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Knw-ivi- l "" "TIttt vfi. 37Ch HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1910. TWENTY PAGES. Jan. Is). 1903, at Honolulu. Hawaii, as Second - VOL. vx-- ' (lass Matter. Under Act of Conpr- of March 3. 1879.


11 DISCLOSES CHANGED IH'niiifiiMii!!1, Question Most Widely Discussed of Anything That Has Yet S HIPS Been Agitated. AVOC A HAWAIIAN LEADER WRITES

Liquor Men Get Some Cheering of the Admiral Paris the Beautiful Is Now Scene Two-St- ar Banner ins a News From Washington of Heartrending Ruin Now Floats Over the Brewery Stock Breaks. -- . ' i ""VNWh . cZs and Desolation. --- v rTTn A: Icist ..no half the population of t llioiolnlu spent one-hal- f "their wakiutj TO TENNESSEE SOLDIERS CLEARING FAR EWELLS li ons yesterday tliseu-sin- s; 'he pro- - ami STREETS eons of prohibition. The town lias been swept bv a wave of sentiment, surpris- Houses Are Being Built for Departure of Fleet Are '- ing even those who know the city ami for Those Plans .... -7 , U the people best. The cause of prohibi- Changed. Nor Will Rendered Homeless by 5T Not to lie converts tion appears jraininj ' They Be. with every minute and. if the street the Flood. C I discussions are indications; of the pre- i vailing sentiment, a plebescite yester? at day would have declared the town dry

Tlear-A.lm- i rat evening. T'ARIS, fi hast For thp last time Uriel before February The Seine - THE SERIOUS SITUATION AT WASHINGTON. The prohibition sentiment is by no now fallen thirteen feet and the streets Hrpp. cnmniiinilfr-iii-r-hii't- ' of tin- I'a white population. are clear of water. Traffic has two-farr- fj means confined to the been c,ii. floot, has tran?frr-.- l hi either. I'ruininent Hawaiian? are arrays resumed ami the city is again settling fla? fro,n 0!ie Vl'sse' ro "r,Tli,'r' SAILORS AND SOCIETY JACK inj thene-elve- s on the dry side of the. down. The streets are being cleared lialmira! hauling 'hnvn bis ipiestioii and the average Hawaiian, of debris ami temporary structures ar were; from the ToniHfv, wliicli MERRY WIDOW especially the average Hawaiian wo being erected to house those who DO THE as eager for success-o- f rendered homeless by the flood. bs scrvcil a His flaijsliip on tin? ln man. appears the AND The retreat of the waters has dis- lia-k- , the Curtis bill iu congress as Wool' frv.ie to the Orient ami and ln.ist-- closed a scene of desolation almost iuimediiitclv over the eruWer ley himself. it unparalleled. Only bare spaces mark The California will ho his last Hawaiian Writes. Ball at Waikiki Attended by Thousands of the spots where beautiful garlens oneo fam. hut his resiloni-- abonr,! the Eight Thousand Jolly Boys of the M. K. Xakuina, one of the Hawaiian m stood, houses are in ruins and but few (mh'-- will he hrief. for. on Ft'liruary to Bluejackets and by Society Fleet Enjoy Themselves as leaders, in a written communication fences are standing. Pavements !. he hauls down his fla tor the la- -t yesterday, expresses Know How. The Advertiser which had resisted the wear of agesj time an.l han'ls over the chieftainship They (Continued on l'asre Eight.) of Honolulu. have either entirely disappeared or to Giles !. ITarl.er. a ml l: are so badly damaged that they will ob the following day retires from artive Sixtv sailors on patrol and the have to be replaced. Not only are iutY in the navy, havins reachei". the dutv STRIKE THREATENED grandest lights in the trees made a pretty scene. j the basements of buildings in the limit. "This is one of the sailors' regular number of police last night took a? 'I lie sailor- - came in crowds and ladies de- balls have ever seen.'' said Admiral care of almost eiyjit thousand blue-- j flood district filled with mud and Y?t?r!!ay mornini; shortly after 8 were there in large, numbers and they, lie tilt1 jackets sights town as IN THE GOAL FIELDS bris, but many streets tire still all but o'clock the crew of the Teniu-s- e was Sebree laat night as watched (waited expectantly for the music to seeing the of the of a e at a impassable. piped to ((iiarters, with the iiiarine f the fleet sail bv to the tune start. patronesses were at the only sailor can siohts tor I trout entrance and inelmie-- .M is. h'obert in Soldiers are assisting in the work gaaril in line ami the haml in at!ein.l-an.:e- . a waltz or two step, "and have seen veur's experience tiftv ports. And .ewers Airs. Hush and Airs. Taylor. fl,)ls WOre most of clearing the streets and hundreds fare-ircl- i a lot of them. too. Then enjoy it. and ti, loafing The admiral maile a few two-sto- With the first notes ot a t ae i Miners Declare That Wage De aid. 1 - 'i,' time. of citizens have volunteered their rfr4;" to both 'lii-cr- an l crew. so do f. ami f can tell von wouldn't saii.o- - Ihvonovl the ttoor and w."- ui , Hotel --..rect, between Nmianu and mand Must Be Granted by Lumber is loing rushed in to build Sun spoke of the jileasHTf ii hail ln'cn miss going to an enlisted man's dance, praised for their excellent dancing and respectful attention to their part- - Fort, was disguised night as houses for the homeless and people of to bi:n to serve on hoaril when I'm asked, for anything. Yes. their last the Operators. the ' the ves'l, r"'r- repairing the dam- 1 . . White W.'iv, not onlv on account of the city are busy arm h. il is will 'uv the oftleers ami iiomj of this the last ball of the sailors t lie noor . When A'lmirai arivoo Tlie flood. , , ages wrought bv the 1 i - blaze ol lights that the pic tiie a n i ni- eo.-iie- t the moving vcl j'leasflnt voyage to '.r r !ltrMO tor term ot service oo vt ill. r:n.r...is 'tro, t. rs . ;,.,,. V.bnir-.- l le.l .1 'T-ii!,- nvircli t u re shows have put out but also Oil His flag was haule! down an ! the ends Wv.t t'.i attend a lot ot them ti.e TuLKI'm'). Tebruarv 0. rresideiit -- STANTON TiWipssi"? lie was foil bv Admiral Roes ami account of the white ea of sailors' "HONEST" PHIL Sl became a former rlavhip. T retire.'7 Lewis of the I'nited Mine Workers of after Mrs. von 11 Thp - admiral, 'I I were-- , un- WOULD BE GOVERNOR a.i'imipanio.l l.y he sailors ot the acihe ileet .,,, Mis. llu-- h and a America announced vesterdav that Mrv M,.ab. Wi.hin this one b'o.-- there were TVnwn. his chief of staff, an.l al.K honored guests la- -t evening of t lui jacket, Mrs. Taylor and a bluejacket le an agreement is readied regarding i i . i. i i 'XT- - thfn Ad ha nil v e i i ess t n a n i u i e 11 u . o i e1 , , . , . at left the Tennessee. Cn.-v- n thol ! a bail and then the danc rs followed. The tin. wore demands ot t he miners iv nr, Accomh association at given '" ..;. ' Onnn UIif Po ifnrnn b.vf,he nmal waltzed and was cheered men, who kept streaming out and in up , , .OpCdKCI waillUl.na nu..., h.iarle.l the California, where hoi aain. r a si e w i ne caneu at the Moan a and Seaside els, and as he rounds, to an early nour this morning, long -General was and applaud... made the Announces His Candidacy flag! - I th;lt ,li,U " ' h reived with honors and his Ilevei. j,.,s an a!1'air of the kind iu Ho- - an.l he looked pleased. after the shows had dosed. The skat J, ' V hoisN,l over on-- jam-no- .u!d suspend all inui.ng operations ill ifs the vessel. He spoke j n,lu!u t.,.n S( popular and so succes- The two hotels were made v of ing rink was and more bailors for Office. I otuminous ueuis. sion captain, aa-- l ofticer.4 acces- - bv the beach route by a board capsii there than ever on the high!' ami said ,,,, llutt.ls W(r,, fjiio.l with blue. The miners are very insistent that that he would walk laid over the sands, with a row seas. he aboard only a short! 1 1 . j.(.krts thev dan and danced ele-fri- .Imo-- be granted. hey say LOS ANGELES, February Philip ;ui " nf colnve.l bolit- - nimliiii' the There wer r no .hunks taken their domamls t:n:p. , , - until the nlast momeui. n pauneis voice. into the station, although numbers of that they will not make any corn- Stanton, speaker of the State assembly, 't is a foinci.lence - - promise in regard to the wage scale that Admiral there was no lack, for society women; chairman von Hamm was ably assist- sailor- took on board about all that yesterday announced his candidacy to Mree should - Without taking more ami unless me opeiaiors couceu transfer his f!:v to the mingled on od iu both ballrooms, where refresh- thev could carrv that succeed .lames N. Gillott as governor of Calif, and all elements of societv to the demands for increased wages N5 'rma. as when b i - ments wore served about midnight. than half the' street. .An amateur he completes mdet-gate- d ( 1 a common footing to give the sailor quartet from the California eongre- - j they will tie up the coal fields alifornia. rj duty as an ' officer, he will b t organ-nigli- t Speak- i no in-- i i on i o i , on the Iwilei road ami made he initdv. The miners are strongly "Honest Phil" Stanton, as the tiie Stare lime oi iiicii e. of California. NEW ORGANIZATION jovous until a patrol officer camel ized and have it in their power to para- - can probably -in-chie- f of the fleet. er is generally known, Sebree. an me un Leave . i 1 scattered them. At eight ,lv,e activity in mines lur on Tuesday. i i . backing the Republican ii.n 1.1 i u. g i a OFFICERS ; . count on the of a rionueiii.i ooi nances ann ieu ue o' i ELECTS i ,, i .. .. ,r; .r m.1 being at least. The tune organization in the southern part of the present plans for de- the fleet 's march in each place, and appe.ued opera and two hours later started in his are considered parture is State ami chances for the fleet n. get under as happy as Jack himself. The Maui chamber of commerce met on rag time. After running through ALDRICH WA.JTS PERMANENT excellent. Not since Henry T. Gage re- B - rein-rtoir- on Tuesday, one-th.rt- y mm... i off..;., o .l Sal v. nerfecte,! or- their thev tell back y jmssibly about i n;i..iii i ia . u.;ii;..ntnun jih.iii nrda ' .lanuarv '!. its tired has there boon a governor chosen .is nun turi hvmiis fiiiirht or Minrlit not ha"e EXPENDITURES COMMISSION in the afternoon. The " from the southern parr of the State and departure Honolulu society turned out to greet ganizafmn, and elected the following ,;(l),n r,inii,.n,,i according to the Wen.b on the it is generally conceded that the south ft arrival of the pacific the voung men behind the big guns of officers for the ensuing year: 11. P. Re- psalmist. WASHINGTON", should have the right to name the ""i s.eamsiun r,.;,-- I February from Coast' ' ...... could elec-- the i.i,,t lit; e' a. ti,aih 'i v.wi.!,. and P.aldwin, president; R. A. Wndsworth, All the sailors had all they publican candidate for the coming t "-- "er. tiiin pro- - as the , - IT men of anv Aldrich today introduced a bill China has the mad for to the concert given at re-i- d. .nt !) dice s.,,.v..t-r- v spend, more than tht ion. '" listened v d ng a permanent t . If the ther navv in the world could ha VP tor commission is a Los Angeles real estate China arrives earlv Moana earlv iu the evening bv the Ha- - C. I). I.ufkin. treasurer. Trustees: For Stanton n lh" had ami all of them si.ent it fast and investigate the matter of reformin a clean repu- forenoon t en- - man ami has always borne the fleet will leave at band. They w ore met at he ;l y. ; waiian ij na .. Molok u r furious, but with one minor exception. g tation. His record in the legislature The Tennessee and trance bv .Mrs A. . Ilawes .ir.. whoi re- r.i? I'ogu : Wailuku. H. P. P.aldwin, P. H. there was not one disorderly incident! has been clear and he will probably will r.r,,h-.t.l,- : , guid i han.bd them their programs and J I I' ill I'll O s . ( '.ase. H. P. Peuhallow and W. T. Robin- - reported The boys behaved bettor FUNDS ARE WANTED FOR ceive the support of the best element t'1-- ed them to the ballroom. Several of '.v ' rcaiairiiiKT - Ivlgar K. P.. even with the opportunities to nae south. cruiser- he piea-an- t, di Makawao. Morton. of the assisted his l RESTORATION OF PARIS - ' the patronesses in, I., Temp- - :i time that they had, than the .uiiurma goinv; la- -i iv and von U"d he dining hall was decorated , -- I dutv. ! .1. WiCi-im- T. aii'.r- v 1". which wyt ., , , , , , i - v; l.a,iaii:.-i- here usual remain in ... u11 NOT SEEK fr;"!' formation ui:t wun nags ami iookou " U'oiug and Honolulu FLINT WILL AVer , e: lrhid mer, A. N. Kepoikai an R. A. .lack ratn.. . r. PARIS, February o. In parliament - ,i u ' the first waltz struck up the sailors Wad-..rt- ce i f a n a. h. in liking each other. TO SENATE "f- - REELECTION ".uai w s ; O n debu- the of legislation to provid leaiii-ss,- i..oied about for partners, asked enactment ,(T! the an. His-- to re-to- re the citv is -- t0n proceed to p.rem ;.;..! big BALLINGER APPEARS AS credit for funds TV !ton. ;;!ii;::,;i;.i:!;;;:t: los angeles wants '!)f is being asked. Junior From California haaled dew: t he ilani-e- well and Senator '',V' eepted The sailois APPROPRIATION FROM U. S. CONSERVATION CHAMPION ' will be ,.:--...- ,. is ,b thiir pa it nor were delighted. The hail Says His Means Will , TWELVE ARE KILLED IN - W'-Pl- Hi,;,.'- - and still more sailors an i,v:j!as ; . 1 W A S N 'i'f N . :,rv WASHINGTON. February .'. Not Allow. J 'lesti-ia- t .came. Society women mingled in the I'd svt,a j"' mi. A- -' (., DYNAMITE EXPLOSION th i of P.aHinger FsH K great throng, about under tor Fl nt of tali forn ia the author of tary the Inttrior appeared the t seiner Then ,, ..'are of gallant young blue jackets. a bill introduced today providing for before the lion-- commit fee on way WASHINGTON. !" binary ii. Frank will be the t , .". - tlagshi,. the came, accompanied by of a - ,,f ivriga- - ERN EST. Pa.. February An ex- z:) the Admiral an appropriation million do'la:- ami means today iu support iimior from '"alifor-fiia- . sijnndron. j plo-io- ii in a P. Fbht. senator oiiral b'ees ami Mrs. 1,'ees and his aid, tor a tedera! Ouddiu 11 Los Angeles. ioe proieets. Me argta-- for a bond of dynamite occurred co.il being? announced that he will floor was r- ' . mine to. twelve men vesterdav , McMillan. The f.,r the lbt ry and of thirty mil oi a - oarryi i here lav. ' a for reelect ion. The H- to young as-a- v . buried bv the g earth. not le candidate tteoti kno-- in mod iat el v cleared and the oilice.-- on r gat ;on pia " a -- i a- - hi- ,rv gave - reason the tact 'hat tc -r-.- stood almo-- t at at'entiori. The natot titat gait a;i ' in- :::i- - not means to :,v Ndniira! knew what was e.Xpoct.'d ot suthdeiit private FIVE LOSE LIVES WHEN ' per-on- al orgai.i.a- - weather ting he had to lead the grand maintain tii political lem. lb' knew w .1 Ad-- . t n to .-'tre reelection llll-ne- el lirv.Vi. ; . Mr- -. Rees the MOANA WILL STEAMSHIP GOES ASHORE V.- -, ., STEAMER i . i a li !' .r u a j'rim.irs law. ':' .. tu !:!! -- t he .,ng ..b.imn. follow. d av :arte.l Mi llawi's-wh-o w;is ecorf e.I by a iM TI: Roe- - and a part HAVE PAY iWA . I'ebmav OF SHIRTWAIST Will Get Torpedoes ef. Admiral TO $000 FINE STRIKE -- aiioi-'i -- Team-,, on ha-- a! st Ui a The .wed and then came the landed Tee.... !,- ,-. WORKERS IS SETTLED ' e. on . e- -. ;es ,,f winding--- : a.o It - b d arriva' ' a sei reef oil,, w , . After on Sttci .. changed t. a wait, and ( MoMi-- i l.a- - Ii v V;i a ..i - r"" t e;. ,,, o. a! -- h,.w ed ft at lie ei '; u j. I, ev M dsow In PIIILAHFLPHIA. IVlmm Th,. '. j:.,, u . Vti" a- - on directing n b.-e- :ive ;:i in the waltz ,t F f t in- -- h rt waist uoi - .a- - fitted m . 'e a: s. - ma n in '.: fiI1' nue,l i s a : o CITY OFFICIALS INDICTED. bv ' w.- - a'.ro-.nce-- on ... T . t .. .1 . 1 I t'ied arb'.t rati.it!. . - . t; ' :h a: had be n r i a' the ll b co ' ad .l and hat -- r; o er:i $ He was oi f P.'-- -- id d w ill re ) i n to h his; in -- n j a to lar. prevail. to Van. o Tne re STOKES IS CONFIRMED. AGREEMENT RATIFIED. VY i p. ;r- - ASH v, . F.b-L- I"- P. N. o. - Ti.e ViM- - IP !: iarv a a v ! lay J 1 15 as -- IMg.oo. ..e!l- - r: 1 t In- a - - VcrirffiK-:'4r'.- : ' !,.. ioX-v- . i w - i M oil .i el Ik IP, TROOPS FOR . HERMANN DEFENSE RESTS. - x i . F- - - 1" s id; AN' The U S- e S. oi: , Pi . N "reg-.n- 0. CALIF 0 EXIA. NOW THE FLAGSHIP OF THE uaf. f..r S : eet: ii n fa nMv at: f a v-- RT LA P. .ml lin.iig ro, u ha- - 1 3 PACIFIC FLEET. t :iaf ,'ied od.. t. es. :e lb rmaini defense is its meal-- . 1 - i T er f n. - mav be t lified. a li po t St.


The completion of our yearly inventory discloses lines of merchandise, broken lots, and odds Night Gowns Eolien Cloth and ends that must be closed out to make room for other goods. To insure a quick clearance, cost Sheer and washable; Colors. Champagne, and value are not considered. Prices are slashed, cut in two, some are ridiculously low, but the Seven Different Styles. Cream and Lavender. values are there. Our loss is your gain. Our gain is in getting room for new goods. $1.25 Gowns 40c Sale Price 25c a yard. 65c SALE BEGINS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7. $1.50 Gowns $2.09 Gowns Solid Color Organdie LIS $2.75 Gowns Lavender, Green, Cerise and Yellow. 1.65 $3.75 Gowns 30c Sale Price 15c a yard. LADIES5 WASH SUITS Valencienne Cashmere AHovcr Lace Yoking Laces Insertions Eton, Coat and Slightly imperfect; Shirtwaist and Suits. colors, light biae 50c Yoking 30c a yard and pink. 12-yar- 35c a yard d pieces. 60c Yoking $1.50 $10.00 Linen Suits $5.50 $4.25 Lawn Suits $1.25 Sale Price, 65c a yard. 65c Yoking 40c a yard $5.00 Pongee Suits $1.90 $12.00 White Eep Suits $1.90 25c Sale Price 15c a piece Camels Hair Plaid Lisle Thread Gloves S7.50 Linen Suits $2.50 $15.00 Brown Linen Suits $5.00 40c Sale Price 20c a piece 42 inches wide. Broken sizes; Grey, Tan and Black. Suits $5.00 45c Sale Price 20c a piece $8.50 Linen Suits $2.90 $15.00 White Linen 75c Sale Price 45q 60c and 65c Gloves 25c a pair a yard. 25c a piece 35c and 40c Gloves 15c a pair $8.75 Eton Suits $1.90 50c Sale Price Black Crepon POLKA DOT CURTAIN SWISS All-woo- l; 40 inches Blue, Pink and Green Dots. wide. 25c Sale Price 15c a yard. SACHS' DRY GOODS CO. $1.25 Sale Price, 65c a yard. COR. FORT AIND BERETANIA STS., Opp. FIRE STATION

m a !i inn mi nun in nn n irnit i u in v thf i in bottle when the top is taken off does more to 7Z MUivllhAL HfiS dummr That pops the ikJA make a highball remind you of home than the flat sort usually KILLED UK ENGINE CHANGED sold. Ours is the liveliest plain soda that ever came from a bottle.

JTsSHOE Maui Xews. Levi Alama was fatal Works (Continued from Page Oho.) Soda Water ly injured Friday afternoon near the as the Tennessee and Washington are Waihiku depot, lie was a brakeman LEITHEAD & WOODWARD, Proprietors. due to leave llremerton on March 14 on engine No. 4. for I'uenos Ayres, where they will join Phone 557. engine had water he 1263 Miller Street. two warships After the taken from the Atlantic fleet to threw the switch and then jumped safe- participate in the big Argentine cele- ly onto the pilot to ride back and bration. couple the cars, a distance of probably Likes the California. litty toot. There were no eye witnesses and it Admiral Sebreo and Captain Benson is while on pilot lie supposed that the The man that is are immensely pleased with their new swung one foot down to the guard rail quarters aboard the California, which where it was oaught. The engine was as are larger than those on moving very slowly at the time, but the Tennessee. the man could not extricate his foot ALWAYS Captain l!enon paid a tribute to the the broke the knee and builders of the California, and other lacerated the flesh of the thigh TIRED OUT San Francisco-buil- t warships, saving The injured man was taken to the every possible was that the builders had spent much hospital where thing is not the man that goes to time done for him. in finishing the rooms and making them Kahu-lu- i Economy He was taken to his home in Here's A shoe which comfortable. by his relatives. He died there in THE CRITERION twenty-fou- r the Have Taken Much Coal. less than hours after accident. meets every ' for a mid day cocktail. j When the Big Fight" tint. lies coal- - A coroner's inquest was held Mon- rational demand ing. and adding to their supply that day. The verdict of the jury was acci- Only the best served, and If a business man wanted to dental death due to carelessness on the served only in the best way. j niven to the Galveston and part of the deceased. cf fashion, fit i I leaver, supply ship Glacier and the tug MCCARTHY, send out a twenty line typewritten and comfort, Iroquois, the naval station piles will be WHAT PRESS AGENTS SAY. C. J. Prop. j depleted just lo.onn tons. This will Hotel and Bethel Sts. thirty-fiv- leave the station with only C00O form letter to e hundred pe- yet stands up tons on Orpheum Reopening'. hand. The America!! ship Fdward hard- on Monday under the Sewall is expected in the near future The (h'phenm will reopen rsons he would for it, including evening with vaudeville and moving pay from Norfolk wi'h about .".im tons, and est service. pictures. In addition to Pick Stead, other ships will follow. .o that in the BLOW addres- tin1 baritone singer who has made so typist's charges, postage and You should wear next four month-- ' the station coal piles favorable all impres-io- ii with the pub- SELLS may have about l'.'miO tons auain. THE PACKARD lic, there will le Miss P.eattie Galardi. Use Quarantine Again. DRY GOODS sing, more than Wharf (Australia's favorite serio comic, and $300. You owe it to Tii to CHEAPER order accommodate the naw Miss Ft ho Leslie, who is heralded as probably the quarantine oilicials have given per- a ballad singer of high ability. And the results will your feet and iiina mission to Admiral Sobroo to use the With the arrival of the from DROP IN AND TAKE A comes additional talent in the quara trine wharf and the South the Coast secure yourjDurse, Dakota shape of V;i! dare and Varuo, who do a not be better than he would will probably be shifted over. The great bicycle riding act. Should the Pennsylvania and Colnrad ire to bo boat arrive in time this act will be ad- - through the of twenty line brought inside the harbor tndav t rom ded to the bill. insertion a J i Owing to some of the Orpheum 's per the outer anchorage and they will finish formers being hem ni quarantine. Tiie coaling on Monday. LOOK 7 classified advertisement in the A- MclNERNY'S j bill will be little sii.ot and for that at our stock of the String of Wirelesses. reason until further notice the prices SHOE STORE will be Jo cents fo- - all reserved seats U floef, of One nen the starts for San Fran- and 1" cents for general admission. Best Wines and Liquors DVERTISER at a cost ther,. v.i!I - Fort Street. cisco be a string of wire- Cometa, the Sioux. l's h- - til! aboig the jOOti ,;j, to Lad in the market. is of an con- le i route between Iloiudtilti and the Coast This the story Indian's Dollar. stancy .and is picture-proo- of the - The l.t.rPix. is ,. .1.,. ., 1...... t it ev that - - - .. j con-tan- of the American aborigines WE ARE NOT j RECTIFIERS. That's the sort of economy " t- H.-.'- "- ! Family Trade Solicited. I " -n luT, the cruisers!- , magnified w .. - - ato erandoiir cannot and a iv equ i.ped , T f PilMFlkrw- aiBS etiver 4.Ti all ot economizes. U bv wold pictures. the i I. . . 1 ... i , , ' f ' ...... ' BREAD MAKER o a - alio o V lilt' li ne Tile Heart."' a love story, is pretti.v told THOMAS F. McTIGHE & CO. Fight" g.-t- s started the wiref.ss rind will interest the audience to the 1"1 1 "" King and f;o-f- Mannakca. string will be coaipiete. last. Pew will guess its ending, but. n mixes and when it comes .any one can see through I 'hone 1 pi. 1'. ( ). Fox Too. t Prince of Good Fellows. it. There will be some comedies shown, ! !::",ccc!3 breed There are m.-- of high rank in the among them ''The Woman Hater."' LK navv when civilians find it ditliciilf Miss Fva Alva will continue her great DEVELOPMENT CO Hawaiian Go, stunt for another week. Her dancing mm Gazette thorough iy in to come in contact with, either for has proven a great card at the Fmpii'o. Limited V".. I t: f. : . .x business or social pleasant lies. About she won i 1 for has the admiration of the . ru j iviinutes. nine tenths of the time civilians feel patruus of that establishment. STANGENWAiD BUILDINQ - - Fhe do that when they board a ship thev tnav F. B. McSTOCKEP. Manager hands commit a broach of nay etiquette, HARD TO HIDE. P. O. Box No. 268 Cable: Develop u not touch the not knowing just what it is. and when Flihn Roof, at the annual dinner of officials receive them in the cold the International Young Men's Chris-- ' tian Association in IXew York , dough. blooded way that the regulations some- lat Mfe res,u'ires month, said that evil courses were more Pure Hawaiian Gream times ..racers to act. the dirlicult to conceal than men generally civilian has a de-ir- e to get back on belie ved. Scrupulous cleanliness, iio1 wharf. Th' quarter deck is a "Take the case,'" said Mr. Foot, plenty a smile, .lohn of ice and constant care make pocu';ar place, but 'aptain P.en-o- n, with "of old F.odewin. John was a lawyer's confidential clerk, our cream satisfactorily. Our ; s v chief of tor Fear-Admira- l Sebree. and he had the pernicious habit of go- customers appreciate it, as some 's an exception, not a rare exception, ing to a neighboring saloon every believe CHKMICAL I'FFSFR-YATIYF.- lint an except;, ,,i. His cordial greet-;- ; morning at 11 and Taking a smal' gla-- s tki-hab- injurious, g make t he plain c:iliau fee! at of whi-k- v. lie was no proud of it: al- up his f;i.. a ma rd. and the captain never hence, after the whisky, he call ways took a clove. - ;n eii'te-- y and !!,:tki!:g a THE POND DAIRY, TEL. 800, civil one it happened tha "Hi! morning or MAY, LEVY or DAY & CO. ian Vvspa- there were ie ch.yo. on t he bar. arid pe!'!-.-- be so, a n-- .lohn. having c.i;i.;dere. tio' matter, vhen a swa'l.iwed a .mail raw oikoei from the W. DIMOND & CO., Ltd. satisfied . .. Kl Ml"0' W. k.ii.rli would de-tr- oy Yhe Remedy tor I no u,;i; hi. itinera aVccir.l a w:irliip it fiee ttay. That Bett knonn mun j the :ei tale wM.k- M..r. n.i .lonbt. as ever dicOV'' cB 53-5- STEEET :n that he i a good Iron short M sU KING ha. Wei! n:ol a:wav. Beds COUGHS, COLDS, Effecua;iy cuts ana ' of SPASMS. and h . ASTHMA. fcuTajsT DO YOU WANT RELIEF? Mattresses BRONCHITI5. JSnJiSww ,!,,, hke a Charm in NEURALGIA. C0UT. !" you hoar-e- .' fare. J. Acts a8j, '.y you RHEUMATISM 'uu MRS. M. 0GAWA imi. a n a wa i e ! ha r nwcruTrov i. runitBA lave tiia: ; g ..hu, in your !'..; led nothing. The Convincing M.dieai Teitlmocy HH 'ch ""'''"'r-rs- . ti.roat.' ' Chmi-t- . I ' ' ''iuh in 'toy you n v t te ..Piled, Sold in Hou'im by ail W"1 Hi I and . lui T' of M.-vi- ul-- l. Furniture i. i o i n iq a tiz i I l at ii iiMi. i;S in T i ..' , ie- - ICeb IU Lliiiiu, if 11. J ' " 3; t:ie of digit--- Mi riv srv' e. i i t v m n in g ? re: et ' s. . wai It ol Jap.-i- I - take hai o g i; !:.-r- I'd v an .1, ,!,!, I 've .t 1 w 1. b- -r at f t , -. Talented Nurse and Masseuse V,;1..,w;! ''j.;-- .lie all e ti.' t e It Vea b vV o., gen: s wh!-.-:- No. I.;:. Kiiiau stn.ta a 'Ine a! v and oi.ioi;. St. Jlouohihi. ;Vw,;v.: . Coyne Furniture Go., Ltd. THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, -FEBRUARY 6, 1910. --- 3 fRTONfllii-

: MARINE REPORT. MARINE TIDINGS. ? BlGT0URnwES FROM if s. J 'f ' f - By Merchants' Exchange. By Kahuku Wireless.

!'"! " - S s V T II 1:0 IJ f Hfei . - . .O.l 1 I - M-- - r i': v t:.. ,.,-1- 1 - 1

. V pmvr'sS- Mrs. -. M- ' . 51! ' t This 'r'","', ''I"""'"!1' Fr:.!K-i-.-or'm...l- j HAMBURG-AMERICA- S. S. 'v' ZirT-- : 0,1 NEW ALAKEA WIIARF, WITH THE CLEVELAND AND THE PACIFIC MAIL 'j'" ( h''l;Yi iw i vlor' lt,'"'!',U 'j " i hy ." "' ' , (f,...,.L?:mte't '''' J N. u. ntl. N. K. I S. S. MANCHURIA AT THE BERTHS. I i ;e-h- are T,' ( -'"" h'"li,lis ?. ,. r,--r iw str. Bf,a"; Hilo an1 . ., - Feb. S. Mr. and Mr wav I'.nfs. Nov. 30. Tacoma for I 17. Urmia. 31. San Luis for S. F., Dec. 7. !.';iir.)!i. 11. Mrs. F. Bend for Guaymas, San Jan. A:: llanen, llani, X.J Am", : Can;, i a. hi,' . I'.OKEA LIS. schr.. from Hon. for LURLINE, Am. S. S.. lrom F. for PLEIADES, Am. S. S., from Seattle for WM. OLSEN, Am. schr.. from Gray's 0f tbo i. in A. uuii.e-- Mrs. J l u m lie manner, Carp. r. 21. Hon. Feb. 2. Hon., Jan. 29. Harbor for Hon. Jan. 16. - Port Ludlow, Jan. W. O. --Millfr, Harvey, Mrs. Harvey. .Miss ll.ui- .lanifs CARRIER DOVE, Am. schr., ar. Hon. MAKURA. Br. S. i from Hon. for RI KMFRS, Ger. pp., from AY'l LH ELM N A, Am. S. 8., ar. S. F. .Mrs. .1. J. . -- aanis, ..tenuent of the system son. dime. J. Jirs. from Gravs Harbor, Jan. 4. Vancouver, Feb. 3. Leith for Hon., Jan. 23. from Newport News, Jan. 20. Adams. Mrs. Williams. Carl S. Smith. X. i.'er l.een here a iii in til with C. A. THAYER, Am. schr., ar. S. F. MAKAWELl, Am. bk., Neilsen, from K. P. KITHET, Am. bk., Diew, from W. H. MARSTON. Am. sdir.. from vho has T. W. .1. T. Keldutl!, Mrs. W. IT. comes ID Meade. from Portland. Dee. IS. Kahului for Port Townsend, Jan. IS. Hon. for S. F., Jan. 10. F. for Hon., Feb. 4. Kiee. Miss K. b'iee. Miss Parsons, M. t liari'l James, ar. MARY WINKELMAN. Am. bkt., from ROBERT LEYYERS, Am. schr.. from W. H. SMITH, Am. bktn.. ar. San .'. ,.:,.!,t.." ami ascertain f;vt liiehardson. C.erald Miller. Mrs. E. CELTIC CHIEF, Br. sp., J. Hamburg, Dec. 5. Mukilteo for Friend v Isles, Nov. 25. Port Townsend for Hon. .Feb. 3. Pedro from Astoria, Dec. 15. ,,f the lfawaniin Miller A. H. Manning. Mrs. Manuing. Hon. from be climate CHINA, Am. S. S., from S. F. for Hon. MA RAM A, Br. S. 8., ar. Sydney from ROBERT SEAULEsS, Am. sen.. Piltz, WM. P. FRYE, Am. ep.f from N. Y. . ..ii i,.if r i Miss Cameron, Miss S. Peek. Mrs. F. 13. 21. retireeniea i" Feb. 1. Hon., Nov. 29. from Everett for San Pedro, Dec. for Hon. Aug. Baxter, Mrs. Manson, Miss Gibson, MANCHURIA, Am. S., ar. &'. ROBERT R. HIND. Am. schr., from ,;"ne ami Mrs. BusteeJ will remain CHIVO MART, Jap. S. S.. ar. S. F. S. F. from Mrs. Gibson. E. M. Brown. Mrs. Bar- Hon.. 30. Dec. 9. month. Tin- - passage of from Hon., Feb. 3. Jan. Redondo for Port Townsend. yn at least a ton, II. Getz, Mrs. Getz. W. P.laek. Mrs. MA SUN DA, P.r. S. S., ar. Moji from ROSECRAXS. Am. S. S., ar. Gaviota was some-,..a- t CHURCHILL. Am. schr., ar. Coos Bay from Vancouver Miss Miss Buspy, Mr. Hon .T:m 9-- " Real Estate Exchange tk. Moana Black. Karcher. from S. F.. Jan. 10. ou account of tho Mrs. Or.lway Miss Ordway. S. proiracte.1 and CLEVELAND, Ger. S. S.. ar. S. F. from MANSHU MARU, Jap. S. S.. Nishi, R. W. BARTLETT. Am. gchr., from Loa, Krnia and 28. 13. jivv weather met with on tie voyaSe Per ?tr. Manna for Hon., 31. from Hon. for So. Am. ports. Jan. F. for Papeete, Oct. Wal-bridg- Jan. Limited. Van-(,,UT- Kan Feb. 8. Mrs. P. D. METHA Am. ar. Pa- SANTA MARIA, Am. S. S., from Hon. was taken from pMts COLUMBIAN. Am. S. S.. ar. Hon. from NELSON, schr., (lwn Departure Mrs. Baxter. Mrs. Manson, Miss peete from Gravs Harbor, Oct. 13. for Port San Luis, Jan. 29. m. on 2Stli ult., an-- Seattle, Feb. 4. at 1:20 p. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Barton. CORONAIX). for MEXICAN, Am. S. S., from Hilo for SANTA RITA, Am. S. S.. ar. Hon. from King ,,a.v- - Am. bkt, from Hon. 82 Street. i':!-- ' - Mr. Mrs. P. Hs Victoria at "; Mr. and Mrs. Getz. and S. F.. Feb. 3. Salina Cruz, Jan. 24. Port San Luis, Jan. 27. tape im.-- v Shiner. Mr. and Mrs. W. P.laek, Miss DAUNTLESS, Am. echr., Jonsien, MOANA, Br. S. S., from Vancouver for S. ('. ALLEN, Am. schr., from Eureka "therlv pale was met with an.l las M Karehcr, Miss Busey, D. W. Carp, W. j non. Jan. 28. for Hon., Feb. 3. weather ar. Port Townsend from Hon., Jan. 9. ;u,l the 1st inst.. when the Richardson. MONGOLIA, Am. S. S., from Hon. for SELJA, Nor. S. S., ar. Port Townsend Rubber Stamps ,t. ( DEFENDER. Am. schr., ar. S. F. from uwit.. .l fl,.,w., ,.,1V.. v Dec. 28. 8. rirtlmted, ana ior rei Tor str. Kinau for Kauai ports, Feb. Everett, Dec. 14. , from Hon., Jan. sea an.l l.ritfht sunshine Am. S. Hon. - a smooth S. Rev. J. W. Wadman, Pev. Miu, DIRIGO. Am. sp., ar. Phila from Hon., MISSOURIAX, S., from S. G. WILDER. Am. bk., from Mahu- nr.ler of the .lay an.l creatly T). Wishard. Dr. G. II. Huddy. for Kahului, Jan. 26. kona for S. F., Jan. 25. . , .1 Mrs. II. 25 It 1,... A very Oct. E. Am. ar. Grays S. HAWAIIAN NEWS CO., LTD. nr,re.'iate.l an "" W. C. Parke. S. , MARY FOSTER, schr., SHERIDAN, V. S. A. T., from F. ,t. ip , m t r.e DIX. U. A. T., from Hon. for 6. fniovHine cini.-r- Per str. Claudine, for Hawaii and Harbor from Hon., Jan. for Hon., Feb. 5. Young Building. on Dee. 2S. Alexander class siloon inursoax ef.n.iK Maui ports, Feb. 4. J. P. Cooke. 5. MANILA, Am. schr., from Santa Rosa SIBERIA. Am. S. S., from Hon. for .Ma., a, Rotterdam from Taltal, Dec. ,1 was largely atten.te.i. lia for Nanaimo, Dec. 8. Yokohama, Jan. 31. by VESSELS IN POET. DOLBADARN CASTLE. Br. bk.. ar. an.l enjnyat.le items fcem ren.lere.l MARION E. CHILCOOT. Am. sp., from ST. KATHER1NE. Am. bk., from Hilo THE HAWAIIAN REALTY CO. j (Army and Nary.) DUNED1N, Br. S. S., ar. Shanghai from the performer?. Hon., Jan. 27. . Gaviota. for Hon., Feb. 3. for S. P., Feb. 3. j has been remark e.l l.y tlinso who Pacific fleet, eight cruisers, Yokohama, MURIEL, Am. schr., from S. F. for SOPHIE CHRISTENSEN, Am. schr., - arrival of EARL OF ELGIN. Br. 5. S.. from Hon. Ti- iV wharves upon the Jan. 31. Honolulu. Janu. 30. from Grays Harbor for S. F., Dec. 6. S. Dee. 2S. Kaimuki Property t(,wrs that Tana.la is seTioini: lnwn Glacier. V. S. supplv. ship, Yokohama, for F.. NEBRASKA N. Am. S. S., ar. Sal. Cruz i SOYA MARU. Jap. S. S., ar. Hon. from f E. WHITNEY, Am. bk., Jorgenson, V'f a laruv mimher of her prettiest Jan. 31. F. from S; F., Dec. 12. Lobitos. Jan. 17 on the ar. S. F.. 24. those arriving Aorani Thetis, P. S. R C, Jacobs, Laysan, July NEVA DAN, Am. S. S ar. S. F. from SWAN LEY, Br. S. S., ar. Brisbane from 83 Merchant St. . Phone 553. a yester.lav WOOD, schr., Grays last month an.l the Moan Feb. 2. E. K. Am. from Hon., Feb. 4. Hon., Jan. 4. haml-ma:i.-v- Hon., 24. jMirplr among tlie fairest (Merchant Vewe:a.) Harbor for Jan. NEUILLY, Fr. bk., from Astoria for TENYO MARU. Jap. S. S., ar. Yoko- of Our La-l- of the Snow. EDWARD SEWALL. Am. bp., Quick, Queenstown. Dec. 15. hama from Hon., Jan. 14. Alden Besse, Am. bk.. Hilo, 2. Tte M.'atia depart e.l for Sydney last from Newport News for Hon., Oct. MAIM', S. S., nr. Yoko- Am. S. S., from New York Celtic Chief, Br. shp., Hamburg, Dec. 5. NIPPON Jap. TEXAX, light ar eleven-thirt- ENTERPRISE, Am. S. S., from Hilo hama from Hon., Feb. 5. for Puerto Mexico, Nov. 20. Erskine M. Phelps, Am. sp., Seattle, 24. Cleveland on the Way. for S. F., Jan. NUUAN'U, Am. bk.. Josselyn, ar. Kaa- T. P. EMIGH. Am. bkt.. Irsen, from Dee. 30. M. Am. sp., ar. - ERSKINE PHELPS, 27. for Guavmas, Dec. 11. steamship Clevehui.l Flaurenee Ward. Am. schr., Piltz, Mid- napali from Hon. Jan. Eureka T'ne German Hon. from Seattle. Dee. 3'i. OCEANIA VANCE. Am. schr., ar. Tt. THOMAS, U. S. A. T., from Hon. for sPeon.l wav Isle, Jan. 24. Vitfc ah.mt TOO tourists for the ESPADA. Am. schr., from Westport Townsend from Hilo, Dec. 10. Manila, Jan. 13. THE MALLS. San Diego, Dec. 16. Hark' cruise around the world, left for OLYMPIC, Am. bk., ar. Hilo from Tort VEX N ACHAR, S. S., from Samarang Mails are due from the following ETHEL ZANE. Am. schr., ar. Tacoma 2. for Newcastle, Nov. 15. San Franciseo yesterday afternoon for Ludlow, Jan. points as follows: from S. F., Dee. 14. O. M. KELLOGG. Am. schr., ar. Pa- VIRGINIAN. Am. S. S., ar. Salina Cruz Hon lulu. The vessel is due hero on - ?. EVA. Am. schr., ar. S. F. from Mahu- peete from S. F., Oct. 31. from Hilo, Jan. 26. will given a wele.nue San Francisco Per China, Feb. the 12th, and be kona, Jan. 21. ar. from Yoko- - WASHTENAW, Am. S. S from Pt. committee, when leis Yokohama iVr Mongolia. Feb. IS. PACIFIC FLEET, Hon. br the promotion FALLS OF CLYDE, Am. sp., from Ga- - - I'er Makura, Mar. 4. Will be distributed the pass'n- Vancouver amonjr Colonies Per Maitai, March 2. viota for Hon., Jan. 30. Mails will depart for the following FLAURENCE WARD. Am. schr.. Piltz. points as follows: ar. lion, from Midway Isle, Jan 24. PORT OF HONOLULU. F. M. SLADE, Am. schr., Johnson, ar. San Francisco Per Asia, today. S. F. from Gravs Harbor, Nov. 13. Colonies Per Makura, Mar. 4. ARRIVED. VOOHNG SUEY, Am. hk., Willett, Yokohama China. Feb. 8. from N. Y. for Hon., Nov. 4. Feb. 5. 2. Saturday, Vancouver Per Maitai, March FRIEDA, Ger. sp., Logeman, from As- Str. Manna Kea, Freeman, from Hilo TRANSPORT SERVICE. toria for Europe. Oct.! 15. an.l way ports, a. in. CtethDim Buford, ar. S. F. from Hon., Oct. 15. GAMBLE, Am. schr., at Port Gamble, S. Moana, from Vancouver lix, at Manila, Jan. 20. Oct. 27. an.l Victoria, T p. ni. Logan, from Hon. for San Fran.. Feb. 4. G LENHOLM, Br. sp., Williams, from DEPARTED. Thomas, ar. Manila from Hon. Feb. 3 Portland for U. K., Oct. 9. P. M. S. S. Asia. Gaukroger, for San Sheridan, from S. F. for Hon. Feb. 5. G. W. WATSON. Am. schr., from FranoiH'", HI a. m. MOVEMENTS OF SH1PPINO Gravs Harbor for S. F., Nov. 12. ('.A. S. 11:30 II. HACK FELD. Gr. sp.. from Hon. for 8. Moana fnr Colonies, Har- p. m. ADMIRAL, Am. schr., ar. Grays Svdnev Heads, Feb. 3. DUE TODAY. bor from S. F., Dec. 5. HAWAII. Am. bkt., from Auckland for ALICE OOOKK, Am. schr., Penhallow, 15. Str. Kinau from Kauai ports a. m. Newcastle and Hawaii, Oct. Boys' Two Piece Suits ar. Port Ludlow from S. I., Jan. 10. HAWAIIAN ISLES, Am. sp., ar. S. F. DUE TUESDAY. ALAMEDA,- Am. S. S., Dowdell, from from Philadelphia, Oct. 2. In Blue Serge and Mixed Goods, Bloomer Pants, Fancy Cuffs P. M. S. S. China, from San Francisc- Hon. for S. F., Feb. 2. C. WRIGHT, Am. from Guay- II. sehr.. FROM TO o, a. m. ALASKAN, Am. S. S., from S. F. for mas for Everett, Dee. 14. on Sleeves; from 4 to 16 years. $5.50 $7.50. SAIL TUESDAY. Seattle IIELENE, Am. soli., from Tort Ludlow Townsend Pa.'ific Fleet for San Francisco, about ALBERT, Am. bk., ar. Port for Hon., Jan. 6. Boys' Russian Blouse Suits 1:30 p. m. from Kaanapali, Feb. 1. 11 1 LON I A N, Am. S. S., ar. S. F. from ALEXANDER ISENBERG, Ger. bk., Fel) DUE WEDNESDAY. Hon. 2. Behring, from Hon. for Sound, Dec. S. S., In Blue, Brown, Red and Grey, fancy embrodiery on the M. HONGKONG MARU, Jap. from N. jj. S. Lurline, from San Fran-ci.-o- . 17. Hon. for So. Amer. ports, Nov. 23. sleeves and shield, cut full and trimmed with tie and belt; schr., Weitkunat, from - ALOHA, Am. HYADES. Am. S. S., ar. S. F. from Ka- 7 to PASSENGERS. Sound for Hon. Dec. 9. hului, Feb. 5. from 3 to years. $5.00 $6.50. Arrived. AMTRAL O EXILE. Fr. sp., from Ta- - IRMGARD. Am. bkt., ar. S. F. from Per . S. s. Moaaa, from Van-V'.uvc- coma for LT. K.. Oct. 17. Hon., Oct. 26. Boys' Reefers Felj. Mr. Mrs. r. ,. AMERICANA, Am. schr., ar. Sal. Cruz IROOUOIS. U. S. tug. from Hon. for H;! Mr. '; and Mrs. F. F. ll.s and 4 from Eureka, Dec. 1G. San Fran., Feb. 4. Manish Coats for the Little Man, cut long and full, in blue, 'Worii. Miss . Dew. Mr. Mrs. ('. A R IO NAN, Am. S. S., ar. S. F. from j ISTHMIAN. Am. S. S., from S. F. for N- M'-Na- - Mr. and Mrs. Sum Diego, Feb 5. J 30. red and grey, trimmed with black velvet collars: from 4 to fYKA. Seattle. Jan. Idk. Miss M. A. Blackburn, Mr. AOUANCl, Br. S S., from Vancouver i JAMES H. P.IH'GE. Am. schr., from '"' Mrs. 10 years: $5.50 to $6.50. Ji. 1'. )i,.kis,,, Mr. ;ul,l M for Hon. and Colonies, Jan. 1. S. F. for Sound. Dec. 16. Kev. Ji. W. Fra r, L. YY. AR' A GO, Ami! bkt., ar. Astoria lrom JAMES ROLPH. Am. schr. from S. F. 1. :e!W:iiad-- r 'adwal.-tder- I Hon.. Pee. 12. f,,r Hon.. Jan. 21. Knee ' M Boys' Pants Bellamy, Mrs. .! .' S. jASIA. Am. S. S., from Hon. for S. F.; JOHN E X A . Am. sr... from Philadel- A.i-- !i , llMaM Mrs. ;. A. Tn, hot, ... Fol, phia for S. F., Oct. ' i:. In Mixed from to 16 years; 50c and a pair. M',;;. T. H. S . Yv'..-- Goods: 4 75c larr.-tt- . .1 xc : MM). S. F.leele for .ur Mrs ! S.. nr. from KAIULANI. Am. bk.. Colly, ar. S. F. ' i. :. Mr ..,,.1 M ... V.,...... I.-- t.,n 7 from Hon.. Jan. Is. M'ss , c. A. Willi,-- mis. .1. ASTRAL. Am. sp., Dunham, from S. K LI KIT AT, Am. bkt.. ar. Port Boys' Bloomer Pants ' M. RowIuiM.n. ,. M. b'ou-- i F. f..r N. Y.. Sept. IS. Townsend from Hon., April 24. ' Armstiong, ( ;,.,;. .,.( Mr-- , j ATLAS, Am. sp., from Manila for N. KOKO HEAD, Am. b't., ar. Sydney In Blue Serge and Mixed Goods: from 4 to 16 years. ";''.!c. j Mrs. j m ..,,,,,,, v x.n.t "1 from Vancouver, Dec. 17. ii. ), 'an. Mr in. i Mr. ii m;.,"! imi'im.-- i a t?TT T K K S . S., 75c to $1.75. K- KOREA. Am. S. ar. Yokohama from UV - V:',,laugh, Mis- - i.. m. m,.i. from iIon. f,,r Yokohama, Jan. 1. Hon., Jan. 2 f. Ml--'- w- 'V .!"'.' - - YYhit... Mr. and' ANNIE JOHNSON. Am. bk., ar. Hilo KONA, Am. sdir., ar. Port Townsend Khaki " Boys' K. K. W ot ; i V -- W. I., fr,,m S. F.. Jan. 12. from Hilo. Jan. ,' m-- s. I., x. r"; iv Wo . Mi'.! ANDREW WELCH, Am. bk., Kelly. LA BLANCHE. Fr. bk., from Hon. for m ' ,; '. I Boys' Kahki Knee Pants: all sizes, from 4 to 16 years. t rart he W. A. from Hon. for S. F., Jan. 2. Noumea. ee, 9. - i. ii id Mi- -. t ' i . M- i- BALBOA. Am. schr., ar. San Pedro LAN'S I NO. Am. S. ar. Port San Luis 65c a pair. xirs. W. I,. v:i:-:- .'. M- Dee. 13. Hon.. l"i. " NI p.. from Taeouia. from Jan. m M,.i ' : , Mi-- .i K N I.I'.E, Br. sp., from Port Wins'ow LO(;.X. U. S. A. T.. Williams, from M-- ; , '''ei'us. u S.-u- .!. .; for Melbourne, Nov. 17. Ilmi. f..r Fran., Feb. 1. Boys' Rompers '":-'T- ' II. .!,, i '. i 1. M. F E X A , Am. bkt., ar. from South LOTTIE BENNETT, Am. schr.. from 1. ( (;. , In Madras. Chambray and Gingham: just the suit for after-schoo- l: -- p, ; ': ai:., h-a- from 4 to 8 years: 50c to SI. 50 a suit. ai. re:,:.;;

' I'. Y. i r,v,)v V live !);;, :, I. i AM',.. J M i. h v , M .s..

