BIRTHS OUTNUMBER DEATHS to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nlgro. CHURCH. LODGE AND SOCIETY EXTEND TIME FOR WAGNER WILL BE CANDIDATE Emma Louise Scott, March 10, to SECI R1NG 1923 ALTO PLATES FOR CLERK IN 1924 IN TOWNSHIP AND VILLAGE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott. EVENTS OF THE WEEK Neighborhood News Notes Arley Rancy Hombaker, March 14, OF COLOMA IN YEAR 1922 # to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hombaker. Francis Faraonl, March 25, to Mr. Events That Have Taken Piare and Secretary of State Gives Automobile Former Buchanan Man Has Been and Mrs. Joe Faraonl. Gleaned From Exchanges or Picked up at Random Owners Until February 1 To Get Deputy County Clerk for Several Forty-Hiree Births Are Recorded Wllma Jane Wilcox, July 21, to Mr. Those Tiiat Are to Come. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• and Mrs. Kendall Wilcox. • New License Tags. Terms. Against Twenty-Four Deaths—Only Kngor George Becht, July 21, to Mi. The SHf Culture Club will meet In the circuit court last week Mrs. Mrs. E. J. Egan of Benton Harbor, Friday, January Hth with Mrs. Lahr. Oraee A. Myers of Mies was granted wife of a Pere Marquette railroad and Mrs. Richard Becht. The time for securing 1023 licenses Announcement was made Monday One Accidental Death is Included in a divorce from James H. Myers. conductor, died Sunday at Traverse Lodeka Scheffler, August 0, to Mr. for automobiles has been extended to that Ira Wagner Jr., of Ht Joseph, The next ten-cent tea for the bene- City following an operation for ap- and Mrs. Relnhold Scheffler. Feb. 1 by Secretary of State Charles deputy county clerk, will be a candi- (he list. fit of the Order of Eastern Htar will l»e P. D. Green, a resident of 1'ipestone pendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Egan bad Gertrude Bertha lj»(}row. Septem- J. Deljind Friday. His action was date for the Republican nomination held at thf home of Mrs. .1. II. Bunker township for many years, died at the gone to the Northern Michigan town .The birth and mortality reports for ber 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph La- taken in view of the fact that thou- for county clerk in the primaries in In West Coloma on Wednesday, Jan- home of his daughter in Gary, Indi- to spend the holidays. the Township and Village of Coloma Grow. uary 10th. ana, December 27. sands of motorists failed to secure 1024. Ruth Zoschke, September 22, to Mr. for the year 1022 show that the stork H. M. Danforth a teamster for the certificates of title, which must lie Frank L. Hall, county clerk, who takes a big lead over the grim reaper. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Zosehke. The Rebekahs will meet In regular Isaac Bonlne of Nlles, cousin of Dr. Green transfer company of Benton obtained before licenses will be Issued began his second term Monday, re- The lists compiled by the clerk of the Mary Frances Scheid, October 11, to session Saturday evening, January 6.' Fred Bonlne, died last Thursday at Harbor, was seriously injured last and would have been unable to secure appointed Mr. Wagner to be bis dep- village and township show that there Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Scheid. There will he a potluck supper. All the John Hopkins University hospital, Saturday evening when his dray was new plates for weeks after the first of uty, and the appointment was follow- Kllzaheth Harriet Brenner, October were twenty-nine births and fourteen members of the Hebekah degree staff Baltimore, following an operation. struck by a Ford with an unknown the year. ed by the anouncement of "Wag's" 23. to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bren- deaths In the township and twelve are requested to be present for prac- driver. Danforth was thrown against Following a conference with Gov. condidacy. It was the fourth time births and ten deaths In the village. • la? ner. Uce Thursday evening, January 4th. ; the side of his wagon and sustained a Groesbeck Mr. DeLand Issued the fol- that Mr. Wagner bad been appointed The greater number of deaths were Win. A. Vawter estate, liflilfs been fixed lowing statement: broken knee. deputy for a two year term. He first those of people who had attained the On Friday evening, January 6th, the al 1M.706.10. Mr. Vawter was the "In view of the unprecedented num- was chosen by Claude A. Baker, when Births in Coloma Township in 1922 age of over half a century. Th« a ladies aid 'Society of the Methodist founder of the Baker-Vawter company Harold Frazler of Keeler pleaded ber of motor vehicles in Michigan this the latter became county clerk on Jan- was but one accidental death, that of church will give their second hirtlulay of Benton Harbor. Clyde Martin Becker, January 12, guilty before Justice Rowland at Pawl year, approximately 000,000, and in uary 1, 1017. Clarence Moriock, on July 21), who was party In the basement of the church, I'aw last week to driving a car while fact that each application for automo- Mr. Wagner, who has resided in St. to Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Becker. Rev. J. H. Geerllngs and family killed when a tractor overturned with with a potluck supper at 0!H0. This intoxicated and was sentenced to thir- bile license must he accompanied by Joseph for the past six years, is sec- Mary Agnes Steinhrook, January 30, narrowly escaped Is'lng trapped by the him. Is for all and everyone Is cordially ty days In Jail. Warren Smith of I proper certificate of title showing retary of the Republican county com- to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Steinhrook. flames when the parsonage at East Tile number of births and deaths Invited. I'aw I'aw arrested on the same charge, ownership of the car in the name of mittee. He Is the llrs^ candidate to Saugatuek was destroyed by lire at an for the past year shows a decrease Thelma Hasen, February 6, tif Mr. was tlned ^HO and costs and given ten. person to whom licensed, which neces- throw bis hat into the ring for 1024. The Ladles Aid society of the Meth- early hour Saturday morning. over the year 1021, when there were and Mrs. Sylvester Haisen. sarily has made the issuing of licenses Mr. Wagner was born In Buchanan, odist church will meet with Mrs. days iu jail. Bert Sellers of Keeler twenty-eight deaths in the township liouls Mike Cardttro, February 0, to slower than In former years, I recom- where he resided for 21 years. His Abram Bachman on Wednesday, Jan- John Walgamood, of the paid a fine of $10 for driving a truck' and village and forty-eight births In Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Gardaro. mend and request of all sheriffs, chiefs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wagner, Sr., uary 10th, for an all-day .session. A American I/'giou post at (.'onstantlne without a license. the township and village. There were John Guidlce, February 24, to Mr. of polhfe and law enforcing officers have resided lu the county more than potluck dinner will Ik' served at noon died of wounds sustained from the ac- three drownings during the year 1921, and Mrs. Gerlando Guidlce. A man and two women were killed throughout Michigan that no arrests half a century. to which the men are especially in- cidental discharge of bis shotgun while and none du/ing 1022. Rose Bartolone, February 25, to Mr. Monday afternoon when an automo- of automobile owners for not display- A graduate of the Buchanan high vited. hunting on Tuesday of last week. and Mrs, Tona Bartolone. bile In which they were riding was ing 1023 license tags be made until school, Mr. Wagner was employed In Helen Suwslke, March 8, to Mr. Mrs. Amanda Kremer was hostess Mrs. John Ketcham, wife of the struck by a Pere Marquette passenger after Feb. 1, 1023. At that time there the post office there, before he came and Mrs. Stanley Suwslke. train at a grade crossing three miles will be no reason why every automo- to the county clerk's office. ONLY TEN DEATHS RECORDED to thirteen guests on New Year's day. Fourth District congressman, is re- Ruth Edwin Fltz. March 15, to Mr. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. U. ported eritlcally III at Washington. [cast of Gary. The man was identified bile owner in Michigan should not His experience In the manifold du- IN VILLAGE IN YEAR 1922 and Mrs. Uol)ert Fltz. N. Beverldge and daughter Jeanette of Mrs. Ketcham recently underwent a by a salary check as George J. Ander-. have a proper certificate of title and ties incident to the clerkship will be Gladys Marie Masters, April 24, to Benton llarlwr. Dr. and Mrs. David series of operations at the John Hop- son, 7326 Emerald avenue, Chicago, | license for his automobile and no fur- his chief "selling point" In the pri- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Masters. Llttlejohn and daughters Imogene and kins hospital, Baltimore. • and the women are believed to be his ther extension of time will be grant- mary campaign. He has hosts of Christiana Walter Jensen, April 20, Ethel of Ishpemlng, Mich., Elmer 1 wife and mother. ed by this department." friends throughout the county. Ho Several Older Citizens Were Included Arthur Rogers, aged 10 years, con- to Mr. and Mrs. Jorgen Jensen. Squint of South Bend, Ind., and Mr. It Is said that no official notice has was reappointed by Mr. Hall after the Wilbur Philip Warman, June 21, to victed in the Berrien circuit court for The Coloma-Watervllet Rifle Club been received at the county seat re- In the Mortality list. and Mrs. Elmer Kremer and daughter retirement of Mr. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Warman. attacking and robbing a taxi driver will have their banquet Friday even-' garding the secretary of state's order, Helen and son Merlin. lug, January 5th, at Coloma Odd Fel- i The hand of death was dealt lightly George Walter Bohle, June 28, to last August, and sentenced to the Ionia but the local county officials are in- low's Hall at 7 o'clock p. m. All mem-1 with the citizens of the Village of Co- Mr. and Mrs. George Bohle. The Rebekahs and 1. O. 0. F. will reformatory, made bis escape from terpreting It to mean that autolsts CUTLER & DOWNING DISPOSE OF hers of the club and their wives orj loma during the past year. There Robert Warman, June 28, to Mr. hold a Joint Installation of ofiicers on that institution last week. His home who have not yet obtained their cer- sweethearts are requested Jo be pres- WATERVUBT STORE BUSINESS were but ten deaths in the village, all and Mrs. Vern Warman. Thursday evening, January 11th. A is In Chicago. tificate of title have until February 1 1 ent and enjoy a pleasant evening with' of them being above the age of fifty Raymond Martin KIbler, July 13, to potluck supper will be served with to use their old 1!)22 plates, but that A. R. Fawley, who created a sensa- lots of Interesting hunting stories, also I years with the exception of one child Mr. and Mrs. G. Harry KIbler. meat and potatoes furnished at the autolsts who have the certificate of tion at the Hartford fair last fall other amusements that might come up three years old. Included in the li^t Jesse Luther Shine, July 22, to Mr. hall. All members are requested to title are not entitled to any extension Building and Hardware Stock Sold when he attacked another driver at before the club. were some of the oldest residents oi and Mrs. Jesse E. Shine. * bring plenty of good eats—anything of time in procuring the 1023 plates. Adele Lnclle Nordeen, August 0, to the conclusion of a race and was ex- Last Week to O. E. Austin. the town. your heart desires. Your attendance Adolph Relchle, for many years au- Mr. and Mrs. Adolph V. Nordeen. and your contribution to the feed will pelled from the American driving as- John H. -Bunker, February 2, aged ditor for the Graham & Morton Traiw- One of the most Important business Angelina Ijibrutto, August 10, to Mr. be greatly appreciated by the commit- sociation by the judges, committed sui- COLOMA YOUNG MEN AND 70 years. porportation company, resigned that and realty deals that has been closed and Mrs. Paul Ijibrutto. tee. cide al Ids home at La Porte, Ind. Roy Miles Bailey, February 12, position to take cffcct Dcecmber 30th. POPULAR TEACHERS ARE WED iu Watenilet in the past few months Floyd Leroy Hazen, August 20, to \ aged R0 years. Miss Helen Wolf of Benton Harbor M. I). Arnold of Benton Ilarlwir, a pur- wad the sale last week of the Cutler & Mr. and Mrs. Floyd 1* Hazen. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. haebman enter- Elisabeth Tinkhnm, April 10. aged has been appointed by Miss Ada Lu- ser on one of the fleet of the company's Downing store building and the com- Arent, August 20, to Mr nijd tained a few friends at a watch parly 71 years. keiw to serve as deputy register of steamers for many years, was chosen plete stock of farming Implements and Mrs. Irving Arent. Sunday night. Those present were Double Wedding Was Snlemnbed in Oleda Anna Peek, April 27, aged 04 deeds. Miss Wolf has been in the reg- auditor to succeed Mr. Relchle, who | hardware to U. E. Austin. This store Elmer Ernest Story. August 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leedy, Miss Natalie years. ister's otfice for some time as an as- contemplates engaging In business for was started by the firm about six years Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Claude Story. Lockman, Raymond Emhoff, George Chicago on Wednesday of Last Week George James Sehafer, May 5, aged sistant under Miss Lukens and is re- himself in New Orleans. , ago and under the management of John Fanslow, October 6, to Mr. and Paul, Miss Elsie Moshler and Allie I 62 years. ported to be a very ctUcient young Kenneth and Mandell Adams, sons Deputy Sheriff Cutler has done a big Mrs. Fred Fanslow. King. The evening was spent in var- R. W. Evers and Lockwood Calmes' Thomas E. White, May 17, aged 6!» lady. of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Adams of South business iu catering to the wants of Concetta Guidlce, October 17, to Mr. ious ways and at midnight a delicious, of South Haven were lodged lu the years. lunch was served. The guests depart- Coloma, sprang a surprise on their farmers and gardeners. and Mrs. Angelo Guidlce. The Village of Bangor has been Benton Harbor city jail early Monday William H. Ball, September 25, aged ed at. a late hour wishing each other relatives and friends on Wednesday of Mr. Austin, the new proprietor of Jason Brant Robinson, October 28, without electric lights and without morning for creating a disturbance iu 64 years. last week when they were quietly mar- the business, has for the past two to Mr. and Mrs. Frrt R. Robinson, Jr. a happy new year. a chopsuey parlor on Water street and Herman Slevert, jOctober 20, aged water for fire protection the past ten ried at the home of Mrs. E. A. Gilmer, years been employed at the Boston Margaret Jane Duncan. November 2, days because of the wrecking of the had made tl^e remark that no Benton - 81 years. Patricia Anne Heddlng was six 1412 Kedsic Avenue, Chicago. store, and previous to tlmt was with to Mr. and Mrs. Clark Duncan. , Harbor officers were good enough to j Barah Ellxabeth Miller, October 21, years old a few days ago a\id fifteen engine in the power plant the day be- Miss Elsie Klum, who taught the O. D. Price. He took possession of the Eugene Edward DeFlelds, Novem- fore Christmas. A new engine was arrest them. But the officers liad no aged 84 jears. .• * little girls and boys enjoyed a very primary department iu the Coloma business this week. The building in Imr 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ed- trouble after they had been called to! Robert George VanDerhough, Nov- pretty party given at the home of her! immediately ordered and was deliver- schools last year and who has been which this store Is located was former- ward DeFlelds. quell the trouble that the two men ember 24, aged 3 years. . grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. II. A.' ed by motor truck to be Installed as teaching in the Benton Harbor schools ly owned by Mrs. F. f. Blake of Colo- Roy Bertiand Kelley, December 16, Heddlng. Games were played and the soon as possible. are alleged to have started. since last fall, was married to Man- ma. Mr. Cutler has not yet announced to Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand Kelley. table with the birthday cake audi dell Adams, who Is employed by the what he proposes to do, but he owns a Warren William Rogers, December The Buntoh Harbor Malleable Foun- Mrs. M. P. Thompson and Miss lighted candles was a pretty sight. | Western Electric Co., In Chicago, farm which will require a part of his Deaths in Township In 1922 0, to Mr. and Mrs. Benjrimln Rogers. dry Co. has Increased its capital stock i Texas Henderson tired of the usual A miniature sleigh and reindeers with | where they will make their home as time; his duties as deputy sheriff will Elinor Ruth Borchert, December 7, from |800,00« to $843,000. The ami-1 manner of celebrating the holidays a toy for each child made up the cen- soon as Mrs. Adams completes the make demands upon him, and It Is The mortality list In the Township to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Borchert. mulated surplus of fifteen years of hiked from Chicago to spend a ter piece, with Santa Clans favors atj work of the present semester. hinted that he may engage in the real of Coloma during the year 1022 was John William Smith, December 4, few hours. They left Chicago on Fri- each plate. The kiddles liad a good operation of the plant was distributed Miss Doris Kelley, daughter of Mr. estate business. larger than that In the village. The to Mr. and Mrs. Irven Smith. to the stockholders in the form.of al day and reached Benton Harbor Sun- total number of deaths in the village time and wished Patsy many more and Mrs. E. M. Kelley of North Colo- stock dividend. The Superior Steel day afternoon; they beard the rendi- and township for the year being twen- birthdays. She received many nice ma, was the other bride. She was Castings Co., also of Benton Harbor, j tion of the Messiah at the Bell opera WATERVLIET BOOTLEGGER ty-four. gifts. united In marriage to Kenneth Adams. declared a stock dividend of 50 per house and returned home on the Pere Plnma Strong, January 10, aged 70 ELISIIA CL\RK DIED OF Miss Kelley has been teaching In the At the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. cent. Marquette train Monday morning. TOOK BAIT-HOOK AND LINE years. Clymer school north of Coloma and PNEUMONIA SUNDAY Hill of Spluks Corners a bountiful Some people have a queer idea of how Charles Hoppe, February 21, aged 04 will finish the school year. New Year's dinner was served to The quiet city of Nlles was the scene to entertain themselves. years. Both of these couples are very pop- / twenty-seven relatives. Among thej of another shooting scrape last Thurs- t Byron Armstrong, April 3d, aged 64 A. T. Kiger of Berrien Springs dis- ular with the Coloma young people Taxi Driver Was Accommodating and number of guests were Mr. and Mrs. day when Louis Christoforno, aged 30 years. Old Resident of Watcrvllet and Coloma posed of his 1022 "crop" of geese to and they have b^een visiting here the John Howard, Mr. and'Mi's. Belfour years, was shot by Frank Porto, aged His Kindness Landed Him In Jail Herbert Heldbreder, April 25, aged the Oliver hotel of South Bend. The past week and receiving congratula- Howard of Hartford, Mr. and Mrs. 32 years. The two men are Italians 12 yea Is. Passes on Last Day of Old Year. shipment dressed nearly a ton. Mr? tions. R. F. Howard of Elkhart. Ind., Mr. and and reports state that Inith were very Perry Burnett, a Watervllet taxi Margaret Jane Ostrurn, May 5, aged Kiger has been specializing In the The last day of 1022 witnessed the Mrs. Arthur Sutherland and their! much in love with a woman In whose driver, has been suspected of selling 77 years. raising of geese for the past 25 years. ,,(,uor 011 the for passing of a pioneer resident of Wat- niece. Miss Laverne Stlckney of Co-1 home they had rooms. After shooting Sawyer Blarksmith Killed in Auto- wme time, but it Robert Warman, June 28, infant. This year he raised 140 of the Tou- ervllet and Coloma. Ellsha Clark, a loma, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Strouts andj Chrlstofornoi Porto shot himself and took two deputy sheriffs to catch him . Clarence Henry Moriock, July 20, louse variety and after selecting a few resident of this vicinity for over 40 family of MUlburg, Mr. and Mrs. Ed both men were removed to a South mobile Accident In the act Thursday evening of last aged 17 years. , of the choicest for breeders, sold the years, died at his home on Myrtle ave- Collins of Benton Harbor, and Mr. Bend hospital. „ „ ., , week. The two officers appeared In Philander B. Plerson, August 21, balance to the South Bend hotel for nue, Watenilet, last Sunday of 'pneu- and Mrs. Willis Dewltt and family Arthur M. Semen, a Sawyer black- our neighboring village as travelers aged 66 years. the holiday business. The geese aver- smith, died Monday of Injuries sus- and approached Burnett for a drive monia. Althoug In feeble health for and Miss Grace Dorstewltz of Benton The new German Baptist church at George Riley Brown, September 15, aged 15% pounds each when dressed talned as the result of an accident toward South Haven. They told of several years, Mr. Clark's final sickness Harbor. The dinner consisted of St. Joseph was dedicated last Sunday aged 73 years. and they sold for 35 cents a pound. at Sawyer Sunday afternoon. It h their terrible thirst and asked Perry was of only a few days duration. many dainties served in three courses. by the pastor. Rev. Thomas Stoerl, as- Marie Benett Hingst, October 0, sisted by Rev. Louis Kaiser of Roch- charged that Sernen, driving a Ford | if he knew where they could get some Mr. Clark was born In 1840 and The house was very prettily decorated George Kovell, a Benton Harbor aged one year. ester, New York. The new edifice Is car, was forced out of the road and (liquid refreshments. He was very ac- came to Coloma when a young man. for the occasion. At a late hour the taxi driver, was assaulted by three Carrie E. Sutherland, December 0, a model of a church structure and was into a ditch by James Lynch, driv- commodatlng and provided them with Lumbering operations were extensive guests departed, declaring that they men on Miller street just as the new aged 28 years. erected at a cost of less than $50,000, lug a new Reo bus from the factory a bottle of the contraband liquor, for In