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9-29-1992 The esM senger -- September 29, 1992 Roger Williams University

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problems Facing Students RWU struggles to Datcher leaving solve parking dilema RWU for DC interviewed in that pe­ lished in September of cars in the evening. whocan'tftnda space By ChriS Zammarelll By Wayne Shulman riod. Datcher said he 1991. rrheHawk'sNest We've been turning oncampuswtll prefer Managing Editor Sports Editor was interviewed in late isthe concessionstand awaypeoplewithyellow parking on Old Feny August. onthe lowerlevel ofthe For years, stu­ stickersornostickers." Road than North Dwight Datcher According to recreationcenter.) The dents at RWU have He added that Campus. 'The dis­ has resigned as head Datcher, everything athletic teams are also been complaining guests can use tance from Old Feny athletic director. was finally worked out going on more trips about the -parking security's phone to call Road ismuch shorter Datcher. who has been lastThursdayrughtand than they have in the problem.- However, uptheirfriendstocome than from North with the RWU athleUc he was able to an­ past. the problem hasbeen pick them up at either Campus." Incasesof departmentfor thepast nouncethathehadthe -I don't want to intensified this year. the lnformaUon center emergency parking, I < seven years. w1ll be job the next day. take full creditbecause AccordtDgtoEdShaw,· or at North Campus. Shaw said Old Feny leaVing his post as B111 O'Connell. Di­ a lot of people made director of security, One oftheoptions Roadwtll probablybe athleticdirectoronOct. rector ofAuxillary and these things happen. information and en­ the school is consider­ open to upperclass 9 to become the new StudentActivities, said The· coaches did some ergy, the construcUon ing to help ease the commuters. Head Athletic Director Patricia Bedard, Assis­ work and the athletic of the law school has problem is opening up In the Plan for (HAD) atthe University tant Athletic DireCtor, staff did some great elim1natedbetween75 more ofOld FenyRoad the 90s, a multi-level ofD1str1ct Columbia in will immediately as­ work as well," said and 80 parking for parking. The left parking facility is to Washington, D.C. sume the pos1t1on of Datcher. spaces. side of the road is· al­ be built by the Mt. According to Dat­ actlngAthleticDirector Datcher sees the To help alleviate readyavailableforcars. HopeBridge. Student cher, the process ofbe­ upon Datcher's depar­ Athletic Department the problem. sopho­ Shawwantstoo~the Senator Michelle comingthe newHADat ture. He said Bedard headed in the right di­ more commuters are whole road up. 'The Vieira, ofthe Parking the University of Dis­ w1ll continueinthatrole rection. He said the only allowed to· park school owns property Affairs Committee, trict Columbia started until a permanentAth­ in North Campus. there that would make said, 'This facility DepartmentistIyingto a yearago. He said the letic Director is se- get a couple new Uelds 8ec:urlty has been 75to lOOmoreparldng wouldbea steptothe District of Columbia lected. " for intramurals and strictly enforcing the spaces available." right direcUon. The hasbeeninsearchfor a 0' Connell saidhe newpoUcy. Shawsaid, Shaw thinks recreation. newAD foraboutayear. will begin a search for Datcher said it ''We've been stopping upperclasscommuters See SChool. page 3 Seven applicants were thepermanentposition ~as always his dream immediately by estab- to see the Recreation . l1Shing a search com­ Centerused more than mittee which consists it was. He said each Summer of of all members of the year it's getting used college community. more and more. O'Connell will be the The athletic de­ ~change for H.P. chairperson of the partment is getting search committee. more eqUipment and it By ~ynne Auger The second major Datcher first hopes to get cable or Stall 'Nrller change within the His­ started out as sports satelUte in the Hawk's toric Preservation De­ information director Nest. Datcher thinks Over the summer partment is the reloca­ (SID) when he came that may draw more break. several changes tion of all four faculty here in 1985. Follow­ peopletotheRecreation took place within the members. to one ofllce ing his Job as SID, Centerinordertowatch Histonc Preservation within the Science and Datcher then went on the televised sporting Department at RWU. Math butldtng. to assistant athletic events. The flrst: change is the They are located directOr and then lbe athletic de­ resignation of Kevin in one office space for moved up to head ath­ partmentisnothingbut Jordan as program co­ the·first time since the letic director. growing,"saidDatcher. ordinator/ director of. HistoriC Preservation Datcher will not When asked ifev­ the center of Historic Programbegan. Thisis only be leaV1ng his po­ erything w1ll be left in Preservation. not only an excellent sition as Head Athletic good hands after his Jordan has been move for students to Director but also as departure,Datchersaid with the programSinCe accesstheentirefaculty's basketball with a smile. -I hope the begtnrUng and has to one place. but the coach. which he has everythingisleftingood brought the· depart­ facultycanbetterserve held for the past seve.n order." menttothepointwhere the studentsby having years. Datcher said Datcher went on itistoday. TheHiStorte easy access to each Mike Lunney, who has to say that ,everyone Preservation Program other. been the assistant wants to think they at RWU is well re­ Signs have been men'sbasketballcoach havegoodmanagement spected within the. promised to direct sincethe90-91 season, sk1lls, and if they do, proCession. as well as peopletothe office, but w1ll take over as head then everything is in havingties tothe inter­ theyarenotyetinplace. men's basketball order. Datcher said a -national community.. nor is it known when coach. managershouldn'trun Jordan w1ll re­ theyw1llbeputinplace. Datcher said he something that be­ main on the faculty of Ifyou have not already looksat everythingasa comesa personalthing. the Historic Preserva­ visited the offices. they ·.··:-g~itcf{ftpfit!!~yatJjiP~ia.:~~i~·~~i·8);.~;.:i~· ...... challengeandhisyears If this happens, the tionDepartmentandhe can be found on the .. ..; '.': '." .'.. .' :.".:.; .,~: " .'.;' '.-. ::. ..". here have been seven managerhastobethere w1ll continue to teach west side of the first Gillt.~~~itte: ·~S~~rman: ~··.13 challenging years. In in order for it to run and to advise the Open floor intheScienceand -.. ..;.. his time here. athletics well. ::::~.::::::- :': ..:." :".;::' :::::.-..:.-..:.:; '. ../:.' :::·:·:(::::/::·:fI':\(.::/{ ," ";:. "t::>: }:\., .:. .' .::\ ::: ..:.•.... DMsion students. He Math building. :.-:.:-..-:.- have increasedfrom 14 -To me, that passes on the paper­ sportsto 17sports. The See Dotcher, p. 2,- work to Karen Jessup. See Historic, p. 14 HawksNestwas estab- ...... 2 The Messenger NEWS September 29,1992 A dedication to spirituality outside of the class- The Spiritual co-d.1rectors ofan advi­ By Mana Ashley room building for the Committee members sory board for the Staff Writer "Seeds in the Water" are volunteers from .Sp1r1tual Center, con­ I portion of the celebra· Student Ufe and the sistlng ofFatherHtmy RWU began sow­ tlon, by students, fac- CampusMilmby. They Zinno, who has given ing seedsofsp1r1tual1ty ulty, clergymenandthe believe they "represent mass on campus, and Tuesday, Sept. 22, at a members of the Sp1r1- the diversity offaith on the Reverend David ".:.:.-:.:.:.:-..; celebrationforthesight tual Committee to campus" and are sup- Olsen of the Warren of the proposed Sp1r1­ symbolize the growing ported by the local Baptist Church. tual Center. dream of the Sp1r1tual clergy. To welcome the All speakersatthe Center into a reality on The committee celebrators, anopen1ng celebration conveyed our campus. plans to build the musical composition thatitwastheSp1r1tual The committee Center entirely by was performed by the Committee's goal to feels that the casting of themselves.- Labor w1ll Matr-Davis Duo, art­ build a place where the acorns w1ll be an be done by committee ists-in-residence at every religion on cam­ important symbolic members and other RWU. They performed pusw1ll feel welcome to step in the process of volunteers. Since no "Song," by Will Ayton, share and to celebrate buildingtheCenterand money w1ll be coming chairman of the De­ their diversities. encouraging sp1r1tual- from the college bud- partment of Music. Such organiza­ ity on campus. The get, the committee is .Toward the end of tions as the Cathollc proposed Center will depending entirely on thecelebration,Wester­ Ministry, Hillel and the be built on the land proposals for grants land asked those at­ Christian Fellowship. bordering the pond.. and on a fund-raising tending to participate as well as indMdual "From a small committee which is in a group response students with other acorn a large tree looking to the reHgious reading. "Maybe the rel1gtous backgrounds, grows," said Lois community for the purpose of being here, w1ll feel at home at the Westerlund, Sp1r1tual money necessary to wherever we are, is to Center. Committee member. cover the costs of increase the durability "Let us affirmthat She went on to explain building the Center. and the occasions of this center shall be a the seed, or acorn, The center itself love 'among peoples." place of learning, of symbolizes "principal was designed by fifth The committee prayer, of sharing and growth itself, that it is year RWU architect hopes that they can of sanctuary," said true to nature and student Robert Men- achieve these goals on Rabbi Flam in the needs a nurturing en- cra1n1. The Committee campus with the help Get some "Blessing ofthe Land" survive." hopes that his design ofthe Sp1r1tual Center, at the end of the cel­ This is the nature w1ll be "an expression and that everyone, re­ ebration. of sp1r1tual1ty, and of ofthecampuscommu- gardless of their rell- COMIC RELIEF Father Ricci, a religions, the Center n1ty.