NEED MORE BATTLESHIPS ALDRCH 10 KILL SCHIVELY CHARGES STATE NEWS Admiral Uriel Sebree, Would Build Ladies High-Cla- ss Suits a Few Every Year. Spring Interesting Happenings From INC JE TAX BILL Portland. Or., June 9. Admiral ARE MADE all trlel Sebree. commanding the Pa- KNO All Parts of the State. I Reduced. f cific fleet, who Is uttendlng the Rose Festival, In an Interview said: The Best Tailor for a to He g Suits Song AfTOCKAT IS KKADY "We IRE-POU- MrFatridge Transferred. FOR AXY want ships. We want mors FORECAST OF LEGISLATIVE T of them. We Portland Major E. McKatrldge MEAN'S TO WIS. ought to be building IS GIVEN. three or four will not be permitted to return as o every Indian year. I don't think that a agent to Umatilla, but has Tailored reduced o greater to Grand $17.50 Suits to $11.50. MAY RETIRE FROM SENATE fleet Is particularly necessary on the 75 COMPANIES HEARD FROM accepted transfer the Konde Indian agency, Pacific Coast We are not going to succeeding 0 84 of the very best $17.."0 in o j Andrew Kershaw, who has resigned pannma Serges Tell Protected Intercuts Income Tax as 'A'2 in. Alleged to Have Charged Insurance agent. Secretary Balllnger. after 0 and Fancy Suiting .i0 and fonts. finished 0 Would Require of reviewing both sides of the MrFat- O Slashing .vs. ConiMiuie Mure Than the plain or with braid, go on sale at this phenomenal 0 - ridge case, decided that Major o Duties. Law Required. low Alterations Free. 0 r should be punished for bis & price. 0 - , Vtl. '." . Insubordination and clodded to ad 0 Tailored Suits Itedueed 0 Washington Although Senator Olympla, Wash., June 8. Accord- here to the punishment originally 0 $;M).00 to $21.5. 0 Aldrlch hus Indicated the tactics he to recommended by Commissioner Val- ing George Loo, assistant attorney 0 7( of our best suits all wool 0 intends to pursue to kill the Income general, vho has been working with entine. In recognition of Major 0 very $:10.00 striekiy 0 Ux amendment to the tariff bill in .fr the Investigating committee, what ability it was decided not 0 men Tailored of the highest class, on 0 the nd he to reduce his garments go seuato, although has J. H. Schlvely, state Insurance com- salary. 0 sale at the extreme low $21.50. demonstrated his ability to get votes missioner, referred to aa his "slid- 0 price A. O. V. W. Will Not enough to accomplish his purpose, ing scale ' of fees charged newly or- Secede. 0 0 Portland The All Suits up $45.00 reduced to 27.50. those senators who sincerely believe ganised companies, will be the prin- Oregon grand Jur 0 isdlction of in income tax legislation and who c - . cipal fact against him in the im- the Ancient Order of 0 United Workmen will not in There are 70 of these Suits in most have had the courage to stand by peachment proceedings at the spe- join the 0 elegant 0 secession of some Pa- their convictions still hope against cial session of the legislature. of the other 0 popular spring styles and all go on sale at the 0 cific Coast Jurisdictions from the hope that at the critical time they The system alleged to be In vogue 0 reduced price of $27.50. 0 will muster enough strength to se- In the state Insurance commission- supreme grand lodge. The Oregon 0 0 cure the of meas- and Washington jurisdictions are re- adoption their pet er's office was to charge Insurance 0 Mens new half-Pric- e 0 lated to the In spring Suits at ure. companies as much as they would supreme grand lodge 0 0 income tax In a fraternal way only, all the business The amendment, the I stand for. A tee of 835 is required 0 0 and all the finances of the subordin- Judgment of experienced men, la by the state from companies seeking 0 0 air muiiKMr w rr. ate handled without dead. To defeat this one amend- jftanr admission to do business, but It Is lodges being 0 0 any communication whatever with ment Aldrlch would go to any that any- 0 0 ADMIRAL SEBREE. alleged Schlvely charged the THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE length. His reputation la really at where from 835 to 8335, the latter supreme lodge. 0 0 take. If the Income tax amend- have war with . But almost rate been from a com- 0 Where It T Trade. 