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MEDIA RELEASE For Immediate Release



Panorama photograph of Stamford Road featuring Eastern Studio on the far right (early 20th century) As both brothers had large and growing families, Lee King Yan moved out of Lee Brothers Studio and went on to set up Eastern Studios in 1922. In this panorama photograph taken from the bridge above Stamford Canal, Eastern Studios can be seen on the far right. Collection of Mr. Loo Say Chong

Singapore, 30 October 2019 – More commonly associated with museums and cultural arts groups today, Stamford Road and its surrounding precinct (stretching from Hill Street to South Bridge Road and Chinatown) was actually a vibrant hub of photography studios in the 1890s. It was the go-to place for families and individuals from all walks of life who wanted to have their photographs taken.

2 Having edged out their European predecessors, Chinese photography studios grew steadily in strength. The portraiture photographs captured offered a glimpse into the way of life in Singapore, as people commemorated special occasions, such as retirement and weddings, by taking studio portraits. A selection of these photographs and the stories behind them will be spotlighted at the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall (SYSNMH)’s latest special exhibition, From Brush to Lens: Early Chinese Photography Studios in Singapore, which runs from 2 November 2019 till 3 May 2020.

3 Building on the narrative of the Singapore Bicentennial, the exhibition showcases close to 90 photographic artefacts and photographs of the sights and people in Singapore 1

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from the late 19th to early 20th century. It casts a spotlight on the role of early Chinese photography studios and their contribution in documenting Singapore’s colonial history.

4 After the First Opium War (1839 to 1842) and the opening of treaty ports in China, Chinese portrait painters in Guangzhou, China learned the Western art of photography from the Europeans. They travelled to Singapore to seek better lives, after its establishment as an entrepôt 200 years ago. When they arrived here, many went on to set up photography studios. In tracing the growth of these photography studios, and through examining the photographs captured, visitors will be provided with a clear illustration of an evolving, modern and cosmopolitan Singapore, and gain an understanding of Singapore’s early beginnings as a migrant society.

Capturing Singapore’s development and way of life

5 Photographs mirrored the ongoing developments in Singapore then, and provide a lens through which we can better understand our history. Look closely within each photograph and uncover the subtle converge of people, cultures, ideas and aspirations. For instance, pocket watches, suit jackets, and high knee socks began to make their way into the same frame as traditional outfits – reflecting how people adapted Western influences into their own cultures.

Studio portrait of a Chinese lady with young children (c.1920s) Lee Brothers Studio

In contrast with their mother, the children in this studio portrait are dressed in western-style outfits. The baby in the mother’s arms is dressed in what appears to be a christening gown while the young boy is dressed in a shirt with rounded collar and shorts, complete with knee socks and leather shoes.

The intergenerational and cultural differences in the dressing between the mother and her children reflected the community’s gradual acceptance of modernity and

westernisation. In general, women were slower in


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adopting western dress as they were regarded as guardians of cultural traditions.

Lee Brothers Studio Collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore

Studio portrait of two young men (c.1910s) Lee Brothers Studio

This studio portrait features two young men of different races dressed in similar white tops with matching pocket watches. The similarity in attire suggests that these two men were close friends, and possibly schoolmates.

By the early 20th century, many pragmatic businessmen sent their children to mission schools as proficiency in the English language would further their business interests in colonial Singapore.

Lee Brothers Studio Collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore

Studio portrait of two South Indian gentlemen (early 20th century) Lou Fong & Co.

This pair of Tamil merchants are dressed in veshti (a traditional male garment worn in the Indian sub- continent) paired with jackets. During the early 20th century, traders wearing their ethnic headgear or traditional attire under jackets were a common sight in Singapore. This fusion of attire arose from the need to appear business-like in a Western manner while still retaining their ethnic identity.

Collection of Mr. Loo Say Chong


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Vignettes of the community

6 The portraits are a visual testament to the rich cultural diversity in Singapore in its early days. Aside from the Chinese, many members of other community groups such as the Chetti, Tamils, Japanese and Europeans – people from all walks of life – made their way to have their photographs taken at these Chinese photography studios, which were typically located within the Chinese enclaves. Through these portraits, visitors will be able to uncover the histories of the communities, and their stories.

Studio portrait of a Nattukottai Chettiar Patriarch (early 20th century) Tien Seng

The Nattukottai Chettiars are a subset of the Tamil community who arrived in Singapore from around the 1820s. The Chettiars were traditionally traders in precious stones but later became involved in private financing and money lending activities.

Gift of Mr. M Meyyappan, reproduced with permission of Indian Heritage Centre


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Studio portrait of a Japanese lady (1913) Lee Brothers Studio

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the majority of Japanese women in Singapore were karayuki-san, which literally means “girls going to China” or “girls going overseas”. This term specifically refers to Japanese women from poverty-stricken rural provinces who worked as prostitutes overseas.

By 1905, there were more than 90 Japanese-owned brothels in the area around Bugis Street. These Japanese brothels decreased sharply in numbers in 1921 after they were considered a national shame and banned by the Japanese Consulate-General in Singapore.

Lee Brothers Studio Collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore

7 The Chinese photographers also illuminated the nuances and dynamics of the colonial period. From a study of the landscape of the photograph, to the intent of the portrait – whether for a postcard or personal use, the exhibition pieces together an understanding of how the different communities engaged and interacted with one another.

Portrait of rickshaw puller with his European passenger (1905)

J. Fujisaki Japanese Photographer

This posed photograph of Newman and the Chinese rickshaw puller captures the power dynamics in colonial Singapore between the European masters and immigrant workers. The lush tropical backdrop and the native mode of transportation further reinforced the exoticism of colonies.

Collection of National Museum of Singapore


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Group photograph of school girls in Singapore (1910s - 1920s) Lee Brothers Studio

Mission schools in Singapore commonly accepted students of all races. This photograph features a group of school girls from different races with their European or American teachers. The majority of the girls appear to be Peranakan Chinese.

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kip Lee, collection of The Peranakan Museum

Group photograph of students from Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah (early 20th century) Unknown studio

Founded in 1912 by Syed Mohamed bin Ahmed Alsagoff, Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah (or Alsagoff Arab School) was established to cater to the needs of the growing Arab population in Singapore. The madrasah also accepted all Muslims regardless of race and nationality. Before World War II, the madrasah only accepted boys and the students were taught Islamic knowledge and Arabic as well as

reading and writing in English and Malay. As the enrolment of male students declined after the war, the madrasah was converted into an all-girls school in 1966.