~ zane Anderson, giou's preferences, w1ll Read The Refrlclgerator, new member of the will be it's nurturing a Sp1r1tual Committee feel theyhave a placeto featuring the new com1c strips Catholic Ministry on place. "The acorn will memberhas drawnout share and to pray at "ugly Dingus" and "One Token To Cross" campus. finished the blessing. "Let all that ~~an~~a~~~~~thKe~c:e:n:~:r~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_.~throughouthistoryhas proposed center to aid Ii passbythisplacelmow, come to symbolize the Comm1t:tee mem­ surely God is in this heroism, steadfastness bers in building it. place. Thisisthe hou~ wd strength. The oak As well as the of God." propagates readily. casting of the acorns Dozens of acorns grows slowly and lives intothepond, therewas Classic Pizza were cast into the pond long." . an introduction of the Engineering adyisor Open Daily indicted on bribery charge 11am - 1am Ronald M. Ash, who was recently named to theSchool of Engineering 253-1871 Advisoryboard. wasindictedlastweekonchargesofbribery andattempted bribery. According to the Providence Journal (Tuesday. Sept. 22), Ash is accused of trying to bribe Brian Serualt, former mayor of Pawtucket, on 253-1872 three occasions. Ash is alleged to have paid Serault, Serault's top aide and the then actingpublicworksdirectorfive thousand dollars inreturnfor money owed Grinders, salads and cans or two-liter to Ash. Last November, an audit showed that Ronald M. Ash and Associateshadbeenpaid$474,000from thecity. AccordingtotheJournal, bottles of Pepsi available for delivery this is 32 percentmorethanwhatAshwassupposedto bepaidfor hiswork on the Bbickstone Riverfront Project. Ash also had a contract with Pawtucket involving renovations at ------~------,------I McCoy'Stadium, home of the Pawtucket Red Sox. . 'Two Large lOne Large One I One Ash is also alleged to have pribed Serault aide Paul Savoie in 1991 to I Topping Pizza I Small One make sure the city bought the building from where his company was On~ I and One I Topping Pizza moving. However, the city didn't buy this building. In addition, Ash was to have bribed Serault and Savoie to get a Topping I Two-Liter ,and One contract to consult the city on replacing a bridge. However, he did not get Pizzas I Bottle df Pepsi Small.Cheeze the contract. Ash faces 30 years in pIiSOn and $750 thousand infines ifconvicted. : Pizza ,------, I I ~~~®LQ1~fi@LQ1 ~®LQ1fi@IT~ I I I I I $6.99 I who live off-campus I $11.99 I. $8.99 I I I Please illl out the following information and return it to the I Classic Pizza:. Classic Pizza Classic Pizza I Senior Class office located in the Student Commons. (There will be a I 253-1871 I 253-1871 253-1871 I box to put them tn.) I I . .N I L L L ~~ : :C:l Address: : *Coupons good for pick-up or delivery I I *Please mention coupon when ordering I I.D. Number: .J *Extra large square party pizzas available L ------Septernber29,1992 NEWS The Messenger 3 Burtchell warns of Amazon destruction squaremile patchofthe Why is the rain­ By Scott Darby rainforest.onewUlfind forest disappearing? Staff Wnter , a nativemushroomthat According to Burtchell. cures earaches. more lbe primay reason is The Amazon rain- than 60 species of am- raising beefcattle. Ev­ forest isindanger. This phibians. more than eryyear. it is estimated warning was put forth 100ofreptiles. over 125 that 28 million acres of byPeter,Burtchell dur- of mammals and over rainforest arecutdown ing the first Contem- 500 species of birds. to plant pasture porary Forums of the Burtchell also grasses." For the first semester. Sept. 23. stressed the impor- time in decades. "Everywhere we tance ofpreserving the Burtchell said. the went. the Amazon rainforestoutsideofthe amount of acerage be­ rainforest is going up medical possibilities. ing cut down seems to in smoke before our "We. like every other have peaked. eyes." said Burtchell. species on this planet. Additionally. a re­ spokesman for the depend on other spe- cent study by the New Cousteau Society. in cies for our existence. York Botanical reference to a recent to provide us with the Garden's Institute of expedition to Brazil's oxygen thatwe breathe Economic Botany majornaturalresource. and to absorb the car- found that residents He complainsthere has bon dioxide that we ex- could earn as beena tremendousloss hale.' We depend on much money per acre of biological stocks. still other species to from harvesting the "The different provideuswithourfood forest's nuts and ber­ types of funguses are andstillotherstobreak riesthanbyraisingbeef of primary importance downourwastetokeep cattle. toscientlstsaroundthe our soils and our "Itisourhopethat world. because it's oceans fertile. the Brazillian govem- among these that "These species ment will replace the treatments.evencures. that we depend upon subsidies that they have been found for directly, they depend provide for people to go certain types of heart upon other species for intotheforest and raise disease. kinds of leu- their existence. and beef cattle with ones kernia. Hodgkin's dis- they upon others. and thatencourage themto ease. secretsj~stwait- so forth. The best 0 into the forest and _ ...... _ ...... ~...._ ..I8IIII~~'MII_..lft"'ft!'ftmfiib Burtchell said equivalent of burning offer Without cutting it that in a typical four Noah's Ark." down." School, looks into options to solve parking problems Continuedjro"! p. 1 there." However. while ing with the Senate. only available ona first. Almeida shuttle. This Many of the stu­ North Campus is a There are 375 spaces come. first selVe basis." would, in essence. an school is growing fast. dent complaints choice oflast resort for available in North At the Senate extension of the cam­ We're a universitynow. stemmed from North rriany students. it too Campus. and 300 meeting. Shaw de­ pus escort van already We will soon have the Campus parking. has been at capacity. North Campusparking SCribed thesituationas inplace. Lastsemester. law students. This fa­ When the lots on cam­ "DUring the first week permitshavebeengtven "trying to pour a quart the escort service was cUity maybe necessary pus are full. many of school. North Cam­ out. Oncampus. there ofwaterintoa pintcup." requested 400 times. soon." upperclass students pus was filled. Cars are 270 spaces for With commuter Shaw said. 'We're on VieiI:a said that are among those who were tripling up to residents to park. with parking in the shape it the verge ofbeing over­ Parking Affairs has re­ must trek from the lot park." Shaw said. 200 pennits given out. is. Shaw encourages burdened with' the es­ ceived eight appeals so to class. Shaw addressed The problem car-pooling. "It is a cort service." He said far. "A lot of students Another problem the Student Senate on arises when itcomesto wonderful suggestion. the ideaofusing a work didn't know that the with North Campus is Sept. 21 to discuss the commuter parking. It will save ongasandit studytodrive theescort parkingnorthofthear­ the lack of clear space problem. He told the Out of the evening wUl help alleviate the van is not out of the chitecturebuildingwas markings. "It's hard to Senate that the prob­ students. 290 permits problems with park- question. for faculty only. They find a place to park in lem could worsen in were given out for 211 ing." For now. security also didn't know that North Campus." February when the spaces commuter Vieira said stu­ wants everyone to be cars with yellow stick­ Bernstein said. students studying in parking spaces on dents can also help by patient as they try to ers aren't allowed to Shaw said he London come back. campus. However. se­ being "more under­ work out a solution. park on campus." wants to repaint the Adding to the problem cUrity gave out 490 standing of security. However, students' pa­ WindyAnzalone. a markings in North will be new transfer permits for day com­ Insteadofcomplaining. tience may already be fourthyeararchitecture Campus. "Securityhas students. muter students. Shaw bring up some ideas to running out. "The student. isone student requestedthatphysical He added that said. "Not all the stu­ Parking Affairs." whole'scheme is unor­ affected by the change plant specifically mark thereconsistentlyhave dents are taking class One idea that ganized and inappro­ in parking rules. 'Why spaces in North Cam­ been open parking at the same time. came up dUring the priate for a school this can't I park in the ar­ pus. Thatwould mean spaces down byWillow However, parking is Senate meeting is an size." said Anzalone. chitecturebuildingand that they black out the Hall. However. he library lots on week­ markings on the bas­ frowned upon the idea COME SEE AND HEAR ends? There is no staff ketball court and put oflettingfreshmenpark there on weekends." in spaces." He also there. "Come February. Some students wantsthe "No Parking" even more upperclass­ complained the rules markings repainted. men wUl be living on Hillary' Clin1:on:1 weren't clearly defined Shaw stressed campus." for the students. 'We that this was not only Security has been Tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. are not informed of for convenience. but compiling statistics where we are able to also for safety. "Just in thatwillhelpdetermine At The RI State House, park." said Stacie caseofanyemergencies the best measures to Bernstein. a senior there. the emergency take in the situation. Smith Street Entrance commuter. "On week­ vehicles will be able to Shaw presented some Rain Sight: State House Rotunda days. there are spots get in and out of the of these preliminary PAID FOR BY THE CLINTON/GORE '92 CAMPAIGN open. and I can't park parking lot. stats dUring his meet------~--_._---~--~.~--

