"Dzhangar". Jian bo wen xian yu yan yan jiu = The linguistic studies of the bamboo slips and the .(٢٠٠٩) .Jian bo wen xian yu yan yan jiu" ke ti zu" silk manuscripts. Beijing Shi, She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she. .Islams and modernities. London, Verso .(٢٠٠٩) .A*º*mah, A. z** .Pu*shto lugh*at. Lor*al*a&#x٠٢bc;*i, Quetta, Pu*shto Adab*i Malgar*i .(٢٠٠٩) .Amir, A. a.-K. i. and Pu*shto Adab*i Malgar*i** Athar al-qir*a**at al-Qur**an*iyah f*i al-fahm al-lughaw*i : dir*asah ta*tb*iq*iyah f*i s*urat .(٢٠٠٩) .Isá, M. h. M. u. A. i. H** al-Baqarah. al-Q*ahirah, D*ar al-Sal*am lil-*Tib*a*ah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawz*i* wa-al-Tarjamah. .Ta(l)king English phonetics across frontiers. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars .(٢٠٠٩) ubrovi**, B. and T. Paunovic** Dir*as*at f*i al-tarjamah wa-naqdih*a. Bayr*ut, Lubn*an, al-Mu*assasah al-*Arab*iyah lil-Dir*as*at .(٢٠٠٩) .A*sf*ur, M. h* wa-al-Nashr. Lahjat Tam*im f*i qir*a&#x٠٢bc;at Ab*i *Amr : dir*asah na*hw*iyah wa-*sarf*iyah. 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Pusan Kwangy¿*ksi, Tonga Taehakkyo Ch**ulp**anbu .(٢٠٠٩) .m, C. n.-h*¿ .No (da)" ni tai¿*suru Eigo no k¿*bun = The Japanese no da-construction and the corresponding English constructions" .(٢٠٠٩) .take, Y*¿ T¿*ky¿*, Kuroshio Shuppan. Advances in comparative Germanic syntax. Ed. by Artemis Aleksiadou : ; , Jorge Hankamer ; , Thomas McFadden ; , Justin .٢٠٠٩ . .(١٤١ ,Nuger ; , Florian Schäfer . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Linguistik aktuell = Linguistics today .Bulharská a slovenská lexikografia v zjednotenej Európe = Bălgarskata i slovaškata leksikografija v obedinena Evropa. Ed. a red .٢٠٠٩ Mária Košková ;, Marija Čoroleeva . Veliko Tărnovo: Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV . .

:Coding participant marking : construction types in twelve African languages. Ed. by Gerrit J. Dimmendaal . Amsterdam .٢٠٠٩ . .(١١٠ ,Benjamins (Studies in language companion series

vols.. Ed. by John Holm and, Susanne Michaelis . London: Routledge ٥ = Contact languages : critical concepts in language studies .٢٠٠٩ (Critical concepts in linguistics). .

Convergence and divergence in language contact situations. Ed. by Kurt Braunmüller ;, Juliane House . Amsterdam: Benjamins .٢٠٠٩ . .(٨ ,Hamburg studies on multilingualism)

. .(١٤٦ ,Cyclical change. Ed. by Elly van Gelderen . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Linguistik aktuell = Linguistics today .٢٠٠٩

.(.Diacronía de las lenguas iberorrománicas : nuevas aportaciones desde la lingüística de corpus. Andrés Enrique-Arias (ed .٢٠٠٩ . .(٣٧ ,Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana (Lingüística iberoamericana

English as an international language : perspectives and pedagogical issues. Ed. by Farzad Sharifian . Bristol: Multilingual Matters .٢٠٠٩ (New perspectives on language and education). .