Collection of Mr. Loo Say Chong

8 Ms Angela Ye, Assistant Director of SYSNMH, said: “Photographs provide an important lens into history, and are an enduring medium that have withstood the test of time. People used to put together photo albums to document important memories. Today, in the era of social media, photographs are more important than ever before. In commemoration of Singapore’s Bicentennial, we wanted to create a visually compelling exhibition to tell the


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stories of our forefathers. Through a showcase of portraits of various communities taken by the early Chinese photographers, we hope it provides visitors with a glimpse into life back then, and spotlights our cultural diversity as far back as 200 years ago.”

9 Visitors to the exhibition can embark on a three-part journey to understand the origins of portraiture and studio photography in China; the advent of photography in Singapore; and the historical significance of these photographs during the colonial period. A list of exhibition highlights can be found in Annex A.

Wan Qing CultureFest 2019 – Celebrating our intangible Chinese cultural heritage

10 In conjunction with the launch of the exhibition, SYSNMH will be holding its annual Wan Qing CultureFest 2019 across two weekends from 2 to 10 November 2019. Featuring an exciting line-up of more than 30 cultural activities, the Wan Qing CultureFest will showcase four important aspects of our intangible cultural heritage – Social Practices, Food Heritage, Performing Arts, and Oral Traditions and Expressions. Experience a Chinese wedding; find out how you can improve your chances at finding love through fengshui; dress- up and be part of a opera troupe; or relax to an evening of traditional Hakka folk music and comedy shows. This year, SYSNMH also worked closely with students from Ngee Ann Polytechnic to present several cultural programmes. They will be sharing more about wedding traditions, Nanyang coffee, the art of shadow puppetry and lion dance! Please refer to Annex B for the Wan Qing CultureFest 2019 programme line-up.

11 Ms Angela Ye added, “With every edition of Wan Qing CultureFest, SYSNMH strives to provide fun and accessible ways for visitors to enjoy and participate in our Chinese cultural heritage. We have chosen to spotlight our intangible cultural heritage as these are traditions and practices we are all familiar with, and are often experienced in our daily lives. We hope to create greater awareness, and inspire more to join us in celebrating and safeguarding our intangible cultural heritage.”

12 For more information on From Brush to Lens: Early Chinese Photography Studios in Singapore and Wan Qing CultureFest 2019, please visit http://sysnmh.org.sg. Wan Qing CultureFest 2019 programmes, with the exception of its heritage trail programme, are all free.


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For media enquiries, please contact:

Jamie Choy Michelle Wong Tate Anzur Tate Anzur 6568 9147 6568 9152 [email protected] [email protected]

About the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall (SYSNMH), a heritage institution under the National Heritage Board, traces Dr Sun's revolutionary activities in the Southeast Asian region and highlights the impact of the 1911 Chinese Revolution on Singapore as well as Singapore's contributions to the Revolution.

The SYSNMH was re-opened to the public on 9 October 2011. The revamped Memorial Hall features a new storyline that introduces key community leaders in the early 20th century; highlights Nanyang as a base for Revolution; and explores the impact and influences of the 1911 Chinese Revolution on the Singapore Chinese community. It will also continue to promote the understanding of our history through research and publication; work with the community in outreach and education programmes as well as organise Chinese cultural events for all Singaporeans and visitors. Please visit www.sysnmh.org.sg for more information.

About the National Heritage Board The National Heritage Board (NHB) was formed on 1 August 1993. As the custodian of Singapore’s heritage, NHB is responsible for telling the Singapore story, sharing the Singaporean experience and imparting our Singapore spirit.

NHB’s mission is to preserve and celebrate the shared heritage of our diverse communities, for the purpose of education, nation-building and cultural understanding. It manages the national museums and heritage institutions, and sets policies relating to heritage sites, monuments and the national collection. Through the national collection, NHB curates


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heritage programmes and presents exhibitions to connect the past, present and future generations of Singaporeans. NHB is a statutory board under the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth. Please visit www.nhb.gov.sg for more information.


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From Brush to Lens: Early Chinese Photography Studios in Singapore

Venue: Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Date: 2 November 2019 – 3 May 2020 Time: 10.00am – 5.00pm Admission fees: Free admission for Singaporeans and PRs

With the establishment of Singapore as an entrepôt 200 years ago, many migrants from China and around the region ventured to Singapore to seek business opportunities and better lives. While the majority of early Chinese migrants in Singapore were manual labourers, they were later followed by a group of skilled artisans and professionals, such as painters and photographers.

By the 1910s, the studios operated by the Chinese photographers edged out their European counterparts by offering good quality services at relatively cheaper prices. As people from all walks of life chose to have their photographs taken at these Chinese photography studios, these studios inadvertently serve as repositories for a nation’s history.

This exhibition showcases over 90 artefacts from the late 19th to early 20th century, including Carte de visite and photographs by European, Chinese and Japanese studios in Singapore. These photographs provide an important visual record of the diverse groups of inhabitants in colonial Singapore.


地点:晚晴园-孙中山南洋纪念馆 日期:2019 年 11 月 2 日至 2020 年 5 月 3 日 时间:上午 10 时至下午 5 时 入场免费

配合纪念新加坡开埠两百周年,晚晴园推出名为“前尘影事:新加坡早期华人照相馆”的特 展。该展览讲述了在英殖民时期摄影技术的传播,因早期华人移民包括画像师和摄影师等具备 特种技术或专长的能工巧匠纷纷迁移本地,由这些华人摄影师经营的照相馆凭借优良的技术也 在同行业中独占鳌头,因此各阶层的群众都会去华人照相馆中拍照留影,而一张张像片也为生 活在英殖民时期的不同族群留下珍贵记录,成为国家历史记忆的宝库。


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史丹福路的全景照,图右为大东影像馆 Panorama photograph of Stamford Road (20 世纪初) featuring Eastern Studio on the far right (early 20th century)

由于两兄弟的家庭成员不断增加,李镜仁后来搬 As both brothers had large and growing 出李昆昌影像馆并于 1922 年设立大东影像馆。 families, Lee King Yan moved out of Lee 在这张摄于史丹福水道上方桥上的全景照片中, Brothers Studio and went on to set up Eastern 大东影像馆位于照片的最右侧。 Studios in 1922. In this panorama photograph taken from the bridge above Stamford Canal, 吕世聪先生珍藏 Eastern Studios can be seen on the far right.

Collection of Mr. Loo Say Chong

陈孟宗夫妇的画像(约 1870 年代至 1880 年代) Portraits of Mr and Mrs Tan Beng Chong (c.1870s-80s) 这两幅画像中的人物分别是马六甲商人陈孟宗 (1799 – 1875 年)和妻子杨水娘(1800 – 1879 This pair of portraits feature Malaccan merchant Tan Beng Chong (1799-1875) and 年)。杨水娘身旁的小桌上有一个槟榔盒,是土 his wife Yeo Swee Neo (1800-1879). A sireh 生华人的身份象征。它们估计于 19 世纪末绘 set can be seen on the side table beside Mrs. 制,为悬挂于家中的祖先画像。这两幅画像因模 Tan, which attest to her Peranakan identity. 仿照相馆肖像照的风格而显得十分独特。 These portraits are likely to have been commissioned in the late 19th century to serve


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画像原件由陈坤祥先生捐赠,新加坡国立大学博 as ancestral portraits. They are unique as the 物馆馆藏 composition was modelled after studio portraits.

