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Jfr Sun, WI ItJJUJiJ Or? sajrVlTows, tO'tlay you can II nil It In TUB ST All THE HAWAHAN STAR. WHJBJN ODO ADVBRTISB-XO- W ! i eSi

iVOL. XI. HONOLULU, H. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER i6, 1903. No. 3662 CUBA GETS Out 0 The Four Witnesses RECIPROCITY On At Once EA. CAME) Associated Press" Cable to th? Star. A QUARTETTE OF DOCTORS QUESTIONED SIMULTANE- 16. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. The Cuban Reciprocity Dill as OUSLY IN THE JONES MURDER TRIAL DRS.-MINER- , passed by the House last month, came to a vote in the Senate today. HODGINS, WAYSON AND SINCLAIR ARE TO HEAR The measure was passed by a vote of 57 to This action by flic Sen- THE LONG HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION. ate settles the matter as the President is knowni. to be in favor of grant- ing Cuba the reciprocity provided for in the measure. The Ships The novel spectacle of putting a stantially that which i published In :o: question to four witnesses ut once Is full In today's Stnr, much time ls by the latest feature of saved asking all at once. the Jones murder Dr. on By 'Miner was the 'stand when trial. consent of Attorney Gen- court adourned at noon, and th at- UNITED STATE WILL eral Andrews for the prosecution and torneys were arguing as to qualifica- Robertson nnd Dunne for the defense tions. The doctor's testimony show- big strong Se- Massive nnd nnd there ter Witch with Governor Cnrter, It was agreed before Judge ed his status as a physician all right, cntne out of the western sea today the cretary Atkinson, Superintendent of Gear this but contentions were advanced by the OF greatest aggregation of warships thut public Works Holloway and Collector morning that the long hypothetical defense that to testify as to sanity a MAKE SHOW FORCE It has even been" Honolulu's fortune to :Stackable aboard soon went out of question, Involving Jones' mental con- witness must qualify as a specialist on see. After a long 3400 mile cruise all the harbor and joined the' fleet of dition, be put to Doctors Miner, Hod-gin- s, mental diseases. Arguments as ito the way from the Orient, one of Uncle small craft that was rapidly surround- Wayson nnd Sinclair all at once. whether Dr. Wayson had done so were Associated Press Cable to the Star. Sam's most powerful collection of sea ing the various warships. They were all sworn at once and the made In tho absence of the Jury fighters sighted the Island of Oahu .(Over at the Naval Station every prosecution was ready will the ques- The other witnesses were called In WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 16. Consul Davis will. before day break this morning and by bpdy was 'busy. The Iroquois was tion, which takes nearly nn hour to rebuttul this morning, In addition to be given a warship from Admiral Cotton s fleet at Beyrouth to return to 9:30 o'clock this morning lay nt an- hauled over from the Ewa side of read, when un argument Intervened the doctors. Jack Lucas testified that chor off the harbor.- It was a beauti Navat Slip No. 2 to the Wutklkl side over the matter of qualifications. he had worked with the defendant Alexandretta from where Davis was forced to fly on account of attacks ful and Inspiring sight to those ashore to make room for one of the According to the procedure agreed Jones and considered him sane. Jone madeuppn him by the Turkish police and authorities for endeavoring It was a welcome view of land to those battleships. The various Naval scows upon the four sworn medical witnesses had been In his employ on the Knplo-la- nl are to to be- to of on the fleej. They came together In with coal piled high upon them for listen tire question all ift once. estate building, and he didn't protect the rights an Armenian who was a naturalized American most Impressive formation with the the fuelling of the fleet were gotten In Then three of them nre to retire f,rom lieve from associations with the de- citizen. flagship Kentucky the court room and the other one Is fendant then was In- ' In the lead, then available places at the Naval wharves. that the latter :o. the battleship Wisconsin, then the Admiral Terry arrived before the ves- to give his answer nnd Is to be cross sane. Makaena, a conductor on the bulldog of the Navy the battleship Ore- sels came Into the harbor. This 'morn- examined, the rest remaining out of Rapid Transit, was produced to testlfr ,DID NOT AMEND CHINESE TREATY. gon, .then the New Orleans, ing the rear armlral's pennent the blue hearing. Tho other three are to be that Jones was not drunk when he and Clncinnattl and Raleigh and Al flag with two white stars, was flying called in turn for answer nnd n. rode on a car during the evening oC Associated Press Cable to the Star. bany. at the Naval Station but as soon as Owing to the length August 22, but his testimony was ruled The news of the coming Kentucky flag o fthe question to be put, whfch Is sub out as not being rebuttal. 16. of the fleet the arrived, this was WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. The Senate Committee on For- was known two hours before Diamond -- :o:- eign Relations returned the Chinese Treaty today without amendment. Head Charlie picked them up off Bar : n: ber's Point. It was the people at Ma-ka- ha A TRIO OF ADMIRALS ' who first reported the advent of. - SEA OF AZOF IS RECEDING. the fleet. The vessel passed within HONOLULU- three miles of the shore at 0:30. o'clock haiuled down and a red flag with the Associated Press Cable to the Star. this morning. Chris Holt saw them white stars was substituted. Admiral and he realized that an event In the Cooper the of the ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 16. The Sea of Azof is rapidly reced- history of Honolulu was approaching dlvlilon was showing a red flag when ing. Many vessels are being stranded. He telephoned the news long before 7 thp New 'Orleans arrived off the port HAS A oclock to Honolulu the vessels change Admi- CHIP :o: that bu.tfhen the with the were coming "Seven of them" he ex- -. ral's flag at the Naval Station occurred ' . GOT CLOSE TO SOUTH POLE. claimed. Admiral Coope'r hauled down his red T IS ON THE CITY'S SHOULDER AND ATHLETES OK flag and 'hoisted a white one. This change of signals while not possessing THE NAVAL SQUADRON ARE INVITED TO KNOCK 'Associated Press Cable to the Star. THE TOWN SURPRISED pertlcular slgnlftcence to the landsmen IT OFF IF THEY WANT TO INDULGE IN ATHLETIC BUENOS AYRES, Dec. 16. The steamer Scotia returned from Is obligatory by Naval regulation. As the ranking officer of the fleet In port CONTESTS. her Antarctic exploration today. She reached the 70:25 degree of The flrst report was hardly credited. 'Admiral. Evans displayed the blue Hag, south latitude. No body expected the entire fleet to as trie second officer, Admiral Teny H'onolulu proposes to put an athletic gage them In almost any kind of a. :or arrive together. It had been expected showpd, the red flag while Admiral chip on Its shoulder now that the game they wnnt. accompanied Cooper ad- that the cruiser division as the third In rank of American war fleet arrived, also to The Merchants' Association nml AUSTRIAN EMPEROR FAVOR DRIERBUND. by the collier Pompey, would be the mirals,' showed the white Hag. has Chamber of Commerce committees, open up In a hospitable way to re- 'Associated Press Cable to the Star." flrst to make its appearance and then By bringing his entire fleet to port and the rowing association, baseball trailing days would be the ceive came VIENNA, Dec. 16. The Emperor Francis Joseph delivered a several later together. Admiral Evans surprised and entertnln those who league and football league represontur big battleships. But Holt was right. nearly every body. Few people had with the fleet. A meeting of those In tlves ,and nil others Interested, are to speech from the throne today in which he strongly supported the The entire aggregation of warships had any. Idea that the battleship divi- terested has been called for this even meet this evening In the pavilllon on Drierbund. was passing Kaena Point and was ap sion' Would pick up the cruisers (The ing, and it Is proposed to arrange for the roof garden of the Alexander . :o: proaching Honolulu harbor In complete cruisers had been steaming very slow- football games, baseball, rowing con- Young Hotel. The meeting Is for the formation a perfect wJIeet-lh-beln- g; ly up to the time they arrived off Mid- tests and nny other kind of contest purpose of discussing hew to enter- .DEMOCRATS UNCERTAIN ABOUT . every vessel keeping tho line of forma way- last Saturday The supposition which the visitors want to Indulge In. tain the visitors and also how to try Associated Press Cable to the Star. tion perfectly and holding off equidis- was until this morning, that the bat- There are Honolulu teams ready to en- - and do thern up' In athletic contests. tant from the others, but all within 16. caucus tleships would lo the same thing. Ad- WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. The Democratic Senate signalling distance of the rest of the miral Evans caught up with the ad- called to discuss the policy of the members regarding the Panama sit- fleet. vance squadron however some where As soon as the news of the sighting between Midway and Honolulu. When A uation postponed a decision in the matter. of the fleet was known, Rod- OOLE GIVES VENTURA LOST :o;- - he caught them they all crowded on man U. S. N. got up steam in the little Btenm and hurried to this port In fast ADMITS HE STOLE LARGE SUMS. launch from the Iroquois and went out time. The collier Pompey Qid not ar- Associated Press Cable to the Star. to the mouth of the harbor to examine rive with the fleet but was left far HEAVY the conditions at the entrance. He behind. SENTENCE MA OVERBOARD 16. big fleet would SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. W. A. McKowen, secretary of the felt certain that the The work of. coaling the fleet will ' be brought Into the harbor by orders University of regents, has confessed to committing large of Admiral Bob Evans and 'he wanted now be a much bigger proposition than to see the local officers of the Naval station PUNISHMENT OF KURIHARA JOSEPH FENNEL DISAPPEARED defalcations. , exactlv how the mouth of the expected. channel was, as It was thought Rod- had If Admrlal Evans does SPREADS ALARM AMONG THE MONDAY AND THOUGHT TO would probably be upon to not intend to hurry the coaling how- JAPANESE DEFENDANTS. HAVE JUMPED OVERBOARD. man called ever the will not be very TO SEND CRUISER 'fO KOREA. bring sonie of the fleet into the har- task difficult. Associated Press Cable to the Star. bor.. Jutlge Dole this morning sentenced pilots too began to Hveri up and The S. S. Ventura arrived today 16. The Kunihara. who was convicted of im shortly 1 o'clock, .ibDut . WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. The cruiser Wilmington will to bring out their 'full force. Captains FROM after live hours porting a Japanese woman for Im tehlnd time from San Francisco. The-ve,se- l probably, be sent to Korea to look after the American interests; ;Mncaulay, Saunders, Lorenzen and m moral purposes, to two years' Imprison were at the pilot house al- was delayed sailing. She en- Cameron ment. Tho judge remarked In passing countered good weather during tho most as the fleet coime Into view. There sentence that he had taken Into con Is at two nours In THE trip. Joseph Fennel, a cook, disap- a difference of least HEIGHTS sideration evidence showing that Ku- - peared from the vessel Monday night. the time from Makaha and Barber's nlhara was merely a tool of another Life History Leading Point and not until 8:30 O'clock did Ho Is supposed to have fallenor else The American fleet which, tirrlved off man thrown himself overboard while ,under Diamond Head Charlie pick up the In view of the judge's remarks the fleet. When he did the whistle of the Honolulu this morning is' the biggest the Influence of liquor. Ho was'37 years fleet of war vessels ever seen here. sentence Is regnrded as quite a severe of age and a native of England. electric light works began giving forth The one, and It created ome alarm among prolonged the public battleships nnd cruisers anchored In a Tho vessel left San Francisco Decem- such blasts that the numerous defendants who are to 10, To Murderous Deeds Immediately surmised the fleet long line reaching from the channel en- ber so brought a week's mall." Shu that trance to follow him. The with had a big crowd passengers Ho- and not the belated mall steamer Ven- far out sea towards Barber's was of for Point. They were a very Imposing Kunihara was one Tereyama, who nolulu, there being 83 people In all de- tura from San Francisco was being acquitted, but stated by the Jury to be signalled. sight and attracted the attention of the partments Including 51 in the cabin. whole town. The Kentucky, flying equally guilty with Kunihara, who was The vessel is scheduled to depart A remarkable description of the alleged murderer E. M. Jones, his It was hard to pick up all of the the found guilty. Tereyumas acquittal at boats the Instant the fleet rounded the ling of Admiral "Bob" Evans, anchor- 4 a. m. tomorrow for Pago Pago, Auck- life from boyhood and all the details which go to make up basis for a Wal-kl- was on instruction!; of the ed nearest to the channel. On her kl the couit. land and Sydney. Point. Some of the watchers at the on legal points. He Is still held on claim of insanity, is contained in the long hypothetical question prepar- pilot house could not make out the side the Wisconsin dropped her another charge and is said to have flve-mast- ed by Attorneys A. G. M. Robertson and Dunne, for Dr. Mays, seven boats reported by Holt. Others hook and the lay on the other A schooner was sighted J. J. Ide.. The line of cruisers was headed been the employer of Kunihara In the off Koko Head this morning. She did expert on ,mental diseases. was based on the testimony of the case were sure that they saw the seven ves- enterprise for which uninnra lhas any It sels. Captain Rodman came back In- bylthe'New Orleans, bearing tho Junior not put signals up and la evidently been sentenced. . by witnesses collected from all over the islands, and contains a very to the harbor and stopped beneath the Admiral's flag, with Admiral Cooper on passing by. . MtfUtlM be- pilot house with his launch to get a board. Soon after the arrivals It was comprehensive statement of all the circumstances that were placed decided that the Oregon should stay PIONEER BUILDING & LOAN ASSN line on the vessels. Building nnd Asso fore the jury, with the story of the shooting as told by Jones himself. ex- outside, for the present nt least, while The Pioneer Loan "How many of them are there," pays With detail piled on detail, it goes through career from his fifth claimed Rodman to those on the look- the other two battleships prepared to ciation of Hawaii Its withdraw Jones' enter the harbor. The New Or- ing members at the end of six months a sum total of experiences and characteristics on out. year, and it made up "Seven, Sir" answered Captain y. leans, Raleigh, Albany and Cin or a year not only tho cash paid In by which Dr. Mays unhesitatingly and positively declared Jones insane. "We think the battleships cinnati made up the rest of the them, but Seventy-flv- e (757c) per cent. ' be- : are In the lead." fleet. The collier Pompey was left of the profits. The problem was stated to the doctor as follows Midway. "Look at the leading ship" said Rod- hind after the cruisers left It retains Twenty-fiv- e (25) per cent man "nnd see If she Is floating a blue The coming of tho fleet was watched of the profits for the benefit o the the-roof- s buildings Continued on page 6). pennent with two white stars In It from of scores of all Stockholders remaining. of cruisers Is over Honolulu. The towers of the Cap and then see If one the The Twenty-sevent- h Series of Stock showing a red pennent with a white itol and Judiciary buildings had many will be the only signals people on them, also the roofs of the Is now open for subscription. ONE 1904 KNICKERBOCKER WAISTS. ARRESTED GAMBLERS. star. Those per per V. Advance shirt waist styles just open- flying as they Indicate the flagships." Alexander Young Hotel. From the DOLLAR month share. A. Deputy Sheriff Fernandez has. been time when tho vessels appeared only as Gear, Secretary, 122 King Street. ed. 75 different stvles and patterns of gam-bie- rs Gradually as the vessels came nearer busy the last few days arresting bits of smoko on the horizon until they New York's favorlto waist placed on In the vlnclnlty of Walpahu. nnd nearer these flags could 'be made Christmas sale todav no two alike. N. S. Sachs out. "The leading vessel shows the lined Up and dropped anchors off the they by Dry Goods Co. SPECIAL RATES. blue flag,'" shouted Captain Macaulay harbor, were watched hun "and the fourth vessel the red one." droils. THE OLD RELIABLE Slippers We will give special rates to all And this was correct. As the ves teachers and Sunday Sohools on holt sela came up In line the day goods. Arlelgh & Co., 1156 Fort trflrp In thft lpnri. Thirst rnilp t"h 1pn SMARTER GOES OUT street. tucky tho flagship of Admiral then the Wisconsin, then the Oregon, flOYAt We are prepared for the Ilolldaya WHAT IS A COUGH? on Tho of the battleships with then the new cruiser New Orleans arrival with a,specially gen- A spasdomtc effort to expel tho mu which was Admiral Cooper and then the cruiser fleet was unexpected and selected stock for cus from the bronchial tubes. A cold came the other cruisers. Tho view of led to mistaken reports. Tho four tlemen. causes a more abundant secretion of the vessels was perfect. The air was . cruisers nnd the Pompey were at flrst There Is nothing else a man will ap- mucus, and when the lungs nnd brorr announced. Then us the steamers came preciate like the comfort of a pair of ehlal tubes are Inflamed, they are ua nearer It wus seen were the line ns well as the outline of the that there slipper?. , tremely sensitive to the Irritation. Un boats could readily be seen as they seven of them. The three battleships less care Is taken, the cold may result neared the land. In tho lead were flrst recognized. Their Handsome variety In MONKEY, That tho in pneumonia, dead- which Is swift and "They are hitting It up" claimed the trip from had been a quick SEA"L ly. .',111.' Ml UV LIZARD, and ELKS SKINS. If the told Is a lingering one, tho pilots. "They will be up In about an one Leaving live days after tho cruis f' JS ' HE more leisurely but equally fatal con- hour." In n few minutes nil four of ers they had caught tho latter, sotting CALF. VICI KID, RUSSET and Footballs sumption may set In. Do not neglect the pilots boarded their boats and a good thlrteen-kno- t " all the way CHROME LEATHERS. wo cold or cough. Take Chamberlain's Tho leaving Mid arc i started out of the harbor to meet the across. cruisers after -. - belling Cough Remedy. It. always cures and fleet. Captains Sanders and Macaulay way increased slightly their speed of Prices from J1.50 upv.- make tho ewcllcst kind euros quickly. .Sold by all dealers. went In the flrst boat and Captain the oarllar part of the trip. of nresonts. Tio them Brnson Smith & Co., general agents. Lorenzen and Cameron In the other. It Among the many launches and other with Club HibboiiB and was twenty minutes past 9 o'clock craft to go out t" the vessels at anchor present to your I'oot NEW CHRISTMAS PIANOS. when the Kentucky stonmed up off tho wus tlio Water Witch, having on board Hall Friends. Wo also New Kropgers on easy terms from mouth of the harbor and came to a Oovernor Carter. Secretary Atkinson mm Side & Ltd', keep now till Christmas. Come and learn stop, then rapidly followed the other Collector Stackable and Huprlntemlen.t other presonls. easy live Holloway. She Absolutely liKiis' l'earaoii, Potter Co,, our payment plnn. Borgstrom votumls at Intervals of from to tun of Publto Works left Pure Inter-Inlan- IQBf Ltd., Union & Hotel sts Music Co. minutes. the d whxrf Sunt, iih th limit SUBSTITUTE, Fort btretl Tho quarantine launch was among wore takiiiK un thair positions nlul THERE IS NO J ... .JU. Twenty-liv- e cents pays for a Warn flag- the flrst to roach the side of tho I ad In the Star. A bargain- - ship. Than the Customs Uiunah Wu- - ((fontjnuad to Page 5,) Mall orders projiiiitlyj! tilled. .1 THJJ HAWAIIAN BTAR, WBdNHCDAY, flaSlWIDmi IS, lMt.

