\ THE COLOMA COURIER WHOLE NO. 1511 COLOMA, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1923 VOL 28. NO 23 BIRTHS OUTNUMBER DEATHS to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nlgro. CHURCH. LODGE AND SOCIETY EXTEND TIME FOR WAGNER WILL BE CANDIDATE Emma Louise Scott, March 10, to SECI R1NG 1923 ALTO PLATES FOR CLERK IN 1924 IN TOWNSHIP AND VILLAGE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott. EVENTS OF THE WEEK Neighborhood News Notes Arley Rancy Hombaker, March 14, OF COLOMA IN YEAR 1922 # to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hombaker. Francis Faraonl, March 25, to Mr. Events That Have Taken Piare and Secretary of State Gives Automobile Former Buchanan Man Has Been and Mrs. Joe Faraonl. Gleaned From Exchanges or Picked up at Random Owners Until February 1 To Get Deputy County Clerk for Several Forty-Hiree Births Are Recorded Wllma Jane Wilcox, July 21, to Mr. Those Tiiat Are to Come. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• and Mrs. Kendall Wilcox. • New License Tags. Terms. Against Twenty-Four Deaths—Only Kngor George Becht, July 21, to Mi. The SHf Culture Club will meet In the circuit court last week Mrs. Mrs. E. J. Egan of Benton Harbor, Friday, January Hth with Mrs. Lahr. Oraee A. Myers of Mies was granted wife of a Pere Marquette railroad and Mrs. Richard Becht. The time for securing 1023 licenses Announcement was made Monday One Accidental Death is Included in a divorce from James H. Myers. conductor, died Sunday at Traverse Lodeka Scheffler, August 0, to Mr. for automobiles has been extended to that Ira Wagner Jr., of Ht Joseph, The next ten-cent tea for the bene- City following an operation for ap- and Mrs. Relnhold Scheffler. Feb. 1 by Secretary of State Charles deputy county clerk, will be a candi- (he list. fit of the Order of Eastern Htar will l»e P. D. Green, a resident of 1'ipestone pendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Egan bad Gertrude Bertha lj»(}row. Septem- J. Deljind Friday. His action was date for the Republican nomination held at thf home of Mrs. .1. II. Bunker township for many years, died at the gone to the Northern Michigan town .The birth and mortality reports for ber 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph La- taken in view of the fact that thou- for county clerk in the primaries in In West Coloma on Wednesday, Jan- home of his daughter in Gary, Indi- to spend the holidays. the Township and Village of Coloma Grow. uary 10th. ana, December 27. sands of motorists failed to secure 1024. Ruth Zoschke, September 22, to Mr. for the year 1022 show that the stork H. M. Danforth a teamster for the certificates of title, which must lie Frank L. Hall, county clerk, who takes a big lead over the grim reaper. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Zosehke. The Rebekahs will meet In regular Isaac Bonlne of Nlles, cousin of Dr. Green transfer company of Benton obtained before licenses will be Issued began his second term Monday, re- The lists compiled by the clerk of the Mary Frances Scheid, October 11, to session Saturday evening, January 6.' Fred Bonlne, died last Thursday at Harbor, was seriously injured last and would have been unable to secure appointed Mr. Wagner to be bis dep- village and township show that there Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Scheid. There will he a potluck supper. All the John Hopkins University hospital, Saturday evening when his dray was new plates for weeks after the first of uty, and the appointment was follow- Kllzaheth Harriet Brenner, October were twenty-nine births and fourteen members of the Hebekah degree staff Baltimore, following an operation. struck by a Ford with an unknown the year. ed by the anouncement of "Wag's" 23. to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bren- deaths In the township and twelve are requested to be present for prac- driver. Danforth was thrown against Following a conference with Gov. condidacy. It was the fourth time births and ten deaths In the village. • la? ner. Uce Thursday evening, January 4th. ; the side of his wagon and sustained a Groesbeck Mr. DeLand Issued the fol- that Mr. Wagner bad been appointed The greater number of deaths were Win. A. Vawter estate, lilflifs been fixed lowing statement: broken knee. deputy for a two year term. He first those of people who had attained the On Friday evening, January 6th, the al 1M.706.10. Mr. Vawter was the "In view of the unprecedented num- was chosen by Claude A. Baker, when Births in Coloma Township in 1922 age of over half a century. Th« a ladies aid 'Society of the Methodist founder of the Baker-Vawter company Harold Frazler of Keeler pleaded ber of motor vehicles in Michigan this the latter became county clerk on Jan- was but one accidental death, that of church will give their second hirtlulay of