managei board).—In retallatlton to the action of the of tba New York National ball club, who Is stage Ifands’ union that all performera, who going to take a whirl lu vaudeville. A vaude carry an extra droi>, must also carry an extra villa manager says YlcGraw lias agreed to go stage hand, a movement has been started by OD the stage for 10 or 20 weeks. If be gets vaudeville performera to aUdlsli tipping. It a weekly salary of $2,ooo. It la said that has thus far been the custom to tip the stag* tbe L'nlted Booking Ageucy will agree to LU hand on Saturday night for s|iecial service# terma. rendereil during the week, but In view of tbo UcGraw will a|>|iear tiefore the footlights extra exfiense saddletl on the performers by a few weeks after tbe worid’a champlonsblp this action of tbe statge bands, tipping In tho games with tbe lUmtoU Bed Box Is finished. future will not be allowed.


Tbe Billboard Is In n’celpt of tbe following Jacksonville, FIs.. Oct 10 (Special to The letter fnnu G. .M Dyolt. the Morok Aeroplane Billboard).—George W. I.esley. a well knows Co. aviator, wbo was flying st tlie Alabama wire walker, whose d»*ath had In'en chronicled State Fair at Birailogbam last w.-ek, at tbe in the New York dallies, is very much alive and time Aviator Stevenson fell to bis death. Mr. In this city at the preesent time. Dyott gUea the particulars of the unfortunate Ix>8ley Is one "f the best known circus men In accident: the coiintr.v, having been identified with the Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 9. 1912. prof.-ssloc for thirty three ye.Trs He has heeu with the Bamum * Bailey. Sells Forepaugh. Tbe Billboard. Rlngllng Bros, and Buffalo BUI aggneaflona. 1440 Broadway. New Y’ork. Dear Kirs;—Joiiepb Stevenson, tlying a headless type bl|dane. sustained a fall at the Alabama State Fair at Biruiliigliani. atiout 4 o' p. m-, OiTober 7. The engiue and raldator pinned him down, fracturing the liase of hU skull. He died at S o'clock tbe following iiiiirnlug. with¬ out having regaim-d coasclausDeaa. TYie day was aooiewbat wimly and I adviaed him to wall, which he did. but afterwanU atarted (too rsm in inj oplolon) fiom tbe far Mr. Faversham’s latest achievement Is his production of Julius Caesar, with an all-star cast, the pre¬ end of the field. He had to psas through some mier perfonnaut-e of which was (iven at Toronto. Ont.. October 7. The production Is said to be one of A FOOL THERE WAS INJUNCTION. bad eddys. also to climb through some downwarti the most notable cotitiibutlons to Sbakeepearlan drama of modem times. air currents which were caust-d by tbe proxlm Philadelphia, October 12 (Special to The Ity of bllla. Hla inacblne would not climb Btllboenl).—An Injunction was askeil for In rapidly, and getting Into a bad eddy hla ma the Unlteil States District Court here today by chine aldesllpited, crashing nose first to tbe Porter Emerson Browne, author of A Fool There ground from a heigbt of about 50 fret. Offers Prize to En Brady Secures Vfaa, Klaw ft Erlanger. producing nianagere, Joe had a great many friends everywhere. and Robert Hllllanl, leading actor In that play Hla hnnsT and Ills Jovial way won him a place last season, to restrain Winiam Sohllllnr fmm everywhere he went I pi'rwonally had occasion courage Pla>wri^ Princess Theater pnwluclng a play entitled. The Vampire’s Fool. to know him very well and therefore felt hla They claim It la an Infringement on the third loaa exceedingly. act of their play, which la copyrighted. In ble I wish to thank, through the columns of The affidavit Browne claims that the Schilling nlav RlllboanI, all tliose sym|iathettc friends who New Y'ork, Oct. 7 (Special to The Bllllioardl Chicago, October 11 (S|iecial to The Bill¬ cofltalna tbe plot and much of tbe dlaiogne of showed their Borrow for my fellow aviator by to — Mrs. August Dryer, who la pr< stdent of the board).—When the run of A Modern Eve com¬ bla play. Reneroiisly contributing to the fund for Ylrs. Century Theatre Club of this city, announced pany closes at the Princess Tbeatre October tevensMU. I especislly wish to thank C. A. today that tbe club would offer a prls4' of $:t(>o "• the house, which has been controlled by Preaoi-y, who personally lo.ikivl after the sub- to encourage Amerhvin playwritera. It la to be The Sbuberts, will be turned over to Wm. A. acrlptloo. either drama. trage sent PUBILLONEB LEAVE FOR HAVANA. Widening of tbe stage and redecorations will the Hsrrts ttisnagement. under the direction of to Mrs. Axel O, Iblseng 541 West 124tb Stri-«‘t. be made. William Harris The play in which she will New York City. New Y'ork. Oct. 1.1 (S|iectal to The Blllhoard). sppear will be that of Trial Marriage, by Elmar —Mr. and Mrs. Antonio V. Pnhillonca have left B. Harr's, which was given a trial prodnetio* for Havana to make prrparattona for the open¬ PITTSBURG PREMIERE. hv her last yesr. The New York premier la ing of the big curciis at the Payret Theatre In .New Y'ork. Oct. 8 (Special to The Billboard). scheduled immediately after election. Pittsburg. Pa., Oet. 10 (Special to The Bill Havana, Cnha. Tliev travehd ail over America. —Mrs. B. C. Hart, formerly an actress, died Niard).—A new drama by a Plttslmrg dramatist Iisiking over the different attract Iona which yeaterday in R ver Cri'st Sanitarium. She had FIRE IN MINNESOTA THEATRE. Richard I’llrot engaged for the coming aeaaon la to lie given Its first perform.vnce at the Du b< cn suffering from softening of the brain for Mr. Pltr«t bas also IxNiked many great Europi'an ipiesne Theatre here on Oetolmr ’2S. Tlie pla.* a year. During her stage carei-r she was known Fergus Fails, Minn.. Oet. 8 (Seeel.sl to The Is called I'nder tbe I.4IW, and waa written by AI oovelipB which will come over to America as Amelia IVan. She is survived by her bus Billboard).—During a performance at the I veenm every two weeks In ndstton. among these acts ten Davla. author of The House Divided. hand, who at one time conducted a stock com Theatre here a fire broke ont beneath the stage being (he well knewn Exeelalor TV'inpe of Bl pany at the Theatre ComUine, and a daughter. and spread to the dressing rooms. Prompt ae cycllata the Carl Engi'iie Troniie, I’aul Conchas Harry Thompson. Hla Honor, the Mayor, Miss Lillie Dean Hart, who is now on the tion on the part of the management prevented a and many others going big on Western Vaudeville time. S ft C. circuit. panle. 8 T ti e Billboard OCTOBER 19, 1912. BURLESQUE NEWS OF THE WEEK SPOKES IN THE WHEELS COUNTRY STORE POPULAR

Burlesque News of Managers, Agents and Performers on Both Innovation Used By Western Wheel Burlesque Houses as an Ex¬ Circuits, Gathered From Here and Tliere and Everywhere. pedient for Drawing Attendance Fulfills Its Requirement E,sp>ecially for Publication in Tlie Billboard to the Utmost Satisfaction of Managers By SYDNEY WIRE.

it la remarkable how many people there ara It pays to advertise, If you don’t believe New York, Oct, 1- tSi>eclal to The Billboard). ave., Brooklyn. who although dlrertly connected with theat this, ask Anheuser A Busch or Beechmau'a —Tbe Country Store, aa a means of attracting No. 15—One Doll Baby, won by Mr. Flynn, 436 rlcala, are abaolutely Igiiurant of all mattera Fills. audiences to a theatre Is evidently proving a Grand ave., Bnuklyn. conceriiiiiK biirlcMiiie and n bu. in luauy case'H ilon'i hi; card, aa all of the Empire Circuit theatrea No. Id—One .Monkey, nun by M. Frader, 464 eren know the dlffen-nce between one wheel or in Greater New York a.^e employing this novel Fifth ave., Bnaiklyn. clrcnlt and the other. There are even more iK E. T. Middleton, the present manager at the uiethial for one evening cf each week Tbe bouses No. 17—One Sui k Flour, won by E. I.orsngo. Borant performera who look aakance at bur popular Garden Theatre, Buffalo, Is apparently include Miticr'a Itowery, Miner's 8tb Arenas, 1'—1 40tb strt-et, Brooklyn. leaque and luiaKlne that Ita very name la a making good and Judging from the reports I Miner's Bronx and Miner's Empire, Nesark, aa No. 18—Order for 1H0 Visiting Canls, Mars- }oke and that the very thoueht of the word bur bear I should Imagine that be la, at least, well as the Casino. BrvM>klyn, and other West¬ den, M Flatbush ave.; won by M. Buckley. league la to be diacreetly auunned and baniabed. a bustler. Ills new circular program-herald ern Wheel houses at various ixdnts of tbe cir¬ No. Ill-One Crate of Tomatoes, non by We refer in thexe raaea. to performera and appeals to me as a good idea which might be cuit. To give some idea of the nature of the J. J. Cockran, lUb Nevina street, Brooklyn. abow people In other branchea of the theatrical worked to advantage by otbe-r houses at other prizes given to the holders of the lucky num- No. :X> One dozen Cana of Corn, won by F. bufloeaa who have never given any attention to l>C'lnta. I will describe thia later, and to the lM*re, vve hereulth give a list of prizes drawn Godfrey, 15-i) iihl street, Brtaiklyn. the evolution of burleague and who are oblivious meantime perhaps Mr. Middleton will oblige at last wco-k'a Country Store at tbe Casino, No. k’l -One half dozen Cak*-s of Soap, F. to the weclal to Tbe Blll- p«‘rformer who prefera real money to blg-typ*- bouttll. Ihe Beu Welch Burleaguera closed a bonora. big week toulght, having playetl excellent bsal- ♦ neaa at the Gayety here. The show, which iB- When yon are in Toledo. O., drop In and aay cludes the versatile Benny Welch, Isissts of as "hello” to Jack Tierney at the Oyater Bay. Juat excellent cast of principals, which Includss back of the Empire Theatre on St. Clair Street Frank I'. Mu^id^. 14h> Keudall, I'at Kcamsy. and where yon are aure to run acroaa aome old Etta Hastings, ecial to Tbe Billboardl. Jerformera of the preaent acbool aa well, la — Irving .S. Becker, well known on both bur obunie 1‘almer'a Cafe, next door to the Oayety I league circuits, and fur the past three years at \ViIllaiii«liori:h. There la music and alnging Identified with tbe executive staff of Miner's there every night after the abow not to mention Theatre in tbe Bronx, is holding a grami benefit tbe big free lunch, of which plga feet are the ball, which will he held at Muller's Bronx Casi¬ renowned feature. , no, October 23. Mr. Becker announces avveral + novel features. Including the awarding of a Bugera silver set of 26 pieces to tbe guest Talking of plga fei-t reminda me of a very Ir bolding the lucky ticket. The siieclal feature reierent Hebrew of my acquaintance. Hla of the evening will be a grand vaudeville en name la Charlie Howard and be la a burleague comedian and a clever one at that. Well, for terlainment, which will be headed by tbe fam my atory; I bate to tell on him but It baa got oua vaudeville alar. Belle Baker, wbo will alto to come out. Tbe laat time I aaw Charlie wai- lead the grand march and will bead the program on the corner of Fourteenth Street and Third with her vamlevllle st>ecially Miaa Baker Is Avenue in New York, when Charlie had Just the slater of Irving N. Becker. Several hundred got through with tbe matinee with Bintcb well-known performers will be present. Cooper’a Jersey LIliea at tbe (llymplc. Daabing Into the l>ar-room he called for a glaaa of beer HOLDING BDBLESQUE MANAGES. and—verily—a ham aandwich. Albany. N. Y.. Oct. V (S|>eclal to Tbe BUI It la estimated that there are about three board!.—Karl Summers, uhe of the managers of opium ontflta on the road In burlesgue thia aea¬ the French Beauties Burleaguera, who aiiddcnly aon. and even these are close under cover. 1 left with hla partner, Willis Hauaeu, when lbs remember the time when every other abow had roiu|iany stranded here a week ago, taking. It la a amoker, I. e. “hop field.” among the members of the company and lota of the amoking waa allegevl, the receipts and effects of the players, done quite openl.v, other membera of the com¬ was brought back here yeaterday from Chicago. pany attending the aniokefeata or hop partlea at Sommers was arraigned on a charge of grand the hotel after the show every night. Wbethei larceny, second degree. He pleaded not guilty. the high Increaae In the coat of the drug, or Ball waa flx>-d al Il.tIUU. In default of wbleb tbe better at-iiae of the former amokera has amount the defendant was sent to Jail. Tbe broiicht about this reformation It la bard to case will be taken up (Kt. 15. Hansen la In tell but It Is, at any rate comforting to know Jail at Akron Ohio, awaiting extradition papers I that the hypnotism of the harmful and insldous from Governor lilx. F drug has lost ita place among the ranka of burleaguera. HEMMENBINOEB A SUICIDE. *1* I wonder when Walter Tx'alle la going to pub With Al. Rich's Jolly Folllca. an Eastern Wheel attraction. Mlaa I.asar waa with Ihe same show last aes- New York, Oct. 10 (Hiieclal to Tbe Billboard). llsh another Issue of The Broadway Breexe? toii, when It toured the Colunihia Circuit under the title of Al. Rich's Uoneymuou Girls. —Eugene Hemmenbinger, a diamond dealer, Tbe little paper found Its way Into the bands well known to theatrical peo|de of New York of many burleaguera and everybody thought and a familiar figure on the stages of all tbr that It waa gnat. The beat thing about It was Jeaae Burns it now bark with the Columbia HOl.UEU.S OF THE LUCKY NCMBERR. Ihealres of Greater New York, committed sul the price—It waa mailed to all of Walter'a Burleaguera, which la beaded by our old friend I "Three idece Toilet IG-t. won by T. W. frlemla free of charge. clde yesterday by sboutlug himself In the bead Charlie Howard. I'orreal, 178 Rogers avenue. Brooklyn. it la said hla action waa caused by the fai-t 4* ♦ .N'o. k One pair Regal Khoea, won by Frank I learn that Tom Sullivan la to put out a new that he learneil that a man whom he had a

e Estour, a member of Messrs. Hurtif to enter a hospital, where she la to undergo an I.eathe Keeney, last season with Zallaha Own Sauyer. Ml Izitt at reel, Brisiklyii A Hr-snam's Ginger Girls, had a narrow Co-igis'i' (We^tiTn Whi-el t la now a principal operation. "Pat” Is a familiar figure at all No 6— line half dozen ls>xea of Quaker Gala, ra|>e from death when she fell from a dresalog- Eastern Wheel thestres. snd has the d'stlnethtn with High T.lfe In Burleague, and la, from all Won hy G Wall, Itadellff Hotel, Ne« I ork ris>m window of the tllyngdc Theatre on Foor- reports, doing nicely. of haring herlsl to Tlie Blllhoard). but yon have f.ilb-n down and ! am stHI waiting ance. While In the Kentucky city the Eastern No II One liiiir dozen Brass polisli, won by —Mnls-I BIske, who has la-i'n confined In a local for the photograph which TTie Bllllioard gener¬ Wheel msgns'es frsternslli d happily with John J. Schaeffer, 171 Jidiiison atrerg, Brts^klyn hospital for several weeks, has now completely ously offend to pulillsh free r.f charge and thus nd James Whalbn of the Empire Circuit- No. 12 One I III Glara I'riilt Dish, won by rie.ivered and has gone on |o Philadelphia, give pnhiicity to yotir jirlnclpsts snd sftrar- i There's surely aouietblng in tha wind. Mrs. J. iliirils, ;i02 Wvikoff street, Brooklyn where she will rejoin her show The GIngvr tion. Iwip't forget that The Billboard has No. 13—Ope Baby's Nursing Ibdtie, V. Ben¬ Girls (I'satern Whis-ll. Miss BIske la a prln- elreiilstloa of over go OOO. which means at least, Hanson and Sommers, with a "tnrkey” hilled nett, 2tM 4th ave., Brisikl.vii cljial with Ihe show whleh Is headed hy Ed. Iff* IVi.OfiO resdeep—T.'i per cent of whom are pa.v as the French Beauties, got (1 500 at tbe old N'o. 14 Opier for Troiisera, Mlblaleln's. Mrothe, Frank Wakefield. H. P. Nelson and Ing patrons of Indoor amnsemeDts. Albany, Gayety, the other week. OCTOBER 19, 1912. Xtie Billboard 9 MUSIC NEWS AND SONG REVIEWS CRITICAL SONG REVIEWS fw PUBUSHERS’ ROW

Detailed Descriptions of the Latest Song Offerings From Various New York Music Publishers Desert Their Offices To Attend World’s Music Publishers, So Written as To Constitute the Greatest Series —A Few Personal Items of Publishers and Value to Vaudeville Performers Their Latest Productions I

OH! WHAT A HKAVTIKUL DKEAM (YOC rballenges that of moat songs of this type. New Y’ork, Oct. 10 (Special to the Billboard!. Cbaa. K. Harris and bU professional mao ’♦KEM I iiforniiiately. the Knitilab lansuaKf IWenrlch-Howard, pub.) —TTie genii of baseball have cast their mystic ager, Meyer Cohen, contented tbemselvea by spell over music row. The invasion of the Bed drawing lota to see who would invest In a la ao couatructeil that pralae rt-ijulrea fewiT BUMP, BUMP, BUMP IN YOUR AUTOMO aonla than reuaure aod lacka niuih of cen Sox baa led most of the men Identified with daily paper containing the full box score. BILE.—Words by I.e-w Brown, music by Albert Meyer Cohen lost, but wag happy nevertheless, aure'a atnncth. What loter haa not felt at [Mipular music to close shop for the rest of Von lllier. (Sills of the Sliaw school never fail the week and hie themselves to the Polo lor be figured that he bad aavt-d $1.40 on ad- tlinea that hla lielov. d waa hut a alaloD. a to get a band on thia song. The lyric Is good beautiful dream? l>a»e Opp»’nhelin'a wonia Grounds. Culike moat business men, thoae en¬ uiiKSiou tickets. and the melody baa auXeient awing to carry Jean Schwartz was confident be gut the best t-arry out thia idea faithfully, thouxh » trould gaged In popular music find a ready excuse for couvhtion. Ibe song la a trlde auggeatlve, but going to the ball games and are not compelled "inside rate" on the baseball game. We did hare been far more effective If th’ ''aea ele not crudely so, for which unusual feat the ment" did not enter into the veraea at all. to resort to the stereotyped “sick aunt” and not understand what be meant until we learned writers should be thanked by citizens who permit "Important busineas" atoriea. that be bad been presented with a pass for the ao It would not have been neceaaarjr to brldxe their daughters of Impressiouable age to at¬ the worda xlrl and boy. We do n"t know If Columbia, where actors read the score from tend vaudeville theatres. Telia the story ot The publisher must go to the games In order the stage. ■ thia a,inx waa written liefore Hilly (Jaaton'a effect au automobile ride has on a girl’s feel¬ to asiertain whether the bands are playing b.s Dear. Sweet. Wonderful Boy, but It la very We bad an unconfirmed list at band of pub¬ ings in a way calculated to arouse more en music. Certainly thia la an excuse bard to lishers and writera who intended to pay the unfortunate that the vera. a of the two aonxi tegular admlsaion fee. But as most of them are almoat Identical. However, the choriia of merely intended doing au. we hesitate to pub- thia numtter la worked out beautifully and I lish it in full. abounda In great lluea and pretty luuale. The { line. "You're like a picture that hanxa on the As lung as tbe games continue, the publlsk- ing end of tbe popular music market will re-e wall" flnda Ita natural climax In "There a e i main at a standstill. Fortunately, tbe post-'c tlmea when 1 feel that you can not lie real.’ SONG SUICIDE staaon games, like C'brlstmaa, come but once Tbla a.'nx la the only one In the preaent 8ha piro catalogue that compart a favorably with a year, or tbe history of popular music would the kind Herbert Ingraham uaed to write and •oon be classified as “ancient." It ahrould win on that acore alone. Joe Coop- er’a melody will atar.d the arid teat, and that The revolting, obscene song Is proving its own destroyer. Every WHAT’S WHAT IN MUSIC. meana a great deal. iShaplro, publlaher.) year, since modern .>^ung-writing became a real profession, this dis¬ H' I EVER EOKiJE'r Ytll'.—Frank Tanne gusting type of number has raised its unaba.shed appeal for notoriety. Eddie Doerr. well known as one of tbe best bill, Jr. and Ted 8. Barron were very unfor A few years ago, it was hailed as a great novelty, later it was merely outside men In tbe music business, will handle lunate In chtatalng a title and theme that bad that portion of the reins for the Wenricb-How- been done lM>fore within the la«l two aeaaona tolerated, to-day its publication doesn’t cau-^e a ripple. aid Company. Watch tbelr catalogue take a If I Forget, the numlwr referretl to. waa orlg The .same rule is being applied to this type of .songs that has been spurt when Eddie shows bis illmpleil b.tud. Inally publ.abed by Blotd tt Koliler and later applied to all other types by cautious performers. That is, the rule of Bubey Cuweu Is taking big promotion very tranafirrtd to Harold Boaalter. lUith publlah merit. It require.s far more ability to write a great -suggestive song nobly The doctor gays he will be able to get era mentioned d'.d their utmoat to make It a around in a week or so, unless some compli¬ hit. Madame Sebuiuann Heink'a a d wua en than to prepare the average number. The ambiguous lines mu.st be cated melislies interfere. Haled and thia fact waa uaed aa the basia well-tuned and perfectly timed. There must be coherence. When Don .Meaney is trying to write songs again. of a great preaa campaign, dlailoalng the fart writers endeavor to substitute a coarse, poorly-rhymed, evil-plotted con¬ What's tbe matter with the pre.ss agency game, that the iirlma donna had decldid to uac the Bon? _ - — rotniioaltion of a Pullman iM'rter. The Tanne- coction, the idia dies before it is completely conceived. _ ---- I’hll Kornheist'r la keeping tab on every copy bill Barr n numtier la wo:ked out carefully and. The obscene song must go. Songs reflect the thoughts and feelings sold Qf When 1 Get You Alone Tonight. Not were It not for the facta enumerativl above. of a nation. The song w'nich i? sung is sold and the song which is ifi order to know when It's safe to strike fur ) .4 Would meet with umiuallOed approval. iJe published reaches the home. Vile influences brought home by the a raise, but each time another thousand la r>nie A Scbwartx, publlahera. > sold I’bil diaoovers that be needs a new booster. muMchl route are more vicious than any other influences, for they seem I’M tBHNU TO Wltri-E YOr A LETTER.— Why la Abner Greenburg Uuatlug down Forty- Tell Taylor'a lH>wn By The Hid Mill Stream harmless. A composition played and sung by a matured person, or a sixth Street like Tad’s mysterious man? proved aurh a univeraal bit that a new rural bal¬ child in the "t« ens ” is heard by younger children not yet in their With all tbe sung writers starting into bust- Ltss. wbat are tbe publisbera going to do for lad waa eagerly anticipated by hla many frienda. “teens." The obscene song, like a bad habit, may creep into the home In the aong we are conaldering. Tell tui>k palua manuscripts? Cheer up. amateurs, you’ll get to adhere to the alm|de expreaaion of pure aeutl- and be tolerated hy the unsuspecting victim because_i^ |^in vogue. your cliauoe soon. meat that rharacteriied hla former aueeeaa. It The man who sells dangerous “dope” shrugs his shTill'der.s and Suggestiou to a pastor for tomorrow’s aer- la the plaintive plea of a penitent lover who In mon: Did the Creator have aong writers In lentla to write for forgiveueaa. Perbapa the claims he is supplying a demand and. therefore, is not responsible for Oiind when be issued the seventh command- worria alone woulil not win a complete pardon, the consequences. In a like manner, the purveyor of obscene songs mt nt ? but with the melody Included the unhappy lover Yet, Edgar Selden eats at Tbe Automat! ahould l>e euablid to win back balf-a doxen claims he is "giving the people what they want.” . • — — aweetbearta. at leaat The writer undoubtevlly .\ suggestive song is a hit only when the suggestion is by inference. NEW MUSIC COMPANY EORMES. Intended to uae the line, "Aa they once uaed to Put the writers are so anxious to make their songs clever that most ah.te," Inalead of. "Aa they did om-e for me." of the fall batch of songs of this type contain lines that revolt and do o|iularlxlng thia number a comparatively eaay hereafter the firm will be known a* Tbe Frank matter. iTell Taylor, pub.) hit. “It’s even rawer than such an 1 such a number which was a hit." Clark Mnsic Company. Mr, Clark will retain the COME BACK.—Performera desiring a number he argues, “So. why isn’t my song a hit?” J Kand'Utb than thia ! Mias Flo Jacxibaon, who will act to the capac- aong. We atari out with the pure rhyme, leave simply "too raw” It is hard to get new ideas in a suggestive song and I Ity of professional manager to the oew firm. me and grieve me. working Into the Impure most of the writera. in an endeavor to make up for their lack of new Both Mr. Clark and Miss JaiMbaon have tbod- rhyme home and alone. Then the writer evi¬ idea.s. rehash old ones, in r. way calculated to make a libertine bluahf sands of friends In the profeaslonal end of the dently decided to play aafe again and rbyraevi . show business and nndoubtedly the severs’ big true and new, but took rare to say nothing with .shame. Then they wonder why they aren’t producing hits. I sr.ng hits which now comprise the new firm’s new. which la a atrange habit of writera using The obscene song needs no censor. Its death is automatic and in j catalogue will be beard on the vaudeville stage tbesa words In their rhyme scheme. We never I all over the country. Tbelr catalogue la head- saw Nelaiin W. Ilreenbut'a name on a song direct proportion to the amount of pressure brought to bear to make I ed by a brand new Idea In a rag-novelty song, before and wouhl urge him to study the (vopular a disgusting succession of vile phrases the singing by-word of a nation. Casey Jones Went Down on tbe Robert ■’*‘Lee, market before writing another. He aspires to Beautiful Doll Good Bye and When I DeMnoof both words and music, but would do well to sub Literally, it commits suicide, Old Erin, which Mias Elsie Mtirphy la Intro*!’”" leas# half of the work and take lietter care of .And what of the publisher who tries to “float” it? Oftimes he during In the larger bonaea In this vlclnltv. A ••!» the remaining dfty per cent, tkendis A Paley. commits suicide, also. While he i.s boosting this kind of a song, he new Italian character aong will be relras^l In t pub.) the near future and this Dumber aoumia like a YOU’RE MY BABY —Nat D Ayer has writ neglects the golden opportunity to introduce a cleaner and better one. big winner. HI* many friends and The Bill¬ ten a splendid melody In the vein that made Ob. Time Is money and more so in the music publishing business than any board extends best wishes for tbe same proa- Von Beautiful Ihdl a hit. and A. Seymour other. Some publishers Imagine acts that come in to hear a sugges¬ perlty of the new firm which Mr. Clark’* reign Blown reaolvevl not to be outdone. prepare-ess of whirb be muy well be proinl. Performer* need Inrlxed. and It 1* ha^ to uuderatand why hla The Bohemian Quartette 1* intnalnclng That Intended In show the dear old folks that aouie not be ■■hanied to uae tbla aong. whii’h 1* , aaliitatory, “I’m going to aee that the baaeball a<’ng writera are t>oaaeaai-d of sutncleiit rev¬ I Smsmev Tuney Ixivln’ Afeloily around Seattia, more than can be aalil of nioat niimN-r* writ I band d<>ea Jnatice to our miialc” bring* the aame erence to refrain from writing rags and give the I and the aong is one bl-r hit in the act. ten In the aame atyle. (York Mnalc Co., pnb. i anille to hi* atenographer’a that the well j Bill Oakland. America's foreiiiimr counter¬ old folks a rbanee. The story Is sweet and timed "I’ve got Important bnalne** that will aineere. Lamb la one of the f, w writers who WHEN I tAllVKI) YOUK NAME ON A tenor. Is cleaning nji with hi* rendition of Oar- ! THEE.—Everybody remeniK-r* Edgar Seldelt *• require my attention until five thirty” bring* iloean’t aaerlllee grammer for sentiment. Tell I land of Old Fasliloneil Roses. the word writer of All That I .Aak I* Ixive. | to the countenance of the busineas man’* aec how the old folks went through the same love, Marlon Ford, with Xtal Burton and Co.. Is I Shaplro’a big Herbert Ingraham hit of not *>> retary. trials and tribulatlona that the young people singing I/iyey Moon and That Sisamy Tiiiiev long ago. In the number we are roiialdertng . must encounter. Alfred 8ally are. The “Nvoater” time. Is Intrmlncing Song of the Mission Chimes will never fall to get a hand In nelghlHirho-xl I .loliieil to a beautiful molmly hy Will .Arthur. 1» j gee# In order to find out if the player* want and the way he plays the cblmes la moat re^ evident. Edgar ha* embarked In biiatneaa on hie iiiark.able ll.ealn-a (Jim- Morris, pub. 1 j him to "put on a lo'ng." The performer who LET'S Br7.E. — n Esrom baa supplied a I own hook and tbla jiretty little aong. detailing la not compelled to work matinee* goea on gen Edna Whistler Is intnaliiolng Ernie F.rdman a neatly ihyno-d lyric with little breaks and pauses ! aa ntlment that atarted !n chlldhoo*! day* and ; eral principle*. In conaeqnenoe. mnsic row I» latest aong hit. entitled Yon Don’t Have To i Bring Me VI,,lets that add greatjy to the listener’s Interest for i taafed through the year* ahonid prove an Ini ! deserted. Theodore Morse’s midialy. This ai'ng la not of I portant factor In telling the world of thi* fact Of courae. some of tbi' pnbllshers flmt It more Clyde !Iager. the whirlwind ragtime enter- t : A* long a* Mr. 8eld<-n contlnm-a to write vlmple ; talner. Is pntttng over I’m tbe Gnv with great the "million copy" variety, but It ah>>uld prove convenient (and lea* expensive) to peruse the aureea*. a fairly good seller I’nllke most songs of li» ! ballad* of thl* calibre he will he loved by the score te-ani* prmnlnently displayeil In all sec devotee* of fire aide popular aong*. It’* a pity Mary Was a Real Wise Glr’. I’m the Guv kind. It la clean and should And a comfortable i tion* of the downtown district. ' A sweet little i borne with acta looking for turtle dove atwiga ! we haven’t more aong writer* who are willing ai'ubrette entered Remlrk’* palatial office and ! That SiKxmy Tnney l/ivln’ Melody. Ton Don’t that do not cause a blush of aliame to app<-ar ' to anrrifli'e Imniiillate profit* on a large acale for asked f-'r an Interview with Mo*e Onmble. the Have To Bring Me Violets, If You Are Looking ' a ateadler aeller—and clean reputation. (Edgar lor a Sweetheart. Just Take Ate Home With >0 the fares of singer and audience. (Theodore '.mmortal profeaslontl manager and was In ion, are lieliig Intrisluceil bv Ben Burm-e the Morse, pub. > j Selden. pnb.l formed that Important huslniwa bad calli-d him Juvenile Come,Ilan In the Wlzanl of Wlseland lirivivY BOY.—Jack Mahoney haa written a to the Broadway store early In the afternoon Co. fop notch Honey Man at'le of aong and Percy and that hi* return waa not anticipated before The Four Ijitln I.yrlca are singing When I Wenrlch elaborated It with one of hla pleasing The Providence. R. I.. Svmphonv Orcheatra late afternoon. She deemed her bnalne** Im Dream of Yon on the Orphenm Circuit melodies The Idea la worke,! ,mt with dash under the dlivctlon of Roawell C. Fairman. will is'rtant enough to wsrrant a visit to the store IKio Baker, the King of Ragtime Entertain¬ and aulrlt and the aong la Just the kind a single give a aerie* of three r'ncert* during the aea- A* she passed the Tlmea building she eapled aon of 1013 13. A large auhacrlptlon Hat ha* er*. Is Intnslnclng Cello Man. The aong la good female acl could nae to great advantage. Ttie the object of her search In fomt of a score for fen enoorea. lyric shows more writing talent than oaually already been obtained and a very aaeeeaaful K'srd. cheering hla head off with some 10,000 aeaa>>B ta anticipated. 1* locateil with the Forater Muatc Co., and ba .'bararterlaes tbla kind of a song and tba melody "no-admiaalon fans." request* all hla frienda to come In and aee Mm VAUDEVILLE AND BURLESQUE NEWS

5 th Avenue Theatre, Hammerstein’s uare American Roof

New Y’ork. Oct. 10 (.Siieclal to The Billliosrdi New Y'ork, Oct. 12 tBpi-clal to The Billboard 1. New York. <*ct. 11 erlal in The IllllboanI). New York, Oct. IJ tS|Melal to 'I'he itIlllMisrdi —If It hadn't been for George Behan and Com¬ —In getting Kdiia Guoilrloh and Company aa the —With Taylor UrauvilU-'s latin. moat pretru —The show atop the American Music Hall, the pany the show at the Fifth Avenue this wio*!: headline attraction fur the Victoria ‘Theatre this tloua and best orTerlnic b< Id over fur Ibe aeeund last part of the Week. Was easily the poorest would have taken a Hop. As It was there was Week, Aar,in Kessler, the heavyweight booking nroklng repres¬ Siiuare Kut a dan,l}' start with a bill that luokr not a had act ou tbe bill, hut the tbe corner something that la b’-arlily admired bx show look rutxl; it waa Kood from tbe o|h‘u1uc act* that can be termed only fair predominated McIntyre & heath all tbe corner patruiia. While the act that Miss act right on down tbe line. ai.d wuile an act of that kind will pass very GcMidrIcb Is apiiearlng In will uexer slop any¬ Krgotti and Lllllpnilana n|M>ncd an,I Krgotti easily lu a good show when you get a hunch of and Lilliputian* are dandy (laliire iiialerlal for body from breathing, either from laughter or luem together thi-y furnish about the poorest auspi-nse. It Is nevertheless a fitting vebicb- tbe big small time and are indeed koowo man act of the where near Inciting a riot, but there were any talk eliminated. Both boys are good acrobats same nature to shame. Nor Is comedy larking number of acts that made good and aent a and have a dandy routine. They gate the show lu the offering, one of tbe lllllputlana being by capacity audience away thoroughly tatlsfled with a good start, which was immediately halted by tbe evening's entertainment. way of being aumelhing of a comedian along w ith bis other cleverni ss. .Miller and Russell, of whom the beat thing that Brown and Williams, a couple of stepping boys cau be said 1* that their offering la fair, 'Ibis wbix are well known and frequent vlaitor* to the What 1‘eppinu can’t get out of an accordion In the way of ninsic “never waa." Everything Is a return eugsgement fur the couple although Victoria stage, opened tbe show with their king¬ the reason la hard to determine lu face of the ing. dancing and skating offering. from tbe clasa'c* down to ragtime came from appreciation giauted the act on both uiiasluns. Adonis and IKig, In the act beautiful, were tbe the rather hand*,,me box strung on bis arm. lu give all possible credit tbe woman member next to please that portion of tbe audleoce who Tbe Chadwick Trio found the going pretty of the team is working some little better tuan had gathered at eight-thirty. The Bell Bov r>iugb in the eailler part of their act. but they uiMU tbe last visit, but she I* still far {row be l>lo. reaplendent In branil-new green nnlforms. finished well, and too a bunch of laughter and Ing a good performer. gave an exhibition of harmony alnglng that applause with the dancing of Miss Ida May ana xxwa a delight to tbe ear. If tbe comedy In her father. Blake's Comedy Circus, on In the number tbne Sopbye Barnard Is about tbe beat vandevtlle poaltien, saved the first part from being an en single who has been made out of a muslcal- tire lllver. While the act Is not being worked comed.v feature and one la temptad to believe by Blake himself It u In capable hands, the that this handsome young woman baa bad horses, dog* and monk* being put through their other vaudeville experience. In any event she pacea in showmanship fashion. The comedy knows what a vaudeville audience want* and mule, Ytaude. kicked up eneugh comedy to keep she knows how to put It over to the taste of the audience In a laughing moud- This should that (tortion of tbe amusement-loving world. bava made It easy for Byrnoods who followed. While her songs are billed a* exclusive. It The tramp temedlau hardly got a ripple until would be hardly fair to restrict Suawnee be forced biuiself back on the stage to take un¬ River. However the way that Mis* Barnard called for encores with ch,iru*es of hi* cl,»iii,r puts It over make* It almost tbe same aa ex¬ I song, beveral of these- were very good and pul clusive. Another number that found great I the audience In a half way amiable frame of faxor with the Fourte, nth Streeter* w as When mind. It would not be a bad Idea loc By moud* .Mary Went Op«'ra Mad. In which haunting melo¬ I to fie*beo up bis material a bit. It is all of dies fiom I.4iBoheme 'The Tales (,f Hoffman and other operas are cleverly ae-t to the rbythym of ffamoiis exponents of minstrelsy, xrbo are scoring the p,ipular songs of tbe day. A* a vaudeville baavlly in vaudevUla. single .Miss Barnard will emphatically do. Lou Anger, tbe tierman Soldier, made them laugh from hi* first entrance. Whether Anger I* enough sincerity uf acting lu Mr. Behan's sketch using some of Cliff (kirdon’s material or to make up tor many a sUort-iMmiug in the rest whether G<)rdon Is using some of Lou Anger's of the ahuw. material, the writer doesn’t care to state; but In any event several storli s used by both of I'rumptly at 2:27 tbe orchestra, uoder the di- these Oerman com, dlans bear a striking re¬ rectiuh of Warde Johnstou, klaited the ball roll¬ semblance. Which came first, the egg or the ing with King Broadway, 'ibe Frey Twins, lu chicken? While tbe ma],>r portion of Gordon's tbe opening position uf the vaudeville bill, gave a must pKasing exhihitluu uf clastic pose* and wrestling catches uf the ancient Greeks. These boys waluclng a new number In the no of an Italian street mustclan he was put on Rose evidently was Intended to clinch hi* title aha|>e of a rampaign song and aa pollllrs ate In to folloxv the headlined act and brought the to American elflicnship. Except for the*,, three the air It came |n for an overdose of apprerla audience lip to a point of appreciation not sur- songs there was not a great deal else to explain tion. Tlie act lias Is-en reviewed In th,*«-

    erBonatb>n of Hvi-ngall, (editions two piano mover* who happen to b,- of a lady's toilette. Four pretty and shapely girl* sr,- iKW,-d iip' n xx-ell-palnteil hackg,- un i*, lu the dealh aci-ne of Trllhy, was exceptionally hsndv. .And such piano movers. Neither oik* well done and la «pf a natiin- that the t'nlon the whole being very pleasing to the eye. looks strong enough to move a violin. The Square aiidlencea nexer get enough of. !om<-d,v was well taken care of by the two men atnart Karnes was easily the laughing hit And oh what a reception Lillian Shaw re and the set was well liked. of the bill. HI* talk Is all brand new and Cl Ived. The audience waa not aatlafied at re Gisirge Behan Is back In vandevllle with The handled In the way that only Rtuart Barnes ami celving her regular act. After the iiaiial num- Sign of the Rose, the same sketch used by him Fred Nlblo handle the English language In van b>r of songs bad lieen offered the applause was In The Ileanty Shop, a dainty mnalcal com devllle. i-dlella that la delighting vandevllle goers every¬ (Continued on page SI). (Continued on page 61.) (Con-nued «m page .61 (. where. OF THE WEEK IN NEW YORK CITY

    Colonial Columbia Vaudeville Notes

    New York. «*rt. 12 (K|>eclal to Ttie Blllboardl. New York. »»ct. 10 rSpiclal to The BlIllH.ard>. New York, 0<-t. 11 (Si>ecial to The Billtioard). | Frenoh’s New Si-naatlon. the p;oneer boat — Koough g'ssi things isn't is* said about Liila May Florliie I.Indeu's return to the cast oi Charlea E. Taylor’s The Itarllugs of I’aria la ' ahnw. cloai <1 a very snecessful season of twenty- Glaser assisted hy Thomas D. Itlehsrds and .Mux .Spiegel's College Girls, after three yiars the kind of a burlesque show ptsjple like to see ' five weeks at Kvansvllle. Iml., October 5, hav- Company, who are the hllltopis-ra at Keith’s of life on the billowy waves of matrimony, was au(i talk about. Boiuehow the merits of a ijissl log played all the principal cities on the Ohio a welcume feature Chanlinesa. real comedy. show Beema to have a self-advertising power giKHl acting and splendid staging mark this that works In advance. Monday night's auili- show as worth while. At times the bk threat¬ euce was like a Saturday night throng gathered MAMIE FLEMING ens to le-eome wordy, but with actors like imn to the Unal triumph, instead of an umll GLADYS SEARS Cob man and Als- Ite.vnolds liandlng out the com¬ ence witnessing an introductory i>erformauce. edy lines, actual stagnatloo la impossible. Kverybotly Beemee or cigar. di spite the dlsgiilse. part.s, and merely "strut ami fret their hour showing the everpresent Irish trait, was real ui>ou the stage" until the time for specialties entertainment. Kvery time he encountered .\be ai rives. But a nice little mistaken identity Beyn-dds, rali.d file fun t«*eame the rule of ac plot, with an Insane Dutchman, an erratic irish¬ lion- and iin st tu n t.iev sang .\s Long As The Shamro<-k strange feat, nevertheless, ills lines were not Grows Green. Tin fact that Cob man mad* very hapiiy, but the way he delivereeil the other priuciiials wonderfully and acquaintted the Isianl. <>f oeuirse the usual stunts had to he audience with the fact that they were oiiserv- pulbal off. Including o-nceallng Intoxicating , iug a show- that admitteil of few stops and no Ihiuors in an Ice-water pail and .x couple of pour acting. drunk s- enes. The srenlc equipment of this act . Gladys Sears sang and pranced through the was very g-i.sl and the eoetuines seemed quite lady-lead part with the happy grace that i-.olKirate. But the origin.-il music fell short, as M.aa Flem ng is on* > f v au.levllle’a clevereat usually characterizes the work of a manager's I d d in the tirst l-alf. The s.xd part of it all 1' singing l onieiil. niie« >i*n will Iw aeen shortly I hat l..e i-ouipanv is n-ally cajiable and the book over the Sullivan A O'nsidlne rireult. v.iiild admit of iw end of uevelty songs For - Comedienne with Chas. E. Taylor’s The Darlings li.stanee It IS bad taste for Dan Coleman to of Paris. I-Iill rhat's Wliat They All Say In th- tiiwt half. i will 11 the laitisvn around which the song was written has long since ceasr life as a waa because the least attractive of the song liave been provided with more lines. In fact free attraction in front of the theatres. They numbers baa aometblng to say about that state most of the women wonid have appeared to bet- trio will present something entirely new in of supposed bliss. Anvwsy ‘‘what’s In t namsF’ t*-r advantage if the writers would have g ven | aerial feats, finishing the act with the whirl lie book and it is a clever one, although show¬ ll.«-m more to ear. , of death. ing nothing startlingly original. Is by Raymond TTie days when Joe Field played Hetnle Blanche Walsh, who recently played to tlie Peck, the lyrics by Melville Alexander and the Sehmllx. the cheese magnate opposite George i banner week’s business of the present season mnalc hv Anatnl Frlevlland In order to show Scanlon's tVnnts McFadden surr'*unJ *d bv sn* h ' St B. F. Keith’s Orpheum, Brooklyn, in her that the" offering la a ‘’regular.“ the name of talent as Fanny Brice, who has risen from the new playlet. The Countess Nadine, by Joseph M. R. Rentham Is dked practically solid (vvrdlng to the program Lester Brown cleared the ffstured by ZIegfeld Edith Parfray. now mar for the balance of the season In the I'uited di»e in this number a three weeks’ engagement at the Columbia ormpares very favorably with that of the llUi* with the result that tbs pair bad to respond to Theatre, Toledo. O., ami opened at the Bijou frb'iis pr«y|ecessors and. taking the many a couple of encores. Theatre. Port Huron. .Mich., October 7. for changes the hook has gone thrmigh into con¬ "Daniel Frohman presents ’ means a great deal sideration, there Is givod reason to believe the whether the presentation la for vaudeville or present principals will do honor to the gr* at the 1*'g!tlmnte stage. In selecting IVeteotlve names now gone d"vwn Into history Keen f r the vandevtlle stage Mr. Frohman has displayed an iinlo<'ked for knowledge of what a The costuming of choms and principals is vaudeville audience likes The story of the worthy of comment F.ach number was splen piece has N'en told before In these (xdnmna d dly stag*-d and workid out to the satisfaction Prodneed at Keith’s Cnion Square a short while of the most cTltlral It is really too had the sine* the a*-t la deatlmd to remain In vaude writers of the play were not as enthusiastic as vllle Just about aa long as Its ap.'nsiir and prv* ' the stager, for. with bettor numbers to work dneer cares to have It do po. Since the opening 1 with, wonders could have been accomplished performance a change has tieen made In one of ! (■••liege plays alwavs offer <>pportnnIty fivr the the m< mliera v>f the cast and while there has j Interpolation of rousinc songs and they are oon been m* Improvement in the portrayai of the I splrnous in this rear’s pivdiictlon by their ab character It can n-'t he aald that the value of |s*nie Miss Linden found an opportunity to the art has been lessened in any degree bv th* : change gowns at almost every entrance and change since her taaie is on a plane with her talent, her Fllff G''rdon, the German Pollllcisn. waa th*- recipient <*f an enthusiast'c reieptb*n upon hla entrance. He kept the audience continually In (('nntlniied on page .ll ) WANTS U. B. O. DISSOLVED BIG ACTS ON SMALL TIME

    r, an Excluded Booking Agent, Asks New ^ ork State Prominent Acts Are Said To Be Turning to the Smaller Circuits Allorncy-Gencral 1 o Investigate Methods of the For Bookings, Instead of Waiting On the United Big Booking Agency Booking Offices For Engagements

    New York. Orl. 10 (Special to The Billboard). The petition to the Attorney General la In New York. Oct. 10 (Special to The BIlIboanH small-time agencies, announces that he has —Jack Id*vy. ttu<*ugh hla attorney. Gua Dreyer, adilltlon to the suit brought In the Supreme That not a few of the bigger standard arts of iH-en o.uiimlssioncii by Maude Hall Macey to get four! l*y I evy against the Vaudeville rollectlon rau.Ieviile are very much dlasatlsfled with the has pelllloned (he Attorney General of New York any N>oklngs ara.;lahle for her recentlv prooratlon of the Pnited r. B. O . and tlje acta conalderlng the “bird In way of consecutive work, the act Is now being taintng !M> tier cent for their trouble. This I*vv will attempt to show that the Pnllist the hand" motto are acci'ptlng anvthing In offered to the big small-time at a weekly salary sgreement was aigncil. aceonllng to I/evy, nnder Ibiokliig (MTlrea are directly reaiMinalhl* for a alght. of SI.'Hk), This figure, in all probability, will large eiirtallment of hla Income Inasmuch as duress and he aaks that It he set aside and that Edgar Allen, the booking end of the Allen be shtded when the process of booking has they have eieluded him from doing any business the full amount of rommlaalona paid hy hla acts Epstin corporation, amt among the biggest of reached the later ata^es. to til* oMIectlon agency he paid Into him. In the ottlcea of that eoneern. the New York purveyors of acts to the big (Continued on paRe 31.1 12 Xiie Billboard OCTOBER 19, 1912. THE VAUDEVILLE AND BUR

    Majes! ic Wilson Avenue Palace Music Hall Lincoln

    Cblraico. Oct. 9 (Special to The Billboard I. pecUl to The Bill- i Chicago. Oct. 9 (Special to The Billboard).— Chicago, Oct. 9 (Special to Tbe Blllbuardl. —The bill at the MaJ< atic tbla week diaapitointe boardI.—Again, the Wilson Theatre features for Trke a little good and economical advice: If —Jd.lgiiig from the eulhuklaadc applause of the Henry E. Dlxey heads the bill and forces bis the entire wei-k a headliner which has b en yuu have seventy-five cents In your pocket and large auiilcuce at (he Lluculo Th.-alre, ^londay ■lOiMi drama rand nioiriie down the throats of an seen during this season at the .Majest c Theatre. : want to go to a show with It and yet. have that ev.uiug, Mausger Newklik has agalu succeetle.l audience who feel inclineil to bid him return to Clare Briggs and Sidney Smith. Chlcugo Tribune dollar-and a half fe. ling, on a six bit wallet—go lu plcaaitig h.a patruua. To !><■ aure, Lillian Hary Jane's I'a. and a few who even ro ao far cartoonists, are holding that i>oaltion and as a to the Palace Music Hall. You cannot be dla- Murliuier aud Cuiupaty pla> lUg in Jiuuy, mao as to wish him hack with The Derll, Of all the n suit the bouse has been completely sold out ' appointed. You get more than your money's age to cloae with a dourlah, a rather mediucrv dreary and tiresome bits of variety, the bunch at every pi’rformance to date excepting the worth every time. It la certainly remarkalde bill; and lu Lillian Mortimer mual he given the handed out by Mr. Ilixey Is the limit In Imiwa second show Tuesday night wh n a nasty ralu j that the ho- ker ao cv>nalstently arranged such credit of making a stcond-rale show worm while. sibllltles. He even makes himself ridiculous at proved detrimental to the business. As regular a g<>od program as be baa dotie for the last six Miss Mortimer, beraelf, la exceptionally clever times and bis act la nothinR more nor less than actors, the boys are not a glowing success but ] weiks. In her character of Jinny, she eclipsea by far au cartoon Sts and publ.c idols they are letter As further proeif of this statement, just con- the (our precevdlug acts, aud eaally wint all perfect. Their respective carlism charade a s der that big forty-three peraoned Eternal firat honors. She Is but fairly wyll asslsieu b, are known over the entire country and especially Waltx which Singer Is going to start on a vau her cast, but with her bright, bellicose aud LOUISE GALLOWAY In Chicago, where they are considered the best devllle tonr at bis own Chicago Theatre. This hreexy manner, succe«ds In making one forgei In their line. Mr. Briggs' The l»a}s of Beal production. It will be recall-d, w as first In¬ the week points of her players. Sport, Friend Wife and Kelly Pool, aie really tended for the legitimate stage In musical com- Jinny Is a travesty on the old fashioned melo essential to the digestion of the morning's cof¬ cHly, but Mort suddenly conceived the Idea that drama, written aud constructed by Mlaa Mor fee and cere ala and Mr. Smith's Old Doc Yak It would make a cracker-jack headliner for a Is almost as popular. Manager IJcalxi, of the timer fur laughing puriHWes only. It quite tul vaudeville bouse. Hence Its presentation at the alls Its r.-quirrmeul*. Tbe scene it laid lu a Wilson, announc) a a half doten of the big-time Palsie next week. headliners for ao appearance before the first of small village lu Virginia, and MIsa Mortimer The bill contained a wonderful surprise In the emphatically succeeds lu her portrayal of the the coming year, dainty little two girl act—.Muriel and Frances. "|HK>r while trash." Her characti-riailc South Buah and Pe.vser. acrobatic laugh-makers, Ibeae two little baby ilolla were scheduled t" eru drawl of "Lawdy. Lawdy," never failed to open the show in a clevi r comedy novelty act apfiear In the opening p<«ltloo but they proved which Includes some splendid acrobatic work i such a kninkout at th Monday matinee, they bring forth a laugh. Her antics in the wash tub and feats on the horlsontal bar. The comedy j were dropped to pmedy bus flattering results. Mr. Mack is a past to appear In Simt No. 2. were glv.n Initiatory iness, aud couaequeully show t suuiewbat slow master at the terplsrborean art and Miss Wll homirs. Tills act which ennsista of three act. However, It was fairly receiveil. brothers and a slater. All Old Sk.a'tch, are the Carrie McManus starts the second number with same aa ever. Two years ago they paveled some classiral singing. Her voice Is quite pleas EDDIE MACK AND DOT WILLIAMS the R. ft C. Circuit with aucress and went Into lug and strong hut nothing marvelous. Her burles.|ue last seas. n. How.-ver, they are more ability to slug ragtime Is quite limited, and she at home on the Orpbeum Circuit. Tbe act la has not the knack of getting It over. Mist Me changed very little since Its advent In the U. Manus came hack strong.*r, however. In her third 8. A., but a perfection over their early form number, by singing the old fav.irlte. Coming has made Itself quite evident. Thru* The Bye. At least the aiq.laiise accorded Ellda Morris, singing omi-dlenne and popular this Dumber was much greater than that of the coon fbonter, appeand In the s.-cond spot. She 'o^-oD.l DU ulx-r. which cunslsievl of remlerlng it certainly nifty. When It comes to humping That Freclout Little Thing Calle

    I Julian I Current Attractions 1 CHAS. H. DOUTRICK DIE

    Chicago, October 10 (Special to The Kill Majestic—Virginia Htrncd. The Dance Dream, { Ixiaidl.—Malle .Nelson. Uialliey Uauoils and \V II. Mt. James and Cuiiipany. Olive Uriscoe, Oldest Chicago Vaudeville Agent, Known to Thousands in the Pro¬ company. College Theatre stork favorite, re The Klaou City Four. Wilson Krothers. 0'.Mear turn to tbe Julian again as the headliners Slaters, Harry Atklnaon, and Clara Hallerinl. ' tbia weak. When the bouse reopened threi Palace Music Hall—Tbe Eternal Waltx (big fession, Stricken—Had Been in 111 Health For Several Months, aeeka ago. these two artists, assisted by M n- feature wltb 50 people), Ilert I.eslle and Com¬ tha Koucher, another College favorite bead it pany, The Harvey Family, Carson and Willard. But Condition Was Not Considered Serious the bill. MIsa Uooeber has forsaken vaiide J Francis iKadey and Corrine Styles, Jimmie vllle anil returned to tbe T. C. Uleaaou Coin Liirss. and Josle Rooney. pany at tbe College. MIsa Nelson and 111 Willard, Commencing Monday—Arthur Dunn Chicago, October 9, (Special to The Bill¬ Kanous ap|n-ar Ibis week In a comedy skit the sidewalk where an ambulance was sam- and Co., John and Mae Burke, Rosa Naybon’s board).—Cbarlea H. Doutrick, tbe oldest vaude¬ moued and Mr. Doutrick rushed to a 'lOsiUtai called. Ills Wife. TbIa vehlrlr Is not in Hi. Ulrdt, Hag Trio. Black and Mc('one. Commenc ville booking agent In Chicago, died suddenly near the loop. He was concious and rc-inejteil same class with Tha VtlS. tbe act which they lug 'Iburstlay—Arthur Dunn and Co., Coogan and late Tuesday night. October 8. Mr. Dou- that bis manager. C. U. Lavigne be sent lor. offered at tbe Julian during tbeir nrsi up Parks, .Moulton Trio, Tom .Mabuuey, and the trick baa been in ill bealtb for sevenil .noulli-< Mr. Lavigne reached the hospital at rj:15, but pi'uranee there three weeks ago. This ni w act Vanneraona. but bad not given up bit busluess. He was at -Mr. Doutrick had passed away Just at mid¬ la a tlmr-wurn variety Idea and baa been seen Wilson, Commencing Monday—Thomas Jeffer bis office and atteodiug to business all day night. Charles Doutrick was known to thou¬ here on vatlous orcasbins In tbe aiuall-time sun and Co., Mopiton Trio, CgaD and Parks, on Monday and Tuesday preceding bis death. sands of performeri all over the United States bouses several seasons back, and where Miss loin .Maboney. and tbe Vannersont. Commenc Accompanied bv bla niece. Mr. Doutrick at¬ and nearly every one considered him a per¬ Nelson aiMl Mr. Kanous procured tbi- Issik !• tng Thursday—Thomas Jefferson and Co., John tended tbe vandeTille tbow at tbe Palace Music a mystery. However, their great popularity sonal friend. He was the real tx-nefactor to and Mae Burke, Rosa Naynon't Birds. Bag Trio, Hall Tuesday eveolng Immediately after leav¬ tbe persons in the profession who bad met le- served as an excellent box oBlce msguei for ilie s.ii Black and McCom. ing tbe tiieatre be re<|i]esled bis niece to call a verses through tickness and other mlsforf.iues little noth aide bouse and the scores of frii n Is Apollo, Commencing Monday—Sadie Kna<-II anil taxi. Tbe young lady was gone from b<-r and bis death will be keenly regretted by thou¬ who Blled tbe theatre to rapacity s.eined to Co., Hanliy and Murray. Galvin's Dogs, Mr. and uncle's side less than live minutes and on h^r sands whom be befriended In a time of need. think not of tbe act, but of tbe actors. Mrs. Blessing. DeVern Hadyn and Newman. return found It necessary to summon s'd -Mr. Doutrick was 50 years of age. Tbe show la opened by Musical Wheeler, an Commencing Tliurar quite tbe xylophone artists and by all means de¬ clever specially numbert. and In fart, tec cii served the encores accorded tlieni. to say noth¬ fire art Is rla*s and belongs Just where we ing of winning the "blue rlblion" of the bill Brat ''caught'* It, on (he big tinw. without a close competitor. Tha show Is rbised hr Tha VIcbolt Nrl*«araDCO framlnc a art with Cbarlra Hoottar. Chi in vaiidevtlle on the Cnlted time in the near raif'a whIrlwIiMl Tkillnlat. Tlia art will ba fntora. knonn aa lha I.a Noira Itnia ‘ Mnalral Ktparta. and will opi-n In Chlraan iba firat of Januar.t Mr. I,a Soira will Inlrodura for tha B^at lima RODNEY RANOUS hit lalaat mnalral Inrrotlon, Tha Dj-mfophonr. VIrtor kloora. Kmma I.lltlaflald and rompany hara Inwo hooked hr Alf T. Wilton ta tha haadllnor of tlia oponlnf bill Ort. 14 at tha Daw Colonial Thaatra, I)a.TloD. Ohio.


    Chloagn's oldeal faudeviUa booking agent, who died suddenly Tuesday night. Itctober 8

    , and Brown, Flo Temple and Co.. Irene DeVlne. Haiiilln. Commencing Monday —Kube Wi-lc. and l-orent. an.l Kitty Francis' Big Musical Hevr,e. Kills. Commencing Monday—Walter Reynolde Pla/a IllpiHHlrome, Commencing Monday—.41 and Co., The .Snydaa. Irene I.eVlne, Wilson slid fred the Great, the Man Monk. Joe Bush aiiil Br»'wn. Commencing ThiirsiUy—Sadie Kiisell Abe Saphlro. Janet Louden and Co.. Mack and and Co , Daleln's Dogs. The Reynolds, Garrard 44 illlaiiis. Hick McCoy. Commencing Tbursila.v— and Noble. .4Ifred the Great, the Man Monk, Irving Jon,' and Burt Grant, Pantrer Trio. Wilson Frankl.vn Dn xel. Couiniencing Monday—Flora Train. and Co., Smart and Hall. Eldora and Co. Conlee .SIstera. Commencing Thursilay —Tom Indiana. Commencing Monday—W S. Ilarvev Post. Smith Staters. and Co.. Cocoran and Mone. O'Brien Havel anil Monroe, Commencing Monday—llagar and Sul Co.. Connolly Sisters. Pert>s Bros romim-nclii- llvan Commencing Thursday—lloblnsoo and 1 hiirsday—Howard Bros., Daly and O'Brien, Ben Brown. IWley and Co.. Thomas g S. ahr Hike, Keniia President. Commencing Monday—Robinson and Jsi s Brown, Valerie Berk. Commencing Thurs>la> — Gorman and Ward. Flora Train. THE LANGLEY 0PEN8. Cottage Grove Empress. Commencing Sunday Matinee—The Blniboa, F'ntl and FNa Moiart. Chicago 0,t. I'J (Special to The BIIIN.ardi Cimimatantlal Evidence, John Neff. Tlie lJuakiT —The flrsi IlipiKHlrome for Chicago la known as Glrla, the Langley. It ttirew Its doors open to th** Congreaa. Commencing Monday—Bosalle Rose. I'Uhllc last Saturday night. Octoher I'J Ttie en College FNmr. Elsie Homkohl and Co., Clee Pearl trance Is on Sixty third Slrei-t. but the theatre F'ell. I a Belle and Knox, FTo Jacobson and Clayt Is on I,angle.r .4venue. It Is well equipped In C-sdIdge. Whllniark Trio. every way The ventilation Is by a f.irced air •kcadeni.v. Commencing Morda.v—IHelds and process that |s InstalliHl for the (Irst lime In Fink, llugbea and Tiffin. FVed TIdmarsh. Dalto Chicago at this bouse. The Langle.T plavs pic¬ 1 Fr>i a ami Co. CoinmeneIng Thurailay-Appleby, tures with an iN'caslon.al act of vaudeville. AI Popular stock actor. ap|M-arlng with M Three Aineriran Gyiiales, F'rank and Kale Carl friHl Hamburger is the leading spirit In the Nelson In a dramatic playlet at the Ju toll. Hush and Peyarr, I-Jingley. Eugene Hopson Is manager. Theatre. w>i k of Octolier 7. MOTION PICTURE NEWS CONTROVERSY ENDED GAUMONT-UNIVERSAL

    Between Universal and New York Motion Picture Co.—Universal il in Which Former Sought Admittance to Fold of Universal Will Have Use of Bison and 101 Bison Titles—Kessel Manufacturing Co. Declared Off—Solax Co., Which Also and Baumann To Manufacture Kay-Bee Films Made Application for Membership, Rejected

    New York. Oct. 12 (EiclUBlrtly to The Hill niflcance being K. and B. or Keasel and Baumann New York. Oct. 14 iSpecial to The Rlllboarll. tional Exhibitors’ ConventloD when it was exelu boarilt.—L«*t oi/bt. Friday. October 11, marked films. —The r^gotlatloDs betwe«n the Uaumout Cum lively announced In Tbe Billboard tbs: the<^ 0>e end of the loog-drawD-out controversy Iw- Both parties to the former controversy feel pany and tbe Universal F'llm .Mfg. Company fur bad been started. tween tbe Universal Film Mannfacturlng CoOi well satisfied with the settlement. The Uni¬ tbe admittance of tbe Gaumont and Sulax Com¬ Tbe existence of aucb negn’Iatl >ua have b< rn pany and tbe Blaon or New York Motion IMcture versal Company baa been determined In Its ef panies to tbe Universal ranks were definitely lierslstently denied by bol.i tbe Giiuuuut and Company. forts to retain the name of Bison and secure, cluK-d last week •«b«n tl>e Unlvers.ii Company Universal Cumpanlea beretufore, but It was Tbe aettbment between tbe two companies, a! this as tbe chief Item In tbe settlement. Toe rejected tbe offer of the Gaumnnt t'-oiuiisuv to deHnltely atatisl by Indivliluala n authority en Uijugb binged on a court decision, was wade New Y'ork Motion I’icture Company on tbe otber distribute tbe two brands uf film tl'rt.iig i tbe Saturday of last week that all oTera bad been entirely outside of tbe courts and by mutual band secures Immunity from legal barrasslng of Universal offices. refused. agreement between tbe two. any and all kinds and la left free to manufac- Negotiations have been going un f t serergl Just wbat will develop In *be future can nut Tbe sum and substance of tbe terms of set¬ ture films is In tbe past. weeks, in fact since the date of tbe <'b!eag>> Na Iw stated. It aeenia It la up to ibe Gaurn-’iiit tlement are that tbe New York Motion I'icture Company to make a better offer than any prerl- ous one or ela<- drop the matter entlr-ly. The Company relinquisbes tbe right to use tbe name Bia^in or lOl-liison. that they make a cash CLAUDE R. PLOUGH as|tect at the Universal uffir.a la itut so far as payment to tbe Iniversal Company and that they that company la coucerued tue tlauniont and Solax films will not be released thrmigh It. return tbe sl4ickr and bunds of tbe L'ulversal Company wbicli were originally tendered tb-iii The statements maile on Batii.'d-i.v, Ortolter IJ. were iiiadi- In an effort to g.ve t’le right lin- at the time of the formation of the Universal. Tbe New York Motion I’icture Comiiany r)-tains pre'> on rigsrding an snnoun>'euie.'il Ibi- I'r l Its entire plant on NlneteeiitU Street. New York, Verbal Company bad made relating to an .a- >T'ase In the niiiiilx-r of weeki.v nl im reoa-i-,) and aliu> Its plant anil equipment in California from 21 to 2s films. The Uulversnl I'ouipio) The sett'.eiu-nt was Ciiiisidered between the states that the ouiniit of some of rnmp.iiii.'S two companies shortly after tbe decision of will tie Increased and that a lew liraud, 'I he Judge Itelaney of tbe Supreme Court, on Sep¬ Frontier, will be added to Its r*gra;i4 tember 25. denying tbe New York Motion I’ic- An arrangement lias b- -n nis. of these. The Universal Company was represented In the I lie only liiformatton obtainable at tbe pres settlement proceedings by Jacob Sebeebter of ent time, however, is that present negotiations 10 Wall Street, in conjonction with Waldo G. lietween tile Gauiuont and Universal Coiupanles Morse, tbe Universal Company's attorney. Tui are entirely off and that a new brand of film. The exact amount of tbe cash payment made by tue Frontier, will tm releas<-d by tbe Universal the New York Motion I'ictnre Company to tbe Uni first week In November. versal Company could not be learned, but :t baa l>e*-n stated to be In excess of $20,000. Tbe .Sew Viwk Motion rictnre Company, however, ITALA MANAGEK. feel that the payment of this sum was easily romi>en>au-i| for In tbe saving of money w bii li Tile o|>eulug of the new offii es of tlie llala would have been si>ent In litigation ami in t'.i- Film t'uiupauy (American brancbi, brought fortb freedom and assurance wbicb comes to them 'ii the fart that Agues Kgxo Cobh bad been ap (be production of blms to be made hereafter. polntisl gimral office manager for tbe firm by Messrs, itauman and Kessell have already Harry Kaver. chosen a new brand to be used in plare of tli> llie new offices of the company are on the Bison name although of course tbe same compet. eighth Door of tbe Columbia ‘Theatre Bulhlii.g, ent ftalT of prodmsrs Is behind the new hramt from which all tbe Aiiieriran businesa will Ih- and as soon as the public tiecomes accustomed handled, excejit the distribution of the films, to tbe new Dime smooth sailing la expected. which is dwD throiigbuiit the trade. Her poimlarlty wh'U ALLEGE FRAUDULENT USE OF MAILS. she was Misa Egan grew to auch an extent hat even since assuming the title of Mrs. Cobb she Bt. I’aul, Minn.. Oct F (Special to Tbe Bill is must frequently r»-ferred to aa Mlsa Egan. boardi.—W. 8 i’ickett, manager of tbe Audi¬ Mr. Raver, serretary and treasurer of tbe torium moving picture theatre, here, was ar¬ Auierlean Itala Company, could not have mode rested last Digbt In Stillwater, following < vi a better choice In selecting someone capald' of deace that be was natng tbe malls for a fraiidn- attending to tbe business of tbe (qiinpany during Vent purpose to coonection with bla ibeatr.*. his sbsenc' from tbe office. He Is wanted by tbe Chattanooga (Tenn.( d ci atoo post office Inspection department for alleg.-d fraudulent use of tbe mails. It la charged that while be conducted moving plctnres In Jackson and Monroe, Mis»., be ad- I New York. Oct. 12 (.Special to The Billboardl. ▼ertlsed for treaanrers. requiring a >argc cash —The first product of the Cheyenne FVature Film bond. It la alleged that be skipped with tbe I Company of Denver. Colo., Is scbeilulid to reach rash after a few days of partnership with his New York wllbln tbe next week. F. J. Carroll, vlctlma. vice president and treasurer of tbe concern and J I’. Head. Jr., who la going to attend to ib<- »• Iling end of tbe company's hualnrs«. hsve been D. J. CHATKIN In Colorado for several weeks rsimpletlng pro durtloos wbicb bate been under way all sum mer. The eoinpany's tx-sdqusrtrra ar*> In I>enver while the plant ta situated In Cheyenne. Mr. Bead and Mr Carisdl have been making bur ried trips between the two plares and rushing tbe productions through with all |iose fore the first relesse Is made. Mr. Keail exiiecta to remain In the West for s montb or more, but Is cotHlnrllng bis biisiuess from there and It Is highly pndiahle the releas- log will begin witbln ab


    Mr I’lough is the tiropro'or of the Antl-Trust Film Exehangr. aiid Mcretary of the Milwaukee Film Ex¬ Victoria. Texas. Oct. 8 (Special to The Rlll- change. His unique ailvertlslng methods In oonnactlon with Uie first-named exchange, have galn^ him lh« Itnard).—The case against H. Faust, proprletiw Mibnciurl of "(.dd Man Bprorkrtn." of the I’rlneesa Theatre, rharged wl;ii op<‘ratliig a moving picture show on Sunday in «lurt this m irn ng Early this year notices were servol (•v lh.» rtxi'ily New York. Oof. 12 (Special to The BllllMiurdi attoroi-ys on the pro|irb't■ t 12 (Siieclal to Tbe MllltM>aid'. — Whst prouiiees to be the greatest drawing shows not to o|H>rate their shows -in Sun.liv. card ever sent out In the way of a feature lilin —Trouble over the rights to show The Mlrscle. Tbe picture men. however, contlnU"<1 to give shows on Sniiday wlth«i|t ehsrging .’iiy adinis has Just been anuoun'-e*! by the Ftiivi rsal F'.-a the film priHluclion of Max Itlnehart's ftnious tnrea. It shows tbe real Inner workings of iln- sloD fees ’’Free will" offerings were ireepfed I antomimie play, was brewing thick and fast at Vatican and various ceremonies - ondiK':) <1 o.- Instesd. His Holiness I’ojie I’ius X. the end of last week Ddlowing tbe arrival In Tile entire picture was made nilli Tull i» t .Xiiierica of one of the productions which 1« Iw HOUSTON EXHIBITORS ORGANIZED. mission and under the ssnetion of (lie I’oim-. liig lisnillcil by lh<- New York Compin.v. Catholics in all t>arts of the world. iii.iii\ ->1 Houston. Texas, (til It (Siwrlal t(t The Hill w hoiu iii-\< r have seen or will ever hav • a . ha ; s- .\1. H. WimmIs has the Copyright In Am ri a liiisril(.—.\t a meeting held Sunday, permanent to visit Home will thus l»e brought face t ,”ai-»-. for the dramatic production of The Miracle amt organisation of the motlou picture exhibitors of as It were, with the Holy Father, and i ■ »i!n*«« A. J. Danxiger, president of thi- New Ion. (his city was atfreted. The following officers mm Compaoj, poasesaei tbe only Ainerh-an tlie ss'-red ceremonies within the Et rual ''114 Were elected to serve dnrliig the first term: No film has ever been so rich in or-ucis. nr copyright on a film productloo. Mr. Danxlgi-r is Muince Wolf, president: F. W. Peters, vlre- made so broad an snpeal to civU /.-'d ;-•slpl> not exercising bis right to prev* nt other fil'ii prcsldent; I’anl Harrari, aecrvltry, ami W. Gel througbont tbe world sa this one. productions from entering the cisintry. \ H big m-aanrer. WiumIs has taken some steps toward t>r< vent Mr. Dausigi-r bringing In his flliiis. however MOTIOGRAPH STARTS FRISCO BRANCH. WiMsis has iM-en unsuccessful In all attenipls The Royal Theatre. Dayton, (thin, was dam so far and if he continues to attack the Danslgcr aged to the extent of $1,(t(i(t. October S, when Hr. Cbatkin has been appointed manager of Chicago, Oct. 12 (Special to The Hillboanlt. film a lively battle l« ex|>ected some films exploded. W. It. Kiefer, oi>erator. She Dea Molnea office of the Laemmie Ftlm —L. A. Woodward, manager of the Enterprisi- The liHHicness of the ro|iyrlght law in America wax slightly burned. Service. He baa gained thonsandg of friends Optical Company, manufacturers of the Motio has g1vi-n rliw- to a wide range of opinion as to during bis association with tbe business and bis graph machine, returned from a month's trl(i (he different rights ami privileges of both psrtics past connections make It evident that hla present through the Western states. During his stay in tbe controversy. The mskers of the New undertaking will be handled capably. Fils abll- In FTIsco be opened a branch which will b< York Flltii Company's pmdiirtlon have s-u-iiro I OTHER FILM NEWS ON Ity as a manager baa been thoroughly demon opened very sixtn under the management of Mr. exclusive rights In Germany altbongb the flliii atrated. while nis aggreaslveness and ambition Kemp who baa been associated with various has been forbidden to lie shown by the Govern assures the sncceaa of the enterprise he la en¬ branches of the motion picture Industrv in the iiicnt on account of the subject Itelng sironglv PAGES 42 AND 46. tering Into. West. argninentative for th<- Catholic Church. OCTOBER 19, 1912. Xtie Billboard 16 FAMOUS PLAYERS CO. SOLVES PROBLEM

    New Policies and Original Ideas Being Put Into Effect By Monster Film Company Insure Exhibitors the Opportunity of Securing Graded Film Service Hereafter—Many of World's Greatest Dramatic Stars To Have Their Stage Triumphs Perpetuated in Moving Pictures

    The inevitable ha.s come. The mo¬ who handle films Just a little better was soon decided that none of the motion picture theatres, when for tho tion picture industry has reached the than the regular releases, which the studios in the country which could same price, or perhaps one a little stage wliere the exhibitor can select exhibitor can obtain and charge be rented would suttice for the big higher, they can see the big produc¬ a show which is in keeping with the f>rice8 slightly in excess of those productions the concern had in tions and big stars in which and tastes of his audience and the class charged for regular releases. mind. Consequently the new' loca¬ through which real dramatic art 1» generally of his patrons. The Famous Players Company is tion was chosen and new equipment to be found?” It ha.s been a problem for some not offering one production alone. selected. The entire roof of the Mr. Zukor seems to be even more time with exhibitors to secure any se¬ They have invested thousands of dol¬ building was changed into glass, so enthusiastic about the general de¬ lection in tllms, all of the three pro¬ lars, and are in the business to stay. that in good weather it will be pos¬ velopment of the moving picture grams obtainable being nearly One fact which proves conclusively sible to work without the aid of ar¬ than he is about the Famous Player# alike in character and quality, and the stability of the organization is tificial light, sunlight being so far Company. He speaks of his plan of the small, low-priced house being that contracts have been signed with .superior to the former that the ex¬ posing the famous players, not so able to obtain the same makes and stars, the fulfillment of which re¬ pense of the glass roof was over¬ much as a money-getter as an uplift brands, and even the .same film pro¬ quires a period of two years before looked. to the stand rd of the picture show. ductions that any other house could. all those stars signed up have been The dressing rooms, both those of He seems to be more anxious that the This condition has been alleviated placed in productions and the pro¬ the stars and the supporting com¬ public realize the value of motion to a large degree by the introduction ductions filmed. pany, were constructed fully as good pictures, and that it be treated to the of large productions by the Famous A. ZUKOR RESPONSIBLE FOR as those found in large theatres, and best which can be had, than that it Players Company. While the present CONCERN. of course far superior to the average should regard his company as one motion picture company’s dressing program of films which this newly or¬ Behind the whole organization which is putting a new impetus Into ganized company is offering goes a room. the game. stands the figure of one of the mo.st long way toward supplying the im¬ Mr. Zukor states that none of the “As an exhibitor and as one of the succe.ssful amusement men to be mediate demand for productions stars he has under contract will find first exhibitors of moving pictures,” found in the amusement field. Mr. outside the regular relea.ses, the im¬ says Mr. Zukor, “I can fully realize A. Zukor, who, by the way, was one the least item to complain of when portant fact which comes to view is the wants of the more progressive of the first exhibitors of moving pic¬ he or she enters the studio of the that the concern has taken the first tures in America, is at the head of Famous Players Company, and the exhibitors of America and the desire ordinary objection to playing in the of the public for good pictures. 1 step toward the establishment of the company. pictures will be entirely overcome. gratled productions; that is, a supply Mr. Zukor is president of the Fa¬ want the best that can be had for our productifjii.s. My own experience in of films to suit the cla.ss of different mous Players Company and organizer The scope of the productions to be houses. offered by the Famous Players Com¬ having to close up several shows for of it. Over a year and a half ago Not only is the price of rental on pany will include, not alone the fa¬ he conceived the idea of creating a the want of good pictures allows me the Famous Players productions pro¬ company which would pose the pop¬ mous stars in the same productions to .«ymr'*.thize with them. hibitive to the small exhibitor, but ular stars in the same productions in they have played in previously, but “I began my career in the amuse¬ the company actually forbids the ex¬ will also include new productions ment business as an operator of which they had become famous, or hibition of its films in small or sec¬ productions which they had made fa¬ never before heard of but enacted by penny arcades. This was nine year# ond-rate theatres, thus protecting the mous. He worked on the idea until a stellar oast in every instance. ago. I soon got into the picture ex¬ larger houses from a repetition of Mr. Frohman now has under way hibiting bu.siness thru the me¬ about a year ago, when he interested program. dium of Hales Touring Cars, a pro¬ Daniel Frohman in the project, and the arrangement of a scenario which The film business is thus put on the Famous Players Company was is well-known in no\el form but ject whereby the public was enter¬ the same ba.sis as the dramatic end which has never been dramatiz».d. tained with travel and scenic pic¬ started. of the theatrical business. The S2 I When this is completed the play will tures while seated in an imitation Mr. Zukor, having been an exhib¬ show, the $1 show and the lower- be produced, some one or other of railroad coach, which was made to itor himself, saw the need of a va¬ priced show now find their counter¬ rock and sway like an ordinary rail¬ ried program, and realized that it the stars now under contract being road coach would when moving rap¬ part in the $1 picture show, the 10c, was the high-class production which po.sed in the leading role. idly. The front of the theatre was 20c and 30c exhibition and the wa.s lacking. To the establishment Mr. Zukor, as might be expected, also made to resemble the observa¬ straight 5 or 10c house. of a concern which could produce can see only the brightest future for tion platform of a moving train. The It is indeed an amazing fact that high-class dramas, he lent his best the Famous Players Company. He the better class of picture houses has endeavors. Shortly after Mr. Frohman is not without warrant for this view, novelty of this device interested the been adopted so unlver.sally when no entered the scheme. Mr. Edwin S. however, as already, he states, he has public to such an extent that within a few months we had established de¬ definite program could be obtained Porter, formerly director of the Edi¬ been approached by a New York vices of this kind in nearly every for exhibition. There has been little son and Rex Moving Picture Com¬ dramatic society, which wishes to ob¬ open-air amusement park in the to attract capital toward the large panies, also entered and became chief tain copies of the productions the moving picture theatre enterprises country, our company alone control¬ technical director. company makes in order to preserve when small Investors could reap the Mr. Frohman is general director the work of the stars now living. ling the rights to use the novelty in same profits, or nearly the same, by of the company's productions, and Mr. Zukor has agreed to furnish the twenty-five states. “I then became a regular exhibitor giving the same, identical show the has full charge of arranging the scen¬ society with this copy, and the so¬ and succeeded in establishing a chain larger house offered. Of course, fea¬ arios for each play. He has several ciety has agreed in turn not to show of picture theatres. At the formation ture films of all kinds helped to make directors who work under his super¬ it except at private exhibitions and of the Loew Theatrical Enterprises, I a distinction between the picture . but he himself outlines each never for pay, and, in fact, at no joined all my houses to that concern, theatres, but there was no definite production and is responsible for its time except with the consent of the supply of these, and there never has and have since been a member anl dramatic value. star and also the Famous Players director of the company. been any sort of arrangement made Mr. Porter is chief technical direc¬ Company. “About a year and a half ago, I for booking the features. Another tor. and at all times confers with “Think what an opportunity it will conceived the idea of forming a com¬ thing, the previous features were of Mr. Frohman in order to secure the be,” says Mr. Zukor, "for people of pany to produce bigger and better sensational value only in many in¬ proper coloring in the costumes and one hundred years hence lo see the pictures, and offer something to the stances or contained some special ad¬ the proper photographic advantages wonderful Berrhardt actually in the exhibitors of the country which would vertising feature which Incurred no .so neces.sary to a successful film pro¬ same productions .«he became fa¬ warrent them establishing large and Inherent worth in the film. duction. The arrangement of the mous in! Think what It will mean finely equipped motion picture Of the few feature films which studio and the general technicalities to people of the next generation to houses which would show films ex¬ have been of high order and some of it are also entirely under Mr. Por¬ see other stars of the present day in clusively. To this end I thought out played with prominent .'tars in lead¬ ter’s charge. actual life before tnem, when the the plan by which the Famous Play¬ ing roles, none ha ; be< n a part of a The company has recently equipped star has perhaps died r passed into ers Company is now operating. I regular program, and each exhibitor, at Nos. 211 to 229 West 26th Street, fame! shortly Interested Mr. Frohman in when appro.nched for hooking, could New York City, what is said to be "Think what it would mean to peo¬ the idea, and he thought so well of not be impressed with the fact that tho largest and most handsomely ple of this ; neratlon uld they see it that he entered the company. Mr. the agent had any reputation at stake equipped motion picture studio in the Booth or Barrett in some of their Porter was then interested, and he or that he was going to do anything United States. It is entirely new, no famous productions. And then con¬ became a member. but get the biggest possible percent¬ other concern ever having useil the sider what it will mean to coming age of profit, and then drop out of location for a studio, and is equipped generations to see Sothern and Mar¬ “I have given the larger part of the booking business. throughout with the most modt-irn lowe, or even Georgie Cohan in the my time to the project since its Incep¬ Likewise the manufacturers of appliances. The floor space is 100 plays which pleased father and like- | tion, but I feel that this and all the feature films, ns well a.s the owner of by 200 feet, all of which is entirely wise grandfather. j money I have invested in it were well spent. We are going at each and every the rights on a particular state, have unobstructed by posts, pillars or sup¬ “The most appealing part of our never been marketing more than one ports of any kind. There is room program in my estimation Is the fact angle of the game in the most thor¬ or two films, nntl were not definitely enough for twelve sets without the that we can present a two-dollar star ough and exacting manner. Our and Anally established In tho manu¬ least Interference between any two. or a two-dollar play to the audience studio and our first production speak facturing business. Of course there Much time and thought were given who can pay but twenty-five cents for that. We have lineti up a num¬ have been companies who make re¬ to the establishment of the studio, admission. Why should educated ber of men throughout the country leases from time to time at almost and it was Anally decided that the people and 'ople of go d taste, who as state-right buyers whom we ex¬ regular intervals, but these concerns only way to obtain perfect results can not afford the big dramatic pro¬ pect to keep. We retain .an interest have been making their appeal to was by the use of a perfect studio. duction every week, be content with in all the films we sell, thus enab’ ng exchangemen and regular purchasers In accordance with this decision. It the ordinary pictures offered in small (Continued on page 46.> OCTOIER 19, 1912. Songs Publishers Are Boosting

    Mocking Bird Rag Somebodys Coming Tb (KriMB Duic.>

    f sM SR RH M IS m H M m |l ffl iiK 1 n 11 Sf'f-3-f. r. i :4^ 1 ^^SSRHI ■ >la> . la' — Ob tur lka> 1 .1 -; .l-'l 3= ^4=i P- -5 n ‘f-j

    1 1 I tf#- • i.f < f! iff f 1

    If * - ^ ^ - ^ f 1 r fit 1 «r> mf Maiwmi’t M Itw poc twe ii* .r'i 1 ^ • fi A \ i i S i ' f IK hr p Wi

    PublUkert—Glover Muelo Pub. Co., Coluabuo. 0.

    fublleboro—Joroao H. Roalek 4 Co.. Ill W. 4l(t SL. Now York City. 17 OCTOBER 19, 1912. Xtie Billboard

    Readers’ Column HERE AND THERE. J -A//A By Guy Wcadick.