this section of the state In those liad spent a most delightful New year was dawning. He had lieen ca'll- Frank Kreitner, I)eceml)er 20, aged including the fine pipe organ and all at Lansing to Hammond, Indiana. • which he accepted $4.00. This proved daysomd be was engaged In that line Year's day. ed to drive some passengers to a New 61 years. the other equipment. The indebted- The 1-ord turned over twice, pinning his undoing, for the officers then dls- of work. It was while employed at Year's party when he was attacked. David Muth, December 10, aged 78 The G. R. O. W. class held its last ness on the structure at the close of Sernen beneath the wreckage. Lynch played their badges and took their the old Joe Knapp saw mill west of Co- Joe Ketewlch, aged 21 years, Walter years. meeting of the old year on Friday the dedication was less than $2,000, was arrested and held at the county driver to St. Joseph with them loma that he met with an accldeut Erklns, 38, and "Big George" Litz, 32, evening, December 20th, in the church after all the pledged subscriptions are jail, pending an investigation of the Burnett was arraigned before Justice that nearly cost him his life and all but were arrested by the officials. The basement. The president presided At paid. accident. He is charged with reck- Leon D. Case at Watervllet Saturday mined his eyesight. He in some man- latter is charged with the crime of less driving. the business session. The following morning on a charge of violating the BIRTHS IN TOWNSHIP TAKE ner got shut In a room used for the criminal assault and the other two are ofiicers were elected for the ensuing The death of Justice of the Peace liquor law. He waived examination steaming of tlmlwrs and he never en- held as accessories to the crime. Ko- LEAD OVER VILLAGE LIST year: President, Mrs. Pearl Baushke; Harry Plummer of Benton Harbor, It is only a little over llfty weeks and was bound over to the circuit tirely recovered from the results of veii's skull was fractured and It was secretary, Mrs. A. Wallace; treasurer, aged 42 years, occurred Saturday af- until Christmas. Lay your plans early | court. Bonds were placed at $500 and that experience. necessary to take fourteen stitches in Mrs. Allen Stark. Mrs. Felix Sawat- ternoon, December 30, 1022, following to save your money for next year's; were furnished by the defendant for The deceased Is survived by his sewing up the scalp wound. zki gave a splendid book review; a long lllneSs. The deceased was a Christmas shopping. The State Bank *" Seventeen Boys and Twelve Girl wife and five children, Mrs. Grace bis appearance at the February term. Miss Bernlce Scott gave the class son of the late Alonzo Plummer—one of Coloma offers you an easy plan to Green of Edwardsburg, Mich., Wllllle The Graham & Morton Transporta- history. It has been almost ten years of the pioneer attorneys of the twin save a small amount of money each Babies in Township and Three Boys Clark of Washington state, Orrln tion company has taken a ten year since the class was organized and it cities. The young man was a candi- week this year, to be paid back to Pay Your Dog Tax. Clark of Davenport, Iowa, Mrs. Min- lease on Michigan City, Ind. dock and Nine Girl Babies Bom in Village was pleasant to note the many things date for the republican nomination for you, together with interest, just be- nie Head and Mrs. Nettle Head of Dog tax must be paid to the township that they 4have accomplished, one of property and proposes to give that Watervllet. sheriff two years ago last fall. He Is fore next Christmas. If you do. not treasurer on or before Jan. 20,1923.—20 In Year 1922. their alms being to be an assett to the city better boat service for the next Funeral services were held at the M. survived by a widow and two children. need or want to use the money for church, and they seem to be living up few years. The steamer City of Robert Morris Hunt, February 4, to E. church, Watervllet, Tuesday, con- Funeral services were held from the Christmas, It will come In very handy to their ideal. This class furnishes Grand Rapids Is now undergoing her Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Hunt ducted by Rev. A. E. Gay. Interment Peace Temple on New Year's day. for paying your taxes, buying fuel or Greetings! Another year of oppor- more teachers in the Sunday school annual winter cleaning and overhaul- paying your Income tax. Laverne Josephine Nlgro, March 14, In the Coloma cemetery. tunity is before you. than any other class. Miss Grace The Benton Harbor high school is ing with the intention of putting her in service In February, thus opening Worden conducted a memory test. to hove a fine new athletic Held to be navigation much earlier than in many During the social hour the hostesses located on the school property between 1 years. Improvements and repairs are served delicious refreshments. the high sllkool building on Colfax BEDS ROCKERS avenue and the St. Joseph river. At being made on all of the five steamers DAVENPORTS owned by the Graham & Morton line a meeting of the board of education THE COLOMA THEATRE Bill Hilts In Trouble last Friday evening, A. W. and E. C. and now quartered at Benton Harbor. Starting Sundays at 7:00 Week Days at 7:15 Fllstrup announced that the sum of William G. Hilts, baseball pitcher, $10,000 was made available by them was arrested at Manistee last wfek, for the inimedate use of the school NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING on a warrant Issued by Justice N. H. board lu grading and equipping the Saturday and Sunday, January 6 and 7— Bacon of Nlles. The complaint charg- field, which will have a natural am- OF COLOMA TELEPHONE CO. es Hilts with the embezzlement of an phitheatre, bleachers, a football field, automobile, which he purchased of baseball diamond, a cinder track and Charles Oakman of Nlles and failed other features which will make it one Tom Mix in "UP AND GOING" to pay for. He is also accused of The annual meeting of the Coloma of the fluest athletic fields of any high Telephone Company will lie held at failure to pay for furniture and other school in the state. It is estimated FURNITURE Light hearted—laughter—loving—making adventures the Coloma Telephone Co.'s storeroom articles which lie purchased of Nlles that the improvements of the park will gets him into trouble. But—He gets into love by merchants. on Friday, January 12, 1023. All cost In the neighborhood of $00,000, stockholders are requested to be pres- Hilts gained a local reputation us a and the $10,000 now available Is just himself. Its a dream of the Far Northwest, a triumpth baseball pitcher havhiK been "brought ent. and hear the annual report. Do the beginning of the bequests to be not forget the date. of daring and thrills, a battle to a finish in the depth out" by the Watervllet organization made by the Fllstrup brothers. RUGS of an icy river. A real Mix picture and a Movie two or three years ago. Besides —Adv. DANIEL C. PECK, Sesretary. pitching for the Watervllet team, be The St. Joseph-Herald Press and NOW—You will find our showing Chat. 30-10 lias played with Hartford, Coloma, the Benton Harbor News-Paliadium Berrien Sprnlgs, St. Joseph. both observed the dawn of a uew year Forum Meeting Postponed. with extra commercial editions of complete at prices that are right. their papers. The Herald-Press on The next meeting of the Communi- Wednesday and Thursday, January 10 and 11— PAY TOWNSHIP TAXES Saturday issued a thrity-eight page ty Forum of Coloma Township will be held on Monday evening, January 22d, TO CHARLES C. SMITH number telling .of the many advautag Come and^See—Anyway—It Pays in the I. O. O. F. ball, with the ban- es of the county seat as a manufactur Hairy Carey in "THE KICK-BACK" quet served by the Rebekahs. Good Treasurer Will be Found at the Colo- ing centre, as a health and summer speakers will be secured for this meet- CaptWed the Capital Theatre, New York, the World's ma Hardware Co.'s Store. resort, and as a place of all year res- % idence, giving a resume of the busi- ing. Watch for further auuouuce- ments of the program. largest theatre. It's a catapult of cyclonic drama, a The state, county and township tax- ness Industries of the city. On New juggernot of big action with big suspense—big thrills es are now due and should be paid at Year's day the News-Palladium pub- once. Charles C. Smith, township lished a thirty-two page paper that Cement Prices Take Drop. —big adventure—big love—big hate—and the biggest treasurer will be found any day at the was crowded full of news matter ami and most rousing climax ever flung on the screen. A store of the Coloma HitVdware Co., advertisements of Benton Harbor in- The Universal Portland Cement Co. story of Arizona and the Rio Grande. Also a Larry Coloma, ready to Issue you your re- dustries. together with a chronological announced a substantial reduction De- ceipt for taxes.—Adv. 20tf report on the Important events of the cember 28 In the prices of Universal Semon comedy, "Solid Concriete". A big show for year 1022. Both Benton Harbor and cement The reduction 1815 cents per BENTON HARBOR, MICHIGAN the money. 25-10 "Watch Your Step" Coming soon. Don't envy the man who knows St, Joseph should be proud of the en- barrel at Its Chicago plant, and 10 1 more than you do. He may know a terprise manifested by their local news- cents per barrel at Its Pittsburg and DISHES LINOLEUM CHAIRS lot that ho ought -to forget. papers. Duluth plauts. THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH. THE COLOMA ' COURIER, COLOMA,. MICH. .*

In front of' him. The other had his There ensued a silence broken only SHE DYED A SWEATER, gun raised and aimed. On the Instant by Mercedes' sobbing. Gnle walked POOR AT FIGURES SKIRT AND CHILD'S COAT MAKE UNPROFITABLE ORCHARDS PAY M it spouted red and white. With the some paces away. If he were not THIS CIO. Every Picture Crack came the crashing of glass, an- stunned, he certainly was agitated. WITH "DIAMOND DYES' BaSHFaSSS2SHSES2S152SESZScL5SS^SHSESZS2S2SHSZSESZSES2SHSHSc!S2SHSZ5ZSHSL' other darkenjpg shade over the room. The strange, sweet flre of that girl's By ZANE GREY prepared by tho Dapartmant Persons Interested In renovating SO HELEFT HER With a cry Gale slung the bleeding lips remained with him. On the spur Each package of "Diamond Dyes" con o( Agriculture.) CONDDGTOR tains directions so simple any woman cat orchards or those who wish to decide Rojas from him. The bandit struck of the moment he imagined he bad a Measured by the abundance and dye or tint her worn, shabby dresses whether or not a certain orchard la & a table, toppled over It,, fell, and lay- jealousy of Thorne. But presently skirts, waists, coats, stockings, sweaten regularity of the crops of high-grade Desert coverings, draperies, hangings, everything fruit produced, there are many apple worth the attempt should get the bul- Julius Berman Wanted Wife Who Aathor of prone. this passed. What remained with him emWA BONNER. even if she has never dyed before. Buj letin. which may be obtained without Another shot made the room full of was the splendid glow of gladness COftMHI II VUIWM KIWA/U UNION « GAINS 35 LBS. orchards of bearing age that are not Could Juggle Mathematics With "Diamond Dyes"—no other kind—thei cost from the Department of Agricul- moving shndows, with light only back that he had been of service to Thorne. successful. Because a large number Riders of the Purple S&ffe, perfect home dyeing is sure because Dit ture, Washington, D. C. Euclidianlike Precision. of the bar. A white-clad figure rushed "Dick, Dick, come here!" called THE FOXES mond Dyes are guaranteed not to spot of these unprofitable orchards can be "I enjoyed Christmas this time with In working over neglected apple op Wildfire, Etc. at Gale. He tripped the man, but had Thome softly. "Let's pull ourselves fade, streak, or run. Tell your druggis made to yield good crops of high- more pleasure than I hud In yeurs," whether the material you wish to dye ii chords, tho trees will be of such vary- Gold to kick hard to disengage himself together now. We've got a problem Daddy Fox was devoted to Mother quality fruit by special treatment, the remnrked W. L. Muhone, 410 Char- wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cottoi Copyright by Harper A Brother#. United'States Department of Agricul- ing types that it will be Impossible to from grasping hands. Another figure yet. What to do? Where to go? How Fox. He hud brought her food and or mixed goods.—Advertisement. lottesville, Va., the other day. In telling work toward any particular form of PROBLEM UP TO JUDGE closed In on Gale. This one was dark, to get any place? We're on good old had seen that she bad eaten It at the ture has prepared Formers' Bulletin of the benefits -te hns derived fnjra top. but It Is well for the orchard own- swift. A blade glinted—described a U. S. ground this minute, but we're time when her mind was on the little Not Milk Enough for the Hogs. 1284, Apple-Orchard Renovation, by the use of Tanlnc. Mr. Mahone hns er to hove In mind a certain desirable there's any chance at all to get away." be your servant. I can conceive of no circle aloft. Simultaneously with a not out of danger." Dr. Allen, of the Indlanu state H. P. Gould, which discusses the prin- baby foxes. been n railroad conductor for nineteen Man Needed an Adding Machine So He They peered out of the open win- greater pleasure than giving the serv- cipal practices found useful In bring- form; Inexperienced persons will flml close, red flash the knife wavered; the As he paused, evidently hoping for When the little baby foxes were board of health, was holding a clinic Got Married and Then Found R0UGH-H0USE1 years. He runs on the Chesapeake & It worth while to study some well- dow. In a moment, however. Gale ice you require." man wlelfling it stumbled backward. a suggestion from Gale, the silence at Sclplo, 'examining children of school ing neglected trees back Into profit- very, very young, Mother Fox was Ohio from Charlottesville to Washing- His Spouse Was Nothing made out a slow-pacing dark form on "And what is that?" Inquired age. One youngster, age six, was un- producing condition. fanned trees or pictures of thera such SYNOPSIS.—Seeking gold In the Then pandemonium broke loose. The wns broken by the clear, ringing peal along with them because she wanted the path. Farther down there was Thome hurriedly. ton, D. C., and Richmond, Va. as are used to Illustrate the bulletin. but Housekeeper. desert, "Cameron." solitary pros- din became a roar. Gnle heard shots of a bugle. Thome gave a violent to be quite alone with thera at first derweight. The doctor began to make Orchards in need of renovating are "My- stomach and digestion had The right sort of top has a large bear- pector. forms a partnership with another. No particular keenness was "That of Incapacitating Senor Rojas that sounded like dull spats In the start. Inquiries as to bis diet, and the fol- found only in sections where the home so she could whisper to them some been bad so long that I can hardly re- an unknown man whom he later required to see in these forms a sen- for tonight, and perhaps several lowing dialogue took place: ing surface, is low-headed, and ^as a New York.—And now Its the mathe distance. The big lamp behind the "It's a call, Dick! It's a callT he mother fox secrets. orchard or fruit garden Is the pre- learns la Jonas Warren, father of tinel-like stealthlness. nights to cobie," replied Gale. Til member the time I could eat without "You don't drink milk?" fairly open top that will penult light matlcal marriage lu which a wife is a Klrl whom Cameron wronged, bar seemingly split, then sputtered cried. Mother Fox had three dear small vailing type of fruit growing, and In suffering nfterwards. I gradnaily to enter to the Interior of the tree. | pictured as the least common denom- but later married, back In Illinois. Gripping Gale's arm, Thome pulled make a row in that saloon. I'll start nnd went out, leaving the room in Gale had no answer to make. Mer- "Nope." regions where orchards of consider- children and was very proud of thera. grew- weaker until I was often having Cameron's explanations appease back from the window. something. I'll rush Rojas and his "Live on a farm and don't drink Big Things Needed. inator, with emphasis on the least. darkness. cedes stood as if stricken. The bugle They had been bom in the good old able size occur only occasionally, but Warren, and the two proceed to- to lay off from ray run. In this run- The fractions consisted of a husband Is Winter Time Your Backache Time? "You saw them," he whispered. "It's crowd. I'll—" Gale leaped toward the restaurant call ended. From a distance another milk at all?" also In the recognized coraraerlcal ap- Soil renovation, pruning, and spray- gether. Taking refuge from a homestead in a hollow tree. down condition 1 contracted pneu- Just as I feared. Rojas has the place '•Lord, no; you mustn't, Dick—- "Nope, w-e ain't got hardly enough ple-growing districts. Some orchards ing are sorae of the principal things and six children, or 1-0 and alimony, sandstorm In a cave. Cameron door, which was outlined faintly by faintly pealed. There were other They were quite blind when they monia In both lungs and cume near which at present is 0-2,000. discovers gold, but too late; both surrounded. 1 should have taken Mer- you'll be knifed!" cried Thome. the yellow light within. Right and milk for the hogs." Does Your Back Foretell Every Change of the Weather? sounds too remote to recognize. Then were bom and they were black in losing ray life. men are dying. Cameron leaves cedes away. Rut 1 had no time—no "I'll take a chance. Maybe I can Mixing in a little algebru, X, as left he pushed the groping men who scattering shots rattled out. color. evidence. In the cave, of their dis- "After this spelj my stomach trou- Special Rates. usual, being the unknown quantity, Do You Feel Old and Stiff and Suffer Sharp, Rheu- / chance! I'm bound! . . . There's surprise that slow Greaser bunch and jostled with him. He vaulted a pool "Dlok, the rebels are fighting some- covery of gold, and personal docu- But their helplessness only made bled me worse than ever nnd I re- Mercedes now! My G—d! . . . got away before they know what's "I'd like to Insert an advertlsemem there is the following equation: ments. Richard Gale, adventurer. table, sent tidies nnd chairs flying, body," burst out Thorne excitedly. thera more appealing and wonderful matic Pains? Then Look to Your Kidneys! mained almost as weak nnd helpless in your paper for a permanent cook." A plus B equals C minus X. In Caslta. Mexican border town, Dick, think, think—think if there's a happened. . . . You be ready and gained the door, to he the first "The little federal gnrrlson still holds to Mother Fox. ns a buby. While sitting around rend- meets George Thome, way to get her out of this trap!" watching at the window. When the "We have a speclol yearly rate for Considering that A Is husband, B RE winter months your backache It's little wonder, then, that every cold of a wedging mob to squeeze through. Its stand. Perhnps It Is nttneked "You will grow up to be such beau- in the Ninth cavalry, old college ing the papers I wns attracted by the those ads. or a still cheaper rule by wife and C, money. Justice Knpper ban Gale turned as his friend went down row starts those fellows out there In One sweep of his arm knocked the res- ngnln. Anyway, there's something do- months? Does every cold, chill or finds you suffering with torturing backache, friend. Thome tells Gale ho is tiful foxes." Mother Fox said to them statements about Tnnluc, which had contract for five years or more." the room. In the dim light at the head the plaza will rnn into the salfton. taurant lump from Its stand; and he to solve the marital problem, not by A" there to save Mercedes Castadena. ing over the line. Maybe the crazy as they dreamed and slept. attack of grip leave you lame, achv rheumatic pains, headaches, duziucsa and such u sincere ring thnt I wns led to multiplying the means and the ex- Spanish girl, his affianced wife, of the stairs stood the slim, muffled Then you slip out. go straight through ran out, leaving darkness behind blm. Greasers are firing on our camp. and all worn out? Does your back throb annoying bladder irregularities. from Rojas. Mexican bandit She did not want them to become believe the medicine might help me tremes. but by resorting to trigonome- tlgure of a woman. When she saw the plaza down the street. It's a dark A few bounds took him Into the par- We've feared It—hi the dark. . . . and ache until it seems you just can't keep conceited, but she liked to talk to thera up the bill, nnd It pulled rae clean up try and calculus if he u> (u make X Thorne she flew noiselessly down the street, I remember. I'll catch up with lor. It was deserted. Thome had And here I am, away without leave- going another day? Don't wait Delay may lead to serious and telf thera how she loved them, and to the top. My appetite never falls, Sure Relief equal happiness. stairway to him. He caught her in you before you get far." gotten away with Mercedes 1 practically a deserter!" or chronic kidney sickness. Realize that CHAPTER 1^—Continued. they could tell by the sound of her stomach misery Is nil gone, and I Wanted Figuring Wife. Then look to your kidneys I Grip, colds his arms. Then she spoke softly, bro- Thome gasped, but did 'hot say a It was then Gnle slowed up. For "Go bnck! Go buck, before you're FOR INDIGESTION your kidneys have weakened in fighting the voice and by her sweet ways with have gained thirty-five pounds In and chills throw a heavy strain on the kenly. In a low. swift voice. It was a word. Mercedes leaned against him. the spnee of perhaps sixty seconds too late!'! cried Mercedes. It oeeras that Julius Berman, a wid- "Dick, think, think! With Mercedes them that she loved them. weight. Tanlnc keeps me feeling cold-created poisons and give them the mingling of Incoherent Spanish and her white hands now at her breast, he had beert moving with startling "Better mWte tracks, Thome," ower, with six children and real estate, kidneys. They overload the blood with also It was love at first sight. My Mother Fox believed in telling her 'spick nnd span,' too, so I can make help they need. Begin using Doan'i Kid- English; but to ({ale it was mellow, her great eyes watching Oale as he velocity. He peered cautiously out added Gale. "It can't help our pre- IHDIGESTKM, married to get a mate who could figure poisons and impurities that the kidneys plnn Is to mnrry her nnd got her far- little ones how much she cared for my runs and still feel flne." ney Pill* today. Boon's have helped deep, unutterably tender, a voice full went out. lato the plaza. Under a street lamp dicament for you to be arrested. I'll up first and second mortgages with have to filter off. The kidneys weaken Tanlac Is sold by all good druggists. ther to the Interior, away from the of Joy, fear, passion, hope nnd love. In the corridor Gale stopped long thera because she thought It would thousands at such times and should help at the far end of the pnth he thought take care of Mercodes.