J5. M. CuntM, tt Hi, to M. LmIk D. Rmlty on Punchbowl at., 1700 m- - ft.i HVni Rtaamcihin f.AmnamTi HIPP --.on.TO Dc. 8, 1(03. MaAJiuiiuuip 1 Mm. A. Kal A 4ib, to C. Bolte. Tr. Gases. gpwamu uwiujpuuji (For additional and luur shipping set D. 4 omall hniMe Iota on Sereno St., paget 4, C, or 8.) XC40 g(t. ft. 1400.00. Dpt. 9, 1908. Jno. II Bt. Ltd. to L. K. Perebody. TIDES, SUN AND MOON. D. Realty nt Knlawlitne, acre. 16400.00 Nov. 28, 1001. New 10:65 n. Thn flnft Passengers Steamers of this line wilt arrive at and leave this port Moon Dec. ISth at m. o. R. L. Co. to A. II. Qraham. I) WE HAVE JUST OPENED UP A M hortunder: Lots 10, 11 nd 12 Blk. 28. Pearl City, NEW SHIPMENT OF STEAMER B e 30,000 ft. $800.00. Dec. 1, 1003. ' SAN SAN FRANCISCO. 3 8 sir VA- FROM FRANCISCO. for II S. Mtyngl to It. Mlynu, L. V4 acre TRUNKS, PACKING TRUNKS, : ? 7 yrs. 10 man, 238.00 LISES AND DRESS SUIT CASES. AIjAMHDA DECKMHRlt 4 ALAMEDA , DECEMBER 9 h T , h land at Alea. nt ; : r: ??s an, pay In .VKNTUKA . D.ECEMM3U 1C SIERRA .... DECEMBER IB q : n S per nmuinlly adv. OUR LINE OF THE ABOVE WIT -- 30 M. K. Benjamin to A. P. Kt-lkl- nl All AM UDA DKCISMHMU S8 ALAMEDA DECEMBER t ft si. BE FOUND THE LARGEST AND 1901. p.m. p.m. (k), D. Realty t Puoohnlll and 6 Dec a.m. a.m. Risen .HB0.0O. Nov. 27, 190. MOST PRACTICAL ON THE MAR- BIKIIRA JANUARY C SONOMA ...... JANUARY a.m. Panlau. 20 A. .P. Knlelklnl and Panlau, KET, EMBRACING EVERYTHING ALAMKDA JANUARY IB ALAMEDA .. JANUARY II 0.40 l.B 12.31 C.21 7.2S C.20 B.21 2.39 34 . . 28 acres; 1150.00. December 2, 1903. BE- SONOMA JANUARY 27 VENTURA . JANUARY 15 1.32 l.S 1.24 7.02 S.0 0.30 5.21 3.26i MADE, MANY OF THE STYLES B 10 A. F. Tavare to II. P. Baldwin, D. ALAMEDA FEBRUARY ALAMEDA FEBRUARY 10 2.15 1.9 2.13 7.11 9.21 C.81 5.21 4.31' ING OUR EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS 1C Realty Walplo, 2H4 $100.00. FEBRUARY 17 SIERRA .... FEBRUARY 2.B7 S.21 nt acres. "VENTURA 17 2.B5 2.0 10.10 C.21 6.22 5.23 27, 1903. AND PATTERNS. SUITABLE AM FEBRUARY 26 ALAMKDA MARCH 2 Dec. All EDA 18 3.38 2.1 3.37 8.88 10.60 C.32 5.22 cic; P. Cockett to II P. Baldwin, D. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS IN THE SIERRA MARCH 9 SONOMA ... 19 4.00 2.1 4.1S 9.31 11.22 C.32 B.23 ' 23 Set'; Realty MahlnahinR, 53 nored. ALAMEDA MARCH 18 ALAMEDA MARCH p.m. at SHAPE OF NEATLY FINISHED SONOMA MARCH 30 VENTURA . MARCH 29 $1084.00. Oct. 33, 1903. i 20 4.10 2.0 5.00 10.10 11.53 C.33 5.23 7.23 C. M. Dole al. to Rowell, DRESS SUIT CASES AND VALISES. ALAMEDA APRIL 8 ALAMEDA ,. APRIL IS p.m. et W. E. .. 19 D. 7 Int. In pc. lnnd called lloohllo "VENTURA APRIL 20 SIERRA .... APRIL 21 5.10 1.9 5.52 10.45 12.22 C.33 5.24 S.13 APRIL 29 ALAMEDA MAY 4 at Wnlmett, 1 aero, 1 rood, 3 pole. ALAMEDA nre $140.00, 23, 1903. SIERRA MAY 11 SONOMA ...... MAY 10 Times of the tide taken from the Nov. U. S. Coast nnd Geodetic Survey ta-- 1 Tr. C. B. Smith to F. K. Archer Rel. Local boat. bles. The tides at .iahulu. nnd Hllo lots 21, 22, 23, & 21, Blk. 40, Pearl City, occur about one hour earlier than at $1000.00. Dec. 7, 1903. 5 Honolulu. Hawaiian Is Mrs. Melekule filed nflldavlt of title In connection with the sailing of the above steamers, the Agents are standard time JEvIIVIXTJBJiO by any railroad 10 hours 3i mlnute3 slower than Green- - of residence nt Honoullull Ewn. Deo. to Issue to Intending passengers coupon through tickets 3, 1903. points In States, and from New YorK by wich time, being that of the meridian Irvtm San Francisco to all the United 157 30 Department to all European of degrecss minutes. The time Hardware 'jt.i.mshlp line Po'ts. 1:30 p. Is CIRCUIT COURT NOTES. For further particulars apply fo whistle blows at in., which the same as Greenwich, 0 hours, 0 min- Judgement for plaintiff for the full utes. The Sun and moon are for local amount prayed for, Interest, costs nnd Fine Coast and Island Turkeys now time for the whole group. attorney's fees, was given yesterday ready for your Christmas dinner. Or- by Judge Robinson In the ease of G. der now and you'll bo the happier for Irwin Schuman, Ltd.. vs. W. S. Withers et (LIMITED) ARRIVING. nl., sum- it Dec. 25th. Tuesday, December 10. tried without a jury. The S. S. Mlowera, Syd mons was returned on July 25, 1902, nnd Hemming, from $1,000 S. S. Compauj. ney, 10 was for on a note, with Interest Seaeral AgeiiB Oceanic Brisbane and Suva, off port at S a. m. at per cent, from March 1, 1902. The Bank of Hawaii, S. Andrade; Hind, Schr. Lady, from Koolau ports, at 10 J. METROPOLlTfiHMEflTGO.,LTD p. Rolph & Co., E. Ormstead nnd Walmea in. Stablee, Ltd., were sued as garnishees. Wednesday. December 1C. Now Ready Holmes & Stanley for plaintiff; de- Mall S. S. Ventura, Hayward Irom San In Tel. Main 45 ustralian Royal 1 p. fendant default. Cinaoian Francisco, at m. Elizabeth H. Travis, nee Robinson, U. S. Battleship Kentucky. Berry. petitions that she be appointed guar- from Yokohama, at 9:20 a. m. dian U. S. Battleship of her brother, Isaac J. Robinson, BEAVER LUNCH I100M, Wisconsin, Sebree. v. ho was born Jan. 2, 1SS5, and is de- com PABfiY from Yokohama, at 9:25 a. m. tained at the Home, Fort Street. Opposite Wilder & Co. STEAMSHIP U. S. Battleship Oregon, Baldwin Kalawao. Headquarters Burwell. The late S. K. Ka-n- e was his guar- H. J. NOLTE, Prop'r. from Yokohama, at 9:30 a. m. C NADIAN-ACIFIC dian nnd the petitioner Is Informed and In connecUon with the ss teMcrs of the above line, running U. S. Cruiser New Orleans, Blockling- - believes First-Cla- Lunches served with tea, For .uAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver, B. C, and Sydney, N. er, that he had a large sum of Q. from Yokohama, at 9:35 a. m. money In his hands belonging to the coffee, eoda water; ginger ale or milk. '3. TT., Jid calling at Victoria, B. C, Honolulu and Brisbane, U. S. Cruiser Cincinnati, Mason, from Yokohama, at 9:40 a. m. nrnnn'ntori. Smokers Requisites a Specialty. FURNITURE, O sio at Honolulu ou or nbout the dntes below dinted, viz: h hml nnt U. S. Cruiser Albany, Rodgers, from j,lmes Carty has taken an anneal RL'QS, FOR AUSTRALIA. FOR VANCOUVER. Yokohama, at 9:45 a. m. from Judge De Bolt's decision ngnlnst U. S. Cruiser Raleigh, Nnzro, from as In n. LINOLEUfl AND 10 him nlnlntlff nnd fnvnr of T. OHTA, S DECEMBER 9:50 MIOWERA.... JANUARY MIOWERA lokohama, at a. in. . WINDOW mm 1901. Stmr. Mlkahala, Gregory, from Kauai KE.?,! t'f'e"tla"tf-- V:tVZLc ;:Ssniracfor and Builder io AORANGI JANUARY 13 ports ,at 7:03 a. m with 2950 bags su- Morgan SHADES MO ANA jajnuaih 10 of Alabama round appear in Houss Paintar FEBRUARY 13 MOANA FEBRUARY gar, 1007 bags paddy, 700 bags rice, 1 set-of- f. AORANGI o defendant's MOANA MARCH 12 MIOWERA MARCH gaso. engine, 17 bbls. pol, 10 bbls, Tung Sing vs. Also C Fook Sing Kee Co., Kewalo, Sheridan Street, near King. MIOWERA VPRIL 9 AORANGI APRIL 90 pkgs. sundries. which formerly MAY 4 had been continued for Honolulu H. I. AORANGI MAY 7 MOANA the term, was dlsclntlnued by C. W. Furniture made to .order, UP- MOANA JUNE 4 MIOWERA JUNE 1 DEPARTING. Ashford for plaintiff 29 before Judge De HOLSTERING; REPAIRING MIOWERA JULY 2 AORANGI JUNE Tuesday, December 15. Bolt yesterday, as the debt had been Schr. Ada, Weisbarth, for French paid, W. A. Whiting was attorney for and FRENCH POLISHING AT SUVA, FIJI, ON BOTH UP AND DOWN Frigate Shoal, at 4:30 ii.'m. defendant. done by flrst class workmen. CALLING Wednesday, December 1G. Judge De Bolt signed a decree In the VOYAGES. Schr. Lady, for Koolau ports, at 3 p. suit of Albert Barrtes vs. Charles R. Importer and Dealer In m. Collins for dissolution of partnership LIQUORS, Schr. Rob Roy, for Puuloa, at 11 a.m. and an accounting between the parties. JAPANESE PROVISIONS H. DAVIES & CO.. Ltd., Gen'l Agts. S. S. Ventura, Hayward, for Pago Judge De Bolt granted a divorce to GENERAL MERCHANDISE mm. George Kallkoo-kala- nl Pago, Auckland and Sydney, probably Hiram, alias George AND PLANTATION Hopp & Oo., sail in evening. against Ellen David on the SUPPLIES S. S. Miowera, Hemming, for Victo- ground of adultery. ria and Vancouver, at noon. Mail Steamship Co. Thursday, December 17. IN DAYS OF OLD. No. 43 Hotel Street.. ..Honolulu, T. H. faciflc "Weill, King and Bethel Street!. Stmr. Mlkahala, Gregory, for Kauai we're havin' mighty muddy Phone Main 111. Co, ports, at 5 p. m. weather," said an old vet. the other Occidental & Oriental S. S. day, to ye scribe. "It reminds me of Telephone White 2411. PASSENGERS. the time during 'the civil war when P. O. Box 900. Toyo Kisen Kaisha. Arriving. the army was camped around Nash- - and l vine, lenn. une oi our men came uacic Per S. S. Mlowera, December 10, from and said he had never seen it so muddy Sydney, Brisbane and Suva: For Ho- He sald he was going up the street and n0aTTiaia nf nhnvA Hnmnanles will call at Honolulu and leave this nolulu: Mr. and Mrs.. Shanks, Mr. saw a hat In the road, nnd whaled away ;5rt on or about the dates below ment loned' Johnson.' For Vancouver: H. Coye-lan- d, and kicked it. and kicked a man In the AND . TOR SAN FRANCISCO. H. Peck, C. Wilten, Miss Brack- ear. He said he apologized to the man FOR en, C. Way, C. C. 19 DEC. 14 Mrs. Mrs. Russell, and tried to help him out of the mud, CHINA DEC. NIPPON MARU llomild Hill, Hill, DEC. 2a SIBERIA DEC. 21 Robert John Hill, but the man said, "No, let me alone, I IXJRIC James Hill, C. F. Sherman, C. Coven- riding on lond hay.' 1904 COPTIC DEC. 23 am a of But I 1904 try, A. Jones, Miss K. O'Connor, Mr. don't see how It could be that muddy. NIPPON MARU JAN. 6 AMERICA MARU JAN. 11 and Mrs. Waddell, Mr. and Mrs. Can- do you?' Ebson (111.) Times. SIBERIA JAN. 14 KOREA JAN. 1C non, J. Waddington, Mrs. Summer-scale- s, COPTIC JAN. 22 GAELIC JAN. 23 Mrs. Sullivan, Miss J. Sullivan, WATCH - OGS. AMERICA MARU FEB. 1 HONGKONG MARU JAN. 30 Miss H. Sullivan, Mrs. C. Westlake, Wn'tch dogs are to be employed In For Two Weeks Commencing KOREA FEB. 9 CHINA FEB. 9 W. Jackson, 11. Kerr, Mrs. Kerr, W. the Germhnn navy-yard- s, nnd the sen- GAELIC FEB. 17 DORIC FEB. 19 Kerr, A. Kerr, H. Kerr, Miss K. Kerr, tries will send them after any Intruder Saturday, December 12th HONGKONG MARU FEB. 24 NIPPON MARU FEB. 27 Miss J. Kerr, G. Leask! Instead of shooting him at once. Per stmr. Mlkahala, December 1C, from Kauai ports: M. Lorenz, W. A. We Mil! Mold a Special Reduction Sale Deverenux, II. T. Hayselden, C. T; Day, iTr raerl Information apply to J. A. Gonsalves, Miss A. Buck, J. Christmas Curios. Grace, H. A. Jaeger, Mrs. Watia, Miss A NEW LINE OF Gonsalves, Mrs. M. A. Gonsalves and Tapas and Lauhala Photo Cases all Ha child and 49 deck. sizes. HackfelcS & Co Departing. 50 Doz. Tasmania Shell Lels. Per stmr. W. G. Hall, December 15, Inexpensive Christmas Curios. , for Kauai ports: E. L. Cutting, Miss Christmas Goods AMERICAN HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Glrvin, J. F. C. Hagens, Isaac Kaai, Jensao, Chow Yin, Hee Fat, Hee Kwok, WOHAN'S EXCHANGE Mrs. S. K. Gandall F. G. Prescott, l". Hotel Street near Fort DIRECT MONTHLY SER VICE BETWEEN NEW Kotnutsu, Ohong Hing, U. Sekomoto, YORK AND HONOLULU, VIA PACIFIC COAST. and 34 deck. Administrator's Xolice to Creditors. And Novelties FROM NE W YORK. ti - The undersigned having been ap- pointed Administrator of the Estate of S. S. ALASKAN, to January 1. sail about Annie Won.?, late of Honolulu, deceas- UNPACKED ARE ALSO S. C. CALIFORNIAN, to sa n about February 1. REALTY TRANSFERS ed, hereby notifies all persons having JUST Freight received at Company's wharf 41st Street, South Brooklyn, at all claim? against said estate to present INCLUDED IN THIS SALE AND times. the same to the undersigned within six WILL BE SOLD AT GREATLY FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO HONOLULU. months from the date of the publica- REDUCED PRICES. S. S. Recorded December 9, 1903. tion hereof, or they will be forever NEVADAN, to sail December 15. barred. and each month thereafter. . E. C. Hobton to C. R. Medeiros, D Freight received at Company's wh arf, Greenwich Street. Lots 1C & IS, Blk. 7 E, Knpahulu Tract WONG CHARLES AHFOOK, NOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE YOUR 10,000 sq. ft. $900.00. 2, 1903. Administrator Estate of Annie Wong. TO SAN December FROM HONOLULU FRANCISCO, VIA KAIIULUI. C. SprecKels &z Co. to E. C. Ilobron Deceased. O. 374. S. S. Par rel, Lots lti & 18 Blk 7 E, Kapa-hul-u P. Box NEVADAN, to sail December 2. .( 7, 1903. -- ract, 1,000 sq. tt.; $20U.O0. Dec. Honolulu, December FROM SEATTLE AND TACOMA: 2, 1903. S. S. to C. 11. & L. R. Medeiros to Jno. J. Good HAWAIIAN, sail about December 25. Dower, D Realtv on Klnau St., Lot 17 AntiPain Pills Blk. B, 4500 mi. ft.; $100.00 and the as- (Dr. Miles') prevent as well as cure sUC. mtg. Ilciolcfolcl Oo.. sumption of made by L. It. headache, the commonest affliction C. P. MORSE, General Freight Agent. AGENTS. to A. Lewis, Jr., dated D.ec. 5, & 19U0 lor $1,500.00 Dec. 8, 1903. of mankind. Carry in your pocket. IWAKAMI o. CO., K. Kapamanu to A. H. Barenaba, D No opiates. Tlicro aro no 4 fcubstltutes. Sold und guaranteed by all ROBINSON BLOCK, HOTEL STREET. Realty at Kahuku, acres; $2si. dniKBlats. 23 doses 23 cunts. NoTcr cola la Dec. 9, 1903. bulk. O. It. & L. Co. to Jas. F. Morgan, D Do. Miles Mkuioai, Co.. Elkhart. Ind. for 11, sy, lO.Ouu Our Consisting of Men's repare City, Entire Winter! Lot Blk Pearl Slock, su. ft.; $110.00. 13, 1903. Nov. j If other paints don't stop the leak, ours will. Peerless Pre- C. Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, The T. Davles to Waiakea Mill Co., L I For KIDNEY TROUBLES 1 serving Paint is guaranteed to do the work and to give absolute satis- Realty at Waiakea, Hllo, 40 acres; and Men's Furnishing Goods, Dry $10,000.00 being lull remuneration for CATARRH S I faction. 60 yrs. December 1, 1903. of the Qoods, Etc., Etc. Proofs of which are found at the following buildings: J. G. Sarrao to C. J. Vieira, D Real- BLADDER. "Will be sold out at Reduced Prices as follows: . , ty at Puueo boltig ot all land Cures all Heavy Brown Cotton, 1 yard wide 15 $1.00 13tt llclirj tr, Inherited by C. J. Vieira as one of tfte yards Alexander Youna Discharges in Heavy White Cotton, 1 yard wide 13 yardsl.00 nelrs or l.. Kemilltiune deceased; $500. 10-- Colusa JBwilclino 4 White and Gray Cotton BlanUots per pair .70 Honolulu Bulldliip;, Nov. 11, 1903. 4,8 Large Size White Bed Spreads Brewlnn&s J. Kumalae ot al to A. A. Araujo, D Hours apiece .70 C lirowor Oo.' BtiUding;, Men's Fine Balbrlggan Undershirts 15 cents, 2 .25 ;, 10 undivided nhuros of , nan for JSuilcllxi of the lanus UP Men's Pine Heavy Balbrlggan Undershirts .20 Stonirenwnld Holualoa, 1 & 2; $750.00. Dec. 8, 1903. ZVvart cf ' each Mortrue BullUint; touKHrfiitt. Men's Fine Heavy Colored New J. K. & E. K. to Undershirts each .20 And. 3Xtinr Otliers Nakookoo F. R. iwwvvua.vwwvwwvvv Men's Fancy Socks lotwntu nnir a mira tnr. ?s Ilaivey Tr. mtg. .Realty Wnlluku, I Slilt-t- s nr. at Mon'a finlf nil will..... lnmi. enl.l ntl,l - Vi acre; $150.00 1 yr. at 10 per cent. uw.i. ..wmii ui uliuui tuau Men's Bal Shoes Was 11.50, now U.00 pair Dec. 9, 1903. Men's C. M. Cooke W. Blue Denim Pants was .75, now .50 " We Handle Eelt, Pitch and Gravel Roofs Ltd to H. Cornwell, Men's Woolen s!oo! 2!50 L. Realty 12 Pants Was now " nt Walkapu, Maul "Mr rh Men's Woolen " acres, S yrs. $880.00 per an. payable Pants Was 4.00, now 2.0Q Men's Woolen Coats Was 3.00, now 1.50 k quarterly In adv. Sept. 15, 1903. each For Further 1-- - , NO. 30 Men's Woolen Coats T W. O. Aiken to M. P. Rapozo, Correc- ys 4,00, now 2.00 " Particulars jreeriess o. Men's Woolen Coats waa 5.00, 2.E0 " mj 3, Puuo-male- l, now Apply to i reserving raini tion, D Lot Blk A, map of Men's Blue Serge Suits 4 acres; Lot A, Blk C, was 13.00, now 0.50 " map of Puuonialel, 4 acres; $1.00. One lot of MEN'S SOCKS bought from Manufacturer slightly damaged; December 3, 1903. these goods when n good condition sell at 50c. to 75c. per pair. Sold now 15 at Recorded December 10, 1903. cents per pair. M, C. Buptlsta to Z. M. Cunhn, et al. Pays for a Want Rel. Realty on Punchbowl St., 6700 mi. I SACRIFICE SALE SJCILL ON ft. $800.00. Dec. 5, 1903. I. bottled 1 BARGAIN Oahu Lumber & Bldg. Co. to Z. M. KINO OF Ad in The Star Cunha, et ul. Rel. Realtv on Young L St., on Punchbowl St., D700 sq. ft.; " SOLD EVERYWHERE. $539.19. Dec. 5, 1903. YEENO8. 1005, 1009, 1013 CHANNUUANU STREET. THE HAWAIIAN STAR, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1053.