Español en Estados Unidos y otros contextos de contacto : sociolingüística, ideología y pedagogía = Spanish in the United States .٢٠٠٩ and other contact environments : sociolinguistics, ideology and pedagogy. Manel Lacorte ;, Jennifer Leeman (eds.). Madrid: . .(٢١ ,Iberoamericana (Lengua y sociedad en el mundo hispánico

Fenomeni di intensità nell'italiano parlato. A cura di Barbara Gili Fivela e, Carla Bazzanella . Firenze: Cesati (Quaderni della .٢٠٠٩ . .(٥٤ ,rassegna

Acquisition, loss, psychological reality, and functional : ٢ .Distribution and historical change = Vol : ١ .Formulaic language = Vol .٢٠٠٩ explanations. Ed. by Roberta L. Corrigan ;, Edith A. Moravcsik ;, Hamid Ouali ;, Kathleen Wheatley . Amsterdam: Benjamins . .

Bibliografio de : (١٩٩١–١٩٠١) Bibliographie seiner Veröffentlichungen = Gaston Waringhien : (١٩٩١-١٩٠١) Gaston Waringhien .٢٠٠٩ . .(١٤ ,liaj publikigajoj. Ed. by Reinhard Haupenthal . Bad Bellingen: Iltis (Schriften zur Esperantologie und Interlinguistik

,; Global linguistic flows : hip hop cultures, youth identities, and the politics of language. Ed. by H. Samy Alim ;, Awad Ibrahim .٢٠٠٩ Alastair Pennycook . New York, NY: Routledge . .

: Historical thesaurus of the Oxford English dictionary : with additional material from A thesaurus of Old English = Vol. I .٢٠٠٩ Thesaurus = Vol. II : Index. Ed. by Christian J. Kay ;, Jane Roberts ;, Michael L. Samuels and, Irené Wotherspoon . Oxford: Oxford UP. . .

:Höflichkeit zwischen Konvention und Kreativität : eine pragmalinguistische Analyse von Dankesformeln im Russischen. München .٢٠٠٩ . .(٩ ,Sagner (Slavolinguistica

. Indigenous language revitalization : encouragement, guidance & lessons learned. Ed. by Jon Allan Reyhner ;, Louise Lockard .٢٠٠٩ Flagstaff, AZ: Northern Arizona Univ. . .

٢٠-١٨ ,١st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the .٢٠٠٩ . Ed. by Bernard Comrie ;, Ray Fabri ;, Elizabeth V. Hume ;, Manwel Mifsud ;, Thomas Stolz ;, Martine Vanhove .٢٠٠٧ ,October . .(١١٣ ,Amsterdam: Benjamins (Studies in language companion series

. . Jazyková kultúra na začiatku tretieho tisícročia. Editor Matej Považaj . Bratislava: Veda .٢٠٠٩

. .(١/١٧ ,La forza cognitiva della metafora. Ed. Carla Bazzanella . Milano: FrancoAngeli (Paradigmi. Revista di critica filosofica .٢٠٠٩

. Language management in contact situations : perspectives from three continents. Ed. by Jiří Nekvapil ;, Tamah Sherman .٢٠٠٩ Frankfurt am Main: Lang (Prague papers on language, society and interaction = Prager Arbeiten zur Sprache, Gesellschaft und . .(١ ,Interaktion

Language policy and language situation in Ukraine : analysis and recommendations. Juliane Besters-Dilger (ed.). Frankfurt am .٢٠٠٩ Main: Lang . .

Language, discourse and identity in Central Europe : the in a multilingual space. Ed. by Jenny Carl ;, Patrick .٢٠٠٩ Stevenson . London: Palgrave Macmillan . .

and supplement for previous years = Bibliographie linguistique des années : ٢٠٠٨-٢٠٠٥ Linguistic bibliography for the years .٢٠٠٩ et complément des années précédentes = Supplement index of names. Publ. by the Permanent International Committee of : ٢٠٠٨-٢٠٠٥ Linguists under the auspices of the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies; ed. by Hella Olbertz and, Sijmen Tol ; with the assistance of, Robert Cirillo ;, Hanneke van Loon and, Fannie St-Pierre-Tanguay . Leiden: Brill . .