    WuntfHl of («olllt with Kilnionton, fan. Acta leaving M S. AK t'aniHii, In rare of The Metro- Wlnnlliei? make these two towns on their way IHilliaii 0|MTa t o., N«-« V*rk i'll}’. l^fche'5 1 to S[iokane, Wash. The bills so far presentevl + have more than iileaseil Calgary anillencea, and A. KIuk HaiCKot Ih atlll asi«x'laloreaeul conelmivsl another successful tour of the Or- addreaa of Jatk Martin, known alao aa Texaa ing—that Is. all save one. pheum Circuit, and Is at present doing his Jaik, laat heard from in Uhlo. Ilia mother la There is an Irreverent. gracele.s.s chap among them, named Robbins, clever specialty with the Blanche Ring show, .\ Wall Street (Ilrl. aii'k and dealria to hear fn>ni him. Addreaa who respects not flod, man nor the devil. l.lxxle Dillon, UU4U WaahiuKtou Avenue, Chi + % C1.KU, 111, When Dr. Dowden returned recently from a tour of European hospital.-i, Otto Kline, who won the championship in the he thought to Introduce a custom which obtains abroad. There the phy¬ trick anil fancy riding contest at The .Stamiiede, has returned to vaudeville with tlie Western act T. M. A. MOTES. sicians and internes all wear white. Linen, coat.s, trousers, even shoeti callevi ’’Che.venne Days.” Lucille Mulhall la also with the same act. Contrary to some re- The rrKiilar monthly meet.UK of l‘r>vldence are always immaculate. (Mirts. Miss Mulhall was not defeated In a la¬ K. 1., Ixalge No. lu, T. M. A., waa held In He ordered the apparel. His idea of instituting an Innovation was to dles' steer roping contest at "The Stampeile,” Keith'a Hall, Sumlay night, Detuber d 12. A lead the way. When it came to donning it, however, he happened to think for the simple reason that there was no ladles' Urge ami euthuaUatlc number of membi-ra were steer roping contest held there. Miss Mulhall preaeut aud bualueaa of much Imi'Wrtance waa of Robbins, and was seized with misgiving. The more he thought, the roi>e,01)0.00 worth more I lay tbeatrea or vaudeville t.me during the com¬ miles. of si>ecial paintin a. ing aeaaon. the remainder of the ahow going to It is a revi, broadcloth coat, redder than the reddest red flannel ever seen. w Inter uuarteia in St. Louia, Mu. Mr. aud Mra. Kellx Klvard, connected with It has greer lapels and brass buttons. It is so loud and noisy that you Ell. Boreln, the notinl cowboy artist, of Cal¬ the C. K. Haradln Tent Show, celebrated the can not sleep In the same room with it. Like red pepper, it makes the eye.s ifornia. was also there with an exhibit and alxteenth anniveraany of their marriage on also met with gooil auccess In the sale of hla September 'M. The affair waa fittingly cele¬ water. works. Mr. Borin has at the present time a brated by tlie entire company connected w.th the I enjoyed the planning of this coat, I enjoyed the trying on of it, and studio at No. 13S W. 42d Street. New York C. K. Haradln Show. City, where he la at home to all Weaternera who 1 enjoyed the final fitting and inspection of the finished garment. It was come that way. lucky 1 did, for no sooner was it delivered than I thought of this person 4» STOCK COMPAMY MOTES. Zack Miller, of the 101 Kanch, has a deal on Robbins. now where he may dlsisiae of a herd of pure¬ Cbarlea I.eaby, Homan ring artiat. baa juat I have not enjoyed anything since. bred buffalos to the Canadian Government. cloaed playing the paika and faira through New Knglaud aud haa joined tbe Uuftle Stuck Com¬ What once bid fair to be a Joyous week of golf and gladness, now looms 4» pany In which he will aaaume varloua parta In ahead of me as a nightmare of dread and apprehension. Senor Estevan Clemento attended "The Stam- conjunction with bia regular act. pe

    BALTIMORE. MB. Hob. rtK. LeC'laire and Sampaon. Harmon and bia father. Mr. K(»He expect* to return again to the lienyer people feel eapeciallj favor**d by , !- Mal<^ouib. IbtlHTt Hall. John aod Mae Burke the Mill City In the near future. j visit from this great band. Cbriftie MaclX^nalU in The Spring Maid U Murray K. Hill, and Wood’a AuimaU. J. L. Varoess. a theatrical agent, who formerl> i The Al. U. Barnes Circus playeil a two daya the attraction at the Aca>ieiny of Music lUis WILL J. FABl.EY. occupied offices In the Northwestern Building of t*K*£**meni In l>enver, Octob^^ 7 and S. to Thf spacious lobby is <4Uite picturcsqu this city, was arrested In Chicago, the week of large audteocea at each perfoimaD<‘e. in its gorgeous decoration in honor of the event September 'jy, on complaint of Miss lth<»da Ho The Broadway Theatre after a run of threo as it i;. the op* DtnK week of the regu.ar reason. HOT SPRINGS. ARK. cbelle, formerly of &.T Vine Street. St. I'aul. but weeks Of the Carnegie Alaska 8lb«*rlau pictures. The lobby couc*erts, which were an innovation now residing in Chicago. .Miss Ho<'helle atatetl op*‘n*^ the Wi*ek of Octob*r 14 with James K> last M'ason, will be continued all this M'ason. that she banded Varneas a manuscript of a play Hackett, In The Grain of Duat. . The Frineeas Theatre oiiened for the season, Managtr Tunis K. l>ean has very advance ideas entitled. Strength of Character, and ll.V) In The AudiDirtum will have The Secret of SeptembiT do, to capacity at every performance in Conducting a UKulern theatre and the uietro SepieintH- I rash, with the understanding that he would ar Susanne, October 21 21, with members of the politan atmosphere about the th.-atre is very ap- Thisihis popularpop theatre pla>a the Interstate time booking highhfJh clasM^^^acts^*class acts. The followingfoll'owdue acti range for the production of same, in accordance Chicago Grand OlHra C-ompany parent which ia much appreciated by the patrons, booking • I’“'h M» D^w.,,Vr .dvertlt.-tiient*. which tr.n. The l-.nt.gr. Ihe.tre 1. h«.lD* This house has improved Immensely under Mr. '*ere on J^hSln ind here In Noeember. 1»11. He iince the opening of tU* fall aewn I utllng Dean's regime and its beauty and euvironm. ut auu oeii,. Zelaya,/:.eia«a, ^UDUiKiaJobntKin andana Hendrick.iieoarira, Itotbikuu . - . . I.-1, .1 . .•. /• ^ in on some «aapvvery goodiriMw4 attraction* each we^k makes it very attractive to the public. "****well K^,wn«. The bill changed October 3. a. O*-' f~“> “?? *mK ' JULIA.N UKLUKR. Serg.-ant Martin Hudel, fotmeriy a patrolman follows:fullowa: Flory and Mack. Gray Slatera. Ted (hlcago by Miaa Kochelle He will be tried her.- _ for obtaining money under false preteniw-a ami staliontHl Dear Ford's Opera House, and who was (iibsonGlbM.n aand Couipany, Charles Kenna, and Botb- local detectl«-a have already left for Chicago to SEATTLE. WASH, Well acquainted with road managers and mem w'ellwi-11 BroBrowne. The following acta were well re- ..r.i ...luBiu.ru WHO roau inanagera ana ujein .'.""u.-, .uc ..ri. .r- bring him h...kback tnto thi.this ..It.city. ' b.rs of the profession, was taken suddenly 111. c.-lved: Botbwell Browne. Charles Kenna, and ''O;, OctolM-rtfW't/aftwa.p 3,'r andanal collopaedawiii..._.1 on ww,the street.e_ Hext^ was VealMTuZelaya. C. F." ■ Stark,^isra, repre**repreB.ntatlTe Diaii of the Esaanay i{„«.lie Knot In Helena Bltcblc’a Awakening. Film .Manufacturing Company of Chicago, la at „ Metroiiolltan. Baby Mine, at the .Moore, went home In an amhulaiK^. He cxpecta to re J. Frank H.ad. the well-known manager, will turn to bis duty In a few weeks. devote bis time looking after the Auditorium Lug.-ue Kernan, manager of the New Lyceum Tbeatr.- the coming season. Thla theatre plays Theatre, in Washington, w'ho died October 4 at one-night stands. The hookings for the season the George Wasbington Hospital In W'aahingtoii, are excellent and the biggest season Hot Springs for life at the County Fair at lanby. Ore., was was juried In this city Monday aftermion, Octo- has ever bad Is predicted. city, parka, boulevards, etc., and tbe city ball. her 7 Mr. Kernan was a brother of James L. i...,.. i . . .u si-rlously lnjur>-d September 3S. He was taken Kernan, the vet.-ran theatrical manager of Bal * LV”*", "** •PPO*“^ manager of the Manager L. E. Lund re-opened bla Isis The to the ilregon City Hospital for treatment. I'rlncesa Theatre at a recent meeting of the atre. Saturday evening. 0<'tober 5, after baring timore, whom he vlalti-d quite frequently. A ^***^*i'^^.hi** .f nieeting of the George T. Hoomln< nt citizens of Ihis city, li*Is about SOd.SOO. It Isis a g^>undgMund floor theatre. The •nalHon to the motion pie f„r , y,.,r_ bat severeany. which Bailey aud tlent and took the situation very good naturedly. I was too amill. Tbe new front la very attractive Mitchell are organizing for tbe Seattle Th.-atre. Metropolitan Opera Houae (L. N. Scott, mgr.) Salvation Nell, the great success of Mrs. Flake, 8VL>AN SCHENTHAL. with a beautiful entrance. LAWKENCE JEAN RINALDO. Tbe Llttleat Rebel, with Ouatln Farnum. week has been chosen to Introduce this ci'Uipany of players which Inclmle Dwight Meade. Viola ' ~ I>-acb .Marie Baker. Claire Sinclair. Nlsble How- 8T. LOUU. MO. _ ard. Mable Darraiigb. John C. Livingstone. James , . - THE MUTT AND JEFF AGENTS OFO ■ THE ABORN GRAND OPERA CO. tJuy I'alier. Clifford Thomiison. Will Croas. Al with the closing week of our annual fall Watson. Koacoe Kama, It y Collins, J. McNulty feativitlea. the world's haaeball aeriea on and ^ . II a I ' Frederick Harrington. the visit of Governor Wilson we are alTordid Announcement waa made. October 3. by J. W. plenty of excitement, and are all Ic g<»>d amusi-- Fergusiin. manager of tL.* Weuatch»-e Theatre, at Wenatchee. Wash., that plan* have la-en drawn The annual Veiled Fropbel parade, which and financial arrangements made for the erection brought every possible visitor from tbe sur \a ^ of a three story theatre with full basement on rounding towns, proved to be the .‘.,st in iioiiit the corner of Wenatcliee Avenue and I'alouse of beauty of any that baa traversed our streets w *» j a Street. The new theatre will l>e m-slern In ever.v tn the last five years. The theme being fc-«iig T5g "" reat>ect and will have a aeating capacity of and po»-try gave plenty of chance for effect whicli W* f \ l.KKl. The old theatre at the corner of Columbia was iitiliaed to the fullest extent. The annual \\ ^ ' and Paloiise Street will become a vaudeville atxl automobile show at Forest I'ark HIgblauils is ^ moving picture bouie. proving a big success. The hydro plane races LEM A HHOKTRIIHJE upon the river la only another feature that has \l w cauaeii much interest. The local theatres are \l \ profliing by these counter attractions as they \ I ^ TORONTO, ONT., CAN. all o<-<-ur in tbe day time leaving the evenings \ \ \ open for these attractions. \ \ 1 Week of October 7 waa a big one In local It la announced that U. E. Russell, w ho has ^ * ^*** amusement eventa At tbe Koval Alexandra been a manager of Imperial. Forest I'ark High j Monday night, William Faversbam pren.'nted lands and Ameriran ‘Theatres here, will leave tbe premiere of bla great production of Jnllua this city during the coming week to take up Caesar to a crowded houae and tbe asroe acored the booking for Talbots' Hi|ipo'1 utmost confidenc'e of seeing only the best. Thi-n. .jj \ '1/ General of Canada, and presenl<-d the wriginal Dave, let ua wish you every auecess and bappi- .jrK |( score to the lady with hla autograph attached ness In your new venture and may we but ask / U 1 IJ Tbe composition waa performed Monday night oae favor, and that la that you do not forget /■ TT rkci. —5 I at tba Arena. ua here that esteem you so >uis office a visit during tbe past week. | _ > ler T> e >. VTjj L I f«»vraham. In Jnllua Caesar. 7 15 WALKEK. SttS I Princess B. Sheppard. mA » Tbe Pink rejMirtlng that tbe season has been fairly good. ■ Tlfl \9/4 to. 3 I lady 7 12 * and that they will try and make next season 1 1 l.W.J 10X101* M.WHext( ' I Grand tA J Small, mgr) 'n.nratoo 7 12. better than this In the class of their attric- | •Jot**- i M W Uexter, buaineaa agent with tbethe Engllab Grandrand DperaOpera Compan),Compan,. and R H. Dewey.l>ewey, „n«lgeneral ,2 ' Ed Jessop la a visitor In St. I.otila for the last I press repreaentatlv,repreaentatlre of lhathe Abom euterprlaea.euterprlaca. Hbes's ploye«» Dur Roj^buds. we, k of 13; The Cherry Biusaoms. Star (I)on(Don F. Pierce,Preree mgr ) Jardin De Paris The Century Theatre opened Its doors for the l‘‘g the evening i>erformance Are started in a week of 20 GirlsOIrla. 7 12 a.-aw,n on October «. and manager Care again pile of rubber mats and hose In the sub bsHemeni Shubert Theatre (A. G. Balnbrldge. Jr. mgr.) Gavetv (T R Henry mgr) Beaut v Youth la at its bead. The Only Son waa the attraction. box office aud smske began to pour Into Brady Money, we, k of 13; A Modern Eve wc-k and Folly 7 12 Harry Wallace, who baa assumed the man the thi-atre, but tbe |>erfurmauce was kept go of 20. ’ JOSEPH OIMBON. ag. nient of tbe American Theatre here, will l>e lug on and altbougb a few of tbe audience be Cnlqne Theatre (Jack Elliott mgr.) The Macy the recipient of many congratnlationa upon his came alarmed and left. Manager Gallagher an M'Klela. Virginia Grant Eva W'eatcott and Com Hla auccesaa at Havllns Theatre t*«unc,-d from tbe stage that tbe waa not danger pane. Jacol*' Doga. Don Carney White and DETROIT. MICH. and Wear End Heights Theatre mak>-s him an *“<1 ‘be firemen were extingulahiug the OreOre. Travers, and tbe light as day picturea. week of able aiic-e-isor to Dave Rua>«‘II. which waaas done in a few minutes with only a 13. Kitty Gordon. The Beautiful. In Victor Her- Captain Blchards paid St. I/>nIa a visit thla alight damageimage to the building. Tbe audience re OrpbeumOrpheum Theatre (G E Raymond, mgr.) Iwrfa T)ie Enchantress la at the Detroit i>i>er»i wMk and la taking a.ime new fronts with. ^ him_ uiain,-d qub-llyjub-lly In their oeataea-ata and no one waa tn Mrs.rs. IxMilsIxmls JamesJam<-s and Comiiany, MiasMlaa Ida EulleiFuller lloiioe He reports a g,«d aea-ion. and Company, High Life Trio. Martin Johnson's John Cort'a C. O. D.. with a great cast. Is at When G,-orge E. U*‘no's Misfit Army appeared Travelogu,-a, Bobbe and Dale, the Thre.- lire the Garrick. Olympic (Walter Sanford, mgr.' Week of at the I'niqu,- Theatre, the week of September mens. Robert lieMont Trio, and tbe daylight Ov,-r at the I.rceum we have a very much Oct 14. Naz'mova in The Marionette* ;.H. it wa-, shy on,- member of the act. tbe first plvturea. week of 13. Detroit show Norman Hackett. a IViroDer. Century (W. D Cave, mgr • Week! of O't.O. t half of the we. k In tin- i>erson of Bessie Keuo. Miles’ Hlp|>o,lrom,- tW. F, Gallagher, mgr. 1 Is the star of Hstan SsndcrB.'n and the pec* 14 Channcey Oleott Ir, The Isle O’ Dreams•ains. who was taken til at Milwaukee and did not loin Mortimer and 0>mpany. In Jinny, and was written by Jsme, o Murfln. Mrs Kirk .Sliiibert I Melville Stolfz. mgr.) Weekk of Oct. the act until the ,-nd of the week, when she other big acta. we,-k of 14. It Alevsndi-rAlevsn<|i-r and Kirk B Alexander sllall of 14. Bnntv Pulls the Strings. came on from that city aud pr,>ca^eded on the whom mak,- “slow town" their hp,-ncd In iH-n f< r< nee Coliiiiihla (Harry Buckley, mgr.)mgr ) Week of ***** burlesque, at present being off,-red al the Star ver, Saturday. Octolier 5. la one of the finest In The Gsvety which Is Ih-trolt's newest thea¬ Oct. 14 Charley Grap,-wlne. TTolo olo. Ed Wvnn and I'bcatre of that city. An Eastern syndicate has the West. It la tirllllantly lighted by .5.(SMt |u tre ha* The Knlrkt-rborkers Edmund Rua«on, Stewart S!«ter*.sters Hookln*Hooklns am' b-as.-d the theatre and will o|(,-u same under new (and,-scent llglila on the outside of the tbealie Ovi-r at the Western Wheel Ho,is*-, the .kv.'niie Axt'II. The Rial*. Wilson* Com.sly Circus and ®" Octol.er 19. under tbe name of alone, and la built of glittering white brick Theatre Que.na of the Kollles B.-rgere are doing motion pletiire*. the IlipiKMlrome aud offering popular prie.sl van to r<-l1eet the bright lights. tw.i a day. d,-vllle. Million i,ictnr,-s will l>e an imtsirtant I.a,Salle (Opnenheimer Bros., mgr.) Week of This theatre will seat 2..TOO persons comfort Tl,.- T.n,ple and Milea TTiewtri-s are )»dh bli) Oet. 14. The Girl From Toklo. feature of the new entertainment. Thla theatr,- ably, and cost $::i«i.(MMl t<> build, (ine of tli.- ding for busln.sa with verv goal vamlevllle Gavetv (Chas Walters, mgr.) Week of Oct. »Hs formerly o|>eral,-d In conjunction with tli,- f< atures Is a nieelranicsl c.intrivance known a* tnia. 14 Ghv White Way Burleaqner*. Dewey Theatre, of .MlnneaiKilis, Isilh of the-. a ’‘must'a< unit.” which la said to comprise At the Famllv National, folumbla and Cadll standard d.eo Relehenhach. mgr.) Week of I*:.’!”*'? having le eu ttie home of tbe Western every Instrument known lae Thealri-s. vaudeville and plf’ures are the Wheel burlesque in seasons past. bllla I 0<-t 14. Follies of the Day Ritrlesqners. TTie ib*'atre will show tbe Mutual Com(iaoy Hippodrome (Frank I.. Talhof. mgr., Week Harry Koae, the well-known local baritone, films exclusively. A new atunt to thla town to pa-V the matinees wss spninr si the Miles la*t w. ek bv the art of Oet. 14 Maxim’* Model*. I.askey'* Six Ho who baa lM*<-n singing the Illustrated song* for After an Interval of twelve years, the C. S. tsis. Booth Trio Taylor and Brown. Allan. Car¬ Manager I*. K. Lund, at tbe lala, Seville and Marine Band visited Denver Sunday. (icIoIst knownlo.lTr **as the Itutan S.inr Bln)* BabT IVirothv ter and .411t*. Musical Ellison* and nlrtures. Princ-S* Thealws left Mlnn.-aisiMs. Tii.aday ,-v.- 0. giving two coocerts-one In the afternoon an., It,dan of.s- the . act on Fridav arterie»«»n w,-nj out amongst the stMlenco. and selee|,-das Isdv whom King* (Cba*. Crawford, mgr.1 Week of Oet. ning. 0< t.dM-i h. for El Paso. Texas, where be the olh. r In the evening at the Auditorium. The . she thought a handson,e. hisek vel-et hst would <1. .M .kbbofr. Five Columbian*. Bernard and waa Cill.-d on aerount of the serious llln.-aa of Auditorium waa paek.-d at both concerta and "l.t p^ome most beeome The tat was tr1,Hm. ,1 by Mr.


    I OCTOBER 19, 1912. X ti e B I 111> o a r <1 19 American Cities Foreign Amusement News

    llutaD. bead of tbr cumpanj, «bo fur jcari wa« Sc em like the Grand without tha-se two gentle « taiuoiu UesiKUvr uf wuuifa'i baU and tbe mea. orlflDatur uf Kutan’a amart bat abup In 1‘blla Creasy and Bayne. In their own creation m PARIS dflpbla. Ulfifd witb a One alto Tulr«, be were at tbe Urpheum Theatre for two weeks and | cave up tbe aillllQerjr bualoeaa fur the atage in tbe aecund week of Uctober 6, there was a 1 Tbe Great John Ganton. which was produced What’s all this talk going tbe rounds of the Tile act pruvcd tbe beadlmer laat aeek at tbe teunlon after tbe show of old-time friends here. boulevards about the police interfering with the Mtlea. Manager Louis Sbouse. of Convention Hall, is at the Aldwych Theatre recently, was received Kddle Kiiy, who waa at tb« Itetrolt Opera an old friend of Mr. Creasy's and Manager Leb I with a more than cordial reception. The chief classic art of .Aliss Isadora Duncan, the Ameri¬ Iluuae laat week, apeut luuat uf bla tliue at the man has been In charge of the Urpheum during { burden of the play rests on the capable shoulders can dancer? KIka' t'liih. IrjlDg tu teach UIII7 U. Van bow tu all uf Its tblrtea n years here anal these, with of George Fawcett in tbe name part. There is Sume months ago I announced in The Billboard ' that Miss Duncan, the world’s foremost interpre¬ pla7 blll.aida. me or two other cungenlal oid friends bad a a heart of gold concealed under hia rugged man GKO. r, PHILLIPS. pleasant evenihg. talking over old times and ner. His facial expressions were wonderfullv ter of the ancient Grecian dancea and creator the many ebangta here In Kansas City. carried out. and tbe entbuaiasm uf the audience of a new gcboul of terpslcborean endeavor. In¬ was uhbuunded. Will Gantun fuund a good rep tended to build a Temple of Art In the heart of TOLEDO. 0. Manager E. P. Cburcb.ll. of the Garden The¬ atre, baa declda-d to set aside an aftern-iun each resentative In Eric Maturin. and May Rating Baris and preside over Us destinies herself, glv was prettily played by Misa Laura Cuwle. Others ing to the [*eople of France something of tbe Maurice Cane, of the But tall bulldtoga. Jake Lie- iwaan and at these matinues all of the show' shady character Delaney; F'rank Cullins as a site has pruved unavailing. She has practically enuan la the manager and the attraction played f-'lk playing this city that can come and care closed the deal with half dozen proiierty owners , to aume cruwda. to. will ocenpy the logea of the Garden as Bruwning. Ganton's chief clerk; Hubert Vyvyan as Trevur Clavering; Miss Mane Hemingway as and yet, each time, some mysterious something George llanoer, the stage manager of tbe guests of tbe manigement, has stood in the way at the last moment. What K>ltb Theatre, la aruund again after bi lng laid M'andsy afternoun. October 7. Miss Florence W, stun Gantun, John's daughter, and Miss was it? What could It have been? Certainly C)! several dags with a stiff neck. George was Mills. "Alma." of Alma, Where Bo You Live? Mabel Trevur as Mrs. Wilson, a Chicago woman listening tu Kill Keene's trip to New York and Company, at tbe Auditorium Theatre, the week in the fast set. All lovers of good acting will it was not because Miss Duncan illd not wish to also of bis playing tbe sheriff out to l>‘aveos uf Octuba-r 6. held a recept.on on tbe stage at ha.-,ten to confirm tbe verdict of tbe first night's pay what the property she was after was worth, worth. Kan. tbe close of tbe matinee performance, for tbe audience upon Mr. Fawcett's performance. Tbe for the question of price was, as a general thing, Joe Peters la going to appear in Tbe Great ladles of tbe audience- Mlsa Mills distributed play ,a founded upon a novel by Arthur Jerome settled upon quite easily. So It was some¬ riamond Robbery. Sume Chinaman baa given autograpba-d photographs of herself. Miss Mills Eddy. thing else other than mere francs and sous. It bim the rue. IS always anxious for women's approval and >ir Charles Wyndbam and Miss Mary Moore's couldn’t have been that property owners did not Kid Kpateln, of Tl-e Merry Whirl attractloo. cunima-ndatlain and gave this reception so that production of Ann. after a successful run at care to have the Temple of Art on their ground. Is some Pittsburg Phil. Much of tbe soft stuff they might talk to her and understand her and the Criterion Theatre, was transferred. Septem- On tbe contrary they all, at first blush, seemed floating un our little Broadway tbe past week her role. b<-r 'J4. to the Court Theatre, where doubtless, only too eager that this should be the case. on the world's series. The Century Theatre now bas in effect on the wildly improbable doings of tbe fascluating Then whafs wrong? Jule llurtlg. of the II & S. attractions and Friday evenings, after tbe performance. The I .American lady ^urnalist will continue to at Last winter Miss Duncan gave a series of per¬ amusement enterprises, was In the city and Ccauntry Store. I tract large audiences. Lechmere Worrall. the formances at the Chatelet Theatre. Her work looked over bis theatns Jule will op<-o bis j author, will probably be tbe first to admit that was loudly and lougly praised—save by a very Lew theatre at Payton. O.. this we< k. Sbuba-rt I Earl Steward, res. mgr.) Valeska ! much of the success of bis play bad to be placeil small contingent—the contingent which Is al¬ T"m Bradley, for many years connected w th Su att. in Tbe Kiss Walti. week Oct. 13. • to the credit of .Miss Kenee Kelly, the young ways on hand in this city to throw cold water several of the local bousi-s as stage carpenter Wllils-WoasJ (O. B. and Frank Woodward, ; actress wb-ise abounding high spirits and vivacitv on all which Is not French. This minority tried was In the city last weak w.tb the Grand Opera tngrt. 1 Putting It Over, week 13. I almost succeeded in making Ann a possibility. to belittle the art of -Aliss Duncan. Newspaiers, Company at the Valentine. Grand Opera H-auce (A. Judah, mgr.) I I'nfortunately Miss Kelly is not now In the cast, of the same Ilk as the contingent simken of— Mr. Phillips, our Klllbsiard representative from O'Brien's -Minstrels, wi-ek 13. and the play Is the iioorvT for her absence. Miss quite happily also, in the minority by a great Datrult. .Mich., was with us Isst wa-ek and sai'l Orpbeum (Martin la-bman. mgr.I Paul Dickey Mary Dandrldge, who now plays the part, has deal—echoed their opinion and got Interviews that bis city was sa^me amusement renter tb.s and Company, In a sketch. ’The Comeback, bead- copied her predecessor's methods very closely, from native dancers on what they th,,ught of year. Pne feature; Burr and Hope, sing.ng sketch; and jerbaps this was tbe best thing to do. Miss Duncan's work. One of these—and she was It Is reiioTted that the .Auditorium Theatre Empire Com, dv Four, uuartette; Chris Richards, Though she has not Miss Kelly's bewitching one of the country’s greatest danceus,-s, too— which rea-ently cb'seal. will issin open with stock eccentric dancer: Standtsb Sisters, singing act: w ays. her performance is a sound one. A notable was quoted as disliking Miss Duncan’s dances a Nigga r Sta va ns n^iw has full charge . f at: Chevalier Be I>orls. sharp-shooter; The Hassana. newcomer is Reginald Owen, who Is now seen as great deal. In fact stie disliked them so mnch the b.vcgage at the Kalth and .Arcade Theatres wire act: Tie Schmettans. acrobatic feature, the extremely iniHiceDt young novelist on whom that—what do you think?—she said she had Jaae Pa-ters will. In the near fntnra-. have some -yirph-ny orchestra latest m-'tlon p.ctures etc.. .Ann's pranks are played, an,! bis performance is never seen her dance? In fact she wanted to * Dew stuff to offa r the local patrons. we,k 13. one of tbe best bits of work that be has done. know WHO Miss Punean was anyway. ■ Garden cE P. Churchill, mgr.) H'.gb-clas,, It Is saM that William Bettis, of tiie Colaanlal F'or the peit the play Is well played by the orlg But to get on with the story. Thaatre. wi;i have anaitber p a ture house on vaudeville; twelve acta a week. Inal members of the company, 11 Iman Clark. Some of Miss Puncan's dances seem to have ^ . Aiidilorinm 1 Harry Hancock, mgr.) The Con Msalis -n and Ontario Stra-ets u|s n his arrival I'erceval Clark, .Miss Fay Davis and Jean Cadell. i displeased one of the prudish p,>lltlclans—a rare f--ssion. week 13. from ahriad. -Ann was transferred from the Criterion The- 1 bird over here, thank goodness—l>ecause her At the thawtres f.ir the waaek i f Octoba r 1.1 Cinturv (Joseph R. IVin-gan. mgr.: Western dra[>erles were considered <]u!te too scant for Wheel I The New Century Girls with Ted Burns, atre to the Court, to give place for the produc ' Empire Kan Welch; Valantine. Eddie Toy; Ly ti<,n of a new comedy by H. V. Esmond, en decency. She didn't wear clothes enough. Her raum. The Siia iiha ral of the Hills, and .Areade. week 13. lines were too visibly exposed. The dance was Gayeiy (Burt McPhall. mgr.; Eastern Wheel* titled, -A Young Man's Fancy. The latter play j Keith's vaajdevllle. an amusing piece, and gives capital oppor not an exhibition to which the young Isdies of JACK TIERNEY. American Beauties, w.ek 13 .St. Cyr could be taken, etc. So HE said. He ■ Globe (Cvius Jacobs, mgr.) Kalchl Troupe I •f Japanese acrobats, feature act. 13 1(5: Rio ' enne and Miss Enid Bell. Mr I>vwne forgot entlr,ly that art Is art; that France Is ^ the last country the world where the nude ^ COLUMBUS. 0. C.rcus. feature act. 17-19; six acts twice a personite* Lord Borth. whose s,vn. the Hon in art should be scoffee<»voo(>e. to Ella Grant, a pretty and rich American girl Indecent thing. If Mis.s Duncan’s dances, and the fact of gauzy draperies sbont her. constitute eancellatla n of The Yankee Prince w.th Louis WILLIAM W. SHELLEY. I Misa Enid Bell), but there Is a story that he tana Is ii for two perfotmances and pla.Va-d to is mix,d up in an affair witb a girl In a AA'est an indecency, then half the art treasures of the • rapacltv bus na a* Following this. Natimova Eml fl>>wer shop. However, the young man Is great Louvre Museum ought to be banished to *1 larkeal the bauise fa>r tlirae performana^s of Tbe CIHCrNNATI. OHIO. content to let his aunt Julia. Lady Ventermere ilark cellars as shamefully shocking for the Slarlonetta-s. While the city is well supplla-d , Alias Lottie A'ennei. tbink the worst of bim. young. Frltil S< heff. In The love Wager. app,-ar,-,1 with vamlevllle. there has bea-n a dearth of and through thr,-e acts there is a most uproarl The -erson shocked qnlte the most Is said to at the Grand Oiw,ra House last week and during h gh rlssa pla.ts and the paaople showed that ons misunderstanding. The flower girl is a very have been the Senator Berenger. I can not vouch the entire engagement th,- amllences at Cin tha-y were ready and turna-d out In big numbers pert little miss, admirably played by Miss Els for tbe truth of this, but tbe fact remains that i-'.nnitl's fln,-st theatre showed a material In¬ for the two shows mcntlaioe.1 pefh Innes. Kerr. Miss A’enne had a hearty re he IS shocked quite frequently, and that he * crease over pn-vlous weeks of the current season The Southern will lae dark the first three days ('eptlon. and the rest of the cast were also well would be shocked at Miss Duncan's scarcity of Miss Soheff is quite a favorite with the Que»-n of the weak; fa'r the latter part the-e will be rewarded for their share In tbe entertainment. raiment it not at all out of the or,Unary. In the City's theatregoers and usually plays to big Ba'me high class drama but It has not yet been The curtain raiser. The Fortune Tellers, a way of expectations. Anyway some high func¬ audlencs In this pity. The compan.v stirroiinil determtnasl. Manager I.lift annaiunca-s that they one-act farce was hardly worthy of the Criterion. tionary of tbe government seems to have been have two unaler eonslderat."n and that, after ing her this season Is ver.v go.vd. esiveciall.v the frightfully shocked, for, according to Excelsior September 24 Graham Moffat’s three-act Scott the three days of ilarkna'ss tl.e basikings fair this mail- cbonis. Tlie Girl of .Aly Breams is th,- here, one of the most dependable papers In the tsh comedy. -A Scrape O’ The Pen. courageously bciisa' a e constant until the bolldays. attrartiwe at tbe Grand this week country and one of the most conservative, this revis,xl. was preceded by a one-act play, entitled. .At Keith's as usual, they are handling capac .At the I.yrlc last we,k the .Ahorn English functionary has set the forces In 'Tnotlon to pre¬ •All Men Are Fools, b.v H. M. A’ernon. Ify bnslnass at every [lerformsiice. The bill Grand Opera Company had a ver.v sii 'ceasful en vent Miss Duncan from setting up her own play- « It is not too much to say that Brake, which Is very well balanced w th plenty to suit the gag- ment. presenting a repertoire of operas In boose in Paris, and that, through him. the police is now being played to crowd,xl houses at His tastes of all. eluding The Tales of Hoffman. Madame Butterfly. spoil ever.T deal which the Am,-rlcan dancer at- Majesty’s Theatre, is one of the finest stage At tbe High Street Satan Sanders.n has bean I.ncla Bl Ijmmermoiw. Carmen. l.aB-iheme. l.o temps to make. The article wlnda up by say¬ hcngrln. Hans*-! ami Grefel and II Trivvatore. sjvectacles and historical dramas ever produced. playing to g'>>d bnslnass and la very popniar ing: The performances of Miss NellsonTerry. as with tbe patrons Manager Harper, of tbe High The tversonnel of the c,>mpany conslste,! of "The battle Is on. The lists are open. Who Queen Ellrabeth. and of I.yn Harding, as Brake, Street, who was Injured W'me tame since In an Ie,«nld Sanialoff. Jayne Heriw*rt. Jack O'Nell. will carry off tlie laurels? The police or Miss are sp,'clally noteworthy. Brake Is a honspr- antnrooblle accident, la showing marked Improve .Anna Hull. .Arthur Green. Jane .Abercrombie. Duncan?” * uoiis triumph for all concerned In Its pr,vductlon. tneni anal will praabsbly lie bark at bis desk be¬ Gisirce Shields. I.onis Kn-bller. Bhlllp Fdn. Ivy It Is only fair to emphasise what I have al- « ami It win deservedly experience a successful fore the end of the week .Si 'tt. AA m Schuster, Eugene Battaln. Morton ready said. This opposition to Miss Bunesn's • Managi-r Maddov. of the C 'lonlal. has written .Adkins. Ernest Lambert. Marie Sutter. May run. Frederick Ross' Is to b,' the new Drake plans comes from a minority so smsll that It Is at His .Alajesty’s. when Mr. Harding goes to an-itha-r playb-t which will be given Its Initial AVaril. Julia I ambert. Zoe Fnlb'n ami Gladvs unworthy of note, or rather It wonid be. were It tryisit at the Hvrt Bros.' Tha-atre. Toledo, on .America, where be Is booked for a season with Chandler. This event lnanciirtt,,d the 19T2-11 not for the lengths to which It seems willing to MoimIst of nevt week. o|M ratio season In Cincinnati and the companv the American halls. go to win its point. For the vast majority of Cyril Maude's next venture at the Blayhoiis. Tbe Colon al contlnm-s to torn them sway at played to excellent business during tbe entln French people Miss Duncan’s art Is above critic¬ the evening performances and the popniar vande Is entitled The Little Cafe.. The cast will b,- engagement The Shuberts' big AA’lnter Gar,1en ism; they appreciate both the w-oman and her In¬ vllle Is meeting with tha- apppival of the nnm hea,levl by Mr. Mande. snciN-ss The Whirl of Sivlcly, Is Ibis n,s‘k's telligence, her dignity and her calling, her dances eroiis patrons .if this honae. Mrs. I.angtry is already playing a '20 we,-k'' stlractlon. and herwlf. For. after all. it Is onlv Mansga-r Billy James of the Broadway, has AA’hlle the bill at Keith's last week was nivth seawvn In the leading .American hu«ic halls at the few who are narrow; the re«t are admir¬ retnrna d from New Vewk and has some very at $2.S<'10 a week, and at Christmas Wilke Bard Is leg out of the or,Unary, It was pleasing to many ably fair. tractive stuff n sight for the patrons of his The h, adliner of the performance was Tbe going over for eight weeka at a similar figure. ba-use An add d attraction at the Broadway Is .Apple of Baris, a dramatic wordless playlet In This week F'rbes B,vbertsrms. I,e Roy and others. ry Oct 11* ti . U rl of My Breams Mme Sarah Bernhaplt rexppeare-l at the Co fo,dlshness. which reminde,! the audience that This comeiiy, the work ofspernand A'anderem. High Slraet K'hss llarpr-r. mgr.I Satan San Ilscum. September 24. and to the honor of th, Ihev have se,,n them before In this act there promises to remain some time on the list of the dersain 7 u Blvora-e IJncst'.an 10 12 Is too mnch of B,v»ley's Inane chatter and not pnMlc as well as of herself ha,l the m,->«t spendid Theatre Francals plays of the day. _ __ S.aiiih rn I.I F 1 nft mgr.I Bark. en-'iigh of Atiss Style's singing And yet th,- of welc,>mcs She eleet,Mt to reappear In the -f Keith's IAV \V P">sser. mgr I Vaudeville sn,llen,-es were please,! and applaud,d ahnndant fhlnl act of A'lctor nug,''« prose tragedy. T.ncre'e TRIANONLYRlQrE Colamlal (J. .A Mad.lov nvgr.l Popniar vande 'v Belle Storv. who Is as prvtty a< nature al Borgia. Sh.' enthralled the audience and when vine This little playhouse ha,l Its opening this l. ,ws. fmvk the honae with her remarkable sing at last the cnrtalns fell they had to rise again week with a crow,l,Ml auditorium to g ve Its sea¬ Brosalwsv lAVlIllam James, mgr 1 I’.'pnlar Ing Bert I esile. as Hogan, the Bainfer, wUh qnlfe a doren times while a crescendo of cheers Tsiialevllle. son a good send (iff. I es Mousipiefalr, s .an Coii- a new line of slang, which he rattled o(T In Ms peabxt down on the actr, ss Iviwing her thanks *n v,nf, the quite pleasing op,-retta. was the bill. * Memair a1 Hall Mnia- GsdskI 10 m. ,sf approve,! sfvte, was well receive,!. The the old eqnlslte and Incomparable way, .As nsn an,l the Interpretation, every part In the hands JOSFPH F rABB. 'Six Klrksmlth Sisters with all the charm of al. Mme. Bernhardt has hronght some exoell .it of sn old favorite, was ent';r,*Iy adequate. vonth. of beantv an,t of music, were acconl,',! an ictora with her, notably At. Lon T-I'egcn Atcs,lanies Samson. Syril an.l Berronl. and ^ KANBAB CITT. MO. ,'nthnslastlr reception, and were gencrons with I.e,ino.xvallo hss achieved a r,'Coril. Th,'rc Messrs, Salmprey. .Tonvin. Jose Tliery, and * their enco-es The Thre,> Keatons hilled a< never was till n,'w a living composer of anvthinc others maile np the cast. Earl Slevvanl manager of tl-e Slmtiert Thea fun's fnnn'eat family. In fact five In nnmbe- except mtis'.'al come,lv who had f.w,v works run (ri- has reivnlly piirchss,-,! a lianvlng Ih,- h, ant;fnl ridea In at„l I ,-n- Hearn. wh,v were seheiln!,',! ,11,1 n '• givvl many encores and at fie end there was a keep ih'wn a f,'ellng of surprise when It did. ^ and apiiind Kansan Ctty. make their appearanee. h,'canse they were not scene of enthusiasm such as probably never gre,,t L’.Alglon has been played by a AI.ANl Thn sdsv n(ght. <>•■(.ilw-r 1 the Grand Opera g'ven h. adllne m'S'tlon. e,t the birth of fhc w,>rl,1's greatest masterplec- s That’s startling news, of course but It’s true. ■' lions,, cel, brat ,1 Its (w,-nlv *e.,,,nd annlvcraarv That pvpnlar little actress Beulah Bovnfer One ,'>f the "star turns" at the Balai'e was nevertheless. rreat<'d by Mme. s.arah PernhArdt an,I 0, t,-l« r • siart,-,l on Its in, ntv tli'r,! year was the aftraetlivn at the AA'almit last w-eek an.t that of S'gnor .Albanl. a fen-'r, who appeared I" • iver here, the role of the voting son of the ill- Biir'ng tfio 'past a,,v,,rar s, as. ns' ChaimA'v 01 ''leas,d as ii«iial. This seaw'n her vehicle Is A II Troratoro du'lng Mr Hammcrstclp's fln.al starr,-d Naivobvin—If you choose to think Napo- eott has alwava plavcl at the Grand f,^ this b'entnekv Romance, a storv that touches the s,'ason AIllc Gahv Bcslvs still h,'lds th,- '>r!n h-on was n.it 111 starred, why all right—pass,-,! aiiaptrh'iia event niere have t,e,n six nr seven Iw-art an.l which contains snfltcicnt commlv l.- cipal i>Isce on the ppigram. Mme ABka Afknn to an uuilersttidy of hers when she was In of til, a,- "annlversarv" nights f >r At- Olcott make It amiislng. The seene of the storv la on who draws caricatures t,i music. ha« reccritlv r, .America. .Arg,-nf;na. or touring s,iniewl)ere else anil the Grand ami at I’ach time th,’ Grand |a a K,-ntnckv plantation and Is full of human In tiirnml to the Balace Two old favorites she In foreign climes. .And over In the home land, dertiratut anil Air Olisitl ainga Alv AA'Ild Irlah terest, rwvrtravlng the love of a wealthv son of draws again, the Alorart Allnnet and the foreign the r. S. .A.. It was Mande .Adan s who ereatt'd R.aM- The Graint'a "flral night " waa on Oi-toher sn austere widow for a farm hand's daughter lnvasl,>n. ap,l new things ar,' a auiart "ctcrpal the n'le. In English, .And somehow we eame to 4. ivnl. when Balll R sva a favorite of that who la pr,,ttv ami attractive, but who la not TWiIltlcal waltr." and a Three Graces at th* '^ea s«s,>olate a woman with fhl« male eharaeter. day. on-n,‘il the honae During all of Ih a tlm» e,twrste,l Miss B,vvnfer plavs the part of side that a.-t the h,'>na», laughing at Its Inger' this ixvir little outcast lad. this exlh-d heir to ^ A Judah haa been manager of thia theatre ami Cynthia Hargrave, the girl who ta hnonght up In oiia aiidaclt.v. an Empire. AA’e almost forgot that the la,I was ■

    |gf 4 OCTOBER 19, 1912.

    1 h<'i>« that hr will it«-t down to l>ii»lnr«« and K'ttlr without quratlon who In the clininplun of tin* Northwent." THE WORLD ON ROLLERS rilANK IIIIYA.NT. Northwent Chainplon.

    Detroit’s New Palace Rink Has Auspicious Opiening—Progress of the Racing Fund—General Skating Rink News of the Week Piepared for The Billbord Readers


    The opening of Detrolfa new Palace Ililler iMila of the akatlns Kame. IVter J. Shi-a, who Kink on Tkurailay night. Octol>er 3. waa one naa roniinctrd with the Wayne UInk at oiaLager o( the moat MKoea.aful o|>enlnga fiom every view¬ for aeren aeaa»iut. and who iirojaiaea to con¬ point; and incldently all pre\loua attendance duct this at one of the claaa rlnkt In the rtcorda were broken. The b at previoua re<-ord country. for attendance at a rdler aeaalon In Detroit It la now practically aaanred that one of the wan I.HK) at the Wayne Kink, and thla waa national meetn will be held In Iletrolt, ao

    ROLLIE R. BIRKHEIMER Skating Rinks are uaetl by the Wading eiiika every¬ akalera through the aecretary of the Kink -Man where. The> play in the correct agera' AaaociatioD. .Mlaa Adelaide D'Vorak. Dare »wmg time—tUou.'anda of pitce* from Devil I.eweek and other hlgh-claaa performera pajK-r miu-ic rolls. Ka>y paytiicnta. hove l>een booked. hig new catalog in colora now ready. OLAS.'tRUENNER WINS MARATHON. Call or write our neareat branch. Leo Glaaabrenner. winner of laat year'a modi- ll< d Marathon alreet roller race, won the ten- mlle atrret Marathon at the modified diatanee, held by the Douglaa Park Club of Chicago. Sat WerU's Largesl MsaalatUtrart iirday night. October 5. over the t^eal Side Bou CISCIX.NATI ilit •*!««. ua>. XKW VOKK levard fmm Kidile to Central Park and return, •> a r w CHICAGO >Ka awe. Wsi^a . a diatanoe of one half mile going over the aame PRll.APl-.Ll’HIA .aia cSssoisn. bT. UitTh • ourse twenty timea In the go i m nirtea and 42S aoconda. Glaaabrenner waa Ut FFAlA) •t«< IU>s>t DETROIT AHsee w.>, lucky In winning thla race on account of the UtUISVILLh isJt W- (IM>: coLCMKl n >it a second man. William Kerl>er. thinking the race tsit Msis>; li.VVT* *N I IS a. Lua;e; who waa Home diatanee iM-hind, learn of bla er I’KOVH'KSCK. K I. -Tt Aharai ror and aprtng paat him before he bad time to ot.lli-ct hla thoughta. The race waa a grand af fair from atari to flniah, and the 20.000 or more akating enthuaiaata who watched the race and chi ered their obidee In efforta to have them We can prove that onr Eidless Paper- win. kept up the excitement throughout the race. Automobllct and motorcyclea by the acorc were In commtaalon to keep the crowda hack off Played Bald Orgaes far excel yoir baid for the atreeta. In order to get the race atart<-d at the time aet for It. which waa k o’clock p. ra Red lighta were act all along the electric- lighted bi'ulevard at each croaalng to keep in- eiitnmoli lea and other obataelea out of the way of the akatera. The llrat twelve to flniah wi-r.' Ha f.ilhiwa: I eo. Glaaahrenner. flr«t; William Playint' any .soloolion as lonn as Kerber. aecond; Edward H. Ulltweln. third; El¬ mer Eokman. fourth; I’aiil Drew, flfth: t’hi-ater you like. .\o sptKiIs to destroy Walters, sixth: Charlea Schuth, aeventh; Ho imisic. C'an’t tell the inusio from warth Beaumont, eighth; George Striker, ninth: Clifford . tenth: F.dward Dick, eieventh; Carl that of a ('(K)d hand. F. Schewe. Jr., twelfth. The nfflclala "f the Athletic Club were: Start October I. llll. er. Julian T. Fitzgerald: Judgiw. Roy F. Dav.a. I hate never used an organ before this season, and of the Illinnia Athletic Club: W. E. OitnderHon. the music supplied by your Instrument was a revela¬ Nieliolaa Halveraon. William C. Faehae. Jr.; tion to me. and any certtflratlon to that effect you tlmiTB. Harrv Halveraon. Dr. H H. Hayea of desire 1 shall he only loo glad to furnish you Prior lilln.iia .Athletic Club: J. L. Riiaac. J J Dwyer. to this I have alaatt used a Hand Style ITS. .1. E. Wlntioltz. I.N'ams on application.) There were forty nine atartera and only about half of them finished. M. W. I.ecer pound Aaiarlcaa Risk fluaely Ce., Hendusky. O. Y. At Niagwra Falla. Onl.. on Januarv 2, IfMts. he won the two mile rhamplonahip of Itntarro. He al«o won nnmernna other rana of leaa note and returned to hla home town. Duluth Minn KftH RALE— Style No ISA, North Tonawanda make; In 100ft cost tTVi no; never been used: price. t46o no, rash Mr Zink haa quite a reputation aa a promo¬ only. Including music HoX }7l. Elyria. Gtilo ter and manager. In the winter of lOOO. h-* • oi-nt>l> lo W K I nice circuit among the following placea B'sine. Mstisger Inter state Holler Hliik iiperaiing Co. Amea Grinnell. Oakalnoaa Webater Cltv. AI- mie. Pa., Hoi 14« Mr. Hirkhrimer halls from Columbua. O.. atid will manage Smith's Roller Skating Rink In that dty this saason. He Is one of the beat proteselonai speed akatera In the country, having met and defeated some of gona. Clarion and Eagle Grove. After he had the greateal akatera of the preaetit day. Mr. BIrkbelmer atiould make a reiy suooataful manacar, aa ba baa them all running In g->od ahape he atarted to bad several years' experience In all branefaee of the akating game. aell them one at a time until the laat one Orifans For All Purposes at Algona waa aold. Repairing. New llwale J Mt'XZIO 4k BUN. IfS In 1B10 Mr Zink started Wcat. looking for lo- Park Haw. N. T Phone. ITST Wagth cationa. and landed In Gre«-ly. Colo., and opened 'Of the Nortbweat, laat week lasued a cballense a rink, which he conducted for a abort time to Frank Bryant, of Duluth. Minn., for a ai-rlee Zink then atarted of racea to deride the championship, not helm; rado and Nehraaka At Grand Island Neb., he Probably no other rink In this country had aatlafled with the laat match be had with Hryant competed In the Interatate rhamplonahip racea the class of people that attended this opening. in April, thla year. In a letter ]uat recrlred of one half hour each night, whleh he won. MUSICIANS The women were dressed aa though they were at from Hryant. be baa the following itateuient Seaaon of 11*1112 he op-ned a rink In Fergus a charity ball, while the men were slirked up to make: Falls. Minn . and one In Wahpeton. N D . and QUICK aa though they were going on a honeymoon, ami "In answer to Joseph W. Munch's challenge also comp<-ted In races In Michigan Wisconsin the whole affair was one rrand sight until the and Minnesota. For f'lark'a iRig and Pony In this week's Billboard, will say that 1 am Hone. Trap Drummer. Clai last strains of Prof. Hofbour'a 12 piece band ready at any time to race him best three In live Mr Zink states that he la biat as g<>od aa he were piayed. ever waa right af the present t1m». and that I'an plaie arnrklna men A races for the cbamploaab.p which I now bold dmia ClJtKK'H INK] * All the Inatructora were dreaaed In fiill dreaa Munch was defeated by me laat April on the he will po to the coast or back East He has Frreburi, IH, New Athena sulta, while the grand march, at 0:30. waa luth and Iltb, In two straight races, the first been In the skating game over ten veam. and Is one of the best bnr>stera for the game that ever made l>eautiful by the casting of various coloreil night waa a scratch race, while the second night WAI^TEU- spotlights on the akatera. The decorations were we skated a pursuit race, and on the twelfth wore the little rollers. Wllh ITctiire Machine uaint i handsome and the music the sort that kee{>a the lap Munch bad a lead of alxmt twenty feet, but mual fake piano Will aplli a akatera iu One fettle. In the sixteenth lap I was on even terms with UARNIVAL AT IDORA PARK RINK iiaeful people write Aihlreaa IIMiiola A wvird about the new palace of roller akating him, when Manager Marshall shot the gun. mean Rv the time thla laaiie of The Itlllboard eomea will be sufficient to convince the akatera ami Ing that there were two more laps to go. We off the preaa the great carnival of afairta will speed loving public alike that the new audi were flying like the wind at the close of the 1>e well under wav af the big Idora Park Skat torium will be one which will appeal to the laat lap, hut owing to a little dispute of the nr Itlnk at Gakland. Gal. It ta the Intenflon powers that he In roller akatedom. In the Brat officials the race was mixed up a little, and I of the management of Idora Park to hold one of place there la no more favorably situated rink ic went to Munch and told him that If be thought the greateat eamivala ever wltneaaed within the the United States than the New Palare. having that I had not won fair and miuare from him. state Reglnning on Siindav ttrloher fl and Finn liaaa hotel entaavmeiit liatn union), |tl 00 per aa It docs, five car lines from all parts of the to show him and the spectators that I was on ccniinninr until Sandav. October 2ft the-e will week Extra outside eiifaaemenla Report here Or- city running to Its very door. TTie floor the square, I waa willing to race It over the he big doings Novel fcaturea are being planned luber l» It G THAT EH. aiiS Hraaua HI . Houston. la not only spacious. containlog anme same night. If Munch will give me a fair pmp- for everv afternoon and evening and a number Texas 20.00f» square feet of skating aurfaee. but |a oaltiou 1 will rare him In hla own rink any time of h'g free attrartlons are tK>w on their wav Ideally laid out for the building of a track or date be Diay name, and I am aiire that Man from the East Gh'ef of thea» will l>e Doctor WANTED AT ONCE which will be when hanked, as fast aa any In ager Marshall will give a return of two Tarrer and hla famous diving horaea, one of the Hketch Team and Hlnglas. ITano Player Danfonla the world, and. last but not least. It Is under days at the Anditorium Rink. Duluth, Minn. moat thrilling npeetactea now annearlng In thla and Mias llenrte write Aildrsaa DH 11 TANNER. the management of a man who knows the Ina and Now that I have answered Munch's challenge country Theae wonderful horaea dive fr.im a I'olfy. W'Is OCTOBER 19, 1912. Xtie Billboard 21

    rori; tuut plilfurui Into ■ link of «>trr. Tbr tbo rliika and baa made a lot of money tbi* *oa- 4;irl In Itrv Ibr brnviat klrl In *4>u and waa only o|Hru four month*. They are Aiiirrlra. on* of tbi-ac b'Kram for tbr rink, aa ar- man. being well over tgi. and when not following WE MANUFACTURE AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR ALL PURPOSES ranK''<1 br Manaicar C i*. Wallin, la aa followa bla profoaaiuD may Im* found akatlug at one of b>r THIRTY DIFFERENT STYLES tiibjtrl to cbanKa: Hiinda.t. OcIoImt 6. Oml varlou* rink*. I have boon aiiproarbiil by *• v ». i llon of ala (la,v rai-a; Momlay, OcIoIht 7. oral bualnoaa men who want to build a big Hifhott awarXi wherever axhibited. a iraluablr |>rlaa will bo attarbod to lb« rlotblnit rink fur ino bore, but I gip-!.* that g'M«l

    cl‘ priao nlclit; a prlxo of apoolal raloo aniJil iilKbt of Ibo ala-day rar*. Tburwiay, lilllboard. and bate bad many goal llmoa with FOR FOR Ibli'bor lb. a-111 thine now ; cbarlot raco boiwoon him. 1 iiudoratand bo la about ready to luit a tbroo toama. K Ida.i. OolcdoT II. oah.billon of b g Invention on tbo market, vvbicb. If It la what fancy coupio akatliie boiwoon Ml»a Nancy Amlot be claim* It 1*. will turn tbo moving picture SKATING and Moaior lit uiilo Itandall. of Idora I’ark Ulnk, bualnoaa up aide down. PARK and Mlaa Jooopblno Hi lo nkitore and Maxtor Kl- '1 hero I* a groat American colony here for the iMor IJrl bii. of Ibo Collfoiim Kink, Han Kranclacn. next aix month*, which Incluilea all klod« of TI.rao two couploa ai* claimed to be tbr lioat alblolia and profokaional looplo; among tboni RINKS CONCERTS Juionllr akatira <>n tbr I’aclbc Coaat. Hatunlay. are Fred Nlblo. Joa*‘|,blne Ciiban. Jim .Manning Oi t' bor 12 third day of ala day race. Hun- Ml Ewan, the bypnutlal; Slone, tho aviator; Sa:n * ila>. tlctidirr Kl. fou th ilay of ala day race. I angford and bla manager. Joe WiaMlman. Ernie Monda>. Octidx-r 14. plo ami douebnut rontoat. Zander* and Terry Keller. Alb-n Hooi.o and com A Iratbrr moilal will br Kl'en to tbr man who pany. Noodle** to **> that J. H. Wllliama auro ' They tlnlab> a bla ploa and doiiKbuuta drat. IraTlOK .a Ibo big dolnga In tbo picture woi Itl boro, and nolbitie but tbr pir platia and the boloa In tbr h a place I* like ainall Amorica. every evening We Make donitbuiita Tiioatlay, (ictoltrr 15. coupon prlxo aa all the biy* gather there for dinner In hU Produce nlxbt wlib a apoclally aolectod prixe for the Imautiful winter garden. Hare Hetll Kilpatrick Im ky lad.v. W'ilnratlay. Oi t 'b r Id. Krand prlxo N connoctovl with him in b!* now- , ntorprlae. 1 Them To maat'iuorado carnival; o ebt haU'la one prixoa will am told that tbo J. I). William* people are all Music— bo awarded to tho boat auatalnod rharacto a. over in America now. gathering together a big '| hll^r,lay. ilclobor 17. otmtaolr race; more fun ■ Wild Weal abuw to oion boro almut I'oeembor 1 Last tlan a barr I of inoukr.va Friday. Octotier IS Not Noise .Aiiatralia la a great *|Mirtlng country, and all eroat confottl battle and ant,watorm; no gluoma. of tbo now Willlain* attraction* take like wild ail fun: overt akalor will bo proM-nlod with a ★ fire. 1 boi>e tba you are getting on well with * big bug of confottl anil arrpontlnoa freo. Sun .V 'Ur circuit, a* I am coming home via FrHc. day. Octitbor 20. laat day of carnival, final and a:xth day of tbo alx-ilay raco. At tbr conclualun and toi|>o to ojien for you there. AA'ith the very t»-xt wiabo* to you and Tbo Rlllboard. I am. of tb* contoat the linky winnora will be pro- FOR RES¬ Your* *lncoreI.v. FOR aontrd with th* purao of flbO. HARLEY H.AVIHSON. It waa tbo Intont.nn of tbo managoment to Irdd a twonly four hour raco of toaiii*. hut In Rateman'* Hotel, Sydney, AuatraLa, (x-r. add DANCE TAURANT place of that Iboy bav* auhalltutrd tbo alx-day SHEA IN FAVOR OF POLO LEAGUE. race On each of tbo otonlnx* art aaldo for tho tlx dav rare, fiflot n jdi kod akalor*. tho Manager Peter J. Shea, of tho now Palace fxatoat r llor mon In tbo bav cttlo*. will con R.nk in Hotroit. MIcb.. ba* taken up the pro|K>- HALLS MUSIC trat for fift.on minntea. Farh akatrr a d'atanc* -Itlon of forming a State Pulo I>oague f'>r Mlcbl covorod at tbo ond of tho fiftoon mlnnt>a of gau. She* I* in favor of getting xlx g.x>l teaiux abating will be kopt and added to h.a acorr oi, together and bring ng back th » very popular the noxt night of raring, llio akator hating game to life. Ho ba> tl.o a-'lutance of one of BzvISOOvIA U tho groaloat numlior of miloa to hi* croillt at Ibo oldoat player* in tbo game t. Manager Sboa would tx- tdoas-d IVf. WELXE & SONS a* follow* Sixty dollar* for firat thirty dollar* to bear from any of the manager* In Michigan for *000011 and ton dollar* for th.rd who would aKxIat him In forming a polo league. 2T3 F'lftli Avenue. NEW YORK, Tho fiftien mon who hato l>orn picked for the Polo la one of tbo beat game* that can bo pla.w-d rootiat are I.cator Illorwlrth. Frank RIgnaml. on roller akate*. and is exciting every minute Walter Sponcor. ruronco Stro»t. Jack Horr. of the piny. Mr. Oamun ba* a g'«xl knowledge Cbarloa Flabor. Ike Ilonnoll. William Bonnoil. of tbe game, and between them tbo two ought Ooorgo Smith. I>*nnt Aron*. Wilfred W Ingar to bo able to form a six league loam lM>fore th* Xlie Best Rink Skate! ton. Jamoa fliinn. I’aul Zink. Joe Imbruglla and winter *oaaon I* very far advanevd. There are Walter McElroy. lota of cltle* In Michigan that are not ao far I'sed by all the leading rink?. Why? It The Idora Park Skating Rink I* the largoat from IVIrolt. and it would be a good thing for will titand more hard work Its mainte¬ on tie I’ac fle t'o**!. with It* *lx lap to the the manager* to get together and form a .eague mile a|e d track, bealdo* tho main pavilion It WM 11. 11. LANE IlEARP FROM. nance costs less, and it ^ives the user the I* better than In manv year* p**t .\l pn aont 1' \* "iwn the year around and the pr>-*ont hu»ln*-*« Sydney. .N. s W.. Que< n Victor * Market*. P.O Ifreatest Siitisfaction. We furnish repairs I* under the capab'e management of O I’ W*1 Julian T. Fitzgerald. Chicago. Ill., f. S. -A.. lln Idora Park ha* tbo only rink In the cltv -My Hoar Mr. Fitzgerald;—I have been going and supplies for all rink skates, and can to send you a gi»xl letter on skatorlal matters of Oakland while a largo p,’rcont*ge of th*- Siive you money. polron* come from San Francaco. Tho man fur a long time, but 1 deeply regret to *.ay that ag< moot publlabo* a by wo kit o,1lllon c*lli-d company callers have set me back for a long let CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE CO. Tie RInkoroo. and would bo glad to rxchango ti r by tbi* mall, but same will sure go by mall | puhllcatlona with any abating rink* who laaiio going out on tile 24th ln*t*nt. and will carry a 1123 Washln§ton Blvd., ..... Chicago, III. tho aamo big bunch of rink for your u*- In our mutual lilllboard. When any of the boys In America DFTniOIT MF-MRER OF HOOKEY CIRCPIT. lire coming over here that you may kuow. kindlv now Ice plant for freezing and rofurui*hiug th Aa a roaiill of a gathering hold In Syraoiiaf. give them a letter to tbe writer, and I will do building. This would bo a g-Kxl otiportunity i G. MINA N Y . rocotilly. at which Ibo boail* of five of all that I ran to make their stay in this city for some outside capitalNt* to t.xke bob! as there ' 2 First Strsat. Ntw York, the b ggoai artificial ico rink* In tho country pleasant and Intereatlng. .Aak Jm- Munch and is DO skating of any cou*einiouco near Pittsburgh Uir. Cylinder Plano Organs, were proaonl. Ihoro will bo an International Harley Havldaotj about 11)0 writer. 1 w dl b-av an.l the Huguosue Gariien vva* always a ixipular ' •ingle action, and with Man¬ bt get at the time the Palace was fitted I prices. for a .bating rink. The pew addition will make S. vraiua.' arena, anil Hr l’orii». of Hamilton, ilurlng the past month, and If all of those mak¬ leiili . f wboiu hate boon Identified with tho game ing the prviiuiae* would live up to tivein. vve the rink -n- of the best and larg- *t rinks in the 1 country and will add an additional cost .if S5(hi of li M-kot for year* flowlatid la the only doubt would now have three time* aa much nionev In ■ fill olio In the circuit, and It 1* th*i t'ampbell. will start out | abroad shortiv with several aibb d features to their Dov- . We handle any kind of miHlc by sight. All kindn of I'rev '.Mialy announced .$57 oO refereiii'es First priae at Minnesota State Fair. .Ml of the clllea In the league hate artificial elty skating act. ! Herlwrl T. Clark, with 101 Ranch Show. ret»erToire Addres*! Ice rink* *<■ there will le* no |a>*t|aineuienta due Kink Atanagers—We are trying hard to get | .A.Ivance Car No. 2 .10 to iinciinconlal woallior which would l>e the only the R!nk Managers' .A**ov’lalion started In the KALKBURNERS’ ORCHESTRA We • S.-otch I.aasies and Baby Jack, the right way, where It will be of some benefit to thing tial would prevent Iho auciaoiaful o|u*r* skating l»ar .;W 4.AKE C'TV, MINN. tion of the alliance all of yon wlthont any expi-n-.- Itare Hevil Jos N. Z nk, professional roller skater. I.eweek. .kdelaide H'Vorak. Jack Foteh. The We.- Manager II Z. Hrown. of the Ib*ln>lt .Arena. tlrexi Fd's Mont.25 1* onthiialaatlc over the prob*ct and 1* *o far Scotch I.assie*. Pare rb'vll Frank and many I'rank Pr.vant. professional aiw'Oil skater. taken up with Iho venture that the .Ara'iia wIP {others can be bookevi thtopirh the a-*-elation Hululli. Minn.. 2nd. .70 iiiiilergo a Ihonuigh otorhaiillng In the iiialtor of ! Write the secretary, be will give y->n a Pne AT LIBERTY seating to ai*«-omiiiialato the Increaaed patronage i»n any of them. . Get startevi and push th-- lotal ..$.■'*. 45 league hixkoy would aiin'H bring Now that 1 R. M. A. Manager Rrow n ha* dei-lded to enter tho league .skating NOTES the .Arena tuaia la liwaklng around for aonie gi**l Granil Rapids. Mich. — Happy Jack Foteh. who I RINK NOTES. Man and Wife plaver* with the Intention* of getting a ta**ui has been s|M'nding the summer at his *ummc that will figuro prominently In the race. Nat home In Peloskey. Mich . I* preparing fivr llw' j H. I* French, well kn-'wn nark and rink ] PlayiT’g piano and drnins. I'^.xpor- urally on*>ugh. the other rink owner* will not bo skating act that ho and hi* wife will do ib's ‘ manager, has opened the loliseum R.nk at ’ foun.l aloeplng while the IV*trolt piMinoler l« winter Mr*. Foteh 1* a very clover little Jacksvm. Mich. The (\'li»eiim Kink la one of itMU'pd in playinj' vaiuloville and gathering the pick and flower of available tab nt skater and will work with Jack In all of b'* the best In tbe state and has attained nnuanil and the rr«ult ah'UlId pnaluce tlie boat lirand t>f engage ments In the rinka where they reuuire * auccess unvler the management of Mr. French. workiiifj pictures. Reliable. Best hix ket that ha* over been put up In an amateur d'vubie act. a* aho will bo with him all tbriHigh In addition to beautifying this rink with deco¬ organlratlou Manager Ilotdnaon. of tho Ham Iho season. rations and equipment of various kinds, a new . references. Bo.\ No. 15.3. Long- llton’a new arena, ha* aociiroil aevrral of the Texarkana. .Ark Tho Princes* Roller Rink $,7,i'00 orebeatrioD has been installed. | atao* of Uat v,-ar'* t'loveland team who hang ; niont, Colo. under the management of Mr Ch'c Walwortli The Princess Rink, at Old Orchard Harbor, Ihel'- lial* In Iho I'anaiHan town, and Ilaiiilllon opene,! for Iho season on iVetober 7 tvv a very w III ho formidably |irce«>nt,'4l In the n,-w league, Maine, clivaed It* seas-.n recently. Messrs. . large crviwd of akator*. and from present Imllca Welch and Plark are the owner* of this r'na that'* a corlalntt Tho I'anadlan owno'* admit tIon* another gotxl seaaow Is In store for the and rep.-rt cont.nued good bnslness dnring the It at .American tram* are much Iwitor allrac Prlm-os* Rink. entire perlovl that the rink has bv*en oi>en Hon* over Iho border than homo club* for the Pianist At Liberty IVorl* III.—The Jefforaon Skating Rink will •imid. rr**nn llial our Ilrltl*h nolghU'r* ju*t not open to roller skating Ihl* season. Eugeni- The .Auditorium Skating Rink. Wasblqgtou, led oix-ned on Octol-er .7. with Miss .Aikelalde WUh to lot'aie in Southern Illinois. Western Ken- ache for an otiimrliinlly of allowing the bbxuii Gauae ami Helhert .A Covey, proprietor*, have iiiA'k) or Tennessfe Hotures or Vaudeville. Guar¬ lug II' Auo-ob un* Iwiw Ibolr national game I* rentoil the building for a dancing pavllllon. It H'Vorak a* the feature attraotlou. Mia* H'Vor¬ antee «atisfactton State iBalary first letter. F'lfteva really plavi-d la ivosalblo that tho rink will run again next ak ba* eatabltahevl herav-lf as a favorite here ; years eatYerience A F M t'an open on wire. and 1* biHvkevI f-T a return engagement. H.AVlHMiN PH.AISb^i AI STHAIIA winter. Iiidusirv. HI.—Manager Frank Holme*, of the Warner'* Rink. TV* Moln. *. Iowa, opened for CHAS. LONGDON, Sy.llioy N S W , Aiialralla. Sept 7 Holmes Park Rink at Maciunb. HI,, oiieiusi an the third season on October 5 with a very govxl Julian T ntagorald. care Rllllxuinl: other rink last week at Ihl* plai'o. Tho rink l» atlcDilance. This rink 1* one of the largest and ORPHEUM THEATRE. - OIL CITY, PA. U'-ll I arrivoil here all aafe and aoiind ThI* ."kAxli*). with tiki pair* of skates. beat rink* In Iowa. .An elght-plv'ce orchestra Is I* corlalnlv a groat place and the ivoople treat Jarka.in. Mleh -Fielding and Cart.i* played employevi to furnish the music. >al up Ibolr tu-at boya to raco mo and need .Auditorium HInk. ha* one of tho largest r'nk* AT LIBERTY Ira* to *at that 1 d•’foatrd them with oaao I In Iho alato, I.h'xl.W, with .ARV pair* of Rleh think Ihot are the aamo follow* that Jive Munch ardaon skalo* Mr Moglo has been In tho rink CHAS. BOTTS raced with while he wa* bore. Munch loft on liu«li>r*s alx year* I Siroi a riarinet. B & O. Experienced, •«ob#r and ra- the boat for home Iho work I arrived here It Pittsburgh. Pa Huuueane Gardena has been I liable ran x>in on wire. Mapleton. Get. 17: Caat- BILLIE GEYEI i' na. IS: Klver Sioux 19: all Iowa. After that. 1417 I* about til* end of Iho araaon hero, but I am clivsed to leo skating for tho past two *e*a«vn*. Kamam vi.. t»maha. Neb b'vikrd lib aivlld until January I In the (V|>en air w-llh every Indication of It* remaining cbvs-d Flvln* Traprse Roman Ring* Hpen for Free At- I rinka Skating I* certainly on tho boom hero, Indefinitely. The reason asaignovi I* that thou* traction* or Stiow gvilng Soulh .Addm* Sit Uugha* ' and J (' llriHlrovIt I* running one of tho heal of amts of divllar* would havo to ho oxix-ndovl In a St., Hajrton. lUito. If you %— it la The Billboard, tell theai m. I OCTOBER 19, 1912.