4 TheMessenger NEWS September 29, 1992 Senate President talks politics on radio program By Sean Lewis times they will fug by students was Copy Editor when they have to pay also discussed heavily. for the mistakes ofthe Joe DeStefano, Rob Eigen, presi-· generations before chairman ofthe Rhode dent of the Student them. Island State Board of Senate at RWU, took Eigen responded Elections and vice part in a live on-air to the question of apa- chairman of the Board discussion at a local thyoncampusbymak- of Trustees at RWU, . radio stationyesterday ing it' clear "we are called to "discuss the morning. Eigen, along looktni at a real mess" eligibility ofout ofstate with Craig Fricke, when it comes to stu~ students to vote in the president of· the Stu­ dents getting mvolved presidential el~ction dent Congress at in politics. He said November 3. Providence College, there was a problem . ~It takes about appeared on a show on withthelackofstudent five minutes to register WHJJ 920 AM to dis­ involvement. to vote. Just go to the cuss the campus mind He cited a needfor town hall where your and how its thoughts a "cleaning ofthe barn" domicile is. Bring a are relative to U.S. by instituting a new proof of residency with politics. administration in you, something like a The discussion, Washington. phone bill orstatement which ran for approxi­ Fricke responded from theBursar'sOffice mately one hour, was to the same question alerting the town clerk moder.ated by WHJJ by poin~out that he of your residency." host Frank Fulton. felt thatPC wasa much· BQth Fulton and Duringtheshow, Eigen more conservative DeStefano warned eli­ and Fricke· fielded campus than others in gible voters to che~k questions from Fulton Rhode Island. with their home states and individuals who Some of the call- whenregiste~tovote phoned in to the sta­ ers engaged in talks in Rhode Island be­ tion. about the downfall of cause.there may be . Fultonquestioned democracy in a two some· discrepancies if the panel about such party system and the youarereceMnga state topicsaswhetherornot importance of inde- grant. thepoliticalpsyChewas pendent candidates to The show ended active in the c911ege the political process on with Eigen encourag­ community and both local and national ing students to "rock whether today's stu­ levels. the vote" during elec- dents realized the hard The issue of vot- tions this year.

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The D.D.C. is the judicial board of . .the universitythat hears cases of the utmost importance. It is comprised of one· admini~trator,

and one student.

Students applying for the position must meet requirements set by the Senate and the Dean of Students Office. This includes an overall GPA of 2.5 and good disciplinary standing. . ~ The student·must also demonstrate integrity and impartial disposition.