The original portraits are a gift of Mr. Ronney Tan Koon Siang, National University of Singapore Museum Collection

著名商人胡亚基的肖像名片(约 1860 年代) Carte de viste featuring prominent merchant Hoo Ah Kay (c.1860s) John Thomson John Thomson

这张肖像名片中的人物为著名华商胡亚基(又名 This carte de visite features prominent Chinese 黄埔)(1816–1880 年) 的肖像,背面印有著名 community leader Hoo Ah Kay (1816-1880), 荷兰籍摄影师 John Thomson ( 1837 –1921 better known as Whampoa. The text printed on the verso (latin for “reverse” or “back”) features 年)的名字。 the name of the prominent Scottish

photographer, John Thomson (1837-1921). Thomson 于 1862 年来到亚洲,而新加坡是他的 第一站。他在这里开了一家照相馆,过后还走访 Thomson set off for Asia in 1862 and his first 中国与暹罗(今泰国)等亚洲各国,途中拍摄了 port of call was Singapore, where he set up a 各地人文景色的照片。 studio. He later travelled extensively in Asia during the 1860s and 1870s, documenting

people and landscapes in places such as 吕世聪先生珍藏 China and Siam (present-day Thailand).

Collection of Mr. Loo Say Chong


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欧洲小孩与华人保姆的肖像照(19 世纪末至 20 Studio portrait of a European child with his 世纪初) Chinese nanny (late 19th - early 20th century)

均昇影相 Quan Seng Photographer

这张照片中有一名背着一个小男孩的华人保姆。 This portrait depicts a Chinese nanny carrying 两人的微笑和姿势自然,凸显了他们之间的深厚 a young boy on her back. With both subjects 感情。这名保姆得以和小主人一起拍照,显示她 smiling and posing naturally, the photographer 十分受雇主一家重视。 captured what appears to be a close relationship between the nanny and her young 李崇信先生特许复制 charge. The nanny must have been considered a valued member of the family for this portrait to be taken.

Reproduced with permission of Mr. Kelvin Lee


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齐智人族长的肖像照(20 世纪初) Studio portrait of a Nattukottai Chettiar Patriarch (early 20th century) 天成影相 Tien Seng

齐智人(属于淡米尔社群的一个种姓)约于 The Nattukottai Chettiars are a subset of the 1820 年代开始移民至新加坡。 他们原本从事宝 Tamil community who arrived in Singapore 石贸易,后也经营信贷生意。 from around the 1820s. The Chettiars were traditionally traders in precious stones but later M Meyyappan 先生捐赠,印族文化馆特许复制 became involved in private financing and money lending activities.

Gift of Mr. M Meyyappan, reproduced with permission of Indian Heritage Centre


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显示新加坡河和加文纳桥一景的立体照片(19 Stereograph featuring a view of the 世纪末) Singapore River and Cavenagh Bridge (late 19th century)

这张立体照片的标题为“繁华的新加坡 – 世界 Titled “Teeming Singapore, the Cross-roads of 的十字路口”。立体照片以两张相似的照片组 the World”, this stereograph features two 成。当透过立体镜看照片时,因左眼和右眼视角 slightly different images of the Singapore River 的不同会让人看出远近效果,使照片产生立体 side by side. These cards create a three- 感。 dimensional image when viewed through a stereoscope, as each eye is looking at the 吕世聪先生珍藏 object from a slightly different angle, thereby creating a perception of depth.

Collection of Mr. Loo Say Chong

经手工着色的华族妇女肖像照(20 世纪初) Hand-tinted studio portrait of a Chinese woman (early 20th century) 15

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容芳影相 Yong Fong

只要额外付费,华人照相馆就在顾客的肖像照上 For a fee, Chinese photography studios would 为指定部分上色,让单调的黑白图像变得更加生 provide tinting services to selected parts of a portrait to embellish the otherwise monotone 动。在这张肖像照中,妇人的首饰经上色加工, image. In this portrait, the sitter’s jewellery were 使其更加显眼。左右两边的痰盂和花瓶也涂上颜 specially tinted to make them stand out while 色。 the spittoon and the flower vases placed next to her were also coloured. 土生文化馆馆藏 Collection of The Peranakan Museum

两名帕西男子的合照(20 世纪初) Studio portrait of two Parsi men (early 20th century) 容芳影相 Yong Fong 帕西社群源自波斯,于 7 世纪为躲避政治迫害移 Originally from Persia, the Parsi community 民至印度。 和许多其他移民一样,他们在 19 世 migrated to India in the 7th century to avoid 纪中期迁移到新加坡寻求更好的生活。 新加坡 persecution. Like many others, they later 著名的帕西人包括 John Little & Company 的创 migrated to Singapore during the mid-19th 始人兼合伙人 Cursetjee Framjee。 century in search of better opportunities. One prominent Parsi in Singapore was Cursetjee 李崇信先生特许复制 Framjee, the founder and partner of John Little & Company.

Reproduced with permission of Mr. Kelvin Lee


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孙中山与同盟会新加坡分会创会成员在晚晴园合 Glass negative of the group photograph 影的玻璃相底(1905 年底) featuring Dr Sun Yat Sen and founding members of the Tong Meng Hui Singapore 冠新影相 Branch at Wan Qing Yuan (late 1905)

Koon Sun 这是一张原版的玻璃相底。冲洗出来的合影陈列

于晚晴园—孙中山南洋纪念馆第二展厅内 。该 This is an original glass negative of the group 照片于 1905 年在同盟会新加坡分会成立时所拍 photograph featured in Gallery Two of the Sun 摄,图中为孙中山及其最早的新加坡革命支持 Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall. It features Dr. 者。 Sun Yat Sen and his earliest revolutionary supporters in Singapore and was taken during 吕世聪先生珍藏 the founding of the Tong Meng Hui Singapore Branch in 1905.

Collection of Mr. Loo Say Chong


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Wan Qing CultureFest 2019

Date: 2 – 10 November 2019 Time: 10.00am – 9.00pm Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Free admission

Organised by Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall, Wan Qing CultureFest 2019 seeks to celebrate the rich diversity and beauty of our cultural traditions. Visitors will have the opportunity to experience Singapore’s heritage in fresh and immersive ways such as interactive workshops, performances and more. This year’s festival will showcase four key pillars of cultural heritage – Social Practices, Food Heritage, Performing Arts, and Oral Traditions and Expressions. Experience a traditional Chinese wedding, find out more about Nanyang coffee and Singapore’s food culture, discover the art of lion dance, and have fun learning Chinese dialects through a series of interactive game stations. Other exciting offerings including a getai concert, traditional Hakka folk music, comedy shows and more. Join us at Wan Qing CultureFest 2019 for a family-friendly cultural extravaganza not to be missed!