    CIRCUS AND WILD WEST ATTRACTIVE BANNERS MEAN Increased Business?. RiKht now we can Rive you he iiulividual attention that will mean the "niftiest" banner ever |>ut ui> by aiiv attraction All the Finale of Ciicus Season Proving Agreeable Surprise—Cummins and bip attractions are usin>: our banners. We employ the Ts-st suh- show artists in the country. Ia‘t us tell you whv it means money to you to have your Seaver in Chicago—Frank Wright, Former Showman, Dead — banners made by us, and KltiHT N*OW A banner paint«‘d in thn*e (lays. Notes and Gossip of the White Tops

    The floale of the rlrrus aeaiioii ia proving ■ D. V, Tantllnger and wife have never missed a cow. P. NEUMANN, JR.. PrM. WALTER F. DRIVER ino»t igrevable surprise to tbose wbo stuck fur parade or performance since they Joined tbe EDWARD R. LITZINQER, SM'y the finlsb. Ueports of big business are coming allow, wblrb was about live years ago. In from all directions. It is a remarkable Wayne Beasley was called away from the show 22'*28 North Dosplainos Stroot, Iblng. KIgbt in the midst of a presidential recently on account of the Illness of bla ala ranipalgn. too. ter. Every fact Indicates that the I’nlted States B. B. McPherson, wbo recently Joined the Is on the eve of a big boom. All the authorities 101 Ranch, la now In trick and fancy roping. agree that pruapertty Is at hand. The cropk. Uncle Dan Boylngton la back with the show, the balance of trade, tbe trend of the market framing up a new mule act. all point to tbe same conclusion. BUI Carreas was on tbe sick list for a while, 30 tuns RErUTlIION MCI Of fVUT TINT Now clrcua bukineas comes In and adds Its but is better now. conflrmatlun. for If tbe shows ran aucceaafully -\rchle West received s fall recently, but wa» For Bands, Military, oppose tbe election excitement. It proves that uot aerioualy hurt. bualnesg Is discounting tbe election; that is not GOSS' SHOW Minstrel First Pan going to wait, that It is going to get guod no BIO. SAUTELLE SHOW. matter which way the election goes. Minstrel Parade, The news la really highly algnldcant. Tbe Slg. Sautelle Show closed at DeRoyter. CANVAS N. Y.. October S. The memories of the closing Ushers, Bell Boys, CVlOflNS A BEAVER IN CHICAGO. UH.v will be lasting, inasmuch as tbe ssdness which always marks the separation and closing Base Ball, Foot Ball Chicago, Oct. 10 (Special to Tbe Billboard). of aneb an organisation, was Increased two fold BLACK TENTS CIRCUS —Chicago's two favorite Colonels. Frederick T. by a visit to tbe grave of E'rank Hasael. a Basket Ball, etc., etc Cummins and Vernon C. S*«ver, came back to clown, formerly connected with the show, wbo VaBlw UTALK. the Windy City yesterday after carefully over- died St lleKuyter during tbe show's last en B* Sore and Mentiim xelng tbe winter quartering of tbelr tented gagement there. Tbe exi«ose o* bis burial wa> flags Waterproof Covers stow at I'eorla. Ill. Colonel Staver will re- defrayed by tbe management, and a neat atone Kind qf Uniform Wanted n-ain in Chicago for the greater part of tbe was erected to mark bis resting place. Tb< SEND rOR REM CRTRIOC RRO SECOSt HMD IIST winter, while the Indomitable Colonel Cummins whole company, beaded by tbe band, marched boarded the Limited on Friday for New York to tbe cemetery, and dowers were placed up<.^o The J. C. GOSS CO-'^^rV," City, where be has an engagement to meet the grave. «RAN Claaa ST CHICAGf Signor I'libilon.'S of the Pubilones Clrco of th.' Tbe closing performance was followed by a West Islands. In reference to supplying banquet. Mr. Rollins acted as toastmaster and him with a complete menagerie and Incldently, made several speeches. Mr. ttautelle was also Wild Weatem featun's. If he requires them. rall<-d upon to deliver a siweeh. Cheers were ‘The Colonel, in discussing his post st'ason. pro given for all p*Tformers and the beads of all liiot e CansI S<<>4

    BARNUM & BAILEY LODGE L. O. O. M. NO. 35 . homson & Vandiveer OF EVERY DCSCRIPTION M*.'iuf4L'turrrt of Now it thr time we need tbe wovk oan Ktre quirk artion and rioee prie* CIRCUS TENTS QUALITY THE BEST TENTS FOR RENT BIB Eaat Fmci StrMt. CINCINRATI.O TIE COIIMBIS TENT & AiNINS Cl coiuyiut. OHIO.


    FOR LESS MONEY Wr make a kpet-laltT of spr^-lal lai.vaa for tperlAl purposes. e*preially Small Tut* llallvhoo. t'uriAliia. iKiil Rack. Il.sids. etc. F.>r Fain ai.d Caralvala Write for prtcr*.

    Tbe drill and degree team. Past Dictator 3. U Snellen Is In front row. center.

    THE FINEST SHOW PAINTINGS DROPS AT LOWEST PRICES Tell claimed it triumphant and successfnl. due large¬ di'partmenta and tbe party broke up by Joining need and ee will ■rl^J LliWFHT aMlmai ly to tbe untiring energy of bla co-aasociate, henda in one big circle and alnglng Should "hi ENKEBOLL ART CO.. Oaiaka. Nek C^'lonel Seaver. Cummins estlmatea hla partner Acquaintance Be Forgot. aa tbe coming "Jim" Bailey. The show arrived at Homer, N. T.. Ita borne, the next day, and la now being plac«d away. Many changea wUl be made lo tbe make-up next OLD THEE SHOWICAH DEAD. aeaaon. Much of tbe equipment and aU tbe canvas will be new and another pole or two Frank Wright, formerly a well known show will be added to tbe big top. Tbe menagerie man, died at his home in Hyde Park, a suburb will be Increased and tbe show strengthen'd of Cineimiatl, Oct. 6. of cancer of the stomach generally. Aa aoon aa tbe property la pnt away, Texas Snakes The di-ceas<'d was connect«‘d with the old John tbe management will commence tbe erection of Koblnaon Circus for a number of years and It a new work-shop which will be 2S0 feet long Iguana. Chinese Itragniia. I'armu and Animals rov was while In the employ of this circus that be and 00 feet wide. lit Rhows All ptdson snakes flxed safs to handle met and married the late James Robinson's Mr. lAiwande and wife will pay a visit to their Print reaaonatile I'MmtA ablpment of all often daughter. Mr. Wright in recent years has con borne at Reading. Mass.. I^fore commencing W ODELL LEARN. ducted a hostelry whleh was the headquarters tbe new acts wbicb they ^ve In view. 715 W. Caaiaisrte SI., Saa Aslaala, Tstat for visiting professionals. He leaves a widow, Mr. Rollins and wife will visit Rochester. a sc>n and a daughter. N. IT.. Mr. Rollins' old borne town, for a abort while, and will then take np tbelr abode with PYTHONS. HALF-PRICE tbe genial Big. for the winter. Rig Bargains In lithnns, oterstnrked, so am isllliig for half their ealut. FIna condition To the Performera of Rlngllng Broa.’ Showa:— HALF A TON PIT SNAKES I hereby wish to expr»-ss my tbanka and grati¬ DO^'NIE A WHEELER CXOBE OCT. 18. Juat arrled Cub Hears. Llona. Man Monkey BFBT J PCTNAM. 5'i (leneMW HI . BufTalo V T tude to you. one and all. for the money con¬ CIRCUS TENTS tributed to me at Chattanooga. October 4. I A reprear-ntatlve of The Billboard visited the Downie it Wheeler Shows at B<-dford. Va.. and ■ome day hojie that I may be able to do aome CIRCUS AND JU6GLING APPARATUS Seats, Banners, Lights. d*ed for each and every one of yon. enjoyed a few daya with the abow. Both Meaara. lK>wnle and Wheeler express Clubs. Batons and N'ovaltlaa Rtamp for Catalog Wlahtng you the greatest succeaa, and with EDWARD VAN WVCK, ClatlaBSlI. Okta I b< at regards to all, I remain, tbemaelvea as being well pleased with tbe sea Ill Bickifi Tilt Awiiif Co., ColiHbis,l Slncerelv vonrs, Bon, which they state baa been a very pros)i.-r ARTHUR E. MULLEN. ona one for tbelr abow. At Bedford. Rocky Mount and Cbrlstlanabnrg, tbe show played to E. J. HAYDEN t CO., Inc.. capacity. 101 RAKCH WILD WEST, This show w-lll close at Riverton. Va.. 0< i iK-r IS. and will go Into winter quarters at ' T At Ihs on# staa4 18 kfiitllpr tpfits Hlrlrmall by fr^pi nr mllp. for or ticipating In the Pendleton. Ore., Round up. years M-ason s«-veral oars have l»een added to the train rPiit iKto(k tif new Tetita In th* rtoto Ktory where he took the honors of the trick and fancy and the parade strengthened by the addition 7 MadLwoa St. wiille .Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler will return lo Heir M tv Writs to I BtHIIAIIItT A t'O . Indlai.apnlU. Texas McClood, Johnnie Baldwin and wife, Ii.d and Pell Balchel also took part In tbe event. home at Oxford. I'a. Other outsiders who participated were Benjamin H. Inman, of Pendleton, Ore.; Re«-ae Brown, of D. P White, twenty fonr honr man with the Phoenix. Arir..; Robert rV'nnell. of FlagatafT Frank A. RohMna Shows last season, la advance Aria • Win Mace, of Medical lAke, Wash.; Ar¬ agent for Prairie I.lllle and Nebraska Rlll'a ★ OF NEW YONK .A, chie West of Van Couver. YY**!'.: Iy«'roy Scott, Wild West this aeaaon. Manufacturers of of Miles City Mont.: ('bariev Wllllama. of Houa ton, Texas: B. R. McPherson, of Gillette. Wyo.; Willie George, of I'ocatello. Idaho, and Sparks, ADDITIONAL CIRCUS Circus and Show Canvases of San Anton:.*, Texas. Also Aerimi Nfita Bnd Trampoline Hoarda Biia'ness with the 101 Ranch has been very NEWS ON PAGE 27. Ita-ItT S. Cantar Ava good this season. Tie season will lo> extended a 1S3 SOUTH ST., NEW YORK CITY. few weeks longer than prevlona ones. CHICAGO. OCTOBER 19, 1912. Xtie Billboard 23


    On Sunday. .September TJ, tUi! Clifton-Kelley “p'.rnr SCENERY CARNIVAL NEWS Miowa invaded tbe Suuijy South, ’inakinK one biu Jump over f<.Hir line* of railroad from Alel.< uua WE CAN TEACH YOU BY MAIL lerro. 111., to Jlunttniplon, Tenn. Alcl/eausboro'a This euunc In Thestrleal Seen* Pslntlnf k tka H-t Avltatlon and Street Clrcua HBa one of the OXLT ONE In exLn«nce. It Is prscticnl and sasy ta Frank C. Bollock, F amous English Showman, Passes Away In London, biKtest weeks of the season for the shows. The undsnutnd. ETerrbody can learn Uila azelualra l«a- event w as held on the court hou.se la A n. Till'- fMslon and earn bit monaj. Writs Utdar lor baaklat. ENKEBOLL ABT SCHOOL. Fort Straat. Omaka. Octobers—J. D. Williams, Australia's Amusement King— teen pay attractions and about dfty concessions Neb.. U. 8. A. were in the line-up. and all did a hit business. News and Notes ol Carnival Companies t'harles Swift, band leader, left the show at .Mel.eansboro, and has been replaced by II. A llmemiller. JUST OUT-OUR NEW Mo. liare Ih-vil Sampson joined at Mcl.i-anslniro. trank B •stock famous Engl.ah showman and put money Into g'tod stuff He Introdueed tb< and Is putting on his fr-e act. vrstwl..|i' lariilval manager in America, died of bii'lt up front In Amerlrt. Earle Jackson, manater of the merry icu roiiml. 126 SUMMER CATALOG. InflurDxa In lemd 'U, Englaud. on Tuesday, Ur He wsa ever an English showman—never a was taken 111 at Mcl>-ansboro, and remiiii .1 tid~r b rosiiiopollian aud least of all, an American one. there with bis wife. The last report is that lie Bosti" k was the s>>n sigl grsUilsoD of showmen Boaiork. besides training animals with great Is better and will Join the show shortly. WRITE FOR IT tad has a brulbrr In lirltlan who ranks high suteeaa. iiisnsged many animal shows In various Ed Ciilpin, Earle Jackson (former band b ailen TODAY AND Hr tarried bis roiupsulrs to the csiotliient of parts of the world. and the Snider Sisters are recent additions lo Eiiroi* npeslrdly, even Invading I'arla on sev He was one of the first trainers to perform the show. rrsi t"rrss.‘ ns. the fmt of thrusting bis head Into a Boo's O. E tlolforth left at McLeansboro. B'«lo-k made snd Bat fortunes When b- mouth. .Mrs. Mattie Cain, with her Baby Ethel Show. iDil I rsorls lerarl Orsi Invsded the I'oltetl Joined at .McLeansboro. gtstrs bi msde gu:le a g'sid deal of money but liurlnif the week at Breese. 111., a large num —ON— re>ersr, followed and m>«t of bis winnings were AUSTRALIA'E AMUSEMENT KINO. tierof the i«o(de with the show visited St. Ixmls. Watches. Jewelry, dlssliaitd before be returned to bis own couo In making the Jump from .Mcla-ansboro to Pocket Knivet, Razort, Fountala try Bud. Atkinson, the Australian clrcua magnate, Huntingdon, manager Kelley was left at Cairo. Pent, Opera aafi frsnk C. Bosttwk was bom In England fifty Ill., on account of the merry-go-round car he.ng now outfitting In America, tells some marvelous WBOLE8ALB Field Glattet. years sgo. Its t>egsB his business career as a stoilis of the tremendous success achieved In In a bad condition. After transferring the ma Spectacles, ete. rlrrus man In England on a small s. Williams, at one time well chine to another car be managed to get to Jewelers England b' went to Australia ills first real known In the carnival game In lb,a country. iluutingdcpD In time to open the followin:; .Moii AND start i"Wsrd succ. as came through an accidental GORDON & He baa only been In Australia four yearn ■lay night. OPTICIANS discttvery iB ronnerllon with one of the kan but has a string of the world’s greatest picture -Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, who hare bad the nor MORRISON gsroa In h a show while In Australia. Bos pala-va and is rich and growing richer day by elty shooting gallery for some time, left at Me- Eptab I'K lock sltp|>ed the aalmal playfully one day and day Is-ansboro. The oldest. largest Ike kangaroo siapiwd bark. wbrreu|>un Bosittrk It Is ID Arsblsn Night's story. If Mr. WII The Prater Brothers, who hare had the high CHICA60. ILL. and Most Rellabla Wholesale Jewelry t'Bt bcilDg gloves on the ksngaro* and aoon llama |••>anessed the lamp and only to rub It to striker and baby rack, left at Huntingdon. and Optical Houaa The show \s now playing Mississippi. In U. S. A.


    The .M"narcli (Ireater Sbowg No. 1. under tlie illre<'tlon of B. H. Patrick, closed the m"et HAT-BANDS .U'-rr-sful season In the history of the shows, at ' allevneld. yuc.. September 111. The greater REPRODUCTION HAND-PAINTED BEAUTIFUL COLORS part of the seassiO was s|>ent In Canada, where A.ssorted sayings: "Everybody's Do¬ the shown iilaye.! a uumtper of <»ld Home Weeks, ing It." Wilson. Taft aud BooaevelL • elebratloiis. carnivals and fairs. The aggre- Price. $11.00 per 1,000. Beprodun- k'lilon was uiaevar<> and a group of ten an- liiia s. (siHslntlug of lions, tigers Icopanls, pumas and Is-ars; Oru Cecil, with a group of leupanls aiel Jaguars. Capt. Chane. with bears, wolves y'^CELEBRAT^0^4 Goods and liyeuasi Frank Gordon, with his boxing kaiigar.»>i Capt. Jm. <1 Ferarl's I> g. Pony and M->iiker Circus; Capt. Ferarl's Ten In One. fea¬ turing some of the world's liest-known freaks .rwl tiiiiseuui uoveltlen: Minute Ha Ha. under the evelt, Taft or Wilson. SS.OO per 100; llzll, |.-rs.,|ia, uianageuieut of Pup Keni|>eiiar; Hamda r >10 00 per 100. Large tlae. flashy oolerea Bell s .'streets of Nations, with Prlnceaa Mabara Shaker. $3 50 per gross: small slae. $S.M per gnes; Willow Plumes, flashy oolera. as the principal feature, and a number of other heat grade. $4 00 per gross Our big Ifill fiO-pagi O'leiiial iiumbem, su< h as gun spinnera and >K»k will be mailed to you free Send your nams whirling Iiervlsbesi The Bfci e to iHrath, a 8i>ec- And Address. In U you will find lllustrAtod Ih# lAt- t o-u-ar prolui lion ef the sin.AIng of the Ill-fated cst low-prtc«d NoTAltlen. French Poodle Dogs. Peii- Titanic; Prof. Heckler's Flea Clrcua: Taxler riAnU, CAn««. BAt BAnds. C'AmpAlfn Buttons. BAdgM. Bros ■ Penny Arcade. Pattec's Diving Ulrla. W W Shlpi>y's Circling Wave and E. M. Pol- hlii's .Merry-tlo-Round and F'errls Wheel. E M P'dhlll has contracleil for an fih.Ok) oT»rhead galloping horse Merry-go-round for the Monarch 'treater Shows next season. Mrs Edsttu. Hamda Ben and Mr. and Mrs. B. H Patrick have returned to New York City, Dod^in^ Monkeys where they will spend the winter. The entire outfit will be on wagons next sea- J money-getters; always hold a crowd where all lers fail; gsppers and tightwads always loosen up; a- n, using ten flat cars and four box cars. rybody wants to hit monk. Good slaed. healthy, messed, ready to work. $16.00 cash, or C. O. D. HIGH DIVER DIES FROM BURNS. h deposit. Order now. ATLANTIC A PACIFIC

    Kts'kiik. Is . Oct. 11 iSt>cciaI to The Bill N.srtli.—The effects of bums received last winter while diving Into the .Mississippi River fr-.iti a brl.lge wrapi>e

    Hickman. Ky.. Oct. 10 iSpcclal to The Bill JAPANESE FLYING BIRO. board*.—Through the efforts of the business Varicolored wings and taila. Plefsea old and youna men of this city, a carnival It being held here Swing It around by the atlck or hang It up In a drafty thia week on the main street ef the city. The place, and the itiLs will revolve, making noise Uka Cllft 'n Kelley Shows are furnishing the attrac¬ flapping of wlnga. Per groes. $3.50. Send Ific fat • tions It Is stated that this la the first car sample. Catalogue to Heelers enly. nival held In this city for ten years PADDLE WHEEL MEN. NOTICE—New Skifiaeat of catchy Vases just i* frea Japes. CARNIVAL NOTES. MOGI, MOMONOI A CO., II Barclay Strset, New York, N. V, The Old Dom.nlon Show continues to do gooil business with the same line up. having only lost three days slnt'e the op-nlng. which was .April lUIIER BALLOONS 'JP The shew m ,11 close November 12. Next aaason three more wig.>ns will he added, to- RUBBER GOODS gtther with a larger side show top and a M* f'X't top with a SO foot middle piece for the kid CANE RACK CANES s*ow. .All the people with the show have sign.**! up for next season which p<>lnts to an early KNIFE RACK KNIVES start (J. 11. Coleman, the well known promoter and SOUVENIR GOODS qneen (s'ntcst man who has Iwn asaoclatctl with the J. Frank Hatch Shs'ws for many years. POR CARNIVAL SALES rl< se,1 the waaon with that aggregation ai Newark. O.. and Joint'd the S-mpa-m and M.irr .le li a wishes realised his achievements would Shews at ChIHIcothe for the balance of the sea SPIDERS II I 111 mm h less wonderful. w'n Mra. Coleman and wm. Bob, went to Chi He Is ihe prealdi nl and manager of and the cago, wh.Te they will si'end the winter iiK'nths CARNIVAL WHIPS laig AVIlltaiiia Co Mr. fhleman will Ji'ln them about Christmas. Hr I'i Ihe J ■>. AVIlllama Co and the J H .After clitalnc a very successful season with AA IllUni. C U Ihe la-gist buyer of films In the the Silver F'amllv Show Septcmb«'r 7 the .Aerial e-rld will, hut om- r\i<|>tl->n the General Flint Stones playol the Grand ’Traverse Pigeon Fair at Traverse C.ty. Mich., which was held from r e AA'llllaiiis Co has buyers In New York. September 23 to 27. Inclusive, snd from there • hbsg ’ loiidon. Par's ami Berlin. jumped to Gonlon. Alx , where they Jolnctl th- Ihe .'ff'ce, of the AA’Ill ams Co are In the iVBrlen A .Allen C«'losssl Shew for the winter. Crtstal I'alaie and a-e very large, apaclou' The s'ow will tour Florida during the winter and lu [W'alng Mr .Atkinson a«ya that no other months. • •fflc,-a In any line of the atmia.'fneDt hualneaa Iti AitvIral a >urpa«s them and that he haa not The roster of Ih,' Elite .Amusement Company «. ell rmiMng In .America to e<|nsl them. Is as follows: Dan Eherhartlt. manager; Mrs c. ® L L J I* AA llllams esnn I he much over :U* yi-ara J C jenneson. S'-crettry; Mrs. Ids Mink, tress We are the oldest Btreetmen’i Supply House la tfes It Is a'loflher I'kclv that he la under .3.5 He nrer; Frank Zollmsn, po'motcr; F'rcd Mink. 'nliad States anu have thousands of satlsflad sasM was l-.rn In I'ark'-rahurg. AV Va , In Ihe lat<’ n'ansgoT of o>'nresslona; Ets'rhsrdt's Wild Ani oars We can satl^ you and want rout buslaaw. s<«en|.ra or early rightlea. our fib's do not give Oisl Show. .A. B. J«'nktn’s Mliwfr

    Briilnf'fi B«ni1 anil with th«* STREET CARNIVU COMPANIES lirmf Siitt«>n Sh«>«a Mt MaiUhod, 111., und tr^ Popcorn Wagon wantji to join a company at onew. h4>iR In SI IamiIh rrhfi'.trwtn: MniA«Atr o a r d OCTOBER 19, 1912. FILM SYNOPSES

    BricI Outlines of Stories Told in the Latest Productions of the Patents, Univerjal Film Mfg., Film Supply and Independent WuruTzei^ Companies—Release Dates and Lengths of Subjects Automatic Musical Instruments FILM SUPPLY COMPANY. bxl IC at a dead Kallop. Tlie die _ aii|)<>iiited autlior aeeka to lom- Ilia admin ra. bill W’orld’s largest manutaciurcrs. I'hc largest and qattuonx ** I’uraiied by them. lie Anally eaeapea them , . ^ ■ and resolvea heueefurth to devote bla literary lHK IIK Lll'UNAL (Urania; re laleuta to wrltluK bookleta for a pickle factory. only complete line. Fasy payments. Big hew leaae Uctobi r lo; leriKlIi, — feeti.— and ciaaja on the Frankfurter. On the aame rixl e Another woman, beautiful, aeduc U Calino .Marries A Suffrapette. catalog in colors now' ready. Call or write to the father*'*fmm “t 11^'! .'in’* n “v'' CAU.NU MAltlllK.S A SL'FTlt AOKITK (Ura 'Ihe wife learna of this liaison a "i"*'- f ? KenUeu.an struck by nearest VVurliizcr branch. divorce follows and the wife Is “•'»'> >*•‘1 lusplred a worn Riven the custody of their cLld He la mar- the father beiuR |H*rmitted to Le the little one *" **“■ “'•ri’lfd to him. acconlinp THE RUDOLPH WURLITZER CO. one day every month ^verallears ha e “* "‘y ** “ •“ CINCINNATI itirtntxiK uh . NKW YORK ti. a r w. salt: CHICAGO •»* ai •. ed and the father Is preparmp to visit his baby 'oIkd of terror. She puts Wahad,.; PHILAUHI.l'HlA sit ( hesiautI; bT. LulTS ilpnoiivti; CI.RVKLANU marahallinp his tokens of love lo the foru? of ■ course of spr.aits that Include ■ tsM Iturao Bl'FF.ALO ibtl Mam>: UKTKOIT laAdam. W.li LOl'iSVILLK toys. As he is arranplB* them a leUer arrive! «r«lnlUK. wrestllnp with the kitchen imw Oranii; COLl'.MHL'Sc'iTAaiC Mwini: U.AYTUS nn N, Ludlewt. NKW.AKK, S'. J. reading that the chllVfa 111 and that he can liooklUB friend wife up the back, lie M Uroad ; KANSAS CITY inu7 Malat; EKOVIDKNCH, K. I. T Abon.i. not see her this day. He Implores hia'one tliu. **"‘*'y “*“■ proverbial worm and shows wife to allow him to see the little universe to wear Although feeling the deepness of he wound ‘"i ““.1 his act In years pone by and in Ihe tolls of a I ***“'’ »t‘vlug the paw new- passion for a suitor whom she is soon to Wed, she consents. The other man la on the THANHOUSER. B.s-ue as the father stands by the sick bed and the little one responds to his caresses. With , A-'r- -aiVSs FETTICOAT C A M I’ Jealousy and fear he watches Ihe child brighten «•.< '* 'c=^, (Comedy; release Oct. under the warmth of her father’s presence and 0 ■ 'a.'V length.-feeti.— \ DROMMEIIS I!“ ?!!!!» the rival Sees the little bands reach out and V J Several young married Has a untvrnial reputation amuoa tbouaanda of bring togellier Ihe beads and hearts and lives * j. J Sm" 'uuples decide to cam;- $10.00 drummera A perfect awing- ^ of those who bad parted, I'he bridi-groom elect *> 3k for the summer, leasing Spacial Offar Ina beatar. paal steals away Into the night, leaving a note tell' tEW i an island. The men ar. bolder and apun. Pitoa, Ing of bis sacrlAce and Ihe renunciation of his happy—they eat eum $•0.00 12 so. own Joys In compliance with the principle re 7W e mous breakfasts, auil g.' ^Igh-grade I>ruiBa. alas of garding tlHise of who ’twas said. ’Whom God Ashing and bunting.They ahell. Salt. SilO. 4ll4. 4il5. Hath Joined. Let >>0 Man I'ut Asunder.” are much pleased with this sort of life, but tolld maple rosewood or wal- thu wives ask among themselves, where they nut; kangaroe. Angora or skunk calf beads, gut woven E. P. ZEIDLER BKE'JHOVEN (Urania; release October l.">; come Id. ‘’It' la a picnic for the boys.” re of w'™ "isres; 10 Aiit plated thumb-screw rods. length. — feed.—Episodes vital in the life of “They have nothing to do and w. Special prlte offer today. tlO.M. Wt bavt soly a the great symphonlst In the hey-dey «f his pow limited number at thU price. DRUM CO. ers. wheu masiercreatlon after ‘'.i •“ They never let ua go with I •• ‘w.ce. “org,!:rTshL“ne^U ‘“t- I'tTe ^"o‘lt^?n;*ey“E. P.Zwil If OrBiBCo.. Dcpt.8.Cle»ela«(l. 0. CLEVELAND. 0. riimmorckangaroo mcaos E. P.. hhrwZeidler winhiDram ihCi. ;bL‘VHr‘r V' ro^vrive-a'i. ‘ UfUllimGrS^^^.-.n^•’?rd:^‘Vw‘•“ ii,.VoS M.’iio a?* ®- Wbsa Ordsrtsi Gsedi ta Camt by C. 0. 0. ixmaat. iaaf taMaiaat ta Saaraataa Cagrtat Cbargaa. AcriefH^efh^^ d.f hu iinra.r..,UaaTi r.. . 4 b\,!Zr-T^ir.1 ufc* - —tbMt It.la" untilu'n‘tT^fhi^v^ tne.T tat.^.rr,?n‘ down to tI 1 ^haa Ordarla. 0... U Cm. by C. 0. 0. bam mind which In torn •*''*‘y* ujion bis frightfully prepared supper, much to their sor blsjy' •fh.i, strength of his ,<,w. They decide up^i in Ides. Lste that He Is fearful lost deafness. evenlBg, while the wives were supposedly sleep- Armltv Bud he itosnu^ ** *!*** *“ *“R. two tramps crept Into •'petticoat camp” and Is at^last diacoJlri^* oecret jealously. It kowled, expecting that the women wonld shriek hla gemS. win with terror. But they didn’t. Later when the hea^ til., to I although unable to “tramps” were picked up far from shore, they Dtad and highly andoraad by the United Statea Army. Rig- wrote the ii*H on*i *^ *"**, **** "uu!. hr told their accomplices that the women had gaat Sanaatioa la tba Itoving Tletnra World. Can ba niwettad Thst the ».orM . *be thoughi “bravery to burn/’ They said that the girls by a boy 10 years old. On* enstomer writes; denied to Ids'* might happily hear what was pulled revolvers and Ared at them. Their plot ’I’lsnt runnbig Uka a top and dallvmlng tha ‘julet’ right along man hove» oe.. h Ibe of Death having failed they decide to surrender. The day for our moving piciura bouia. Coala ua about ona-tanth as mmA as sii.t seeSe. .'.0.7.^ .* T***°u of the characters wives demand a abate of fun. and the transfer public sarvlea. Also puauM watar ta all aar buUdlnm. t.oao gaOooa par 4v.*' ai” an.) opuses, “The I’astor- of some of the work to the husbands. They got Wrtta today for BuUatln 101 It it a mighty InlatsaUna baaklat. a •» accomplished uiwm It and when they returned to the city, the wives (Isg* UfciNUlT ENGINE WORKS, Otpartmaat lai. Oatralt. Mlab . 0. t. A. imoio/.iitr *** ***'* works knew naught but said to their friends: "We had a lovely time, moraiiiy. Jaek (or Bill) never went bunting or Ash- THE LEGE.N’D OF CAGLIOSTKO (Drams- re *"•' without us.” Jack (or Bill) never said a lease Oct. 17; length — feed. Cagllustro a "’ord. Although they enjoyed themselves they ^P| ■ The leading Journal of the Moving youth of great mental promise receives the hoped no outsider would ever hear the riwl divine amalus. at with hit sweetheart he stands the cate. I nO ■kIOOO^VIO Picture business in Kuro(>e. Mils before a painting of the Christ,Christ who«whose closed ^THROCGHTHROCGH THE FLAMES (Drams; release ■ UH nil I XI I I eyes open to look at him with a light mvaflc ®'’*’ length -).—A farmer’s daughter ( I ■ I Ig ■ III labial I largest circulation and is the Thrilled, he Aees into the dark with hit sweet bt‘II<*f<’d she was ont out for a stage career.; |I |IIG | sJ UIUuIjIJIJD heart to fulAll bis destiny. At the r,)adside Inn "H^ngthen.-d when a "cele- | m ^w ^-W WWW ^ W Advertising Medium, bar nolle. they pause for refreshment. Standimr there brsted” actor appeared at the farm. He apoke _ » « garbed as mouk*. a blind gentleman led bv his delights of a theaplan’a career, but Subscription, S2.00 ■a yoar. Sampla copy Mallad Fraa. SOD enters, t’sgllostro tings a song so anneal »»>at he belonged to a com-I ... m Ingly effective that tears gush fVth ami c^riv **’"• mcourgged the young ! 85 ShafteSDUryiftesbury Avenue,AvanUb, - LONDON. W.. ENGLAND. with them the obscurlnir Alma \f.eie woman and promised to look np a Job for her the Austrian princess, later to be the c^sori *“ *’"*'* ’*'* . **"""** of the fated I-ouls XVI of France has him te!I **’■* *_J _ his warnings that It will aim.l im? .i.i ’^e city, paid over the monev And I Into the vision of her tragic* end hr hastened to the theatre. She f.innd that she na^er bl.deblade ofnf the guillotineguiUonne. HlddeSHidden In' an.n "*d been tricked hv "an Adventurer,adventurer, and no ^ /x''ffcl dls'irrIs the Canlinal Bohan who struggles against bishU ehanee to lead the life she had hoped to lead, desire to then and there declare his lov^fo^ he! tsgliostro. grieved by the subseiiiienf hL-.i, ; was gone and slie was ordered from hia belovcl mate, attracts such att.-ntion^thSt ’'** dl"Crsced. the Sees be Is charged with sorcery He laughs .t tb.ir f'*’’ determined not to return to her home. J Intimations of death at their hamu** .n i •n'nd where she would J them conjures the v slVn Lf r.i^i?olls , ' welcomed death. The hotel caught Are I Whom d.^th can iKd t.mch *who Immortal. n,at evening and she decided that she would ; not conAne. He permit, hims. if i •'ivr been bnmed to ' oned. awaiting tbrresnrrec Ion of ■ ^Ad It not been for a drummer, who ; Jv It hi* l«v*ij ami lost I»r. nxa Thrm.'ii J*' '*** f'TPwl hi* war !n through the window and in I }j meditatl.m there tie remains nnH^'M^ bours of spite of the girl’s entreaties to be allowed to ^ < hi. departml Isloved dragged her to the Are e.«-ape. A. they card that old juice consuming rheoslal and^^L^^L AS hv wLlc the «. . * ‘“.Tr" ’•••‘■‘'"d the Are escape It eollapaed. The Are trance into h s world•FiplH g.F«?f 8?g!lnc.nV*.“LJ'.“siSaxasiA w-iiiiff'iii xs' department savedpiibt'n themiiM'iii withvAiiii many others,nin»T*, from j / shade bad summoned him to ..T*"’ tfAPPed building. Her champion found . “““ ‘•‘a Kteat activities, the man who had swindled her and forced him **\..^*.■'•'’**•**' (T’oimsly-drama: re- return his lll-gotten money. On the train PQrt Wayne Compentarc ,, I ; '2'’*''’ length. — feet*.—The happv Ibat evening there retu-ned to her coiintr.v i.r, pV° hons.-bold of an officer In the treasury bome a g rl who had learned wisdom In a hitter It will increase your bo* office receipt* pariinent Is more or less deranged by his pro- school, and In the city as the train pnlled out •■’"'■ernorship of a small eoiintrv a’’”^ a young drummer w-ho hoped that It wonld m because your patrons will notice at oisce bow * irovince. He and his wife, although pleasesi at be hmg liefore he could claim her as bis the .dv.-,ne.. dislike the Isolation froi.l their V mucfi brighter and clearer your pictures are. And wkai's more, k will ' boulevards. His wife, attractive, creates an ^ G.4RDFN (Drama; release Oet. SA: xh*'I^'i *be gentlemen In the n< w- town 'ength ->.—This Is the story that a gardner inelr Int^est Is such that their wives tieeome **’*“ 11'’wers. He wss a strange old man. [ Cut 2-3 from Your Monthly Lighting Bill jeahiiis. The rarlsienne, while without snv In *Pent hia lifetime In one place. He lovi-d tention of Airtlng. r an not help It. The matrons **’*' •'"wers and gave them the detalla of the That sounds as if we were stretching it, doesn’t k) But w« are not and juM lo A''*’ mm-h scandalized. In desperation thev *”*' romance he had ever w-ltncsscd. To the write a letter to the head of the treasnrv dJ I'tHe pansy he said; “When I came here, many show you. we will ship you one on 30 days free trial and let prove k. partment In I’arla telling him that a great ^eara ago. Miss May was a little girl. There ■caudal ia disturhing the |ieaee of their citv ami * little boy. who lived right over there. ^ If k does not do all we claim lor k, ship k back at our eipense and k won’t cot* aak that be investigate. An Insiieetor Is'aent were great ehiims—child , i you one cent. who himself stiecnnihs to the charms of ti,7 Tl'cv grew tip and one afternoon I saw them rkrislenne. The lrisi>eetor baa a terdenev t '"’blnsr earnestly over on the old bench there. I li this sounds “good” lo you, tend for our' Insjiect ttio minutciv and gives a striking Imlts' "“•'''A’' ber head He kls«ed her and plaetd tatlon of a man making love to another m.n". *" engagement ring on her Anger. For a time ^ Imle booklet "Compensarc vs. Rheostat” and iind wife. The I’arlslenne angrllv ixpudlstes his .d ''"bPT. then they nnarrelled If was out the particulars. yances and he is more or less orallv eleet.si fr, L " '’'■P"*'’ And In my opinion, both were |.i the bonse. He Is not a bad fellow atXalt a "J"'' «‘'"a''’”'’ here . ^k You are paying the Lighting Company half not rew-ntlng his dIseomAlure decides t^do the J’’'’’’ but she would not hsve exiles . good torn Realizing ’ tSat thet are m ' on know little pansy lew Mis. May L your profits every day you vvak. comfortable In their s.ihnrban situation he ree !?."■ *b'own her garden onen to the poor ehlldn-n onimcnfl* th^ r^^glrne of th#* Oovtfrnnp if ^ E •t*nd!rr *t th^ *n unto Wayne Electric plo.yer so highly that the iXr U ree. I/T '♦ ' re<”'«r’"Aed the ehsp Mis. Mav I-arls to a amu-Vlor no. ,ion 'o loved I called a greeting to him; he stooped love ((’oi mdv drVma rele... n . k o. And we shook hsnd. If had been mans Tears WORKS length - feen -lof-r.hoX. rhe bl"red atsmt here, snd I had Oeaaeal martrle Oo., poricnoowrlen^H* of a Iltf^rarjiVteT.rv )r«AntIeman when one of hi* hrrp earefnl Had he kn-wn Mis. May was iirmliietlons teiu ’'b*‘P "^.b'A here I donht If he w-onid hsye come In. So I

    ao'lslljref »ho shout s<,en her I led him to the bench, snd left him f b maiden state, who look as though My work was done, and 1 knew It was sneeess- OCTOBER 19, 1912. T ti e O 1 111> o a r d 25

    fiil wlu-n 1 MW till* glad Hiclit lu her i-yea. It «ta only aluliborni-aa tliat hail kept them apait A PATRIOTIC FEATURE all tlieae yeara. The job waa to brltift them to- (If i>at1li'ular liilereat to morinf phiura palmna K'lher anil 1 did It. You are aurb a little paiiay that you l au't aee what I ai-e, but the tall THE UNITED STATES ai.iillower will tell you that .Mlaa May and her awretheart are aittiuir on the henrh, aa liappy aa two lorera ever were." Then the ifardner r» ae from hla kneea and hobbled away, rejo.clng ALL ROADS LEAD In the bappliM-aa he bad hroiiKht to otbera.

    g *1 brftUttfullT-rolnml HltdM. ftU lAk#n right ftl4>hg tlir Uit» of lti« 11*12 r«v1rw PATENTS COMPANY, THIS IS A BIG ATTRACTION ES8ANAT. I'rlie. ft) OU the art. with puatera. a t A Al A\f '“O-' '\AAJ'IAV drama; release Oct. '22, length., l.taat. feet).—l.etlj Xfilm^ King la the tomboy on liar / SUPPLY ’Gaofflont’ NOVELTY SLIDE CO Uancb. bhe tllla the naabing ca NEW YORK. JF paua full of aalt and when the CHICAGO. hoya waah they get their eyea | ATLANTA. and n'jaea full of It. '1 hen ■fot h' ^l^elty tlea a lariat to the ^1%^^ JMHt table cloth, allachea the other end to a moving buggy and \ f the buya' dinner la depoalled *UAlAf\l iV 1 floor, much to their aa • ilUIUrLAT^ loulahment. One morning l.et ty meeta Arthur Springer, an Kaaterner, and the bund of alTeCtlou a|iriuga up between Ihi-iu. l.etly ia ala-i loved by Jim liunn. a cowboy, and la much pul out when l.etly re- turna hla ring and announcea her engagement to Sjirlnger. Iwo montha later Springer and l^-lty de|iarl to the city to be married and the aa- | aembli-d Cowbiiya cheer them. At thia time. Hob Hlake, alierllT. la nolllled by Cheyenne police that .\rthur Springer la wanted for wife abau doumeut and to arreat him. Meeting Itunu and the Imya Hlake Infurma them and a wild ride begina after the atage. Overtaking It the boya force Springer to climb out and coufeaa bia guilt. Spr.uger la arrealed and the boya conduct Lelty back to the ranch bouae where abe aoba out her miaery until a touch on her aboulder cauaea ber to Ka>k up Into Iiuun'a fare. He bolda out tlie old engagement ring and the repentant tomboy la claai>ed In hla arma. HUl.Mll.NG FATHEK AROU.ND (Cometly; re leaae October 23; length. l.tJUO feet).—Harry Hriak lovea Minerva Orumpley. Old Orumpley declarea that Harry can not marry hla daughter tTALA FILfI until he haa glO.UUU. Now Harry baa $2,UiX) and -TORINO- plana bow be can get the balance, lie aeea a merry go round on a vacant lot. Two lota next Mm to old Grumpley'a home are vacant, and be coo celvea a scheme to bring the old man around He purchases the lota fur bla $2.0U0. then gets the owner to move bis concession over on his proi>erty for free rent. Next morning Urumpley • WRITE PPR- la dlacovered raging In his library with the gout and the noise coming from the crowds on the NAW\E.O? WEAKEST OFFICE merry go round. He ruabi a down and receives ImvtTsitl Tht‘atn>s an- MAKING MORE . uo aatlafactinn from the merry-go round owner, who shows hla (wrmlt. Grumpley decides to MONEY THAN YOU ARE! ThtMr pr<.i;r.tnis l>uy the lota, but finds that the price asked la PILH SUPPLY C0 .If BETTER BALANCED. Tht ir FEATURE JUi.fagi. This be refuses to pay and is forced FILMS an- la ttt-r Tht-ir patniiis stick to ' to sQeod another night of torture with the racket. Next morning be buys the lots at the •.hem la-ttcr than voiirs tlo to vou. l»c- J33 ' J3S U^sr 3t New York nuN- UNIVERSAL FILMS an- L'ivi'iif; UNU VERSAL SATISFACTION. Why worry alMtiit the htismt ss you an- iosiny; w ht-n vou can [r“t It all hack—ami mon- — by (uMykiny; with l iuvcrsal tiliiis ami with im- ? Write this ilav'

    OFKICLS AHE AS KOIJ>OW» M Watt Lake Strati. CHICAGO, ILL. II] Faraaai Street. OMAHA. NEB. SkH Block. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. -on's yard. Good parson finds It. ind stirts a <1 Walsut Street. 0E8 MOINES. lA. flr>-. The powder eTjdmlea and the room wreck cd. likewise Jlma.in He la found by his neigh lUtiilEST and HEIST filni renter In the world. t-ora snd several days Ister Is barely able to h,>bhle around on crutches. Meanwhile Oid Tightwad suspects Jlin of stealing the wood, snd Iwlng chairman of the church commltt.e. •h'lnan.ls his resignation. IVtermIncd to catch the real thief and save hU job. the parson and Sainanthv giianl Tightwad's wood pile thit night and capture t'ncle Ephraim. The darky con fosacs and Is lodged In Jail. S>me time later the pars.in and Sainanthy return home from ttiolr wiilding ceremonv ai'd are besieged by th> neighbors who fill the nsom with presents “THC ECONOMIZER MAN .Among these Is a big chiv'olate cake and the pars.ui fi-ela certain It would be relished by the They Accomplish the greateat virtue of All— •larky languishing In Jail The whole wedding clear. steacLv. fliokerlesa pictures. •'POWER"' haa train g.v's to the tail and delight the old fel developed projection to absolute perfection and low’s heart with the cake, snd then go home thrown Into the discard forever, the mechanical while K|>hra1m eats contentedly. drawbacks of the past. ST’NSHINE iPrtma; release October C.t; There's the hand for you. Mr. Exhibitor! With hnglh. 1 .rtk> fiell.—Father O’Hrlen la reading It you will draw to a full house, AND KEEP IT the paper, which states that J.ie Hoberts. i con FI LL. TOO. ,1.meet iniirdorcr Is still silent s« to the m,-'tlve -A word about lenses. We have given this sub¬ for his rrlme The priest s,'.arehes his haptisms’ ject years of study, and are convinced that our reeord snd flnils that he t4>ok J.e an*! his sister. machines are euulpped with the very best the Sunshine. Int,^ the chur.’h when thev were bsh'ss market afTst Y'sifing J,»e In hi* cell. Father O’Hrlen preva’-s rigid test before leavli^g faiUory .All utters of Liin|-. ItritiyrK volt our ma.-hlnes should In.sLst on these lens which msMi him to tell the story of his eriin>- Kooel bear our name. Ing before his oM frien.l. J recounts his rce’s -tor' snon their mother's d<-sth He ness. which is keeping the largest factory of Its UTALOGUE AND lolls f.>r her and she mt ets him at the el.'se of kind In the world working day and night. Kference book. ea< h ilav One even nc .Siin«h!ne il.u’s i-.st come The trade and big u-ers have "got us right.'” and .I s- hastening tn-ine learns fhe-nigh a n'te l.et .IS put Yor right with a POWER S 6A. that she has c,ine aw ay t.' be uiarrh ,1 J.>e sets Catalogue o gives full details J. H. HALLBERG out i>n a desnerale seay h for h's s-st.-r The months g,4 hv and he haunts the dives and Ataat 23rd Strawt, NEW V< sal.,.ms wlth.'Ut sureess One .lav tie Is er.'sslnc NICHOLAS POWER CO Write for Free Catalog H. SO. a l>r ilge when he a.-.-s a raeged. iteaotate g'rl shout to plunge Inf,' the btr k wafers tl K 90 Gold Street, New York. Sunshine She reveals the eau«e of her miserv E.'r fifteen years the leading makers of mo¬ 1 nt' 'f.'granh -f her hetraver Out f -r re tion picture ma<-t.lnes ICTURE MRCHIHE and V. nee .I.v watehes f,'r the man an,1 one ,t,av tra.ks him to his sparlmect an.l when t'*,-' ’•'■nl .toe aw a' to tall tie eaulls ,,Ti r the fa.-t FILM THEATRES that ih,- ,1i>a,t se.'un.tret wilt m-'er steal an.'the' eirl’s stn'te Hftnrnirc h.'ine ie\t ilav Father j (t'lltlen enters these two faets In hl« re.-ord calcium *’.l S' ll. 'mrf, it',',1 A'tenst fl IP--,- Snns-.'n brighter equipped complete H.itu-rls ■ ntereil I'.'pvent .Aneust 13. 1012. Ttw- par.- --f both tivea la el.vseit f.'e,-rea tiHif (h«t U naNstayi w* hftv* W* m\\ for cftah. THF HWl'H Gllfl 'S TItlAI t \V drama- re Hi term* HiMM'tftI on Towor'i No tA. ■RTH>||. * .iiwiri •ft,) Ktiin<1«n1 Marhino. Writ# l,-,is.- OetoN-r '.’d; length. 1 ihH' f.-ct' t'enlta owner ..f the dan.-e hall Is lov.-d hr H'g M-s'se hit '•1‘r-UI rat# rani on fllni fur mil I.YKIO an tintlan .lake nar.linc, a w-wthlesa c-w • A .H| n'l.v rtt, 2T Hn iMh HI , T#rT» Haul#. pnn.-her also nretemla t -ve f.'r IVnlta In or.te' ' f.> get frci- whiskv. Hlg M-'.'se sweara to kll' J‘e:lds i Har.llng hnt la prevente,! hr Fenlta A ^ICT^RES VniK I'ASSIOIN VLW I dam-c Is sehednli',1 f-'r the town hall and Millie Fariium Is Invited to goby her aweetheart

    (Cs'ntlniicd on page .3A. i FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT. MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS. Xtie Blllt>oarcl OCTOBER 19, 1912. FAIR MANAGERS’ REPORTS OUR TINT TODDUR A Comp>cncliuin of Useful Data, Giving the Attendance, Weather Conditions, Industrial Conditions and Class of Attractions Pre* -Manipulative Boy Doll vailing During the 1912 Fair Season Is roallv the one best new novelty of the season that we Alllioueli encounteriiiK bad weather, the {whirl were eneairiHl. Marwh WlHeheart aoteawe8 I'ount; K«lr, Chadrun, Neb., held Sei>t. I iteen»es. Duly thirty-live mllea diatant from I'ountyfoui.ty Fair, held at Franklin, Ky.,Ky.. AuguatAuKuat '.li¬j» maVI>0manipiila10(1 With two hiiKeFs, wliicti areinsortod the I’ine ItIdKe iteaervatlon, the Aawoelatlon 31, re|H>rla kimhI weather, kimmIko<*I erowda,erowda. money . ,•*, ii had the pick of the beat Indiana and made a for everytaaly, and the Iw'at lot of ahow stock feature of Indian entertainment, conalstlnK of ever:rer‘‘^;z‘’';^ith‘‘r:\n''ir. had. With rain In rthe morning of the Unit so as to form Ins le^^s, and it performs a toddhn^r walk and war dancea, arjuaw relay races, n<|uaw one-half day the fair drew 3.iaai; second day, 4,OOP. and tulle pony rac«-a, buck one half mile lamy ra<'ea, ;hrrd‘da/,“‘?.;irwuh''^tu^^^^^^^^third day, with satisfactory weather r«>u other lauf^hahle interestinj; antics. Somewhat on the same hitch and go wagon races by aguaws, Indian illtlons. Industrial ce spinners, etc., also one MathewsMl't'hewa andimr'perJy Perry Southern.Cthe™ VaTr"Fair Shows, with pniiciple as t lio oFst wliilo fainous Hiinkum doK of which we sold aguadrou of the K’th Cavalry and the famous full line of concessions, furnlshee, and slack wire kinds of soldier stunts. There were also some acts. to anything: evc'r gotten out along this lino. very gissl harness and running races. Ideal weather for the four days of the Mercer McMlIlen ma-le au.cesaful flights In a Curtiss t'ounty Agricultural Sis lety, at Cellna. O., Aug. If ic •> ewontti llir ei xi-itk lane. (Jeorge P. Snow acteilacteconds«K-ond day;day: 'J.A.UtiO'J,%.UtlO third day, and VM 1 sKKiK »» IK ( I V/jH ItllOrS. .tlOrP 30, 31 and SeiitemlwrSeptemlwr 3.2. There was no attend- 1,%.0IN)15.0INI fourth day. industrial oonditlonaconditlona were Wj /<||r!*2x . .^..1 .. ^11.^, 1 ance■e on the first day, due to rain. The sec<*ndsecond good. The aeroplane as the attraction, proTe»lproveil t popilllir lIKtn IH)0(11C (lOITS, dayf 7(st7tst iteopleiieople were on handband deapite rain. On a failure. No free acts were offered. The y /•qB 'TTWfii * * theI third day It rained Intermittently,Intermlttetitly. which, spa<-e for privileges Is sold by the foot. S. J. TL. twkaan Dramnn linn ew* • 14 however,sever, did not prevent a crowd of 7,000 from Vinlng acteilacie4 14 ]_ issl.si DarlingIiarling's s Ib.gDog and Animal Show, the .3030. will balance up with a little money ahead. * IS il HlirC 11111^1101-ll (IrHWS SO flelenadena Family, musicians, dancers and vocal- put not much. Fair weather during the engage 11 lata,a, horse races,rai-es, baseball match and running ment attracted 1,000 the first day, 2.500 the IHl WOll. races'es made up the list of attractions. Dar-Bar- ser- Attractions Included general agricultural show.show, I . ' 1 I r I If 11 soilIS s AnimalAnliiial Show,Mmw. striking machinemachine, six novnov- agricultural display from Missouri State I'nl-Pnl J OaCll OIIC (lUlCKlV 1 OF Ilall U (lol- eltles,les, merr.tmerry go-round and four Issiths t has xrslty, fine art hall exhibits, exhibit fr«m a-.'ll * F. Stone wsswas secretary,secretary. inIn l.H.l.|I. the directors of n.ndooston. sut.imoblleautomobile show and psrsde.parade, base .1 lilF. Hiep fair purchaseil twent.v-slx j*"'''’''*acres "fof 'and. ball,j,j|] racing and fine stocksto<-k show. Privileges.Privileges, ^ ^ fencolnceTBrrTairkl IDT miglhC UD TB TUC tag* In t anada Inside and outside and built four n Ing tents, shooting galleries, fortune fellers buildings. Ten thousatid dollars was expendeil etc. The Douglass Shows. tra|>exe and platform and in 1H13 the society will have erencessb*nalres made 1 ney'aney’s Point. N. Y., August 1313-lfl, 1*1. was satis E?;* |UN| ROtIuV UClIllS »lf .-il nUS money.oney. Two of them paid their provinle*l.doiihleil. rondlti*iMconditlona drew 2.000 the first day. fl.OOO0.000 the 1 ir I ll .,1 ’Thehe spacespa**e Is there,there. andan*l all coiiceasbuialres***>ii**e8sl*ilialie8 are sens<*e< nd day; 8.0008.0*10 the third day and 5.000 the tllill K (lOllllF tllFOW. fairlyIrly ireattsl.lr<*at*H|. .A summer *'Hrnlvalcarnival will be c*>n-con- 1 fourth day.da.v. Industrial r*>ndltlonsconditions showed a fair duot<**lictisl in P.il.'l,nil.'!, the concluding(*oncIu*lliig *layday likely b**lu;belli.; j display of farm Implements, horses, cattle. ... « 1 . 1 i il • I a' 1 •» *. I Ibiiiiiiiloii.. Du;..Da;.. II sheep and swine.swlne. Attractions InclmlrdIncluded an aero j .N 0\V (“111 VOU lUlOnl tO lot tlllSKF^ ('V lUlIlOt l(*0(I . (./llFStOCk With Weatherw**Hther conditions*'on*litb>iis very favorable and ! plane, but on account of the aviator having i . , N , . f ss- I j iiuluKlrialidustrial o.mllllons***in*llll**ns ex.elleni,exi***ll**nl, the FMiiiontonKdimmlon troubletroul.le with the **nglrrengine the flight*.flights prov-*lpr.iv.l lie limited. Ot COUrSC IHOrO eOIlllIlC III lUtCF Oil. >> C WOUlU IlOt Flxhiblthuixhlblllon .Aswi.Assoilalioii, lali*iii, l.t*l..ltd. at K*lmi>nl*>n.Kdmonlon. Alla., sticcesaful; three-year-oldthree-year old colt race, half mile,mle. ] \ ^ ,, , fan..an., .AugustAugust 12 17, Inclusive,IncluslH-. was a great sue-sue with five starters; runlng race.race, ladies’ladles’ riding. gpH Qm> eiltlFC StOCk tO OIIO lllllll. >>0 WUIlt Slllllller OrdeD? o<*ss.i-ss. .Attendance.Alt**n*lan*'e r**c*>r*l8:r«*cords: F'lrstFirst *lu.v,day, s.tHh;s.telh; se.*-aee- five starters, half mile, very exciting, and baby 1 1 > 1 oml.ml. l!l,321t;Ill,3211; thlnl. 22,4.’il; fourth,f..urth, K,.’'sM;K,.’'dil; fifth,fifth. sh.iw.i>w. with seventeen entries A merry go- ..c dietl'iniltO M fOod tllinP'JiniOn*fOlirill;iIlVI?(>O(lrilSt'0- 4,.">*Mi; making a l*ilaltotal *>fof l’s'S.;!4.'fs'i.34.V TheI'he totalbilal grand ; rt.undn>und. bowling alley, shooting gallery,gallery. d*>IIdoll ! ***’^*‘' I Illllf,, UUI IIl.llI A l A UPIV stHn*llami ailmlssbiitsailmtssbms were 31.07H31.fi7H .A fine line of racks, cane hoards and about twenty five other j ys-jorc •iffrvrd trxAV’lit llTIltr Spild TTimiPV AV11 il firdPT ttraclbiis were offered. Including the Satcllffe | gsmei comprised the privileges The free art '■ 1 OU (.III I .inOKI lOXN.llI lOIlf^. CK IKI IIUMlfA AMlIlllUirr. 'rouis-. Osak's JapsJaps, iieiiioDeDio tFlrcus, Ircus,^ Davla Fam-ram- j| f,f Hellkvlst'sHellkvlat's high and Are diving was very I AA/Ll II C T*LJirV I ACT DPD 1 (30 ftrt By.ly, sndami otheioth**rs; Herliert .A. Kline Show-sSImws on*m the I i^oisl;go.sl; also that of the farmers’ lumber wagon ! w* ILC. I ri w T I § ■ IUw| Aw(/.(JA # Mbiwa.v.lldwav. 522..'sa)•'><•'> raiingracing pmgram.program. There wer**were race, with four starters, and a m.itorcyclemotorcycle race,race. ! ___ ..« . . ^ ^ ss ■ ■ ■ sm m e. a a a a • ss ai aaesiaw. virA over l.si h*irs«>s from all parts of the 1 nlte*l races were the b**st In years. In the 2:1*1 Stall's ami * ana*la. and the patrons of the Ex- d^ss there were four starters: 2;'27 class. s**ven hll.llb.ndhiVbn’wirV'Xn were glv.*n ana“nV opiKirtunltyishK^^^^ of s**.*lng the o.„i A^,. .farters: 2;’23 class FOR OUR URGE CIRCULAR of CAMPAIGN NOVELTIES iMstSS, ra*ra.ing ing ev.*rever c*.ii.lucl***lcnducl.Ml Inin K.lm*mt*.nKdmonton On**" , ,tart<*rs:/ 2:30o 30 class, eightp, pr starters; f-ee forf„r , W Q A D D y T H E BIGGEST LINE IN THE COUNTRY. a.iccount .*.unt ofnf h.*avyheavy rains at night, making the |I starters Kntrles In l.dbs’ladles’ d-parf I n t DIVavaC.9 1 I-1 n t in int VeAsfWnini.

    mmienade tthls'yea ds'^-.ar'" "" •rveT'l^ncesslon.D^^.rveT'-iklX messVona Si withwit" I rhe"*gT?a"j!^I"’'ev*er'I'"””*"'' •"<' Tn''.drf'ion .?d""!*rn„rvVmilnary'wa. WB Pmtfitt Ollf CUStOmEIS «’n.lin»: Clltuloc tOron.silint’rs; ther.’fore elery•very V*'**gl.i;r.elegitimate game *amland^^^^^ TrinTe'’X':!?ke*T*‘to i .f^Theth- F'""-! M*nd.•?a"nd* werewerl" madem.*d"e'’ JlsJn'^o^Te; new j ^ riOlBtl UUl lUSlOmBIS vtnlini: for r;it;tloi:iU’. 8t;He what kin.l g.sHl buslti**ss Iliirlug the week. No game that | ^.rro. Tw*. wasii'as* Hotmu* on tliethe* levelb'vIl^ waswa^NoleratJ^I tolerate*! on *thethe I *"<’ erected.iTn’ m!?**’Tie { of husinofvS VOU :iro in. SO WO call illStmKUIsil yoU fnitll ii consunficf grounds. Over 540 *Skl was paid out In prlres. »'’e association , man 'iMeh ‘t"hJ'm.'‘n:; apement’”" wiiBsm X^’ing V«rrhV'^Xr«ry WE ARE MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALERS OF STREETMEN’S GOODS. purses ami attractions, despite which the manl ; ‘JV* The Washington County Fair at Brenham ag**ni**nt was able to reisirt an estimated garplua of over making the total surplus to *Tate Z '” ' fucces.ful ^^-r held In over jn.iNsi, AV. ('. M*sire acte*l as secretary. ,T*xas. on October 4. The fair The liil.*rslateliil,*rslate Fair. of I..Micld.urg. s a, |Ij.** ^*'1' "0*n.led The1 ne live stockstork and, no j-.iilfrysun try N. SHURE CO., Madison and Franklin Sts., Chicago, III. whbh IsIsgaii gaii O*O*lol»*r lol»*r 1. was u-h.*re.l through M'T’IsvM 'Hsv was ex. eptlonally fine. An exhibit th.xf b.iir of th** most su. * **ssful davs siii**e Its ..r ' Interested the fsrim rs was the dlsplav of up to ganlzation. <*ight y<*ars ag*>. The ofli. lals were ; f*”" machinery and veh'cb s. Everything satlstlisi and the exhlbitb'ti was a monev-maker I Ihe vehicle lln** from a farm wagon to s A A TWO BIG SELLERS In all .b partments. The liiitii uralb.n of exhlh , HO-T automobile was seen. The balln..n asc-n Its of I.viicliburg nia*le tir*slu*-1s ms.le a big hit. : sl"n was a siiccesa. The n-w agrb-ullural building was filled with ! Tlie San Ang**lo. Texas. Fair, wh'ch closed lnl<*r**stlng exhibits from the counties contlgu- j October 5. was well att<*n*b>*l. The exMh!f» oils t.i lyii.-hburg. -A gmsl array of fr»s* at- were excellent and c*imparedc.impared faiorablv with lU^i ntc ^lltr <)U! s^mv\e and CROWN STYLO INK PENCIL. trai tb.iis was s*-< iirsp of other fairs of this year in hn.retn‘'re fav-re*!fav-risl *»5 mall. W»r. ; AttraiilvrlrAttraelr put up. Blftwit moneT-nukernsmej-uakeT atfr*rrr mal**malt. l*K-k. Tin* tJIols* of I»**ath thrill***! th** tli..u- s*cflonsS'ctlons The races each day were pxcelbnt. samIs at every p**rf*>riiian****. ami Blll.v antl Ink I'ltirll, m’it uptui rryt U*t of well rt*<'**lve*l. I'runk Stnnt.in's chant«*oler act I T*xas. Octob**r 21 20. Se.-retsry C .A Worth ^ commercial NOVELTIES CO.. 401-403 North OMhlalnat Stroot. Chicapo. was g.Hsl. .A balbsin asc**nsbm interest***! man.v. 1 Ingfon rep*'S were changed owing Musb* was furnishf**! b.v l’lst*>rio'a c*>ncert band, '' to the fast opening of the cotton crop ami of AA'aslilugtiin. D. ('., which play***I fur the fair :; sl.nrtage of h*-1n. and that by Octolier 21. cot- last K<*asn*luctltig running raies *>nly *11*1 ' The Ninth .Annual .Alberta I’r-vlnrlal Fat t CHEWING GUM USERS II*,t m**<*t with favor with tho>«* who are .Ilrectly Stock Sh*iw will be held at A'letorla Park. Cal- | lnler**stpels*r 2, It was conserva¬ I exhibitors *lf res|d<'nts of AIb* rtai must be OWL PEPSIN CHEWING GUM tively estimate*! that 10,000 isKgile surge*! I men.hers of the I.lve Stock Association repre i Now hf’init ii»»py a .llsplay of i>yrotechnlcs. The I each night on the streets of Bsrslmo eolneldent crowils, with the i>o8Sible ex.-ejitlon of the last i slly with Ssnk C'sinly Fair. Octoher 15. was s day. were enormous, Ab*iut 10,000 pe*iple passe*! I great snceess. FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT, MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS. thr*iii*litbina were gooil. Th<*re were no extra or fr<*e attractions. We are the only ones who have ever produced a first-class Pad'Ile Wheel for tl*> *>0 Ask any one. They will tell Oeneral stands, f*>rty In numls*r. swing and you the same story. lA'hy buy junk when you can get a flnt-claae wheel for the esine prtcef We funitsh thU wheel oraian wave. c*,nstltul**d the iirlvlieges. F'rank with 12 or 15 paddles to the set. PRICE, $10.00. It. Wright was B**cretary, The fair of the Gallatin County Agricultural A i*ew tame will make you from $10 to $10*1 a day. "Knock Ted*ly'a Hat Out of the RIni,’’ onnalatiDX of So**lefy. Shawneetown, Ill., August 27-31, waa two black billiard halls, one being placed In tbs center of any bllllar*l or po*d table with a tli-lneh ring drawn a *lecld<»*l saness. The fin<*st weather waa had. The ref*onl attendance of the event was on the around It. A fixe dollar gold piece U placed on top of the hall to represent Trd*ly'a hat. You ran charge the third day, when 10,000 passed through the plater ten cent! a ahot, man knocking ootn out of Bag geta It. A game of aklll. I’rlre per outfit, $10 Full gates, and figure! on the other dates follow: Start Irulan sent with erery set. First day. 1,.'>00; second day, 1,600; fourth day, 4.*KSi; fifth day, 2,000. Stock exhibit, floral Dice, Caids and Games. Club Boom Furniture galore Send for our eatslog; expressed to all who ask for It, hall, poultry show and four races every after¬ prepaid by ui._ noon, made up the list of free attractions. Rteam swing, freak shows, snake shows, doll racks, ball racks and refreshment stands eomprlse*! the privileges. As free attractions, Kennedy’s H. C. EVANS & C0.,7S W. VanBuren St., Chicago, lll.j Wild West show and James Bye In his *'lrcle s

    AOENTS^ URE.LSSHTHIN( A sure monry mak^. Some- thinir new. Sell **Ziftnur'C<>n- centrsted ExtratU for m«ktnff ^ Whi»liM«, l.iqu<»ra and C/ordiala at home Itavoa ovor B / ^| HI tKo M^mot daalara* pwicm%, MjUiea ■ B ■■ CIBCU8 GOSSIP. Ihaffrnuinearttcla. A f«*w minute# H r H|^Vl FAIR WORKER A^D DEMONSTRATOR ^Msthe work. SiHctty tosltlmato. ■ \ B^.. M II»b*r Broi.’ Circus and Wild W«*t closed at N« Ncowao roqwltoe. Uaedbyljq* Weat Manaflald. O.. 8epteinl)er 29. with the , oor iWaWra for years. Sells in e>tK«-r followlog mater: R* gloald C. Ileber. manager; We have the original “AUSTRIA” Self-Filling Fountain Pen, each I wet ii A bi# retieater. Sroall.com* part, carry week's supply in pocket. Sample case and tl.m; A. R. Heber ateward; Benjamin C. Heber. general advance; Jamea B. Ramaey, advance No. 1; Roy Woodi. advance No. 2; Frank Watta. 24 hour man; Arthur Langhrey, br^aa canvasman; r W Bond, aulitant. with eight men; Harry “GER.MAN” Self-Filling Fountain Pens, S9,00 per gross. Row lighti; Earl Mead, boaa propertlea. with fonr aaalatanta; Earl Baker, ring stock: Charles W’eare headquarters for Combination Glasses, Fountain Pens, Buttons, Parka, boas of animals: Edward Taylor, boaa bostler. with tlx taalatanta; Joseph L. Cole, Razors, and all articles used by Streetmen and Demonstrators. conk-bonae; Frank Walker, aaaiatant; E. V. T.ahm. mnalcal director, with band of twelve Send for Our Circular. plecea: Bollo H. Heber, performing anlmala. Performers: Edward Fox. I>eooard Washburn. BERK BROS., 529 Broadway, New York City. lOOD- Raymond Shannon, Cheater Langhrey,— , . Dehema. I Mabel Avanell. Walter Harter, Nell Hoskins, ' Burk Caraon, Chief Greywolf. ‘Flying LaVons. Art«batle Franklins. Adell Sisters and Edward I liooker. The season was a tiiccesafnl one. and plana are being made f'T the enlargement of CAMPAIGN tbe abow next geason. Only two performances WM.IL VOGEL, care BiilboanI, Ciiciinati, 0. were lost daring the entire season. Kennedy’s X. I. T. Rsneb Wild West ex GOODS hlbltevl. The Ken nt dy Show memh»-rs wltnes.e,I the perfornianc’ of the Swain Show the evening of October .1 The Swain Band furnished the music for the fair. For TrafellfiC l*ho(ocraphen. Write The Hsgenbeck Wallace Show has adopted the for 1912 fthovlnf many nniisiial custom of remaining i«i the North In- TICKET RACKS aad BOXES new and Improird llghtliic dcrim. stisd of Invading the sunny S^'oth this season, rr.d flnds that business has been far above Its Hsmiltoo Tiokrt Racks have a sepa e\pe<-lat|ons. It Is doubtful wheth-r the Hag- rate rompartment for every seat in the enf>«' k Wallaee Shows will ever again venture bouse Eliminates all errors and dis¬ S-MUh of the Mason and Plyle line, owing to the ' evorhltant I'eense. transportation and high (S'-t I putes Portable and beautifully finish¬ I of feed The show will close at Pyersbnrg. , ed Roll eurtare secures entire contents I T< nn . November 4 of rack Tlic r<>«t>r of Son Bisdhers’ .\dvance Car No. ! I ! la as foib.ws: J. I. Springer, car manage-: i The Canior Ticket Box is the must 'Vllllsm H.vvs boss blllposfer, assisted by W j practical box on the market having : I>. (B1111 Pnnbar. H-'p .4dams. Hoc B^ ntlev. Much Jones. I>ave Wh*‘elas, T'«m Hiirsf. Moses I separate compartments for differently- Hiilllpger. W llism Farley Jack Middleton anil' priced tickets secured by lock. Cydrlek Johnson Maurice Tyree and Babe Er- I Send for iitastmtsd booklot akowing day vin. llthos banner snbT 4 one of the hroni'-s broke loose ' and ran madly thr»iigb the large crowd of people 1 on the ah'iw grounds, leaping >>ver carrlagea I FREE ON THE STREETS BIPLANES and fenres. trying to get away. The cpw- pnnehe-. flnallv rontrolled the animal after It 1 hed knocked down and somewhat Injured two ! First Lawrence County Fair and Aviation Meet • people. * WILL BOOK EN6A6E j Tl-.P'ngh the conrb’sr of John F. Stowe, of the MENTS FOR pownle A Wheeler Sh' ws. we are enabled to -WANTED- from'se the read-’rs of nnr Christmas Number Concessions of sU kinds, no fxclu.sive. $10.00. Also good Wild West Show. Trained Wild Animal Show, s picture of a ”C'.rcn« Band of is.4n." "Band Glass Blowers. A'audeviUe. Dog and Pony Show, or any first-class Show. All Shows must hart merit and EXCLUSIVE ■ goovl fronts. Have advertised with lO.OoO sheets of paper within 50 miles square. Biggest thing ever held ! Wsgi-n I'f ’.'ll." and one f th- first "Clrcn' In this part of the state. Have excursion rates on three railroads entering thLs place. Come on bora, I ri'lorial Blllb'ar.ls" ever p-'«ti-d. Tt was pho¬ room for everybody A'ou will get a square deal. Write or wlrt W. A. DOWELL, Secy., Walnut Ridge, Ark. PARACHUTE tographed In INVl and shows the Initial streamer ^ ’•Iter cut In the I'nited States. i^EAP Salisbury. Md . had fnir Plrcn«c« th's a.'ssor. . Irrlnd'nc a Wild West show The first to pay FOUNTAIM PEN DEALERS a visit was the John 11 Sparks Show. S.'Ptem ber 11. f.vllowed by the Pownle A Whe*'Ier Shows on tbe 14th and br Howe’s Great I>on- SPEEDING ' il- n Shows op tbe CTih T’ e la«f to visit the t -wn was I’ralrle I.lll e and Nebraska Bill’s Wild AEROPLANE■ M’esf, Season at hand and promising. Our line Is complete. Following are prices of a few of our numbers: Goldin* . J Henry Rice stales that he will stay with THE ONLY AVIATORS and German Silver. $12..50 per gross, complete. Other numbers equally low. Try us We supply the largest I the Frank A R bb'ns C'rcns nnt 1 the closlnr and the smallest. PEERLESS FOUNTAIN PEN CO., Largest Manufacturers, 212 Broadway, New York. IN THE WORLD WHO• . stand. p'.Ich will W P ncknevvlll.-. HI. Mr HAVE accomp¬ ■ Hire Is s-tepdlpg a f'w weeks at the St. James NEW BERN. N. C., OCTOBER 29-30.31, NOVEMBEiR 1. 1912 lished THIS FEAT. ' 11'tel. St. 1.. pis. looking after Mr. R. hblns’ I lliterpsts. : Mr. Matth. ws Ipggler. who for some time ha« I been playing vaiidevllle. recently Joined the > a'd- abow of Howe’s Great Is'ndon Clrcns ; P-alrle I.IIlle and Nebraska Bill’s wild West Want hlgh-claaa Shows. Attraction.s. Amu.sem«nu and Concessions of all kinds. Exclusive Ferris Whae) priv¬ Is traveltng In ten cars this season. Including the advance. ilege open. Two weeks after the Balelgh State Fair, and follows Elisabeth City and Fayettavllla Fain. Wants Carnival Compatiy and also Wild West Shows. J. LEON WILLIAMS, Saaratary. One of the horse tents of Prairie I.IIlle and Nebraska BIH’a Wild West w- a destroyed hv I' fire starting from a torch, at Chesfertown. Md Two of the horses. It la said, were hnrncd to death j>nd f'lir or five, together with a mnlo. badly hnrncd. . The hill bws with the Pownle A Wheeler IMOORPORA’TBD Show, had tbe pleasure of entertaining shout one hitn.lred members of the Kika Home at Beil 640-648 Meridian St., CHICAGO fo’d Clfv Va., Oclebcr fi ’The slTsIr was a _ very iileasant one for all Interested. R*tnbliahe4 ita«* IBTB Andrew p.'WTi'e. of the Pown’e A Wheeler Shows, whiv has ben -n the alek Hat part of ADDRESS ALL^ COR WRITE US ABOUT SECOND-HAND TENTS the past s, as.

    lUirclen it Hliannnn (Orphfum) Montreal. I ItomlnidO) Ottawa. 2126. Bolander Kanilly Concert Co.: Newton. Kana., 16; (Convention Hall) 8allna IT; i.Mt riiemmil McrUeraon 18; (Cuurtland O. 11.) Courtlainl

    Rruwn it Foater (Kuipreaa) Muakeg 'n, M.cli. Beveridge, Harry It Beaa (l.yrle) Butler, Pa.. ROUTES AHEAD Indef. Bell it Carver (Colonial) Erie, I’a.; (Kelth'a) Toledo, O., 21 26. Barrett, Frank (I’laza) Buffalo, N. Y., 1416; Kirand) Uloan 17-18; (Id^ric) Jameatown 21- 23; (Temple) lAK-k|>ort 24 26. Blampbtn It Hebr (Savoy) Siiiierlor, Wla., 14 Mauagera and perfurmen an respectfully requested to contribute their dates for this department. Boutea 16; (N. K. Star) Duluth. Minn.. 17 lU ^ ' ■- A Marvelous (SUM rracb Tlie Kllllioard iiM later than F'rlday of each week to Insure publication. Bernard, Al. (Majeatic) IxGrange. Qa., 7 19. The Billboard foraardu all mail for profesalnnals free of charge. Memben of the profeaalon are Invited, Blai'kburn A Anderaon: 223 Cypreaa, (.olunibua, Syntbetic Gem abllc oil the road, to haic their mall addressed In care of The Billboard, and It will be forwarded promptly. O., SOOct. 29. Not Imitation Blair It Kloaset (Knee Comedy Co.) Alpharetta, ^ —th« tnuitn>hof Talegrams inquiring for routes not Bennett Broa.: 258 W. 69tb at.. N. T. C. Ga. ^ fnrnaee. m/ttwigJoja—stan.la liliiig. nreaeda. .1 Bennett Siateia: 13u8 Forest ave., Kansas City, Bowera Waltera It Crooker (Apollo) Vienna. taatalilieadiaiDond- guarantee*! to contain no glioi. given in these columns will be ignored Krmoh Gams liave no paste, toll or liacking- O.' r Mo. Auatrla, Nov. 1 30. Ijnless answers are prepaid. brilhbnc) i* iruarbnt^d former. One*thirt»etii ll 0 Bennett A .Marcello: 206 W. 67th at., N. T. C. Besaie'a Coekatooa (Einpreaa) Victoria, B. C.. coat of a d.amond. Theae refnarkab.e gema are a* t Bernards. Original; The Bllllaiard, Chicago. Can.; (Empreaa) Taina. Wash.. 21 26 only in 14 Karat Solid Gold Moontinira. Berry A Berry: Great Valley, N. Y. Brown. Walter H.. It Co. (Empreaa) Tacoma. goat OaAgpraoalAmiwtsara la U. our money PERFORMERS’ DATES BIcknell A OIbney: 441 Marion at.. Oak Park. Wash.; (Empreaa) Portland. Ore.. 21-26. clieerfolly refunded .( not iM-rfertly-St -l»_. . III. B<>Kert A Nelann (Grand! Indlanapolla. lud.; Writs forourl-eolorlWlMiir Book- youra for tlie asking. (An additional list of Performers' Bigelows. The: 2662 Monroe at., Chicago. (Columbia) Cincinnati, O., 21-26. Bimboa, The: 872 I^iwe at.. Appleton. Wla. P.oliemlan (Juartette (Empreas) Portland. Ore. vfJnaM Rcmoli J«w«lry Cow Oates, as well as a list of additional Birch It Kirch; Preston. Minn. Bobbe A Dale (Orpbenm) Minneapolis, Minn. Tyib «*» Widast'ss . »«- t»—. routes, received too late for classifica* Blanchard A Marlin: IlkU Uctavla at.. San Bartoe. Three (Queen) Galveston, Tex.; (Ma¬ tion, may be found in another column.. Fiancleco. jestic) I.lttle Rock. Ark., 21 26 Bogert A Nelson: Revere House, Chicago. Browns Mvatic (IPJoti) BHralxa*. Wla.. 14 16, Bottomley Tmupe; 14 Maglll at., Waterbury, BeekfiTd, Perry A Wade (Schell) Chicago. 111. When no date is given the week of Conn. Brenian. Sibyl (Alhambra) N. Y. C.; (Buali- Oct. 14*19 is to be supplied. Boyle Bros.. S.34 Ridge ave., Allentown, Pa. wlck) Brooklyn 21 26. Bo.tnton A Bourke: 36(13 Broadway, N. T. C. Bernards, Original (Carnival) Oelwelu. la., 16 Brigbtons. Aerial; 2U4 Germain at., St. John, N. 17. Abdallaba. Six: 42 Jobnaun st., Brooklyn. B.. Can. I Calvert. Great: 164 Averl'i are.. Bocheater Adgle A Her Llona: 216 E. 47tb at.. N. Y. C. /URLlIZER-cSaSo'o Brittuna. Three Mnslcal: 729 Liberty ave.. Brook .' Alii-ru. Agnca. A Co.: 3219 Colura(lo ave., Chi¬ lyn. Campbell, Prank A Jennie: Marine Mills. Minn. Musical Instruments cago. Broadway Comedy Quartette: 20 Williams ave.. Carbrey Bros.: 1409 E Colombia ave., Phlla. 212 Pam. 2M| Arffries degerftird. 7m Illub- • Altkcna. Three Great: 263 W. S8tb at.. N. Y. C. Brooklyn. I'arduwDie Sisters: 425 N. Liberty at.. Alliance, trstK4u. 67 Color PUtes. pvery Musknl V. C. Brookes A Carlisle: 38 Olenwood ave., Buffalo. Rient. Sutieri)luywest PrKes. l-4t|r • Alderfer. Chaa.; Denver, Ind. P»4n»etiu. Mentton inttrument you are inter- Br.wka A Kingman: 363 Putnam Bldg.. N. Y. C Carl A Rhell: 221 Hopkins at.. Defiance, 0. - Allen, Leon A Bertie: 118 Ontral are., Oab- esuU in. We supply the t’. !i. i^\emmcai. Brown A Cooper: 2016 Walnut at.. Cblcago. Carlin A Clark: 913 Prospect ave., Buffalo. THK Ml iioi PH wmi.iirrm co. • koah. Wla. Brunettes. Cycling: 231 Ooaa at.. Lowell. Mass. Caron A Farnnm; 235 E. 241b at., N. Y. C. Allen A henna: Box 596. Anniston. Ala. ST0L4tka«.,(Mmai <4aLStet4»..aSast Bunch Bros.; 24 Edleon at., Bldgefleld Park. Carr Trio; Canandaigua, N Y. AllluePa. Jus., Peter the Great: 422 Bloomffeld Carroll-Glllette Troupe; 210 Chatham at.. New at., Hoboken, N. J. Biidda. Aerial: 26 N. Union at.. , Ill. Haven. Conn. Alvarado's, S.. Goats: 1235 N. Main at., De- Burbank A Danforth: Berlin, N. H. Carson Bros.; 1068 56tb at., Brooklyn. t ' catur. 111. 1912 . Alvin, i'eter H.: Dresden, O. IlluBiratpd Catalogue 'Alvino A Rialto: 661 Columbus at.. Montgomery. Ala. THIS BIANK IS AVAILABLE FOR ROUTE DATA IN CASE YOU HAVE NO ROUTE Ameilcan Comlquea, Three: Revere Houae, (Til- .1 cago. CARDS. CARDS WILL BE MAILED UPON APPLICATION. American Dancers Six; 10 Plain at., Piuvldenee, R. I. and Supplies • American Trumpeters: 1163 Elmwood ave.. Pruv- Tnckt ideuce. R. 1. PRICE, 10 CENTS .S Amlotts, Three: Fitchburg. Mass. MfAo a covenr. : Anderson A Ellison: 3707 Walnut at., Phlla. • I> E. 4M fit . Cliltngs. IM. . Anderson A Evans: 865 A. Gates ave., Brooklyn. • Ansel A Dorian: 1557 E. 3'2d at., Cleveland. Apollo: Box '224, Charlotte. Mick. HIGH GRADE Apulloa, Three: 3631 Indiana ave., Chicago. ' ' Apollo Quartette: 530 N. State at., (Jblcago. MAKE-UP ( Archer A Carr: South Glena Falls, N. Y. WEEK THEATRE STATE Arlsona Trio: 351 E. 18tb at., N. Y. C. . Arlington A Uelatoo: 536 So. 7tb at., Camden. ■ N. J. Aruiers. The: 616 S. Paulina at., Chicago. , Ameaeua. The: 1817 N. Kedtle are.. Chicago. • Arnold A Rickey: Owego, N. Y. ■•M by Lnadlng Drugglntn, , Athlon*. Baby, A Albraaar: 2340 N. 16th at., Cwfi jmnm. Hale Storwn and • ' Phlla. T Atlsuiis A Flak: 2511 First ave. South, Bllllngh. Dnpt. Stor«*.