. Applications are available at the StudentSenate Office located downstairs in the Student Union

'For lllore inforlllation on the V.D.C., Contact S~nator Greg Casey, Chair of the Selection COInlllittee, at x3312 6 The ~essenger ~;:~)~EDITORIALS/LETTERS September 29, 1992 A~g·lfIt,~l~,~lbg~~~;Dittr?1 A letter from the editor

Withotit·~i~~~eri~,· ••~ef~:ha~eb~~~~;6~~.~. To the readen: .=~~~'·.~~~~·:~~~~~r~i;ik7~:~y:;:: Yes. I know what you are saytng I1ght now. WHERE ARE mE PHOTOS? Well. through no fault ofour own. we have been unable to get our photos developed in time for ·as~p<>§it1ve.~.:/::st\ldeiit.::mpp.tlpd}th~e. construed deadlines. I promise there will bephotosnext issue, which will be coming out onTuesday, Inatters hcl~·:Q~1arg~JY:~1gn:ot¢:~~:·;~~~~;)~\~::.:.}r~~;~~:~::::::~~:~:;~:~:?:~:~:>:.:: ~::~::~:?'~(>::;: October 13, the day after Colombus Day. Until then, I hope you enjoy this issue of~ ,·bers~~r~~~~~~~~.t~~~t~~~;k~Wh:1·.··: MesseD~er. Thank you for reading. t~~;~J~~iJ~~i~ ~UJa '~- Chris zatJ~1fi perhapsthe mOst obv1ouscharige.ttie~\Jpgrad1ng" -----:======~::::::==::::::===--- 'ofRWU from college to univerSttysfahis)'Jhese two: Manag :decisions were~ded dO\\1i1jn ~e ~te}\1s?gm.· of the Boardofq'rusteeS:Withdut::inuf~l·1fjiriy; student inpuL . '...... :. ". ,:3:':.:;·>t::.?:~L.:.'.d The construction of the·fuwsch6ohril1s~an-· otherpoint. Thisuniversityishome toa bloSsoming· "Use it or lose it" and respected architecture program;Jtis a source of pride for the entire ~caderit1c~o:mmuri1tY>:.. ' ". To the editor: .With this 1Il'niin(t\vhy~tttha(the;U-~hitec'-.. ~d/9.rfacUltYpi(II(thaY¢jil1cind··41:· Another United States presidential election is coming up. Therell be only two more ture students this century, and the last one will elect a president to serve inthe 21st century. For some designing andc.~n$fuict1rig the lj1;l1idiri.gtfu;lt~llbe .• reason I've gotten prettyexcited aboutthechoicewe votersaregoing to make on November home to tlle·l8:'v:pr6gr<\ro.?>JriJ:,he}vords of Dr,:. 3rd. , Malcolm f9rt:>es~}1c;fp!e~ide#ff()r'~cCltl¢Ip1C atrairS;: There's a lot at stake this time around. Whoever we elect will take some actions over theuniversitY"d1dii'iWarittobl:iidenthearchitect\iI:¢\ the next few years that will make a real difference in how we Americans and our country students With sudl.animpoItant #ndertaiiliig;~:H'r stand in the world at the beginning of the next millennium. . .. ',Th1Sisn't to saythatthe adriili1istra:t1on~liotild. Formany students. this will be the first opportunityto vote in a presidential election. eXploit the talents .9fthe~tUdent$to:sav¢P1pney'; I've already been through qUite a few, but I still remember my own first. It was a hotly spent 'on outside,':(;oIitractors~;HoweYerJ:p~tside:: contested political battle. The campaign was often ugly. The candidates made every contractirlgiS.~ellaViJ:tgavegetiiblegardeIifuYotir promise. flung charges and counter-eharges. debated and demeaned each other. The •. voters split. some hating one and some hating the other. Neither man seemed to be "the backyard. but·gojnito th~ s!ipeQn.a..f~etJogefypj.Ir .;. tomatoes," ..:/,:: •....'.. '; ••..•...•..• ::\.:;:;:\.::./::..>•....; . answer" to our problems. ·Iftli~··:kd~frktioh·desir~~fd:~t~bii~h·~. The election ended in the closest contest in ourhistory'. It is said that the difference .. was equal to only one vote in each voting place across the country! closer linkWithiliestudents. itshouldreal1ze that This was my first election, but I didn't vote. I was too busy being a college student, every actlon"tak¢.r.l:~~t.~:qJrect1Y,~at.r~t8jstl1., ',. . o ~ to w W~ gQP on outside the campus. I saw on the news next day that withoutthe1r1nptiffurthetaIienalesllilem·(rOIi'1the· John F, Kennedy had n.artOWly ed Itwaa , senseof"COIIlIl1unity" thatis con,stantlytrYt!lgtob'e< I've always regretted not being a part ofthat piece ofhistory. Looking back, itbrings home th.e saytng: "Use it or lose it." But. since you're smarter than I was, I'll see you at pushe

Staff Writers Maria Ashley, Lynne Auger, Joe Baruffaldi, Chris Cousineau, Joshua Clement, SCott Darby, Brain Fortin, Michelle Maher, Christine Medeiros,. Karley Roberts, Candy Salazar, Qonnie Walker, Terri Welch, Tom Wetzel Photographers Mark Kasok, Cindy Pease VISUALIZE cartoonists 8VSH aIR Peter Milan, Matthew W. Rossi III, Andy Thompson, H. William Walker, Chris Zammarelli Layout Staff Matt Bougin, Sean Lewis, Peter Milan, Wayne ShUlman, Heather Thorton, Chris Zammarelli Proofreading Tia Melito, Elizabeth Purcell, Heather Thorton Ad Design \:~~:~)~~ ~~::~~~ Hayley Richards, Chuck Shaw, Messenger Letters Policy Pam Wackell, Chris Zammarelli All letters should be dropped offat the Messeneer office by October Work Studies 6. Any letters submitted after this date may not be .printed untll the Matt Bourgin, Jesse Buel FaCUlty Advisors following Issue. Ted Delaney, Dr. Phillip Szenher It Is suggested that letters be typed. AU letters must be signed. Anonymous letters will not be printed in The Messeneer. The Messengeroffice is located in theStudent Offices It Is requested that letters should included the writer's phone area of the Student Union. For more infonnation on The number. shouldquestions about the letter arise. The phone numberwill Messenger, call x3257. not be printed in The Messenaer. r ------~-.------~--