' ' .


FEBRUARY 6 SUNDAY i (.. di- ge Ado," renin! kod the Lone til, V n .1 t a. shing. " i.s a genius. His discovery oi ' ,l,ur should V. .1 i ::::::::., i, - - . among the beneficial ads toward the human Id a u d the it.-- tel s me ; f. - ini",toiat0;N r within a wot again doia. in-T- !y. the!', J Valentines Again in Favor would have ONpressod it more tin ,:!" '"ig Doi i.ono Observer was halt wav tin W Ii t h New York Teiegrapn. Prohibition and Blind Figs. y the Skv Pilot was following him. ' ! fee! i: The llilo Agitation. a shiver, 1 mean a Ks, There was a time, nut so many year.- - ; wt;i'ii the cait-- UJt r lur ;i was on the street. "Like Hit, Such 104 ; I tin-r- ie.-ie- Honolulu, Lively. op the - pretty girl '. hand tw valentine istrr uti 'I s a paper the spine of a small bov just before ring 1 jac.e, double hea rted token and sen! it. !iat in ki--- c, to tht n :i i 1 ' li of his Blutfeni Interviews. you feel if ?" hoiee. It was a great In hi to bashful vm;' Fur t went v tiv o onts "1)0 could "Xo. " said the Sky Pilot. "I do not feel it.'' ' purchase the cuie-- t little sitting on a giid-."- l bench in deep led I'U-- l' ' You do not posses the imaginative faculty uUp adaptable 1 means, I have heard it s, bower, with impre-si- v e lines underiiea.! h as not know what this but "liere- - You scenes, ami yet I know them better than you. 4 'J'h' I'.is-- ' is red. the violet blue, me these th"eKnryfai Sugar is sweet, ami so are yi.u. in the air. That's the .articular shiver I refer to. The a Soealled or.lv vou are not a unit of Iihn.g 1 w The valentine. long an institution, tell into disregard for time. tive." it's 1tdivsical. ,at Shiv comics got the upper hand, ami real tokens of sent:ment cease. 1 to ltotliish. anvbodv else unless they have their hand on tue pulsp f,f tb 1 "'"8 pk;e-ir,- g ami the blooding per minute has develop.-.- I'eat it is a thing to note that the losers" knot the few extra beats that "'re are the vviiUa'n "Heart, 1 s i f t sped are routing again into their own. Observer turne.1 into an auov. here we puncture. by Cupid's .lart. The Lone .u.l are in th p .tiaotK111 "f h t here has displayed a grander collection of Kingdom again. Nothing pearly about tlese gates an, Wit the return of February been unless- U.o inn ... tl 1 jo "nice" valentines than has been on the shop counters for many a day water that's oozing out of the rotten floors." 'ah acli ami it is now considered pood form. or. at least good policy, to semi the prettiest so jioetical."1 said the Sky Pilot. - "You're hi l)tk- 1 to The girls expect it. They should not be neglected. am one who believes in prohibition. I take no stock in any argument agreed the Lotto Observer, t... .lilt token vmi can afford buv. 'Beastly disease," found,, 'r that the prosperity of any community is to be measured by the amount of L,t to for it vet." For u" monev spent for intoxicants believe that. Honolulu will ''ain in manv w.ivs On the Coast, white men build hay mazy things which plw?M(. , what it may lose through the dosing up of ail the bars, with whatever effect lose themselves, paying ten cents for the " enter to sensation, but the ly tilis '"'l-- imVV tlu" J. one. do we .!,:' t""1't trade. for not think that should haziest maze that was cvrr constructed can not compare with some of ft e h.lse oU1. f(il. I.ro.1.rit- - ;.,, Jht. ;ilm,lIllt of money that, visiting sports will steps to right, meats "between blocks." Three the through a hole in the I . , : t .,,..,..,1-- '..,. ,1.1 ... .. !....( .. , . - .,... ,...7,i .1. ..4? . i J i ... . n u i v, ,t... i V, ii .. ji. ii "i t. i ' I'.'iitiNi, ii n it i siit- jiidiit'i i nun it j io i a t ox , a lfl three stej.s more to the right, up flight of steps and the two were able I believe the less booze A friend translate.1 the following from a German newspaper for The Outlook: that bought the more clothes will be bought and I will on the Cajiital letter that begins the word Shiver and watch the ti'3rat: In the workroom of the Kaiser are the following sentences, so arranged profit by the betterment of the tailoring business, just as the grocer will profit lor the Chinese New i- ear. t always, him his .v the betterment in tiie grocery trade, ami the butcher and the baker and the show that he has hem before when sitting at desk: Outwardly the extra pulse beats no effect. The only Wav iB 'rest will have a share lie strong in pain. it has changed the impassive faces of the celebrafors is to make "thetc My idea about the prohibition business js different, in some To wish for anything that is unattainable is worthless. respects, from ready to smile, which they do at the merest mention of New Tear P.o day as it is; look for the good in everything. that of the majority of prohibitionists, who rejoice in the one sinner saved and ;. content with the pake sat on the rail in front of them, with vista of four roof toj.s and j Iflirtis. rc the one lost lamb restored. 1 am for the majority every time, and am content Rejoice in nature and people, and take them as they are. of Beretania avenue in back of him to set off the peculiar quality of hu ifiwrs an console one is to let the lost lamb stay lost if he doesn't know any better than to fall by the f 1'or a thousand bitter hours yourself with that beautiful. smile. His name was Ah Wong, and lie was a great friend of the Lone Obsenj. 1 do (Jive from your heart and mind always the best, even if you do not receive wayside. not believe that the man who wants to sneak up an alleyway, "Wong looked them a long time with his finger in his Ah at mouth. Hj, t.ijnius-t's- skulk around the corners and become a for a drink of thanks. i!e who can learii anil practise this is indeed a happy, free, and proud lawbreaker swipes is he came across the platform and jmt a lichee nut in the Lone Observer'!' And fcv who is wrongs others worth bothering with. If the confirmed soak wants to kill himself with blind one: his life will always be beautiful. He mistrusting and made hot tracks for the basement. Iheir. iUi" pig booze, 1 say, let him. and the sooner his stomach rots out and he moves on and harms himself. "That's an Evidence of the Pulse," said the latter, taking it gravek sntation is our duty to believe every one to be good as long as we have not the to that bourne where prohibition does prohibit and where if. is dry with a great It Pown in the yard two old Chinese women were grinding rice, three tiaa Hon. J fN dryness, the For my 1 do proof to the contrary; the world is so huge and we ourselves so small that better. part, not take that fellow into consideration eat in a more than their combined families could week, and three juveniles t(s can not revolve around us. at all. My idea is that the man who has not become a soak, the boy who has tb everything solemnly boiling the rice cakes in preparation for a hiau that would go don ,,ted as . - damages us, us, who can tell is not necessary retained the pride that enables him to look the world stpiarely in the faee, and in- - If something hurts if that in family history for all time. "When the Lone Observer and the Skr rT on the woman and girl who have not acquired the taste for intoxicants, are the Ha to the welfare of creation? descended into t he yard, they were each jiresented with one cake, w hick the lied to world, whether dead or alive, lives the mighty wise ones to be considered. Prohibition, so far as they are concerned, will prohibit. Jn everything of this accejited with thanks. ""We will also show our sense of the auspicious ti Nor if of almighty and all knowing Creator; we little people only lack the They are not going to hunt for blind jogs. anm will the approaching, " said the Lone Observer, ami he gav e his cake to a manning the Liquor legislation, to my way of thinking, should not be framed with a con- reason to comprehend it. ujion turning the corner. So did the Sky Pilot. ,Ver you n is, so to in this world, and, however may be, sideration of the worst amongst us. and neither should the feelings or wishes As everything it has be it the The two turned down Ah Kwai lane, passed the joss house tliat adorns tht he cheap. of these be considered. The average man and the average woman is should always seem good to the mind of the creature. what I would interesting alley, ami stopped at the houses of Kwong Yee and MuEod ,t tne ia'. one an insight into the thoughts of the Kaiser. consider, and the average man or woman is hot going to be hurt by prohibition, a These sentences give cieties. Here the Pulse was more plainly felt. There ere more old wom libk, to say the very least. The average Hawaiian does not s. have to drink. He ouly in evidence ami rtjiere were more rice cakes. From every pot the visitors that tbe drinks because seems to be proper do, condi- that the thing to under the false a contribution, anil the dogs of the neighborhood were fed. habitants tions fostered by the W saloons. "I begin to feel the Shiver," said the Sky Pilot. On Keeping sober has never yet hurt anyone; so far as I have been able to find Rest in Change "I do not believe it sjirings from any jioetical feeling you may have liqnors rat out. I have never heard of a man coming home and beating his wife jusi be- of al By Elbert Hubbard. velojietl," said the Lone Observer. "I saw you eat one of those cakes.1' best cause he was sober; 1 have never heard of a man ma J being in the police court There are at least eight big society houses in town, and the twovisitejjl There charged with sobriety; 1 have never seen a man visiting a pawnshop Let u to get There was a Shiver abroad, as the Lone Observer had remarked, a Shivet tht Are we down-hearte- 1 money to keep sober on, and I have yet to hear of a case of someone going started in the Past Ages and quivered uj through a dozen dynasties and s im No-o-o-- ! ! crazy through habitual sobriety. I have never heard any divorce proceedings JACSLO racial turmoils until it flickered out on the unresponsive breast of the Sky Pilot One reason, Terese, why I am able to roll off the tasks, and keep my sky-piec- e based on the fact that a man or a woman did not drink. I have never had The Lone Observer watched the last gasp and the last vibration of the Shiv Thee working in double shifts is because 1 am a moving picture fiend. occasion to fire any of my helpers because they turned up for work on Monday as it radiated from the smile of the jiake mamma and hammered at the sten t ear, 1 1 do 1 do smoke, but 1 spend ten cents on a moving picture morning, clear-heade- not drink and not and fresh. The only time I ever heard a man say he could . breast of the Mightv Anglo-Saxon- Nothing doing. The Lone Observer cut' Smianu show whenever I have a chance. Sometimes 1 spend a dollar and take nine have done better drunk than sober was one who was trying to beat the auto- fully buried it in a keg of poi ami sat on the lid, turning his back on Sky, ul 'tf tipping t kids with me. mobile record from the Moana hotel to the Alakea garage. he street If had conversing pidgin wise with mamma. trannfirn P.etween the nicotine and the nickelodeon I prefer the latter. been drunk, he told me, he would have had to take less time on the crossings. 1 "Lnan more big," said mamma. "Tlee bundled jiakes Kwong Yee, astS A w The moving picture show cheers, but does not inebriate. But what 1 want to say is argument that the that the drunkard deserves plenty kaukau. ' ' Provineit It lubricates the wheels of existence, rests, refreshes, stirs the imagination, more consideration than the boy growing up is to me a mighty poor one. would I "Yes." said the Lone Observer, gravely. ffiiift pre brings into the play a new set of convolutions and costs a dime. rather have prohibition with blind jogs than saloons without them. There is a "Killee duck; plenty j.oi; fliacwacker; much pop; allee same big noise; fotintry It never gives you that dark brown taste the day after, nor a headache and limit on what the blind can jug do, but there is no limit on the influence of the pilikia. " continued mamma. be rente' that tired feeling; nor does it make for a hike to the booby hutch. saloon. said the Lone Observer. one of t1 For nervous prostration - nervous prosperity try the moving pictures. "Yes." "Muchee big boss jiake go meet Kling Kwong Yuen Ying iVete i dime, I go to see the moving pictures so as to keep from having nervous prostra- stleet. Romeone is mean enough to be whisjiering around town the reason the day. Pake New Year. Big time, kaukau. say aloha. Plenty good time. S which y tion. that politicians on the Big Island are so anxious to have my friend P.uekland lauded hanahana. " The If you go to the races you'll probably bet and, anyway, you'll get excited. as Republican secretary is because they want to get him out of llilo. I don't "1 understand," said the Lone Observer. (ussion If you go to the theater you will have to dress for it, perhaps have a carriage P. M believe it. I believe it is because Buckland has been watching llilo grow so "Come out of said the Sky Pilot. J. and a little feed afterward. And you'll get tired out. it." much that the town is getting nervous under the scrutiny. Now, if it were "Yes." said the Lone Observer. "I am coining out of it. The Shiw'i fxiwe r b But the moving pictures is Jetl'ersotiian simplicity and practical democracy. number" Alfonso that the politicians were backing up. 1 could believe it was to unload making me cold. Tlee bundled jiakes kaukau much plenty hiau and only a smf Yon slid1 in and out, and the whole thing is free from frills, fads and fussiness. him upon suffering Honolulu. Alfonso is one of those individuals any town would on the face to let the world know of the three extra beats to the Pulse. Er" nothing You alwavs get vour monev 's worth, and there are no haunting regrets as to i le; be glad to get rid of. but. as the trail to Tahiti has been blazed by Atcherley, read Martin Chuzzlewit? Pickens says the Americans make speeches to 1 with your having made a fool of yourself by spending the whole evening on a bum p; but we can afford to say, let Alfonso come. "We will help him on his wav. themselves talk, ami they certainly wouldn't let this ojijiortlinity go by t play and knocking a five dollar bill all to flinders. been spread on the literature. They have lost the faculty of enjoying the delieto b Another thing about tnoing pictures is that the invention is one of the watehe1 Pear Since sensation caused by a mere shiver. They want to Shake. Shake with a great educational factors of the time. Jt is one of the things that is helping Bystander: I wrote to you last week I have, at yotir request, were e: mi in a my big caj.ital S. " to make this old world over into a better and happier place. part of time calling on some of the big men of Honolulu, with a taking l"P t0 1,SS than a hundred years ago civilization was provincial. Only a few view of forming an opinion as to what Honolulu, as judged by her big men, is skillful really I people could travel, see and know. The many were submerged in ignorance and like. In every case have been alone; I alwavs make my investigations Mid yo superstition. The sailors who went around the world were nature fakers. The and explorations alone. It adds considerably to the chances of my stories being ipw ta I stories they told us would make your hair curl. believed. Ami must remark, by the way, that it is very strange how nianv Kited people there are in Honolulu I 1 Now we are getting acquainted with the world. Quick transportation, the who do not believe till write. never met so Small Talks Inctr: mails, the daily American, the telegraph, the telephone, the talking machines many doubting Thomases in my life. But that's all right. I am used to it. after sea,-- and moving pictures are bringing the world to our doors. In my for big men one of the most remarkable, whom 1 have met v. procla, I ;, once knew a dear old lady who had a way of saying when you told her this week is I'nited States Marshal Hendry. lie is big ,,IM around. In J wnt JACK LUCAS dust because I am not saving anything is do reason - I is anything. want to know- want to know!'" fact, he nearly as big one way as he is the other, if not bigger. rc "I 1 am Not I dead. by a darned sight. T used to laugh at this, but now 1 sympathize with the sentiment. '"1 want chose a time immediately after the luncheon hour to call upon the Marshal. Use of I .' was a how kV tbe Kar' to know want to know!'' Perhaps this mistake, but was to know of course, in niv various ANNE MARIE PRESCOTT Hackfeld Co. ate true sons of A - In Mis,,Uri Vne fnlks ask for visual demonstration. 'I to me is excited wanderings about the world. I have run up agains- the sjosia habit, seek not for circumlocution under that dome. kw, f I beaut i til !. Show me ! I want to know ! ! but did not know that it prevailed in Hawaii." in libera CHARLIE HALL 1 don't care anything about having my picture The moving picture satisfies our desire to know beeau e it s ows tis. The I entered the Marshal's othce briskly. :i is my wont. am alwavs brisk tineh KIks' annual. 1 merely thought they might like to have at least one P1 extent of knowledge which it distributes as to the wavs. istoin- - and habits of in my movements, you know. It adds to my import ai and credibilit v. Some- 1 looking man in the bunch. , the pie of the world is great, and far reaching for good. times get away before am discovered. This time I didn't. As 1. perhaps Ml.. Waikibi io I am a writer of books. In these bonks 1 describe what I have seen, and rather noisily, strode into i he oliice. one of the Marshal's deputies raised a SUPERVISOR QUINN The King street pavement, from Efver I S " I -- f : town, is one I satisfaction the things imagine, a in of the things which seem to me to be restraining hand and uttered the single word, "litis ssh." part of the street work am not proud of. The and i . I I I do with - true. list the tie. ree exi truth and make men think do 1 benelit Continued on Pag" Five.) out of the muddled and exju-usiv- job is that had nothing to prtii t hem. r' ky a GEORG RODIEK 1 did not mean to say that Hackfeld & Co. Xo criticism an be brought again ' moving &3d n pictures which cannot be drawn from the Wholesale Litpior Jea!ers' Association because they 1 w li t good-books- mat-,8- brought against oks it equal rut h. There are are "' Hume there bad lated a promise not to sell to blind jogs, but because they would not books and the:1 e bum books written .y punk parties with literary eczema. Payday and the Saloons. a promise. l hich are neither good nor bad. --nan' Hawaiian Star. and ft It is exactly so with moving pictures. JOHN M. MARTIN The Y. M. C. A. fountain is now running, I belp tbem- - These pictures tell a story, p laving tl tiling out while von sit and look on. who re.piire practise on water before the l.lace io- n- drv can wh; un- ( ; One of the of the has become i 1 - d peop n:v want to the truthful at t he wort h v. features paydav winch familiar large em It they start in on he fountain now, they will be weaned of boow pluyers ot labor is women at the pay offices pleading with their hu in. Is to get hibition com to go home i them without making calls at saloons en It ecu s flair"" route. almost rriTT-c-N- ...... , . ... f,.!t.-- on i i... i tti - lazy TRUE SYMPATHY. every Saturday. JOE waiaj. i .ion i see w ii ai.vono sm.ui.i iiot-- nose f i-. ,ut- tine island are not having a good time. Thev have a ba three basefiau- 1 - "Von a inn if trousers. ' said the judge, The Horn. lulu Iron Works the d raying and steve.lt. ring companies, are all " a salome dancer, some trained seals, three other thing W i;t: ha' to s a v 'or v ourse'f accustomed to this pitiful sp,.,-- acie. Leaving the pay otlice a large proportion t .' 1 risb ' 1 ' ' more would hev want am y o r nor, i epl t ot t laboreis drop in at s,,.ni. -- ;i b .. m or on wav home, to'e hem for mv other their with their ii 'rut TV 1". week s w tges i n t heir poc M't Tl n begins t he ' t reat i ug " a ml drink-iati- GEORGE LYCURGUS-Befo- re , ,.!e in favor of jirobihition ttle rapid vote . . tun-Mil- a a 11 tnen- -- "You re eh rge jieigi in n tone redolent with vmt.athv. ing and spending. In manv ca s It ends with :i drunken bu anil father should ask II. P. l'.tildwin what his experience was in :i vig t,, put -n ritrlltlV, tnt His I'OI; was he h s. I..,, himse if. Me i'e Item. going hoine in a wit h pet haps :i few fish am some poi and a big bottle of 'omniercia'i plantations on a temperance La-i- It' ot ' "S- - ...... gin. ami little m,.i s.e,,,-- t 's none at all thing was a the home. that happened strike. itr t t w w me - men t.. the offices and plead hns- - KEATS AS AN ANTI. fay with their S c mis, I'haf vhv th u ' a and mothers h ppy w hen t hey ai e able to T. a d'tu-e- IV. Al in N." i nt i d !i hi)ll.e a i h t , PLATONIC LOVE. rnj.' wit a witticism m tin wit the h'isbaiols. dire.-- floni the pav otli.-e- to th Clill hi. !! a IJ.'CS g tht n a i stiff oi en n,.-:,- a e.ona! poweis mi. route. Platonic Love is a device i.v ' of which s,ii. :;:n;-- li r"c'I"c iveJ el, i . rei-- io it- - . .M said, a and with the approval of the naval authori lU Ollt of the Wet. SO to sp,.;iU;. Love (t he old and m igmal long b r ; v , , , - ma t ts . .,: -it if . i .llinlf between the naval whaif and saloons ne funiculi y. ami nati an image ,,i ,iiie'i'1 m.-ol- ..t putty. ..""(- irj in' I ! Ve I.e. d , .., qui" fioui the .ity center. ;. the unanimous demand of the Love. Nobody, of course, is afraid of pi ttv. and , n sh people re so. t si Istri.'ts a- - 'oiiahou, Makiki. Niitianit Y alley. Kaimnki. etc.. took I'latoiir- Love to their Iiii.u;-- . I lit HOrE , $ .wed in the-- I: s;, .Otis h original) in . ue'iiiK wd the pa' way of Put the end was not yet. When L.,ve tt! id J8J t i ) ,,! V: II wa v t,e c p.. i at io! s hie Ig e or on liis i -- Hawaiian wa home fro work and the c heapost time ripe, he tpiietlv insinuate;! : ho putty .list taiiittg re in a b and worst himself int.. the pia, ot loons lionoh.iu knows are ail renin) Ids hem. that if his witt mailing behold, none knew the tlitVerenee. miivi. tl.ey will gtt sp. if the babv ts him home with his pay iuta.-r- jnina'.' ! as for boilers' fnfi.T prinfgtesiJfk the op out of doors hi v And so the world goes ion nil as vvel! for s.p;, :,.,." ,..plc ::5 f see the lights of a tiqnor joint. Puck. THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 6, 1910. .

' - lJr-Ui- is -- i i - t v- i ZZZZZ sign-- , a i im m I. g member- thereof hat liacebus wiun'ii t,.rney .M . HiH'ckoii! was in, his oa tla an,' au Arab ic.

t ; ,. t f! i ':. i j r..i-e- hi.-- . . - "' only j.,..-i..-- im: ii' r. n.vi i:t!ity of an alcoholic mouth. f" " 1 ' ' i : . vo-- - 1 X IriX11 . re will i i !!. i.au the Hawaiian, wiifi'.' lva-- t pig. and "Arc or i!,,t '.iiltyj '' lio a- oatcrfl. , ""J JSSS :,.!!::..::,; "Y.aX., I ,i,a,:a:i'!,'i ;, on !ia::oi,; . N I TTtff1 - l....,..!;,,! .i..li.,,..v :' in yVA :,s v. i! o-- i, La.' v. '11 - a l.j u i:mv," for u yaa. any- v a 4:4 it." s'r t m " V ar .,.. ,,, , a tru-- ,. on,- fa,- i i i 1. hi l v..,a,.i formed .,f o.oii ... 1. . :.:,!. ana it ani. 1 Won t no it affain. Jiv

- " , ..... , It5 ,;,...,,,. n,,,, w "That 's ii', I'sni-,,.- " iviai,..! The o'.licial. "Ti.-- gTat.-- jaij will iti.Hct you, "Ml ' ho-gn- -a -- ' ' tl5.11 Wv U p.:.-- .... i.e.. m a rul.b,-,- 'an,, a,,.! a tediekpad. n ;i v. ' 1 .,-- r,u- - t',. ;,!,.,-,!,...,,- !- I -a-- .. - T nJ J iX. k X a 1 ,,ny:- - aao ': a, T..ur;-r-- i l::.a"y o'4 to r- -i 4,.. Tr. !1 lao.l neither violated the pro- - j t'liiiia! ions nor kiih-- a bird-- . 011 sid,-- X "' by the lew the and ids manner giew less i! ' I '' I i -- tern. I I j u;.: .., and ,,,r w ii! 1... do you think of by commission ' 1 cordial '(!af! I I A NKA ..:...... !.,.,:.. f,n,s eo,,ed "What gveriimeat asked when -- M- .,. .-- a, a relation had been es' ah! i - la ai. . V , . 1:,,,,,,,!, .. .,. ; .. : -- , d'-tti- ; ... , .. ; .. SJ I I A Bunch o: ui art lii.ns. j ,, ,x .. ,. y ,. ., ., ;, e: ii ,.,i'ebreak f;iM i. ! can't t.dl vou." the et a'iaunev replied. "Marshal Hemlrv lias ' 12 I K' V J.K'U London 1a It;.riit. 'I':.,. I', a- a,.-- e ,: ., !.-- a aiTla.-tn'-- wine fiom their ....:. trim, cautioned me to sa v rotikn' to iiabo4v. Is Max Schleitimer the kii.g of the ' ' iaoaired. ' s;::, ; i" i t know. th. lawyer. " Vou M !,, '! lv the Marsha! when .. :, .'. K l;ax,- - v i I. I - .!::;.., !!., .!:.;,,.., a - Tl - rhhin- waaes no. lie - ii.,- ui, .in.- uho ever does here. lesides. he .4 j ,..!,-- !. :i:ithi!h' I I hmow anvthii.o 1 tie .uuv tian-- r i,niv that he doesu t is whether r not h'.s -- Loes i.,.,l shiioag. Jle caii't see them. Aside 1'ia.iu tLiat 1 don't know I XTgooTthim It;.. k,,: ;i.a n:,:. a.-.- i;;,aa v.p: i,..,, ,.i Thwiao." - . . ""'liiKi""-'- ,.. , . J:i. Mi:: ...:.. ..i:t..;l !.;. ,.!.,-;v..- ul-.-- w!a: a ; v..- iu,-- ,,- Tn-m.- r r..!.l 1 .!,.!.! i that t here was not much to be made out of interviewing federal iriais. and went d"vn the street - see Ku.h.iph P.aehly.

.!,-"'- 1. temj-frane- tra.-t- . - found Mr. I'.uchly writii.g a but he graciously welcomed fariii, '! , M i . Ii !. -- ...... u l.- a- - ..... ,..!- . ,.t.,.T. and consent ;,, oIVe me his ideas ,,n prohibition nin-stioi- i - the 1 i ...t '..ia- - ..!...; a:v j ' .:' 'e-.- " he i i , " prohibit is nuniii:. and the sooner the better. It is l-a- C;. time tne Honor traiiie were driven out 'of the coiihtrv. We don't need if. 1 ': ,.. , .... , ;.,... bystander the nave Peen it tor a l,.ig time, and at last ! tim.-- see victrv in sight...... 3 ..I.a-- a! l.i,jiior will be banished from Hawaii in a short time, and then we shall have e. ha;:;t, j more time f.,r mu-i- I IV i'1"' ...... ;t,,:,. ..ir .ro!.;:..r.o,I fr..::i 4.) l! ' N'oii play ,sJ. W !'': """ ' " d.,n't the violin, do you, Mr. llliilTem? No.' Weil, I'm glad ... ; ..... t;:,,. -- a ma-- a ia r va-la- I ...( ; t;:,- - Mai.-- al.,.u! Tla- j ' )Wn. v.,, v a'ai l uiallv aaa sound " , of t',,r vou efffl ..r,,i ' , , , , , , r it. if j. laved as badly as y..u write, it would be woisO tha n the liquor siiiiatioii. hut did y ou ev er stop to think how many music lessons could be ' ' -- i i iSu'':"' : a o ! - h . ,: a d l.o i ; I h: a a,-- ' a it v a. ...i., ...i owi.er if ..air a! 'la' n;:ta sfcincil In la' a man. auvwa vikf imnra.i.i. , given with the money that is wasted for strong drink? No? Well, it is an .. ; " : ;. a- - w ':. - w a- - 1 1"'" . .1. ii- t: ,. K v U'l ail ..t ot it wu- ain.o-- f a a v - r.a- ti:t hvr. not l.ij;r. it calculation, which 1 would advise vim to make when you have nothing K : -,.! . al.-.-i.- . !.,. t .,,.v 1, ....) i!..- ia,.;,:ii - o,;,,;- - '' ' l n 11 ... n 'tier to do. m ' "Have you heard that John Martin and Theodore b'i.-hard- s have severed - i o ,r. in r!, hart-o- I I .low n 4 was;.--- a- - i"i.-t- ' v a 1.0 If lt k'aa- an - saio a! aa ' for 1..ut Lalf an la.ur. anl A !itt', , their connection with the Wholesale Liquor dealers' Association.' No? Well, i I -- !. iha-tni.-- .t- oj-e- ! , A., wa- t r ol t t ho T! a 1". S. na. ..ii tin coiaoUaiaa.t tlualiy aw of man lv. hlinko.1 tuajo 1, ! , . . T''.' ,,tT,.r i ...... , ...... t . : ,.;.. . 1., ..1, .. 11 ...a ,1.. t ' o " n 11,, itiii'svjii, s, .tin. is to olie.a.J I I. a n 1 -- a ,n-.i- . -- nr.- ... :;i ;n il,.--er iin.ua . i J!o!a ya ia ia:. .ulI t am it was ?..r aai a way :. ate my ations :tn4 yawuetl. ," Jf ni. j credit that they have the courage of their convictions; and refuse any longer t -- o-- T i M; i ja-- a-- 14" ,. 1. .,.,a,i ,.!.!,.. n v a a t rot n.i.na'iy a aicni i h" a v iiia a !a!.... TP O .11' u iiiUTtO: to be identitied with the vicious tratlie. l!v the wav, did vou. ever hear me ila-'- -- 1 uy 1 url-e,- li'ha'rti-i:!- - a i a!. "1 am ai4, s! if Lave ,lis your - ..nil ' a li 4.aBKn.T , , , . lay the violin.' No? Well, wait minute and I'll play you a composition I M rv. to (.;.; . won- - u-- ci 111 was.. Kwa - a? "4: :' i:aa ii!: aoiniii ,w:t 'Down With . entitled I'niii.' " -r- t ..hvi.tfiui-;- u ot any j '.Naj.. wa-- a : f t uc- ij Juan never sleep. I am a ,1, ,,.,:;,! and not .ri)j. aim "I i .' ' ' . sii ifon-- j 'roii: a iii.ia't oa k r.a'.v tliat Hut I didn't wait. Instead I went to see Theodore Kiehards. eiy. lsD'ifi"" .l,'i.re.-'iaTi!v- I'o ..,r I. it frosty. 4, im, in .f a loan4 new. I I .ii,!;, 't. I met Mr. L'ichards just coming out of Cunha's alley he had been to the e tiifj I nn. John Thomas j ilo-- . ! .11.- - n.i... .,11 r , ,a a i i .iekn. tiistorh-ali- :mo1 Icativ i- 'Wo!!, voii t.'.iLii.r To iiiow if. a ay how. " lie siiapj.i-.l- " Kvoryl.o.ly else losSoilice and was coming hack tin' shortest way. es wets i T - K 1 5 . . .a... a.ai.o'.l i !ia : a inoiH'V-si.- loiirux lot of on nuns it. for o 1,44 tiaan aii. I tell Wliat do vou want. "You want my views on prohibition?"' he said. "Well, it a a- iaan ii'io. wins eorbo4v. would be 0 dowj Viatel - - ' soiil-iil'tiri- 4,- -- ,iie-!io- ii .' Silifiia; r - ioj.v ,t' the ,rohilit ii :i as a any way shame to publish them. I think this thing ought to be stopped, though. It is y PDa I is. on the ware onrs .luriaj; the past few .lay?, I rejaied that T had eon;,' to him on various the entering wedge into the citadel of our sounds mixed died to Il:taii. aipi inan :"' iiiS'riew niat'ei rights'' that rather yet with a, r ei'or.ii of oifts. We .are on the eve Well, vou neeiln'r," hi: 1. it won't do vou anv good. I but 1 am quoting. a man is not to be allowed to go and beat his wife us tiiii? Xr is Furtmiata throi'ci: "for "If Cliinfse fetivai. kiiow.u as New Year's Pay. er Konidii. or whar- - it a rule never to tell anyl.o.'tv anythiai; ex, .apt that I am troubled with in- - when he feels like it. where are our rights? TLie right to get drunk is one of H f the annn 4 Mi Ttte-da- y. mos niyht, lirecraio;ers; nor- soninia. I neve- allow anybody to tell anybody anything. My Tob the inalienable privileges of man, and 110 one should be allowed to Ker ymi may h pleased to I. at assistant, take it from -- ,. , Fourth of July kind, pat -- it wiaiy or in small 1'a-- out ureriaieKei, I.!reckon-- worries me considerably. He is always telling people things." him. It is the first nail in our cotlin, the first leak in the dyke of our liberties. m that f thecWai'. and bushel and t he T,.r.. n ih be exploded, renderni',' sleep I apologized humbly for having intruded my curiosity on the Marshal, and It must be stopped. John Martin says so." ock so- bv the fathom the making one believe fr..;n the looks of the rf-e- of Chinatown. this appeared to mollify him somewhat. "What is it you want to know?" lie and found John Martin just painting a beer sign on one of ("hailie Frazier's ever known by lioverr.or t'leirhorn and other oldest in- - asked. "I - tVit the severest winter ors re- billboards. the phenomena ,1 a red snowstorm. I told him T would like to know hovv the criminal end of the I kshitaiits "Ham II 'I a prohibit ionor ?" ' he repeated in astonishment, when I asked Chine-- e 'niio-- e is in Or, a,iiie crTert ionery. and rceeptmns. and government run Hawaii. i P the V ? Me? Well, H y :: question. " 'at 'ardly. 'I believe that hevcryman 'as the ranfiing from plain, every day - . r To eo-tl- e ham,;!-- , ana euars. ana "Oh. is that all?" he said. "Well. I'll tell you that. I run it. Hid you ire it-- liqn,r right to drink hit' 'e wants to. Tint it his true that II T severed mv con- - weh-om- I i u TuiiT'derer ' n 'are ! best f all a cordial from the mot hospitable people our midst. l.eir ..boot h,.c cot not of the other ihiv Well i l t l . .. . , i 1. . . . a. .. neetion witn tne uiesaie .Liquor l'eaiers associ.-i- ion. ll nam no longer a 1.-;ao-em- -e v, e x I ju- -t sat. .and Tier? muy be a ny 111 the amner in tne 01 mni ia.n. it was a shrewd piece of work. looked him straight in the ev tedal member. II T don't like this business of biacklistin' th' blind pigs. Hits Let us hope that the shower -- La;: e.mTinue even up ne x lorai 1 ;iraae. and cowed him. He actually quailed, and when Ilreckons he's the United 'i ttat against the rules of the union. Hand a union man." El States district attorney, you know asked him a few questions, he just broke H'i'in This is till for today. I'll write you later. Hoping you are the same, or JACK L0M5ON IS RIGHT. down and told the whole storv of the murder. It was the power of my hypnotic ' Pilot worse. Yours, JOSIIEK H. IiLUFFKM. eye that did it. I didn't have to say a word. All I did was to look at him." Stiver The other afternoon, on my way from the to Fort street to catch 9 O , The Marshal blinked a somnolent eye at me and I expressed my astonishment ? stera $ 1 a crowd gather-- in corner t street and 1 ear, saw ! a ro.mi at the Kini For a place where it is said there is little doing. Honolulu was fairly eye blinking also, con- active - at his ability. The other showed symptoms of and I r eat- 'ir.ianu avenue. Ciirimis ns to the eause. I rubbered, the polite in the amusement line last night. In additVn to the big ball for the sailors at was cluded it was time for me to go. Thanking the official for his interesting state- T.lrf their hats and giving me asnpie opportunity ot oi srving what the beach, there were seven moving picture shows in full flicker, a 1 ments, I withdrew, just ns the Marshal blinked both eyes. He opened them, Valentine :ra;,iring. a Chinese two Japanese theaters, four religious I room, fair, theater, street services, I soon changed my mind London's veracity in one respect. however, before had left the to remark, "Jf you write anything about about Jack including one of the near Holy Roller variety, a riot, twenty-thre- e fights, and rue. don't forget to use my picture." I Provincial we are. and no mistake, llehind a counter were Two malihinis 01 the the Salvation Army. As I passed I one of deputies what time it was. 3 m,t pronounced type, fine chanted a tale which took u,e hack to out. asked the e of to can't fell you." he said. "You'll have to ask the Marshal. .se; so ffnistry fair day,. His subjected wn knive and ring', sev. the latter "f I am wondering what the expression on Thompson's T Frank face would be be looks like rain." I remarked as left tlie office. I rented fur ten cents, and the former to be secured by yea when encased by "It he opened a cable message from Honolulu ' ' '11 if that announced that the merchants' one of the a many "1 don't know." said .he deputy: you ha ve to ask the Marshal." S ring's. His siren tone indued many Hawaii;,!; to part with .association and the chamber of commerce had endorsed the Woolley campaign a dim?, bat while I remained, sto.-- cutlery, st.s-.-- board at f the of in the From the marshal's oftiee I went into that of United States District At- - for prohibition. j wM you must throw the rings to get your money's wort h. remained intact. I The e!,jiien,-- of the other newly arrived gentleman ';," devoted to a dis- - ROBERT S. ANDREWS ain of the passihilify of beo.miiiir the 0r tf t abaloiis, Monte risto. I J. P. Morgan, wealth, should a oueer looking arrow. aope!!i d as to motive DIED YESTERDAY am'l ml P"w''r iy a snritij; gun, lodge in the correct number on a spinning wheel. other smi's H E'Jmhers f,icrced entitled you to more moderate fortunes, and some of them to Robert S n.ireu-- he ion nf rt FTJ Ever I E"?hing at all. I had learned in mv earlv vouth that a line was something W. Andrews, of Wvllie street, died ve.-- -

with -- ) hear lenzth onlv. and that breadth and thickness were absent from its make j terdav. after an illness of ome vears'i by to Bp: bat this cherished delusion was -- o,,n knocked out. as had many another duration. The decease, I was a young; lieiom been before. For whenever the arrow struck a line, no do aia aid pins or gold man, well known .about the citv and jiest "Jt,'he" were passed out to you. ami very soon did I cm.- t , realize that lines a prominent member of Kxr.dsior Po lae, I ere extremely numerous and portly. Three times might yea spring the gun. I. O. O. I'. lie was a native Hono- - tiRin 5 careful aim at the revolving wi. .!. for twenfy-tiv- - n Were vou lulan ami had lived the greater part of Siidful and - ' ' i v e, 1. s ;n I fortunate enough to mis- - :l line, the sign, "no aVa.k was act iife th's civ. Thiee ve:i''s aa, ad you t became the proud and happy p,,-- -. ,,f ,me arti wort h. under he he enlisted in the navy and served a! ti,fiJ i.-- deter-itnbe- r 5 n art. not less than a dollar gn-- -; the :, rt la r i ie being year before being invalided home withj :S!" n"t hy your taste, fancy, or ai.-- i, ui, but by th- - the arrow the disease from h:.;ii lie died. The j

-- plio-- aft-- ! i And as one aff-- r amaher .marrer was uej: i the till, and one funeral, which will ake this HE difference between a -- 1 5"ft anatiicr a- t n at he resi-- imrpshhoter ma iked hiia-e- lt d,,wa - .:!:; he monot onous en tour o'clock from ' deuce ot' his father, will be under th im of tree -- h,,t tor "I luck gents." ail-pi,- -, s ,,f the iaXcel-io- r I.odee. buyer and reader is y a ex M l The author of Ti., e been t em pi ed n'1 hm.sc!f. l.ltt he t.-- l. "d that the of ''- in dollars. majority i pressed ln.-ia- v It pnv naWiEsyou A .A: the tw dexter,. a, .,.) by the and even a most the subscribers to the Advertiser its -- ' ' t tr.is term lames v. ,at the pale. A ; tan i. Jaire and -- i,,,,,:,.. As Many a Honolulu Reader Knows j the buyers of the community, i are i'okei.a uuv -- o i: ,o his Too Well. 4 by "ia?,' fnKir-- . hiis : iu et tip f : if ; a i: T rizes which are When the kidneys are sic!-:- .

ac -- T ' ... u . LllC ir! ;evvi a nt. I...... re ami n.t Nature teiis you all about it. JCUJ1C vviiu uiu iiiul luwaiu 'i . The urine is nature 's c:t:er.-inr- j 3'aniisi.e.l. are ,.,,,,-- t n,. s,. order, ad ! he in v it at ion f o Irricipat,. in Infrequent or too frequent action; t!j,, ! best in ,.,,,;,.;. the pr.-p- or is acorn pa ti:J making last Christmas the witt '- Anv urmarv tells uf kidnev - ";i the hotmritic re " 1 vifr fla rig tiqiiette le.juires. Hut the ills. 1 sa!; is the I sime.-pe-rhi ii!-- a'.', ,s .1 r 1 f, a: i Kidney cure t! 1 riena'. is lines lean's I'ills kidney' the commercial history of Hono- I ierus arid thicker. T!,e The following testimony proves it: j t Jarium and .. . t lieill the... Mr-- . ("lunn, 4 7 1 K. fish Kate tJeorgia St., when ttV Of talk the buyers rbo lulu. You to I ..l. ... X , !:. v. vv.wis ii.:,-- Memphis. Term., says: "My kidneys' were badly disordered as was shown by ; - HEj; pro- the utifiatura! appearance of the secre- - t PEOHIEITIOX COMES TO HONOLULU. you advertise in the Advertiser. T could not stand for any length, I am :n ' t'oas. ftivor ,,f a;-,- . : : V 1, - ,,r,, ii ; ; ti,;-- l.awv. o o v seathin: of time, as the pains in my back be-- i srraiL'r.Ti...... , - c - , o ,.a ,,,,,, ia- - ;i I finally no- lira"- (,,;.,.,. - ; to n of the Hawaiian- a lot ''' came almost unbearable. Phone us on 88. :::,' knee-joint- s mimis ,'. te,.l a swelling i'i my arid, ,vi: ,;1 t',,r is abs, l?:u. ;,,( whom ;i::d morning- - ' ankles when I arose I, ' 'ir . his (1, ,,, , ! oil eiy,-,,- . giving ' a. 'in a send as M was o stiff that I foiiM scarcely stand. h''ny and inreiu'" i.en, t,, in Albany, llar- I did r.ot m,re than an hour at a S ....) .., '." I j capiti hi- - r aa.,; up of the har-- a. time and was very nervous. The tbtf 'ai general frtI s , i ui on,,.....,,.,., ,,. congress, and piivsic ans vvii'Ou i sans l na i ft... will impress s rail3 w" Miiii! !,. marked svuipto-ti- of Lr'ght's disease, ' ' hi., geii-'ema- certaia'y earr.M ya. learned has but their medicines made r.o imnrove- - ! meiit. I at last became d:scouraged Hawaiian Gazette Co., J ,1.' ;, ' diseoti-'iiue- tie' treat- - ,: d mu-- I prevail. 1 trust I shall and d...t..r' ,' a friend urged me to! "1 vv if man's. a.i- - won (...T. !' r surely ill be trv Dean's P.ackticiie Kidney Pills and ; do-- t LIMITED of ',..! iv. as - today 's from hat tln'tigii I had little fa th in them. I did j Krha W ,. in--i- hen T I sugar so. vv. re extremely gratify-- i y !, ',.; Mc'ir, w ;:r:d the The ere i, t'... , ii;g I began to improve at once. " an j automobile-- , and and A Tlon chehu.g, re- J....: ,,. ... In a retnnrkaldv short tine I was aiai - w re r.i,,v;;..v ::, itcie bioK ,.f ;. .... stored to I give loan 's ?! ii.v,..i ...... ;!. '.'. after a '..e.g. patient, searching Backache Kidney Pills the entire credit renoa. '." ''""k-- i ":a. hog. a can toi.ti ;,! and other dis-'- . for mv c are. "..is ,le poan 's Tiaekaehe Kidney P4! are J li, !i...l v. for t hat t with i'f i""! atta.a ... . srd-- bv a!! druggi-'- s and star, 'keeper vvii'i b :. m ; " t nan--- and ever intere-t-- .2.;-- s (iinn lots .'!', at "o Vents per box (six boxes ,,,, I'.i..- - tv "s Waikiki. The on receipt of price by 4 'A 0 I ard onlv a' or w:i: be mailed whole- - 1 ii,. ? he !,. ':;. dub. the C'outitry the Jlo'lister Tmg '.. er!-- A th, ' Fnivprsitv , ,,, agents jiawai.an i a t.e'.e-- e clubs, aud the sibe i.ir in" "!:s and Rememb.-- r Doan 's, and ti: the name, 1Z ,taii g ap ;:t a Light, will alt bear take lo substitute. SUNDAY ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 1910.