    Australian Four: 244 W. .39tb at., N. Y. C. tauma Family: 1227 E. 71st at.. Chicago. Ilair, Arc 2120 W. Van Itiiren at., Chicago. STAR THEATRE, MELROSE, A'Adama A Clarke: Hudson Heights, N. Y. #'Alfre A Pearl: 52 Washington at.. Central Falls. R. I. ' ^Alleu A Alden: 760 F ave. West, Cedar Rapids. MASS., FOR SALE or RENT Hein 506 Pnpulatlnn. I«.(»0

    . » Alpha Sextette (Majeatic) Llttla Rock. Ark.; (Majestic) East St. Louis, III.. 21-26. • Alvin A Kenney (Keith's) Syracnae, N. Y. PERMANENT ADDRESS Alice Teddy. Roller Skating Bear (Pantagesi (Oakland. Cal. TATTOOING Arn. Bownle (Gem) Mayavllle, Ky., Indef. Improvsd Elactrlc Tattooing Machinas. Austin A Smith: Denamore Hotel, Kanans City. Hold Wtih a guarantee Chetiieat and Mo. Tatliioliif Hiippllea on the market He Allman, Jack (Empreat) Denver. &)lo.; (Em- iwauilful haiHl-colorer*-a: 963 N. 66th et., Weat Pliiladel Burns. May A Lily: 116 W. S9th at.. N. Y. C. Caatcllane, Tuny, A llro.: 248 Navy at., ^rnok • pbla. Pa. Burt A Mayo; 1213 I4tb at.. Altoa, Pa. lyn. Heiid I5r If. atamiw for our new catalog \'n I!V This • Alex. Tbne (Einpreaa) Cincinnati. O. Byers A Hermann: 8tU9 Paxton Road. Clncln Chandler. Nellie. Ladles' tlrcbeatra: 19 Chandler amount 1 1*0 iHnIuaIiiI ftutn jonr flrut purrlitat Altona. The: tl.'i Landes Court, Kanaaa CIi.\. oatl. W.ircbenter, Maas of II (N( or morr HtikI fur fr^r llai of alichlijr uurt Mo. Barnea A Edwiut: 2417 Sycamore at., Terr Caaad A DeVerne: 312 Valley at.. Daytun. O. (Hmtiimra Write iMkW Baai|er-I.aVeIIe Trio; 820 N. Cbrlatlana t»e. Haute. Ind. Chantrell A Schuyler: 219 Prospect a**., Bne-k- WHITNEY SCENIC A COSTUME COMPANY. * Chhwgo. Bean A Hamilton; 3:18 Hickory at., Buffalu. IJB. Barhen A Deamond; 1347 N 11th at., Phlla Beera. I>eo; Watertown. Wla. Cbarhions. Three; Norwich. Conn. DCTROIT. MICH. Balleya. Two: 217 8«‘yroour at., Cumberland. Md Bell Boy Trio: 2296 7tb ave.. N. Y. C. Childers A Cblldera; 715 W AMh at.. Chicago. Bailllea. Four 26V4 W. Church at.. Newark. <1 Klivi A Rosa: 119 Arch at.. Bridgeport. Cona. Church City Four: 1282 Decatur at. Brouklyn. Baker A Cornalla: 142 Sebermerhoro at., Brk Konumor Araba; 667 8. .’illi ave.. d'hicago. Clark Broa.: 2215 So 32.'> Jackaon Blvd., Chleagi. We uae a neat atock devign and aend halftone* with Barlowa. Breakway; '2.37 W 43d el.. N. Y. C. nr.ler Cat , .%n ilr-laov Sc alanip Hem! akelcli for Barretta. Juggling; 100 E. 12tb at.. N. Y. C. Brown. Harris A Brown; Box 1. Riverside. R. I Cleveland Claud A Marlon: 597 lllh ave.. As prlie on aiieclalv 1IIK CLAY CK.NTF.It EN'GHAV. Parry A Hack: 5W! R‘«er et . Milwaukee. Burnv Slatera, Three: 714 S. Park at., Kalama torla. L. I., N. Y !■,» Co Cla* Ceiorr Kaixav ^ Kartell tt GVIfield: 261*9 E. .Vld at.. Cleveland a138 Indiana ave., Cb' Leallaa. "Three Musical: 144 W Seneca at.. Oa A Baxter, Sidney: 1722 48fh ave.. Meinwe, Cal. cago. wego, N. Y. Beard. Billy; 222.3 Gadadeo at., Columbia, 8. C Brcmena. Three (Grplieiiiii 1 MInneapolla, Minn. Coleman A Franeea: 18'20 Jeffenuin at.. Pblla Bedell Broa.; White Rata N Y. C. Burna, Harry A Mel: 310 E. .'91 at.. Jacksonville, Celea Four: 264 W. .38th at.. N Y. C. ENTER VAUDEVILLE -f] Beheea. Thou*; 1838 Winchester ave., Kanaa* Ela. Columbiana, Five, Inc., 126 Midland at.. Find :• City. Mo. Berg Broa. (Orpheum) Oakland. Cal. lay. O. Bene.llcta. The: 228^4 S. Centre at.. Scheu Biirneg Sc Weat (National 1 Sydney, AiKtralll. Coiiiod.ire. Great: 864 N. National Blvd., Spring ectady, N. Y. P.fnoa, Four Aerial; 9‘28 38|h ave., Oakland, Cal. field. Mo. DATE BOOK Mention thii paper The M. STEIN COSMETIC CO. ’S • MAKE OP NEW YORK OCTOBER 19, 1912. Xtie Billboard 29 ”THERE IS NO LITTLE GIRL LIKE YOU” 111 this you will find ull that you expect in the best son^ you could think of. YOU CAN'T OVERLOOK THIS ONE. Take our word for it, that there’s going to 1m‘ something doing on it. You’ll want it six months from now—Ix-tter get it nfiw "BURGLAR MAN” llen-’s one that will keep you jumping, busy anon the Suwanee Uiver"—“.My Old Kentucky Horne’’—all over again, only it’s different and new—a great number. Orchestration.s, all keys BETTS fit SINNER COlVfRANY RANDOLPH AND CLARK STREETS, - CHICAGO, ILLINOIS.

    roekr7, CI«Trr; WauMU, Wli. Cuwlt-t Kamil.*: Altooua. Wla. Crawfurda. Dancing: 1439 Baiter at.. Tolado, 0. « ree*. Tbc: W'vlwiar CIl;. la. L/Alkirk* FOR REMOVING MAKE UP Crlinmlna k Uorr; 332 W. 26tb at.. N. T. C. l//m ■ 11 M SEND 75 CENTS FOR PINT TIN ^ t'rouiria Tbrrr: 3U6 Hummrtt ava., HcbenrctadT, W/ml At aH good drug and department stores or direct, postage prepaid, on rteeipt of N. Y. rt«ui»rll k Samse: Dliun. III. '•wwMw..uTrMoa>trtina''^*4 ■ price. Pleasant, quick and economical to use. No wax or paraffine; won’t grow <'n>aa k Crown: 1119 Nrrada at., Toledo, O. ^* hair. Improves tke complexion. Used hv headliners everywhere. Cullt-n Hi»a.: 2910 Bllawortb at.. I’bila. A P. STEVENS CO. 1182 BROADWAY. NEW YORIx Cnnnlngbam, Due k Kddla; 3237 W, Uianabaw at., Cblrago. TTTTTTTYTTVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVTVVTTTTTTVTTYTT Currla * k,arlr: 337 S«. Stata at.. SprlngSald. III. Currj * RIIc7: Binghamton, N. T. lellemead rrou|>e: B<>x 71, Uaklaud City, luu Triel, Mr. A Mrs. Thornton: 117 Newman are.. Cattja. Uualcal: Su34 B. Baltimore at., Baltl- .leMareel l■■r•>» ; i.V>e W 4.')th i., I.oe Aii,rete> BaOonue. N. J. m<>ra. OeMoht, Robert, Trio: 1932 S. Ridgeway are.. Fp.bel A Huge: 112 W. 103d at., N. Y. C. Cadlaui: 224 llarrlaon at., Fawtorket, K I. Chicago Kalla. Billy, A Scintilla: 5 Virginia are., Oates. $40 TRUNKS FOR $6 Caron * Herbert: Fair llateo. N. J. Denula Broa.: 131 Raymond at.. Fall Klrer. N. Y. 3k*hat you need for storing valuabla papers, maa- Caroa. Mjliig; 3.37 HtImmiI l‘la<'e, Jubnatown. Ta Xi aea. Fi-io A Fuzzy: 3818 E. 11th at., Kansas City u.*c-ript*. clolhtiig. furs. eic. 34x22x25, 34x23x23: eirler k Waleta: 2iiit> Minn. sale Dry Goods siid Shoe Bouses. I pay spat eaah Clark k Bergman: 121 l.eorge at., Brnokl.i n Drew, Lowell k Esther: 1019 N. Bailey at., Farnum A Warde; Weatern Theatrical Exeb., for the very hest truiika made, and secure thaai Clark k Duncan: 120 W. .3lilb at., Indlanapolla I'UllB. Seattle, Wash. at prices Hist enable me to offer you Claua k KadcllfTe: 1049 Dayton are . St. Paul uuPar-*. Daucihg: MunruTta, Cal. Fernandez May Duo: Bradley Hotel. Chicago, HI Clamenta k liee: 029 Ftrat at., l.oulaallle. oupre A Feiher: Hobart, Ind. Falla A Falls lorpheum) Vancouver. B. C.: WONDERFUL BARGAINS I ClIITord k Burke: 207 W. 143d at. .\ Y. C Ourtiyelle, l.oa: Box 895, Seattle. I Empress I Victoria 21 26. In etrong, durable, roomy, fireproof trunka. Just Comhia Bma. i 021 Weatbank Bldg., San Fran De.Mont, Kobt., Trio (Orpbeum) Minneapolis. Fields A Hanaon iBarrlaon) Waukegan. Ill.. 17 the thing for traveling theatrical people, aad claco. Mina. 19; (Orpheuint Hammond, Ind., 21-23; (Or¬ street fair men. lu food condition. Send Man- Cornua k Rmmett: 1215 Brown at., 1‘blla Doll Family, Six: 214 E. Liberty at., York, Pa. pbeum) Gary 24 26. ey Order ar N. Y. Exehaait for 33. You wUl Cnoner* Boblnaon: 123 Fleaaant at . B-'aton Iielmar A Delmar ISbea'at Buffalo, N. Y.; Fitzgerald, Gray: 2118 W. Orten at.. High Point. be perfectly satisfied upon delivery Carelll. Jack. Trio; 021 Sawyer at . South Port I Shea a I Toronto, tint., 21 20. N. C. land. Me. Itorking. Kdw. lEmpresat San Francisco, Cal.. Fox A Ward lEinpreSHi MIIw-auk<*e, Wls.: HAAS, 1329-1331 Washington Avenue, Camaliaa. 81i: 81 Flak are., Maai>eth. L I.. 21 20. iCniquet .Minneaprdis. .Minn.. 21 28. S. Y Harrow, Stuart (Audltorloml Quebec, Que. Fun In a r)ellcalea»en Shop (Empres.«( Tacoma. ST. LOUIS. MO. ''arson Slatera: .317 Adelle are. Jack^nn. Ml,, Dance Vlolina iMrpbeumi Vancourer. B. C.; Wash.; (Empres.n Portland. Ore.. 21-26. Carney. ISm ll'nlquel Mlnnea|Milla, M.nn. iKmpreaM Tacoma Waab.. 2126. Floro. Prince tEixpressi Seattle. Wash.; (Or Conn ngliaiii. \Vm. K . 221 JarTia at., Toronto. IH-Wltt. Burnt A Torrance (Urpheum) Denver, pheiim) Vancouver. B. C.. 21-20. Ont., Can. Colo. Fun In a Barber Shop (Empress) Seattle. Wash.; $125 MADE Dumuod Broa.: Koee Hotel, 1713 5 Spring at., lOrpheum) Vancouver. B. C., 21-20. Ci ttou tx>la iMajeattc) Milwaukee. Wla. Is the record In one day with my Chic, Marreloua iPrluceaa Kink I Texarkana Superior, Wla. Falla. .Ygnes: Gates. Rochester. N. Y. Ark.. Indef lancing Viollulet iKetb'w) Indlanapolla. Ind.; Fishers, Flying: 6l>4 E Taylor st.. Bloomington. Crawlonl A Delawei Ml. II. I Vanwert. O.; ttl iKeitb'a) Cincinnati. O.. 21-20. Ill. “Invisible Fortune Writers.” II ) St Marya 21 20. Drew, I/owell A Katber iPtntagea) Sacramento. Fun on the Ocean (Empress) Cincinnati. O. "Magic Wands.’’ "New Malta Cunningham A Marlon lAudltorliim) l.jnn Cal., 21 20. GIa.va Tube.’’ "Gipsy Queen.’’ ete. Maaa ; iPoli'a) Spr.ngOeld 2120 Dolan A Lenbarr (Keith's Bushwick) Brooklyn, Invisible readings In most lan¬ guages. Illustrated circular and Coulter A Darcej . .’>44 S. Salfortl at.. Phllad> 1 N. Y. sample readings free. I'bla. Pa. Dan<-e Dream Co. iMajettlc) Chicago. III. 117 Harman St., Brooklya, N. V. CfUlen. Mark iColonlan Slonx CIt.t, la.: illlp DePeryl. Simone iSbea'al Buffalo, N. Y.; ‘I'll Dare You To Talk About Me” » laalromei St. IWul. Minn., 21-20 I Sues’la Ton nto. tint.. 21-26. ».>o|..ra. The 4:v7 W 40th at . N. C. Del.yona. Thne: Quenemo, Kana. I'laik. Harry: Toledo, O. Ib-Marlo (Olympia! Parla. France. Nov. 1-30. <'l->'TallIler A tiunn Mlrandi Marnhall, 'I'ex. In Darr- Broa. iKeitb'al Cincinnati, O. FRED. M. GRIFFITH def. IbSlefano Bpie. iCliyl N. Y C.. 14 10 “The Tricky Monolopist.” Promot- < ..nnora. The Iron RUer Wla . :I0 (>. t 2S banes. Three: 416 Fort at.. Marietta. O. Hlgh-cia.ss Apparatus. largest Stock in America. Fdmsn A llarlor B"X 39. Richmond. Ind. inp laughs for W. V. M. Illustrated 50-page Catalngue Free. Mammoth Pro¬ I'olllna A Hart iKinpreaai Victoria B. C.. fan fessional Calalogne. 208 pages, lo Ceiiui. Just Out. 'Kiiipn'sai Tacma. W aab . 21 20 F.dwarda A Kayiuonda: 2125 Slngletwh at.. In .Monster Fall Bargain Sheet, etc. farndl. Nettle Tr.o il'emple. ilraud Itai'lil' diaukiiollt. Ind. Mich.: iMIleal Ilelrolt 2120. Edytb. Rose. Box 135, East Nurtbir^rt. L. I.. A. ROTERBERG, t P'«« A Jiwepblne il nlon Sn-i N. \ C.: iMar.* N. Y. Garden City Trio: 724 W. 17th at.. Chicago. I landl Baltlmoie, .Md.. 21 20. Klltotl. Re Idilr k Elllolt. 2004 Memphis at.. Gardinem. Three: 1958 N. 8tb at., Phlla. 151 W. Ontario St., Chicago, III. forelll A tJlIletie iSh-a'ai Toronto. t»nt . Can . Phlla. Gaylor, Cbaa.: 708 I7tb at.. Detroit. 'l>-mi>le» IS'trolt. MIrb.. 21-20. F.I:ioii A Weat 29.34 Ellsworth at.. I’bila. Gaylof A Graff: 10 Ablngduo nqn., N. Y. C. Co'k Jin* iKmpreaal ls-n»er. Colo.; iKmiir*aa Eillsea 3'he: Box 8. CoDalantlOe, Mieh. Gforge A Geurgle: Ii>40 N. Franklin at.. Chicago. Kauaaa City, Mu., 21-20. Elton Troupe: IS3 N. Paxon at.. Phlla. Geyer, Bert. A Co.. 319 Hugben at.. Daytun. O. lurry A Riley iKinprea*' Kanaaa City. Mo. Fly A Florence: Stony BrtK>k. L. I., N. Y. Glbney A Earle: .51)9 Madteun ave.. Tuledu, u. “Sandow" Craig A Wllllania iTenii>lei Kt Wayne, Ind Euillle. lAi'etIte. Tp>ui>e: 004 E. Taylor at.. Gibson Bros.: 2 Willow st., Brouklyn. ■ Kamllri t.aFa\ettr 2123; (Orpbeuml South BloomIngt.’D. ifl. Golden, Cltuda: 177 Walnut ave., Boston. B. od 24 27. Euimersou Summer Co.: 6718 Luther are.. Clese Golden A Hngbes; Milford. Mass. Theatrical Trwik lirciiniaiantlal Ka &II9 Irtiua al., Phlla. English Koaebuds: 2841 W. lat at.. Brighton Neb. a bank vault. It U made of S-pA Hallo Freea Co.; .3(09 Fair a*e. PaTenporl. la Beach. S. Y. Gordon A Henry: 207 Palmetto at.. Brooklyn. veneering, covered with rawbMe fibre Inalde and out: band-rivaled. k ' Eaher A Welab: 1831 Ranatead at.. Phlla. Gorman A Went: 1855 Lexiogtun are., N. Y. C. DarN. Jaek Urace: 4«0 8. Weafera are.. Day Any special slae made ta order. tun O I Evans A Burton: 113>a N. Joocbln at., Mobllt. Gracea Garner A Parker: 2315 Lincoln ave., Write for caialog Paul.. Jack A Flale liiow Falrmownt aee.. Phlla ! Alt. Chicago. WILKINS TRUNK MFQ. C«.. Datia. I.aura: Hotel Breroort. Cblrago. Evaiia A Rvana; 274 W. 4tb at., MtnaOeM. O. Gracey A Bnmett: Fair Haven. N. J. Oallat. Texaa. Darla A Scott: 137 W 145th at., N. Y. C Ewen A Prime; 1530 N. Kedale are., Chicago. Grahama. Fonr Novelty: Balnbrldge, Ga. DeArno k DeArmo 178 Rruca at.. Newark El kert A Ib rg: The Holland, 60 W. 40Ih at., Graham A Randall: 327 Pearl at.. Brooklyn. N J. N Y. C Granberry A Lamun; 1553 Broadway, N. T. C. Like Genuine Hetleo. Harry: 418 Cnlllna are., Marysrllle, O telgsplo A Earle: 001 W. Fayette at.. Baltimore Gray A Gray: I9‘22 Bird at.. Juplln. Mi>. tMlrare k (jorden; lOo Kingsland are.. Brook El Harto: 2531 N. Hollywo.Kl at.. PbT.a Grdina A Co.: 1107 E. 61at at.. Cleveland. lyn. Eldon A I'lirtnn: Alexandria. Ind. Grrgoire A Elmira: 229 W. S8th at.. N. Y. C. ^IAHONdSi m 1/4# fit fiOU^ GOLD ElMk) Del.lale, Juggling: Qlena Falls. N. Y. Eineraon A Walton: 221 Vine at.. Evanaville. Gregory Family: 208 W. 38th at., N. Y. C. I laal »ak4 aiAniMtiaG Helm.-re A l>ee 150.3 Broadway, S. Y. C. Ind. Gelgur A Wsitera: 1274 N. 70tb at., Cleveland. m%m Uk«m flr«t—titaie md Delmore A Oneida 437 W 40th at. N T C. Emmett, Oracle; 77 .kvon at.. Somerville, Maas Gilluiur*, Flying: Fremont, O. Oftor ~ 14fc TlffMf nag 1 «t Helno Tro)i|>e: rare The Chalfant. In-llanaprdit Esius. Ed ; .321) W 4tlth st . N. Y. C Gilmore Bisters A Brigham: 2 Dudley are., OmIa rtm§ 1 tl It M !«> 1 ct N It Wallingford, Conn. C 0 » to* CmUtmg WMt D'Mar Bnw.: Cadlllae. Mich Klhardo, Naomi; Fair Haven. N. J. tmll h— fMMkt Him if l>eM"nde A Dlnamore: Zanearllle. O. G'“'drod*. J.; 11.5 Oak at.. R-mth Haven, Mich. Evans. Chas. E : Chlcop«‘e Falls Mas* *bv*a»«8»‘e-»W*'B7 -433 lame* Skvi: H) M ira A Orareta: Findlay. O Kv>-Iyn Sister*; 20l> St. Janie* Place. BrooSlyn Granat. tx>ul* M.: Cnlon Hill. N J Henlrkea Mualral: 019 Flr-i at . Mac»n. Oa Everett. Billy A Oaynell: .'hMt Slieldon ave •Ipeve A Gre.-n: 49 E 29th st.. Chicsgo. r'ep’ill Broa ; 690 17lh al. B-rreklyn Orand Kanlit*. Mich '••t,y>..r Jt Keiv- 4<,« F. 4ih sT» . Film Mich l.arge List of New Pmfeaslonal Prrhrt, Aerial: 312 Eaatem are., Couaerarllle, F.dinger A Cooke: Box 341. Trenton. S. J. Grsnt. Virginia (I’niipie) Minneapolis. Ytinn.; aiKl Amateur Plays. Vauderilla I ml lEmpre**! St. Psul 21 26. Sketches, Stig* Monolugues. Ellaon. Illcn (Orpbeum) Vancouver, B. C.; lEm Minstrel Material. Jokes. Mus¬ Be Sham Trio: 1027 Center at., Milwaukee. Goassns. Bobhv lO. H.) Boawell. Pa.; (O. H ) PLAYS pp-sa) Victoria 21-20. ical Pieces, Recitatloas, DIa- Pe'eau Hilbert; .304 Proa|.ect Place. Brooklyn. r*Ie Page at New Or Salt laike City. P. Griffith. Fix'd M. (Bijou) Iowa City, la.: leant. Elllolt Savona* iKcith's) Cincinnati. O. (Gaiety) Bl'Ximlngton. HI.. 21-20. lb-\..,, Oeorge, k Dayton Siatera- 2043 Bale# Eugene Trio i.kiidllorliini) Qnetiec. Can. C-dfrpx- A Henil.rson (Ci pheum) Dulutb, Minn.; • ' • Kanaaa Cllr. Mo. Ewrlc. Violet; 020 Chamber of Commerce, Blr (Orpbeum) .8f. Paul 21-20 PeW Ifea Four 1713 Third are . N T C iiilhgliani, Ala. Grsnto A Maud (Empresa) Denver Colo., 21- iMaiiioiiii Four- 25'i7 Station at., Chicago NOW DO ASK! 20. Panlaa. Two: White Rata. N Y. C. HI'k Ra»: 322 Ohio are Kokomo Ind Galvin. Johnny .4 Ella (Broadway) Superior. For that Free Bargain Biwklot of TEXTS I"'t.na A Floyd .59.3 W I tlca at . Buffalo. Eanata Aerial: 417 S. 4lh at , Reading. Pa. Wla. D » na Four: 5020 Carju-nter at. Chicago Eenlon Marie: 1231 I>exlngt"n ave.. N. T. C. Fcrnanilci May |)||o: ’21)7 E S7th at.. N T. C. Gruaa A J.ack«on (Maleatlc) Dcs Moines, la : and .\LL KINDS of SHOW (lOODS. I’a- Billy: 102 So. Ilgh at . Columbia, Tenn (Nicholas) Council Bluffs 21 20. Eleehll'*. Otto. Tyrolean Scxielte: 1914 .New I' lU-laa A Doiiglaa White Bala Chlrago Gllmi''-p Barnev (Empress) T.acoma. Wash.; port ave.. Chicago. I'wtieT A Willard 02.3 Townaend are He (Kriiprea*) Portland. Ore., 21 20. THE R. H. IRMBROSTER MFE. CO. Eleld Bros : iVJ W 110lh at . N Y C. •fit Mich. Gould ,t! .5shlyn (Orpbeum) S.alt Lake Cltv. I’ SPRINGFIELD, p' «te A Klelda 1348 W. Tavinr al . Chicago. Fields. Will H.. A l a.Vdelia: .3i>4l W * 21 20 ILLINOIS. w>*>d Park ave.. Ililcago. I'lilhn Kedcar Truui>e- Reading Pa Grimm A Elliott (Maleatlc) Uiv-k Island. HI.: Elnk'a Conu-dv Miiba A Doga .38 E. Rlenkner • "'er, laittle. Trio: 1,30 Scott al Wllket Barre, (Novelty) 'Topeka. Kars. 21 20. St.. Coliiiiibns I). Pa Guerney, 1 «'<'na (Emprea*) Kansas City. Mo. Florence. American. Troii|>e- Westminster Hotel. I'alrr Trio; 214 0fh are. South, Va*hvllle. Tenn (Licdon 11 gillsniVr* (Kelth’st Coliiiiibu*. O . Pare Broa : 5ti4H park are . Phlla Chicago. I TATTOOERS (F'ursythe) .ktlanta. Oa.. 2120. riovdella. The- B 'n, McHenry A IVan-- (Gr-ttul) S.icram*’nt(>. I Cump'e'e Electric Outfit. 310 00: Hand Outfit. $3 00; Folletle A WIcka *804 '’ates ave.. Brooklyn. I'. I'sl.: (Empress) Salt lake City. V. 2120 \u. 12 NomIIcs. li,- inrk»i;e SiencIN. Iti.-. I’rlce’ F'au sat It la Tht Billboard, tell them so. 30 Blllt>oarcl OCTOBER 19, 1912.

    Divorce (JuestUm (Rotslsnd A Clifford's!, Gaa Garden of Allah, Llebler A Co., mgra.; (Audl- DRAMATIC & MUSICAL kill A .MacVllly, luc., b'sie'es; Chic.igo Heigiii'. lorluiii) ChlcaK". Aug 31 Oct. 26. PARKFft^JUMPMCHORSFa CAIIRV U8 Al f Adaujb, Maude, (.'baa. F'rubiuan, uikt-^ Kirmiun 111., 20; Harvard 21; Moliris-, Wis.. 22. Get Rich (Jiib k kValllngford. Coliau A Harria. baiu. Ala.. 1(5: Nashville. Tenu.. 17; .Meui|«lil> SlonghluD 23; B’-aver Dam 24; Cainbrla 2.‘>. mgra.: Wasb.ngloU, I). C., 21 ‘26. 1^ lb; Hot Si.ritiK*. Ark., 1!1; Little Ito- k J'J. Portage 26. Girl In the Taxi, .klicliai-l Faraday, mgr.. Ix>D- Ft .Smith iJli; Jojiliu. .Mo.. k>4; Tulsa. OkU.. Divorce (JuestioD (Central l Uowlanil A Cl.ffoid. don. Eng . Sept. 7. Ind. f. ik'i; .Muskottee I’d. uigrs.: Bockford, Ill.. 1(1; W.ssDt.s-k 17: (HiM'iiior s I ad.i. M,-ssr« It.-ls-e.. A Fill.>11. Alma, Where Do You IJve? (No. 1. Jos. Hammond IS; Juliet 19; .kurora 2(i: (Ittawa mgrs.; (R.publlci N. Y'. C. Sept. 5, Indi-f. Weber'ai, Oniionil H. Butler, niKrs.: Charle- 21; Pontiac *22; BliKimliigton 23; F(siria 24. Ilaik.'ll, Jas. K . Ill III. Grain of Dust illroad toL, s. ('., Hi 17; OraUKehiirK 1^; -kucusta. Jacksonville 2.3; .springticld 26. wa). |i.-lni.r. Colo., 14 19. (■a.. 19; Columhla, S. (',, ill; Sumter ilii; fTor l»ov<- of Peace. Walter Damroscu, mgr.: Fhila Hit. h'-.H-k, Ba.\iiioii.l. Clia» F. itr..wii M.gr.: erne 211; DarllUKtou 24. Wilmluxtou. X. ('., 2(1 delphla. Fa.. 14 26. CH.-a;;.i. HI . Il.-t. 7. Imb-f. Alma. Where Do Live";; MlDueauolla, MiLii., l8-Koven (l|H-ra Co., D. V. .krthiir, mgr.: (B>.s Hearibri-ak.-rs iklorl II Slnger'si. Sam kljera. 21-26. tom Boston. Mass., Oct. 7. Indef. mgr.: kiiiiia. .krla.. 16; I'h.s nix 17. rii'-«..n 18, Alma, Where Ito Yn. D. C . 21 '26 0mrm0^ $$7^949 Im 99 m00k9, ttOl Excuse .Me (Weaterni Henry W. Savage, mgr.' Haiik.v Faiiki. Lew F'icldi, mgr.: iBroa.Iwayl la tS waaka, ttOf IS; Klllnwood 19: Hutchinson 21; (ir> at BemI a»a«lilaa aaraa^ •••.•IT la 97 araaka, Ito Greeusburg. Fa.. 16; Beaver Falla 17; bharoii 22; Hoisliigton 22; Stafford 24. Aotbonr 2.'.. N k' C .kng. Ind. f. aiaalilaa aara»< la 97 waaka. §•0# Alva. Okla.. 26. 18; Youngstown, ().. 19; Warren. Fa . 21 Illlltird. Robt., Klaw A Erlanger, mgra ; At¬ a»aaklaa aaraatf Sl•.•4t la waaka, ftOft Aborn English Grand Opera, Milton A Sargent Akron. ().. 22: Canton '2.3; Alliance 24; E l.lv lantic City. X. J.. 17 19; Phila.lclphla. Pa.. maaMaa aaraa4 itSaStl la 99 waaka. !•!» Aboru. uigrs.: lialtimore, ild.. 1419. eriKMil 2.'i; Wheeling, W. Va . 26. 21 Nov. 2. aiaaklaa aaraa4 StOgISS la 91 araaka. 141 Amaious. ’rbe. Chas. ITohmaii, mgr.: laiudon, Ererywoinau (Westerm Henry W. Savage, mgr.: H.slge, kViii., Llebler A Co. mgra.; Waahington, AU>ve hfuroa will venfiad to rtiaViiuan Eng., (K-t. 7, ludef. Mtmtreal, Can., 14 19; Kingston 21 22; Ottawa D. C.. 14 19. , W, RANKER, UM««n taro ret. K»e Angil of the Trail; Houlton, .Me.. 16; .Mars 23 26. In 01.1 Kentucky, D. Con«idlne. mgr ; S.-o'ra Hill 17. Eli A Jane Co., I.oola H. Daly, mgr.; Kanawha, iiiento. Cal.. 16: St.akton 17: Oaklan.l is 19 Affairs of Anatol, Winthrop Amea, mgr : N. Y'. la.. 1(5; Goodell 17; Buffalo Center 18; Ban Irving Place. Dr. Baumfel.l. mgr.: N. Y’ C.. C.. 14. Indef. croft 21; Armstrong 22; Fenton 211; Burt 24. Sept 26. Indef. Im iNf Hill ll I hm Alma, Where Do Y’ipu Live?, Joa. Weber mgr.: I.lverm<(re 2.'i; Bolfe 26. June Madn.aa kVInthmp Amea. mgr.; (Fulton) Umaha, Neb.. 17 19. Eltinge, Julian, A. H. Woods, mgr.: Seattle. X. Y. C.. Sept. i'l. Indrf. OfUitill III tlieUK Mil Anglin, Margaret. Louis Netbersole, mgr.: Chi¬ Wash., 14 19. Kindling. riiiie.| Play C.i.. mgrs ; (N.i(lonal) cago, Sept. 30. Indef. F'aruum. Dustin. In the I.ittlest Bcb.I: Mlii Chleaeo 13 19; iCrown) Chleago 26 '26 Arllas. (Je'i.. Llebler A Co., mgra.; Boston. neaiioHs, Minn.. 14 19. Kolb. Dill A klamte Lillian Berrl; .san F'ran.daco Maas., 14-26. Fortune Hunter, Ernist SchiialMd. mgr.; Sisters Cal.. 0,-t 7. Indef. Burke. Billie. Cbaa. FVohman, mgr.: (Lyceum i rille. W. Va.. 16; Washington. Fa.. 17; KJamet, Harrison Grey Flake, mgr.: Chicago, X. Y'. C.. Indef. Wanesburg 18; 7.an(-sville. ()., 19; Cnsbsaii<|ua 2,3; Otiiiiiiwa 26 19; Portlan.l. Me.. 212:1; l.ew Iston 24. Her mgr ; Harrisburg. Fa.. 21 22; So. Bethlehem F'avershain In Julius Caesar. lyeonard L. Gal tin. Can . 23; Sh.rhrooke 26 23; I'ottsvllle 24; Ashland 2o: l>(‘banou -Jti. laglier, mgr.; d'ecki Buffalo. N. Y.. 14 19. L..tt..r( klan. kl..rl.- II \..ri..n. mcr : Dsi t..n. I Bird of Faradlae. Oliver .Mor''s,',i. mgr.: s iFrlncessi Montreal. Can.. 21 26. kka-li.. 16: Walls Walla 17: N..rth Yakima ■ Fall!. Minn.. 14 19; Omaha. Neb.. iSi *22: Sioni F'ansi i.Maid. j A I'ainplM'll'si 11, ss in. r. M i-h IH: EHenahnrg 19 Olimida '23. Ale-nh- n "7 City. la.. 2.3 24. Lincoln. Neb.. 2."> 26. 1(5; IshiM-iiiiiig 21; N(g.‘((iu(-e 2*2; Miin’s'uy 24 Lion A The kl.iiis. . I'nlteil Play Co.. iii-.T«.; j Balance The. (iorham A Bowlader. mgrs.; She Glailstone 2.3. .8lratf..ri|. Can 16; l.in.b.n 17: W.ssist.. k 18; I iKogan. Wis.. 16; .kppleton 17; Neenah 19; .’ Fi'alh.TS, H H. F'raree. mgr.: ((’..rK Chi St. Thomas 19 21: Galt 22: Braiitf..rd 21: St I TBE CIRCUX'O WAVE la lb* r«tclilawt of tmmt- Berlin 21: Wauiiun 22. cago. Iii.9‘f. Calharlti.-« 24; Batavia '23; S.s1iis '26 ment devteaa It oomblnea Uia plaoaura of tha mitt- Brian. Donald. Chas. Frohiiian. mgr.: Madison, F’oy. Eddie, In Over Thi Ulver. W.rl.i .k Little B.i.y Blm*. H.-nr.v W S.tvag... mgr te-rsund with iht )of at boMIng •« a gaetly raUl^ W . . 16: Mll«alike. 17 19, I (ies<-li,-r. iiigrs.: Coliinihns, (I.. 16; .kkrm 17. J.stici B.edon. Mass,. Ort 7. In.lef lAka or bay ThU BArhlne baa bean taklnt tba big Bellinoiit. Sarah: St. Faul. Minn.. 14 19. Youngstown 18; Wheeling. W. Va.. 1 (; Fin- Lewis. Dave. In lu.n'l Lie T.> k..nr Wife ■onay at ow Staia and County Fain. Cart.lvtU and Boh. inian Girl, .Milt.iii A .Sargent .\ls>rn, ingr« : burg. Fa.. 21-26. S.- UP.or. mgr,: In.Ilanapolls. Iii.l . Old Robm Waaka AMMITAGE A OltlX'N. lola Haverlilllj .Masa.. Di. .Salem 17: F.inland Me., F'ortniie Hnnt.r iCohan A Harrls'i, F''a':k Ibl Iginlsvllle. Ky.. 21 26. Manufaetufm and Fatantata. No. SPt Mill M. SprlafTlIla. Erla (V. N. T. IS 19 lan.l. mgr ; l McVI.-ker'si Chicago 13'2d. Little T<.n.|err.a.t iKHint A Garr.do'si |.e D Bougi.t A I'ai.l F-.r. Win. Bra.lv, mgr.; New¬ Farnnin. Win. A. H. W..>ds. mgr.: Fltt«biirg F:llsw..rtli. mgr : Birhm'>n.l. Va.. 11 19. J'at ark. N. Y . 14 19. Fa.. 14 19 t>.rs..n, N J . 21-26. Baby Doll. Chicago. III.. 14-19. F'is.l I'here Was. .k: rievel.vnd. O.. 14 19. la-an, C.u-il A- F3or.-nee II‘>lbr.s>k. In The kill! Baby Mine. Wm. A, Brady mgr.: Spokane, Fanny's First Play, Messrs, Shubert, mgrs.: tary Girl Jos, kl Galtes, mgr.: iZiegf-hl Wash . 21 2.3. (Comedy) X. Y. C.. Sept. 16. Indef. Cld.ag.. Ang. 12, Indef. Bernard. Sam. M. ssra. Shubert. mgra.: Wash F'lske. Mrs. Harrison Grev Flske. mgr : Mon¬ Lit"'.- M"lionaire. I'iie C.han A Harris mgra. Ingt'.n. Ii. C., 1419. treal. Qne., Can 1419. Paltlmore. Md.. 14 19; |■hilad.'lphla Pa 21 Pbhy Mine (Win. A Brady's Eastern): Cohoes. Fortune Hunter (Eastern) R. C Chase, mgr.: 26 N Y., 16: I'oughkeeiisie 17: Kingston Ik; rres.pie Isle Me.. 16; MlHIno.ket 17; Bangor I .Hiis^ana I . Newtinrg 19; Catskill 21; Hudson '22; Gran 18-19. Pa . 14 '26 tllle 2.3. Girl of My Dn am«. Jos. M. Galt.-s. mgr.: I ittle Women. Wm Ben Hnr, Klaw A Erlsnger, mgrs.; Rochester. (Grsndi Ciiiclnnati. O.. 14 19; Itii hmond. Ind G . 14 19. N Y., 14 19. Springfleld. (I.. 2*2: Daytigi 23. I.lttb'sf |(«.b.-1. .( 11 kV'Sxls. mgr,' F'iint. '*lch.. Bllnn. Hollip.ok. Wm Brady, mgr.; San Girl A The Tramp, Harry Kavlor. : Uff' Ki: Lansing 17: Jack-.n 18; Lndltigt..n '9 Francisco, Cal., 14 26. pnbli.-, Wa-h.. 16: Deer I'ark 17; Eugene is; I.lon and the klouse. lYiit.al Play Co. mgra.: Flue Bin], Measra. Shnbert mgrs.: Chicago. Pendleton. (Ire., I'nion 21: N'lirth Powder '22; Baker City. Ore 16 17: IjiGrande 18:' P.-ndle- III . .-{iiOct. 26. Baker Clt.v *2.3; Wi Iser. Idaho 24; Nampa 23. ton 19; Walla Walla. Wish. 26; Dayton 22: Bought A Paid F'r. Wm. A. Bradv, mgra.: Girl A I'he Tr-iinji. FYe,l B.vers. mgr ; .krteslan Waltabnrg 23. SiH.kane. Wash., 19 20. S. D.. 16; Carthage 17: Irixunds is; OMbaiii Little kl as Br- wn. Wm A Bradv. mgr : tlStb Brute, nie. Comsi'H'k A Gest, Inc., mgrs.; N. 19: Baniona 26: .kLadison 21. St.l N. Y’. C.. Ang. 29, Indef Y’. (^.. 7. Indef. Gilmore. Paul, in Tlie Havoc. W R Hart, mgr : Little Women Wm. .(. Bradv. mgr ; X Y’ C. Butterfly ■ n the Wi.eel Messrs. Shub< rt A Wal¬ Bayniond. Alta . Can.. 16: McGrath 17- I eih 14. Indef. ler. mgrs : Washington. 1>. C.. 14 19. bridge 1^19: Taber 21; Me.llcln.- Hat 22 l/'ralne, Robt.. In klan and SniH.rman iHiidson) N Y. C.. S.pt 30 Indef. CAROUSELS I'Htterfly 11 the Wlie. 1. Lewis Waller, mgr.. Swift Current. Sask.. 23; Moove Jaw 24. Fargo. N. D.. 16; Billings, Mont.. 17 18; Girl Outlaw-. Cl.vdi- .kndersen. mgr.: Emienton. kLa.-DonsM. Christie. In The .Spring kl , .1 Helena 19. Pa.. 16: I'arkers landing 17: SiigI 18- Kit A Lnescher. mgrs.; \V.-ishlngt..n D c Ridiif Gafiiriis, Mirn-Go Roiids, Ciule Bi.'liird. A ll ittie \YiIllaina. In the Girl tanning 19: Ford City 21: Freeport 22: i.eecli Syracuse. X Y , 21 'J': !{ .. io'-f.-r 24 '2 .. I'roiii Moiitinarire ciia-. Frohnian. mgr.: (O. tiiirg 2.3: VandergrlH 24: Aiello 23; Av-.n kLison. John* (Garrl.ki N k t' Iti.l-f Otbir MoMy EarMi{ Oivicis H.i Chicago. Indef. ni4*r»‘ -6. kintt A J. ff lEi B. kl C.arn.1.1 n.gr • II . > .ry ('.iidoti.ilion Show, rnil.il Flav t o,, mgra : : I.n town 24: Haxleton 26. S. r.. 2‘'*; T an«'i«itpr 2^. HERSCHELL-SPILLMAN CO. iiij-'oii. Mont,. -26-27. Girt of tile T'nderworld (E.asterni, Wie ,k- lain kH««..nrl Girl . kl.-rle II N.,rt..n's II -irip Creainaii. Il.mrietla. In The Beal Thing. Manrlee bert, mgrs ; lowville. X. Y. 16 Cain.len 17 kllnn . 16: Preston 17: Biishfonl I . Sweeney St. No. Tiiawiida.N.Y, U. S.R Cani;doII. mgr.: Halllm ire. .\ld . 14 19; Wa-li Oxford IS; rilea 19: Hiop 2 1: oieida '22: k^ ' . F.( l ak.- City, kllfp '21- B ..- ingioTi. D. C.. 21 '26 Newark ‘23: Faliiiyra 2(: .klldon 23. K.-iiv.in '24: kVaw.-a '26- F'arlba'ilt 2 Clarke. Ii. Il.i. Co; Hlek .ry. N. ('.. 16. .(al... Girl of tip. T'n i;i. Girl A The Tramp i Hof tetistelii Bart.m’s i. Gi-e I>ar.-e Maideton 2(i. 1. Barton, mgr,; Matdeton. la., 16: Horn.-' mgrs ; B. II. f..nl.alpe. O 16: kls-vsiill.. 17 I . 1 lAurlum. Mleblyan. I #*; County .alieriff. We,- .V Lambert, mgrs.; Wil K.-ntoti 18; I ma 19: V .n kke-t ;■! ; Brvsn 22 K 8o 11. Ill Ca.lllla.-, Mi.h aaa. 17: Jefferson. S ll . IS; KIk I'.i'iit 19- Cliaf-- *6' lr\//"|M3oa; X'o &. In I'aUart. ilaii'towii. Fa.. 16; I.ikeiK 17; Hnntingtoi, la wrth, la.. '26: Ak-on 21: Ilaward-.n '22; II.f - ffi..ii :l ; ILirtf.'r.I citv *23 I ...'siis-h.-: .26 M.HIng F..t \ '^ fffl Cana.ta. with bad ireathrT su .(lloona 19; Gr^sTabiirg 21: Blairaville '22; f..rd, S D.. '23: C.ntervIHe 24: Wakonda 23- FY.vnk I i\!iigsf.,ii n.gr - \ .-igari 4 $t.M> 4u; .\n 1. tn Jaaonvllla. l'•■a^^.Il n3: Igitrolm 24: Irwin 'J.'i; Washing!.■ Yank ton 26. F:iH«. \, . 17 19 Cl.-v..!.vn.l. O . 21 '26 Indiana, with cloudy, thraat- 26. kl.mn. Lm' In Elevating A nust..iii.l W.-rba Gamblers. F,I. kTcIUiwell. mgr.: St. Alban- Vt A ening ivrather. was ||A4 !•' a A I IP sell . mgrs ; .I.-rsev City \ .1 1| 19 ■ No. IJ, In Seatlla. WamliPi • D.. John Fort, ingr.: Detroit. .Mich., 14 19 16: St .T..hnsbnrg 17: Birre 18; Ilnrllngloii 19 Fs^ton. I C.infeaaioij, Tlie. J. C. Sutherland, nigr.; Kan“aa . *21* Bea.llng 2*2; Tri'ni-.ii • -- • tan I: SS* a Na 1«, la White Blver .Iiinrtlon 21: Claremont. \ D 23: It SblniMion. W Va . was tiBl an. a No 11. la Bib¬ City. .M l., 1.3 19: St. Joe 26 23; Omaha. Neb. ii'l. Va.. 24: I.vncbbiirg 23 22: Bellows F'alls. vt.. 23; Brattletioro *21 b.tte. . 26. bing Mlaa was tlE4 II. .No 11. In Kan DIrg . ( all- 24 26. Keene, N. II , 23; N'orthamidor. Ma-s.. '26 fori.la was tll» in. a .No II In Calumet. Mirbigan. kl.'plam.' X. Ge." H Nlrotla .(• A.bda'.te E- nch Cow Funeber (Brandon’sl. L. C. Zelb-no. mgr.: (•re.vhoiind. W.-igenhals A Keniiier Co., nig-s - mgrs. was tiaa in A total of |1 SOS.SS f.ir nna dat with X'orf..Ik. Va.. 14 19: Meini.liis, T. nn . 10 ELI kVIIFiri.* Can you heat Itt Nti Ca” ye* .Si.earfiah, S. D.. 16: Belle F'onrche 17: Sturgis (Broadwav) Bronkl.vn. N. Y' . 14 19- ktlanf e 21 '26. Is; Baidd City 10: Edgeinont 21; Ardmore *22. City, \. J , 21 26, eunal It? .Not with any other wheat on top of iba Miss X'.i1k.iIv fr.im Sfarland (klorf H Sing r'si ground Ft. Boloii'on 23: Hay Springs 24; Gordon 23; G .os,. Girl. Faker A Castle, mgrs : I'laTip niln... Valentine 26. Chas. Donagline. mgr ; Ansi In, T. y -ts 17- kVrlie f.ir nur new ralaing. with M pagea. a.-d U I.a.. 16; l8.naId«onvIHe 17: Th*..~1aiiT is II".n«loii 18 19: Galv.-ston '26 21 • B.'nnii...iit 2" photographs. It tails the whole story Country Boy, H.nrv B. ’larrU. mgr.: St. Louis Houma 19; Morgan City 26; New Ib.rla 21 F.rt Arthur 23: Ijke Chari.-s la 24 Ig ELI ffRIDOE COMPANY, Mo.. U 19: Kanaaa C.ty 21 '26. I.afarette 22; Crowley 23: .lennlngs 24: Lak ■ fay.-lte 23; N.-w- IlM-rla '26. BallSar^ Clt.v. I'hi-. I'nlted Fla.v Co., mgrs.: Flpestone. Charles 23; Beaumont. Texas 26 Bsi I4S •. RsaSksaia. ILLINOtff. U. • A. M -.I.Tn Ev. . (M.irt II Singer's Co \ ' I'.-nry Minn . 16: Fairmont 17; Wells la; \\ Graii-tark. Fnlfed Flay Co,, mgrs : Tama la Flers<,n. mgr.; F'.ti.l du I.a.- Wl- 17 lanea Mankato '26: .MaishaH 21; Montevideo 22; Mill 16: Belle IMaln.. 17: Tra.r IS; West L1^.■'l^ vIHe 18; kladlson 19 Mlnieais.Fs Minn , ‘20 bank '2'.; Ortli.vIHe 24: St. Cloud 2.'.: Little 19: Mnseatine 26: Ma-eigo 21: c.rlnn..H 26 AUTOMATIC MOVING Falls 26. ri.lora 23; I.,wa Falls 24: Eagb- C.r.ive 23 klrolaiip. sherrv No. 1. C, C, Stniiim tngi Charles City 26 Ca-ev .loiM-a (Bow laud .Y Clifford'si, Cha«. .( falo N Y , 14 19: Batfim :.. M.l . 21 Fryor. mgr.: NaalivIHe. Tenn., 14 19 G'sl ,(• The Outlaw- (Bert Moslii-r'sl I ,.o p 'l:lli<.ti, Tb.- (East.-rnl I|. nry W Suvr-ge. SHOOTING GALLERT Cone. rt. 'Hie. David F.e.asco. mgr.: Fottavllle. Harrison, mgr.: Kenvon. Minn . 16; Gran.t <\.1elpbli FlillBd..Ip1da. F-i O. t 7 It„l, Fa.. 16: Easton 17: Dover. Del., I*-: Flalnfidd. Medow-s 17; Austin 18; Mankato 19; Il.-lb- M.-rrv kVi.low (Wesi.-rn. Il.nrv W s X. J., 19; Newark 21 26. Flaltie 26; Vernon C.-nter 21: Itutterfl.'il '22- mgr.; T..rotilo, ont . Can . 21 *26 W iiilom 23: Herrin I.ake 24: I averiie 23- C,d Charit.v Girl, Geo. W, I.ed»*rer Froilnction Co . kl'in's Gan:.'. Arthur (' M«t..p nigr - ton. S. II . 26. gcuoTv. Ala.. 1.3 16: N.-w Or'eaps. |, nigra.; i(;i.,i,.., N', Y. C . Oct. 2. Indef. Granstark. Bak-r A Castle, mgrs ; Vande-.-rift k|i -'rv Ci.utit.-s, kf.-ssrs .stmt..' Crawford, in Mv Beat Girl. Henrv B. Harria I'a.. 16; Monongahela Citv 17: Ix.nora is IH" X Y C Ang 26 iii.l.f Inc,, mgr.: i Dark i .N. Y. C.. Sept. 12. Indi f Fnlontown 19; S.-ottdale 21; Soup r«et 22 kl.tiv WI.I.iw llt.nrv W Savag. ’.info. Count of I.iixeiidMiiirg Klnw A Erlaiiger. mgra, ■ Mi-vers.lale 23; Frostbnrg. Md.. 24; Fledmoi.t ('■in . 21 26 (.■Siew .tmsterdami X. Y. C.. Sept. 16, Indef. kV Va . 23' Oaklan.l, Md.. 26 M. -n Ev.-, k kl.irt S'ng.-r, mgr ■ (Fr'nr.-ssi Gvpsy The. John Port, mgr.: Cleveland o "I t'hlciig.. Ind.-f Cherry. Charlea. phaa. Fridiman. tngr.: I.exlng 26 ■ kl-.i f:...in. rv A- Slone A FNle Jants Chas. (Ill ton. K.V., 17; Colniiihna, d Ik-to. Gilbert A SiiHIvan O-.i-ra Co., klessrs Sliiibert Common Law, A. H. Woisla. mgr.; Decatur. HI. llngliaiii. nigr ' Fblla.l.-lplila. Fa.. 8 19 mgrs ; Wlnnlix-g. Can., 14 26 ki.sbl Til.-' (Ilarrisi N Y C . Sept 2. In.l. f 16; Crbana 17; Danville IV; Bbsuiilngton 19 Girl at the Gate. Ilarrv Askin, mgr ; (I.rtS.-iHei Common Law. A. H. Wosis. mgr.; Oakaloo«a, klant.-ll. B'.bt It Will Bradv mgr ■ Br-s»k Chleago Sent. 1. Indef. Ivn. \ Y . 14 19 la.. 16; Grinncll 17: Towa Clt.v is; Clinton 19 Girl fr.itn Brighton. Wm. Fox. mgr ; (Aca.l.-iin AND BASEBALL NOVELTIES Coiiimon Law. A. 11. Woods, mgr.: Bartlesville klllb-r Henry. Klaw A Erlanger. mgrs • iGrandi •if ktnslci N, V r.. Ang 31. Indef. N V C . 14 19 Okla,. 16: CoffeyvlIIe. Kan.. 17; Independence kVrlla fur price list W M W'I'HF'ri.EIN. Mgr . ! Girl from Toklo; St I/mls. kto . 14 19 klack, J. II , Chalterlpn A Bmno. mgr« ■ I ak.- .N. Seennil Hireet. I’hlladriplila. Fa . 11. R A 18; Farsona 19. Gvpsv The. John Port, mgr.: Clevidarid O Ci'tmmon I,aw, A, IT Woods, mgr.; Dover. Del.. Crystal. Minn.. 16: klapleton 17 X.w Ittfh 21 26 land 18 19. 16; Fhoenixrllle. T*a.. 18; South Bethlehem 19. Gypsy lyive A. II. Woods, mgr.: FhHsd..IpIiln kla.Iame Slierry. Fred Boaa mgr • C|ialtaii.H.ca Cohan. Gim. .M., Cohan A Harris, mgr« : (C in- Fa.. 14 26 Tenn . 16; Knoxville 17; Nashville 18 19 an's) N. T. C.. S-pt. 23-Oct. 19; Phlladel Glr) In the Taxi. J. J DlHon. mgr.: Atlantic HOROSCOPES kladame Sherrv, Geo Chenet, mgr.; SI Marvs. Prlfitrsl || I,(MM* phla. Ft.. 21-Not. 2. City. N J.. in 16. Fa . 16: Bldgway 17: Johnsonbiirg 18 lir.mk lurr PhtMiHi. fUltti# And * Coming Home To Roost, Harris A Seltaryn, mffra.; Girl In the Taxi. Fred Rider, mgr : Shenandoah vHle 19, $} t*^r l.tHKi PAlmtaU* knti f ' Boston. Mass.. 14-Not. 2. Pa.. 16: klahonoy City 17; Freeland IS Drew, John, 'n The Perplexed Hiishand. Chas. Man Higher Fn. J'm. M. Oatleii, mgr ; rhleag.! till)# TrlUm' HIAmi' Gamblers, 'nie. Klimt A Oaarxilo. mgra,: Wash Sept. HI Indef •AmidM I LfboUXa Ht4- Prohman. mgr.: (Empire) N. T. C., Indef. Ington, n. C.. 14 19. Man of Honor' Toledo, O., 14 19 kwrt Ava.. BrMklvka N Va 31 OCTOBER 19, 1912. X ti e Billboard

    Maafr <>f the llouar, M’*), t.'flMb Kt.) .N. Y. «4.. Aug. XI. liulff. erick McKay, mgr.: Hartford. Conn.. 14-1*; 7-19. Wm. K. 8parks. mgr.: Coinmbua, O., 14-19; ktUraluDi«. Klaw. Kriaug>-r A lipwka. mgra.: Watarbury 17; Sprlngflrld. Maaa.. 18 19; (Tre- Hklnner, Otia, Klaw A Erlanger, mgra.: (Ill Mldilb'town 20; Dayton 21-26. (Illark»l<>iii-| 4'blragu, 2.3, iDilcf. mout) Boston. Maas., 21-Not. 2. im/ia) Chicago, (Kt. 7, indef. Warfield, David. In Ibe Retnrn of Peter Grimm. Ulbaloui-a, Klaw, Krlangkt, mgr*.: Royal Slava (Clarence Benm-tt’s): Akron. lad. Srbeff, Frltsl, Jo*. M. Galtea, mgr.: Indian¬ David Belaaco, mgr.; I’biladelpbla, Pa., 7-19; Il.llxrrtj') .N. V. C.. S; Ilortbniid Jtl Waco 19; Cvtralcana 21; Waxabachle 22; Den¬ Woman, The (Eastern) David Belaaco, mgr.: GreenTllle, B. C.. 16; Spartansburg 17; Char¬ Nrw Bln. Llcblrr A 0>., mgra.: (l‘o»*i'a) Chi- ton 23. Cleveland. O., 14-19, lotte. N. C., 18; Anderson, Ala.. 21; Rome Within the Law, American Play Co., mgra.: • ago. Bfpt. 1«. lodrf. Sarrant In tbe House, Jones A Crane, mgra.: 22; Gadsden 23; Huntsville 24; Decatur 25; N«Vr Do Wall Autbi>ra I’roduclng Co., mgra.: St. Louis, .Mo.. 14 20. Audubon. la., 18; Adair 19; Naola 20; Gutbrle Anniston 24. i’Ittaburg, I’a . 14 IB. Center 21; Stuart 22; Osceola 23; Lamonl 24; Wrong Way, The: Newark. N. J., 14 19 Traveling Salesman. Henry B. Harr!*, mgr.: Waller, Lewi*. In Henry V. (Daly’s) N. Y. a. ttUT Vlllaita l*< atmaatrr, Fhaa It. Mllla. mgr.: Betlmay. Mo., 25; Humeston, la., 26. (Crown) Chicago 14-19; (National) Chicago ('blp|H-w a Falla. Wla . Id; Aultuata IH: Alma Sept. 7. Indef. Stewart May J. E. Cline, mgr.; JackaoDTilla, 21-24. Within the Law, A. H. Wood*, mgr.: (EltLng*) Cantrr IB: MarahUild IM; Cbllll 111: Mt-ri Ilian III., 16; Lltcbfleld 17; Decatur 18. Third Degree, United Play Co., mgrs.; Ogdens- Tt. M'biti'ball '.13; Indapandi-Dct- 24; Granton N. V. C.. Sept. 11. indef. Stumbling Block, Oscar Graham, mgr.: Ham¬ bnrg, N. Y.. 10; Ottawa. Can.. 17; Brockvllle Walker, Charlotte. Klaw A Erlanger, tngr*.: 23: Arradia 20 lin. Tex.. 14; Sweetwater 17; Snyder 18; Lub- 18; Kingston 19; Renfrew 21; Smiths Falls Old Ilomtataad. Frank ‘niom|«on. mgr.; AtxT- Brookynl. N. T., 1419. bvxk 19: PlalDTiew 21; Tnlla 22; Canyon 23; 22; Napanee 23; Osbawa 24; Lindsay 25; Or ZeeRell. Frank. A Co.. Al. S. Weston, mgr.: dat-n. Waab., Ifl; Kima 17: Cantralla IR; Kelao Clovla, N. M., 24; Roswell 25; Artaala 26. IB: Sail 111. Oro.. ‘Jl; (Virtallla 22: Albany 2.3: Ilia 26. Decatur, Ind.. 18; Winchester 18; Uuncle 19. Kiigi-na 24; Grant'a I'aaa 23; Kuaaburg 2fl. Ziegfeld’a Follies. Florenx Ziegfeld, Jr., mgr.: O'liara Flake. Auguatua I’ltuu. mgr.: Atlanta. I'hiladelphia, Pa.. 7 19; N. Y. C.. 21. Indef. Ga.. Id: Anniaton. Ala , 17; Rtrmingbam Id: « IIaltli*burg, Mlaa., IB; New Orlaana, La.. 20 2«. Ob; lib; Drloblna. Klaw A Frlaiiger. mgra iKiiU k. rlaal. ri .\ V . Seiit. 3t). Indrf. ' AT LIBERTY Offlrar 4d4. Oilian A Ilarrla. mgra.: (Gajety) I N V. C., Aug. 12. Indef OSIrrr Md tSoutbarn) Cuban A Ilarrla. mgra.: { Rurlington la.. IB. November 1, 1912. OlUar Twiat. Lbblar A Co., mgra.: Hartford, j Conn.. Id IB; I’roaldanra. It. I., 21-24. THE CHRISTMAS ISSUE Ona Day (F.aatarnl I'. A. Wade, mgr.: Walden, i N. Y.. 14 Cataklll 17; Saug. rtlea 18; Poogh-| -OF- kaapela IB. Ofllrar Add. Coban A Ilarrla. mgra.: Stockton Cal. 14; Sacrament* 17; MaryaTllla 18; Chico . IB Lady Orchestra OtTl. ar 444. Cohan A Ilarrla. mgr* : M.*llna. Ill 14; Kock laland 17. Mii*c*llna. Iowa. 18; Bur THE BILLBOARD lingten IB THAT *n. mgr ' Naah tllla. Tann . 14: t'battaiiooga 17; KnoiTllla OUR USUAL CIRCULATION IN INDIA WILL BE DOUBLED. Address, LADY ()K('I IICSTHA, Id. i>-alngton. Ky.. IB. OUR USUAL CIRCULATION IN SOUTH AFRICA WILL BE MORE THAN DOUBLED. r*a**T* By. Cha«. Fp>bman. mgr ■ lyoilsTlIla. 232 12th St., Milwaiikci’, Wis. Kt. 14 Id Islington 17; C"lumbu». O . Is OUR USUAL CIRCULATION IN AUSTRALIA WILL BE MORE THAN TREBLED. IB: ClaTaland 21 24. Pantral: St Paul. Minn.. 14 18. i Putting It iiTt-r. Ja* Wbltteialala. nur. Kan : Ill atitlilion. this war we are poiiig to tise the Christmas Issue for a foreign sa* City. Mo. 14 IB: St. l,.-ul» 21 24 , fireulation-buihling numl8-r. Thou.santis of copies will be mailed to Pair of foiintry KIda C. Jay .sniltli mgr | llatcsTlIIa ,4rk Id; Newport 17; .4rksdal Knglish-s|8‘aking cluhs an x.. Ifl Shravap-Tt. I.a Porto Rico, Siuth .\mcrica. China, Japan, New Zealand, Tasmania, Cey¬ 2<'. Jeffar^ 'n. T-x . 21: I.<'ngvl. w 22. Carthage lon. .'^traits Settlement. Kgypt, Alaska, Honolulu, etc., etc. 2.3: Nacog.lorbe* 21 I ufkln 23: Tylar 24 AT LIBERTY Parisian Model John A. Mack, mgr : Brooklyn, i ACCOUNT OF SHOW CLOSING. FOR lOINT OR N Y 14 111; Nt w Hasan. C -nn . 21 23; Spring- , Held Mas*.. 24 24 ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE CHRISTMAS ISSUE SINGLE ENGAGEMENT. Pink Mask Co. It It Uehert*. mgr : Warren ^ fen N C.. 14. Koaneka Rap ro 24; Freem nt 2.3. Fay ' Bob Webb lackWaidley attavllla 24 Price. The. Claranca Bennatt A Co., mgr*.: Tar- entnm. I'a 14 IllalrsTllla 17: .Alt'etna 18 CARRIED ends EARTH Trombone. B.&O Cornet, B.&O. ' Johnstewn IB: Washington 21; Naw I'hlladal phla. O.. 22: Canihrblga 23: Columlms 24 24 AND THIS WITHOUT OUR CIRCULATION AT HOME BEING Both members A. F. M. Experienew!. fwiber ami re¬ Pacific Coi>t OiH-ra Co. Mario I.ambartli. mgr.' liable. Can join on wire. MapWion. er 17 San ITaia > .■ S<-pl 22 Oct. IB IN ANY WAY CURTAILED. Phil.o|.. A.loli.b N Y C . Sept. 24. Ind-f i'a^tana. IS; Uivt*r Sioux. 19; all Iowa. After that ^ Pink" I adv Ki .« A Frlaiig«-r. mgr« : Wl’ke« ('are M uirlaris' riub. 1417 Famam St., Omaha. Neb I’.arre. Pa.. 17 The Chri>tmas l>sue will In^ir d;itc of DccemlH-r 11 The Christmas Issue’s p..r-li \V.-.MIng l ohan A Harris, nigr- ; Bo- • Ms— 7 IB LAST roRM ( L(_iSi:s at . S.VTT'RDAY. DLCKMHKR 7 The Power Behind tha Thpine. Frank Morsa. mgr c:irlicr copy is recoivt'd the Iwtter thf' clutnce of preferred position. No I^’nlsTllla, Ky . 14-lfl. reservations will U- held after Decttuber 1. COPY MUST BE IN EARLY. AT LIBERTY. Porntar. Baulah Bun A N-.ehol il. mg'« ' 1.' u's Tllla. Ky. 14 IB; St 1. u's. M ' 20 24 Pt.w.ni. Jis. T. Sam S. A Is-a Shulo-rt Inc.. Trombone, B. & 0. mgra ; (Wad KnI. N Y C.. 14 19. USUAL CIRCULATION VASTLY INCREASED- Piinkln Hu«ker. Tie l\Vni Wam«her’sV J. F. Locate or tra\el. Pa-^t tlirce seasons buslncits man Carrlck. mgr. So-lloirn. Inil.. 14: Ibiggar 17. j '' \y MtTcer .\ttracti-• tjiiaker i:irl with tna Claire A- Parclval - Kii'gM. Heiir> It. Hart!* mgr.: Boston. Mass. NO ADVANCE IN RATES. RUSSELL HARTMAN. BRODHEAD, WIS S. Ill 23 Nov 2. Qnakar (5'rl iBc with Vli t->r M T’.ey. Henry B ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO Harris, mgr ; S Ima. .Ma . 14. M -ntg inery 17: M bile IS IB; New Orle ins. l.a.. 21 24. Rosa Tlo« W . In Tha Oi.It S n J M Welch, mgr ; C-'liimbus. O . 14 14; Springfield 17. THE BILLBOARD PUBLISHING CO. AT LIBERTY Dayton is IB. I'.ood Slrgle Performer. Can change for week; wor Rosarv iFisierm lU•■w’..vnd A- Cllff-rd’s' M ill! act- play piano and organ, sober and reliable* S iJolda'ne mgr Clar, ncc Mo . 14: Macon NEW YORK CHICAGO ST. LOUIS 17: Klrksvll'e Is. Ja. k«onv illa. Ill. IB: Pekin jean join at once; week stand shows write Addres j. 24; Canton 21: l.cwlstoan 22: Petersburg 21; or CINCINNATI Lincoln 24; Virginia 2.3; Beardstown 24. EUGENE PIPPIN, It -sarT (Howland A C'llTird'a'. Ga«klll A Mac- VltiT. Inc.. Icsaies: Rico. Colo. IS; Ool-res Box 84 Oshtemo, Mich 14; xianis's 17; Iniranco IS; Antonito IB. I.a Jara 21; .Mamosa 22; Monte Vlata 2.3; Del Norte 2t; CpMab- 23: Trinidad 27. Stahl, R.'sp, In Mace'e Peppi'r: (Park) B.' txxn. ]T. xxn F ■ 1. Harry Green, mgr.; I.Innciis. Mo.. R sarr iR .wl^nd A IT IT inCs S iithernL C,u« M.s*- . St pi 23. In.lef. I 14; N. vtngx'r 17; tc.een C.I.x 18; Milan 19; Henderson tngr : Richland. Oa.. 14; Quincy, S.rxani In thp Il- ii-c i Merle H. N. rto-.i'-'i'-. j Janu»i;s>rt 21: Maysville 22; Oregon 23; WANTED Fla . IT Marianna Is .Npalachlcela IB; T.-i' Itl rwlck. Pa . 14; Glranlxillc IT; .Ashland 11 .'loiind Cliy 21; Skidni.irc '23; Craig 26. l-ibss-p 21 Halnbrldgc. Ila . 22; Tliomasv Poitsvlllp 21; Mt. Carmel 'J'J; Freeland Thrx'e Tax ins. I’hilip H Nlxen. mgr.: Ottawa, 2: Fiisgr-sM 21: Quitman (la 24 St xcii Dava. Jps-p We I. mgr : Mcmp'.i.s, Teiin C.aii.. 14; Kingston 17; Belleville IS; Petcr- l|o--ir, iRowl let A (■ IT —f. r.iiirnli r.lvv n It 19. Naahvl'.lc 21 '24. I*i-l*onrsei mgr Ki iii-oi n 14 I sii.-vsi.-r N-ro 19: Lindsay 21; Orilla 22: Il.arrc 23; Starr. Frate . s ;n T:.e I'a-e of Itcck.v ; N. Y t i Guelph 21; Stratfx'rd 25; Hamilton 24. IT. New Iivington is N. nark IB; Ilu-yni' S pl. 34. Indef. 21 t "(.. r Ssiidoskv 22. Belli f.-ntalm 2:1 SUc.a. Tie « F , Frpil Haney mgr Chic: g.x. I Thur«|.'n. Magic an. Jack J.xnea. mgr.; iMa Jx-attci Buffalo. X. Y.. 14 19; (Grandl Youngs- Minstrel Talen Wapskoeeta 2‘'. I’e Itir led "d III. IKI 4 24. It-'.i-v iK.ovIiii.t A ern -Vs C asn Merle F Spr.iig Mai.l XX it' G.ne I.uneska. We ha .V t' xx n. O.. 21 2il. Sm'lh Iiii-r C: aeoli l\nn« 14 i>-\\eg.' IT 1 lie--her. mgrs l.o.-kp.'rt, N. Y, 14; It.il.a r an li:/.! g l..:nm.v. .3. 11 33'.-.1-, mgr ; -Cri To take part in Local Minstrt Coliimh' s is <; is'd misn-i 21. Iliilc'iln X la IT. Dunkirk 1*. Jam n 19; mean 21. leri.'ui N 3 i'.. 0,1. 2. indef. « II 22 St. Iieg 2: i' 01 0 S'.rl'ig'. ( >1.. llra.lf.'r.l I’a.. 'J'J. Kan Tltusvlllo 24 Trail of the I., nesx'me Pine: Uro'kly:, X. Y'.. (Elks) Performance, Nov. 2 •J4 I rr.x '23; Frlc '24 14 19. R. .-.rv (It-., ■ I .( (• —f. t"r. \V, sunb..niiel Sue. l'a.^4 I'tay Co, mgr*.: I'»n..ra, I n.l.. Tom's Cab.n (Kibble .3 Martin's Kastxrn). ami 22. Clynmasts, Aerobatf^ 1 I Mile, n.k'r 'l.-.i c> 14 i;rl.-. f. I’a . 14. Br xxe-xr. 17, M .rgaiitoxxn, W. \ :i 33 m. Kll'bli'. mgr.: C.'.dxvat. r. Mieli.. 16. 17 l!«: T-- lit" Hot 21 '.'4 i 1* Foinii'-unt 19 Tiinn. Iton 21; M.>n..'g ili Jacks,xn 17; South Bend. Ind , IS 19; llaiiimoud ('ont(^rti(Jiiists, Dancers, o Rr.t K'’.e .l-'tin r -le r incr lIsiir.M k '-’2 1; xxlesliiirg P p.lment 21: x .-nncll- '2il; S-mth Chlc.ag'. HI.. 21 23; Fvanslon. HI.. Ml.h 14 • t IT t-lip* lo'oc t'' t:’-..! X 1 e. I'a.. '23; I n onl.'xx ii 24 ! 21; Ke;-.,-s'-.a. Wis.. ‘23: Racine '24. Novelty -Vets, ('ommunieat < 'JO Mi nenibei- ‘.'t ; Port ...r.l ..f Ih, ll;:i iClI.x I. tl.ask'.’.I ,( Mae fncle T.m'a Cabin (Steis-n's) 1. .-n 33’asaliiirn, V-tliii- i>nl '.’I '_’4 I \ii|x. In.', mgs T.CxM.x. D.. 13 19; Grand I II gr. Xexxark. X. J.. 14 19. at once. 1. FRANK HOMAN. Van Wert, I Ri-it. M-re\ It It Frsr. e nisr iMsxInt F i;i;e,\s. MIeli,. 24 24. j 1 nele Tom's Cabin (Terry's . 33". G Dickey. 11 l|■■> NIC ("C 19 'ndef ■ Sill plier.l .'f th>' llllla Gasklll MaeVltly Inc., 1 mgr.: Gaixa. la.. 14; Klngs’ey 17; Sargent It. ..n M..IO . n 11 F, sr.. .V \\-11 V Brndv mgrs Lima, xi . 14; lli.'ksvtllp IT; But'.er. I Bluffs IS; M.m.l.amin 19: L.ttle Sl.xuv 2it .Yprll leer. I V. w t 1 ..n.l.in Fn.- In-tef j Ind. 1*; .(ngela 19; l.aGraiige 21: Go-hen FOR SALE , K.s.n M II.-. llt..s,l 11 II Frsre. iiicr Mln ; 22; Flklxart 2:. S.'illh Bend ’21: Is’gansport Fii.ler 3t.xny ITag*. Messrs Shiib-rt. mgr-.: .11.9 Mien ft t'l St I'.iil •.'4'.'4 Pern '24. l.tslrome) X. 3. C.. -Vug ill. indef. R. Maid We-b-i A I ep., e-r titer* Bil Sl.elder.l of the Hills, Ga*k'.I1 .4 MaeVItty. Ine 3'an. Blllv B , Stair A Mavlln, mgrs : Gr.and Black Shetland Pony ' lint ep M-1 It 19 I'ts tififld N I 2t. Ml nirra ■ Detroit. Mllin 14: F.rciis Palis 17 liU'ids. Mich.. 14-16. Four white feet. Most beautiful built pony In f Vent..It \ 1 "23 Willie PlsUt* 2*t Wahixeton. N. D.. IS; Ro.lfield. S D.. V.>. R..«. Mnt.t iS."iiltieri|i W erl.v .X I,iie».-lier. 3Vli;te Slave (Bartley Campbell's) (Walnut) Cln- eountry. Weight. 340 pounds. Stage broken, wl ‘ Huron 21 Miller 22: Pie-re 2.3 Rapid Clt.x eight gooxi trtek-s. \3'alks on hind legs. Only firs, itic'« I' ltlii. 'f. X 1119 Ft Worth 21 '22. e nnatt. O.. 14 19. '-t III Up F‘tirehe 23: IVadw. .-d 24 Whilr of Sxxclet.v (L.rrlc) Cincinnati. O.. 14 19. class people need apply. JOHX POTTS, raar SJ ' l•klxllelle• I’Mt I'k's. 23 21 M..Me«ter ‘2.3; San Carl." ii|sra f. . F'l.esio I'i Glae'iii.' mgv Kboxles .(venue. Chicago. III. , W aco T. xa., 24 N 3 C . S.pl It. Indef 33' -If. The. Jixnes * Crane mgrs.; .Yurora. Neb.. Pine Julie III 1'1'e 3 iiiVeo ll'rl. J P. tlorliie leraiv »' the Pen. 33>bpr Flc!d«. mgra ; IS; Hastings 19; On! 21: Palmer 22; Y'l’rk FOR *»A.L.F A 1'.' Inc . iiier* N.-w Urlpnn. La . II 19; (3Veber’a) N. Y C.. Sept. 24 Imlcf. •23; Osce-'la 21: Seward 26. Brand New Italia.. Acvordlon. piano fort* sysfei I akp Clisrle. 24 ll.'aiini.'iit. Texa*. 21; Gat s ile-e F II . .V Julia 31arloxxp 3Ipasr« Shii 33'lilte S

    I 32 Tlie Billboard OCTOBER 19, 1912.