, ' , September 29, 1~2 COMMENTARY The Messenger 7 IIm Torture Garden Wi~kin, Blinkin and Nod .' . By Joshua Clement saying that Bush would Mr. Bush offer Columnist should be inel1g1ble as poor Rosemary?) a candidatebyvirtue of Instead of giving By Chris Zammarelli his role in the Iran­ .Robert Casey an op­ Radical Young L beral B~lieve it or not. it Contra fiasco. Both he portunity to speak. the has been four years and Reagan should be Democrats paraded sinceex-CIAfront-man brought up on charges around and gave and all-around kilUoy andthrowninjailwhere speaking time to Re­ George Bush was they could reflect upon publicanactivistKathy eJected, bytheelectoral the error oftheir ways. Taylor, who was in­ college (maybe I'll strumentalindefeating transfer), to the prest- Bm "The Pied, a tax reform plan pre­ dency of the United Piper" Clinton's posi­ sented by Casey in StatesEmpire(USE). In tioncanbesummedup 1989. Kathy Taylor is a little over a month, by the way Robert pro-choice. It is fairly Americans must de- Casey, the Democratic clear where the Demo­ cide, first, whether to governor ofPennsylva­ craticpartynowstands. vote, and secondly, for nta, was treateddUring If you can't beat' 'em, whom to vote. the Democratic na- join 'em. Let's give a It is hard to imag- tional convention. nice warm round of ineanyreasonablysane Under the stew­ applause for the personvotingfor a man ardship of Casey, Republocrats. who is guilty ofbetray- PennsylVania became ing his own hollow the first major state to Whether you are rhetoric. If, according pass legislation that Republican, Democrat. to Herr Bush, aggres- mandated early inter- Independent. Libertar­ sion is not to be re- vention services for ian, Socialist orformer warded, then it follows childrenand increased, member of Operation , that the electorate by 1500 percent. state Ivy, you have to admit should not. in good contracts awarded to that the Republican conscience, reward woman- and mtnorlty- national convention Bushwith anotherfour owned finns. was extremely enter- year reign. taining, if not The North downright gut American land- '~for Mr. Buchanan, wrenching. I vac- scape,with politics his speech was illated between as the battering probably better in the acute nausea .- 'w~eW~'-@ ••~~lII!."."~.t¥J~I~:w.:~h¥ere.J..J.fJ.HiPY "see -Joshua Clement a to leave the the escalating room and uncon- homelessness. trollablelaughter. virulent racism, dete- DUring his tenure My two favorite riorating infrastruc- inoffice, Caseyhasalso keynote speakers were ture, festering unem- required health tnsur- the ineffable Mr. ployment, the seem- ance companies to pay ReaganandPat"Archie ingly endless -urban for annual mammo- Bunker" Buchanan. If violence, AIDS, archa1 grams for women over Reagan could run this Supreme Court and a the age of 50, and has November, his speech "take your pick" pollu- . had the state ,invest would probably be the tion problem. nearlya million dollars only campaigning I am-certainly not in local health depart- needed. As for Mr. implyingthattheentire ments' breast cancer Buchanan, his speech blame shouldbe laid at awareness programs. was probably better in the talons of George In his re-election the original German. Bush. Let us notforget campaign, Casey car- Many voters are the incredible lack of ried 66 out of 67 stillindecisiveastowho comprehension and counties with 68 -per- will garner their pre­ compassion Reagan so cent of the vote. What cious ballot. Many prominently displayed does this have to do voters will' cast their in his tenure as de- with BUI Clinton and votes for continued ag­ fender of the ignorant. the Democratic na- gression. Still others Given the "pol1ti- tional convention? willvoteforBillyClinton cally turbulent" year When told why Casey and his faithful side­ that has seen the wouldnotbeallowed,to kick, Enviro-man. A stunning U.S. Senate speak at the conven- few closet fascists will victOIyinPenrisylvania tion, Democratic side with Ross Perot. of Harris Wofford over chairman Ron Brown Many others will Bush'sformer attorney. said, "Your views are opt to choose between general, Dick Thorn- out oflinewith those of "thelesseroftwo evils." burgh. the numerous most Americans." I have always found victories by women to Robert Casey these people perplex­ elected office. Perot's happenstobepro-labor ing. Ifgiven the choice meteoric ascent and and an opponent of betweenbeing a devout subsequent "I don't abortion. (I choose not outspoken Atheist want to play anymore" to use pro-life because dUring the Inquisition cop-out b.s. and Slick it implicitlyimpliesthat orbetngsodomizedand Willie's "I didn't inhale" those ofuswhoarepro- then eaten by Jeffrey baloney,itissurprtsing choice are pro-death. If Dahmer. which one do that the Republican yougetdowntothecore you think they would candidate Winkin. his oflt. you find that "pro- choose? Democratic counter- lifers" are. in essence, Well, with zappa part Blinkin and their pro-overpopulationists dying, Coke Stevenson corporate monolith. hence pro-suffering long since dead, Larry Nod, have made it this hence pro-starvation Agran effectively si­ far without further ac- hence pro-slowdeath. lenced and BenWeasel countability. Did I actuallyjustwrite on the road. I think 111 It goes -without that? What advice "rock" the vote for... .. ! - -- . .. .-. 8 The Messenger l\sij ~iss X... September 29,1992 .... Miss X gives advice about problems aflectlngthe , c~- modern college and university student. Ifyou have . _...... , .. --'-' ",:,.~. -' problemswith your roommate, your teachers, your ,,' " -' , =------__-:--hem--'-- , parents oranyone cind anythingelse, typeitupwith , J your name and phone number. (Don't worry; we, ." won't' print your name in the paper.) Drop your letters offatthe Messenger office bynext Monday to appear in the October 13 issue.

Dear Miss X. stuff growing un- day when- you can Dear Miss X, . ing and lmmonl. lem with your der his armpits! clean it together. Also, what if roommate hitting I saw your ad What do I do? You could also I know this is he's attracted to on you ifyou make in the last Mes- -Ll.tDg With, PIggy drop a few subtle going to sound me and starts it clear you are senuer and I hints,like spraying homophobic, but putttngthemoves heterosexual. couldn't resist. I Dear "Living." Lysol in his pres- I'm freaking out on me? However. I re­ have a severe enceoropenmgthe because my What do I do alize thatwhatI say problem with my It seems like windows to air out_ roommate is gay. to get rid of him? will notchangehow roommate. He you have quite a the room. There' are If I don't, every­ you feel about the smells so bad. problem here and If that doesn't manyreasonswhy one will probably situation. Ifyoufeel ' Hesleepswith I'm glad you've work. move on to Ifeelthisway. For thinkI'mgay, too! this strongly about his clothes and gotten your frus- less subtle hints - one thing, if he is -Help! it. and it's obviOUS shoes on and tration out. I think perhaps an early engaging in risky thatyou do. I think never bathes. the bestthing Christmas present sexual behavior, Dear "Help." you should think Aside from his would be to casu- of soap-on-a-rope, hecouldgetAIDS. about changing B.O., his bad ally bring this is- will do the trick. This would make I hate to rooms as soon as breath could burn sueto theattention If all else fails. me feel unsafe in preach. but homo­ possible. You can yournasalhairoff. ofyour roommate. see Student Life my room. 'sexuals are no dif­ contact Student The whole Just mention aboutgettinganew The sexual ferentfrom youand Life. roomsmellsfunky .the room looks a roommate. behavior would me except for their Hey, Guys! and lool:ts like a little dirty and that, The opinions of Miss X also bother me sexual preference. Got • gripe .bout your Pig farm. I'm the both of you do not necessarily in I find it I really don'tthink glr",lend? Ask MI.. X reflect those ofthe S ce ac- .bout It In tM next afraid h'e's got should set aside a Messeger staff ceptable. revolt- you'll have a prob- Iasu. (October 13). WHERE TO EAT BETWEEN COUR·

576 Metacom Ave. Belltower Plaza Bristol, RI September 29,1992 FEATURES The Messenger 9 John Jantson: Willow Hall's Mr. Entertainment

