Association – Voie du Cœur

Sesshin August 16 - 22, with Michel Genko Roshi Château de Fauguernon, Lisieux

Sesshin means "to touch the heart"—"to touch one's heart"—to practice , to be practiced by zazen. While touching the heart, we discover there is no void to fill, there is nothing missing - everything is already here. Sesshin is an invitation to restore within us the joy of this very life and to let it unfold throughout our entire existence. This silent retreat will include 8 hours of daily meditation, teachings (Teisho), private interviews with the teacher and two hour of samu (mindful work). The emphasis will be on sitting / walking meditation and continuous practice — no separation between formal sitting practice and all the aspects of daily life: work, communication, relationships. Genko Roshi uses of breathing, guided meditation and to introduce the students to the practice of - just sitting - “being the intimate presence”.

Prior to the sesshin, participants who wish to take part in a humanitarian action may arrive and stay at the Dana Center, Friday August 13 until Monday morning. A light meal will be served Sunday evening, then we will sit in meditation. We shall sit again Saturday morning, before going to the kitchen of the humanitarian organization, l’Un Est l’Autre, at Kremlin- Bicêtre. There will be more sitting Sunday and Monday morning before departing to Fauguernon.

Fee from the 13th to the 16th (lodging, meals, meditation practice: 130€ or free donation Sesshin fee – August 16-22 Août: 330€ - The number of participants is limited to 15.

Registration - Information: [email protected]

In case of financial difficulties, please feel free to contact us at this address or to call Philippe +33 6 20 15 58 00.