Bronx Times Reporter: May 18, 2018
May 18-24, 2018 Your Neighborhood — Your News® 75 cents SERVING THROGGS NECK, PELHAM BAY, COUNTRY CLUB, CITY ISLAND, WESTCHESTER SQUARE, MORRIS PARK, VAN NEST, PELHAM PARKWAY, CASTLE HILL, ALLERTON PROTESTERS DECRY NEW JAIL PROPOSAL Mayor announces inmate plan for 161st Street BY ALEX MITCHELL from the Bronx School of conversation to have,” she A community’s anger Law, Government, and Jus- added. reached the boiling point tice along with others, joined Other concerns expressed when another potential site Gibson in a protest outside the during the rally were the se- for the Bronx’s new jail facil- courthouse on Thursday, May nior communities that sit in ity was announced. 10. close proximity as well as the In addition to the NYPD If this site is chosen, stu- 161st Street Business Improve- tow pound in Mott Haven, a dents of the high school would ment District. second site, adjacent to the be literally attending class in The BID’s executive direc- Bronx Criminal Court and the jail’s shadow. tor, Cary Goodman also took Hall of Justice Complex on “In a perfect world I get it to the megaphone in opposi- 161st Street is now in conten- and it does make sense to put tion to the proposal. tion. the jail next to the court, the He reminded everyone that Needless to say, Council- challenge is we don’t have a at the mayor’s town hall meet- woman Vanessa Gibson along perfect world,” said Gibson. ing, held just one month ago at with her constituents have “If it were not for the schools, the Bronx School of Law, Gov- expressed resounding opposi- libraries and the residents ernment, and Justice, there tion to the plan.
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