By Chris Cousineau He spenthissenioryear Hisgoalisto bring murder stories. The ntze, such-, as brain­ up in graduate school. Staff Writer of high school in excellence to the stu­ ideas 'were many and storming. Giannetti He's even more Melbourne, Australia, dentS' and the current constant. Thefinal say, also said, "Jantson happy now that the as an exchange stu­ vehicle is "Entertain­ though, is up to the works well with the students are here. He Something new is dent. He attended the ment Inc." Entertain­ studentsofWillow Hall. residents." deSCribed the school going on in DormIII, or SUNY (State Univet:Si­ ment Inc. is a student The H.D. and the RAs They seem im­ dUring the summer as Willow Hall. This new tiesofNew York) school runvariationoftheHall are planning on keep­ pressed with the fact an amusement park thing is being spear­ of Geneseo State. He Council without the inga safe distancefrom that he's closer to their after hours. "None of headed bynew Hall Di­ majoted in Managerial obvious unattractive­ the committee. age. Gretchen Drury the rides are running rector John Jantson. Science with a concen­ ness the latter title J antson refers to says, "He knows where butyou can see the po­ Jantson has been here tration in Marketing bringSabout. The story RA.s as high caliber, the kids are coming tential." With the stu­ since June, famlliartz­ and a minor inApplied from." dentshere, itspotential ing himself with the Computer Science and Jantson says he realized. He said, university and the way graduated with Bacca­ Jantson described RWU during would like to work in "Many of the students things are done here. laureate in Science. his field of study, but are here to learn and He participated in all This might explain his the summer as an amusement in the way he's,work­ are taking school seri­ the orientations this business-ltkeapproach park qfter hours. "None ofthe rides ing now, as H.D. He ously. It's a good envi­ summer and he says to his position here at are working, but you can see di~n't want tobe stuck ronment to workwith." he learned a great deal RWU. the potential." ina comerwith a com­ So far, so good. from them. Jantson was an puter, "which could've The RAssaidthatthey He also tried his undergraduate resi­ eaSily happened." He have received a tre­ hand at acting, per­ dent director at behind the name is to and wants to thank said, "I'd rather work mendous response for fonning at the Bam in Geneseo for his senior provide a more active them for it. His staff with people inanatmo­ EntertainmentInc. and the summer presenta­ year. He appliedfor his and worthwhile image, cannot find enough sphere that's a little that'there is a big posi­ tion of ~ &m1, di­ current position last an image that this great things to say more lively, like here." tive feeling around rected by PeterWr:tght. January. He was at­ council is going to pro­ about him. The entire His ultimate goal Donn III. Hopefully, Jantson says he met tracted by an "upbeat" vide something the staff is charged and is to be a teacher, but with Jantson's help. many people from the ad in the ChrOnicle for students want. hopefulandpsychedfor he wants to take time things will continue on univex::sfty and the Higher Education. The idea was the year and they say tofind a subj ect to take this path. community from his What does Jant­ Jantson's. Mustbethat they have Jantson to involvement. .Accord­ son think of RWU's marketing thing. The thankJor it. ATTENTION: ing to one of his RAs, ' program? He said the entire project was pre­ Joel Giannetti Melissa Metcalfe, university shows a lot sented the very enthu­ says tliat J antson has The Student Senate and the office of Jan~nalSo called his oftrust and faith in its siastic H.D. and his fresh ideas and he's the Vice President ofAcademic RA.s this summer to staff. He says the uni­ equally enthusiastic really pumped about Affairs would like to announce that .-J' get to know them one versity gives its people staff. Some ofhisideas hisjob. Giannetti al~ Winter Intersession will be held on one. opportunityto succeed. include Easter Egg commentedonJantson dUring the winter break of the Jantsonisa native This seemstobe all the hunts, outdoordances, using business tech- I A 1992~1993 academic year. ofGleilsfal1s, NewYork. incentive he needs. t~ck or treating and niques he can recog-

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[ all TO LLFREE 1-800-194-0883 September 29,1992 SPO.RTS The'Messenger 10 Tennis courts to be completed by October 12

By Wayne Shulman courtswillbeinfront of "1be new courts weren't able to do be­ coach 'Judy Galloway, Dardanello said Sports Editor the engineering build-· does more for the fore. Bedard said with these courts are not in practicing at Bristol ing. . school community. It thenewlights. thehome the best condition. was an inconvenience 'We couldn't get will allow the rest of matches. which usually While practicing, Cap­ at first because of the Tennis anyone? six courts together the community to use start around 3:30 p.m., tain Stephanie Dar­ luggtngofthewaterand Sure, but for the mo­ without taking away the courts," said can now begin later so danello tripped on a the equipment. She ment not at RWU. The additional parking," Bedard. students can stay in crack on the court and said it's fine now, as former tennis courts. said White. "I think the facil­ class. skinned her lmee. long as everyone helps . which were located to The four courts in ity will be excellent," Bedard said the Galloway. who is out. theleft oftherecreation front of Nike will have said Bedard. "The athletic departmentwill new to the university. When asked what center. were taken lights, which can be lights will add a'whole be limiting the courtsto said slte didn't have else Daroanello would dqwn due to the con­ turned on by a butto~ new dimension to it." tennis only. There will much to thinkaboutin like to say about the struction of.the Law onthe PQles. Thelights reference to the loss of newcourts,shereplied, School. are timed for an hour the courts. "I can't wait to play on The new courts and only have to be '7 think thefacility will be "I am looking for­ them." ~. according to Mat­ pressed once to extend excellent. The lights will add a wardtothenewcourts," Remy Ash. who is thew White, director of the time. White said whole new dimension...I think the said Galloway. a member ofthe men's the physical plant, a the sand volleyball womens tennis team will be happy Galloway said tennisteam.said.'They playing in Bristol is (thecourts) aregoingto $100,00 project. The courtwillhavelightsas once the courts are done. It will be schoolwillnowhavesix well. disruptive.buttheteam be great because now well worth the wait.H new tennis courts and Patricia Bedard, has a good attitude. we can hold tourna­ -Patty Bedard Whitesaidheislooking assistant athletic di­ Shesaidfreshmanwho ments." at a completion date of rector and men's ten­ have a class until 3:30 Ash said last year October 12. Two ofthe niscoach, saidit didn't have a hard time mak­ the tennis team had to courts were re-paved bother her that the "I think the beno hockey playing on ing it to practice and play some matches in­ thispastThursdayand courts were taken women's tennis team the courts and the ten­ most don't have cars. side. He said it is a four more the follOWing down. She had faitb, will be happy once the nisteamwill have prior­ "It puts a strain different and qUicker Friday. Then there is a though, that the courts are are done. It ity over the courts. onthemandmakesit a surface than the out­ 10 day wait period to newcourts would be willbeworth thewait," While the new lot harder to practice." side courts. let the asphalt dry be­ ready by Sept. 1. said Bedard. courts are under con­ said Galloway. '~It was [email protected] to fore thegreenand polls Bedard had no The addition of struction, the Women's Galloway said the play inside:' said Ash. can be put down. comment when asked two courts will allow Tennis team, who prac­ upperclassman have Ifallgoeswellwith Four ofthe courts how she felt about the the tennis teams to ticefrom 3:00-4:30, use beenwonderful in try­ theconstruction of the will be located in front courts not being ready host some tourna­ the courts in Bristol. ing to get everyone to courts. tenniswill once 'of Nike. The other two till Oct. 12. ments. which they, According to tennis practice. again resume at RWU. Women's soccer team place second in Invitational