THE h.L.rr.lM 1 1 11 n n nnr ii T DEMOCRATIC 'r MM LUIb Ullllllf Moet & Chandon's Limited. s Associated Press, Morning Service. ank of Hawaii ESTADL1SHED 1SFO. ffioore HOSTON, Dec. 1C The Democrats Jesse 1 ave elected their candidate for Mayor LIMITED. Capital Subscribed Yen 24,000,000 by 20,000 majority. Capital Paid up 13,000,000 A. A. "White Seal" Whiskey CAUSE WINNING, 0,210,000 CHAMBERLAIN' - Reserve Fund Associated Press, Morning Sorvlc. Incorporated Under th- Laws of the 13 15 . YOKOHAMA. ST on KARTH LONDON, Dec. 16. Tho Conserva- Champagne HEAD OFFICE, tives have the members for Dlllwlch and Lewlsham . This Is re- ranchod : garded as a triumph for Chamberlain. PAID-U- P CAPITAL - - $600,000.00 Honolulu, New York, San Francisco, SURPLUS - - - - 300,ooo.oo IS USED AT PROMINENT SOCIETY Hongkong MOVINO AGAINST THE CHURCH. i London, Lyons, Bombay,. UNDIVIDED PROFITS - 70,283.95 FUNCTIONS ALMOST EXCLUSIVE- Newchwnng, Peltln, Shanghai, Tientsin 'Associated Press, Morning Sorvlco- - Kobe, Nagasaki, Toklo. PAR1S, Dee. 16 M. Combes, the Pre- LY. mier, will present In Parliament on OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. The Bank buys and receives for col- Friday a ulll forbidding all teaching by Charles M. Cooke President "THE NEW VINTAGE OF "WHITE lection Bills of Exchange, Issues Drafts religious orders In France. P. C. Jones nt and Letters of Credit, and .transacts a F. W. Macfarlane..2nd Vice-Preside- nt SEAL" IS PERFECTION IN general banking business. ENGLAND'S MOHAMMEDAN LORD. C. H. Cooke Cashier Li Associated Press. Morulas Service F. C. Atherton Assistant Cashier LONDON. Dec. 16. Lord Stnnley has Honolulu Branch 67 Klnjr Street IH H. Waterhouse, E. F. Bishop, E. D. been burled here with Mohammedan Tenney, A. C. . fflm Is J. McCandless and II rites, an event which unique In the Athorton. British peerage. OPERA COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS DE . Hackfeld & Co., Ltd I COSTLY CHILEAN DOCKS. PARTMENTS HAWAIIAN HOUSE. PIIH- - WOOD Associated lJnss. Morning nei'viee. SANTIAGO DE , Dec. 16 The Strict attention given to all brandies Agents J government has decided to build docks nt Valparaiso costing ten millions of of Banking. dollars. JUDD BUILDING. FORT STREET fir. James Neill JAPANESE ELDERS IN COUNCIL, g Morning Servu-- f Assoclilea Press. Claus Spreckles. Wm. G. Irwin. FOR A LIMITED TOKYO, Dec. 16. Tne senior s:ates-me- n Electricity in the Home ENGAGEMENT, of the empire are considering the Russian reply to the latest Japanese Clans SprecMs & Co, And Why You Should Use 1 Maldonado&Co. I note. ' (iro. ) I THE PANAMA TREATY. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, Associated Press. Moraine ServlCR. Incandescent electric lighting Is Indispensable to the comfort of tho I Spreckels Building, I 16. signed HONOLULU, H. I. S Honolulu H. T. NEW YORK. Dec. The .... modern home. I Panama treaty has arrived here by San Francisco Agents The Nevada The Little Minister U General Export Agents For H The quality of the light Is far superior to any other. steamer en route to Washington. National Bank of San Francisco The cost Is very slightly above kerosene. I JESSE 310 ORE-HUN- T CO I DRAW EXCHANGE ON The annoyances of broken lamp chimneys, smoke, trimmings of - GRAND VIZIrJR COMING. wicks, disagreeable relllllng lamps, etc., FRIDAY, San Francisco Cal., and Louts- Na- - excessive heat, odor, of are THURSDAY AND I vllle Ky. I Associated Press. Morning Servic. SAN FRANCISCO The Nevada entirely removed by use of electricity. I I TOKYO, Dec. 16. The AMzier tlonal Bank of San Francisco. A simple turn of the switch In the wall or chandelier gives Instant Pudd'n Head Wilson of Persia has arrived here en route to LONDON Union of London & Smith's light and eaves groping about for matches. the United States. Bank. Ltd. The light can be left burning without danger of fire while occu- NEW YORK American Exchange Na- pants are out of the house. GILBERTESE ARRIVE SAFELY. tional Bank. NEXT SATURDAY, ' The quality of light Is soft, steady and white the quantity to suit The Gilbert Island party arrived at CHICAGO Corn Exchange National your needs. their destination on the S. S. Isleworth Bank. We have numerous devices for saving light and valuable sugges- Under the Red Robe safely the latter part or October. News PARIS Credit Lyonnals. tions for old, as well as now subscribers. of the occurrence was brought yester- BERLIN Dredner Bank. The conveniences and desirable features of electricity over all other day by the S. S. Sierra. The crowd ar- HONGKONO AND YOKOHAMA The Banking Illuminators are Innumerable and we will take pleasure In telling you rived at Tarawa October 30, and were Hongkong and Shanghai the cost of house wiring and fixtures. POPULAR PRICES. landed that day and the day following. Corporation, After the steamer left Honolulu the NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTBALIA- - MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTEK trip was given Interest by the birth of Bank of New Zealand, and Bank of TION TO FORECLOSE a girl and later of a boy. The Australasia. AND OF SALE. night before the Gilbert Islanders ar- VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank rived nt Tarawa, they held a prayer of British North Amerlca. Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd JnHrp Ik Vierphv crlvpn Mint In accord meeting and sang "God Be With You Till We Meet Again." The British Office King Street, Telephone Main 390 ance with law and by virtue of the BANKING power of sale contained in that certain commissioner received the crowd very TRANSACT A GENERAL mortgage made by the Hawaii Land kindly and promised to send them to AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. Company, Limited, an Hawaiian cor-- their former homes about the Gilbert Received. Loano Made on nnrnHnn r. Pntnr fV Tfinna. T.lmltprl. n Islands, on a German trading schooner Approved Security. Commercial and like corporation, dated the first day of that was to sail In a short time. Travellers' Credits Issued. Bills of Ex- November 1899, recorded In the Regis- change Bought and Sold. try Olllce In Honolulu, Territory of ADA SAILED YESTERDAY. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY AC- Hawaii, In Liber 190 on pages 45 to The schooner Ada sailed yesterday 1 fl GIFT 1 458, the said Peter C. Jones, Limited, afternoon for French Frigate Shoal. COUNTED FOR. mortgagee, Intends to foreclose said Considerable liquor was carried away mortgage for breach of the conditions by the vessel. Much of the stock was 11 nt K Vioroln nnmpfV in wit. thp of the IB under the skins crew. ESTABLISHED IN 1853. of the principal sum thereof, and of A Fountain Pen will please him most. Something is Interest, when uue. MANY BANK ACCOUNTS. that "NTntlrn In nlr hnrphv trlvpn that all Ten out of every 27 people In Berlin useful and lasting. Be sure to get a good one and if you would and singular the lands and premises by OF CALIFORNIA have a bank account. It must be nice get it just right, get one of 'our said mortgage conveyeu, inerein unu to live In Berlin. BISHOP & CO iprplnriftpr ilpsfrlhpfl. find thn lmnrove- - WATERMAN'S 'IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS ments thereon, will be Bold at public To Precent Croup, begin In time. The oimttrtTi hv anIH mnrt r"i rrpp fit fhp fllln- - This Company has been char- first symptoms Is hoarseness; thlsls o r tlon room of James --F. Morgan In said tered under the laws of the soon followed by a peculiar rouf;h BANKERS PARKER "LUCKY CURVE." Honolulu, on Saturday the Ninth day State of California which pro- cough, which Is easily recognized and of January 1904 at 12 o'clock noon of vide that each stockholder shall will never be forgotten by one who has said day. be ueisonallv liable for all Its heard It. The time to act Is when th. The property covered by said mort- debts and liabilities. child first becomes hoarse. If Cham- BANKING DEPARTMENT. afore-Bal- d O o., gage and Intended to be sold as berlain's Cough Remedy is freely given, departments Hawaiian Kews Is all the following described lots, all tendency to croup will soon disap- Transact business In all YOUNG BUILDING STORE. tracts, pieces or parcels and leaseholds Board of Directors: pear. Even after the croupy cough of Banking. situate lying and being In Ho- developed, will prevent at Collections carefully attended to. of land Geo. C. Perkins, has It the sold. nolulu, Island of Oahu, In said Terri- United States tack. There Is no danger In giving this Exchange bought and tory, as follows: Senator and of Goodall, Perkins nothing injuri nut) Letters described & vCo. remedy as it contains Commercial Travelers' REAL ESTATE: All those lots ous. cures cures quicK- - 01 uau-foru- la H. S. Crocker, of H. S. Crocker It always and of Credit Issued on Tlie uauK situated at Kapalama, Honolulu, and ly. Sold by all dealers. Benson, Smith and 31. Itothsehlld & Sous, more particularly known as Lots Num- Company. John Bermingham, President Co., general agents. London. bers One (1) to Five (5), Inclusive, In (inrrAKiinndeiitH: Tho Hank or Call' premises known as KaUiehao's California Powder Words and Ebony those Commercial Hanking Co. of Furniture Lots, and being parts of those premises Hercules Powder Works. fornla, Royal Patent 692, on L. C. Wm. H. Crocker, President Sydney, jau., j,ouuou. described In Crocker-Woolwor- &HlTI1AJBJMB 'A. 1283, and the same premises convey- th National nrnf and cable transfers on China ed to the said Hawaii Land Company, Bank. through Hongkong & for and Japan the HOJLIDAY GIFTS by Deed of W. C. Achl, dated April V. J. A. Rey, of Brltton & Shanghai Banking Corporation and 1899, In Liber 191. Rey. 20th, and recorded HIS Chartered Bank of India, Australia 11T as. HB WILL BE CLOSED LOW Moflltt, OUR Page 332. J President Blake, China- tHURf SIOCK 001 PR1GJ8 Vice-Preside- nt and - LEASES: (a) Lease of J. F. Col-bur- n Moflltt & Towne and ENTIRELY NEW Interest allowed on term deposits at to Akana, dated September 30th, First National Bank. following rates per annum, viz.: Of- L. Davis, President Cali- CERTAINLY THE BEST. the LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE 1897. (Lease recorded In Registry H. Seven days' notice, at 2 per cent. fice, Honolulu, In Liber 202, page 94, of fornia Title Insurance and Trust are offering for the Christ- 3 per Co. We Three months, at cent. following property at Kapuukolo, prettiest and best 3V4 per cent. the John W. Phillips, Capitalist. mas trade the Six months at WO & CO., an ncre on WING531-93- CHAN Honolulu: First of line In the city. Twelve months, at 4 per cent. 5 Nuuanu, Three Doors Below ti g Street. King street described In it. P. 1646, L. F. P. Deerlng, Attorney at Quality Is the principal feat- C. A. 070; Second: 90 square fathoms, Law. ure. The latest and best novel --TRUST DEPARTMENT. 7593, C. A. 2914 WALLACE KVERSON, mortgages. described In R. P. L. ties of the famous New York Act as Trustees under fjniffiTif Noveities ,n Gods- - cur,s. by deed of President Manage (real personal), nn vnn woht pad "w" (conveyed to J. F. Colburn Perfumer, estates and UU IUU fill I llUULIlLU llill Etc. Specially Low prevail In Liber 85 on A. P. REDDING. Collect rents dividends. II Prices will P. F. Manlnl, recorded Secretary. THEO. RICKSECKER, and pages 52-5- Third: 50 square fathoms Valuable Papers, Wills, Bonds, Etc., niQTMHO DDEQCMTQ1) for th0 Present to our Customers. Bar-- safe-keepin- 1 H and 25 square feet of land described in which Include elegant and at received for g. K I U lYl U rllLULllI U I in the Hat Department. R. P. 1910, L. C. A. 151 (conveyed to tractive ideas In tho ACCOUNTANT DEPARTMENT. by deed of Kama, The Directors of this Com- said J. F. Colburn TIFFANY WARE, Auditors for Corporations and Prl-vat- KT. recorded in Liber 133 on pages .) pany are worth 28 nndFUKCKODA,32 Hotel St. Robinson Block. 25 years October as well as cut glass. The odors Firms. Term of lease: from Many Millions of Dollars Books examined and reported on. 1, 1897, at an annual rental of $3000.) are refreshing and lasting, and Castle, Executor, and with the combined wealth the very latest from New York, Statements of Affairs prepared. (b) Lease of W. R. many on Bankrupt or to Colburn, dated July 31, 1890, of the stockholders and We ask a comparison .of our Trustees Insolvent Fire Insurance! J. F. 0, 130-13- 8. Its cash assets of nearly Estates; recorded In Liber 128, page perfumes with those of others CO., on West side the PACIFIC SURETY offered In the city. Office, 921 Bethel Street. THE B. F. DILLINGHAM LIMITED, (Being lease of houselot is recognized as one of the 1IH of Jdaunakea street, Honolulu, des- SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. General Agents for I" .wall 2096, L. C. A. 46. Term leading surety companies of the REMEMBER THE STORE. Deposits Tecelved and interest allow of London. cribed In R. P. world. Atlas Assurance Company 20 years, from August 1, 1890 "should ed at 1 per cent per annum, in accord Phoenix Assurance Company of Lon In Than last surviving child of J. R. Wil- ance with Rules and Regulations, Less the per. don. liams live so long." Rental: $35 CO., LTD copies of which may be obtained on Underwriters Agency. month.) application. New York to J. F. HAWAII AN TRUST GOMPftNY. LTD Providence Washington Insurance (d) Lease of Cecil Brown INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. fl! Colburn, dated September 28, 1897. (Re- Corner Fort and King Streets. Company. In Liber 202, page 90. of an General Agents. Agents for FIRE. MARINE. LIFE, Phenlx Insurance Company of Brook 6 USf corded ACCIDENT AND EMPLOYERS' LIA ncre of land at said Kapuukolo, Hono- lyn. rorr I U lulu, described in R. P. 1986. L. C. A. 923 Fort St. Tel. Main 184. BILITY INSURANCE COMPANIES. San Francisco Ul a. HI. 1, ttaas, Hnnager 1039. Term: 25 years from October , Insurance Office. 924 Bethel Street Albert 1897, at an annual rental of $120.) Insurance Department odlce l'ourtn (f) Lease of C. Afong to J. F. Co- T Floor, Stangenwald Building. lburn, dated June 4th. 1886. (Recorded T THE FIRST CHICAGO, OMOH PACIFIC In Liber 99 on page 313., Lot of land on '"NufSed" corner of King and iMaunakea streets, & NORTHWESTERN LINE being the land described Honolulu, all Byron HotSprings ) Afong recorded in Liber Drawing-- In deed to C. lERifflffliniroiiB-- C1I.HI Pullman fourteen-sectlo- n 20 years 49 on pages 1 and 2. Term: Room Only 68 on and Private Compart- July 1, 1886, at rental of $20 per Miles From San Francisco CO. OF HAWAIi, LTD from Main Line Southern Pacific Co. QUEEN STREET ment Observation Bleeping Cars month.) No amount of talking will con with Telephone. Electric-readin- g Said leases (b), (d), and (f) having Mod Wonderful Springs vince a person so readily and Lamps In every Berth, Compart- been assigned by J. 'F. Colburn to easily that beer Is a good thing, Capital, $250,000.00. ment and Drawing-Room- . Buffet, Akana by assignment dated September In America as will a trial case of Smoking and Library Cars, with 30, 1897. recorded In Liber 202, page 92. President Cecil Brown Barber and Bath, Dining Cars-m- eals HOT SALT. HOT, MUD AND SUL Firewood, Stove, Electric-lighte-d and all of said leases (including said Vice-Preside- nt a la, carte. nssigned by PHUR BATHS. M. P. Robjnson throughout. lease (a) ) having been Cooper Steam and Blacksmith said Akana to said Hawaii Land Co. Fine warm swimming tanks. Drink' Cashier W. G. Dally Tourist Car Service at 6 p. 31. 1899, Ing waters m. Personally Ex- by assignment dated October of wonderful curative quali- Principal Office: Corner Fort and and Conducted recorded In Liber 193, pages 469-47- 0. ties. Pronounced the best In America cursions every Wednesday and Fri- Gold for Rheumatism, King streets. day at 8 a. in, from Ban Francisco. Terms: Cash In United States Gout, Sciatica and AND RETAIL. Coin. .Malaria. WHOLESALE The bent of everything. Ttppria nt pvTipnKP nf nurchaser. Thoroughly modern steam heated ho- SAVINGS DEPOSITS received and For further Information and partl-M,l- nr tel as comfortable la Winter as Sum .interest allowed for yearly deposits at P. R. Ritchie Inmilrn of C. Jones. Esq., mer, EER Peter the rate of 4 per cent per annum. 3??sniioR given to Gen. Agent Pacl.lo Coaat. or of Smith & Lewis. Attorneys for Call at Star Office for booklets, or on up tpacisl mortgagee, Judd Building, uonoiuiu. Mr. J. 1C. Burkett, who kindly allows Even the prejudiced ones who Rules and regulations furnished C17 Market St. San Francisco. Dated Honolulu, November 27, 1903. the use of his name. have tried It are now as enthu- on application. OKAYING (Palace Hotel.) AND BLACK SAND ' PETER C. JONES. LIMITED, siastic as the rest. M.1SO, WHITE Mortgagee, Address, H. R. WARNER, 8, 29. Manager. PURE WHOLESOME IJKEAI) Dec. 1. 15, 22. Byron Hot Springs, Contra Costa HART & CO., LTD Klrst-Clas- s Twelve WON TAT CO. County, Cal. II By a Baker of Tho Elite Ice Croam Parlors, AGENTSi FOR HAWAII. Years Experience In Honolulu. 118 King Street, near Maunakea. , AT THE BIG MILL. 25 Chocolates; and Confections 7 LOAVES FOR CENTS. ' ' Alfred Douse, formerly of Hamakua All kinds of Cakes, Plea, Ic Cream, House Painting, Paper Hanging and Ico Cream and Water Icus poko, and Mr. Cravel, a Maine en- COLLECTOR AT KAHULUI. PHONE WHITE 1331 Etc.. made to order at very ehort Decorating Dono by Flrst-Cla- ss Work Bakery Lunch. gineer, are the new men operating the E. II. Bailey has resigned ns Col P. O. BOX 017. votlce. mnnshlp. Prices Reasonable. BUgar mill, ICahulul, BAKERY RESORT III THE CUT. machinery of Puunene lector offcthu Port of and will SUNRISE PHONE WHITE 801. !IE Maul, "the largest In the Islands. be succeeded by W. O. Aiken. Njuanu Street, near Doretanla. Fill M.. a . ik

