JU ii AT Knw-ivi- l "" "TIttt vfi. 37Ch HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1910. TWENTY PAGES. Jan. Is). 1903, at Honolulu. Hawaii, as Second - VOL. vx-- ' (lass Matter. Under Act of Conpr- of March 3. 1879. PROHIBITION W ADMIRAL HAS FALLING SEINE 11 DISCLOSES CHANGED IH'niiifiiMii!!1, Question Most Widely Discussed of Anything That Has Yet S HIPS Been Agitated. AVOC A HAWAIIAN LEADER WRITES Liquor Men Get Some Cheering of the Admiral Paris the Beautiful Is Now Scene Two-St- ar Banner ins a News From Washington of Heartrending Ruin Now Floats Over the Brewery Stock Breaks. -- . ' i ""VNWh California. cZs and Desolation. --- v rTTn A: Icist ..no half the population of t llioiolnlu spent one-hal- f "their wakiutj TO TENNESSEE SOLDIERS CLEARING FAR EWELLS li ons yesterday tliseu-sin- s; 'he pro- - ami STREETS eons of prohibition. The town lias been swept bv a wave of sentiment, surpris- Houses Are Being Built for Departure of Fleet Are '- ing even those who know the city ami for Those Plans .... -7 , U the people best. The cause of prohibi- Changed. Nor Will Rendered Homeless by 5T Not to lie converts tion appears jraininj ' They Be. with every minute and. if the street the Flood. C I discussions are indications; of the pre- i vailing sentiment, a plebescite yester? at day would have declared the town dry Tlear-A.lm- i rat evening. T'ARIS, fi hast For thp last time Uriel before February The Seine - THE SERIOUS SITUATION AT WASHINGTON. The prohibition sentiment is by no now fallen thirteen feet and the streets Hrpp. cnmniiinilfr-iii-r-hii't- ' of tin- I'a white population. are clear of water. Traffic has two-farr- fj means confined to the been c,ii. floot, has tran?frr-.- l hi either. I'ruininent Hawaiian? are arrays resumed ami the city is again settling fla? fro,n 0!ie Vl'sse' ro "r,Tli,'r' SAILORS AND SOCIETY JACK inj thene-elve- s on the dry side of the. down. The streets are being cleared lialmira! hauling 'hnvn bis ipiestioii and the average Hawaiian, of debris ami temporary structures ar were; from the cruiser ToniHfv, wliicli MERRY WIDOW especially the average Hawaiian wo being erected to house those who DO THE as eager for success-o- f rendered homeless by the flood. bs scrvcil a His flaijsliip on tin? ln man. appears the AND The retreat of the waters has dis- lia-k- , the Curtis bill iu congress as Wool' frv.ie to the Orient ami and ln.ist-- closed a scene of desolation almost iuimediiitclv over the eruWer ley himself. it unparalleled. Only bare spaces mark The California will ho his last Hawaiian Writes. Ball at Waikiki Attended by Thousands of the spots where beautiful garlens oneo fam. hut his resiloni-- abonr,! the Eight Thousand Jolly Boys of the M. K. Xakuina, one of the Hawaiian m stood, houses are in ruins and but few (mh'-- will he hrief. for. on Ft'liruary to Bluejackets and by Society Fleet Enjoy Themselves as leaders, in a written communication fences are standing. Pavements !. he hauls down his fla tor the la- -t yesterday, expresses Know How. The Advertiser which had resisted the wear of agesj time an.l han'ls over the chieftainship They (Continued on l'asre Eight.) of Honolulu. have either entirely disappeared or to Giles !. ITarl.er. a ml l: are so badly damaged that they will ob the following day retires from artive Sixtv sailors on patrol and the have to be replaced. Not only are iutY in the navy, havins reachei". the dutv STRIKE THREATENED grandest lights in the trees made a pretty scene. j the basements of buildings in the limit. "This is one of the sailors' regular number of police last night took a? 'I lie sailor- - came in crowds and ladies de- balls have ever seen.'' said Admiral care of almost eiyjit thousand blue-- j flood district filled with mud and Y?t?r!!ay mornini; shortly after 8 were there in large, numbers and they, lie tilt1 jackets sights town as IN THE GOAL FIELDS bris, but many streets tire still all but o'clock the crew of the Teniu-s- e was Sebree laat night as watched (waited expectantly for the music to seeing the of the of a e at a impassable. piped to ((iiarters, with the iiiarine f the fleet sail bv to the tune start. patronesses were at the only sailor can siohts tor I trout entrance and inelmie-- .M is. h'obert in Soldiers are assisting in the work gaaril in line ami the haml in at!ein.l-an.:e- . a waltz or two step, "and have seen veur's experience tiftv ports. And .ewers Airs. Hush and Airs. Taylor. fl,)ls WOre most of clearing the streets and hundreds fare-ircl- i a lot of them. too. Then enjoy it. and ti, loafing The admiral maile a few two-sto- With the first notes ot a t ae i Miners Declare That Wage De aid. 1 - 'i,' time. of citizens have volunteered their rfr4;" to both 'lii-cr- an l crew. so do f. ami f can tell von wouldn't saii.o- - Ihvonovl the ttoor and w."