    ROUTES K»>L. Tr;- 1227 K Tltt it., Ck:f«*o. I.i.V<,> KAEA A Flrlrr 4 Mill at.. Tr-». .V V Ktrt».V<> Kr** Pilt-r^^o. N J. I.ar^.ll.arr>.i iLitLt Tbr- 22U< 224 a»».. Brni ff’i'n. Tb* 24<> K SStt it.. Cblris'). taToiitaToki I'tPb.i. yiJ K. l.’.'b »t.. I.-« A:..'r.»-. mrO&lLEU SATES Kt faiiBn Trocp*. U* it.. H»»”. Maia !•<,I*(, (,bI A Suilr: 14 Ppcjat/rct it . Wert PIMPLES Hai»7 S Hair; J1T7 p.»fr« h'-'it , 8t Itjai* K-r.»;K-a.rf A RarlaHaria 'arr'ar* Mra DaaiAaon.Da*i4*OD. A47S47 ,Aa- llar^-LfIlT,.L. i jDL. Ba^/a H'.ya 21 E liWt at.. >. T. C. •'»■ »» arr.. .v. T C. ^tP.. N. T^ c. „ ... J,j>. t: 47 W 12»'b it . N T < titmftni Wljlard li21 Clia at.. Nrw Or.rana. Krkr fr. Zrta:Zrt.a: CottageCattaj* 101.101, Lor.gLor.f B'-acb.B^acb. L. I.. i..r,'..n Ton,. A Jntglr Glrli' IbW S I run it A La/(.(. liT 8tat« at.. Sortb VcriK.a N. T Iirr.T^r. 1»a. Krirr; fllitrra Ttr*r; 4S32 CbriatUca art D:” rflrld. C. W : 22.1 Cbrlm itr ai.ibiI* ■ it ».» A Jartia: 230 H-.i-.Aes at.. Batbrrfort CL;'i*o. Cit; ». J K* T A DiTli 8» W. 5.V at.. N T. C. FRECKLES I>.n4‘roa. Original Kuar: 201 N 14 it . Bra ling Barcaaifi Ttr ; S20 Ba.tlm.ra B:7g . Okla Kfllf.K*>uj. nanftaa *A loaMa S42 vnm20tb atr. MKwaui*^Mi:«aukr« P,Pi I ^ fli boa,a C.ry. oaia. K».ibrra.Kr_tbrra. Tc.rTnr 140414r>4 Cok>DlalColonial Place. DaUaaDai t.,., a., a T a.t: 1%1 Rroe4way. Bror.klyn ||| j|ll|/ljrj|||0 Bara«u. Kl.jrotby: S.1AS.14 Santa Clara aer..i ■# kfl IWImllkl ■ 1# W BatAawa;, Madiat/m A Mt'k S2S W. Mtb at.. A.an.rAa.anrAa Cal.Cal I.'.ti’.I.lr4 n'>Tnrr a. Z324 E. kTtb at.. B.'atbraat. Gm K ngit'angat''B A Mo'>'rMo»>-e WbltrWhite Rata. N. T. C. I.ittlrA»-I.ittl»-fl»-14'a14'a Marl-n r:--r»Tt:LrFl -rnrt:r;r ml.''-' 'Or | #^16 • BaiUiCo Kir a Trio;Trio: 47564736 OMrnburgOldrnburg a»r..irr.. 88t.t. I>>olJ.t>>al4. [A^ratn[4:ratn< > Winn [i-ra■rg Man . Can Ii fb a, j r* ■ i Jk i _• \/ Bear; A UaaP 2U W gSth «t.. N T. C. Kotalrr. Frank A Mty: 240 S8 C^tnntC^eatnnt it..kt. II..r.k r.k A R .b.ca-biCa -nn 'Kmprr.a.-Kmprraa. San F an-!».an-lm- -. 'al.t al., KCfinCu r O I K S A V OI Q Y O U f Brar; Broa, Kijing. 211 Ornrara at , Trratom Mar.TarlllrMarTarlllr O _ 21 24. I I K J K'pf*aK'pt*a Tbr: 117 W 234 at . S. T C. I.r'-'iar'lI.^'-nard A W tnrrtnr.r (0*ph»-niniiO*nh»-nini Van- -uTrr.'UTrr. I! AraMiiaiMfaanraaa SOtara B-,! ITS Ottawa. 0 Kratnr'tKramr-t Tbr: Analonalnk.Analonalbk. Pa. ■ ; I< Kmprr**Kniprraa Ii V:ctor'.aV:ctor-.a 212124 24 ^ C U O I 11 A*i 11 Cr C ■ »ati4■tl Or _ •Slrrttrrt A Vaacr. llii Joba aL. ClMiaaat 14tb14tta at.. N. T C. I..-* Fr mini ' ••. San Franclaco.FrancDco. Cal. ^Bracuan Tno K.gla. IIL Kraiao A Jtormaa 203 G atlla ft., HaminoBdHammoad I>..nar4. Ek. \-i-..f!r\-i-..Rr Tb-rr 224 W Vrh at. .N T C. I Ir4Ird 'I Fmr.'»»»Emprr— St PantPan! MinnMinn. " " Ww ll I W I WWW Hia-r A r-atoB 143 W 42nia. Wa»t. -Em Aad Coarta Parra Alaiyf Rttultirr—"Vaak" (Spa H'jdgrf B-'.w : 1404 Natalie ate..,E. 8t. Losla. Klmkatl A Docaran. 113 N-rth Hampton at prerai P -nlan-l. Orr.. 21 24 rial) Quickly Raaiaraa Tkaaa Httatly Spata— - --- Biw’an Lkiby. Ednr (Mij'.ic Ci.n-ag-. 111.; 'Graod M-arr A ton;* 2424 Locnit at.. 8l Ixmla. KiLg M<»llr A .Vrlllr: .'i«5 W 144tb . .N’ T.C lii.Tton O . 21 24. Tkt Craataat Rcatagy la tha W(4a WarM far ,(^ae>l A K..y-t iV.l Etael are.. 8t. Lonla ki, , ^ Er.iLgrr 15K7 E. 4VJ ft.. Clrrrlaad I.l-rd. Hngb. Co.: 'Kmprr.ai San Krani •-o. 4ll«rg«4 A lB»i-»r; Ilk E 24th at.. Erl*. Pa. Kb abt Br-.a A SawtelU; 4D'4) Sbrr.dan Road Cal ■4loff Bra.. Flying: Eld-3a.g.it A Ifrtnr: Box Sd. Oakr.llr. Conn. S'. Mary a 21 24 I - nrwr A Edirar.1.Edirar.la t Einpr'a. I Iirntrr. Colo.; (Etn-(Em- | (jft ••YAAK" Si sfial I tMPrir.ae Ifodr. A Wrbbrr 8(atrra: 2144 Ba Kirrrli. Orrat - A'flit -'-omi >i<-r»»ch. Coon 17 pre.... Kaaraa Citr M-' 21-24 I prrior arr . arrrlimj 1# ,o H • W-.tfi'W Via— 21 23 P.aia i.' irtr MAT n-R-lrn (Wad«a->rtli'(Wadaa-R-tli' V Y C i 3an4r-c /7tt W 113th at.. S T. C Si-rlnrti. Id 24 24 j-A**"0-Lart.-n. In-xIr'-x iKmpr»n»i'kiTipna.i CtDcInnatl.CtnclnnaH, O i Ha,a you wen ao marit carriaaa proplr with tallow ^imrrm Brar . Thr»*: 141 Eagir at.. Y-.nngatowc Kar'.t-.a <;r-at 1273 War :ogt -n Bird . rui- 1 I.aNoirr.I.aNotrr, CbarCbaa . o232 M- rganrgin at . BuffaloRuffal'- N Yi rougt. fa--r.. M-ragg>. hollow rbarka. pimply, blotchy ■ P anr pom yr an uab alabt la Cairago San Vnton o *>124 ‘ I» I wa-lrty and hualiuea life lUtliird folka uaually atold mmlng tho— with aurb rrpuNDr looka Tba racy McKinley, Nell: 248 Bank at., Newark, N J. l.lm Children: IIS Waab'.ngton are.. A-too... K A Bern r* , Emprra. - iv^tlan-l. Ore. ??, “rf” VJ ‘ ill '' I M<*i-«t ra-e of P*mpl«‘“tlarkS:il:‘^^piwplca. blarkbra-D and blotchy raah, Met alna. Aerial; 133 W «th at.. . Ind a . Ktll. Ja-k M . iBar-i—o- Waukegan. 1:1 Met alna. Aerial; 133 W «tb at.. Pern. Ind :fra,ki»afre-'klr* and mar— pure*uum ranmi- lajaiilrrlr|fMtli«rly be artk-a rtdttd of fflatta. Tbr; Grrr-n lawn. N. T. Krrmka Bne itirplirum New O Iran*. La.; MrN'amrr-MrNamrr- 41 Smith at.. Pooghke»pa'a.Pooghkerpa'a. >i.N. T.T j anpwith Yiak"Taak" (."prcialii.oprriali Tl.rTi.r ^a-.ga(frra-.gft mar-ly In Ibatba TUI A Whitaker: Harrlagtrm Park. N J. -iK-umi Birmingbam. Ala.. 2124 MePbre * Hilt; 811 8d are.. N. T. C. wl-lr world for quick rwaulia lellcata. barmlaaa and ^illyrra Tbe 1*2 Bay 25tk at.. ^oaoDburat. Kaufman. R-ba A Ineg lO-lumblai St. Loola. MacErrry A Powera: 173 W 4.3th at.. N. T. C. fa—ti a;li.| to It— fkln. AbaolutrD Are from dan- Mark rioTd; ft!>34 Ohio at.. Auatln. Chicago grrnu* drug* "Yaak " la purely Herna. Vrartabiaa. llara Kimball Troopr: Bog 27, B.tck Creek. Kon m Pr-e . F-#ur lOrpbrumi I'mirr. C..i« Viack A Orth- f>08 Walnnt it.. Phlla. (til* of Nur« Lily Bulb Julct. Crrhrina. Oltra and Klrk-mlth. .Sir. Slat r« (Krith'a- Indlanapolla. i Macka. Two- 24A N S9th at.. Phlla l'aiiut diip* which gor* tba face a youngful ' llnre A BniilngTon: Harrtaon. N T lO'l : (Temple) I»rtr*>lt. MIcb.. 21 24 Malta A Malln: 178 North are. Plalnflrld. N. J. ' «■"« appearance Apply a little at night and rrarr 'loHand Happy Doc; S24 vth are.. N. T C. KlrchD.an. Chat iHlp[>odromr» Ifetr-It Mlcfa. Mangel.. John W.; i03 N. Clark at.. Chicago. ; »'-;■* y^ '* ielmet A Holliatoo: 230 Aodnboa are.. N. Y’. C - -■ ■■ ■■ - ■ a prarD-wbItr >rl>riy akin Jurt a*k anyOody who lorton A l.aTr1aka: 300 »!h arc., L. I . N. V _ haa u—<1 It E»rt. tbr Bru appUcatbui will amaar you • lamd Bl; 27a w 118tb at N. T C tirt It i-idar Now. doti'l delay It for tomorrow and Toward Brr-a ' Plying Banjoa: 229 W. Satb at., j I permit Ib-aw ogI> featurea oo your face Yaak ' aella -• M T. C. eierywbrre In America for So cetita per boa Bewkra - '^owand A I/nder; I'M M'-ffatt at.. B-onklyn | of aubattlutr*. don't accept It. but .lemard for Yaak " A-k the druariata In town, or el— will abtp Iwyt Leeaig Co.: hl3 N. 14tb at., Htrrlaburg, ■ AT 12 O’CLOCK, NOON, •llm-t to you lawaae prepaid THE YAAK ' MFG I Pa Cll . X31S Iiidlai.. Arenue. t'blcaA> INK Yaak ' Spe- f Iwgbea Murlral Trto; Wrbatrr. Mtaa. (iar Ob your aiiuppii.f Uat iuda> There la nothing laatlaga Fonr: Poa 243. Fair Harm N J. EVERY MONDAY i on Iba market cat. equal H llgb Kf* Tr.o iClrTihetimi Mlnorajmlla Minn. ■ Vi well A 8< oft (f)rpbwnm< Vinconrrr. B. C.: the Ugt form of THE BILLBOABD besring date of the Sstardiy follow¬ iF.rT; rr».. V - 'nr.a 21 24 Inff-yrd A Chain il'oll'ti Hartford. Conn ; ing is sent to preu. tl**>lt'e Worrratrr. Maai.. 2124. This means that advertising copy intended for this form must reach Tall. Billy ’fftwedr." Co • (Poll'ai Sprlngflr'.d, tbe Publication Office of The Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio, in the first mail TricksTricksTricks ' Maaa ; (poll'a. New Harm Conn.. 21 24. , Tr-tira Wm H 1202 E Park Way. AlIrghCDy, MONDAY MORNING at tbe lateat. I luArzrai RMuniDefit of (rlcKA. Afid nowniM Ib I tlic oorld. Send tc »iAiii|> fur Ulu«trAted cAiAioC’JA •Irr ab. 0'r.,t A Co.: tPaotagrai Sab Franrlacb, DON’T DELAY—SEND YOUR COPY EARLY. Cal . 21 24 .le»* r. J-iggirr I.oml-or Exeb. Bldg . SratOe, : C. J. FELSMAN. Chicago. Waab 1(4 N CLASS ST.. IIS STATE ST . laaloa Bre. A Co. lAlhambrai N Y. C. The Billboard (Mala Start). (Palaiar Naatt Labhy.) • Jallrtt. J e R 401 E Molberry at.. Blor-mlng- a ton Til , lopkina A Axtrll (Malratic) Mllwaukcr, WSa.; ttirphronit Ma4:aoii 21 24. lontrr A R-ra iGayctyi Indlaaapolla. Ind.; tStari MotrlrMancie 21 24. ' ' Kbapp A Comtlla (Family) Buffalo. N. T. ' Mtnnlog Tno: 70 Claacy at.. Grand Haplda WuruTzer-. . lolt. Alf (Emprrral Tacoma Waab.; (Em | LoCentra A LaBoc. 2441 2d trc.. N Y. C. i ^ r-r*-«a( Portland Ore . 21 24. 4 ! l-*'vy. WUl: 1514 N. Ctpltol at.. Waablngton. | Manolod Family. FItc: tl4« W. Uatber at.. Chi ^ ORCHESTRAL HARP iolman. Harry. A Co • Tvronr Okla 12 24. D. C. ■ - V£ Tha Aceeataa WarlCa ttaagara Irn.hawlenahaw. Edw 45 W. 107th at.. NN. T C. LaCrandall: 402 MooltobMoulton at..it.. New Albany.Albany, Ind. : flM-edtb.Illd-rdth. Knbt..K»bt., A fVjO'. (Emnrwiia)(Emprena) Portland. -; ILaCraik, .rrwie The-Tbe: 1.53153 HIchmondUicbmond axe..are. Richmond.Rlcbmood. 1 r?*™® A Hunter 34^1 Laclede are., 8t Latalb. f Write for oeautiful t'a'aii-gua haaa Market Broa.; AuA E. tiak at.. Portland. Ura. paemeiita W'e fupply tba I' S Owe- Ore. I iDd. f Slanell Family; 274 Budaon B'-nlarard. Union tnuDeni with Miulc^ lue'rumtwU ''^'T'bcom Mncols. i L.Dare Warner Trio: 210 Bwadway. NUea. mil. N. J. TMf SUOOLPH WUSLIT2IR Neb.. 21 24. viieh COMPANY. lawth'-rne'. Bl’ly Mlnatrel Malda: 1479 Hti ! , ,i,7. Martin. Dare. A M.aa Percic: R. B No. t. —ir LaDellua Four: Decatur, ind. I*erby. la. I7S i. 4tb. Claalaaall; _cr>ck at_. Qnincy Mtaa. .. _ _ 1 i .a-i.,., i... .57 PmeMenm R I 44S 8. Wabaab. Cbitasa laxard lenn* A B-nnle -Pr'aclll.l neeeland I-Af'ruT. J'*: 5T HanaTar it. Prorldenca. R. I | Martlne. Fred: D57 W. g7th at.. N. Y. C. i - aMUhed liM O • (Rroedwayl 0''l>imbn« •! **4 ' ^b-'la A Icjraln: Palace Hotel, Chicago, 1 Martin A Polk: 907 8 12th at . Bprlngflcld. III. ? I.tlield iolTe'V.nnle"’ A Co (Auditorium. ' '’rr?'’"' .t .^Pblla Lamulnea, Sluiical: 332 5th at.. Baraboo, Wla. Fitchburg. Maaa., 30-Oct. 19. Martyoe 8latcrt: 709 Brighton ava.. Kanaaa lAocaater. Mr. A Mra Tom: Naw Castle. Halt. City. Mo. ,toward. Great (Orphenmt P-rtland. (>re.; (Or- l.aD-'el->t. Joa.: Box 222. New Kenalngton. Pa. * phenm- 8ace,Trento, fal.. 21 24 Mawiucrta Blatara. Three. 5443 Ellla axe., C%l I^ntinga, Tba: 21* N. Broadway. Baltlm'jre. cago. ^Tawtborne. Hilda (O-o'enmi Sptkane. Waab ; Uoaetta A Maxwell: 44 E. Duqueaoe axa.. Du i Maxwell A Dudley: 106 W 94lh at.. N. Y C. ((Iri.heumi S-attle 21-24. en«haw A .V'er, .K*-»h , Cncinnatl O qaetoe Pa. | Melnotte I.anole Trio: 44 Maryland ate.. Com ampton A Baaaeft (TTlppodromei Fairmoont ! l.aBueLaBue A ID.lmea:IDilmea: 21 LlllleLlllte at..at., Newark. NN. J i t-erland. Md. .» W. Va.: 'Hlpi*-dr''me I Parkal-urg 2124. l.aVetle». Tbe: 1704 W. Slat at.. Kaoaat City. ■ * I-ewla; 8T4.3 Peoria at.. Chicago. igram A t.ind 22 viaole axe.. Rtxeralda. R I. Mo t ; Melxllle, Marxeloua; Interlaken. N. 1. 'ream A s. e’eT 2‘*a Ccaue at . Detroit I.Awrenca A Edwtrda: 1140 Weatmlnater at., j W^iera Aer.al; 1237 Weadot k at.. Sagluaw. •te*etimenta< T--xi- 143 i.-'nrlee axe . T\»ronto. Proxidence. R I. ' Hl*^.**'' _ -win A 'TNe*!- 404 V State at.. fTilcago. LeClaIr A Sampaon: 112 5th axe.. Chicago - Merrlam Billy A Ext; 129 N lltb at . Cedar rw'na T—n- »4i»a F 71*t at., riexeland I.efllngwell. Nat; 224 W. 149th at.. N. Y. C. ; Kaplda. It -—In. Tt-eee- Ct**lTl’>e. Mo. Leland A Leland; 914 W. WaaLingtun at.. Mon : "crriH A D-njglaaD-ajgla, Fair Maxen. N J. Mlgl-tx Htka: (lahk'iah Wla. I SEP8000CTI0NS. tiellet than the orlilral fMm aiTttna Tbe; V>7 S 4*h at.. Vf nttearxtit* rr-rr,« WlaW’la I Mlgl-tx Htka: (luhk'iah.(luhkoah. Wla.W'la. • re a A ttarr1..n- P- If V V LeMtire. F^ancea. Duo: 902 W. lit at. B-'Uth. MilitaryMllltarx FF-uir Iiir STii E '24th24th at.. Patera-oPaterai.o N J •'Uinlre.l up Sen,I imlti f.w our . aialo* Salt Idike U. Miller. Eagle A Miller; 201 N. 3d.3d at.. KeadiDCKet.1.oc I ..•'il ‘-‘7 “’i uVl- V":*""' • .n Rrr-a A Johnar>c; 4245 Collowkill at.. I •flU rtr pRfK 4itie Hritrnsludlov Ph'la A ('bapman; T.’28 Wln-laor at., In'Ilanapolla. \ Ka. •fii |>bGt4> Htih! |»n* !o ci»»rr mailli g ri* -t'-e A X'Tnr- CO tt'gh «t Weat TVeteolt. Leon. Etta. Trio; 2023 E. 19th at.. Kanaaa | »• 'Icr A Tempeat: 135 B -oraem axe., Jeraey I'M* Yi»tir ibe iTt>fi>tti»r«lnti wiU r* HirTT ik Kgt^: 2^ Ba^oi Vlgtg it#., i City. Mo. 'I <''».x N. J. ... Mifn.fi .,rtt lU^ MnNTCnMLUY «'o\lMERr»AL VAfiir^v. V Y. j L«P**fcrl 4l 401 Solomo tT?., SprlncflMd. , ' itiyyllny 027 HMfe gTH., 8.'rin- >TI IMns. Itnh4

    'p"lT.t.^r,'* p*,; ' * A’k'na axe . N. 8.. | ^ 37 ^ 4^,01. at.. Chicago. j 'Jljla * '•;;“'»on : 5S R .^ at . Buffalo The- Rot 274 FlgtTi Tel I l-cK y A Dlam-.niD White Kata. N. Y. C. I V<-lman, The: .14 8--uth Waiblngttui at.. Ko ...... rrell Co • 3'1«4 W Mad'J-t, at Chlmgo I-calie A Knarte; H24 W. 3.5th at.. Chicago. WE PAY ‘‘'.T'"* K ...cce-ful l^d u. ^ttningr Jewell A Barlow; .V142 Arllngf-to axe.. l-lnd..y Family: 774 E. Wood at.. Decatur, j Mitchell,. T»ro: 217 Seymour at.. Cuml-rland ’ll?'.iu'*?; JJ';;;*", “L, \J’

    ••t,u'iig."'A Renfrew 714 Rmadwax Ere'etl | •-''>‘1 Hirry H.; 135 Foots axe.. Jameatown. | Mltitx A at.. I'liHa j •OSKUS^DUC^^^A^^O^^^OxaWJJffMMMtaa^^^ Maaa.Maaa 1 V. - M.-ntaiiibo A- We'U; White Kata, NIC I w—. w t ■—«, .ne'e.,n.—. T.t'e-T-tt,. on**11 osth->4,., ,,at yttlwankee.Mitwankee. i I.lnea. Marry: 4'2(l 4th at. South. Mlnneipolla. 'I-T-tell.e., The; FrankD.rt. In.I I 1 1^1 g M I". fiw I, tllefleld C. W’ • 32 Seyenth axe.. N. Y. C. M-ntgoii-.-ry. Mar«bal: 5t) Turner Place. Br k •rre A Hamllron- 392 VtaMi,cbnaetta axa.. Buf Have you got our lateat aong httaf OCS WIN'KI.ER. I.V-xd A Falla: ShS Lyell ave.. Gatea. R-icbeater, 1X11. 1 falo K-.-m 31. crai'rt mx-ra Hou— lllda . Chh-ag,' Ill. 4 eome A TxR'-x' *14 Vtarx at. St Joaeph. MO N. V. M .i"-.-. F've Flying; ‘■00 F at . Mtincle Ind nnet, 'The- 04® V Wetee., are . Chicago. L-x kxx'xula Mnalcal; 133 Cannon at.. Poiigh M -r*.- A Clark; 217 Mh "t.. Baraixto. W'la. - .eea 'Treo; (k/nth Rand tnd kcepfle N. Y. 'D>rloh. F..iir: '.’ful 5th ,1 Detroit. SC)I\(i l‘OKMS W AINIF'D fi Tdan, Fixe Jncgllnr; 4724 Aftalan-I axe , CYil ! Ic'we. Vlualcal: 37 Ktdge R .ad. Rutherford. Mvl e A Dnh: Mii,crxla. Wla cago. I N. J. ^ MK'ree DaxenixirtDaxen|K>rt Troupe; S19 Colllngtiixtd axe Caab or rotaliy to xou NF.KDH.VU Mt Sit' IIiM 8K. 4‘ SI Ixtula VI.I a cnh'« Dog, (fyilipie) Mlnnean-'H*. Mlrn. I. we A Sterling: 1.5.32 Terpsichore at.. New Or- T-'ledo. (I t me«. M « I.oiila. A Co. (Orpheiim) MInne leani. Mack*. A'-rlal; 221 E. 471b at . Chicago arx-ll,. Minn. t.nMna. Four Dancing; 172* N. 21,t at.. Phtla. Ma--T.arena. Fixe Mualcal; 2S5S N 'JTIb *1 cV, n Joe (Kclth'al .Atlanta Ga ; (Lyrlcl I-uqaaer. Two; Flagler. Colo. D’-'la MODERN THEATRE FOR SALE Dayton, O. 21 24. Luce A I.tice; 3.525 Krather Road, Clexeland, O. Mar<1o Trio; «V'.l Carroll at . Akr»n O I In town of 17 (Mxi. with a-hlltlotial drawtiig pi>p,ila- rd n De I’arla (EmpTe*,) D nxer, Colo ; (Em- I.(icier. Fred A B--aa Onaet Ray. Maaa. Ma*'-n. Dick A Fannie; 7th A Broadway. I>nul* ’!iM' --f 1.%-,"- wKliiii ra.Inia of ala (4) ittllea. lit New .prexal Kenaaa C'tr Vfo , 21-24. I.ncler A Ellaworth: 472 41at at.. Oakland Cal xllle. l.-ra. t thlrtt htr I'.i iiilira I'l-na-h Ifhlt New a ’Tatime, H. Roaa: 4444 Vernon axe.. 8t IjOnla. l afayettea, Two; Oahimah. Wl Maaona. Four: Fair Haven. N J. I 1-0-1 — . Hirer ,,ar* -iM. ni-xirrn and up to dale In Ijine A O'Donnell; 271 Atlantic at.. Bridge ever) |.trtli-iilar I'lava all Ida , liy imxlih-llona. Meeh Internationalnteimatlona. Trio: 3.43lf4 B-rgmB-rg'-n a,at New j|Srailif .apai-lix -u-rV'u:,.C ih.-i.toil iIimmii tV!::;'(Vxx) reaann port. Conn. ark. N J hnaon'a. Martin. Sonth Sea Iiland Traxelognea ‘s. ^ eva* -a f-,r aellli.g l»4»ih, tii»(i„u tti8%kpranawrr tilde—unlr^ toil havehtkfp aii leaat fOrpbeuml Dea Molnea. la.; (Orpheum) Lin lAng A Mae: 2«20 Albert at., Phlla. Meleln Broa, Three: 915 Perry at.. Reading ; all thouaand ihdlara i|i. lUMi) raah A,l

    M. Itbuadr’ Marionettes: 33 W. Ktb at.. Cheater. Pa. MoiiiK'*ni''r>. U«j, A Hrahjr Snilcm: U'.’'.:.: :iOtu oidii-e-, kour: Fieeport, L. 1., N. Y. ■ vc., llruuklyii. K.ce A Cady: 738 Ulenwood ave., KulTalo, N. T Murloii Jt-wcll IruuiM*: 1)HK> I’ullau «vr., C'inriii Klee A Prevoat: 26 Coburn ave., Colllnaville. tiitl. .Vises. yiuriilijr A Kraucla; 74« K. »t., N. Y. C Kietiarda, Two Aerlnl: 285 Jencka at., Pall Mimki-tiiTM. Tlirri-: ;!40 W. Utiili »l.. N C River, Mesa. McClain 4c Mark iKiiiprraal Hraltlc. Waali.; (Ur Itiesner A Uurea: lUO Roanoke »t., .Kau Frau phriiiii) VaBooiivt-r. H 21 2H. C1»C‘V. Mar>'a Mmlrla ll'uiiiurl Mliiu<'a|Milla, Mlun. 14.ug A Williams: 245U Tremout at. S. W.. klurllniiT, l.illluii, 4c Cu. (Mllra lllpp-^a) Srattlc. Waali.; (Ur Kitehie, Eugene A Carrie: 407 Llppincott Bldg.. • pliruiu) Vaucciuver, H. 21 2tt. Pblla. Murtuu, Frrd (Kiiiprcaa) S.-attlr, Waab.; (Ur Kolierta, llayea A Roberts: Cedar Manor, Ja pbruiiii Vanrouirr, H. C.. 21 2tJ. males, N. Y. C. H. MILES, Praaidaat. I. FLUEGELMAN, VIca-Pres. M. R. 8HEEDY, Srey. BENI. 8. MOSS, TrtAa. Mluatrel F'uur lUrpbruiui Alli-iitowa. I’a.; (Ur Kubluson A Krown: 830 Marget it.. Room 621. MiiKc. N. J., 21 2H. San Pranclaco. .Maxre A Kerry lUrpbeumi Kaclnc, Wla., 14 16. Kigiiuaon, Kotible A Hazelle: 5128 42d ave lUrpbeuiiil Urrrn Kay 17 lU. South, Mlnneapidls. Mrii b, Kelly Kulb. 227 N. Main at., Decatur, Koeamura. Suznnur: l.">2 W. 49th at.. N. T. C. CONSOLIDATED BOOKING OFFICES, Inc. 111. Komanofft, Three: 133 17tb at.. Wheeling, W .Martyne Siatera: 7uii llrlKbton ave., Kanaaa ' Va. City, .Mo. Ko.Nero: 412 S Geo. at., Rome. N. T. (AGENCY) .Mi’XHria iKiiiprea^t riileaKu, 111.; (Kmpreaal Root A While; 6kk Pluablng ave., Brooklyn. PLATING THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE. BEST HOUSES. BEST TREATMENT. BEST ENTJAGEMENTMl .Milwaukee. Wla., 21 26. Roaalres, The: Muskegon, .Mlcb, FITZGERALD BLDG., BROADWAY at 43d STREET, NEW YORK CITY. DaucluK .Maibleua (Kuipreaa) Victoria, K. C.; Koaarda. The: 421 .Maiden lAUe, Quincy, 111. Telephone, 5451-5452-li453-3213 Bryant. iKuipreanl Tacoma, Waab., 21-26. Koee A Ellis: 517 Ohio si.. Wheaton, Ill. •Meaeliuiu, liuuier 1 .kliduiiieI Klue Muuod, 111. Roaenea, The Daring; 496 Slone ave.. Brooklyn CHICAGO OFFICES: 123 North Clark Street. BOSTON OFFICES: 230 Trenoat Straat. .Maxim a Modi la iliraudi .Xtlauta Ua.; (Keitb'a) Russell A Church: .\lt. Clair. Denver. Colo. Phone. 1831 Randolph. Phone. 2976 Oxford. Daytou, U., 21 26. Ruaaell A Darla: 1316 W. High at., Springdeld. BOOKING Miles Circuit. Sbeedy CTrcult. CSmolngham-FIuegelman Circuit, Hose A Brill Circuit. Thaatt* .Mirid.tu A Siaiuxer lUrpbeuin) Spokane, Waab.; Booking Corporation. ArtUtt send In open time. 4b cousecutlve weeks. lOrpbeumi Seattle 21 2b. I Russell, Nick A Uda: 314 Meyran are.. Pitta Mauley A Wamb tKm|>reaai Denver, Colo., 21 I burg. Pa 26. I Reeves, Musical: 337 S. Ulden are.. Trenton. .Millard Kroa il'aiitaKeal I'acoma. Waab.; (Tan ! I taireai l^.^llaud, Ore.. 21-26. 1 Relff, Claytan A Relff: 78 Stlllson at.. Rochester, i Mlllou A Di'Iaj;,,; Slat.ra tUrpbeum) Salt Lake N. Y. ; . I. iiirplieumi lu uver, Colo.. 21-26 Rem Brindt; 61 Ixicust at., Springfleld, Maaa. SIX FLYING BANVARDS Ml DulT Jaa i.Maj,-Htici lialvealon, Tex.; |Ma Klee. Prank A Truman: 626 S. 4Ktb at.. Chicago Jiatiri Little Kock. Ark.. 2126. Klee A Coben: Hotel Plandera, N. Y'. C. WORLD’S GREATEST AERIAL ACT Maiitui-ite J.dlet. 111. Ittcd A Pretost: Collinsville. Mass. More S iiued .\j;aiU8t Tbau I aual (Keitb'a) Clu Richards. Harry H.: 107 W. 44th at.. N. T. C. Mow Xourino FTurope einnatl, O. Koeder A I>estar: 214 Ixicuat at., Buffalo. Meredith Slatera (Keitb’a) Cincinnati, O. Ryan A lUchfield: Box 44. Ilohokiia. N. J. Address, BERT B.ANVARD, Manager, care The Billboard, New York City. NaUilia lrout>e: 1227 L. 71ai at., l meairo. Nauuary. .May: 14 I'arkalde are.. San Kraneiaco Raymond, Joe. J.: 42 S Dlvlaion at.. Grand [ Kaplds. Mlcb. Naab A KInebart: Rocky Creat. Walnut Reach, THE GREATEST OF THEM ALL . . . Milford, Conn. Roy A Wilson (Bijou) Augusta, Ga.. 17 19; Roanoke) Roanoke, Vi., 21-23; (Trenton i .National Comlcjuea. Three: 1530 Putnam ara.. Kruuklyn. Lynchburg 24 26. —THE FAMOUS— Ragiiiue Trio (.star) I^-minon. S. D. .Nelaon. Ua« aid A Boricer: 130 E 12Sth at .N Y. C. Ryan Bros. tUrpbeum) Oakland, Cal. Rippel, Jack A Nelly (Priniesa) Pocatello., Nelaon Comlijuea. rutrr: U82 Weat Side are.. Jeraey City. .N. J. Idaho. 21 2:<: (Scenic( Idaho Kalla 24 27. Rutberford, Jim H. .V l»ltie Mnnroe (Pantageai Nemo, Carl: 721 N 2d at., Quincy. III. FLYING BICKETTS Spokane, Wash.; (Pantagea) Seattle 21-26. Newell A Moat: 323 W. 43d at., N. Y. C. Rig Open-Air Attraction. Have some open time. Write or telegraph WM. E. BICKETT, 12014 Yalt Aveaa^ Riynolda A Itonegan t Palace) l>>Ddon. Eng., Newboff A I'belpa: 32 W llMh at.. N. V. C Chieaaa, llllaeix. Sept. 2-Not. 30. .Nlbl* A Kordouex; IkXKl .Normal are.. Cbteago Ridieria, Kobt - South Connellavllle. Pa. Nlebola A Smith: 012 Addlaon are.. (Thlcago Russell. Billy A .Mac: Danielson. Conn. Noel Pamlly. Fire: 229 Netherwood a»#.. Plain Rogeri, Will H. (Empress- Kansas City. Mo. Beld. N. J IL gera. Kobt.. A Ixiult MacKlntoab tEmpress' Sbean A Nolan: Boa 137 llarrlaTlIle, Salt lAke City, T’.. 21 26. N. Y, Rhoads’ Marionette Theatre: CTieater Pa. Norton, C. Porter: 6.342 Klmhark are. Chlca«o. Il'-tM-rta. June. A Co. iprlnoesa) Youngstown. Nuaaea, Unalcal: .New BriKhInn. Pa. U . 14 16; (Pamlly) Newcastle. Pa.. 17 19. Naynon'a K.h*. Blrda: IKS lyib at., Brooklyn (American) East LlveT|Ws>l, O., 21’J.’:; (Or Neff A Starr: 136 Main at., Krid(ai>ort, Conn. pbeumi Canton 24-26 Kerlua A Krwood: 241* 17lb are,, pateraon. N. J Roaell’a Minstrels (Majestle) Birmingham. Ala.; NIrbala Slatera: Blodcetia l.andlng, N. II. (Princess) Memphis. Tenn.. 21-26. Nonette: 617 fYattiuab are., Brooklyn. Parrel] S sters iKeitb’t) Cineinnatl. O. S/o 4er]al4ct Nowlin. Iiare: 3.3iat Kaai are An>lln T»i s § Roberta. Little Lord (Keith’*) Cincinnati. O. Nonette lOrpbeumI Spokane, Waah., 21 26. Itosarda, ’The (Fair) HarrUbgirg. Pa., lS-19. Norrla’, C. I Animala: Krie. pa., 14 19; (ileye land. U., 21 26. St. John A Bridgea: 427 K. 58th at.. .N. Y. C. .NoTelty Earni» Artlata lU. II t New Decatur. Sanford A Darlington; 3960 I'ennagrove at.. W. Ala.; (U. II. I (Xillman. 2126. Santaqalna. Aerial; 930 Navijo at.. Denver. Newton, (ilayda, A Pat Drew iLtiIc) Porta Savages. The: 4317 Colfax art. South. Mlnae mouth, U. spoils. McFall’s Dog Show .NIrbola .Nelaon Troupe iMaJeailc) Sioux CIIt. Saxons. Musical; Creemore. Out.. Can. Feature*: Front and Hind-foot Walking. Waltalng. SnmeraauH. Palm Dogs. Baby Cab Act. Funny Clown DogL Drunk Dog. Tight Wire Walking. Boxing Doga, with knockout: High Dlrlng (48 feet of ladders), etc. HperiM la . iMajeallc) D< a Mo.nea 21 '26. Schaar-Wheeler Tr)o: Sl.TO Commer''ltl ave., •oenery. Neuaa * Kldred (Empreaai Portland, Ore. Honth Chicago. III. LITTLE JEFF, WONDERFUL EDUCATED MONKEY. «..«* Il«»«4ea4, ||. Schale A Cole: Appleton City. Mo. «niver«. Pour Senaattofial: DklT W Monroe at Scherer A Newktrk: 18 Onadell at.. Bnffalo. As e Free Attraction there ta nothing better. For open time and terms address PROF. McFALL, ears Tbs Cblcaao Srrantons. The: 263d Orchard at.. Chicago. Billboard, Claciaaati, Ohia. Olympic Trio: 4*I17 W Ogden nee., Cbicngu Seabury Duo: Port Waablugton. ll 1., N. T. on., liroa 224 W 4en for Fairs. Parks and Vaude¬ Pauli A Walton: 726 .%th are,. Plltaborg. Pa. Siegel A Mittbews; .324 Dearborn at., Chicago ville. .\ddress, CH.\S. H. MELL8, care BilUxiard. 2'>-27 ()|)era Place, Cincinnati, O. Peara..na. Mu.lcal: Kau Claire. Wla. S Iv.-rlakes, The: Crichton. Ala. Peera. The Manhattan Hotel. Xenia. O Sllkera. n.vlng: 1329 St Clair ave., Cleveland. Pacieraon Br<«.: 360 Madison at., Mllwauken. Siiilletta Trio: 8818 Commercial ave.. So. Chioa Pelham Comedy Pour: P2iik PUlH-rt at.. Pbila g'. III. “THE CYCLING REYNARDS” Pendleloua, The: IS.'! Plttahurg at.. New Caatl* Smith A Brown: 1324 St. John ave.. Toledo. 0. Pa KiiiHh A Sumner; *y2.34 Ellis ave.. ('hicago. Will close a most successful season of Fairs on Oct. ‘2(). 191‘2. Will inSthc mean¬ PeraonI A llalllday: Van Kiiren Hotel, Chicago Soanes Pamlly. Musical: 115 GIcdwikkI ave., time consiilcr pru(H)sitions for winter stnison (otTcrinir a first-class ('omedy Bicycle Petet Pamlly: 531 W, l-awreni-e ave.. Spring Buffalo .\ct. lady and pent'. .Manacers of Rinks. Vaudeville, Burlcstpic, Rep. or Cycling neld. III. 8|u-ais. Bert A Emma: 67 CMutou st.. Everett. Phtlli;... Dare A Adel: CdUl Col.vrado are., Kan Mass .-Vets, write CVCl.INO RHYNWROS, Ocn. Del., Owenton. Ky., Oct. 1-1-1'.); Wil- aaa City, Mo Sprlngford Twtna: 648 State at., Brtdgaport. liamstown. Ky., C>ct. 21-'2t>; thereafter, care Billljoard, Cmcinnati, Ohio. Phlllliia A Newell: 21S S.v. llowel at., Owoaao, Conn. Mich. Stag Trio: 120 E. .Mh st , San Bernardino. Cal P. S.—Hav* Leap-tha-Gap Riggings and two Bieyolas for sale. Plcclo Mldgeta, Pour: Box 23 Phoenicia. N. Y SlaxiMvoles. Pour: 244 W .39lh st., N. Y. C. Pltcbera. Three: 141* Krle at , Uwego. N. T. Standlsh Sisters: Stamford. Conn I Poa| A tllhaon: M lirpli.v alM,ro, III. Slatiley A Chambers: Tnlon ave. A Osk Lane. ! pn>alt Trio: HO Ho. Fountain are., S|ea|>eradn: 26*1 W 3t»lh at., N T. C III. VAUBEVILIE. BURLESQUE and DRAMATIC Pearce Slatera. Three: 4i'7 Vine at . Seattle. Stewart A Eatle: 1'2.3 Euclid ave.. Woodburv. Pelot. Fred A Annie: 161 Weat mlnater are., N J ' Atlantic City. Stewart A Stevenson: 167 Dundaa st.. Toronto. Pbtlllpa. Mondane: 4te27 Bellerlew are, Kantia Stirling A Chapman; .kk Perrins St.. Charles ARTISTS’ City. Mo town, Mass, potta, Krnle A Mildred: 710 K 16lh at. MIo Stokes. George, A Ryan Slaters: 212 W. 7th sf.. neaiwdla Wilmington. IVela. Paul A At.-lla itlarrlckl Kurlington. la.. 17‘20; Story. Mnsiral; S7'23 S Hope st.. I os .\ngeles LETTER HEADS (tla.vetyl (lali-ahurg. Ill , 21 2.3. (Lyceum) Pe SlrleWIsnvI. Kule.slgna IQnecnl Caivcaton 21 26 Sanford, Jere: Binghamton. N T. Patrick. Harrv. A Kloa S atera 1,M6 Sedgwick Satsnda, K. M . Tnvviiie: SOS Karrigan ave . at (hicago. Ill Wv-sl Hoboken. N. J. P•■rrler. tireat Box .373, la-nlaton. Me. ■SavoT. Jamea. Trio: Capitol ave., Meriden. Conn H I “ciiURCH PRINTING CO. Primrose Helen (Knipreaal Denver. Colo., 21 26 Seeinan A Killian: Saratoga H.ifel. Chicago. Queer A Quaint Di llance. O. s»»l)»lnl A tlrovlnl: 6k*V4 l7th ave . Brookivn 25 27 Opera Place. Cincinnati. 0!iit Queen Mali A Wela (Kmpreaa) Wlnnlt>eg, Man., Shelrey Bora. Three: 23.S N Elm at.. Water Can bury. Conn. Ramona Two: 4N Inca at.. IVnrer. Slosson, Pauline: 4t'23 Calumet ave , Chicago Randall, Billy: IdOo K. .Mh at.. Dayton. O. WANTED Smiths, nve Mntlcal: .80 Seneca at.. Ctica Ray A Wllllania' 23 Abbott at . Atlanta, (la, N. Y. Reids. Cycling; Babylon, U 1.. N. Y. Rlilasell Bros.: 107 Johnaton ave.. Plalnffeld Hemlntton, Mayme: Hotel Gerard, W. 44t4i at.. N J FOR THE AL. G. FIELD GREATER MINSTRELS N T C. Stanley. Stan. A Bro.: Cnlon ave.. Oak Imne, Renan Bert A Hslen: 430 Buchanan at., Pt Pa CLARINET, BAND and ORCHESTRA; also Clarinet for Band Wayne, Ind Stanley A Hart; 1742 N Campbell av*., Chicago. to double N’iolin Orchestra. Telegraph t»i> per route in this paper. Sterling Broa.: 1522 Locuat at., St. Le: 2X8 Ijiurel are., Arlingtoa, Trask, Gladden A Bessie Bwbb: 766 E. 41at at.. Waltona, Sti: 23 N. 8ui W. JrffrraoD at., Loula Stetnar Trio (Chaae'a) Waablngton, D. C., 21- Trolley Car Trio: 1162 16th St.. Milwaukee. Tlllr. 20. Terris. Cbaa., A CO. (Ttylor) Trenton. N. J.. WalxiT Bro«.: tl>V4 8. Main at., Akroo. O. Baroy Comedy Four (Lyric) Jameatown, N. Y.: 14 16; (Wadsvrorth) N. Y. C., 17 1#; (Hen¬ Waaxrr A I'aluirr: 21 E. 3t>lb at., I'tilcaco. (Arcada) Toledo, O,, 21-23: (Urpbeum) Lima derson) Coney Island 21-23; (Fifth Ave.) Warrcu & ^'rancl•^: Box 643. Chrjruur. Wjro. 24 26. Brooklyn 24 26. Warrirka, Thr: 1132 8cdK«'lck at.. Oklcaiio. Saiona, Three Muaical (Grand 0, H.) Perry, la. Thompson. Harry (Garrick) Burlington. la., 14 Waabrr Broa.: Oaklaod. Kj. Bldello’a. Tom. I’hantaamagorla (Creacent) Sy 16; (Bijou) Quincy. III., 17-19; (Empire) Wataon'a. 8aiumy, Karni.vard Clrcua: 333 St racusa, N. Y. Rock Island 21-23; (Gayety) Galesburg 24-26. 1‘aul avr., Jrrary City. N. J. Stone, Paul A Marmbm (Majeatic) Ft. W’orth, Troubadours, Three (Empress) Victoria, B. C.; Wrbrr A Burklairt: 8uutb lltb at., Sbaboygan. Tex.; (Majeaticl Dallaa 21 26. (Empress) Ttcoma. Wash., 21 26. Wta. Strawbrldge, Harry P. (Empire) Rocheater, N. Tiklneas (Orpbeum) Salt lAke City. U. W^N-r Fanilly, Six: 2433 Bnrlinit at., Cblraf" Y.; (Empire) Buffalo 21-26 Travllla Bros. (Empreaa) Denver. Colo., 21-26. Wrila. l,rw: 213 Sbawiuut arc., Uraod Kaplda. Sperry, Budge: 28U Koaewood are.. Kankakee, TIbby, Frank M.: 931 National ave., Milwaukee Mich. Ill. Wla. Wrrnta IHto. n.vlng: 4t*27 Broadway, Clrrr Soaanna, Princeaa (Howard) Boeton, Maaa. I'tts. Aerial: Falrbury, Neb., lt-I8. land. Sallabury A Benny (t)rpbeum) Freeport, Ill.; (Plaxa) Chicago 21 26. WrrDtx, liayra A Beatrice: 633 Wooatrr are.. Selby, Hal M.: Windaor Hotel, Vancouver, B Akron. O. C., Can. Wralry. Uynn A Tna: rortamouth. O Spaulcr, Adolph: Montgomery, Ala., 14 23. Wrat A Brnton: 31 School at.. Buffalo. Stewart Slaters A Esc'>rts (Orpbeum) Memphis. Wrat A Denton: 133 W. Odar at., Kalamaaoo. Tann.; (Orpbeum) New Orleaua. La., 21 26 Mich. Storey, Belle (Keith's) Indianapolia, Ind.; Wbitebrad. Joe: Freeport. N. T. (Keith's) IxNilHvllle, 1^., 21-26. TIGHT WIRE RUNNERS Whitman Broa.: 1333 Cbeatnut at.. 1‘hlla Sullivan A Bartllng (Empress) Kansas City, Whitman. Frank: 133 Grrenwleb at., Kradlnf Mo. AND JUMPERS Pa. Semberoa, TYie (Empress) Kansas City, Mo. Aa Per Route Whitworth A Pearaon: 9413 Gorman are., Clerr Schehr Bros.: 203 Benann at., R<«dlng. O. land. l^lma, Hulda. 1331) Ferguaon ave., St. Lontt, BARNUM-BAILEY SHOW Wtlllama, Frank A Della: Palmyra, N. T. Mo. Wllla A Uaaaan: 2174 64tb at.. Brooklyn. Sale. Chic (Orpheum) Kanaaa City, Mo. Wllaon A Rich: 73 Graham are., Brooklyn. Sherman. Van A Hyman (Keith's) Ctnrinnatl, O. Vagges. Tbe: Auburn, N. Y. Wllaon A Wine: White Rata. N. Y C Seeley, Musical (Majestic) Luaeme, Pa. Valentine A Bell: 14.’>1 W. 103d at.. Chicago. Wolf. Moore A Toona: Glonceater. N. J. Btlpps, Mnalcat (F.mpreaa) Duluth, Minn.; (Ly Valentine A Ray; 253 H 5th at., Jersey City. Wolfea. Muaical: 1329 Marlcny at.. New Or ceum) Port Arthur. Ont.. Can., 21 '26. leana. Saober, Harry (Rmpreag) Cincinnati, O. Valletta A Lamaon; 1329 St. Clair ave.. Clave Wormwood'a Monkeya: 534 W. 49th at.. N. Sampael A Reilly (Grand 0. H.) Atlanta. Ot. land. Sherman A McNaughton (Varieties) Terre Haute, Valoise Bros.: 318 South ave., Bridgeport, Cenn. Ind., 14-16; (Gaiety) South Chicago, III., 17- Waldo Bros.: 1501 Euclid ave.. Cantos. 0. Presenting a delightful little swinging, talk¬ Van. Jimmie A Myrtle: 1921 Walnnt at., Chi Ward. Flying: Bloomingtan. III. 19; (PrlneesH) .Maa<>n City, la., 21-23; cago. ing and dancing act a«ay from tbe traveled (Prineesa) Ft. Dodge 24-26. Ward A Weber: 826 Tasker at., Pblla. Vaulialle Slatert: 614 W. 13Stb at., N. T. 0. Watson. Joa K.: 2114 N. Slat at., Pblla. track of this class. A blg-tlme act that makes Sylvester A Vane (Empress) Cineinnati. O. V :iii ,v Van: 2*161 Lincoln ate., Chicago. Talbuta, Twirling: 'JIM Box ave., Kuffalu. West A CJiarlea: WJO Roscoe at., Chicago. g.>od on big t.me. America's claaalctt dancing Vardanian; 1301 High at.. Alameda, Cal. Whltelaw. Arlburt 327 W. 134th at.. N. T. C. Tanean A Claxton: 1387 St. Marks ave.. Brook offering. Boi'ked tolld. Vardelles, The: Ixtwell. Mich. Wilson. Joe A Frank: 1306 S. 6th ave.. May lyn. Variety (^medy Trio: 1515 Barth ave.. Indlana- Tarlton A Tarlton: Box 106, Greeley, Colo. wood. Ill. pulla. Wright A Dietrich: 13 Tappan at.., Kearney Tasmanlan-VauDleman Troupe: 38 Chadwick Variii A Varin: 201 Mills st., Creaton. la. H. J. ave., Newark, N. J. Vl.dinl: 529 xfh st.. Brooklyn. Taylor Twins: 116 W. 6'2d at.. N. T. C. Viola A George: 35 'errltt at., San Francisco. Wilson, Cheater A., A Co. (Hippodrome) Hunt Temple A O'Brien: 4'2H E 2d st.. Duluth. Minn. Vogel A Wandas; 2'200 Sbenand'oab ave., St. tngton, W. Va.; Covington. W. Va.. 21-26. Terry A Saunders: 1016 Oerrltt at., E. Uberty.* I>,uia. Wbeelcra A . (Majestic) Houston. Tbx.; PHOTOGRAPHER TO Plttal>urg. Pa. Valadons, Lea; 71 GarSeld at.. Central Falla, (Plata) San Antonio 21-26. Tbompaou A Howard: Fountain ave., Dayton, Whltelaw. Arthur W. (Empreaa) Victoria, B THE PROFESSION Valente«-iu-a. Three Flying: 1911 W. Montgomery C.; (Empreaa) Tacoma. Wash., 21-26. Thnrltert Sitters: 98^4 Magne at., Boebester, Artlitic Kfarsaaetlsai at ave., Phila. Weston A Leon (EmpreM) Ttcoma. Wash.; Rack Battaai Fritsa Sand '■..nia. Fi>nr: 1013 Lliifoln ave . Milwaukee. (Empreaa) Portland, Ore.. 21-26. lour piciurv and your *w- Tiller Slaters: 42 Rank at.. N. T. C. Vinson. Cbaa. B.: 511 E. 4th at., Owensboro, Walts Dream (Empreaa) Portland, Ore. der SaiWfactton fuaran- Tops. Tupay A To|Mi: .3442 W. School at., Chi William A Warner (Orpbenm) Lot Angelca. Cal. Irevl sperh VonlTampton A Joaelyn (F.mpreaa) Denvwr, Yeungs A Brooks: Martin. Mtch ATTENTION Mo. Colo.; (Empreaa) Kansas City, Mo.. 21-26, Ty-Bell Sisters: 7619 South Park ave., Chlcagn Van A Pearce (Pantages) San Francisco, Cal., Yoottg. Ollle. A April (Polt’t) SprtngAcld, Mast Taylor. Mae: 236x s t2th at., fhlla. 21 26. (Poll'a) Worcester 21-26. Yoang. DeWltt, A Slater (Orpbenm) Dolnth I Theatrical, Showmen, Troupers Minn.; (Orpbenm) Winnipeg. Man.. Can.. 21 Wlieti In Indianapolia. Indiana. Wop at Hotel Ma- 26. taallc. 44 Room. Runntnf Water, Teirpliofie In all GUS BARTAM Yuiingera. Tbe (Bijou) Decatur. III., 18 16 rooma; Kuroiwaji Plati. remodeled and umter new (Fox) Aurora. 21-23; (Gayety) Ottawa 24 26. manaaemeiu. itaics. TSc. $1 ou. 11.U, irtib prleata Canto Bran.: Ml B. 4tfa at., (^ton, O. baih. tl 4*1. Special rales by Uie week. FRANK C. Caoo A Maadoll: 206 8. Btata at., (ibicago. KOKKMILUlB. Prop sad Mgr vingarellt. Mile.; 66 Beaver at.. N Y C Zehrah A Zelma; 126 Atkins at., Meriden, COnn. Zechs Tbrea (Grand O. B.) Eau Claire, Wit.. 14-lT.

    >•37 MICHI6AN AVE., CHICAGO. Pktao—Calsaitt M24. 100 rooms—IS 04 week and up With prteats bath, fa 04 Located centrally on the World’s GraataW Houleeartl KiHima clean, airy and boaelLha. Ela- N. Dwarborn Str««ti vaton. 'phnnea. ImH and mid running aratar. Bvaty- thing modern. Four muiutet from loop tbeauaa. CHICAGO. ILL. THE GIRL WHO TAMES ELECTRICITY Best Film Service. Lowest Ibices. Why waste your time wtih shows Dial get no mooagf The Klectrtc Ad ta a feature for Fairs, t'amlvala. Sideshows. Museums. Store Shows and Vaudevtlla. Can be workr.1 on pisiform or tn a pit. Prtos, ilX3 00. WDte for panlrulars Lliliograplia for the act. O W ALLE.N. Manhattan Tlieairc. Hat 81. catkloguea now ready All the Latest Improved Rope. and Broadway, .New York ('tty Chain and Sensational Fs<'apes .Newest Creatloiia In Adeance*] Illusions; Spt-ttualisttc Effects: challenga And the right la produea ibam m Mind Readli.g Ads; Newly Perfectesl Card T^ka. eoal af manuacrtpl Gat Now 044- Ventriloquist Figures. Books, Pussies and Joken' Se¬ slog N T PLAY HCRRAr A crets, Plans. Apparatus. Tables or Ait-essoriea Al'TBDRR’ EXCBA.N'OK. Trtmawl W. ALBERT TRIPP, Routt 10. Ntw Bedford. Mata. Theatra. N Y. C. SOMETHING new. big money getter; cragy house and "BE IN IT" g«t a copy of tho all kinds of lllusloas and Galalea for two |ie.iple. Can get big money with them tine E

    Or# N'lokel Mint ropoom and IVanut Marhlne. uard SLOT MACHINIS. PIN GUM OPCRATORt IWIU.