TllD 11 AAV MIAN BTAR, WHDNB8DAY, 'DUCBMnEIl 16, 1603. 'r-'f-y Classified Ads in Star. QN MERCHANT STREET ' tvvit.v amii iieui.wuairr.r. ENTRANCES every afternoon (except 8u nday) by the Hawaiian Star Newspaper Ad. under "Situation Wanted," Inierted tHIiii Attaoolatlnu, I.lmllMl. free until further notice. Comp'ny, Ltd ' If The Pacific Hardware gUUBCMl'T 1UN you STAND RATH8. L'or of the HACK from J. Salo HAS ARRANGED for the removal liaml, per annum t $8.00 the Merchant Street side of Its building and customers can en- Foreign, " 18.00 ARE THINKING ABOUT A SUIT- For sale cheap, two line lots In ICat-niu- avoid tho Electric Cars by availing themselves of tho TWO - Payable In Advance. ABLE Charles L. llhodes, Star Olllce. trances on that street. - - - Frunk L. Moors, - - Manager A muL'tiMcent building slle on the ave- ESP yT 7T7.". .77. Punchbowl slope near Thurston avedn a decembeITTg; i9oI. CHRISTMAS GIFT nue. Particulars at Star office. - New lines of HOLIDAY GOODS, comprising selections of Building lot corner King and Kame-hameh- a A PLAGUE SPOT. and tire In doubt whnt to give your road. Palama terminus of "Fine Cut Glass, Lady Friends, conie and Inspect Rapid Transit road. Apply nt Star our stock o tho olllce. China, The resolution to annex San Domingo to the United Slates which Haviland and English 1ms been introduced into the Senate may not pass, but it certainly To ltout Mettlach Beer Steins, .Should. San Domingo. and Haiti together arc a blot upon the West Indies and indeed upon the Western Hemisphere. With everything in IN THE Desirable unfurnished rooms for rent, Chafing Dishes and Plated Ware ihe way of natural resources, to Make a paradise, the island is a very reasonable, en suite or single. Best lo- 1189 Alakea, corner of Hades upon earth. Since the Spanish and with- PERFUMERY LINE cation In town. Sporting Goods, French influences were Berotanla drawn in the early part of last century, during the Napoleonic wars, EVER SHOWN IN THIS CITY. Art Goods and Artists' Materials, and the island was left to a negro and'mcstizo population, it has been Furnished Itooins To Let nothing but a scene of carnage, murder, vice and superstition, and has Artistic Picture Framing a Specialty Singles and in Beautiful Sets and Cut ltiost admirably served as an object lesson of the utter unfitness of the A nicely furnished front room. Mos Glass Bottles. To select from - atcgro to carry on a government. Manufacturers of every quito proof and electric light. 484 Bere- ' tanla near Punchbowl. The history of both San Domingo and Haiti bristles with the names . Description. of generals, princes, archbishops, presidents and even a couple of em- Lost perors. A travesty of government has been carried on, and has been Sole Agents for the justly celebrated Pacilic Ltd Savings Pass Book No. 1009. Finder Miie accepted Curt, by the outside world. There has been a thin veneer of civili- kindly return same to The Bank of zation spread over the true and incontrovertible savage, But the civi- PALMER'S Hawaii Ltd. lization has been on the surface, and the savagery is deep seated. IfcTeorolxaxTLt; ' A Pearl and Emerald Brooch, some Street The superstition of the Voodou or Vaudoo is practiced by those who EXTRACTS AND TOILET GOODS. where between Opera House and Nuu-an- u - suitably appear to be the most enlightened. This involves at times a human sac- Valley. FliiUn- will bo rewarded at H. Hackfeld & Co.'s olllce. i rifice, and was brought from the west coast of Africa by slaves from lURIHiKOilB., Dahomey. Upon this point there seems to be no doubt,' for so many IE writers upon the island report it. Negresses ayd Mestizoes who have LIMITS M been educated in Paris, in the United States, in Havana, and other civi- WANTED lized centers, are said to fall readily under this gross and abhorrent Merclinnts, superstition, and while professing Christianity, chiefly under Roman Commission . Men, womo-an- Importers and Catholic auspices, as is natural from old influ- the French and Spanish his fll?FUli Sugar Factors,.. ences, cling with ardor to the disgusting rites of this bestial African U children to Commission superstition. ILBsizb Invest their flerchants To cleanse tiiis ugly plague spot of the earth is manifestly the duty AGENTS FOR 1 i and the destiny of the Great Republic. That duty may not be carried , . SAVINGS Company. 1 out at the' present time, but the fact that a resolution to annex the isl- The Ewa Plantation 1 SOLE AGENTS FOR with ua The Walalua Agricultural Co., Ltd : and has been introduced in the Senate, shows that some legislators un- DOSE LEAVES The Kohala Sugar Company. two-thir- derstand the situation, and in time a majority will. The rule t jj SECURITY AND PROFIT The Walmea Sugar Mill "Company. of the negro is worse than the rule of the Turk. The Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis, Mo , Guaranteed. Smoking Tobacco , The Standard Oil Company. ... ' AN EXHIBIT. 6c. and 10c. packages. The Georgs F. Blake Steam Pumps. Weston's Centrifugals. The New England Mutual Life Insur- To those who arc unacquainted with the amount of work done in the Phoenix Savings, Building Agents for ance Company of Boston. schools, the specimens, coining in from the various institutions all over And Loan Association The Aetna Fire Insurance Company o2 the Territory, will be a revelation. Not only do the pupils supply spe- BRITISH AMERICAN ASSURANCE Hartford, Conn. cimens of written work and of map drawing, free hand drawing, arith- Judd Building, Fort St. Entrance. COMPANY, of Toronto. Ontario. Also an elegant line of Triplicate The Alliance Assurance Company of metic and so forth, but they show examples of industrial work, of vari- Toilet Mirrors, Cigar and Cigarette DELAWARE INSURANCE CO. of London. uases, ous kind, which shows that the hand as well as the mind is being train- iatues i'ocKei asooks, Traveling Philadelphia. ed efficiently. These specimens do not come only from the large Cases, Etc., Etc. Guarantee Capital -- $ 200,000.00 schools, but nearly every small country school sends in its quota oi NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Subscribed Capital - -- 8,500,000.00 ff. G. IRWIH & CO. work. Paid-Up Capital - - 1,000,000.00 AGENl'S FOR A few years ago manual training was a thing almost unknown in Western Sugar Refining Co., Sam the schools. In 1887 there were only two public schools in which sew- TRUNKS Francisco, Cal. ing was taught, and this in a desultory manner. Since then a regular 81 Confidence In Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadel- system of sewing has been introduced, in which fingers are taught step SI phia, Pa, by step till their owners become expert sewers, and arc able to make Newell Universal Mill Co., Manufac- I HiFOKT STREET turers of National Cane Shredder, garments and do fancy work. The sewing in the schools is not confined New York, N. Y. to the girls, but in a large number of cases the boys receive instruc- Glasses Ridiculously Parafflne Paint Company, San Francis- tion in this as well. Every school is supplied with a sewing chest and cotton crop has been sold on a descend- co Cal. ing scale of prices, the anxiety of farm- Low Ohlandt & Co., San Francisco, Cal. material consisting of cotton cloth, needles, scissors, thimbles, emery, ers and holders generally to realize on Prices Pacific Oil Transportation Co., Saa thread and so forth. Of the chests some arc made by the boys of tho their crops making it an easy matter Confidence in the man who prescribed Francisco, Cal. industrial school at Waialee, and all normal graduates, male or female, for consumers and speculators to buy them, knowing them tb be right; from the crop at comparatively cheap prices. the fitting to the finishing, Is the whole make their own, as part of their school course. Last year, for Instance," which is ad- battle. Notice of Removal. In addition to sewing a good deal of knife work is done, and the re- mitted to have been a profitable year ,If knowledge and experience stand 'ir to the farmers as well as to all your safety are very surprising to those who have not given other anything, we believe lies in The office of Express Co. sult much attention branches of the cotton trade, the price coming to us when in need of glasses. LIMITED the Union to the subject. This is a sort of modified Swedish sloyd, to the of middling cotton at this time, Is guess knowledge has been moved to Hustace, Peck & adapted thej There no work ,just Co., Ltd., Queen Street. conditions of American schools. This was first introduced into the penoa 01 Heaviest movement, was s and knowing how to apply such knowl- cents per pound, or $3S.13 per bale. edge to insure perfect results. GOOD WORK AND IN- TELEPHONE MAIN 80. some ten years ago, but fell into abeyance between and wlo'fth schools 1896 Middling cotton Is therefore TELLIGENT LABOR COST 1900 when it was revived, with great success. The work not only gives nearly SflT per bale more than It was at this time last year Until within NO MORE WITH US THAN BY AUTHORITY skill to the fingers, but also enables a teacher to give elementary instruc- the past few years the south has not POOR WORK AND IGNOR- NOTICE TO tion in geometry, in a practical way, long before geometry becomes a enjoyed the degree of agricultural a'lid ANT LABOR. GIVE US A CREDITORS. Industrial prosperity that other sec- HlIiCuMii&Ci,Ltd portion of the curriculum. country experienced. CHANCE. All persons or concerns having claims tions of the, have 104S FORT STREET. In many schools lauhala and bamboo work and mat weaving are It is now Its turn, however, and the against the Department of Public taught. From time to time Hawaiian women have been employed by people of that section are keenly alive Works contracted during the period of to their opportunities and making the six months the Department of Public Instruction to teach the teachers the proper best of them Optical Department LORD & BELSER, endinr December 31st, 1903, are requested to have them filed with methods of weaving and braiding, and during the year considerable " Exclusively Optics" GENERAL CONTRACTORS. quantities of these materials are used up. In the country districts the Chabrnberlaut the Chief Clerk, duly certified to by, a protective policy Is the Bureau or school children arc encouraged to gather and prepare their material for taking strongiKpld of the British voters Officer ordering same, TEL. MAIN 10S. O. BOX 192. on or before January 10th, 1901. this purpose, which is a valuable piece of instruction. and It begins To look very much as if her plans are quite ripe in ithe Penin- P. he will carry, trie day. If so Chamber- sula. (Signed) C. M. WHITE, Wherever there is some special industry carried on in a district, the lain will become prime minister, and Chief Cleric pupils of that district are encouraged to occupy themselves with it and there will "be;t stir among European politicians who do not like Chamber- court which M. PHILLIPS & CO.,. Department of Public Works, to become skillful., Thus from some places specimens of fishing nets The Torrens land about lain, because thev fear him. so much was written nnd talked, and Wholesale Importers December 10, 1903. have been promised, from others hats and so forth. The training of which was so carefully explained by And Jobbers of experts, does TVot seem to have very the hand to work and the acquisition of skill, has a valuable effect upon The battle of the church is being much to do. It has had one case, AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN DRY GOODS the mind, and is recognized by the advanced teachers of the world as a fought out 'to the bitter end in France. and apparently there are no more In The Pacific Hotel, M. Combes has a new bill in which .hp. his staff 1182 Union St., opposite valuable portion of primary education. teaching, any 1jy' sight. Judee Weaver and Pacific Clu.' forbids all of kind,' will have to hustle up and itry and get Great attention has been given throughout the public schools to the the religious orders. In the' large some business. Corner of Fort and Queen Sts. Newly Furnished Rooms keeping of the school lots in order, by the children, and systematic in- manufacturing centers nnd In ParlM, this bill will be popular, but lrf Brit- Twenty-fiv-e in given. cents Days for a Want The Best Restaurant In the City. . struction cultivation has been In this direction prejudice has tany and in the strict agricultural dis- The New Zealanders have adopted a ad in the Star. A bargain. had to be overcome. There are parents who insist that only the mental tricts it will be bltterlv resisted. At 'preferential Itaniff, following In the MRS. HAN A. Proprietor. all events M. Combes has the courage side of education belongs to the school, whose ideas of intellectual de- wake of British Columbia, A .large of his convictions nnd makes a hard number of goods which used tb go In velopment are bounded by the covers of a book.' Such people object fight, be his course good or bad. duty free, have now to pay a duty of to their children spending any time in cultivating garden plots or in 20 per cent when coming from countries outside of the British Empire Other .assisting in beautifying the school grounds. But the force of example The Gilbert Islanders have reached duty, their native shores. Now comes the classes of goods which paid have has, the Star is informed, overcome this in most cases, and the school had SO per cent added when from non-Brltl- sh question, how manv of them will want Territory. On hand, REDUCTION authorities report much less prejudice than formerly. A of tho other SALE to return to Hawaii. number the dutv on tea. grown In the British Specimens of this kind of work cannot well be sent in the exhibit them are sure rto 'be discontented with their changed surroundings. dominion, has been removed. It Is to St. Louis, but an effort has been made to show what is being done, reckoned that the revenues of New $200,-00- through photographs. Moreover collections of ferns, and flowers have Zealand .will 'be Increased about 0 OF The last chance of sending Christmas by the new departure. This 1s been prepared by some schools, and though dried, they afford some idea letters and gifts to the mainland was coming Into th'e Chamberlain Idea In a of our luxuriant vegetation. One or two schools, it is said, have pre- yesterday by the Sierra, and a heavy very practical manner. mall was dispatched. The China and served specimens of fruits in bottles, and if these are successful they will the Alameda will bring our Christmas add greatly to the appearance of the school exhibit. mail from all liwrts of tho world. Valparaiso certainly needs nn eff- ! system docks, A addition the present exhibit from the Hawaiian Christmas always draws hearts to- icient of when curtain great to schools gether, though world separates winds blow the hnrbor Is quite unsafe, TOYS half a will be the specimens of lace work. This is a new industry which is them, and two oceans roll between. and only recently soverul valuable ves- to take a prominent in the The Legisla- sels were driven on shore and became YOU CAN destined plaqc Tenitory. last total wrecks BUY MORE TOYS AND ture appropriated funds which enabled the Department of Public In- very There was little doubt but that BETTER TOYS FOR YOUR MONEY struction to obtain the services-o- f an expert lace teacher, and she has the Democratic Senators from the would support the Panama MASONS ELECT OFFICERS. is South THAN ANYWHERE ELSE. , already obtained excellent results. This practical work which will Treaty. The Atlanta Conwtltutlon nnd At tho stated meeting ot Hawaiian Times-Democr- 21 M. afford employment and remuneration to a large number of women. the New Orleans at and Lodge No. F. and A. held last week, tho following ofllcers were elect- all in all, the school exhibit of the of Hawaii prom- Plcayuna have supported and com- Taken Territory mended the President's action. The ed: Abraham Lewis, Jr., worshipful ises to be of advantage to the community, in that it shows that in pri-- ( canal will help the South considerably, master; John George Rothwell, senior warden; Chnrles Summer Hall, W?ffn!j Wheelbarrows, Velocipedes, Doll Buggies, Guns, marv education it can hold its own alongside exhibits of a similar cha- nt least the people think bo, and that Junior Horns, Marbles being the case ,the Southern senators warden; Robert Cntton, treasurer ana Games, Brooms, Tool Chests, Blocks, Bedsteads racter in many parts nf the mainland. Beyond this it has a distinctive will vote as the people wish The K. R. G. "Ynllace, secretary. 1 rains, Boats Pianos Rocking op- - Horses, Reins, Jumping RopeS; York morn- In addition to those olflcers the T)i-- lead character of its own which will add very much to its interest. Tieaty arrived in New this Soldiers. Tin rimmc A H n i. ing, and should be at the 'White House polntlve olllces remain unfilled, The ' a ujui;k5, aioves,'ii.tc.f lite. this nftornoon. appointments to these will be made One man's meat Is another man's which means $55 per hale, assuming when "Worshipful Master Abraham AT CUT R'ATE PRICES. polin. The high price of and short- that middling represents tho nveroge Lewis, Jr., returns from the coast. ) age In the cotton crop Is ruining tho quality of the cotton grown. As cot- The little rumpus between Japanese pot ton mill owners, but It Is a gbd ton is of unusually good quality this marines and Koreans In which a num- WARSHIPS TO ENTER HARBOR. ond to tho South. The present cotton yenr. nnd has been saved In excellent ber were may lead to serious The remainder of the fleet of war- crop, says the New Orleans Plcayunn, condition, owing to the long spell of retmlts Russia Is very evidently stir- ships will enter tho harbor this af- Is certain to turn out one of the most dry weather. It Is certain that the ring up the Koreans against the Japa- ternoon. Those who nro to enter are profitable crops the south has market- true average Is actually hlghor than nese. Meanwhile she Is keeping the the Battleship Oregon and cruisers Ra- E.W. Jordan In many years. present price present price Or- Japanese diplomats and statesmen leigh, Canclnnattl, Albany and New &Co., ed The the of.,inldllng. of mldllng cotton Is 11 cents pef pound dinarily, that Is to say lieretofore, the amused with notes and proposals until , Orleans.