0 having wrung Whole Slain With Pari ment should be adopted by the sen1 any foreign nation could land an pany at least once. Of this he would Family Dynamite, 0 Oregon City over 111 ate. It would be accepted by the army In New York, San Francisco turn over to the state but the Despondent legal health, Bert Garret set off a house and would become the law of or Seattle and capture them, too. fee, the rest being diverted to his charge of dynamite, killing himself, his the land. Aldrlch has decreed that There la never going to be a time own purse. wife, their and this amendment shall not be adopt- when nations will not have to have It Is stated the committee has daughter WONG LUNG LAUNDRY A Is fatally Miss Villa Brown, ed by the senate. He expects soon stronger navies. strong navy heard from 75 out of about 300 In- Injuring to Mrs. Garrett's by her first I have the Sam Woe and refitted it up" to retire from the senate and ha the surest way keep peace." surance companies with whom daughter purchased Lung husband, who died at 4 o'clcok Sun- wants to retire with victory, not de- Schlvely conducted business, and and now ready for business. I solicit day morning. The only new devel- your family feat written across his standard. ANCIENT APRON IS FOUND from these they found that ha had la the case Is the Informa- no difference how small or how I guar- Aldrich and those who stand with collected 88000 In extortionate fees. opment washings big. tion that the dynamite which was work. will come him Insist that the new tariff bill Masonic RegsUa, Sewn With Gold, Some would not pay all he asked, antee all my Leave your order and I used for the awful crime was pur- will produce ample revenue; If It on 1000. Year-Ol-d Mummy. and from these he took what he and and return Give mo chased several days ago at a store get it it. a Trial does not, It will be ample time to Seattle, Wash., June 7. A valu- could get. Correspondence, can- in Mount Angel. take up the Income tax next session. able Mason's ap- celled checks and other evidence Moreover, contend that If the ron, at least 1000 old, was will be turned over to Gov. Hay by they years Thief Steals Through Car Window. Income tax were adopted some of the found on a mummy which the Investigating committee as proof Oakland A robbery oc- schedules of the tariff bill E. W. of the American of extortion. daring protected Sprague, Schlvely's curred on southbound Southern Pa- I I would have to be cut the schooner on his beyond Columbia, picked up cifle train No. 16, last week, between THE IDLE HOUR else there would be last to for a few dollars. protective figure, trip Callao, BIG HUNT PLANNED here and Drain. A passenger on too The Is ed much revenue. apron In one of the Pullmans left his window Hell Norman, On account of real gold thread. Prop. be progress made Captain Sprague Tea AnstrUns Charter 2400-To-n up to admit air to the berth and up- last senate leaders are the apron from a contractor week, predict- bought Steamer for Expedition. on awakening soon after the train Cigars, Tobaccos, Nuts, Candies, Soft Drinks, Etc. tariff bUl be who had a ing that the will voted unwittingly purchased Seattle, June 7. Dr. Hans von left Drain, missed a part of his In the senate June 19, and mummy and was anxious to get rid Pool and Billiards upon by Kadlch and Leo Mahler, of Vienna, clothing and upon Investigating of the thing. Many Masons congress will be ready to adjourn high left here for B. to found his coat and vest gone, to- have called Vancouver, C, before July 4. upon Captain Sprague the steamer gether with a gold watch and a and to some of prepare Transit, wblca attempted decipher has been chartered R. package of valuable papers which the but no one been by Rudolph Lunch Counter In USUAL LOTTERY SYSTEM symbols, has yet von a eoal were la the pockets of the cost. TheRear able to read all of them. Guttmar, wealthy opera- tor of Vienna, for a four-mon- th of to and Si- Evidence Murder Near Eugene. Regulations Governing Drawing of Theft Found In hunting expedition Squadron. beria. The will leave for the Eugene Evidences of the murder Reservation Lands Made. June 7. The party Honolulu, departure North 1. The of an unknown man of the better Rear-Admir- July purpose of the Washington, D. C, June 8. Sec- of al Harber's squadron walks of life and Incineration expedition Is to secure new speci- the of retary Balllnger has approved regu- for has been delayed, owing victim he had mens for l!err von Guttman's trophy the after been slain lations governing the opening to en- to the discovery of thefts aboard the were discovered at a remote room. Where duplicates are se- point Gilbert's Barber Shop try of the surplus lands of the Coeur Galveston and Denver, in which the Ru-f- us cured will be to the In the hills back of Goshen, by