,Little words : their history, phonology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and acquisition. Ronald P. Leow ;, Héctor Campos and .٢٠٠٩ Donna Lardiere eds.. Washington, DC: Georgetown UP. (Georgetown University round table on languages and linguistics series). .

Med politiko in stvarnostjo : jezikovna situacija v novonastalih državah bivše Jugoslavije. Uredili Vesna Požgaj Hadži ;, Tatjana .٢٠٠٩ Balažic Bulc ;, Vojko Gorjanc . Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fak. (Zbirka Kultura sožitja). .

Minimalist essays on Brazilian Portuguese syntax. Ed. by Jairo Nunes . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Linguistik aktuell = Linguistics .٢٠٠٩ . .(١٤٢ ,today

Missionary linguistics = IV : Lingüística misionera = IV : Lexicography : selected papers from the Fifth International Conference .٢٠٠٩ Ed. by Otto Zwartjes ;, Ramón Arzápalo Marín ;, Thomas C. Smith .٢٠٠٧ ١٧-١٤ ,on Missionary Linguistics, Mérida, Yucatán . .(١١٤ ,Stark . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Studies in the history of the language sciences

New directions in cognitive linguistics. Ed. by Vyvyan Evans and, Stéphanie Pourcel . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Human cognitive .٢٠٠٩ . .(٢٤ ,processing

. . .Processes in third language acquisition. Ed. by Björn Hammarberg . Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP .٢٠٠٩

Rights, promotion and integration issues for minority languages in Europe. Ed. by Susanna Pertot ;, Tom M. S. Priestly ;, Colin .٢٠٠٩ H. Williams . Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (Palgrave studies in minority languages and communities). .

. Routes to language : studies in honor of Melissa Bowerman. Ed. by Virginia C. Mueller Gathercole . New York: Psychology Press .٢٠٠٩ .

Standardizacija staroslovenskog ćiriličnog pisma i njegova registracija u Unikodu = Standardization of the Old Church Slavonic .٢٠٠٩ .godine .٢٠٠٧ oktobra .١٧ do .١٥ Cyrillic script and its registration in Unicode : zbornik radova sa međunarodnog skupa održanog od Urednici Gordana Jovanović ;, Jasmina Grković-Mejdžor ;, Zoran Kostić ;, Viktor Savić . Beograd: Srpska akad. nauka i umetnosti . .(٢٠ ,Naučni skupovi)

selected writings. Selection and ed. of text and introduction by : (١٩٤٨-١٨٦٨) The architect of Modern Catalan : Pompeu Fabra .٢٠٠٩ Joan Costa Carreras ; transl. by, Alan Yates ; prologue by, Georg Kremnitz . Amsterdam: Benjamins . .

:Ed. by Arja Nurmi ;, Minna Nevala ;, Minna Palander-Collin . Amsterdam .(١٨٠٠-١٤٠٠) The language of daily life in England .٢٠٠٩ . .(١٨٣ ,Benjamins (Pragmatics & beyond. NS

. .(٨٤ ,The linguistics of eating and drinking. Ed. by John Newman . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Typological studies in language .٢٠٠٩

The Oxford handbook of case. Ed. by Andrej L. Malchukov and, Andrew Spencer . Oxford: Oxford UP. (Oxford handbooks in .٢٠٠٩ linguistics). .

Thesaurus Linguae Etruscae = I : Indice lessicale. A cura di Enrico Benelli con la collaborazione di, Maristella Pandolfini .٢٠٠٩ Angeletti ;, Valentina Belfiore . Pisa: Serra . .