* Bcllans Euclidianlike precision—that his wife under this rush of new work; become con- Over 85 million bottles sold.—Adver- our border. It may not he easy. She's Upon Gale it bad an unaccountable enough to pull on a pair of heavy- he snw two dnrk figures. He rnn "No, no. no," replied Thome. "I told him she was on speaking terms you. Aik y neighborl ilsement. Hot water gested and inflamed. watched. So am I. Rojas must have effect. He found himself thrilling, gloves, to muss his hair, and disar- faster, and soon reached the street. can get nwny—nvold arrest." with Q. E. D., and most certainly inti- got word to his friends here; yester- Sure Relief wondering. range his collar. Then he stepped The uproar back In the hotel began Mercedes embraced her lover, mate with addition and subtraction. Everybody's Wearing It. "Use Dean's," Say These Good Folks: day his pans of cutthroat rebels ar- Thorne led the plri to the center of Into the restaurant, went through, and begged him to go. Thome wavered. Berman, In effect, said he wanted an rived, and today he oaine. When I halted in the door lendiqg Into the Cuthbert—Pa, what Is a family tie? the room, under the light where Gale "Dick, I'm up against it." he said. adding machine, so he got married. Ue GEO. L. RICHARDSON, retired farmer, learned that, I took my chance and . Father—Mine, I expect, for every •ELL-ANS MRS. T. TESTESEN, 315 W. Chippewa saloon. No one appeared to notice stood. "You're right. If only I can run back 254 AND 75i PACKAGES EVERYWHERE told the court: St., Dwight, III., Rayu: "1 caught cold and it 402 Lincoln Ave., Dixon, 111., says: "1 have left camp; I hunted up a priest, lie time I want It one of you kids Is wear- "Mercedes—Dick 'Gale, an old friend him. Gale's roving glance soon fixed In time. But, oh, I hate to leave her I "My wife falsely and fraudulently fettled in my kidneys and brought on backache. used IXtan's Kidnev Pills for some years off and ing It 1 on as a tonic for my kidneys and they have kept promised to come here. It's time he's —the best friend I ever had." upon the man be took to be Rojas. represented thnt she was a fit person When I was sweepina, »harp imins would shoot Old fellow, you've saved her! I al- them active and healthy. I had signs of kidney due. Rut I'm afraid he'll he stopped. The Mexican's face was turned aside. through the small of my back. I was drowsy She swept the mantilla back over ready owe you everlasting gratitude. to manage financial matters and so we and it was hard to keep awake at times. My disorder, such as a heavy, full feeling across my Tou see. we're over the line—" He was in earnest, excited colloquy her head, disclosing a lovely face, Keep out of Caslta. Dick. The U. S. were married. As a matter of fact, feet swelled no 1 could hardly put my shoes on. back just over my kidneys, especially when I "Are we In Mexican territory now?" had taken cold. The kidney secretions were strange and striking to Gale in its with a dozen or more comrades, most side might be safe, but I'm afraid to she Is not. She cannot be trusted even I had dull pains in the back of my head and queried Oale, sharply. of whom were sitting round a table. dizzy spells came over me, when I would have to somewhat retarded at times. Doan's have al- pride and fire, its intensity. trust It at night. Go out In the des- Pastilles with a half dollar, because she does ways proved a valuable remedy in curing these "I guess yes, old boy. That's what They were listening, talking, drinking. tftSIURt THE VOICE put my hand on a chair to keen from falling. I "Senor Gale—ah! I cannot speak ert, up In the mountains. In some safe HSSS&Wli*. i'. • -'Jb not know how much to pay the huck- read about Doan'a Kidney Pills and used one attacks. They keep me in good health for a coniplicates it. Rojas and his rebels The fact that they wore cartridge belts Aspirin m man of my age." my happiness. Ills friend!" pl^ce. Then come t^ me In camp. ster and how much change, if any, she box and they gave me relief." Fv eddj, Cooglis, Hoasmtt, have Caslta In their hands. If Mer- "Yes, Mercedes; my friend and crossed. over their breasts satisfied We'll plan. I'll have to confide In Pruning Peach Trees During Dormant Season. should receive. As soon its I found Irucklllt, llntl irrttiUon. cedes Is really watched—if he" iden- yours." said Thorne, speaking rapidly. Gale that these were the rebels. He Colonel Weede. Maybe he'll help us. out she wns unfit to disburse funds, 1 tity is known, which 1 am sure is the tokn ImtHii Em are not worth the time and expense needed In practically any orchard thnt "We'll have need of him. Dear, became conscious of an Inward fire Hldp hpr from the rebels—that's all." Say "Bayer" and Insist! refused to live with her and refused case—we couldn't pet far from this necessary to renovate them. In decid- is being brought back Into producing there's bad news and no time to break thaft threatened to overrun his cool- He wrung Dick's hand, clasped Mer- to take her into ray household." house before I'd be knifed and she ing what is to be done the following condition. Just what is to be dune de- it gently. The priest did not come. ness. ' Other emotions harried his self- cedes tightly in his arras, kissed her, Mrs. Berman, who is fighting pro- factors need to be considered: The pends on the age and vigor of "the seized." He must have been detained. And control. It seemed as it sight of the nnd murmured low over her, then re- "You Will Be Good to Each Other." ceedings to have the marriage annulled, Dean's Kidney Pills "Good heavens! Thorne. can that man liberated or created a devil In orchard must be tm a good site with trees, the condition of the soil and listen—be brave, deai Mercedes— lensed her to rush off Into the dark- At all dealers, 60c a box. Foster-Milbum Co., Mfg. Chemists, Buffalo, N. Y, sort of thing happen less than a make thera want

REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF FINANCING OF ROAD PROBLEM WILL BE ONE OF BIO TASKS (Ibe Coloma Courier THE STATE BANK OF COLOMA OF NEXT LEGISLATURE PRANK W. BRYANT. PublkW at Coloma, Nichitfan, at the cloae of Business December 29,1922, as January 4, 1895 called for by the Commissioner of fiankintf Department: Program of Department for the Year 01ANNDA1 PRtWVENTORY »ddrMf all Communlcatloni to C S 1923 Calls for Henvy Expenditure. iddrtti all Comaaalcatloni to RESOURCES ommercial avinos Dollars Ct* Courier, Coloma, Mich. THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH Marriage licenses—Merwin W. Park- Courier, Coloma, Mich. Loans and Discounts, viz: The problem of financing the state's er and Ethieen Merrifleid, both of a Secured by collateral I 27,(101.18 BELL PHONE 65.1. highway construction program and Is Sounded in Every Word of This and All BELL PHONE WJ. Watervllet; Silas J. Tooley and Edu b Unsecured 280,071.77 Coloma, Berrien Co., nichlgaa May Smith, both Of Watervllet. maintaining the roads already built ap- Coloma, Berrien Co., nicbigSD e Items In transit 41,747.82 parently will lie one of Uie prominent There will be a school rally at Bnln- of Our Advertisements. SALE IS NOW ON bridge Centre, Saturday, February 12. Totals $21M),420.77 $299,420.77 F. W. COOHRUN problems the 1923 legislature will have to deal with. F. W. COOHRUN C. Mott Ryno returned to his stud- Ask Yourself This Question: How Many Sales Do bringing to you bigger values than ever before in ladies' ready ies at Rutger's college, New Jersey, Bonds, Mortgages and Securities, viz: ' Friday, January 5, 1923 In this connection strong demands a Real estate mortgages 8112,071.17 are to be made upon the legislature, Friday, January 5,1923 on Tuesday. b Municipal Bonds In Office 30,811.26 by the farmers, for tho enactment of to wear and children's garments, Savings of trom 25 to 50 Mina Beech and family have moved LOWE from Hartford to this place. g Other bonds $01,301.25 123,191 88 AS THE EDITOR SEES IT a gasoline tax. The law most com- GOODMAN & GOLDBAUM monly approved by farm organizations per cent are yours for the taking. You cannot afford to lose LOW PRICES BRING Herbert Willis has an attack of Totals $04,861.25 $206,474.81 $830,686.66 calls for a tax of not less than one quinsy. hold during the year? Yoii, as all others will answer-' FARM RECORD NEED The Watervliet correspondent of the cjmt and not more than three cents. any time in accepting this opportunity. We list but a few of RESERVES, viz.: An editor Is always "seeing thliiRS." It Is estimated that such a tax would ONE! This is Our ANNUAL Banner-Register says: "Home people a Duo from Federal Reserve bank $20.141.!14 $ 100.00 Sometimes he mentions them, nnd at return to the state from $0,000,000 cannot understand how Coloma 1011- PRICE Due from banks in reserve cities 12,885.97 28,090 80 tlnnes to thrive nnd grow during the others he doesn't. It often depends up- could bo raised, the agricultural or- the bargains. There are hundreds more. Careful Analysis of Business Aids Ef- U. S. Bonds and Ceniftcates of Indebted- on whether or not a good purpose can ganizations say. that amount could be bard times." But It thrives nnd grows cess carried as legal reserve in ,nn,nnn be served. used to maintain the highways and re- fltiency—(Joed Time lo Start Ac all the same, eh? One cause may be Savings Dept. only „ 10,950.00 tire bonds. January Qharance Sale onr favorable location, our nearest nnd In the History of l!ie Total Cash on hand 7.482 08 0,000.00 But they do not want to stop there. count Book. only competitor In thrift being nearly At the dawn of the new year we The farmers organizations unanimous- One lot of $8.00 and $ 10.00 C 0 Q WooC l middies for girls and misses. Navy ten mill's away. Totals 46.009.39 $ 49,740.80 $ 95,755.09 have In mind a few tilings that we hare F.ast Lansing, ,Tnn.-4.—Thut only ly are opposed to issuing any further hats vOiwu John T. VunDerveer represented Co- Ford Motor Company seen, the nienlion of which at least blue, black and red. 11 Q R the economical farm producer who loma Camp M. W. A. at the state COMBINED ACCOUNTS, viz. bonds for highway construction. In We honestly believe it is the only genuine sale held in Benton Harbor. wUl serve no 111 purpose. As low as 0 studies his business carefully can meeting in Nlles lust week. the past three years the state has ex- One lot of odds and ends irf 11 Ql) withstand the strain of low prices, Overdrafts VhSo iln pended $28,600,000 for highway con- We do not Import Job Lots of Merchandise for our sale—and then Mrs. Emma Nlver has been uader Banking House ?'SK $5and$6 hats .dliUU and that no* one thing will help the the doctor's care the past week. Furniture and Fixtures WJO-JW We have seen lltllo children p.'ss struellon. There are bonds In thnt juggle the prices tb fool the public. The Merchandise we are going to Mercerized bloomers all CQn im farmer more in anaylzing his business r Mrs. Vaiedia Pitcher of St. Joseph • • Customers' Bonds deposited with bank for safekeeping 0,8.)0.(»a| adults on the street and look wistful'v a iOUUt now outstanding, They were Good $1.00 values ladies wool cQp than the keeping of farm records, is Chassis jwued In acordance with the construc- clean up is the regular stock of our famous colors ..DuC lip was a guest of relatives in Coloma, Stock of Federal Reserve Bank l-WMW for some form of recognition—without hose. To clean out at Wv the contention of P. T. lllddell, farm Monday. Other Assets—U. S. Bond Coupons 328.05 receiving it. tlonal amendment authorizing a total management specialist at the Michi- of $60,000,000 spread over a five-year Ladies silk and wuul union suits—knee A large force of Coloma wood chop- Thougbtlessness on the part of the $1.50 ladies silk hose-mill run. PQ* gan Agricultural College. pers are felling the forest on the hun- Total - $752,914.59 period. adultft, of course, but nevertheless an length, ankle length, tO QR "The farmer Is undergoing n most dred acre tract south of town recently Runabout oversight which pains the infantile Tho highway department contem- Black only 031 trying period of depression, due In LIABILITIES Dollars Cts sleeveless OZiOw purchased by P. C. Wimer. heart and leaves an imprcsslou that plates a program calling for the ex- part to unbalanced commodity prices penditure of about $12,000,000 iu 1023. Children's wool hose- with or without Charles Seabury was In Grand Rap- Capital Stock paid In f SS'SSJ'JS is not easy to forget. and to the Inublllty of foreign coun- Ids the forepart of the week. Surplus fund It Is improbable that so ambitious a cuff tops. Brown and black cQn Ladies fleece lined union suits-no sleeves tries to buy our goods," says Rlddell. J. II. Jones has sold his 20-acre Undivided Froflta, net , 1}.OJO-M program will bo finished, even If the Mc, —short sleeves— QOp Touring . unif $1.00 values 33u "Thus, although conditions are appar- fruit furm near Paw Paw Luke to Wal- 298 Reserved for Taxes, Interest. Bond Depreciation Acct. etc l.OO^Oo We have seen beautiful women walk legislature does not Interfere. If the long sleeves wOb ently beginning to improve, relatively lace Tabor for $1,075.00. along while men stared intently at farmers succeed In getting the legisla- One lot of 10c handkerchiefs. Cp low prices for farm products are re- COMMERCIAL DEPOSITS, viz.: George W. Grant's store wns enter- them—even to the point of rudeness. tion they want no further bonds wUl suliing in Mow farm Incomes. Commercial Deposits subject to chock fL)20,848,23 Tills Is not a fault peculiar to the be Issued and the five-year, $50,000,000 To clean out 0u Furscarfsand (A QC im ed by burglars, Wednesday night. "There is a wide range in farmers' Nothing of much value was taken. Truck Chassis 380 Demand Certificates of Deposit 141,267.03 men of our community, as our men road building program would necessar- Men's 50c silk Qj-p muffs o4.5JD up Incomes, however, costs varying on Cashier's Checks 1,292.45 measure up to the standard of man- ily have to be halted. Overcoats, Trousers, Hats, Mrs. Ada Cook spent Sunday in different farms. Some farms produce Watervliet. kind in general. While the* farmers admit that $0,- hose 1 w3U Ladies coats—latest designs at a loss, while others produce at a Harry Merrill of North Coloma is Total.... $808,408.3} f863.408.81 It Is simply a recognition of the 000.000 would be Insufilcient to enable Ladies $5 and $6 silk C 0 Q R ,h profit. Only the economical producer working for Uriah Wood in Watervllet. beauty of womanhood, but a recogni- the state to go ahead with its building Caps, Shoes, Shirts can withstand the strain of low prices. Coupe . . 530 SAVINGS DEPOSITS, viz. tion so forcible in its nature as to be program, or even retire the outstand- • waists O^iuU S™"' ,'"'J9.95 to $15 Covert Notes—Charles Lockwood He studies bis business, and is there- Book accounts—Subject to Savings By-laws $800,248.84 misunderstood and to cause embarrass- ing bonds and maintain, as they are went to Kalamazoo, Friday.—Miss by able to cut costs to a minimum. Lena Riley is visiting the family of Certificates of Deposit. Subject to Savings By-laws. 882.68 ment and resentment. now maintained, existing highways, In fact every item in our store will receive a Big Cut for our An- One lot odds and ends in corsets TQp Ladies coats—same (ic An (Qc "No one thing will help the farmer James Davis.—Mamie Benton wus Club Savings Deposits (Christmas)j.... 20.15 they are emphatic in their demands nual January Clearing Sale. Everything is marked in plain figures— Regular $1.50 values ' as above 013 IU vZj more in analyzing his business than home from Gobleviile during the holi- Sedan . . 595 that the cost of road building and the keeping of farm records, and tills Total .$800,657.02 $800,657.02 We have seen men spend dollars for you can see for yourself the Big Honest Savings you can make. days.—Fred Bentler has returned from maintenance be lifted from the burden is u very good time of the year to Indiana. personal pleasures and slip a dime in upon real property tax payers. The All Prices F. O. a Detroit Bills Payable — $20,000.00 start such accounts." The teachers reading circle will the collection box at church. farm organizations would be wUling Customers' Bonds deposited with bank for safekeeping P'ease bear in mind that whatever you read in our advertisements Farm account liooks which are shn- meet at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon. It probably does not occur to them to support Increase taxation for com- A new lot of the^latest dresses in silk. Canton crepe, satin and taffetas and Interest $0,125.67 pie and can be kept easily by devoting W. P. Gustin has returned from a that the dime they give is for the ser- mercial vehicles and trucks, as another is Absolutely The Truth, backed up by a reputation we cannot afford a few minutes each day to the work few days stay In Benton Harbor. Al these loweat of lowpricea and vice of God, and that if it were not means of raising money. But regard- priced ir.ost reasonably. You should look tfiem over. Total $752,914.59 to sacrifice—You are cordially invited to see these Honest Values. are published by the Extension Divi- Chester W. Gllson has returned for the tolerance of the same God less of what Is done there are four with the many new refinements, sion of the Michigan Agricultural Col- home from a visit with his brother, there would be no expensive pleasure things ipon which their demands are lege, and may be secured ut cost STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Berrlon, ss. for them to enjoy. MEN'S 2-PANTS SUITS ' / W. W. Gllson, in Sonth Bend. Ford cars are a bigger value to- I, Chas. O. Ball, Cashier of the above named l»ank. do solemnly extremely explicit. from county agricultural agents or swear, that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief "The Extra Pair Doubles The Wear" directly from the- M. A. O. Extension day than ever before. Now ia Division, East Lunsing, Mich. One Real Estate Transfers and correctly represdhts the true hLuUj of tho several mattern therein containod, We have seen people sit still while book entitled "Furm Account Book the time to place your order as shown by the books of the bank. CHAS. O. BALL, Cashier. opportunity walked all around them, MM WILL BE CANDIDATE $55.00 values $37.75 values THE WORLiD No. 1" costs twenty-five centfv while Charles J. McMullan and wife to Subscribed and sworn to before me this Correct attest: waiting vainly to be grasped. Richard Peterson and wife, Lots 78 for reasonably prompt delivery. 8rd day of January, 1928. A. S. MILLER ) now now nnolher willed "Furm Business Rec- Possibly they expected opportunity $23.85 and 70, Blk. "A" In Plat of Uke- 0. A. FURMAN, Notary Public. LEWIS ITMPHRRV [Directors $38.85 J. K. SCHERER ord" costs liftccn cents. Terms if desired. lu take them gently by the hand and FOR SCHOOL COHHMNFR Hotel Benton Block Benton Harbor wood. Coloma Twp., $10. My oommisslon expires Sept. 15.1925. H. G. KRAKE ) $47.50 values lead them gently up to the trougli of 33.85 $32.50 values James P. Byrne and wife to Nor- plenty. now now FARMERS CONFERENCE man C. Spong, Lots 2 and 3, Bowe'i But opportunity didn't. 21.85 Landing, Paw Puw Lake, Watervliet .'Buchanan, Mich., Jan. 8.1928, $39.75 values TO HEAR FAMOUS MEN Iwp.. $1. C. E. GEISLER Jo the Voters of Berrien County— $22.50 values PULLING THE SPANGLED LEG. Raymond B. Fuxon and wife to This Is to announce that I am a can- now SPENCER D, GUY Authorized Ford Agency We have seen people stand up and 27*5 now Norman S. Spong, Lot « of Bowe's deliberately boast to the point of pre- didate for the position of county com- 14.85 ttntam Hc t Co. Agricultural and Political I-eaders Landing, Puw Puw Lake, $1. Coloma, - M ich. varication, and expect others to take missioner of schools on the republican PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Established 1860 Will the campaign of foreign propa- Nellie G. Dockter to Norman C. them at face value. ticket at the March primary. I shall STATE BANK BUILDING Scheduled to Address M. A. C. Far- desire to thank the people of deeply appreciate the vote and assist- Men's and Young Men's Overcoats ganda never cease? Spong, Lot 5, of Bowe's Landing, They probably did not realize that Phone Office 58 Res. 120. J. F. WILKINSON, Mgr Puw Puw Lake, $1. those who outwardly accepted them at ance of all who can in good conscience We are severely critlciscd boeause mers Week Crowds. grant me such favors. 701 Ship Street, Corner of Alain we do not open our money hags and Arthur Gottlelb and wife to Nor- Coloma and vicinity for the face value were secretly reading the man C. Spong, Lot 4, of Bowe's Land- Respectfully, $47.75 values now $42.76 values, now $20.00 values, now $27.75 values, now pour their contents into the bankrupt East Lansing, Jan. 4.—National heart that wags the tongue. ing, Paw Paw Luke, $1. / Adv. • B. F. EGGERT. Dr. J. Ii. Gunn ST. JOSEPH. MICHIGAN treasuries of Europe. leaders in the ugricuiturnl business, liberal patronage accorded 834.50 $27.00 . 911.85 $16.85 We are Importuned and wheedled to and political worlds will address meet- Edith M. WUIett to Samuel Zepck cancel the billions of war debts due us ings of the annual Furmers Week at nnd wife, 40 ucres in S. W. % of Sec. We have seen frisky motorists go DENTIST 35, in Wutervllet Twp., $1. the Cutler & Downing Store at tearing along the highways and laugh from our late allies. the Michigan Agricultural College, Some people can make a big stir In Ofllioe hours An Abstract of TlUe if generally re- sardonically when some pedestrian had Wo are charged with deserting them from Jan. 2tt to Feb. 2 this winter. this world without doing any talking. Discount on All Men's Pants 10:00to 12:00ft. m., 2:00 tofi:00p. c. quired on every sale or mortgage of IT to jump to keep from being crushed because we are not willing to embroil Advance announcement of the general Golden Rule Supreme. Watervliet during our several They are editors. 