. j a::-- . Mr. K K. Podge. Mr. arm r.a.hm fl Mr.!W. J :,,.. M ,.. c !.;r,l,ha-- o Mr. W H. McDierny.

Mrs. T I'atter X

oris,;. ax"n 1'.;.,,.. ,V"--f -r a, A! ' -"- f -: SS ,..,r ..VWU - tin. ; ' , laj. i .a. f a J VV .fr-. '...... v Mr. V.V. - Frear. Mi s.,,.,., iT .Mr, h. jj ! 1 a M a'-- Ml- -. tj&Pi V - mJ-k- f 11 Sf 'i ;al t .!' - a !rtji:ti:-" H . K Wim mM Allan U.rCth . i -'- P- -- '1? fWg) VA, V jjfr 'SAS ff 'Jit? f,.... into est., e woo-ome- V, WJ i v.. .. Mr. an.! M.. '3. Wall:,", Mis. Far-- .. . Murray Mr. aa i Mr. M r :uit E- 1 - Ga;. ; . 1'. II II jC'.aek A. M. . .1! .. ur. i.! ,. Mr and t, V"4 M ' XV- . - 1),., HONOLULU'S CALLING DAYS. , j riv-- i 'h ; v illllev. 'r" j ir 'v' ,'' ,TM,,,"' wpqgfl Haii.-hpr- M. k 54 . a,al 1

J ; ' ) al-- ; t r :. uh- M , ,- -' ;:; h:i an int.TvMin ...-.- a.liii.r:t I'S, All,.,,,. Tr. ,,,,!,, W(MV - .-.- I . , -r":.- cialM.i.jti' Vu- i : i m. !.,..m J..n-- in full an. m.m. 'ry VuVa'-z"- -n t wini.-r- in.'tlnT ,l ; in Mr. -- The ivr,-'- ..r..' ..f Mondays -- Tiinahoii. V. thi :lf,,,,. ,iniP-- i: rty US. ... W... - : ! "a.y.i wr- - v..m. l,.i-!- ,t. l).- - ia-- th.- tii-:- - a . .Mr r,.,iu c,, ,,m ; l,n..r , f ".! ... Ma,,;i Makiki. .pa of Hawaiian ..,,,.,,,1 , - Y.r.,1!.'. and M., l.;i:.-ia.-,;-- t - " a j:iv- ).i.-v.- i !i- -t : . A . , , t Ti:.' La! !!,. - in.-- . !l.a!;u-- ;i:m ...... f..r Tn(,slavs Waikiki. Kat,i..l:ini . thr..,:f. Il a r.'.ii. whit,., M.";."; ' . 1 I M . . ' t . f 'II v T ! 'Mil . K N ' il ' l ... 1.' .. i. : . T .. K I I ! v .11 ll . .1 . . ,i r. . . T i ' li' - I - n..-- ; UM'.l ..- .' - i A ea.-- e h: '!).' .'.l ! ii.t'-- won- to v.. t 1i ; .1 t I'm,.' ail'l . . VI .. v 1'fia- M a Ml nn.l Vi... r?.r.r' firtt n.i.l r tl... Kalakaiia I.,. .,;!' of .'! ! - a. tii? 'Pn.-sil- r :!:.-- M hotels or ,i h. ;:! ilai j.n- mi. "la:.' tin' l..s from vs." a ...j.t r, ..n. I'avi.l Kawananakoa. jj .. Mrs. Mr. lames Dole M 1:1,1 Upner A w:,lk !,,''n 1,u,!t i :Ji t)m-- i.- j vate :w uiih Jijf.t ,fr,,m Wednesdays Nmianu. I'uumii nn.l : .. y.ais y,,,,,, ',wlio will - thtvr Imiim' unr Mrs. !,.;. i. leeut. and Jri jjT' ' I'l-in- . . . ho'cl to :li.' o'ii.T ami W'vni a .o.il i..,,. ..; ., 1,. ...,-.- v, ,,, . 1,,-- . i ati.l Iris, sister. ... w..;i,;i; ,,., f..r s,,nu tillK'. Ma .,r Mrs. fill- - '!. VHVa? r',M'" ; ,n. first at!l third a.'S- - ; n ss l.iliuoKaiarn. arc taitiniar nau's ,,:irtv t rt.tn .!.!.. rnitl i "". m : ' rge King, Mr i n,.-- .r t"'-;.r- . - ts-' ''. the gaFiar.t. .ai tair uvr.- ..no mass ..t . - Tor-- ! wliol Vou . a -- or iiti.i r. ,iavs: second and fourth; r- in the of n,,. mniK'r.u.s relatives l.. j dan-'- was provided ' I';iVi:i,- - I,,.,-!- , i -i t t ne :, a..-- , jianious a't.d the !i.,ursjan.l splendid tiiusn- t'"' j I s. fourth. rare where they disport themselves ,; ,. n vit ed t make a to nl "a.tman, father vVi, s the .laii.-er- in both ms. The j J i.e Mrs. away. Thursdays Tho 'la ins. j'pii:-- ' as other children. They are to , Alexander Youiisis and present yitiiMr. and Jlm ;irr I . i Tl .'.1 a . .- . t--, I I. .1 1. .. ' . .. r I if et SCO r.1 of n. i t i i l . ... l...t i ,.' l.l.m iv.i.lii'n A!. i.'itr.miK.iK j ...... :...'..,...... L. L. McCandlcss, p05,' Z; - i o t ..... u o i i , j ...... j...... ' i i -. I on mes- .: iiua il .iiii oil ' o ...... bat! was start- r.Mi.nrf i .: The m v put an , , . i v., .. I i neat sue let a.lies who in o. i i - i i ,t ; ...,!,... ' - or i n- ,,vt .,...n n - let.arTVi : r I'i Mr. Mr w.. nr.. u' . ti l sl ii nu mtu ii r a- a o ' ' " ' J " ' " .v.wk" on .ii ue si a i u " i ' ait. and J - ; r ot ...... v Tl,.. Tl ...... : I ..... : ' . .,...... i , .' evening ...... i i i i s w !av whrn the mai'.a.'iiient j ...... ii'.M .t i ...... '..., .j ...... nn.lt... .lavs. i su jicnre. i liM.-es- e:i i'i s moinri, who arrived on t a. dberia inclir j . gave a and brilliant saw to it that the boys had a time that n-- w a woman F. Dr and her two Limi Al Mr. unA u.. ',' the Muuiia lare Saturdays Kalihi; Kamehameha 'H .ie. eased, was native and Mrs. The... trains. -- "U I, will long remember. :.; JlfS ball in eomphinrnt to tlie olhcers. The, they Schools, third and fourth Sarur- - a irreat belle. She was twice married.; daughters. Miss Gl.t iy and Miss urn. .ir. au.t .Mrs (;M t. , .H ,: Mis. dec-erate- .1...... 1. Tl... v. .i.l Mis. .i - d marriage took place nine trice Dredge. ' Klebab i. hote' arid grouu.ls w. re beautifully ! 1 .. ' ' i : '..l ' K..L-f- . Tlf Thursdav evening the beautiful h o at the old Occidental Bote Kohl McN .M h-- - a . .in' .mj-- IIlM'tlOllI Thomas I colored lights, llas and - t ! of vith as- - On fourteenth id Mr. and Mrs. liliam Kieiiant a 5i V: k k- A k U" ' K & & i" tins itv, just three days affer Miss Mrs. Sullivan. ''iiinil. .111. Hllfi t,c buntinar, and the danfers lingered until tie was the scene of a larje and bril- - 'nmpb.-l- l became Princess Kawanana- - this month the Mail' anna will t'ting Walker, Mr s A T. Atkinson," .1. a i Dr. L. Howard and j J very late hour. At this affair some iant srathenng, the occasion being koa. rid there was a double honevmoon. Theo. F. Dredge, .. E Murphy, Mr. and Mr 1 at the Young Hotel on Tuesday even- 5II reception and dance the Castles tendered Princess David is a beauty of the Car- Dr. Thomas Keid McNab. Mr. and Mrs. Tenney, Mr and Airs. Arthur of the most beautiful bail gowns that ing, and with the distinguished patron- a feV to Admiral iSebree and the officers of men type, more Spanish than Hawaiian Alexander Young will then have and Mrs. C. B. Cooper. Mr have ever been worn in Honolulu made age, should be one of the social as well rel it i vets to tli the fleet. in appearance. She wears black velvet! house oartv of fourteen P.elser, Mr. W. C. Parb as musical events of the season. The n cole-Mrs- . J.J. their appearance. The guests were received by the host a great deal and had the honor of sup- - take part in tie' gold wedding Parke. Mr. and Mrs. Tennev p.'i Honolulu public has shown appre- Xf-.i- ..,. mer- Misses great Mr. and Alexander 1.VI1..I., .? On Wednesday evening the and his daughter and niece, the porting the largest hat at Mrs. Porter. bratiou. ,i..i uisr, T....I'".. uacuonaji, Mi j ciation in Mr. recitals, 111 jl Beatrice and Margaret Castle. Miss Herzer's former I'tingst's recent luncheon the Palace. Young were married London, Eng- Mrs. Dougherty, Mr. chants' association give a ball at the and he may well feel proud of the suc- at fifty andMnt wore a girlish gown of land, on the sixth day of March Howard. Mrs. Andrew Fuller II. 1 Young in of the chief petty off- Beatrice Castle honor cess his pupils have made. Following and on the sixth of March. 11 delicate pink satin with a crown of Among passengers on years ago .it'x. awes ,ir., Mr. and Mm the. fleet, which the crowd was is the program: the departing hold big family reunion .ir. icers of at pink rosebuds and Miss Margaret Cas- evening lino, will a fred Castle. Mr. and Mrs. Gustat the Alameda on Wednesday At present their plan po large that both of the pavilions on tle looked dainty in a delicate blue Charity Eossini were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Densham. Mr. and celebration. fer, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Matta!1 hold the festivities at their home tie the roof were turned over to the frock. Mrs. Hugo Herzer. Miss Con- and Mrs. Densham were covered with is to mi. ana .Mrs. c iiaries Athertou.V.. , musie-room- . ami not in the ballroom of The drawing-room- recep- stance Kestarick, Miss Irmgard at Waikiki Mrs. Charles Wilder, Mr. and Mr dancers and an orchestra stationed in leis and .a crowd of friends were down L Ber Young Hotel. - tion hall and library were all thrown Schaefer, Miss Ada Khodes. at the boat to see them off. the Young. Mr. and M rs. Chas. VTe'ifh- v ball was an im- J J Mfh ballroom. The .. C. open to receive the guests, and for the The Message Allitsen t and Mrs. W. Booth, ifj. lai d Yet re- ' On Tuesday evening Dr. and Mrs. mense success, and was given as a dancing a pavilion had been erected in Mr. Christian Jenkins. Mrs. Alexander Isenberg and party . nonoway, ir. ana .Mrs. K. tfe, Walter H offmaun celebrated the tenth courtesy many pleasant the yard amid the tropical foliage. The Micaela's Aria Bizet will from Kauai on the Marina able, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. "Waldrot Tic turn for the return of their wedding by giving to represent a con- anniversary Mrs. Greenfeld. Mr, which the chief petty officers pavilion was built (Carmen) Loa on Tuesday where she has been recep- and Kichard 'J functions lit the Ki'lohana Art League a J servatory and was a veritable bower of Mrs. Hugo Herzer. for past two weeks with Mrs. Paul .artels, Mr. and 3fn J J. eec former visiting the vaudeville evening. The fact have given here daring their green, the sides being twined with My Dreams Tosti Mrs. Hans Tsenberg. Upon her return tion and Guire, Mr. and Mrs. HarvevBte.V. that the form of the entertainment for visits. smilax and maile. Part of the shrubs Mr. Henry Clark occupy one Mrs. A. P. Taylor, Mr. and J Air. Isenberg will of the evening had been kept a secret ad- and evening University of the yard had been inclosed and the fa) Widmung Schumann cottages Pleasanton. the Ceorge Smith, Mr. and Mrs. On Friday the at the the enjoyment of tlie program. Ifo guests were surprised to find a large (b) Sapphic Ode Brahms ded to Coombs. Air. and Mrs. FraMEkisI and Pacific clubs gave a large ball at The guests were me-- by the host and ornnsre tree laden with fruit and blos (c) Violets Lverywhere Fielifz and Mrs. J. F. C. Hagens, Mi. aadfc, the Alexander Yonng Hotel to Admiral ....von Chronicle On Tuesday the notable several fair assistants who acted as soms growing in the middle of the Miss Irmgard Schaefer. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Es social features were the handsome ushers to show them to the orchestra A. Sebree and the senior officers of the dancing pavilion. In the pavilion and Danny Deever (by . Dr. Mrs. Mrs. JIarrGd request) .Damrosch luncheon given at the Hotel Manx by chairs and the company were all seated and Herbert, and navy con- throughout the grounds were strung Mr. Mrs. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Lete. fleet. The local army Christian Jenkins. Mrs. George Toy, in honor of Mrs. and waiting expectantly when the cur- Alice and the musicians Parke. tingent and Honolulu society were out Japanese lanterns (a) Dawn Leoni Frank Baldwin of Honolulu, who is tain went up and disclosed the hostess Mrs. Locke. Miss Annie Miss occupied a hidden platform amid the The Nightingale a Lvre of Mrs. du Koi, Mi. Has ' spending the winter with her mother. and James L. Co kbr.rn in a scene from Mrs. Danfor.l. greenery. Misses Irmcard Cold Whelpley Mrs. Kittre.lge. at the Fairmont, and the second act" of Mikado. From then Mrs. W. Lanz, who assisted the host and ". Those Mrs. Hugo Herzer. the cotillon at which Airs. M. II. de on the program went with a dash and fer. Castle. Jordan (2), Wafa were Major Mrs. Wadhams, . . . . PaniJiSi; hostess and Opening Chorus from F.rnani Verdi Young entertained the young friends each number was en r.'d to the echo. Winne. Paty, Duisenherg, Mrs. Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. Mefei! Judge and Mrs. Hugo Herzer, Miss K. Senna, of her daughter, Kathleen. Both of The program for those assisting the erfson, Burl.iank. Anpis (2j, Mr. Mrs. A. Ken ( F. J. Low rev. and J. Miss F.liza Aenias. Miss Flora were of unusual beauty. follow-- arrol, ottee, Uinstnn; te. Miss these affairs hostess read as : i). nedy, Miss Irmgard Schaefer. Tewksbury, Miss Ada Khodes, Mr. Mrs. Toy's luncheon was marked by Frank Mclrityre. J. H. MacKfizitJ Hede-man- from nd Act or' Mikado Cross, Miss Vera Damon, Miss Arthur Wall, Dr. N. Fairweather, exquisite floral decorations of lavender Scene F. Wir,iman. Andersen, Madim Sullivan Ma.-aulay- . Alfred Castle, Harold Castle. Mr. Christian Jenkins, Mr. R. B. her guests Perkins, Merle Jibs, Lowroy shaded orchids. Among Mr James L. Cockburn Fredrick Lowrey, Sherwood McGrew, Mr. John Anderson, Miss were Mrs. Willard Wavman, Mrs. Hen- Simpson, Beyer, Matheson, Ojin After - Katisha, Mrs H iffmann Mes-eliea- and W. Green well of Hawaii. Constance Kestarick. Mrs. O. Swain, ry Holmes, Mrs. diaries Tleering. Mrs. rt. guests (iovernor and T. French Ballet Among the were Miss Schaefer, Miss A. Phillips, Marion Higgins. Mrs. James Black, . Mrs. Frear, Judge and Mrs. Whitney. Mr. F. Airs. H rye E! ier entertained nl Phillip Hall. Dr. J. Cowes, Mrs. Charles Bentley. Mrs. Florence-Porte- r Airs. Walter Frear Lowrey, Mr. and Miss T!i dm M ::n-.- ttz Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mr. Henry Clark, Mr. Wm. Kerr. Pfingst, Mrs. (diaries Cartley, an informal tea on Wedneslaj Mrs. Cor-wi- n Song from "T; iiat Jack Mrs. Kennedy, Admiral and K" a J mioti in honor of the visiting nivTi Mr. Miss M.av Coogan, Mrs. Francis Lucas. (iaynor Kees. Admiral Uriel Sebree, Edward W. Wal- Wenzelber-ger- . Built" dies. The hostess was assisted bjl" Chronicle. Captain Mr. Paul Bancroft. Mr. A. ( '. I'.. ( and Mrs. Oustave Schaefer, Mr. Harold Mother Goos. ooper Dillingham and Ur?. Pii ton. Nineteenth Infantry, and Mrs. Airs. Harvey Toy and Mrs. E. 11. i i I Harold Castle, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dilling- Keeitarion, "Th lh log and the Walton will arrive here from Kl Paso ' ' Frear. Tea was served on m Kittridge. t he ( alico Cat . . . '"ugene Fiel.l ham. Mr. and Mrs. George Davies, Mr. next r nday and will be the guests ot Mrs. Hoffmann, Major and . . Kuth F ::gton and Walter Captain and Mrs. Helms at Angel Mr. .Mrs. .1. .Morton Kiggs were Mrs. Wadhams, Miss Blanche Super, and Scene from ' ' Ya n Morse Island for several days. They will sail the host and hostess at a Reception and Captain Mr. and Mrs. S. Hall. Judge and Mrs. on February for the Philippines. Fricasse irence Waterman 5th Cards at home King itTm.-H'- about A. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dawson, their !?r Street Widow, Mrs. I! Thinking Wilder. . J on Saturday .ath inst. The grounds Mr. Mrs. Sam Wilder. Mr. and Mrs. and! Song, (A) "You in! I ''.Liza Lehmann and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ordway and their house were brilliantly illuminated with James Wilder, Miss M. Damon, Lieu- (P.) "Dear Lv. when in WATCHES two daughters, the Misses Helen and electric lights and a quintet of Ha- I tenant Moses, Mr. and Mrs. E. Faxon Thine Arms Lie" Klizabeth Ordway, of Winchester, much ( Chilton, Dr. and waiian singing boys added to the 'had wick thinking about lu- Bishop, Lieutenant Massachusetts, arrived on the Siberia pleasure of the evening. American IS goo d but Mrs. Cooper, Pardee. Lieu- Mrs. Walter Macfarlane ting Lieutenant on Mom lav and will be the house guests beautv roses and Violets were used in a tenant. Holme5:. Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, for several weeks of Doctor and Mrs. SHADOW PS(TFKES MaeMil-lan- . decorating the interior of the house Howe. Seud-der'- Lieutenant Lieutenant Scudder. Mrs. Ordway is Doctor s Kiggs Stage, A. E. Mnrphv Mr. Wichtnan. Mr. Page. Mr. Wal and these with Mrs. collection of At Hie sister. maidenhair fern left nothing to be Piano: Mrs. D. Howard Hitch- Howard ter Dillingham, Mr. Sherwood Lowrey, , cock, Miss Ai.i Khodes, Mrs. Alice Mr. Frederick Lowrey, Mr. and Mrs. desired in the artistic sense. Bridge Brown is still better. Bargains Mr. and Mrs. John K. Carpenter of Howii was the feature until eleven o'clock, for the Arthur Brown, Lieutenant Kilgore. Mr. Dixon, Illinois, on F Ilowing the program j)r. rind Mrs. We are agents arrived the Alameda at which time supper was served. full tew and Mrs. James Dougherty. Hoorge Toi- and will make an extended visit with 11.iioiiuiaiinn' i.iinei.i a reception and were and can show yon a McClel-lan- . Among the guest present were Captain ler. A. MacKinnon. Mr. F. M. daughter. Mrs. showered with a perfect tin- them. their Clifford Livingston H. T. Mays V. S. S. Capt. rainfall of Mr. Bert Clark. Mr. H. Brown. Mr. of the Kamehameha Schools. California. ware by their friends. Remarkable price reductions on J. C. Cillmore V. S. S. Maryland, Capt. Affer the recep- R. W. Anderson. Misses Dorothv Wood, , S tion the imests 51. t iniirnn.l tl,., 1 : C. C. V. K. AT. V. S. S. - Carpenter F. hall of !!,,'VTn;!nn- - sh,r s,li:i,'f:;r- Chronicle. Lieutenant F.rnest K. for refreshments. Among the two) odds and ends stock revealed . r!un' Tennessee, Pay Inspector Z, W. Rey- liot II. iiiernousr ..n-- ioi.ni Johnstone, medical reserve corps, will hundred guests who came to congratu- i.ltv, i;, nolds S. S. Tennessee. Lieut. Comdr. VIEIRA&CO (2), McStocker (2), .). White, Ppanlen. sail for Honolulu on Ma'a-- ."th, going I. late the Hoffmanns were many re- A. R. by stocktaking. C. B. Barnes I". S. S. West Virginia. who J. Alice Macfarlane. to Fort Shatter, relieving Lieutenant called the rime that the couple had to Paymaster Wilberdink V. S. S. Mary- get 't Henry K. Phelan, medical reserve corps, married ten ye:,rs ago, for at that Phone 512. 113 Hotel Sir Malcolm Whitman died reconlly who will go on dutv at Fort De 1'ussv. land, Surgeon If. Farenholt, Mr. and time the plague was the! Mr. ( raging and ..' Mrs. .1. F. C. Hagens, apt. and Mrs. See big ad. on page 2. in New York following the birth of a . doctor had to get permission to have the Mr. Mrs. .1. D. son. She was one of the five McCook Mr. and Mrs. K.lwin ( ). Child (Hazel Marix. and Dougherty, church opened for th ceremony and had . . . I 4 1... Mr. and Mrs. Honrv Afong. Mr. Charles j gn Is. an a niece if Charles .ie. Heilbron will spend the coming vear in to have the quarantine raised so he an, i. . ! . ander, whos. w i tV was Battle Crocker traveling throughout the States, us Mr. Li.an .Vii'is. Miss Khod.-s- his- bride could spend three .in 1 Co - - Ltd. . M Dry Goods , is.-o- M isses Angus. Sachs of San Fran Her father, tieneral Child has opted bv cable an oll'er i. Stevens. Mis llead- lantalns. Among rhos-.- present o I M.-- ' 'link, wa :it one t Hue I n 1 e.l is) ;ires from Airs. Patru-- Campbell ; act as d.'li. Denver, Col.. Mr. and Mrs. Aug. I u.'s.iay evening werr JADE M during reign of llmnbnrg. M: . and rs. Fred A ligus. ( Corner Fort and Beretania Sts. minister to iawaii, the her American manager for her four in Iovernor and Mi-- , ar. Admiral Made into odd bits of .Mr. Br. and Mrs W. T. Mon-arra- t. Mr. Kalakaua. this country next fall. Child has and Mrs. Kees. Mr a IP very expense. I Mrs. Kalph slight . . . resigned as i ve and Mrs. :v il '.a it els. Mr. and Mrs. the traveling epresent at W. Pfotei-- au-'r- , A .1 Cannavar.i, An art St IC urogram ba been a of tin' St. Fran. is hotel in San Fran- . 1'aUo. Mi . and Mrs. .. P.eNer. Chinese Consul, Mr. BO WO i ( and Mis. F. A. 2 11. s ng Mr-- . '. '.. II igh. AI ii-- aged f. r Hugo rter's roc cisco and accompanied bv Mrs. Child Dr. and r. 1ai. . MaunakeaiM Schaefer. Judge and M rs. I oi.-- Judge Hotel St. between

IN BY Models-Lad- FAST. JUST EXPRESS. Spring ies' Tailored Linen Suits BUY NOW THEY'LL SELL

We showing nine handsomely-tailore- d linen suits, in white, blue, and grey: cut in very stamps arc natural the latest mode: made of the best linens, and finished in a manner which them as being the product of first-clas- s manufacturers.

NO. Size 34. made of white crash, braided with NO. 2054 Size 36, of with 2109 made medium blue linen, with NO. 2111 Size 36. made of white rep. trimmed cord. champagne trimming. coronation medallions and coronation cord. PRICE, $22.00. PRICE, $16.00. PRICE. $16.50.

NO. 2C65 Size 36. made of grey crash, trimmed with NO. 2025 Size 38, of blue linen, made dark piped with NO. 2039 Size 40, made of Holiand linen, white piq"e pique buttons and facings. white green, champagne facina. trmming. green piping. PRICE. $23.00. PR!CEr$18.C0. PRICE. $17.00.

I NO. 2052 Size 40- - mnde of campagne crash, NO. white 2028 Size 40. made of white crash, trimmed with NO. 2010 Si 7p 4?. pearl buttons and white iiuUv J t Ulillt Ul iiOH' i",M j soutache braid. buttons of same material, braided and embroidered PRICE. $21.50. PRICE. $23.00. PRICE. $25.00.

Spring 1910 Wash Goods are arriving by every steamer. ne We are installing an electric elevator for the benefit of many of the best numbers being already in our shelves. j patrons of our upstairs departments. J . . ( r LJ ;mhim ir



h I.Vlll! Kir SECTIONAL THEATtK an: a .! r lM 111 v.

f the late t r An- will In- held at 4 p. hi. today BOOKCASES he of h'obeiT V. Aii-7"- 7 Wylli,. street. Have a cozy library of your own. You'll need a set of Maceyj Si. Valfi.t !.'- - dance t 1"' jji voti hy Evening i I'a.-'.ti.- l.vWkaS, from Monday lodge Nil. 1.1. . (i. Sectional Bookcases to keep your choice volumes in order and free )'., Old Fellow- -' Hail. Saturday, F.b- - cockroaches. raarv H I I. me a;niv'l. Tickets Made in oak or mahogany. Prices to suit the pocketbook. at the door. Tii" band will play Alomiriv forenoon - f,.r Tin- martin1 parade at Atkinson Vaudeville Hark, ami in t he afternoon at t he reeep-i,.- u -, I'll-i- H. & Co., Mr- Ltd, ni' (iu iMiiiir aiul Friar at Hackfeld - ' i i . -'tiu There will l.e tio evening t"tt- Mi-- s Mi, Hede- - Mi-- -. M- i- ..rn ' Queen Mi-- s Mi-- s M j '': Hackfeld Building Fort and Sts. AND II;; ' ! w s F.eatrice Castle. argarct j a ie li ic ii v;i th, Ca-t!- e, Mi-- - Mav Lamon. Mi-- - Ib'iltrlff The subject of the address of ) : m e fill- e v e t; mi i I. 1'. whom liu.l-u.,ii- h. Mi- - A life Spalding ami l.W. Kobert ISurdotlo. J.. in' Ii nl w sixteent Mi- - Alme'da Town-en- l. he ill deliver in the army ami navy at 1:' Moving Pictures Metho.li-- t om rr w i ' he oullg pe.c Mhe First ! fluirfh il - e l 11111,' Wlii tie 1 lie lOggest 1HV1HI- I v ..i and t ,. Mr- - ,1 C. enter- " .,,! Cat nought er. I .i i !: t J'nii. iS tiii tie i will) a bird dinner on Tuesday i I over remain i , ...-i- e in ni' Mrs The funeral service the ....., , i'ii honor Mr. au . ' in,,,1 it , til j o Kill-r- ot' the late A. W. (Jilliert will lie held fnrrW i ; t ii i eremony lti-- ,5c the f home of "V. Ii. Shaw, 7 An.i-- i CANDY at tiie a ve-- er ci .v,, j'n if home ot' -- thl- - at tl sell the the M an. I Mr, l'mm iav wi jmni treet. aftermioti The stuffed raspberries anl peanuts we are different i . Y.a.kiki. Onlv the i n o i iocic. ru-m- ami ac jiiai n am es ui ainoao tiif ret urn 4 paseiir; .in the ever manufactured. The flavor is great. 1 i deceased are invited to attend. from anything l: .ll'iU a few i lit mat e ;er i.i mi Monday. th.' Mi-- j of ten members of; Union. w.ii I i. sent. s Ire no At the ieiiuet PALM CAFE, Hotel Street, Near ' B - l a L - i- i ...... i ii!M :ho who lie the merchant association there wia , ;n :i;e in i.t'ni.ii ti,ei ii 11. ..-- 1 1. meeting at the rooms i ,.i .... m;...- TV. lav f r m Manna be hold a special i....t,:.... hurt - I Air- -, iiiii-m- vii-- - iiin-mmi.- et on .10nuav. ai imee- mm Mi- - Mare;u-.t- Castle, Kea will i ami the association ' Mis : vo"-:,!- ' t lie of c oniilerin ,. nl" - ' "': :" "" to thirty. tor purpose f Mis Julia White. '" - ,11 tne matter ot certain proposed ie:s- ! li m will act as b.M-"- .! ,,wr;,l t.,.;, lation of coiio;re-- s afle.-- t in Hawaii j ... AND - Tin- wardroom ofm-e- of tio V. S. S. and local self government. j et iv';:na a no'. I with a St. Clement's fhuifh. on Wilder ave- - I,."- who lias for , ,, ,. ;,, i,,,n,,i- of nne, is to be c iiiisec rat ed this iimriiiiii! j 1'.; ,,iid in a hospital in -. t'ai't. and Air- Marix. bv the l'l-ii- of the lhocese, the church LICATESSEM Ii; improved and has - bi'ino so remarkably pretty and the ser- j Dance! ; ,11 . ments. ;;- -' :. A 11 noii Mi'i'iiii'iii s have 'i re iff. which Wli lie elloral. lU'ine so. ce e I of the wedding in liorlin beautiful the ceremony, no doubt, will such we sell has never been sold in Honolulu. The .3!:-- . I! Lew-- : eave a larcredir.- - , .1' as torinei tl be an imposing ne. Ku'ven o ciocic is ,ia v a t w IV t la hif t V.! of are free, and a flavor The cf the cifv, .ouise the hour appointed. Seats butter and cheese and imported sausages have oil. Mrs. Thompson, a ,' i weli s..; Norwav. Mr. ltlafkn.an a heart v invitation i extended to ail. j we- -. II of Mr. I.' known here and the a u 11 "um-- men m peculiar to the imported product. fome as a surprise to his friends for e 111 111 m 11 n 11 111111 r - v liiin- - R III lllltll II II iiniiuiIMUUUUW muwaviiiu , nil I: i' i ' ' I' ; f III Ml he went to Cermauv to perfect gliwwi"-- "- ' We-- t '.ro.nui ii2 heart it v wei- - M.!t' ,j, he art of siiminj. PERSONALS. by a so ,:-- i i f nonds he has at , . concert and dance. 1:1 . f3jgi a grand tiii- - j Mrs. Kvims. the wife of I.ioutenaut-- i...rt. ' was . . fominander Kvans of the navy, l;. W. l;radiey. a Wyoming building corner of Tort and tl,e K. of P. bail Afis Walter Hoffmann is spending the fomplimented o'tesf at a tea Stven contractor, is hero from Cheyenne Metropolitan Market, -- week end :.s the guest of Mrs. Thursday afteri n by lrs. Charles his daughter Miss Mamie for a on Monday evening. l.e with Streets, ;:t Diamond Head. Wilder. weeks. Thev are making i VV. Prop. K 'ia ': her hotr.e sfav of some F. Heilbron, . I a tour of the world by easy stages 1&10, at 7:C0 o'clock. .t Febraa7 7th, .s Francis Swanzv was the hostess- Mrs. Kalph IV.rster. wife of the nn.1 will next visit Australia, where Telephone 45 - hostess on 1 i ... , . Ai. , ,0 luncheon on M.m- l!ritih consul, was the Mr llradiev has a brother he has not; ' will be me uovi o.di.M.tfnl broliro ,. .! Tickets fiai ai luncheon gnvn M. au-- i H --,t her home in Manoa Vallev. The Thursdav at a Hvidire seen tor tmriy-nv- years. .u. , ik;-f.r.- 1 ,.;.: ef- - of Mrs. tne wife Mi.-.- Moana. -- .heme was ca.ried out very in lu.nor s I'.radlev are at the eac'a. to A'l-44- 4 tiff in different shades of yellow, of Lieutenant Uastord. aid nilral Ilarrv. ( 'overs were i.'iid lor was artistically fo-m- and the table T'e al a r, mm ne ement is made twelve PRINCESS dei-ni- Tcd with rose. of the eueaoement ef Miss Hose Aloiau ViuK BUSINESS LOCALS. STROP YOUR RAZOR .,f Kauai to K. s. Kong of Honolulu. , ,ra!U)it, Phillips her SKATING RINK in.'" w.1e"of Midshipman "as the hostess at a luncheon at in five V;s i,t ' French or Herman gtiaranteed of differ- x,r:; Fran- - " '"'t edge keen. We are selling a number s V for St,,, - L. Mathews. 57 Young and keep the r I.,,,,, crs were laid tor twelve. lunch- weeks. Tl'" 'n i:t;!;,::,U J pro- - C. L. Hickerson received new ,.., by a musical Airs. - was followed of genuine horsehide with , .1 iiinnr i linn in " " 011 Alameda of the ent makes of strops, some them Qpsns Thursday Evening 1:1 m millinery goods the .. tr- m in Francisco to They wnl .4 . . verv latest, styles. we wi.ei" ti intend to make I texture. They are quite the best All'wunkee AH-- s Alice Kellv ef Virginia was the After stocktakiliLr sale of wash suits a superior grasping Their future Lei:.' . cmpiimented gue-- f of a very enjoy- begins tomorrow at Sachs & Co.. prices , 4 , . dinner on Wednesday evening been slashed to insure quich. cie.u-ance- can get. There are others. i able have at the home of l Ti e College .b tuft .'iven at the home of Hem-ni- and Mrs. See window display. New Seamless Floor Waiter Fit; r on Monday for its There were present Mi. - John McClellan. It may be, live nu'in- ... - Naturopathy, whatever ,., 1,1, About forty ..... Tt".,ll,- v TO IIIITI .Misswi For genuine osteo-path- .ten to the read- - l!ea- - is not osteopathy. i...r were T.T'eCTi T. i i,i,;r,,.1 Sih,1ii- ' Mis e 11.1 ii J a of a regular Smooth as glass! . Tea. was then served. l.ieu Lieu- consult graduate & Ltd. ,,f the report-- trice Castle. Lieutenant Holmes. college. Doctor .Steen, 1130 Alakea Benson, Smith CoJ tenant Landenberger. Commander and And'-rson- of street. M :: a sister Airs and the Misses McClellan. SaP'ent A with all the comforts of a Ander-- n of this city, arrived . shave STREETS. T'..i,b',s is to be HOTEL AND FORT . appointed barber shop e Siberia a Monday for a visit Ceneral and Mr. John McClellan well , Good la.-e- s outside of the m.ain-1.- Music i in tew nt-- !.roin of honor at a Bridge had were the niot ,! I'acheo's barber shop, '.Cc.iev .'ixa-- bv Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T IV. ..t l..,l..ti- - "k" n s one ot the lew Air. Hatrv ''. 5 ,irn Turner, who has I'latt Co,,ke mi Tucs.luv evening. in- ron i".e. guest, Ale- - except 10ns. x i,.me time 1 en the house to meet (ieneral and Mrs. Fancy Skating by ,i..i-.- . ...,.., 1 Ibibdv, f Judge and .M . . I'.ailou. is booked t,,r and Mr. f(-,- Air. ', nVt. one in Los Angeles Ca.'.iain ami Mrs. Manx. and Mr.. p 110 fine MONEY Miss us moil' 11. ievamler. .lame ampne i. .mis. 1,1; IN Weiner I NOW COMING J ..r and .1 ,h t.llman. - I !'s Mi-rf,"- - who iifnm- .S - 15c r will re- m ,. M ' A- - i.fr fi.C.i t.i Koiiaia. '.''r,i'r:'l"i.1. .I'X'.l of one hundred responses fo , 1; T, .ward as the guor l'llll-1'l- o. Il. .1 . - ;l,r,i f,.v "' , , lo- - Skates 1 11 ,. ..- - a ve,Lii,'-- r tor 15c Extra i be-t- a K 11 . e u 11 a a ;n.i M- -. 'el.-- .'!' id. M f t o I.: cut eaa II. M i ne ff f""oo - - Mr- - 1 by j,.-- - : . veral nay- ,, the Clli'ed S :e Cut ,..,1 1.. fun,! ha been received ; 1. r er ice. hairman Halt. Several hundred more delay. All should a- -, are wanted, without Park Kol.ala is here .ledge and Air- -. Saiif..vd 15. lole have Theater!! Mi-- , of this week. The fi .... in by middle cook. The r Mr. and Taken in. a rrnients at the Moana and lie the Do not suffer the discomforts of a home without a : ,', .in- -' returned o far i M We..; n v v'il domiciled there for tl e preent. average of the contributions ! t l. FORT ; . ,;.'-.- a iif irie'o - will STREET. .!. eT- : satisfactorv and if it keeps up there meals and service at HALEIWA during Chinese New Year be t a H"cMr and M rs. Wal- ex- KAY In sicrt time be enough money for the WALLACE j mainbi'id exr.-nd-e- will easilv and BOBBY WAY f.r th" HolVmann will b"ie for an Wednesday. eveti-..- . ter The celebration will begin ; T.. ii on Fridav Kuropean trip. The HotTmanu have penses of the show. excellent. MELNOTTE SISTERS i.v :. sudden turn for of the finance -- et no definite tune f..r their departure, It is urged on behalf v 1. illnes. Afajor l.,,, ;il ,,r,bablv be I'nlli' about two of letters and ,, ry committee that holders VIERRA'S to 111 - ORCHESTRA 1; temi'ora vears and will Cike heir time travel- order that ce and wa iio'ini cards act without delay, in ii no interruption in ar- MOTION PICTURES!; '. C, e. and M.s. there may be rangements. It is requested thai An-itioal- Young and Air. and Airs. whether any money is given or not a i 01 gave a dinner gyssipy 5c, 10c and 15c (lf Wai- Mr. and Mr, v. flu rniti checking purposes. - reidv be made for ATi " ,1. in of Mr, snlb- - In- Fridav evening honor to which el. n m Several more tourists, on van. Mr, llowar... Mi, McM.o manager are iargeU -- home parade M . their , n-- EMPIRE THEATER Miss wn.. an- lie guests contributions t- - - ' : A nung ar J ,.f Mr. and Mrs. Gamier - - well dis- t I , .- ' on- These Joirdlaiini9 ,, 11, ,.,,. Ill inn on .I.'.- ... a a 11. ... 1. .1.1111. . , HOTEL STREET j u '1 n ...lie ,,,...,1 rs on Mr. Halt at the A 1 call tiie gue-t- s attended 'he ball oil the roof j Company. K. Teos.h.v bound for . ..tlices of the Hawaiian Trust Young Ho-,1- re- VAUDEVILLE j; j.' M, ... Mi. T. C Tivie. d the A i.f' liberal size ha- - lieen ..t . . i.arse SALE or i 1 1. mi Chinese community and MISS F.-h- ' ceded EVA ALVA M;-- - er e n ' i a a fd ie , ; ??:-- . wil Irene resi- f,;. Walter Frear Mis- - it is exp-cfe- d that the Japanese a luncheon 111 honor of sOXG - ,. .;:"d- recepthm at with will be heard from in a few days. a brid- - -- leer of the dents AND ACP.OP.ATIC .; -- .. ISedemann. D.W'H ;., . ;! Fuuahoo tree'. C,i-e- i 1 Aliss 'o'-.v'-- I". were la'd 'i' ARTIST , ...... mi.nth. WAIKIKI Mr. - Ca-ti- e. BAND CONCERT AT Mi-- '. Ml- L":Cli.e HiRRY 1AFII i! ve v th Air. Fre:''. .; lledemaun. A!'- - Miss Vera -. pve.-'d- e at Margaret c.i.'!e. band will Stive Wmrtsne v,-.,--,' i ,..,. VI e k will The Tbival Hawaiian from a two er n tre. . ' ' Mi- - Nora s:urg".-n- Mis Julia ., ' t: f! o 'clock at t in China and Ku-i- a. . is a concert this afternoon at fid. M-- Willie AI is F Mr-- . t: and follow- - leaner pianist of the Far Last...... w M: and t the Sea-id- e hotel, rendering the .1, T'o,-..- - Mrs. Ib.bdv. Air 1,'. t lie MOTION PH'TURKs Wallace cm was j ie, program: 1 M.-- W. L. W1.it ney All. Lisdsav. Mrs. ! ). ,.,- - it a biitV, n on d'hurs- Old Hundred."' liiio-hfor- i 'The ,!.,v a: one o'clo. .! ' Amcrifa" TIeeves Mr-- . Wai- - Inlrodii.iioii i l l ies F.r va r. 12, 1910 ; 'ha ( ivortur- c- " Foot and Feasant ". .Suppr The Bonine Saturday, February and M ''. Fred Sm.t i i,s,,, .lett.C Verdi AND l a e a m si..i,.t ' hernia n Hirl" Half. HU! PAUAHI !. THE V'.i.al Hawaiian Soties.-Ar- . by ll.'rger ' ON ;,,,,...' i 1,, ot I iohem i;r . . . . MISSIONARY Fiif.lan.lfr SELECT V&nnpuii i c QUARANTINE ISLAND , ., Sw ify.erland ". . . . Hum. I the choicest product of the rWr,- v. I ; n :i ' i'onalar Alehvhes" VJdliU r. bv F.ereer VUnc : rL :. w mera from all parts of the The S'a r Spam-;'.'.- Faiiner. M ro- world. C. TRUEBLOOD. A.M. iMrs.THOS. r- - he. a at SONG RECITAL TUESDAY EVENING S FROM ' of . , 7:30 nr.! nr. nil "SIL Maui Hirl- -' ., .. t xf . Her ' M leorg.- F.llot, in i;IFi.'." Kil-li'- e. !!;-- ilterf-tf- d !' be ser's .iil; recital next Tuesday even and 15c i - a ; Is-tw- o iChas. Hall klloW - ie' ciiMii ne It,.' the l:i, lies' nuartef. cotnt.osed of Bishop ,11-th.- - R. w -- . ti.P.agii the 1 Mrs. Hugo Herzer. Constance V. AI. Mis a ra IT a.- ;,:tint a Irmgard and Miss n- tarick. Miss NOVELTY t la- S. M akura - pa-se- THEATER . ;ng . I Ada Khndf-- will be an interest feat e.'!-- on 0aier m;-- ;. 1 I'aiifor-.- r Ticket for the recital are sine Kaa:nu and j s v - ure. ON Pauahi stie.:ts. THOS. C. TRUEBLOOD. A.M. .,, tl..: I Iii;.. 1 "niiitianv. Wall a on ! l.e m Ah a rest i,,,.irm i. Young Hotel ,. and Orat. el : .a, S':. ifi- - t k.t.- -t Nich'd ompaiiv and i 11 - lit' t -- - it til otlice. TTT . r I)r-.'ii:- -- .1 , ; . ! U 1:1. aptain CLASS of I. !:. 1 , t s;;r- - rur UDEVILLE l.MV'lt r IV.. t.i" TO THE PATRONS OF C. Q- - YEE I fi WALL SISTERS i .ng members of the tew. HOP & CO. SATURDAY NEXT j on R- - Bishop Hall C. ). Ve Hop & Co. will close Chas. j .!1 members of Pemlea Ce;;;.-'- V. - Chinese New Year's day, Feb. '.. 1010. HAWAIIAN . AL M. I. and their ir.emt- - a'e ili- HULA DANCE r m imn ir and re.piest their patrons to send in mi Vie. vite.l to attend the prion CONJUKCTTnv I'uuai.ou Sr;t of Maiof McHinni- - at Hr.oer Hall. Fn-i..- n their orders early on Tuesday, as there ! -- en Tues.lay evening at eight will no delivery on Tuesday after MTI0N d & Co.. Kin; tifft. " . :v 4 p. m. PICTURES 7. 'J A. M. c ...c . 1


n 1 1 vw. nnninniTinils ii llllliri i iiMB mm i I x n n illy uuuur

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17 - ,.,, t0 - I ,,, f Jt4S.-