,Variation in indigenous minority languages. Ed. by James N. Stanford and, Dennis R. Preston . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Impact .٢٠٠٩ . .(٢٥

Variations on polysynthesis : the Eskaleut languages. Ed. by Marc-Antoine Mahieu ;, Nicole Tersis . Amsterdam: Benjamins .٢٠٠٩ . .(٨٦ ,Typological studies in language)

Youngspeak in a multilingual perspective. Ed. by Anna-Brita Stenström ;, Annette Myre Jørgensen . Amsterdam: Benjamins .٢٠٠٩ . .(١٨٤ ,Pragmatics & beyond. NS) A Coruña Tarjam*at ma**an*i al-Qur&#x٠٢bc;*an al-Injl*iz*iyah : dir*asah naqd*iyah .(٢٠٠٩) A**zam*i, A. Z. i. and F. i. A. a.-R. h. a. R*um*i .M. al-Riy*a*d, Maktabat al-Tawbah ٢٠٠١ M *hattá ١٩٣٠ wa-ta*hl*il*iyah : mundhu ,Br*ah*u&#x٠٢bc;*i gr*amar. Ko&#x٠٢bc;i*tah .(٢٠٠٩) .A*hmadza**i, A. g. h. a. N. s. i. K. h. a. and Br*ah*u**i Akai*dm*i .Br*ah*u&#x٠٢bc;*i Ikai*dam*i .Ëddosht*ho. Dushanbe, Sarredaksi*i*ai ilmii *ensiklopedi*i*ai millii tojik .(٢٠٠٩) .A*in*i, S .Bh*im*a : n*awala. Chandigarh, Lokgeet Parkashan .(٢٠٠٩) .A*nakh*i, R. a. S. u .Kuruba samud*aya bh*a*se : m*anavabh*a*s*a*s*astra adhyayana. Citradurga, *Anandakanda Grantham*ale .(٢٠٠٩) .A*nga*di, E. E A. Baudry & C.ie. Contemporary Islamic orientations in the age of .(٢٠٠٩) (A. Noor, F. and Centre for Research on Islamic & Malay Affairs (Singapore globalisation. Singapore, Centre for Research on Islamic and Malay Affairs. .Puhuva ihminen : puhetieteiden perusteet. Helsingissä, Otava .(٢٠٠٩) .Aaltonen, O., R. Aulanko, et al .The Little, Brown essential handbook. New York ; Toronto, Longman .(٢٠٠٩) .Aaron, J. E Zurich, Switzerland, PPP Editions in .١٩٥٥ In numbers : serial publications by artists since .(٢٠٠٩) .Aarons, P. E., A. Roth, et al association with Andrew Roth JRP/Ringier Kunstverlag. Oxford ; New .١٩٩٠-١٨٩٠ ,The patient as text : the role of the narrator in psychiatric notes .(٢٠٠٩) .Aaslestad, P., E. Skuggevik, et al York, Radcliffe. .Unthá al-lughah : awr*aq f*i al-khi*t*ab wa-al-jins. Dimashq, S*ur*iyah, D*ar N*inawá .(٢٠٠٩) .Ab*u R*ishah, Z .(٢٠٠٩) .Abashev, V. V., Rossi*iski*i nauchno-issledovatel*ski*i institut kul*turnogo i prirodnogo nasledi*i*a im. D.S. Likhacheva., et al Rossi*i*a : voobrazhenie prostranstva / prostranstvo voobrazheni*i*a. Moskva, Agraf. Transfer and generalizability of foreign language learning. Arlington, Va., U.S. Army Research Institute for the .(٢٠٠٩) .Abbe, A Behavioral and Social Sciences. .Language, literacy, and genetic syndromes. Hagerstown, Md., Lippincott Williams & Wilkins .(٢٠٠٩) .Abbeduto, L A reference grammar of Egyptian Arabic. Washington, DC, Georgetown .(٢٠٠٩) .Abdel-Massih, E. T., Z. N. Abdel-Malek, et al University Press. ."Fenomen Olzhasa : sbornik. Almaty, "Da*ik-Press .(٢٠٠٩) .Abdullo, S .Goishi. T*oky*o, Iwanami Shoten .(٢٠٠٩) .Abe, S .Zatsugaku kotoba no Nihon shi. T*oky*o, D*oseisha .(٢٠٠٩) .Abe, T ,٠٣٠٨renz : Untersuchungen zur narrativen Sinnbildung. Trier, WVT\Ambivalenz und Koha .(٢٠٠٩) .Abel, J., A. Blo\dorn, et al Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. Pushtū muḥāvarah : tahz̲ ībī aur lisānī ī mut̤ālaʻah. Pishāvar, Pushtū Ikaiḍamī, Pishāvar .