a busy morning of it, Young the flOOD. Im TuJ launches, the tug Eleii and nil sorts of PLUMBING .among being dont do rhnap woik. You private era ft thorn one In tip large Of exhibition our slun. nil VVTiMLClOW with a advertisement Lewis fancy designs In Htjiuirattin. Hi KEPOIKAI b.ith ronin Were and outside the channel. We iHrry everythliiK Unit goes to inako The Kentucky was seen to the best up possible advantage from the launches that most Important part of a dwell- ing the Itnth room AND WIO IN- TELLS THE outside. There was n heavy ocean STALL IT swell, and It made tile little vessel bob RIGHT. Our plumbing la BRINGS put In to last, we guarantee all work up and down and roll eo SUIT buck and forth done by us, that holding on was a constant neces- and can quote you tho TALE milieu of hundreds of satisfied custom- sity. The great battleship slowly rose THE TRKASI IU: R COMMENCES AN ACTION WHICH WILL ers. and fell in the moving mounds of wit- TEST THE COUNTY ACT DECLARES THE ACT IS It costs no more to have your plumb- ter, like a heavy lloatlng fortress, ris- ing Tnko n peep ing and falling with a so slow YOU) AND nnd sewer connections done by ug. Into our Port street motion SEEKS TO PREVENT TRANSFER OF WATER WE GUAUANTI3K windows this week and We nssure you and heavy that only her red water- - WORKS TO COUNTIES. woiu"le"llje'r Tula positively that you will see the most exquisite BATH the Plumber, 103 King Street." Infants' apparel ever shown' Telephone 01 Main. in Honolulu. This is an entirely new ID E Treasurer A. N. Kcpoiknt is bringing a suit which will thoroughly stock Just opened not the same I test the County Act. It is a petition for an injunction to Super- last week. rep- restrain Wnnt In The list below intendent of Public nds the Star bring quick re- resents only a few of the articles dis mark made it easily perceptible. This Works llolloway and Andrew Ilrown, Superin- sults. Three lines three time for 26 played. contrast to the bobbing of the llaunch cents. tendent of the Water Works, from turning over to the counties the made the masslveness of the man-of-w- ar Hand made silk caps and bonnets In whltei blue, pink car- water works bureaus. Kinney, McClanahan and Cooper dinal. and all the more Impressive. From the are attorneys French bridge, signals were being wig-wagg- for Kcpoikai. The suit will furnish a test case, in which General Ilart-we- ll NTKW ADVFRT1SKM KN'TS muslin bonnets, long and short. to the rest licet, while Cashmere, embroidered and silk coats. of the from the and J. A. Matthewnian, appointed by the Bar Association to make Infants' crib blankets. masts were signals ashore. From the Kentucky the luunch shov- a test, niay take part. Infonts' long and short dresses In real baby effects. ed way BY A Y Long ' her through i:ie waves to the Kcpoikai's petition sets forth that he is Treasurer of the Territory UTHOEiT and short skirts tn Nainsook and embroidered flannel. Wisconsin, which presented a Cashmere and llannel embroidered sacques and kimonos. ' much and has charge of the revenues and that Hollowav and Brown are about h Silk similar appearance. Drill was going on SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE. booties. on one French bibs in of the nft necks. The little to turn over the water works, which are an important source of revenue, muslin and silk. launch made a circuit round her and KNICKERBOCKER SHIIIT WAISTS, styles of 1904. to the various counties, the act creating the counties is void as a Advance sample then visited the Oregon. The Oregon In tlu matiter of two oertnln Execu- line just opened and placed on sale this morning. was here not long ago on her way to whole, says Kepoikai, and especially in those portions referring to the 5 different iWyles and patterns of New York's favorite waist. tions Issued out of the Supremo Court tho Orient. She looked longer than the water works, and the circuit court is therefore asked to enjoin Hollo-wa- y of the Territory other two and was deeper in the water. of Hawaii, on the 2Stl NO TWO ALIKE. and from o," Like tho others she lay almost motion- I'rown turning over the works. day November, 100.1, pneh In tho less In the waves. matter of C. Ontal, Plaintiff, vs. Noah The Water Witch made a second visit Grade) M. N. Knuhane, Defendant, me to the Kentucky, and might have land- (Junior Luther Overstreet, N. Swnhu, Edward Blum, J. Hawkins,' for two V. Mid- hundred 92-1- IS .80, ed some of her party, but for a sudden Midshipman John Babcock, Mr. nnd Mrs. P. E. StratiEh nnd two and eleven and dollars, 1. shipman Emory S. Land. Midshipman children, S. E. Woolley, J. O. Leverldge nnd the two warning that she was about to salute. other for hundred ami two 1 The little launch waa close up Edward J. Marquart, Midshipman J. Fukushlmii, J. Konatsu, G. W. under a nnd dollars, I have, on this 15tli heavy broadside of guns, when one of Frank C. Martin, Mldshlpmnn John H. Newell, Y. Hula. Comer Fort and Beretania Streets. Blackburn, Midshipman Charles S. Jay of December, A. D. 1903, under and Young's launches yelled that he had by been ordered away guns, Kerrlek, Surgeon Oliver Dlehl, Pay- CARTER TAKES OATH. virtue, first, of tho said execution from the as a master Harry E. Blscoe, Captain salute was to be of Governor Carter was sworn In to- for two hundred and eleven 92-1- fired. Marines H. nnd John Russell, Second Lieut, day at 1:30 ns governor under the new dollars, and second, The governor said he didn't care of Marines Arthur J. O'Leary. Boat- of tho sakl execu- fire". commission recently received. Ine about being in the of tion for two 19-1- 00 line Tho swain Patrick J. Kane, Acting Gun- oath was administered by Chief Jus- hundred and two nnd rest of those on board, while willing to ner Thomas J. Hurd, Carpenter George dollars, levied upon, stand being tice Frear. nnd shall offer wet and to risk seasick- Helms. Warrant Machinist Charles for solo sell ness, had not come out any Inten- nnd at public auction, to with Hamomnd, Warrant Machinist Daniel THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. highest tion of getting near the wrong end of Mullan, Warrant Machinist William the bidder, at the Pollco the Kentucky's guns when they were James, The only reference to Hawaii in the Station, Kalaknua Hale, in Warrant Machinist Frank President's message to Congress Is Honolulu. Forget In action, and so the Water Witch re- Kisser. the Island of Oahu, Don't Territory of Hawaii, following paragraph: at versed her engines and backed off. New 10 Orleans. Protected cruiser, I an li o'clock noon of Saturday tho 16th Young appeared to be really alarmed guns, 3,437 tons, 7,500 horse power, recommend that appropriation be made for building lighthouses day of January 1904, for the safety of the craft and her oc- twin screws. Flagship Commander-in-C- in A. D. nil the right, Hawaii and taking possession of cupants, and yelled repeated warnings, hief of Northern Squadron. those title and Interest of the said Noah already built. The Territory should be N. but they were not very badly needed, Gottfried Blockllnger, Commanding, Kauhane, Defendant, In and to tho for no firing was done some time. Solon reimbursed for whatever amounts It - for Lieut. Arnold, Lieut. Albert L. following described That we are headquartqrs for everything- new and handsome while the launch stood by und watched. Key, Lieut. John T. Tompkins, has already expended for lighthouses. real propurty, un in the Trunk and Valise line. What the threatened' salute was for Emll P. Svarz .Ensign Hayne Ellis, The Governor should be empowered to less said executions, together with all was not known, unless on Ensign D. suspend or remove any olllclal appoint- costs, expenses fees One entire store devoted exclusively to this class of goods. those the Frank Berrien, Midshipman ed by him, and are sooner vessel had seen Governor Carter and Garrard I'. Nightingale, Midshipman without submitting the satisfied: Dress Suit cases in variety. decided to give C. matter to the Legislature. great htm a salute In honor Donald Bingham, Midshipman 1. . of his call. Carter, however, W. Early, Hand and Cabin Bags, all grades. had not Charles Midshipman Carlos NEILLS TONIGHT. tome iu mane a can, nut to enjoy a Bean, Passed Assistant Surgeon Mld-dlet- Land covered by Royal Patent 7182, Gladstone Bags. trip outside and look S. Guest, Paymaster The Neill Company will this evening a at the fleet, and Charles Land Commission Award 10002 to Na-laa- u, Steamer and it was well worth Conard, Passed Paymaster present the "Little Minister" at the t other trunks. the trouble. Assistant situated at Kawela, Kau, Shawl Straps. It is the greatest sight Honolulu George R. Venable,' Second opera nouse at the reduced prices ar- Island. has seen since the arrival of the first of Marines WJlllam G. Fay, Gunner ranged for the special benefit of the of Hawaii. See Liber 123, Page 457, transports bringing troops for the Lewis E. Bruce, Carpenter Harry L. visiting fleet. The company will play Registry Ofllce, Honolulu, Oahu. ," said the governor. Olmstead. Warrant Machinist Elmer every night during the balance of the ' un the return trip the Water Witch A. Blaokweil. Warrant Machinist engagement. gave a tow to a boat of marines from Charles L. Phillips, Wiirrant Macninist Land covered by Royal Patent C857, Steamer Rugs : the Kentucky, who were pulling Kellum D. Grant. KENTUCKY BUMPED INTO PILES. ashore Land Commission Award 7713, at n. to the naval station. The tug While being docked nt Naval Eleu Albany. Protected cruiser, 10 guns, the South Kona, Island of Hawaii. Pure Wool, probably the most handsome lot ever offered started out for another trip and the 3,437 7,300 wharf today the battleship Kentucky tons, horsepower, twin srews. See Liber 193, Page C3, Registry here for sale. launches generally kept busy taking Commander A. Rodgers. Com- - bumped Into n set of five piles that was Office. people out. John near Honolulu, Oahu. In addition to the sight- nnandlng, Lieutenant-Command- er the Naval wharf , i seers were men Wil there who had busi liam R. Rush, Lieutenant-Command- er ness, representing XV local firms which ex Hnrpjd P. Cn.-ie- N E A I) V K KT I S U . K N TN pect to Norton. Lieut. B. T sell supplies to th fleet. Morgan, Lieut. Marcus. L. Miller, Lieut. Land covered by Royal Patent 0179, Captain Nlblack was met at the naval AVnr.ijpn t J. Terhune, Lieut. William S. Land Commission 4092, Ma-pule- stntion and received tne IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Award at boat from tho WhijUed, Ensign Walter G. Roper, En-- si 1 Kentucky. He Il United States In and for Island of Molokal. See Llbor 3MT. IvTD., had already received be rt Smith. Midshipman Wil- the District McIKBRN word that the Kentucky and AV'lscon-sl- n son Brown Jr., Midshipman C. of Hawaii. 200, Puge 12, Registry fifllce, Ilqnolulu, were coming In. Edward In the Matter of ) MERCHANT AND FORT STREETS. Governor Cjrter S. Parker, Surgeon Andrew R. Went-wort- h, Oahu. presented his compliments to C. T. Amana ) In Bankruptcy No. Admiral Passed Assistant Paymaster A. M. BROWN, Evans, through the captain, expressing FredPrlck K. Perkins, First Lieutenant In Bankruptcy ) 4. Honolulu's welcome to To the creditors of C. T. Amana of High Sheriff, Territory of Hawaii. the fleet. of Marines Thomas F. Lyons. Bont-swa- ln Michael Hamakua, Island and Territory of Ha- J J. Farlev. Gunner waii: Adolplv Seabol, Carpenter Joseph A. SEALED TENDERS. PERSONNEL OF O'Connor, Warrant Machinist Theodore Notice Is hereby given that the final Meyer, meeting of the creditors of said bank- Corner flercliant and Alakca Streets Warrant Machinist Harold I. rupt In my Sealed will Lutken, Warrant Machinist William will be held ofllce No. Tenders be received by W. Booth. 502 Stnngenwnld Building on Monday the Superintendent of Public Works 2Sth day A. 1903 the of December D. until 12 in. of Thursday A THE FLEET Clnclnnato. Protected cruiser, 11 at 0 o'clock n. m. to consider the ac December 21tli Primo,PacificN0Rainier guns, 2,213 tons, 10,000 horsepower, twin count of Wade Warren Thayer,' Trus 1903, tor Com-tructin- Concrete Pier ct screws. Commander Newton E. Mason Makaw-el- l Drink Rear-Admir- al tee herein. end for Wuimea River Asiatic Fleet. Robley 'Commanding, Lieutenant-Command- er D. Evans, Commander-in-Chie- f. WILLIAM T. RAWLINS, Bridge, Kauai. Lieut. James Gmmore, .ieutenant-Com-mand- er $2.00 Per Frederick L. Chupln, Flag Referee In Bankruptcy. Lieutenant; Harry Phelps, Lieutenant-Command- er Plan and specifications on file in of- Dozen. QcsMtas Lieut. Thomas Washington, Aid; Honolulu, December 1C, 1903. William W. White, Lieut. fice of the Engineer, Department oC Lieut. (Junior Grade) Frank T. Evans, De Witt Blamer, Web- Cold Aid. Lieut. Charles To the creditors of C. T. Amann of Public Works. Tho Superintendent ster, Ensign Edward C.Kalbfus, En- Hamakua, Island and Territory of Ha- Northern Squadron: Rear-A- d miral sign Roe W. Vincent, Midshipman reserves the right to reject any and & Company, Philip H. Cooper, Commanding; Lieut. waii: Beer Camara . Erncftt J. King, Surgeon Luther L. von Is all bids. - Victor Blue. Flag Lieutenant; Ensign Notice hereby given that the Trus- or- Wedcklnd, Paymaster Baxron P. Du tee's final report was filed In Tenders 'to be on envelope, rjat Decilers Henry L. Wyman, Aid. Bois. herein the .endorsed olllce of the clerk of the United States Wal-mea Kentucky (flagship Commander-in-Chief- ). "Proposal for Concrete Pier for of Raleigh. Protected cruiser, 11 guns, District Court, Territory Hawaii, on First-clas- s ship, 22 of River Bridge." Ring Up Telephone Haiti 492 battle 3,213,, tons, 10,u00 horsepower, December 12. 1903, on Mon- guns, 11,523 tons, 12.31S twin and that horsepower, screw. Commander P. Nnzro, day December 28, 1903 10 a. C. S. HOLI.OWAY, twin screws. Captain M. Berry Arthur at o'clock Robert Commanding, Lieutenant-Command- er m. tho Trustee herein, Wade Warren Commanding; Lleutennnt-Comrnanrt- er Superintendent of Public Works. Charles II. Harlow, Lieutenant-Command- er Thayer, Esq., will apply to the court Henry B. Wilson, Lieutenant Charles Leo D. Miner, December 14, 1903. M. play, MIn E. Rommel, Lieut. (Junior for approval of his Una. account and J. Barrle's "The Little Lieut. Harry A. Field, grade) Duncan M. Wood, L.eut. (Junior his discharge as such trustee. later." There was no part In It calling Lieut. Nathan C. Twlng. Lieut. Wil- grade) Pope K. Washington, Ensign Mor- W. B. MALING, for the nlghest ability, but every part liam GIse, Lieut. Fritz L. Sandoz, ris H. Brown,, Ensign TVI. I" THE called for thorough, sympathetic act Ensign B. Keating, Ensign Richard D. Clerk of said Court. irolrnne, KILLS Arthur White, Midshipman 1C, f ing, It. pictures of Stafford H. R. Doyie, Harold D. Chllds, Dated Honolulu, Hawaii, Dec. GENERAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. and received The Midshipman Passed Assistant Surgeon M. 1903. up-rig- ht John Japanese and Chinese Laborers, Etc., genuine, Harry A. Baldrldge, I the wholesome, and Midshipman Ralph Moore, Sec- : down-righ- t, Paymaster Joseph Fyffe, Supplied. If somewnat narrow and M. Grlswold, Midshipman Leroy Brooks ond Lieut, IN Scotch life, were beautifully pic Jr., Midshipman of Marines Thomas H. THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Contract Work of Every Kind Under- What, considered as a play, Is by hard Robert Wallace, Jr., Brown, Acting Gunner Daniel Geary, UNITED STATES FOR THE TER- by playwright company. Midshipman Francis S. Mid- taken. many thought to be finest play so tured both and Wnltten, Carpenter Otto Barth, Ma- RITORY OF the No one who failed to see the play last shipman Ralph P. Craft, Midshipman Warrant HAWAII. Comer Emma and Beretania Streets, far presented during their.present sea- David chinist David Purdon, Warrant Ma- 'O Telephone Blue 2181. Nelll's Ha- night, ought to fall to see it tonight, for A. Weaver, Surgeon James E. Bergen Heggenhaugen. In ) son was given by the at the is to be repeated. Gardner (fleet), Pay Inspector chinist the matter of waiian Opera. House, last night. It was it William Henry C. 'VIda, ) In Bankruptcy. ov quamtness, a W, Gait, (fleet). Second Lieutenant of wnoiesomeness, .Marines, H. Bankrupt. ) T. habit of piety that Is only saved from Earl Ellis, Acting Boat- o HAYASHI, swain Roland P. Teel, INTEL L! being hypocrisy by an honest admis Gunner Herbert To the Creditors of Henry C. Vlda of TAILOR. sion of worldly It would be Campbell, Carpenter Charles S. Ken- 9IM passions Honolulu. Island of Oahu, Territory hard to excel of dall, Warrant Machinist 'Martin J. 1 Clothes Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired, the fourth act the Clancy, Warrant of Hawaii. play. The four worthy elders of the Machinist Oscar ARRIVING. Notice Is hereby given on 337 Beretania Street. ' Acting Warrant Machinist that the Kirk, "Thomas Whammond, John W. George Wednesday. December 10. tenth day of December, A. D. 1903, the Opposite Queen's Hospital. Burton, "Snecky Hobart," George C. Elierton, Warrant Machinist S. S. Ventura, Hayward, rule Is to treat all George H. Paul. from San said Henry C. Vlda was duly adjudi- Our, Bloomquest, "Andrew Maelmeker," Francisco, at 1:30 p. m. cated bankrupt and that the first, meet- Jean de Lacey, and "Sllva Tosh," Rob- Wisconsin. First class battle ship, Stmr. Lehua, Napala, patrons alike giving the 18 guns, 11,523 10,000 from Molokal ing of his creditors will be held at my ' present pic- tons, horsepower, ports, C T. OKUBO ert Slddle a scene and a twin screws. at a. m. olllce, 502 Stangenwnld Building, In email customer and the ture that Is admirable. Captain Uriel Sebree, Honolulu, on Carpenter and Commanding. Meurenart-Command- the 23rd day of December, Mr. presented "Ga-vl- n DEPARTING. A. D. 1903, 4:30 o'clock In Cabinet Sinker '"1 large the same courteous Neill the part of Henry T. Mayo, Lieutenant-Command- er at the after- 10. 