Wan Qing CultureFest 2019 will be launched in conjunction with the Memorial Hall’s new special exhibition, “From Brush to Lens: Early Chinese Photography Studios in Singapore”. This exhibition highlights the process of technological transfer and mobility during the colonial era, and examines how the migration of skilled Chinese artisans and professionals, such as painters and photographers, led to the proliferation of photography studios in the region. The exhibition showcases over 90 artefacts from the late 19th to early 20th century, including carte de visites and photographs by European, Chinese and Japanese studios in Singapore. These photographs they took provide an important visual record of the diverse groups of inhabitants in colonial Singapore.

Admission is free.

For more information, please visit http://sysnmh.org.sg/en/whats-on/events/wan-qing- culturefest-2019.

2019 文化飨宴艺晚晴

日期:2019 年 11 月 2 日至 10 日 时间:上午 10 时至晚上 9 时 地点:晚晴园-孙中山南洋纪念馆 入场免费


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由晚晴园举办的一年一度“文化飨宴艺晚晴”今年将通过一系列新颖的节目与活动向公众展示 本地多元文化的魅力。“2019 文化飨宴艺晚晴”将从四个方面来展现新加坡传统文化,包括 社会习俗、节庆礼仪、饮食文化、表演艺术及口语表述。亲自体验一场传统的华族婚礼、探索 南洋咖啡和新加坡的美食文化、发掘传统舞狮的艺术魅力以及通过参与互动游戏来学习不同的 方言。文化节活动包括各类亲子工作坊、歌台演出、客家音乐和喜剧大咖秀等精彩内容。

“2019 文化飨宴艺晚晴”也将配合晚晴园最新特展《前尘影事:新加坡早期华人照相馆》一 同开幕。该展览展出了在英殖民时期摄影技术的传播,因早期华人移民包括画像师和摄影师等 具备特种技术或专长的能工巧匠迁移本地,而由这些华人摄影师经营的照相馆也凭借精湛的技 术在同行业中独占鳌头。本次展览共展示了 90 多件源自于 19 世纪末至 20 世纪初期的文物, 其中包括由欧洲照相馆、华人照相馆和日本照相馆所拍摄的肖像和照片,凸显了新加坡在英殖 民时期多元文化的社会面貌。


欲知活动详情,请浏览 http://sysnmh.org.sg/en/whats-on/events/wan-qing-culturefest- 2019.

Programme: 2 November (Social Practices, Rituals and Festive Events) 活动预览:11 月 2 日 (社会习俗、节庆礼仪)

1. Heritage Hunt Date: 2, 3, 9, 10 November Time: 11.00am – 7.00pm Admission: No registration required

Get ready for an immersive adventure as you navigate your way through a series of interactive activity and game stations to learn more about different aspects of Chinese culture! Put your knowledge about Chinese customs and practices to the test in a series of fun and engaging tasks including charades, crossword puzzles, memory cards and more to win a mystery prize.

文化寻宝记 日期:11 月 2,3,9 及 10 日 时间:早上 11 至晚上 7 时 门票:无须预先报名

赶快运用您在文化互动站中学到的有关传统习俗与文化的知识,并通过猜字谜、填字 和记忆拼图等好玩的游戏,挑战我们的文化寻宝探险之旅,成功闯关后还可获取一份 神秘礼品。


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2. Through the Years: Celebrating Chinese Wedding Customs (Supported by Ngee Ann Polytechnic and The Chinese Wedding Shop) Time: 11.00am – 6.00pm Admission: No registration required

Chinese weddings are elaborate affairs, comprising numerous ceremonies and rituals that are rich in meaning and symbolism. In this series of activity stations, visitors will be able to go on a journey through time and tradition, and experience the customs and rituals of a Chinese wedding. From the customary betrothal ceremony to a traditional tea ceremony, get some hands-on fun as you visit each station and participate in games and other fun activities to uncover the different aspects of a traditional Chinese wedding!

互动站:百年好合 - 传统中式婚礼习俗 (由义安理工学院及 The Chinese Wedding Shop 共同呈献) 时间:早上 11 至晚上 6 时 门票:无须预先报名

传统的中式婚礼是经过精心策划和筹备的,其中包含许多传统习俗与各式嫁娶仪式。 在我们的婚礼体验站,访客能够亲自参与这些仪式和习俗,仿佛穿梭回到旧时光。从 “过大礼”到传统敬茶,在沉浸式体验中了解更多中式婚礼的多样性。

3. Stories for Children (Supported by the Speak Good English Movement and Speak Mandarin Campaign) Time: 11.30am – 12.30pm; 2.30pm – 3.30pm Admission: No registration required

From traditional tea ceremony preparations to the exchanging of ‘good luck money’ in the form of red packets, join this interactive children’s storytelling session and learn more about the Chinese wedding customs through a selection of fantabulous tales! Each session will include a simple craft activity.

儿童故事会 (由讲华语运动与讲标准英语运动呈献) 时间:上午 11 时 30 分至下午 12 时 30 分;下午 2 时 30 分至 3 时 30 分 门票:无须预先报名

从传统的敬茶仪式到赠送红包予新人,想要了解中式婚礼的习俗吗?赶快来参加互动 儿童故事会,通过聆听一系列精彩的故事,了解传统婚礼的各种习俗。 每场故事会还 包括了创意手工制作。


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4. Interactive Station: Chinese Paper Cutting Time: 12.00pm – 3.00pm Admission: No registration required

Paper cutting is one of the most popular folk arts in Chinese culture, and is seen as a symbol of prosperity and abundance. During Chinese wedding ceremonies, a red paper cutting with the character ‘xi’ (meaning ‘double happiness’) is a traditional and essential decoration, while patterns of dolls, gourds or lotus symbolize wishes for children. Participate in this interactive craft booth and learn how to make your very own simple paper cut!

互动站:双喜临门 - 传统剪纸工作坊 时间:下午 12 时至 3 时 门票:无须预先报名

剪纸是华人传统工艺中最受欢迎的民间艺术之一,黏贴剪纸也寓意对家庭富贵和平安 的期许。在筹备婚礼时,一张带有“囍”字的红纸(意为“双喜”)是一种传统而必 不可少的装饰,而娃娃,葫芦或莲子的图案则象征着对繁衍子嗣的寄望。不要错过剪 纸工作坊,尝试剪一张富有特别意义的剪纸送给自己!

