'ulfTT i Jfr Sun, WI ItJJUJiJ Or? sajrVlTows, tO'tlay you can II nil It In TUB ST All THE HAWAHAN STAR. WHJBJN ODO ADVBRTISB-XO- W ! i eSi iVOL. XI. HONOLULU, H. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER i6, 1903. No. 3662 CUBA GETS Out 0 The Four Witnesses RECIPROCITY On At Once EA. CAME) Associated Press" Cable to th? Star. A QUARTETTE OF DOCTORS QUESTIONED SIMULTANE- 16. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. The Cuban Reciprocity Dill as OUSLY IN THE JONES MURDER TRIAL DRS.-MINER- , passed by the House last month, came to a vote in the Senate today. HODGINS, WAYSON AND SINCLAIR ARE TO HEAR The measure was passed by a vote of 57 to This action by flic Sen- THE LONG HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION. ate settles the matter as the President is knowni. to be in favor of grant- ing Cuba the reciprocity provided for in the measure. The Ships The novel spectacle of putting a stantially that which i published In :o: question to four witnesses ut once Is full In today's Stnr, much time ls by the latest feature of saved asking all at once. the Jones murder Dr. on By 'Miner was the 'stand when trial. consent of Attorney Gen- court adourned at noon, and th at- UNITED STATE WILL eral Andrews for the prosecution and torneys were arguing as to qualifica- Robertson nnd Dunne for the defense tions. The doctor's testimony show- big strong Se- Massive nnd nnd there ter Witch with Governor Cnrter, It was agreed before Judge ed his status as a physician all right, cntne out of the western sea today the cretary Atkinson, Superintendent of Gear this but contentions were advanced by the OF greatest aggregation of warships thut public Works Holloway and Collector morning that the long hypothetical defense that to testify as to sanity a MAKE SHOW FORCE It has even been" Honolulu's fortune to :Stackable aboard soon went out of question, Involving Jones' mental con- witness must qualify as a specialist on see. After a long 3400 mile cruise all the harbor and joined the' fleet of dition, be put to Doctors Miner, Hod-gin- s, mental diseases. Arguments as ito the way from the Orient, one of Uncle small craft that was rapidly surround- Wayson nnd Sinclair all at once. whether Dr. Wayson had done so were Associated Press Cable to the Star. Sam's most powerful collection of sea ing the various warships. They were all sworn at once and the made In tho absence of the Jury fighters sighted the Island of Oahu .(Over at the Naval Station every prosecution was ready will the ques- The other witnesses were called In WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 16. United States Consul Davis will. before day break this morning and by bpdy was 'busy. The Iroquois was tion, which takes nearly nn hour to rebuttul this morning, In addition to be given a warship from Admiral Cotton s fleet at Beyrouth to return to 9:30 o'clock this morning lay nt an- hauled over from the Ewa side of read, when un argument Intervened the doctors. Jack Lucas testified that chor off the harbor.- It was a beauti Navat Slip No. 2 to the Wutklkl side over the matter of qualifications. he had worked with the defendant Alexandretta from where Davis was forced to fly on account of attacks ful and Inspiring sight to those ashore to make room for one of the According to the procedure agreed Jones and considered him sane. Jone madeuppn him by the Turkish police and authorities for endeavoring It was a welcome view of land to those battleships. The various Naval scows upon the four sworn medical witnesses had been In his employ on the Knplo-la- nl are to to be- to of on the fleej. They came together In with coal piled high upon them for listen tire question all ift once. estate building, and he didn't protect the rights an Armenian who was a naturalized American most Impressive formation with the the fuelling of the fleet were gotten In Then three of them nre to retire f,rom lieve from associations with the de- citizen. flagship Kentucky the court room and the other one Is fendant then was In- ' In the lead, then available places at the Naval wharves. that the latter :o. the battleship Wisconsin, then the Admiral Terry arrived before the ves- to give his answer nnd Is to be cross sane. Makaena, a conductor on the bulldog of the Navy the battleship Ore- sels came Into the harbor. This 'morn- examined, the rest remaining out of Rapid Transit, was produced to testlfr ,DID NOT AMEND CHINESE TREATY. gon, .then the cruisers New Orleans, ing the rear armlral's pennent the blue hearing. Tho other three are to be that Jones was not drunk when he and Clncinnattl and Raleigh and Al flag with two white stars, was flying called in turn for answer nnd n. rode on a car during the evening oC Associated Press Cable to the Star. bany. at the Naval Station but as soon as Owing to the length August 22, but his testimony was ruled The news of the coming Kentucky flag o fthe question to be put, whfch Is sub out as not being rebuttal. 