;l ' Hen.lriek an

- ',.:,h!'- s JS 327. .Nov 1 :',;.. ' i t- -- t i -il- a -r the !it ll ftil -M. yn.U,, 'I" . 'ireen to Lena At : p.r Kid I'lW. Anw.;..:. JLSP -- :;7o. B sr:'?: BJ Vc.i l;rown Tr to M9,' . T'ida. ,:,t in Lot 2 1: - t ii.uJ'WII L . 'act. lloliomlu. );,,. WJ ' I'ated .1;in OS. IHJO V Mis K-- e.iie pe..pl- - t : -- perity of Hi w.ii II - --' i the r3'- V,, McLovval, ' and. 1. etc, ,1IU,n c. n . li. . ... I II- - i tn c. .:.. ah i e;o-- ot tier .1 ... ""M"' of H. ! ijij... s were not so .. ;,-- in- - , ! i. ' ., 1111 :;. ..t . , ,;....-.- 'I 11 i lT .HUT l"d Wf T- ,- 'T li i' i . in SPLEHDID h the. .mm n '.'"j,,...,,,, ,'.,..,...... ME l'1'1-- another and ia the. -' etc. Kaaau ' bhlg- - id, d mi. I !i t he ; Mi :M" ..! Ill-Til- .,:, t .,,,,,,., ,n ; l II.-,.- ;..,i :i, !!,'!' u iti..ir:. v:u e ' -- i II l!!"-- '' v t i.i'oe t .i'.'-- . That HDIIlll i '"fe cur. p,;, . " '. iiea rt -it ..f t he Slta ft ers j I;;;-:- K.I. M.akauao ES ;1! ' ' i-- I : T010NE . I I I " , - .. , ,, , III i i:i in-- ' and rhev ivi-n- to Vic-es- In 111 IUII J ll violation ' i ' "! '"" " i A...i),..r I., v, , . .i u-- -- ; who had ..iif v:...i l. the ixtlt a Ten!.' layer , .. M ., ,, y : I,, !L"f nlii-- 'i I'! IK' , . i ' ir,,- - to -- eroiid !ci'. 'i.'.at!!'1 n i ed 1 . , , . . M : i t whi!.- o'V ,... acr I ' c im in o or:.,:,! o:n., and 3fl ShnWR Rfinl 11 Iii:t 11 i i .i , ; UNCLAIMED LETTErXisT. PhovpnnP What l ot -- t in - Jit'. :i- -im v. -- . ;i .. s Fleet Nine Go Down Close i tWO ail ii ; ret t v i,ut out In -- ui' w.is thee V'J'i"- VOI'O "l- ;ut. !.-- r- - i i H i ! t 1 1 i 1, . 1 it !" IM'S TOIII!iin;...... i',!i.-se- - o, m Is When He ,o nut' .if Lsnin runner- ium auui Horsemanship v:.ee f. I aooi nii-- niio en.,,, ,. Game With Sergeant V v - n a tiv ball w . ,, lav.. f!:i::ii ' wiire.l there until ! i. i,:. i. ' tliose lio;the miner 'K'liVCrv fnr M .( I I , Red Cloud. ai . .... i.,,,- -- ' f. re.1., droppin.-- : it. The Backs -- ) " ,,t i . Barry's Pets. leva, the fielder .ei-,- a!. with one commonr, endrn., I'ol. .i,, home a!n-a- ' N " !i.e ,, ii. Home niii', second base rumvr "ot !.l t cp d a a mild, u nexc Voice, "lie weiioei I lu-- ! e,-- 1 Alexander, Her- - of the man who hud boon s'andino' on t hat t ,,u iolat nig Lotve. , , . . , , i 1,1:1 .loy did not see the ' . "" third. 1'mpire K, McCarthv Chevenne can ride.! M,., ..,!, v is but a trippbngot a lad, ia. , ;i U- - Alexander, Miss Tennessee, 7; Fort Shafter, i. were declared safe. a ,,,. a no - ; , a w a A. V. mixnp and they n e ha n t wen. y yea rs old but j ble to mix-up- i Yes,,,- - hardly ;;M - Guard, Picked abno-- had a . There loubt about thai. , Andrew- .Thomas Mcfiill, National l; Fleet l!ut the two runners t 1,. is a And he is as. gentle as mo cit..ens, u law. i. Eob. t J wonder. Team, 0. it well, and the score day attemoon he hacked bed loud a. j p"; thi- - nude-th- Am.dd Mrs S. M. MeMata. but all ended ))( tki, .,,,) At'.r taking the buck then that we t rattle fc !, Atcherlev, .1. l:ise-fa!- looked on th board. iuar;ermasier corral and gave an J , , he him for a j federal conic .- her with other do j Nobody was at the l cloud tok Ht a I. I nor he j pa rt s a i i c:. t v ;:teier its control. Mather, Jfc , i ..vliil.il Inn of horsemaiishiii that would on the road and when men! tr vi-- o;' . . exhibition at the league . . . i . i - lienwell ic mi- M. K. BASEBALLERS WARMING UP. Mtti-n.tc- .I at I )en ver. '.one lit hack Tlie lie inn NAKl'lN'A. -- ha ve attention , . . lieaiunont, prouniis yestfrdav a t't moon by tlie i ..: ii.. i r,:... !. t.mol...... Hau'l. MatW. V'Xis5 sri i n i ! un i hhh ohm Potwihls Boomerang. ( au'i ;' A- l'ai--t of the Chinese heyenue or l'hoenix. - (3) t v i i The baseball teams Sowiier in his : fleet sailors and In as ge!;t!e as a woman's. el v So tlie situation yes- litiss. Mrs. Martha M,!(m, Mi ! Alliance and the (liinese b'ed Cloud is a iK'ndsoine sorrel horse best" was o than "McCarthy. f the second arno brtwfcn tlio locked Students' davs better terday become to place the liquor lirownmg Kulard out nearly a a Mr. is not in the Islands Miller, the tleeT and the National Athletic Club are practising with benevolent face and frame on the defensive J .Mrs. Ka- - team of purpose of entering contests or interests that there right. S , at Aala park for 1he two. He is about for the discus-io- n iai-k- every afternoon standing fully sixteen was a in clubs, in the lani (2 K fluavd nine was a evai-ke- for those making matches. lie has been riding the Mitchell, game Chinese New" Year's day, any one ex enter-taiininn- stores and on the of the possibil- Urown, liarry Mock. "n she last horse that would ' pastime and the t street eailors. ean play some. b'ed loud for M !M Ii. The winners of the when ho his hi- - ity of the commercial bodies not only Iirown. iss Kate Mokawker. M.i Only one run was made and the 1'ebrnarv pert to buck. lint gets of friends. However, i , , t Chtistman, M.iss urn nv-.-i.i- - refusing to ado; ,tnv home rule reso- Posls game Will nave iieriua 111 a ae- who has both men , !,-.- own lie exhibits tirami ot Ceorge Knight, s"en Guardsmen made it, and that was only .. i . I.,. .1..,..,,.,,! lutions, to aid tie? fight in the senate C II Morrow, oi tne oeauiiiui iioom ,i,oio,.. . I, ride, savs he will cover $5n" placed any- Tlfir, . Wl calculated to ring dismav t hri-tia- n. made through an error when the catcher i t ',.., tion against Chal- committee against the Curtis prohibi- Miss rrgin, ills - where to back the visitor vaquero. He has all of the agil- Mamie Mtiscio, Miss for the fleet hoys threw to third and The konohi ball whieh to any lenger l.ove. tion bill, but ot ait aiiv endorsing the U will place on the I'Jth. at the lv. j(V aI,d snipleness of a bronco or mus- - principles of the ! ili and asking for the Col. urn. Mrs. W. lan (4) mntTed. take third Townsend made the run. , i! !'( mottnng suppro.-'or- . W. Mrs. of P is "niii" to tai'." with the power of a steam engine, federal of the liquor trade Nah, M This is a notable score, for the other out of the ordinary. It is said that SAINT VALENTINE in the Territory. 'rapp. John B. Mrs. V way he can project him-el- f ' - ;" the - Canfiehl. Ira 1. Xilson, Mis seventeen innings w re of the one, two, ,,,.,,- live ones toire "one around to AT ANDREW'S One tiling certain in the discus- ami other through the air is a marvel. b'ed ST. unimings, Miss Charles order of strike outs. In fact the procure Chinese garments sion of the mitt r in the meetings of three ( Myra novel garb, in older to surprise their load's bucking is not of the ladylike the merchants' a orlation on Monday Orton, Bihfrtl scoreboard looked like the " S. K. O. " 1S Thuiielson, Mrs Pa friends when the grand march variety and no one watching him work The loi-- e is red. the Violet blue, and of the thiti'ber of commerce on ""oma,. Mn.lt fdgn at a theater. The tally cards had Nellie 15. riam "pened. can wonder he threw all of the Han Cupid's got a bead on you - Tuesday, that heing that the attempt to that Dewey. Mrs. Paris, Miss EM "S. O." (struck oil!) in long columns. - make a blind art tel. upon the uvtis troopers who tried to tide him at And word- to that effect wore '"iiauncev Phillip, A. E. v. a MARYLAND VS. WHITE. bill under a li oue title hood is to be The pitchers put brilliant battle, on big red hearts Deugler, Fred- - , liarracks. scattered broadcast beaten. What-v- er discussion will be Ss Johnnv Williams for the Nationals baseball team will try. handsome brute allowed himself " P. The White The at the fete in honor of Saint Valen will be oh question 1 fed- i - directlv the n I VIM warming up toward the last and fairiy to he saddled without offering any re- iSs. Kalhe. Mrs. 31 exclusions with the crack team of the tine held last oveninng in the I'arisli ; oral control ,,t the p.pior traffic. I ne , t a .1. K. RavmoD'l. 1L i looked as ractaiue as - Pin. sizzling ball plate. The j : sitance and . it- - ' . the over the . Marvland at nine oclocKthis Andrew"-- . i attempt to cui'iio ..t- - - o. Hail of St. The hall " v.i.ier .lnbns Si.r- Man- B inmii. l.ui lite iiiioii.e ii'ii ..ii... i a a , i arranged -- academ ic (p.est w: not be !io wed pitcher for the nee, wiry little chap norn r.g. The match was his leg over he got into action. df had been trn. tormed into :n, Beiil. Sibyl threw - "- t!- -. , -- large-size- so thte tleet i I ;: have Rice, worked like a at a laU iour vesterdav, !'!,., via., v.o i no, i .. ..1,1 h i10 b.tmnts ,)n.Ui (.'amjikll named his near s'imni. but ' s, Ciati-- vil'aoe. R - d i i.- . , ,M,X I ( - i to ai t .r first , W v' ' ""r " ;"'t1"';- 11,nv, t o n t off. i , i that the time l i ! trII Pevnol.k F wound up l" Ver ma na ge, ga he bike t ii,... ,r,i clock spring, lie and then j. a an-- a j -- with mh. .. j.'fovy of o'ther organization there T) T ., He..,,.,u, Beyher. Jnse'iF, .,..i.l-.-,iv- , I.,. ;... ., A..., , .,.,,., 'f. ''i'' ''Nl"'''e'l .,;;,,.,,;, milkshaker Ked Cloud went , . i. vmage, na een a v t o- i'.,. u...vi is (a a that a iai ,.rmvi o! tans emm that lie more rn !iau!i to Ming the .. tile tooxies of c.s.o.Ii 'k into he ail aim inn - d the members v. i i th.- ; . -. - Mrs! 1' struck the eroimd lie was fa insr m a ip to 'te. cannot attend Mr- Har- Scott, & Tla- Had him at the -- Mr! and didn't do playing. .liner-e- direction. T.ove mav have att'air was very pretty one. meetings. r;,n' Sro't, Walffri , ,. "-'"- "'-: e; , , , , , , l'oo-s- U1 G-- v. . , Deck, lit eup wi be. Souza. . ... !,,.,,i.,, . !,e Ms. ,u i i . i ,Well caira " ;' c. s. i ' . r's l h. Brewery Breaking. v. . L i , o e mo .i "!!,,:r Stick I jiiio u ii., 111 o. n I i,,i ill' i . ill. ",..,.' -- ot - V . 1 .. , : .. Mr-- , lilis-- . ne p- . Creella-- Decker, a ...1, ..... f tti'cr Shncninj, ' lb: i Canoe and :i,,..7 s 1 ., ' ' '. k e, s, km V...S1- P. t. , , Sllowed a align, u o' t,.,o,-- ...' c - w i . . ,i he pie! themselves are Tin en - , , v a f H. .1. no,. Coins, Ss, ii. was led. mahie matter ,1 TI. J.. C. 111: the sa ddle as 1 lp Cav. Mrs. i stamped. e ideuce bv J down before b'ice'- - -- wif ones and thejliei if; .). tii-'i- o, cf; A. ' !i v fm the iih'ige band .an !he Uawh.-s- Mrs. B. Spencer, C though the jumping bothered him not i mi H ve--,v- J. - w;iv iiii'l. apt was made t or ;.ii-'!- to Mn. ):a,! Po-- i- yama yama gr. !! t'oess, y. Mas. Stlicn, Nationals to play their ganit -- : o,-- w h c i, OF PATIENCE d iViiv through, while the " ,1( A FINE BRAND the:r i chas. st.'phen, to even one I I .... sgo si ; made the and eeii OftHAI D AT n. I CTfDTCn with h's special ones, Di'iva-d- . Steven?. C. IUU - A. F. I Ame-- . OIII.HUU Oinno-L- , 1 if ,1 ,1 YVinthrnp head of the New i on I'iday to at: a s low- (- 1- s from l.i'in.r TJi. dodged back and fort h. .list ribat ing A. C, -- Howatt. Mr. ami : b-.- - s:,id at a r nt dinner in, ARREST - a ked, with n,. The first man ai for the Na- Th.ater. BY SAILOR'S the most ardent expression- - of undv- M;s. Y. Vavman, Was, : tionais was Kn ae. scored an S. New erk . in gold tier-g.e,- ,. lie ing affect emlda aoied and Seme Cheerful News Mr. . ( i i. p shall mie dav. here in ri... ''We h:ii -- ifv'-r on hoa-t- s ot the deepest re, l. as - in ' Mas. ,Tas. V,'citi7he:w it. i Coinedie There were the c'onds fijan. w'.mid bun't America, a e.pial to the CrOWd Of BlUejaCketS Try tO ' Hj'fl like fo have seen him and theater j ,. if M: Movent. me-- K h ". Mrs. T. H. Wllif. . a -" for the l'npp.r i,unm'r. It wa tir-- t. l'rancai-e- but Comedie rrancaise B. trv to beat the bail to Thev had ! .1,,.- - WilfOS. J. ! , Dy "" suddenlv reae, that 1'mde '"eer"er. tieo. - -- in a We mus, be Va-- ReSCLie LOmrade Held heard of Kn Sue'- not built up dav. i punting qualities A BAD CASE. , is Til; ,.f 1,,,,,-- c Mrs. Mia- - WonhT. I the Czar the Kir'ifr. hi- - legs tient as patient as that long line of and wanted to see twinkle over - a- ,i Wrifiht, Mn - PoIlCe Officer. .,,.,....;,. ,..' .,,,,.1 o,..o.! in and he i.,.-e- - prohibit :o" na silent- ,.'ri,.,a. 1. e that to ' the grass. The Fleet men were first at always fishing .i 1 T X. - .1 - .. t t " tinnon w never a now tne ' i ...... ;.. ...,...,!, t bill bat. and men were lv in the stream that flows on the; ill!- - I II . -- I'.ie'-i- i .1 0 ... three struck out. ' CI pa-- s. m .0,1 Package. Fra-cais- e's to was g wor.i sent out. do much Gome.lie smith. In spite of the fact that of the seven ., ,r,,;m,,. ; ,.w Ymi seem me . , . llit'-nn- , The Nationals didn't l.etier ... .0 . Vl r ,,t e !V,is' T Margaret K. 1- .1 iP 1,11Ui' 01 im.i' was 111. n..n. .1 !' ng 111- ll". lot aA from on " Have you in , ,,r S11 e a- - advertised M' then until the fifth inning ,lilllsal,, almost as cxcos-iv- and groundless ;,,.,, Seii.it- - I'l. ase ask for -- r.' I nf Fbnt. of California. there was nothing .bung. Then it wa- - treatn. mon-ieu- a memnei .losKPH G.PRATT. .re leave yesterday fully half stayed ,Mrvousne-- s ,,f a t received bv cable, bill ! i:,,.,-.- r. nhtcvn man's that the Curtis o,.a Ti..-,- it,...... ,.f that iiatient line one .lav.' fi, Posr? in of going to the beach has tii'iiut as mei a caance of 111 a beauty skyward ami between left' and " ' Twenty t hree years. monsieur.' town instead wite. passing thi- - -- 1o t he i " 'My wife.' man aid me. senate as that the banana crop of center field. The ft t had to was the calm answer. hotel", there was but one disturbance TJNDEE WAl. will be f bi 1 1 GRINDING WELL - get lute-- . nnni-b- 'is very nervous, especially at night. Wnikiki rn.c en next Fourth tear off a fence plank 1.. ge- the hah, j you many if anv consequence the entire evening "'! -d at- - I She to have a terrible nervous of July. This aide came to a member grinilirjtf Town-en- d' sieur.'' continued. K.'t.orts indicate that which time wj, sitting N (ilia ' p ivhen :i small riot started at nu -- he a tv,- - vi.;i , ..V ' Kleven ears ago. moii-'- ur.' he tack every time loan! noise of the wholesale ion and was ntoft plant il.i.i j ceeding rapidly on hi- , it sin'..,' I 1 n.-- w - eves and Hotel. Ollieer Kilia had just ar downstair-- thinking was burglars; duly passed around. s the let the eai- - 1,.. a ered. without lifting from in fine condition j The cane is i h her that it Couldn't AnticiliMiiprs, hall down to !h'"-- w'no muiT.'d a n ,1 h - c.o k , eie ven ag... oil this very rested one of the sailors coming from le ., Rntir. satsf' ' e - is considered very lit-- ! i"irgiars. tiecan-- tney are always care- outlook had an the rink who was acting a I I Townsend sprinted in. loating tlie ball !' excellent skating Tlj(, meiuhers ot the antisaloon league ,... in.ii.eitiniis that in i never to anv ti, 1 I,, more P., n tul mahe nois. kept f back to catcher. stor.ois 1.1' o!li.s 1 nil the hot nace vesterdav thev estimatrt ILL-TIMED- . . . , . . the managers' tr-- . " 'That silenced her e -- tricts There were som,- poa Held - - I , 11 1 h'."i, sel ves .. Kt- - 1 iiaefiffl catch. A marine from Cum, Woo- in . ,, 4 . et lor the dav S.etor. ...inW - mi't.ah " -- ne ; ai ill " l I '. .not at an. .ow gets nervous Ii' t'Mmini particularly left d. ,0 ha Ih.g'-tp- visits to the otlice v.- - wais taking tea oil i win-neve- paying cable to keep .P.a, lliggias ili:in clothes immediately raised a -- he doe-n- 't hear any caught tile crowd. warm afternoon on the -- uu- ' ' Woolley posted ,.t! the local develop islaml "fjJ January - ""i-- e. At nearly all cry arid started, calling to The blue- sii-- nd speakipg ,;' "he It wa i'.Ci.ch.d tellace ot the llatl'i lioVal metlts. on l'iati.1 waitine i a good .me, large' v ma, to up ot o ne- N . :,n,i j Anti-aloo- n 1'tgue ttietnbers were . with, this vriHl F :it i:"'k'':;.il' ,r0t"' MAKE IIIM OUT A HAS-BEEN- . als good weather bu w a g ,,'d itihl'iig - n-ipue. -- in - own. jackets, ail b '.ght. ho that er. aopiiig 1,11 the ale that he was be j engaged c.ij 'Using tnembers of tie1 on- of tin- wav in short w a- - g a ''I -- ti,,'-,- . A t 11 a t'vio?i,!k. The iv ir.: ;i t ug en. - palm- - and llower-- ing persecuted. j the Frank! Inn. literary club local conimeia ial soliciting hi ' ' .o-- ng. a lilt',1 w .la, K In-ol- e intlaetp-- '' ga v. Mr. II a hau-- t d.-- their '.') j a t,, m:i he me ig of minute there were a of I'h hi p'aia. a sonneteer vote and the comia j, i fr - i NOTICE. excels. T;C"e wa- Oo ig'l a . i'' tr.-- lo-- - -- i " !'' .,.!,. a d. e:. n tr..m t:..- died and m a. lor- - around and K v . . ,, , i...,..! ;i ,. .,...!'. meet ings. FUNERAL r.al 11 red ha a- oi a g. a ml . n i'l my y had to tight It is pro! able Gie h'.a yacht, gavel ba right and let! he -- - Hot lik, d that quest .1 - I ' "'1' " aid. "I- i'lpi re Daruey me 1 b- - :;, a :.. as I prohibition wid taken up in .wit t. tlie loin being kicked undei' aad hurt. mean I;,- is not liked by the a . for lot of baa, r. : ..-- 11 m - pri-,,1- of ,.py v 01 rn..!... ii'.auage.i io s,r, iiooi ,,i hi- 1 elect ,0 ISernard Shawe, the pplj,!;, t'.diy. Maiciimont - had died, wagon ;t r Ttiiint'SKf e v Sliafter. i.d.n wife until the arrived ull,, g- - Mo.-r.-- Fort P;,,r" Max Ifecrbohnis and J- - ' i ' o,-,:i- u , Lodge . ; M a ,,i i ne -- ., DIED. r i.'....iK;..r" The !i r 0.1 ii,' ,,.,,,,,.,, at :'''' ''e 'le'ioi iii.iii M),p .irove the rioters Pa''K .',, h .viemoets 01 ..so,.-"- - - t - Co- w,e,;au. after- !,,"!. Ki.tn fiiM-heo- 1 iea wa- - a ra ' i ex- ,,';; the and out. .j . getarian at T'or- AN'Db'KWS In February 1'.. are rcipi.steJ the 'ae ' 0 (I. :i a ' t a '1 i t - . . . ,,- j ,, P end he lie ra he in tank-t - ,1 .... .' ,' s ... ,1 s ne marine was pa! the an..' na' - tlat in hi the l'd',0. Ifobeit ...pi- i Anlrews."ng, at the fanr.lv resil..i, ,k, . , . , p Maiy from five w.-r- -- up-; , !; of; , ,. ,.,.,.,',. Sm.th's return the r six of the s:n ois who to iretarv things, and Max years, i'uiier,! will be hold todav street, this Sunday ' 'n' ' ' 1" - e- -- p-- -- ' ' r to , d f.UITll-,-- ill A f:-..r- afh',t a caaage ti,,, lie . ;- - lur with to h.'le been the; '.,.,li, n p'ai-e- d at . m. II. W. e purpoi-- tatuig Joseph (onrad residence of 'clock for the , t ...- l'r.iP.iT vn-..t- - . P were examine,! by the ollieer in ..,.!,,,; a Andrews, 7117 v :,. , , ;tfi' it ;it calied, him genius. Interment t he funeral ot our iaii- -u - "Ami d;,i y- g" ,,n ill right at a-r- .. made. Th.e T. .i.- oiav charge and allowed to ""I .ntei rupted the young man rather at Nuuanu .etr. - .. M.'i-y- .' - ' e, ti,-,- a Th.-l'.- wa- - a -- nia;l tight Iwilei ml in the a. wi'ko'.ii in upai an. I. reniemPerino- Winston s of Harmony Lci, ' I eiiti. v. - - Tab-- If.dee-i- ma 'am. had an elegant by ha- a.a-i- ti,- p.,..,,. Taaerv. " reported the sailors on the beat, uichill'- - enormous edition-- , I said: memher-- are fraterB -- REAL ,t:g M a ! - ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. 1,1 t tbte ry at ,na line il wa- - st.ai-e- b two na'ive- - 1,111 -- ,. the a'.d I'hi.t .' ami '.at . ir, w hat vn t hi nk of " '. ii - ; n -- 11 , big a; He '.va- - w cat. w.t 'la- , and he ,1 afterward- - by the sailor- - mling Win-to- n nar, the 'hui chill. America's pride?' ( inter tin-- ;;- :':-- bail he sou.-- '.''d m hard t tie W'a I'.e.-- Fiito-e- ;,., i F-- nailed W'.ea the a'i the ai'oand. bohm affected to frown : he of ru.arv .". :Mr. 14. U ba.-k- . ' ' t " Th-.- 'em- ;,... he t. Id . f K H Y del place i,.','urnt..'y, and me. With the exception ,.f th here pr.-ss.-- hi- - hand to his brow. Mikalenii to Ahin. L m.'.ph- ! thelir.-- t -- lie- - a wa- - di.-- Tennnesso.-- tun. in aid "Mary '.here's doub' about not a sing!.- t isrb::g IH'aiea ,(p me -- ee. no miirtiptri who Kama I'oalomaka at.d wf to W'l- - ' ... 11 . - :'!- . .' 11 ma1..- jo..,i oU t, iiiio-ia,- ;. a in Hook,an o p, iniotig- ana 'is ,i was in-- 01 harchil! .' " mmmmmmmmmmw w ,u w w m mf 9 iwv iui. mtmmimmv ui w KWW mf W0t9 V WW 9 WW MW) WUMW D Kamaio and 'ft ' Mary A lie!!. Jli I J lx Kekaula - f to '.bbie K j Ai SOL Mtiguire ,' 11 M - ' ! rs Annie Km.! A 1 . Hn-,- - -- . F ivHinivSold in O'iB'""'".! Hie and ",. IV'ivid H Ma- - Nitrate U(i k- AGENCIES! f Ii kiiii NITRATE 7"" lX 1 ;avi H Make!, .,p, M K-- w ... e a! 1 5lBnkS.nJoP5; m.--- Street. - J W ... i ir-- - : ., 4 if. K. lVnVT iT3F I 'ai k ..f !i :. i" 1, Georgia ' , . HniWu it i ',. f i H''.ioi' a"d - !;,-- - -- ,, 6 Wm T tp.i.i- t - t ,,; ,.s Louisiana acZL fV leu) - " Ridi.- M.- .'.ii-.-- ' Cook T4 fork ..,:. Virginia.. iiuz-"- ..iRtoci-"- ; V- --.- i t, ...... - !ge t Ma-'- a 'i i."' m.si s..T... r V i" M;s J - Far. .. t ' f ' r;,,t M'U it! at, te e- 1. Ma ;,' ' CubaSr"i:r.ST5 l '. - ,i',. V M V'' a (IT - - si vv e ,!.. a- ' t 'o W .1 , ' p ' W op , ,.; !., s,..., s. - .v.' ' J it ' M i.rw nts as ; . ; i,:'-- - ; "Vi r mia t ' fflku trek ' t F g a I. .s-- ; ,,- j , I V ' p.. : fi h s. !'. i!.,'i!:--.-- i i'ai m' Sunday .1 CI " ! ' b.' a Pa- IP n , ',.t i to' M .J., 'Enrer--d t the eeoDQ-'-'- -- Fa i' ,V Fa",: T. ti t ts Kia-orde- .'.a. g- -, tl',, Published Every . 1 a lb a- Your, ,, Ft ! To I t b'.-l- 1 PRIZE o,d,-.- M-.- b-l D JAPANESE TUGS OWNED BY MRS. THEODORE HOFFMANN. OF HONOLULU. ''iarrab. Max- well toar.ng car No. :'., Oa'an; hii",;. HAWAII' AZJ2J 11 Vir,t p 247. I'ated Jan 27, UF. Ve. Holt V SECT 10.' SECOND SECOND SECTION



' ' i


. . LIST OF HAWAIIAN SUGAR PLANTATIONS. PLANTATION. POSTOFFICE. HONOLULU AGENTS. MANAGER. Sugar Oalui. The a- -i ( Market AjHikaa ."sugar Co. V.w a lo i; ooko. (i. I'. Kt'iitoti ( a- -t ( World Kwa JA a lo of Plantation Co. ooke. C. Krntou Finance ( i A. V. ' LORRIN THURSTON. Wnian.ao ,. ' .1. M. powsert. Piv.l Mover Waiaiua i .. W a ia! ua a vt it ( Ar. ooko. V.". W. (Jooilalo STOCKS VERY STRONG. Kaliiikn i 'o. A; lars worth of THE SUGAR MARKET. comm. (tee ul e en directors, and 1'iant. Kaiatkii lial.lwin. Aiion'w A'lams Hawaiian Irrigation I Waimanalo Sugar Co. W a i Mia !o . '.! u ( ( ( .sixes went at par. These ri):.t iny; t ion na or o. . 'ha liners Several stocks reached high water securities went manafa.dnr-:,.- com: m i ,;r,.w .inl ' -- t'ii-., i ( ',1. ..v in four lots, ot subsidiary rum pa n es in Sugar Waipahu U. Harkt'el,! Co. Ik Pull mail; on the 'Change las the luigest representing I I. week, and good i' H;iw: S.i:n . i :i.;e the American have an Honolulu la nt Co. A ir.i . P.tvwiT o. ',7o.oiii. interest .lames Cil.b tie. ugh s J- the general run of pri.-e- Laic -; A!i was Ten ,j ;rv been epei :':,,,,f !!"' requirements of tin' New Plantation. if xan.icr Palilwin. S. K. Wooley thousand dollars' worth of Hila ; Kxohango. Maui. :h. there was considerable trading. railway extension sixes wont at 05.50. f j!.t wii-hvar- ' ill t t 1 ' ut ; s Oiowaln 'o. .a aa ilia . Uri'wi'V c). (.t'.i. (iil.l. Ta. re was a general Saturday holders were demanding TV Tonga were passed approving i upward fendoncv iJ, p.r: t ,n Pioneer .Mill Co. J a 'na i 11. Ilarkfi-- however, showed a. ..f the directors for the las' na Co. .. Wei n ziiei mer :u all sforks except brewery. bot- and no inclination to p.l- -t ( The fi 1"- few Wa a SiiM;,r ( Mumiu ii- and endorsing thr applica-- ku 'o. W'ailnk'.i . ill' WIT & 'o. U. P. IVnliallow come down on their price. 1 tom fell out of the latter, as a ..rarv :it.J n! tiir resor i' of the earnings to Hawaiian C. s. '0 'ii o nme A l.'xa'i'h'i- & I'.al.hvin. I". P. Jkilowin llilo sixes ...f the is-- ue of sold Maui Co. ..v able result of the prohibition firei upon t!if capital. Ar. Paia .Mrxanorr p.al.iwin. il. A. P.akiwin agitation, early in the week at piO.25. the price i i o-- K pa liiiiu Suga r . .!,- I .'Vol Pool Selling TeritlS. L.'l 11 d 1) Kipaimlu Ii. llarkfrkl Co. Ail 'in if and just how much the shares would later dropping to par. Eight thousand t r :. i I, Kt. Liverpool. j ii'kii Sugar lo. Jvai'lrku Thoo. 11. 1'avifs & Co. John Chalmers dollars' worth changed hands in ail. December bring is doubtful. Doubtless ;, good-size- d SUPPLY. -- 1. Pi rn is i Hawaii. Two VISIBLE '!'. I'or.'i rt'li o.l liar-- ata' - thousand dollars' worth of Ka- i i' l i ( block- could be gotten -- o. ; t. o. ii. ir- - Paanaau Snsr. Plant. Co. Paanliau . P.rewer & o. at a very uai railway sixes brought '" tm-k f A two niontli niton Alexander Smith PH. I ,ra; Kar.pe and morion. " J k ( leasonable figure. v. r at r . fut. r,nnl".l torins. for t!i. am.a na .Mill 'o. 1'aauilo 'I'hen. 11. Havies & Co. A. Lidgate Waialua reached the prophesied Iflii a;r in i.on.ioii in r.rn Knkaiau Plantation. Kukaiau I. Hackfebl lV- Co. A. Horner Tl s.--i le- 1 ' v llk:i Tln-o- and showed groat strength. Kwa .,it war at mo uneven nonth -i pnr l:,u Ml,M Kukaiau II. Davies & Co. and 1 rent; in Li verpool, Madden Oahu !,.s - Kaiwiki ( ( '. & ( regained the pinnacles which thev f!: ilirr-'a-- f stork is f.nw. avh rie- ...mi Suirar "kala 'o. Ceo. Md'ubbiii Sno.ar Co. Papaaloa & roaehed for a brief time the week be- ia-- rennr.l siiLrars in Liverpool Thee. II. Davies Co. . M e Pen nan :ii; a decrease in "I" ! fore, while the closely an. LonJ .n. ra-- !i in 11 2 1 2 Nlakalan Plantation. Hakalau C. P.rewer tv Co. M. Koss held stocks k- - ml .lavs less J. T .ta! toi ailoais to 1 I Sl ( jumped up out of sight. iM'i' rent. luty on all sugars over fS llononm Sujiar o. lonotiiii . ower A: 'o. Wm. Pullar Honokaa was - 1 ( a snpp!- .;'ls,- s I in evidence in small hi.w visihle of l'u'r.-e- ...!. I.i.l. per To the epeekeo Suar 'o. Pepeekoo . P.rewer & 'o. .las. Webster blocks, but there I ) ', is 2:. tons. ftjaiiist .'kllTJoi'. toi- - last f.i.f. price of foreign sugars ha to lie noniea Sue a r . i noniea '. lirewer Co. J. T. Moir little of this stock to lie had here. a. M. huyi-r- . llilo Snyar Co. ( . Pre wer tv ( Several industrial stocks which have v:ir. or a of ii' toll?. 'J laioliii riiare. iaij by llilo o. J. A. Srott C-',- l -- ( seen wlii.-- t .v Hawaii Mill Co. lillo . P. wer & o. c not been on the sales sheet for t'n.ler tlato of January P'.Tii. Willett amount to i.er W. J. Campbell onay in Liveri ;. an.V we U:iiak,'n H!i(';'- - Hiio ii. llarkfeld iV. Co. ' '. C. Kennedy weeks made their appearance, but at Lelieve " i lit:!'.' ri'purt as loliows ronrern t soinetli.,, over in " " ' ' Pa ha la Th- ... II. Davies & Co. Wm. (i. prices which precluded the possibility per cw'. Lomloii . .. S- , , . Ogg I :. II. 1,1. i. S ' Cul-a- -- son ug. i ( A; of any th.' sitnatimi: fx liili. 'est of i 1 i r into store Hindi ria m. o..aaleliu . Pre wer Co. i arl Wolters extensive trading. Liei-p,-.o- Pnion Mill Co. Kwa A frature of the week is a first ii" is another 1 per Kohala 'lino. H. Davies & (A). H. II. b'eliton opened the week at ?A. with a ! - Kohala Sugar 'o. Koha la ( a- -l lo ( healthy demand hun- su-- ar ship-i''"- - not know the er,r in T.on- 'ooke. Ceo. C. Watt noticeable. Nine twa.'t;..!! i" Cuba t'.'.r Paritic Sugar Mill. dred ninety i hvr beheve it to b0 about, double Kukiiihaele I. A. Srhaefer & Co. A. A lire ns and shares, in blocks rang ,,er.t outM.lf of the I m.o.l H ate!ti.if ((f Liv,iri,ool onok aa Sugar 'o. llonokaa A. Srhaefer & Co. K. S. ( jeidruni ing from five to 40o shares each went I ( ' ealt-nlatint- r )iaa Sugar i. sir? the treaty will Cuba. In the ili ffere nee to hnr-T''-- n laa Pishop i; 'o. J. Walt' at this price, and then the figure ad- ri t'u I 'u na Suga Co. tbi.i'.'an.l h: Cuba rni! als !.tween P.ritish ami foreign re- - r laa Pishop & Co. ... Watt vanced to 34. ill. Some 4 On shares -- . ..kl fine-- l - wa wre t the St. Invren.-- sugars, is to reinem-?.-iir..- ' liala Plantation. Kohala Ii. Warerhonse Trust Co. Atkins Wight brought the latter figure, t is esti- jiocosary i J. ( Ilau-- M ill iiiiipany. Montreal, on basis! her that P.ritish sugar's are full and Plant Kohala Hind, Rolph iv Co. John Hind mated that the output of F.wa planta- 'J & .f 3 4. f. f. to Xe.v York weights, whereas there is tisuallv a Puako Plant. 'o. S. Kohala Hind. Kolnli .t Co. .In,, c Se-n-t- tion this season will be greater than (kllr.'i i Niulii .Mill 1 .V f.T shipment to via loss in of to 1 j.or rent on and Plant. Kohala Tlieo. . Davies Co. l.ol.t Hull for several years past. The crop will N,w- - Vnrk. l -- wht Puakea Plant. Co. yesterlay. ame re foreign : then P.ritish refiners have Kohala II. Warerhonse Trust Co. It. H. Pryant be harvested from Silsl.iKi acres. In fvrr U:-:l,- Unh'r oil. ba-- s at! serial rates of earriai'e to inland Koiia leel. Co. Ixealakekua Hawaiian Devel. Co. K. Conant PJiis the average output per acre was i'y". c. f. - Kauai. i New York f..r February town of whirh buyers have the ad- - .70 tons and conditions now are more M:in-- -- iii juni'iit. a n:iji., and in some cases refiner Kilauea Sugar Plant. CuKilpuea C. P.rewer & Co. J. R Movers favorable than they were then. At is Cay the the market very trive away t lie whole cost of carriage b'obinson. Makaweli U. Warerhonse Trust Co. Cav & K'idiinsou Oahu again reached So.oO. This is tMEZ at refiners' 2. Mo. v. i a Makee Sugar 'o. intiniations of here the com j.ef t ion of foreign uff-- Kealia Pairrhibi the highwater mark of the stock and c f.. with 2 7 c. Crovo Kii'ii-- ;.'. i V. i: f. generally rs is most felt. Tate has a large I'ann Plant. ' H. HNrkf.dd & Co. Kd. Proadbent extensive sales .at the price give an in- Li hue I ( 'o. H. H. U number of depots all over the count rv 'lant. Kihue I,'. Hark fold i Co. P. Weber dication of the attractiveness of the Walker I' Farlr in the week some bags - Koioa Sugar 'o. Kol-.- A: ( Who Zono here he keeps suitable stocks of re- It. Hackfold Co. . R. Wil 'ox stock. The opening price was 34.50, succeeds K. Myers in the Cuba ar.l L".(liii bags i Sugar Co. Porto Rico for ti no. a n. within an hour or two of Kloeie Thoo. H. Davies & Co. W. Stodart but only PlO shares were allowed to po Hawaiian Trust Co.. Ltd. Tanaarv J ia wa nan Suga r Co. hipment were bought at making his tMirchae buyers can have .Makaweli Alexander & P.al.iwin, P. D. Paldwin at the price and then the advance 4.0"i'., !ti degrees Waituea Sugar Co. &-- tis tet. but with delivery. This gives hi;. a great ad- Waimea Castle Cooke. J. Passorh came. Thirty-fiv- e was the figure at WALKER SUCCEEDS MYERS. a a excited and advancing beet market vantage over foitegn sellers, Kek a ha Suga r 'o. Kekaha Ii. Hackfebl Co. H. P. esperially Fave which the next 70n shares sold and 111 id Europe i theu H. II. Walker, for manv vears con- prices have jumped to the at a time such as the present, when the stock again advanced fifty, the 4.!h bn-i- s and higher for futures. last nected with Sprockets' bank, was last we have had so much hand to mouth SUGAR QUOTATIONS sales being made at 35. 750. Four Imn- - The otYer-llig- s FOR THE WEEK. week elected to till Aaierican i the vacancy in the are taking all t rad ng. lre.1 and fifteen tli.i r..u at e. & I'lti office of secretary of the Hawaiian. '21e. f.. degrees test, In consoipienre of the j.oliev pursued February 596 degree test centrifugals, 4.155c; per $83.10. 88 analysis hig'h figure. T for .Tamatrv and Februarv shiionent. Trust Company left vacant by the f by buN'evs th:s srason Pr'tish refiners s..o, yci nun rrom jr.'. 01) I 0i:a! 4.17... landed, on basis of which in aovance.i to 23. res .mation of 7,,o 1r r,Q r. have bi'on aide to command more than 4- )ne large sales February -96 degree test s.'"a11 bock of f,,ck hr""Xht 23.275, Walker is acquainted" have Thus far been made. the usual premium over foreign centrifugals, 4.155c; per ton, $83.10. 88 analysis well with the ll-'id.- tint tins did j is spoe-niativ- e beets, 12s. price not prevail for any Eorip having a continued suga rs. per ton, 95.00. banking business in these Islands and in ; nim-ari- l on.... im.e. mere is aimosr none will be an acquisition to nmveinent in beet February 3 96 degree test centrifugals, 4.1555c; per ton, $83.10. 88 the staff of h',ied EUROPEAN BEET CROP. analysis of the stock to be had ou the local the tnr. partly nn sundry rumors Hawaiian Trust Company. -- neets, 12s. ll'id.; per ton, S95.00. market. 7! aiilfXi.eiMati.itis of events which mav I'. (). reports as of January 11 Lieht February degree K P.ryde again showed a tendency to I RAILS ARE HERE, fr mav not materialize. Paris for is field w..rk 296 test centrifugals, 4.155c; per ton, $83.10. 88 analysis that weather favorable for takp j iKtam-e- beets, 13s; per ton, tho uPwar,l Iit"- - Seven was the The rails needed - reports to us rumors of in Kurooean beets, and that there is no $95.40. for the double- results-- from Cuba, ' which change in the situation or previous es- F. test per ton, 581.60. 88 "ST I'e wt enrfinni-- bv our direct news ce,flfgal, ,08.; anal,,,, t3 timates of rron. beets, 13s; per ton, $95.40.d, ' ' from ;n the island. In som- - parts .advance to 7.50 the latter T.art of the have arrived n.i nri, i. are given of less juice from AMERICAN BEET CROP. J January 31. 96 degree test centrifugals, 4.08c; per ton, $81.60. 88 analysis w,,,k- - menced in the immediate future. While far. than expected oeets, 13s; per ton, .Hawaiian ommeroial advanced from the work is being done on King but as a & (irav $95.40. street r- -,,ts Willett far' than! " to :- - There were traffic will be thus are better Jannarv i oo ,. but few diverted over Hotel, that ls'l M'' 0- - f ,.vo,, FCl oo )fr and the tonnage of cane is the status of the American beer ep.p ..6o, ooi.ou. analysis sales recorded however tor there was there mav be as a little danger of con- - i beets, 13s; per ton, $95.40. little stock to be had at ge.stion if nh tPfer. neceniber grinding for PJit'.' and a summary of the d. tel any price. as possible. i h I aiiv much inferior to later on and of sugar business in the vaiaiua readied the loit, which has iuent the beet j UNIVERSITY CLUBHOUSE. 1 Witnot he - been prophesied for some weeks. Ten used to forecast crop re- eighteen WEATHER REPORTS FOR are not vet in r.., f Knited States during the last THE WEEK. shares brought this figure and then the Work on the University Club's new '".-.i- t uaa from the island, how years, as follows: February 5 Rainfall, price slipped back to 12!). At closing home at Alakea and Hotel streets will 1 trace; Temperature, Maximum 75, Minimum . mr- - tn time yesterday 129 was bid 130 few-asked- warrant an increase in our At this time of the year we are Weather, fair. and probably be commenced within a etiniate 1 .71 h i The price will probably go days. The old building on the property I'T.' of i.iioi t ois total to revise our tf the output i,f sugar. estimate February 4 Rainfall, .02; Temperature, Maximum 76, Minimum pp tty close to 140 before the present has been torn down and the ground is BeiPt American beet crop. advance according all Mar advanced from 12s. Od. Weather, fair. stops to the present but ready for the new building to 13'. outlook. be will HI. for present month; 13s. Weather conditions at the beginning February 3 Rainfall, .01; Temperature, started. There be no contract Maximum 74, Minimum Onomea went from 5.", which figure let for all cetiriiarv; 13s. 4 1 td. Mav, of the harvesting period were very sat- at the work, of the labor beincj ith Weather, fair. PiO shares were sold, to 55.50. At engaged the; from 13 isfactory, the outlook generally promis- the under the supervision of '' b"-s- j ffl . 10 ing good results. Recently, however. February 2 Rainfall, .02; Temperature, Maximum 72, Minimum latter f"nure 230 shares changed hands, architect, with whom will be associated i . r..u . Hawaiian Pineapple appeared I on Whitehouse. u".i crnn is i.roor,.ss n r heay snows, with intense cold, have Weather, fair. at irictfi 21.50, fifty shares being recorded. The work will be done by with 131 cenfrals gKndire'. interfered with the pulling and hauling 1 citizen i"s,l February Rainfall, .03; Temperature, Maximum 74. Minimum Xo brewery was sold during labor i '"'cntrifaguls are now 71, of the beets in several States, especial- stock and the structure will lie rushed "11 1 V l . Weather, unsettled. the week and no one seemed to want along as as possible. prob- - ly in Colorado, where many boots were. rapidly The ' 31 any. The last sale price quoted on the able date of completion , Ji.nrr- iiisirioss neto'-- in ground, the yield of which January - Rainfall, .12; Temperature, Maximum 75, Minimum has not vet long hi froen the sheet is 22. but shares offered at 19.25 been announced, i Weather, unsettled. ni '"r s'ipmo!!t to the stiil problematical, and vvi'h quite a I Kmsrl.-.r.,- , failed to find any takers yesterday. I '"' number of fa.-t..ri- still working, a January 30 Rainfall, .02; Temperature, WILL N0T BUILD YET. Atieri..:,n ' Maximum 73, Minimum Several bids were made and as quickly S:;i.:,r i ix'tlinng ti.I.i,e Use ot 11 tola ro.juct ion - Tho Mdnernys will not imme- - ' Weather, build r . . ... unsettled. withdrawn and after the session ves- a.'.uiiirr ,i on t he - '."ir terdav an offer of sale at 15 waslo- - iliately property which they late- '! mi the We can only say fha', in view of tin rlinod. according to report. This stork tit Pishop and King streets, J ell's fell how. special reports we have received from .! ' a m i i u . i no ree- - very u ir planned to start the rv - I'.ni one ot will be shakv until after the fate fi.rt "as "'-- fr-- i -- j t ii I ;, se.-ti.l.- j S). 1 Jo Lois being Upoo " a :1 present indication-- v'':,r - is - erection of new building almost at ' a"i; Tors t!. attorney for the now rom- of the Curtis bill known for prohibi- 'ii. t.-- F- Kd to a crop ..f 420.000 long ..t J- "'"'',- - if ''as boon derided At' s j.!i.t .nir.st Phoon tons in iimi'v, irioo. tion would of course render the stork !'"' to wait p.,. i has boon in : :i 'II'" ..VI, a Honolulu for the past some t me. pn-s- i Id v a be, ug re.liiet "I ".' The pp sent outlook i ates that practically valueless. for year. The two New ' -- week in n - i f Vt..ber 21 f. arrang:tpj; matters connection many t"i''i occupied by M. Mrlnorny, 'mate tot.- - ;i There are timid stockholders S . bo ill's niont ii, "' d American Poets in F.',g with t ho concern. who would be ola'd to et oo at almost '''''' !"'1'1 Lmg ten,, leases and I Wa .1 r"'1' '."I ., t! t he I n rn i r.-- t' 1 Mr vs are m no hurry to erect y We h propa the ''U' Ii'1 new a I'en- - any prir.. and it was prophesied on the m r. i ro'ilpanv wi'l rolldllrt I i . t it -- ' her now niblitie and will not .lo so iio w I I to the pi era 1... s'.r,'"t.'...; v,"!"'',!lv th:lt tr rompativ bosM 'ess and will .. , , .. "" ""'n', ,,r"!... net th,.-.- I,., v.. tool t : ,., i -- 1 V .....!.i a !!. K.' ','s',. ,..'. - ' r r ill will i.e iiotire.i ore Tlie end ot tins I he on t on d ji'- -t strio-dir- a - ncerti the kind ;!.,. b.gi VV1(,x to le what sort o' a i . W 111.- I il list., will, island. lis best suited their needs. pi o.j i'r in (SOME t" vvi'h a tons. Illlo goo TRADING IN BONDS. a , : o man and llilo j WEEK'S SALES. a l!:iu;,i- a! le ' i t ' tn the move Mr. The new of nl.aa sixes made , The tobovvug -- a,-s were report- d on a- -h her t ;iis sea- - Mvi" mak'n: Mr. Mvers has the! its a o .ea rn nee on ebno.rv ' and t!o or' i busi- - :i ,;i:r; no t : w il K hi a'iv iioro the 'I'lia oe he week ar bo li. hi i. ic'il'-ie- Were UP ill of- - :,'i'! a worker s.'apped ' i Stock Sales. w s ho he was !b- -. .rs. who lor. entire issue disposed of - 10n-- s pllll s t'..r ,, ,,- - Fwa- ::o. p0f 34: 2or...:u: oivires the rleaud '! r - !'":n- 4. "'' !!'""- -- '"':"" - 3- - o I" 34: 4oo. mo ' S:ig-- , ,, i I - Pa T" . i t :". looiU- Pi s mi i .t; o:;t: i i., ug i ;;-- - T. .1"! rave s,a!io im to.' (ll .. om. 7ooi3t.7.'i- 2o'o) - - . -- t K a a i. p I n- i'.'!!!'!-ir- . - - - -- , ,, a ioti at that tig lie rvrr sii-e- but ;; j j :; i .'.i i. Waia'ae I ' 'bib ot 'a.r..vi'iiriil t -- ' ebtng pro 2o,7) ib e v, t no I Ui.'kaa - b en i No v. I' ', pp .'. f r im sales he Mr '. p 4 1 's wairh ma.