5. Interactive Station: Aromatic Tea Appreciation (Supported by Camellia Tea Bar) Time: 12.00pm – 3.00pm Admission: No registration required

A tea ceremony is a Chinese ritual often performed during weddings, and is considered to be an important component of the wedding ceremony. Learn about the symbolism of tea in Chinese culture and the delicate art of tea brewing and appreciation, as you sip on cups of freshly-brewed tea at our tasting station.

互动站:敬茶品茗 - 茶艺赏析工作坊 (由茗岩呈献) 时间:下午 12 时至 3 时 门票:无须预先报名

敬茶是传统婚礼中必不可少的环节,同时也是婚礼仪式中最重要的一部分。赶快来我 们的互动站品尝一杯精心冲泡的中国茶,在体验敬茶文化的同时还可学习到泡茶的技 巧!

6. Interactive Station: Origami Wedding Favour Box Time: 3.30pm – 6.30pm


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Admission: No registration required

Wedding favours are small gifts given during wedding receptions as a gesture of appreciation by the bridge and groom to their guests. Get creative and DIY your own origami wedding favour box at this simple craft station!

互动站:甜甜蜜蜜 - 中式喜糖盒折纸坊 时间:下午 3 时 30 分至晚上 6 时 30 分 门票:无须预先报名

喜糖是婚礼招待期间由新人回赠给客人的一份小礼物。赶快来亲手试试折出一个甜甜 蜜蜜的中式喜糖盒留作纪念!

7. Interactive Station: Design Your Own Ang Pow! Time: 3.30pm – 6.30pm Admission: No registration required

Red packets are an essential tradition in many Chinese festivals and rituals, as the colour red connotes good fortune and abundance, while the act of giving money serves to bless the receiver with bountiful wealth. Design your own auspicious red packet at this fun craft station, and learn more about the symbolism of red packets in Chinese culture!

互动站:好运连连 - 红包制作坊 时间:下午 3 时 30 分至晚上 6 时 30 分 门票:无须预先报名

在传统节庆仪式中,赠送红包是必不可少的习俗。红色不仅意味着好运及盈利,也同 时希望接收者获得祝福和财运。赶快来尝试设计一个专属自己的吉祥红包,并了解它 在传统中华文化中的寓意!

8. Sharing Session: Love, Harmony and Fengshui (Supported by Fengshui Master Lim) Time: 4.30pm – 6.00pm Admission: No registration required

How have Chinese wedding customs and traditions changed over the years? What is guo da li, and what is its significance? Does feng shui really play a part in love and harmony in a marriage? Discover the elaborate details involved in planning a Chinese wedding, from the early stages of compatibility seeking to the final step of an chuang, and gain a deeper appreciation for our social practice and rituals!


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分享会:姻缘、运势与风水解析 (由风水林师傅呈献) 时间:下午 4 时 30 分至晚上 6 时 门票:无须预先报名

想要了解从古至今婚礼习俗的差异与改变吗?“过大礼”包括哪些步骤及其中的含 义?想知道风水在爱情婚姻中所起的作用吗?和我们一起来了解传统中式婚礼的各项 策划事宜,从婚礼仪式一直到最后的“安床”,体会这些传统习俗背后的寓意!

9. Evening Concert: Love is in the Air! Time: 7.00pm – 9.00pm Admission: No registration required

Can you feel the love tonight? Grab a picnic mat or hammock, and wind down with an evening of riveting outdoor theatre shows by budding young artistes from the Singapore Focus Theatre and live music performances by talented local musicians – all themed to the concept of love through the years.

文艺汇演:爱的回荡 时间:晚上 7 时至 9 时 门票:无须预先报名

您能感受到今晚充满爱的氛围吗?带上野餐垫和我们一起来欣赏一场爱的回荡户外演 出,精彩节目包括来自新加坡焦点剧场以及本地原创音乐所人带来的现场演出。

Programme: 3 November (Food Heritage) 活动预览:11 月 3 日 (饮食文化)

10. A Taste of Local Culture: Nanyang Coffee & Singapore (Supported by Ngee Ann Polytechnic) Time: 11.00am – 6.00pm Admission: No registration required

Ever wondered how Nanyang coffee, or ‘’, come to be a Singapore staple? In this series of activity stations, visitors will be able to discover the origins and history of kopi, learn to brew coffee the traditional way at a live ‘kopitiam’, and find out more about coffee culture through interactive games!

喝一口本地风味:南洋咖啡 (由义安理工学院呈献) 时间:上午 11 时至晚上 6 时


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有没有想过为什么南洋咖啡(俗称 kopi)能成为本地最具代表性的一种饮食? 在一 系列的活动站中,访客将会了解南洋咖啡的起源和历史,传统冲泡咖啡的方式,并通 过参与各类游戏了解传统咖啡的文化!

11. Stories for Children (Supported by the Speak Good English Movement and Speak Mandarin Campaign) Time: 11.30am – 12.30pm; 2.30pm – 3.30pm Admission: No registration required

From yummy nonya kueh to , join this interactive storytelling session and learn more about Singapore’s delectable local cuisine through a selection of fantabulous tales! Each session will include a simple craft activity.

儿童故事会 (由讲华语运动与讲标准英语运动呈献) 时间:上午 11 时 30 分至下午 12 时 30 分;下午 2 时 30 分至 3 时 30 分 门票:无须预先报名

从美味的娘惹糕到海南鸡饭,想要了解本地美食文化就赶快参与互动儿童故事会,通 过聆听一系列有趣的故事来了解新加坡的各类本地美食!每场故事会还包括了创意手 工制作。

12. Interactive Station: Make Your Own Malt Candy & Kacang Puteh Time: 12.00pm – 3.00pm Admission: No registration required

Road-side snacks such as malt candy and kacang puteh were once a common sight outside theatres and markets. Relive the good old days at these snack booths and feast on yummy treats as you learn how to twist your own malt candy and fold a kacang puteh paper cone!

互动站:自制麦芽糖和杂锦豆 时间:下午 12 时至 3 时 门票:无须预先报名

在过去不管是到戏院还是菜市场,最常见的一种小吃便是麦芽糖和杂锦豆,。快来我 们的古早味小吃摊,一边吃着这些街头小吃,一边回味过去美好的时光,并学习如何 调制专属口味的麦芽糖以及折出一个装杂锦豆的纸筒袋!


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13. Interactive Station: Make Your Own & Bird Nest Drink Time: 3.30pm – 6.30pm Admission: No registration required

Road-side snacks such as putu piring and bird nest drink were once a common sight outside theatres and markets. Relive the good old days at these snack booths and feast on yummy treats as you learn how to steam your own putu piring and scoop your own bird nest drink!

互动站:自制嘟嘟糕和燕窝水 时间:下午 3 时 30 分至晚上 6 时 30 分 门票:无须预先报名

在过去不管是到戏院还是菜市场,常见的另一种小吃就属嘟嘟糕和燕窝水。快来我们 的古早味小吃摊,边吃边回味过去的美好时光,并学习如何制作美味的嘟嘟糕及燕窝 水!