1 noon, at which time tho Picture Frames nnd Bamboo Dishart." the little minister, and Arthur W. Dodd, Lieutenant-Command- er Wednesday. December said creditors Furniture. you want S. S. may attend, Designs .service. If a Gertrude Keller that of "Lady Babbie," George W. McElroy, Lieut. Mlowera, Hemming, for Victo- examine the bankrupt and Neat nnd Handsome Made to i giving a most admirable presentation Henry A. Wiley, ria and Vancouver, nt 2 p.m. transact such other business ns may Order. 60c safe deposit box, or a Lieut. William D. of the character. MacDougall, Lieut. Philip Williams, Thursday, December 17. properly come before said meeting. Beretania Street near Emma. large or small insurance The music by the orchestra between Lieut. Charles T. Vogelgesang. Lieut. S. S. Ventura, Hayward, for Pago WILLIAM T. RAWLINS, the acts was very much enjoyed, and Douglas E. Dlsmukes, Pago, Auckland and Sydney, at 4 a. in. Referee In Bankruptcy. policy, or a surety bond, Lieut. Frederic 12, 1903. the audience gave token of Its appre- N. Freeman, Ensign Henry B. Soule, Honolulu, Dec. 25 REDUCTION of any sort or size, we'll ciation. Midshipman Ernest A. Brooks, Mid- PASSENGERS. shipman Ivan E. Bass. Mldshinmnn Arriving. .SPECIAL MEET1KG. AT you gladly. Henry' serve Thomas L. Ozburn. Mldshi Per S. S. Ventura from Snn Fran- OUT OP SEA ander H. Van Keuren, 'Midshipman cisco, .16, Notice Is hereby given that a special "Waterhouse Trust Com- THE Henry December for Honolulu Dr. The New Hotel D. Cooke, Jr., Midshipman E. J. Boyes, A. F. Brown, Mr. and meeting of the stockholders of Lee Era pany, Ltd., corner Fort Samuel M. Robinson. Midshipman Ral- Mrs. II. R. Burke, Mrs. J. F. Carlton, Toina Co., Ltd., for the purpose of con- Fort Street above Vineyard. ston S. Holmes. MldRhlnmnn Wllllnm .Miss M. sidering the reduction of the capital arid Merchant Sts. J. Giles, Midshipman De Carno, G. W. Cheek, S. H. Ralph Koch, Mld- - Crooks, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Curtis. Miss stock of the corporation, will be held FROM SEPTEMBER 1ST, 1903. ETHE SIPS nuipinan .Macgiiuvrny Milne. .Midship- at Its olllce, Honolulu, Friday evening, man Dreler, Mrs. Edward Davis, Miss S. 1 James D. Wilson. Midshipman Davis, Miss Grace Earle, Mrs. December 18th, at 7 o'clock. Telephone 3811 Blue. Martin K. F. Ellis, (Continued from Page 1.) Metcalf. Midshipman Wil- Miss G. Forbes, C. H. Fowler, Mrs. J. W. CHARLES AHFOOK, liam Ancrum, Medical Inspector Ed- Twenty-fiv- e E. Fullorton and child, Mrs. C. Gleeo-mett- i, Secretary. cents pays for a Want went directly to the Kentucky, lying ward Green, Paymaster John W. W. S. December ICth, 1903. , ad A bargain. Ui Morse, Captain Hancock. Miss B. Hund- in the Star. Just outside tho channel. The S. of Marines Henry C. ley, Mss S. M. Lemon, Mr. and Mrs. Quarantine launch, wnich was having Davis, tSecond Lieutenant of Marines K. William Marlnor, Mr. and Mrs. F. II. John- L. Redles, Boatswain Alfred son, J. L. McLean, P. M. H. Hewson, Gunner Joseph ..ilss Moore, carpenter F. Danlols, E. Mewcomer, Mre. A. P. Nlblack, J. Lewis S. Warford. Warrant H. Nlessen, J. B.Pattullo, G. II. Phelps Mnchlnlst weorge M, Helnen, Warrant Mm. S. B. Rose. Mr. Mrs. R, Machinist John J. Fuller, and Home Company Soo !!! Warrant Rosenberg and 2chlldren, Mrs. J. G. BRACE UP Aiacninist James A. Hlckey, Warrant RothwelJ, Miss T. Rothwell, Judge J, Organized under the laws of the Territory of 'Hawaii. Machinist Jesse E. Jonee. A. Savage, ..Irs. L. Sheldon, C. Oregon, First-cla- ss Our line of Belts and Suspenders is in style and battlu ship, 1G Short, AVIlllam Stodart, Mrs. H. S. THE HAWAIIAN REALTY AND MATURITY CO., LTD. ' comfort guns, 10,288 tons 11,111 horsepowor, Tabor, Miss Untie "Tabor, Mr. nnd Mrs. twin screws. Bur-wel- l, G. . MEN AND BOY'S LEATHER BELTS. Captain William T. W. Taylor. G. W. Wakefield, R. A. commanding, .leutenant-Oom-mand- er Woodward, Miss M. AND CROWN SUSPENDERS. Cuthheet, A. J. lians, Mortgages, Securities, Investm ents nnd Real Estate. Homes Built oi4 PRESIDENT W. Lieutenant-Command- er A.oert Grant. avls, .lrs. J, J, Downing. Mrs. II, C. the Installment Plan. 4I Thomas W. Klnkald, Eraws and 2 children. J. W. Cook, J. Home Ofllco Molntyro Building, Ho nolulu, Territory of Haw ill. i v Lieut. Frank B. Uphain, Lieut. Emmet C. Williams, Mrs. A. T. Hngenkamp, It. Pollock, Llout. Arthur G. Kavamigh Mrs. C. Hnnson nnd Infant, Miss Han- LEVINGSTON'S I"K Lieut. John J. Raby, Lieut. (Junior sen. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Helen. C, Hawaiian Maturity Go i Grade) Chnrlt M. Tozer Lieut. (Junior Halslop, O. Jacobson, Miss May Hilts, The Rialfy and HHtHtH mmwrmtttt Grade) Thomas A. Kearney, Lieut. T. W. Johnson, Thomas . olan, .Mrs. T 1C KENTWELL, General Mx.naxec. 4DX TUB HAWAIIAN JTAH. W15DNB8DAY, DHCHMHHR 1C, 1901

niul mi Id "Now pt chMKe pigs" Tbo . A Proposition. I A Summer Danger aliond LIFE LEADING TO penwn who wn searching lor him told T it o him it was .Sunday and tlm; he should now there's the ou'i.nvr go v, .o; ;; . .l..,vo .(' yfl, doesn't sco tbo home, but he persisted ill chasing lm, u. id finally one was caught and m'9: ICfe QUESTION 1 broken rail. billed; the friend then again urged him There Is sum MURDEROUS DEEDS to go home, but he insisted on con- tinuing lo hnwe pigs, Toti know you'll neeJ Ice; you know to bo a terri- t which wns d.iHe m. We but without although tl necoaslty In hot weather. Mi ' u'ontlnued Page 1.) micees; nnd tho Game' from Boards believe you are anxious to get that Ice ble wreck. friend persisted in his endeavor to get o WMmn him home, still ho refused kept go- . whleh wtll give ou satisfaction, and a T.ike the case of and 1 iiioru a native of ing and going abend" 7 Styles S ."() S nVd like to aupply you. Order from w r o c k Islam"., about II years of age. Whenflit This continued in Stock to 6.00 ' until the sun was below cswiw a boy, he lived with his parents Uwm the horizon; ahead for another of he wns then coirjplnlnlng pains In 0111 EUEIHC CO., III 'J island tills group; and while tf 16t 8 G his heRd, and so his friend auiiirested there, when about or 7 years of age j CROWN .COMBINATION ! as thoy were awny iBSIKg 'bemnie very 111. At the com- - that so far from 65 GAME BOARD. mom-emen- t home, they stny of thle lllntwi, he wns at should where .they COS. n were all night Thoy had bpen gohig (Telephone 3151 Blue, Postofllce Box place where expert medical attention , could not en.ly be had, and where the Kwwici nun luiiui'r iiuiu uuiuc an me i ' time They ntnyed In only treatment available was nf- - the woods all - that night; finally, forded hi- such remedies as happened 'that and on the next W 6. IRWIN & CO., LTD. you If yon pay uo attention to your to be In house. flay, his Mend got him home; Indeed, the At this place, he he In weak tbroat wns ill for 4 or S months; during por- - whs not the habit of making nny "Win. O. Irwin. .President and Manager anil lungs. a trouble with his family, but got nlong nt tlon of this time, he was confined to Claus Spreckels First his heJ; he very nil right with them. Vice-Preside- sultered grently from m M. Second 8 W. GIftard... meningitis, or brain fever; he became ' Finally, his first wire sickened nnd II. M. Whitney Jr..Sec'y and Treasurer Aver s weak and emaciated, mere skin nntt died; and then he got along as best fiSIPHPPfr5' trr. Geo. J. Hobs Auditor hones his mind wandered; he was out he could until he procured employment of M.n head; ho mumbled to himself with .a locaf merchant, where he re- 3USAR FACTORS, COMMISSION AGENTS unerrv Ilk,' one In a dream mumbled In a sn.y mained for ome C or 7 years For wuy about all sorts of things; nnd this very many years past, the subject of AGENTS FOR THE Weak threats and weak lungs easily condition of his wns particularly mark- this question has been addicted to the Oeeanlc Steamship Company of San give way. Some extra strain, as a ed during the latter portion of this steady drinking of Intoxicatlnir liouors Francisco Col. fresh clil, ami yon aro down with peilod of 4 or 8 months. During this This use of Intoxicating lquors became bri) n e h i t it. or pneumonia, llettor attack, lumps appeared upon his head; habitual to him, and he flnnlly during began appear years 1901, 1C02 1903 For $4.00 - strengthen these weak places boforo they to when the attack the and became an At o,yo AGENTS FOR THE it commenced, and they gradually en- habitual drunkard. At times, he would Scottish Union National Insurance is ton late. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral' larged; there wore four of these be In n condition" of furious Intoxica- s Company of Edinburgh. heals these irritable throats, gives tono lumps the largest of 'them was situateil tion; at other times he would get into i$S e n mm & mm i rm Wllhclma of Magdeburg General In- lo the relaxed meniliraues, and imparts on the top of his head, and the others o condition of drunken frenzy; and at surance Company. to were close by; and although poltlbes nil times, he yielded to bis love for stivugth the lungs. were applied to them, yet the poltlcos liquor During his employment with Associated AsHurance Co., Ltd., of Tlioro aro many substitutes and imi- Munich and did no good. Flnnlly, he was re- the local merchant to whom I have .yV,,V"eV',,eV.iV,k,V,V. Berlin. tations, I Uo Alliance Marine and General Assurance llowaro of them sura moved to am adjacent town for fur- referred, he was a heavy drinker; nnd Co., Lid., of London. you get Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. ther treatmeiTt. Here he wns at- although his fellow employees could ,:::;;:.:::v;: Royal Two faizes. Large and small bottles. tended by a physician, now deceased; smell the liquor from him, yet, during Insurance Company of Liver- he got pool. . his high fever continued; the lumps business hours, never drunk hv Dr. C. & Co., upon prevent Alliance Assurance Company of Lon- Prcrnfl J. Xer Lowell. Misi., U.S.A. still remained his head; he was enough to his work While don. often in a stupor; and only repeated employed here, he showed nn odd man- Rochester calls could elicit any attention. ner; he was cranky at times; he was German Insurance Company. After a time, he apparently recover- generally peculiar, and different from Startevant Drug Co., ed so far as to come to Honolulu ito the other men employed there; when California Green school. His school life was a failure; given nn order, he would tell the per- he was stupid, forgetful and solitary son giving him the order to go to hell, II not like the other boys. He could not and when told that the manager ot study; he was always behind; he al- his department hnd directed the thing ways to learn or his to be done, he would say that the man- Xmas failed remember Trees lessons; and he made no progress in ager could go to hell, and he refused-t- PAPER his studies. His failure of memory obev his orders, and he would mum- jilL would do brought him many whippings. He was ble to himself, and then he Beautiful real Christmas Trees from usually alone; he did not usually play what was asked; and In all this, it with the other boys; he would often made no difference what the orders the mountains of California are due to disappear, and on being searched for were or who gave them. During this arrive about December 18. would be found alone In a box that period, the pains In his head continued PURITY containlned sarid intended for chickens he often complained of them to his As the demand for thes trees usual- and upon being questioned, would mot employer, who would sometimes let ly exceeds the supply, we ad rise our some- answer, but would mumble to himself blm off from work, nlthough he customers tp place their U3 fre- accord; orders with 160 Hotel Street Oregon Block This mumbling to himself wns of times stayed away of his own immediately. quent recurrence In situations other In the evenings when these pains TELEPHONE MAIN 151. and The Style in Wall Paper Is than the sand box: he often sat down recurred, he would cro to the home of We have now on hand a generous most essential. we nave alone and muttered and italked to him- a relntlve where his son was living, to made a careful study to give self ;and this mumbling occurred at loml head, and he supply of Bon-bon- s, Christmas Tree you proper effects without have his son his high prices. night as well as by day. tried to relieve these pains by Inhaling Candles and Ornaments. During this .school life he was af- the odor of witchhazel. At times, he Castle & Cooke, Ltd flicted by a twitching In the face, eye, would go for as long as a m'anth with- cheek and mouth, accompanied by a out suffering from these pains, and twisting of the neck, a sort of pull In then would recur. While he was not the face and neck; and this peculiarity discharged from this place of employ- jLIffe was frequently observable. When ad- ment, stI" bis departure therefrom was and dressed by the school master, he would occasioned by his habits of drinking. stare. Physically, he was weak, but Henry May & Co., although many grfmes were played by While he was with this business again, on or about tha boys- - which called for the exercise house, he married March 17th, 1S99. He was very much of no great physlcinl strength, still he ' did not join in those games and the In love with his second wife, enamored RETAIL 22. TELEP HONES. WHOLESALE 92. nsuranee Asente only other boy In the school who, like of her. Infatuated with her; and he himself, did not usually join in the frequently gave expression to the plr.y, was an IdiJt Some times, he depth of the affection which be enter- would be whipped and yet while the tained for her; and the strength and other boys usually cried during tne power of his love for the woman clear- we do ? whipping, ret he did not cry nt the ly appears in all his utterances. For Why can better than Others AGENTS FOR whipping, but did afterwards, when it a time he and his second wife seemed was all over Sometimes, his school to get on without any apparent or i mates would tease him; and when they visible trouble; but about two years We import all kinds of building materials direct from the factory. wild, marriage, to did so, he would get excited and after the he commenced We manufaoture all kinds of mill work. , New England pursue when complain conduct; he and would them, and his about her We keep a regular gang of carpenters and painters. ' . pursuit did not result In his catching thought she wns acting disagreeably, We are In a position to take contr acts on building, reasonably. go wnen got a hard ' t Mutual Lift them, would burwt into tears and that he home from We are glad to see our friends. ry"' TTJ Pacific Into a mad fit; and would remain mad days work she would go out, and that U- -' all day and sometimes the next day. when he spoke to her nbout It, she told Insurance Co As a student, he was surpassed by his him to shut up, and mind his own younger brother two years younger, business. From this time on, she was Oahu Lumber & Building Co., Ltd. OF BOSTON. Sunday Railroad he never was able to recite his constantly in his thoughts; and the P. O. Box. 367. Office and yard. King St.. opp. Aala Park. Phone White '36L school les'sons; and whippings for fact of her going tout so worried him SUGGESTS were dally occurrences; but that he would get release from his notwithstanding his punishment, yet iEtna Fire employment and go home, only to find - ho continued In the .same offense he that she was out again: nnd he an- - paid no attention to the punishment. rounced to a relative in a certain OJPEJBI- Speed any never that JUST and Insurance Co., He never obtained prize; he dream that he had, he was startled Comfort obtained any promotion; nnd when about the whereabouts of a certain O" HARTFORD. CONN. spoken to was slow to answer. ring of hers, and that ne asked her This school life continued for about about the ring and that she did not Lacquer Ware, Tea Trays and 2 years; and when he left the school kn'ow what had oecome of It; and this Tnree trains dail through out nrst DR. M. OYAMA. he went to work on a ranch upon an- preyed upon him. Notwithstanding remained, Cabinets and Japanese Embroid- and Kccoud class to all points. Re- iilng Street, Paiama. other Island: and there he that he loved her very deeply and very doing the work of a ranch until he dearly, his mind became filled with duced rates take effect soon. Wrlt was about 19 years old During this suspicions against her personal purity; ered Ladies' Purses today. OfllM hours: S a. m. to 12; 7 to 9 p. period, for about a year, he got some but his suspicions were wholly without in., Saturdays ezecpted. 