(٢٠٠٩) .ʻAbid, ʻ. J. and Puṣhto Ikayḍaymī Yūnīvarsiṭī. .Ìtúpal*òe gírámà Yorùbá M*òof*òolí. Cape Town, Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society .(٢٠٠٩) .Abídèmí, F. F Abingdon, Brepols ; .Analytiques du sensible : pour Claude Zilberberg. Limoges, Lambert-Lucas .(٢٠٠٩) .Ablali, D., S. Badir, et al .The prodigal tongue : dispatches from the future of English. Toronto, Vintage Canada .(٢٠٠٩) .Abley, M .Camp Fossil Eyes : digging for the origins of words. Toronto, Annick Press .(٢٠٠٩) Abley, M. and K. Adams .Regions and identities. Abingdon, Routledge .(٢٠٠٩) Ablonczy-Mihályka, L. and A. Tompos Ecce Romani I : a Latin reading program : teacher's guide : chapter resources and .(٢٠٠٩) .Abney, T. S. and Scottish Classics Group blackline masters. Boston, Mass., Pearson/Prentice Hall. ,Amsterdam .٢٠٠٧ Romance languages and linguistic theory : selected papers from 'Going Romance,' Amsterdam .(٢٠٠٩) .Aboh, E. O John Benjamins Pub. Co. .Complex processes in new languages. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia, John Benjamins Pub. Co .(٢٠٠٩) Aboh, E. O. and N. Smith ,Electronic discourse in language learning and language teaching. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia .(٢٠٠٩) Abraham, L. B. and L. Williams John Benjamins Pub. Co. ٠٣٠٨t bei Modalverb, , Modalpartikel und\٠٣٠٨t : Epistemik und Evidentialita\Modalita .(٢٠٠٩) Abraham, W. and E. Leiss .٠٣٠٨bingen, Stauffenburg\Modus. Tu ,Modalität : Epistemik und Evidentialität bei Modalverb, Adverb, Modalpartikel und Modus. Tübingen .(٢٠٠٩) Abraham, W. and E. Leiss Stauffenburg Verlag. .Having hard conversations. Thousand Oaks, Calif., Corwin .(٢٠٠٩) .Abrams, J Plain language pediatrics : health literacy strategies and communication resources for common .(٢٠٠٩) .Abrams, M. A., B. P. Dreyer, et al pediatric topics. Elk Grove Village, IL, American Academy of Pediatrics. .A glossary of literary terms. Australia ; Canada, Wadsworth Cengage Learning .(٢٠٠٩) Abrams, M. H. and G. G. Harpham ٠٣٠١mie des\٠٣٠١e par l'Acade\٠٣٠١tudes anglo-normandes : organise\٠٣٠١e d'e\Journe .(٢٠٠٩) .Acade\mie des, i., l. belles, et al .٠٣٠١mie des inscriptions et belles-lettres\Paris, Acade .٢٠٠٨ juin ٢٠ ,inscriptions et belles-lettres, Palais de l'Institut Academia Brasileira de Letras. Vocabulário ortográfico da língua portuguesa. São Paulo, SP .(٢٠٠٩) .Academia Brasileira de Letras Academia Peruana de la Lengua. .(٢٠٠٩) .Academia Sinica. Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences., Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis., et al GIS in the Humanities and Social Sciences International Conference : innovating, collaborating, sharing : proceedings. Taipei, Taiwan, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica. Az*nl*klar*n ve yabanc*lar*n ald**g* : Türkçe adlar ve soyadlar* sözlü*gü : Ermeniler, Rumlar, Yahudiler ile .(٢٠٠٩) .Acaro*glu, M. T ki*si üzerine ya*samöyküsel ve dilbilimsel bilgiler. Ca*galo*glu, *Istanbul, IQ Kültür Sanat ٢.