25% and Men's Hats 25% State Bank Building. Coloma, Mich. real estate. ourselves in the tangled affairs of the program, mude iiere this week by A. under the wheel?. Bend to us and we will furaish prompt- When the Golden Rule Is followed If the tables could be reversed, and notions across the seas. M. Berrldge, chairman of the Farmers Nineteen twenty-three Is easy to ly a complete abstract of any farm there is no obstnele big enough to years in business. I bespeak for the motorist were miuircd to make a We are denounced as war profiteers Week committee, shows thut the write. We trust It wUl be quite as or lot in Berrien county. prevent men getting together. This PAYS lightning jump to save his own hide, Van Huspn Collars, regular Men's Overalls, plain and bib because we sold to the Into victors In strongest list of speukers in the his- easy for you to conquer. J. H. DEWEY We Loan-Money on real estate securi- rule permits no selfishness, much less ADVERTISE he might do a little cussing himself. the war the munitions and supplies tory of the annual conferences lias my successor, O. E. Austin, a con- 50c values 39c styles. Extra Special 79c ty. Mortgagee Bought and Sold. injustice, but requires the square And, too, he might realize whnt an QVIL ENGINEER SURVEYING with which they prosecuted that war been booked. Deeds, Mortgages and contracts care- unmitigated nuisance he Is to the pub- One lot of Soft Collars, welf kno^n On Men's Sweater Coats, regular Office—Room 3. Benton Harbor State —and they were sold upon the insid- Congressman Sidney Anderson, of deal, even at the cost of mutual con- Use the columns of this paper tinuance of the same considera- fully made and executed. tent plea of those nations. Minnesotu, chuirmun of tho Joint Con- lic, and how low he stands in the es- brand, all sizes and shapes $1.50 values, now 89c Bank Bdg. Phone 518 cessions, and absolute good faith. timation of law abiding motorists and RmM*m*-474 Maple Si. Phone 94 VW We are told that It Is our duty to gressional Commission of Agricultural the public at large. i^rumwic^ Men's Dress Shirts, broken sizes, OQp Men's All Wool Sweater Jack- BENTON HARBOR, • MICHIGAN come to the aid of clvUizntlOu—but Inquiry; Eugene Davenport, former tion. with gold In our hands. Deun of Agriculture ut Illinois Univer- Perhaps—If he has any brains. , OKtiAMZKD 1800 values to $2.50, now ...w"!* ets, $6.00 values, now And now comes the Greek nation sity and famous writer; Dr. O. F. Respectfully yours, Men's Dress Socks, all sizes, mc Men's Heavy 10 oz. Canvas Gloves, 1 ftp with a demand that we let down our Warren, nationally known furm mun- We have seen many thlAgs, in many 20c values knit wrist, 20c value ' Uu Wiiliam A, Kontgomery immigration bars and open onr doors ugement expert from Cornell Uuiver- places, and at many times, that would Benton Transit Co. to a million and a half of (Jreek refu- sity; Signora Agrestl, of Home, Italy; PHIL CUTLER. make many people smile—or squirm— Attorney at Law DOCKS FOOT OF 10th STREET gees from Constantinople and Asia. Chus. B. Snyder, editor of the Drov- if they were reduced to cold and uu Minor. ; HUfllH ers Journal, Chicago; and President feeling type. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! COLOMA, MICHIGAN. The Benton Harbor Chicago (5«h1 forbid I Duvld Frlduy of M. A C. ure among Conaaltatlon a specialty. Proctices Route Across Lake It Is because of the presence of so the leading speukers who will address What have you seen? Florsheim Shoes, $10 and One Special Lot Florsheim ; in all courts. many foreign malcontents In this coun- one or more of the general meetings $12 values $7.95 Shoes, $10 values $5.00 Miehigan. try that we are In a constant slate of at the big conference. ALL ALONEI Direct service between Ben- internal turmoU, with the shadows of Thirty state furm ussociutions and Potes-Enright. One Special Lot Broken Men's Rubbers, $1.50 value bolshevistic revolution and plunder al- groups will meet ut M. A. C. during 'sizes, $5 and $6 values 3.49 now 1.00 Dn Leo Hosbein ton Harbor and Chicago, con- ways hovering us a menace in tho Furmers' Week. Special agricultural A quiet Now Years wedding was per VETERINARIAN necting with Interurban Line. background. exhibits nnd entertainment features termed at the home of Mrs. Laura Admit a million nnd n half direct which will be more complete than any Marvin last Monday when Miss Lillian When Gonyersttion Phone WatervUet 63 rine $ Patronage ol Fruit Growers from the hotbed of Intrigue and fanat- ever planned for Farmers Week are Potes. a former resident of Coloma, was Dentistry on Week Days Only. icism? being worked out under the direction united In wedlck t« James Enrlght of Lags soljcited. Never! of tiie college ollicers. More than Chicago, at 2 o'clock p. m.. Rev. John- Reaidence, Coloma, Mich. NO COMPETITION There is Always Men i)nd women of foreign birth who 5,000 farmers and their families at son officiating. The bridesmaid was Dally Trips Durlno have come to us In the past and have tended Farmers Week ip 1021, and an Mrs. Margaret Hughes and the groom's Your Brunswick Fruit season. proven themselves to Imj good citizens even lurger orowd is expected this best man was Clarence Sheldon of Colo Misdirected Energy. are welcome, and we extend to them your. ma. The bride and groom were wel The Accepted Phonograph of Then there Is the mnn who seems For Rates cal on or address the hand of fellowship and good will. comed at a dinner on Tuesday at the the Musical World - destined to go through life hitting But they constitute a suffldoncy. home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira G. Leedy and Savage Tribes Revered the Cross. DURING THIS SALE And with The Brunswick, too, his thumb on the bnck while trying FREDfl. HOBB S If Greece needs aid in feeding her on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. -to hit the nail on the head. own people who are forced by circum- From the eurly days of the church Margaret Hughes. The couple have you have the satisfaction of E^AiTO/M MAR.BOR.,MICmGA/M. Main St.. Benton Harbor stances to return to their natlvo land, the cross was u usual emblem of gone on a honeymoon trip to Indiana knowing that you are enter- we will extend that aid In the same Christian faith and hope. The "first points, after which they wUl make their taining your friends with the lOO West Main Street manner that we have been doing it in Christians showed greut respect for Itf home In Chicago. * INTERURBAN LINE ' most life-like reproductipn of various countries in the past—through significance, with St. Paul "glorying fine music that inventive the Red Cross and other such agencies. In the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." No one can charge the United States genius so far has been able They used the gestural sign of Uie 500 SUITS Ancient Culinary laeas. B.HST.JOERY.<.CO. with being niggardly in feeding nnd cross extensively. Tertulliun wrote in The New Dort Six to devise. clothing the hungry and naked of for- Some of the early Ideas of dollcacleB tho Second century: "At every step Treat the Stairs Kindly. COLOMA-WATBRVLIBT DIVISION ~ ^ eign lands. Even us this editorial is would not appeal to the modern taste, and movement, when we go In or out, If, In ascending stairs, the foot Is j being written, our food and our cloth- nor would such methods ns some Ro- Effective September 8,1019. Subject to change wiinout notice. when we dress or put on our shoes, at Motor placed upon- the step or tread with a ing and our gold are being sent abroad man cooks applied to the red mullet, in great quantities for this very pur- the bath, ut the table, when the slidiug motion or "scuff," needless wear -W. B. WELCHER," Superintendent J. H. POUND, Gen. Past. Agt which was cooked while alive In a pose, and hundreds of thousands arc lights are brought, when we go to bed, Can leave Benton Haitor for Cdloma. MUlburg and WatervUet at 6:00, glass vessel on the table. in brought upon the paint or tlnish, and being saved from starvation. 300 OVERCOATS 1 1:40, 10:40 ft. m.. 12:40, 2:40, 4:40, 6:40, 8:40 and 10:40 p. m. when we sit down, whalsver It Is thnt the wood of the step, Itself, for particles This we are glad to do, because It Remarkable Fuel Economy—twenty four miles Cars leave Coloma for Watervllet a; 6:88, 0:18,11:18 a. ul, 1:13, 8:18, occupies us, wfe mark the forehead wftb of sand or grit clinging to the shoe will Is un act of humanity. 8:18,7:18,0:18 and 11:18 p.m. the sign of the cross." to the gallon at a speed of thirty miles an hour. Life Is just one thing after another, grind through the paint and into the But we are eternally opposed to the Can leave Watervllet for Coloma, MUlburg and Benton Harbor at 7 :Q0, Even before the Christian era th» and you can make them good or bad, wood. Instead, the foot should he; wholesale admission of u horde of 0:88,11:88 a. nt, 1:88, 8:88, 6:88, 7:88, 0:88 and 11:88 p. m. just as you choose. refugees who have been reared amidst cross wns an object of religious venerat placed upon the step as though one Can leave Coloma for Millbnrg and Benton Harbor at 7:12, 0:46,11:46 All high-grade 'clothing at prices Forty-five horsepower; remarkable removable blood, butchery and trickery. Tlmt tlon among savuge tribes. The death were walking upon the ball of his foot, j a. &, 1:46,8:46 : 6:46, 7:46, 0:46 and 11:4S p. m. would 1)0 an act of Insanity. of Christ gnve It n new meaulng. head motor. which causes Uie least wear upon the Can leave Benton Harbor for Dowaglac at 6:40, 0:00,10:40,11:68 a. m.. Let the Greek nation house Its own paint and wood of the step. In de-! Riekenbacker t JMflO, 4:28,8:10,7:40 and 10:40 p. m. that will clean house quick. refugees, and If necessary we will uid scending a flight of stairs, of which JK • CAR • WORTHY • OF • ITS • NAME All moving parts lubricated by combination in feeding and clothing them until they Milo 6. Seller the treads or steps are narrow. If the can become self sus(aining. force feed and splash system, the most perfect ever toe he placed as close to the front ot But no more! the step as safety permits, or If the The volcano of discontent is becom- COME AND SAVE MONEY employed in motor design to this time. Coloma,. Mich. body he In a sideways position, the | ing hot under our feet ns it is. lc. A. SHOUP risers will not be bruised by striking We will not knowingly kick off the lid. the heeliyagainst them. If you Try a Rickenbqcker MANUFACTURER OF S. & S. GARAGE DAIRYMEN! 1. P. OADT n. n. ANDBKWS Boats, Territorial Road Phone 1985 Benton Harbor You Will Buy a Rickenbacker Get Our Prices On Unicom Dairy- CADY & ANDREWS Window Screens, JUST LIKE ua ATTORNEYS Porch Screen Work, Ration. The name spaaks for itselT. Screen Doors, Mrs. Beetle—Henry, won't you The Difference— Jones ft Bonner Block, Benton Harbor Ironing Boards please hook my shell up the back! idiltted to Pnctlu In ill (oorl Shirtwaist Boards INTKRUKBAN LINE Between die Cost of Good 24% American Dairy Ration. Scratch Feed. Fall Would Help. and Cheap Printing Adolph V. Nordeen Window Frames The guy who wanta to tell it all Butter Milk Egg Mash, and all other manu- Door Frames Can surely make you hot Fruit Ladders B.B.ST.J0ERY.4LT.C0. 'Twould help a lot If he would fal. Dealer for Berrien County b so slight that he who goci factured Feeds. Cabinet Work of all kinds From off his train ot thought. Service Station Rei. Phone 3-F5 OOLOMA-WATERVLIET DIVISION shopping from printer to 202 Main St, St Joaeph COLOMA,'MICHIGAN HORSES Simple. printer tp secure his printing Leaye your orders for Oats, Effective September 8, 1010. Subject to change witnout notice- Brown-How can you make a thin lit & few cents less than what Hay and Straw. AT W E. WELCHER. Superintendent J. h. POUND, Gen. Pass. Agt goose fat? it is reaDy worth hardly ever Let me give you in estimate Otrt leave Benton Htrtwr for Coloma. MUlburg and WatervUet at 6:00 Smithe—Don't know. makes day laborer wages ii Harry Litowich's S:40. 10:40 t. m., 12:40, 2:40. 4:40. 6:40. 8:40 and 10:40 p. m. Brown-Throw It up into the nlr this unpleasant task. on anything you want. Otn leave Coloma for WatervUet at 6:83, 9:18, 11:18 a. m^ 1:18, 8:18 and It comes down plump.—Sheffield Sale and Exchange Stable Berrien County's Best Clothing Store 6:18, 7:18, 0:18 and 11:18 p. m. - o Telegraph. If you want good work at Bishop's Feed Mill Territorial Road, Benton Harbor Can leave Watervllet for Coloma. MUlburg and Benton Harbor at 7 00 9:88, ll:8Sft.m;i:88, 8:38,6:83. 7:88,0:83 and 11:33 p. m. prices that are right, get your With Every 10 Cent Purchase Father Gets Funny. IT Have fifteen head of horses, mares Cars leave Coloma for MUlburg and Benton Harbor at 7:12, 0:46, 11-46 job printing - A. ENGSTROM, Manager : Shop Opposite Hill's Store j "Pa. what kind of relalionB are SCOTTS PHARMACY and mules. If you want to buy or to # • Hotel Benton Block Benton Harbor a. m., 1:46, 8:46: 6:46, 7:46, 0:46 and 11:46 p. m. trade, be sure and see this stock. , 'diplomatic relations?'" Can leave Benton Harbor for Dowaglac at 6:40, 0:00,10:40,11:68 a. nt. Coloma, Mich. Telephone 62 Coloma, Mich. All horses are guaranteed as repre- COLOMA. MICHIGAN! X#, 8:10, 4:28. 6:10, 7:40 aod 10;40 p. m. "The kind our wives seldom have, PAYS sented. my son." —At This Office ADVERTISE Phone 304 Benton Harbor 5tf THE OOLOMA COUHIBll, OOLOMA, MICH. THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH.

21 Bargains in stationery at Scott's.— "Anything To Wear" Motto of Russian Boys • t lii f/j l/i ft f'l luit'i §4 Mj ft Adv. SOLD EVERYWHERE Get your Rexall Weather Chart at Who Face Death from Lack of Clothes Scott's—Adv. RYZON EAT To Advantage Order your piea for Saturday. Mrc.C- E. Coburn—Adv. BAKING POWDER No matter where your business Too Many Goods you use /ess U. H. Coffee, 30 cents per pouu 1, at may call you, your family is no Umphrey & Hunt's.—Adv. Buy Groceries that Satisfy farther away from you than Some people don't know when to Children's Clinic quit because they never start. the nearest telephone. Buy OU CAN NOT Are Left Over The man who watches his steps sel- dom has to resort to jumping. Right Prescriptions GET THE MOST Every Saturday The wprld is looking for a strong Prices Reduced to Sell Them man to save it. Are you game? brought to this store You OUT OF LIFE MICHIGAN STATE ffMB TELEPHONE CO. N ACCOUNT of Saturday being the only day in If you charge your bad debts up to are prepared from Want experience they may prove to be worth UNLESS YOU the week when children arc out of school, and the purest and fresh- to O Our big Pre-Inventory Sale will open on Friday, Jan. 5th and continue until Satur- more than they cost. when they can best be brought to the Clinic, we arc l*i Them Htar Your Voim—Ut* Lonj Dktanet est of drugs, and ex- Eat EAT THE BEST day night, Jan. 6th. This is more than merely an annual sale. It is a case of cut- Whatever your successes of the past, Right. reserving Saturday for Babies and Children only. ' *' i 'i' r ft' r i' * '$•' ir «ijfift»11 * v they should not measure up to those actly as written by FOOD. ting the price of goods far below the usual sale price. We want the cash, and must of the coming year. the physician. This will permit of our taking cart of their cases lo have it, and prices are going to get it for us. the best advantage, and insure you of having the It's a waste of perfectly good money for a man with a talkative wife to We sell foodstuffs that produce the PEP advice and counsel of physicians and specialists buy a phonograph. who have made a study of children's diseases. Dry Goods Department. Grocery Department. It takes a gatne sport to risk pro- This Accuracy that enables you to make the most Clinic hours are from 1 to 3 o'clock. Sugar, 10 pounds for $1.00 posing to a womtfb. Some mighty queer Boys and Girls Underwear 78c "birds" have been accepted. assures the maxi- of your opportunities. Oil Cloth, per yard 3lc 20 Bars Swift's Naptha Soap $1,00 The safest and surest way hack to mum of beneficial Mercy Hospital Clinic Ribbon, per yard 6c 17 Bars A. F. Soap $1.00 health, strength and happiness is by results, as any phy- tho Tanlac route. F. L. Scott—Adv. Ribbon, per yard .1 15c 25 Bars Swift's Pride Soap $1.00 sician will tell you. Benton Harbor, Michigan Dark Percales, per yard j 6c Ohio Blue Tip Matches, 3 cart $1.00 Even old man Santa can make mis- ' C. KLOESS Light Percales, per yard j 5c Green Mill Tea, half pound 29c takes. He didn't bring those delin- Daily accept Sunday, 1 (o 3 p. m, quent subscriptions we were expecting. Romper Cloth, per yard 21C Chop Suey Tea, half pound 29c GROCERY and MARKET. COLOMA May the new year bring you unlim- Bleached Muslins, per yard |7c Brooms 49c ited prosperity. Then you will not Safety First Pillow Cases lit Sweet Corn, the best, 8 cans $1.00 miss tlie subscription prices of this paper. for YOU is the rule Sheets, large size $1.00 Peas, the best, 8 cans $1.00 of this drug store. "Anything to wear" will be the The Russian winter la as severe as age contains sufficient material for Boys and Girls Stockings, 39c vail. ^-ZSc 12 Rolls of Toilet Paper $1.00 Miss Clara VanVoorhees Is taking a motto of these Uiree Ruaelan boys thfet of the northernmost United a suit or dress and four suits of 48c vacation from her work at Scott's during the coming winter months.j Slates and , and thla has underwear for man or woman or Women's Underwear SI.00 Palmolive Soap, 6 bars drug store and ia spending some time Their condiUon ia typical of that of' made the problem doubly preaslng, two children. The items include Women's 50c Stockings 3ic Gold Dust, per package 4c lu Chicago. millions of little Russian children, for the Russian markets have little i 1-1 yards of 66-inch 20-ounce Mr. and Mrs. Neil Becker of Detroit most of whom have come through clothing available, and the -supply dark blue wool cloth; 4 yards of 88- Luncheon Sets 48c Tea Table Flour, per sack 98c were holiday guesta of Mr. and Mrs. THE BEST PLACE TO GET the summer without shoes and sel- that is for sale is held at prices far Inch black cotton lining; 8 yards of Aprons 89c Hershey's half pound can of Cocoa . 16c Charles O. Ball. Mrs. Becker is a sis- F. L scon dom with more than two garments. above the reach of the average 37*lnch flannel; 16 yards of un- ter of Mrs. Ball. GOOD MEAT IS AT THE And they face the prospect,—ac- worklngman. Overcoats cost more bleached muslin; and buttons and Half a Meal Wool Shirts, $2.50 value SI.98 Salmon, per can --17c thread to make up the garments. 7** fRexcSJi S/ote cording to reports which field work- than a year's aalary. Rome of the Boys Sweaters $1.98 Crisco, 8 one pound cans $1.00 Charles Vogt returned home on Tues- When the money Is received at ers of the American Relief Admln- organizations allied with the Amer- day from an extended visit with old MARKET WHERE ONLY A. R. A. headquarters, 43 Broadway, In a delicious 5c drink Wool Socks, for men — 39c Lima Beans, 8 cans $1.00 latration have made to Herbert ican Relief Administration have friends at Toronto, Ontario, and other N«w York, delivery of packages COLOMA. - MICHIGAN Hoover, head of the organization— aent clothing for distribution in Wool Socks, for men ...• :—19c Snow Boy, 1 package 4c points in Canada. GOOD MEAT IS SOLD. of being unable to go out doors to Russia, but theae contributions, big purchased without designated con- "400" is made to meet the urge of Boards of Health and Navy Beans, 11 pounds $1.00 the A. R. A. kitchens which have as they are, have been "only a drop signees will be distributed among many food authorities. They find most children underfed— Overalls, per pair SI.29 J. A. White, a well-known Kentucky ec us pat: or* fed them warm meals for a year In the bucket". the most needy cases, many of starved of certain elements. They-want children to eat more Hip Boots, per pair $2.98 Cheese, per pound 33c farmer, said he could beat his bands iWhlch are beyond description. or more. As fuel is almost impos- To overcome these condlUons, th® often. They are growing and active. Their little stomachs Overshoes, per pair $1,98 Lamp Chimney |3c shucking corn after taking Tanlac. sible to get, most of the homes will American Relief Administration has Delivery of clothing packago to., Sold by Fred L. Scott.—Adv. THIS be heatless, adding to the peril the initiated a Clothing Remittance undertaken to any given address in cannot bold a five-hour food supply. Leather Vests for Men, $5.00 val. .$3.98 Lamp Burner, with wick j 3c Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets at a spec- Clean children face, say the reporft. for system operating In every way like RuMla. The sender receives a dir- a Bring your hides and furs to me for ial price, $45.00 at Hill's.-Adv. If they try to go out In this scanty the now famous Hoover Food Re- ect receipt from the Russian who " dairy drink with rico-flavored chocolate. A Wool Blankets, per pair $1.48 Climaline, 9 packages 1-SI.00 fanning. I am agent for John Flgved Texaco Motor Oils are local dairy supplies it fresh every day. Liye market price paid* for wheat at TEXACO clothing they will be exposed to ill- mittance. The Clothing Remittance gets the clothing. Men's Underwear, $1.98 value — $1.48 Lux, 9 packages $1.00 Itolie and Tanning Co., of Milwaukee, new and death from the elements. costs $20. and each clothing pack- Wis. Elmer Dunbar, Coloma. Mich.. the Watervliet Milling Co.—Adv. 48tf PLACE clean. Each pint supplies about 425 calories of nutriment, which Men's Underwear, $3.48 value $2,48 Ivory Flakes^ 11 packages *1.00 Phone 78F3. Adv 22tf GASOUNE is equal to six eggs. It contains minerals, vitamines protein, Men's Mittens, $1.00 value 89c Pet Cam. Silver Cow Milk, 9 cans $1.00 For a good laxative, use Flgsen Clean means pure. Pure energy food and fats—the foods that children need. Road the ads very carefully. Ex- Tablets. All sizes at Scott's.—Adv. The Volatile Gat, PUT' IT IN PLEASANT WAY Men's Flannel Night Dresses $1.25 Potatoes, per bushel 75c ceptional bargains arc offered at tills It costs no more means fully refined. Fully (NEW NOTHING OF COMFORT GETTING EVEN One bottle forms half a meal. The price is five cents — time of the year at tho annual clear- Bring your veal to C. Kloe*'grocery rmnponds instantly. One Lot of Men's Sweaters, $4 val $2.98 Ammonia, small bottle 10c and market for the highest price.- Adv. because it is refined means correct lubrica- Thomas Bailey Aid rich's Humdroua frst what children pay for foodless drinks. ance sales. You can save money if It's ready for the Citizens of the Middle Agea Lived in you participate in these sales. good. Rebuke to Coi rWhose Congoleum and linoleum rugs, win- tion. Correct lubrication spark and takes it. What Today Would Properly • Writing Was Illegible. Make if one of your New Yput re«o- dow shades and curtain rods at Hill s. Be Called Pigatyea. means an engine more respon- known, 400 has become the most popular drink in exist- 1 ni ions that you will clean up nnd —Adv. It puts the GO into t m t0 M40