SHAVING, SHAMPOOING d'Alene, Spokane and Flathead In- names of two warrant officers are In they given HAIRCUTTING, Smithsonian Institute. Copenbaver, a farmer. In the dian reservations, under the Presi- volved. Brass and other engine-roo- m ashes were found buckles and but- Everything First Class dent's proclamation of May 22: In a materials 2500 aggregating National Hanks tons used only on the highest grade Lmvs wdon kar far Um FaadUtoi Duaaatie Btaam Laundry. Bstkat laavaa avarr WaS-a- id way these follow were taken from the Prosper. ay mod raturoa Saturday general regulations pounds ships Washington, June 7. the of men's clothing; a few pennies, a the lines laid down at other Indian on Decoration and sold to the During day current fiscal year, the national revolver and a Lewis A Clark sou- Shop Located Opposite Bank of Echo land lotteries of recent years, appli- dealers In . junk banks of the country have received venir. cants for land being obliged to reg- Individual deposits of 34.826.060.- - ister their applications, the registra- Power Plant Wrecked. 384 more than 31.500,000,000 In Chamberlain to Assist Groeerymen. tion to be followed by a big draw- Trinidad, Colo., June 7. Virtual Portland The excess of the entire outstanding National Retail ing which will take place at Coeur every branch of In this In ly Industry money supply of the . Grocers while session here select- d'Alene, Idaho, on August 9. The and towns Is at a Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing city neighboring Since May 14, 1908, there has been ed United States Senator Chamber- Coeur d'Alene comes as a of destruc- drawing first, standstill, result the an increase of 105 In their number. lain to lead the fight on the tea tax Everything First ('lass the Flathead and the tion of new house of In us then lastly the power the Of those that went Into proposed under the pending tariff. Bath Iloom Connection. Give a Trial Southern Colorado Power liquidation, Spokane. Company. 71 were in Oklahoma and withdrew The retailers are opposed to the ad- i of set- An explosion In the transformer vance of five cents on this Echo Tonsoria! Registration prospective from the national system to reorgan article Hotel Pcuiuia tlers will begin July 15 and end on started a fire which wiped out the and resolutions to that ef- ise under the state guaranty law. passed MULLIN & August 5, 1909. Those desiring to plant, causing a loss by reason of fect. It is announced that Senators STEWART, Prop. destruction of and enter Coeur d'Alene lands must reg- the the building Wliinkey In Tomato Boxes. Gore snd McLauren will aid Sena- more 300,-00- 0. ister In person at Coeur d'Alene; machinery alone of tnan f El Reno, Okla., June 6. Boxes tor Chamberlain In the matter. lands must those desiring Spokane labeled "tomatoes" and "gloss aaaaaa esBB asssaaa sBsaasaaBsw Admiral Welcomed. register at Spokane and applicants starch," but containing Instead old Japanraw Admiral IJIr- - for Flathead lan U must register at RATES AROUND THE WORLD bourbon whiskey, were seized here Portland HlkoJIro Kallspell or Missoula, Mont. at the direction of the United States hl. In command of the Japanese nsval In Sound West era TranNrontinental Passenger district attorney, John Erabry, be squadron niw Piifjet waters, Is the of Portland and Girl Kills Sweetheart. Men Take First Step. cause of false labels. There were giiost 7 A r the Hose Festival committee. Ar- Auburn, Cal., June Joe roes, Seattle, June 9. For the first 144 pints of whiskey In the con man of this was shot Sunday evening, the Admiral a young place, time In the of a passenger signment, which was shipped from riving history and 13 officers of A so LLLLn. Miss Alma a the and killed by Bell, girl "round-the-worl- rates Kansas City. association, who of his own age. The shooting took were taken under consideration at and Soya, accompanied blm, on west of this were received by the Chamber of place a highway city. the meeting of the Western Trans- RAILROAD BLOCKS GATEWAY You're sure you're getting the genuine svhea you buy from us. was found hidden In the Commerce and Rose Festival com- The girl continental Passenger Association, No dsngcr of refilled bottles No danger of buying worth near the scene. When taken mittee. chesp brush 40 railroads, here Tues- Injunction Is Granted lets trssh placed in CYRUS NOBLE bottles and palmed off as the she confessed she had representing Temporary to the Jail day. After hearing a statement that Interstate