Benton Harbor. Clyde Martin Becker, January 12, guilty before Justice Rowland at Pawl year, approximately 000,000, and in uary 1, 1017. Clarence Moriock, on July 21), who was party In the basement of the church, I'aw last week to driving a car while fact that each application for automo- Mr. Wagner, who has resided in St. to Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Becker. Rev. J. H. Geerllngs and family killed when a tractor overturned with with a potluck supper at 0!H0. This intoxicated and was sentenced to thir- bile license must he accompanied by Joseph for the past six years, is sec- Mary Agnes Steinhrook, January 30, narrowly escaped Is'lng trapped by the him. Is for all and everyone Is cordially ty days In Jail. Warren Smith of I proper certificate of title showing retary of the Republican county com- to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Steinhrook. flames when the parsonage at East Tile number of births and deaths Invited. I'aw I'aw arrested on the same charge, ownership of the car in the name of mittee. He Is the llrs^ candidate to Saugatuek was destroyed by lire at an for the past year shows a decrease Thelma Hasen, February 6, tif Mr. was tlned ^HO and costs and given ten. person to whom licensed, which neces- throw bis hat into the ring for 1024. The Ladles Aid society of the Meth- early hour Saturday morning. over the year 1021, when there were and Mrs. Sylvester Haisen. sarily has made the issuing of licenses Mr. Wagner was born In Buchanan, odist church will meet with Mrs. days iu jail. Bert Sellers of Keeler twenty-eight deaths in the township liouls Mike Cardttro, February 0, to slower than In former years, I recom- where he resided for 21 years. His Abram Bachman on Wednesday, Jan- John Walgamood, commander of the paid a fine of $10 for driving a truck' and village and forty-eight births In Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Gardaro. mend and request of all sheriffs, chiefs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wagner, Sr., uary 10th, for an all-day .session. A American I/'giou post at (.'onstantlne without a license. the township and village. There were John Guidlce, February 24, to Mr. of polhfe and law enforcing officers have resided lu the county more than potluck dinner will Ik' served at noon died of wounds sustained from the ac- three drownings during the year 1921, and Mrs. Gerlando Guidlce. A man and two women were killed throughout Michigan that no arrests half a century. to which the men are especially in- cidental discharge of bis shotgun while and none du/ing 1022. Rose Bartolone, February 25, to Mr. Monday afternoon when an automo- of automobile owners for not display- A graduate of the Buchanan high vited. hunting on Tuesday of last week. and Mrs, Tona Bartolone. bile In which they were riding was ing 1023 license tags be made until school, Mr. Wagner was employed In Helen Suwslke, March 8, to Mr. Mrs. Amanda Kremer was hostess Mrs. John Ketcham, wife of the struck by a Pere Marquette passenger after Feb. 1, 1023. At that time there the post office there, before he came and Mrs. Stanley Suwslke. train at a grade crossing three miles will be no reason why every automo- to the county clerk's office. ONLY TEN DEATHS RECORDED to thirteen guests on New Year's day. Fourth District congressman, is re- Ruth Edwin Fltz. March 15, to Mr. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. U. ported eritlcally III at Washington. [cast of Gary. The man was identified bile owner in Michigan should not His experience In the manifold du- IN VILLAGE IN YEAR 1922 and Mrs. Uol)ert Fltz. N. Beverldge and daughter Jeanette of Mrs. Ketcham recently underwent a by a salary check as George J. Ander-. have a proper certificate of title and ties incident to the clerkship will be Gladys Marie Masters, April 24, to Benton llarlwr. Dr. and Mrs. David series of operations at the John Hop- son, 7326 Emerald avenue, Chicago, | license for his automobile and no fur- his chief "selling point" In the pri- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Masters. Llttlejohn and daughters Imogene and kins hospital, Baltimore. • and the women are believed to be his ther extension of time will be grant- mary campaign. He has hosts of Christiana Walter Jensen, April 20, Ethel of Ishpemlng, Mich., Elmer 1 wife and mother. ed by this department." friends throughout the county. Ho Several Older Citizens Were Included Arthur Rogers, aged 10 years, con- to Mr. and Mrs. Jorgen Jensen. Squint of South Bend, Ind., and Mr. It Is said that no official notice has was reappointed by Mr. Hall after the Wilbur Philip Warman, June 21, to victed in the Berrien circuit court for The Coloma-Watervllet Rifle Club been received at the county seat re- In the Mortality list.
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