14. Cultural Experience: Heritage Kueh Soap Crafting (Supported by Crafter’s Studio) Time: 12.00pm – 1.30pm; 4.30pm – 6.00pm Admission: No registration required

From breakfast staples such as and to auspicious treats like ang ku kueh, there’s a kueh for every occasion in Singapore! Learn a thing or two about Singapore’s colourful kueh culture, and watch as our artisans transform simple bars of organic cold-processed soap into realistic traditional kuehs in this soap- crafting demonstration.

文化体验:传统粿手工肥皂制作坊 时间:下午 4 时 30 分至晚上 6 时 门票:无须预先报名

各式各样的粿糕在本地饮食文化中占有重要的一席之地。比如笋粿和水粿通常是早餐 的最佳选择,美味的红龟粿也颇受大家喜爱。赶快来了解本地多姿多彩的“粿文 化”,看看艺术家如何将普通的有机香皂变成格式粿形装的手工皂。

15. Evening Concert: Hakka Music Fest! Time: 7.00pm – 9.00pm Admission: No registration required


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Calling all Hakka friends! Groove to the tunes of Taiwanese Hakka band, San Geu Tai. in their first ever solo concert in Singapore. Enjoy a rich fusion of traditional Hakka folk music with contemporary genres including blues, rock, and jazz.

文艺汇演:客家音乐节! 时间:晚上 7 时至 9 时 门票:无须预先报名

喜爱客家文化的朋友们,千万不要错过来自台湾的客家乐队“山狗大後生乐团”在新 加坡的首次演出。一同欣赏由传统客家音乐与现代音乐相结合的表演,种类包括蓝 调,摇滚和爵士乐等。

Programme: 9 November (Performing Arts) 活动预览:11 月 9 日 (表演艺术)

16. Auspicious Tidings: Art of Lion Dance (Supported by Ngee Ann Polytechnic) Time: 11.00am – 6.00pm Admission: No registration required

Lion dance performances are a common sight in Singapore during festive occasions, as they are believed to be bearers of good luck. In this series of activity stations, visitors can learn more the history of lion dance, the differences between the Northern and Southern forms, martial art influences, and the elaborate art of lion dance costume design. Pick up a thing or two at our hands-on demonstration zone that promises great fun for the whole family!

节庆仪式 - 舞狮文化 (由义安理工学院呈献) 时间:上午 11 时至晚上 6 时 门票:无须预先报名

佳节期间,舞狮表演在新加坡是很常见的,大家都以舞狮来助兴并祈求鸿运富贵。在 一系列的活动站体验中,访客们可以更深入地了解与传统舞狮相关的历史文化,北方 和南方舞狮文化与表演上的差异以及舞狮服装的巧思设计。赶快与家人朋友来我们的 互动站,一起参与与舞狮有关的各项有趣活动,保证让您活力四射!

17. Stories for Children (Supported by the Speak Good English Movement and Speak Mandarin Campaign) Time: 11.30am – 12.30pm; 2.30pm – 3.30pm Admission: No registration required


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Why do the Chinese celebrate festive occasions with lion dance performances, and how did this art form come to be? Join this interactive storytelling session and learn more about the ancient Chinese art of lion dance through a selection of fantabulous tales! Each session will include a simple craft activity.

儿童故事会 (由讲华语运动与讲标准英语运动呈献) 时间:上午 11 时 30 分至下午 12 时 30 分;下午 2 时 30 分至 3 时 30 分 门票:无须预先报名

为什么华人会在传统节庆中邀请舞狮表演来助兴呢?这种习俗是怎样形成的呢?赶快 来参加互动儿童故事会,聆听一系列有趣的故事并了解舞狮表演的渊源!每场故事会 还包括了创意手工制作。

18. Interactive Station: DIY Lion Dance Mask Time: 12.00pm – 3.00pm Admission: No registration required

Are you a playful and fun-loving Northern Lion, or a fearsome and powerful Southern Lion? Learn more about the differences between the Northern and Southern Lion dance styles as you design your very own lion dance face mask in this drop-in craft station, and transform yourself into one of the most popular Chinese cultural icons!

互动站:舞狮面具制作坊 时间:下午 12 时至 3 时 门票:无须预先报名

您想成为一头活泼可爱的北方狮,还是一头凶猛而强大的南方狮呢?不妨来参与制作 一张舞狮面具,了解更多关于北方舞狮和南方舞狮之间的差异,不妨带上自制的舞狮 面具并沉浸在传统的中华文化中!

19. Interactive Station: Create Your Own Wushu Sword Time: 12.00pm – 3.00pm Admission: No registration required

The term Wushu (武术) is made up out two Chinese characters – 武 (wu), meaning ‘combat’ and 术 (shu), meaning ‘art form’. In essence, Wushu is a form of contemporary Chinese martial arts which blends elements of performance and martial application. Learn more about the weapons used in this ancient art form and have fun designing your very own Wushu swords using simple materials like aluminium foil!


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互动站:武术剑折纸坊 时间:下午 12 时至 3 时 门票:无须预先报名

武术两个字,“武”意为战斗而“术”则是一种表达形式。武术既是古代军事力量的 一种传承,也结合各式传统功夫的一种表演形式。一起来了解这门传统功夫艺术中所 使用的武器,并用简易材料比如锡箔纸来制作一把专属自己的利剑!

20. Interactive Station: Dragon Dance Puppet Time: 3.30pm – 6.30pm Admission: No registration required

Dragons are important creatures in Chinese folklore and legend, and are seen as symbols of power, strength, and good fortune. Create your own dragon dance puppet in this fun craft station!

互动站:舞龙木偶制作坊 龙在古代传说中被誉为神兽,象征威严、力量及好运。赶快来互动站制作一个可爱的 舞龙木偶吧!

时间:下午 3 时 30 分至晚上 6 时 30 分 门票:无须预先报名

21. Interactive Station: DIY Chinese Opera Mask Time: 3.30pm – 6.30pm Admission: No registration required

Did you know that the colourful masks used in Chinese opera performances have special meanings assigned to them? Opera characters wearing red masks are meant to embody heroism and loyalty, while characters wearing yellow masks are deemed treacherous and sly. Colour and design your very own opera facemask, and take on a new character for the day!

互动站:戏剧脸谱制作坊 时间:下午 3 时 30 分至晚上 6 时 30 分 门票:无须预先报名

你知道五彩缤纷的戏剧脸谱代表着不同的含义吗?通常在传统戏曲中红脸代表正面角 色,忠义与耿直,相反黄脸寓意着奸诈与狡猾。一起动手制作有趣的戏剧脸谱并设计 一个自己喜欢的的角色!