3 l t i p." I A- - at t: o'ii Ul Hawa- ,0" ii .wa Waia1 to-,.- . M ..'. Mil,. Die Ib-- ot. loo.

" p -

,1- -.



ii -- J'i ' i 60

!' ' i,, l.'.i. :. ' - . - iv 2I.s.;o - s- :,. ,,- ib',, i, t ii,. lllaa i". 2fl.'M"', f,t -r an irirreaso of :!' nia-agi- wil! be Zeao K. Mvers. at The ina'ter was .'iiens...' not or raisii of g Tl'.lo railway issue of VM tls .300' ng t; tor th' season. January's Miii preent secre'arv of the Hawaoan Tryst ., C C, d Letters From Fraternal Meetings Jas. F. ilflorgan tUbXM&HL OAMFMFNI SO. 1, i. o. o. r. The People rT7 iTBt nd third Friday of the Clark onuT.t 7:80 p. m.. in Odd Fellows' Fort Street. Visiting brothers cordially in AND REAL FAVORS DOLE PLAN. ittd STOCKS, BONDS "W L. PETRI E. C. P. KM it or Advertiser: Many Meas have L. L. LA PIEKKE, 8crib. Oxygen PIANOS Leon .'i'lvancO'l reardin using part of O. O. ml 40 BXCELSIOE LODGE NO. 1. I. F. ESTATE Thomas Square for a ilavruinol for Meets evey Tuesday evening, at 7:30, in Odd Fellows' Hail, Fort Street. isiting the Iliu'li l iii)ils ranging from, a bothers cordially invited otend. AT BARGAINS. goo.l tree lieinir preferal.le to a l;id ALL "RFECT CONDITION AND GREAT L. L. LA PIERRE. Sec y. Outfit (iv, to. a small part of the square Lo- HAKMOKT LODGE NO S, I. O. O. F. St. to assortment y; laitje enough for a play- j ish to call your attention an in not ttvarv Moudar eveniue, at 7:30, in No. 857 Kaahumanu ground. OddutFellows' Hall, Fort Street. Visiting to attend. little-use- d which we are offer- - brothers cordially invited :! and pianos To the former T would say that an li. W. FOSTER. N. Q. enlightened community should take spe- E. R. HENDRY, Sec'y. very low prices regardless of real worth. Sales $50.00 cial pains with its lad lvs; the good FlCiriO BEBEKAH LODGE NO. 1, Auction ones will care of themselves. To I. O. O. F. take Meets srery second and fourth Thursday, .econd-Han- $ 1 Lar d Piano 75 the latter I otTer the expedient, take at 7:30 p. m.. Odd Fellows' Hall. Visiting Keeekahj axe cordially invited to attend. Puu- a larger part of the square and be done MAKY GUUP.E, X. 1st House and 2 lots in 1 Second-Han- d $110 i. Lar Piano ditlii-ulty- . Secy. with vour ALICE NICHOLSON. nui; lots 32 and 34, block 3; on 1 frequently pas Thomas Square and LODGE NO. 2, 1 Goc u;no, used less than 36 months $160 OLIVE 1RANCH BEBEKAH seldom see any one making use of it. I. O. O. F. Saturday, February 12th, at our Meet severy first and third Thursday, at 1 Visiting 1 34 months $185 seldom pass Aala Park and never see p. m., in Odd Fellows' Hall. Goc Piano, used less than 7:0 are cordiallv invited to attend. salesroom. it net in use. frequently In ing crowded. Rtbekah MARCARKT FKRUFSOX, X. G. 2nd 22 lots, also 2 houses, Vollisto 1 Good riano, used less than 24 months $200 The conclusion obvious. The one JEXXIE II. MACAU LAY, Sec'y. te j a purpose, of nor ooes lanes, serves usetul the & A. M. corner Buckle and Broad 1 OCEANIC LODGE NO. 571. F. Good Piano, used less than 20 months $210 not. Meets on the last Monaay oi eacu month, at Masonic Temple, at 7:30 p. on the ground at 12:30 o'clock, j In (inlden (late park, Sa;i Francisco, 1- -3 m. Visiting are cordially in 2 New Pianos of reliable make, 7 octave $225 brethren Fur- I there are two places that draw the most rited to attend. Saturday, February 12th. A. PALMER. W. M. t J. 1- -3 The one is he public concert 1 New Mano of reliable make, 7 octave $235 W. H. GOETZ, Secy. ther particulars at our office. igi-iuind- the other is the public play-- j LEAHI CHAPTER NO. 2, O. E. S. 6 New Pianos of reliable make, 7 1- -3 octave $250 ground. At the former crowds congre Meets every third Monday of eacn JAS. F. MORGAN. moi-th- . at 7:30 p. m., in the Masonic gate tor a tew locals in the afternoon, Temple. Visiting sisters and brothers 7 Good Pianos of reliable make, 7 1- -3 octave $275 feast their souls and catch, colds; at are cordinHv invited to attend. NELLIE J SIEPHKN-S- , V. M. the other rhey liegin to arrive with the ADELAIDE M. WEBSTER, 1- -3 Valley Hlgh-Grad- e Pianos, 7 octave $340 Secretary. Manoa 2 New fir-- t ravs of the morning light and tho ALOHA NO. 3, O. E. S. Wing Tai & Ca 1- sun setting in the west still looks upon LEI CHAPTER 3 New High-Grad- e Pianos, 7 -3 octave $350 A Meets at tne Masonic Temple every a crowded field. They are numbered Saturday of each month, at jfm. second Bungalow and small cottage, Contractors and 1- 7:30 p. m. Visiting sisters and High-Grad- -3 the spectators are 6 New e Pianos, 7 octave $400 by the thousands and ' are cordiallv inched to attend. car; thousands more, all of whom are bene- CORA A. BLAISDELL. V. M. large lot, good repair, near Ftirniture, Wall Paper, Painttaj 1 slightly used fited hv of MARGARET HOWARD, Secy. Steinway Vertegrand, $500 the exercise their bodies. $5000; part cash. 1216 Nuuanu Ave. I would like to see Thomas Square OAHTJ LODGE NO. 1. ft. of P. 1 Steinway Miniature Grand $950 in Golden Meets every first and third Friday at 7:30 put to the uses the grounds o'clock, Pythian Hall, corner Beretania and (iate Park serve and to that end would Fort streets. Visiting brothers cordially in- 1 Steinway Baby Grand $1150 vited t attend. WING CH0NG CO. use the central part of the entire square VM. JONES, C. C. ivaimuKi a ground, R. & S. 4 Piano Players, playing full 88 notes.. From $400 to $700 for sodded play moving the O. HEINE, K. of KOA FUBNTTUBZ, band-stan- d sea-en- surround- to the and WILLIAM MCKINLEY LODGE NO. 8, m 60,000 Exquisite Modeli. ing the- whole with a border of trees and B of P. house, 4 lots, All of these pianos are plainly marked down to a small profit. In Meets every second and fourth Saturday shrubs. I woubl have it a public play- evening at 7:80 o'clock, in Pythian Hall, sq. ft., all cleared and fenced", King Street, Next to Betti good on our purchases, we must a ground, reserved, perhaps, during cer- corner Beretania and Fort streets. Visiting order to make sell lot of them. If brothers cordially invited to attend. good trees; a bargain at $3500. tain hours of each week-da- for the H. A. TAYLOR. C. C. you will give us a few minutes of your time any day, we will convince pupils of the High School, until such E. A. JACOBSOX, K. R. S. THE EAGLE se- well built, every- you that in any of these pianos you are getting a real bargain. We time as additional ground could be COURT CAMOES NO. 8110. A. O. F. New bungalow, CLEANING, DYEING and adjacent school ex Meets every second and fourth Tues- cured to the for its day of each month, at 7:30 p. m.. in thing A1. For particulars see us. PRESSING WOSE want you to have one and will make the price the same whether you clusive use. San Antonio Hall, Vineyard street. n. rrLMAX. U Visiting brothers cordially invited to FORT AND KUKUI STREETS pay spot a attend. cash or let us have the price little at a time. J. R. POXTE, C. R. Near the car, a new cottage, Telephone 575 PROF. TRUEBL00D AND II. PER EI R A, F. S. $2000. ON CAMOES CIECLE NO. 240. C. O. F. C. BREWER & CO., LTD. WIFE CLEVELAND Meets every second and fourth Thurs- day of each month, at 7 :30 p. m.. in THAYER San Antonio Hall, Vineyard street. AGENTS FOB THJ PIANO CO. When tho Cleveland arrives from tlio Visiting companions are cordially in- Makiki vited to attend. Royal Iuiuxance Co, of Liverpool Coast Saturday, on her return trip CASPAR STLVA. C. C. STREET, YOUNG HOTEL. land. 156 HOTEL OPPOSITE around the world, she will have anions LOUIS A. PERKY, F. S. London Assurance Corporation. Ot, IN) her jiaonjj'Ts, people from all parts COOET LUNALILO NO. 6600, A. O. F. We have some good properties Oommercial Union Annruei , . M ... , ... i v. t PHONE ot the State-- lmt undouM edly none . . .11 I . .a V.V.J A..,U.OV BUU bUUU ir.i.,...CUIITTO of London. 218. ID day evenings of each month, at 7:30 iBma k : . : for sale in this beautiful district. Scottisn Union ft National anions them are so well known as Pro- J y. Ti i. t i o . ui., in xLutnu uaii, luruer ruri Co. of Edinburgh, Seotlait Uni-versi'- y and Beretania streets. Visiting broth- fessor anil Mrs. Tnielilontl, of the ers rordially inv' ed. JAS. F. MORGAN. Caledonian Insurance Co. of Mieliijjan. Professor True- - W. KF.LLE, ( R. Insuranot Cs, I JAS. K. KAIUA. P. C. F. 8. Cne Upper K&me Moo,! is tiie profes-o- r of elocution and j (Marine) . HONOLULU 140, O. oratory in univi-r-ity- is AESIE F. E. the but awav Meets on second and on leave of For several fourth Wednesday even- The Star Dyeing and Cleaning Sitf ing! of each month at months he has lnan touring the States, 7:S0 O'clock in Pythian Street, near Alato, Hall, corner Beretania and Fort streets. 221 Beretania jjiviny readings in all the large cities Visiting Eagles are invited to attend. Kodak ami at 'must of tit,- large colleges ami W. R. RILEY, W. P. Telephone 182. univer-it- ii s. W. C. McCOY. Sccv. MAKAI SIDE OF STBEET II'' is well known throughout the HONOLULU EABIOB NO. 61, A A. of M. Yc- -t as .i pnMic reader ami lecturer M. & P. Films Xo connection with the place v 1PANESE Meets on the first Snndnv of iniii-ir- il His the street. readings are evening of each month, at 7 taki'ii from the lies) literature, with o'clock, at Odd Fellows' Hall. All ftoionmtTcv r,.4K. Coast prices on all films. special attention to Sha k , -- pea rean I ren are cordially invited to Belting - ai-p'e. work. He an advocate ot the order Wortnv President, Kodak supplies, chemicals, Scandinavia style of puldii- - addiv-s- . a TVM. K. YOI'XG. C. -- ty'ie of which Wendell Phillips was the FRANK POOR, Secv. and sundries of all kinds. greatest rej ,re-- e nf at i 'e at on-- digni- HONOLULU IRON fied, energetic and POSTCARDS AND VIEWS. in Slik conversational. CAMP NO. 1. S. W. V. a Meets COMPANY With him is traveling his wife, who every Second and Fourth Snturday 0f each month in also ha- - feen giving readings through- Waverley Hall, corner AGENTS. QUALITY Bethel and FIRST out the State-- , wiiich Hotel streets, at 7:30 p. m. I'nited have heen By order of the Camp Com- receive. with miti-u- al praiso ).v the mander. J. K. BROWN, 45c. a yard pre- -. , Adjutant. Honolulu , , It :s r.ot often that the wife pos- - t k, :ui,ikui-lr'.- j talents of HAWAIIAN TRIBE NO. 1, I. O. R. M. JAPANESE EMBROIDERED Meets every hi;-- !, I. at;,! fi.ttumtt-- first and third her ' in.l is Thursday of each month, in K. Photo Supply Co. -- I:'- Who , a an,! e m-- i mi ra ue of P. Hall, comer Fort and Beretania streets. Visiting iif-- i' ami :,'ii- - l,v itilier.Mit ion- -. druthers cordially invited to FORT STREET attend. 1059 i if Id- - li! ' ah,l n ! - '''! fa niiiii- K. V TOPD. C. of R. irtwais for - Mi 'I'l'ie ,i 1. - un- - P. IIK-f.INS- , mi Hie an Sachem. Sites i li.-- -- v..mai!. :nil Tle is HONOLULU LODGE 616, Residence FROM $1.50 UPWARD nn-!-', t'ree from lihihiicr-lli- i B. P. O. E. "f an,i lie!' will meti In their hall. PATTERNS. pirr. Km? street, near Fort, every a - w i i Puunui a ei,t vi a n . Friday evening. Visiting brothers are cordially Clea - I .!'(!-- ' i Lev nlmess leave San to attend. sale ,,r F. A. I) l R. for Pr..f an-- Mr-- . Tine-- ! "rillTT. E. We have H. C. EASTOX. sites I...-J- . residence nr. at St:int'nl w beautiful HONOLULU BCOTTI5H THISTLE CLUB. p v nt' a i district fi.rti ia. Meets on 2nd find 4th Fridays in tiie irorith the Puunui !e ,;e,l that a rra u emeiit s at 8 o'rlork, in Rooms 11 nd 12, Alexander You should see where your bread streets. Yonc Buildiag macadamized 11. :o ve t i. em !l:av tia vea,t IAS. H. I'lDDKS. Chief; is We lastW . manufactured. invite our patrons won't tore tiie II,. !'i;Hi- - ilurin their J AS. C. Mc; ILL, They 1 1 asked. l l'ief -- h. to visit our Bakery, No. 30 Nuuanu the prices nes and Liquors tav HAWAII CHAPTER NO. 1, ORDER OF KAMEHAMEHA. We Meetf every Drat and third Thursday St. bake daily and deliver. SERVICES ON CRUISERS. evening of each month at 7.30 o'clock in Fraternity Hall, Odd Fellows' building, on QUALITY GUARANTEED. .'fl'iL'i.iiw scrv:r. will lie ti.'Ll .u the Fort stret. FRESH BREADS Depart N. FERNANDEZ, Real Estate cruiser- - un-lo- r the Kuauhau. t the Institute tl:iv: V. S. Varieties Pan, Family, Twist, S. We-- t "iriiiia at lo a. m.. I'. S. S. DA.MIEN COUNCIL, NO. 663, Y. M. I., Co., meets every sscond and fonrth Wednesday at Hawaiian Trust 'al t'ornia at . m.. Rev. I'aUnii Simp 7:S0 o'clock p. m. in St. Louis College French, Steam, Rye, Graham. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO FAMILY TRADE. e sun: 1'. S. S. Tenne-e- at 7 j. in. Rev. Alumni Hall (Dreier Hall), Union street. Fort Street II. Visiting memhers are alwavs welcom. 923 1:!.. F. D. ('HKKl)OX, President. Also Soda Crackers, Water H. P. O' SULLIVAN. Beeretary. YOUNG GOURMANDS. Crackers, Saloon and Saloon THEOSOPHICAIi SOCIETY. LOVEJOY I CO. The lie,-- .1, T) lt! & II. is. at a ncw Honolulu Branch. No. 1 1 02. Miller Pilot. I i:ri-t!i- ia ililiner n Ienver. street, ground floor. Kilohnna, Art amuseil !n- - y.mr.tf au'iience with smne League huihlinj;. Fi rst. Tuesday of Pineapples 902 Nuuanu Street. Telephone ..ver-fee.- 308. stvikiittf i.f l m.c every month, at 7:4" p. m. Public t .t a i liii-tin- a- t ntu r. Meeting. Visitors welcome. Other 1 a th:r.: Tuesdays at 7:"0 p. m.. Lodge Meeting !a.i. unetit . t i- i- for Member. JAS. .T. YOFN'O. President. Bananas I -- and hi inanaire it' ';,!! Love's Bakery CIPIITHERIA HOW IT MAY BE ' Ala .1, liner AVOIDED. Phone 1431 valh. W!,. now j ....!;.-- t ; t,-,- i v j .1 A ' l.ae t In ht rontm, when are CYKO t !.. A h , PRINT The o, I has a quality and richness that puts it m a class bv prepares BEST nPUP! nPIMfl DDIMTIfllfl CHI HDfMiir ie'f t . ill t,.r t In- anii AT THEIR I'pht hei a oi-- mis. Thomas Flyer and All Branches of Commercial Photography at i of diphtheria in Mi'i'ii that have 9 Beven-seater- , t : r a nd oti' 1 he Model 1910. Maximum , C ve thi-ll- l comfort FRUIT i and tliev and careful chauffeur. ISLAND jj i i ctn a i Tl: .1 Kinq St. w ;t Young Hotel Auto Stand 72 S. A; .it when per h 'ir. We take the ri'k of i iMim.' in ti it for oo i i 199, I FORT ont rart n ffct lllUS ia-e- s. For Phone THE AD STREET, NEAR HOTEL Around -- READ STREET. the Iiaud. .(." per passenger. ale by all deah-rs- Smith & NEWS Autu Liverv. Phone C J. C. CLUNET, JE. WORLD'S THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 6, 1910. 11 By Authority SPECIAL MEETING. SEVEN THE MAGIC Honolulu Chamber of Commerce. NOTICE. A Special Meeting of the members of lotel Manx the Honolulu t'hamU-- of ('eimmen-- Announcement NUMBER IN LIFE to consider certain proposed legislation BRIDGE CLOSED. of Congress alfectint; Hawaii and local I w ill SAN FRANCISCO 'r now and nut. fur' lor not lee. self io ertinn'nt be held at the room-- , ot tin- liaieiwa will I." eh a I'T the Chamber. Stanton wald JtuiMnuS at o p. m., Tn.-sdav- , i Eebruary Figures in Birth and Death and Tfi'a I -- . sth. I'.U't. o's tewes,. a. In order to better serve the automo- ii. c.eke, A fitli attendance is requested. ?J3 rooms, eaoa wn.. Many Other Affairs of Human tracing 3Ji Oitv ate! County Engineer, By order of the President: ice water aEi bile public in general, wish to :ti hath. Half a Importance. n, P.'l'h 11. P. WOOD. we

-- Secretary. ' m T'nion- squ:i , in"" SEALED TENDERS. Honolulu. Eebruarv .", litlu. o70 careful 1 that - after ti a:i i"- titi nfilai announce inquiry we w Ver ra.lroad te,et : v bark in tin- dun and shudovvv Sealed tenders will be received by the ANNUAL MEETING. have secured the services of a Tire carte, a im n iii.'ui. long armed :uiil crook- - - cperintendent of Public Works until FSala$1-5- per Oafcu Sugar Company, Ltd. .- was the weakest animal 12 1010, ''hontbath41- that in. of Monday, February 21, Eat' If Repair Expert from the mainland I , - earth; t rt- ever he one-stor- P.y order of the Board of y up. had for the construction of a Directors, roo per day and the annual meeting management ot .'. the use nf weapon to defend frame building for the U. S. Experi- of the si oekholdors Jfbaa.tj,e of the Oahu Sugar Co., Ltd., will be whom we feel confident in recom- ie To the r.'i. ; when he skulked mental Station. This work to be paid C. Larm. hmd at the olhce of H. Hackfeld & ;ir through tin' primeval forest lor out of appropriation from Conserva- Co., Ltd., Honolulu, T. II., on Saturday, mending as being able to do the -- pt - t i !: g. ClboWS O! ll !S tion 1'und. Eebruary 10, l!'ln. at ! a. m. for the .I kiM-i- - I.,.;- -, purpose of electing elaw-lik- I'lati-- , sppcTfications and proposal officers and trans- line, acting such other business as Lie highest grade of work in his both i. . 1 may laped "V.-- ' head as a pro-- inks on tile in the office of the Super- hiougii! before the meeting. i HOTEL f w r. . r lie begu !i miii a n. intend.!;: of I'uMic Works. The stock transfer books of the Com- on outer cases and inner tubes. We a fa iii' .!.,.. ption of number. The riuht is reserved to reject any pany will be closed from February 17 i : to February BTEWART it !;o use f t;T concept iin of or all lids. lit, both dates inclusive. have also equipped our shop with the his F. KLAMP. ,'iilirr hut the coiiere:,'. In MAKSTOX CAMPBELL, . s- ' S'l'tei ary. &Tfrancisco -- 'reuiiou lit- - numbers were a Superintendent of Public Works. approved appliances for this Squat e most Lrv above Union v til! he iial somet hi n g t o Honolulu, dan. 20, 1SH0. 300 St. Francs ANNUAL MEETING. r'S.. .Lite Hotel i j 03i fr ;.,St; ' Hid to .!.!, according to the any $1-5- (.lobe-ll- purpose. roean Plan a day up st. I... rat. nn . . Wailuku Sugar Co. t,i a dav ud l ihaps. tir-- t ounteii the toes on American ' ' the Land Man -- mis- - "Pratt Notice is hereby given an- CJ furnish- - iav feet or the tinkers on his that the We will never attempt to repair andWckstructure - nual meeting of shareholders of Wailu- ' anus, hi:: wua' were tue coii- 125 Merchant Street, Linus tnat T::. stoo.l lor ku Sugar 'o. will be held in the otlices rates. Center of theatre tires beyond repair, consequently we lrte i.- -- ie-- ar of C. Brewer - Thjt - iemhl it with an awe Adjoining Stangenwald Building Co.. Ltd.. in Honolulu, "irttaildistrict.Oncarlinestrans- ;';!!!. Lied come ( n Wednesday, February 10, li'10, at 10 cny. ummuuo tha but little lis. has J mazailover ,,s? o'clock a. m. seek confidence in judgment, oown to our and steamers Send for your In h s immatuie mind this number E. F. BISHOP, ick'et map oi things, his Secretary. ,....! now recognized as was wi:h material well your patronage for Good swart con-- Dated, as as u aaiianl5!andheadquarers.Cab!e w iirc 'n'ino stirred with awe in Honolulu. February 1, FJlu. ni'.iatitiij but what they.' S570 lers Sess'Trawets." ABC Code. them: Can sell you a home or business site only, and to back up this C. Superstition and Science Meet. to your purse, be it fat or lean. Work f m m v I ft T F 11 1 D T suit ANNUAL MEETING r- -t it ion and solid Qting DlfcLOltnMni sup. Don't sit down and think what you will Re- ii ru e meet and nuncio in the tnaijie statement, guarantee our would do if you had your life to live Onomea .v.oi The seven visible aitcs of Sugar Co. .i over busy, tue eaiiii'- - creation may le tinoed with pre-.oi.r.- again, uet improve Notice is hereby given that the an- treads for 2000 miles. DELMONICO HOTEL ved ideas riom the account in rest of it by buying a home in Ha- nual meeting of shareholders of Ono- (n'!;e-i- . the ai;"S of man may Do mea Sugar Co. will bo held in the of- BPreiania Street, adjoining Centra) seviii waii. You can never start sootier. be an arbitrary division deferriiiLT to fices of C. Brewer &. Co., Ltd.. in Hono- "n S'atinn. it now. . the nations lulu, on Friday, February 11, at i ni.isnn!tn nrnef" superstition; lot tact that . lt10. and tares that have never heard of or Seaside villas $14,000, $30,-000- 10 o'clock a. m. ASSOCIATED GARAGE, LTD. f ta53 accommodation, en suite rt rr";.-.-- t regulate E. F. only. the Mosaic account their BISHOP, single for men weekly cycles of seven Secretary. teasonahle. da.lv lives in Makiki and runahou $12,000, $11,000, thaL rms number lias a uni- Dated, Honolulu, February 1, 1910. Merchant Bishop St. davs shows that this $4000, at versal and unique importance in the life $10,000, $9000, $6500, $4200, S570 $2000. THE NUUANU i f man. With a crv the babe proclaims its ad- Manoa $0000, $3500. ANNUAL MEETING. f vent, but not until seven times seven Nnuanu $0000, $2750, $1300. .lavs can it shed tears, nor does the 1534 Nunann Ave. near School St. runchbowl (south slope)" $3000. Honomu Sugar Co. worn smile of intellijo'in-- appear until seven .arze ami airy furnished rooms and Notice is an- t weeks have passed. One-hal- f the births Upper Fort Street $1000. hereby given that the 2ET3 with or without board. $2.00 nual meeting llouo-m- u nm di.- before they rco-- the ae of seven, Puunui $2000. of shareholders of Sugar Co. will be held in thy otlices special rates by the month. and the Oood Book Sixes the spun of life Kewalo Tract $4000, $500. seven years. of C. Brewer Co.. Ltd., in Honolulu, at ten times Kaimuki $1000. Even the atavistic influences in the on Wednesday, February 10, 1910, at 11 1 Thing s G50. a. m. Real TD., in seven. Tantalus Height $ o'clock The human family run cycles of iMrtments, Cuisine and Service E. On., in sev-.- of th- - births has eyes of Kalihi $300, $400, $500. F. BISHOP, II It A CA I I parental, and Secretary. nignesi Jianaaru a nili.r different fr.m the Or, will lease to you, lands witli lyib. bear' the optical h,;e of a remote an- Dated, Honolulu, February 1, IN REAL ESTATE growing crops of pines at $10 to $15 57(i PLEA5ANT0N HOTEL' cestor. creed cannot overcome the per acre per annum. h'eiiui'.us KING STREET, NEAR THOMAS SQUARE Wilder Ave. and Tunahuu hitluon.-- of the a.;.e.r number. In both Or, over twenty acres, with good ANNUAL MEETING p....te-ran- t Enodaud .'ind Oatholie Prance house, well furnished, in Palolo, for Large lot and house; 30,000 square feet. r ri per cent, of births are illegit- C. Brewer & Company, Limited. se. !h' $3o0 per annum. Cheap, and easy terms. 2ING UP imate. Notice is hereby given that the an- 1 neeos-hit;.- . A PLACE, to h; the artificial po.-h- that the COUNTRY adjacent nual meeting of shareholders of C. r -- YOUNG STREET of sueietv have tablished in the steamer landing, on neighboring is- Brewer Co., Ltd., will be held in the - a i life of man tlo- iruinbi-- seven holds land. Five (5) acres fine land; piped, offices of the corporation in Honolulu Lot and Cottage, 14,000 square feet. pla'-e- . held icumis it.tants are to on Thursday. 1910, 10 must be sold. pood never-failin- spring water; houses, February In, at Real bargain; lo ii.eapable of a kt.owle.ltfe of " o'clock a. m. or con r ii i.t ino to their own buildings, tanks, etc., cost $2S75; all OS GE0CEEIES rilOXE 76 evil" RICHABD IVERS. BECKLEY STREET Isui.potT T:II seven y :s i ae, .uui in good repair. Title perfect. Will ii,T Secretary. Jaiea. i male does not come the full dinnity Beautiful lot and house; 62,500 square feet. Mr. and Mrs. sell for $20oit. Dated, Honolulu, February 1, 1010. Hashimoto .; responsibility of ma.'ihood till three S570 Any reasonable terms will be accepted. 'imes -- even. OAHU RAILWAY TIME TABLE. MASSEURS A t President citizen cant: "iome ROAD :;i:til is five tit:: - seven years of ELECTION OF OFFICERS. KAPAHULU he Outward. Eheumatiia, ;rl most ::.' s .. veil years open 5 lots and bungalow; brand new; across e Eruiset, idvevse a ti.) peac-aid- possession jives For Waianae, Waialua, Kahuku and Kauikeolani Children's Hospital. only 4 minutes' walk from car station. Scrains, j to real : a ''homesteader" Way Stations !:J5 a. m., "3:20 p. m. title At ;i meeting of the trustees of the Tired Feeling - w.- -l - to "prove up" For Pearl City. Ewa Mill and Way seven y.'.ir- Kauikeolani Children's Hospital, held in PAHOA AVENUE ud other twi.-- s(.vi.:i i.'is to commute to stations t,:jn a. m.. !':I.) a. m., :,'. the otlice of Hon. S. P.. Dole, at the 1 Ailments a ca-- h 11:3'J a. m., t: p. in.. 3:20 p. in., Lot and Bungalow in best district of Kaimuki. '"5:15 p. ::0:3o p. p. Court House in Honolulu, on the 3rd Quickly Morals and Affections. in.. in., tll:15 in. following Cheap, and reasonable terms. Believed. For Wahiawa :ind Leilelma 10;20 a. day of February, 1910. the The moraU and the affections of the oilicers of the corporation were elected Telephone nu. "5:15 i. in., J!:3o p. in., 1 11:15 p. m. 637 human family s..,o:i .,,miliated by the to serve for the ensuing year: KAIMUKI LOTS ii.s'istei:T -- even. A tendency Inward. VTJBRATOBY MASSAGE. ;!..:'' S. I '.. DOLE President In the most beautiful and best location of Kaimuki. is m times seven, Arrive Honolulu rrorn Kahuku. Waia- ' BEMTANIA to crime rentes: tour .1. F. M ).' AN Vice President easy AVE. NEAR EMMA -- Cheap, and terms. v. hen the ere;(test rature is reached, lua and Wtiianae "5:30 a. in., 5:31 BATH AND MANICURE. W. O. SMITH Treasurer tii.n e.., .lines vi.:.- cases at nine p. m. AUDIT co. op HAWAII uditor - ! pun see!i. In r. e of the si Arrie Honolulu from Ewa Mill and (.'OLDIE (b (il'KXEV Secret arv HOUSES FOR RENT' t aci-Us- I t : . r i -i pre lie 7 4" i jb :i- a lit ial n Pearl Citv a. in.. a. in., GOLDIE O. OUb'XEV, i : the 1 ' : Jire Insurance was acjirtted in ti court for :i2 a. tm. k p. in., 4:20 p. in.. Secretarv. Kauikeolani Children's e:is,,c hat hi- - e been blamele-- s 5:'U . in.. 7:3o p. in. Hospital. S579 t p .v.,- held 1 ha' a ma n Arrive Honolulu from Wahiawa and B. :,: a:e. j F. t 1 1 : i ,,. ,t i nues 4 0 p. to DILLINGHAM CO. 'A T.,j :,:: ine Leihdiua '9:15 a. m., in., 5:3I ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Martin Crune f exeiii p a : v . i. m., JloilO p. m. r 83 Merchant Street. LTD. -- :, eiaje : i .,! strenoth of The Haleiwa Limited, a two-hou- ; - ...v. n r'..- ' hs 1 ha t of ma n train (only first class tickets honored, See Yup Vai Quon Society. e iiO c V Tt tin - bv vii'l'IM- . leaves Honolulu every Sunday at S;.",ii At the regular annual meeting of the t :i me ,..! t.. ! hat "f :!.;. if ill i.e a. in.; ri'tnrni nt;, arries in Honolulu SEE VUP WAl (,)UOX SOCIETY, held V ';;,( .;)' the iiwfnl e at lo: lo p. m. The Limited stops only at its Society Hall in Honolulu, on the General Agents -- lit h for Hawaii: l' t oae ev at I'enrl t'itv and Wtiianae outward, 25th day of December. Anno Domini, 5 ,. . commit h-sde and Waianae, Waipahu and Pearl City 19ii9, at the hour of 7:oO o'clock p. in., vAu1;rimce Company of London i, !,t ., V'oma n 's rrf i n w a i'd. poperlv convened with a quorum pres- I - ' t ' -- ' ; uaei-wnters- are ea la v. 1.; Agency, ..:,t "lio.i .''.'iv aiiv. Except Ssiio ' tSundav Only, ent, the following named otlii ers were .. : j . ea - ; t iseii de SMITH." Washington Insurance Com- .. ii. P.'lE"ISoX. F. C. elected to hold ollice for tin' ensuing i HATS -- , W PATTERN AAliJI. v- - iiell NEW ..,'! - ' se '0. Siiperintendeiit. (i. P. A. yea r. J o wit : MR. CHU ;EM President S- - s;ib !. Ex. S. Alameda K0ALAU RAILWAY TIME TABLE M R. I.I'.M Vice President rvai- - o: Tol sites Smith MR. LEE LET Treasurer Flam 0. DAILY, EXCEPT SATURDAY, Mb'. XC. CAM; sst. Treasurer Trus MR. V. M. WEE Frgllsi, Secretary : r SL'NDAY AND HOLIDAY. Department Mb'. T. C. .Chinese Secretarv ' ' ll. H'Xi; ... HATS Children e l;,ke Kaliana Punahiu, for ti Leave for 2' V. M. WEE. long . -- even !,n! b Laie. Kahuku and UTES MANAGED, lices llaunla. Secretary. See Yup 'ai (Jiiou Society. REVENUES i.oi. When a land Wa v Stations at 12:00 M. f C0LLECTED, ,. of S570 SWELL STYLES. LOWEST PRICES. 1 - s a hue at 1:00. P.M LOANS AND IN-- 1 e race Arrive Kaiiuku a ri a t 'o - ;,,- -t or li'iUn'iwu Returning: VESTMENTS MADE. he ruh' of sev.-n.'- ' Leave Kahuku for Laie, inula. ' CALIFORNIA Oil DIVIDENDS e t' eit't il , ' wice the number Punaluu, Kaliana and i -- n error. ! one-s- vent ii. Wav Stations at 1:15 P.M 0 n,, ies f.,r the true Arrive Kahuna at 2:45 P.M F're I' o m:.' .f mile, the liiilllber SATURDAY, SUNDAY Buy listed, dividend paying j Insurance seventh, is in eir.-- i!,:;s one AND HOLIDAYS oil stocks. Many of these listed UYEDA, , K. 1 a mile half the I sto?ks pay one and two per cent. I Arrive Kahuku at 11:5s A.M. !!' h. is t he or monthly dividends. By purchasing ! Nuuanu Street F0S Leave Kahana for Punaluu, you ENGLISH IIAWAILAN Haimla. Laie. Kahuku ami listed stocks you can sell any day of rails red wish. You can invest large or small j Wav at 11:00 A.M. UNDERWRITERS. is fioind bv mid- Stations sums. We will you about 1 :30 P.M. gladly tell , vard bv eleven 1 P.M. these listed stocks, or any other Cali- " and where th.-r- 2:15 Tlau-u'a- , fornia oil stocks. We are on the ' Leave Kahuku for Laie. from the main ground and operating in all the Cali- ! frog" Punaluu, Kaliana and Ra! Estate e middle " fornia oil fields. We handle only le- i ' vvo. Wav Stations at 12:35 P.M. he ot her gitimate propositions and invite the . n iim ii'v" lelliis 3:"iP.M. Rfr for sale. most thorough investigation. Write .solution of prob-:- ' Connections are made at Kahuku : - & today for list of dividend paying stocks formal l!arr.v reet or T O. R. L. Co. 's 9:15 a. ni. n ii t to- liiliUV :. in dailv life. with the s, of from Honolulu, and the 2:20 p. sad quotations, wtiieh we will tend a Hi a ,u the form train of charge for months. U isV to ascerta n in. train, which arrives in the city at rre? three !.s. & LOAN CO. a .1:her is divi-bl- e 5:30 i. in. LINCOLN MORTGAGE it 166 Geary CaL f .igit-- , bur seva-- JANUARY 1. 1909 Street. San Francisco, tie S. : anv rule. The J. J. POWLINO, E. POLLISTER, iitdni' is bivisi- Suporin:o!iient G. P. & F. A. s,. fitful MEETING. 6Tlstoc1s ANNUAL OH hand- s ,,f the magic Listed and unlisted Stocks 111 led on Commission. Daily quotation HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., LTD. CL It Is : """"'iON'S HAirt .ii for a subitum. Co. in Hawaiian Agricultural sheets on request. .; the numbers r-- Notice is hereby given that t h a ti L. T. KILBER. : regarded Phone 88. Th . C,rtain- writ-,,f- nun! meeting of shareholders of t he Member C.-i-- & Oil Exchange fr-- S - Sol r was ' Stock 1$ w Seven Hawaiian A grim ' lira C.,. will be held inl litis Building. San Fram-i-co- . "the '. i i n in otlices of Brewer ('o.. Ltd.. f -- ia a ii. the 'It v'lnir in Honolulu, "ti Friday, February 11, ! on le ' 1$ )lldolnt,d d, " 'and "restorers" ,s,ired by seven. THIS PAPE"R this. It 1910, ;it 1 o 'clock a. m. THE PAKE AD l nvri,i.. Velith ' was the acme of drU39'StS E. F. BISHOP. VEKTISrxa AGENCY, IKO., 427 South 'nd lea - Ii ! I hn.it of earthlv B11XS0V Secret ary. Main St.. Los Angelet. and 12 Geary '.V a- - w : e VI' women snail Daily February 1, 1910. 8t., San wnere eoutraeta for Read the "Advertiser," World's News HOTEL hoM or one man. saving. We will Dated. Honolulu. rrateiseo. STREETS ts570 for it. wear our own ! ' ' ' advertising eaa b rad THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 6 1910. 12 HALiltAU 4LU' Wi Willie Oceanic Steamship Co., Time TablelCi I Oi! (lrnlnrn ' DIRECT SERVICE TO SAN FRANCISCO. BR0KE8 o 1 ' rriRT STREET. ' From San Francisco: For San Francisco: B B , Stocks, BoJ FEBRUARY 2 aiErf 1111? w0 A I MFDV FKP.i:rW?Y IS ALAMEDA 23 - FEBHUAKY 11 ALAMEDA FEBRUARY HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE Anil ALAMEDA MARCH 16 ) k t ". - l IVW S.ttur.'i . February RATES from Honolulu to San Francisco First Class, $65; Round Trip, Real I t Vi. Ittl .1'rt Estat $110. Family Room, extra. N'AMK OF STwt'K. :Fai.1 l"p Bid i k . & CO., LTD., Genera! Agents. aiemoer Honolulu gt0ck C. BREWER Mkrcanth.e. t REAL ESTATE FOR SALE C. BruVfvr A Co SiUX.'Q.OOO $1)0 SL'H. AMERICAN -- HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Ewa VOOO.000 2, 34 STBjjj WS 1 0 2"4 Haw. Agi 'cultural l.W P. O. Boy 538 every day. Freight Haw Cora & sugar Co 2.812.75S 2 . . From New York to Honolulu, via Tehuantepec, sixth 20 .. South Brooklyn. HwfUKrCO 2 00 '.0O0 received at all times at the Company's Wharf, 41st Street, A bargain at Kaimuki on Eleventh avenue, $1600. Houomu "50.U00 1; Iv Honnk&n 2.000 000 2o -- i 23 DAnUAINS IN FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO HONOLULU: ' REALEsJ in Hsiku l,M,'00 loo ... UJ S S ARIZONA N, via Paget Sound, to s:iil February 11th. ic days transit. UUtClUDHOll !Mlg Plan 7 days Lots Kaimuki Tract, $100 each, on easy payments. Three Co 'J.W0.000, 25 P. S.NEVADAN. direct to sail February loth, in transit. in Park Fin.' lot with gman 1G days in transit. Kahuku 500,000 a .. . g. Puget Sound, to sail February 23rd, SoCv'-OO- for S.VIRGINIAN, via Kekaha Sugar (' too I'? mo. on Y. SOO.OOd k'O. Koloa -- House and lot Kaimuki Tract for $2600. Acreage V on Li! DIRECT: acres, cleared and fenced in the MeBryde Sua Co Ltd..; S.5O0.0O0 20 FROM SEATTLE AND TACOMA TO HONOLULU Zj 35 A very larsre ?H,3 7th Uahu Sugar Co .t.njo.ooo H lt S S.ALASKAN, to sail February Onomea 1,1)00.000 2. fi ?d able house in ".u ..ej lebruary 19th property in Palolo Valley. Ookala 500.000 2.i ... W S. S.AR1ZONAN, to sail 0 6 Co Ltd 5.000.000: 2. i March 3rd O'aa Suear m.-ii- i S. S. VIRGINIAN, to sail Oiowalu 10.000! lOu " neat cottage FROM HONOLULU TO SAN FRANCISCO DIRECT: These are a few of the opportunities we have to offer for invest- Patuihau 5ug i'laii Co 8.00 OHO' 50. .!!. SO Pa!;nna.-$16- 00. February 21st Pacific 'J.'.MJ.OOo; IOC Small S. S. NEVA DAN Carrying Passengers to sail Paia 7S0.00&! 100 .. lit''"' cottage andlfltnv, apply to t'epeekt'O 750,000; IOC! i bearing fruit trees For further information ment in real estate. pioneer 2,750,000! 100 2U ;220 H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD., Agents, Honolulu. VVaialua Agri Co 4.5(10.000 loo V u Wailuku l.MlO.OOO; luG. C. P. MORSE. General Freight Agent. Wairaaualo '2.0MK 100: ... . Waimea 8uga' Mill .... 125,000; 100 J- Miscellaneous - SLHMACK, 137 CANADIAN AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL LINE. Inter-Islan- d SS S Co 2.050,000, IOC HS Haw Klertric Co 5OP.00C luc 160 PM FOR FIJI AND AUSTRALIA. FOR VANCOUVER. 1IRTA 1.CO 1.15i',00C IOC' FEBRUARY 5 MAKER A FEBRUARY 1 H K 1 ,t L CflCom i:04l4 MON Tol Co 25 00(. 10 4 MARCH 2 Mutual MAKURA MARCH MA1TAI Nahiku RubberCo 60.000 190. A. CAMPBELL MARCH 29 100; J. MAITAI APRIL 2 MAR AM A Trust" Nabiku KubberCo Assess. After aferhouse 109 144 Will Fanning Island. ORAL Co 4."no.or.o call at Hiio It. K. C . i'fd l.WC,cvi 21' K K Co., ... 2lk THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., LTD., General Agents. hiio Com i.oiiL..oooj STOCKS and the Fort and Merchant Streets. Honolulu Brewing 4 m' Maltlue Co Ltd .... 400.000! 23 IS" Haw Piuuapple Co 510,000; 20 2! --Vfi 79 MiaCBAOTTr' KAISHA. ) n, th PACIFIC MAIL S. S. CO., AND T0Y0 KISEN Bonds Amt. Out HONOLULU Member Honolulu I I Ee Steamers of the above companies will call at Honolulu and leave this port Haw Ter 4p c (Fire Stock w Claims) 315.00 V I 8 aD3en on or about the dates mentioned below: Haw Ter 4 p c (Ke-- 7 Territory C ;undingl905 ... j Soo.COG Joe Andrid,5i eve FOE THE ORIENT. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. 4 p 1,003,000 resent me on Haw ler the HonolJsJ 01 8 CIITYO JANUARY 28 1 er K p c ; 1,000,036 feeing. CHINA FEBRUARY MARU Haw Exchange ani iB all 14 FEBRUARY 4 Haw Ter 8'4 PC j l,o44,ooo neve: MANCHURIA FEBRUARY ASIA Ke-C- o taming to the for I 18 Cai Beet Sugar & ialeof.2 CHIYO MARU FEBRUARY 22 MONGOLIA FEBRUARY 8 p C ... 800,000 101 jog." Xe TENYO MARU FEBRUARY 25 SILVA'S TOGGERY Hamxkua f)it?h Co. j (upper ditch) 6 s... 230,000 s cLvilian Hawaiian Irrigaiion Admii NOW INCORPORATED Co . Hs 45 p e paid.... 715,0a cn H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD., Agents. Hawaiian Irrigalioni ebief o Co 6s, fully paid .... 55,000 :10CV4 in Articles of incorporation of Silvn's j Sound! Sensible! j Haw com i Sugar yacific vra NAVIGATION COMPANY'S SCHEDULE, 1910. Co 5 p C 1.240.C0C MATSON Toggery have beeu riled with the treas- 1 Hiio K K s (lsue tlif.Tennc! is the advice to the business man J IV. 1 IX'OO.OuC liO 1j0!. The of its lov Direct service between San Francisco and Honolulu. urer. The company is capitalized for f to use the Hiio it K Co Ref & in $40,1 wo divided as follows: A. C. tSi Extn Con. 6 s 83O.0001 9f.H 99 He is a 6 45(3,000 .108(4 San Francisco: 1- Honokaa SJue l'o p c From San Francisco: For 240 shares; Andrade, -2 Display Boomi No. Jason Hon RIAL Co 6 p c. 47.000 u q, meiit he 9 Lurlino February 15 Lurline shares; James Wakefield, 30 shares; 31. Kauai coKs ...... 5.0.0O.I February R. Office Judd Enildiif friendly $ February 16 Wilhelmina February 24 Wilhelmina V. Silva, 1 share; Y. C. Shields, 1 WIRELESS j k"ohla Hitch "o 6s... ;500,CK.O Mc Brvde Sui? Cods .... 2,000,000 sy?4 ce hut March 9 Lurline March 15 Lurline share. The ollieers of the company are: O K & L CO 5 p c 2,GOi).O00 1.V2 . AGENTS FOB March 18 Wilhelmina March 26 Wilhelmina A. (..'. Si! va. . resident; James Wake-lield- Xo waitint; for steamer days JOaiiu Sut;ar Co 5 p c fto.roo 13'2 imagine sugar Co 6 pc... 1.250,000 w 6 Lurline April 12 Lurline . resident ; Jason Andrade, no mail delays. Olaa not di April vice Pacitic Sugar Mill National Cash Register Co., is W. C. Shields, (J 8 500,000 ICS treasurer and f rotary; CO Burroughs tommamli auditor. These with M. V. Silva will Pioneer Mill Co 6 p c 1,253,000 Adding Maciije V a ialua Ag Co 5 p o 17.0 X 1 9xA& o constitute the board of directors. It's Instantaneous !' To Typewriter ft, apply to j j condition For further particulars The Toggery was established about 23.125 on $100 paid. T54 per cent, & COOKE, LTD., Agents, Honolulu. two and a half vears ago bv Alfred C. - stances. CASTLE t 't a o ii niiiiuav iik i ii- m paid. Redeemable at 103 at maturity, Silva, who had been with the Kash eight until ten o'clock. jl'aid up. Is every Clothing Comjiany for a number of Sessiom Bales. PROFESSIONAL CABM six feet years. The shop became popular witu iv'im well poi' the people and a good business has fol- 10 McBryde, 7.50; $5ouO Hiio 190 fis, Ya 1-- MUSIC. wind lowed the opening of the doors. Re- inn; iii ialua, 9; 50 Haw. the Bine 2s.ni). W. KAPL VINCENT, Ptofec WHY? cently Mr. Silva leased the store ad- v foty-thr- Music. Piano and singing, pije Why is our wood and coal business developing so rapidly? Simply joining his place of business and will, Between Boards. Ivavy 1 i gan, etc. For terms aimlTlu and the lowest prices. when the alterations are completed, oc- 25 Ewa, 34.50; 90 23; 100 because we give full measure, the best quality STOCKS AND BONDS Honokaa. ij,,:i.i;.... noomt ' of Iron, cupy both places. The entire front of Hutchinson. 18.25; K. K. I'uii.iuiji, it. Once a trial order you will become a steady customer. 8L'0 Hiio face but the building has been altered up to the Ex. 0s, 95.50. VOCAL CO., LTD., Trent Trust Co., Ltd. middle HONOLULU CONSTRUCTION AND DRAYING second story. Larger windows have Dividennds. February 5, 1910. HUGO HERZER, Teacher of SrJ and a broad passage to the Kaehe; Fhone 2S1. Office, Fort, below Merchant. been built Haw. ('. it S. Co., 25c share; Onomea. Studio, Love building, FortM store is between them. Thero is ample BOUGHT AND SOLD shall st 50c Al.i'il Wai-manal- opposite convent. Eesidew 4 in the win- share; Hon.nini. share; room for display of lines (,Spl.), $5.0.) share. phone 1301. private dows. Mr. Silva will leave the fr appcara Kast when the building is completed and VETEETNARIaK. that ma purchase his stock of goods for the Classified DR. L. E. CASE, office HiwtiiaM Advertisements law vear. Ihirintr his absence Jason An Albert F. Afong Yar.ls Co., Ltd. Phone ti. is i f Rock drade. who for ten years was with M. Want Ads., two lines, one time, 10 cents, 832 FORI STREET admiral Rock and Sand I Crushed 3kTnernv. will manage the business. DENTISTS. HUSTACE-PEC- K COMPANY, LTD. SITUATIONS WANTED. STOCK AND BOND bkOKER A. B. CLARK Room 311, 63 QTJEEN STEEET. PHONE S95. A GIBE. Admi YOl'X(; man wishes position book- ua Na- as Member Honolulu titoe. Bond not of We crnsh our own rock and deliver to all parts of the City. William Mitchell Lewis of the keeper. First class references. Ad- Exchange Association of Automobile Manu- people Estimates given on all kinds of road work and grading. tional dress "A," this orlice. 370 Advertisem; Eeasonable Prices. facturers was talking in Racine about Classified these the improvements in motor I I'll VSICI AN recent Iv one time, It lave GIVE US A TRIAL. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. ears that from States de Want Ads., two lines, ti the last decade has witnessed. sires position as assistant or locum Classified Advertisements snd a remember the said Mr. tenems. Address this that "I time," "Physician," Want Ads., two lines, one time, 10 cents. FOR RENT. Lewis, "when it was a common sight, oftiee. 8579 tion ONE nicely furnished front roiij as you drove along a country road, to is male BV tween Car Barn and Thomas $H see a motorist kneeling in the dust LADY as stenographer, with knowl- WANTED. av tl edge of bookkeeping. refer- No. 830 Young street. beside his car, puzzling over a great Best of TWO jewelers, Ap- spnt ences. general bench work. cog-wheel- Address C, this oflice. 8570 Hissou "O heap of screws, tiny springs ply H. K. Wichtnan Co.. Ltd. 8579 XICFT.V fnrnisliPil cntta?. . and other delicate pieces of machinery. i lion tl AS BOOKKKKI'KR, Imjuire at 1419 Kapiolani St 4 "I know a man who knelt beside a assistant or in any UNFURNISHED cottage at Waikiki; aeaden clerical capacity, by young man; per- 1H63. i US scrap-hea- composed of his car's in- permanent, if suitable. Address cottage of tbw s4 LET fect school education and commercial FUKN'lSilED nards when a pretty farm girl stopped "Waikiki," this ollice. 8578 suitable for two or three its he experience. Speaks five modern lan- eene beside him. put her baud to her head, 82n S. Beretania. guages. Y'OUNG man as reve- and said kindly: "Clerical." this oflice. 8576 chip's writer ou the f, nue cutter Thetis. on " 'Would a hairpin be of any use to Particulars FUHXISHED house to renting 'South board. 8577 monti. from KEEP you, sir J ' " OFFICES FOR RENT. "allev. $H5.00 per iq ALEXANDER YOUNG BUILDING The Waterhouse Company. the w for y. Honolulu "s only fire-proo- f JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT LOCAL OFFICE OF THE UNITED on t'li STATES WEATHER BUREAU. building; rent includes electric light, LARGE furnished front room AGENCY. course AN EYE Honolulu, Saturday, February 5, 1910. hot and cold water, and janitor ser- oung St., cor. Fawaa. AfrJJ Hamm-Youn- g is a vice. Applv the von P.'te-tani- a JAPANESE employment agency. premises. ence ? To.. Ltd. and IViisaeoia. Phone 17:5. THERMO. JjWIND 1 Euror 1 U S EK E EP1NG rooms it ' ' Employes, every, deseription, juoiiij.tlv 0 ordpri r 2 t- ' THE STA NG EX WALT) Only fire- - Eichards ani kh BAGGAGE See OS B as Ooc5cs! YanagawM. Apply corner On Your and That it Goes RIGHT S r S x j.r.iof oflice supplied. T. Agent. s.57! "Cya c building in city. a S -v; ia k 3 ff S 2 niTT u-,i.- wifh hoard. MriJ 'i We attend personally to the sealing :f your trunks. 8 : : : S Tl AUTOMOBILES. i TTiU "''Lev i! si Iv, i5 Kalia road, : EMPLOYMENT j . E. . ;: : OFFICE, RING Phone Six and a-- for Fred ' ' i JAPANESE cooks, waiters, yardbovs, l9co3 .til ;: B4 hi 1 nh .... No ves new seven passenger NEWLY furnished rooms, City Transfer Co., etc.. 112n Union St. 579. Kissel Phone N for eentlem PHONE ; H : Kar .i .is. lar: 72 H 1 sr 42. fie lee. chauil'eur. Jear 152 11 j2.54i .! 85 r, 4 1269 Fort St. H. Love the Villa. FM' rpmii Jas. fit g .. . ioov j isj 7i 7i J m se HCtTEOKOLCGICAl KECOXD. i - .. n in xUtei iars aj'piy i" P'Ttii ttmS ik'.l.--- ' 71 ,ttj 7 fi sf. l.i'i.i. or premises. nursf stued Everv Sundav Morning bv the FOR SALE. I'J04 h Ti f. C.s .01. 7;. 5 w .... Local Office, U. 8. EXCHANGE Weather Bureau. "lion ciii.n SPKJNG; 5)1.1 M: !low,-- r FOR fifil. -- ' IMOf. --HW T7 .) .00 iri 4 5 shares. Whal :f.M .' M " I 'i sb iue l: .x & this THEKM. WISD . Ii!'.'!. :,,!:, t f IWlf. w 74 fi T 74 7 lb property. t nk K house- AUTO REPAIRS H. ,'. T. i L. power farn lt07 74 .59 hH S s 4 ' BLACK and flaw,,,,, ,.U bi nd.-- i s per- ROOMS. ..1S; in.-hes- , ,,,, FURNISHED li 7d M 71 .1 riti - ne 4 forating iiiaehiue. L" m .r FIRST-CLAS- S WE HAVE MECHANICS AND oi.ier. t. ina.o.. mom tor 1 ERA JIV i THE 1 74 S THE NEW U 0 7 nk A fi ibr; larsrer machine. W ii: he s,,!. i 7ear MOST MODERN EQUIPMENT. ALSO OUR CHARGES ' N v. u V .r " li'.si, m Irt 75 5 70 7S 4 5 M .tl ,,. Tropica;-- T 1J K 1 Ap.iy at bind. 'tv, Hawaiian Gazette W"e ,,,Ilth. ARE MODERATE. T S.. - NE Olliie 2St.Mr 7.. 5 4 70 3 s- - T. r retisonahle. l':Mr Avse i .1st 77 j i." SK w 2 :v rki r4 NE r It .! 1 HE 1 30 ti3 NK 11 I remises. MRS. F 4 1 1 f4 NK WM. B. STOCKMAN, II "S i S T 7t NE 1TCC 'K " i! wa i and Irs V,. V01C 8etion Director. the in..- -' lete puliliea- - d 1'v NK V. i 'AS. , i ion in exjstenee i ring on the ge- rK N 'I!' j TIDES. SUN - r AND MOON. logieal loimat io'i of t iie Territorv :i- i::e- :.s.i si reet. Royal Ii " " " Garage, y Hawaiian Ltd. - . ..te. readings are cor it relates to vol,- n s. Hands, .meh r BOARD- - ected for temperature. Instrumental illustrated. $2. r.t Hawaiian C:iz.-t- ' ROOM AND ;i I "JlV rrors, Ltd., b2 -r- s.-;:- Geo. S. Wells, Mgr. and local gravity, and reduced Kin,' eef. 1 1, o sea level. Average n- cloudiness stated , ....,.iiuto-pr.,- 1' n sca frona o to 10. BOUND m F ' .. h m J. I,: H !'! T,. Direction of volumes Aot'iv ;n M 1 : - n " 1 1 - -, lnd nvprasre ,". - St., opp. ' - 5. 1..- velocity In mUes par p.'.'te in f ti " Hotel Hawaiian Hotel Phone 191. - the iour er.dinz at 8 p. m. ry ' ...,-T- 1 -- VHnoitv of where' H AC j t 7. .'.. 3. 2 K , 5 ",i T wind in prevailing direction during 24 a w a i .'i a x.-- ' l.t. ai"; , j rt'a,i' our. : Kalia ha, WVT. B PTOCKMAV. BoCND v.. him. s . . i F lit.. Dirpctor. ; in abiabi" i '''II .l:ey-.ro-- i I -- in .l net Haw;.,. at, ( - TAPAS. la..:- 3 - :. ' '! t '! DIAMOND- ;, K.wvar.l ii ".)!., ;. 1 e S LT 1 in ... r t. S. and X.i ' So; i v v. r ( f Ibe tides a Kahuliu and H;,, ,,,-,- !, r tbout one hour earlier thun ut n. ,. in ' he Pa.-ific- . HOUSE WANTED. c. Op. n Xiuht. m a i'i: i : i Hawaiian standard time is 10 hour? Hawaii & South CO minutes slower than Greenwich Seas Curio Co., in anie. being that of the 4 STEINWAY&j; meridian of 157 Young Building. iegieeg thirty minutts. The time whis SAYEGUSA Bishop Next to Cnbl-- Office PIANO blows at 1:30 p. m., which is the Street. STENOGRAPHER. THAYER sl Nuuanu Above Hotel. ) tam as Greenwich 0 hours 0 mi nn r pa ( UBLP . experieiii-e.- .n ai! lines. Room. aucc moon . Hotel 3 inn and are for local time for j lordau 's sal,, of emlo oidc; ie; l'.t. and laces 1, No. S4 King si s.a-oti.- door. TTTVTXU GUA. will eontii.ue ail this week. ... 0 S '