٠٠٠ yabanc*lardan yakla*s*k Yay*nc*l*k. Le mille e una lingua : atti delle Tornate dell'Accademia .(٢٠٠٩) Accademia degli incamminati (Modigliana Italy). Tornate. and C. Melani degli Incamminati sulla lingua italiana. Firenze, Polistampa. .Sentiment linguistique : discours spontanés sur le lexique. Metz, Université Paul Verlaine .(٢٠٠٩) Achard-Bayle, G. and M. Lecolle .The education of a British-protected child : essays. New York, Alfred A. Knopf .(٢٠٠٩) .Achebe, C .Venice : pure city. London, Chatto & Windus .(٢٠٠٩) .Ackroyd, P .The Canterbury tales. New York, N.Y., Viking .(٢٠٠٩) .Ackroyd, P., G. Chaucer, et al .Lexicografía del español de Sonora. Hermosillo, Sonora, Editorial Universidad de Sonora .(٢٠٠٩) .Acosta Félix, A Actes sud. .The cave and the cathedral : how a real-life Indiana Jones and a renegade scholar decoded the ancient art of man .(٢٠٠٩) .Aczel, A. D Hoboken, N.J., John Wiley & Sons. .Le texte littéraire : pour une approche interdisciplinaire. Louvain-la-Neuve, Bruylant-Academia .(٢٠٠٩) Adam, J.-M. and U. Heidmann Extinction or survival? : the remarkable story of the Tigua, an urban American Indian tribe. Boulder, Paradigm .(٢٠٠٩) .Adam, S. K Publishers. .La formation linguistique des migrants. [Paris], CLE international .(٢٠٠٩) .Adami, H .The quotable Abigail Adams. Cambridge, Mass., Belknap Press of Harvard University Press .(٢٠٠٩) Adams, A. and J. P. Kaminski .Amazon peasant societies in a changing environment : political ecology, invisibility and modernity in the rainforest .(٢٠٠٩) .Adams, C [Dordrecht], Springer. .Cambridge PET : practice tests for the preliminary english test. Kennington, New editions .(٢٠٠٩) Adams, D. and D. Flanel Piniaris University of ,١٩٦٠--١٩٣٠ ,The idea of constitutional rights and the transformation of Canadian constitutional law .(٢٠٠٩) .Adams, E. 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S*oul, Y*ongnak" .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, C. o.-c .Ky*ongnam Ch'angny*ong chiy*ok *ui *on*o wa saenghwal. Ky*onggi-do P'aju-si, T'aehaksa .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, C. o.-d .Han'guk sos*ol *ui *on*o *uisik. Ky*onggi-do P'aju-si, T'aehaksa .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, C. o.-s .Han'gukŏ Pŭrajil(P'orŭt'ugal)ŏ sajŏn = Coreano Brasileiro dicionario. Sŏul-si, Munyerim .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, C. ŏ.-s .Andong pangŏn sajŏn. Kyŏngbuk Andong-si, Andong Munhwawŏn .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, C.-g .Hy*ondae Kug*o *uimi y*on*gu. S*oul T**ukpy*olsi, Han*guk Munhwasa .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, C.-g .Hy¿*ndae Kug¿* ¿*imi y¿*n**gu. S¿*ul T**¿*kpy¿*lsi, Han**guk Munhwasa .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, C.-g .Hyŏndae Kugŏ ŭimi yŏn'gu. Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi, Han'guk Munhwasa .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, C.-g ,O*op saenghwar*o wa changin *ui mal : Ky*ongsang-bukto Y*ongd*ok-kun* .(٢٠٠٩) (Kim, C.