Marshall—The charter commission- MISS FLORENCE F0LGER THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH. era have begun actual work on draft- SIR PERCY COX ing the new charter. ENGLISH HOPE war contract frauds, blaming former ad- July S-Unlted States rail labor board Aprll 10-E. J. Murphy, veteran warden SEEKS Sept. >—Turkish Nationalists occupied national Oerman leglilatlon for defense outlawed" the striking mechanical craft* of Illinois state penitentiary. J. S. WILL CALL of the republic. ministration Smyrna. Charlevoix—Richard McCann, this May 11-Announcement made of merger unions. Aprll 12—Henry M. Shrady, sculptor, In Sept. 12—France and Great Britain ac- July 31—Irish Nationals captured Tip- city. Jumped from his automobile just of Bethlehem and Lackawanna steel com- Jfuly 4-Rallroad maintenance of way New York. cepted Lord Robert Cecil's plan for "In- perary and Limerick Junction from the employees postponed strike Indefinitely. Aprll 13-Slr Ross Smith, famous Aus- STATE NEWS Irregulars panles. • MRS. G. W. HALL before It hurled over a 50-foot embank- ternational company aeeurance against TO FOND DEBT May 20—A. H. Gelssler. Oklahoma, ap- July 10-Presldcnt Harding proposed tralian aviator, killed by fall of plane. Aug.. t—Former Premier Facta formed ment by Round lake here. 4-PDWEI!TREATY war." that striking coal miners return to work Aprll 14—Adrian C. Anson, famous vet- NO WORLD MEET Sept IS—Western portion of Smyrna new Italian cabinet. pointed minister to Guatemala. t old scale and that new scale be arbi- eran of baseball. In Chicago. Chronology Augiuh. (-Italian Fasclstl captured palace May 24—Interstate commerce commis- burned; loss 160,000,000; many lives lout. Flint—Miss Fantlno Pemberton, of Menominee.—Flre destroyed the sion ordered rail freight rj,e» reduced trated. April 17-Henry V. Esmond, English Germany refused to deposit gold fiuar- at Genoa In face of heavy gun flreIre of July U-Presldent Harding Issued proc- playwright SICK FOB YEARS of Martial law proclaimed In sev- about 10 per cent, effective July 1. Ann Arbor, baa been engaged as su main factory building of the Ameri- Exchequer Head Tells of Inten- aniee demanded by Belgium and defaulted regulars. lamation warning striking shopmen John Foord, editor Asia Magazine, In Asks the U. S. to Sound Great eral provinces. May 30-Llncoln memorial at washing- "Hands Off" Borah Plan, Harding on payment of private pre-war debta to against interfering with malls or Inter- Washington. perlntendont of the new woraen'a hos- can Rule and Block company, of this Aug. 8—General strike In Portugal; mar- ton dedicated. tion as He Leaves for allied nationals. Htate transporutlon. Aprll 23—Eduardo S. Mujlca, Chilean city, causing a loss of nearly $100,- June 2—Senate passed army bill pro- Wants Women to Know How She pital, which Is to bo opened here soon. Britain, France and Tells the Senate in The IJcar 1022 Bept I&^Great Britain Invited the do- I tlal law proclaimed and government July 14-Rallway sUtlonarv engineers, sutesman. Washington. minions, France, Italy, Serbia, Rumania moved to Fort Cascaes. viding for army of 133,000 enlisted men. 000, partly covered by Insurance. June 6—United States Supreme court firemen and oilers ordered to strike on Lord Leopold Mountbatten, cousin of Vassar—Hershel Stevens, 15 years and Greece to Join In the defense of th«j | Aug. 13-Cork, -last stronghold of Irish Wu Mtde Well byLydii E. Pink- Italy. Letter. held labor organizations could be sued for July 17. King George of England. East Lansing—Buildings to cost $1,- Dardanelles. . rebels, taken by Irish Nationalists. July 17—President Harding's arbitration Rt, Rev. Troy Beatty, Episcopal bishop old, who, while diving In MUUngton Sept, 18—France and Italy opposed mlll- Aug. 14-Peace parley between warring violations of Sherman anti-trust law. tarn's Vegetable Compound June 12-Capt A. W. Stevens made plan falling of acceptance, he told the coadjutor of Tennessee. creek last July, struck his head on a 500,000 will be erected at the Michi- tary operations against Turks. factions In China opened In Shanghai. mine operators to reopen their mines un- fleet world-record parachute descent of 24,208 April 26-Frederlck VanRensselaer Dey, gan College of Agriculture under a Sept. IS—Entire British Atlantic Aug. 21—General Wu, military master of der protection of federal troops and the stone, pushing his neck through his GALLS HIS MISSION DELICATE China, accepted policy of Dr. Sun for feet. , writer of the Nick Carter detective sto- Lima, Ohio.-"Indeed, your medidne Conptod by B. 117. PICKARD sent to Dardanellea ries. committed suicide In New York. program of President David Friday, Hungary admitted to League of Nations. I reorganization of China like the United June 18—New treasury regulations Is- Ii all you say it la 1 I bad very severe breast, Is dead at his home here. REQUEST MADE INFORMALLY SAYS NO DEBT CANCELLATION Sheriff and four others killed In mlne- April 28—Paul Deschanel, ex-presldent Sept. 1»-Kemal Paiha demanded of al- | States. sued permitting shipping boanl vessels 1 troubles uuch aa wo- approved by the state board of agri- ^LLLLLg"-'!' tf to sell liquor outside three-mile limit. strlko light at Cllftonvllle, W. Va. of France. Grand Rapids—J. Boyd Pantllnd, 72 lies Immediate conference on guarantees Aug. 22—Michael Collins, head of Irish July 22—A. F. of L. Inquiry board upheld culture. Declares He IB Not Going to Wash- July 18-Amerlcan Labor party formed April 29—Richard Croker, former head men often have, and for neutrality of the Straits and permis- Free State, killed in ambuscade. Landls award In Chicago and recommend- years old, president of the Pantllnd In New York by fusion of groups. of Tammany Hall, In Ireland. could do no heavy Ington With Hit Mind Mads Up Under the Proposed Terms the Euro- (®, irn, western N#w«pap«r Union.) sion to send troops Into Thrace. Aug. 27-Sweden by popular vote re- ed reorganization of local building trades Mt. Clemens.—A circuit judge for State Department Working on Prob- jected prohibition. June UMJenate passed navy appropria- S. R. Kaufman, well known hotel man work. I was sick for Hotel company, and former proprie- With Hard and Fast pean Powers Would Enter Agre#. Sept. 20-Allies agreed to conference of council. eight nations on Near East, excluding Aug. a-Oen. Francisco Murgula started tion bill, providing for 86,000 enlisted men of Chicago. tor of tlie Morton House, died after a Macomb county will be chosen at the lem—Pr*ldenfe Letter Does Not DIs- July 26-IntersUte commerce commis- Aprll 30—Commander J. D. J. Kelley, several years, and Proposals. msnt Not to Make War tor INTERNATIONAL Russia. revolutionary movement In Mexico. Minnesota Republicans renominated April election, and Judge James G. SO-Uenerkl Crowder gave Cuba United States Senator F. B. Kellogg, sion declaring existence of national emer- U. S. N., retired in New York. from reading your long Illness complicated by heart dis- close Nature of Action Already Sept. 23—Allies invited Turks to peace gency because of tho strikes, took charge Period of Years. Jan. 1—Delegation from Chita republic and Democrats renominated Mrs. Anna May 1—John Vance Cheney, poet and ads. I finally Tucker, who has been Incapaclated confisrenceonfert . agreeing "to return Con's tan- 1 ten ifays to act on his legislative reform of traffic distribution of fuel and food. ease. London, Dee. 28.—Stanley Baldwin, Taken by Administration. lu Washington made public secret docu- essayist, In San Diego, Cal. Lyddi a E. tlnople, Acirlanople and Thrace In retuns plan D B Aug. 1-Chlcago street car and elevated take for more than a year owing to sick- snents revealing alleged military alliance Sept 7—Brazil began celebration of one june 21-nilnols Supreme court upheld May 2—Ada Jones, noted musical com- Harbor Springs—The village coun- chancellor of the exchequer, leaving for freedom of the Dardanelles. • employees struck against reduced pay. edy actress. Pinkhara'a VVegetai - ness, will not be a candidate for re- Washington, Dfic. 27. — Germany between and France for domina- Sept 2&—Great Britain agreed to admit hundredth anniversary of her Independ- the convictions of William Brosa Lloyd London to embark at Southampton Washington. Dec. 20.—President tion of Siberia. Denounced as forgeries ence. and 18 other members of the Commun'st- Railway executives rejected President May 4—A. J. Gronna, former United ble Compound. 1 arti cil has ordered all telephone and elec- election. has suggested Informally that the Russia to Near East conference concern- by French and Japanese delegates to Sept. >-Wllllam Cosgrave elected presi- Labor party for sedition. Harding's plan that strikers returning to States senator from North DakoU. [now doing my own tric wires on the business streets aboard the Majestic for America to Harding made a direct entrance Into ing the Dardanelles. work be reinstated In seniority rlghu. May 8—Henry P, Davison, New York United States sound the European sirme conference. 9PL 28—Greek troops revolted and King dent of Irish provisional government. June 22—Striking miners In Williamson washing, whicb I Lansing.—An Increase of 197 In the Aug. 2—Rail strikers accepted President banker. placed underground. The village al- confer with Washington officials on powers on their disposition to enter the flght against Senator Borah's Jan. I—War between Russia and Fin- Sept 26-Greek troops revolted and King county, Illinois, slaughtered II strike- Constantlne abdicated. Harding's plan with reservations. May 7—J. H. Patterson, head of Nation- baven'tdoneforsev- population of state Institutions In No- amendment to the naval appropria- land begun over alleged Finnish aid to Russia, in note to the allies, demanded Constantlne abdicated. breakers and mine /"arts. ready has taken care of Its own the British debt said: Into a four-power pact to preserve tlie Aug. 4—Chicago street car strike settled al Cash Register Co. eral years, and can Karelian rebels. the restoration of Turkey In Europe. Sept 27-Crown Prince George sworn In June 34—Gov. Len Small of Illinois found vember, la shown in a report by Marl tions bill providing for tn Internation- by compromise. United States District Judge Beverly electric wires. "We hope to fund the debt nnd get peace similar to the four-power Pa- Jan. Allied supreme council called Sept. 2»-Kemal Pasha accepted allies^ as king of Greece. not guilty of conspiracy to defraud the walk long distances without those drag- Union college, fourth oldest college Aug. 7—President Harding proposed that Evans at Savannah, Ga. T. Murray, state welfare commission- al economic and disarmament confer- •oonomlo and financial congress to meet Ralsull, famous Moroccan bandit sur- the burden of'interest eased. Natunil- cific treaty. The four European pow- Invitation to armistice parley, and^ to 8t striking shopmen return to work and that May 12—C. B. Adams, noted penologist ging pains and weak feelmgs. The Veg- Bay City—The West Bay City Sugar In the country, located at Schenectady, In Genoa In March; Germany and Russia peace conference on condition that Con- rendered to the Spanish. June 27—Wisconsin Democrats nominated ed. The population Nov. 1 was 15,- Sir Percy Cox, British high commis- ence. both sides submit seniority quesUon to la- at St. Charles. III. etable Compound Is fine, and 1 never ly, the last word Is with America. If ers would be Great Britain, France, Included. stantlnople and all of Thrace be ceded at I Oct 10-Irlsh hierarchy condemned war- Mrs. Ben C. Hooper of Oshkosh for United company has Increased Its authorized N. Y., has Its first feminine student bor board. May 13—Dr. Rafael Zaldlvar, former 170 as compared with 15,277 at the sioner In Iraq, has been summoned to In a letter to Chairman Lodge of • Jan. 7—Conferees at Washington adopted fare against the Free State. States senate. forget to say a good word for it tn other we effect a settlement It will be an Italy and Germany. once to Nationalist government Aug. 10-Brotherhood men refused to minister from Salvador, In Chicago. capital stock from $200,000 to |1,000, end of tho month. - In the person of Miss Florence Fol- resolutions forbidding opera- Oct 1—Turk Nationalists agreed to ar- Oct 16—King Ferdinand and Queen Ma- June 21—Senator P. J. McCumber de- women when they say tbey need some- London, presumably to confer with the senate foreign relations commit- t>& u,>11 feated for renomlnatlon in Republican move trains on the SanU Fe system un- May 80—A. C. Bartlett, prominent la axample to Europe which might augur ger, who hns been permitted to take Under the terms Great Britain, tions against merchantmen and banning mistice conference at Mudanla on Oct l rie of Rumania crowned at Al l ' UUU and will dlstrlbutu the additional Oct W-Brltlsh conservatives decided to irlmarles of North Dakota by Lynn J. less guards were withdrawn from shop Chicago business and civic life. thing. "-Mrs. G. W. HALL, 539 Haiel Grand Rapids Throe nundred ii settlement of even greater problems, the govern?; nt on the advisability of tee, President Harding declared adop- poison gas in warfare. and suspended military operations.. towns, graduate work In electrical engineer- France, Italy and Germany would en- Jan. fr-Brland agreed at Cannes to abandon coalition; Prime Minister Lloyd June 2—Former United States Senator Avenue, Lima, Ohio...... •tock In the form of a stock dividend small shot were removed from the abandoning the British mandhtes In Oct S-Armlstlce conference opened at Aug, U-Many trains in West tied up by if successful, we hope America, seeing ter Into nn agreement not to make tion of the amendment to be Inadvis- partial moratorium for Germany In re- George and his cabinet resigned; A. Bonar Ju'y'i-General l>ord succeeded General W. P. Pollock of South Carolina. ing. Miss Folger hold? the degree of Mudanla. , w __ sporadic strikes of brotherhood men. There are many women who find their to the present shareholders. right foot of Stanley Grabowskl, 26 the N»>ar Enat—a courac which la be turn for d«f«nslVA alliance for France Law Invited to form new ministry. Dawes as director of the budget June 8—Mrs. Mary Virginia Terhune the result of one mission, will bo kind war for a period of years, probably able in view of what tho American O-t. 10—Allies, Greeks and Turkish Na- Aug. 1J-Rail way executives accepted household duties almost unbearable ow- bachelor of science from Massachusetts with Great Britain. Oct. 21 New provisional government of July 11—James H. Wllkerson named to (Marlon Harland), author, in New York. years old, accidentally shot by a Ing urged on Premier Bonar Law. government already is doing to help tionalists agreed to armistice conventlou President Harding s plan, with conditions. Battle Creek—Death, Instead of to a much more Important mission thirty. The United States would'not Jan. 11—Shantung controversy between Dominican Republic inaugurated. succeed K. M. Landls as United States June 6—W. T. Abbott, Chicago finan- Uig to some weakness or dprangement. Institute of Technology at Mudanla, providing for evacuation of Striking shopmen rejected It cier. Santa Claus, crept Into the home of friend, Ben Nazorwckl, of Rockford, settle European "prrblemft China and Japan settled. Thrace by Greece within 16 days and Its Oct 23-Bonar Law elected head of Con- district Judge. The trouble may be slight, yet cause Bonar Law will shortly undertake— be a party to the agreement and Its July 18—Robert B. Howell nominated Aug. l&-Operators and miners signed June C—Lillian Russell-Mrs. Alexander Feb. l-Wasnlngton conference adopted delivery to Turkey within 46 days. servative party and accepted the post of such annoying symptoms as dragging Mr. and Mrs. Waynard Watts, Glen- as the two were hunting in the north- reparations." connection would be merely that of The President Intimated clearly that live-power naval limitation treaty with prime minister. for senate by Republicans of Nebraska agreement at Cincinnati ending coal P. Moore—famous sUgs beauty. In Pitts- Oct ll—Mudanla protocol signed. palna, weakness and a run-down feeling. ern part of the county. agreement on Pacific fortifications; Oct 24-Bonar Law announced his cab- and Senato)rr HltchCock renominated by strike except In Indiana and Illinois. For- burgh. Pa. wood avenue, early Christmas morn Mr. Baldwin also said his mission Intermediary. success of the Borah plan would hin- Oct 23—United States Invited Central Ui S, MARKET REPORT adopted resolutions declaring open door inet and an election was called for Democrats. mer wage scale holds. June 7—Richard A. Balllnger, former Lyd la E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- tng. Two children sufflotfated during der present efforts by the State de- American republics to conference on lim- Aug, 11—John W. Davis elected presi- Aug. ll-Presldent Harding laid Indus- Athens—Mrs. Eva B. Warsop, who was most delicate, adding: LABOR OUTLOOK FINE The proposed agreement would be in China: approved treaty for restriction itation of armament and other subjects, Nov. 16. / secretary of the Interior, at Seattle. pound is a splendid medicine for such of use of and poison gas in Oct. 25—Japanese e- acuated Vladivostok dent American Bar association. trial situation befoi% congress and sug- George Carmack, discoverer of the a flre and the Watts' home suffered died at the Ira Underwood farm at "We are In a position of defense particularly acceptable tp Germany, partment. Senator Lodge visited the In Washington Dec. 4. conditions.lt has in many cases relieved warfare; Mr. Balfour announced Great snd troops of Far Eastern Republic occu- Aug. 16-Mai David A. Reed appointed gested legislation making decisions of la- Klondike gold fields, at Vancouver. White House Thursday morning, be- Oct. 27—Allies Invited United States to bor board enforceable and creating a coal heavy damage. • Absota, near here, had lived in the and must trend warily." He pointed Inasmuch as It Is calculated not only Britain would restore Wei-Hal-Wel to pied the city. to succeed the late United States Senator June 8—Henry T. Oxnard, leader In those symptoms by removing the cause participate In Near East conference al commission. Weekly Marketgram by Bureau fore the senate session opened and China. Lausanne, Switzerland, Nov. IS. Secre- Oct. 28-Italian Fasclstl prepared for Crow of Pennsylvania. sugar Industry, In New York. of them. Mrs. Hall's experience is but Ann Arbor—The tenth annual meet- same house all her life. She was born out the present American law regulat- to give France guarantees against any Aug. 11—Senate passed the McCumber Aug. 22—Illinois coal strike settled, men June 13-Horace E. Hooper, publisher Department at Washington Com- Feb. 4—Washington conference approved tary Huglies replied United States wouid militant action and Premier Facta and one of many. conferred with the President. After winning their demands. of Encyclopedia BrlUnnlca. ing of the Michigan Electric Light there 60 years ago. Her father gain- ing Interest entails annual British possible aggression by Germany and of Agricultural Economics. treaties relating to China and resolution send observers. Russia Invited to part his cabinet resigned. tariff bill. King George dissolved British psrlla- Aug, 23—House passed bill to create Hept 1-Government obulned sweeping G. W. Aldrtdge, collector of the port ed possession of the farm from the payment of £60,000.000 to £70,000,000. pletes Survey of Conditions. thus would deprive her of a main ar- the senator left, the President held a creating international commission to re- of conference dealing with the Darda- aseociaticn will be held at Grand Rap- vise the rules of warfare. ment and called new one to meet Nov. a). coal Investigating commission. Injunction In Federal court In Chicago re- of New York. conference with Secretary of State nelles Aug, 24-SecreUry of State Hughes straining striking shop crafts from Inter- Wb, it is announced by Herbert SIN government under the Homestead act "I am not going with my mind com- gument against a large standing army, Feb. f—Delegates to Washington con- Oct. 2»-Turkey and Russia opened con- Oct 21—King of Italy Invited Mussolini, June J9-Frederlc C. Penfleld, former Washington.—For the week ending De- ailed for Brazil. fering with operation of railways. pletely made up nnd< occupied with but would also guarantee Germany Hughes. ference signed all the treaties and the ference for economic accord. head of the Fasclstl, to form a new mln- ambassador to Austria, In New York. vester, of this city, secretary. August Selfrldge Field, Mt. Clemenfl—Avia- cember 2JMJRAIN—Chicago cuah market: conference adjourned sine die. istry. Aug. 29-Senator Hiram Johnson renom- Sept. 2—Anthracite strike settled, old June 21—Take Jonescu, Rumanian Shortage of Skilled Workers Reported The President's letter, sent to Chalr- Nov. 1J—Lausanne conference postponed age scale continued. 18 to 30 will be the dates and all ses- tion officers here have completed con- hard nnd fast proposals. against further occupation of German No. 2 red winter wheat, 11.31; No. 2 hard Feb. Ifr-Preeldent Harding submitted Oct. »—Premier Mussolini announced inated by Republicans. sutesman. /or tl\ to Nov. 20. Aug. 31-Senate passed soldiers' bonus Sept. IS-Shopmen'e strike broken by in Manufacturing States—Only winter wheat, 11.21; No. 2 mixed com, 74c: "-Unlted States innate ratified elections. ventor, in Chicago. DEAD Lansing—Reconstruction of the old favorably, and In all of them Improve- lied officers In Bavaria. Republicans .won Maine election by nor- fall and explosion near Hampton Roads: would be unwise to proceed with reversed by a'steady growth of pros- ton bulk eastern markets, |[email protected] f. naval limitation treaty and treaty on use Arthur Bemardes Inaugurated president mal majority. Senator Hale and Governor July 31-Mlss Mary N. Murfree hotpital building at the Ionia reform- ment was expected soon after the first Greeks, Turks and Jugo-Slavs Prepar- e h 0 34 men killed, 8 Injured. ("Charles Egbert Craddock"). American Quick Wit of locomotive Driver of poison gas and submarines In warfare. I uP ^h^}5!!