Pages 1 to 8



T.i TH Esrr tta, Iff i. 1 JAMES T. STA

thi-ve- ry light 1 i : rues.--, w:i- - t e W-d- - i.y mean- - of a N:w assigned to 1". if received by Adm.ra the S. S. Thetis, the f ' 1 T i 1 '( iii-- ; -- . C i i ii i - a:,,,- J : r SrC by il;iTi'. i - v ;i iiiMMiin-- ii; the returns of tii la e n iv. v - ol now in II .! .,, harbor HlKl Ol Crvlre Performed J,t t' UlllCial Life it mi- and see tlto annual shoot. Th u. f. Venn- p.i-- : r 'HI To;. tii.' lb Ho a T-i- . .v 1: - l.y-ians- ki tl tin- ii the Fiat iron aiol a 0 !, ca jit nrod pennant. 'In' ion few davs ago. to-la- Brought a- - Rear-Aanur- al Uriel M.--i 'a n to my vight it was that, About by a t.t'"t'Z'ri"lh!J ramc second and the ryhi t;;t Bringing Heme Greely. , It .a! ! ii.t In' !i;uur:il for mo to f third place. Tin-- .- two an- - th- - n I. ight in J 7o. tti .,, 1 v e IVein-- t iy ; fur. mav say. a in navy and 1 hi', remember when the Thetis received Law Who rxeure y.iu ship 'star'' ships the Tweed a Novice. Enacted During Sebree - boon m v lite. or lurtv-si- vears are uch for having mad- - cightv-!i- her ,,r.ler- - to and hunt for Creelv lot and llieer I have boon j o r cent of what the tir-- ,-l The was homeward b..n nd in the Arctic, lie had been out looking ; t the Civil Hence. l'.-ar- War. Two Weeks wiih might v g men in the same. Adtirral Sebree i'luwcl con-idera- ai.il we expect. to oat to iort in tun. for the pole tlint says he fouiol .. waU ot lit.- here has boon no other pri-l- a- - tol.l me this ;,n. I a'oi. a-- to visit t he Centennial exposition in twenty fixe years titter. If mv mei jirot -io n t''ale to encroach upon We would like to have eanohr th Philadelphia. In thi- - we were , loo. no, iv is not tit fault word laid been re m s ami we .li.l it i to .li sa ppoi nt tir-- t bectiuse we re.-e- i l that (ireelv had been locate.; - of tlie ship our p.nnanr aiol not pretty ;ed TI..O 1 C Tl 1 5 Ic'lH'- - ;l conversa. w'th in civil have oo to lie on t lie orders tit our iir-- t I'oit of Mil to pro- and upturn Schley, of Santia-- o fame. ' ', J':,1:n:il", After a life been second tue list in 5 - i l no Ten- t ...... ! .."..I r.,.,.. """"-"- . in i am t ne I . S. f oar makiiio- for it follows that entire ::a v. " to t.s oruered with the llietis to 'o "et ' ..." i " do1Vl h'lVU' 'h,l'h nU h,m wf Adnunu r.otl.Mi 1 1 uy:h wno was i ae n im. T remember, too. 1 vMiceil can le n ln.on us, tlm Mmji ot the A.laiiral's service has in ot .merican. the return of 1 cntire 1 1 l u : - . .. .hao-- nt'aer i i i.. .. 1 .'r ed suicide. , iiiv e a no lasi. iooa i aiu en spent in the North. Shortly after l.olice here. As a on the th Thetis with the emaciated form, """" " i'.,,t.,'n-- ienc o.. i I 'I'.o-s- - '". .1. trii I ii .11 tue ri'iiMin ( (i iiiman.ler-in-ehie- f of the Pacific Fleet "lie came to tin' ( oast he went to the Franklin found the " an ex- of the liviiiir and the bodies of the international Episode. o- - 1 inTi-rcs- t i 1 . i i.- - tl,e t cet returned ,if 1 tremely iilt, though not ti very dlead, but have It was at H 81. th. Unite. States Is'tivv ami l'.crin set fourteea tried to foi'uet the that time that "swain's B""--' . tolm iral Mate Kio'i'in was killed .and there was 'in e . a hullabaloo all over the country in r ... o Up lave hi it note ti. : r froji consequence. Kven in J . ...t lie here Honolulu, .,.,,.. C'untaiu-- lienson which wtts not a part of the govern- i "I ..-- ofevervnaanontne e.ee ment of the United star.- -, tin-r- was a ' ' .1 ,.,t n more tjretit deal . of interest manifested. f .r I nt ' American sailors e who could make were not allowed !it 'over saw on i'shoie nt Valparaiso while the war was ,u v., -- . ,iviiian feel so lrte.-i.- on nor afterward, except in suflieient commander numbers to i; XJmiral Uriel Sebree. take care of themselves. Navv in J n recounting the affair Admiral Uef of the T'nitcd States 1 Sebree .showed feeling. day, T "One . ... v..,i;eve. also that "As Pi.'.fi.; wau-is- i shortly after one o'clock be) of the .,, .roes the Fleet Tsanfee pes-- men went ashore and at half past five evening a in i'te love fer the Admiral. that the captain of vessel from tlu- - mo-- . the harbor came to our ship on his way Hpi9H to the Cn.l. fight hand in out and reported that a had taken v. ,,U that rioht place some men . and of our were hurt. leave ni p.-- Two lisg. rteilv grasp until you of them had been killed and : ;a nnt htird for cue to aboat twenty five of them injured, nee u .a f oin n everyone stabbed in the back, in true I iMinr him enforcing .beipime. .1 Chilean style." - diflieult to think ot mm as Co, n . TTe Never in Battle. .:m!t:nder ot a nee: in Admiral Sebree singularly good"' in all has been be "All to the unfortunate, from the viewpoint of an Co, - i - anv cireum- ,inii!iic:in ioci ..n.W officer in the navy. He has never been In appearance and manner lu closer to a fight than that affair mm. promised in Valparaiso. Tn the Spanish - - leader. 11 is more tu.u. even- inch a war he was in the gunboat Wheeling, topped l.y a head :asdj six feet of manhood stationed at St. Michaels, . The with Tell pois.d. bronzed by contact only thing to fight off during the time during In the w'tnls of the seven seas the rest of the officers were in action, S. was the cold weather. During civil vears of e in the Y. the f.itvthti-- war he was too voting to be available on'"'e- thp "Man flaw le suK'lpts at for fighting and lie will retire before on his of Iron." Wrinkles there are there can be another war declared. face but I w.nihl consider h:m a man of Kven the plumage-gatherin- incident uidile sue rather than ore who has of Tjtiysan, in which his old charge, the of sd Thetis figured, will not bring about TOobeJ the limit of time when he Fort & that which is dear to the heart of every ball retire to Aena strike his color and officer of the navy a sea fight. not his private life. Hut it is the law A Busy Life. aprwaracee. nor his physical condition "P.nt my life has not always been tiat makes liim old. And he says the free from care. Xor has it been al- law ways T 1. is a sj'od one for it made him an free from activity. had till the lai;ral. action I wanted," said the Admiral, e 1 "'when I was governor of for A Man From Missouri. I 1 SfX sJ three years. I do not mean to imply lostot sill t 1 w.as the whole thing in is- Ailminti! Sebree is from Missouri but iii'h''y that the land where England, fiermany and i; '. lot f Missouri in th'e sense in which America divided the responsibility of pcopie in semenr fr.m that State tire often, the protectorate. I was merely the these days referred to. lie does not American governor with headquarter ie,lSKt live to he "shown.' lie ha- - a mind in Samoa. After that I was on the and a strong one, ami an intellect U. S. S. Wisconsin, with Admiral that enables him to ora-- p a situa-t!"- Kvans. on the 'hina station and in while I it im j the a vera tie Missmiriati 1I0'7 was promoted to the rank from is ma'iii.i mental calculations a to the which 1 retire a little more than three ":iv th" cut will jump. As a boy lie weeks hence. As I have told you, C stunt the early years of his life on a was in the service for thirty-eigh- t llivutiri mini n ..illlio- - 3 U"i firm cr:i lor for years before f was privileged to visit 1i"n rl.i; i St. t would admit him to the naval this beautiful place and to greet your vi'letiiv nt Newport. That was in hospitable people. I remember one l"1?:;, tree 1 W.en the great civil war was fit, occasion when 1 was very anxious to i'! lieijrl-.t- . Cu.ttysburs had been the get out to 'liina and hoped to call r "Wr f.i one of Hie greatest battles of here. We were .awaiting orders the cor'f!i-- between the North and Sis' daily and one day inquired if ia fcmth tin.l the aeadetny had been moved they had come for us to go to that nth. if from the .lander zone, Annapolis, to station when the commander dropped a " ".'.re peneer'ul locality of Newport, piec of ice down my back with the r the swellest summer ri-- ort announcement that my orders were to r th" Atlantic side. A four vears proci ed to I'.ering Sea. Tt is pleasant lnrit l ocre brouijlit him to his tfn..l.mt i..n for me to feel that I am ending my "Mid-Iv.- ' His f- i-t -- ea evp. ri- - V active service. practically. in the - Wis .a a v"- sloop of l.soo t is n V. kl rP' place I waited so lon to see. it "'pi'H.i waters and in 1 wa . 1 a And There Are Regrets. Bi.f to join "J ralifrnr.ia to the old - to regrets, of com -- e I have ..';i:H'.'- a ve-- e! that made history "As ff them, bill we tnii-- t bow to the law. the )n's!2 f"r yhc was captured with the n- - us. 'L,;v:w' l.y th-- (hi r,istitti;i..n." law that makes and breaks The law that remove one admiral in order Waited a Long Time. that I might be mad- - one. The law t ties '1 Wo i i that r. ino - me that another may .T"ar ' enjoy the honor and emoluments of the Admiral retttarVe.l iti :v ::it, -- '"-i- wav I,;, ;,u position. And let me ay to you that mid-h'p-nii- iii I vi-i- po-iti- whi.-- e I', ! lbmohibi. ; it is the ry ttir.!', ; bad tl .;..0- f. ,.,.M,,. i,..,.. ., in tlie navy hopes to jet into ome li;;,''v The goal which every ollieer years i,ut ;t wa- - or;,j. dav. ' what-nai- tii. ... ; above him hopes to roach. Hat . Hi". What :, v. ti'ts - j I J'-o- 'e . has when he gel here.1 tell yon has f., 'he Ji't), of this tiioiitli. ;ti t a few lonths tit the end ..f that into'! ,.r well ed man. horrible tales that wen- told by the -- be-- t in navy is '!' !,av. Kverv .... . n t nt w'nere To m e a- - a well ted, fairly urvivor-. Tried to forget that the that the position the ...... i .!,., :;iv. !oi ill html down my 1'aj; time to be to Tehua epec, appeared "3ro.il i,m,'., i m a was woven into the eap'ain of a battleship. He is t !i acre s I ne : e was sta'.one tor s;x moiitl's. well UI,dfr the name of nr ' i nr. ji . . ". i . i ...... ------.. no- - !!- MS. Z hitn liei-- ;,.,: 1 T o'v I on "Cy- i.eie.j .and toon ot an act t lint at. rue maMor. ne comma that "ue l th," t three months have been All this tin he was the old ihdiv ai l storv seemcl ..i. tie e ibb- ery-Th.-r- e 'f h-- be repul-;- an he is res;., for e 'hem. And 1 always excepting tine remaiaino with her until she tret !h re Wi ink of time, M me at to too jdetely tilt, the efueer. ,!,- -- - - 1 !' i .. n di.-r- mv remembered, in thing take- place. is soine- T.'jmtati.m -'i In-.- I - was .est m in v71. the of todav and t! let to be too vivid its that by tisf" "J'far A. nil . wey. in the United Statc- pur co'u si 'i 1 i u . jo t'H n!ti;iit-i- s t ., - t a - ba-- ,,1,1 Tweed be forgot '.nt was thing reunion betwien him and the . v. K. Admiral Swift was my When he was r:l let red o tl hong g., k to r ci'intioii lo ten. that ;i!;tv Na ar ' ' I f a a 1 s ;.,.! tn-.- ' chai'Lto. He a long ago. Th" Tlieti- - went to officer and ino'.er him but am ?.;fa the liC.o.ie i. ' cia-ai- ate to re- nae. he wa or. re t' eat. n,,t the time and will be the next i.t 1 i ' ' . thi- - whip. mo-i'- - ' ' jr.-s- s a t i a iobbei- in (ire.-nlan- ami picked nothing aooai bv .1. W, -- t who for per- the Ti ,ain he noinfed was all the matter and the Arctic e -- I w m h. ! a.;- - - ti nave uo 'oi-- a ot gr but h - i ,,t twetitv-tiv- mv rs. WiTimi tutu noiunig io i i'i ioned from the navy itched ininr the tiie '. ' "" I'ticne-1..-- V " madness t h t w -- ay-, of management as a un t m the in . . 1 , ,1 . 1 - p r At tue generation ar More re few miies, tlie Admiral where OR .... , , , wa- also in mv tnj (xiie.t tioii. r . Id- fir-- li-it- I in w t t: -- t tin" ;ers am .0..1....1 - t l.i the fleet. 'f course am command', .;lm ;! lb- was oat here thirteen years five months as ra erred lined, but stui scrvi.'e. ' ' ' a on,-- .v. w a - chief ,,f the tnitire the highest ii a c .rv.-sion- al committee monitor or nd wen her hungry at th win ."h. otlb-e- . ; xeett'ing. always. Is a To M -- t had gondii' old -- a g. ca diver, and From Port'.and to . in t'ae ntivv. Good Law. i .,,,! Fear! and Kev oul. Hot. Ilaroor f can never be wa in ja I. 1 -- w-i- Admiral Dewev. but bii-lg- of the Oivmpia ai!.i d waiting for lair, too He di.d IVoMl S or eiiar:?e ; I - r hi- - i anv l.g'i-- r am willing to give .. i - i. tog id s u. Who .rv.ved him. and Ho- i'oo.-- tr.r .i-- Hewev mad- his lew ,f hghMe S'.'Ue i ;:a! :l (' :' ' , I, i n lb. and t .r ho was n;io-- Ad-- mi. ,'l7" " -;. mo; a !",, ;,: ' V.e.i a; iv fire w hen you are went th. like eontini:."! th" w.tii "'' r'; Kur-'iieai- i 1 i - v ia,--- , : was g'ven n.e. lili-iiev- t1 cii ne Hit :ng and a 'bed. IVi-ia- :ce Mr. ' tit the battle of ea'l'l in Ti. were 1 w;. ,., Sti.'-n.-- - or- w n. t til- - when, 111s xi.it;. Kiiie-- , !;,v, wa- then vear xiausiei . ,1 fioit-- i, , i - . n iT , del.? of the New York Herald Brings Tweed. As Instructor. wis t h" ;ge' a " e wn on The Teiines-oo- mv igsn p. r.ow. be ; fV l.;r Back -- v. a bad .,,,,-- Wa-hingt- ..rlet-- ' ! d.v f id !ia! alignments of tiie ante g r" i c '1 eirv t'.oi.t the are d :, n ot !;;s on - f.-.- tins is ,. ,- w , u United His 'on cxpet ?'r. 'he Wil- overhauling before '"s a g .;:- the -:ih;-i oi at New eg. for tlie lirea, erton - a c k ! lra!:,.li:i to.,; e watf-- -- Huei.,,- - A vr.-- t u.-- !;:. me an ..,, wa- - o, poo:- of tell the :,- -. I n ,,:n ni ailing to where W ti the Ilfti -- ; v ti year- - on -- h;-- r- It ; ; h e to 1 a g ith-- elKi d v. :, g o e r i n o u t to r' i Issit u;;; j,,;,, th, ir in eeri, i Hi. ted it;. Adabr a- - dewr; r walked M:-- S I in in 'h- - In -- adv. b irg there v.eir. order It -- I w-l- New York. ws i id ng a av- au Fran, " i.v re a old !' ''"!; l.o. in to tiaie in Memories. T.- .-r dig.oi-- I Pleasant lavs I., A ' w a v ar- - v a - .noted Iraii-t'.- r my fb.g t. th.- 'nhfortk'i ; i ng in ; he even n g s ... . pi- -t ending - : ' a Sat-irda- th he: s e.ay g d;e ,.p:!" .dnira ' ,.- 11- 1- llll " una on and ' -- a i!:;"f el - ,tV"" plea-a- nt re-ti- top of b: - -- th- mod- -- t dav- - tba- 'lui two ba the brie g e ' w - ' gro d t the :. . - Pi ;u,.:,d. We' will ave by ''-- 11 O'i- exr a "1 the ' ! ';,T1- a -' 1 ith - la V:.-- - hi- - ''' ecCUl'i."! bv t 1 -- bv Adail' ll the are d ion- - l o far 'ad."i,v where. for sew-- I'll of ' tie navy at thtlf move. wili be eeeeed. of rind Twet't; -- - ,v v, a -- ;h- - ..f high honors and wa- - her com- who has l :: ce,, maul of recii'i . .r .1 U" wa- - raptain Uey ffarber 'a i . . litis me :vvii. "" re-h- t - g Tr: 'f h- were m' I i V. i l! '1- wi:! probably ' Ihe daVeieti' nations ,,. t wa- - tha that Ik'!, "H th. ppi He H" t 'an.. i k I -- o t 1:11 .'.,' lit var T.:'""'J-'tuii- i, Hel wells bat t m ap Tr..-- , a h Iticevs and men. Much Tweed n th- - tiiougli is del to .. e.-- on t U. vei.r..r Monitor, died and the t.dieve me It'tii. ' Sn'1 wp ling and targ todav. i ,,niy tie eft", ct hav e n t v t ir- - h, wa- - spent . , i ia- - v erna ft... v.'o.ei ns to bis orders to that 1 ''iv in ' experience .led giving I 1,1' be s incident has with the I'lf t,,..'-- t - ov will ,ad ihe e a s r ' ot Soeni, l I,.. io ..'m on the Haiti- rived Tt wi S".'U er Ad-uirt,- : is he wtis ..a ti luand ..f her and agai Z"hcl, The record made tl that came e..r bto-- shore, nor too ..!d. just oi l 0 :;rviee nci.P iib-- i In Ispg the war to aeudeif.v. a st. or Franklin, the ves-.- -l w tl: striircfir ti the naval of "i,f"! ''v ever P. i,iv - i n t on otigh. ire ii oai active tW'v his up will ' .,t-..- n we were ordered to in let i - 2 T . i r ne t, d bile and yt'tiis CO. ' ' ' ' tt.e noTloirl'ie t Mere was "r i sa p 01 ' . , ,.- - atv nie lbs heart for it the star . ' , ...... : .... i : 1 .., )... t..- remain until it was over, service. adhere so to ana u. wu, as uav igaior auu iu - that. I the uavy iu target practice. cable had beeu put wise lweea tl THE SUNDAY ADVEETISER, FEBEUARY 6, 1910.

milk, remove ir from th.- - fire, and stir and in the v.-!- of the ois. the sujrar :i little" suit. Pour this liquid over the apples. :iud bako until the custard be- comes firm, which will require only a few ni'nulr-- . 'J'hei! cuer the apples with the whites ,.f the c- -s properly swceri-ix'- :nid llavoied with lemon and blown the whi es very A little - v es?fZ- Women L I i. preat-- 5 utf r :i i,!ed to the hot ilk will ho im; rove the morin-u- e. If the apples lack ilavor, a little nut ni.'r. cinnamon 5- - or grated lemon rind dropped into each Here is the secret of the popularity remedy while it is lukini' will hein to of our Women's Regal Shoes. When- the .i If thev not sufficient iii'ce thev mav be steamed instead of ever a woman secures a pair of Regal i aked. This dessert may bo eaten hot she has the satisfaction of knowing ;r cold. Shoo Rice Croquettes. that her footwear is the very latest, coned will T'se one cupful of raw rice, teaspoon custom style, and that her Regals from salt, one egg ,volk only) and one quart perfectly and comjortably. fdtv" water. W.-e- the rie in hot and then fit out two or three cold waters, picking Every Regal style in our store is a any dark grains that may appear. Place in a granite kettle or double boiler reproduction of an expen- an. ad. I alt to taste when half cooked. sive custom model pun1id Stir .f:en and add more water as need- $ou ed. The rice s, ,,,! not be cooked too can tell it by the dainty, long, as it will be hard to handle. graceful custom lines. Throw into a colander and drain well. in our-lia- lf cup of HARRIMAN .lioco):ite melted FEW PICTURES OF Regal quarter-size- s MRS. put If the water is very thick and starchy, not warm water: bake in lavers and pour cob! water upon the rice to wash a lomon icing. WOMEN IN WHITE HOUSE only mean perfect fit, ii BANK DIRECTOR) together with white it clean. When cool enough to form, Chocolate Cream Filling. add egg. then roll in cracker dust and but also permanent NKW YORK, January Because Mi'l" two and a half quarter squares WASHINGTON, January 10. "All fry in deep fat. The fat should be shapeliness. of choi-nlat- in the oven or over the tea very hot. so that the, outside of the of the chaiurrs in the directorate of the tli at will be changed when we are allow- kertle: miv 1 cu'et lier one cup of sucar croquettes will at once crust over. Do J a , i. ,.,.,. ,., and have in iXiht and y I'.ank. the pioneer ..n (lli:,rt of a n-- of flour and ed to vote representation not crowd them in the kettle. When and twi'nt hour hank, u is said thati a touch of salt: and tw sli-h- tlv congress," declared a woman who was brown, drain on brown paper and serve $3.50 control (.t t lie majority ot the stock beaten with two cups of milk, and cook looking through the White House and at once. $4.00 , in a double boiler until creamy and Cheese Souffle. A Dainty of the institution rests with Mrs. Uarri-uian- asked about a picture of Mrs. Cleve- 1'omett's thick; add the melted chocolate and a 4 of flour with widow of K. II. liarrimau. land, and absent, pictures, of the wives Mix level tablespoons ul of vanilla, and when cool cup of cold milk; add 1 cup of hot Mis. liarrimau probably is the first spread between the lavers. of other presidents. A gentlemanly m'ilk and stir until thick and smooth, no 1 woman to cunirol a New York bank. attendant informed her that picture add 4 tablespoons soft bread crumbs, ler cmly woman competitors for the QUIET SUFFRAGETTING of Mrs. Cleveland hung in the White pound of grare. or chopped cheese, b House, although more people asked for a dash of popper; honor are Hetty Green aud Mrs. li us- teaspoon of salt and WON OUT IN NORWAY that than for any other absent picture. stir until cheese is melted, then add the ee 11 who are known hold large never Sae. to He told her that the government yolks and well-beate- whites of 2 eggs, Regal Shoe Store blocks of stuck in batiKS, but it is un- buys pictures of the wives of pres- turn into a baking dish and bake about derstood in financial circles neither A' the parliamentary election recent- idents, and pays only for the pictures lo minutes, or until light and brown. presidents themselves. KING AND BETHEL one of them ever possessed a controlling ly held in Norway, women for the first of the Beef a La Francais. There are in the White House pic- interest in any one n institution. time voted f.T the candidates, and were of a number of president's wives, Put laree niece of butter in a black While Mrs. in' tures j Jiarriman's interest thiMiiselevs eligible for election. This including Martha Washington. Mrs. iron jiot with cover; when it is quite the will be i bank active it will tmt Mrs. Harrison, hot put in the meat, steak, cutlet or i 1 revoiut ion was accomplished writes a Van Huron, Mrs. Polk, necessaiilc venb t.,L; j meat on both Mrs. Haves. Mrs. Roosevelt, Harriet roast; add salt, brown the all discretion from the management. I correspondent of the Paris Figaro, with pot aside for Lane Johnson, who was mistress of the sides and then draw the Friends of Mrs. Jlarriman say the! same calm prevailed i cook slowly; arid a few that the which when White House in Puchanan'? administra- the meat to stories recounting her laborious ai.pii- - ! (Irons wa-e- r to Tire- - rwn.. i ;t..lf tha fiic. some others. For a K'ng t'nie of or more butter cation to and jiersonal superintendence tion, and meat is done you k i hung vent drying. After of all details relating to t ngdom. At Christ iania, for exam- the picture of Dolly Madison DO NOT WORRY the manage- was removed, because con- can with a little flour make a gravy. ment of the Jlarriman are exag- ple, something under forty thousand there, but it estate gress refused to make an appropriation Margarets. gerated. e women ("twenty-thre- thousand mar- it is in one of "Wlieu you read ot' Mrs. to pay for it. At present Two eggs, one cup brown sugar, four liarrimau ried women and fifteen thousand spin- chilis of Washington. one cup chopped nuts. Your Floors working with a telephone in the popular tablespoons flour, About one hand Mrs. in- and a sandwich in sters") took part in the election of The woman who inquired for Peat the eggs slightly, add the other the other." said one it. strange of her friends, members of the Storthing, vet Cleveland's picture thought gredients and bake in muffin pans. "don't vim believe it.'' there pic- was outcry in the streets, no post- - that congress would not purchase Prop only a small quantity in each pan. of "no es- ers on the walls." They order tures of the wives of presidents, Will make over a dozen. ilf CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE. elections; women are fully more noisilv in France; if no more wise- - i pecially as many of the The por- There are manv different rules for Iv. Perhaps the tranquillity with which. as famous as their husbands. BABY'S COMPLIMENT. l't of women now in the White ins chocolate layer cake, some being varia-jth- e innovation was effected is partly) traits House were presented by societies or away, PA In Fr tions of white lavers with chocolate traceable to the long participation bv His father and mother were both km interested in fill ing, and others chocolate lavers the women of Norway in the communal individuals who have been And baby and I had been friends all with 8 t having the women a place in the white filling. Here are two I ele.-- ions and to the circumstance j for day; that value that in til most, as well as two they have also served as members of most important public building the Many and gay were the games we other fillings thati in may be used for a the municipal councils. United States. played ; change: in Peat to a cream one cup of butter Paby ordered and I obeyed. WILL THEM CLEAN and two cups of fine granulated RECIPES. KEEP P sugar. WOMEN AS BANK TELLERS. h Add five egg yolks, well beaten, a scant i We hid in the most improbable nooks. cup of milk Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The Maiden We looked the pictures in all the and two and a half cups of Potato Soup. at n pastry flour that has been sifted with Lane Savings Pank of , potatoes of medium size, hooks: Pare three his cheeks grew i two and a half teaspoonfuls of baking whose president is Louis Windmuller, cut in quarters, drop them into enough We played at touch till powder. Add flour and milk alternate- has sent out a circular saving that after salted water to cover, and cook quickly. red. And his curls were tangled about his f ly. Then bent vigorously. Lastly, add While they are boiling, place one pint ii a teaspoonful of vanilla and the stif- an experience of five years with women head. your of milk in a double boiler with one prououne-- i At fly beaten whites of three eggs, which as tellers it feels justified in whole onion, and have the milk well experience! rough mm my with his should lie folded in, not stirred. ling them a success. i .iat by the time the potatoes are He trampled gown i heated c Pake in three shallow cake pans. For t he had launching: done. Drain the latter when cooked, little feet, x institution before his kisses the filling use the remaining two whites into the experiment ot superseding men mash them fine, and slowly add the hot He climbed on my lap and of eggs. Peat fhem stiff enough, then iwith women in tiiese positions it does milk, from which the onion has been re- were sweet; add one cup of confectioner's sugar, or salt, Then, as he scrambled from off my not disclose; but it says that they are moved. Season with celery salt 1 enough to make the frosting stiff knee, panel ual, pleasant to customers and and white pepper or paprika, and add 3 . said enough to spread. Put. one square of quick at detecting discrepancies in sig- one tablespoonf id of flour dissolved in a "You'd 'make a good mother," If ehocolate in the oven or over the tea to me. not Telephone natures of drafts. it also intimates little milk. Took the soup five minutes, baby 1 Vettle and add to the frosting, together that thev are exceptionally reliable. pour it through a soup strainer, return 3 with a spoonful of cinnamon ex I now and fhen salt j affirming that since they have been in to the fire to heat, Hit not to boil, and have had complements tract or powder and a little vanilla i ollicc there lias been no shortage of cash erve. This soup mav be made very From grownup women and grownup together 1 Put the lavers with the intriisliiil their cure ninl it re t'o re rich v first placing two thoroughly men ; fn ' L. Waldron chocolate frosting adding a thin layer , ti;,.ir n in Some were commonplace, some were Fred. Jft ea (,(I11ismen. bea eggs the tureen and pouring i 4 n ii ri-.-i ii f hi II .Li ft"ii-- Lii" . ' ' vn not ' 1 - ' it ; , his is one ot manv excellent ac- the hot liquid over them, stirring very new. cnocoi so 12 tne excessne sweet taste, oi tne i counts of the way in which the mem rapidly meanwhile. The pouring must Never has one of them rung true. PHONE ate. hers of the gentler sex acouit them le done ve-- v slowly or the egg will Never has i,m seemed half so real unocoiate .Layer uaxe wun w rate selves, of duties that heretofore have cook in strings. Paby compared me to his ideal! Filling. i been supposed to belong exclusively to Apple Meringue. Pea!" together one and one-hal- f cups men. There is really no reason for Pare an core one or two more sour Honolulu Harbor n. ol. A. A. of M. of sugar and a half cup of butter; add j keeping women out of any light on- or sweet es than there are to be & P.. will meet in Fraternity hall. Odd line volks of four eggs, well beaten, one- - piovment requiring as especial quali-lial- persons at table and bake them in an Fellows building, this evening at 7 cup of sour milk in which a half i ficat ions alertness and politeness. To open pan , 1 ei n g careful th-- do not o cIock. teaspoonful f soda has been dissolved, put th matter moderatelv, these are lose their form To every fwo apples two cups of flour sifted with a half tea1- - certainly as happily exemplified by allow one egg, one cupful of milk and Jordan's sale of embroideries and laces spoonful of soda, and a half cake otj women as by men. one tablespoonf ul of sugar. Heat the will continue all this week. FRESH MEATS POULTRY GAME Etc.