'instructions from a lady who happened gat beyond foundation. to be there; but he never suspicions grew and the second or third reader He had His causeless train- developed until he became fully do- IC ISOSHIMA, no other instruction: his mental NO. 30, &. S. AiEU, ing never get beyond that; he follow- minated by them; and against the fact KINO STREET NEAR BETHEH a F. Booth, ed no Intellectual pursuit or independ- and In Irrational opposition to the fact, General Agent, Bamboo Furniture ent study; he made no attempt to de- he firmly believed that his wife was AND velop his Intellectual faculties: and so unfaithful nnd untrue to him. The be- Bepning Noveffller 28 for I Weeks, Grani Christmas Sale o as we are advised, the sum total lief that she was untrue to him seem- PICTURE FRAMES far ed to fill mind to of N 1 Montgomery Street, of such Instruction ns he ever did get, his the exclusion Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Boots und Shoes, Ladlei' Neat and Handsome was limited to the above mentioned 2 other things; he constantly brooded Underwear, Chlldrens Toys and other, goods, too numerous to mention. Ran Francisco. Designs, to In- made order, years In Honolulu, and the year of over this belief; he became downheart- CALL EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. , KX. Beretanla Street, near PunehbowL struction upon the ranch . ed and dispirited, declined to talk, ate Fancy THE 19 years of age. very little indeed, worried constantly, When he was about gave expres- he married; his married life with his nnd drank heavily. He Kiijoi & Co., ac- Goo oro, wife was a happy one; they had sion to his unfounded belief by k. first cusing his Innocent wife of criminal 120 Beretanla Street, near Maunakea. four children; they got nlong all right, nnd lived happily without any trouble. Intercourse with other men; the state A portion of his first married life wns of things between them became intoler- am PLUflBINQ AND TINSHITH spent upon another Island, and a por- able; nnd one of the results of this tion here In Honolulu; his occupation condition of things was that he was hand as It arrested on the charge of assault and All "Work Carefully Done. was largely that of ranch had been before, except that he did battery upon her and upon her mother some work for the railroad, and pos- who lnterferred In their difficulty nnd 8 AN FRANCISCO TO sibly on other roads; but he made no he was1 convicted of the charge upon CHICAGO IN For Sale attempt of which we are advised to the mother-in-la- from which con- develop his mind or exercise his fa- viction, he took nn appeal On the oc- culties casion of this assault and battery, the wns boy, he was . subject Less Than 3 Days DUCK TENT. Large with side cur- Ever since he a of this question was In a state with pains In his hend; and of furious Intoxication, nnd In the tains and poles. Will eell for one-four- th afflicted AND NF.W YORK although these pains were not per- course of the occurrence said in sub- cost. stendy. yet they recurred PHAETON. Good Rubber Tire Phae- manent or stance thnt he believed they would put from time to itlme and in verylng blm In Jail for his actions, but that 19 ton In excellent condition. Rubber varying circum- 3 Days Hours Tires almost new. Very cheap, situations nnd under even If they put him In jail for three DO NOW period of his IT During this HOMING Home-bre- d stances 1 ears, still he had Indian blood In him AN PIGEONS. and mnrrlage. pains continued to imported stock. Beautiful birds, $2.00 first these and would be revenged and would kill nflllct him; nnd while he was staying three them. As already per pair. $5.00 half dozen, be- all of said he in EVERY DAY TRAIN nt Kona for a period of six months, was arrested, but he did not go to FERTILIZER. Poultry and Pigeon years 1S90 and 1S92, his wife $1.00 per tween the Jail Guano. Fine for plants. bag. nnd children belntr there, me complain $1.26 per bag delivered to any part of the recurrnce of Finally, his wife sued him for a di- Bath, Bacber, Buffet, Library, city or ed several itimes of vorce, alleging frequent Inter- boat. these nalns in the hend. A hen ne that at Lights, Heading Lamps, llbel-la- nt Electric Enquire: tnese pains, 'he did pecu vals, "he causelessly accused this in Every Berth, Observation Car complained of of holding crlmlhnl Intercourse Telephone WALTER C. WEEDON, liar things Tnus wnen at mo sea, Service. Room S Mclntyre Bulldlnc, shore, fishing, when the pain would at- with men other than said llbellee," and tack him, he would suddenly leave his "that during nearly all of their said fishing and run up an adjacent bluff; married life, this llbellant has been when asked for nn explanation of his by the nccusatons nnd re- Southern Pacific Tobacco conduct, he would sty nothing, but proaches of llbellee (all made without Heart g; nom-in- Your would quite still, nnu say a foundation of truth) that llbellant Insert remain may be cured. Don't neglect your he remained there something less whenever she was absent from tho is. o. Mccormick symptoms. 'Dr. Miles' Heart Cure than nn hour, and upon coming down presence of llbellee for any considerable Passenger Traflle Manager announced that the pain was gone. time wns Indulging In criminal Intri- is a great heart and blood tonic about another gues In ihla which you will Itnrn a groat deal and alio lTpon another occnslon, at with other men." And T. II. GOODMAN, about heart troublo by (tending postal for place on the sea coast, he repeated this sworn libel, bis wife further complain- General Passenger Agent. tree book on diseases of the knrt nuil snrrw. performance; nnd upon being asked ed of bis linblt of drinking Intoxicat- Da. Milks Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. go up bluff If be ing liquors SAN FRANCISCO, CAIilFOP.NIA. why he should this nnd spoke of his "condition hnd a pain In bis head, he answered of drunken frenzy an Incident In a that it was the pain in his hend which life of habitual drunkenness, to which MANY DIAMONDS. made him run up the bluff. Upon ho was then addicted;" and further Want Adv't while at Kona, In this spoke of hl nttompte-- Hurry Lehr nppenred at the New one reformation York horse show nblaze with diamonds period; be suddenly disappeared nnd then explained "that he later re- (COMPANY, LTD,) and so put the stamp of vulgarity upon Sunday morning, nnd upon being lapsed into drunkenness," and then was found about 7 mllea Csplanade. cor. Allen and Fort St. them for men in evening drese. searched for log described its conduct, to quote tho the house, sitting on a of precise language, In n from an explana- "while state of Soda Water, Gln-e- r wood. Whon asked for lurlous Intoxication." H'nis libel for Manufacturers of A HOT PLACE. declared that he came to Ale, Sarsaparllla, Root Beer, Cream tion, he him divorce wns signed and sworn to by his Strawberry, One of the most uncomfortablo places chase bogs He had no dogs with wife on July Gth, 1903; ho was served ifloda. lite, Etc. to chase hogs, and when In ithe world to llvo In Is the Island of with which hogs 'with a copy of It In the usual way: he In bring qulok re Jiohreltn In the Persian gulf. The an- asked how he could catch these interposed no "Want nis the Star to .the dog of the defense: and on August In 99 STAR 2j temperature there Is dogs, pointed the sults. Three lines three times (or nual mean Without him, I Bearcher, which had come with u cents, ,. (Continued on page 7.) r 4 'TIIR HAWAIIAN btajV walrfifrigiJiu', Oii9iiHl(Hi ' 16 1&03. BUTTON. t '.

by titer, lived a ehii-wrlft- and his wife, with whom, on the ocrneliiue LIFE LEADING TO About to be mentioned, the ubjoct of 1XMUIANCI5 this question hnd no business what- ever; and on several oionilons, with no clothing except tills nmlo, he wouiti so The Fleet MURB E ROUS DEEDS upon the premises of this shipwright mid In view uf his wife, apparency Life 7 pugo 0.) without any conception of what he was Ms., s M'oiitttniu'l from doing; and he has mine lit from the fef 10th, 1903, the Court granted his wrfe wreeKH to a public wharf on the watei-fro- nt of city with no diall- In Sight a dlvorco t this other The i' .aimeneenr'nt, iirogress it nil ing upon his person except his initio termination of this divorce pioceedltiK and a shirt. The man underwent a no- Hrteeted hint very greatly. lie wns ticeable change; he became down- much opposed to this divorce, paying hearted: he would remain silent; he OF A GOOD THING IMMEDIATE- that although ho believed that his wife would get brooding; he seemed to me- suicide; of pleas- LY ON LANDING. THEY WILL wns not virtuous, still he loved her, ditate instead 'vlng he could not part with her, ho could ant and good natural an formerly, ho FIND NOTHING TO EQUAL THE lvitvu every cent that hu was able to became irritable and snappish; he lire SPARKLING COOLING, DELICIOUS get. On July Dili, a couple of days would appear lost, not knowing .vhat after the divorce suit was commenced, he was uonig; he was unable to remem- he wrote to his wlte the following let- ber certain simple signals necessaiy to ter: (Here the letter of Jones protest- his work, although frequently explain ing against divorce ed to him; he would lose Instruments published is given.) used in his work; he would break into He exhibited this letter to several tears; he was Incoherent In speech, and people, Inquiring what they thougnt of would break off his talk, or Jump from Primo one subject to the other; nen nt a It, but when he did so, he broke down chtld. he was certain wedding, he kept away fiom and cried like a When guests, upon HERE'S YOUR CHANCE served with the papers In the dlvorco the and sat alone the i came to a and asked veranda of the house In the dark, never TO BUY suit, ho friend leaving except to get a Lager him It he had heard the news, and said his seat drinlt, and continued this 'from Saturday night that he hnd been served with divorce Sunday night: GOODS papers and that he wanted no dlvorco until and his nssociaU? HOIIDAYAT A he loved his wife; and then he on the wrecks were afraid to work because with him, and kept on the watch for Hung the divorce papers on his friend's very O-IfclS- r .IK j XT C OjST desk and walked out without another him. During this period he ate it? word, leaving the papers there; and little Indeed; to use the language ot FROM FORMER TRICES. shortly after he returned, got the pa- one witness, he was starving himself FIGURES. c, CO.. LIMITED pers saying a word tc to death, working hard all day bul eat- ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN Sapolin Hints and left without ing nothing; and, In the lnnguago of his friend. The divorce suit occupied SALE BEGINS MONDAY"! DECEMBER 14. QUEEN STREET, ON his mind, he would usk when the suit another witness, when asked If he called, why he should wished to starve himself, would reply HONOLULU H. T. would be and by asking heav- make any answer In It; nnd when he for a drink. He drank necessary flics ily, and carried his drinking Into the ...AGENTS was told that It was to night FOR... an answer if he wished to contest the nnd the early morning; drink , Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono-m- ea i was all he cared for; and when he Oriental Bazaar 1 case, answered that he did not want up Sugar Company, Honomu Sugar would take a book apparently to Company, Sugar Company, any divorce, because he loved her, but open saloon pur- - following to Walluku lile any answer. He read, ho would stare at the booi;, Ing; and In this second he made the stntemnt tho Ookala Sugar Plantation Company, that he would not but never turn a leaf, and when his at- chased a gallon of California Madeira Deputy Sheriff in the presence of a every ar kept Inquiring about me divorce suit n; Halealcala Ranch Company, Kapapala About home there was to sintfly which 'he had put Into a demi- - stenographer, having been cau-Joh- some two duys before the suit was tention called this, he wine after Ranch. things which are not ns until stared. He was afflicted with insom- he took a glassful of this wine. tinned that he was not obliged to an-n- nd Shipping Company. pleasing In appearance as you heard, when he called upon the samo past Planters' Line tho morn- nia; he wos unable to sleep; and ho then left. About half ten swer any questions, and that whatever Charles Brewer & Co.'s Line ol Bos- would like, yet too useful to friend about half pa3t six in would be about the house at all hours o'clock on that same n:ght, ho boarded he did say would be used against him ton P kets. throw away. ing to ask if the case would be called In to of the late night and early morning. one ot the Rapid Transit cars; he was upon a charge of murder the first LI3T OF OFFICERS. Worn chairs for Instance can that week. His friend invited him He wns constantly worrvini over his drunk; the conductor o the car states: degree. any ex- cup of coffee. He said he did . .. , Charles M. Cooke President be changed with hardly have a drunk ,de WftB (Here followed Jones' statement to pense Into pieces of not care to cat, but asked for a Uimk, ...... , ,.,. . , ,. beautiful ...... police when he was ar- Gecr. H. Robertson.. & Mgr. tlmt hn hnd noth- - l"u s in uiurrc, uiiu i iiA.ib. .B i,,t v.u. the nt the time E. Faxon Bishop.. ..Treas. & Seo'y. furniture, nothing simpler or hi. f,.n,l his great love"uiifor her, were always In ed strange; he acted queer,.i..as the con- rested, telling of his killing his wlto - suggest- W. F. Allen Auditor easier with "Sapolin"- Enamels. Ing to drink. His friend then spoke to explained; while on the car, and and mother-in-la- w and of his terrlblo (29 hout, and his mind; he of his trouble ductor P. C. Jones Director Sapolin Enamels colors). ed that It was his breakfast many persons; he wrote a letter to her, while tho car was in quick motion, the experience In trying to escape. Then H. Waterhouse Director Sapolin Bathtub Enamel, together they walked out of the build was compelled to hold him was, asked If he considered were. they asked various persons what they conductor the doctor O R. Carter Director Sapolin Aluminum Enamel, ing In which they When thought of It, Into over for a block to prevent him from falling the subject of tho question sana or Gold Enamel, gone part way out, the subject of and burst tears All of the above named constituting "Our Favorite" had it: and he complained that his great ' off; and when ho did get off the car, Insane, and his answer wns that tho Japanese Gold Paint, this question suddenly turned without was Insane.) the Board of Directors. worry over his wife prevented him , tho conductor held him. subject certainly Sapolin Furniture Polish, a word, and ran back into the olllce just left, closing the from sleeping. The change" In the man On the evening of August 20th, 1903, Sapolin Varnish Stains, which they had extended to his physical appearance subject question appeared BAND' CONCERT. Sapolin Varnishes, etc. door behind him. His trlend followed the of this The Territorial Band under the di- In a chair; also. After June, 1903, he looked like a at the home of a relative, where his him and lounu him sitting total wreck; he fell away, and grew rection of Captain Berger will play at strange look In his face soll Wus then living; when he entered Cnpltol evening , be- there was a tnin; 111s race was sunuen, the grounds this him nnd marked the house, he asked his son if he knew 7 13 which his friend who had known by lines and dark as big as a yes; ginning nt o'clock. The following BIS many years, had never seen there be- blotches him; his son said 1m then asked the program: M kept go- half dollar, and his face showed trou- where Linda, meaning his wife, was; fore; his eyes glared, his Jaws ble and was drawn and haggard; his PART I. ing as if he were chewing something, his son said that she was dead; and Overture "Festival" '. . .Kllng bquy eyes were wild and glary; and hi? then he grunted and shook his head. he kept turning and twisting his fa.olal expression was changed. Toreador Song "Carmen" Bizet chair, he did not utter a word, After his son had tola him of the visit Grand Selections "Marltana". Wallace in the On of police, son to get ml was lrlghtoned by his the evening of Saturday, August the he asked his Vocal Selections: , friend M and his V LIMITED tiiU 22nd, 1903, between nnd S o'clock, he him some whiskey, and his son got him appearance and manner. He kept - (a) "Hooheno." up twenty minutes, during entered a certain saloon In Honolulu, a bottle, of which he drank about two- (b) o Ohele." for about - son judge "Liki Kai SILK DRESS GOODS, which time his friend repeatedly called where he accldently met an acquaint- thirds, ns nearly as his could Miss J. Kelllaa. 177 South King St. no response. ance of four or five years standing; the the amount; nnd then they started for r SHIRTS. UNDERWEAR, him by name, but he made way (c) "Wal Mapunn." SHAWLS, KIMONOS, TEA His friend kept asking him what tho acquaintance remarked to him that he the' police station. On the the son (d) "Alien Oe." GOWNS, PAJAMAS, SMOK- matter was, and suddenly, the subject was luckv to cot rid of his wlfp. nml procured for Ills father some cakes and Mrs. N. Alapal. ING JACKETS, GENTLE- of this question put his hands on his thereupon the subject of this question, a glass of beer. At this time, the sub PART II. MEN'S FURNISHING friend's shoulders and asked him If he to use the language of the witness, ject of this question was cold wet, hun Selection "Greetings front Home".. GOODS. knew how much he loved his wife, and wild and ilared up and talked of his gry and thirsty; his only clothing was ...... Nehl ills frifinl to love for his wife; he did not look as ho a coat and a pair of denim trousers! ho Intermezzo "Minnehaha" Hager GENUINE SATSUMA The Symptoms rt nu-- hnr tn rirnn thn assault formerly did: his facial expression was was barefooted; his feet and legs were Ballad "Elua Malm Hull" Helns WARE, VASES, URNS, and battery case. His friend said that changed: his eyes were wild; and the cut and torn by lantana; he was like March "Alagazam" Holzman PLATES, CUPS AND SAU- he would whereupon the subject of this acquaintance had nerer seen a similar a drunken man; he was shaggy and "Star Spangled Banner." a look In his face before. Between eight haggard and half starved; nnd what CERS, CHINA SETS, apparent question became silent, and after CLOISONNE WARES AND Of scalp disease Is always time went out. When the friend re- - and nine o'clock on the same night, the clothing he had on was wet. AVhen Want ads In the Star bring quick re- question wns subject of this question entered a dlf-- they reached the police station, he wns sults. lines times 25 MANY OTHER NOVEL- In the white scales of dandruff found turned, the suoject of this Three three for TIES ESPECIALLY wi'itinir with a nen at his friend's desk, ferent saloon; ho had then been drink- - taken nt once to a room, where he cents. FOR THE HOLI- nr. thfi p.lnthes and In the hair, brush He tore up what he had written ana DAY TRADE tneu cominuneeu 10 write again, and and comb. his friend left him writing and went uown town lor an nour. Wnen nis trlend returnea he louua nun w.tn ins boay bent over the desk and his head Pacheco's Dandruff down on ills arms wltn his lace cover- - ed. He stayed with ills friend until' noon, his lriend asked him to nave Killer lunch, he refused to eat, his friend stayed with him then until hall past one, during wnlbh time the subject oil By curing the disease of which they tills question remained silent, would WAVERLEY BLOCK not talk, and merely stareu at his are symptoms, causes the dandruff to one told HOTEL STREET. friend. At half past his friend totally disappear. him he had to go out, which he uiu, re- turning at tour p. 111.; tae subject of question a Sold by all Druggists and at tho this was still there with magazine in his hand which he did not, Union Barber Shop. Tel. Main 232. read, lie saiu tnat he was getting! along all itin, uul could not help thinning about his wife, unu suuaeniy. Closing Sale! burst into tears, and it took him quite M a while to get over his tears. Aoout 111 live o clock tne , evening ins trlend Large suggested that they go home to his stock of all the latest and most desirable gifts noV on exilic Fresh Green inenu s nousa, have sapper anil sleep bition. In our store display you will find there; ho said yes, and they started. When they got to the entrance of the bulluing, a car passed on the street, AT probably 200 feet or fao awjiy, unu no Perfumes WHOLESALE jPHICES Xmas said that he saw his wife on that car, From the best American, English and French manufacturers.