genuine. killed Armes because he refused to Against Ruling. Thief Valley Work Is Oa. a trip can now be made around the St. Paul, June 8. The United Daker Several We are now selling for the first time in 44 years direct to the coo marry her. City surveying world In 41 days, the association States circuit court, on behalf of the psrtles sre now (nested on the new turner in districts where you are unable to obtain this famous brand a ordered table of schedules and Northern Pacific railroad, has grant Thief River valley Irrigation project, HOTEL FOR WOMEN ONLY round-the-wor- ld rates for traffic to ed a temporary Injunction restrain- SO miles from Baker City, land for quart bottles ef CENUINE CYRUS NOBLE A QQ be The rates will vary direct to ad - prepared. ing the Interstate Commerce Com- which has recently been withdrawn you, charges ( , to Have Refuge for Uneseort. VF Settle from 8600 to 8800 for the trip. mission from Its and It Is d 4 paid to the nearest railroad express office. ebforciij order by the goverament, eipect-e- rd Visitors to Fair. compelling the Northern Pacific to that a greater part of the sum- ia' June 8. Seattle will have Jars . Seattle, Earthquake participate with the Harrlman lines mer will be consumed In making Pure old honest whit key at an honest legitimate price. a hotel exclusively for women during Chile. June. 9. An Valparaiso, !n through and joint rates from surveys for the work. This project Guaranteed to the United States Government and to YOU to It will have accom- occurred at o, the exposition. earthquake Tuesday Eastern points to Seattle, via Port- embraces a large area. contain all the constituents that make it real WHISKEY for 100 and was a on secondary modations guests seaport Coplapo Bay. land. The order was to have be The officials state that distillation that is of This was crack- government any doesn't built at a cost 89000. Walls of many buildings were come effective July 1. Travels Many Miles to Wed. alcohol. borne in large part by the various ed and much other damage was Portland Abandoning her pro- churches, women of the city, clubs done. There was no loss of Ufa. Kabwars to Coot Fortno. fession of dentist. Miss Lillian Con- W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO.

and organiza- 8. A N. 105-10- and social religious Chicago, June complete sys rad, of Ithaca, T., crossed the EaUbUied 1664 7 Sacoad Street. Pcfdtad. Orefoa conducted under In tions. It will be Hains (Vrk Tlnohnp. tem of subways for Chicago will continent to wed Theodore Garrow, CUT T VMS I Mat aiaa Tu the auspices of the T. W. C. A., who Osslnlng. X. T., June 10. Cap- cost from $100,000,000 to $112,-- a young civil engineer of Portlaad, W. J. Van Sclrarver Ca, t-i-UU. already operate a woman's hotel oa tain Peter C. Hains, Jr., serving a 000,000 and he able to transport whom she met while he was a stu- Lmi tad 1440 U , tmi mm m aacs iy asjaan, II H lit lei Queen Ann H11L sentence in Sing Sing prison for kill- from 604,000 to $29,000 passengers dent at Cornell university. The wed-sin- g CENUINE CYRUS NOBLE. ing Wot. E. Annls, has been assigned hourly, if the present plans of the took place Wednesday. Mr. Honor to Confederate General. 'o the position of accountant In the city engineer sre carried out. Carrow was graduated from the Ore- Vlcksburg. Miss.. June 9. Oa tiashops. gon Agricultural College la 1 908. June 11. the day following the close Spokane Fears Water Famine. of the United Confederate Veterans' Railroads Plead Guilty. Spokane, Wash., June 8. All au- Srenle Road Projected. s reunion at Memphis, many of the Washington. Jane 7. The depart- tomatic lawn sprinklers la the city The Dsll.-- The Business Men's old soldiers and other notables will ment of justice has been advised will be discontinued. This action Association has taken up the project assemble here to attend the unveil- that the Missouri Pacifle and the St. has been Ukea to prevent unneces- of building a scenic road from this ing of a statue ef the lata General Louis, Iron Mountain h Southern sary waste of water, and thus aid la elty to Mount Lookout.- - Aa effort Stephen Dill Lee. who was commas-der-la-chl- ef Railway Company have entered a preventing a water famine, which will he made to obtain a goverameat of the Confederate lea of guilty for making Illegal re- threatens the city unless drastia appropriation to build several miles at the time ef bis death. bates and were fined 815,000. measures are takes. ' of the propoeed road. MM