- Ltd. r ,.i --'wRL m Tea- ) C. Q. Yee Hop & Co., Slssvri NEXT TO THE FISIIMARKET.

t ? POTTIES Stock Remedies in have proven themselves

else 1 Hawaii as they have to J where indispensable cure I Stock Owners. They ' ft 5?tl f& quickly and surely and Ii them WW" low price places the reach of all.

t sati- Guaranteed to give m sfaction or cost nothing. n H. M. AYRES, Manager. A MEAL AT THE Office P. 0- - ALEXANDER YOUNG CAFE BRINGS TO MIND corner Hotel and Union. VISIONS OF "LITTLE OLD NEW YORK " IN THE DAYS Telephone WHEN FILLIPIN, WAS CHEF AT DELMONICO'S. 1189. PRICES AT THE YOUNG ARE LOWER, HOWEVER. 4 E. 0. HALL & SON, LTD., Distributors. THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, FEEEUAEY 6, 1910. 3

Should ion Be Granted Adult rimina s? BY JUDGE W. L WHITNEY.

i 1 len.ieiii in t ne or a court, inf.. rmin the judge ho prohat n system in iat ton ot case court of record or district magis-motiot- i Hiii.iiiM a year. If the cost to the City. if the facts surrounding t ho t herew it h been marvei placed under their care, relying entittlv may. upon at- - 1 have tiate the of the of Honolulu of a probation svsteni were .p. . pi a, .11. t l j l' i i I on torney-gener- ,,..; fr..m the far iis hosi ca ii he again il. Is that should here the uncorroborated statements of I. or his deputy, or ot her n n i annuallv it will be seen that if to-- th for at ll. the probationer himself. It is dulv ii'.ia!i;ii - s:'7; eve. a i.v tno iir..t. ion oUieer. hut. also the'dii.-- figures showing its wl needless l.rosec ltmg officer, sus- such an act were to keep out of jail for ago juvenile, a to say that results predicated solely pend j :V of of tin' the nationality of ami success Legislators ami. to on! the sentence of any j.erson Con- ti single year but l.s of the 2237 eases rnm.l.a! j I. to such investigations are no-- - f5"wr that o you h'.s father and mother, oceiij.atioti, of larger extent, judges, have ecu slow nearlv if victe.l of a crime or misdemeanor be- to which the act would applv, the entire 'i to them - ,.,,0,1 the child, his home surroundings and i grasp tin- ideals of the new court. In quite valueless. fore the court over which tin jud or cost ot the reposed system would be other ' .ii. r 4. lack on! ions, .ducat ion, general conduct fact . laymen, not steeped in two mil The of preliminary investi- magistrate is presiding, lor any term, met and if 7e of our criminals can be n .'tit i.m - i e gation. The melius been a ml reputation and the reeonunenda- leimiiiins of judicial procedure. ha last thing which this not to exceed thirteen months from the saved by the workings of such an act, v reti : t ion "f the oflieer. This preliminary been the most ardent supporters of the writer would urge is the universal or date of the conviction of such person.'' as in the t!4 courts above quoted, the . priiifi a.-t- inve-- d is, so iossiblo, oar- - of indiscriminate probation of tiny and ad. This it will bo seen, is Ration far :is system, and the common sense the extremely saving of expense to the Territory at A .,,,,,.tv on oi"' wu" on new has most criminals, or of all accused persons ap- liberal, and goes 1 t. prin-erim- - tied vv'thont the knowledge of the procedure a. pealed to far greater lengths large would, as have said, be enor- . toward- - ti 1 o'o juvenile, and if the oflieer so recom- - ; strong! v to them. It is. then, from the pearing before a court. Many si.'. than any have been able to discover iu mous. ir!;'r ,f t! I cases are , ,,- - reformation mend , the case may lie dropped at this laymen that the demand has c..nie liar: absolutely unfitted for proba- other jurisdictions, as it allows the sus- 1 can not but believe that if these in handling; tion, their failure a foregone conclusio i. pension in - The matter ot ,M.ita! ...int and not even the accused know the same ideas be used the of sentence felonies, includ- tacts were more widelv known, that. Ha Es.-.-p- t in hi- - . who will ami who will bene- ir.ai- thai case has lieen before the court, of senior (Venders. So far as the lint not be int tiiose punishable by death, as well waii in this iti most matters of civic H - lit. ,;eiey su.v If. h. iwev. r, 'he oilier so recommends. I'nited States is concerned, this de- fited by the system can only be deter as 111 misilemetinors. It is all that, and reform would stop up into the very i am t l uned by r r . i o.J i.lea f retribution, hiid is broulit before the court. maud first took form in the state the court by means more than, could b needed under a front of legislation, and that the com i i 1 ti preliminary- state is Doing into occurs a "trial'' intei'i' inir in! Massachusetts, in ls7s. yea rs aj;". investigation. Where probtition act. ing legislature would grant us such an ,.tK t!i.' is is los-d- 1 b.V t j has been in constant such lacking, or cart or The process of removing such suspen- carry- if is rn"--i I!.t tecfe, city and in the tact hat the and the system us' act and such financial support for .1... a of d-- n ot' more At first it was made, large number sion of sentence is. however, so compli- ."r . ... v .. law-al- t the accused lias there since that date. ing it to success that even our great tlianit' ca ii" nil' ' t!i the cum than that of the limited to juveniles and first offenders! cases are sure to end in failure. 1,V cated that the act is, at present, useless. sister States of the mainland would, removing herefrom . of- v,r than l.v er even of entirely disinterest-ses- anions seniors chareed with lesser ports from courts suffering from this The law provides: come hither to see, and learn the value JT- Not - of '.r wi: N l l.real. t tit Here the court is inter- fense, hioii crimes and felonies beiua' lack preliminary investigation are ec. L'ssj, :ls men.ie.l bv Act s S. .,.. of. a model system of the Probation of "' 1. .. i (l- o n g ex pres most naturally less favorable or encon ragi eg l!io7: any time within ( WO reached tiio V imarily not in veri exempted. !iio "At thirteen Sen ior llVenders. - I :lV that ti::,- w In t ithe i.iete vet inaugurated is that and tend to bring the system unjustly months titter the date ut ot . ii ..t a man in hel child committed the act convict ion stature . ot ill repute. person respect -t or tiny other specific act, Mi creaf two year-ork- iilTo in the stat into auv in to whom sentence S!t- Have r iched r.l. hut that wo :n ti out is causing the de- - New where the entire system Hearing these facts in mind, let us ins been suspended, the court or magis- thl r:l: tm witat 111 ; n look briefly into result of the cases trate therein. ' i" ' n. ueney . whether mi the home, t lie place under the control of "Sta the having jurisdiction of the case . ..,.r.iv vontli I 1 II..- - paper school, in iiis physical, mental, indus , 'rol.tit 'u hi Commission" which is en above tabulated. Again have Use d.all, upon the reipiest of the attorney !,:ition,'0 forbids that i ot percentages, covering, in this instance or his Dainty yrial religious en ron in trusted not onlv with the execution general deputy or other duly gri-- t of th'' '.vy or inent. the from tao a over-o- iU!o!' cases: pittlified oflieer, good ;l:-;.- Mft ada'inistr ition of the police law of the the aw. but a No with general upon cause being to s ubstaiit;,-)t- this a- facts -- ot or ad courts in the State using siiouu therefor, issue a summons citing nf -'' t.ite. or mi i, res. nee ill advised, s'e oven to j such person appear but I hclieve that in the absence of well advised legisla- the vsiem and with the collection and to at the time and I Creations of Total place in such .summons stated, show ....l Ml SOOIO'.OJV tion. These, to the juvenile judge, are tabulation of statistics of the alue and must . mu--i- fact-- , the nroi-edur- and the results1 obtained ctiuse, it' any there be. why sentence FOR ,.'iiiiiiio!ney truth tiierooi the important ami the testimony ..i of the culprit is the surest way of therefrom. should not be pronounced. Should the them. No attempt is ordin-aril- v Senior probtitioii lias now been made! Women - ' rs l"'i'son so cited tail to appear before the diagnose case tit the possible by law in the following States: j magistrate or court at the time and Evening ,,::.,n.,e hashoon made with regard to made to the Wear offender. The, trial. Anyone one who has tried to California, ll'n:!: Connecticut, lf'lo; place named, the court or magistrate, if ?; hn-lins- of juvenile on first meeting Ceoroia. 1!oi7 in the City of Atlanta in his judgment cause exists therefor, . ... ,( tl.o state with its illicit and talk to children the '" M. shall a of if, i;not!ess wealth, its kmws the difliculty of obtaining only; Indiana. IfMiT; Maine. li'toT: j issue warrant arrest of such )t5 power, wini us unnninbered j This ditlicultv is, of course. a'ssaehusetts, ls7S; Michigan, l'.hhl: person. fin ra t ii'" its answer. . "'""'"- - j llhnl-- When so or nivritid minions nil onsidorablv increased when a child is M iss.uiri. IS'tiT; New .Jersey, New " such j.erson shall appear CM its be if ',,1 nee on before a court charged with an offense. York. 1;H7: Ohio. l!n; . produced before the court in accord- no reason 1 ;m di. for women only. ance with the terms of such summons 'triorn ami terrified litttle child who I'liless the court decides that flirls. Twenty-fiv- e other and Terri or warrant, the court or magistrate may ,n1.h" m,1:il0r " exists why the case should be further States rfooM "Iin dealth with, the child is ordinarily put tories have juvenile probation only r.nd proceed to impose sentence according to V'sf'T; rtlthPr tlltlll siann.... - a.- - ail enumerated States pro- law. Such sentence shall thereupon be of justice is inim- und r pronation. i nai is, ne is of the above t the oar only the for juvenile probation. duly recorded and certified to the high Rut sistv centuries ot human lowed to go at liberty, with vide likewise Ilovs ci - cf strictly olv will be apparent from the above sheriff or his deputy in the order for 1 eighteen centuries or renuirement that he shall It .v'lizat'.on an the the imprisonment or other punishment, .....l.t l,nen To ei IV tllld sorv. the terms and conditions of his figures that the movement toward r!,'i-t;:i- n tern , ,.. . as t I.e. , ...;.. - .1itir.na is' yet very he case may hi .ft i t ;tio i.Tiioo' i t' tin..- ' .....ii..".' ' that probation of senior offenders is St.ll in main - '"' r..:. . i. . 1...11 , , , , re- i 11 . . . ,. Co... ennrt or... nroba-, new in the 1'nited States, and the in any case in which sentence !:h!?nc.i laii r.r ours is n :.:!i... ne s.1.,1 "If r tli,..iv f.t- such times as shall be sults, beneficial or otherwise, in most has been suspended in accordance with wtifn! sfciip ona'-t- .l. The very thought tion is in reporting at least, problematic. I have the provisions of this chapter, .sentence it should lower our hea.N in shame, des nated. It these states me, however, figures from sixty-fou- r is not within months A complete snowing in all tlie "ii.,! vet I sav that of all tin bra nches tinies, sometimes daily. sometimes before imposed thirteen ju ven- - the court becomes courts making use of the probation from the date of conviction, the person "newest" and "most wanted" ,f cri'ianology.' that dealing with week! v. that with the case. l.n these system, which figures cover something so convicted shall not thereafter be styles in evening slippers. Bronze iW fhws the greatest advance, tor in ticqua nted Vittl more a minuie or iwo over iri.Ouil cases, male and female, " liable to sentence on such conviction." X states and territories of the talks, rarely French Kid, Patent Leather and Cor-manr- granted. Let ,' 110th. he chides, encourages, warns where probation has been It will be seen that the procedure 11. well as in Croat liritain. in Titi a? - Suedes in various shades. New Holland. Ueigium. as he deems the case requires, arid gen- lis I. nelly examine 1 nese u.iais. 1 iwu here detailed is several times more com- Hungary. throughout rather plicated original of the Dresden Ties, Ankle Strap and Frar!ce ami Switzerland, the "juvenile erallv to determine where the used percentages tlitin the trial per-- j 'C l. - as are, -- am appears be an ..,'1.1 10 iie- trubie lies. than numbers the former U. U c offender, in fact to Ribbon tie effects. A variety of onrt iias l.een estaiuisneu. - t j 1 hinder- est Imi'i-ovemen- should soon he visible. haps, more easily followed. attempt to ace everv possible casual etiserver this seems at 4 dainty toe shapes to choose from. is never expected. s :t anee 111 the way ot imposing sentence lint a short step in advance, and perfection Also, handsome finding one course of OFFKNS 011 a man already convicted and who many Beaded in many respects this N true, but idivsiciau. that reasonably litis since such conviction shown himself designs. ir. aspects it is the treatment is not t.roducmg "w other - made by the expected results, turns to another, so unfitted for liberty. Considerable ex- greatest forward stride , - :! , ., , on e :t Klaboration of r.gures can add as 11 T 111 , I in. v these I perienee on the police bench and law since judicial investigati .iTilt- e e .'In .ii.t "e handling a case 1t1.1v de little to the story they tell. The criminal prosecutor litis led me to the MANUFACTURERS' the place of trial by combat his mannel of . - figures are well nigh startling in their Ly and - or diag- belief shared in everv judge we realize ditter- ci iis first, or second, third can the distin five - 1 wron-r- . online- significant- Think of a svstem which criminal prosecutor with whom have nces 1" a criminal court and the v.osU and start again. occurs only Assault .and battery can take men out of every hundred spoken, the act as it now stands is It "juvenile court." it is neees-ir- merit in an institution that Shoe Co., Ltd. the Burglarv and rob- and instead ot starting those men 011 a worse than useless and that in a trreat bre-fl- to review the procedure when the judge is convinced that bery 11 0 0.1 career of prison, reformatory or work- - . majority of cases it is far better that in the latter. reform school is a better environment ) 1051 Fort st. Phone 2S2 is t tie nome. 11 disorderly conduct . 13 20 house life can put them on their feet, the charge be nolled or a verdict of not J A ohil.l. hoy or girl, is detected in for imt.r vemont than M - 1 110 graue 01 n- Improper guardian- start them off again, give them another guilty be returned than that the judge some fault . or is found or believed to be has little to do with 1 5 far-syste- a set 1 esseu ship opportunity to make good. Think of a or magistrate should go through the Oil the road to a criminal career. It is offense. for the case ot burglar is often easier To I ncorrigibi lit v 10 4.1 which in every hundred eases cical procedure of suspending sentence, .nut pr.iiuariiv necessary that forthwith juvenile ' - Larceny, etc 120 21 puts 75) men into the list of wealth- at be brought before the court, in most handle and the outcome more suecesstiii The bill introduced into the House s or a When oommir-i- Non support 14 producing citizens instead creating the pJst St..ssion amended Section it is inadvisable so to do. if is; than that of truant. - wo a that number of parasites on society, re- , jiiitt'.nir the cart before the horse, it ment occurs, it is not ordinarily for I'uldic intoxication L above quoted bv inserting therein desired Sexual offenses OA moved from the opportunity to benefit on conditions and WOMEN acting on a case before the vital facts definite period, but until the the words "and such 1 20 either the state or themselves, com thf environment, character, improvement litis shown itself, as indi- 'rost it ut ion terms as he may impose," and by strik- 14 pelled to live a life of idleness and Have you thought of com- reputation and tendencies of the child cated bv the accumulation of credits. Truancy ing out the clause limiting the period of the degradation that the same end, to wit, you are knonn. So a petition is filed by Siich. brietlv. is the procedure in the Vagrancy suspension to thirteen months. This, in fort would derive from the or- the protection of society, may be ac- knowledge there was a nice M.tr.e '...Tsoti. private individutil or t.ub- nile court. Wherein does it diner Violation local the opinion of the drawer of the bill that iuet complished. Compare this system which well the main balance to your credit in a Sav- lie -- eriant. settling forth the facts from an ordinary trial, ders would accomplish fairly j says to a man, " Vou have strayed from per- ings Bank? known t.ig.'ther with the belief of the 1. It is. so far as I know, the first Other charges purpose of a probation act, except, 1 the path, have lost your way. here s t lie - petitioner that the warrant an public recognition of the truth that I'nstated o.ot 0.04 haps, the legal appointment of proba- Open an account today with facts now try-again- ' a very consider- - road you should have taken, officers. The bill was offered mere- one dollar or rr.oie and deposit investigation, and R request that the s,,cietv at lame is in tion A figui " to that which says. "Vou have regularly a sum. In- "i:rt institute such procedure. 1'pon ible measure, responsible tor study of the above ly as an entering wedge for a more specified would be interesting, j unlawfully, deli herateiy, iiesigneoiv ami will vou four receipt of this petition, the case is ouenov ill the individual. Th. detail extremejv comprehensive act, but was defeated in terest be paid at would be somewhat b. dde the is- - j wickedly and of your own premeditated and one-hal- f cent per annum. ithfr i,.Holed by the court to a proba-tit- liolto,.,.1 tl..,rv that evt nor is iue to but the house because of the fear of certain p3i 1 we tie figures malice atoret liougnt leit me roa.i j officer, an unpaid or paid appointee the utter the soul of man sues ot thts (ttsciission., members that it would place an undue ot s larceny marked for you and have strayed onto ig- - 'f the , tins show that whereas among bo; amount of power into the hands of 41 court, for an investigation, or and his own inner cusse.lness so- one ha If the 'keep off the grass' .reserves of j Ufh is undertaken by the court himself. ceived at her refutation at the hands and robbery constitute near); norant district magistrates such as are among s. nior male ciety; we will therefore proceed to bind - The report, within a few davs, is re of the juvenile court. of the cases (4'.r;). lound in the outside districts. l'erson- bur and vou hand and foot for a half a score of well Closely allied to this, the pro- offenders thev constitute 27'.. ally, I do not believe the objection Bank of Hawaii, Ltd. 2. whereas among boys disorderly conduct years so that during that time at least an oppressive suspended cedure in the juvenile court differs I taken, for (general cusse.lness society's grass shall not be injured by ;.e as open 10 from the of an offender in that land incorrigibility sentence wiitini review in FOUNDED IN HONOUR., trial we might call it) constitute 21 M; your careless feet." the appellate courts as any other Capital and Surplus $1,000,000 fo'-me- is a civil, not a criminal the 'MV.'f. Compare a mode of handling fallen Xo doubt a juvenile among men it has risen to Among sentence. you have seen in the procedure. The state, in jo women which out of every hundred up as the great girls larceny and robbery claim At the next session of the legislature paperj such annoiineenieiit.-- i us curt, does not set itself - class (i, titiiiitii; Lrrown women mo siuk o- cases takes 7o from the dissolute a simijar if this concerning; virtuous master, the monitor of without pub- we intend to present act. some medicine or ile incorrigibility among girls claims and. without notoriety, seems wise, giving trial other: masses. the groat example ot till mat an open and added such course "If, on trial, you write 411 7 . among women it has risen to licity, without the is "ii.i.i ami lioiv ami 11.1111 us ji.'.' '',. once more on judges and district magistrates l c mat this medicine HI kindred otl'enses. It is another ex shame, starts them to suspend on RHINE'S CANDIES ; ' yon I.; look down on the ne time-prove- d right not only sentences haduiie .lit of expressed truth that virtue's path with that old and go. ul j ample of tho oft as to shall seem wise, to we will .'.i-e- d ,'Hid pr eed to chtist ise him for such terms them refund Your in condition of society worthless mode which t our present also right to appoint probation money.'' li 11 o the standard of life but the ARE X0V, we have never not ing women fall farther and faster than men, her name on the page of dis- BEST. h"l it has istead the state and the j officers. reason to speak in that way set. .and girls must be reached earlier than grace that all may read her crime, which .111 - before pro- vohc.erniiig individutil ci on equal terms more stamps the crimson letter forever on As is the case with the juvenile and Retail. the remedy named in court is bi.vs. before their chaiacteis. and work is likely to Wholesale the bar of justice, and the been her breast, which sears the stripes which bation act, the most "is article. In a tru (Xt.rtl- - ac I art icularly their reputations have f; !l Hono- ed to find not whether or not the society litis put upon her prison garb upon the courts sitting in 'h-- g mom I. ." throughout the world rio- - is a loj rol.ate, but. admitting that lulu. Of the 2H17 misilemetinors tried t I as ; study ot hose figures into her mind .and heart and body, whose fault is j ing of Honolulu '"'liy lws ever complained t hat societv has en injured, concerned with which turns her from the door of her by the district magistrate occurred, on. hat we are most (the figures for I'.ni'.t are not nu'd-.eir,,- b- -s ir the iujurv has ishmaelite, a during l:".s hir - k that j t o In doa! reformatory an f;i.l a lie tire he esults f probation. 21 l.N were such as Mil H'tllU. 111 t e final analysis, dregs of yet published) cases PAWAA tortuertNurn j ing wit h tigiiii's of results, it is iieces-vera- l vagabond, the bitter, bitter ..f his iiiuticv. blame, vh ere xists the remedy. might have been granted probation. Of i keep so things iu mind, that cup of folly with which for forty 1'iiuhc never .irnunhlcs a; h.m- - sary to the 11! criminal cases tried bv the First . pi-- telll See.vs has made besot. The .bafioii mat ' which 111 s;ii'ilv effect tiie centuries society itself tiv and i els l'.Mis. 7! were such ,,,.,.1.. i !'l eii-- e. a t hi ug Circuit Court during t mot e for thl : The simple facts, the plain unvar- or lie alue of the fign tes Junction Store as might have been granted probation. J 1 w in t ho most ' tiun 11 it hich. evci pi 1. Th re 'is. fr. verv nature ot nished tale of results, speak louder than J - con and actual!-.- (h.cs leg sell- ., the criminal co'lit is m long eiilogv and many tiowers or It will easily be seen that if tiny what it wt.s the ca si no inform stan lard of portion of these cases were "w-l- V II ncerned. As ahea.ly oratorv. That a system lias been tried. siderable to do. Tho foundatii.tis ,,f en pr.. omen! . a t m a v at to one probation, the work i I t ,. js - one but actuaHv granted o n out. juNoni'.o court little ..tlicer impro ment si eiont to wtir- that it is, in the hands of not WAMPOLE'S pro-at- entailed would outreach the possibility PREPARATION e ed oer the question "f whether .lis arge of probat inner many judges, a success; that it lias . rant the are b- I! .1 s corn-go- - of any proper handling by the district hud in a pa rt !ar ens ecu ; relv t duced the goods, these the deter- siuceritv ami m.'iv seem another en magistrates. He would have to have a of far a mining features of the a. ibiiitv of tJe of'whieh nt to warrant such pro- on th 1 I , Large number of unpaid volunteer or t 11 ub seek to if t pro-e- any proposed reform. GOODS, tl-- ia tion. The reports ,,f one or olht-er- SPORTING l'art (i t or one or two paid People explains i;, W or or t the accuse then, in the face of iit'se bation otlicets bat ion officer may. thoref. be much Vhv. the BASEBALL GOODS, 11 m st ;i a vo a. opte. who would give their entire time to i'iamyand Miecess. Ther- - i, d. c rc nces. encouraging than ti. e from all-i- (iguies, hae not more States TENNIS GOODS, and T r moie g i oil work. In order to obtain men fitted to i.i - .! t ho act charged, whet v be the scheme' The figures above SUPPLIES. , ""a3 se all.- a other hose siii cess may, fact, would annual GOLF as an- law abiding " :i show w 'Mi ill six years 12 States the work, this entail tin not dreamed ,, i - heart e.iuallv good. tha HEADQUARTERS out hi . oxj use ot at least .:;noo. Would sucti to-- ., . ' juvenile .judge pas-end- d looking toward this - Th.' Th.' length of the rob tit iniiti rv hae laws ' ov ; wa- - t ' ti u It is needless to . ! it h. I - mm-.-.- xpenditure pay? NICHOLS CO., LTD., 11 ii,:h. life which lies befo a ties jM d iff. ui t s. be- Wl have not primarily, WAlL, : cm pel . a ot a "J'', i i s ; ;!.-- till say that the value to community the solid p u: j e he heart is right 10. v perhaps. ioeause of branches "f f ed. if !ie that own experience is iv.i-- d t single turned from vice to virtue medical soiet,, It s .e sat'. it' the heart is wro si) hu ma n thought an indiist ry he law is citizen that handling this class in and cents "'"I'-l- in danger. t changes cannot be reckoned dollars as .,;., daily, hourly c - d : 11 it ex- he most conservative, and fa.e lm,.v main-- of a that base found hi' uon- - Cut Flowers tin ti. ! h else- Not onlv is turned from the Choice '"'-- , the re for II a t is:, not absolutely place re with less rapidity than curative 1 It se i.lnnaliiv em hie. it 110- les, i, I aware, produein g pauper lass t. the ,;,' b.dieving that s i.'i.gt! .11 of pro w here, This statement, am I'lire Cod .Ivor (); i.t' the i.ensed, 0 the term s; not on! b to be 1 c- - t, in the tive da 'ease tJV '' I rom a s. I? is expecting seem- find strong refutation us f will finally prorocte.i lost etis .1 public wealth m fiTsli P:)d ' ! sUeh as e en in a mere onsumer the bv ! he l etn.iv a! f he o t t! at tl career of years mass et' legislation little mtriued mitcN hope bee me a pro.: cor of the same; let , II; fermentation of and with the C it) r, It is abhorrent to j si .ii be ci t sji,,! t at a uv given rises from the til doer. dim.- s . be a on so MRS. E. M. TAYLOR . j e.-- Hut only do be etis. to pi'ev of t .no' a h w c hti ra- i in! ..f omniscient lawmakers. ! absolute justice that .in? and hat abiding "' K 111 c t and become a protector thereof. rho r , s,- 'l 111 s!l. legislation is. in altruist e eiy more ereiy tii! be Li up a Hint et tl . I. l M:Uf, : V be punished in to net-.- me Tel. Young Buildi a a fill ile at tempt but his example leads others e fej.et ioh of he . . . . aerrv. T ssarv to prevent him from 'tisideral. M' number of its four i i ...in.. a 1,.. remedy i - of such ti.', itsr as his example wuiic pn.i- t hat an - i". a t ua ' to a Ijnsf bv statute oh! prii.ciides " ! of t hat act in order .!,-- is ie extreme et- an who . t i ut i. a. v t' r l 0.1 1 .,1 , j -; !a,-- to new relation of man 'I' 1 e;ii tl like I:- eerv deterred from "! period. of . a ii'tV be .its te.-t- ! .us the vnlti! of the diet-s- . "I aos,, n The robation system is not such for Grocery Sale s'it 111 ti scheme "i ing this bin not ' o;,a"'-'- .ids. 1 i tin not .e ca ed in i ; ti as en ef' rmat im reii,;;., i,,-r- is. tiny j e ia adjustment, but is. have to - s . . , , n place tor lowed to mi against tl: & ':.it 'tit.' of a mmov medium, lint At Lewis Company's Store nnd ill.' ' ex deavored tu Miv. a departure from old terms for mak ing tin j t lie s st e m . iiiee:,vo from t! mils t -- ut value r f a by do j Veil litrut the Conducted ;e Kvery man :,. 111 are; r apaci. pi inciples. An ( accused. .erience enor-rman- h't in 'tllitl i.'tli - ti Tu;,': has no! been further saved cit i.eii 0 the community is -- in. a ml t ne prooa of pi obaf ior We mus not lose the seheme in! 'tt'-a-, PIOUS. Il: C during the year an. n an e- is a adopted is not because d the neci'sity H. & Co. Thn to make sight ..f th. la. svstem f Theo. Davies or compii-,.:,.,- IS. i 111 MM II was spent on he proba : severely j .gv ami that of tiny radical a s man by so pimiste new depart! .(Vend. yet t he gov em- ' ae. !,.gi-j,t;i.- n. tion ot senior rs. t of a i If is doiddiess true T,,u H. at ot i.ers inougii fear ;iy instructor 1 tr. experience ii is Wei! it isfie.l with he vast ex- " 1 , s re e men' Schools, Churches, Theatres and so ! t pro-r- that u.mh'r system as Com ensi s but by he he met handling ; fhe (Mritiim,..! ill be d. tened. as to ,i g ( so ast i; or m x .and tis'tj,,. present New York lire, repot! ui. ui'' iv onto his feet that s ' ot her ba i. me! s. to retir.'d it tiraetir1 ' l. n is re- "go Kr.Tf!.: jl thai it is amply Lodges that com T!l ,eg..,at of society may be do little of considerable legislation 1.S t peered that i by .. He m.wt a o! quired, but that does l,ae to coin" compensate. restraining oniy ; taKO a j nothing to formation .". . a' 1.0 bv and brace tit for one year further Are cleaning bouse for the White uanseatin-r- . ail at om-e- The act prepared by the offenders from' n- - - I those under ?l.e pioba atu-.,,,, Vi t I; reason- fliat say that transgressions. Figuring on the most 1'lague. . is .st odds more writer at the last session of the legisla- Y- on t TI! as i a 111 ti.. nor let Vacuum cleaning is the only way to uu .n svstem insi .1 his was extremely simple. We have on extreme of commercial base, to wit: take a new era iti heavy than realize, ture is a culture for tli wi'h t c.urt marks -i- t- t!,o cost of imprisonment, the saving remove the dust that sa a chat'actei our statute ks a law allowing is not one ot own vat t germs. change t rem. to It cost, accord- The e- -t a criminal cases by would be leas. essence, a which years f e ha ve pet.sion of sentence in Agent, ItS Ytlinr . but of verv lid or magistrate. This is mi High Sheriff Henry, during l!o.s WILSON FEAGLER. "AREO' It Il- - 1: ift.'ti th. also, that the trial iad".. bed. K a r. O. Box 101. ens l, ut ol ideals. 1;. p., read Any .iudg" .!.".: cents a day t. ee pns or r. 111 1! o rs make le or no inde- Sec. and 'J.'lttUJiiui. Th sS Of pi Vein! court and ion 's:;


(' Oslcrization of Army and Navy the Next Step

eighteen vears of active service after inleri:;!' i; i. tae army an. navy is 'major general and under nor- s rcciiiii men I. ! ! v the i're.si lent and em-ark-- ma! conditions should be ranking officer Gen. riliat ic'.i! v rj-- .i by he s I'lTl'l uf of the armv for live years after Pershing was pro--ente- i! war jiti.l !' I," navy. Wood's retirement. from cantain to brigadier general ' A ' e! n i na t inn " is The .)!!! I at fort v six for distinguished services ( ial mi ,.f ti,e j.r s an-- it ,n - wnue wiin rviuoiw ,aiiu MANY PEOPLE ARE NOT AWARfc OF - top of is 'ii'i .: w e.i out luiesiraMe olH- and he is alreadv fifth from the ' list, where he outranks !'! h:a re. irein.-ii- the brigadiers' trs - an officer fourteen years lui- semor. OF THE l.-.- mi.! working THE CHEAPNESS PRICE OF frMl.or. tte'!!,. Lill!' o1' !. in the ori: nary STERLING SILVERWARE. Course 'if i.it'.!!i!!ii' i.'enera , ami a'!': : euniititi in l.l'e' tn I. MEW MANY YEARS AGO THE USE OF exi.erieiieP in enin- - SOLID ma in! j i! eet s fere tuey 16 MERCHANTISTREET. must r'ti:- 'lj-- v' ' SILVER TABLEWARE WAS RESTRICTED a (voj:0 a t"' The ::;.'er slioul'l Mo. cap' a in w . ;r vears, a ma jnr lieu i Coffee Roasters bs TO PEOPLE OF MEANS; TODAY IT IS Uicb seven ea s .Milonaiit enUmei when seven :, a e.i'oael w hen tive wl.i.-- WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL: IN ii .. i:;n the at FACT !:i- -t vi'ars ye. aes tk !:' no'.v J" :i aiso :ra(es. So npinrs ii t war. In wmals, OLD llio seen il other AT THE PRESENT TIME SILVER FORKS he wants- - ii: rau" (itliecr to a eapta::: 'n i rl in.-tea- d or A - - t AND SPOONS SELL FOR , i ABOUT. THE tliirty-eihr- at reseru. He also -- - I ' - - Ko vi he - it oiiieer tc bee. mio a tkk 1, na Coffee - X,".'.- Iliaj'T ;H pi, ntir. .1 at fiftv- i SAME PRICE OUR GRANDFATHERS PAID a lit ut Ouloliei at out1, as ler, ellaut A SPECIALTY. lit t , iii-- P a ..f at li t't si'ven, and a FOR THEIR PLATED WARE. CUiiliici at v four. in-te- of at lift v- - i. i lie. t he a .hen that rank is reached lili'ier exis ii ion s. If you desire to send some WE PRIDE OURSELVES ON THE FACT choice old coffee to friends in the THAT WE ARE IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY The navy ants a proportionate sift- States, call on us. We can sup- Si en-fur- i ing oiit, for Meyer li mis that our average rear-admira- l is over seven ply you. OUR PATRONS WITH THE BEST PAT-TER- and a halt years older than the average P.ritish, is seven and two-third- s years BKIGADIEE-GENERA- FUNSTON. older than the average Uermau and IN HONOLULU OF SILVER FORKS, iiearlv eielit ami a halt' years older than SPOONS AND I u ihirty-on- 1 lie average dapanese flag oiiieer of s,:'l'o!o were each when war to enough oilicers of each tney won their respective victories ot ot these rank to leave the vacancies re- qual rank. Indeed, this disparity in FANCY PIECES AT AS LOW A PRICE the ages of our naval officers and those Cannae and Marengo. quired. And there is a safetv valve Repairing AS of foreign governments was noticed dur- Washington was just at tip's average which prevents too rapid promotion. age of conquering generals forty-thre- e ri hus an officer who has been lieutenant ing the recent circumnavigation of the THEY CAN BE PURCHASED FOR IN globe by our fleet, and especially was when appointed commander-in-chie- f oohmel less than three years cannot be- NEW this seen in Yokohama, where there of the Continental army, and Grant was come a colonel unless his total commis- a year younger when made commander twenty-eigh- t were three vice admirals aged, respec- sioned service exceeds Automobiles YORK. tively, fifty-six- , fifty-fou- r and fifty, of all the Union armies. Hut .Napoleon, ears; nor can majors, captains, first

ls he age, whereas the average age of our rear-admira- by the time had reached that lieutenants and second lieutenants be had conquered Kurope, had reigned i on the cruise was about sixty, promoted until their commissioned ser IS OUE BUSINESS WE HAVE MANY PATTERNS ON" or fourteen years older than the Jap- eight years as emperor, had divorced ene totals, respectively, twenty-five- , i m anese rear-admira- l present. Josephine and been married two years eighteen, ten and four years. DISPLAY; IT WILL PAY YOU TO To average age to Maria Louisa. Retired pay for the o'slerized will not ,t or learn the at which the Alexander Young Garage e be at the present flat rate of three-fourth- GET OUE PRICES FIRST. 'I world's greatest military leaders have fo I It will be arranged on a slid- " been at their best searched through afl the war department library the "Rome ing scale that slides faster and faster TELEPHONE 200 other Caesar became ruler of three l en day rind eame upon General King's years before arriving at this age of forty-t- the older the Osierized man has grown in the service. Hut if he has served "Famous and Decisive Battles." As hree and his military reputation had less than ten years he is given a cold only a military man could he analyzes long been made; while Alexander the - "one year's pay" and is told to ask Drink TC the world's most notable and important Great, before he was within ten years ' conflicts, from Marathon down through of ihis average, had conquered the no more. If ho has served one year over this limit, or eleven, and is still a in ancient, medieval and modern times. world and been vanquished by the last Rainier i' After cataloguing the at enemv which overtakes man. He died second lieutenant, he will get only $20 a H. F. Wichman & Go The these battles I have, at considerable at thirty-three- , which is five years less month the rest of his life, while if he "I labor, ascertained as far as possible than tiie average age when lieutenants has made twelve years and is a captain their ages at the time of these conf- become captains in our army. Indeed. he will get . 1,1-- 0 a year. If a major AND KZXP HEALTHY. LEADING JEWELERS. lict-, and from these data I have made Caesar passed out before he had arrived t twenty-seve- years' service he will I lihe is some computations as to the relative at age when our majors become get a month, and so on up to thirty bopiil; the 1 , Osieriz- Fi ages of the conquerors and the con- lieutenant-colonels- while Napoleon died years' service, which gives any Oahu Ice & Electric Co. cial 1 quered. at about the age wheu our captains be- ed officer the present retirement rate The younger commander has defeated come majors. of three-fourth- s full pay. f iacted Ifor hi the older commander in over four-fifth- s Our average American oiiieer now has Annual Oslerization boards must be composed of five members, all outrank- ICE delivered at any part of the nlta of the great battles of the world. This still eight years to serve as a captain Island deduction is based upon statistics of ing the senior officers examined and all ity. orders promptly filled. ha; w bv the time he reaches this average age Telephone 528, P. O. Box 600. Office twenty-nin- e ot the on Genera! s taking oath that thov will Oslerize IN battles el historv great victors, hven under Kewalo. LOTS FRUITVALE Kings list till of those where the; the proposed Oslerization scheme, he "without partiality, favor or affection. " in dates of the principal participants could j would yet have one year to serve as a These findings must be writing, and be obtained. j captain before reaching this age. upon their recommendation the Presi- The average conqueror defeated a! Now, as to the modus operandi of the dent must transfer the Oslorized to the CHAN KEE man ''unlimited-retire- list." A similar Cent twelve years older than himself. ion One Oslerizat scheme proposed by the Per sifting-iiu- t The average conqueror has been forty-thre- e army: scheme is being devised for Waverley Building Hotel Street years old. while the average com- In the first place, the physical ex- t ho nav v. Scfliaare Foot mander on the unsuccessful side has aminations under existing law will fie been fifty-five- . In other words, the extended to officers in the field grades, LADIES' UNDERWEAR average field commander would seem to and each who is found to have an "in- Heretofore young blood lias been in- be at his best at fortv-three- . capacity" that has "resulted from his fused into our body of admirals and LARGE ASSORTMENT ' own misconduct-- shall be honorably generals only by jumping subordinate Or a trifle over for home of more than uncharged with one year's pay only, in- officers far over the heads of their sites three-quarter- s A. Alexander trie drear was. however, stead of being retired on cbier. Thus Rear Admiral Richard David Dowsett one arce each, adjoining the celebrated Pu-ke- le but twentv-fiv- when he defeated Darius pav for the rest of his life. And even Wainwrigiit was advanced ten numbers at Arbela. Mohammed II. bin twenty- - j 1 hose who pass this examination will be for his services at Santiago with the Homesteads in PAL0L0 VALLEY, ten three when he conquered Constantino j onfronted at various successive periods result that he was one of the few naval Real Estate and at Constantinople, Ocfavius only t wen- - with graver possibilities of elimination officer- - who have lately arrived at flag Insurance minutes' walk from the car line. ty-on- e when he Marc rates, and Antony beat at special retirement depending rank young enough to obtain anything These lots are adjoining the beautiful ilru'us an! 'ains at I'hilippi, and upon length of previous service. like adequate training as rear-a- in irai 203 Judd Bldg., Second Floor. I'.ernhard but twenty-eigh- t when he j Every year there will be Oslorized befote reac hing retiring age. And this homes of Owen Williams, William A. Rideout, vanquished Yal!entein at I.utzen. about thirty-eigh- t lieutenants, t'orty- - advance led to his selection, under the thirty-nin- e j - At William the Conqueror tour captains, four.een majors, six lieu- le.-en- reorganization, as "aid for oper- Charles J. Schoening, Edward F. Patten, and won the battl of lla-ting- s, while le tenau r,o and three colonels of the ation and management of fleet,'' the Houii'on was s a rear vounger when lin Tl staff is not to be affected by most responsible So be given Choicest others. detail imw lie look Jerusalem At t hirty-seve- n now recess. in a naval nifice. In contrast with his The rear of these lots extends to the hill Custaxiis Adolphipi wen at Leipzig, ca-- e is that of Cap' a in Milton, wim be- l'eter the Croat va vieto at I'tdtowa came an admiral in January and who LUMBER slopes, had. - from which grand views are to be and Napoleon wa- the onquemr at Th 171.! Here ds are will retire in October next, and who ;i. .;ounqi; Put into all buildings .lena. named wen a tills will thus eiijnv oiiiv 'en months of flag for which Correct "soil for all kinds of fruit. a sain-- ' g e brz at which c a vea r t he r est i a n because he is a victim of stagna- - Ha v., Am we contract to build. Let me it rv mli- - t ioi show you this property. h'ic) ltd it a tl no" a Me cases w nere . THE $500 per acre and up. ward lib .no-- t e nth t vmnig boon infused into the PRICES LOWEST. I! e!h of! higher re t I .t' I. oonnr Map in my window. I: xv ;e i is pt a in s V i.M . .!. Fran! ii Hell, Fro-- Funstmi was ing. Maj. Con. Wood, i .Un- u i.c u- -t nine he ra n k i n g oiiieer City Mill Co., Ltd t W n as ' he hi- lib- still in - f,,rtis. KKKAFL1KF. STREET And lb: d si 'lied bv tl was .ii .1 i hen I; v as lieutenant i'i'iI their THERE ut IS ONLY ONE ami although or.lv an assi-ta- j w ith t lie rank of when 1 Desky anish war broke out became a Chas. S. S Peerless Preserving Paint t najor geie-ra- ot within seven months, brigadier general of FORT STREET. ' I "cgidars in less than three vears and a Office Tort St. opp. W. Q. Irwin ft Co. ma.inr general of regulars in a little inoie than rive vears. or v tw o when fort TEL. Z81 : : : : p. o. Box 757 J yo-ai- ,,id. He' will be at the head of the army until Ins retirement in l!"2t unless son-,- unforeseen event leads to the LOCOMOBILE promotion of some oiiieer below- - him to 4 the rank of lieutenant general. Had he r not advanced over the heads of "Trie Best Built Car in America" SB o I,:s or.e-- me Maj. New Oil Stove lllr superiors, Perfection Cc-ri- F. I. Crant, son of President SCirtJMAN CARRIAGE CO., LTD., a :.! (no,. Wi od Craut. 's senior by ten Agents. '"ea ,V( uld now b. the ranking oiiieer ef the a my. As it is he must tire in NO SMOKE, NO SMELL 1!H4. ton vears before (,'c Wood GENTLEMEN'S ; M: d. Ft: i n n, . ra ii ks if-- Maj. I,, .ran is FURNISHING GOODS kowixe nl voung.-- Maj. Low Trices. Big Stock. 1 him. yt ei. !h::ii $5,5 i . Jf' a K. ' s xN. to bri C CHOW & COMPANY 'f 1 BURNER n t.-- i . a n nera idenf King and River fe'treet $8,5 ii;ef n 2 BURNERS VViXMu f n- ujn CHONQ $l2i30 f7 3 BURNERS DO NOT PAT FANCY PRICES FOR W. PERFECTION . . CHEAP , NEW it-,1, .Ttr- NEW FURNITURE. ..$3.50 Bethel ocposite the Empire. OIL HEATER ... h P. O. Bet 771

KNABE PIANOS E. HALL SON, LTD-- of regulars j ON EASY PAYMENTS 0. & s a 1' r.'HRi'i enable one to make the home attractive. binteov osll-i-- ELEVATOR. ERIGADIER-GENERA- SECOND FLOOR. TAKE PERSUING. will JAS, W. BERGSTROM & BRO. rent!--.- have Masonic Temple. THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 6, 1910.

DOC p o t , . o i o o o TALES FROM THE ARCHIVES 0


By D. L MacKaye

r !. capable . f inij.artin v.ar ; i n 1 t Tnto ?ne y...i rma ion . In v Vi- a- - I..., ,,t v.: .'i;r own !i nisi- you ran alwavs ?" i , w Stf" ,, ih have as nm.-- company as you LOTH v,-- a without eiking it oooo at ' !. pharos before a aat w re mentioned. '; :ii'..v.- r t r T - pen of ain! ha- - clnM.il from a r:,,'::-iio.- . - l'i. ; mX closely written pages. a:t'- - little lee an- was no less " and just as !,,i!.r. In his intro-- ! be correctly dressed is of regent. ,!'"' .' on any occasion the aim .Innia:'''1 i. : :i ii he latter e(.;:; icina ii sa A -- iden.-e f I1 r. i near three ' Tt .a-- !' yeur at a former period as a all They feel f:E,ll. men. want to at a function or an fill-'- TO 11. l! a. her :ui!..ii; yi.ar people i . , , l't ?y heart with atTfetion for tJ.i-- ... '' I", i a he .lay- - child-Tha- t informal gathering that they the ..... than -i: fad: v of your are wearing aft" :(! pri nci pa -

Ib - ot maKifir to voiir-el- t. clothes which dame fashion says is proper. They desire to i o.;v v. ion ,. t :,, and chiefs and or nat the ;'- -' j '. I ti.ive n v made aioi i.r- -- aft: " ' 1 aoi -- ..:w tii say. I feel be considered smart dressers." Besides the outer clothing p e .wocrapli""-''- ' i",!,!t j - :.v tlearlv ;;i a clo-- e. aleihtaia-- j v,,-- '. V t iree two w.'ie attempting to ... ; , is j,eiT.h:tviv there is the of shirt, collar, hosiery and tie be ; matter to ii I'-;:-- font s'ep- - the young king that 1 i ,i '.;. the patl.- - of strict virtue t:i-- e i.l i j ti.'-- w :,:!! it i.e had wandered, ivorv veai considered. Nothing is permissable if it jars the refined n attain I i l';.t',rii was will o attending to the ,;i;:l! Tori.-i- l side ot his nature. The t aeret. ,,:ir..'.T a was u ii doid I v a pious man; taste of those who are in the room. 'au.j. iti the ',, t.avy giMi era! v were wiii-'i- will :! l'..h !;t!li;"'':,,, i w a oh in their own (and iiuapjire-ii'tci- i ii!:iimir'';- tie;.! "i , .,11 luit he in con-,.- h! wav. heliovod ' ng i,,!t tir-- t and ;! later. No man can be comfortable in clothes or with a doubt in his mind as t Jiai: veil aiiiv T'.- - kitig i''pre--- e i himself dissatis-t- : ;,1:.,e-i-haM- i el.'ilir- - III . ?lif Hiri ng , r v.'Mi thi- conduct of gentlemen the f VlAHS to their correctness in style. The way to get rid of the doubt, and the clothes hail The ot nawa.i - . irHi 5Tkp rv 4ft in ci 'at.) a ii rut that wear the JgSS KMIWIMC IKJWoi v.. ,ii..'i!,Mit is to ive ot .loiies a French. It seems til at at the same time, is to wear - - lemeii had. of 5 t.rni iierv has con true. the.- .lit o.:spoeil of mio TJjill.i.. 1r:..' . I "" i.l. i l i . s ' i t o ii i ti i.ii lien t t;:at m- - rici ft, it a royal order and then charged eer-t:i'- n tK.,a;;,y, of wbi.-- Fin.-h'- government cn'umissinr.s which the king has m.-ni- it As a. matte--r Stein-Bloc- las be'n the last legatee, tliinialit improper. of fact h it That the young statesman had Smart Suits tie cost inii".rtani-- for the )n:r;iose for ,,epn ('il0?on ot' derided that he did not want to pay whioh it :nl.v in nr:y:hnng at all, although Finch later with the ta-- r.rfa-- Vac'ifs. ''enplel no. vii.red him ef the error of his ways. after-Kni- s 1 not garment men mentioned by of fr.)hfi-- was whii'h was The .loeument that settle, this ques- and buy from us. There is a for the editor "The fiillowp.l aial which was in itself tion is in the archives, witnessed bv conditi- up-to-da- te. almiut jifiphotic as it foresaw a Finch. Haberdasher" that is not to be found in our stock. Our lines are complete and on of the country into wh'n-- the then !n a letter dated Xovember o of the e c.in'liTiini.s wuiiLl naturally year first mentioned. Finch discussed We have nothing that can be construed into a style that is not strictly 1 thcniselve. tics matter and also advised the king The advi'-- was as follows: ;n matters relating to the conduct of vogue; it's a rule in this establishment. I will ad'l one other reoom-- , his foreign affairs. The young ruler mentation, which- - is the senii-- . -- eemed somewhat doubions as to the or meetiiifr or as-- ( mode of procedure or just how far he semhlajre of ail the great chiefs could proceed without being jumped on for the revision of your state bv the nations who were acting as Dad affairs alternating for conveni-eni-- e Kxtraordina ry. On November 21, Finch wrote his last sake at, Hnnoruru an. I We can fit you and suit you in anything you wear, no matter 2 Lahaina. letter to the king, nil questions as to ser-- ! T i 1 i desertions having evidently been .i All that have sa to you, may be, you will be properly groomed. von will, I think, receive in the tied by that time authough he again what the occasion and spirit of kiielness an.l as mini- touches; upon them. The opening cx-- j ng from vour friend, trai fs were also taken from this letter, r--i W. B. FIXCTI. 'the to it being as follows: l! ad- The realt of that adviee wan l.est I beg von to permit me to whn th,' legislature last met in vert again to some topics upon 1 l session which have already addressed and the hitrh chiefs of XjTHIS UML TIIIW FOB YTABJ tht inlands foregathered to amuso t!ie you formally and which 1 deem iJ populace. j of consequence to T Fiiich. when he arrived, nad an ofh- - yourself and people. mean, the Kok&&Jir l letter from his govern men t, which i those as to desertion and I marine- lit acted practically as diplomatic papers) subsequent, secretion of m reeol-iec- t 'or himself. This letter, also j. reserved, i rs- from their vessels. I you have, in a general IcIHY, 'Itains wary of the regard, that in which America then held the Ha-- i way, told me That you would Milan IshiTuls and hinted at a slight trv arid prevent any sneh difference that would most likely be abuses, ily object is to sug- Fort and Merchant Streets fel up. Nowadays the government gest some means, in aid of huts at the regard. those you may have adopted, The on first letter written from the exer--Jtiv- these points. eahia of the Vincennes was in 7t has been so clearly shown so Tfply to oej from Kaahumami, and waa, to von already and you are t ii part, a? follows; well convinced that your own oooil is involved in these prae-ti.e- s Oct If!, 129 recapitu- E";?.al..li Kaahumauu, that I need not if Hegent: the arguments thereon You kin.; letter is verv grati- - late v.hi. h T have verbally used. ryir-- to iu and I give you Q g?T- - Q C Hat T would suggest To you t r ft ft t t t "Tt ft t:,a::ks f,,r jr. I would accept in of one of your regula- tae house which you offer as a lieu tions on these subjects that if rMer.ee durinj my short -- tav SBEQB3 I'i effectual te. hut n'ot will be found more has l.eeu my of deserters, fi'tom to live the wall's for the recoverr f.t if vim will forbid the receipt my vcS-c- l. Mr. .rmo our we give to of i rewards as now by which the framing PACIFIC PICTURE FRAME CO., ,"t- -. has already offered me f THE ARTISTIC v.e-,- comm. .n people on the i iU'd.!c 1 Pictures tells the story. apartment hut of eh persons; Nuuanu Below Hotel. Phone 222. accepting it. - si. ami the assumption of the het wnat my eovernment ha 'v.-a.- TOUCH 'Si.': bv eovernment to to vmi. engaga deop-attentio- your be refunded to alone by Ilotie-- t mo: i ve vol t':. liiii-'c- i'- of vssels on de-- lsV' laiisrtiag.- - the -- r'H.t very of n,u.i wa;. . t0 v,,.,, y!:iv vim I ay$ haj.j .y A few da vs hater :ie A'incennes de -- SOLE AGENTS. .v. v.. ffv. ir. c,.-te- from iou; behind Old T.eahi.; WE DELIVER Foilnwing; .,r- - dotie the of right-- a ml i,.r aid number of the , 'ire-:,.- ,, i r 'e or ion of to all parts of the city twice daily. written and verb.-,!- , were -- i i ; u a : ' s pi o pe r y -- o w n . W. C. ::,"'i. vhi. h ucriuitted Fii.cli to me: Peacock & Co., Ltd. Mont Rouge tap FAMILY TRADE A SPECIALTY d reason ..f hi- - iv :"0 Ti;e -- i -- at .jisj.-r',- 'an 4. Telephone 4. Wines ' - Telephone ti".l !!;. wa- - o a.. QSoecieDi. I WINES LIQUORS MOID WE GUARANTEE OUR GOODS. and THE WINES OF CONNOISSEURS. ' '! - P"'c...!ou ton Mens a- p in ,!,.. ! 'api-a- (Ftiid up) Yen 24.000.000

;f-fiv- e Yen 13,!4rt,00 ' .te;iv Fund ct, ! i.e il a fi'ia ... ' d YOKOIIAaLv. ;,!!!.,..: i, . HEAD OFFICE tlihruicrs p, Ti e baak l.iivs an.l receives for col i :i I'' TOM SHARP, The Signs of all j Painter kinds. t - b et' ii bids of exchange, issues Drafts ,r',!" ''""ci bad cvhira' .and Letters of 'reo.it, and transacts a j Elite Building Scenic Work, Decorating, ir.terr..r..!:. ,. - general banking business. .'''!s n . o ii ' ' t .tea; , Flop osit! i, . The Itiink receives Local Phone 297 Graining, Paper Hanging, Etc. tif am t'atar.' i f :, , and Head Oflice Deposits ih.r fixed pe- Ii n g i, (1 o - It'rera riods. Isrlis-iri- .- j ...-- -- Tn.ar I.,.eal Pepostt:'. -- o and upward tor s pect.e c faJ,rn!r honn.' er.e y.air at rate of i'1 per annum. F:i t i ::n-- , I1 've. it. a i i enosns i en .nei uj. i 1d '":i. the BE PREPARED FOR wards : r one-hal- f year, one year, two fssty of .,r,.v,,..,.: , :,. .. , of 4'.,1 the .,..,; ' vests or three years at rate had -, .iT.(i';. r (.f..;.' ' per annum. reticulars to be obtained on appli-cat'ori- . .':i:,';--::'r'- :'':' - . ' t'Oar .a! ? ' H. a. oilii Office 07 S. King Street. ';".ai who tiartcrs. 1'. O. F.ox lO-- Householders and merchants are interested '"';--.- remar s f,.id.It yi. TOKTF.DA, Manager. in reducing their light bills should not fail to try Visits are runexpected. Are you ready if one should visit .!.,. ' ettn-- s. r,r ...... :.' K- lamps. They give It is fire protection by the city is inade- 'ter ...iss,Kan 'rii these your home? said iJ50 DANCE ON quate, and that the public in some districts must look out ..v -- v. 1.50 JOHNSON'S FLOOR WAX Twice the Light for the Same Money for themselves. 1.00 it a verv Makes the nicest dancing surface A clearer, brighter, whiter, steadier and better GET A BADGER ''at 1,0 to, vie,- light in every way than obtained with the US AS TO THE EQUIPMENT YOU NEED. 1.50 'aitnttiv Lewers & Cooke, Ltd. that CONSULT a! ' v,,rv uii! ordinary lamps. '!!.!; r f"f v.ia. :, Honolulu Scrap Iron Co.