-- , It is' Trees and refused to go any further with his trlend. He made no attempt to over said we have the largest perfume line in the islands. We certainly!' have take the car, and notwithstanding that everything good m the list ol penumes, and toilet waters. the car had gone, oi...... bu 20 to 30 par cent Discount Will arrive on the "Ventura" Wed- with his friend. He then said that he wanted to see his son; his friend said On All Sales From nesday morning direct from the Sierra-Nevad- a all right, and asked nun to come to ins Toilet Cases mountains. seen son; anu ' 22 3 rjjp house after he had his This year of the very latest patterns. Staghom seems, to be the s Cents subject question said that : j; Call on Wednesday afternoon and the of this favorite. We also have ebony which is a good standard. " make vour selections as to size. he would, and went away. He uid not come friend's v, We'll keep them for you until the to his The entire stock must be soldi We sons who had the opportunity to ob are simply sacrificing the goods in or- 24th. serve him not onlv T'irlntr the time of Hair Brushes der to get the money out of the stock these uivorco proceedings, but also at as quickly as possible. other times both prior and subsequent Make acceptable presents. We have a line of the celebrated Kent thereto, concur In stating that the sub brushes. It will interest you anyway to look them oyer. The' prices ject of this question was out, of his LEWIS & CO., LTD. mind and insane. are right for these goods, too. They'll not frighten. In April or --May, 1903, the subject ot THE BIG GROCERS. this question was employed in breaking up sundry old ot snips in the & Building. wrecks The Lewers Cooke harbor of Honolulu. At Hist he was a Kodaks 169 KING STREET. mere employee, but later his associates Are as popular as ever for gifts. Our stock comprises all the latest gave him a sharo m the enterprise. 1EC 210. Kodaks. If your friend does not have a camera you will be sure of HOTRL STREET 2102 Telephones While here, and especially during the months ot June, Juiy and August, nc making a hit with a Kodak. They run from $i to $35. drank very heavily, uiid In great ex- cess, of Intoxicating liquors; his com- panion's would detect his drinking early in the morning; und he would continue Not half the gift things that we have in our store have been enumer- his drinking tnrough the day renewing ated, or even alluded to. There isn't 100m. We want you to come Company, his liquor from time to time. Most The Island Meat them did not see where he kept his and see our Holiday Goods for we feci certain you will be interested liquor, nlthough they knew he was make up your mind. Looking them does' not necessitate AND RETAIL BUTCHERS. that and then at WHOLESALE constantly drinking; the fact Is that he buying. One thing you can be sure of; and that is, that you and your E. Gares, Manager. kept the bottle concealed under a pile Herbert of wood. During this time, he seemed lriends will be welcome here, and will have our most attentive service. Hind, Rolph & Co., Agents. to care for nothing but drink; he could Street, opposite Love Building. not eat; he frequently refused food; he Located on Fort aften went all day long, working hard at heavy work, without eating uny NOW OrEN FOK BUSINESS thing at all. Tho amount of work that he was uble to do under these condl tions was unusunl; at times, he would do more work than all three of his com- of Island Turkeys Now On panion; and his extraordinary physical Supply action excited tho surprise of his asso elates. At other times, he would sud Hand From Kahikinui Ranch denly stop his work, without any ap- Now Taken parent cause or reason, and Btare Orders for Christmas Turkeys blankly at nothing, or bend his hiud HOBRON DRUG CO. und look down, and he would remain In this abstracted condition until hlb a onnu, nf tin. finest oualitv of Island meats, poultry and game companions would recall him to hln necesary market goods, also imported goods which are self, and It would be to call together with all other him more than once. Ho disregarded 'Ehlers, Block, Fort Street in demand by the public will always be on liana. the proprieties; usually, he worked Honolulu, T. H. stark naked except for tils inalo; near Telephone Main 76. r - - "KIUI1T. THM HAWAIIAN vBTAH, WBI3.VH8DAV, I5K6KMIIHU IS, 1803.

'I MMV AI)VltHTl!l'..1li:.'I' In. The store linn ban ttMutlfully AijlytMIONW MAIN 1M (iKitmted Willi potted plants, (mil, I ,Ln. On. Mwtlnn I nnd lliirt'em. The stock of hoiuIs excels AUCTION SALE l 0. 1KX III. Tm l"r anything this enterprlslnx house has I'eHrnon Potter Vnt. S OF Teter-Tote- Bankruptcy Notice K ever shown before. The display of the r llf oids Is most attractive. The entire Tw Chan lm i OFFICERS. Now N. Such Dry Good Co t force of the selling department nll be Earns and Plants. f. I'rk on hand to wait on customers. Tim II. P. BALDWIN President ilU C. ABLE 5 IHisltlon of the orchestra on the bal- J. B. CASTLE First Vice-Preside- nt UN THURSDAY, DEO. 17, Viee-Pre- HltbMi HUT ATM AND NEWS IN A NUTSHELL cony will enable all to enjoy the music, W. M. ALEXANDER.. .2d whether they wish to look over the AT 10 O'CLOCK A, M J. P. COOICE Treasurer IMNANOIAIi AGENT stock or purchase, or not. W. O. SMITH Secretarj I'uruKriuilis Tl at (Jive Comlcnoi) At my salesroom, S47 Knahumnnu GEORGE R. CARTER Audltoi llKiwrt Accountant (M1S VI till) 1)11) street, I will soil at Public Auction, i HWl JURORS CHOSEN rare and choice varieties of plants Notary IHibltc. THE WEATHER. from the MOANALUA GARDENS, .Sugar Factors and consisting of t Wenther Uurenu, I'uimhou, 1 p. in. Palms,- - Vanilla Plants, Commission Wind, llfcht northeast; weather, clear. Begonias, Crotons, Polnstittln, Itnotnn 1 and 3 MoniliiR minimum temperature, 72; FOR NEXT TERM Asparagus, Ferns, Creeping Ferns, Herchants Young midday maximum temperature, 71): Alexnntter Building. !) Hanging Baskets, barometer, a. m., 30.12, steady, (cor- dec- 24 Norfolk Island Plne3 and other A novel and practical rected for gravity); rainfall, hours orative plants, entertainer for endliif? !) a. in., .04; nbsolute moisture GRAND AND TRIAL JURORS AGENTS FOR children, built strong, painted red, 9 a. m ft". Krai ns per cubic foot; humi- striped, decorated and varnished. DRAWN FOR THE CIR- 'Hawaiian Commercial and cSugar Con: dity, 9 a. in., GS per cent. FIRST jasTfTmokgan, Four children can teter at a time; pany. ages 4 14 .years. Would You Please CUIT IN JANUARY. AUCTIONEER. Haiku Sugar Company, to This Is Dlmond's opening night. Pala Plantation Company, We have many new novelties this the bay on Solomon's Quintette In attendance. Nahlku Sugai Cpmpany, season in our Yee Chnn's reduction snle Ifl still on. The Territorial Grand Jury for the January AUCTION SALE Klhet Plantation Company, CHKISTMAS ? The Punahous and the II. A. C.s play term of the First Circuit Hawaiian Sugar Company, football next Saturday. Court was drawn this morning by OF Kahulul Railroad Company, Toy Department Christmas presents boys Judge Robinson, from the list of 260 THEN GETS I1IM A FOOT that suit the ."SANTA CLAUS EMPORIUM." UAIiU at Pearson & Potter Co. names supplied by Jury Commissioners II AND Tim ileet was sighted oft Barber's Rlggs nnd McCarthy. Twenty-thre- p Point at 8:30 o'clock this morning. citizens are summoned to appear In Tho Cnlllornld and Orlentm A bankruptcy notice to the creditors court on January 4, as Grand Jurors. ON FRIDAY, DEC 18, Steamship Company of Henry C. Vlda appears in this Issue. They are the following: R. L. Scott. A. ILL, CO,, LTD, "Santa Claus" Emporium" open even- S. Robertson, W. II. Babbitt, II.' 7,. AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., IICH0j ings until Christmas. "Wall, Austin, J. P. Cooke, Charles F. Mem-fol- d, Twenty-fiv-e cents pays for a "Want Nichols 847 street, consisting Co. E. L. Lewis, II. A. J. A. At Kaahumanu ad in the Star. A bargain. Star Want ads pay at once. Wilder. of Cups and Snucers, Flower Vases it.it llilfl Jtllul.. UCjull lllMllll Baker. A. M. Campbell, A. H. forty new suits for of de F. P. Mclntyre, John- Brackets, Paper Weights, Flower Pots the collection Arthur Figures, Fish Bowls, Music linquent taxes. ston, S. K. Nlhoa. S. K. Paulo. J. Pa.i-luh- l, Bronze Drunken soldiers have been causing E. B. Clark. James Brown, II. Boxes, Toilet Sets, Mirrors, Wine and much annoyance recently to passengers Carl, D. J. Haaheo, II. Wlcky, F. H. Liquor Sets, Deer, Tea Sets, Cut Glass Boole on the electric cars. Armstrong, D. Knona. Bowls and Decanters, Pictures, Holy THRUM'S STORE The most exquisite Infants apparel A trial Jury for Judg ' Robinson's Statues, Crucifixes, Candle Sticks, Vas Stationer Nothing ( Ise will pi, sr him so w es. Card Trays, Stands, Assort' ever shown In Honolulu are now on court was also summoned for January Fruit IS OPENED AND BRISTLING - WITH murtt. display In 5, ed Statues, Figures and Groups. t 8 Sachs' window. the following names being drawn Mrs. Harry Macfarlano .sailed by the from the box: E. P. O'Brien, J. II. Sierra yesterday to visit her sister Mrs. Craig, Obed Klknla, W. K. Kalelhuia, JAS. F. MORGAN, Novelties and Good Things for the Season Dutton in San Francisco. Hiram Kaaha, J. D. Dougherty, J. M. E. P. AUCTIONED Dole left by the Sierra yester- Dowsett, J. R. Gait, F. Barwlqk, A. R. in pari oi day to be gone three or four months lit Gurrey, Jr., H. Asch. Albert' Barnes. ?tVv the East. He goes on business. W. E. Brown, P. R. Helm, E. W. Pe- MINIS Governor Taft and family will be terson, N. H. pltzer, J. J. Egan, E. S. AUCTION SALE LtSAintiK UUUU5 here on the next Korea. The Governor Cunha, J. A. M. Johnson James Nott. Is OF Writing Cases, Stationery Sets, slated for Secretary of War. Jr., A. W. Rice. Edward Dekum, G. B. Photo Frames, Cigar Cases, Etc. The Malle Lehua for November and McClellan, D. H. Davis, Albert Lucas, OIL B. STEEL ENGRAVINGS December has just been Issued. It Is ivala Kauahllanl. , f P1IIN published by the pupils of Kaahumanu Hand Painted. Scenic Calendars school. Easy Mailing The band concert this evening will be WAS BUCKING for in Envelopes. 7 o'clock Instead of 7:30, and nt the Capitol grounds Instead of at Thomas Extra Fine Dressed Dolls Suqare. O.V Fill DAY, PEC 18, Senator L. L. McCandless by From to please any one. We sailed 10 O'CLOCK M., the Sierra yesterday on a visit to his WEATHER AT A. take just pride In our beautiful selec- aged father In the Sound country. He At S17 Kaahumanu street, I will sell tion' and invite your Inspection as to expects to be gone about two months. But for head winds and seas from at Public Auction, The Merchants' Association sports Several Choice OH Paintings, quality and prices.! Suva to port, the S. S. Miowera would Engravings, committee have written to the various have arrived a full day ahead of time Steel athletic organizations And a large assortment of handsome-ly3epprat- od in the matter of off'-th-e yesterday. As it was she came suit- athletic sport entertainment during the 10 BOOKS, particularly stay port about o'clock last night. There gifts. Thos. G. Thrum of the lleet In port was considerable uncertainty as to what able for Christinas A special meeting of the stockholders vessel she was, as the steamer is run- of Lee Toma Co., Ltd., will be held on ning off her usual schedule. The ves- -- ; jasTfTmorgan, Santa Claus' Headquarters Friday. December',18, for the purpose of sel Is fresh from a thorough overhaul- AUCTIONEER 1061 FORT STREET. considering the reduction of the cnpltal ing. She was 13 weeks at the shipyards stock of the corporation. at Brisbane. Every part of her that 8 Match shoots will probably be held required repairing overhauling re- A. Pom-Po- m Gun will and delight between the police teams and teams ceived full Is FOR SALE. the snail loy. Harmless. .Shoots from the attention and the vessel American lleet .which Is due now said to be In every respect a flrst-cla- ss a hollow rubber ball making a this week. police ' The rifle and revol- boat. I 1. Piece of land Kalla, 'Waikiki, lonfl rojiort. ver teams have been practicing. at She left Sydney November 30, and area about C234 square feet. Everybody should take advantage of 2. experienced strong head winds and , Land at Pallkea, Nuuanu valley, No Trouble to the clearance sale now on Ori- at the rough seas to her arrival at Brisbane about 1 acres of fine Taro land. ental Bazaar. An opportunity of this two pieces property are y-- kind to purchase on December 2. She sailed the follow- The above of Christmas goods at a ing day and arrived Suva December offered for sale at bargain prices. great reduction was never before of- at fered. 7. Goods t Show While driving from Wahlawa to Ho- The vessel did not remain very long JAS. F. MORGAN, nolulu yesterday the harness of her In port. She came Into the harbor ear- S47 Kaahumanu Street. horse broke, the animal started to run, ly this morning nnd after discharging and Mrs. II. C. Brown was thrown from the few pieces of cargo for Honolulu was ready to sail by noon. the vehicle and sustained a sprained We would sooner show Xmas goods about, them. ankle. Among the passengers aboard Is1' H. our than talk Our assortment of Christmas goods Is Copeland. He Is the agent general in the Honolulu Iron Works, I- lars st and most complete in the London of New' South Wales Colony. We are fully equipped to help old Santa Claus. - fit city. Twenty cases of beautiful china-war- e He Is going to England after conferr- In the most exquisite designs ing with the Colony on business affect- ' have Just been opened. Come Just "follow the crowd" and your good judgment and our goods Rise Ball, Tennis, Polo, Bas- and ing the Interests of that division of make your selections now. Oriental ' ket Urll, and other useful Australia. STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR MILLS Bazaar. Mr. and Mrs. Shanks are missionaries will do the rest. - ' W. Porter Boyd, formerly United who are going to stop over at Hono- BOILERS, COOLERS, IRON, BRASS YT States Vice Consul at Honolulu, and lulu for brief visit. AND LE ' " CASTIN G 8. afterwards United States Shipping C. Wilson Is a sheep dealer. He Is Commissioner here, who has been In going to to arrange ;the past year more, about China for the or has shipment of wool from Australia u - written that he expects to visit Hono- H. ,Kerr and falmly are leaving lulu In March. jlachlnery of Every Description Made Whitney & 1 LIMITED Australia to settle In America. to order. Particular attention paid tJ J. Waddlngton Is a merchant of Ship's Blacksmlthing. Job Work Exe- r E A MUSICAL OPENING. Montreal who Is returning home from cuted on Short Notice. ' opening W. W. a trip to Sydney. . j.iif Phone Main 317. The Christmas of flarsh, Ltd r & Company takes place tonight. The Miowera sailed a fewmlnutes:af-te-r Want ads In the Star bring quick re- Union and Hotel Streets. Solomon's original orchestra will dis- noon today for Victoria nnd sults. Three lines three times for 25 course music from the balcony all even- - cents. CHRISTMAS PENIN Our Christmas Opening takes place on Wednesday, December 16, ' ' Children's Sets at 7:30 p. m., to which all. are cordially invited. Music will be furnished P: v.-...'.- Concerts will given .;'r''f : by the Solomon Quintette Club. be throughout ...... the entire season. Solid Silver i We think we are doing our sbare to cheer you up, and make you feel that Christmas is really almost here again. Our assortment of A I goods this year has never been equalled and you are cordially invited KNIFE, to make us a visit and inspect our store. You will find a grand display AND comprising articles both useful and ornamental which must interest FORK and please you. SPOON ' ' p Season We can suit everybody. ' Put Up In Beautiful Silk Lined' Cases

All purchases made will be kept and delivered when .desired, We relieve you of all the worry of taking care of them until wanted, Our $4.50 to $8.00 Set m too thoroughness and exactitude in handling gifts is well known. AXJL ARE WELCOME .0 1BLW.Dimond &Co. Ltd Dealers Ix? Houseliolct Necessities

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