-s. and Kungnip Kug*ow*on (Korea Mun'gy*ong-si, Ch'ilgok-kun *ui minjok saenghwar*o. S*oul, K*ul Nuri. ,p saenghwar¿* wa changin ¿*i mal : Ky¿*ngsang-bukto Y¿*ngd¿*k-kun*¿*¿ .(٢٠٠٩) (Kim, C.-s. and Kungnip Kug¿*w¿*n (Korea Mun'gy¿*ng-si, Ch'ilgok-kun ¿*i minjok saenghwar¿*. S¿*ul, K¿*l Nuri. .Hy¿*ndae Chos¿*n¿* munp¿*p y¿*n**gu pangb¿*mnon t**amgu. S¿*ul, Y¿*ngnak .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, C.-y .Segyehwa sidae e Han'gug¿* Han'gugin i mor¿*nda. S¿*ul-si, Ch'¿*ngun .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, H. i.-s., K. n.-s. Hwang, et al Taehwach**e kasa ¿*i yuhy¿*ng kwa y¿*ksaj¿*k ch¿*n**gae : Chos¿*njo mit kaehwagi ¿*i taehwach**e kasa e .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, H. n.-t. a taehan t**ongsij¿*k ch¿*pk¿*n = A study on the formation and the expansion of 'dialogic gasa'. S¿*ul-si, Somy¿*ng Ch**ulp**an. .Segyehwa sidae e Han'gug*o Han'gugin i mor*unda. S*oul, Ch'*ongun .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, H. u.-s Kugŏ pŏnyŏngmun kwa pŏnyŏk kŭl ssŭgi = Translated text and translation writing. Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi, Han'guk .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, H.-y Munhwasa. .Han**g¿*l y¿*ksa y¿*n**gu : Han**guk ¿*i ch¿*ngsin. S¿*ul T**¿*kpy¿*lsi, Han**guk Munhwasa .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, I. j .Han*g*ul y*oksa y*on*gu : Han*guk *ui ch*ongsin. S*oul T**ukpy*olsi, Han*guk Munhwasa .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, I. j .Oegugin ¿*l wihan p'yojun Han'gug¿* tongsa hwaryong saj¿*n. S¿*ul-si, Pagij¿*ng .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, J.-R .Kug¿* sayong kwa kug¿* kyoyuk t**amgu. S¿*ul T**¿*kpy¿*lsi, W¿*rin .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, K. n.-j Munpŏp kusŏng ŭi pŏmju wa yuhyŏng = The category and the type .(٢٠٠٩) (Kim, K.-h. and Ŏnŏ Pŏmju wa Yuhyŏng Yŏnʼguhoe (Korea of grammatical construction. Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi, Pogosa. Munp¿*p kus¿*ng ¿*i p¿*mju wa yuhy¿*ng = The category and the type of grammatical construction. S¿*ul .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, K.-h. k T**¿*kpy¿*lsi, Pogosa. .Kugŏ sayong kwa kugŏ kyoyuk t'amgu. Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi, Wŏrin .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, K.-j .y¿*n-٢٠ kae ¿*i k'iw¿*d¿* ro ingn¿*n Han'guk taejung munhwa-٣٠٠ : Taejung munhwa saj¿*n .(٢٠٠٩) Kim, K.-r. and K.-h. Ch**oe S¿*ul-si, Hy¿*nsil Munhwa. .y*on-٢٠ kae *ui k'iw*od*u ro ingn*un Han'guk taejung munhwa-٣٠٠ : Taejung munhwa saj*on .(٢٠٠٩) Kim, K.-r. and K.-h. Ch'oe S*oul, Hy*onsil Munhwa. Injij¿*k taejo ¿*n¿*hak ¿*i pangb¿*mnon y¿*n**gu : Han**gug¿* wa Y¿*ng¿* r¿*l taesang ¿*ro. S¿*ul .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, M.-h. n T**¿*kpy¿*lsi, Han**guk Munhwasa. .Kug¿* ¿*mullon. S¿*ul, Saemunsa .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, M.-r .Ky*ongbuk Ch'*ongsong chiy*ok *ui *on*o wa saenghwal. Ky*onggi-do P'aju-si, T'aehaksa .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, M.