Roger Williams University DOCS@RWU The eM ssenger Student Publications 9-29-1992 The esM senger -- September 29, 1992 Roger Williams University Follow this and additional works at: http://docs.rwu.edu/the_messenger Part of the Education Commons Recommended Citation Roger Williams University, "The eM ssenger -- September 29, 1992" (1992). The Messenger. Paper 105. http://docs.rwu.edu/the_messenger/105 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Publications at DOCS@RWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Messenger by an authorized administrator of DOCS@RWU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Spiritual Center celebration Page two VOLUME XV ISSUE II BRI.STOl, RI SEPTEMBER 29, 1992 problems Facing Students RWU struggles to Datcher leaving solve parking dilema RWU for DC interviewed in that pe­ lished in September of cars in the evening. whocan'tftnda space By ChriS Zammarelll By Wayne Shulman riod. Datcher said he 1991. rrheHawk'sNest We've been turning oncampuswtll prefer Managing Editor Sports Editor was interviewed in late isthe concessionstand awaypeoplewithyellow parking on Old Feny August. onthe lowerlevel ofthe For years, stu­ stickersornostickers." Road than North Dwight Datcher According to recreationcenter.) The dents at RWU have He added that Campus. 'The dis­ has resigned as head Datcher, everything athletic teams are also been complaining guests can use tance from Old Feny athletic director. was finally worked out going on more trips about the -parking security's phone to call Road ismuch shorter Datcher. who has been lastThursdayrughtand than they have in the problem.- However, uptheirfriendstocome than from North with the RWU athleUc he was able to an­ past. the problem hasbeen pick them up at either Campus." Incasesof departmentfor thepast nouncethathehadthe -I don't want to intensified this year. the lnformaUon center emergency parking, I < seven years. w1ll be job the next day. take full creditbecause AccordtDgtoEdShaw,· or at North Campus. Shaw said Old Feny leaVing his post as B111 O'Connell. Di­ a lot of people made director of security, One oftheoptions Roadwtll probablybe athleticdirectoronOct. rector ofAuxillary and these things happen. information and en­ the school is consider­ open to upperclass 9 to become the new StudentActivities, said The· coaches did some ergy, the construcUon ing to help ease the commuters. Head Athletic Director Patricia Bedard, Assis­ work and the athletic of the law school has problem is opening up In the Plan for (HAD) atthe University tant Athletic DireCtor, staff did some great elim1natedbetween75 more ofOld FenyRoad the 90s, a multi-level ofD1str1ct Columbia in will immediately as­ work as well," said and 80 parking for parking. The left parking facility is to Washington, D.C. sume the pos1t1on of Datcher. spaces. side of the road is· al­ be built by the Mt. According to Dat­ actlngAthleticDirector Datcher sees the To help alleviate readyavailableforcars. HopeBridge. Student cher, the process ofbe­ upon Datcher's depar­ Athletic Department the problem. sopho­ Shawwantstoo~the Senator Michelle comingthe newHADat ture. He said Bedard headed in the right di­ more commuters are whole road up. 'The Vieira, ofthe Parking the University of Dis­ w1ll continueinthatrole rection. He said the only allowed to· park school owns property Affairs Committee, trict Columbia started until a permanentAth­ in North Campus. there that would make said, 'This facility DepartmentistIyingto a yearago. He said the letic Director is se- get a couple new Uelds 8ec:urlty has been 75to lOOmoreparldng wouldbea steptothe District of Columbia lected. " for intramurals and strictly enforcing the spaces available." right direcUon. The hasbeeninsearchfor a 0' Connell saidhe newpoUcy. Shawsaid, Shaw thinks recreation. newAD foraboutayear. will begin a search for Datcher said it ''We've been stopping upperclasscommuters See SChool. page 3 Seven applicants were thepermanentposition ~as always his dream immediately by estab- to see the Recreation . l1Shing a search com­ Centerused more than mittee which consists it was. He said each Summer of of all members of the year it's getting used college community. more and more. O'Connell will be the The athletic de­ ~change for H.P. chairperson of the partment is getting search committee. more eqUipment and it By ~ynne Auger The second major Datcher first hopes to get cable or Stall 'Nrller change within the His­ started out as sports satelUte in the Hawk's toric Preservation De­ information director Nest. Datcher thinks Over the summer partment is the reloca­ (SID) when he came that may draw more break. several changes tion of all four faculty here in 1985. Follow­ peopletotheRecreation took place within the members. to one ofllce ing