16. of the fleet the arrived, this was WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. The Senate Committee on For- was known two hours before Diamond -- :o:- eign Relations returned the Chinese Treaty today without amendment. Head Charlie picked them up off Bar : n: ber's Point. It was the people at Ma-ka- ha A TRIO OF ADMIRALS ' who first reported the advent of. - SEA OF AZOF IS RECEDING. the fleet. The vessel passed within HONOLULU- three miles of the shore at 0:30. o'clock haiuled down and a red flag with the Associated Press Cable to the Star. this morning. Chris Holt saw them white stars was substituted. Admiral and he realized that an event In the Cooper the commander of the cruiser ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 16. The Sea of Azof is rapidly reced- history of Honolulu was approaching dlvlilon was showing a red flag when ing. Many vessels are being stranded. He telephoned the news long before 7 thp New 'Orleans arrived off the port HAS A oclock to Honolulu the vessels change Admi- CHIP :o: that bu.tfhen the with the were coming "Seven of them" he ex- -. ral's flag at the Naval Station occurred ' . GOT CLOSE TO SOUTH POLE. claimed. Admiral Coope'r hauled down his red T IS ON THE CITY'S SHOULDER AND ATHLETES OK flag and 'hoisted a white one. This change of signals while not possessing THE NAVAL SQUADRON ARE INVITED TO KNOCK 'Associated Press Cable to the Star. THE TOWN SURPRISED pertlcular slgnlftcence to the landsmen IT OFF IF THEY WANT TO INDULGE IN ATHLETIC BUENOS AYRES, Dec. 16. The steamer Scotia returned from Is obligatory by Naval regulation. As the ranking officer of the fleet In port CONTESTS. her Antarctic exploration today. She reached the 70:25 degree of The flrst report was hardly credited. 'Admiral. Evans displayed the blue Hag, south latitude. No body expected the entire fleet to as trie second officer, Admiral Teny H'onolulu proposes to put an athletic gage them In almost any kind of a. :or arrive together. It had been expected showpd, the red flag while Admiral chip on Its shoulder now that the game they wnnt. accompanied Cooper ad- that the cruiser division as the third In rank of American war fleet arrived, also to The Merchants' Association nml AUSTRIAN EMPEROR FAVOR DRIERBUND. by the collier Pompey, would be the mirals,' showed the white Hag. has Chamber of Commerce committees, open up In a hospitable way to re- 'Associated Press Cable to the Star." flrst to make its appearance and then By bringing his entire fleet to port and the rowing association, baseball trailing days would be the ceive came VIENNA, Dec. 16. The Emperor Francis Joseph delivered a several later together. Admiral Evans surprised and entertnln those who league and football league represontur big battleships. But Holt was right. nearly every body. Few people had with the fleet. A meeting of those In tlves ,and nil others Interested, are to speech from the throne today in which he strongly supported the The entire aggregation of warships had any. Idea that the battleship divi- terested has been called for this even meet this evening In the pavilllon on Drierbund. was passing Kaena Point and was ap sion' Would pick up the cruisers (The ing, and it Is proposed to arrange for the roof garden of the Alexander . :o: proaching Honolulu harbor In complete cruisers had been steaming very slow- football games, baseball, rowing con- Young Hotel. The meeting Is for the formation a perfect wJIeet-lh-beln- g; ly up to the time they arrived off Mid- tests and nny other kind of contest purpose of discussing hew to enter- .DEMOCRATS UNCERTAIN ABOUT PANAMA. every vessel keeping tho line of forma way- last Saturday The supposition which the visitors want to Indulge In. tain the visitors and also how to try Associated Press Cable to the Star. tion perfectly and holding off equidis- was until this morning, that the bat- There are Honolulu teams ready to en- - and do thern up' In athletic contests. tant from the others, but all within 16. caucus tleships would lo the same thing. Ad- WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. The Democratic Senate signalling distance of the rest of the miral Evans caught up with the ad- called to discuss the policy of the members regarding the Panama sit- fleet.
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