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22. Cultural Experience: Shadow Puppetry (Supported by Ngee Ann Polytechnic) Time: 2.00pm – 3.30pm Admission: No registration required

Before the days of cinema and live concerts, there was shadow puppetry. Explore this traditional Chinese art form in this in-depth sharing session, complete with simple shadow play craft activities and a live shadow puppetry demonstration that utilises musical rhythm, active role-play, and vivid storytelling!

文化体验:皮影戏 (由义安理工学院呈献) 时间:下午 2 时至 3 时 30 分 门票:无须预先报名

皮影戏在电影与音乐剧普及之前曾是一种流行的文化传播方式。赶快来参与皮影戏的 分享会,通过背景音乐、角色扮演以及故事叙述体验皮影戏的表演过程,并了解这门 传统的艺术形式。

23. Cultural Experience: Sights & Sounds of Cantonese Opera (Supported by Kong’s Chinese Opera) Time: 4.30pm – 6.00pm Admission: No registration required

Delve into the colourful world of Chinese opera, more commonly known as wayang, and learn more about this fascinating art form and its various styles. Watch a live demonstration of Chinese street opera, try on opera costumes and make-up, and learn operatic movements in this interactive session.

文化体验:探索传统粤剧 (由龚戏曲呈献) 时间:下午 4 时 30 分至晚上 6 时 门票:无须预先报名

一起在丰富多彩的粤剧(本地又称“哇扬”)世界中遨游,了解更多有关这项艺术表 演的形式与不同风格。在现场的戏剧互动演示中,访客可以穿上戏服并画上脸谱一起 来学习戏曲的手势与台步,共同体验传统粤剧的文化精髓。

24. Evening Concert: Cultural Arts Extravaganza! Time: 7.00pm – 9.00pm Admission: No registration required


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Experience wonder and delight in this dynamic showcase of cultural and contemporary arts! Catch an exciting selection of iconic Chinese performing arts such as traditional lion dance performances, a wushu showcase, Chinese street opera, and more.

文艺汇演:艺术飨宴 时间:晚上 7 时至 9 时 门票:无须预先报名

千万不要错过这场文化与艺术结合的盛宴,一同欣赏精彩节目包括舞狮、武术以及戏 剧演出等。

Programme: 10 November (Oral Traditions and Expressions) 活动预览:11 月 10 日 (口语表述)

25. Lai ah Lai: Learning About Dialects Time: 11.00am – 6.00pm Admission: No registration required

Which dialect group do you belong to – , Cantonese, Teochew, Hakka or Hainanese? In this series of activity stations, visitors will be able to rediscover their roots and learn more about the unique cuisines of each dialect group, pick up simple words and phrases in dialect, and even play fun games to identify famous Singaporean figures according to their dialect group! Perfect for intergenerational learning, this programme promises great fun for the whole family.

大家一起学方言 时间:上午 11 时至晚上 6 时 门票:无须预先报名

您会说哪一种方言呢? 福建话、广东话、潮州话,客家话或海南话? 在互动站一系 列的活动中,访客们能够温习自己的方言并了解各其他方言的独特魅力。一起来尝试 念念方言中的词语与音调,并在游戏站中了解本地各大方言的杰出代表人物。此活动 寓教于乐,适合全家大小共同参与。

26. Stories for Children (Supported by the Speak Good English Movement and Speak Mandarin Campaign) Time: 11.30am – 12.30pm; 2.30pm – 3.30pm Admission: No registration required


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Languages are important to our culture, especially our mother tongues! Join this interactive storytelling session and learn more about the different ways of oral expression through a selection of fantabulous tales! Each session will include a simple craft activity.

儿童故事会 (由讲华语运动与讲标准英语运动呈献) 时间:上午 11 时 30 分至下午 12 时 30 分;下午 2 时 30 分至 3 时 30 分 门票:无须预先预约

语言是我们沟通与交流的首要工具,尤其是我们的母语!赶快参加互动故事会,通过 一系列有趣的故事了解口述的不同表达方式!每场故事会还包括了创意手工制作。

27. Sharing Session: Cultural Characteristics of Dialect Nursery Rhymes (by Dr Kang Ger-Wen Oliver) Time: 2.00pm – 3.30pm Admission: No registration required

Ti orh orh, beh lor hor – do you remember the songs you sang as a child? What messages and metaphors were hidden or lost in those nursery rhymes? Join this light-hearted sharing session by Dr Kang Ger-Wen as he explores the symbolism and imagery in dialect nursery rhymes, and uncover a whole new meaning and appreciation of these familiar and well-loved tunes!

分享会:方言童谣的文化特色 (由康格溫博士呈献) 时间:下午 2 时至 3 时 30 分 门票:无须预先预约

你还记得小时候的儿歌吗?儿歌里面藏着哪些奥秘呢?你知道童谣里面其实有很多不 为人知的自然、人文、伦理,甚至是风水的隐喻吗?不要错过康格溫博士带来的有趣 讲座,一起倾听童谣中有趣又神秘的故事。

28. Cultural Experience: Chinese Calligraphy (Supported by Hua Yi Cultural Pte Ltd) Time: 4.30pm – 6.00pm Admission: No registration required

Learn what makes the pen mightier than the sword in this hands-on showcase! Perfect for beginners, this demonstration will be led by Mr Ma Shuang Lu, renowned calligrapher and practitioner of Chinese cultural arts, and will include a sharing session on calligraphy techniques and its significance in Chinese culture. Visitors can


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also learn basic calligraphy and put their skills to the test through simple writing exercises.

文化体验:书法工作坊 (由新加坡华艺文化有限公司呈献) 时间:下午 4 时 30 分至晚上 6 时 门票:无须预先报名

赶快来参加传统的书法工作坊,亲自体验传统书法强韧的笔锋! 此工作坊由新加坡著 名书法家马双禄先生指导教学,让参与者在实践中了解传统书法的技巧以及历史文 化,适宜让初学者参加。

29. Evening Concert: Lai Lai Getai! Time: 7.00pm – 9.00pm Admission: No registration required

Lai ah, lai ah! It’s time for an entertainment extravaganza that’s guaranteed to lift your spirits. Join us for a glittering night filled with live music, exciting performances, and good cheer as the Memorial Hall transforms into a smashing getai venue!

文艺汇演:来来歌台 时间:晚上 7 时至 9 时 门票;无须预先预约

来啊,来啊,好戏登场啦!终于到了期待已久的压轴演出!不容错过的一台现场音乐 演出,激情澎湃的表演和精彩的歌台秀,这些节目仅在晚晴园内呈献!

