The Mystery of the Louvre
~~'ORLU\\ mr I'CBLJEIILNU C ovr \\ i iq 'L:I~1~14 80 i)rill:r the hit-hnonn lio\ uf Ll~e norld ~sitliin tile iach of the rnillioils, by prcsc.r,t~rl,o ilt ttt. lorre\.t powihlc pricc per copy, in cn,iT.l~!:aitsi~e, on ~..cfcllentpaper, with bc:wlii'[il ud duld~le birlrlinq, n long seric~lof storicr, .cl hi( :I el crylbody tins hc:~rd of :rnd could desire to re.d Nc.vrr Iwfnrc 1m It I~c~tlporsiiilc tu pllieni books of the v;orld's most, fnrriorls 11vir19 :r~~tl~orr at sr~clla bmnll price. To render it possible now it will be nert'w~ry th~tcnch rolrln~c should haye a sale of hundreds of thous:incls of copicr and that many volumes of tlic serics diotild in due course iind their wry into nearly ever-/ home, however Inmlble, in thc U~litedStuies and G,~nada. The publisher> hew %he utn~oslooniideim that thi8 c1~1will he achieved. Th(.novels of Wonm WIDE Pbnr I~HI\GCox- PANY will be selected by one of the movt dls. tingwslled of living mcn of letters, nntl II short biog~npl~icaland bibliogruphical notc on the author hnd bir works will I)(* nppc.ndrd lo cnch vulrlmr. THE LOUVR i,:ir~~-l-i)j;~\i~i~ojs1.5 visitcil f):,ris is f,~r~~i[i:irwith !lie Louvre. O~~t~vnrdlyit i:; a lo~ry;,l.?i:lgy, ::!.irn-looking builtling ni sombre grey s,tcmcJ.., that i'! o\irns~nenacin~lyoil to the rue de Rivoli.
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