5-0 showing. sists apiece. Iacovelli, Fitgerald. Iacovelli and goal. By Terri Welch stty standing with 20 games. With 15 games It was their play Senior Tanya Dunlelltf. sweeperback Sam Kemmy pral8ri Staff Writer still ahead for the ina recenttournament Freshman JQdie Higby Donahuewerehonored the play of sever&l Although only, in booters, Kemmy feels at Wells College in and Senior Sandra for their outstanding players. including that their first offiCial sea- strongly that the team Wells, New York, Venice all added one playinthe tournament. of returning sopho­ sonofvarsitystanding, . will post a better than however, that demon­ apiece. Goalkeeper The Hawks more goalie, Lauren the women's soccer .500 season. ' stratedthepotentialof. Lauren McSweeney dropped theirnext two McSweeney. McSwee­ team has shown some "Not too manyfirst the young team. made four saves in games, 3-2 and 5-2 to ney, who only saw ac­ impressive play, post- or second year teams The Hawks ­ earning her second Nichols College and tion in the net in three ing a record of 2-3.. can do that," stated ished second in the shutout victory this Western New England games last season, .According toHead Kemmy. "Usually it Wells College Invita­ year. College, respectively. posts a .830 save per­ Coach Dave Kemmy, takes four or five years tional on Sept 19 and In the champion­ In the Nichols centage, as well as two the team has a good to establish a strong 20, defeatlngSouthem ship game, the team game Cassuci amY' shutouts. mix of returning Vermont in the dropped a 1-0 decision Fitzgerald tallied the Kemmy feels con­ veterans and first roundgame. to the host school, but goals, with an assist fident that the level of freshman and are According to Dave 6-0. KeI11IIIYfelt thathisteam going to Venice. play of the team is playing up to his Kemmy, the team Freshman dominated and out­ It was deja vu for improving everyday, expectations. is a good miz of Nicole Fitzgerald played Wellscompletely. Cassuci and Fitzgerald and he thinks the The Hawks had three goals. '"We just couldn't in the Western New Hawks will be in con­ returning veterans put the ball in the net," Englandgame, as they tention in the did see someaction andfreshmen and veteran. and last as a team in the season's leader saidK~y. scoredthe Hawksgoals Commonweatlth Coast are Rlaying up to scorer. Missy ThreeoftheHawks once again. Senior Conference Tourna­ 91-9,2 season; his expectations. however, the IacoVelli had two. were named to the all­ Jennifer Levins added ments at the end ofthe women's soccer Sophomore Kim Tournament team. anassistonFitzgerald's season. program was initiated program. so we are re- Adamspostedherfirst a bitlate, only allowing allyaheadofschedule." goal of the 1992 sea- a schedule of nine TheHawkskicked son. Create a dynamic first impression games.. off their season with a Senior Candace with a professional resume by This season's strong foot, defeating Casucci and Fitz­ WestbrookCollege ina _gerald added two as- schedule is at full var- RoToCo IMPRESSIONS ~~mru®D@]CID [R1@@[k\' u[fi)® Resumes 0 Typing 0 Career marketing @~® ©@@[k\a@OJ]~ W Complete service, from development to printing. Covetletters. Follow-up letters. Register to vote at Alm,eida Free consult.· (next to t~e 200 building)

VVednesday, Sept. 30 346 Wood Street, Bristol 253-8970 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. WQRI will be providing the music 10% stud,ent discount September 29,1992 The Messenger 11

MaleAthlete oftheweek (9/22): Sophomore stopperback Tom Roach (Acton. MA) did a fantastic job on the backline as the Hawks upset the Uni- . versity ofMassachusetts-Dartmouth 2-1. He also played well in a 2-1 loss to Eastern Nazarene.

Female Athlete of the week (9/ 22): Freshman Stephanie K~ng (Billerica. MA) had a great tourna­ ment as the Hawks placed second in their ownVolleyball Invitational. She was named to the All-Tournament Team for her efforts.

Men's Soccer defeated U. Mass­ Dartmouth. 2-1. marking the first time since 1985 that a Hawk squad has beaten the Corsairs in men's soccer.

Women'·s Volleyball placed second in RWU invite with a record of 4-1. Three RWU students have been named totheAll-Tournamentteamin Wells College Invitational. They are freshman Nicole Fitzgerald. junior Melissa Iacovelli. and junior Samantha Donahue. Womens Tennis Statistics Player Singles/DOubl"es

Stephanie Dardanello 3-0 3-0

Laurie Ottoson 2-1 3-0

Melany Crandall 2-0 3-0

Maureen Kerin 2-1 3-0 .t Cathi Cooper 2-1 ' 3-0

Katherine James 2-1 2-"0

Alison Purves 0-1 . 1-0

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tioned at a fort in up­ ioned; instead,itmerely isforced into the movie By Mchelle Maher state NewYorkftghting seems contrived. 1;his bywayofonelinersthat Staff Writer the French in pre­ non-development of Day-Lewis' character Revolutuonary War characters is true for throws into the dia­ Ifyou've seen the America. most of the mm's cast. logue. adsontelevts10nforthe The two charac­ Hawkeye's father The battle scenes new movie l1lt 1&.&1 gf ters meet while Cora and brother (as por­ are precise and well 1bt Mohicans, it looks and her sister are trayed by Russell choreographed. Every picturesque, exciting enroute to the fort to Means and Eric detail of the formal and adventurous. It visit th~ir father. The Schweing) are never ritualsandtheceremo­ does deliver all three of military company the explored and Cora's nial pomp and cirCum­ these, butthestoryand two women are travel­ sister April (Jodi May) stance of the time are itscharactersarevague lingwith isattacked by is, for, the most part, accurately presented, and uninteresting. a tribe of Huron Indi­ left out of the picture. but the scenes are ex­ The mm is being ans,ledbyMagua (Wes This wouldn't be dis­ tremely graphJc. This called a "romantic ad­ Studi). Hawkeye, aided turbing except that graph1cmlenceiswhat venture," but the fihn only by his Mohican thesecharactersarethe earned the fihn its "R" contains few of the father and brother, matnfocusofthemovie rating. characteristics that come to their rescue. in the last half hour. ~Lu1g(~ wouldjustlfythislabel. This is supposed The mm'smusical Mohicans was directed . The mQvie stars to be the start of the . score(composedjointly by Michael Mann of Daniel Day-Lewis, who greatromancebetween byRandyEdelmanand "MiamiVice"fame. This won the Academy the two characters, but Trevor Jones), action could accf;>unt for the Award for Best Actor youneverseeithappen sequences and pictur­ battlescenesbetngwell two years ago for his Cora doesn't under­ esque view of the thoughtout.butnotthe performance inldxl&f1 stand or really like "untamed" wilderness, movie'soverallcontent. f2Q1. Day-Lewis por­ Hawkeye andhisIndian along with Day-Lewis' trays Hawkeye, a white ways in one scene, and ovenwhelming screen time ~th~r: =vi~o~~ -;':::::;~;.~:::li~;~~:':!!';·:::::'::::i::;:.. '.;.:<;:; :/::; .. man adopted by a by the very next scene presence drawyour at­ develop the story and '.HH.:~:::,.: .' Mohican Indian as a together they are em­ tention, but the story the characters this small child. bracing, kissingand in doesn't keep th'at at­ movie could have been Day-Lewis' co-star love. tention. a touching story about is Madeline Stowe The relationship 'There are humor­ love, family and (Unlawful Entry. does not grow and is ous moments in the survivial. Stakeout), who plays not at all explored. fihn, but they are not Instead. it's just Cora, the daughterofa Pethaps this was in­ heart-warminghumor­ film Med with British General sta- tended to be old-fash- ousevents. ~e humor beautiful musiC, gor­ geous scenery and beautiful people that ~ ~ ~ mru~ you really never care § mLJp>

, , $ - s CC5 &&

September 29, 1992 "ENTERTAINMENT The Messenger 13 Cultural ElWl: The never-ending battle for lies, falsehoods and the Almighty Buck