    AftPNTQ l•<^HTUAITH r#r; FKAMKH, l&c ^ Klip*-? l*M?ireA Ir Rt* re*Mw^ipee WANTED AGENTS Views. Ic. SO dayR* credit Samplet tad eatalei Idefitimate Hulratitute for Hl<*c Mat'hlnea. free.. ro.NS#»Ln»ATKI> I'fiKTRAIT To. l»ep( 0817 «elU on alfbt fur |l ao Tartlculara. C1IH1 1027 W’ Adama Htreet. rtilrago. Ill I'AN'T Anderwrtfi Ind NOTICE-$14.50 Will buy you a flnt'claiM RLirK R\Hrir:RrF:il TYPKWHITF.K, rebuilt and fully (iiararitee*! Hem* Kaay money ftelllng our $3 fK) Hi amp AfTlier durli I* O Money ffrder for H «*<*. »he Galanrr V O 1> \tp'4' HtrM'i. nilU(lel|»(ila. I’a i fc fl I W I |f i.immIx. etr . M'fit MtKK IMf’K A FIT7t4»KKALIi. 33 Ann Ktreet, New Tork -RULES FOR WANT SOME FIRST-CLASS DRAMA For my tlo-atre for the pr«eAt be de^JTltM^I an an elat»oratloti of Fire llun* Ht , Raton. M dreft. whb'li In turn. \% a mtdnatloi) nf KiM'bre and llrldge It literally at*otind« In Mnarr* ainl pItfalU f<# PATCIJTe HMM RKI>

    Wattere, Nellie, A Her Stock* Co., C. Auaklngt, Beevea', Al.. Show: (Corinthian) Rochester 14- Littlejohn's United Sbowg. Tboa. F. Llttlejolui. PERMANENT STOCK mgr.: Albuguarque, N. M., till Oct. 2b. 19; (Bastable) Syracuse 21-23. mgr.: Greenville, Tenn.. 14-19. AlIrntuMD, i*a. (I.]rci-uiu) CalamltU Uo. Wblttlugtun Stock Co.. £. E. YWhlttlngton, mgr.: RobiniMjn Crusoe Girls, Sam Uoblnaon, mgr.: Lay Metropolitan Sbowa, C. E. Barfield, mgr.: Oom- ISoatuu (I'aatlr M«l‘port, CuuD. (l.yrlcl Ljrrie Co. Syracuse 14-10; (Gayety) Montreal 21-20. Mosa Bros.’ Shows; Uopkluayllle, Ky., 14-19. UrlilKfport. Couu. (I'oll'a) I’ull'a Co. Social Maids, Kobt. Cohn, mgr.: (Gayety) Pitts N.gro A I.a>oa Sbowa: Carboudale, 111., 14-19. briM ktun, Mana (llatUaMay'a) lliouipaoo-Wooda BURLESQUE burg 14-19; (Empire) Clevelanil 21-20. National United Shows: St. Joseph, Mo., 14-19*', Co. Star A Garter Show. Frank Weisberg, mgr.: Stillwell, Okla.. 21-26. Br>>‘ kl)n (Creacvnt) Ctrai-ant Playpra. EMPIRE—WESTERN WHEEL. (Gayety) Omaha 14-19; lay-off week 21-20. Progri'ssive American Shows, Dare Noxon, mgr.:. Sydell's, Rose, Loudon Belles, W. S. Campbell, Lancaster, 8. C., 14-19. llrkOD (lirtM'uiMtlDt I (irieniM>tot Co. Americana, Ed. E. Daley, mgr.: (Graud 0. U.) mgr.: (Columbia) N. Y. C., 14-19; (Star) Queen A Crescent Shows: Lexington, Tenn., 14- llrtKiklyo (Uolbaui) tiotLam Co. St. Paul 14 19; lay-off week 21-20. Brooklyn 21-20. 19. HroukljD (l’UUIi|ia' l.yi'rutu) Lyrt-um IMayrra. Auto GIrla. Teddy Simouda, mgr.: (Empire) Tax) Girls. Ixmls llurtig, mgr.: (Gayety) YA'ash R>s.-k City Shows. A. E. Lange, mgr.; AdaJn- CaiubrlKilr Mana (Cauibrlilk,-I CambrlilK* Co. Newark 14-19; (Urpheum) Paterauu 21-23; Ington 14 19: (Gayety) Pittsburg 21-20. ville Ga.. 14-19. CUliaKu (.Marlowr) Marb'wr 1‘layrrra, (Columbia) Scranton 24 20. Trllr|cr( Collffr Oo. Big Review, Henry P. Dixon, mgr.: (People’a) to 14 19; (Garden) Buffalo 21-26. ville, Ala., 14-19; Guntersvllle 21-’20. ClrtrUml (Colouiall ColuDlal CO. CTucinuatl 14 19; (Empire) Chicago 21-20. Welch’s Burlesguers, J.4ob Lieb«-rman. mgr.: Royal Amusement Co.: Junction City, Ky., 21- Colorado Spriiia*. Colo. (Kuroa) Iturna Tboatr** Uobemlaua. A1 Lubin, lugr.: (Star) Toronto 14- Emplrei Tohdo 14-19; Chicago 21-26. 26. Co.. Joa. I>. (]laaa. mkr. 19; (l.afayetta) Buffalo 21-20. Williams’, Mollie. Show, Phil Isaacs, mgr.; (Gil Robinson’s Shows: Ua-xlngton, Ky., 14-10. Dot Molni't. la. |Crltu-otii) I’rlDi'oaa Co. Century Uirla. Walter Greavea, mgr.: (Centuryi Krlo, I'a il‘ark O. II.) Horne Co. more) Sprln)rl]e!d 14-10; (Empire) Albany 17 Rice A Dore Water Carnival, Harry D>'re, mgr.: kauaaa City 14 19; (Standard) St. Louia 21 20. 19; (Gayety) Brooklyn 21-20. Ft. Smith. Ark., 14 19; Argents 21 26. Jriitry City. N J. (Academy) Jay Packard Co. Cherry Ulutaoma, Max Armatroog, mgr.: (Gay- Jrraey City, N. J. lOrpbeum) Urpbtum Playera. Winning Widow. Jacob Goldenberg, mgr.: (Gay Savoy .Amusi-meut Co., Beu ISeiiis, mgr.: Union, etyi Milwaukee 14-19; (Gaiety) Mlnneaiiolia Cawrrnre, Matt (OiM-ra Houte) M allay - l)«DlaoD ety) Baltimore 14-19; (Gayety) Washington S. C.. 14 19. 21-20. Co. 21 26. Welder A .Meeker Combined Shows, Will H. Daffydllla, Arthur Mueller, mgr.: (Buckinghami Ixit Auitelea iHelaaco) Belaaro Co. World of Pleasure, Dave Gordon, mgr.: (Gayetyi Welder, mgr.: Cbarlestuu, W. Va.. 14 19. Luulavllle 14 19; (Empire) ludianapolia 21-2d. Itia Aiiki lea (Kuibank) Burbank Co. Newark 14-19; Philadelphia 21-26. Wolcott’s .Model Shows: Darlington, S C., 14- Ixiwell. Mtta (Playboute) Drama Playara. Dandy Uirla, Abe Gorman, mgr.: (Krug) Umaba 19. Ldnn, Matt. IAiire (Itakar'a) Baker Co. .Mei^ry Maideu.a. Edward Schaefer, mgr.: (Bronx, 25; Mllwankee 26. 23. Provldanca. R. 1 (Kmpiral Empire Cto. N. Y'. C.. 14-19; (Empirel Brooklyn 21-20. Tliaviu’s, A. T., Russian Band: Ft Smith Ark Duuiel, I!. .A. .Alagician: .Milan, Ind., 16 17; Roan'ke. Va. (Jeffertoni Latiinora A Leigh Mlaa New York. Jr.. Wm. F*nnea»ey, mgr.: (.Ma 12 19. ()*go. nigr,: S'ranton. Pa (poll'al Poll Co. .Yloulin Ib ug--; lEmpirei Baltimore 14-19; (I.yce Cliicago, 111., Indef. Sehan-ctady. N. Y'. (Mohawk* Mohawk Playart. urn I Washington 21-20. Fletcli* r'.* .Moving I’.cluri- Co ; Jlaltle Lake, Sprlnkflebl. Matt , (Poll'i) Poll Co. tirientala, Wm. (. Cameron, mgr.: (Bowery i N. .Minn., 10 17; D.-iit l.s 20; Lake Paik 23 24, St. Joa, Mo. (I.yriri Wm. draw Co. Y'. C.. 14 19; (Empire) Philadelphia 21-20. MINSTREL Twin Y'alliy 2.'> 27. Tamagiia. Pa.: Paul Burnt A Playart. Pac- .Makers, K. E. Patton, mgr.: (Urpbeumi Gilpin's ll.ipnodc Coinwiy Co., J. II. Gilpin, Taroma. YVaah. (Prlnriwti Prlnieaa Co. Paterson 14 10; (Columbia i Scranton 17 19; Alabama Minstrels: Bi-nson. Ariz., 16; Bisls-e mgr.: lliiiwatba. Kan. 11 I*i, Oiiaga 17 19; nira. N Y'. (Majeatlai Ma5a«tlc Co. (Troc-aderoi Philadelphia 21-2*1. 17; IV'uglas 18; Clifton 19. Horton 21-23. Wa«hlncton D C. (Poll'al Poll Co. (Juiena of the Foli**s Berger*-. Counihan A Shan¬ Big City (John W. YVigel’s); Keyse-. W. Y'a.. Johnson's. .Martin, Travi-logu.-s: ((Iri'b.uini .Allix- i.eap l;.s. .Minn., 14 19. Materburv. Conn (Jar<|uat) Poll Co. non. mgrs.: Avenue) Detroit 14 19; (Star- 16; Meyersdale, Pa., 17; Gariett Is; p i.sw-ed Watt llohoken. N. J. (New Aniaterdam) Ray- Toronto 21 2*1. 19; BarnsNiro '21 22: Blaresvllle 23; Indlan.-i I.on nz, Giorge lli-ury. Ilypieill.*t: Charleston, ni "nd Whitaker Co. Roa,- Buda, Lewia Livingaton. mgr.: (Galct.i i 24; Y'andergrift 2."; Tartntum 26. III . It 19; Puns 21 20. WIehItt Kan (Auilltorlnm) Wolfe (3o. DeRue Bros.’; Dunkirk. N. Y., 10; F.-e b'nla Mii.k's Htpnot.. C.)m*-ilv C'J., J. E. Mack, mgr.: .MlniieaiKflis 14 19: (Grand O. H.) St. Paul Dwight, III.. 14 16; wilk t Barra. Pa (Poll'a) Poll Co. 21 20. 17; Sherman 18: Westfield 19. .Alt sterl.'iis Smilli (o.. .Alln-rt P. Smith, tngr.: Woreetter. Mata (Ib'ira) Poll Co. Stars of Stage!iud. Wm. Dudd, mgr.: (Tror-a- Field's. -Al. G.. Edw-. Conrad, mgr.: Pen*a: Pi|i..atoue 25. Tiger Llli<-s. Jaii„-a Weedon. mgr.; (Star! Cleve Greenville 23; Vicksburg 24; Natchez 25: Baton Rouge, La.. 20. .Mi-Cals-'s, Win.. Gisirgia Tr'siba.lours; Smith land 14 19. (People'a) Clncluuati 21-20. O'Brien's. J. C.. Famous Georgia Minstrel*: Ci-ntre, Kan . 16; I,.'1)aTion 17; .Mankato 18 19; STOCK A REPERTOIKK Wala-Ui'a Burlesguera. Dan Guggenheim, mgr.: Woodruff. S. C.. 16: laiurens 17; Clinton !><. Bellevlll • 21 ‘22: ('■ irrtland 23; Jann stown 24; I Folly ( Chicago 14-19; (Avenue) Detroit 21 20. Aubr«-y Stock Co.. D. Olto llltoar. mgr.: Clarkt Newberrv 19; Columbia 21. I’., loii 2."i: Cawker City 26. ’ Whirl of .Yllrth, IV,b Gordon, mgr.: (LyiNiumi burc. W Va.. Auk. S. Imlaf. Primrose A D->ckstader’s: Frederick. Md.. 16. N(. tz. II . Shows: Phis-nix ArIz ,’ 20 Nov. 2. ’ WaahlDgton 14 19; (Lyric) Allentown 21: Br*. kerrIiL’e. Chat , Stock Co : Canton. Ill . 14 Hagerstown 17; Chanibersburg 18; Cumt>erlanil Newinaiin. The Great: llow.He, S. D 16 17; 1’.). I Academy) Reading 22; (Majestici liarriaburg 19. S. Iby IS. N. W England, X. D . '.’O'-'l. 23; (Mlsblerl Altoona 24: tCambrla) Johns Brown. Kirk. Co., J T Maraiile.v. mgr.: .Mian Rozell’s, F. A.: (Majestic) Birmingham. Ala. Koneler.-. Harry A .Mildr.-.l, Co ; .N S.tilney. N, town 2."i; (Wblte'a) .McKeeatHirt 26. 14 19; (Princess) Memphis, Tenn,, 21-'26. 5.. 18 19; Bahafiia NIan.ls 25 Nov, 3. town. Pa.. 14 19; Pougbkaaptla. N. Y'., HI "Jd Y'ankee Doislle Girla, Alex Gorman, mgr.: (Em- Belgirde .Sti,ck Co. I < tlla R Smith, mgr.: Ful Riiinit's .Afiican Hunt Ph'tnr.s:' (Metroiolltan I>ire, lnJlanaiK>lU 14 19, (Folly) Chicago 21- ton*ll!e. N. Y . II 19. Canajobarle. N. Y. 21 () H.) Miiine.isds. .Minn , 2126. Jd •20. Rule’s R. el .0 ,011. F K. Rule. ingr.: Rro*A|yn, Eallab's Uwn Show. Harry Thompson, mgr.; (Co Baird. Craca. Co. John Ie>Terl>lge. mgr.: Y’otk I Circuses and Wild West Showi Wls.. 14 10: Fisitvilli- 17 19; .Monticello 21 23; ^ urn. Tex.. Iti 17. liimbla, .Scranton 14 16; iOn>heum) Paterson Jinta ‘24 ‘26. 17 19. (Bowery) N. Y. C.. 21 20. Starreti's Circus II S. Starre'f. ingr : Mont¬ Carleton Kitlera Co. Varn*y A Montgnn>arT. ; Barnes. .Al G,: .Alburgue. N. M.. 16; Srs-orro 17 gomery. .Ala.. 14 2*J. mgrt Staunton. Va . 14 19. Martlnaburg. W Las Crnees IS; El Paso. Tez.. 19; IVnilng. N Y'a.. 21 2fl COLUMBIA—EASTERN WHEEL. M.. 21: Silver City 22: Santa Rita 23; .N.-*!! Todd. AVt)),, Vaiidi'ville .Show: (.‘aind.-n S. 14 19. Colonial .Slock C«i . ('■^rllatid llopkina. mgr ; Marclal 24: Helen ‘2.">: Gallup 26. .YiiM-rlcan Beauties, Dave Guran, mgr.: (Gaycty, TBnk.-rsl.'i Bros.' \V. W : Ft. Smith .Ark., 14- l.awreiKot.in. N S. Can. 10 17. Middleton is Barnum A Bailey; Gatnesville. 1'ex . 16: Sher Kanaaa City 14 19: iGiyetyt Umaha 21-2*t. 19 19 Dlgby 2122. Auntitdlt 2.124. Keiitvllle man 17; McKinney 18; Greenville 19. Beau(j, Youth aud Foll,v, W. V. Jeauluga. mgr.: Thomas Bros.' R. R Show: M.-Dade T.-x., 14- 2.Y 2d I Buffalo Blll-Pawn*'e Bill Sl*ow-s: Y'aldo>ta. Ga . (Gardeui Buffalo 14 19; (Corinthiau) Roche* 16; G ililings 17; Wini-h.-ster 18 19. Chat,' I lati-r Co (Northarnl. (Jlenn F. Chata. 16; Lake City, >3a., 17 Gainesville IS; Ocnla ter 21 20. 'I'oner Wnite II\|inotlc Co., Rav Antrim, mgr.: mgr : Watertown. S D . 14 1(1. Clark 17 111 19; Tampa 21: Orlamlo 22; Palatka 23; .lai-l; Behiiiau .Show, Jack Singer, mgr.: (Gayety) Bos¬ Lansfo .1, I’a., 11 19 .Mt Holly. N. .1 , 21 26. _ Iptwbb 21 23: Bowdia 24 2d aonvlle 24: Brunsw-b-k. Ga.. Xi: Savannah 26. ton 14 19; (Columbia) N. Y. C.. 2120. AA'right's. C. A Ci.nibinati'n Show- Clav.-rack, Cns: Eillmor.-. 1’.. 16 Mea.l .« IV>n Tops, Jeaai- Burua, mgr.: (Murray 11111*1 N N. Y.. (4 16. West Taghkaiil. k 17 19 Y|>tllanll. Mbh. 7 19 17: Kanosh 18: Unlerville 19; Beaver 21 V. C.. 14 19. (Park! Brldge|Kirt 24 26. Zi-nora's H.iiinoflc llhision Show, George E. Dovl. Kdw . Co.. Doyle Br'>a , mgrt ; Adrian Clrco VazgiM-z Hermanos. Simon M.aoias. mgr ; IViwery Burlesguer*. Ge*,. H. Harrla, mgr.: (Ca .Sharp, mgr : llam)!tken 21-23; (Empire) WRITE FOR OUR folk. Neb , 14 IW I'atenum 24 20. Benton IS; .Malvern 19. I Honest Bill's: Platt City. Mo. 16: ParkvllU- 17 EMwo.,1 st.M-k Co Prince Kllw.twl. mgr : Willi Columbia Burle*guera. Frank Burns, mgr.: (Em¬ CATALOG AND EilwardsTllle, Kan.. I*": B<>nn*-r Stiring* 19; mantle. Ci>nn.. 14 19 pire) lloltoken 14 1(1, (Empire) Paterson 17 19; SAMPLES OF FREE Frank. John E . Playera. C. Anaklnga. mgr (t;a.*etyl Newark 21 '20. 1 Willlamstow n 21: Perry 22; Granfvlll.' 'J-'l: Rlehlaml 24: Overbnsik 25. (We.fi Albu<|ell. mgr.: Poltatown Brlitg>'|Mirt 17 19. (YY'estmlnster I Providence. Pa . II 19 II I , 21 20. field 17: Macon 18; I.oiiislana 19. ! Jon*'* Bro*,'; I'oud Crwk, OWIa.. 10; Kingtl-h.-r Hlmm> leln'a Playera. Ira E, Kaiie. mgr.: Bel Daarlera. The. Cbaa. B, .Arnold, mgr.: (Gayetyi I 17. lalre. (I . 14 2d Bris'klyti 14 19; (Olympic) N. Y. C.. 21 26. UNIFORMS King Bros.’ W W ; Forest City. N. C.. 1". 19 llayer-t. ln*y, A Aaaoclatr Playera: WIIImt Dr< amlaiiil Burl,xpHT*. E. Travera. mgr.: (W, st I For SiMwt, ThMtrt aad I Miller Bros. A .Arlington's 1(11 Han.-b W. \A' : N'b 14 Id Crete 17 19 tiiliiXeri I'pii (ileiu-e 14 19; Boston. Maas., 21 Park FmplayaM, tta. Wc taaka I RnsscllTllle. .Ark.. 16: Couwav 17; N«.«t>.irt IDllmtn'a Ideal Stork Co . Harry Hohn« mgr 20. 18; Bat.«vlle 19 I'niform’*. Kellv Sh« rman Sfre-k Co. llarM ft Sliermaii N Y. tv. 21 20 Ga.. 17: Savannah iv; .Augusta 19. .Sanger's Shows: Cr.-«cent. Okla.. I.". E.Iiii'ii'l quimm'iTU for nait ^raaon. Wa mgr • S'..ii p.e Minn 14 19 Wlllmar 21 2d • fiiigi-r Girls, Mauiiy Uosi-uthal, mgr.: (EmpIrei 16; Purcell 17. Pauls A'all.'V I*-; IJnil-.vv 19. fiiriiWi A \ gfpfnU at the low* I.iiiii Jai k S(IM k Co Mel>l|>bla 21 20 •st ilia. Mo., 14 19. IITO' /woe.till.- (I mm. It. M< f'intalnr 21 2d Girl* from (be Gn-at White Wa.T. Dav*- Gordon, Wt jAfr luuMiriliiR Agpiils for Toiujiklns' \A' AA'., ('has. H. Tompkin*. mgr.: I/O. Frank I st.ik (o: Mar-balKown. la. mgr- iGayel.vl St leml* 14 19; (Gav.'>tvi the (t 1« hf atrU <,'<>u<«Anon Uaod 11 19 <1. Iwr ln 21 2d Kaii**s Clljr 21 20. T.amb. rtvllli-. N. J.. 12 I*. liDitrumriitN Write f-ft our nes» Yl • er PI, I, str«k ( ' (lien* Filla N Y . 14 Girl* .. Hai>|i.vlank Jas C Eiillon. mgr.: ICasIliol Mord" k l!r..' sire k Co rlrovetoli. V II . II 17 lv,*t..i, II 19. (Gilmore) Springneld 21 23; 1030 South 4th St.. Maotiaitai. p,. Marthflrbl. Wla . 14 19. Ii:ii,plrei .Mbanv 24 ‘20. CARNIVAL COMPANIES GRCCNVILLC, - ILL. YVaotaii 21 2d Hasting*', Harry. Slo'W (Gavetyi Ixtulsvllle 14 ' :• -k III. (Ida dllt.r. ngr : Bo< kfor.1, 19 iGavelyi St |/kiU. 21 2*1 Adams .Amiisem.-nt Co.; Cheraw, S. C.. 14 19 ItarkiDt, K G Montg.tinery .Ala.. 16 26 p: 'lolef Jolly F'lll,*, A1 Ilirh. mgr,: I01ym|>ir) N. Y Pr'i.g ,1 .'trinte I'.oieolr Id'-alt I en dohr'lin Beasley Pli-««ure Fair Co. K C Be*«lev. mgr.. C . 14 19: lKii,|ilre) Pater*>>n 21 211; (Knipiri i BIsbee. Aril . 14 19: Nogale* 21 26. Delightful ti.gi Ptf'.o N M . 17 2uls Hoble. mgr ; (Gayeti > IT DRAWS THE Iloi'llngboi \V Vi S"i.l 2 Ind-f Spring*. All** , 14 19. Detr'ilt II 19. (Gayetyi Toronto 21 20. Gieat Soiith.Tii Shows, J. C S'mps1. r* >1 ( « a tag»T«Me to any orra* llevrHdrta A ll'.aa Plavertr Aalilarol Net, It Id 21 "Si : I Franklin S,|uarei Worcester 24 2’0 We*t Point. Mis*. 14 19; Carbon Hill Ala 8..*4 .11 I t.. Id •• Li9.hr. fironf arid dar- Dav'd C!iv 17 19 H«-ward 21 23 Pi. ler VI 2tl Merry Whirl. ]/>uIh Epstein, mgr : (rU(»n. 21 26 8ILH0RN BROS.. Lake St.. Chkafo. IIMaaia* Slianti..,, M.ek Co llarre Shannon mgr : W|l Chicago II 19: iStatMlardi Cincinnati 21 20. Jimes Jnhnnv J ; Gre<-nvlll.-. N. C. 14 I’l AY’I! intngi'.n (I 14 19 Sabina 21 2d Midnight .Mablena. VY'iii. S. Clark, mgr.: (Eo- ■on 24 '26 S* Cla're Wlrilfred Co . E D Slt» mgr pirei .Albany 14 10- (Franklin Sg i Worcbcater I/'Ulslana Carnlial Co.. B.Ilv .Allen, mgr Men FOR s' A L C Mage'low n Md . 14 )9 17 19. IbHilon 21 20. don. Ill , 16 18. Llh.rty 23 25. Koiir hi-iMti sfiow, nimplutr. for vlui. iSreat *r- Yanlitk. A Eaton C«i , F. Mark, mgr Sniierlor (Jm-ena of Ptrla. J laenh Howard, mgr ; (Einplr,-, I,eontrd .Amiisi'iiienl Co . Sam I .■Uoiwr.l mgr yatn ^»r raMli AKo one^ Fa^qulnJa(la j'jw. kJj. Wl. (St 1 ||..ief Cleveland 14 19. (Emplrei Tole.Io 2120. Madlll Okla.. 14 19; Hugo 21 '26 OCTOBER 19, 1912.

    Film Synopses iNDISPUttBlE ORiaHHORS»■ COWBOY FILMS,

    (CuatiDurd from page 23.) LWtCONIINUf TO Of PER EA(HWEE^ MR.G.M.ANPERSON

    Dave I*rice. Tbat afternoou llarding flnda Millie « ^0.0 XiPOPULARLY KNOWN AS'aRONCHO BltbY )IN THRU UNO STORIES alooe, asks Uer lo be Ula partner for the danee. and, nben Rbe reriiHeH, attempts to steal a klik • OF EARLY DAYS IN WESTERN AMEPKA.STACED UNDER THE PE RSONAl Fteving Uerxelf the girl secures a revolver from the raui'b bouse, but Is seen bj Dare, wlio ques SUPERVI5ION«>»MR.ANDERSON.AS5ISTtDBTA(ARETUllY .^RAINED COMPART tlous ber and learns tbe truth. Tbat night, productions' in this paper while Ibe dance is on, I’epita goes to tbe bar¬ room for refresbuient. A moment later Jake Ilardlnx enters and baa I’epita in bis arms when tbeg are discovered by liig Moose, who kills Harding with Millie's revolver, which la lying on tbe bar. I’epita asslats liig Moose to escape More Light for Less Money and places Millie’s revolver on tbe Boor beside the iKNly. To save himself, liig Moose eumiuuna Start On A Sound Basis the sberilT, who arrives in time to find Millie Cel a ma.'hliie that ran IM> tht work—and do It now—and tniitraw— Btanvling over the dead body with the gun in and for a soud loi.i time to come. ber baud. Tbe innocent girl la accused, broughi to trial, and is about to tie convicted when I.el the Idea about tbs oiiflnsl macblns go. I’epita confesses Big Moose's guilt. The old BK MIIDKKN—I'l’-TU-DATK—GET MACHINE WISE by IniUUlag Judge la sliOut to dismiss court when Dare, with the mislrrii msoblus—TUv MCTltiOllAI'H Millie In hU anus, declares tbat tney wish to Calcluai Cai.Maklni Outfit. be marrleil. The ceremony Is performed and Tills Is the day of progrvas-Tlmo keeps oa comlna and gnliii—aod all ends happily. I B J Save money by buying the old'fs.I.iniieil machines must be repla<-e<1 with the Mstletrayb—tht aiast r y PKHFECT1I and gel the slm- durable—lisiyle—acoestible aietioa yietsra aiaablat ta tba aarkat—aad plesi and most powerful por- tbe Msebiae tbat prsjacte tbe beet pictsra CIH-EB. table Calcium Light-making Outfit made Ceiirraies li. own gas as MANUFACTURED AND JOBBED BY (deorge Kleine.) iieeiled under powerful pressure, THE INVITED GPEST (Comedy; whh-h Insures a ttroag, steady and brilliant llglit. yc ,i.. release Ocl. 2'J; lengib, 701 feet). —3lr. Btout la flatterisl by an In- DOES NOT GET OUT OF ORDER. The Enterprise Optical Mig. Co V vllalion to dine at a friend's bouse. ^ Si meg and simple In construction. X BmPT After arraying bimself In hla "very All heavy mechanical parts elim¬ 570 West Randolph St., Chicago. inated .Non-eiploslve. easily JQe best” and procuring a huge boquet, handled. Abeolutaly safe and do- be arrives, receiving a cordial wel- pen able. 30 Indies high. Weight onb' IS ll>t. come from bis hoet and hosteaa and Kxhlliitoni. experiment no longer. Cot tba tlieir two children. The children strongest llgiit at the smallest cost. Price com¬ take it ujMia tlieins<-lvea to see tbat not one dull plete with burner, only $‘JS Particulars free, or moment shall break Into the pleasures of tbeir sent C. D. I> on small deposit. guest and by all manner of pranka make life CAPITAL MERCHANDISE CO.. Our Catalogue D free for tbv asking. l>woia4 miserable for him. After enduring It as long 440 S. Otarbora Straat, Chicago. III. exclusively to On-hestra Balia I3g kinds of Balia, as possible, be starts to make bia departure, but ranging In price from fJV.uO to ffuO.Vt. finds that the youngsters have smasheil bis bat and filled Ids coat pocketa with water. Cikmi J. C. DEAGAN, reacblng home .Mr. btout takes aoleuin oath to "regret" all family dinners thereafter. And Hortcau tV Hast Ravenswooit I’ark Incidentally tbe rhllilren receive a thrashing and Avf.s., CmiWCO, ILL.- a lecture uiioa the proper conduct of children when company Is being entertained.. On tbe aame reel is Asisill I’iceno, Southern Italy. ASCOLI PIOENO. .SOl’THBHN ITALY (Scenic; length, feeti.—An Interesting travelogue subject sbow’lug the aqueduct, the cemetery, the THEATERS USE ONLY THE Bridge of Ceceo DeAscoll and a series of views •f the famous lime quarries in operation. 87 ALBANY ST.. BOSTON. MASS.


    a broom and begins to lay about him. wreaking THE UNIVERSAL PROGRAM destruction to B-‘arly everything but Mister Ely. He even pursiiies the lu-st out of the window determimd to kill It, and after a series of ad 28 West Lake Street, . CHICAGO, ILL. ventures, too many to enumerate, he Is siiccesa- fal. There are to be no flies on Charlie. On the same reel Is Making Briar I’liiea. •MAKING BUl.klt PIPES (Industrial; length. niR feeti.—Tbe briar is cut from the atuiiips of Corsica and sliipiveil lo St. Claude. France, to be niaoiifactareil. The entire procese, including weighing, culling, s'lrling. turning of the bowl and stem, scraping out the Iwiwl, polishing and parking is sliown. Du tbe same reel la In The Ossau Valley, IN THE OSSAP VALLEY. PYRENEES. FRANCE (.Scenic: length. 3'.’4 feet).—A trav¬ elogue film sbowing many lieaiitiful landscaiiea and places of interest In this valley of tbe DRUMS, TRAPS AHD MOVING PICTURE EFFECTS I’yrene. s. and several exciting sr«*n

    FEATURE FILMS. MaEo the Pictaroa Claar. Moving Picture EJectric ATLAS MANUTAITTtrHIKO CO Diatinot, with Datail and Comtraat SECRET .SERVICE STEVE (Under direction of W D. EinerRon. late of Sellg and American Light Plants T-o. I.—John Steven rilfTonl, known to his friends CHARLES L. KIEWERT CO. as Jack, and to the criminals who fear him as HEW TOM MILWAUKEE MB FIAICISCO A poriabl. or a ststlowary miwtl- Secret Service Steve: a memtu-r of the Revenue ninnectad plant which aavaa ywa Bureau: while visiting his college chum and IIS Graaavick St. 114 Nurm St. II Satlar St. moiivy on your ennwot MDa vea ouiflt for a toot or road ahow. room mate. t-Mward Kerrigan, a lieutenant In Aad all Liva Film Exchanfias the Ifith B. S. Cavalry stationed at Fort Erie for felM. ibeatra proiwtiaw sod U- and Supply Maalara lumlnsUon. Plants wlUi eapardttaa on file Canadlsn border, falls In love with Kcr- of ri to ggg Id-caudlopowar lamps rigsn’s sister. Nance, who returns his sITectlon but is conlimially antw'yed by one Franklyn Pliahngh, a cltlien of the little Canadian com country with his field glasses be witnesses tin mnnwealth across the river. While canoeing cold. bloisldl sHrmpt_ _ of__ the_ smugglers to d<> with F'tihugh one day, Nance Is thrown Into the away with their enemy and abduct Nance in a water by tbe upsetting of the canoe, and nar- fast iiMilor iMiat, which the tiuugglers uae In tbeir attempt to defraud tbe guvernuieut. I’ut ting apurs to tbeir horses the small detarbm give up In despair when they notice a powerful loi'omotive on a aide track near tbe river. Pay¬ ing no attention to the protests of the engln*er they requisition tbe locomotive sod start uimn REPAIRS a mad chaae after the motor boat. As the en abep and hast pla- gine rapidly overtakes the boat, and aa tbe ■ tux* madilw. repair awn ta Ih. soldiers are preparing to fire upon the smugglers eouniry auaraiilee you Prvwpt- And crowd your Theatre. Kxrhiaivp M. P. Fltxbugb bolds the Inert body of Nsnee. who Is tat Banda, aad CaipMt Batla- in a swoon, between bis pursuers and the boat . M \7 tactlaa Theatre CaUiloK juRt HMUPii Write today. and baa tbe engineer run the boat to tbe on^o W. a.11 mmythtna foe th. site shore. Jack and bis party atop tbe engine ptetura show -.vwytlil.. ITS'ITKI) HTATFJ4 FAtrrOKIh^ m OMIUASB MOVINB PICTURf BUPPkV 00.. and haaten to tbe riverside where they find s 17 N. OMrbw. St.. ChlMfa. SIS ('ireat Ijikew Building. :: CIIICAUO leaky old skiff witb which they manage to reach the other side and continue to chaae tbe fugltlvea. Fltxhugb learea tbe main party ainl MOIION PICTURE CAMERIS with Nance lo bla arma atarta for the bills un¬ Wa aaaaulactura all seen by any but Jack, who followa. On the i-dge BacwMary apparalua of a great cItIT they engage In a cninhat, but 100 RmU Film, elegant cxMMUtloB, IT put iwal and w: (or making mwlioa pic- 100 Met. R*nf Hilda*, pwfmt ooodulon. 11.00 bm unfortunately Jack la overcome and FItxhiigh U turafUm. Caaaara..lri> about to brain bim with a biige boulder when Mt. with roaslc Hwid powal for IlM. O*^ Fttm Kervlcm furnlahod at lowmt prim* ta tha Rnalh Bup- pod., prialar., dovo- one of the puraulng aoldlera who la standing at plle*. Baraaln* In nm> and iwcond-band M P. Ma¬ lapiag outfit^ .caBory the bottom of tbe rlllT and bgi witnessed tbe chine* and Oaa-Maklng OulBta. P. O. BOX IIT(, and Him*. Writ* for fight, fires and kills Fltsliugb who topplea over New Orleans. La prico. ond cotalogBo. the cIlIT to the waters bi’low. Jack Is com¬ plimented and congratulated for his daring and AMhClB CiBNMtigriM Cb. —WANTtD— cumB*. RI. aiicccsa, and though rewarded by promotion In To buy Rtareoptlcona and Muring Ptetara Macblam Hll Caairata t tbe government service found bis greatest rewanl Also Pilaw. Gist dwortptloo fully. Will trad* when shortly after he led hla sweetheart, Nance, for Industrial and labor pirtura*. Addrea* DB;. X B. to the altar. SD.NNANRTI.NK. Girard. Kaneas. [Q AND • LIST OF FI L] MlO THEIR J r; E] LI EAS] E] DAI n ES L

    ■-‘0--<’aptaln Brn'a Yam (comedy) IB—The Adventure of the Scarecrow (dra- i 23—Roost, the Kidder (comedy) (split reel) --—IxjTe and War (drama) . ma) .1000 ' 26— Queen of tbe Kitchen (comedy) (split film supply CO—RELEASE 19—Among tbe Mountains of Calabria reel) ... BELIAMCE. DATES (scenic) (apllt reel) . 8S0 25—Along the River Nile (scenic) (split Se|ilember— 19—An Abbreviated Honeymoon (comedy) reel) . 11 —Iiute Knows No I.aws (drama) . (split reel) . BSO 27— The Heart of John Grimm (drama)..,. 14 Fur Ixive of Her (drama) . Monday Aniprltan, (\imet, Itala. 21— Tbe Lion Tamer's Revenge (Special' 28— Tbe A|>ache Renegade (W. drama).... IH -Caleb Weat (two reela) (drama) . (drama) (two reels) .2000 30—The Poacher’s Pardon (drama*. '1 ue«lay -«jauuiout. Majtnitlc, TbaDboua<-r. Dl—Tbe Iteiieniptluu (drama) . 22— Tbe Invited Guest (comedy) (spilt re li 71(i Octolier— WiMliitHulay Aiuvrli-au, liauuuut We«kly, D.R-Tbe (Jeraulum (drama) (apllt reel).... 22— Ascoll Plceno, Southern Italy (acemcl 2—.4 Hoppitsl Hoax (romedy) (split reel) i(ellaur«, Solax. DR Hedella and Her Neighbor (cum^y)) (spilt reel) . ‘DfiO 2—Ancient Temples of nigypt (scenic) Tliuraday Aiiifilraii, (iaumont. (split reel) . Krlday-'I ux, Solax, Tlianliuuavr. 20^-.4 Turn of Fortune (drama) .luOR split reel) . DS -Tbe Cuckoo Cluck (cumeily-drama) .... 4—.4 Village Vixen (drama). Satunlay 4'vuit-t, Ijauiuuut, Urfat Nortbern, OclotM‘r— ECLirSE. Tt—The Confederate Ironclad (drams*. Krllaiior 2—Hrutbera I'nder the Skin (drama) . Qeorge Blaine. 7—When Y’outh Meets Y'outh (drama)... Suuilay Mujoallc, Tbanbouat-r. R—Time Arengea (drama) . 4eptember— i 9—The Belle of the Beach (cometlyl (split 9—(Juy Mannerlng (drama) (two reels)... II—Chemical Action (aclentillc) (split reel) 187 | reel * . 12— Tbe Feildler'a Find (drama) . AMEBICAN. 11—Glimpses of St. Peterabnrg (scenic) ! 9— Election Day in California (drama) IS-Tbe Hug and tbe Count (comedy) (apllt (split reel) . 36h j Sei»lcnd»rr— Feet. reel) . (split reel) . 11 —\ ciiKvaoce That Fallrulmu'a ljia( Kald (drama) (two 18—New I'lymoulb (scenic) (apllt reel).. 23(< | 12— The tte'lskin Raiders (drama) . lely-dramal (apllt reel) . rvela) . ... .19—Tbe Organ Grlnder'a Ward (drama) .. 25— Tbe SacrUlce (drama) .1000 j 14— Tlie Comhinatliin of the Safe (drama) 10 Tb« Fear (drama) .lOliO Octolier— I 16—Paying tbe Board Bill (comedy) (split IS Wuu I una'a Strategy (drama) .lUUO SOLAX. 2—A Foe To Race Suicide (comedy) (apllt | reel) . lb Tbe Forecbiaure tdramal .ItiOU Seiitember— reel I . 500 ! 16— Central Park. New York (scenic) (split 23—Wbitr Trearbrry (drama).l«tiu 11—Treaaurea on the Wing (comedy). 2—A Trip Tbrougb Belgium (travel) (apllt I reel) . DO Hail rclc a tiraillude (drama) .lUX) 13— The Soul of tbe Violin (drama). reel) . 500 I 18—The Plot That Fall(4l (drama) . DO Tbeir Hero Son (drama) .luOU Ih—Tbe Spry Spinsters (comeily). 9—Through Derbyshire Dales (scenic) 10— The Rival Engineers (drama) . 3u 4 alamlly Anne a Ward (drama).KKK) 20 -Tbe Life of a Hose (drama). (apllt reel) . 800 j 21—The Coun'y Frir (drauia). IK'lober— Keel. 2R--Tbe lore of tbe Flag (drama). 9—A Roman’a Conversion (drama) (split 23— The Peril 'jf the ('llffs (drama* . D -Tbe Iteuegade (drama) .KWi 27—Tba Fugitive (drami). reel) . 700 ' 25—The Girl in the Caboose (comely drama) 3 Kalber'a Kaiorlte (drama) .ItaiO October— IB—The Missing Locket (drama) .1000 i • split reel) . 7 — Jarli of IlUmonda (W. drama).lOoO 2—Si's Surprise Party (comedy). 23— In the Gssau Valley. I'yreneea, Fiance ' 25— New York Public School Dribs and 9 A Slater'a Itevutluu (drama) .lUlU 4--Tbe Uetreat from Eden (drama) . (scenic) (split reel) . y.TO Dances (split reel) . 1(> Keformalloo of Sierra Smilb (drama) lUiO 9 -Canneil Harmony (comedy). 2.3— .Making Briar I’i|es (Indus. I (split reel) 330 26— Death Valley Scotty’s Mine (W. drama) 14—Ibe I’romlae (drama) .HaM) 11 —.4 Fool and Ills Money (comedy). 23— A Persistent Fly-Snstter (comedy) 10—Tlie Ihtnler Drtei-tire (drama) .lOuO IS—Tbe (Jolil Brick (comeily) . (split reel) . 300 | LUBIB. 17-Tbe New Cowpumber (W. Drama) . ... lnUO IH- Tbe Maverick (drama) . 4epteniber— Dl—1'lie Heat .Man Wlna (drama) .lOtiO EOlSOH. I 12— Betty and tbe Rosea (drima) . 23— Tbe Way of tlie Tranagresaor (drama). Hmai THANHOUBEB. 4eptember— | 15— Never Again (comedy) (split reel) ... 24— Tue Wooera of Mountain Kate (drama i . llKMi Se|i(emt>er— 14—The Rescue. Care and Education 0t i 13— Buster and tbe Pirates (drama) (apMt 13—Tbe Birth of tbe Ixitus Bloaaom (leg¬ Blind Babies (deac.) .1000 i reel) . COKET. end ) . 17— The Governor (drama) .loot ■ 14— A Trui*tee of tbe Law (dramal . Seidemher — 15 —Orator, Knight and Cow Charmer IH—Laay Bill Iludaou Idrama (apllt reel) 49< | (6—The Sleep>-r (drama ) . 14 Frontier Soldier of Fortune (W drama) 1(4)0 (comeily) . 18— National Soldiers’ Home (deac.) (split j 18— When Father Has His Way (drama).. 10—A Hound Cp In tbe llllla (drama).... luoo 17—Tbe Mall Clerk's Temptation (drama) 19— A Child’s Devotloa (dramal. 21 Ibe Heir To Hear Creek Kanrb (W. r«*l) 51t I 20—Two Souls (drama) . 20— TYirpentine Industry (tndua.) (apllt drama) .1000 3(1—Hearts and Diamonds (drama t .Has. ; 22—.4t the Foot of tbe Ijidder (drama).... 21—3 he Grandfather tdramal .)i44 i reel. 23 Keaidiig tbe Harteat (drama) .HkiO 24—I'ndlne (two reels) (le.end). 88—How Bobby Joined tbe (Dlrcua (comedy) 20— No Trespassing (comedy* (split reel) 2H Tbe Kiistlet'a Treachery (W drama).. HXX) 27—Hut tbe Greatest of These la Charity tspUt reel) . 60C ^ 21— Hit Pair Of I’auts ((couiedy* . 30 Tbe Wortb-WbDe Wedding (comeily).. 1(4(0 drama) . Octutier— Feet. 28—Beuaree and Agra, India, (daocrlp.) 28—A Gay Time In Quebec (comedy). 29 Please Help Tbe Poor (drama) . 25—The Renegades (drama). 6 lore Will Find a Way (drama) .HlUO October— tspllt reel) . 350 '■ 24— Tbe Little Girl Next Door (drama).... 1000 i 2B—Buster and tbe Gypsies (drama) (apUt 7—’Oatler Joe (drama) .l>«a) 1 letters of a IJfetIme (drama). ‘DS—Cynthla'e Agreement (comedy).1000 I reel) . 12 —Tbe IS>uble l>eb( (drama) .1(4(0 4 -The Warning (drama) . 27— Mary In Stageland (drama).1000 2B—Swimming and Ufe Saving (Ind.) (apUt 14 Taming a Hacbelor (i-umeily) .1(410 6 .4 Six Cylinder Eloiiement (comedy).. 28— 'Ostler Joe (drama) .1000 reel) . 10— A lU-manee of Ibe Kis'klea (drama)lUOO M Mias Koblnaon Crusoe (drama) (two ■ 27— Glueil (comedy) (apll't reel) . reels) (a|dlt sei-und reel) . .30—Calumet "K” (dramii .lOUO 1 OACMOVT. October— i J 27— Tbe Water Wagon (comedy) (apllt reel) —8|>ei-lniens from New Y’ork Zoological September— 28— Tbe Doctor’s I>ebt. (drama).. Park (eiluc.l (second reel). 1— The Girl From Tbe Country tdramal. .1000 i 11 (laumont'a Weekly (topical) . 30—A Girl’s Bravery (drama) . 13 Dotty, the Dancer (■'omeily drama). . 2— The Green Eyed Monster (comedy) (split ID Tbe I’lague Stricken (Tty (drama).. l.R When Mercy Tenijiers Justice (drama) October— 17 (Jueen KItabetb'a Token (rul.) (drama) IH For the Mikado (drama) . I 2—Olympic Games. I’ittthugh Y’. M. C. A. I 2— The Amateur Iceman (comedy) . 15 (lauiuonl'a Weekly (topical) . DO Petticoat Camp (comeily) . ! (deac. I (spilt reel) . 300 | 3— The Physician of Silver Gulch (draaia) IS King* In Kxl.e itwu reel*) (drama) DD Through the Flames (drama) . 4— Cssbmere. Indls idesc.) .lOOO i 4— Collection Day (comedyl (spilt) . 21 Tbe Funeral of (Jen IbKitb (topical) 2R - In a (Janlen (drama) . 5— The Usurer’s Grip (drsmsi .inoo 4—SiKKiny Sam (comedy* (split reel).... (apTl reel) . 7— A Curable Disease (drama) .KHbi l '.— H*.i life (flrsips* . , . 21 Tbe Kclliee of tlie Sun (4|)llt reel).... 8— Under False Colors (drima) .1000 7— Tbe Last R"Se of Summer (drama)... 24 Tbe Heart of a Ue Tlie Stolen Cub (drama) . j ma) .1025 ; 11— Mr. Flxlt (cmedy* (spilt reel) . Ds (Tilrago Adatlon Meet (topical) .... I 12 —A Fresh Air Romance (drams) .lOOO ! 11— The German Singers (comedy) (spilt 2H -IJfe In Caucaala (edur.l. Monday— Hlograpb. Edison. Kalem. Ijibln, 14— Outwitting the Professor (comedy).. .1000 ' reel) . (►clotier I’athe, Sellg, Vltagrapb. I 15—Glimpses of Bermuda (scenic) (split 12— 33ie Crlncer (drams) . 1 Tbe Conxlcl • Hrand (drama) . TueMlaj—I'In-es. Edison. Ksaanay, 1 ubin, I reel) . 850 14— The Uprising (drama) . D (Jaumoiit'e Weekly (lotilcall . Patbe. Sidlg. Vltagrapb. 15— ^Tbe Widow's Second Marriage (com- 15— Gentleman Joe (drama) . 3 yigi'to To the lleecue (i-ometi Patbe. Sdig. Vltagrapb. 18— The Foundling (drama) .intNi ■ 19—The Sporting Editor (comedy) (spilt t»-Gaumoot'a Weekly (topical). Saiurday—CIn ea. Eilison. Essanay, K iW.n. reel) . 1(( Tbe Tie Kternal (drama) . 19— .4 S.ildler'8 Iiuty (drama t .lot'll I l.ublu, Patbe. Vltagrapb. 21—Kitty at Boaidlng School (comeil.v) 21— Just Maine Folks (comedy drama). ID The Cotton Industry (Inilu*.) tapllt 22— In the Service of the State (drama).. reel) . I split reel) . tt.->ti ' 21— Mother Ga (i-omedy) (split reel).... 17 Tlie legend of Caglloatro (drama).... reel) . 41IO | reel) . IB—Isive'a Messenger (comeily) (split real) 23— The Boy Bangers (comedy) (split reel) btX' I 26— I'he Forest Ranger (drama) . 1# Tbe I'anania Canal (toidcal) . 19—Two Daughters of Eve (drama). DS—Friends (drama) . CHEAT MOBTHEBM. ESBAXAT. MEUEB. September Foet. dB—A Dlaapiwlnted Mamma (comtriy) (apllt September— September ■‘••J 14 .\unt Jaue'a Will (conieily drama) ....1(4(0 reel) . ID—Ibe Listener's Lesson (comedyl.lUOt 12—The Cnworthy Son (drama* .WOB Dl Henoll'a Fortune (conieily drama).... 1(441 DA -A Mixed Affair (comedy) (apllt real).. 1.3— Billy .McGrath's lA>ve Letters (comedyil00< 19—The Priaoner’a Story Idrama) .1096 2b A Child of (lenliia (comedy) (apllt reel) (170 go-So Near, Yet So Far (drama). 14— Bronclto Billy Outwitted IW. drama). Hat. 26—Tha Beach Combera (drama).MBS DS A Sly S rrani (comedy) (apllt r«‘el).. 314 ilcteber— 17— Neptune's Daughter (drama).1900 October— (biotHT Feet. t—A Feud In the Kentncky Hllla (drama) 19— Tbe Mixed Sample Trunka (comedy). .1900 8—A Western Coquette (drama* (apllt * I Am (Joing Out For a Share (com- 7—The line at (logan'a (r«>medy) (split 20— The Love Teet (comedy).1000 reel) .1006 •Slyl laiilll reel) . 7D<) reel) . 21— Alkali Ike'i Panta (comedy).1000 8—Clearing Ijind for Farming la tha R Tbe Tramp'a Keteuge (isimeily) (apllt 7—A Ten Karat Hero (comedy) (spilt 24— Acroes tbe Broad Pacifle (ocenic).1000 West (agrI.) (spilt reel) . reel) . D53 reel) . DB—Tlie Adventure of tlie Button (comedy 10—Forgive I’s Our Trespasses (drama) ..lOoo 7 The Hlack Chancellor (drama) (three lA—The (blef's Blanket (drama) . drama) .1000 17— Judginent of the Sea (drama) .1000 reela) . ; 14 - In the Alalia of the Wild (drama).... 'DB—A IJttle I.<>uder. Please (coBedy)._1000 24—-.4 Son’s Example (drams) .1(*'10 I 17 —A IJmiteil Divorce (comedy) (split reel) 27—Tlie Voice of Conscience (drama).1(410 PATHE-FBEBES. „ ITALA. I 17—IJke the Cat. They Came Back (c>m 'DM—An Indian Sunbeam (W. drama).1000 September — eily) (apllt reel) . October— Meptember— S Tbe Solemn Hoar (drama) . 1— Ghosts (drama) .1(441 18— The Late Hairlett Qnlmhy’t Flight ' CIV-EB. Across the Engltah Channel (ailac.) .12 ^ Woman'a Duplicity (drama) . 2— Well Match'd (comedvl .1000 I Oeorfs Klelne. 3— The Redemption of Silvers (drama).... 1000 (spilt reel) . D3 Tiitn'a Tallanian (comeily) (apllt reel) ] (epiemher— •• A .Naughty Hoy (conieily) lap'll roel) 4 -Terrible Teildy (comeilyi .1000 14—Raved at tbe Altar (Amer drama) ... U -Hoaora Divided (drama) .107B 3(( Ilia bTtal |jiw Suit (comeily) (apllt B—Ixive On Tough Luck Ranch (W. com 16— Patbe’a Weekly No 38 1 current). reel) . 17—Amain. Italy and burrouadlnga (scenici •dr) .1(100 IT—The Elopement (col.) (comedy) 31) A Nall In the Slioe (comeily) . (apllt reel) . 2U 8— Alkali Ike Stung (W. eomedv) .1000 (split reel) . 17—A Gun Factory (Indus.) lapllt reel).. S> 9— The Rehellltin of Mandy (comedy) ...IBOO 17— Geruoe, Tbe Venice of Spain (col.) 17—Traditional Ciiatoma la Sixitbera Italy 10— The End of tbe Fend (drama) .lOOf (acenic) (apllt reel). ttotdcal) (split reel) . 43i 11— Not on the Circus Program Idrama) ..1000 18— The Bandit’s Spur (W drama). o A Crl|i|ile'a Folly (drama) . Ikk) ■ft — Betrayed for lg>ve (blat.l (drama). . I(h4 12— The Shotgun Ranchman (W Mrama) ..1oo< IB—The Desperado (W. drama). 13 I'oniniy a I’laymate (drama) . WSO 14—A Cavaller'a Romance (drama) (epllt 15 —A Mistaken Calling (comedy) .1000 •DO—Max’s Tragedy (comedy) (apllt reel).. The I.IKIe He gar Hoy (drama) .DSD rwl) . BBfi ie—The GrasavlIIe Girls (comedy) .1000 'M—The Edmunds Klamm Ravine (scenic) D7 Only a l*iIrate (drama) . P70 14—Caatruvillari. So. Italy (scenic) (apllt 17— The Snare (drama) .1000 (split reel) . Oi'tolier Feel. reel) . SSO 15— The Warning Hand (drama) .1000 31—Silver M'vn’s Retx'ne •W. drama)...... 4 The Mislalllon (drama) . DHS 'IS- Keiibea and tbe Boye (comedy) (split 19—Tl'e Outlaw’s S.icrIfliH* tW. drama) ..lOOO 23— Patbe’a Weekly. No. 39 (current) .... II Krading Justice (ilrania) . reel) . 79# 22— The Tomboy on Bar Z (W. drama)... .1000 24— The Prlncesa and the Merchant (juv.) IH Ills Nurse (drama) . DIM 'DM Quaint Rights In Sardinia (colomd) 23— Bringing Father Around (comedy).1000 25— Pala (drama) . lacenlc) (split reel) . 301) 24— The Thrifty Parson (comedy).1(441 26— Glacier National Park (acenle) (apllt ‘)clo)>er — MAJEITIC. "25—Sunshine (drams) .V100 reel) ..... September I —How A Brave Man Dlnl Ibist. drama) 26— The Ranch Girl’s Trial (W. drama'i.. . 1000 26— The Andrews (acrobatic) (spilt reel) 10—I/olo'a Sacrlflce (drama) . 27— The Musketeer’s Conscience (drama).. IR Cilpld ta (Tgaretlea (coineily) . 1—Tbr IsUnd of Malta (acinic* tapllt KALEM. 28— The Flllbiiater'a Ship (drama) . •J. ('7 Sneceaa (drama) . fro|> . Meptemher— SO—The Man Hunt (drama) (special re- ** Mary's Oiauffeiir (conieily) . 5-Trm# Not With Uov.. (comeily) lap)lt 18— The Street Singer (drams) . leave) . 24 The Hutlerflr (drama) . 14—A Rallreid Lochlnvar (remedy-drama) WV—Pathe’a Weekly No. 40 (current) .... DD Hclllgerent Henjaniln (ismiedy) (apllt aino Smithoro Ifalj (scenic) (Split 16— The INaraatte (drama) . October— reel I . <8—In Peril of Their Lives (dramal. 1—A Well Washed House (trick) (apllt 20 A (Jarrlaon Joke (comeilyI (split reel) d-A Ollin|>ao of dtclly (acenic) (apllt TO—Chips Off The Old Bloch (cemedyl Oi'lolier- (vidit peel) . 1—Evolution and Life of a Silk Worm 1 The Call of the Hlond (drama) . d—Artlattc Olaaa Work (Indue.) (split 30— TIDey’a Bird Farm (rduc.) (spilt reel) (edne.) (spilt reel) . . 0 The tittle Mualc Teacher (drama) 31— The Grit of tho Girl Telegrapher S—At the Burglar’s Command (Amer. M Tl«e Winner and tbe Sisil's (drama) .. 8 The Wonder Powders (comedy) (split (drama) . comedy) . 13—Tbe Simple IJfe (comedy drama). reel) . 3S—Fat Bill’s Weoing (eoasedy) (tnllt_ 3—Theodora Booacrelt (mlac.) (tplH •—BiperimcDU with Liquid Alt (scleiict) Octobsr— INDEPENDENTS. IU reel) . 8—Tlie ’TrlanoDa Versallles (France) (trar- Taeaday—Rissa. Malr, (haaa. 11—^Tht Maa Wltb(B (drama) . 28—Bee Culture (Scleuce) (epllt reel).... el) (apllt reel) (col.) . Wedaesday—Animated Weekly. Ndelee, POTr- 15— Those Lovesick Cowboys (comoily)... '28—Tulip Btudlee (science) (split reel).. •—raaalng Gypaiea (Amer. comedy drama) eta. 16— Tbo Horae Thief’s Daaghtrr (Arams) . October— 10— The Horae Thieves (Indian) (Amer. Ibarsday—Belalr, Imp, Beg. 16—A Waotera Ttaesatea (eemeAy). 6—An American Invasion (drama) (split drama) . Friday—Naalsr. Fewer*. Tlcter. 29— Wea hg a IhU (CMiedy) . reel) . 11— Hia CVmntry Before All (^ama) .... Baturday-Bleoa. Imp, MHaas. 26—Carl Voa Oordoa's Family (cemeAy).. B—American Fashions (split reel). IS—Naughty Marietta (Amer. comedy).. Sunday—Crystal. Eclair, Bex. 26— The Crimlaeleglat (drama) . B— ITctureaque Sceuea on the Potomac 14—PatLe’a Weekly, No. 42 (current) ... 27— Percy, the Baadlt (W. Camaty) .... Blver (scenic) (apllt reel) . 18—Mai Figbta A Huel (comedy) (apllt 30— The Old Prospector (drama) . reel) . October— REFX7BU0. li—The Valley of Chevreuse (France) (col¬ ANIMATED 'WEEKLY. 2—The Bcmmerang (comedy) . Beptemhar— 4—Hearts and Bklrta (comt^y) . July— ored, travel) (apllt reel) . a—The Girl la the Ante leomedy dramai 10—The l.eaa of Clauater (Amer. drama) II— Animated Weekly (topleel) . 7—Employer's liability (drama). 18—Animated Weekly (topical) . 9—Ilia Only Son (drama). IB—The All Seeing Rvs (dramai. 17—Tlie Striped Bathing Suit (Amer. com¬ IP -A House.(ep Komaace (dramai (spilt edy) (split reel) . 26—Aalmated Weekly (tepVcel) . 11—Is>ve and a I.emon (comedy). 17— Submarine Fauna (oceanic) (spilt reel) Octeber— 14— 1 One Yon flOOO (conietly) . 2—Aalmated Weekly (topical) . 16—Patsy's Mistake (comesly) . 26—•eolndea *f a Dncfe Egg (edo ) (epMt 18— The Rubber Induatry In Malaysia reeli . (Indus.) (split reel) . 9— Animated Weekly (topical) . 18—Her Friend, the Do»-tor (comedy),... 18— Animated Weekly (topical) . Aegnat— 18— The Convertible Auto (trick) (split powua. 5—Tbe Orteroen'a Secrlfiee Idrama). reel) . 23—Aulmated Weekly (topical) . September— 12—The Harrowing Blmp (aomedy). 10—Mlaleadlng Evidence (Amer. drama).. BISOX. 11—His First and l.aat A)>pearaDca(comedy) 16—The Cure* of Drlak (draaaai. 21— I’allie'a Weekly No. 4.1 (current). aeptember— 15— The Snpreme Power (drama) . 26-The PlrkaBlenlce eed the Watermeloe 22— The End of l.ouls XI (drama) (apllt III— A White Indian (drama). 18— All On Aeceuat of a WlAser (cemeAy) (comedy) . reel) . 14—The Girl from tbd Oelden Baa (drama) 20—Fate’a Way (drama) ... 2'J—Old Toledo (colored) (travel) (split 17— Tbs Banebman's Awakening (draaaa) 28— The Plaa That Failed (comedy) (split reel) . 21—The Massacre of Saute Fe Trail reel) . 23— The Slmiile Life (Amer. comedy). (twu reel*) (drama) . 25.—Snat the 4Ty (edu.) (split reel). 24— Little Kaven'a Sweetheart (Amer. 2d—Tbe BberilTa Reward (W. drama).... 27—Her AmbItiM (drama) . drama) . 28—At Old Fort Dearborn (hist, drama) October— 2.'>—Tom Thumb (trick) (apllt reel). (twe reels) ....’. 2— Early's Awakening (drama) . I ®w*' Easy Paymsnt Plan 2.'—TIh- Hermit Crab (a<'lence) (apllt reel) October— 4—Two Women (drama) . 20—The Light That Failed l.kmer. drama).. 1—A Western Episode (W. drama) . 9—Good Snuff (comedy) . S—When Was Young (drama) i M6k^2dta^50 11—On the Danger Line (dramai . With our Moving Pirtarv Outfit BEUO. two reels) . 16— The Golden Rule (comeily drama) We erll rverything—Film*. Uie. 8—The ’-><1180 Raiders (drama) . (split reel) . •sptember— I wntm f»r •mr Ceteieg 1'2—Tbe isHoo (drama) . 16—Does I; Pay? (comest. A Husband (com^y). I DEMAND THAT Indiana .1 18— Tbe Dummy Director (drama) . 19— Faraway Fields (drama) . 23— A Detective's Strategy (drama).1 28—Tbe Reae of the Island (drama) . 22—The Confllct’a End (drama) . 24— Ihe Cattle Hustlers (dramai.1 80—Her Whole Duty (drama) . 26— Tbe Old Organist (drama) . 25— Partners (ilrama) .1 October— 29— The Hidden Bonds (drama) . Cut-Rate Film Service 26— Tlie Pity of It (drama).1 7—To Err la Human (drama) . October— 14— The Girl In the Gingham Gown (dra¬ 3— Rob's Deoeptlon (dramai . All makes Independent Films. Poaten with seerr real. 27— The Borrowial rmhrdla (comedy) (s|ilit Sand for our UaL A million feat te pich from. reel I . ma) . 6—The Winnings of Silas (comedy) 27—Il.irvestliig .\lfa1fa In New Mexico CRYSTAL. 16— If Dreams Came True (d^ha) . PER WEEK liiid I (split n-el) . October— 13—When Tnenty Is In Ixive (comedy- • Reels .IS *0 I 14 ReeU. lit M •O-Br«d fpon the Water (drama) ....1 6 The Girl In the Next Room (comedy) drama) . 12 Reels .I.Od 111 B<*la. li M 17— The Weildliig March idrania) . October— I (split reel I . 21 Reels.Ill*# 1— Why Jim Reformed (drama) .1 6 -The Man from the North Pole (com¬ TlCTOm. 2— Tlie Pirate’s Daughter (drama) .1 edy) (split reel). August— CUT-RATE SUPPLIES S—Tlie Great l>ronght (drama) .1 13—Her Dressiiiaker'a Bills (comedy) spilt 28 —Her Oounln Fred (drama) . SEND FOR OCR CUT-RATE ON ALL MOVDiO 4 .An .Ass1s|»m1 Klopement (comtaly) .... 1 r.-el I . .16—Tbe Winning Punch (dramai . PICTURE MACBINFJl AND PARTS 7—Mow the Cause Was Won (drama)....' 13 M<-Gulrk. the Sleuth (comedy) (apllt September— re<‘l) . The Right Kind of Fllnu at the Right Kind of Cul- R A Motorcycle .Adventure (drama) ....' 6—After All (dramai . Rata Prloaa 9 —When KdKIi Pla.ved Judge and Jury IS—All For Love (drama) . (drama) . ECLAIR. S<'ptembeT— 29—Flo's Diarlpllne (remedy) . 19 I'.uchr«Hl (drama) . 27— The Advent of Jane (drama) . THEATRE SUPPLY CO 11 .An ■iiteriiatlonal Romance (drama).. 10— The Marshall'a Honeymoon (comedy) (split reel) . October— 14—Monte Cristo (special) (drama) (thr.-c 4— Tangled Relations (drama) . re<'lai . 12—The Rancher’s Lottery (comedy drama) 16— A Marriage of Convenience (comedy) 11—Betty’s Nightmare (comedy) . 14--My Wife's I’onnet (comedy) . 10 The Cross itoads (drama). l.'s—'ll:e Opium Siinigglers (drama) . (split nel) . MAKE YOUR OVi/N ANNOUNCE¬ 15— Ar'und Constantinople (scenic) (split Id The Shii'tlc of Fate (drama). MENT SLIDES 17 — WlH'rc Live Is. There Goove and Sacrifice (comedy drama) ... —Tbe I.aat Stand of the Dalton Boys at SepteiiilMT - I'eet. ANYONE WHO CAN WRITE OR October— Ceffeyvllle. Kan (dramai (three reela)29(e 1.1 -The I.oyally of Sylvia (drama) .1000 1—The Old Doctor’s Humanity (drama) 14 Poimlar Bc-tty )comeck of Hair (drama) . November— (split reel) . 400 8—All on Account of a Ring (comedy) 20—ZIgomar (dramai . Complete Outfit, including 16- -Caiitaln Barnacle’s Waif (drama) ....1000 (split reel) . Decemh^ — TRACING CHART, prepaid. 17- The Trouhhal Trail (drama) .1000 8—Surprising Ellxa (comedy) (spilt reel) 18—Tbe Lnve Chase (comedyI. 18- A Vltagraph Roman<-e (drama) .1000 10—A Choice by Accident (comedy drama) 28—Tbe Tbniiderbolt (drama). $1. Entire satisfaction guar¬ '.’ll—^Tbe luiliau .Miitiuy (drama).KXH) 1.1—"rhe White Bonnet (dramai . FEATHBE FILM SALES CO., LTD. 21 —.\dveiiture of the Italian Model 15—The IliKxloo I.etter (••omedy) (spilt anteed. — (drama) .1000 reel) . Srptember— 23 liobhy’s Father (drama) .lOOO 15 One On Jones (comedy) (spilt reel).. 2—The Bride of D.-ath (sens ) (three reels) . THEATRE NOVELTY SUPPLY CO. 24—Ills I.ore Irony of Fste (drama) .1000 September— reela) . 30 -Her Choice idrama) .1000 8—The Celebrated Cane (two reels) (dra-) 9—Hunted by the Police (drama) (four reela) . OidotsT— Feet. ma) . 10—A Turn of Fate (dramai . 11—A Fall from the Clouds (drama) (two 1 Adventures of the Smelling Salts I 17—Down by tbe Sonndlng Sea (drama) .. reela) . (drama) .1000 15— The Spendthrifts (drama) (three reels) 2— Bachelor Button! (comedy) (spilt reel) 1000I 24—Tbe Legend of Montmartre (drame) .. October— 14—When Women Igive (drama) (three 2 Dlann's le.-acy (lemeily) (split reel).. reels) . 3— She Crleil (comeily) .lOOOI 1—Tbe Convlrt'a Return (drama) . I 8—Orphans (dramai . 16— Woman In Black (drama) (three r<-ela) 4 Her S|Hilleil Boy (drama) .1000 18—Her Secret or Tbe of the I 15-What the Bell Told (drama) . 5 The Ueil Barrier (drama) .1000 Night (comedy) (two reela) . 7—Nothing to Wear (eomedy) .1000 IMF. 20— A Papal Conspiracy (hist, tragedy) 7—As You Like It (s[ieclal| (drama) (two reels) . (ttirei- reels) .3006 13— Homee Hearts (twe reels) (drama).. 21— In Monte Carlo (drama) (three re. la) IICCESIBMUIN miOFFUlD 8 The GiHlmoiher (comedy) .1000 14— Dolly, the Tomboy (comedy) (split 23—A Dangerona Play (drama) (three 9 When I’erslstency and Obstinacy Meet reel) . reels) . (dramai .1006 14—Dirk's Predicament (comedy) (epllt 25—The Unwritten law (drama) (three lO- .ts Fate Would Have It (drama).1000 reel) . reeda) . II Her Father's Hat (i-omeily) (s|illt reel) 700 16—The MUlIeealre Oop (comedy-drama).. 27— She Forgiven (drama) (two r.-ela) .... 11 Mammoth life Savers (comedy) (apllt 18—Rweet Alice, Ben Belt (two reela) 28— A Race For A Life (sen. ) (two reels) relltDg (comedy) .lOuO reel) . 19 Bunny All .\t Sea (comedy! .1000 28—Curing Hnbby (rowiedy) (split reel)... -Rarab Bernhardt 3 Feet for 25c 21— Four Ds.vs a Widow (comedy).I'SKi SO—A Cruel Stepmother (drama) . (two reel*) I’riiitiiiK iiiitl I b'yclopiii); for tli)* rr;i -LIgbte and Shadows of Chinatown (dra- 25— The Se|K>v Rclielllon (hist, draiiit) ... lissi (split reel) . 26 - In The Furnace Fire (drama).HkVi mai . 7—The Wreckers (drama) . •At Night Through Icelvrg*. 10—The Bridal R'S>m (drama) . ■The Jealons Impersonator. 12— A Brimx (>>cktall (comedy) (split reel) •The Miracle . 12—A Bad Tangle (comedy) (apllt reel).. Wr buy, sell and e.xchangc sec¬ 14 The Old Sweetheart (drama). MOHOPOL FILM CO. !• RticUrid** fvN’I.Y Mmlnf 17 The Fugitives (drama) . -Homer's (hlyasey (two reelal.. earborn .ftt.« Chicago, III. 21—The Taro Overroata (comedy) (^1t reel) . 21—Ronlfarto la Roclety (/omedy) (apllt FOR SALE MOVING PKTI'KK MAUHINKH for reel) . HAle cheftp l'ow(*r*4 Non. 5 and 6« F>1Uon*t Gne pin MOTION PICTURE OUTFITS WANTCDs A MiHinn Itotiiro TtiMtro In Iowa. Minn. Ma<‘hlr>e Fort Uavne f'ompennarc. 220 rolta: alao SO 28 -Tlie Mystrriona Auto (comedy) (split F^nterpfiac Gaa Maf'litnea. Ilka new. $22 00. FIIb. WfHtt Minit be a money maker and Sr Mof.# xrtA fnr «aU or etriiann. llAf- -a.... mmA dNm HtfKf fr.P 1*4 1 OCTOBER 19, 1912. X ti e Billboard





    A Few More | 3 reels-SAPHO~2>3oo feet. States Open 3 reels-DEADWOOD DICK-^.ooo feet. For These | 3 Reels-DALTON BOYS-s.ooo feet


    ATLAS MANUFACTURING CO., century building, ST. LOUIS, MO WRITE, WIRE OR TELEPHONE, OLIVE 2131. Xtie Blllt>oarcl OCTOBER 19, 1912.

    Watchers Column. | I l The brgesi Im (Continued from pajfe 17.) 1 NOW READY ‘‘Eut gentlemen,” remon.strated the i G < ^Sensational Act young man, aghast at the proposition, “I couldn’t think of it. Why, there are THE (NEW) 16th EDITION OF THE R ^ w the World. severe penalties prescribed for an of¬ EW ^ <■» SrwBd nia. fense of that nature.” T I_ altrwclloa. * * iT>^ Horn and miiHii hrtL “Oh, we’re only going around the Tl'i Jf"* ••«bl Irainrt a TbrUlIn* oir<-trl,n, square. C'omo on.” ^ llroworkn tlnlek "No siree. Not me.” • n Comtaina mani “Well, you start it and I’ll drive it.” I I ■■ 11 oriaiiinl and "No, couldn’t do that, either.” Cahn-Leighton X' dIartlinB leatt Iho 'V emutatore daro "Well, show mo how to start it. Do that much anyhow.” ^ ' / /// f «■ paitiniUn iti Thus pressed, the young fellow, re¬ \ \ y baout, nroad bmt Y ■/ ••. crowd.dmwiin luctantly, but very painstakingly, -l^oclauUi ieaiuie showed Morgenthaler how to crank it, and the latter, after several awkward ^^^^UONELUGARf efforts, got it going. Official Tlieatrical Guide HAFiPeOTW iPiWU.tOtVtR Bethlehem. P*. "Now jump in. I’ll drive,” he said

    climbing into the chauffeur’s seat. Boelaa'i Praodaet neaeL "Excuse me gentlemen. I cannot ac. company you and I urge you not to HfAIIIU A do this thing.” Agents "Ah. only around the square. Come Will find it correct and containing many new features of ^reat value And Bit Pamoua Plfty A on. How will 1 stop the thing if you band of rontpnlaad solo- are not along? I’ll take all the blame totheni. ^ lol* The premtev Italtaa hand and daahlug leader. If the owner kicks.” urged Morgen¬ Signor IVA vine. The band that Harab Ben- thaler. hardl went into eceia- "Well, just around the square.” .said clee over while It wee playing In Atlantic City. the victim, nervously climbing into Managers Heel band obtaltiable for parks fain and ripoet- the tonneau, "and plea.se hurry.” • •oM, Ad-tnwi MANA¬ Can iiralTord to be without one. GER O'AVINd'S BAND. P CambrIPpe St. Baetaa, T^• laciital (Mriy (xsfnded by tain* men la Maaa pattiai acroM ■ practical Joke. If wltely bar- netted and let to work, would enable them to pet alonp tmoothly with their wltet.witet. | ^ DUE DEVIl OllVEK Morgrnthaler hurried. He jammed - Ni(li Dhn a lever down hard and the car jumped , The wnrld'a youiigeal. htghaal r and bom ectontlAr Back Som- away to a (lying start. It bounced oc- Who are awake to every oppiortunity of lx*ttering their business should ' i eruult High IMvar. and kla TgQk jr HIch-IMvinp Hog V Na Car- casionaiiy, but only five or six times |)ossess one of these voluines and receive monthly a supplement .. Hoc maplete outBl Par par- • ^ ttculara ad<1rvwa OLIVER before they were out in the country wliicli will keep them tlioroughlv coiiversaut with tile theatrical SCHWttRM. I3T Wheolar BL. with Morgenthaler tugging frantically conditions, Tnnawanda. N T. at the brakes and levers in vain ef- New •ooNIng fair* anS forts to obtain control. CelebratienB. Each time the unwilling passenger _ ■ ^ ■ tried to climb into the front seat to Inf^nAI^TSmT IM AlA# FaSTIIHAO THE GREATZENOZ help, the devil wagon would make a ^CIIIb WW I } REAL ACTS, t wilder lunge or tilt and careen at , . . , ! ACT Na I—Warld'e oaly eaa- lacaad Bwinginp Black WRa some new angle. Then Patton would No old^iiifomiation uscd. If wc Call iiot give >011 tlic Corrected data, Kril.i act f— InuoduclBg wooPartM rrab wildly at him and drag him WC publish nOlie at all. I faau of ptiyaical anduranca H ibt High Plying Trapaaa Sorrecaiioa and OmaiIttaM Finally Morgenthaler managed to The Circulation of every pajx'r you use is given either by statement looking for Aoweihing eat el touch the right thing, and, with a Or guarantee. the ordlitary, write for tanae and lliorature dio^btng acta Addiam mighty jar. the car stopped—right in rp, . * .i . . • i i- i j i' • ■ . i i* TNE GREAT lENOZ. front of a road hou.se. 1 lie'distance to the iie.xt town is published. I reight rates and ship-i Care The Billboard. Claelaaatl. Obia "I^et’s have a drink” remarked p|; phlg rOUtCS givcil. , \ R»aari.w Morgenthaler. —^—— — -- ■■ . I kiomeeaawc Mammon Iwa ".\ drink,” observed the young fel- ~ | a-ii.a ^so.aoa owaawa

    “ The Price of the Guide and Supplement Is $1.00 I fix me up, and I could not stand your ■' o i ■ •ociety that long. Me for the trac- subscription noW. ] tion line and town.” And he went away from there.

    MorpenthairrMorpenthaler and Patton have heea plecfully g ” ■■ _ I ■■ I gB gg I g g fn^lllntretaillat the etory ever elner.elaee SomeSom^e day It will ■ ■ 1^ k Bli I ■ ■ I reachroach the victim’svictim’t can. Then the newtpapen will luue estraeevtrae with ccare-headi,ecare-hradi, and the aeweboyiBewtboyt will cry "Orribie Murder!" Ncw Amsterdam Theatre Building, L —■ -mil 214 West 42nd Street, •'>,» taeewvs WANTED NEW YORK CITY. A COMPETENT TRAP DRUMMER - AND CORNET PLAYER 117 J C* i. PI A I. • Mustliu«t be fully Mprrirnrrdexperienced and capable of plavlnpplacing T g’ 1O | g I O O ig B O THE STEINERTRIO atandar L-vIV o tJJM 11111^« AteStea<1vady work and goodpood wagew.wages. .Addrew.Address ORTHKI’MORPHKI'M I THK.ATRK.THKATRK. iTlnceI’rlnce Albert,Albert. Sank.Sask. Will wire ticket 1 | OO* All 1 ¥^1 • 1 to right party. M Liberty, October 19.) 91Z WANTED FOR FALL...... AND WINTER SEASON— October Zo, in Alabama and rlonda RmallSmall musicalmuolcal companies, auartettes,auartette*. novelty a<-ts, iubllce^bllce dliigers.sliigers. feature Aims. Mast be A No 1. ^ ■ PercentagePercentage. RoodGood show towntown. SCOTT INIXTIL’S. _\V RT | ()T,T( K_! CORNETIST Crystal Theatre. Mgntbne.Mrnlbne. Indiana. _ tkkVllXj | Kipprirnml, drains pfxiltinn In > Aral rlBa* orrh«* i tra gnd reltaidp AthlrnM FEMALE PARTNER WANTED rotp.Toung man plays piano, xylophone, mandolin, wants rnDlirT.CT o«r«of BlUboard. to break In musical act with girl partner. State If RAIN FIREWORKS DISPLAY CO. OF AMERICA,' wUnnCIIOIf CInoInnatl. OHio. idlant'lc* nty!''*>r* ^NAT GioNON. *230 Artie Are. j 220 WaBash Avcnue, - - - . - CHICAGO

    WANTED —YOUNG COLORED PERFORMERS A.X LIBERTY - (SCNO rOR IT For Mlnetrel Show. Good amateurs will do. Salary EXRERlCfMCEO low. but sure. Addreu J. C. A., care Billboard, Cincinnati. Ohio. I THEATRICIL MANAGERS, BOOKING AGENTS EXCHANGES ANO LYCEUM BUREAUS Trap Drummer ALGO LIST OF AMUSEMENT ARTISTS Play BeUs. Have pno,! line of Traps. Vaudavllle I* the United Stalee and Canada, alphabetically arraapad and MtXlon I'lrlura fi|iprlfi>rv AT LIBERTY Over 2.2t>u name* rnd addresees. PRICC 10 CCNTS Kh. i, KHYAN, Cmrroll. low. Arthur Fox dHUlRCH^PmNTrNGr CoT26-27 Opsra' PIsem, 'CINCINNATI, O. OLD TRUNKS Hlrniig Trunks Theatre Trunk, llarpalnt alwky* Ugtd or character comedy. Alto or Bass I>rum In MVeAb. 114 N. IPlh Bt, PklladaIpkiB. Pa. <•> Bat.d Address Castana. la., October 18; Uttla SiotlZ. years here Buys or tell*, any uuanllly. cash Some la . IP. Permanent addreai Valparalao, lad. , FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT. MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTIBERB. cheap BUI Triinha: alao Ptbra. Upht Walpht Bmin, OCTOBER 19, 1912. e B MWnOHMPICSHOWSKOHEt! «»! w! Make Barrels of it in the NEXT FOUR WEEKS SELLING Two Magnificent Colored Photographs Want=Can Place=Wan1 OF THE WINNING BASEB.4LL TE.4MS—THE **GIANTS'’ and <

    Fair* aiu) Olrbralluni tlirii l>

    j C SIMPSON. Ctarral Manafcr. CEO. S. MARR, C*a*ral Afoat ^ •'Ail 'JiB IP u> dl.nwiM.** 12« spben. Cl 9 fin "tn «>inpi«t«. POODLE DOGS ~—~ Buy our line and InerMu your proflu Th. raoM auraotlr* dug. on tk« GREAT SOUTHERN SHOWS NO GOODS SHIPPED market, well proportioned, plup'n etulfed. full fashioned bead, (ace, aeaa, WITHOUT DEPOSIT mouth and toe. defined by blark ^arn, glau life-like eyea. fine . 'j fualMv FURNISH ALL ATTRACTIONS FOR ‘ w. II... ‘“<1 *‘>'**- ‘'•cb ha. . .Ilk rlbbuu bow In different caloiB. or AmuMBent Uoodk. ,, Inr* ee blah, per irr.>A». 54.00 12 ikcktt kifhg for trou . 72.00 PADUCAH, KY. SLACK MFC. CO., 337W. Madison St..CHICAGO, ILL. BIG CHARITY CARNIVAL-MAIN STREETS First Time In Five Years STREET CARNIVAL WEEK OCTOBER 21 TO OCTOBER 26 I WANTED-FREE ATTRACTIONS, MERRY-GO-ROUND, Au«pl<'r« 1. o o M So *SA. I.47« KeiDemt»er. this Is th« week the 1. C. Rallmad pars j \V.%NTF1» Three itiitrr m >ral oww that will imH conflict Will consider A-l Fire or tWreii'iD'OM. Klectne ' Theatre featurlic Wild West filmiii. elso I'lantatlon Miiet be fiiod. Three abore iriren rreference. WIU plare limited tiurut>ef letfitlmatr rotKe*%«t(>r>s Nn girl show* or >utMs ronttder this a*\e\ rtjii*.. lights. adTance. p4.4.>icnger. baiuL ticket and bagfage wagons, cagt vtiv i fAc. iMnui.ctc imi.iI rfMth for the road aU In A-1 ('ontiitlon. to- ' gether with the use of the cop>rlKlllt^l tUU Will ncU at I argain piu't* tor mHti. or to respoualbla partial, part can remain on time, or would trad** for any dosirablf Kaxtem tea) oiaie .ir for elepliants or rallroM ahow property In good condltloi;. Atidie^'^ AL. F WHEELER, Oxford. Pa., wliete ilu ouitit ran be seen anf ...ROLL TICKETS...! time after iVtober le. Tour Own Rpodol Ttekot. any ortuilnt. front and kark LOOK THESE PRICES OVER Newton, Kans., Big Fall Festival 6.000 $1.25 20,000 $4.00 60.000 $6 00 OCTOBER 21st to 26ih, INCLUSIVE. 10,000 2.60 30.000 5.00 lUO.OOO- 9.60 ■tKk TlckWa, RU Onu . IliauMnd SPECIAL TICKETS FOR PARKS. BASEBALL, MERRY.BO-ROUNDS, ETC. Mul.-k MilpmMit. .rrurai. niimhOTtiig guaranteed Cadi wllk oetlat ; na C. O. D. ALL LEGITIMATE CONCESSIONS FOR SALE WRITN rilR HAMI'LRS To Street Fair \\ orkers .\ddn's.s, PRI\1LI-.(H, CO.MMIIIEE, Newton Commer¬ ROYAL TICKET COMPANY, Shamokin, Pa. cial Club, Newton. K:ins;is SEND oiaanAM roa acscavco acATa. FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT. MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITIN8 AOVEBTIBEBB. 42 Xtie Billboard OCTOBER 19. 1912.

    coDiiianlri In the East. Bring thr onlr com¬ pany to produce the coWra of nature It will b« New York. Oct. 10 (Special to The Billboard). neceaaary to make as many producticna aa a number of the black and white oumpanlea com —The Kinemacolor Company reports many ap blned. OPERA HOUSE DIRECTORY pllcationa for film service as a result of the ad Among the artists who went West with Mr vsrtlslng sent out last week, a large percentage Miles are many familiar names. Including the Misses .Mabel Van Buren. Htella Baaetto. Ruby of these replies being sent by telegraph. Con¬ Rosa. Ethel Darla and Linda A. Uriffeth. also Op«ra House and Thaatra Managars, Writa for Spacial Ratat In tracts are being closed, and the Kinemacolor Messrs. Gaston Bell, CharbHi Fleming. Jack fllm aerrlce will be established immediately In Brnmmall, Charles tlaydon, William Brown. Qny This Diractory. Oliver. Cecil Mangus. Robert Broderick. Ernest a numoer of moving picture and vaudeville Joy and Murdock MoQuarrie. WILLIAMSTON Pesulatlea. I.SM bouses. The accompanying Illustrations show portions FLORIDA. t «' KK.N.Mrrr. Manager. Pnrsnlng their policy of extension. David of the Kinemacolor Company’s offices, which Nrw MtiUwt . wAtliig rail S5o Htage, 14 lilies, director In charge of the dramatic depart¬ comprise the whole floor of the Mecca Building SANFORD. Pesulatlea. $.WM frri 15 ft uii«*tiliig N»»» imyiito Want at Broadway and Forty-eight Street. This el J F KAK.NATZ. Manager vlUr «uer all Wantad high- iS fret Want Road Hhowr. Vaudeville, etc. class attractions. Good sliow town Write KlMEMACfOLOR OFFICES. NEW YORK, GEORGIA. CANANDAIGUA. Pasulallaa, 16.606. MOULTRIE. Pssulatlaa, 1,006. K G IHIDDR. Manager J H WILSON, Manager Davidson Theatre, capacity, l.suu. Have tooa ofwa Kathleen Tlieairt. I iider new managemenL The time for nrxt class one night itsnda or good repar- only theatre In toum. We want ths bast ahowa (utre ai-'-pat.les I'lider uew managameai Wrtta ai coming this way. Write or wlra. wire.