^' „£° *' '{jjjj constan- of Brazil. Life is a burden when the body ouster proceedings in federal court perity und now Is being returned to o. h. Sacked round white potatoes, fl.3Se March TO-Unlted States ratified nine- let Christian refugees leave constan Baxter being re-elected. March 15-One fireman killed, score In- atory, to make it available for hous- of tho year. Nov. 18—Wllhelm Cuno accepted German Sept 12—Senator Looge of Massachu- author. Saves Fast Santa Fc Train— L46 per 100 lbs. eastern markets, $1.06 f. o. ing to Renew Armed Conflict, — - - -— — • tlnople. . , . .. ured In Chicago flre that destroyed Aug. 1—Former United States Benater is racked with pain. Everything at Bay City to remove the Saginaw- European countries as one of the power treaty concerning China and treaty chancellorship. setts, 6in*tor Townsend of Michigan and ing prison industries, was authorized Building operations throughout the b.; northern luuml wUIUm, 9oc^4i.io mid- Rome Repuits. Dec. 8—Allies presented plan for control Nov 17—Turkish' National assembly or- Springer block and damaged the Burling- Frank S. White of Alabama Robbery Motive. on Chinese lailff- Rennfor Polndexter of Washington renom- ton Rsllway OHW hnlMlnr, with prop- worries and the victim becomes Bay City Street Railway company chief exports. Most of the surplus, ofr uaroaneueDardanelles tto ^auw....Lausanne, cu.uc.conftranco.dere d arre||t andd ^tria l oof f mth e riimnlultan. , anandd Aug. 2 Alexander Grahsm R«Il, In- by the state administrative board. The country were reported holding a pace western markets, 60070c f. o, b. shipping April S-tingland notlfled her continental inated by Republicans. debtors they must pay Interest so she America cposltam stated. . he started for Malta on a British warship. erty loss of }8,000,000. ventor of the telephone. despondent and downhearted. tracks In this city until the courts Secretary Hoover told President points. Middle-western yeilow onions, „ Ja Sept 15—House adopted conference re- March 2S-Brltl8h submarine H-42 sunk necessary alterations, it was estimat- almost unprecedented, only a few Rome. Dec. 20.—News from the Bal- could pay Interest due America. Dec. S-Turkey's plan for Dardanelles NoNovv . 18—Abdul Medjld Effendl,, cousin off United SUtes Senator William E. Crew have passed on the legality of the Chicago, Dec. 28.—Quick wit of tlie Harding and the cabinet. Is sent In $2.E0®3.25 per 100-llt. sack city wholesale submitted at Lausanne. Virtually ac- j i ted caliph by Turk- port on Urlff bill. in Mediterranean with crew of 22. after To bring back the sunshine take ed, will cost less than $65,000 and will states In the North showing a slowing kans states that both .the Greeks and April 7—Germany rejected allied repara- dep08ed 8U lant e ec Sept. II—President Harding vetoed the of Pennsylvania. engineer of Santa Fe train No. 6, markets; western stock, $2.60^3.00 at lead- ccptcd by the allies. j i_i. Vfttlonal RMembly, collision with destroyer. Lemuel P. Padgett former congresa- votes cast In the street car election, payment of Imports and Its circulation tion commission's demand that she Iseue soldiers' bonus bill. provide an Industrial building capable up because of the weather. ing cities. Baldwin apples. $4.6006.00 per Turks are preparing to renew armed Dec. I—Allied premiers met In London ''SeJertl FenJ^S roup d'etat In Peking, March 29-FamouB church of Ste. Anne man from Tennessee. November 7. a flyer for Texas nnd Oklohoma, In foreign countries Is an Important 1200,000,000 In additional taxes. Senate adopted conference report on de Beaupre near Quebec burned. LATHROP'S of employing about 75 Inmates. bbl. In city markets, cold storage prices April ^-Colombia and Venesuela signed —I eSffing marSnaw ind ousting the Urifr Aug. 8—Benjamin S. Donnelley, former thwarted an attempt to wreck It at The manufacturing states, almost conflict The Greeks, It Is reported, N"- a ...... April 14—Destructive floods throughout Battle Creek.—John Wagner, 16 factor In stimulating American busi- ranging $4.2664.76 f. o. b.; northwestern boundary treaty...... , cabinet. Dr. W. W. Ten assumed P re- Sept. 20—House overrode President s famous football star. In New York. without exception, reported, shortages are massing a large army on the jected by allied premiers. mtershlo Mississippi river valley. Aug. 4.—Enver Pasha, ex-war minister Lansing—Patrolman Charles Fenby .Toilet Christmas night. The train -ar- extra fancy boxed Jonathans, $2.0002.28 April 10-Economic conference of Genoa veto of bonus bill, but senate sustained It years old, confessed to the theft of ness. • - Shantung province formally restored to Nov named new German mln- April IT—Fatal and destrucUve torna- of skilled mechanics. Textile mills In the Middle West Thradan frontier, and the Turks are opened. Russian delegates accepted the Sept 21—President signed Urlff bill. of Turkey, Killed In battle. was glad to be alive to enjoy Christ- rled several Pullmans In addition to does In aouthsrn Illinois and Indiana. Aug. 8—Rear Admiral Uriel Sebree, U. HAARLEM OIL five Battle Creek automobiles. Wag- four demands of the other nations. • ^ "JigS:™.. .( .IIM pr.ml.ri I tocUllrt. and C.mmunl.u b..n, Sept 22—Congress adjourned. April 18-Four hundred carloads of war were running full blast and needed LIVE STOCK—Prices at Chicago: Hogs, getting ready to resist an attack. April 18-Germany and Russia concluded 8. N., retired. mas. When he attempted to arrest five mall and express cars. Robbery Is not represented. . . . w Conrad E. Spens appointed federal fuel munitions exploded In Monastlr, Serbia, ner was taken Into custody as he top. $8.15; bulk of sales. $8.1008.86; medium treaty, cancellnc war debt* and adjourned to Jan. 2, France Insisting on Nov. 21-Woman suffrage defeated by Aug. 12—Arthur Grifflth, president of John Martin, colored, for intoxication, labor; The automobile Industry also SAY KLAN OPPOSES VIOLENCE Jugo-Slavla also Is mobilizing a large distributor. killing hundreds and destroying center of supposed to have been the motive. and good beef steers. $7.65011.65; butcher Lltovsk treaty and establishing full diplo- forcible occupation of the Ruhr. French senatt ...... Dall Elreann. In Dublin. The national remedy of Holland for over was returning to his home from a Dec. 12—Baltic states served ultimatum Sept 23—Herrln mine massacre grand the Negro pressed a revolver against As the train neared Jollet the engi- was running 100 per cent, hut the cows ar.d heifers. $3.60®10.00;feeder steers, number of troops. matic relations. Representatives of al- Nov. 24—Ersklne Chllders, chief aid of Aug. U-John G. Woolley, former pro- 200 years; it is an enemy of all pains re- on Russia at Moscow which Russia re- Jury completed IU work, having returned April 24—Sudden flood at Fort Worth, ride In a sedan owned by R. L. Bowen Imperial Wizard H. W. Evans De- lies at Genoa conference surprised and De Valera, executed by Irish Free State hibition candidate for President his heart and pulled the trigger. The neer saw several persons bending over labor supply about equaled the de- $6.60ig7.60; light and medium weight veal 214 Indictments. Tex., killed several acore ot persons. sulting from kidney, liver and uric add jected and dlsarmamenl conference went authorities. __ Spain. high school teacher. According to clares Ku Klux Are Sworn to calves. $3.60010.00; fat lambs, $13.16015.40: Triennial conclave of Episcopalian April 27-Levee breaks In Louisiana troubles. All druggists, three sizes. cartridge failed to explode and be- the rails and he applied the brakt-s mand. The steel Industry showed a "jKrll 17—Peace parley between Japan • on rocks. " ... Nov. 2&—Italian parliament gave Pre- Aug. 14—Lord Northcllffs, noted Britlah Deland Davis, county truant officer, feeding lambs, $12.76014.76; yearlings. $J>.00 BLAST KILLS MINE INSPECTOR Dec. 14-Turkey agreed to Join Laague church closed, denying members marriai made 10.000 homeless. general expansion, with a demand for Obey U. S. Laws. mier Mussolini full power to carry out with divorcees, refusing women place Journalist and publisher. Look for the Mm* Cold Medal on •vary fore Martin could again pull the trig- so suddenly passengers were thrown €12.76; fat ewes, $6.0007.76. a # 0 May 19—P. ft O. liner Egypt sunk In col- Levy Mayer, prominent Chicago Uw- he will he returned to the state In- ApWn8^Ined and'utUe €mtente"powers I of Nations when peace '" ^ned and to reforms. church management and passing other box and accept no imitation metal workers generally exceeding at Genoa barred Germany from partldpa- accept measures for protection of mlnorl- lision with French freghter: 98 lost ger, Fenby wrested the weapon from from their seats. The men dashed Four Rescuers Are Overcome by Gas German Chancellor Cuno given big vote nporunt church legislation. yer and capiullst dustrial school at Lansing for vio- June 11-Great storm swept New York Aug. 16.—Rollln D. Salisbury, geologist. the supply. Washington, Dec. 20.—That the Ku tlon In conference on Russia. 1 ties. of confidence by relchstag. Six killed In crash of army bombing Carfare. him. sway just as the train came to a stop In Ludlngton (III.) city and vicinity; 60 persons killed and University of Chicago. lating his parole. April Delegates of six neutral states Nov. 28—Five former cabinet members planes at Mlneola. L. I. Klux Klan does not practice or con- DE VALERA STILL FIGHTING nd Russia at Genoa defied allied powers of Greece and one general were convicted vast damage done. Aug. 18—Genevieve Ward, noted Ameri- For hours they had been together Ontonagon—Joe Stimac, self-con- ten feet from them. Inspection re- Coal Pit and FOREIGN Sept 26—G. A. R. In annual encamp- June 12-Three hundred drowned by Ludlngton—Carol, 3-year-old daugh- done violence, that lt exerts moral to discipline Germany. of treason In - connection with the Greek can tragedienne, to London. on her front porch. The moon casl vealed that fourteen spikes had been r ment at Des Moines. Ia. flood In San Salvador. Aug. 22—Rev. Dr. Henry Couden, blind fowed slayer of Frances Panton, a BRITISH DEBT MISSION SAILS April 21—German delegates at Genoa debacle In Asia Minor and were executed. Sept 28-Unlted SUtes Senator Frey- ter of Charles Sterns, Pere Marquette suasion only, that the hooded robe Fein Leader in New Pledge to Jan. 7-Dall Blreann accepted Irish July 31—Great conflagration In European chaplain of the house of represenUtlves Its tender gleam down on the young pulled and the fishplates torn aside, ^inn Decatur, Bl., Dec. 29.—Charles Fln- agreed to keep out of discussions of Rus- Great Britain protested and broke off llnghuysen of New Jersey renominated. 16-year-old school girl,,was sentenced Township farmer, was burned to peace treaty by vote of 84 to 67. De business uuarter of Hongkong. for 26 years, In Washington. never worn In public except on pa- Carry on the War in •lan affalrv diplomatic relations. Sect 28—Dr. J. W. Wlllett of Tama. Aug. 1—Forty persons killed In wreck of nnd handsome couple who sat strange to life imprisonment. Stimac con- thus loosening one rail. Enpllsh Financial Experts Leave for ley, a mine Inspector, was killed In an April 24—France and Japan, at Genoa, valera and followers decided to continue Nov. ^-Seventeen killed, many Injured Aug. 23—Albert J. Hopkins, former death. A piece of paper she put Into U., elected commander In chief of G. A. R. pilgrims' train near Ixmrdes, France. rade, and that the klan Is not In poli- Ireland. reached accord to oppose recognition of inthes flght.ngni . ^... I when Mexico City troops and police bat- United States senator from Illinois. ly far apart. He sighed. She sighed. fessed to state police that April 27 United States to Discuss Fund- explosion of mine damp In a coal njlne Oct 8—Mrs. W. H. FelSon appointed Aug. i-Fifty thousand lives lost In the kitchen stove burned off all her tics are assertions In a statement •ovlet Russia; conference deadlocked by Jan. »—De Valera resigned presidency j mobs enuged by breakdown of mu- Aug. 26—Delavan Smith, publisher of Finally: at Ludlngton, twenty miles southeast of Irish republic and was defeated fof moos enw United SUtes senator from Georgia, to typhoon at Swatow, on China coaat he attacked the girl and then poison- clothes except her shoes. The body CHICAG0ANS SPEND MONEY ing of War Loan. Russia's financial demands. nlclpal waterworks Indianapolis News. • .... - made by Imperial Wizard H. W. Ev- re-election, 68 to 80. succeed the late Senator Thomas Watson. Aug. 6—Thirty-seven killed and 138 In- Aug 28—Dr. Stephen Smith, founder of "I wish I had money, dear," he said. Dublin, Dec. 27.—Eamon de Valera of here, while two hundred men wait- May 1—Soviet Russia, in great Mar day Dec. 1—Deposed emperor of China mar- Oct 8—Attorney General Daughertv In ed her. Identity of the slayer was was charred beyond recognition. Her Jan. 10—Arthur Grifflth elected president jured In railway collision at Sulphur American Public Health assodatlpn. ans at the close of his week In Wash- has Issued n declaration, which he demonstration at Moscow, defled the sweeping decisions ruled liquor off of "I'd travel." ed at the top of the mine to go to of Dall Elreann to establish the Irish Springs, Mo. ' Aug. 27—Francla S. Peabody, millionaire revealed through finger prints found sister, Lois, made an heroic ''.tempt Christmas Celebration Cost Windy London. Dec. 27.-^116 British finan- "capitalistic nations of the world." H'oec. 2—Prince Andrew of Greece de- American ships throughout the world "Impulsively, she slipped her hand ington. signs "on behalf of the government May 2—Memorandum of allies' condi- Free State. De Valera and followers Aug. 17-Towns of Fairbanks, Silver coal magnate of Chicago. on a dinner pall with which the girl cial mission to the United States, work. Four miners who sought to graded and exiled for high treason. and barred foreign ships from American Creek and Plmlo, Minn., destroyed by for- to save her by driving her with a City Residents $100,000,000, tions for helping Russia handed to soviet bolted. Dec. 4—Parliament passed Irish constl Aug. 28—Arthur Dawson, American art- Into his; then, rising swiftly, she and the army," extending greetings rescue Flnley were overcome by cases Jan. 12—Premier Brland of France re- ports If they have liquor aboard, sealed had started to school on the morning poker to the snow outside, but Carol it Is Estimated. which will discuss the funding of the delegates at Genoa; Belgium refused to tutlon bill, Timothy Healy appointed gov e8 ist and critic. sped in the house. Aghast, he looked to every citizen and soldier of the re- signed because his policies at Cannes con- or unsealed. Aug. 28-Japanese Nlltaka sank Aug. 80—Mrs. Nellie Grant Jones, only and were themselves resced. algn and France made reservation. ernor general of Irish Free State. Oct 10—President Harding appolnUd of the killing. * fell at the door and soon died. British war debt, left for Ngv York U. S. DRY SHAKEUP IN SIGHT x ference were opposed. Polncare made In typhoon; 800 lives lost. daughter Of Gen. U. S. Grant In Chicago. at his hand. In his palm lay a nickel public, saying: "We consecrate our- May l-France withdrew her assent to Dec. 8—Irish Free State came Into being. the coal fact finding commission. Aug. 28-Forty-seven men entombed In W H. Hudson, noted British naturalist Ypsilanti—Bernard Kirk, of Ann Chicago, Dec. 20.—Chicago paid j Wednesday on the Majestlc'hended proposals made to the Russian govern- premier . . . Dec. 7—Ulster parliament voted to stay Oct 18—Great BrlUln rejected Secre- —Harvard Lampoon. Flint.—Five persons were found selvts anew to the achievement of the Jan. 14—Parliament of southern Ireland burning gold mine shaft at Jackson, Cal.; 6 Ury Hughes' appeal for treaty grantlni and author. Arbor, died at a hospital here Dec. 23 fl00,000.000 for Its Christmas oelebra- j by Stanley Baldwin, chancellor of the Haynes to Effect Appointments, Die- ou f all found dead 22 days later. Sept 2—Col. D. E. McCarthy chief overcome by coal gas In the home Independence of our country." He ap- ILLINOIS WOMAN, 103, DIES chargei Lloyd* George with Sckery^o" 1 ratTfled' peace treaty. Michael Collins at 1 ^° glli^nTiSeltowM and Rory O'Con- reciprocal right of search and seizure of Aug. 29—Chilean ship sank near Co- quartermaster of A. E. F., In Chicago. as a result of Injuries received several tlon. It was estimated by business j exchequer. The mission Is composed missals and Transfers on ships outside territorial llmltr Time Drags. of David Crosby here by Miss Mera peals to the people to .pray thnt God U-^Russlans T Genoa replied | b^.V^A^TrnT^ of .IrUh [ no^rfc^K executed In Dub- qulmbo; 818 lives lost The duchess of Albany. New Year's. American Legion convention opened In days before in an automobile accident. Kmleska, a nurse, who was attract- men. Downtown merchants said of Mr. Baldwin, who Is accompanied Mrs. Sirena Beard of Murphysboro Free State Installed at Dublin Castle. lln. BP* Sept. 28—Ammunition stores exploded by H. H. Lawson, Australian novelist and "Mother will he here this afternoon "shall bless our efforts and bring our •vaslvely to allied proposala Dec. 9—Gabriel Narutowlcz elected pres- New Orleans lightning destroyed Falconara fort, luly. about $80,000,000 was spent during by his wife nnd daughter; < Montagu May 14—Allies at Genoa Invited Unlteo Jan. 1»-Premlcr Polncare, demanding for a fevt days." Husband—"That'i The young man was recovering when ed by groans from the house as she Had Six Great-Great- Oct. 20-Alvln M. Owsley of Texas elect killing 174 soldiers and Injuring a thou- D06t« harassed people the liberty, peace and States to participate In new negotiations strict enforcement of treaty of Versailles, ident of Poland. F. W. Dickinson, chief editor of Reu C. Norman, governor of the Bank of Washington, Dec. 26.—Eeorganlza- ed national commander of American Le- the way It always seems." meningitis set in and he then weak- was hurrying to St. Joseph's Hospital. December for retail Christmas mer- Grandchildren. with Russia to begin at The Hague was given heavy vote of confidence. Dec. 11—Pope held secret consistory and sand. ter'a. happiness they need and desire." Oct. 6-More than SO reported killed In chandise. Outlying districts sold he- England; P. J. Grlgg, a secretary at- tlon of the prohibition unit will be- Feb. 2-Premler Bonoml of Italy and created eight new cardinals. , „ . . Sept. 4—Theodore A. Bell, prominent ened rapidly. The parents, Mr. and The victims were Crosby, his wife, his June 16. "oct 23—Judge Hand In New York fed disastrous forest fires In northern Ontario May 16-Unlted States declined invita- his cabinet resigned. , „ , ... Dec. 18—President Narutowlcz of Poland lawyer and politician of San Francisco. tached to the treasnry department, gin on New Tear's day with appoint- eral court upheld Attorney General and Quebec. Several towns destroyed. Habit Is a stubborn thing when po». Mrs. John P. Kirk, were with their baby son, Harold, and two roomers. tween $15,000,000 and $20,000,000 Murphysbo.o, HI., Dec. 29.—Mrs. Si- tion to The Hague conference. Russia Sacred collc.a met In Vatican to elect assassinated. 5—Bishop Samuel A. Fallows. Daugherty's ruling acalnst all ships Oct 21—Fifteen burned to dqsth In New Sept I worth. and Messrs. Rowe and Dutton, finan- ments, dismissals and transfers In the agreed to participate. Ukraine parliament voted to merge with Reformed Episcopal church. In sessed by a stubborn person. son when he passed away. Kirk was Robert Balderston and Mrs. Anna- FIGHTS BIG POSSE ALONE rena Beard, who died at her home bringing liquor Into United SUtes porU York tenement flre lead of cial advisers. Germany and Poland signed treaty set- ''Feb^S^Cardlnai Achllle RatH. sreh- Moscow government Oct i4-Supreme Court Justice W. R Chicago. a star player on this year's U. of belle Watson. All were unconscious official ranks of the dry force through- near here, was reputed to be the old- Oct ll-Webb City, Mo., wrecked by tllng Upper Silesia disputes. blshop of Milan, elected pope, taking Dec. 17—Moscow government ordered Day resigned, effective Nov. 14. Sept 8—J. T. Clark, president Chicago, out the United States, it was stated Great Britain asked United States, tornado. St Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha railway. M. football team. except Balderston. Physicians said West Virginia^ Taken Wounded After est woman In southern Illinois. She ureal nnwui unnou name ofi Plurius XL, consuls of eleven nations to leave Vladln Nov. 7—Elections resulted generally In Nov. 8-Elghty men killed by gas explo- SHOOTS WIFE, SELF, REPENTS France knd Italy to co-operate with her Feb. 12-P1us XI crowned pope. Leon Bonnat eminent French artist at Commissioner Haynes' office here. Home Has Been Riddled In vostok. Democratic victories: Republican major- sion in coal mine near Spangler, Pa. they would all recover. would have been one hundred and In Investigating and stopping Turkish Mahatma Gandhi temporarily abandoned Sept 18—Rt Rev. Cortlandt Whitehead, Albion—George E. Dean, president GALES ON BRITISH COAST ity In congress greatly reduced Nov. 10-Earthquake and tidal waves In Battle of 1,200 Bullets. four years old February 26 next. She atrocities In Asia Minor. the civil disobedience policy In India. Nov. 9—President Harding called extra ProtesUnt Episcopal bishop of PltU- of the Union Steel Products company, Flint—Six Flint Boy Scouta, en- Springfield, (III.) Man Overcome by killed hundreds and did vast 'lam- Tacna-Arlca conference between Chile Feb. 22—Free State and republic advo- DOMESTIC session of congress for Nov. 20. gaged In gathering food to aid In the Is survived by seven grandchildren, and Peru opened In Washington. cates In Ireland agreed to have referen- b of this city, which will celebrate Us Remorse Saves Woman's Life Twenty-eight men Drown When Five REDS WANT U. 3. DOLLARS Nov. 13—United SUtes Supreme court T,,. 19-Elghty lives lost when Mexi- Sept 19—Garland Staid, Chicago bank SfetjbenvUIe, O., Dec. 28.