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" 528 POUND ROAD, CUMBE�LAND, RI02864 (401) 769-6476 VOLUME 2" NUMBER 3 JULY 1985 ' think, "I am' bad,", then you have bad'. (This exchange of questions and answers 'Don't think that, don't be attached to "I which tookplace at Empty Gate Center ?en ,'TIllS UNIVERSE GIVES am bad." Just bring your attention back to in Berkeley in April 1984, is typical of Zen the question "What am I doing?" If you do Master Seung Sahn's teaching style.) a ·bad action or make a big mistake, and US you think, "I am bad," then that.bad never lot us a time to -EVERYTHING ' A of spend lot_of trying Q: disappears." get rid of our bad karma and just end u� The mistake was (made already, so how accumulating more karrna.. do. we make it correct? How to make it correct is a very important point. Don't be SSN: Is karma good or bad? Karma is not 'attached to bad; and soon return to "What good, not bad. If you don't like karma, am'! doing now?" If you do a bad action to then take away your mind and all karma 'someone, say "I am sorry." Then it is all will All karma is from disappear. your finished, Understand? mind. If your mind disappears, your karma Someone told 'me, this story, A man and will disappear. That's the point. When his girlfriend decided to do something to­ mind and k�rma both become empty, that ' gether. In the daytime he wenrtothe office is returning to your true self. and was working' very hard. Time passed. But if I have bad karma, how can. I make He forgot to meet his girlfriend. She was it function correctly? How can I not be at- , very angry. How could he explain so that tached to my bad karma? By helping other his girlfriend would feel good? people. In Korea there is 'a man like Robin 'Someone suggested that he say, "I was so Hood. He' does many bad actions, takes busy I forgot." Or,,"I didn't feel so good, .money and gives it to poor people. So this is so, I didn't go.'! When you are in a situa­ bad action, but hol.v does-it function? Even ' tion like this, many opinions occur to you. if you have pad karma, it it's not for you' You check how your mind was at that time. . but, for other people, it becomes good Zen .means don't check your past mind'. karma. Likewise, good karma which is only ' Never check that. Only go straight. Already becomes bact for you , karma. you made a mistake, so you go to yourgirl­ or So it's how -- very important your good ..... friend and say, "I' am sorry, I made a bad karma functions. So don't be attached .mistake. If You don't like me, then kill'me, to it, don't check whether 'you .have good please." She will rrot kill you. But first; you karma or.bad karma.You have karma, so have to'make everything correct, then there how you is very important. The cor- ' , is no good bad. rect function means only helping ether '�nd .� �'l;�!;h ,�;;t: � • � people; making other people-Happy. 'Then r 0': So what you are saying is, we are all it's ok., bound by the law of karma and it's better Once hadvery good music -karma, , , to give thanto receive. That-is very-wonderful, but he used it for bad action: The music was so beautiful that , SSN: Don't 'check on giving and receiving, people would lose consciousness, then an­ .just DO IT! (laughs) Just Do It! is very other man-would take their money. That is important. If you love somebody, then only, using good karma and making' bad action. love is enough. Don't check; If you are So-bad karma is ok. How dp you use it? checking, that's like saying, 'when you like How can 'y�u make it function' correctly? ' somebody, "I love you, why don't you love: Everybody has karma, and any karma is me?"-that's not love. Love is uncondi­ ok. The correct function of karma 'is very tional. as Only giving, only giving, just this _ important.' .' this 'us " earth, universe, gives everything. �.

, Every day we breathe 'in, breathe out. do Q: Where good karma and , b

to develop 'Our vision through the organizational struc- portunities - SCHOOL CONGRESS ture 'Of the sch'O'Ol.' . ': This weekend marks 'One 'Of the four prinicipal ceremonies in the - Sch'O'OI, namely, the birthday 'Of 'Our teacher and founder 'Of the JULY 26-28 AND-ZEN Kwan Urn Zen Sch'O'OI, Seung Sahn. The ceremony, which will be held Saturday evening, will feature tributes from stu­ dents representing 'the various Zel! centers as well as 'others whose

". lives he has touched 'Over the almost 14 since he came to the '-MASTER SElJNG SAHN'S'. years United States. Following the ceremony will be a party. On-Sunday morning directly .after b'OWS (instead, 'Of the after­ ·BIRTHDAY CEREMONY noon as 'Originally planned), there will be a Precepts Ceremony for . those taking the Five 'Or Ten Precepts, and Tradition- ; , The Annual Kwan Urn Zen School will be held � Thi;d Congress - ',. al M'Onk''S V'OWS. _ at the Providence Zen Center 'Over the weekend of July 26-28'. Members and friends from all 'Of the Zen centers and affiliates, m­ The oldest living Zen Master in' the eluding such .faraway places as Brazil; Spain and 'Korea, will be Zen Master world, Hae Am Su Nim, died at the age coming to add their energy-and wisdom t'O the common direction of 100 in May at Sudoksah temple in where he had been the Zen 'Of the Sch'O'OI, which is "to understand 'Ourselves and save all, Korea, .Hae Am Master since 1956. Over 5,000 people at- beings from suffering." ,