    BEDFORD. Pesulatlea. 10,000 IHIRIN. Pesulatloa. 4.000 W. H McCORMICK. Manager i A. WKIQUT A BONS. Managers. Stong City Operg Bouse, cspgi-lty 6<>ti. .New mgn- Irwin Opera Rouse, rap too. KeeryihUu w la dale, nothing better for tbe alae. Biwlnaaa good Fat tgeraent. Kverythlng up-to-dgtg. Beat show town open time and terms write. in the state. MONTGOMERY. Pegs IOWA. O U HI'KMFIKTKB. Maul Grand Opera Rouse, cspadly I.ISO. AMES. Pasulatloa. 4.22S; Stufeati, 2,200. proecenljm oprntng. 24 feet. Want stands or stock compaiUrw. JAMES WOODWARD. Manager Wanted good Atugctloua for aegsoo 1012-11 Bouse haa Dot beeu opened yet this seasoa Good Musical Comedy, write. Will book nothing but flnt-claae attractions. Address all mall to JAMES WOOD- DENISON. Pepslgtlea, 10.000 W.LRD. Box 1T5. .Ames. Iowa H UAiiAfrr HriKiliptoiM <>prra llouv. <*ei*iiAll> loi-Atfil. grtJUo4 door. 5<*lll4» fMTt. fully w»Alt TfopuiAt KENTUCKY, pfirv* KAllruAtl totiti; moitihty p4>roU. $254) mii«

    CATLETTSBURG. Pesulatlea. 6.000 HI B.\8 A YORK, klanagen .NVw Justice Tlieatre. seats 5uv, stage. 64x22 Wants road shows, stock and musical comedlaa. You can get tbe money here. Wrlu or wlra

    Secretary’s office. MICHIGAN MAflklN. Paswlatlea. AOOO EVART Pegwiattea. I.OOg. M ORZKCK. Manager. O E MILLS. Manager Majeetic Theatre, capacity, tvu. l.grga Mags, alsc- A lire one. Uou.se scats 50U, new siwnery, alectrlc trlc light, well hegtetl. gruuiMl floor otie-ahffitgra light, furnace beat, dreaalng ruoms, piano or orebaa- good stork and musical comedy companlea write toe oa. Booking good attractions 1012-16. open time.

    KALElf PLATERS IN JACKSOVTILLE. The Toronto Glob.-; ”\lr. Farersbam’a pro- iluctiuD uf Julius Cat ear, vtblcU had Its premier Jacksonville, na.. Oct. 10 tSiiecial to Tb. perfuruiaure last eernlug. will pass Into the Billboard).—This city will again be used tbis Uistory of the Eingllsh s|,eaklug stage as one of winter by tbe Kalem Company aa a held ot the most notable routrlbutloos to Shskesp, arlan o|ieratioas. Tbe past two winter siasons bat> drama of modern tlm<-a.” l>e< n siieut bere. Arrangements have been made with C. L. Mesrs of Ibis city to furnish a Toe Mall and Empire; ”lt la many a long number of saddle borses to be usesl in wjr year alni-e Toronto baa wltnessetl tlw premier of scenes. The p*-rsouuel of the company is a- such a notable reeteal i»f Mr Faeersbam’a pro follows: .Anna Nellson. Miriam Cooper, liar- durtloD of Julius Caesar, and It will stand as garet CoutouDt, Mia. Coutouot, and Guy Coombs. a red letter night In the theatrical history ■ f the city for a long time to come.” Hal Clements, lleury llallam, Storme Boyd, Jr., Sam Stillw ell. Jesse Falanu and Lynn Dow lug The Toronto World: ’’Alt get her Mr Faver Mr. and Mrs. Earle Bradburry, Mr. and Mrs sham's produrtloo was one worthy of the hlgbe.i praise tod It will lire In tbe memory of tb


    rhlladelpbla, 0.-t. Iv tSi>eclal tu Tbe Bill A General .Charles D. Ilermaa board).—Tbe employrea ot tbe l.ublu Mutluu t’lc A IKicior .Nirbolaa Burnham lure Company were given an upitortuuil) to w-c A Secretary .Jameg Devore Lilllau KuHsell before tbe camera last .\louds} Altaier of Ceremonlen . k'rank Huagill A Herald .Rae Healer She and her buKliaud, Alexander Moure, prsed Stenographic room—Publicity department. An officer .Karl Taedaker fur Dearly l.uuu feet of Him. which Mr Mu»n F.rat Spy .Cbarleg Glocker sa.va be wauls for bla own private ui,e 1 h> Seiottd Spy .Charles Bmkate fair Lillian acted a comedy rule, f..|l.iwed ( > ■ Mlairtaa of tbe Robeg .Nina I’arke one of tragedy, god In tbe Interval purirajed a ,'borua girl. Civil and Military Mandarlua. Chinese Soldiers. Manebu Boldlera, Exeentlnnera, Merrbagta, Populace, etc., etc.' CHICAGO FILM NOTES. New York. Oct. IS iHpeclal to “Tbe BlllboardI —The Daughter of Heaven, a dramatic apeciacle Tbe Amusement Supply Company baa adiled by I’lerre I.«'tl and Judllb Gautier had Its world several more display rooms to their quarters lu premiere here yesterday at the Cgoiory Tb,-atre Chicago and now control tbe entire fr-inl hall The iMnghter of Heaven la tbe moat gorgeous of tbe fourth floor of the building In which they and magnlflrent production of any play ever are located. This concern la under tbg man men on an American atage, not even ex¬ agement of .Mr. Traub, a yjuug man whose cepting The Garden i»f Allah. The prodocera knowledge of tbe game la very complete. have bei n promising aomething wonderful In Harry Lewis, who is In Europe purebaslug this play ana have spared no ei|M‘nse and effort features for bis concern lu '.'blcago, Ihe 6'eature lo make The Daughter of Heaven the most mag Film hales Company, Ltd., haa advlM-d this nifleent plav e»er prodiirerll| * Co . of Milan lures which be considers aome of the best sub Italy, and are simply wnmlerful. Keprem-nta jecis be baa so far purchased. lives f»f the I.Irbler (nmpany have tonr^ rhlna The meeting which will form tbe iiermaDenl with eapeelal regard lo reproducing the actual organlxatlon of the Cb'cago Senen dub will be scenes and mndltlnna In that country. Even held on lburearoeks. b.>rm-a and pigs to make the prodne ex|iected that a hundred or more application* tlon more reallstir and lo blend more harmon will be presented at this time. loualy with the Chinese rhararfera In a word. Ihe prodiii era have fiilfllled every promise they made and tmve simply awed by the reauM of FATERSHAM'g REVIVAL their effortn. (Continued from page 7). The story la another Romeo ami Juliet with Faverab 'u’a prtNluctlon of Hliakesiieare'a Julius' Ihe scene transferred to China The title role Ca>-sar wa.« given here last night at the Royal la idavcd hy VtiJa Allen, and she ronld not poa Alexandra Temple by a company of noted actor* s'hly have done heller work lYie Daughter of 'art of machine testing ronnii and actrcsBcs, Including William Favershani Heaven la Ihe Rmpreoa of Clilna, Ihe dynasty of Tyrone Power, Fuller klelllah, Frank Keenau Jsne WUealley and Julie Opp TIte house was corapgBlea are to proceed at once to the new MOTION PICTURE NOTES. Kinemacolor studloa at Hollywood, Los An s,ild out and from all indlcatloDB Ihe play Is to f:elea. where they will be permanently eatab- he an unpri'cetl.'uted aiicceaa Mr. F'avershaiii lahed. The third will create productions that The Filton County Ainiisemenf Company will played the r»>le of .Mark Antony, and certalnl.t have been pn-pared for months, using the glor- shortly ois-D In Gloversvllle. N. Y.. a new iiiov did lilmselt justice lu rendering tlie fuueral ora tooa wouderland of tbe Grand Canyon for a ing iilrture theatre to be known aa the Hlp|>o Hon over the lesly of Caesar. Tyrone Power's background. Tie color fllma will catch every drome The eoiiipan.v will iip and Mias Jane Wheatley, a* New Mexico and Arlaona, where naeful local tore releases, vaudeville acta will tie present -d Portia and Calpurnla rea(>ectlvely, were excel color may be obtained. Anita Hendrle Miles from time to time. lent and gave line Interpretations of these char win accompany the Western party as general Groves and Nolan are erecting one of the nn f aclers. Ihe scenery and coaliimes. from the de ecenarlo editor. tiest and most up to-date motlrm picture theities signs of the late Kir Alma Ta<|enla, were beau After klr. 6(lles baa started tbe companies In Chicago They exiiect lo run licensed nlctiires tiful. Tlie ciitlca all agree that the Aral |ier at work he will leave them In charge of Frank of tbe latest releases. In comblnatbin with < ne- formaure was an uuparalled ancresa and that It Woods and Jack Le Saint, both well known dl set vaudeville or two govid songs. Tbe tiiesire deserved all tlie praise It reeelred. A few ei rectors, and be will return to make op new will be known aa the Eden. cerpta will bear wltneas to tbla; OCTOBER 19, 1912. X li e Billboard 43 Semi-Centennial Industrial and Historical Celebration OF FRANKFORD, PHILADELPHIA. PA 7 Days and 7 Nights, 2 Saturdays, coiimiriH-inj' Oct. 20 to Nov. 2, inclusive. The Bij? One of the Season. Free on the Streets. One Million Five Hundred Thousand within t lie fiv(«'’ent car-fare zone. Under the auspices of the Frankford Board of Trade and Merchants' Association. Shows and Concc.ssions will Im* located in Public Park on .Main .Street, in centre of city. Each Day a Big Day—Each Day a Feature Day. = -^^PROGRAM-::- - Satunlay, Octolwr 2*i-Grand Opening and Dedication.' 3\I)n lay.'October 2S—In liistrial Div. Tuesday—Fraternal Day; Twenty- live Thiai.sand Pr-ople in line. Wedne.sday—Baby Parade—dl.st, Hallowe’en and Fantastic Parade at nif^ht. Friday, Nove nber 1 —Ilistorica 1 Parade. Saturday, Nov. 2—Parade of all School Children in the city. WANTED—I'irst <-lass shows and attractions and all kinds of legitimate concessions and privilej'es. Write or wire to VICTOR D. LEVITT, care Rudolph Bros., 19 N. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Telephone, Mfirket 1955.

    OUR NEW DIAL STRIKER BIG U making k tremendous hit with Roadmeo kod Concessionaires. A striking machine of new and We Want Concessions noTel design that has gotten away from the old tlme-wom Hlgh-Strlker. Standing orer ten feel In height, and surmounted with a handsomely MONEY decorated dial, four feet In diameter. Easy ta FOR TOUR SOUTH set up. and can be lotated anywhere; comas apart In four-foot sectioa. for shipping; weight I'.verythin^ ojxm i xcept Poodles, (dass Ware and Cook Hou.se. Will only 250 pounds. Special Introductory price. j^ive Shootiii}' Hallery and Pop Corn Wajjon exclusive for little money. 185.00 The New "African Siide" Prunswick.-Mo., Oi'tolMT It-P), I’unkin I'air on Streets; Richmond, Baii Game I .\lo., OctolwT 21-2»>. lioustiTs’ Club (U know ), on Streets. Both of Latest and best derlce on the "dip" Idea; a ten- foot stairway, three feet wide, with steps that the.se dates are .\-l privilcj^e towns. collapse when target Is hit. I'sed either with or without water tank, and with lire negro or clown. Price of outfit, with backstop, netting and ball.. $50.00. Rest waterp-oof canraa tank. tS.Od Address, RICE & CORE WATER SHOW. additional. Send for cataloitue. J. M. NAUGHTON CO., DON’T FORCET! SIX DAYS, SIX NIGHTS! 1 Hotel Mayer Bldg., Peoria, IMInolt. MAKE $10 TO $20 PER DAY The biggest money cAn be mAd# now with one of our New Po#t Card .Machines. Takes and de* relopes and finishes photos la Pensacola Inter-State Fair les.s than 30 seconds. No dark room required. Kxperlence un¬ OCTOBER 28 to NOVEMBER 2 necessary. The circus and carni- ?a1 sea.son is on. (fperators ar# coining money everywhere. Small Investments; big profits. Be your $68.75 WANTED—FEW MORE GOOD SHOWS own boss. Writ# for our Itlt free catalogue. JAMESTOWN Can place platform shows, also ridine devices, exclusive. Clean, legitimate con- FERROTYPE CO.. 1113 8. Hal- PROFIT IN ONE DAY Cf.s.«.ioiis come on. No gamhling. No exclusives except novelties ami Tetldy bears; •ted St, Chicago. III. iMitbsold. I’addle wheels will work .\ddress all communications to Thtt't ^r^»t Il^rlon Elv>n. of North !>•- WANTED kota imira W H Adkloa Taxaa. vrltaa: BEN H. KLEIN, Box 722, PENSACOLA, FLA. "Madr rlr*»n dollar. ywtwdaT " 1*. C. (GOING SOUTH) Rpurtordi. Moiitai.a. aara "Makluf monrr at- »n Btnutr" Tarkloftoii. l4>uUlai>a. wrtua "I mad. tSl IS at a plmlr today " Thiv r* all aakliic btf Boii«y with tb« tiMl boimj- frttrr at loday

    “Mjidei” PiNti Post Card MadHH ■■■■ "■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ « ■ homa. Okla., Oct. 17; Mountain Park. 18; Snydar It; MANAGER AT LIBERTY Hrdiick 20-21. Unc show a dav. Address K. J. -- RlHiEKS Makm I diffMtnt atylat af piduna—Poal Carda. SilS and !iS InrhM -alao 1-locfe PlwMo Ruttona. No .xpwtBx. raqulrw)—d# cantaaalnc oo valtlnp oo dallTarltt la cal- UrI pmSta llaaaant. baakhrul. outdoor inHN A MAPiK Wanted-Young Lady contor- work -all or apar. tlaa—Iratallnf ar at hoaa Wondarful. nm pbotocrapblr dlaco

    a wwrdarful Barhina that takaa. flnlsbaa at once. 2o years’ practical experience as perfomier and | WAR I tU, An UifcKAlOK and .'allTara tbraa orl(1nal pboln poat carda par Blnula RICHT l>N TUR HINlT whara manager. Wire or write. 364 Hooper St., Brooklvn, N. Y. ™n%'2lh'“6‘or^9uitf^^ ?ow«t““.i7J? you taka tbaB No ram la pay—no proftu to - anw York City. ; ||| 1 J H "4* much money orer And Aboee All eti>en«eA. Write today for miuplete FRKR INFOR- M.kTIoN Wanted-LADY MINSTRELS•• »»r‘ ' Wanted -POSltlOO COMPLETE OUTFIT ONLY S26. First-class Lady IManLst. also Drummer. Can sing, tM.KVER NOVKLTY ACT. of two or thr## UdiM. that ran Mng In first part, or play character pari In after- manage house, paint sigas. banners, etc., also paint ThU pay* for "Mindel" No S Mai'blne and picture decorations. Ver cent or salary. Small town plis'e Muat b# worthy of headlii>e PimUIoii. VtH'Al.lSTS that can play part#. Mast be strong enough to complete outfit, with Itwi large And 100 •mall preferred, or will lease boase. State all first letter. r«wt t‘Ar«l« Hale of HuMdlee that mm# U> f«aturr IJ^OY Ml'Sin.WS for Haiul tno parade), that double orchestra or stage. Send photo (which will you with (lutfit practhwlLy give# you baefi Iw returnr^l). and state full particulars tn first letter Remember tn quottni: «alan'. twenty-four weeks* HARRY MACK, entire tneeatment and you hate the hudneaa work without a lay-olT; no commUidou or baitgage to pa>. Adtlresa LADY MINSTRELS, car# Tk# BllilMard, clear and fully eatablUheil You begin mak* ClaciaaiH. OhI#. 310 N.'Gth St. - Hamilton, Ohio. Ing money the eame day your outfit arrlrwi. Immnllate aalee ImmeelUie profite Writ# rifkt NOW (NHnplete lnform#tlon KHFK. Ad* FOR STRINO OF FAIRS IN COTTON COUNTRY dreei either oQli'e WAHTED* WANTED WANTED Tke Chicago FerrotYpe CoiRpaiY R. F. Song and Dance romedlan. also Sketch Team. With the Great International Shows Must be up In Meil. busines.'*. No buose Ao.'^wer by Kill Farralypa Balldlat, Cbleapa, ML letter only, and state aU. E. E MEYERS. Meyers* ar On# or twti mor* nwl Bhow.. girl or »kud»vlll». and Oilnd Sh^w Opening for good 81«-ln-Oti«. Can use Comedy Co.. Grand Meadow. Minn. Daft KlfS. PablU Baak Bldp., ^ Com-nMlona. AIm want giKXl Arrlal Frw Attraction*. A’'dr«aa Snydrr, Okla.. ttet 14-19; jackaboro, Texaa, Oct 11-Ik. M..ldlan. Trxa*. itrt. 28-No* 1. All fain And plenty mar* to follow, NEW VOBK CITY. AT LIBERTY WANTED, Strong Straat Cornat WANTED After Oct. Sth To ibmlda aamiid finlln. No*ally Rllant Act. Miiat work . MINKH A KlUXIRR aRKATKR tMlIIM'AN MINirrHKI.R tlraanTlIla. ML One Tent Show and Pit Shows Violinist and Pianist till* iwllabi* iVilorrd Parformrr for 8taga Managvr; rends Wh»*l. to Join by wlr*; a few mor* Cnnceiaiona. If I Man and wife. Both rrad. Prqfer Plctur* Rhow. you want to gri wbrr* th* aionry It. j>'ln at onca. W't play th* blggost and bent towna. ABBOTT A ODER- but wUl trareL Salary modersta. Rafaranoia itraa. W»M.lllild Cit Nmitl Acts KIRK SHOWS, Marl*a, N. C., w**k Oclabar 14 GaBaty. S. C., w**k Oct. 21: Laaaatftr, B. C.. weak Oetobar If you n*«d ut. write. It, kusglMa Ball T*a«: 81. Mattkew , B. C., aa Fair Graaadt, w**k Noraaibar 4. kavlai fall aaatr*l; Laaraat, thi peri'ent. for l*trtur# Mhow. Addfwm ICANAOn WM. FLCEGER, BROOKPORT, ILL. HT\k THKATHK. 0#n#fA. lit B. C., w*ak NtvcBkar II. 44 Xtie Blllt>oarcl OCTOBER 19, 1912.

    LONDON LETTEB. anything to the role or to her Interpretation of Meri'dlth Bisters. Idttle Lord Roberta and Dare It, and this last uaed to be nut lucuualderably (CoDttnui-d from page 19.) Brothers. brilliant. But one could wish that when she Walnut (Anderson A Ziegler; Willis F. Jack Tba proicraiu at tba ralladlum tbia week Ia returns to UB, and slugs before a Parisian pub¬ Union Booking Office parlicniarl; briirbt and entertaluiDK. Eadle and son. res. mgr. I Tbe White Slave. lic. that she would forget some of her 'manner Em|>ress (Sullivan A Consldlne; George F Bamaden—tbe former a funnj danclnc cbap, and isms,' which are of course quite proper before an tbe latter a iin-it; wmbrette, preaeut a nket.-li Fish. rea. mgr.) Lew Fields' Fun on the (K-eau. WANTS VAUDEVILLE ACTS Auieilcan matinee of negroes, but which, here The Three Alex, Harry Bauber, Sylvester aud entitled Cbarlte'a Vtalt. dark and Evelyn are In K'auce, are utterly misplaced.” atm In tbe bill In A V’audevllle Qalt-k l.uucli. Vance, Inei Lawson. OF ALL KINDS Pretty tough on Mary—aud the U. 8. Whatl On>besm (1. M. Martin, mgr.) Pantagea vau wbicb they keep alive witb np to-date alluaiuua. ♦ Dalay Janiea and Mlaa Evle Greene are alao on devllle. Musical Comedians. Cirrus Acta. Can give tan wsaks Mile. Prevoat, It Is said, will go to tbe Theatre Standard (Columbia Am. Co., mgra I Girls the bill. Jnrdan and ilarvey, tbe Hebrew cu Michael for a series of [•erformancea. short Jumps at gintl salary, guarantsad tlma. Writa liiendun boDHea. apiiear here for tbe flrat time. On the site of the former Theatre dea Matbn- They fully auetain tbeir reputation aa acreaui rlns. It la said, a new theatre, a tiny little Ingly funny artiatea. Tbe well-known coon fellow, seating but 600 people. Is to be built. delineator. EuKene Stratton, preaenta bla new eoeal aeene, entitled Uncle Jaaper. witb undimln lahed auceeaa. bia aoiiK. She Don't Like Me Like CINCINNATI, OHIO She Uaed To Do. brinfclnit down the houae. Ilan» and Greta are two intelligent ai>ea. They walk (Continued from page 19.) and run about, ride biryriea. dance, lunch and In fact do everythiuK but talk. Another new- tbe wllda. In her usual charming manner. She Cou)er waa Vllmoa Weatonfc, a Hungarian planiat, weara aome attractive gowns during tbe third wbo waa billed aa “freab from American tri aud fourth acts. Hayes Ureenwalt as her father, •mpba." He proved bimaelf a brilliant player, dots justice to the role. Two other characters bia concert fantaale from Tbannbouaer captivat¬ that deserve s|«elal mention are Uioae of Baman ing tbe bouae. tba 'iubba, played by Mrs. bteelamitb and Arthur ■.'ollin* baa Juat engaged Dan Rolyat Joshua Tubbs, by Ted V, Arniaud. Two nu to be chief romedlan In the next Chriatmaa pan¬ grateful roles are well taken care of by Bdwtna tomime at Drury I.ane Tlieatre. and Mlaa ^or Levine and Mrs. Wheatcroft. Stanhope Wheat- ence Rmitbaon to be the leading lady. Mr. Col cruft, as the son, does nicely. Others In the llna luteuda to make ainging a more Important cast are James Duncan and Edwin Dale. Tbe feature tbia time than In prevlona pantomimea Bettings are elaborate. At the Tuesday, Thurs¬ at Drury Lane, and ao baa engaged Mlaa Cmith day aud Saturday matlneea Mlaa Puynter played aon for the prlncl|)al female role and Mr. Wll uvr old success, Lena Rivera. feed Douthitt. the baritone, for hero. The role A good bill waa presented at tbe Empress last of principal boy la now to be dlapenaed with n*ek, which opened with Tbe Bimbos, eccentric The autbora of tbia year'a pantomime will bi comedy aciohala. The (Quaker Maids, next, bad George R. Slina and FYank DIx. they have goii, one of the heat acta on tbe bill. Tbeir singing for a aubject to two Engllah fairy atorlea pleased ImmeuBely. DeNoyer aud Dane. In The neither of which haa been uaed before at Drury College Student, followed, and were well liked. Lane. The Moaarta. snow shoe dancers, offered some thing out of the ordinary. John Neff ap|«ars next to cloeing aud was apiilauded repeatedly for THE WEEK IN PABIB. bla work aa a comedian. ’The beadliuer, Clrcnm (Continued from page 19.) atantial Evidence, closed the show. It la a a lad and felt Inatlncllvely that he muat have well-written sketch full of comedy and pathos been a girl. or a woman—for we get our Ideaa and well acted. af bUtory more from tbe atage (ban from booka. The Orpheum on Walnut Hills opened In a We read hlatory aud forget It; we aee hlatory blase of glory last week with Pautages vaude (on the atage I and tbe memory ataya with uv vllle. and an exceptionally One bill waa offered. alwaya. Indications point to a moat aucceaaful season. rierre I'radler, Monalenr Pierre Pradler, If Tbe big act waa tbe Surf Bathers, a tabloid you pleaae, haa taken up tbe role of L'Alglon at musical comedy, presented by Jack King and tbe Theatre Sarah Rernhardt. He la a very Viola March, and a company of eight girls young mau. and gulte girllah, to be true, but Stunning coctumea are worn. Llbonatl, billed at III he la a male juat the aame. To abow juat as a master xylopbonist. proved to be a clever bow young and glrllab he la, tbe night of bla manipulator of bla Inatrument. A novelty d»g • rat ap|>earaure, a telegram waa banded to him. set |>res<‘Uted b.v Del Baity and Jap, opened tbe which be ii|M-neopalar The only Illusionist before the public today that is the onpinalttr and inventor of •THKR L'Alglon It read; Bunga, caused tbe audience to wish for more. L. "Already aa»un-d of your great and legitimate H. Rose and Com(iauy, presenting A Matter of .\LL the Illusions ho uses GREAT AND ONLY RHYNATA. World’s Master Illusionist, ancceas. I am with you with all my heart and Custom, secured many laughs. Shaw and Wil tend to you my alncereat fellcltatlona. aon, comedians. In tbeir sketch. Back to Mis care Billboard, Chicago, Ill. "Signed. SARAH BERNHARDT." auiirl, were well liked. Mareena and Dglton The ytpiing actor at flrat turned white, then Brothers have a neat acrobatic act. Three abows bliiahed to the color of a roae. claaplng the a day will be given at the hill-top bonse. deai.ati'h to bia boaom In delight. He read the matinee, evening and cabaret. The winter gar mev>ag<' and reread It afterwards, and waa den. with Its newly arranged and beautifully “ACME” THEATRICAL TRDRK a|M'. • lib >• w ith joy. like a eeboolgirl who has decorated cabaret, la a striking feature. carrbil ..rf valedictory honora or the elocution Harry Haating'a Show proved to he very en A SENSATION OF STRONGNESS priae. tertalning at tbe Standard last week. It Is a GUARANTCfD FOR FIVE VEARB musical extravaganza In two acts. The com UsauattlasaMy the kttt Prafttaiasal Traak ea ths Msrkat. rs- ROSTAND. pany, a large one, la beaded by Sam Sidmai •araitst at ariea Mared, every roU The Theatre Imperial, new and quite like a the I'antages Vaudeville Clreiilt. was In th* guaranteed. Spweial Prioas for tha Big Roll Tiekat. lovely bsndiHix. o| emsi this week, not only Its citv last week looking over the show at th 5,(KK)—$1 -J.i '»0,(KK)—$4 »>() .id.lMK)—$ 7 .j() season hut Its career. This playhouse la tbe Orpheum. M. M. Wolfson. of the Ortiheum staff 10,000— J.'jO 'io.CKKV— 5 .'>0 KMI.IKK)— 10 (N) conception of Paul Franck and la a credit to 1 will he associated with Matthews In Chicago bim. the decorations, lighting effecta, seating while I'antages vaudeville Is being played at that Prompt shipment, (’aah with the order. ('Ol’PO.N TK'KKTS, 5.0(K)—$2 .’iO. arrangement, ctmiforta for tbe patrons, and all. house. 1x2 STtK'K TK'KBTS—SI.X (’KNT.'4 (let the samples being i|ulte of the beat. Nellie Revell. ahead of the Bhnlierts Winter Igi Petite Jasmine iThe Little Jasmine) was Garden Company. In The Whirl of Society, was NATIONAL TICKET CO.. - Shamokin. Penn. tbe oiienlng bill, it being likewise new. Also In the cItv last week preparirg for the engage, It was simple and "cosy" enough to fit In per menf of this hig show at the Lyric, week of RESERVED SEAT COUPON TICKETS-SERIAL OR DATED. fectly with the playhouse which It inaugurated. October l.T. She was a visitor to The nilllKiard Almost the playhouse didn't open, as one of office October 8. ATTE NT ION tbe Rogers boys wtiuld have remarked years A street earnlval waa held in Elmwood Place, ago. For at the last minute certain properties, near Cincinnati, week of October 7, under the BUILT promlscii for the opening, were not ready, and aus|>iees of the Moose Lodge. The Robinson NEW ap to a few mlnntea prior to the time set for th'- United Shows furnished the attractions. PAINT OR doors to open, the articles were still missing. Victoria Allen, an actress, while In Cincinnati But the busy little general secretary. Fernand last week, was robbed of some plumes snd SELL SCENERY USED Lamy, dashing about all the day, at tbe last clothing vsined at 1100 She reported to the OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST. moiient came tearing up to the playhouse with police that some ore entered her room In a local hotel and broke open her trunk. The largnt plant of tta kind In America ('airy In stork Interior and Fiterlnr Rcenerv to fll any alasa or just the furniture which waa needed. hall Give (Jimeiialona of alaar and prorweiiliim npei'lng ahrti makliiz Innulrle. Bonita and Lew Hearn were hilled to apnea' As the Ifuiv of fate would have It. the new RICHARD GUTHMANN tCENERV BTUOIOt. theatre Is built upon tbe site of wbat was tbe at Keith’s. we<-k of October fl. but flnding that 1314-1325 Looaiit Placa. Cblca«s. Illlaalt. bigg' St furniture warehouse In France. they were not advertised as headliners Informc' Manager Doran that If they were not given that SOME NOTES. Ihenm WIntc Iji Travlata. Garden. MUSICIANS WANTED Mile. Garden." says the critic, "la perhaps ■ Moving plrtnres were taken. Octo)»er «. of ofll the most 'personal' and tbe most strange of all FOR JOHN W. VOGEL'S BIO CITV MINtTRELB. clala at the City Hall, arenes about Hiigtii- Violettas. And this 'strangeness' doesn't add Rlld* Tromlton*. band and orHieatra; t'oniet. to douM* xd vtnlln: Kntihnidum. to double td violin, t'ornsi. High School a flag rush at ftie Universitv. also band and orclieetra. t'larinei. band and omtieeira other flrat rla« hlu.liian*. HIngeia. Dantvra. t'oaedlan* at the Workhouse and Infirmary. On October P and Spet-tall.ta iiiltabl* fir Mlnalrel rnterialnmeid Sla'e l.o\V4:ST .alary. I iiay Ai.l, Mud |nln at one*, pictures were tsken of snimala st the Zoological or arlildn tiro week. Addr«aa JOHN W VOGEL. "Th* Mlaitr*! Klaf." Bala Owaar Bad Maaat*e. rsals: Gardeus and views of the pollre parade. Over Frailburt, M4 , Ortaber 14; LanaMSlnt Md . 13' Kayicr W. Va., 15; Mfyeetdal* fa, 17: Oarrsfl. Fa. IS; Bmw«II, Pa., 15; Barasibar*. Pa., 22; Blalrivlllt, Pa.. 23; iBdlaaa, Pa., 24; Vaadartrlll, Pa, I3l ? fgin feet of the Cincinnati dim have tieen taken Tarenlum, Pa., 25 Motion pictures of Darkest Cincinnati, or" (lured by the Anti TutierculosIs Teegiie wc'. shown In varlona picture Ipinses last wedr Mayor Hnat. together with other omclals, wit passed the dim and expressed svmpathy with TICKETS the lesgue'a camtialgn on Its crusade of hetti-r AT LIBERTY—Good Piano Player housing Attractions for the W' ek of October 14 follows- Hut don’t reud music. .\m wiUt, steridy un>l relialile Playing Inis i»f iny own I COUPON AND STRIP Grand (John H. Havtln. mgr ) The Girl of M( romiKmitions. KxjM-nence Picture Shows and I lancing SehiHils. For tlaneing, niy Dreams, with John Hyama snd lella Mclntvr< THKHI IS SUT ONE BEST—TMOSK MADE ST time is jierfect. (’/an join any place Address, lyric (James Eenneeeey, mgr.) The New Vos' Weldon, Williams & Uck Winter Garden C«. In The Whirl of Borlety and A Night With the IMerrota. S. T. WHITTAKER, r-ORT SMITH, ARKANSAS Keith's tchas, Doran, res. mrr.) More Sinned Gen. Del., Kansas, City, Mo. BAH flkNCIS 0 C5l MMMAFOUS. SMN Acatnst Than Usnal. Parrell SIstere. Menehaw and Avery, Van and Hyman, the Elliott Savonaa FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT. MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING AOVIRTIBERG. 45 OCTOBER 19, 1912, T ti e Billboard


    Oo Tiio«il4y i>T>'nlnx, Orlober 8, Auxuitu* C«r- tifj. r4iii<>u« for hl4 Alkali Ikr etiaractfr lu Kaiianax'a V\>«toor. prealdent of the Eaaanay P.lui Manufacturlnx Company, who recently re¬ TRUE TILL DEATH turned from a bualneaa trip to the home of the Wealern Company In Nllea, Cal. . reiiorta that A magnlflcent and startling proit r»f I A WfsMm Theatre at Lynchburg. Va.. vaudeville and mo¬ lliit n«4U 41.> prtNiwrltoii of lu ktnA. tion p.cture boiiae, from the time It waa opened, Phones—Franklin. 3763. NCSTOR —I Owv Vaa lit. C« A Uvaly farce- late In 1911. np until aeveral we«'ka ago. baa ri-algned to accept the management of the Al- rarer and Savoy Theatrea. In Atlanta, over CNAMPION —Tat Girl la abt Giwgbaw Gewa Corn- which be will have complete control. Mr. Jack- edt ilraaaa A prrualv eaiacttal miuaiicc Sen- a"n haa already entered npon the diacharge of •araunal n>alr> U brtUkaiXly dapu-led. hla new duties. The Trenton Is now In charge vt one of the owners. J. Bniffey Trent. M. P. REPAIRS Taesdsy, October ISth DRUMMERS CHICAGO ATTRACTIOVS. Huy Pruma. Bella. Traps and Novelties, direct from AND SUPPLIES GCai —avbat tba Bril ToU Iirwma It wtk enrap¬ the Maker Rend for Cktklogue. Addreee ture tlie old fulka and pieaM the little Telluwa. | AC.ADEM V—IVipular-prlced vaudeville. Huy from a hou.se who make a specialty of only Al.ll A.MItKA—Popular priced vaudeville and Machines and Supplies. Look over the iwlcas sad Kt BISON —Star-Eyea' Gtrwtagy. Hrama A nov- | ACME DRUMMERS SUPPLY CO., send your order now. elty A aentatiui. All ludlau caat Aud all- I midloD pictures. Cartrans. Aaxl2. cored. 1,000 loM.33T.00 . Indian alur> AMKUU'AN .MU.SIC HALL—The Mllita.y 2813-1S W. 22nel St., CHICAQO. ILL. In lots of 50u. 321.25: In lota of 100.... 4.59 CCAAIR —The Meade Letter, and Oaa Oa Joaea. ; Girl — lean and Holbrook. Carbons, Hx6, cored. I.OOO -lots.lO.TS (•put moml) tu-reeau of laughter, fallowed by AI'DLI tl—Vaudeville and moving -rctntea In lots of SOU, 311.70 ; In loK of 100.,.. 3.69 ruu< uUlona of merriment Al'DITUKll'M—Garden of Allah. USED MOVING PIC- Roll Tickets, special, 100.000... .‘i.. j.I., 9.89 lUJOC DKEAM—Popular pritvl vau-levlile MACHINES Roll Tickets, stock, loo.ooo... 7.00 1—.^. bought and sold on luc», 50,000. 3375; 30,000. 32.50; 10.000. J.99- and motion pictures. ^ basis; Star Pin or. BpMc^t Iraported Coiideinsers,, best make.". l.eo We. 315.WI. COMMERCIAL run of Film*. 31.00 per week IMP.—Tka fueUlw* Drama A ra|Xur«u« thema twr reel. Mschln.e*. Gs* Machine*. Tents, all kind* lu uliuli luo ciiUdrvii play an tau>»nai.t part. C.UIHE—Dark PREMIUM USERS) y .>*liow or Amu.*einent I'mperty bought and sold GRAND OPERA HOUSE -The Red Widow. All our novelties tre the best of the newexi; And th# Am now building ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANTS for ECLAIR —Caprievt at Fartuaa. Two reel Drama. A HARI EM avenue THEATKE— Vaiidev l e iieweiii of the be.u. St'iid \xs your naoM* and T>ermaD< ■ta.r« u> a S R o huuve At prell) a story M P shows ent adilrev«. and we will mail skm our clrculart of at yeu ever cast yeur uta upuii aue tiur problema. Heo4 IMPERIAL—White Slive. lamt and addreaa and we do the reiM.. Friday, October 18th 11.1 INOIS—Kismet. KED/IE—Moving pictures lud vsudevU’.s. FOR VICTON —TUf Cr»M HoAdt. T« It U I sSAl.I E—Tlie Gin St the Oste. FIRE! SALE Man lo ftdlfkfv It. The rxqiiHH* Klor«i.cv I IN'DEN—Mio iiix p:< luD'S Slid vsudevllle. BRACKMAN-WEILER CO. ! Kowden and Werner's big feature show The Natioa'i leAwrmirv pMairr ftsr * Unig wIilW M .AJESTIC—Iligh-clsss vsudevllle. WHOLCSALC JEWELERS AND McVICKER'S—Gel Rich Quick Wallingford. ; Greatest Fires, Including 3 reels of the most thrilling rOWCfIS—TM« Cnwrlop* l»rMA It irlll PREMIUM SPECIALISTS NATIONAL—Kindling. j Ore flghtlng pictures ever produced. Falling build¬ krT|i tfiur glued to Ik* •ctrrit |trU4lh- ing*. leapli g people from »kyvrapers Into life net*. litg drMUAtlc tiutle OAK—Mirllon pictures. SO comiianle* of Chicago's Fire IVpt on run to Dis¬ 137 W. MadisBA St. - CHICICB. lU OLYMPIC—The Man Higher Up. astrous Stock Yards Are. etc. Uannrrs. pennants, MCftTOM —H*r Fr»««d, Ult Oorlor. 4't«i#k,iy The PAI ACK—Higb-claas vaudeville. pl.oto*. got **. flreman’s uniform*. No limit to ter¬ ortftikAi aMUiwdUkly g SCIUNDI.KU'S—Populsr priced vsud.'vlUe and MUNCIC FILM A. SUPPLY CO , With your photogr.iph on, .'lOo p.trh. Re¬ lai BISON.—Early Day, la tka Watt Tiro-reel moving picl'iies. ttrcimi diama liitiumerabW elactrtfylng, dare- 202 C. Main Straat , Munoia, Ind duction on (piantity. World’.** scries del II bevule acepea |llg cast STAR ANI) '-'ARTER—Sam Howe, and bis baseball slitles, 50c each; .‘10 in -siet. Love Makers. IMP.—Tka Paatmaa. An evsnlful Hargaln Hay 9llt; STUDKR AKER—Dark. J. DeCOM MERGE, • apllt comedy lhai will til your heart wtih WILL BUY YOUR glee VIRGINIA-' audevllle and moving pictnrea. 45 Caat I4th St. New YorK City. WILSON—IVpular priced vamleville and mov¬ MILANO.—Tka Bllad Maa'a Dot Drgma A atrlk- ing pictnrea. MOVING PICTURE MACHINE li'gly eniiAluiial maaterplfca ZIKC.FELD—Dark. What have you to offer Send description. Or will Sunday, October 20th exchange for new mgchlne. Any kind. Write. LYRIC FILM A SUPPLY CO., SLIDES REX —Lravoi la tka SIotm Drama A very pretty Terra Haute. ladiasa. Walt a minute before you buy. Find out what we've drama kloei airn-llvely aiagid and dlracteit. got and our prices. It'll pay. N'lAG.lRA SLIUK COMPANY’. Lwkport. X. Y’. ECLAIR —Tka OK Prafaaaor. Drama An emollonal l•ITrrtll| aluiit with an liilerautlng topical. VAUDEVILLE AND MOVING PICTURE WANTED-TlT.tNlC DISASTER EIIAt Also good CRYSTAL.—dtlla'a Braua and Tka Oaly Wtaias la THEATRE FOR SALE Western and Comedy aubjecta. State condUloo and Tawa. Spill .ttaiedv Tlia laugba will surgis FILM SALE Everything up to date, four hundred seats, elevated lowest cash price. Must tw shlpi'tsl subject to ex¬ out In if>ita of yourvclf r •2(X) UtH'lt at *)0, IX). $7.00 floor, four oscillating fans, brand new Simplex 3ta- amination. Address LOflP' MOVI.NG PKTl'RB chlne and a splendid i^alroiiage, in a progreaaive SHOW. IXneland. Tex., Oct. 19-26, Brookland. Tax.. ami $10 (X) jHT m'l. .Ml ImlejX'n- Western town. Aiblress correspondence to MR, M. Oot. 29-29. A. GOFF. 415 Banner RIdg.. K1 Paao. Texas. Write for the iieun'st Ex- ilvnt. FOR SALE—MOVING PUTPRE SHOW, completely equlpp«sl with stage, electric sign, •louble dissolving clmn«jo Univorsjil Dunne’s Colors For Photos streopiiion piano, machine, chairs, etc.. In a South¬ ern Wlscmsln town of 2.U00 populatloa. No oppoal- brands. tlon. Tticalre now running. If interested, call or and Slides Give Best Results i write for particulars. Adiiresi BOX 292. UarUng- Ilon. Wtsi-tiiisln. POSTERS Free a.saltanc« to amateurs. Write for partlculara. N.LTL PHOTN) a U4NTF.RN SLIDE COUiR CO.. BIG STOCK FILMS FOR SALE-Any quantity. 1> Aui: YOU c urn NO the Mfra. and Ppoprs.. S.k2 K., ISkth 8t.. New Tork. Suppliotl at .'k' each. Stamling 1 lots of live or more 33 lo »15 reel 1 buy and sell onli'm Rolicitni. i Klims Slut Sischines. Try roe. H. J. PALIiKH, UMVI'KvSAI. WICEKLV? Keith HulUllng. 229 Third Avenue. Nortk. Nash- lUCAL MANAGERS. NUTICEI rllie. Trim. I have an up-to-data I’tcture Show, mtudstlng of an Electric Light Plant, lights, wire, cables. Edison ma¬ Managers and titwrators of Moving Ibcture Theatraa, CENTRAL FILM BROKERS chine: In fact, evetythlng that gi’es with an up to- make your own UmVERSU FILM •taie plclurr show Oulfll now on road and I want ANNOUNCEMENT SLIOFS a place lo locate for the wlnler. 1 will put the outfit Send 15c cwln or stamps. Will send oulfll and tn- 443 S. Dearborn St. Chicago. III. 111 your theatre and work on salary or peiv-eiit. or siruiilons. No Ink. no paint op dlrl. PLTNIOITTH would lease theatre on percentage If you are play¬ .VOVKl.TY CO.. Room 6"« 115 So. Dearborn 8L. Chi MANUFACTURING CO. ing toad shosrs you will have a lot of dark iilgbl.s, cago. III. DEALERS WRITE. and why not run plot urea f Kindly give full partlc- uiare fltet letter. Addreae E- C. CARB, Gen. DeL. 1 Union Square, NEK YORK CITY. Albana. Ohio. If yau taa It la Tka Blllkear*. KU tkam a*. i

    46 T^le Billt>oarcl OCTOBER 19, 1912.

    TAJfOUS PLAYERS CO. SOLVE PROBLEM. all family itivllatbins to dinner in the future. I (CVintinui'd from page 15.) To complete the reel an artistic travelogue .-iib | Jecf, Ascoli Ficeno. displays many le-autifol . the ktate right man to secure a I«» ttgure on views of this interesting town in Southern It ily I liU Sr«.t lureKtmeiit, and we take a chaDoe along The K< lipse offering is a llirtie subject n*el. | IMPORTANT NOTICE with him on the aurceaa of the pi'mluetlouh. We made up of a gisid lively comedy, an imliistrlal ' -could mit afford to offer even one iipmIiicIion and a charming travilogiie subject. \ Fersis' which would not auit theae iiicii or the hoiiiw' eut Fly swatter descrils-s the an'Us of an i\ tnauagera wboae theatrea we liiMik. Nor could tremely energetic enemy of Mr. Fl,\ Miking we afford to diaplease the puhlic. Hriar Fiiies, industrial, is very int.'ting and TO STATE RIGHTS BUYERS AND OTHERS “tliir Hernbardt iiriMluction of 'Queen Kliza Instructive: the film depicts the emi'e p'o.c" beth' wa» an expensive one. tlur next priMluction of manufacture, from the ciittitig oi "i.- riatgh will alao he exi*euKive. We may even Iok<. money briar to the tlr.al fashioning and iioli'hiiig of ! THE GIGANTIC S.OOO-FT. FEATURE FILM -on these, but we consider that we are making the llnisheil pnaluct. In the Dssau Vallc> i' a ■ a name and a reputation (or tne Famous Flayers tirsl-class scenic wlrich includes the additionil 'Comiiany. waiah in the future will reap a golden attraction of containing several ex iiicg scenes ] PRODUCTION OF Jharvest. se ' At all the money sie-nt will he in an arena where tierce bulls are being tratt.i I well wort ma.'hile." for flghtiug. Mr. /olw>r is a quiet and thoiighful (lerson. For the Saturday subject .\ Turn if Fortune Is 'One easily Is'lleves that be has siH-nt much the title of a tlrst class drama, which dcscrilM-s time in the Famous Flayers scheme when one the jierseverance and pluck of a young mao. In hears him relate the- story of its inetqition and the face of overwhelming diOicullies. working out. So quietly does he Iwgin and so earnestly d>M-s he tell the story and so enthusias tic does he b<‘Come as the eyeiits unfold, that KALAMAZOO'S iiCO.OOO THEATRE tb<‘ success of the plan dm-s nut seem so unas- FREDERICK WARDE siireil as it does to one who thinks of it hut Kalamazoo. Mich . (K-t. Ill tSpecial to The casual!} . Hilllioardl.—Flaus are now underway whereby I Mr. /.iikor is a native of Hungary. He came Kalaniazr RICHARD III ber'ame so active that he dccitled to ih'Voti* all the public. his time to It. and since then has b«eti an The new theatre will he fireproof and it WILL POSITIVELY BE READY FOR amusement man, pure and simple. strictly nuslerii ('oiistruction and will Ih' so ar The final plans of the Fatuous Flayers Com rang<-d .is to l)e used as a vamlevllle or b g.tlinate pany have not been d«*fluitely laid. The d.vte of house. It will have a seating capacity of l.oOO the 'Ctond release and Its name are now under STATE RIGHT RE'.EISE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15 couslileratiun. It t>eing thought b st to I'losel} FILM COMPANY BEGINS ARGUMENTS. otiscrve the success of the Queen Klliatieth t«ro ductiou iH-fore naming the sectvnd release or Its I Washington. Oct. 11 (Speial to The Hfii- date. ; boardi.—.Vrgumi'iils were begun in the Cl.ctilt About every three months, however, will lie I Court of .Kiqieals x.'terday by the attor'. • for M. B. DUDLEY, Pres, and Genl. Mgr. the tltne of releasing the new subjects. These the Chicago Film Comii.iiiy of Chlcag ■. . 't re [RICHARD III FILM COMPANY (Inc.) will require three months In producing, and the versal of tlie flmlings of tlie District Sup'i'Ii ■ time gives the purchasers of rights sutticbiit Court. They dec.irert several at one time, keeping one billowing closly I'oiicern to letters iiatent. and tie. Mi f u- • u|ion the other. Chicago company should not ... pav rovalfics to the Falonfs Com|ian> APPEARANCES FILED BY DEFENDANTS.

    Fbila<)el|ihln. t»ct. It) ;treet. Walnut Hill' •tituriil by the tlovermuent to lirlug alHuit th. Cincinnati. It will Klim ManufactnriM Omapany and the I.ubhi MaMfactaring Caflf TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3$. oMf The di'fendanta have nafll the Brat Mon Strong Street Trombone fi7in Nov«'mb»-r to fife dearorrefs to the suits ii dSnjl^i pU-adiacs. Double Light Juvenile. Light Comedy, height. 5 feet. I m Inches. Salary your limit, and mutt have ticket. I Put Yourself in His Place” h. E RF.IMCHE. Paulding. O. igpUKTORi TO MZrr IN ST. TMVL In T*o ReeU. after the Book l» ABLER EEADK. With two l-8beeu. one l-SheeC. Beralda. Uldee and Cutt. ^ S^Ml. Mina.. (Vt. 8 tSiH-elal to The Hill FRIDAY. NOVEMBER I. I.—At a baiiquest of the Mlnae.tp,vUs .Mov- l^ture Exhibitors l.eagne. 'p-ld at the New Colonial Theatre _ Hotel in MlnneaiHdia, it was decided yy to b >1)1 a meeting of the league In St, I'r.nl next ELMIRA. N. Y. 'The Little Girl Next Door JaiHiiry. At that time the memleTa of llie with the World-, amoua Thanhoiaer Twlm. league will apiwar before tlie leglel iture to Wants ilood Comblnadons. Dramas. (h>medlea. Min¬ speak In favor of laws aflecting tb«er biisimss. strels. etc. Write or wire. MALCOLM CIBSON, OATES SHONTLV: Maaafar. Claiira, N. Y, METHODISTS BAM SUNDAY M. P. SHOWS. "THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM." a Tbanhoiawr Masierpleca-thal'e aU. “FOREST ROSE.” a rMllaUc OlmatUallaD of EMERSU.N BE.N'NnTB thrUUng gtofy of Ploewee Chicaco, October 9 (Special to The Billboard). Days In the WtaL ^ ' —At the Methodtat conference here yesterday, WANTED fonerala, baaeball, automobile riding and nickel ORIENTAL 0ANCCR8, STOCK WOMEN. tINOERS THANHOUSER FILM CORPORATION. NEW ROCHELLE, N. Y. abowa on Sonday were •ell put under the ban. aag FIRST FART WOMEN. ONs tvm la law wtMu. The report eays that moving plcturea are A. HAMMERLY, The Film Seppty Oaiaaay, Awericaa aag Caaa..aa Agoata. Inring lue people away from cbarch. Bijou Theatre, Hamilton, 0. JUUUf SIVOER—MANXn’AOTURER. Chicago. Oct R (Special to The Billboard).— WANTED QUICK BARGAINS IN niM The moving picture msunfactirlng Held la to be I'm raeli of Film, fine condition. Independent end augmented by a moat important new concern, ef Plano Player that doM ainglca and works In acU. Four ** "• I’" '*»■' W r*"! Weetera which Jnllaa Singer, manager of Dea Moines MedlHne 8how. week stands, good treatment. Salary reeu <-fieap. < hcyeniie Indian and fowtiov Olebra- branch of the Leemmle Film Service, together sure State all In first. llon III two reel. FTrvt nnHiey antar for $S<> Og *eu with several prominent Iowa cltisena will take CAPT. C. W. SMITH. Solditr, Kaatat. them t PMer'e .No 5 MarhIiMe. OrM riaae cnodi the leading role. The new company baa ar¬ to IMO.MA . ein# I'owrr't No •. ranged to construct a studio In one of the «;^ihliAf bm tha ff.r ||r. ito Hl< Harcaln WANTED—TWO ENTERTAINERS IdVh- •**»n*^ to cwfT puniAfP I'HfMiHKSA spacious and yet convenient aectlona of Dea Who can pleaae genteel audlencea. Place steady as Molnea. The stork company la already In Nelson Sisters frll.M KX('11AN<:|>L 117 Sd A»« , New Vorh OU long as you make good. Salgiy. SIS par weak, but process of formation and It la understood that sure. ELITE THF.ATRK. Kalamazoo. Mich several poimlar photoplay stars will be ac- qnired for their cast. Mr. Singer baa not yet ROOSEVELT PINS allied himself with any of the film factions but tl.OO per gross: lOc per doaen: one-third deposit on MOTION PICTURE a statement concerning this point It promiaed In mall orders M. A J B. PORTKi.. MJ; Coleraln WIRE ARTISTS the near future. Mr. Singer's company will Art., Cincinnati. Ohio. aprclaliae new photo productions of serial stories MACHINES and the well known books. WANTED ®. $135: Kitlaon Type II. a. new. 1140; One large-size Merry-Go-Round. Parker Thrae-abreaat HiK HiicfTss Ilitccnls-ck A- \V:illacp I t!*.'”' •* Ma.lilniw repaired Me- preferred Give full description and lowest price In season mi2. Featuriiijr .Miss Uusina Nel¬ hlnaa Wanted Pull line of Huppllm Send for LUta KLEINE FEATURES. first Inter Address J H. T.. 118-ltO West Itth Sl. Indianapolis, Ind. ' HARMACh a CO., son, Queen of Dancing Cable Wire. i $09 Flibwrt Strwwt, Phlladalphia A program of three excellent relefvra is of- POSTERS FOR ALL LICENSED RELEASES! IpJ.vJ by George Kleine for tbe week ending One-alivets. three-aheeta and tlx-aheeta for tale. I'ower'e Uarhine. No. 5 .1 75 (lffot>er 26. Tfce Invited Guest, is tbe Tiu-silay STERN’S POSTER A SCPPLY CO., 43 Eaet 21M Mnipirt. i-utX t.'7S. >0. eell f,w . |.e ti subject: the film describes Id vivid fashion the Street. New York. N. T. 3 l.xrello An- lamiH. direct current, new, warm reception tendeD-d to a gentl'inin who Is WANTED coet $100 on. wll fur . '■o»rr * Indifclnr like new. met $<;n 00. Invited to tske dinner with a friend. He ac FILMS FOR SALE, $2.50 PER REEL AND UP. Good Opera Companlet and Vaudevllla; «ie to three cepts most eagerly but is totally iinprepariil Most with postera. Or will trade for Roller Skatee ehl|iped ft,r eiam.nailon on receipt of I night eUnd* BKLMAN AND MYBF.S. Aebland. to meet the vociferous manner in which he Is or anything are can use. What have yoiif Alao ma¬ I Ink Llertrtc t'erbnne. Ii i.t per ioo. IMhrr .lUq'l chines for sale and Films for rent. SILVER STATE Kaniiaa. ilirap. HTKRN’M I-IISTI H A SI’I'I'LT C’t».. 43 1 received by the children of his host; the young Twent - ret Street. .New York fity. cters take it u|>oo tbeniselvea to m e that not one niAf EXCHA.NGE. Pueblo. O>lo. dull moment shall mar his pleasi;re. and tbe\ BmiIGAINS In Giant Rheeux Monkey, $30; pair Java PASSION PLAY Dalhe hand clure.!. new. n-d WANTED FOR CASH—Moving Picture Macfalnea, Monkey., $15: I'orruplne. $5, Sniped Tent, IgilO ft , certainly make life miserable f.rr .he po-yr fel'- Klims, Tents, theirs, etc. Moving Meture Siippllee few tliiH-e. fur ealr Fall of Ttuy. plenty pi«!t-r«. low In every possible way. He stinds It as long $10: Tent. 3nz5o fl.. $!.'• Want to hur Hucklng fAHMl Ahaiir. liftiMl roniiDprrlAil ll«« ». of all kinds bought and sr>ld. WM L. TAMMR, Mule and Trained gi>al« iixuirv i>i,'irivii,>v as he can and then departs vowing to “regr.'t" 6 So. lOth St., 8t. Inula, Mo. HARRY DU'KI.N'SDN’. with tMMtrm. $12 fM) up illiin two wwks, NEW YORK FILM CO., 12 Union Square, New York. This filmmeritstheconsensusofconfidence.Assubjectthatputfeatinfeature,itisworthy 2,(K)0 yearsremote,tol)ringthestillofdeathinheritorsringsacrilegiouslytakenfromhand and followedfaster.”Avarietyofviolence,acataclysmcatastrophethatdealsdeathbyplague,poison, warrant ofworth.Toproducers,exchangemenandexhibitorsitwillproveitsintimacywiththecashregister. of themummyPrincess.Theagonydumbdreadthose“whomunmercifuldisasterfollowedfast COYRIGHT PROTECTSALLOURFILMS.INFRINGEMENTWILLBEVIGOROUSLYPROSECUTED. A*stor>'from thesinistershadowsofOrientaloccultism—awraith-wreakingwrathcomingfromitsspiritland, GAUMONT COMPANY. the strangler,bulletandwreckofautomobileaeroplane. OCTOBER 19,1912. Uii If Degait ii Six Pictorial Colors Printiig Three- and One Posters Sheet Stir Floor,ColonTtala TlreatreBldg.,- - ITALA-FILn SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE •TORINO* HZOgOO 3 Reels-STATERIGHTS-3Reels THE VENGEANCEOFEGYPT SOULS INTORTURE GUARANTEED PROTECTION COPYRIGHT TWELVE CENTS PERFOOT ITAIA FILM CO.OFAMERICA BY THEMAKERSOFFAMOUS“FALLTROY.” Heralds; Posters;1,3and6-Sheets EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL first ofournewseriesmultiplefilms.Stagedby FILM SUPPLY CO.,Dlstrlbutino Agents. the World’sGreatestDirectorandenactedbyReal ;\rtists ontheI..egitimateStage. All exceptional2ReelDramainHighSociety.The A MASTERPIECEINMUTEMOTION FOR THEDISCERNINGINVESTOR Xtie Blllboarcl HARRV R.RAVER.Sec*V-Trea«. NEW YORK. FLUSHING, A LISTOFTHEATRESIN EACH TERRITORY TERRITORY INCLUDED FREE. GRANTED LIBERAL I>IEW YORK. ITALA-FILn •TORINO* Heralds and Lobby Large Photos 47 48 Ttie Billboard OCTOBER 19, 1912.

    Seifert. Emma Cpulke. Alma Carrinxton. Jack ••ItatBfhertT. L. Ktelda, Clyde Hnnt, Chas. ••Shannon, Edna Valdez. Mrs. Cecilia Carnilt Cam. Co. ••Daugharty, Uaary K Kill.)-. Doc W. Hunt. II. Shappard. Babe Van Aiken. Lillian Carroll. Mike ••teUffberty, l.«wlt A. Piui'ber, W. V. Hunt, lh Hulej. Jesr t- ••Sheeley, Mrs. Goldie Veal. Mrs. 1 uclle Carrol. Ion R. L Huntingluu, Prank Siiiall. .Mrs. Harry Verona. Millie Carroll, R. L. I'at IS, Joe Id. I'llllii'gau. Hilly Huntley. Geaey, Eugene A. •JuhnauD. Joa. Gardner, C. H. Jobnaon, I eater Barnett. Mra. Beaola Iblierson. Mrs. Bert •Chvnoweth. Edie Dennay. Chaa. ••GarHeld. B M ••Bartlett. Mr» liiKle, Plora GENTLEMEN’S LIST- Clark. Billy J. Denney. Jack Johnson, R. G. Garland. Ed A. Henrlotta Inxle, Miunls Clarke. Alexander DePalmer. Pedele Johnson, P. M. Abbaticola. Mr. N. Berry. Prof. A. E tiarrell, Sam Barrett. Gertrude Iona, I'rinceta Clark. C. C. Johnson. George Homer Abbott. William 8 ••Bertlnl. B. Dt^sWeld*. B. C, ! Gasklll. W C. Baels. .Merle Iral, Julia Clarke. Thomas D. Joko, Kawana Abramson, I. Reverldre. Henry Devak, Ralph I Gaston. Albert Beasley, Diamond Jeal. .Mrs. Linda Clark. lee Jones, ninloa ••Ackley. A. B. Blckle. Clyde DeVaro, C H. I Gazl, A. BelL Hattie Jolinsun. .Mrs. H. E. Clark. Bobble DeVerne, The Great Jones. E. C. Aenff. Jerry Binder. O. W. ' Geary. Ji» Bethew. Herbert P. Johnson, Eddlth Clarke, Charles E. Jones. II. C. Adreon. Prank Bishop. Joel DeWeeae, Thomas ! Gems. Julius Bllderbarh. Rote Junes. Carrie Clark. M I,. l».-Wnlff. Edwin A. Josalyn. Robert A. Jones. Mrs. Floretta. •Alderoon A Blvaas Rllxt. Charlie j Gerber, Joe •Jones .A. C. Bill. Ella Blanchatalt. Edward Clark, Trager E Diamond. Chat. E. Blanchard. Marie Kaiii|>eter. Mrs. C. H. Alexander, Bob • ihson. Jame< II. •Jones. Owen Alexander. R. M. Blanchard. H. C. •Clayton. Capt. Chaa. Dicks. .\1 Gillespie, D. H. •Blsm-hard. Mtldrod Kalooi, Mrs. Allis Jordan. C. Wm. H BInmhardt, William Clayton. Capt. Chaa Dick. Bay - Gillespie, trying Bleel. Kihel Keller, Mrs. MadK* Allen. J. F •Jordans. Mying •Mien. Jobn H. Bonbomme. J. W. Clements. Joe L. Dixon. E. V. Blits. Ixmlse Kelley, Miss Anna 1 Gill, T. L, ••Jordon, Tom Allen. O. Bonney, Major C. A. Clements. A E. Dixon. Prank A. Gillman. Prank Budine, Trlsio Kemp Sisters n. Joaeph. Harry Allen. Chas Major Barrow, B. B. Clementf. J. Dobson. J. H. Glllman, Harry BoKert. I-ottio Ketner. Miss Easts Clemmons. Joe Doeran. Robert Jourdaln. Jack Klat. .Mias Mary Allison. Eddie Bohme. Kelly ••Gllplu. H. Bonhamrne. Mrs. Ida Cleveland Geo Doering, G. A. Jurado. Miguel La Belle. Clara Allman. Doc Boryt-aon. Clarence Gilpin. Chaa. S Kalda, K. •Booth. Hops Alvarado. S. Bowd. Acted Clifford. David E. Donahugb. W. E. Borffiitan, Mrs. Pearl LaFrance. B.-iby Emma Gilpin. J. H. Kane, Hehert H .Mvla. Edward Itowdep^ Joe t'lifloii. George J. Donegan. Parker Gilpina, Two Bowers. Mrs. ft. Lane. .Mrs. Chat. I. Karp. Karl * ••Anderson Harry P Bowden. Joe •••Ci.ffman A Carroll Doran. Dick GlnneD K, B Bradley, Mrs. Grace Innx. Viola Kaahimi .\nderson. Jim P. ••Bowman. Harry •Cogsmell. Ray Dorsey. C. A. •Brice. Elisabeth LaMar. Julia ••GladhlU, R. J. •Keenan. Temes Anderson. Chas. E •••Movoe Prancia Cole. Harry L. Iloss, Wro Bromn, Leona I.aiirette. Mme. Glaaco. Pred ••Keith. Prank C. -kndera. Editar Boyd. n. B. Cole. Harry M. Dotty. C. H. (Tut) Brown, Miss JnlU l aUue. Mdlle. C. M. Gllssando. Phil. ••Kelite Prank Andrews, J. Delmar Boyer. H. E Colerove. Harry ••Dougherty, E. Brown. Miss Cllea Lascella, Eulalie ' Gofleld. E N. Kelmo. Panl Anclin, Hobt. D. Braehard. I’anl Collinga. C. T. ••Dougherty. Harry L Buhl. Bselyn -« •••le-mier Mra. Bthoi I •••Gonzalea. Senor Kelly A t.afell Bollock. Bertha liCiiere. Miss .A dot lib •••Keller A Keev Bnrbank, Mtndo I.enox Cecil I Oonzilet, Joae Keller. R. W. Burke, 8u»' < Leater. Ruby <><>C><><>CK>CK><><>C><>0<><>C><>C><>C>^^ ; i addraataaa fnai Infama- ' Gtirsso. Prank Cleany, Mrs. Lola Madden. .Mrs. Anna tlon at hand without the delay of holding and advertlili.t theae namea In tbla Hat. ••Klrhv. W. W ••Coburn. Mra. 8. W. Malverne. Mrs. Cora In addreaalnt mall to Indiriduala In aan of nia Billboard, kindly Indleata wbal tomgaay (It I Gnlptcr. I,- C. ••Knight arthnr Coffey. Mra Francla P. •Mansfield. Imnxene any) each one la Mentifled with, or In what bualnam ba la angm^ t Hadley. C P. Kohler, R. T_ ••Collins. Georfla Manley, Margie All mall adeartlaad In thit Hat It bafng bald at tha Clwalnaiatl oSot nalam I Hafley. C. F. Kohler A Marlon Collins. Mrs. Doc Maritta. Hose by tbe eharaotete • (New Tork), •• (ChlcMa). ••• (St. Loula). (B) (Ban Franelaaal. I ••Hallet. Ford Korn. Boh Ooniers, Anita Marleaii. Mary , Hall. Dr. D. D Krenrer, .Adam Corbin, Madam Martelle, Marie I Hall. Harry C. •Krotise. lew Ooraon, Cora T. Martin. Theresa Paaotls at Cfemlniiatl. Chlaaga and Bt Ua«h saata. ; Halt. Leo • Vnasell Mat* Ooorterer. Pay •Martin. Mrs. Vlnnle Halley A Noble •l.aRreone. H. ■. Daley. Vivian ••Mason. Ruth Ernest O.. lOc Meinnit. John. Sc McConvllle. T, T.. ! ••Halph. 8. n. I,ace)les. RIUU D'Almalne. Roto Mattbea. Elaia i ••Halworth. Jack Hayes. James E., 21c Reynoldt, Bose, 4c Ijiekey. I eo. Darllnn. Thelma Maxn^ll. Mra. Garrow. Oliver, 3c I Haman. John Lamhe. Lee Davenport, lAnra T •wreuee Hoffman. Loula. 12c Hamilton. I,ew Hindoo Harl Chhhd. 4e •••WoloA. Tint. M laMothe. Billy Dsvey. Carrie May. Mra. Gertie Hnnter, Prank. 4c Hamilton. Ollla Lancaster, John DeCarmen, Prineooa ••May. I.Aiira I Hamilton. O. C. LaComa. Chrl«. •Deer. Mablo. ••Merlins. Ruth Hanna. C. leRov Jack C. Doerbom. Mavolsvono Miller. Mrs Sadie Hansen. Ed 8 ••LaSalle Fd B. OeNora, E. MIIW, Anna OC>0000000000000000000000*>0000000000 Hardee. Gypsy lAsere. Fred Derby, Babe Miller. Mrs. Prank B. Harder. A. A. T4i«h. F A Desmonda, Millie Mllman. .Mra. Panl Hardey. Frank I sak. George E Devenport, Thayer Milton. Jean Hardle, Wllmer Knight y George Ansel A Dorian Bradford. Horace Collins, J. L. •DeVer, Helen Mltchel. Roee Dowden. O. W. Harless. Harry ••Anter. Barney Bradley, Owen Collint. J. H. Imtler. H ••Doherty. loella •Monte. May Dowling. Shorty •Harlow. John M Ardell. Frederick Bradley, Chaa. ‘‘Speck’ Collins. James P. Draper. Ony I.aVola, Marvelooa Donahue. Esther Montgomery, Mra Brigham. .Mono ••CoHlna. Georga •Harman. Ettia I.aVone. W. E. Arledgc. W. H Drey fHit. C. H. narr'*s. Joe H ••Doiixherty. Ionise H. Bertha Armatrong, O. F. Brant. C. B. OtIIlna. Slim ••Tawea. C D ••Moore. Frankie ••DruuHlou. Monalaur V Harris, L. R. Downs. Mrs. D. H. Arthnr. C. W. •Brew. Jack Colvin. Prof. Earl t,awrence. Jack Morris. Wanda Dnimmoad. J. M. Harris. Bob Downlnn. Charlotte Ash. bam Bridges. Waltwr Otmpton. E. L. InVone. Walter B Morelev. May Dnffy. Chaa. Hsrris. Joe Duckett. Irena Ashton. W. Bringe. Fd. Compton. Jobn W TeAndo IlsiTT •Moultler. Edith ••Duggan. Walter P. Harris. Rodney Dnncin, Charlotta Atkina. R. R. Bristol, Jack Cona, Guy ••lise. Harry L Mnl»«1I. ^flW^ped Dusch. John F. Harrison Fddia ••Eaxle. Mra. M. Atkina, Bert Brockelielmcr, M. Conelia. J. E. i.ee. Duke R Mnrphv. Mrs. Ada L. Dutch A Donglat ••Earl. Zella Avallne, Lonla Brown. Clifford Conley. Prank A. ••Hsrt. John Teener I.arry Mnrray. Blanch DnVill. Harry •••Hsevev A C/oy ••Earle, Mra. Fred H Backmtn. Jobn T. Brownie, Leon ••Connelly, J. C. TeOare Mnvray, Emma ••Earle. Pred H Haskells. Two Barle. Violet Bailey. E. E. Brown. Arthur E. ••' oiiueiiy. J K. •••Tenss, Joe ••Murray. Jennie Earle. Paul Haskins. Harry Eaatlack. Srt. Chat Bliley, Geo. Brown. J 1.,. Connors, M. T. Nagle. Edith Mterle. K A. 'Jstch W A I.eon. Dsn Easton. Sarah Bailey. Jean Brown, James Cnnover. Joe ••Jeon. Or Victor Naiighter ^Irs. I>na Eckard. Tom Haverslock. H. C. EdnBT. Mra. G. B. Baker. Chat. M. Brown. Earl Conover. C. L. Leonard Prxrk S Nava. Princess Edgar, Cbarlos Hxwken. H Bdmarda. Alice Baker. Harry Brown. Jesse, Show Conway, Earl Edson. Robert feonard. Oeo. P. •Naylor. Mrs. Max Hawn. D. C. Kean. M. ••Bgldwln. Jeaae Brown A Richardson ••••■op-l•u#T lewis. Dsn R. Porhes. Florence Bnsh, Albert Elliott. Jimmie l*-)freTl •'•sale Ttassett, Renj. ConIter. Clarence Jimn C. lewis. Al. Galloway. Mrs. Edna ••Rusbei. Harold ••Elliott. Fay Pearl. Violet A Ristlck. Harry 8 ••Cox. Jas. R, Hnf* lewis, Pred J Garcia, Miss Eo Cox. P. Chappla Elllofte. Joa. B. Gardner. Hellen B. Meehan Bateman. Prof. Harry ‘J'’’*''"' n^rrmnn, f leash Bntterworth A Griffin Cox. Percy ••Elmo. W M. J. Germain. Mrs. Mark Perry. Vl Batchelor. Bill Herrmsn. Prof. WIILx'd ••!'fkovDa Merman Botcher, Enos Craig. James J. Ellsworth. A, J. Olooster. Rath Phelan Grace Rathurat, R. J. Heth Tonis J. IJghtatona. Manrlca Roffler. Charles Crane. H. C ••Kmblelon. O W. Glover, Miss WIlIlo ••Phillips. Alths Battlato. 8. Hewitt. Wm Jndkins Lindsay, B II. Ranmgardt. A. H. Rnttona, Duel Crawford. Capt. W. H. Emerson. William P. Goodwin. Nne Pickering. Mra. Pred Hiatt. William I Ingler Ralph Banscher. Harry G. Bnzzerd. leater E. Crlsawell. E. Erickson. C. I,. Gordon. Nettle Plelss. Mrs, Ildred (Cnrley) I.Inn. W ••Beard. A P. Bvera. Chester •t'ronss. .Te* Eriwnbeck. I.eo J. Gorman. Mra. L. I'lnnett .Tosenhlne Dili A PtonenoT I.lnloo. E. W. Beaslev. R. C. •Byroo. Ben Crowell. Fddle Erwin. I.ntber Gosaare, Mrs. Geo. Powell. Edna HMI A Nvlvalny Linton K. W CsKsret Trio Crow. N. A. Evans Al S ••Gray. Mra. I^ea Randle. Mrs H F. Beanford. Joa •tllllereaf Llslerger Ed Berkley. Ren Caldwell, Stanley Call, Bam Excella A Pranks Lister. Will T. Gray. Jnlli ••Rasch. Mile. Hillman. Clvde Callaghan. J. E •Cnlleu. W. P. Fairley. O W. Green, Dolly Albertina ••Beckman. Fred ••Hinton George l.lHle. Bert W. ••Camt.hell. P. ••Cummings. Jamea Pnirman Pnrman A •Greer. Nettle Hsvfield. Afrs. Nellie Beechele. George ■ tt'femso F A Lilts. O P. Renalls. Bnth Beeson, Earl Camphel! Pred ••Cumminga, Jamos B. Palrmat Hoev. Geo Prank logsn, Brnca Griffith. Babe •Cnnntngham Ja« D Paller, Al Griffltl). Miss Ooldla Revnolds. Mrs. Dora Bellalr Clarenee Campbell Pnited Shows Hoc, J. L. I ogsn. Joe Bell, Cords Campbell. W. 8. ••Cnnninrham. Doe Pancher, K. long. W H Hale, Rtella Ricardo Slaters Iloftmsn. Arthur •Camreaii Prank Cnpero. E. M. F-r.rtav Marry Hall. Mrs Thoi. Richardson. Mr«. Chas. Bell. Frank A. Iloffell, John leng. Dnc •Curley. Prank Parlev Joe Hall. Dorothy Richmond. I.lillan Bella. Mnsical Canarea. Victor Holmes Ren ••leng P W Hammond Mrs James Rlnaldo. Ha Bell. Charles W Canev. Art Dally. J. H. Parmer. Rill Holme* Otto I ^»ng#». Prof Thomaa Hardee. Mrs Prank ROter Mr* T/tnIse Belle Isle. Marvin O Canoll, William Itslli-T John n. Paro. Mike Holt. George lonmaa A Sandy Fsrenr Fdwsrd Hardee. Gypale •Robinson. Minnie Belmont. I,ew Cardwell. Walter ••Dale. Jack Hopper. A W. I oralne. J. 1*. •t'srsce .Joseph ••Dale Jack C. Pannflaroy. W. ••loHo, Fdward Harding. Olga Rose. Mra. Wm J. Beniamin. E. R. j Morgan Johnnie Dale. Jack Psv. Boh Harrelson. Lnla •Ross. Della Benjamin. Carl Carlo Tedeschl ' Howard, Raymond tenise Ivecn Haerla. Grade Fns> Klttr Bennett Richard Carlyle. Clyde Dale. W. a. •Pay. Tom ••llov IWk love. Haln.i Dallas. Jack • esd. Earl Hsrrla. Mrs Tommy Rndd TVvrothv M. Renos. The •Carmen * Clifton ■ Hoyt. Tennie levett Itonev Boy •Hawkins Rarrv Ig>alse Rutherford. Allca Bentley. M. A. •Carr, Alexaudar Dalvlne, Pr»>f. H. W. w.ehnr, Nat fl Hnesinr. Harry T. I.ovenheln San Hawlev. Edith M. 5«aion. Treasa ••Berger. Emil Carr. Frank J, ••Damons Miit Oom.Ca. ••F'srrsnfa, Joa. •Howard Nick lovine. Prank Haworth. Mae «»eobey dandle •••Berger Aviatlou Ca. Carr. Wm. A. Dsnirta Clante Pick Bros. Hnghea. Tom 1 nigl. Oeo. ••Hayden. Tlrgtala ••futt. Mibla Bambard, Jacob Carrick. Jim •Dart Ed Pteldlng. Roman Hull. D. R. ••Lumpkin. Rad OCTOBER 19, 1912. X ti e Billboard 49

