March 19, 2018 State of Operations Update Dear Valued Customer, We'd like to provide you with the latest Safmarine North America operational details. Vessel Operations Please see below for confirmed operational statuses of impacted vessels. Please be advised that vessel delays may be a result of a combination of standard seasonal contingencies and are not solely a result of weather impact – these details are subject to change. Service Vessel Updates Maersk South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Registration No. 1992/005770/07 acting as agent on behalf of Maersk Line A/S, (incorporated in Denmark)SA Reg. No. 2015/028124/10 trading as Safmarine, Address of registered office: Safmarine Quay – The Clocktower Precinct, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001 – PO Box 27, Cape Town, 8000; Telephone: +27(0)21 408 6911 Facsimile: +27(0)21 408 6345 Email:
[email protected]; Web Terminal Operations Port Updates Inland Operations We would like to keep you updated with an overview of inland operations to give you visibility into the delivery and rail capabilities in key regions. Please reference the below for your convenience: GREEN • Imports: Most if not all containers are delivered on or before last free day. • Exports: Will make intended port/rail cut if booked 72 hours in advance. Shortage of hazardous drivers may still occur. Maersk South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Registration No. 1992/005770/07 acting as agent on behalf of Maersk Line A/S, (incorporated in Denmark)SA Reg. No. 2015/028124/10 trading as Safmarine, Address of registered office: Safmarine Quay – The Clocktower Precinct, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001 – PO Box 27, Cape Town, 8000; Telephone: +27(0)21 408 6911 Facsimile: +27(0)21 408 6345 Email:
[email protected]; Web YELLOW • Imports: Delivering on or before last free day depends on commodity type and mileage.