-s .Y*oktae Han'guk munp*op taegye. II. S*oul-si, Pagij*ong .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, M.-s ,Minjok k*onch'ug*o : Ch*olla-bukto Ch*onju *ui minjok saenghwar*o. S*oul .(٢٠٠٩) (Kim, N.-g. and Kungnip Kug*ow*on (Korea K*ul Nurim. Minjok k¿*nch'ug¿* : Ch¿*lla-bukto Ch¿*nju ¿*i minjok saenghwar¿*. S¿*ul, K¿*l .(٢٠٠٩) (Kim, N.-g. and Kungnip Kug¿*w¿*n (Korea Nurim. .Uri mal y¿*n**gusa : ¿*n¿*gwan kwa sajo ro pon palch¿*nsa. Ky¿*nggi-do P**aju-si, T**aehaksa .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, S. k.-t. k .٢١c Korean particle. S¿*ul T**¿*kpy¿*lsi, Ky¿*ngjin segi Kug¿* t**ossi y¿*n**gu = A study of-٢١ .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, S. n.-g .٢١C Korean language study. S¿*ul T**¿*kpy¿*lsi, Ky¿*ngjin = segi uri malbon y¿*n**gu-٢١ .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, S. n.-g .٢١c Korean particle. S*oul T**ukpy*olsi, Ky*ongjin segi Kug*o t*ossi y*on*gu = A study of-٢١ .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, S. u.-g Haeny*o, *obu, minsokchu : Cheju-do *ui minjok saenghwar*o. S*oul, K*ul .(٢٠٠٩) (Kim, S.-j. and Kungnip Kug*ow*on (Korea Nurim. .Haeny¿*, ¿*bu, minsokchu : Cheju-do ¿*i minjok saenghwar¿*. S¿*ul, K¿*l Nurim .(٢٠٠٩) (Kim, S.-j. and Kungnip Kug¿*w¿*n (Korea Sŭwedenŏ-Han'gugŏ sajŏn = Svensk-Koreansk ordbok. Sŏul-si, Han'guk Oegugŏ Taehakkyo .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, S.-y., K.-s. Pyun, et al Ch'ulp'anbu. .Mal ch**aja pit ttara. S¿*ul T**¿*kpy¿*lsi, Ky¿*ngin Munhwasa .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, T.-s .Han'gug¿* ¿*i ky¿*k = The case of Korean. S¿*ul-si, Pangmunsa .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, W. n.-g. n .y¿*n**gu. S¿*ul-si, Tongguk Taehakkyo Ch**ulp**anbu ٢٤ ,٢٣-Sokpo sangj¿*l : che .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, Y. n.-b .Han'gug¿* tan¿*jok saj¿*n. S¿*ul-si, Pangmunsa .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, Y. n.-i .Y¿*ngg¿*n ¿*igweryu ¿*i ch**aja p**yogi y¿*n**gu. S¿*ul-si, Asea Munhwasa .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, Y. n.-j segi ihu Han-Yong-Mi-Il pigyo y¿*n**gu. S¿*ul T**¿*kpy¿*lsi, Han**guk-١٩ : Han**guk ¿*i Y¿*ng¿* kyoyuksa .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, Y. n.-s Munhwasa. .Han'gug*o tan*ojok saj*on. S*oul, Pangmunsa .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, Y. o.-i Han**guk hy¿*ndae si¿* ¿*i t**ansaeng = The birth of Korean modern poetic diction. S¿*ul, Somy¿*ng .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, Y.-h. i Ch**ulp**an. .Han*guk hy*ondae si*o *ui t*ansaeng = The birth of Korean modern poetic diction. S*oul, Somy*ong Ch*ulp*an .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, Y.-h. u .Haeksim ŭro chip'ŏ chunŭn ŏhwi sajŏn. Sŏul-si, P'urŭn Sasang .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, Y.-j .Haeksim ¿*ro chip'¿* chun¿*n ¿*hwi saj¿*n. S¿*ul-si, P'ur¿*n Sasang .(٢٠٠٩) .Kim, Y.-j. n .The function of the tautological infinitive in classical biblical Hebrew. 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