    liUirir, U. Myera, Jaa. Itosar, P. C. Tlcn, Prof. R. B. Uydun, Aodj Myera. kVank Ituoe. Wm. J. Talade A Prtcn *l.;iicb, Martin B. Nance. Waller L. ••Itoae. Harry Traband. Edw. I >urb, llrUb) Jack Narder, Nat Rons. Martin F. Trask, Clarence ‘'lyui- it Klinnt Nathan. Caaiier Kuoe, Ike Trayner, Karl U. Look for Your Name ••I.yun, C. V. Neiuijr, Mr. Kuaeutbal. Mike Treeter, U. M. l.jruu, jack OnoU Itiwe. Albert Tremaluca, Musical IN THIS l.70Ba. L. Newman, Frank P. •••Uuaea, I'wo Trow. Butter ••l.yon. O. V, Newman, Jobnnla Koso Miraton A Oe. •Toaxl. John l.yrio ilaruiunjr Boar Newman, W. J. Itulber A Kelgard Tuhbealng, Hugo UiAdauta. 11. Newaum. Jaa. K. Uuuclere. Harry Tuckerabey, Joe K. MrAtra, A. 8., Jr. •at. w iee. cue*. Howland, k'red Tucker, II. L. LETTER LIST Mrl'aluiont, Harry ••Nlcbota A 8mltb Rot. Gen Tull, l.ucky Mil'arauu. Krucal Mcbolla. T. lioyal Amuaement Co. ••Tottle. Hob Mrt'arlby. Uao. Nltcbtlukalo. FranctaE. Koyil. Uuda Tuaon, Herbert Always give forwarding address far enough Mri'aulry. J. U Nuaie, C. L. Kiiyal A Ituyal Twlcl. Ettom Mri'a;, Joa Nolde. Claim Roark, Eddie Vtldk, Jack in advance to reach you. Advertised let¬ Mrlionald. Ton Noonan. Hinuy nucker, VV. Maurice •••Valk, E. ters are held for 30 days and if unclaimed **Mcl>uaabuKb. W. E. Norria, Itlchard Koirk, A. L. Valeno. blgoor L. are forwarded to the dead letter office. MrllouKall, Waat Uaka, Mldbty Honyao. Carl O. Tance. Art D. Maca, l.oula ••o’Jirleu. Bella Kmweli, Bljoo Vauca. Earl UrKarllu. Harry tikdeu. J. K Kuaaell, Burton Vaucc. Arthur Mrilarvlr, Harry O'Hara, Harry UuatelU. U. Vanderbilts. The Mriiatbrrn, Jai. E. •Okado, I,eu HUHell, Ed O. Tan de Velde, AlbertE. MrUra, Uarflrld O’Neill, Ed. K. Kiuberford, Jim Van. Harry MrUac. Ulka Orr, Jaa. H. Kutherford. Dick Van Uateu. Bob STREETMEN UrUInlay, 8. J. Urtaney, Felli ••Itntledge. Frank Varney, Edw. Wa carry all klnda of gooda for Streat CagMP Mclouia, Jubo • latrrilne Oao. f. Ryin. Mike Veda A Qulntarow Vorkar, Fair Follower, Carnival Worker, Hoen-La PADDLE WHEEL MEN Mrluola. I*. E. Otto, Harry Verdery, Maxine Buy POODLES from MANUFACTURERS Mclutyra. ti. II. Oiitcb. Siere Saltxgaber. Don. Samayo. M. ••Vellera. J. K. We have reduced our prices Extra alxe No. 4 Dec UrKrnxIa. H. E. Owcu A Mtifilra Vernuua. The Twe 8amt. Omar CARNIVAL GOODS $44.00; .No. 5, $56.00; No. 514. $60.00, and No. 1. UcKroila, Curley Vernon. Vlccv $70.00 per groa,. ORDERS SBIPPEI) PROMPTLT carb. K. J. •Saudua A Sandel McKoidbl. Ueu. Elbert Rubber RaUs, Rubber Balloont. Balloon Whlatlaa SAME DAT AS RECEIVED DEPOSIT REQUIREO Paden. Caot. W. W. Sangera, Andrew n. Vernell, Eddie Mark!. Aerial Vlcker, Martin I Vhlpe. Canas. Dusters, Confsttl, Slappert, Hats ant ON EVERY ORDER. We also carry all other klnda r'aiace Amuaeiueat Co. ••Sanger. Harry NoveUles of all kinds. Mark IlyiiDotle Co.. Vickery. C. W. of Novelties. Write fur Catalogue. NASELLA BB08.. I’allerocn. Hobl. C. Santelle, Rudolph 32 Atlantic Are., Eioston, Maos. ••Vincents. J. J. E. Palmer, ll iiry Wui. Sasaaman. W. A **Mark, Col. Vltacolonna, Armanda ! POODLE DOGS Park. C. W.. Oram. Co. •Savina. Mobamed Mark A Uurreaa Parker, Eugene Vogel. Wm, A. 1 tlxat. t4 SO doicn. arvl $4.90 doaan. Mark Ebowa, Hnllto Saxont, Musical Parker. Frank O. Scalfe. Geo. H. Wacbenhuaen, A. •••MrUord. rrao Parker, W. F. Waddell. Doc MrMarklb. F. W Scanlon. John H. Watches and Jewelry •Parker. Clarence O. Schanler, Kmll WadBwurtba, The MrMlllan. Dan Parker. J T. Oeld-PIatad Clocks and Metal Jewel Boice. Option Campaign Pennants Srharding. J. Waite. U. M. MrCbereon. Slim Parroffa, The •Waite. Billie I leodv. Cutler)’, Raiora and Sbeare, China NoveRlii Mrl’bereob. Wm. Srbeingold, J > ind Specialties. Parsley, W. R. Schenkel. Ed. \k surer. Ben J. Mrgiiiax. W. M Partridire. Wm. A. Sehenck A Van ••Waldron. Andrew MadUon. Thoa. 11. Paulltcb. F. r. ••Walker. W. U Right Goods. Right Prices Madlauu. Han Scboene. Fred A Dot 'anUtcb. S. B. Walker, Thatcjer No goods C. O. D. without cash dei>oaH. Catalogs llabrr. Frank Sobuix. Freilerlck Wm. Payne Ha-r.v I.. Walker, K. Hlll.xrd I roe. Write for your copy today. Do it now. Mabiiuey, Frank Schuster, Fred C. ••Payne, Oliver H. •••Sehiivler. Carl. P. Wall. J. D. 1912 Catalofua Now Ready. *Uat(K’ua I'll) tun, Uobt. vta.i A KauiBaaer MaUb. Frank Scott. Harvey Pealaon, Ollbert Wallace, Geo. Maitland. M. Scott, J. C. ••I'earl. C. C. .m-ott. M. J. Walters. Ned MaLette, 0. L. Pellegrlm. Carl Ward. Geo. E. Mallury. W. H. Seott. Harry Shryock-Todd Notion Co I euulea Amueemant Oo. Ward, Zehb **Mtluae, Mtaro ••Scott. N. R Perklna. Bmlger Ward. Chax. ••Man. Wn. Scott. Eddie A 822-824 N. 8th StrMt, •klandn, Perklna. John Seaman, Ix>oU Ward. M Perry. H. E. Wards, J. Frank ST. LOUIS. - U. S. A Macklrbl K Sears. Geo. Perry, Harry H. Warneri Featme Fllma Mauarll. fblllp M A. •Seaton. Don Perry. Miiaical Warren, Hal Maualivld A i It'k .eav ^ank P IVrach. W. M. Selleck. Chaa. W. WarsuD. Walter FAIR mORKERS, AGENTS AND STREETMEN: Manafleld. W. J. Petla. S Waterman, 8. Uanapeakrr, 0. B. l^evereno Joe Pettett, W. O. pitsward. Earl Way. Earl C. 1 Marianna. Jna ••Webb M Marylln. J. C. Pickard. Mr. Fbalcrosa H. A. i Investigate the World’s Greatest Seller. I’lrknell, B Karl Webb. Jaa. M. Markbam Frank Sbeatt. Mr. Pickett. W. 8. Weber, Berm in Markle. W B. Sheller. «5*Ie •Pickett. Wlllia Marab. Boater Shelton. Worthy Weed. A E. Weeks. H. A. ••Marah. Itoya Pierce, R. li. Sheppard. Jimmie A DOLLAR RAZOR FOR A DIME Welst. Berman Maraball. Jna. M. Pietro, ■•Sherman A Galgtno Pl|i|ito. Eugene •••Welch. Barry Martin A 1V>no EontA !. Frlta Champion Co., 142 Falton St., N. Y. Pitta. Shirley okictd A Gale ••West. Arthur . ern Oarm. On •Pleaaant Hour Martin. Mike Shlmkle. Shorty We«t. John B. Poley, Albert ' Martinet. Ueo. D bbipley, Jaa. Red West, AlAB. •West. C. W. Martyne. C. B. Polaon, Harry Shlrle.va Musical -'Martelle. I'haa Poole, Fred Short, John A. Westbrook. C. E. ..Man. C. M. Pope. Frank Shrlner A Richard Westcott. M. B. THE “BULL MOOSE” AND TEDDY. Weatam. J. W. *.Maaon. John Porter. J. W Slep. Earl D. Fair Workers, Attention .Maaon. E. o. Powell. Hilton Simpson. Floyd Weaiarn Amoee. On. amid FRENCH ANGORA POODLE DOGS, THE DEMOCRACY AND WILSON. Vaaon. Toney Powell, Tom SiimiionA. Baby Jim WaatODS Model Shows $1.00, $1.95, $3 90, $5.25 per dozen. Maaelll |•nl^ Rorro Powell. C. A. •Simmons. Jress CANES. PENNANTS. HOOPLA NOVELTIES THE “G. 0. P.” AND TAFT. Maaaell. Bam Powera. P. A. (Doc) •u>>i*'r. Elmer ••Willard. Barry •MIlea Wm •tajan, John a>vMnl B Williams. C. A ••Williams. Floyi ^Millard A Harknr Kamadell. I. B. Miller. J C. Kanisey A Wela ••Southwell, E. B Williams, Earl B. Miller. I orena Kandall. Dan 4nai>uru Cnmedjr Ce. Wilson. Joa. B. 160 N. Fifth Ave., Chieata. III. vtancel It C. Wilson. Author Mlauno. r«e> Keade A Wright Stanfeld. Harry Moberly Fred Reardon. J. P. Wilson. Jack E. ••Stanley. Bob ••Wilson. Jack R. AT LIBERTY— Morerf, Wm. Reeenalve and t>est selected line In tha ••Moon. Eddie lieno, G. D. Stln«on. Hiram tnvlled to address permatiently. PROP. CHAS Wise Ed. C country olR L.4TEST—YOU CANT MONKEY Moon. Bobt E Beaaler. C. N Strsnhel. C. It SWARTZ. Aeronaut klanager. Humboldt. Tenn. WITH TEDDY. Button and Fancy Monkey. Pat Wolekener. A. C. •••Moore. J W. Revere, Geo. M. Stoddard A Wallace sample doxeii. 6,')c: per 100. $.5 (lo. ijHest novelty Moore. Pare Heynolda. Karl Stokes. Geo J. Woeckner. Ed. A. out C.4SH WITH OKltFK ONLY FAIR DEAL¬ M<)i>re. It V. Rhea. C D. ••Stone. G I. Wolf. A N ESTABLISHED IS92. ERS, STREET MERl HANTS, CORNER WORK¬ WollThelm. Eugene Moore. Fildle RhT P. FREE CATAUK'.l'E. NOVELTIES .AND SOUVEN¬ Mofire. W (|_ KIrhardaon. Chaa. Slim Snglmoto S 8 419 43 WirreiSt.Nialgili. IRS FOR FAIR and CARNIVALS Canes. Whips. Moran. Wm. ’ Klcharrlaon'a Jeaae ••Sii'at, lack WMsIvs'-d. T. J. Pocstle IHigs. Pennants, and 2.n(i0 other novaltle*. Morerta. J Slanely ket. eaI*y^tady hi N i» !’ »* r.\L touay. Tlrrm, Doc Younifcr. Cole ■ 0 Miiriil'T. A J Bohliiorltl Will We al4o caution our cudtomert and ntioma A Beane Skowa Youngi'r, Scout ADAMS PUBLISHING CO..Sxt'iww. Nick. Mnridir. .1 F the trade to heware of Inferior ai d Dept 3 llohliiaon C F ••Zaller. Paul Mori.l.v BIc Thoma* Cha» It faUe tiurobeni offereil at okeap piii'ea. Kolililiia. Waller F. Tat 7ams. The l ,»,'ho|,, Fre#! Ttiiuupaon, Sfilea IVIlw Hat ou apphcaiioQ. CAPT STEWART WILL OPEN HIS INDOOR CAR- Mnrpliy. Ilorare ♦ NIVAL atiout N.omn'cr l.s. at Fort Wayne. Ind. Caa Miirrar Itirold fhomtiaon Stock (Vt.. /■•ne.t.>«'a. Geo. Hodden. Bin O T •71erow Itarrv It ila.-e Cane and Knife Rack. Po<><1le ihigs. Fortuoa Miirrar. H. C. BtMiiiiiioiiie .lohn Thorn Wm yiiiiiiicrman W B Teller. ILwr lai. Ad.lri»> 519 Parman Street. Fort ••Miirrar .Ilioinr Bogera, Newton WANTED- A REAL PICTURE MAN Wavne. Ind •Murray .? W. B llogera. (leu To ptit on pliiures on per <'ent on dark nights Great Murry. Prank llolllna. tlrovle opportunllv for a hustler .Address M.AN.AGh^R ASll- Myera. Will K Itoaalroa. Tlir If ysa saa II la The Blllkewd. tall tkaai an. I.AND THEATRE. Ashland. Ky If you aee It la Tha Billboard, tall thaa an. OCTOBER 19, 1912.

    Ix>uls» Gallowaj, Joarph Kanfman aod Company. AT LIBERTY Tbe act U called Little Mother and la from the I’rn of EJitar Allen Wolfe. Ulaa Gallowa.v. In AFTER OCTOBER 2«, FOR THE WINTER SEASON. the title role, la Juat aa aweet and truatln* a* anj mother could poaaibly be and radiated a thouaaod charma tbrouKb a phenomenal i>er8on World's Prsmlar Uni9clLt, ascending and descending a 6S-foat Spiral Tower Uioo one wfasel of a Blcgofe. Sadea of The Typh<«n, Walker Whiteelde’s allty. Mr. Kaufman aa the nupptiaedly Innocent rrent vehicle, arlae before the vision of those 1 Y. M. C. A. aon, la perfect In hla deceit unti: Ik tbe audience who have been fortunate enough the deuoument which la brouaht about by hi* to gee tbe liarrla star in hla Japaneae offering adored one. a cabaret entertainer who "aettlea” This act of Mlaa Morrla' la quite aa pithy as her claim with tbe Little Mother for a aum of tbe Metropolitan Harria production Itself, and money which, by regular mother-economy haa rtally standa out for additional conalderatlon been aaved after many yeara. The aon rejienta k^auae of tbe clever and absolutely new use of and In a cowardly fit of rage attempta aulclde |Mioa pictures. In connection with tbe act. by ahootlng bimaelf. Tbe gun la anatebed away by ne story la of a detective nature and lauds tbe little mother and after many new reaolutlona. 4m craft of a female sleuth to tbe entire sat- be repenta. A regular atory climax bringa the tofactlon of all the spectators. curtain down amid a perfect riot of appreciation Muriel and Trances are next and a pleasant and oeyeral well earn«^ bowa were taken by the gnrprlse they are. Not only pleasant in face company. The two atara are ably anpported by and form but pleasant In voire and ability. Mias Catherine Bronaon. aa the country girl Prances Is the winsome one, while Muriel la tbe friend of tbe family; Helen Buckley, aa the versatile little dare devil that flips and flops maid, and May Eddington, aa the cabaret en around tbe stage with such vehemence aa to tertalner and dealgning sweetheart. make Jealous even Eva Tanguay. Muriel pos¬ George Whiting and Mlaa Sadie Burt, aaalated sesses what Eva lacks—and that la—youth. Both by a clerer planiat. apitear next and acore the are there with veraatality. originality and ambi¬ bit of the bill through a clean, natural aong tion. Tbe act swamps tbe bill and cleans tbe and talking offering. Their aong rendltlona are bouse. Muriel, resitting this sweep; gets bold bright and pleaalng and op to tbe minute In of the prop's duster and immediately sweeps iwpularity. Tbe act la one of the beat of Its tbs footlights as her Bnlab. It la perfectly In clasa seen here thla aeaaon. keeping with her Ingenuity. The headliner for the week, Henry E. Dlxey. Now. for Rook and Fulton, who are unquea- mono-drama-yaud-ologlat (In yaudeyllle) and a tl<-nably clever In their line. Billy is certainly sterling actor In tbe legitimate, appear next to a helping side partner to Maud and likewise closing and In the vernacular of the three-a Maud to Billy. Tbeir settings are not only night artist, “took a beautiful flop.” The na fitting but they are sIX'Ctacular. Also their tore of Mr. Dlxey'a offering la mentioned earlier dancing, and as ^lr tbeir pantomlne and bur¬ In thla report. lesque. It la the m.iat convulsing that baa yet The show la closed by Apdale'a Zoological Cir reached the Orplieum. This team was the head¬ ! cue. a very clever animal act of standard repute liner of the bill, and did cn-dlt to Itself. j tion. which Is always sure of pleasing. The act Julius Tannen, the chatterbox, essayed tbe haa also been aeon in several of Chicago’s lead eighth p^ltlon. and got away with It In great ing famHy vaudeville houses during the past style. Talking cornea as easy with him as board¬ year and la well-known and popular here. ing trains to the average hobo Great come> stay out to see tt too \(ITK--Thls makes my second season with (Continued from page S.) the I'arker Shows. There's a reason All communications to THE GREAT BERTINI, weak sf Otto bar 14, Ar> diet. Tannen answered several recalls. kaaias City, Kaa.; waak at Octabar 21, Nawtsa, Kaa. Madame Valleclta wound op the bill with her trained l<-oparrta. Tlie spotted felines had been ment. lively, varied, spunky and accredited a taught several tricks which are not In the average category of the regular trainers. She pronounced succeas on the score of the come¬ dian's unctuous clownltig alone.’’ GYROPLANES proved a very fit terminator for this commen¬ The Chicago Re<-ord-Herald: “The entertain¬ dable program. BUILT OF STEEL ment moves swiftly along. Cheerful fooling, FOOL PROOF dances and ditties are incessant, and the ebon If SEATS CODNTHT STORE POPULAR. is a dashing, comidete and brilliant specimen CARRIES too PER HOUR of Its kind, very richly and apacionaly aet.'* 40 MILES PER HOUR (fXmtlnned from page 8.) Tbe Chicago Examiner: "The Red Widow Is DIPS 20 FEET DEEP EVERYBODY SCREAMS 40

    f’an plaot* IMantation IVoplo, GrindiriE Shows, Sovoti-Iii-Orif, (’onrcssioiiH of :tll kiT'lls For High-elaaa Speedy Work. Telephona. Bryant 62»T. OpfTitor, writo W. It .JOH\.'Sf)\; all othors, H.MLKV Ai SHOAT, fs-r ntiitf; .\!iiit|crf, tso 8*v*nth Avenu*. NEW YORK lier of gootl onos to follow. Can always place fx|MTicncc(| Musical Oirncily torU OCTOBER 19, 1912. X ti e Billtioard 61

    FIITH AVBirOE. (<'uatlnu<'4l rnmi [•■(r 10). bt'fore In bin trip In rauilfvlIlH Kt-lian glrca tUf aauic roiialaleiit |«rrp thn posalbtUtlea of DOING SOME tile aanie act revlewetl In theae rolumna laat | ORAND COIN IIARVKSTING any old time of the day, as theae props can be gold to dgar storea wiek. while the ('loa<- llrothera. aeuaatlonal and other places, which are open all hours of tba day and evening The dlfflculty wUl be when to arrubata. brought the abow to a rloae. knock off coining money. THE CLEVER RAFFLE CARD WE HERE IIXL'STRATE 18 A PIPPIN, and la a sure winner. Read It over and you will see It Is simple and simply great. This Is Plan imiON SQUARE. .No. 40—Takes In t2.82; profit of 82c to dealer and 50c to you on each card. Dealers will buy In (Continued from |>age 10). half doaen lota Now, here la a "no-game-of-chance" plan that will "take” as a bully cigar stock ar tnalatent that Mlaa Hhaw, to be obliging, mover. Called Merchant’s Outfit No. 100. There are 100 numiiers on the card, 10 of them being tang the Ytddlaba Turkey Trot. Nor were the audlenrea content at tlwt. Illtchy Koo waa the free, the other On costing 15c each. Every canomer pulling a free or 15c number gets a 5c cigar neat and laat although If the audience had bad and a 25c retail value prize. Two grand prises for the lucky name and the last card pulled, Ita way Mlaa Sbaw fr<>m the looka of tbingt. value $5.00 and $2.00 each. Dealer takes in $13.50. His profit Is $3.50. Agent's iHofit Is $2.10. would have been there "till ylt." Any one of you should put out two or more every night or every hour. A dozen other equally as Thi- M'cond wei'k of Taylor Uranvllle. Ijiura I'leriKint and Company. In Mr. Qranville'a tale lulry merchant’s plans. "37 varieties’’ of propositions for agents, fakers, medicine men. etc. Write of oontem|>oraneoua polire condltlona. la bringing us today. "tbeiu" In to the theatre. And when a bead line art ran bring them In that la the real tent of Ita worth. The caat lemalna the name aa whaneae ei|ullibr:at of the feminine gender. > loaed the ahow. ’1 he uaiial routine of fool balancing and win- work w.vit otTered In a aan-ii 1^' Sss Them ■CFORE Payv fa-!i|iin that would have met with better reaulta ’’hesstsmasrecbemlesl w; WANTED, FOR THE SAVOY bail the preceding ahow lieen half way good. sappbiraa —LOOK like O mends. Stand acid and *. diamond tests. Bo bard . COLONIAL. easily s, ratch a file and arill cut gla. Brllllar V C'laranteed th years AMUSEMENT CO. (Continued from nage 11.) mounted In IlK aolld gaM diamond mesintinga. s laughing mood with bla huinnreus dlacnsslon of send you any style r*oc dls or stud for exaniinat’: • pollllrat inp’ca. allchartesprepaid- no mossy la advanes. Wrltetvc. One or two more Shows that da not conflict. Grind Show I’referreil Can al.M, plai-e High Striker. Spot-the- Jim Dlamiwid and Rybll Brennan got a bad forfreelllustrmteil rr -s ros-lal prlceoA rtiiz mea. Spot, Cane Rack. Confetti and Novelties, or any Legitimate Concession. Want to hear from man who under¬ start peri aps f 'r the reason that the oiienlng WBITE VALLEY GERCi ^ gt3 VakaRiA.li8laaipsl**.l»*' ■ stands how to operate Crazy House. Good steady job for gcaxl man. Wages sure. Want to hear from Colored w'lig Diiinbwr la not partliillarily well rbosen «r bandied. Great dtffleulty was experienced In nn- Musicians. Address as per route. deestandlng the wunla. Howevei, as soon as I>l.'.ni"m1 swakenril and started li> work In earnest fOR SALE—CHEAP FO CASH. BEN BIENES, be g.| the aud'.enew le-llevlng t..at le was about AT LIBERTY One 20th Century Merry-Go-ILtund. A-1 condition. the’ runniest and rieverest rom>illan that they Mu-st sacrlflce owing to sickness. For full particulars Manager Savoy Amusement Company, hsd «een for a b'ng time The way he tmt over Address BEN b.ENES, CnloD Fair, S'np b-dv Klee Is Getting It was a revelation In Band Leader Savoy Amuseaieat Co. Week Oct. 14. Uaioa, S. C. Week October 14-19, UNION, S. the hxsoi iig vf eng* vt lUl Din- Several song niiniNrs were Inlersiieraed with amusing dls j Good rep. of stamlard music. Can join b gne and cletir dancing and when the act finallv got down to Ragtime Soldier Man the) ' at once. , B. & O. Address, pulled down more applause than was banded t' ! BEKT PROCTOR, Petersburg, Mich. anv other two arts on He hill. Pasco Hypnotic and Amusement Co. Wills Holt Wakefield, while meeting with the nsiisl appreclatb n th'a week Is snlferlng from Isik ef g,irv.t new material. I’ve Got A Pain In FOR SALE COMEDY HYPNOTISTS Mv Sawdust Is about the onlv one of her new eom<.ty numbers that amounts to a hill of leans To the Strains of that Old Time Waltz ' bunTr ‘fud‘’^,'T1o‘ipi??; i for after the eli‘ction. CHKIS'P SCI !AI’:FER, la a number that contains a mebely that haunts i m sV"KiiKR itH..r vs:, Manager. Permanent address, 122(5 Mary St., I^ansville, Ind. If Is hv far the heal ef Miss Wakefield’s new material and tl e audience would he more ap p i-clstlve If she would go hsek and n'siiireot WANT SINGLE OK DOUBLc MED. PERFORMERS Ten DIMv Little Fingers and Stay In Y’onr Own that play piano Cbange for week. Will buy Titanic Hark Yard. Old th.>ngb they are no one else baa , Disaster. I'ncle ’Tom. James Hoyt, and olbar FUm. MOROK AEROPLANE CO. ever been able to do them aa Mlwi WakeHeld : State hiwmt price. J J. DASHINGTON. Cbana. lU. does. William Tl. Macart and Rthvlyne Bradford, la WANTED emnjnnetlon with a prsfierty man who has lire- ! For .Xdam Fetaer'i R R. Shows. Comet. Clartnat AEROPLANES AND BIPLANES P’’"*™" names sad |>oTtrays four chimeters. i ai.d Uarttnne. Loua seaeou South. Addraaa ADAM were one of the pleasing featnres of the hill In KKTEKR. Troup. Smith Co.. Texaa. EXHIBITION FLIGHTS their eomedr sketch A Legitimate Hold np. Cooper, ooprr unviand Kked hy the Iziew oAces ami Handle Bn3rthing. t^ber and reliabie. Prefer loral (p^geinent. Wife to work the art of make np, judging by their ap|>earance by them wan kept working ateadlly without a tickets. NO M. P. GRINDS. H.\RRY BEVERIDGpf&aman, Ohio. aa a**i>r|ate judges. tseek’n lay-o(T and with very amall Jumpn. Tbir Ralph Aah provenrt for all It More recently the btwking of Conroy and I.e- waa worth, without over doing It. Sam Ward'a malre at the salary anketl and with a route Work wan aatlnfactory, an Ibe opinmlng atl irti-v gave freab Imietiia to the wholeaale floeklng. GOOD STOCK CO. But Anh'n delineation waa ao ntrong that Wartl’n Amelia SuinmervlIIe and Company. Thoitins Jef- faderi Band. Frank Stafford and Company. George .\rm • lia IK- Ining a|i|>eareiigh and Nelson and Herman I.leb Salarj' no object. Hxperience is what I want. .Address, MY RLE delerllve and C«m|>any are among the eratwhlle big time le,in Krpol’a eiartlng hand wna ahown In all arta now playing the three a >om of aonirone NOTHING CHANGED BUT THE NAME. I on the aame bill with you. did you notice that BAGGAGE Jolly Jenaro. the clown juggler, la playing vaudeville at the preaeni time In and anmnd ‘ handaome new wanirohe trunk with the oval Milwaukee, wla . having jitat roiiipletetl Vti I hraaa label on the top of It 7 They are aeen In The Southweit Vaudeville "■- ka under the white topa. ' alumt ten i>er rent of the dressing na'm* now- I and are the prvaliirt of The Acme Leather and ('harlea Kenna. known aa The Street Fakir, ' Trunk Worka ef Chicago. Mr. Harrold 11 haa jnat fintahi'd at* weeka i«n the Inteiatate Keith, who for the paat aeven yeara haa been Association tliee. He will open on the Wealerii Vaudeville Identlfleil In the Randolph Street store of the CARL GREGG. Tuixa, Okla.. • • Pretidaat Aaaor|at!iin tliiie lletidM-r 17. at Diihiique. Iowa WANTED —65 to 75-foot Ba^j^age HARRY E CLARK Kaniat City, Vieo-Rrosidaat... Tayh'r Trunk Company, and Richard O'Neil an WALTER DaORIA, Geaoral Managar. f-r an engagement of twinty weeka I other voting theatrical baggage merchant, have Cars to rent or will buy. (Jive all The Marly ne Slateia. while playing Omaha formed a partnerahlp and opened big and elahor W.VNTED Good Comedy Acts of all dncrlptlona U Nell., rs'iently, had Iheir rootna pilfered of a ate dl^lay rooms In the ground fl«

    X ti e Billboard OCTOBER 19, 191flk,

    CANES AND WHIPS. FEATURE LECTURE SLIDES LIGHTS. I'lfTeland Cane Co.. Cierelanil. t). W IJudaayUudaaf tlonlotiConloii. 2rt7LW \V. .t-llh.Hth at., N. Y. C. Braoona, Totohea for Citcua and Tant Bhowa. erri T D c ki wi A Ki T Q l*n‘tr * We.Ver, U.Y S Centre ave., Chicago DIRECTORY c.a;, Vonge A: Co.. StOT. I ueaa ave.. St. Ixjut* FELT PENNANTS. 1 I'e.-rle-a light Co., .Mfra. tiaa'iie and Man ea. Vasaella Hrne line will l« all,.w.Hl to advertlaera free kp,., WU. | .k.■kcme me KlimHim Co.,to, 121. K1. fttU..tu at..at New \ork City. | Jordan. Box U.'tU. Btialtin, Uaaa Ameiioan Klim Brokera, 5 \V. 14th at.. New | c„vort. Ml) E. 43eavenwurtb and Abilene, Kan. Davis, 11., kVatertown. kVls. Jamea (1. H- nderaon, ISO Nassau at., N. Y. C. CARS (R. R.) Blnger Br<»., K2 Bowery, New York City. .knits Palace Horse Car Co.. Htsim 614 . 332 8. .N. Shiire Co.. 22i) Madison st.. Chicago. Ill. Michigan ave., Chicago. III. ADVERTISING STICKERS. CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS The Tablet & Ticket Co.. 624 *10 W. .kdama It. Colker Mfg Co., 18'20 E. Sonthgate at., at., Chicago, 111. Also New Y'ork and San H. A 11. Klim Service, 380 Munadnock Block,; MERRY-GO-ROUND ORGANS AND Franclaco. Newiiort, Ky. Helmet Co., Inc., 13 W. 6th st.. Cincinnati, O. Chicago III . w r-..- I ORCHESTRIONS. Tolerlo Chewing Gum Co.. 406 Jackson at..'To- J H. Uallberg 36 E. 2;M at.. New York (Ttr ■. AERONAUTS. l„j_ o Intemalhiiial Klim Traders, 5 kk. 14tb at.. Naw Bernl. -20 kk. 14lh at.. New »ork t-ity. Belmont Slaters Balloon Co.. Iteetl City, Mich. leoo, W. rir AD« York City. North ronawanda Musical Instrument kk orl Dorothy DeVonda, Monroe, Wla. kelkaMno. I,aemmle Him 8ervl.-e. 196 lAke at., Chicago; North Tonawanda. N Y. „ _ ~ Prof. Cbarh-a Sohwarta. Humboldt, Tenn. L. Deneltelm A Bun, 1222-34 Oak at., Kansas Evansville, Ind.; Memphis. Tenn.; Omaha. , M kVelte A Sons. '.’73 5th ave., N. Y. (Tty. 8t. Clair Clrla, Muskegon. Mich. City, Mo. Neb.; Salt lAke (Tty. I'tab; Mluneapolla. Itudolpb kk'urlltier Co., Cincinnati and Cblcago. CIRCLE SWINGS AND FROLICS. Minn.;• «*»H'«nd.Portland, Ore.; Montreal. MueMue.. . CanCan.. MILITARY GOODS FROM GOVERN- * AEROPLANES. .. WiDuipeK, Man., (.an. Advertising. .S.’ii* Mcl>esn ave., Chicago. Novelty Mai-hine Co., 2 Hector at.. N. \. (tty. Murphy, C. J.. Elyria, O. MENT AUCTION. Xeetor Film Co.. Bayonne. X. J Francis Banncrman, 501 Broadway, S. Y. tTty. AERIAL ADVERTISING. CIRCUS SEATS.. Sulax Co., 147 4th ave.. New York (Tty Rllaa J. Con.t ne, .VKXt Mcl.ean ave., Chicago. (Mew and Beoond-hand.) MOTORDROMES. Baker IxKkwood. 7tb A kVyandotte, Kansas ^^Tat^ic** a^^^^ Wak'etleld AFRICAN DIPS AND SAPPHO TIPS. Coaster Conatr. Co., 540 W. 21at at., S Y. C. African I»lp Co., Box 34. Zaneavllle, O. 1*. S.^Teid A Awning Co.. 22-:» N Deaplalnes ^**7" MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. at., Chicago, III. Mexican Armadillo Curio Co.. 180 N. 5th ave.. FILM BROKERS, American ITIm Brokers, 5 kV. 14th at., Naw Chicago. 111. CIRCUS WAGONS. General Klim Brokers, 23 E. Jackson Bird., Chi- York (Tty. AMERICAN TAYLORS. Cages. Dens and Band Chnnota. cago. .kmerlcan M. P. Machln* Co., 101 Baakua IC, Sullivan A Eagle, 15 Canal at., Peru. Ind. FILM CASES. New Y’ork ITty. S -Nlepage, 168 Bay at., Toronto. Can. .kniuaement Supply Co., Ill M. Doorborm at- P C. Murphy Trunk Co.. 8t. locla. Mo. CLOWN WHITE. Chicago, 111. AMUSEMENT DIRECTORS. M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 kk. 31at at.. S. Y. C. p,LM CEMENT MANUFACTURERS Anti Trust Klim Co., 77 8 I'lark at., Cbl-ago. Claude I.. Hagtn. 2123 Franulln at., San Fran¬ Cincinnati Buckeye Him Exchange, N. E. cor. Ihomaa A. Etilson, Inc., Orange. N. J. cisco, Cal. COASTERS. Fourth ave and Plum st . Clnchinatl, O. Coaster Conatr. Co.. 540 kV. 21at at.. N. Y. C. J. H. Uallberg. 36 E. '236 at.. New York City. AMUSEMENT SUPPLIES Thomas A. IMIsoo. Inc., 10 Hfth ave., Naw York COLD CREAM. 1 FILM CLEANING MACHINES. City and Orange, N. J. Herachell Spillman Co.. North Tonawanda. N. Y. Mortimer Him Cleaner Co., Hdellty Bldg., Port- Exhlhltora' Film Exchange. 172 kV kVasIdiigtoa C.V/. kk'n i-arger,Parker, Leavenworth,Geaveoworth, Kan. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. Slat at., N. Y'. C. land. Me.m,, ' at., Chleagu, III. dl as TITI CQ DDIIdTIKIfY OPk/Fl • ^ Halll-erg, .(6 E 23il at.. New York (Yiy. ANIMAL DEALERS. COMPENSARC. PILMFILM TITLES,TITLES. PRINTING, DEVEU-DEVEL- ,|,rbach A Co.. (WW Filbert at. PhlladelphU. kYm. BarleU Co., 42 Cortland it.. N. T. City. Electric kk'orks. Fort kYayne. Ind. OPING, ETC- 11. A 11 Film Service, 980 Munadnock Block, LInwood H. Flint. North kVaterford, Maine. CONES. (iunbyGunby Bros.,Br<«.. 199 Third ave.. New- Y'orkY’ork City Chicago. III. Atn^"Kln?arH^^^^ A. T. Dletx. 1'27 Michigan at . Toledo. O. FIREPROOFERS OF COTTON AND ‘ V.v‘anitiue!“lnI7‘Mem‘l ver. C., 26 N. Dearborn at., Chi MUSICAL GLASSES. Novelty Slide Co., 20 E. 14th at.. N. Y. City. CONFECTIONERY MACHINES. Hitt* H rework a Co.. Columbia Station. Seattle, l- Braunclaa. 1012 Grant ave . Ulchmood. IlL A. T. Dietz, 127 Michigan at.. Toledo, 0. ARC LIGHTS. kV. Z. lAing, 172 High at.. Springfield. 0. Wash . „ . V- , MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. J. II. Uallberg. 36 E. 23d at.. New York City. Inttruatlonal Klr*»workt Co., City, N. J. . , ^ . *a a » ■ . * w CONFECTIONS. Pain Fireworks DUplay Co., 1320 Wabash mvw, Nnjdh T.mawanda Mualcal luatrument kk orka, Chicago. III. V V r.,, ARC LAMPS AND CARBONS. Bueckbelm Bros. A Eckstein, Harrison and Pe¬ I'nltMl Fireworks Co Trwnton N J NN elte A; S«»nt. .*73 5th a^e,, N. i. City CHiarlea I, Klewert Co.. 114 Huron at . Mil¬ oria, Chicago, III. Willson*! Flreworka Loa .knjelHi’ ani 8au UudoU»h Wurllu«T Co., ('Inrlnnatl ami Chicago. waukee. Wla. CONFETTI. Francisco. NAME PLATES A SIGNS. ASBESTOS CURTAINS. kVm. R. Johnson, hO Pike at.. Seattle, Wash. Brett Bros., 1140 Columbus ave., Ihwton, Mass, ■Soamanoaman A I.andliLandii Co.. 417 Clinton at., Chicago. CORN POPPERS. .kmerlcankmerlcan Flag Mfg Oo..Oo., Easton. Pa. wnSFKifkQP PUTTYDIITTV Chicago Flag A Decorating Co., 1354 Wabash nkJot rU I I T. ASBESTOS CURTAINS AND PIC- W. Z. I^ng, 172 High at SpHugfield, O. .'mcago^Hag^ave., Chicago, a ^^or.tlngIll. M. Stein Coame.lcCosmetic CoCo., . 120 W 3i:,31at at..at., N. Y.Y, C. TURE BOOTHS COSMETICS. Uehm A Co.. 142 Fulton it.. New Y’ork City. NOVELTIES.

    ”'A7B’'Es;orp,c;,r»r^."- at Chicago III c... s, d-,:.,.- >*• Gerber. 729 South at., pniiaueipnia. la ASBESTOS PICTURE BOOTHS. COSTUMES. n..n.rAr-.ivic-eiiDPAr'iwie- saAr-uiMcaasAZ-LJiKies GorilonGoslon A Morrison.Morrison, 190-201 E. Madison at..at., (1l^- FLOOR SURFACING MACHINES. jn Thomas A. ED. Inc., Orange, N. J. Carnival Coatnme Co., '267 kV. Water at., 1111- M. U Schliieter. 103 8. Canal at.. Chicago. XI.. Goldlierg Jewelry Co.. 816 Wyandotte at., Kaa- AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC ECONO¬ oONO- Fritz Sbonitz A Co., 75-77 E. I.ake at., Cblcago. GAMING DEVICES. llXlaV xi-veUy Co . 27 E. 4th at.. N Y. Hty. MIZER. kVliltney Scenic A ('oatume Co.. 97 kYoodward. Spindlet, Clubhouse Farnitore, £t«. Nadel A Shlmmel, 144 Park Row, N. Y. City. Thomas A lAllaon. Inc. Orange X J Mich. II. C. Evans A Co., 102 Van Rureu at., Cblcago. . Uudolph Bios., 19 N. 5tb at., Philadelphia, pu J U. Uallberg. 36 E. 23d at.. New York City. COSTUMERS (YAROLINF BURNERS I -'k' Shure Co.. 2'20 Madtaon at., Chlca-o. HU , GASUI-inc. Dkjr(PIC.n«>. 1 singer Bros. 82 lU.wery, New York City All^rtM kk’eat—C. P. Shipley. Kansas ('Ity. Mo.. W Z. Ixmz, 172 High at., Springfield, O. '"'"ATIC musical INSTRU- Amerlca'aAmerica'i l.argestl-argest .klanufacturers. CaflCat'l Free. OPERA CHAIRS. GREASE-PAINTS. ETC. American Seating Co., 215 kVabash ave., Chlcajim ^’ENTS. dealerDEALER inIN wildWILD animals,ANIMALS, BIRDSbirds Make-up Bozea, Cold Cream, Etc. Ber^ WiKvd Plano Player Co.. Kansas City. Mo. AND REPTILES. A. H. Andrews. 174 Wabash ave., Cblcago. Ilk M. Vkelte A Sima, '273 5th ave N Y’ Cltv Carnie Gondle Mfg. Co.. 307 Delaware at., Kan- Rudolph Wurlltzer Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago. ‘'*z!«"*cincl^itr'’O* 8te,.hen. American Agt., M. Stein "cvisuiellc Co.. 120 kk . 31at at.. N. Y. C. j 3g |r cj|,| j;,* York CltyT r,en ^TC- DECORATORS, FLOATS, BOOTHS. GREASE ROUGE. Harvleaty Mfg Co., Canal 18>ver. O. (Jeo. Ryan. 182 E. 12tb at.. .New York City. ETC. BADGES, BUTTONS, ETC. D. C. numpbre.vs Co.. 913 Arch at.. Phllm., Pm. Steel Furniture Co., Graml Uaplda. Mick, HARNESS. F H. Stafford Mfg Co., Chicago, III. ^'unT^o'*'* Woodland ave.. Oeve ELECTRIC FANS. Plumet and Trapping for Cirsas mad Adesr- , kVlaconaln Seatlnx Co., New larndun, kk la The Vk'endeii Grienwood Co 122 8 Fourth st **' Il^Hborg. 36 E. 23d at.. New York (Mty. Using Use. ORANfYEADE Kchaeniba Pluiae Co., 612 Metropolitan ave., ' MlnneaiKdia. Minn ELECTRIC LIGHTING OUTFITS. Brooklyn, ll"T. Charles Orangeade Co.. Ogden A Homan. < hi ^ balloons. Charles A. Strehlinger Co., Detndt,Detroit. Mich. • Lj/NTCi e TI'* t’orner Co., 303 Mar/lanrl at.. Buffalo. N. Y. (Hot Air.) FizturMFiaturea and Reflectora for DirectXKreet or XndireslXndiromt • C.UO. Kwenrbatbirst Co.. 24 '26 llarriarm at.. N Y C. Xllumi nation. Hotel FrerleHck (strictly prufeaslonal), 1647 Charles T. Morrlsey Co., S4U7 Ogden ave., Chi- *^ t”!<^go,'^Tll.*'*"**’” ^ " Clybom ave., x,,,onaiNational X-Ray Refl^or"(^"TReflector Co., 229 Jackson Blvd., Payne ave., Cleveland. O. cago. III. — _ Cblcago, III. Grand Opera House Hotel, Koro|>ean, William The John Henry Orangeade to., Torrliigtun. yuAV Hprlnka, prop., Toronto, Can Conn Cincinna^i^N GAMES. ELECTRIC MINIATURE RAILWAYRAILWAY- HYPNOTIC INSTRUCTION. ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS. Byeamore .NoreUy^Co.t *1326 Sycai^ Clm'tU " ’ ^o.. ('oney laland. N. Y. re U. D. Betta. Htatton U. Jackaoo. Mich. C. F. Hath, AMleM, Kao BAND INSTRUMENTS. I ELECTRIC STAGE EFFECTS. T I I ^ kJ T & ^ **0 W, i4tb at, Nca \ ork y taot J(»haimM ttcbbart To., 7033 RtlmuDd at., Ta* M. Welle A Sona 273 5tb ave N Y rttw I’nlveraal Electric Stage lighting 0>., 1391 INCANDESCENT LIGHTS. •• 8af#t7 KlehU. I*a. Rudolph Wurlltzer Co.. Clnclnnatr ind Cblcaio N'* York (Tty. BANNERS. EMBROIDERY. INDIANS, AND ^ INDIAN^ COSTUMES, North T(»Dawan’ Pltlahurg. Pa. B-tTBrei’; 604 Olive at.. St. Louis. Mo. FEATHER FLOWERS. 8t. Ijimia Calcium Co.. 516 E m st., 8i Louis DeWItt Slaters, 147 kV. 46tb at., Chicago. Ill PEANUT ROASTING MACHINES. Western Calcium Light Works, 186 Ilaatinga e^cA-riiDc c-ii aae Cleveland Cane Co., Ch-toland. O. Kingery Mfg. Co.. 420 426 B Peart at.. Cla’tt. at.. Detroit, JHch. FEATURE FILMS. Goldberg Jewelry Co.. 816 kk’yamlotte at., Kan calLIfYPFU Great Northern S|ie<-lalty Feature Film (3o.,Co., 700’ an* City. Mo. PENNANTS. „ Lincoln Bldg., New- York City.(Tty. .Newman Mfg Co.. 041 kVooilland ave., Cleve ' Sawman 1.348 Fillmore at . Han Fiancla.- Oeurge Kartz, F.vanavllle, Ind. M>.. 145 kV 4.’.thth at.,at N.NYC Y. C.C land, O I{ucncrr i'rrfuroe Co., 1006 Portage ave., Houlb CAMERASCOPES. ''7t7 Cle*veland."().‘’““' Bend, Ind. W. 8. M iuntford, KiO Maldt-n Lane, N. Y. City. Feature 4’llm ('«., 170 kV Waahlngton at., Chl- FANF^ cago. III. LAUGHING GALLERY MIRRORS. PHOTOGRAPHS. FeatureX'-Ii.r- FilmX'llm Sale* Co.,C.. Ltd.,I t.l 16HlltM VCW. U-.-hl—.Watbing-I J. M .Naughlon Co.. Hotel Mayer Bldg, Peoria,! foung A Carl, Northwest corner Hevenlb a»* L Blaenateln A Co., 44 Ann at.. New York City. ton at., Chicago, HI and Vine at.. (Tnclnaatl, O. OCTOBER 19, 1912. X ti e Billboard 63

    PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. SILK FLAGS, PENNANTS AND TOILET REQUISITES & PERFUMES Bill Your Show Properly With the Jiairilnwn Kprrul/pe Co., 1113 H Ilalitrd it.. STREAMERS. Carl E. W. Welwme, Box .102. Weatfleld, Maaa. Cliirago, lU. Itflim A (’o., 142 Kiiltoo at.. New York Cltj. TOY BALLOONS. Phone. Curtlaoil 70. PHOTO BUTTON CAMERAS. Pnultleaa Hutber Co.. Axhlaud. O. Best Line of Amer. Mlnut.-Minute Photo. C».,Co., 7‘.*0720 W 12th. Cblrar*- I aiSASKATES. I C.3. Naitaella Broa., 32 Atlantic ave., Boston, Mnaa. I M ■■ ■% Chicago Kirrotji* Co.. Ferrotype Bldg., Chi- ( lt„l|,.r Bkate Co.. 1128 Waahlngton N>rvloue, 448 N. Franklin at., Chicago 111 ■■ | | 1 ■ BJI ■■

    Tw.mev A *VolUnrK;w.nlI Carpenter A Co . 201 W. IlltnoU at., j FOR SALE-A veryTerr fine female Mexican Mountain WATTEo’TauderiiieTeopleWANTED -4'audeyllle People In iall lines, change foa Hf ** * ^ Chi. ago. III. Lion. 3 gray Foxes. 1 Coyote. 3 half-dog puppiea and i one week; good Single or Do,Double Musical Acta: Dt. lAiait, Jio. Coluiiibua Tent * .4wnlng Co.. Columbus, O. ' -'oyote. 1 Ocelot Cat. 3 Beers. 1 Gila Monster. S I Irish. Dutch.Dutch Jew.Jew Eccentric,Kccentric or Singing^ and Dancing SCENIC RAILWAYS. Ron.lle IV. »>: I>eUw«r« iit., Kadsm Monkw. 1 pxlr MonkeyTAc^ (>wU 3 Alllgtt^ ;nd | Comedian. StateSiite'All all tnin first letterlett and make salary ^_a_^ •aevwv.A. aa ^ It Mexican ^-MIa-Kagla. HKCKtR.HECRER. 21T317 N. FloretFlorea 8L, SanSen ; low as It IsU suresure. We44’e trAveltravel iIn own private car. Coaater Conalru. Oo.. 640 W 21at at.. N. Y. C. I iVi.ugi.^riv Broa ’ Tent Co.. IW 8. Main at.. St. Antonio. Taxaa. Must join on wire. Good Medicine People writa. 44. F. Maiigela Co., Coney laland, N. Y. louts. Mo I Boozers, save stamps. Write GEORGE ANTHO-NT, fENT S*ix6v. poles, seats, stage, scenery, stakes. SCENIC STUDIDS. J. «. tloea A Co.. Detridt, Mich. - --, ■i;-';.- -v — care Show Car. Toluca, IlL_ The Kunkely Tent * Awning Co.. 163 South at.. 'IS’: KIrbtrd Giithmenn Scenery Slndloa 1314 LoomU V- _. Y„,w |-|i* ‘ irtloqulsliriloqulst Figures.rtguree. Trained I>oves.Doves. PlgeoiiaPlgeuiia and Roost¬Roost- Plac*. Chicago IlL «•’ II I ...i,K...>h 1 era.ers. and other Show Gooda cheap. Encloaa stamp. -WANTED- 44. II I uslibangb. toitnglon. Ky ...V4’ H_ J, SHAW. Victoria.vieioria Mo.Un Auatin C. Rowell, 1216 6th ave., Ptttabarg. Pn. M Magee A Son 147 Fulton at.. N. Y. City. Young iJidy Mind Reader, to take part In Illuskm Act. Address ’ FEATURE,'’ care The Billboard. CTn- Murray A Co.. Inc . 640 Merldan at.^ Chicago. I _ fon BALE — SECDND-HAND FILMS. — rOK BALE — ■ dnnatt. Ohio._ Ilehm A Co . 142 Fulton at.. New York ('*17. j nice Kattleenake and Cage $15.00. Tama C4»iui. General Film Brukera. IM WT, Waahlngton at.. One nice Kaitleenake and Cage. $15.00. Tama Owna, Plioiie. t orllandt <0 H$4 (W)„„ each. Chicago, IlL Thoiimon A Van-llveer, 816 Pearl at Cincinnati wW T. N0D6EN. BosBex 233.232. Caiaakellsville.Caiaakelliville. Kv.Ky. SECDND-HAND SHDW GDDDS. Tucker l>uck A Rubber to.. Ft. Smith, Ark. 4VANTED. QUICK girxT ajar* LSI kit a ! Good Comedian with Speclaltltw. Also giod Scotejl Dixie Film Exchange, Owensboro, Ky. ' .K Ch'lclgo. i'r• " "*** , forFOR SALE-SLOTsale—slot MACHINESmachines Team doing specialties. Want good people In aO ___Ki. ..f,, ., All 1 sa, "'tea to strengthen compary. State all first Iritsg. SELF.PLAYING PIANOS. TENTS TO RENT. No reasonahlc offaroffer [^u^refused AllAH klnda.kln<^ averever 1.44*1.40* show stavs out all winter Must have Chanaa and Arrade So choosa from V4Tiat do yot __ iii„i,.-.i ini-ki snA TadA Merry Wim>4 Plano Player O., Kansaa City. Mo. Krlini A Co., 142 Fulton at.. New York City. BIUDFOBD* NOVELTY MACaiNB *CO., *l« Hamid‘write* THfliS'vs * BROS ^ im*4M 4T1C M Welte A S'-na, 273 6tb ave.. New Y’ork City. Phone. Corllan.lt 70. Markm St.. San Fraamac. Cal. 1 ^b^w'^-a^ Wlnch^liri'Texll." ^ DRAMATIC CO.. Rudolph Wurlltrer Co . Cincinnati an., Canton, O. fas'e steel dies to rut Roman letters, figures, etc., one Dlanioml Novelty Co , S- lieiiei'la-ly, N Y" inch high, from felt. Usesl In manufacture of hat WANTED—AGENT E. Ill|>|>le, Mill Vine at , Pli|iailel|>hla, Pa. THEATRICAL CDSTUMES X WIGS, and arm bands, etc. .4re good as new. K It lloltiiiau A Sou, 3317 S Irving ave., Cbl- I for E'alrs. CarnIvaLs. Parks. 4Vlndow Work. etc. Must be a live one. capable of close contracting and •agii. 111. Ch|..ago I oeliime Worka, 143 N. iMarborn at.. ,, MtiRRISiiN. Straltonviue. Pa. uec the bruah. Car show, canvas theatre, week * hlcago. III F Maiigela, Coney Island, N Y. stand, raudeviUe Low. sure salary Year around I engagement. Tell all first letter. MILLKR COM- *' W. Parker, l/eavrnworth. Kan. .4 1 m'ger, 521 44 alnut at.. St. loula. Mo. AGENTS—44'eAGENTS—4Ve can giveglTe you the kind of paper that engagcnient Tell all first letter. . A J Kiiillh, 3247 4V 4'an Buren at.. Chl-ago. ' THEATRICAL LUMBER. you need for your show. ITlceaPrices that will please your ED4 COMI .4N4. l*1e \ ’2d a,., Pli|ladel|ihla, Pa. | TICKET CHDPPERS. sale—a l-lg Animal Act of 13 Monkeys and SIDE SHDW CURIDSITIES. FOR SALE—A big Animal Art of 13 Monkeys and fheI |IU WUIUIColored WU WSMVWState Fair■ Mil j< II V Bright. Strain BUIc.. i'Irrplaiut. O. ^4 l8>gs. tboroughljthoroughly tralnetl.trained, and all paraphernalia.paraphernalia i ...... - . .. . 4Viniaiii Nelaon, North Canilirtilge, Maaa |I DDiKiYCDO Act stilletlll working at salaryaalary $2i>0$*i*0 per week. CauseCaviae | -41 Mais>n. Ga November 18-34. 191. A Brm-alMg jriiA/ DAIKITIKJOC I liurvtl r'nimitno.r'KIiNI cKOe for selling,aellina. sicknessaieknearoof. aaM- N Y. I N,.|. ing capacity. 45i stage. 5i' feoi wide. 19 faot d*a*. '1 Jt'nklnaon, 1742 Utllinore at . Kan Francla<-<» I lloyal Ticket Co . Shaniokin, Pa condition. '/;*17 f^t^*hlgh.feet high, eijuirpe*equlpre.1 with flmt-cleseflmt-clau sceneiscanary. 4 aa A W MtllNnl, r., -Mk> W Sth •!., Coiiejf !• II rilimMiiilI'llnionnl Press, S7s7 .Vlbaii.r.4ll'an,T st., ILaton,ILwton, Mass.Maaa, | Addressm FAINrAIN A FORSYTH.rORSiTH. Andrews.Andrew*. N C._C. easilyea.silT be convertedoonven»*d intoInto winter hause:h#iise:hawse; $1$$.444 ta- l«inl, N. A'. 1I 4Velilon,WeWloii. 44'llllamaWlillain* »A>4 I Ick.Ick, Fi»rtFort Smith, Ark. , festedvvsied 4VIIIWill trade ar sell, or retain half IwiaiailistoMl AiimiIii r Itowill. htli ave, rittsburf, ra. TIGHTSTIGHTS. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ with proper i>artie8ivartles f *1 '|’»•dnldl. 7JH H S^Msiml st . Hi UmiIs. kb*. 1 I U O. | Merry r>*Round. State ^ln ArfrlracQ L F HENNE TfOV O. * H lont A Awiiinf Co., 22 N. lH»eidalti«e Art B. AlWrtte Co., • Fulton at., Bi\K»kljn. ; lYsrticulart in fl i letter. FLINT. North Waterford. 1-. r. nc.n , ^ at . Chicago 111. N, \. Uaiua. P. 8.—4Vuuld buy laughing mirrors. i ‘ Bualneaa always gooa. I

    ^ T tl 6 B llltyoard October is, 1912.

    HHWjM WT\f f’or concessionaires-shows-novelties bp DIVl IwlwnlEwT (Anything Within Heason) DKL ^UlwiV A MILLION PEOPLE TO DRAW FROM—REAL SPENDERS-and they’ll all lie at Paterson,N.J. Business Mens' Industrhil and Pure Food Show, which will be held in the Largest Building in New Jersey—the Auditorium, NoveinlH*r 11 to NovenilxT 1(1, 1912. Write, wire or phone (Bryant 6343, New York). THOMAS BRADY, 1547 Broadway, New York, N. Y, (IC.xehisive KeprcsentJitive) THE IRACLE HA.S ARRIVED

    Brought to us by a SPECIAL MES¬ Have 4,200 feet length and bear our name— SENGER from the CONTINENTAL KUNST film, of Berlin. All and only authorized versions of this MARVELOUS PHOTOPLAY must bear this copyright NEW YORK FILM CO. trade-mark— 12 Union Square, NEW YORK

    DIrectioa J. D. Willianit. Manaieaient Wai. H. Ball. | INTERNATIONAL PICTURES ('ontrolled bj FAIR WORKERS, LISTEN! “MINK” The Greater J* l>. \^llllains Amuse¬ We have COMPLETE LINE:—The latest ami liest Tovs. Novelties ami Souvenirt ment Companyt Ltd* inthemarket. FU LL ASSORTM ENT CAM PAIGN GOODS. IMME¬ DERONDA CAPITAL, £200.000. The \Vorl flealer* In Motion rirlure Film.'*. DIATE DELIVERIES. Write for cataloi;. Confetti anii shakers at the lowepi Ma are on the market for | prices. eTer>thing Hhtgrai>hir. No Morlng iHclure Kilni and ! Kquipinent rroiHidtion too large for conMderatlon. K Sl'KriAl.TY Kxolusive Australian Kighta on Woolf Bros., 119 Fulton St., IVew YorK. the ttest long feature Huh)e«'ts pro^liu'ed. and the lat- I eat RU('(*eHsful supply noreltles. PRINCIPAL EXCHANGES. —WANTED FOR— Cnstal I*ala4'e Itullding. tJefirge Street. Sydne>\ New , Hoiiih Wale- Meilnmnie. ItrGhane. iVrth and Well- IngtfHi. New /^-alaiid S«'iid samples aii«i oomiuunha- lions to our pirriiasing ofTlees as follows: J. A HAY- i>K\. Ih'war Hous*v 11 }|a\niarket Ix)ridon. Eng¬ THE GREAT PATTERSON SHOWS land LOUIS M. NOTO, M6 W. 23d Street. New York C*tv ruiform Show, riantulon and Stronf Olrl Show. .\l«o any othrr «how that can dcllvrr lh» food*, to )oln at IMIN^KTANT:—When writing us direct remember once for Jaoluon. MUs.. State Fair, and Waco I'otton FaUcc. .\1m) aant Snare lirummer. Addma Meridian, that letters with Insuffloient postage are delayetl Mim., next week.

    Plciiire Marliiiir and Film for a 30x60 lop. or other Useful Circus Acts; also Musicians. Lonji season Soutli. ahow atuff wniat have you? E. E. MEYERS. Ciraiid Meadow. Minn. Wire Geneva, Ala., October IDth, or.I. E. McX.MH, Calumet CARS STORED, BOUGHT .AND SOLD ( oluml)ia, Ala. J. J. BLANCK. 6344 Penn A«e.. Plttiburch, Pa |i CHAMPIONSHIP BASE BALL SERIES ' 10 Slides, plain. $2 50: colored, 14.00. 20 Sliden. plain. $5 00; colored. IM.AO. 35 SHdea. plain. IH 75; eol- WANTED-TO DO YOUR ARRANGING; ored. 115.00. With Lecture or aelf-explaining. SpedfV which atjle dealred. Will make any kind of arrangement you want. Branit, i wo(Mi. wind or HtringH. either for pick or bow. Ar- |NEW YORK POLICE SCANDAL AND BECKER’S TRIAL first American rara--hute Juamer In sucraasfulty rangemehts made for Novelty InutruroentA. Write 20 Slides, plain, $5.00; colored. $10.00. 40 Slides, plain, $10.00; colored. $2m.00. Gne sbeet I'ovierB and drop from a Wright Blplsne Ihls feat wsa ae- excellent Lerture for prices. H. C. CXIKFMAN. 200 Spring 8t., Cam- rnmpltshefl at IVorls. Ill . tirtober I. for tbs BrgI Midge, O. lime, when DeRnnda Jumped from a plane at a A. J. CLAPHAM, 130 WEST 37TH STREET, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. height of l.nmi fMS Ttie BMchtne was piloted by Max IJIlle. on* of the world’e grsateet blrdmiW WANT TRAP DRUMMER that does spedalUea. A open for engagements at Houthem Aviation Mee(& rear’s work to right party. All three-day stands; I’ark. Fairs etc. Address Billboard Offics. Chleaaa, •alary- every 8unday. State lowest, paying your own liotel. Join at once. MANAGER SHOW, ^nwick, Iowa WANTED wwavv The Funniest AUNT MI I INOA Two Comet Men. one double stage, other cai>able of dlrrrllng band. Must be A-I. No parades. Btata age, Jtf Tttt TV* Stunt Out I experience and salary. Tent and Car Sliow. South all winter Have not cloaad In tlx years. Maks salary SNAKES rlglit If you want position. Beech Parrott and E. D. Hayworth write. Btll hita face In lun Tboaiandv of all klnda. O. W. ESTES A CO., ngure over backwards Inin Lock Box 233, Rorhder, Minn. tub. showing underrlotbea C. A. PHILLIPS, MGR., MOHAWK CO.. WAGENER, S. C. Nothing f>bar*tM. but ea- BANKRUPT STOCK OF FILM—MFST HAVE CASH. trssssly fuaay. $18. osm* $8 00, tlO.oO, $12.00 mU at $6.00 reel. A few at half rash, balance C. O. $3.00 ivrl; Dlasolvrrs, the $5.00 kind, $1.00. Good D Wright. 2U9 pounds: Beniicd'hatid I’piigtit llano, $98.00, or trade for 1 doaen balls and 4-11. dlamonil BOX 164, Warren. Ohio. LAFAYETTE COUNTY DAY AND NIGHT FAIR •Igii with each gama. BATHING GIRL BALL ADDITIONAL CIKCUS A CARNIVAL ROUTES. FREE ON STREETS. OXFORD, MISS., WEEK OCT. 21 GAME, $24 A dandy device GREAT CLIFTON-KELI.EY SHOWS will place for thl, date and balance of winter, l.iong Range Gallery. Amerlran Exhibition Sbowa. F. M. Jobnaon. High S.rlker. Baby Rack. Photo Gallery Knife Katk. IIoop-lA. .N'oveltlea. I>og and Candy WhM-l, If you OLD MAN GRUMP BALL uiltr : TaIlai«H>6a. Ga., 1419; Hartwidl ill 26. can't keep your now out of the manager’s and other mncraalon iieoolr'a bualneii, keep away from this show. GAME, $32. Everybody Abott A Oderkirk Shon-a: Marion, N. C.. 14-19; Address CBEAT CLIFTON-KELLEY SHOWS. Hally Sprlagt. Mliaittippl. ^ kiinwe him. Gaffney, 8. C., 21-26. All Goods Htriclly As Bep- Carllale'a Wild Weat: (Hippodrome) N. Y. C., reerwted Indet. Coffree Amusement Co.. C. H. Coffree, mgr.: IVCAMORE NOVELTY CO- Manaura. La., 14 19; Heaamer 21-26. ... WANTED FOR ... \ 1324 Sycamece Bl., Eaohman'a European Cirrus: Putoai, Mo., 19; J Clnelaaall. Okla. Bismarck 21; Ironton 22. Gross Combini'd Shows: Glamorgan, Y’a., 14 20. Ooodell Sbowa: Raymond, Ill., 14-19. AT LIBERTY.OCTOBER 21 Oollmar Bros.’: Bristow, Okla. 18; Holdenvllle 21. WINTER SEASON SOUTH Landes Bros.' Show: Mamie, Okla., 14-19. kliller'a. Will T., Show; Fiedmont. Ala.. 1419. One more Show that don’t conflict, opening for two r>»d I'latform Rhowi; all kinds of Conrawdafis riceptlng ^ Violinist, Pianist National Amusement Co.: .Manhattan, Kana., graft, which positively srlll not !« tolerated. One more Krnsettonal Free Art; small Italian Band Ktata I lowest In your ilrst; no fancy salaries paid, but they’re sure. Want one mort General Agent. H Wielan wire. ' 14-19; Herrington 21-26. Also Queen and I'rugram klan. Show opens .Novtmlier 18; now booked solid utitll January 1, In gouart Gallery. Ruby Gla,a and Atldno (rare) Port'iiplnee, $20 (Ni. MvnkeT fMwd Owla. Sparks Show Aberdeen, N. C., 17; Rockingham Uoop-l.a. Also useful people in all brandies Only ladles and gentlemen need answer, tilassford. III., iict I»alr. $M iHi; \5altaliig Moiiee, T5r. Ili»rite

    1 OCTOBER 10, 1012. Xfie Billboard 65 Big WOOD WHISTLES . . . WANTED FOR . . . BERNI ORGANS A new line. Just In from Europe, Indudm efeiy kneaB derlce and norelllea nerer before seen here. SkatM4 With your “AD” Rinks. Eiposltlons. etc. Our present stock compilaai MAKR HI'I.KNI>II> XMAH NOVRLTIKH to b»nd amongst a multitude of others, tha S LAROBBT to Tour buy ontt girl potroim. IKxi't moot Xnima A.ND MOST POWERFUL ORGANS In tha world. iB- Hoy without HiiiM sort uf gift fur tho youtigitor*. strumentallty equal to any band or orchamra. Thof or* Inciprii^ltt giiil ■ rcol ooftltj. M w*ll 0* A UKAL AliVKRTlMCMKNT. Would bo op- WINTER SEASON SOUTH BERNI ORGAN CO. pcorlolcd by all. A more opiiroprlalo gift with Pluntiition Show, .\nimal Show, 8tron|r 5-in-l Show, Platform Shows, Mechanical Thti tripla adiantaga ran rrat bo obtaliiod l.ac 220 W. I4tb Si., ■ N. Y. CITY. thro WhUllo your aroetliigi of "A MKRRT Showw; Performera for School I)ay Show; strong; Door Talkers; Sister Team and TBiBphonB, ChBisBa •2t. CHKIHTUAH TO ALL" Musical Act. Want to buy or lease private car and four baggage cars. Want Con¬ r-ACI YOUR ORDER NOW. cessions of all descriptions. Address, RRMI> (r for Kamploa and our eomplala rata* log Uating ITMUiTk AUVERTIfll.NU RTUNTR of all WIRTH H. E. VanGorder, Robinson Shows, BRAZEL NOVELTY MFC. CO., Lexington, Ky., week of Oct. 14. Chattanooga, Tenn., week of Oct. 21. 1T00 Cila Stroat. CINCINNATI. O.

    INCANDESCENT LAMPS FOR PARKS, THEATRES, SHOWS BROS.’ aUARANTCCO noss 800 HOURS 800 HOURS Claar, 10* CImp, •« Will furnish top, seats, stage and front, outfit complete to any good show or shows Calorad. 11a Calapatt, 7c that do not conflict with anything we are carrying. Good opening for first-class SAFETY ELECTRIC CO. illusion or vaudeville show. Will give good proposition to lady wrestlers. Would Ml M Miaigaa A«a.. CNICARt like to hear from Ixittie Oliver. Haven’t got the best Southern territory, but have as good as the rest. Conce.ssions that are legitimate, let me hear from vou. All mail answered promptly. Route—Hopkinsville, Ky., week Oct. 14; Murfreesboro, I Tenn., Oct. 21; Tulhihoma, Tenn., Oct. 28; Bridgeport, .\la., week Nov. 4. Then NOVELTIES, JEWELRY ' the BIG .MOO.SK CKLKBK.\T10N, at KNOXVILLE, TENN., on the streets. Some “CHICAGO SPECIAL" J big ones to follow, .\ddre.ss all mail as per route. This show will not close. Guaranteed Ijtmps for Parka, Falfi^ SPECIALTIES Theatres, Etc. HIGHEST QUALITT AT LOWEST PRICES. Siigir Bros.' New Book of Specialties 8 and 10c each: coloring, lo eztl^ Ta# Bnt Catalocua la Ibt Trada. Write If you ar« a i'onrpwilonair*. Noralty. Jrwalry. . . . WANTED . . . CHICAGO ELECTRIC LAMP 60. Notion or I'air Wnrkrr. t'anraawr R’lraiaan. (Iseorporated) AurtloiiHT. KnIfrboanI Man. Hnop-la Uania. or S3 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicafe, IIL Onml Mrrrhant. you ran not afford to ba wtib- oul tt. II oontalna full and complrt* Ilnat In nrwrat Notrltlra. Sourrnlra. Wrtrhaa. Jrwolry. Foui.taln l‘*n< optical (load*. l'oou wsnt a gCKMl ■J.i cents. man. Address ALKKKU KALKHKKNKR. leake CUj, Minn. KERNAN MfO CO.. 11} t. Oaarbom Bt. CklMg* WANTED LOOK WANTED WAIMTED AT LIBERTY CHUTE THE CHUTES -FOR- PUuur* BokU. Mrrry-Oo-Round gnd Mb«r gauM- A>1 Trap Drummer •riiU. for ('ry«ig| l.gkg Tgrk now grtling rggdy for ItM »rg*on of IkiJ. iwn all«* froa Hloux (."liy. Ig. BELLS AND TRAPS Will buy or run on prr rrni No irgp* wgnird. ; SEYMOUR & SON PROGRESSIVE SHOWS Eyperlenred In all kinds of Circus. Ilramstic, Vaudw- gii.l rTC(»n*lblr pgnlr* only Addmw IKA HOW- | Wr oprnrd In Chgmpglgn. III., April 1. gnd hgrr not mL**rd g w«ck. now South, gll winter, on gixount of rille and nance work Travel or locate. Addram ARP pgkolg. (tty. .Nrb. R. E. PERRY, rare The Billboard, Cincinnati. 0. kirknmg. ('gn u*r g Brei-clg.** Mrrry-Go-Round. Now hgrr Igrtesit Wild Anlmgl Show trgrellni. bgr none: old rigntgtlon. Am.y. the Girl fma Mgr*, gnd Glgas Blower*, ('gn u*r one show tbgt don't conflict. Vgge Wheel. I’oodle I>n(. Hoop-lg gnd Lot.f Bgnge ShooOng Ggllrrr open Wire or come on. CgmpbellsrlUe. Ky., WANTED Oct. 14'It: ('grtwn ll-ld; gnd others to follow. A. SEYMOUR, Mgngfer. SINGER ForSangsi's Gonibined Circus 1-Iigti Div^er AT LIBERTY Aalognt Adjuster. Twenty four hour Mgn. Trgln PEER OF AEE DIVERS For lllu!Mx1le IHtgs Will slay out all winter. Route will be gleen If necessary. Addrew R. L. i CARROLL. Mgggfer Carrall'i Ualtad Sbswg. gart Eldorada Cara Caralval, weeli tf Oet- 14. Elderadt. Kag. WANTED Tima Ih Ohio, October, Moeember, December, RIHG MAT FOR SALE DAINTY MINA GENNELL CO. Used one week. Jb feet In dlsmeJer. S-lnch boUw felt, hesry ducking top and bottom, quilted eregr I P to datv lAbUitil MuaIcaI tml l>rtmu. ILiTTLEJOHN'S UNITED SHOWS WANT ONE MORE SHOW That doeg not conflict Must be a money-getter and managed by ghowmen. Thlg la a good opening for gome eight Inches. IlbO.OO. not a iB iiy less. Tho^ nlfti rUiA. aikI rlran Want Houam with meaning business csll or write P. W. BARLOW, 81 up-to date I’lalform or Grind Show Hare Old Plantation. F.lectrlc. Centaur, tha Educated Bona; Three-ln- to «»H) In towTiH, two perform- Wilbur Aeenue. Long Island City. N. Y. triTM l Att tw flT«n nffhllf (Wt«n pMpla. tnrludSai One. Ferrta Wheel. Merry-Go-Round, and featuring 1‘rof. Salradore Baitlato'i Poyal (10 piece) Concert Baiul. Muaiiai IMiwior TtiU •itrarlloii ha« th# reputation tVe want one more show and ONLY one. as the show will then be large enough to play tha towns we are FOR SALE—Th« Great White Coekatoo friB the mi>neY IVr cent or alralcht tAlary. making Cnmpa:iy stays out all winter, as usual, and now bouts comravts shrad up to Christmas. Rouu V r MINNKI.I.I. IMaware That ramou.s Bell Ringer Does a whole act In eau* will be furnishest lo those Int reslest I)i.?.-h Holman, write. TH08. P. LITTLEJOHN, Maaater, Graeayllla. devllle. Send stamp for reply. Address PROF. T»an., week October 14; Etewab, Teaa., week October 28. P\MMl.XSIK.V. 2327 N. «th St.. Philadelphia. Pa.

    Hmatl Ht4Mk t'nmpaiilM. Pramatic lluatcAl FOR S ALt—CMEAR aiifl fauilrrillr. In thiB flrlnttir. to wrlla. A. KOIIN. rare jitlr Hour Tliratre. t’oloradu t'llj, Colo One pair of Tvmpanles or Kellie I'rums. and IM THE LONDON pairs of Roller Skates. K. A. Y.. Fort Findlay Ar¬ cade. FYndlay, O. _ BiOrSHOW AND TEN IN ONE MEN. here II la. | A tirw on^. fAi'Bimlle of MHf NlirUllnA IhF i FOR SALE—Handcuff Act. Box Mystery. Mall Bag, ^miAii, mumminrit with KilO pAlnilng $40 rAAh ' Ti»u will gH A iiArrrl iif niiiiieT with ihU Ar* you 1 Spirit Cabinet. Comesly Magic Act. CTosa Escape, wlwf othrr RHifT l.ut friw. \VM NK.|J*oN. North Mind Reading Act. and a complete Magic and Pie* r«mbH<1fr. Mam MUSIC HALL lure show. Also many other bargains. Clrculan for stamp. GEO. A. RICE. Dept. 4. Auburn, N. T. It ihA rMHiciilBAct organ ol VauilrrllW ArttsU ttaTv^u^hout tha warld. AmarlcanA rlAltins London wtll find • If y«M 8M It In TM Bil\^r4, Ull tli8« fiiaiKllT wtlcDDa at 14 Lalcaatar 8tra«i. W. C. If you sse It la Tkt Billboard, tell tksM te. OCTOBER 19, 1912. THE BILLBOARD OCTOBER 19, 1912. STATE RIGHTS SELUNG -FOR- THE VERY FIRST MOVING PICTURES EVER MADE UPON THE VATICAN GROUNDS, AND, GREATEST OF ALL. IS SHOWN His Holiness POPE PIUS X.

    THE MOST BELOVED AND REVERED OF ALL WORLD’S MEN The most compelling appeal ever made to those of his faith and guidance. His Holi¬ ness is one whom the people of all nations honor because of his true humanity.

    Every Foot of It Has Been Photographed By Especial Permission. Every Inch of It Is Absolutely Genuine. SXOF» AND XHINK !

    Can you call to mind any otherj possible subject that would even approach it in breadth of drawing power? Think not only of the theatres, but of the churches, so¬ cieties and private halls. Its field is as broad as eye can see —its attendance possi¬ bilities are^boundless State Rights buyers, this is beyond peradventure of business doubt, the far-greatest crowd-drawing subject ever offered in the history of Cinematography. To neglect a single minute in securing business particulars is but to neglect your own profit. Every buyer in the whole of North America is going to spring into instant action on this subject. To wire is the'quickest way. The man who best conceives the stupendous attendance this picture is going to attract is the man who will get it. He is the man who will not stand by and see a mint of profit fall into another’s hands. ARE YOU THAT MAN? THEN WRITE OR WIRE UNIVERSAL FEATURES J. D. XIPPEXX, IVfanaQcr 22S West 42ncl St., N^w York City