International Menu

MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 31 Oktober - 4 November pulled jackfruit tacos Chicken Mushrom brushceta Indian masala Pasta Day guacomolle Vegetarian Laksa Green Salad capati Green Salad tomatoes salsa Green Salad vegetable stick Fruits Green Salad Fruits Fruits Brown Rice pulled

7 - 11 November

Burritos Chicken Dancing Lasagna chicken burger Pasta Day Guacamole mix Vegetable grilled Green Salad potatoes chips Green Salad Tomato Salsa Brown Rice Fruits vegetarian burger Fruits Green Salad Green Salad Green Salad Spicy Red Bean Fruits Fruits Fruits

14 - 18 November

Red Tuna and sesame seeds Sushi pork BBQ Pasta Day Brown rice Vegetable saute Green Salad vegetarian BBQ Green Salad Red tempe and curry Kale Salad Fruits Fruits Fruits Green Salad Brown Rice Green Salad Fruits fruit 21 - 25 November

Taco Chicken with becamel sc Vegetable Masaman Curry Pork with red Chilli sc Pasta Day Guacamole Green Salad Green Salad vegetable saute Green Salad Tomato Salsa Vegetable mix with becamel sc Brown rice Brown rice Fruits Spicy Bean Fruits Fruits eggplant cutney Green Salad Pumpkin Fruits Fruits

1 INDONESIAN MENU MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 31 Nov - 4 Oktober Brown Rice Brown Rice Fried rice Brown Rice Brown Rice Organic Veggie telur ceplok Organic Veggie telur dan tempe tahu Cap Cay Tomato Sauce Tuna crackers manis Crackers Fried Tempe Corn Fruits Mi Goreng Sambal Crackers Fruits Fruits Crackers Sambal Fruits Fruits 7 - 11 November Brown Rice Brown Rice Brown Rice Brown Rice Brown Rice Kangkung Veggie Ayam sisit tempe mandoan Ayam rica rica Fruits Fruits nangka vegetable kare Sambal krupuk Sambal Fried Tempe Sambal Crackers Fruits Fruits 14 - 18 November Brown Rice Brown Rice Brown Rice Brown Rice Brown Rice ayam babi Gado gado Sambal hati goreng kucing tempe goreng krupuk jagung Mi Goreng sayururab sayur nangka Fruits Buah tempe manis Buah sambal

21 - 25 November Brown Rice Brown Rice Brown Rice Brown Rice ayam Pindang tomat jamur krispy buah Beberuk terong Tempe bacem sayur urab perkedel jagung Fried Tempe Buah Sambal krupuk Sambal Sambal