Programme: Other Happenings 其他活动:

30. Special Exhibition Opening Ceremony: “From Brush to Lens: Early Chinese Photography Studios in Singapore” Date: 2 November Time: 6.30pm – 7.30pm Admission: No registration required

In conjunction with this year’s bicentennial commemoration, this exhibition titled “From Brush to Lens: Early Chinese Photography Studios in Singapore” highlights the process of technological transfer and mobility during the colonial era. The exhibition examines how the migration of skilled Chinese artisans and professionals, such as painters and photographers, led to the proliferation of photography studios in


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the region. As people from all walks of life chose to have their photographs taken at these Chinese photography studios, these studios inadvertently serve as repositories for a nation’s history.

《前尘影事:新加坡早期华人照相馆》特展开幕 日期:11 月 2 日 时间:晚上 6 时 30 分至 7 时 30 分 门票:无须预先报名

配合纪念新加坡开埠两百周年,晚晴园推出名为“前尘影事:新加坡早期华人照相 馆”的特展。该展览讲述了在英殖民时期摄影技术的传播,因早期华人移民包括画像 师和摄影师等具备特种技术或专长的能工巧匠纷纷迁移本地,由这些华人摄影师经营 的照相馆凭借优良的技术也在同行业中独占鳌头,因此各阶层的群众都会去华人照相 馆中拍照留影,而一张张像片也为生活在英殖民时期的不同族群留下珍贵记录,成为 国家历史记忆的宝库。

31. Sharing Session: Preserving Memories, Creating Visions: A Brief History of Portrait Painting (by Dr. Long Chin Peng) Date: 2 November Time: 2.00pm – 3.30pm Admission: No registration required

Before the introduction of photography, the Chinese relied on painted portraiture to record the likeness of an individual. Other than recording one’s likeness, each portraiture also reflects the context in which it was painted in and serves to tell a unique story of the individual. In this sharing session, Dr. Long Chin Peng will explore the various ways we can “read” traditional portraiture and highlight what we can learn from this unique art form.

分享会:画意摄影—肖像的魅力 (由龙矜频博士呈献) 日期:11 月 2 日 时间:下午 2 时至 3 时 30 分 门票:无须预先报名

在摄影普及之前,华人通常以画像描绘一个人的样貌。而每幅肖像画都讲述着一个动 人的故事,并记录一个属于那个年代的真实故事。独立研究员兼博物馆教育工作者龙 矜频博士将在这场讲座中分享如何解读肖像画并了解其中的人文价值。


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32. Sharing Session: Lee Brothers Photographers: Writing and Rewriting a Remarkable Singapore Story (by Ms. Gretchen Liu) Date: 3 November Time: 2.00pm – 3.30pm Admission: No registration required

One of the more famous family-run photography studios in Singapore before World War II was the Lee Brothers Studio on Hill Street. Originally from province, the extended Lee family set up more than a dozen photo studios in the region, including eight in Singapore such as Quan Hing, Tien Seng, Yong Fong, Koon Sun, Lee Brothers Studio and Eastern Studio. This sharing session by Singapore historian, Gretchen Liu explores the Lee Brothers photographic collection in the larger context of the history of photography in Singapore and beyond as well as honing in on the details that make their images so special in the context of Singapore history.

分享会:李昆昌影相馆:反复撰写精彩的新加坡故事 (由葛月赞女士呈献) 日期:11 月 3 日 时间:下午 2 时至 3 时 30 分 门票:无须预先报名

曾位于禧街的李昆昌影相馆,是战前新加坡最有名的家族照相馆之一。源自广东省的 李氏家族在本区域共设立了十几家照相馆,其中有昆兴、天成、容芳、冠新、李昆昌 和大东等八家位于新加坡。本次讲座将从更广的新加坡摄影史层面探讨李氏兄弟照片 珍藏的意义,以及透过个中细节解析这些照片在新加坡历史中的独特位置。

33. Special Exhibition Guided Tour: “From Brush to Lens: Early Chinese Photography Studios in Singapore” Date: 2, 3, 9, 10 November Time: 10.30am – 11.30am (Chinese); 1.30pm – 2.30pm (English) Admission: No registration required

Learn more about the history of early Chinese photography studios in Singapore as our volunteer guides take you through the Memorial Hall’s special exhibition, “From Brush to Lens: Early Chinese Photography Studios in Singapore”. This exhibition examines how the migration of skilled Chinese artisans and professionals, such as painters and photographers, led to the proliferation of photography studios in the region.

特展导览:“前尘影事:新加坡早期华人照相馆” 日期:11 月 2 日,3 日,9 日,与 10 日 34

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时间:早上 10 时 30 分至 11 时 30 分(华文);下午 1 时 30 分至 2 时 30 分(英文) 门票:无须预先报名

想要了解更多关于新加坡早期中国照相馆的历史吗?我们的义务导览员将带您参观晚 晴园的最新特展“前尘影事:新加坡早期华人照相馆”。该展览讲述了在英殖民时期 摄影技术的传播,早期华人移民包括画像师和摄影师等具备特种技术或专长的能工巧 匠纷纷迁移本地,而由这些华人摄影师经营的照相馆凭借优良的技术也在同行业中独 占鳌头。

34. Permanent Galleries Guided Tour Date: 2, 3, 9, 10 November Time: 2.30pm – 3.30pm (Chi); 3.00pm – 4.00pm (Eng) Admission: No registration required

Join us for a guided tour of Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall and hear the stories behind this century-old villa that trace Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s revolutionary activities in Southeast Asia. Gain valuable insights on the impact of the 1911 Revolution on Singapore, as well as Singapore’s contributions to the Revolution.

常设展导览 日期:11 月 2 日,3 日,9 日,与 10 日 时间:下午 2 时 30 分至 3 时 30 分(华语),下午 3 时至 4 时(英语) 门票:无须预先预约

赶快来参加晚晴园的常设展导览,了解这栋百年古迹建筑背后的故事,与我们一同追 溯孙中山先生在东南亚的革命足迹。从中深入了解辛亥革命对新加坡的影响以及新加 坡对革命所做出的贡献。

35. Balestier Heritage Trail Date: 2, 3, 9, 10 November Time: 10.30am – 12.00pm Admission: $5.00. Register here.

Embark on our best-selling Balestier Heritage Trail to uncover the rich history and origins of Balestier from as early as 1835. From landmarks like the Maha Sasanaramsi Burmese Buddhist Temple to heritage stops such as Lam Yeo Coffee Powder Factory, delve into the architectural and cultural developments of Balestier and discover the unknown stories behind these places.

马里士他历史与文化之旅 日期:11 月 2 日,3 日,9 日,与 10 日 时间:上午 10 时 30 分至下午 12 时


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门票:每人 5 元,报名注册请点击

最受欢迎的马里士他历史与文化文化之旅又回来了!跟随我们的脚步一同发掘马里士 他自 1835 年起鲜为人知的历史故事。从缅甸玉佛寺到南洋咖啡粉制造厂,在领略这些 古迹建筑独特风格的同时还可了解其背后的文化底蕴。