—More than Mav 18-Powers at Genoa adopted eight dum on treaty with England and Free Jan. J—Fort Dearborn National bank of president and former baseball sUr. Christmas "Good Cheer" of the nineteen great-grar.dchlldreu and six held Japanese are not eligible to naturall can steamer sank at La Bomba twentieth anniversary in January, an- —Both Will Live. Ships On Down—Much Prop- months' truce with Russia and other so- State constitution three months hence Chicago absorbed by 'Continental and Sept 21-Enos Mills, American natural- 1,200 shots were exchanged between zatkn. Nov. 22—Eighty-four men killed by dust Scouts In providing dinners for the great-great-grandchildren. • and to hold no elections until then. Commercial bank to avert great crash. nounced that recapitalization of the erty Damage. $1 Buys 57,000,000 Russian Rublss In viet republlca Nov. 18—Truman H. Newberry resigned explosion In mine near Birmingham, Ala. ist and author. officers and armed citizens and Joseph May ll-Genoa conference adjourned, Feb. 23—Japanese diet rejected universal Jan. 3—Henry P. Fletcher appointed am- Sept 26-Thoma8 WaUon, United SUtes company at $1,000,000 had been au- needy, were able to add another Springfield, III, Dec. 28.--After Moscow in Scramble for For- as senator from Michigan. Dec. I—Business district and many Uoyd George warning the Russians to be suffrage measure...... , bassador to L-lglum. • Nov. 20—Extra session of congress senator from Georgia. ~ , good deed to their list for the year Jones, fifty, at Follansbee, W. Va., Feb. 26—New Italian cabinet formed by homes of Astoria, Ore., burned; loss thorized by the sta^j authorities. The shooting his wife and then himself, London, Dec. 28.—Gales which have eign Currency. more reasonable...... Jan I—George Wharton Pepper ap- opened. Oct. 1-Rear Admiral Charles BL Clark, BOMB IN MAILS KILLS ONE May 24—International bankers' commit- $16,000,000. when they discovered the roof of the after Jones had shot Harry Jones, a Lulga Facta. . „ , , pointed United SUtes senator from Penn- Nov. 21—President Harding asked con U.- S. N., retired. . t . company will declare a 60 per cent Louis Watklns, overcome by remorse swept the BrltlaL coasts In the last tee met In Paris to plan economic recov- F'-b. 2ft—Princess Mary of England mar- sylvania to succeed the late Boles Pen- Oct. 8—Walker Hill, well known banker home of Mrs. Josephine Steele, a crip- deputy sheriff, and barricaded himself gress to pass ship subsidy bill. •tock dividend on the $500,000 of com- at sight of her prostrate body, bound two days have destroyed five ships, Moscow, Dec. 23.—The demand for Woman Slain by "Christmas Package" ery for Europe. ried to Viscount Lascelles. rote. of St. Louis, MO. In hlB home. Jones was taken after June 3—United SUtes agreed to help March 2—Lady Rhondda won seat In Jan. 12-Senate by vote of 48 to 41 seated Mrs. W. H. Felton sworn In to act for NECROLOGY Oct 7—Marie Lloyd. BrlUsh comedl pled widow, In flames. The boys se- up her shattered arm and stopped a mon stock, and the remaining $260,- with a loss of 28 lives. Part of the foreign currency has been bo great —Husband's Hand Torn Off and Investigate Turkish atrocities. house of lords, creating precedent. Truman H. Newberry of Michigan, with a day as senator from Georgia. his home had been riddled with bul- Nov. 23—Pierce Butler of St Paul, enne. . « cured a ladder, formed a bucket bri- bleeding artery, thereby saving her western coast, where the storm was June 8-France refused to agree to re- March 30-Irlsh Free State and Ulster rebuke for lavish expenditure of money Jan. 2-Rennold Wolf, playwright and Oct 8—Jorge Montt. former president of 000 of stock will be kept for ezpan- during the last few days that for a Grandson Injured. Minn., appointed associate Justice of Su lets from machine guns and riot guns duction of German reparations. representatives signed peace pact. In campaign. critic. In New York. gade and extinguished the flames be- life. Both will live. They had quar- especially severe. Is strewn with time the dollar on the Black bourse preme court to succeed Justice Day, Chile. •lon. It was announced. June 16—Hu^o preliminary conference Two Portuguese aviators flew from Lis- Jan. 23-Agricaltural conference opened Jan. 5-Slr Ernest Shackleton, British Oct 10—Isaac Guggenheim, American fore the arrival of the flre depart- and he had been shot In the leg. Nov. 24—Government began series of reled over a threatened divorce. wreckage. Streams near the coast are brought 57,000,000 rubles. The mar- on Russian affalrt opened. bon to the Canaries on way to Brazil In Washington by the President. explorer. In Antarctic. copper magnate, 'n England. Marquette—Three hundred dollars, Marshfield, Wis., Dec. 29.—Mrs. suits against contractors who built war ment, which they had called. June 28-Russlan delegates Joined In con- March 31-Klng George signed Irish Jan. 28-House passed antl-lynchlng bill Jan. 7-Prlnce Kalanlanaoie, Hawaiian Oct. 13—Mrs. Elizabeth W. Champney flooded, and bridges have been washed ket closed at 46,000,000. James R. Chapman was killed, her camps, alleging fraudulent expenditures. the fruits of two years of hard labor ference at The Hague and Insisted credits Free State act Jan. 31—Senate passed foreign debt re- delegate to congress. American author. Bay City.—Hardly had Probate away. Nov. 27—Senate defeated the bill for husband's left hand was torn oft and to Russia should be first topic handled. Aprll 3—House of commons gave Lloyd rundinK bill, putting limit for payment at Jan. 8—Joseph Oliver, grand sire of Oct 22—Dr. Lyman Abbott editor of were the Christmas gift of Lester MAY SEIZE GERMAN FORESTS GERMANY HELD IN DEFAULT July 1—Japan completed ratification of o g vote of confidence In his Genoa 25 years loan of 16.000.000 to Liberia. A MAN WHO BECAME Judge James R. Donnelly, by com- eor e Sovereign Lodge of Odd Fellows of Unit- Outlook and famous preacher and writer. Bacon to the widow of Under-Sherlft a grandson of the couple was thrown al^ l the Washingto— n conferenc_. -. e ttsatlea... |, conference policies, 372 to 94. | senator Kenyon of Iowa appointed Nov. 29-Govemor Small of Illinois par ed States, Canada and Australia, at To- mitting Harold H. Mendell, alleged ACTION HAMPERED BY UMIT doned William Bross Lloyd and 16 other Oct 31—Father Bernard Vaughan, fa- FAMOUS Into a hysterical collapse by the ex- July l-Russlans at The Hague, after Frcnch chamber voted^ confidence In United SUtes circuit Judge by President ronto. Worden. Bacon Is serving from 10 to French Premier Plans Taking Over DROP IN NOVEMBER TAXES Reparations Commission at Paris Communists convicted of violating the mous Jesuit preacher. In London. slayer of Rollln H. Morgan, to tem- submitting 'amazing budfet, ^ polncare government Feb. 3-House accepted refunding bill as Jan. ICV-Marquls Okuma, famous Jap- Nov. 1—Thomas- Nelson Pare, author Doctor R. V. Pierce, whose picture 20 years In Marquette prison for im- State Timber Lands for Default Takes Step to Force Payment plosion of an Infernal machine, sent to concessions for 11,600.000,000 In credits. B_Portuguese svlators, en route passed by senate. state espionage law. anese sutesman. porary detention In Ionia state hos- Further Legislation May Be Nece*- July 10-Germany agreed to give allies April ^i-onugwe ; House passed ship subsidy bill. and former ambassador to luly. appears above, was not only a success- Chapman through the malls, disguised c |e t0 Clipe Feb 7—A. B. Houghton appointed am Clarence B. Miller, secreUry of plication in the gun flght in which In Wood OellvBrles. Income Returns for November Fall of Claims. lontrol of IU finances, hoping for a loan 1 to Brazil, new irvm Mayor James Couzens of Detroit ap Alfred Capus, leading French Journal pital for the criminally Insane, closed sary lor Government of Refund- control OI IIB tUJMivva, .V. - .i i-lnnrlq bassador to Germany, Theodore BrenUno Republican national committee, ful physician, but also a profound as a Christmas package. pointed United SUtes senator to fill out Worden was killed. He heard that Below Those of 1921, Wash- of a billion dollar., nnd asked moratorium Vsrde .viators flew from minister to Hungary and A. H. Washburn Jan. 13—Former United SUtes Senator student of the medicinal qualities of one puzzling chapter In the tale of ing Commission. term of Truman H. Newberry, resigned. ''NOV. T-T DeWltt Cuyler. prominent Paris, Dec. 28.—Premier Polnc^re Paris Dec. 27.—France gained an minister to Austria.. Joseph H Ib..._rd of Nebraska the \|idow and her three HtUe chil- ington Reports. Jec. 4—Extra session of congress ended railroad man. In Philadelphia. Nature's remedies, roots and herbs, passion, jealousy and alleged murder, on Feb. 8—Senate passed the house co- Jan. 18-John T. Kelly, veteran comedi- Nov. 7—Jacob Glmbel. prominent mer plans to follow up tht» reparations Important victory In tho allied repara- " Dublin Rebels Use Bombs. and regular session began. President sub- dren were In destitue circumstances, Washington, Dec. 27.—Further leg- operative marketing bill. an. chant of Philadelphia, New York and and by close observation of the meth- when, with dramatic suddenness, an- modernize and make permanent the old unoing. fighting by Irish fac- Feb. 17-Charies A. Rawson appointed mitted second annual budget calling for Jan. 17—George B. Selden, Inventor of commission's decision, declaring Ger- Washington, Dec. 28.—In November tlon^commlsslon here when the com- Dublin, Dec. 29.—Kepubllcans blew P 1 Milwaukee. ods used by the Indians, he discovered as the result ot Illness, and he asked other mystery was opened by the Islatlon authorizing the foreign debt Ruah-Bagot Great Lakes agreement ,^ ; LoubUn Lid BelfMt - United SUtes awiator from Iowa to suo- 13,078,940,331 for fiscal year 1924, first gasollne-drlven vehicle. In Roches- 1llQnn n Nov. 8—Antonio Lopei Gutierret. minis their great remedial qualities, espe- many in default of her wood deliveries Income and profit taxes of $88,024,824 mission by a vote of . 8 to 1 declared up half of Dawson street, when a July 17—taague of Nations council met " ^ vemor ceid Kenyon. Dec 6—Two army ofllcers and four en permission of prison authorities to announcement that Mrs. Zelda Mor- refunding commission to offer more Ch Ta0 Llnf g0 ter. N. Y. ter from Honduras, in Washington. by presenting to the allied premiers' Germany In voluntory default In her group forced open a door In the home Feb' T£-P«deral Judge K. M. -Landls listed men killed In airplane collision at Jan. 19—Archbishop Charles H. Gau- Nov. 9—Mrs. Mary Smith Lockwood, cially for weaknesses of women, and turn over to her the money he had In- were collected, about $4,000,000 more favorable tefms to the European da- gan, Rollln's pretty widow and Men- laa and Great BrlUln having reached resigned, effective March 1 Langley field. thler of the metropoliUn provinces of Ot- founder of Daughters of American Rev after careful preparation succeeded In meeting here next week a scheme for than In October. However, tho sum wood deliveries for 1922. , of Denis MacCuIlagh and placed a Tsln. Feb. 28-»Amerlcan Federation of labor tended to use In getting a new start dell's sweetheart, was ready to come tlona may be necessary before much full agreement . ^ „ April 28—Great battle between armies Dec, 8—President Harding In message tawa. olution. giving to the world a remedy which France, Belgium and Italy voted In lighted mine inside. The MacCuIlagh July aM:onferencs at The Hague ended executive council started campaign to to congress called for strict and literal In life. taking over the German state forests Is $25,008,737 less than In November, progress Is made In the refunding of Generals Chang and Wu Pel Fu opened Jan. 22—Pope Benedict XV. Nov. U-Bellamy Storer, former Amer to her lover's rescue. without result owing to position of Rus- force amendment of Volstead act to per- enforcement of the prohibition law, a John Kendrlck Bangs, American hu- lean diplomat. In Paris. has been used by women with the best as a guarantee. 1021. favor of t^ie declaration, while Great home was blown to pieces and several near .Peking. .. mit use of light wine and beer Grand Rapids—Kommer Esveld, 65 process, say administration officials. sian delegates. . „ . May 2—Iceland congress modified prohi- thoroughgoing agricultural credit system morist and editor. Nov 14—Richard K. Fox, editor and results for half a century. Dr. Pierce's Battle Creek.—Suit for $100,000 Britain cast Its ballot against It others were wrecked. July 22-CounclI of League of Nations Feb. 27—Supreme court ruled Nineteenth Improvement of transportation and out bition law to permit light wines. Viscount James Bryce. publisher of the Police Gazette, In New Favorite Prescription Is still In great . years old, known as "the Baby of the damages was filed by Attorney Ad- adopted British mandate for Palestine and or woman's suffrage, amendment Is con- lawlne of railroad strikes, and provision Carthage Excavation Offer Refused. Premier Hughes' Friends Lose. May 3—Gen. Juan Vlncente Gomez Jan. 23—Arthur Nikisch, famous orches- York. demand, while many other so called Twenty-first Michigan Infantry," has Polish Financial Meeting Called. French mandate for Syria. stitutional. for drafting In war all national resources tral conductor. Nov. 16—E. L Burllngame, former edl rian P. Cooper, of Albion, represent- Paris, Dec. 27.—Becauso of the red Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 28.— Silver Commission Proposed. U. S. Backs Alllss. Julv 27—Esthonla, Latvia, Lithuania and elected president of Venezuela Feb 28—President Harding, In t-ddress Dec. 12—New Illinois constitution Jan. 26-Miss Genevieve Reynolds, vet tor of Scrlbner'e Magazine, In New York. "cure-alls" have come and gone. The collected from Kent county a bounty Warsaw, Dec. 28.—All former minis- Albania recognized as sovereign sUtes by May 4—General Wu s army victorious in to congress, urged subsidies for American Jected by people. Nov. 17—Gen. Luke E. Wright, former ing the Advance Rumley company, of tape Involved, the government has re- Five of tlie twelve members of the Washington, Dec. 28.—Because de- Lausanne, Dec. 29. —The United the United SUtes. battle near Peking; General Changs army eran American actress reason for Its phenomenal success Is of $50 for his voluntary enlistment In ters uf finance have been summoned by merchant marine which will amount te Dec. l&-Representative T. W. Harri- Jan. 28-Mrs. Imogene Hyams, creator secretary of war and governor general of States supported the allies against because of Us absolute purity, and Dr. this city against Meyer Franklin, also fused the offer of American archeolo- Hughes cabinet are shown, nn consid- UHP of l,ver ,n July 80—King ConsUnUne proclaimed m flight ^ u . , . , fl6.000.000 In first year and 130,000.000 an- son of Virginia. Democrat, unseated for of little Eva In "Uncle Tom's Cabin." the . In Memphis. the federal forces, December 4, 1863. Premier Slkorskl to a meeting on Jan- " Smyrna and Us hinterland an autonomous Truce signed by Irish fact one. threa Qlng nually thereafter. # . , Jan. 27—Mrs. Elizabeth C. Seaman (Nel- W, G. Sharp, former ambassador to Pierce's high standing as nn honored of Battle Creek, doing business as the gists to guarantee $25,000 a year for eration of the second counts in the uary 9 to frame financial reforms, i" 'f ^American mining In- the Turks as the Lausnnne conference sUte under protection of Greece. May 10—Irish factions failed to reach election Irregularities. The county, during the Civil war, ac- Judge Landls retired from the federal lie Bly), n jwHpapur woman. In New York. France, at Elyria, O. Franklin Iron and Metal company. neared the breaking point. The con- Aug. 6-France began putUng Into effect peace agreement and truce ended. ^ , Dec. 18—Associate Justice Pitney of citizen of Buffalo is a guarantee of all 14 years to help excavate the ruins of preferential voting system, to htve President Wojclecbowskl will preside J""?' Senat?r intro- Ch cag0 United States Supreme court resigned. Jan. 2ly-Richard Westacott United Nov. 1&-Frank Bacon. American actor. cording to Esveld, gave the bounty to economic sanctions against Germany be- May 20—De Valera and Collins signed March 2—Dr. Hubert Work appointed that Is claimed for the Favorite Pre- The declaration alleges that, dur- Carthage. been defeated In the recent election. duced a resolution for creation of - ference was considered likely to break Dec, IR-Governors of 18 states conferred SUtes vice consul In London. In Chicago. . the father of the boys who enlisted. over the conference. cause of refusal to pay InsUllment of peace pact. . nnutmimter seneral Feb. 1—Field Marshal Prince Yamaga- Nov SO—George Bronson Howard, au- scription as a regulator for the Ills United States silver commlsslou. up at any moment. with president Harding on prohibition ing a period of 10 or 11 years. Frank- pre-war commercial debts. Little entente nations made 20-year alll- 23—House of representatives U, elder sutesman of Japan. thor and playwright, at Los Angeles. Because of financial conditions of the New Fasclstl Coinage. enforcement peculiar to women. lin has knowingly invoiced cars of Aug, T-Confersnce_of allied premiers | ance. ^ no—,1 h.. 1 passed soldiers' bonus bill. Feb 2—E. H. Shaughnessy, second as- Nov. 28—Baron Sidney Sonnlno, Italian 1 Americans Close Russ Deal. Woman Gets $6,000,000 Stock. House passed navy bill appropriating Send 10c for trial pkg. to Dr. Pierce ! county, however, Esveld's father was Rome, Dec. 27.^-A new design for War Frauds Jury to Report Soon. $684,614,191 P, O. Bill. opened In London. Polncare threatened May il-Russlan government passed de- * March ^-House voted to add 116,000.000 slsunt postmaster general, victim of statesman. scrap iron to the Advance Rumley Moscow. Dec. 28.—A contract calling 1326,000,000. San Francisco, Dec. 28.—In a partial France would act alone If necessary to cree recognizing property rights within to r|Veri ami harbors appropriation, Washington theater disaster. Henry N. Cary, well known newspaper Invalids Hotel. Buffalo. N. Y. unable to collect. The paper was dis- money coinage has been ordered by Washington, Dec. 28.—The special Washington, Dec. 29. — Appropria- company at a greater tonnage than for payment of 1,000,000 gold rubles compel Germany to execute the Versailles certain limits. . . ^ William Phillips appointed undersecre- Feb. 3-Qen. Christian De Wet, com- man. In Chicago. dlstrlbutljn of the estate of her moth- June 1—Old Chinese parliament met and covered several years ago among the Premier Mussolini. The coin will bear District of Columbia grand Jury which tions aggregating $584,814,191, for the treaty. French demands referred to ex- INDUSTRIAL mander In chief of Boer army In war jS'OV_ 24-John H. Gllmour, American ac- the cars actually contained, and that ($500,000) has been closed between the President Hsu resigned. ^Harch 29—House passed army bill with tor nnd musician, at Yonkers, N. Y. er, the late Mrs. Fannie G. Irwin, Mis. has been Investigating fraud In connec- operation of the Post Office depart- P of 1899 elder Esveld's effects. The board of the emblem from which the Fasclstl Aug. 8—Demuyter. Belgium, won James Paraguay In throes of a revolution. appropriations for army of 115.000. Nov. 25—Frederick G. Nedrlnghaus, for- payment for the scrap Iron has been llusslan government and the American Jan. 22-Unlted SUtes railway labor Feb. 4—Maurice FltzGerald. duke of Comfort Your Skin Auditors. derive their name, namely, the bundle Helene Irwin Crocker, wife of Charles tjon wit)1 government wartime con- ment during the fiscal year beginning Gordon Bennett balloon race In Europe, June 3—General Dledrlchs elected presi- March 3l-Thlrty-two chiefs In engraving Lelnster, premier peer of Ireland. mer congressman and Republican nation- made in full. Allied corporation, which will Import board announced new codr of working T. Crocker, has been awarded $6,000,- tracts. Is expected to report before the Aug. 9—French plans to coerce Ger dent of Vladivostok government and printing bureau ousted by President Feb. 5-0. W. Jackson, noted englneeer- al committeeman from Missouri. Iron Mountain—Efforts were being of rods borne by the ancient Ilctors. July 1, 1928, were provided In a bll! rules that reduces pay and saves roads Nov. 28—Kate Ryan, veteran American Muskegon.—Miss Margaret Wasser- 1,000 tractors. many disapproved by allied experU June 6—Portuguese aviators completed Harding. Ing contractor. In Chicago. 000 In stock.. reported to the house. $0,000,000 annuallr WilhCuticuraSoap made to have John Balrd, head of the end nX this week. Aug. 10-Unlted SUtes and Germany their flight from Lisbon to Brazil. April 16—House, In committee of the Feb, 18—John S. Miller, eminent attor- actress, at Boston. „ Jan. 30—Omaha packing house butchers Nov. 27—G. H. Scldmore, United Sutee man is again busy with the pots and glgned agreement for determination of Japanese cabinet resigned. whole, voted, 177 to 130 to amend navy ney. in Chicago. Mlcfilgan conservation department, Quake in New Zealand. June 8—King Alexander of Jugo-Slavla called off their strike. consul general at Tokyo. pans in the home of Eugene Muerer, New Star Seen In Texas, Business to Pick Up, war 'claims bill to provide for 88,000 men Instead of Jan. 31—Judge Landls made Ilnal wage Feb. 20—J. F. Shafroth. former United and Fragrant Talcum Wellington, N. Z., Dec. 20.—A se- Schooner Crew Rescued. Indicted In Bosch Sale. and Princess Marie of Rumania married Nov. 30—James R. Mann of Chicago, reinstate Herman Leisner of Escan- Aug. 14—Allied conference In London award for 1921' for Chicago building trades. States senator and governor of Colorado. wealthy paper man, who recently Abilene, Tex., Dec. 27.—Hundreds Washington. Dec. 28.—A business veteran congreshtnan. Soip 25c, OintBUDt 25 and 50c, Tilcasi 25c. vere earthquake shock was felt here. New York. Dec. 27.—The British New York, Dec. 29.