A •.•••••• ••• •••••• •• Wi.nter S.olo, part two .- 3 Poetry of Stephen Mitcbell _. '� 6 � IN THIS ISSUE" " The Dharma Poland •.••••••••• 4 •••••••••• ...... In �. Engaged Buddbism ': 7

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Anytime you do not believe in love, you, This Universe die. What is your life? The whole universe gives is only giving, giving to you. We call that love. It has no condition. So us unconditional Everything you must also give to this universe. Loving and helping this universe is necessary. Don't make atom don'r kill ani­ Continuedfrom page I bombs, mals, don't pollute the air or anything . ...Many people have seen the movie, "Never Cry Wolf." Human beings never The universe always gives usthis air. This understand their correct situation. Human air has no hindrance, it connects with beings are the number one bad animal. We everybody, not-just human beings. The air have destroyed much of nature, air, water connects with trees and animals and sky. and trees. Then we say we want 'world Wi are all connected by this breathing in, peace, Not possible. That is, number one breathing 'out. When you sleep, when stupid! you're awake, whether you have good thinking or bad thinking, you breathe in and breathe out. Always. If you stop, you Even you have bad die. So this much is given to you, this air. if This i� love mind. Think about it. karma, if it's not for you Also, i"(we had no sun, we would die. If but for other it we exploded all the missiles that Russia and people, America have, a cloud would cover the becomes good karma.

e earth , No sun, could penetrate this cloud. The earth would grow cold-then what? Everything would die: So this sunlight is but no one "Thank very important, says, So that is not so good. Human beings sun." you very much, must just now WAKE UP:-that is impor­ tant. If we do not wake up, we.cannot con­ NIM PRESENTED WITH A WORLD PEACE. SOEN SA . . tinue this human world, ok? It will' soon AWAJU> at the Hyatt Hotel in Soeul, Korea on May 13, in ceremonies'attended time not be­ disappear. Any you ao by thousands. The occasion, was the Peaceful Cultural Reunification Festival, the _...' Men' Culture lieve in .. Asian Peace Art Festival, and the convention of of for World Peace" love, you die Q: If all the animals in the world can exist with the support of the government of the Republic of Korea and sponsored by the in peace without human beings, then why International Cultural Federation. are we here? is (Laughter) Next water, very important. For water. A lengthy biography of Soen Sa Nim was read which included his many years of we pay money. We don't pay the water, we Zen Centers in the Americas, "is establishing Japan, Europe (especially Poland), SSN: are we here? r ask do to have the water here' Why you, why only pay brought great contributions to 'Korean , and his helping Western minds to get you eat every day? (Laughter) Ifeveryone from the mountain: the water . Nobody pays "peace mind" and correct direction and correct life. The award pre­ understand was gives to each other, .then -there's no prob- any money. Also, if w,e had no earth, then sentedfor Soen Sa Nim's workin the cultural world, thus con­ "long distinguished lem. The universe us We what? We could not gives everything. _ grow. any food, any the true the WVM tu the eternal co-existence and co- . tributing-in spirit , of peace, are our our "I want flowers. " holding I-my-me, trees, any prosperity mankind, of ", this?" so this earth has a Air, fire, water, earth-the four problem. Among many other dignitaries th�t Soen Sa Nim met following the ceremonies elements. The universe takes these elements You must understand correct love. 'was former Governor of Pat Brown, the another Cali­ California father of former There's the about two women and makes your body. That's your life's famous story Governor, Jerry Brown, known for his strong interest in Buddhism and fornia . root. Correct roots. 'human arguing about a baby. Each one.said, "This Nowadays, vegetarianism. beings don't understand their roots. "I go is my baby:" The the King said, "Bring the to the factory, I make money, so I make a b.aby here, I will divide it in two. You take living. I don't have' to believe in God, I half, you take the other half." He picked. don't owe the universe anything. What's up' his sword to kill the baby and one

the deal? I I take care df " . woman said: "Oh, you take this baby!" to big, think "I then you have bad. This of We have ail If you' bad, the other woman, That is . am unconditional' myself." style thinking. , forgotien�our' human roots. If you' ha-ve no love. Not for myself, but only love for '. air, no ground, you can�ot stay alive. others.