By Peter Milan est selltng titles at DC and fights super-vil- thing when the most .' . Fanboy right now is Lobo, the lains, an<\ you want indestructible hero story of an intergalac­ REALISM?!?!?!?! thereisjustupandgets :It'··e;;first~·ever Metropolis doesn't tic bounty hunter. Re­ You may recall KIlLED?! seem as safe"as it used cent stories have fea­ that ourgoodfriends at I can just picture ~:'l1J~~U.~~b~lITE to. People are walking tured hm dying and DC haveqIedthisstunt the exchange. •• home qUicker at night, destroyingheaven. and before. In 1988, they CHILD: Daddy, things are a lot more fighting off hismur­ published a story how come ':,!:mPINIONPQLLII· wild, and no one's seen derous illegitimate where, at the end, a isn't in his comic any­ . Clark Kent around for children. But it' isn't 900 nUII\ber allowed more? weeks. Why all this Lobo I'm complatntng the readers to deCide DADDY: Well, see. paranoia? You see, about. He's supposed whether or not son, DC Comics de­ Superman's dead. to be sick humor and I (rememb~r him? Cute cided he was worth You heard me. In admire that. little Robin?) shouldbe more dead than alive. - Superman #75, the Superman. onthe blownup into tinylittle How about a hug? Man ofSteel isgoing to other hand. is not bits. A few thousand One of the most get the liVing crap meant as a vehicle of calls later, the Boy annoying things about kicked out of him and sick humor. He is an Wonderwasmeatjelly. this whole situation is die. Buythe farm. Feed American icon. (God; I However! Robin the ghoulish behavior the worms. So much can't believe I just said was recently ,brought of DC Comics. "Com­ for a never-ending that.) ~ack from the dead, memorative features" battle for truth.justice I have heard oth­ and, I have ~o· doubt. being prepared include andtheAmericanWay. ers discussing this so will Supes. DC has a posterofSuperman's '::-:i',SHOULDSUPERMAN Loath as I am to situation defend this as much,as admitted funeral and T-shirts .·····BE;K·IL.L:ED? . seem like one of these .stupid decision by that the only reason featUring a Superman pathetic fanboys who saying that k111tng off they're dOing this is to logo dripping blood. does nothing but read Superman will add a get people to pay some .I am ashamed of comicbooks.Ijustgotta much-needed jolt of attention to the book DC Comics for making say...WHATlliE(PRO­ realism into the book. (rather than doing this decision. Not just FANITY)?! WHAT· mE Realism? something stupid like, upset orpissed off. but . (CENSORED)ING REALISM?!?!?! say, writinginteresting actually ashamed of (PROFANITY}?!?! This is a COMIC stories). No doubt in a them. They had a Thisisthesaddest BooKII few montl)s, they1lin- chance to write some excusefor a salesployI This is the con­ ject something into the goodstoriesfortheMan t:o'PU'····ME.s,f~:ti~r;~:" ... have ever heard in my tinuing story of a man Supester'sruinedbody of Steel, but instead. entire life. The pub­ who was flown from an and bring him back to they chose to suck up ,ii, " .. ~;,i~,:·,jWi~~ucker.· lishers of Superman. exploding planet when life. to the Almighty Buck. "-"",",-;-".- DC Comics. have been hewasa baby. adopted Howner;,-let's say JFK, RFK. Martin leave:yo'ur entries at the "', pushing the envelope by a couple from Kan­ they don't. What does Luther King, Malcolm .' <.Messenger()ffice. Results . of comics. mainly by sas or Iowa or some­ thatsaytotoday'skids? X many heroes are placelike that. receives (Yeesh. I sound like a dead. Let's keep on,e .

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, September 29,1992 THE REFRIDGERATOR The Messenger 15

Sean Lewis (Student) presents Andy's Ugly Dingus By Matt Rossi

'WE,or TKE lauO OP'. i'Ja i1ll>T liEU. J~r ,,,,'r ",.r "". e""". ~·l F.-c.UTIfI, So wf ~~-Olj.~So'O The Refridgerator .• , Fit r". """'.M11o: . , was created by Chris Zammarelli in a weak moment. - .. This week, it was drawn and written by Chris, '! Sean's friend Andy, Peter Milan, Matt Rossi and the purely disposable H. William Walker. Additional writing was done by Chris at the last minute and at great expense to the Student Senate. The WOltd's Oldest Living Freshman By Peter Milan

'('0.(\I~ H-+P l T t.'f:. SAlver( lJ,. l.vltl-toV'T Quote of the week: W/d.#IAJG/ yO\) HA reEA)· 041 yO() "I'm not speaking the I"" truth. I'm just speaking S7RIKfS... Fo~~ my opinion." .V (?)(T Q.UESi7oJJ··. 'j)"'v -said by H'O w Ji1Ai'T 14 Dr. Joshua B. Stein KlIMC?l/If T5 ~ av.~( in Septmeber 1991 <18'5\ -' (By the way, Mk/1"t=' UP ~ J'-1 ,,- WELCOME BACK, JOSH! 5 <.0.. //...LICl~ - Will you autograph QUAa.-rt? Shout Across Time for me, please? 1

u c One Token To Cross By Chris Zammarelli o • WI~L Nlv n.(HI,fJ .31 #-f1U-O] (I) ..m.l ~~ "oa*,"'~fl BfllT NIt liP) .~ Cl.. c o3 V) 2 o -c U5 ~c Q u. en ±::

~ Live Nude Cartoon By H. William Walker , 0 Taylor Rental Men ,!,...... ,:~~,'!< _uc­tlO Just Waiting «no We rent: '0::: Q)(/) ''''''",~z:,." U co for the Rich Q)o Student-size Refrigerators ~3 2';)_en ~ (Semester rates available) 0Q) Guy E·> _en Q) Q) ... 333 Market Street (Rt. 136) Cl.. ~ .::.c • ~ 20 Warren, RI ,., OQ) ee55 ~~r~~·~·" O"-J 24-7-0400 A . ... en Q)e E 0 ~o ~~~h~ .#; '"').... , 03­ 0>­ -Q) .rlll ;;1 ~ ~s. lIUl. ~. Oi= Free Delivery!! To support and encourage resistance to the -,Q) . . ~ pellution of our lands, ,,,aters, air and natural resources; , , It .fj /hI ~ / J1 forums

Presents: Dr.~Bertice Berry "But Some OfMy Best Friends Are: The Existence .Of Bigotry Around Us~ What Can We Do?" Since"being told she was not college material by her high school guidance counselor, , 0 eg pro essor, and is now a successful stand-up comedienne. The1991 NationalAssociationforCampusActivities'"CollegeandUniversity Comedian of the Year," Dr. Berry has performed at colleges, universities and comedyclubsacross theUnitedStates and Canada. Shehas alsobeena featured guest on CNN's Crossfire_ and World Report, and performed on Showtime's Comedy Club Network. Using comedy as a tool towards better understanding, Bertice Berry. con­ fronts the existence of prejudice on the college campus and in our society in general, and presents ways to facilitate the removal of racially motivated attitudes and ideas. [On Thursda~October 15th, Dr. Berry will perfonri her stand-up comedy act at 8:30pm in the Student Union. The show is FREE and open to the public.]

Begins at 8:30pm Wednesday, Octobet14th Co-sponsered by. the Minority Affairs Committee

. . Direct any questions to Bill O'Connell, Director of Auxiliary and Student Activities 254-3153