—Joseph F. Guf- broke up without result Itat Belgrade. ^Senate voted to extend 3 per cent Immi- Feb. I—Chicago Building Trades council Feb 21—Col R. G. Cholmeley-Jones. flba, a deputy game warden for 13 of persons here saw the new star Aug. 16—Grmany defaulted on payment June 10—Cuban cabinet resigned William G. Rockefeller, nephew of John gave his wife $50,000 and then di- lull, which will follow Christmas day frefghter Menominee arrived here, gration law for three years. accepted the I^andis wage award. former chief of war risk Insurance. years in this section, who recently It Is feared that considerable damage fey, sales director at the New York of 19,000,000 Installment of ^re-war debts June 11—Ll Yuan-Hung assumed presl- April 19—House clinched "big navy" Feb. 23—Viscount Harcourt, British D. Rockefeller. which was reported to have been seen April 1—Union anthracite and bitumi- Dec. 2—Rear Admiral John R. Edwards. vorced her. because she desired to for a few days, will be followed by carrying the and crew of the office of the alien property custodian, to allied nationals. dency of China and made Wu Ting-Fang act£n by vote 0f 221 to 148, and then was dismissed. Leisner, said by has been done In the country dis- nous i oal miners began strike statesman. „ „ U. S. N., retired, at Bristol, R. L for the first time on Saturday In An- Aug. 23—Turks opened great offetislve passed the bill. March 1—Dr. J. C. Branner, president CURES COlDS^HOll live with her daughters in Germany. a general picking up In Industrial anil Martin E. Kerr, said to have pur- May 10-United Sutes labor board for- Dec. 7—Dr. W. E. Qume, noted Chicago eportsmen to be one of the most tricts. Great fissures opened ut tlie schooner Gordon Fudge of St. Johns, against Greeks In Asia Minor. Admiral Kato became premier of Japan. April 20-Pan-Americalerlcan meetin1 g of emeritus of Stanford university. gers, France. Despite the blazing sun, speed all over the country, officials of bade railroads lo use contract system of Miss Wasserman, who had kept house Newfoundland, who were rescued chased the Bosch Magneto assets from Aug. 28—France rejected guarantees of- Juno IZ-Troops of Wu and Chang be- women opened In Baltimore. March 2-Henry Batallle, French dram- physician. efficient game wardens In the statu, beach at Kalkuku. the star was dearly visible. tanning out Jobs. Dei . .s—Dr. C. A. Fischer, astronomer for Mnurcr many years, recently re- the federal reserve board said. fered by Germany for moratorium. eun great battle at Shahalkwan. April 21—Congress appropriated ;:,»0.000 May 28—United SUtes railway labor from almost certain death. the custodian, were Indicted. June 18—General Chen captured Canton at of Trinity college, Hartford Conn. is alleged to have been dismissed by Jugo-slavla and Czechoslovakia renewed -- - . f0r flood control and relief In Mississippi board cut wages of maintenance of way March 8—Col. John lambert, millionaire turned from Germany, where she was Dec. 9—Cardinal Iglesias of Spam. '•OH TWO Quiet White House Christmas, One of Tug Crew Found Dead. their alliance. M d employees 13.2 per cent-about 160,000,000 steel magnate, at Pasadena, Cal. Baird because he differed with the I. C. to Build New Line. N .£.Tt A Mid .r.iuld, .d.o- | riv-r^Tj L, B, Prince, former governor of New induced to go by Meurer's daughter, New York Irish Consulate Closed. Freight Ship With Forty Men Missing. Aug. 31—Reparations commission granted April 2S-Mary Garden resigned as direc- March 25-ChBrles Pope, former "glu- Washington, Dec. 26.—Every em- Erie, Pa., Dec. 27.—The missing tug a year. Mexico. ,m chief conservation officer on the Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 28.—The Illi- Germany six months' respite. cates of treaty winning. tor general of Chicago Opera company. June 6-Unlted Statea railway labor cose king," In Chicago. who tried to patch up the Meurer New York, Dec. 27.—The office of New York, Dec. 29.—The German June 22—Field Marshal Sir Henry Wil- Dec. 12—John Wanamaker, famous mer- LA GRIPPE 3 ployee of the White House received a Cornell of Cleveland, carrying a crew Sept. 1—Greece, her armies routed by April 27—Centenary of Grant's birth board cut about 880,000,000 oft the yearly March 30-Sir John Eaton, Canadian theory the protection of wild life nois Central railroad soon will begin son M. P. for an Ulster district, assas- chant, in Philadelphia. domestic troubles. It was said then the "Irish consulate" here was closed. freighter Helnrich Kayser, Savannah the Turks, offered to evacuate Asia Minor pay of railroad shopmen; union heads or- merchant prince. $5 gold piece with the compliments of of eight, was sunk by a boiler explo- sinated by two Irishmen In London. celebrated. April 1—Charles, ex-emperor of Aus- Dec. 15-Alexander Robertson, banker of Dtnot ^M'MIU.OX WCHKWL from predatory unlmals was more Im- the building of a line between Edge- Danlel j. McGrath, who has been dU If Turkey would sign armistice. May 1—United States Supreme court dered strike ballots sent out Meurer gave Miss Wasserman $50,- to Bremen, Is believed Most. It was June 24—Dr. Walter Rathenau, Oerman Chicago. the President and Mrs. Harding Christ- sion, It Is believed here. The body of Sept. 4—League of Nations met In Ge- found packers' control act constitutional. June 18—United Stales railway labor tria. at Funchal, Madeira. , portant than the enforcement of the 000 because "she is the best cook in wood. III., and Fulton, Ky., a dlstancf rectlng Its affairs, is missing. Ilecent- last heard from December 6, when It foreign minister, assasalnuted In Berlin p ll s_Dr. Cyrus Northrup, president Dei. 18—Jesse M. Overton, capitalist of to rtp'ace old, mas. Because of the Illness of Mrs. Mike Paytosh, one of the crew, was neva. Augustln Edwards of Chile elecUd May 2-Former Senator Albert J. Bever- board reduced wages of clerks, signal- A r should bf grow- state game laws. June 80—Irish Free State forces cap- emeritus of University of MlnnesoU, Nashville. Tenn. the world." of 125 miles, according to an author jy he received n letter threatening was reported in distress 500 miles president, „ ldge defeated Senator New In the .'ndlana men and stationary firemen about |2ti,6uo,- James O. Davidson, ex-govemor of Wis Ins all the tine. Harding there were' no guests. found In a yawl by the tug Gilmore. Sept. e-Gen. Trlcoupls, new Greek com- tured Four Courts building from Irreg- Republican primaries. Samuel M. Ralston Frederick VUllera, famous war artist It will If you IzeU statement. i denth unless he left the country. OoO a year. consln. east of Cape May. It had a crew of 40. mander In chief, captured oy Turks. ulars after a three days' battle. nominated by the Democrats. June 23—Samuel Gompers re-elected and correspondent. In England. New Hairus e QDnu Heir July Ifr-Blg revolution In Brazil crushed April 4—John W. Mldgely, noted rail- Lord Marcus Bcresford, noted Engllsl Council of Leakue of Nations blocked May 5—House passed 117.000.000 soldier president of American Federation of onlc-Don't jrft Uld. pet Q-Bm today -It's after several weeks' fighting. way expert. In Chicago horseman. iuch morr tHeamnl At all rood druBslBta, 740, all plans for merging of Austria with any Labor. July 19-Facla cabinet In Italy resigned, hospital bill. April 9—Gen. Erich von I-alkenhayn, Dec. IT—Col. A. E. Bradley, former chlei ,r direct from HISSIC-EUJS. O—U. SWk Urn, other nation. Mav 9—Attorney General Daugherty ex- July 1—Railway shopmen went on owing to actions of the Fasclstl. former chief of staff ol German army. surgeon of the A. E. F. Sept l-Greeka. began evacuatias of plained to congress delay In prosecuUng striks. toyma. Jult 26—Bavarian government rejected mm


Berrien Springs Man One of Heirs to Christian Church for everyone, why not to Sunday * Get Out and Qet Busy. Coloma Lodge No. 162 fichool on the first Sunday of the new The man who Indulges In self-pltf Big Estate. Services every Sunday evening .nt year? U a defeated man before the flght be- F. AND A. M. the Christian church one mile north Morning worship 11:00 a. m. New gins. There Is no exercise of the hu- T. O. Lewis ol Berrien Springs, 7th Meetings h6ld in Odd Fellow Hall the IMIbtfi of Coloma. Song service starts nt Year's sermon by the pastor, also Bible Thoughts for man mind that Is so debilitating, so generation defendant of Uie Holland 4th Saturday of each month. 7:00 p. m. and the lecture at 7:10. special music by the Community fatal to heroic resolution, as that of Princess Annette Jans Bogardus, Is one ERNEST SWISHER, W. M. church choir. the Week of the heirs to an estate In New York SIM H^WKS. Hlo'T. mdoftSoiofii' nourishing the feeling that one has an Christian Endeavor fl p. m. Sub- City valued nt $2r»0,000,000, according i Balnbrldge Evangelleal Chuith Impossible job. and Is of all ipen most ject: "A New Year." Leader, Loyd to a statement made by Mr. Lewis to Sunday. miserable. Have you a Jiard duty to galem Lutheran Chuith The church with a welcome. Zoschke. At our Endeavor service the Era last week. ABUNDANTLY SATISFIED.— perform? Perform It with resolution, Rev. W. D. Hayes, Pastor. i lu'xt Sunday evening we will elect tlie A. 0. Wacker, Pastor. How excellent Is Thy loving kindr Beginning Jan. 14 Sunday school ' new ofiicers for the year 1023. All and get It done, and encourage your young people urged to be present. ness, 0 God I therefore the chil- Services In German every Sunday at will begin at 0:30 Instead of 10:00 as soul with the glow of triumph. Who New YoK'i Famous Park. Coloma Loilge No.140 Why not liegin the new year right'hy dren of men put their trust under r 10.30 a. m. Sunday school at 0:30 a. m. j it is now, preaching service following. promised you an easy life? And who Ne\V York, In 18. »fl. bought the 813 the shadow of Thy wings. They i o o; F Services In English the first Sunday attend some church on the first Sun- but a coward and a weakling cares Prayer meetings Tuesday and shall be abundantly satisfied with acres of barren rooks and stagnant in the month at 7:30 p. m. A welcome day «»f the year. If no where else, MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY EVE. Thursday evenings. the fatness of Thy house; and for an easy life? Put on a smoke con- swamps which Is now Central park, Ls extended to all to attend these serv- why not to the Community church? Cordial Welcome to Visiting Brothers We will find a place in onr ranks Thou shnlt make them drink of the sumer and get out and get busy In the nt an average price of $7,800 an acre. for yon if you are not attending else- Leo Harris, Homer I.nMott ices. river of Thy pleasure.—Ps. 86:7, 8. sunlight—Exchange. Millions for development have been Noble Grand Vice Grand where. Welcome! Harold Bachman. Kecording Secretary Methodist E^scopal Church Monday. spent sCncc then. Clay Mi-Kt-an, Financial Secretarr Cbristiaa Scfeme SenrkM Rev. Arthur E. Gay, Pastor PLATFORM FOR LABOR AND Firxt publicaUou Dec. 22, IftS. FIRST COMMUNITY CHURCH CAPITAL.—All things whatsoever •re held every 8and*y it 10:45 t. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Start the ye would that men do unto you, do Order for Publication. m. Sunday school at 12 o'clock. new year right by attending Sunday ye even' so to them: for this Is the Stat« of MtohlirAn.—In tbe Circuit Conrt for Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. school/ Everybody Is cordially Invited. Rev. W. K. Goltz, Pastor law and the prophets.—Matt. 7:12. the County of Iterrlen. In Cbuncery. Heading room open to the public ev- Public worship at 7:00 p. m. Wor- Ernestine CJo.tcb, PlaintlfT First Sunday of 1023 ery Wednesday and Saturday afternoons ship with us this year. Tueiday. TB. Sunday school 10:00 a. m. A class Willlnm Ootcb, Defendant. from 2 to 4 o'clock. Junior League at 2:30 p. m. fi H A L WANT NO GOOD At u ftcHHluu of Maid Court beld at the Court Epworth League at fl:00 p. m. THING.—For the Lord God Is a Bouse in the city uf.Ht. Joseph, on the tilth day of December, A. D.%W2. sun and a shield: Uie Lord will PreneLt: Honorable Charles E. White, Cir- give grace and glory: no good thing cuit JudKe. One of the mmm Kind Word for Old Garments. will He withhold from them that In this cause It appearing by affldaTlt on flle that the defendant, ^ llllnui Ootch, Is not I love old garments; they are tried walk uprightly.—I's. 84:11. a resident of this state, nnd that It caiinot be Beautiful An Account in Our friends, companions of toil and strug- Wednesday. ascertained lu what state or county he, the said Wllllani UoU-h now resides, on inotlon of MORGAN gle. When 1 take my old walking IF YE OBEY.—If ye will obey Oady £ Andrews. Bitorneys for pluinttff. IT IS Stairways stick and plant this venerable gear on My voice Indeed, and keep My cov- ORDERED, that tbe aupearanse of tbe said defendant, William Qotth. be entered In Ibis my head. It seems to me that we cov- enant, then ye shall be a peculiar cause, wltbln three (3) months from the date enant together to say in the face of a treasure unto Me above all people: of this order; and that In case of bis uppi-nr Christmas Club for all the earth Is Mine: nnd ye ance, that he cause his answer tu the lilllof volntlle and capricious world: We shall be unto Me a kingdom^ of Complaint to be Hied, and a copy thereof Hlund uur ground! With this old man- serred upon the attorneys for tbe plalntlfT, priests, and a holy nation.—Ei.'10: wltbln Hfteen (U) day after serrlee on blm, or tle about my shoulders, 1 feel invested 5, 0. his attoMiey, of a copy of the said bill, ami lu with fidelity and constant attachment dtfaulttbereof, that tbe said bill betaken us Will Enable You to Celebrate the Thunday. confessed by tbe said defendant, William to what Is enduring. Do not filch It AN OLD MAN'S TESTIMONY Ootch. from me on the pretext of charity; And It Is further ordered, thnt tbe snld Greatest of all Holidays in a I have fought a good flght, I have plaintiff cause this order to be publlsked lu where Is the poor man who has ever re- finished my course, I have kept the The Coloma Courier, a newspaper prluie.l. fused a new garment? Let him have faith. Henceforth there Is laid published and circulating In said county, and that said publication be commenced within Generous and Appro- It; fur my part, 1 prefer the old.— up for me a crown of righteous- twenty (20 days from the date of this order, i Charles Wagner, In "By the Fireside." ness.—II. Tim. 4:7. and that such publication be continued there In onee lo each week, for six weeks In sucees priate Manner. Friday. slon, or that tbe said plaintiff cause a cony of CONSIDER GREAT THINGS. this order to be personally serred on snld de- fendant. William (loU?h. at least (20) doys be miimiiiimmiiiiiiiiimiimimiMimimi, —Fear the Lord, and serve Him In We sincerely desire to have yon tore tbe time nbot)Tee preapreacrlbec d for his Our Christmas Club provides a truth with all your heart: for con CHAS. E. WHITE, Circuit Judge, and your friends take advantage pearance sure, satisfactory and easy way slder how great' things he haUi Co'unterslgned: — to accumilate money for holiday of this helpful avenue for savings. KBANK L. HALL. Clerk of said Court. [A SQUARE DEAL To AH I done for you.—I Sam. 12:24. CADY 4 ANDREWS. expenses, or other purposes, by Saturday. Attorneys for Plaintiff. regular weekly deposits. Plan for an unnsually "Merry Business Address; Benton Harbor. Mich Christmas" in the home. Have THE LORD IS GOOD.—Serve Last publication Jan. 20, IftS. The weekly deposits are regu- every one in the family join. Bring in Your the Lord with gladness: come be- fore Ills presence with singing. For lated and distributed in such a First publication November 10,1023. manner that you can keep them up the Lord is good: His mercy Is ever- You can easily keep up the pay- MORTGAGE SALE. without any particular effort. ments. It's no trouble to make lasting: and His truth endureth to • all generations.—Ps. .100:2, 5. Default has been made In tbe conditions of the deposits. I Poultry, Veal | a certain mortgage mnde by Charles H r' I'rrT^ "nV TT-<-r; No matter what your circum- Miller and Florence M Miller, husband aud stances or eondition in life may ki wife, to Philip Lynch dated March 2b, IVM nnd You will be surprised—yes. de- recorded March 86, IB'JO in the office of Register be, you will be better off if you lighted to see bow amounts de- of Deeds of Berrien County, State of Michigan berome a member. You will en- posited weekly grow into "Big, | and Eggs | in Liber 189 of Mortgages, page 101. nnd as- joy the spirit of Christmas the Playing Cards at Christmas. signed by said Philip Lynch to Albert Bodtke, Round Dollars." assignment recorded January 20, In Liber Interiors Which Make year 'round and by your co-oper- In olden times It was a custom to !> of Assignment of Mortgages, page !f70. ation you will help yourself as play cards at Chrlstnmtt and during Interest on said mortgage being lo default The first deposit makes you a for more than 30 days the .whole amount of well as others to have a muqh 1 and Get the Cash the festive season ladles would travel more enjoyable Christmas than member. There are no fees, fines said mortgage is declared dne and payable. Your House a Home some distance In order to "take a There Is claimed due at this date twenty-three otherwise. or additional expenses. hundred seventy-three ^nd ninety-four hun- How much genuine hominess can be imparted to a house? — Wallace Building hand" with a friend. There are rec-' dredths (laTS W) Dollars, and no proceedi- gs ords which offer numerous examples at law have been Instituted to recover same. that's the real test of home designine, one of the most important S Rear of Grant's Store S Now therefore by virtue of tbe power of sale factors in new buildings or remodeling old ones. — — of this custom, and relate how they In said mortflng" and «ij»iiiie In such case About two weeks before Christmas—when it will went equipped with money for the made and provided on Saturday the 27th day It is so vitally important that only thoroughly competent experts E Monday, Wednesday, Fri- E of January, U)£i, at 10 o'clock a. m. at the be appreciated most, you will receive the full chances of the game. Card-playing front door of the court house, in City of St. should be consulted. E day, Saturday Afternoons E was the subject of special legislation. Joseph, Be> rlen County, Michigan, the prem- ises described In said mortgage will be sold at We are fully qualified to serve youj both in experience gained amount of your savings. An act of the time of Henry VII, public auct'on, to satisfy amount then due, through years of service and by our large and varied line of against unlawful games, forbade the with costs and attorney fee, to-wlt, the follow- woodwork. Bring your building and remodeling problems to us. working classes from playing carda ing described premises lu the city of Benton [ Ad. Newman k Sons f Harbor, County of Berrien Rtate of Michigan: except at Christmas. In many a lordly Lot Ave (5) Morrow A VanHorn's Addition to Let us show yoli the wonderful possibilities of Morgan Standard- tbe city of Benton Harbor, according to the ized Woodwork. This is the world-famous brand produced by State Bank of Coloma, 4420 S. Ashland Avenue mansion cards and dice games were recorded plat thereof. playod for money during the "12 days Dated, St. Joseph, M'ch,, November 4. IKS. master craftsmen. CHAS. O. BALL, CASHIER CHICAGO, ILLINOIS R. E. BABB. ALBERT BODTKE, of Christmas," and at no other season Attorney. Mortgagee. Thousands of homes—some right in your neighborhood—are mMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiim of U>e year. Last publication January 20,1923. beautified by Morgan Woodwork. Come to A first. You will be fully satisfied MORGAN WOODWORK NOTE— Dealer is advised to Insert C. L YOUNG & GO'S Radical Reductions here seasonable Items carried In stuck EXTRA! Big Doings at Ball Lumber & Coal Co., Prices Meet Their YOUNG'S Building Material. Coal. Implements. Great Clearance Sale W. W. Hocker, Manager. Coloma, Michigan I' Began Thursday, January 4th, 1923

Come in and See Our Showing of PRICES TUMBLE Maytag or Thor Washing Machines Unflinchingly we have cut them down, in our big Annual Out-Clearing Sale of All Winter Merchandise.

•i COME! Hot Coffee and Wafers "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps Bring Your Family J* L. ' ,M- L.L " I •iMiiMBIIHK•".I T I:*. 3 R.R'MN L Served Free in our New Regular stamps will be issued during 50 and Stay All Day i' 11 1 i'-li FREE W . •.!!»' ilil li ill!:, i 1 H I Rest Room on the this sale and in addition you will receive 50 Free Stamps Second Floor. with Purchase of $5.00 or more Rest Room 2d Floor

Children's School Stockings, black All Wool Skirts, surplus stock Women's Flannelette Nightgowns. sum, DRESSES, COATS only, fine even weave, (not sec- clearance of Women's smart all- No greater or more timely val- mm onds). 25c values. Get J2jj wool skirts at one exceedingly ues. Good quality, yoke CI |Q Luxurious fur trimming, Bolivia, your share. The pair low price. Regular to 14.85 style with fancy stitchingyWv Normandy, Suedine and many — $15. Marked to clear at otherfabnes, navy, black, brown, 275 Women's Brushed Wool 100 Hand Bags, Purses and Vanity all silk lined, values 117 QQ Gloves, guaranteed style. For Regular up to $3 Corsets, discon- Boxes, an odd lot regrouped to $45, now yll.vO wni'i'ti'iiiiiitif;,.; skating, motoring or out-of-door tinued styles, we must clear out from holiday selling. these models—a few slightly Canton Crepes, Crepe Satins, Poiret winter sports. Smart looking, Choice each 89c Twills, dresses for every occas- warm and serviceable. CI 90 soiled, all very well toned and perfect fitting, each... sion and you are given a chance Regular $3 values BARGAINS in Scarfs, Throws, to take your choice of values to Women's and Children's Handker- Capes, Muffs, Childre's Smart $47.50, at the remark- jMQ QC No. 60 Berkely Cambric, well chiefs, slightly soiled On nnH In Sets, one lot values ..$4.85 ably low price of vlv.vu to $19.50 Don't Fail to See Our known to our customers, and from holiday displays"^ "''U 'u We guarantee the above coati and dreitet to preferred by many for special be brand new number*. (Tbey arrived Satur- needle work because of its soft- A Marvelous Offering in Coats and Women's black kid shoes, welt day. About 200 in number.) 10c Tinware Special ness. Take advantage Dresses, formerly sold H QC soles, military heels, blind $4.98 Every Woman's and Miu' Suit of this offer. Per yd.. 25c up to $15, now vt.wu eyelets, $10 values. at Half Price. Saturday, January 6, 1923 we have endeavored TRUTH-The Whole Truth, and Nothing_ But The Truth-Tuiiou r story in as force- ful manner as possible, every single word is the TRUTH, and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, And TRUTH will win- watch for the crowds—Come with the crowds to this BIG BARGAIN-FEST ! Coloma Hardware Co. C. Li. YOUNG & CO. Benton Harbor D. 0. PECK, Manager

FEATHER YOUR NEST You are building every day the nest in which you have to live in days to come. Benton Harbor State Bank- Feather your nest. Make it soft and easy by the habit of saving. Put your money A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD TOWN in a savings account in this bank.