f :, the blue Ha! Ha! of Zen Master Facing sky; Death No one could answer, except Hae Am Su Hil! FUNERAL POEM, down at the 'Continuedfrom previous page Nim, who said, "Neither the boat is moving Looking ground, Aigo! Aigo! nor the mountain is moving. It is your FOR GREAT ZEN Aigo! , I mind, Zen Master, that is moving." May 23,1985 included officials of the Dignitaries 'Mang Gong Su Nim, replied, "How can MASTER HAE AM . Order of , Hae Chogye you prove that?" Shortly before he died, Zen Master .. masters, officials andcongress­ government Hae Am Su Nim picked up a handker­ Am Su Nim was installed in February as the and over a monks and nuns, �en! thousand. chief and waved it. "Can you see that?" First patriarch of the new Dok Seung Rae Am Su Nim' was born Chun . Bu Nim "That's Chongnim, or special center at Su Seung Mang Gong said, From the tiie training " sky,' Sun, Moon, Choi in North the sonof-a farmer. wonderfull! and then him Dok Sah 'on Dok Korea, gave Stars all into the ocean, Temple Seung Mountain When Hae Am Su Nim ' There are three other his fathen.died, transmission. From the Ten all only special training . Directions, entered Phon Guk Sah near Soeul at Last frail and alniost blind centers in all of Korean Buddhism, the­ temple November, Buddhas and the age of 11, He a novice monk at . but still to engage visitors. "Three Treasure, Temples:" Hae In Sah becamf vigorous enough face the East and cry. 15, a Zen meditation monk at 23, and a full in Dharma combat, Hae Am Su Nim came' (named as a chongnim ·in. 1967) which is Un dry shit on a stick, I Mun's as bhikku at 25. His monk's name was to the United States for the first "to , known Dharma Treasure Temple Hyeon time, Dong Sahn's three pounds the since it houses the entire Buddhist Muh. He first studied. with Zen Master Hye see if Zen had really taken root in of Tripitaka ' flax, disappear into space. on wooden Sah Wol, then with ZenMaster Gong. In 1929 America." According to Soen �a Nim, the Mu is dancing under the 80,000 blocks; Song Gwang . JO!U'S in as Trea­ at the of he received inka and trans­ old Zen Master had a . (named 1969):known theSangha .-' age 43, prodigious 'memory white rocks. \ sure noted for its number of mission from Zen Master Mang Gong: He for Dharma speeches and poems and his Great Zen Hae Am's Temple, large . Master

was . the abbot of never diminished in his old Western students and whose famous Zen many large temples, sharpness age. great wisdom shines bright to Su Dok Sah at the, of 70. Thin and Master Ku Sahn died last and corning age strong, his lightness made it pos­ under the Dok Seung Moun­ year; Tong Soen Sa Nim tells the famous sible for him to walk On three 0,0 Sah-(named in known. as the. following very quickly. tain pines. 1984), Buddha Treasure where relics of story, One day Zen Master Mang Gong and legendary occasions he walked 60 miles in a' Great Zen Master Hae Am's Temple the Buddha are enshrined in a some of his took a boat trip. to an single day. great Dharma ; speech is . where were to and were A is autonomous, enjoying island they going stay. As Many poems memorial speeches clearly heard from the sound chongnim went a offered in his at the funeral ser­ complete freedom in its financial manage­ they by mountain, Mang Gong memory of-the Su Dok Sa stream. ment and of its abbots. The asked his companions, "Is the boat moving vices. Soen Sa Nim gave the following Great ZenMaster Rae Am Su appointment means "thicket." ,or is, the mountain moving? Which one is poem. expression' "chongnim" . Nim, where is he now? = the of correct?" DOL! Literally, chong growth grass without disturbance, -and nim = the growth trees disorder. This . , of without expression signifies that within a monastery there are rules and regulations.

• to Zen Master 'ZEN CHANTING J : According Wol Ha of , <, Tong Do Sah, the First Patriarch of the Zen Master Seung Sahn and his students have created a masterpiece of Tong Do Sah training center, a chongnim "is a where the four trees well sound-clear and profound chanting that cuts through our thinking minds to stillness place grow and a • together look like Single tree from and compassion. This tape includes the morning and evening bell chant and regularly the distance." The four "trees" means the recorded 'at practiced chants professionally Sprague Hall, Y�le University. four training halls of Zen meditation, sutra study, (monk's precepts) and PERCEIVE chanting. Copies of these high quality tapes are.av�ilable at $10.95 each and can be ordered by writing to (We are indebted to Samu Su Nim, founder the New Haven Zen Center. 193 Mansfield St., New Haven. CT 06511. Connecticut residents of the Zen Lotus Society of Toronto and WORLD should add a 7% sales is free .. Ann Arbor, and the editors of their quarterlySPRING WIND, for many of the above details about Su Dok Sah .and SOU·ND chongnims.)