- ui , Hotel --..rect, between Nmianu and mand Must Be Granted by Lumber is loing rushed in to build Sun spoke of the jileasHTf ii hail ln'cn miss going to an enlisted man's dance, praised for their excellent dancing and respectful attention to their part- - Fort, was disguised night as houses for the homeless and people of to bi:n to serve on hoaril when I'm asked, for anything. Yes. their last the Operators. the ' the ves'l, r"'r- repairing the dam- 1 . White W.'iv, not onlv on account of the city are busy arm h. il is will 'uv the oftleers ami iiomj of this the last ball of the sailors t lie noor . When A'lmirai arivoo Tlie flood. , , ages wrought bv the 1 i - blaze ol lights that the pic tiie a n i ni- eo.-iie- t the moving vcl j'leasflnt voyage to '.r r !ltrMO tor term ot service oo vt ill. r:n.r...is 'tro, t. rs . ;,.,,. V.bnir-.- l le.l .1 'T-ii!,- nvircli t u re shows have put out but also Oil His flag was haule! down an ! the ends Wv.t t'.i attend a lot ot them ti.e TuLKI'm'). Tebruarv 0. rresideiit -- STANTON TiWipssi"? lie was foil bv Admiral Roes ami account of the white ea of sailors' "HONEST" PHIL Sl became a former rlavhip. T retire.'7 Lewis of the I'nited Mine Workers of after Mrs. von 11 Thp - admiral, 'I I were-- , un- WOULD BE GOVERNOR a.i'imipanio.l l.y Captain he sailors ot the acihe ileet .,,, Mis. llu-- h and a America announced vesterdav that Mrv M,.ab. Wi.hin this one b'o.-- there were TVnwn. his chief of staff, an.l al.K honored guests la- -t evening of t lui jacket, Mrs. Taylor and a bluejacket le an agreement is readied regarding i i . i. i i 'XT- - thfn Ad ha nil v e i i ess t n a n i u i e 11 u . o i e1 , , . , . at left the Tennessee. Cn.-v- n thol ! a bail and then the danc rs followed. The tin. wore demands ot t he miners iv nr, Accomh association at given '" ..;. ' Onnn UIif Po ifnrnn b.vf,he nmal waltzed and was cheered men, who kept streaming out and in up , , .OpCdKCI waillUl.na nu..., h.iarle.l the California, where hoi aain. r a si e w i ne caneu at the Moan a and Seaside els, and as he rounds, to an early nour this morning, long -General was and applaud... made the Announces His Candidacy flag! - I th;lt ,li,U " ' h reived with honors and his Ilevei. j,.,s an a!1'air of the kind iu Ho- - an.l he looked pleased. after the shows had dosed. The skat J, ' V hoisN,l over on-- jam-no- .u!d suspend all inui.ng operations ill ifs the vessel. He spoke j n,lu!u t.,.n S( popular and so succes- The two hotels were made v of ing rink was and more bailors for Office. I otuminous ueuis. sion captain, aa-- l ofticer.4 acces- - bv the beach route by a board capsii there than ever on the high!' ami said ,,,, llutt.ls W(r,, fjiio.l with blue. The miners are very insistent that that he would walk laid over the sands, with a row seas. he aboard only a short! 1 1 . j.(.krts thev dan and danced ele-fri- .Imo-- be granted. hey say LOS ANGELES, February Philip ;ui " nf colnve.l bolit- - nimliiii' the There wer r no .hunks taken their domamls t:n:p. , , - until the nlast momeui. n pauneis voice. into the station, although numbers of that they will not make any corn- Stanton, speaker of the State assembly, 't is a foinci.lence - - promise in regard to the wage scale that Admiral there was no lack, for society women; chairman von Hamm was ably assist- sailor- took on board about all that yesterday announced his candidacy to Mree should - Without taking more ami unless me opeiaiors couceu transfer his f!:v to the mingled on od iu both ballrooms, where refresh- thev could carrv that succeed .lames N.
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