C. II. EROWN - - - MANAGER. J;; well A. to OILMAN von. J. - v'lv HALFK.U'WTLA STIIFKT. tgr,-- had iar!; ,; yon ELECTRIC CO., LTD, . HAWAIIAN In rif ' ; e paid for (bl Rrass, Scrap THE ROOM 400, JUDD BUILDING. ;iM coi.o ,a ii'j'a Vc-- i .a... "" "'is vo !:,!! and all Tnetals. Mhe carethii tha-"- - att a vn D- a'- r ,ti Second hand Macliinery. rci ch,ir,,.t.. Tei. C42. 1'. O. Box 547. 6, 1910. THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY

T bv i ho- pointed finder of the girl, rest t . i : ...... i ...... i.; ' siowiv IO ins i ami Mien .itM out mi hands to her Jut she turn- - THE THUMB NAIL ed uw.av with a shudder of distrust and n rint. Magazine fell beside Laka. Riir Slowly Kalua "s arms dropped to his side and his eyes traveled over the hos- it rcifi r 'a. ton mivh o j tile fu'-e- about him. They vested final- I kanaKa will bestow on noiiim.-- ly upon the group beside him. Maun It was Sat-,r(i- i, was barely in Lnka's anus, weeping violently, Vooding iivcr his wrong?. nd now, when the canoe lav JilB from Ins one arm about his neck. (inly a mo v afternoon, the busiest hour of the launch. d, when he was fresh A Kaces over ail ment diil Kalua look down upon them. e fishinarket, but Kalna was vief.rv at the Regatta ntbOU' TTffe at the he must part with Then he slowly raised his right hand to al-ou- t the native fishermen, oblivious of the noise ami turmoil not bear the thought and his lips an,! touched them. It was al- it. He could one Shi:; the vociferations of the Chinese d aloud. most like a salutation, and no h tToiiiii as he backed from the circle of 'iawkers. the laughter and chatter of rThis voui.2 man is not very much moved the crafty llonu. i o ht thrown by the flaring torches, and k gailv dressed throng that moved in love "' soliloquized live the hi" canoe more than for turning, fell prone in the outer dark- stalls, passed all unheeded. He cares f..r &i mong the maid he would take to his bosom. ness bevond. the man the go Across the way was Laka, He - not worthv of my help. I'll his gm bot-l- e vhm Kalua most bated in all the away and leave him and "MYSELF AND ME." South1 leaning on the counter ' world. He was ' Kalua. of verse is floating around, frt! no, don't go," cried This item jiva clad his Saturday i'o. ' f a fish stall, in vou anything but that, s trous- i"l'll u'.ve what city, or the name of the uncrown- jjm fternoon best, silk shirt, dock iaiivthing but 'my beloved canoe." .,.,,. ai- - ed laureate, son of man knoweth not ers, a yellow handkerchief about his t i,.,,TfTled the old man dry; .. inspired 1 .x. r., n m liit firlod with :l lei .. .. .,..,1, v to his first price, aim to this day. The name of the to sid carlet carnations perched jauntily K.,,,;, expostulating and pleading writer should be written in letters of Varieties" huilil v. a. K.w.v hU He was chat pw.- -. "57 f head. save lii cuoicesi gold high up iu the Hall of Fame: ith Manu. the 2irl whom B..,,k over the harbor; the tall ships in. waters. 1 XaTua had wooed persistently, but ...,.f i,,c.r cbadows on the still I'm the best pal that ever had, quilt was the city 1 be, rain. for more than a year. Laka '' tJl(."gre.n hills back of like to with me; . l. irirr vnnrifT fellow, and the Iigat oi ee.i..,S. 1 like to sit and tell myself ,.a wPrc flooded with the Things for the Tabic plan' old yirl knew it. for she rolled her great lint finally, as was inevitable, the Things confidentially. Of Good a most bargain was 'ivt-- t up at him now and then in man had ids way, and the it Bl' and fascinating fashion. struck. I often sit and ask me ling glower-ij,- c Presently she noticed Kalna gathering gloom of the quick If 1 shouldn't or 1 should, tram' and In the to at her' from the opposite gutter night Ilopu whisred into Ka- And I find that my advice me Stive to her com- tropic good. whispered something ear the plan by which he should Is always pretty Theur. guffaw loudly. bul's s panion that made him r,d himself of his enemy. Kalua fher st at that instant one of the Chinese short as he listened and I never got acquainted with J, scrubbing breath came of vendors, who had been eves widontd, and now and then he Myself till here late; befoi gutter bis 1 1 ot his stall, emptied into the feaifnllv over his shoulder. ut And find myself a bully chum, - Butter muddy water. It looked me - Dill Pickels Apple , huge tubful of as The wilv old man developed his 1 treat simniy great. India Relish Teetf down upon the unfortunate scheme, pla'ving the while dexterously Vfhei i.. n.i be realized it he - I with me and walk with me that lfiim I,;.- w.imii s hatred or LiiKa aim talk flood Mill iH i " , , in the filthy v- - show the right and wrong, was up to his knees 0vt,i lur t ho virtues ana And i , grew how well myself The pair across the street witness ;f y Kalna 's heart I never knew And all the other choice dainties packed in the BW'll w'Tn -- tfie iucident and exploded .,oIllor Finally he rose and with a And me could get along. tighter, while poor Kalua rose to his path vowe,i tthat he would do et, trembling with fury, and stumblea . was again brought I never try to cheat me, water- - : - ,ff down the street towards the afUch in tur pledged the suc- I'm as truthful as can be; inimitable way own dis- - may come or go, Heinz : - , plan and the early No matter what "ft- he was lYsi 0f their Refore he had gone a b ock I'm on the square with me. Willi weazene.l f L;ka. overtaken by a queer little ; SaturlaT cveninj; there was wu along ; and have !d man who had been pattering eat political luau (feast) at the It's great to know yourself plan startl.ngly j ' own; 5 pursuit. His garb was .x It was beld in a A pal that s all your deal for he wore a tall silk ha , "nion specially erected for To be such company for yourself it coat, ' battered, an ancient frock aml an Tnuloa was invited. You're never left alone. kvII: wh nor ' 1 i Jnngaree trousers, and no shut, (1 was Manu. the bigJ shoes, nor stociiings. ne ..s f hf pvening, garlieii m a now You'll try to dodge the masses. lobs X- aim i.,.i,.i- - on.! .!iiioriie(t witn a And you'll find a crowd's a joke, mot -' e and rheumatism, inc wane.v:. noieon th the aid of a cane roses. Kalua came If you only treat yourself as well wheezed, as beautiful lei of a bit, Kalua," he ,.-i..- Kalna from the As you treat other folk.,.. your them wes "Wait i .tiffoTont Ask Grocer for aiso; a ei alongside. "1 want to talk gutter at the.; mol drew cannot lone who Imd sat in the TO von. and vou go so fast I tor ne made a study of myself, (08 " ifishmarket !he week betore. I've ll Will." 'all in white linen, and his tall figure Compared with me the lot, fesi storm of rage 1 So violent was the loomed with something of distinction. And ve finally conciuoeii of snpthed the younger man s. got. clii within gu-sl- The pretty Manu the best friend I've upon among the I'm That his first impulse was to turn to him, and ass ihe newcomer ami venr upon nun 1,1 nvt.Mv with him and with Just together with yourself thi 1.0 Tinccflccpi him 1411 But with you, aki who was always at her side. And trust yourself o m w as, that , Tv'alna show. how well your jocaot-jo- IQPOC30C; am he saw no ii , 4 .:.' .ll.t v...v... And you'll be surprised oc t., UOT joc f!,: jV yoril ooi - ' . SlII h stoooed in his tracks ana . h- Vinndsome. Wl ti.l him the harrea ne ieu " self as though to flee. lhe "'' Will like vou if you do. am almost turned . k1,, jonn r .1.1 cackled with laughter as lie foi man s hmaV. look of fear in Kalua CO! the sudden together ft TRADE SCHOOL V-- throngs that surronle.l an fraid of me are von?" helthmigh fJZlithe FOR HONOLULU BARLEY and HOPS to On the first of March next Honolulu 1 am y"r women and young r, W'annV' the is to have a trade school under the lit ' for the rivals were not wont to 3rf;;T know tou are." stuttered ffirls. management of Thomas 11. Walker, one t Wliy afrai,i yU' light- - masons and eon-tracto- I" ! were of the leading stone ?lnA-- 'beV folk torches X, pavilion and the guests in the city. It will be known afraid horriblv afraid. U about the it Z L squatted ni roy. Trade School" -- through all flocked thither and , as "The Cosmopolitan trifle of alcohol an jVI rH w s known 1705 King a food and a tonic. A d is noSn Kaimuki to Moanalua, around the long ma t and it will be located at 3 fTl 1 are large powerful kahuna on the edibles were spread. street, where the grounds . 1 s the most etl,c,heie 7 all purposes. .v Zl one knowledge of the loved by the enough for nri o r if a:r ' under will be t 1 VrA The praying to bountiful profusion; pig roasted Lessons of a practical nature to aigesuon. nat s rnmo Deer. ir you gei of anaana. or in wis He' was a ; ground, fresh caught mullet baked given two hours each evening (except a most profound. limu or various l L Z onlv to ki leaves, chicken, squid, dried Saturday and Sunday), in the or death hover- - eel, sauce of kukni outs. branches of brick, stone, plastering beer, nothing is better for JZllZs . work with all the modern pure you. enem- y- ! and all sort, of dr.n and concrete near, or when one's '. wi.j.is of mpii who create. It will be a splendid opportunity for h.,t 1 .taWe lioys of six- his of the old man a .rat ca abash o f po. young men and youths. rage which fear t are eligi- " There mind welled up in ,lilste made from c teen years of age and above It is not good advice to say, Don't drink beer." J S driven from his ,t. are invited to i,m His eyes lost the fn.v pW. 'J ble and their parents ag,im. glanced vegetables a irt to the consider this offer. There is always a Tok of intended flight and he tor. lines fishmarket. He could Hawaiian. J scarcity of artizans in these are many who need it. the ?,ack towards u throughout the Territory and there are openings abroad for competent ones. It will advise healthiest is a chance for young men to better Your doctor you to drink it. The .... - i be in positions to it iua PiirhT i r.t iiwiit their conditions and "bis it he gave no sign be independent. I camp at the r'irht time, did Tif T,aka noticed peoples of the world drink the most of it. . . l 1 ,,11.-'it- 1:1- ;,lihouoh he had tuliy inieuoeu u.." I would be pleased if applicants nor" sani trie oiu nun, 170.) i. ..i...vt . l,w- with Manu. me King street, reading his thoughts.) SIHHUM...ii sin ... would address at lea's glance and side was between 0 people 1 will show you; Hut the seat on her other I'awaa, or call personally Primo Beer is both good and food for you. Nine V,me me, and . with for.-e- be con-fen:- 7 in it all at the taken and Haka was to .,.,.! o'clock ii. m.. when fullest irhaf to do. I saw there she had seen train- He's stolen away your; Not so with Maun; formation will be furnished. The of would be better for drinking it. hmarket. of Kalua, and she was be rather than theo out ten g;rl, hasn't he? He is younger and li,e maneuvering ing will practical vor s suspicious. pupils will nave opportuni- you. you see, and that j angrv and retical and "imd.wmcr than seated than Ka- work as pro- because i Scarcely were they ties to watch actual it This home beer has the best of flavor and quality firtr the girls like." given Inm 11. j the instructions T. WALKKK, to the wharf they went, and lua, obeying gresses. Pown 'old kahuna, swept his baud, M Cosmopolitan Trade School. old fellow artfully fed the fires of bv' the ister, then tho down, carelessly across the cala- . . of its absolute purity. It is aged for months, then filtered, 's rage as thev walked, comparing thumb Xalua , Manu umz.-n.- of poi I.aka's side. Only Call number 5 and ask for tUin. gaunt face ami bash at telephone li -- second she au- .. w . :i i.'..1ti writhed aw him do it. For a bare Manuel Kichard when you need an s - , sterilized. with llKa limn he,- d Chalmers-Detroit- nrie i.t comprehend. Then whole tomobile. New seven-seate- iffi impotent fury. corner of the !i,,ir stiffened w.th sudden fear au'l latest model 1910 comforta- .e;i irn in v ,aka was about to dip. his fin-- where an ancient anchor toll ,!(st ble car. There are no after effects with harf. . and he poi she leaped to her feet, r,,.p 'b.e; from v:ew shorewavd-- m'rs s lapped the sua' the poi bowl from under In i,,- - wavelers of the harbor it ec ham flune it from lor so that f feet, the old man pi .'es at heir .vn aiiii'i-- i the lenotli (if the o business, al, what do nd vou of your riv imb nail, the thumb nail." I) ft mm m j e; he asked. JP'l C s M jsm - am m ' !" sh- ream. d,i pointil.g with a shakino was rich from th- it'Ve over-- vilu. ' wiier. l:o cam ash lay. a nou- his tin to o.v point, for he had yis oez- - ii. Pi ulo a; ui :, Its coiiteirs slowly , 'in he fi: hing vi A small dog, i . . .,1 i;,ini The Thesis gras- - ewis. lift 13revcd in ut vonr one many x icii ran at will among Jecr a wooden ho: oMiniiJ bat es. no leaped upon the poi a veranda a the ..r!,.,l roof and I. i; fell and lapped cauesly at ."',.T. had ou lis r And besides be only a m- capaM t tie ,ii'ed paste. Hui for ,es and a huge seine oll:;! he slowlv raised his head, certainly a pond at one llleii It was mecsenr:f'r in.r a thousand nrt'.iet e , ' . .. a ,oai with rig atom 0, lihcei who news to your house -- a ' h liniufiltt the i ,rr.,tv ,"1111 w.O.S as ne a it: and w i ii arp a ,ii;izi'- i old that Avers Sarsapaiilla makes the rl.r (,f enpi t v in the man' i i Upo A si e Ldooil "rich and red." This nienns o'y eve. SiilMiK ilO i o v an lie v;c ' '!! ei ve vou as a fe in so in ue'i to those who are thin, pale, ; ' ' raw from , feehl weak, and nervous. Alter a ce. he ofi'ere i ne tiiumii na il, the thumb " a siy,i3r- bottle i S;trs.ainril';:i has cured tie pocket of liis cat eked Manu aga n. a nd her ipii ei i n; Ay.r vou. '.' g'.O. i fiiii r swuno from the ior little .lead C'irry the glad message to a fneud or n v. covlked it . Ilopu took the hot to the si. rink ini; limire of Kalna. n.eiuhix.i-- otT a long J;i!fuHy and drainei ea u row I faee ha iaaneiied to IVrh aps you suffer from the effects passe. 1 back S.r ilraught Then ela and he se 'IU1 d lo shrivel of a warm ehtnate. rrolonged Kalua. tid riy -- man . very oi weather seriously ioioaiis t he strength good a ;t 'That is very far 'I ma lino, r t! eiisn: eenten of many peojde. Tho digestion is wiping his lips with the eves of the e 1 a me slow, and the liver beromes sluggish. tt his hand. "P.ut am n n o isters were inken kanaka. n think to 1, I mi'iiii; ies ia tlio blood aeeuniutato a of and cause that feeling f dowtihearted-nes- s .oi,efit with square faee ;i! ; saw ii Manu, re aud depression. t heheve you love Main at'te sl.ak w tlVi.ZV must he goinj. " 'lle il ! to Kalua i He rose jiainfaily, but - i it. ;,- ti;

I a W -- - def hand. S ,:.d. - .'- Ititllir thi roii an -- ..- ...;," ' v - ! -. v v st;iV was but f1- viiV kAVER'SC ! 9 do 'Tlie i.- siHih "'The gin will to drii 11 M'li, e Tall. What do von wart for una. d to re-'- service yon are z ng to do T ,a ka. arsananSSa CITY MAUSOLEUM Vmir new eanoe," !lo;.n re j ei.'Kiv. ''The one Tlie is of thf greatest nso in such oasrs. ideal system of burial, q method being ' The ! aPj on Kenatta Ihiv and tool illl.! Its pi rifving, strengt heuin j:, and v, . THE what v h. r That and t P buildi ,g properties will bo of iuesti- - u H VOU s' e 'inse villi all rid mahlo valuo to j"ou. : fi- - if fat vonn thi w!;o has ' w Sarsn-paril- by the Hawaiian Board of Health. J and specifier Mann." An mow made, A'jr't la Plans ' What, my new IU1' d Ka- - contain no alcolml. - ' 1 approved v new the by Marston Campbell, Superintendent or ruuu i mr own hands? h. no, 1 .nnnt There are many imitation li.l,, i f vmi that. " - th nmh Sarsapariilas. CIA Montns jind w r,r iiinnth ie had .a. k imt that eanne. It wa s made Ce sure ',ou get "AYER'S." muffle (Treat kn:i trunk and paitifn i M: WOp s were sf ringing in THE T0WNSEND UNDERTAKING CO., t?-- hollowed ln- - - & JJ out and bv hand, w):ee Prepar Dr. J. C. A,er Co., Loal U.S. A. - Kalua a s W. HALL, President. BERETANIA STREET. OPPOSITE SACHS' STORT--. J. H. THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 6, 1910.

LiKe Southern DR. ROBERT J. BURDETTE, Why People California In Los Angeles Times.

. ,,., M'M.'- -j "' ".-i- mere ie a :; ire ,, ,. are.tl treet and turn no vi.it , for drinking cup and teakettle its that .t politics ; n:.is than there are you -- j sIbC . cross over id. fountain, every , to the shaded 'walk. garden and kitchen. Where ' .,. medicine, i i ,...n 't live and more schools of Where yon may have eternal sunshine people come and stay and live, not be-- i - wo:-- . 1 UiVWlirlV. i. ... "I everlasting shadow by backing . ause they have to. but because they , ;. .nr,it'J t" " . .,, :n ;,,..!is than tncre are wavs (,f i ar tin.l a haystack in step with or a lit- - want to. Where the various discoveries i...l?M.!.-,.;Ul.- WIIIC'I - - :.hoat .Ulf! S. is im- i t:.- boh d th..' ' sun. Where barley is of the several North Poles by different ::. Where we measure water bv ! y called and j in-- : - clover is called alfalfa. and ditlering explorers, and the W-- t: :t iff- lawns by tin- acre, ami farm V1 re all l' ' i.;:,i- animated lift Imi.i.v lie numerable consecutive engagements of te tat.--'' ''.v prairie. Where t lit ft.rtti- ffiere here nf year round except a saddle iioise in jthe numerous 1 Mikes I) 'Abruzzis to the Uve uuml.,-- -- I uitm. stops '''sing for if he! ?",'' tourist season, which knows more about j multitudinous Misses Klkinses excite ,;,,!,ii,u"'r "' , ...,.,. ,.i : w ami l.iivs his automobile. ii" ;,, r he Sinn' i .'!. purgatory than the church can teach less interest than the size and of :!t:'1 if he value tf'i a"'"' , :,,!'' V"'!:' :"rM"l' strikes both, him. Where we have the snowdrops of jthe orange crop. When " h'" iv' ... the focus of . in Wi siao.ing is , i on trol- - .:e:-- :,, elmitte. the Alaska, t j . , i he roses of 'ashmeie. the lilies interest in the color problem is the com-- j V.iiii'V toi l.ul.len in t he woods. of France and the violets of Kngland ing hostile rapprochement between (Jov-- ; .-ncc ..- -.in !" i.u of miieh more kerU. Kn,.h- - an.l value than in the same month of delight and frag- einor .Jeffries ami Senator .lohnsou in Where moi-- i no- f(y...u .,, i;,n:;cd with ... !"! birds sing vnu rance, which is any old month. W'heie the lion. Arena. Where, among all :t.. blessings and roosters the .T".,; ,,n, the breathing mixture for your lungs countries in the world is. to be found the i w L'i ...... 1 1... heart ..t t tit the morning with remarks. ' i it.) in ' either comes from the west. miles out' and only modern Land of Promise i j W e .' if h t:o-!- .:: i: - cheaper than caudles, gas ' tllill;:l, between the blue seas and the bluer and fulfillment, all others being imita- wiit-r- vv;",.,-,- - j ' tjtr may t':.ai r than koroon'. electricity is skies, or th.m- " Irom over the desert a tions of which tht homeseeker is warned jj:d Wf" , 'ai'.l-- n gas. siihliol,t is ,'. ... .pi.j ..lat.t a wa" tnaii and free sand miles between clean sands, cleaner to beware. A laud pictured in ancient i'l'm'. Whore the women wear rocks and tin' cleaniest skies, in either j prophecy, where we read of "a land ;.)! fe.'ither boas with summer case reaching the consumer without a ih.wing with milk and honev"; a land ic;ri-- e w .,, n a it may bo snowing in tariiV. sweet as the breath summer j blessed in ., si,.,..' auain of the city and in tin field; in r ; .11 i:lt r U'li.M t lllliV Where we spell "hickory" and invigorating as the bretv.es win- - ' of the fruit of cattle, the increase of kine, urii:tih,'.it ; '."' and "tomorrow" rhymes r 1 t here is such a season, which is and tht 11 oeks of sheep; a land of bright n:lEt ..,1.. t :r : a: s tine; Ciit .nana." Where only the east-- i isu W'heie the hies are bluer and clouds with showers of rain in season, .t iin.iei i ; 1.1 i eva.-k-- - cowboy costumes and the na- brio-lite- the ii'rber and the stars are and j and with in a t'..r t,,1"-'c- ' ineyar.is the desert; itii its ze 'heir clothes made in New Ilea re than anywhere else above tin: land of wheat, and barley, and vines .1 tii-- iere sea bathing is popular in beauti-nse- t r . its l,eart int.. earth Where each ravishingly and fig trees and pomegranates; a land lir'in.-!.- ' 1;Ll . ea-ie- rn li'i't'M.fi.'l ice nih your and the man cuts no ice lu makes vou foroet the re- - of olives, and oil and honey; a land ;,.f.r .i'1 t live , its heal in :i leaves, lit any lie, but makes it mostly in ndently glorious one of the evening whose stones are silver ami out of whose t i i du-el- l the ii.'ie there are boiliiiir springs tetore. VOU hem'ath Where, no matter what sort of hills thou mayest dig brass; a land iTlarll HISJ I .1 l that ere i'iaiite.1 that soak your corns, bunions, and a climate a discontented man cries for, whereof it may be said, as was said of ' VlrtrVran was l...rn. or on the t nails oil' at one steaminii dip. he can be accommodated within tin the olden Land of Promise: "Your eni?; and louiitain peaks that will chill the limits. vou big- k!tot a State Where have the threshing shall reach unto the vintage, mr vt : if of an Arctic explorer. Where trees, ...,r,!;,vin very late in th iti'tei ilium. gest the most wonderful valley, an.l the vintage shall reach unto tht! thei are gold mines cannot be Pnnvriwhf trv-- I ,,v l,ft ii live in a valley that and the biggest rock in the world all sowing time;" in a word Southern k" emptied ; ,g:dde of others that cannot on the same drive. When every earn- California. Hart Scfaarfner c Mar VI, - nm ot . be tilled. ere the only climatic dif- est, carvel out; or on tne hardworking isau succeeds, except J ot the Covernor of who he I tain that has wurn us crown between Kaster and Christmas the State, while is t TRENCH AND EYELET offer tm evpr nc was invented. tkr no roses are more fragrant and helps materially to make the State a. E you the choicest product of aeooj.t the winter rams abundant at Christmas. Where the success, has never succeeded himself. !ln,ieBl:e Is them, or nave your cemeteries, evergreen and ever-blooni-in- (Political joke. lMagram at the editor's Embroideries the best clothes makers in the on desk.) Where you may have your way about it nn.l turn them sing, not of the resurrection, but of o d'.t til s!l susnincr, life e erlast ing. Where there is a' cactus with more spines than a poicu-- 1 MRS. pick from w iin'tiiu J. ROSENBERG world; the of the world's bothering i'rn idem-e- . here Maine i;:nmor in November, an Ohio pine, or with a skin smooth as a kid; liniout are in .'miliary, a summer glove. Where, if you love tlowers. you Second Floor, Young Building. . L.r..t mil n.i. while vmi summer Missouri best looms; the new fashions in forget-me-no- t in weaves, ;5,nt;E,r another to s:ve time ami in March, and a California summer all may wear a tiny blue Cwelowins. Where strawherries the rest of the year. Where you may your buttonhole, or carry a desert yucca patterns, colors and models. every month ot one plant anything you please, whenever with a thousand blooms on a stalk as We've got . in wason in Wah Chong & Co. ami crawfish prow you wish, and eat of the fruit when you long as a telegraph pole, over your liable an.l over, a fine bunch of turn redder than are hungry. Where on Sundays you go shoulder. Where you may grow sour WAVER LEY BLOCK WranJ lit- - h&er?. Where there are twelve to church in the morning, the beach in oranges, sweet lemons and a dainty night, thus tie combination called a plumquot, one; Bcnths of tennis, thirteen ot golt, and the afternoon, ami to bed at DRY GOODS you a of jokes, grown with an or- - ,11 eternitv of baseball. here you saving room rent. Where take nature's auto-ffi.bilin- d 300.-nn- o -t December the of a city of ange wrapper and lemon filler. Where Hart & du- coat for trolley car in heart Schaffner Marx tear a inead of an Aretic storm people, and in two hours are stand- it is considered a rare and unusual r so privilege to ho born in your native Mat Where the greatest ing ('ii the summit of a mountain is the Tournament lonely and silent you think the val- State, where you happened to be at the PAPER suits ; festival of the year that and overcoats here the smartest, most of in some strange and FOR ALL PURPOSES. of Roses on New Year's Day. Where ley full of citfvs and towns upon which time, instead is upon foreign clime, far. far removed climate is capitalized and sunshine an you are looking down, is painted distant - stylish lot of good clothes home, friends. Where, American Hawaiian Paper and you ever saw. asset aad rain is a dividend three canvas. Where you may live the strenu- from mother, and hold gayest or the people love I'eace and are at auy j 'things the trusts can't get of. ous life in the swim of the all-wo- in time prepared to fight for her. Where1 Supply Co., Ltd. Nothing in town to equal these clothes; ol, fine 'Where the plumber is greeted cordially maddest, cr dwell in a liemit cave ' invas- - and the iee man moves in good society. the adjacent wilderness, ordering your everybody is afraid of Japanese tailoring, correct fit. Cali- Where benevolent people get together groceries by 'phone and receiving your ion except the people who live in does tod say: "We ought to do something mail by K.F.D., the world forgetting, by fornia. Where the city not have Suits $20.00 to $35.00. Overcoats $16.50 to $30.00. fur new wdio has just world forgot, until the collector to take its harbors as it finds them, but that undertaker the TRU1C This store is the home of from New York; he is a good man calls on the tirst of the month. Where builds a really good one right where it tome a and has a large family to support. " the poor and the homeless, the neg- wants it, the best possible location for Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes Hi Where the lest honey is raised on the lected and the despairing can always harbor. Where, if the Pacific Ocean re- - desert Israel's "honey out of the find numbers of friends in the 'phone will not come to the city, the city out-on- BAGS roe's." Where the man who keeps bet1 book. Where you mav be made rich by mains right where it is. but reaches an Ocean.-Where- make? the bee keep him. Where the tin Assessor and poor by the Collector. arm and collars the Pacific does In SUVA'S TOGGERY little brown hen is worth more than the Where your coal bills are smaller and if it not like the taste of. endless variety at . reser- ostrii-h- but where you your house warmer with anthracite at the water in tin taps of its own I Pennsyl- voir, the city of Los Angeles builds the I may raise one as easily as the other. :fl per ton. than is possible in CHAN CO. ELKS' BUILDING. Phone 651. KING STREET. Where rock is poured into the restless vania with the same fuel at $4. Where longest aqueduct in the world, ami VIE & i snows and bubbling id water tit make a safe haibo and oil yon mop the beaded perspiration from catches the melting is poured on the troubled to lay Hushed brow on the sunny side of springs from mountains miles away. Corner King and Bethel Streets. - 11 roads vour



Die B M TRUSTWORT H ESS ii jse ten

brake-in- g short, while the general motor-ca- r practice is to build for normal service requirements, LAWS were passed requiring that every motor-ca- r must be equipped with a DF DN system as strong as the PREMIER'S, serious motor accidents would probably be leaving the responsibility of emergencies up to the owner the PREMIER practice immensely reduced in number and in damage done. to is to anticipate all service requirements and provide the most effective safeguards u n The PREMIER has the greatest amount of effective braking-surfac- e of any car in ! k against every emergency a motor-ca- r may meet. America, 526 square inches. This means that it can be absolutely relied upon to re- spond most promptly and most effectively at all times. It is also an often-demonstrat- As a result, in the important reliability contests in which it has been entered, the act that the PREMIER braking system remains in perfect working condition for the PREMIER has made a record absolutely un equaled by any other car. Added to this, longest possible period of time.

all-rou- nd s, for dependability and efficiency in private use, is one The same extraordinary care is carried out in every feature axles, frame, steering-9ear- the PREMIER reputation bearings to the minutest detail. which has established it as the first American car, regardless of any question of price.

Two of these cars, a 4.40 and a 6.60, arrived by the Alameda. Come and see them 4 and arrange for a demonstration. They are the first automobiles in the Islands with both make and break and jump-spar- k ignition.

ofa , LTD oik Merchant Street.

' ' 1


Castle 4 CooKe, Ltd. MENACE TO FRIENDSHIP SHIPPING AND COMMISSION By an Orientalist in Japanese-America- Commercial Weekly. MERCHANTS. ' neli d. ings a re In t lie t ii" rii'iii! !.s t"iir til he e,.:)(par:iti-i- important ' i ly i,i ti,iur .1 t ? W ii t he w rlt er reeeni . Ui None the how-ver- it is r. me ...1' the i's. ei AND QENXEAi .ii,tlertt...,k in the lv regrettable that should b SUGAR FACTORS I INSURANCE AGENTS. :irv ti.'i'h' fit. in it I hi ii . little known in this country. Tin is nor a in evt her for the sak lt he w:i? improved with many things. "rer ITS SAFE. NOW IS THE but it is ahuor-- t as much for the TIME. l.,ut I.y .tiling more deeply than by .lapan, ii. sake of the I'nitcd States. For the REPRESENTING the dense igaoranc1 of the American prevalence here of this dense ignorance HERE ARE SOME PROPERTIES IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE. J j., ,.; ;e ulioiit : I ii and Japanese. about Japanese affairs affords danger- New England Mutual Lifo Inrarwiw mischi- That the Ameneati man in the street ous opportunity to unscrupulous Company of Boston. ef-makers any nothing about .Japan was who can at almost knows next to most stories of alb-- Aetna Fire Insurance Company. is moment start absurd man in the street god . National Fire Insurance Company. no surprise, for the Japano-- e unf riendlines-- or hos- Citizens' Insurance Company (ilartforl ignorant all the world over. The sur- tility to America with the certainty of KAPIOLANI STREET Fire Insurance Company). prising thing is that the ignorance ot (hiding a large section of the public House cf eight rooms, modern and comfortable. Beautiful marine view, London Assurance Corporation. things Japanese is rhare.l by 1 he vast ready to swallow them. recent tour, for instance, majority of the repee! able, the edu- During the lot; trees and flowers. I was surprise. 1 to lind that almost well-to-d- sections of the cated and the everv American J Talked with on the This is a bargain. Price $3,750.00. community, the bankers, manufactur- subject was under The impression That ers, merchants and even newspaper the silly talk of war which attracted men. so much attention in this country two At one place I was asked by a suc-ees.-l- or three years ago was al.--o echoed on manulacturer when our next the id her side of the Pacific. I had a COLLEGE STREET ion would place. task in explaining that such Fine seven rocm house in condition. presidential elect take verv Lard best Large yard, lawn, trees and flowers, WILL DO IT. At another place a college professor was not the case, the truth being that was incredulously surprised when he nobody in Japan, not even journalists New three room cottage in rear. Both houses are thoroughly modern. was told that Japan boasted a litera- of the yellowest class, talked of war ture many centuries old. .Most Ameri- with America. The anti-Japanes- agi- This is good income property. Price $5,500.00. "YAMATOYA," cans took it for granted that every tation in San Francisco of course at- ALL KINDS OF Knulish-speakini- ; Japanese in the party tracted attention and even called forth luoi been educated in the States, while some pretty strong articles in the press. SHIRTS, PAJAMAS and KIMONOS a newspaper owner pretending to a Hut nobody ' ever imagined the poss- ANAPUNI STREET wanted ibility of contiict with this coun- MADE TO ORDER wide aetuaiutanee witii Japan armed Very desirable home in the Makiki district. House six to know how soon Knglish would suc- try, and the talk of war reported from has rooms and is well a- lan- time only caused 1246 Fort St., just above OrpheiM ceed in supplanting the native here from time to rranged. Tjiis place is neat and lot guage. At every dinner table, with amusement and wonder among us. attractive. Large with 75 foot frontage. some bright but rare exceptions, the The recent journey litis no doubt done This is a snap at the price. . American orators complimented us on some good in making The Japanese bet- Price $4,200.00. Goods our recent progress, tacitly taking it ter understood by the Americans, x'.ut Rubber for granted that we started fifty years it has at the same time revealed to us GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. ago nearly where some of the South Sea the existence here of a perpetual anil of PUNAHOU DISTRICT . H. PEASE President islanders now stand. grave menace to the continuance Market Jt must not be supposed that I write friendly relations between the two Street, - Modern house of six rooms. Fine location, large lot. This property is up to San Francisco, Cal., U.S.A. in any spirit of censure or complaint. countries. Jt is to be earnestly- hoped dale J do not by any means blame the that this source of danger may never and a bargain at the price. Price $3,500.00. Americans for their gross ignorance of lie lost sight of by responsible leaders Gallon, Neill & Company. Ltd things Japanese. It is quite natural, of thought and action in This country. seeing that to them Japan is a small, Its removal can only be the work of ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, far away empire on the other side of many generations. Queen and Richards Streets. Boilers with charcoal-iro- n Oi mean it. isn't an enormous one for steel tubes. General ship work. America. We look at money in such a Boslhop Co09 Sunday Church large way here. C. BREWER & CO., T Trust LTD. 'Coming over on the boat heard LIMITED. SUGAR FACTORS AND COMMISSIOH Services two Chicago men talking in The bar. MERCHANTS. " 'Which would you rather be,' said BETHEL STREET. one of them, 'verv rich or very poor?' LIST OF OFFICERS. CATHOLIC SERVICES. " 'Neither,' said the other, in our f.. F. Bishop, President. Henolulu: Cathedral Our Lady of large wav. MJive me my choice and I'd George II. Robertson, Vice Presideni have about .f.".Hiiy00.'"" and Manager. Peace. G and 7 a. m., low masses with W. W. North, Treasurer and Secretary. holy communion; Portuguese sermon; i THE STAKE. George K. Carter, Auditor. a. m., children 's mass with singing and P. C. Jones, R. A. Cooke, C. Hi Cooke, Knglish sermon; 10:3u a. m., high "John D. Rockefeller and his pa- J. R. Gait, Directors. solemn mass with native sermon; 2 p. stor,'' said a New York broker, "were m., sodality meeting and benediction of playing golf one afternoon as 1 drove the blessed sacrament; 7 p. m. Port- up from the station in the Rockefeller uguese sermon and benediction of the carriage. JOHN NEILL " very much excited,' T said Engineer blessed sacrament. During the week 'They're the must's at 0 and 7 a. m. Pirst Fri-dy- a to the coachman; for the two players 135 Men-limi- t Street. of the month, 7 p. m., benediction were arguing hotly on the green. 'J Ma in en.- - Repaired of the blessed sacrament. guess they must lie playing for money.' Ship and General Waikiki Saint Augustine on the "The coachman shook his head and Blacksmithing frowned at me sternly. GASOLINE ENGINES. l.ieach; !' a. in., mass with singing and English sermon. " 'Oh. no,' he said. 'Yon ought to hi Bap- know they wouldn't play for money. Kali waena Saint John the -- - PRECIOUS STONES tist; 8:.'1i) a. in., high mass with sermon. If it's anything, it's a hvmu book or l "rifvXNcsV 'Y,ij mr'A Kalihi-uk- a Bible.' " .evv- set in rings and brooches. Gold and Our Lady of the Mount; silver jewelry made to order at reason- 7 a. m. (first Sunday of the month); 9 able prices. Your trade solicited. a. m. (other Sundays), mass with sing- HE SPOUTS NO MORE. ing and sermon. Mrs. I'rench Yanderliilt praised at a SUN WO Moanalua Saint Joseph; 7 a. m., tea given by Mrs. Cavendish lientinck CHAN CHEW - - - MANAGER high mass with sermon. on the Maurctania the diplomacy of the 1 p. m., ser- ISOS Maunakea St., P. O. Box 94S Oahu Prison Catholic German kaiser. vice. "lie has learned," said Mrs. French St. Anavcwv catnedral Emma Yanderbilt, "the advantage of reserve. above Beretania. Celebration of The schoolboy's description of him has the Holy Cummuniod, 7 a. m. Hawai- now lost its point. ian service at 9:15; Sunday school at 10 ' ' A teacher said : o'clock; Hawaiian Sunday school at " 'Timothy Hopkins, how is ? ' Go to: 10:20 a. m.; morning service at 11 governed o'clock; evening service at 7:30. Week- " 'By a kaiser, ma'am.' " is a BROWN & LYON CO., Ltd day services: Thursday, Holy Com- 'And what kaiser. Timothy?' munion at 7 a. m.; Friday, evening " 'A kaiser is a stream o' hot water Alexander Young Building. prayer at 7:43 p. m. Cathedral clergy: spoutin' up and disturbin' the earth.' '' The lit. Rev. Henry 15. Eestarick, RAMBLER REGAL Bishop of Honolulu; the Rev. Canon and Simpson, the Rev. W. H. Bliss, vicar. St. Clement's Church (Episcopal) Here are some choice Realty AUTOMOBILES Corner Makiki street and Wilder ave- Propositions for the Home-seek- er nue. Rev. Canon Usborne, rector. Ct. Sundays: Holy Communion at 7 a. m., and Investor: and Jl, first Sunday in Advent, except MAKIKI H. A. WILDER Agent first Sundav of the month; morn- Seven room house mod- ing prayer, sermon, 11 a. in.; evensong, with all ern conveniences. Large and well 7:30. The service is choral. 1'unahou improved cars pass the door. lot. New CHEAP LOTS FOR SALE three-roo- St. cottage in the rear. P ACM Elizabeth's Church (Episcopal) .."ioOO.OO ECO'S Price King corner I'ua bine. Pot wine, 7 and THE MOST ELEGANTLY APPOINTED BARBER SHOP IN THE TERRITORY. EVERY A- 11 a. m.; 7:30 p. m. MAKIKI PPLIANCE FOR INCREASING THE COMFORT OF A PATRON IS IN USE HERE AND IN THE Central Union Church Beretania Another bargain in this beau- corner of Richards. Scuddor; Bible tiful district. HANDS OF MEN WITH ABILITY TO USE THEM. school, S:o0 a. service ami Kapiolani Tract, Kalihi in.; morning House of six rooms, comfort- ELECTRIC FACE MASSAGE. WET AND DRY SHAMPOOS. WITH PREPARATIONS sermon by the pastor at 11 a. in. able and modern. Large and OF A SHOP Christian Endeavor at j:3u o'clock; is' STANDARD CHARACTER ONLY, USED IN MANIPULATION. THERE IS NO Inquire of pretty lot. This property a evening service at 7:30 o'clock, ser- snap $4-- QUITE ALWAYS at the price 00 i'0. AS GOOD AS THIS. NONE WHERE TiERE IS LESS WAITING. YOU ARE API0LANI ESTATE, LIMfTED, mon by the minister. PUNAH0U Methodist Church Beretania and NEXT. Corner Alakea and King Streete Miller. Rev. J. T. Jones; Sunday Six-roo- (three bedroom) cot- FORT STREET JUST BELOW KING STREET. school at 10 a. in.; morning worship tage in excellent condition. Eine tj u at 11, sermon by the pastor. Epworth location. Attractive grounds. League at 0:30 p. in.; evening service Price 3."lHl.lll. at 7:30. WK 'AY ILL BE GLAD TO ARAGON PAINT Christian Church McKeever; Bible CIVE IT'LL EARTH TEARS school at !t:4o; Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30; ADOPT I'll ESE AND OTHER & HOOFING GO. morning worship at 11, sermon. Even- PROPERTIES. ing worship nt 7:30, sermon. PETER HIGGINS, Manager. German Lutheran Church Beretania Bishop Trust Go., Ltd ESTIMATES FURNISHED avenue, near Punchbowl. Eelmy; 9:15, WORK GUARANTEED Sunday school; service, II; evening Bethel Street. Office 1039 Bethel. Near Hotel Street servic" the last Sundav 0f each month at 7:3-'- Kawaiahao Church King and FOR GOOD RED LIQUOR AN p Parker, 11 a. m. and 7:30 Use Carnation Milk p. m. LAGER BEER A We Kaumakapili Church Lono, 11 a. m. souvenir of merit, made in England especially to our order, and sold only by us. and 7:31 p. m. THE INSTEAD OF FRESH MILK. 0RPHEUM SALOON, Portuguese Evangelical Church Mil guarantee each one sold over the counter. They are of the finest quality of French ler above Beretania. Soares; 11 a. Above the Theater. HENRY MAY & CO., Ltd m. and 7: 3' I p. m. Briar, well made, and with the Christian Science Society Era-e- It v han. Ood 11 THE SHIRTWAIST and MUSLIN UNDER- Feliows' bunding. a. in. Salvation Army l'j:30 a. m. and 6 HAWAIIAN ANNUAL FOR Hawaiian Coat of Arms and " Aloha" WEAR for the coming season. and ,s p. m. 1910. Chapel Seamen's Ala' ea Is out, "bigger and better carved in the bowl. These pipes in demand , than 1 M produce a free, satisfying smoke, and are A. . -- d M. lb ever." Price 75 s.(10 L L. WONG STORE r Cents, or per A! dozen. Orders for mai'ing at- by of the -- promptly tourists who wish to secure R.- ! something of memory AY. II. p.; t tended to, Sj quality to strengthen the vVA ! ;.. i;. :,,,!. postpaid, (ts. Sneer. Reorganized D-t- Church of Latter Dibble's visit to the Saints K g , ar ILst. of Sandwich Is., long Islands. !: bdar.t. Waller, out ef price st rv e s :; :i .1 print, $1.75. or mailed to ii,,: ig r Yen ie,-- , A U70MOBILISTS er d, $1.90 each. Seventh Diy A'tventtsts -- Ki ii M :,. .(,.; 1 1 a. morn-- Hawaiian Folk Tales, comprising fc'e me cow prepared to do all manner n:.. the ;ng e v largest of tradi-tieii- s rh eirng fer- - collection legends and of of the Islands y. t compiled, price Chines Church- - e. IYvm;. or mailed to any address at $1.90 High Grade ''TV i ' i i'.i.ie, each. Tire Repair Work ,t - - THOS. G. THRUM, Publisher, Honolulu THE ma will guarantee our "Retreads" LARGE WAY. TUNGSTEN LAMPS ; - .! .,, .1,..- , ;, .... , , for 2000 miles. a ALL VOLTAGES W" ::r., 41 .1 BONA King-Phon- e tb FIDE SAVERS OF EXPENSE Hotel and Fort Strets, Below " .l,;Trie-..lh- n. Fort Street "inrer tl.e UNION ELECTRIC CO. iSSOCUTED GARAGE, LTD Telephone 495. 376. . 'Mil;. ' v.t voung I. C. CARTER, Merchant St. at Bishop St. Proprietor. an enormous purse. 1 Harrison Eldg., Beretania Street