his Job as SID, Centerinordertowatch Histonc Preservation within the Science and Datcher then went on the televised sporting Department at RWU. Math butldtng. to assistant athletic events. The flrst: change is the They are located directOr and then lbe athletic de­ resignation of Kevin in one office space for moved up to head ath­ partmentisnothingbut Jordan as program co­ the·first time since the letic director. growing,"saidDatcher. ordinator/ director of. HistoriC Preservation Datcher will not When asked ifev­ the center of Historic Programbegan. Thisis only be leaV1ng his po­ erything w1ll be left in Preservation. not only an excellent sition as Head Athletic good hands after his Jordan has been move for students to Director but also as departure,Datchersaid with the programSinCe accesstheentirefaculty head.men's basketball with a smile. -I hope the begtnrUng and has to one place. but the coach. which he has everythingisleftingood brought the· depart­ facultycanbetterserve held for the past seve.n order." menttothepointwhere the studentsby having years. Datcher said Datcher went on itistoday. TheHiStorte easy access to each Mike Lunney, who has to say that ,everyone Preservation Program other. been the assistant wants to think they at RWU is well re­ Signs have been men'sbasketballcoach havegoodmanagement spected within the. promised to direct sincethe90-91 season, sk1lls, and if they do, proCession. as well as peopletothe office, but w1ll take over as head then everything is in havingties tothe inter­ theyarenotyetinplace. men's basketball order. Datcher said a -national community.. nor is it known when coach. managershouldn'trun Jordan w1ll re­ theyw1llbeputinplace. Datcher said he something that be­ main on the faculty of Ifyou have not already looksat everythingasa comesa personalthing. the Historic Preserva­ visited the offices. they ·.··:-g~itcf{ftpfit!!~yatJjiP~ia.:~~i~·~~i·8);.~;.:i~· ...... challengeandhisyears If this happens, the tionDepartmentandhe can be found on the .. ..; '.': '." .'.. .' :.".:.; .,~: " .'.;' '.-. ::. ..". here have been seven managerhastobethere w1ll continue to teach west side of the first Gillt.~~~itte: ·~S~~rman: ~··.13 challenging years. In in order for it to run and to advise the Open floor intheScienceand -.. ..;.. his time here. athletics well. ::::~.::::::- :': ..:." :".;::' :::::.-..:.-..:.:; '. ../:.' :::·:·:(::::/::·:fI':\(.::/{ ," ";:. "t::>: }:\., .:. .' .::\ ::: ..:.•.... DMsion students. He Math building. :.-:.:-..-:.- have increasedfrom 14 -To me, that passes on the paper­ sportsto 17sports. The See Dotcher, p. 2,- work to Karen Jessup. See Historic, p. 14 HawksNestwas estab- ....... .2 The Messenger NEWS September 29,1992 A dedication to spirituality outside of the class- The Spiritual co-d.1rectors ofan advi­ By Mana Ashley room building for the Committee members sory board for the Staff Writer "Seeds in the Water" are volunteers from .Sp1r1tual Center, con­ I portion of the celebra· Student Ufe and the sistlng ofFatherHtmy RWU began sow­ tlon, by students, fac- CampusMilmby. They Zinno, who has given ing seedsofsp1r1tual1ty ulty, clergymenandthe believe they "represent mass on campus, and Tuesday, Sept. 22, at a members of the Sp1r1- the diversity offaith on the Reverend David ".:.:.-:.:.:.:-..; celebrationforthesight tual Committee to campus" and are sup- Olsen of the Warren of the proposed Sp1r1­ symbolize the growing ported by the local Baptist Church. tual Center. dream of the Sp1r1tual clergy. To welcome the All speakersatthe Center into a reality on The committee celebrators, anopen1ng celebration conveyed our campus. plans to build the musical composition thatitwastheSp1r1tual The committee Center entirely by was performed by the Committee's goal to feels that the casting of themselves.- Labor w1ll Matr-Davis Duo, art­ build a place where the acorns w1ll be an be done by committee ists-in-residence at every religion on cam­ important symbolic members and other RWU. They performed pusw1ll feel welcome to step in the process of volunteers. Since no "Song," by Will Ayton, share and to celebrate buildingtheCenterand money w1ll be coming chairman of the De­ their diversities. encouraging sp1r1tual- from the college bud- partment of Music. Such organiza­ ity on campus. The get, the committee is .Toward the end of tions as the Cathollc proposed Center will depending entirely on thecelebration,Wester­ Ministry, Hillel and the be built on the land proposals for grants land asked those at­ Christian Fellowship. bordering the pond.. and on a fund-raising tending to participate as well as indMdual "From a small committee which is in a group response students with other acorn a large tree looking to the reHgious reading. "Maybe the
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