October 19, 2014 Think Green 50¢ Recycle Volume 88, No. 34 Go Green todayscatholicnews.org Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend Go Digital TTODAYODAY’’SS CCATHOLICATHOLIC World Mission Sunday Mission work throughout Bishop Rhoades celebrates the world, at home Pages 9, 16 wedding anniversary Masses

Pope Paul VI BY TIM JOHNSON Beatification set Oct. 19 hile the extraordinary Page 4 Synod of Bishops on the family explored issues of Wmarriage and family, Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades celebrated Masses at St. Matthew Cathedral in South Bend Responding on Oct. 5 and the Cathedral of the to Ebola crisis Immaculate Conception in Fort Wayne on Oct. 12 honoring mile- Donate to stone wedding anniversaries — 25, 40, 50, 60 or 70 years. Catholic Relief Services After offering congratulations Page 5 to all the married couples, Bishop Rhoades said, “We express our esteem and our gratitude for your faithful witness to the Lord in the sacrament of Marriage.” Red Mass in South “At this time of confusion and many challenges in our culture Bend and society regarding the truth and meaning of marriage, your witness Bishop encourages protection is greatly needed,” he said “Your of life, religious liberty lives are a testament to the dig- KEVIN HAGGENJOS nity of this great gift and blessing Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades celebrated Mass at St. Matthew Cathedral on Oct. 5 honoring couples celebrating Page 8 bestowed by God our Creator from milestone anniversaries — 25, 40, 50, 60 and even 70 years. Bishop Rhoades told the couples in his homily: “At the beginning of the human race.” this Mass, we express our esteem and our gratitude for your faithful witness to the Lord in the sacrament of The first reading at the Masses Marriage.” was from the book of Genesis: “God created man in His image; in White Mass speaker the image of God He created him; “The image of God is the married covenant with us is represented in When a man and woman celebrate male and female He created them.” couple: the man and the woman; not that covenant between man and the sacrament of Matrimony, God Ethicist speaks with Catholic “This was the culmination of cre- only the man, not only the woman, woman. And this is very beautiful! as it were ‘is mirrored’ in them; He health care workers ation,” Bishop Rhoades noted. but both of them together. This We are created in order to love, as a He cited who said: is the image of God: love, God’s reflection of God and His love. … WEDDINGS, PAGE 3 Page 9 Challenges of family, married life discussed at first week of extraordinary synod

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The U.S. Cardinal tance and appreciation of divorced Greek root of the word “synod” Raymond L. Burke, and remarried Catholics, cohabitating means “to walk together,” which prefect of the couples and homosexuals. is exactly what bishops and other Supreme Court “It is necessary to accept people members of the Synod of Bishops of the Apostolic in their concrete being, to know how are called to do as they seek to to support their search, to encourage Signature, walks apply the Gospel and Church the wish for God and the will to feel teaching to the challenges facing with Alice and fully part of the Church, also on the family life today, said the gather- Jeff Heinzen of part of those who have experienced ing’s general secretary. Menomonie, Wis., failure or find themselves in the “We must walk together: the peo- as they leave the most diverse situations,” Hungarian ple, the bishops and the pope,” said morning session of Cardinal Peter Erdo of Esztergom- Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, intro- the extraordinary Budapest told Pope Francis and the ducing the synod’s work Oct. 6. Synod of Bishops synod Oct. 13. In strikingly conciliatory language on the family at the Cardinal Erdo, who as the syn- on situations contrary to Catholic Vatican Oct. 9. The od’s relator has the task of guiding teaching, an official midterm report Heinzens are audi- from the Synod of Bishops on the fam- ily emphasized calls for greater accep- CNS PHOTO/PAUL HARING tors at the synod. SYNOD, PAGE 6 2 TODAY’ S C ATHOLIC October 19, 2014 TODAY’S CATHOLIC Official newspaper of the Same-sex marriage, religious Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856

PUBLISHER: Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades liberty, and Notre Dame

EDITOR: Tim Johnson week, the University of Notre Dame decided to treat same-sex unions as equivalent to “to extend benefits to all legally married per- marriage. Just as it is not unjust to limit the NEWS EDITOR and STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad IN TRUTH sons, including same-sex spouses,” since “the bond of marriage to the union of one man law in Indiana now recognizes same-sex mar- and one woman, the Church teaches that “it Editorial Department AND riages” (quotes from public statement issued is not unjust to oppose granting to homo- PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan by Notre Dame). sexual couples benefits that in justice belong FREELANCE WRITERS: Ann Carey, Michelle CHARITY Many have asked for my opinion on this to (true) marriage alone” (USCCB, “Ministry Castleman, Karen Clifford, Bonnie decision of the University of Notre Dame. I to Persons with a Homosexual Inclination”). BY BISHOP KEVIN C. RHOADES must admit my uncertainty at this time about It is important that this not be interpreted as Elberson, Denise Fedorow, Diane the legal implications of Indiana’s law for our an attitude of intolerance or bigotry against Freeby, Sister Margie Lavonis, CSC, Catholic institutions. Notre Dame believes homosexual persons. The Church strongly Jodi Magallanes, Joe Kozinski, Vince that the law requires the university to extend upholds the human dignity of homosexual ast week, I and the other Bishops of LaBarbera and Deb Wagner the legal benefits of marriage to “same-sex persons while also strongly upholding the Indiana expressed our disappointment with married couples” in its employ. I would like truth about marriage. The Church affirms that Lthe U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on October th to see further study of what the law requires “persons with a homosexual inclination have Business Department 6 not to review Indiana’s appeal of the court as well as what religious liberty protections the same basic rights as all people” (ibid). The BUSINESS MANAGER: Sean McBride ruling that the prohibition of so-called “same- Notre Dame and our other Catholics institu- Bishops of the United States, in the Pastoral AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber sex marriage” is unconstitutional. tions have so as not to be compelled to coop- letter “Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Bethany The Church continues to oppose the redefi- erate in the application of the law redefining Plan,” stated the following: nition of marriage to include two persons of Belleville [email protected] marriage. Our Indiana Catholic Conference is Basic human rights must be afforded to the same sex since such redefinition denies studying these issues. all people. This can and should be done with- the truth and reality of what marriage is: the In announcing its decision to extend out sacrificing the bedrock of society that is Advertising Sales lifelong partnership between one man and benefits to “same-sex spouses,” I am glad (true) marriage and the family, and without Tess Steffen one woman ordered toward the good of the that Notre Dame affirmed that as a Catholic violating the religious liberty of persons and [email protected] spouses and the procreation and education of university, it “endorses a Catholic view of institutions. (260) 456-2824 children. In God’s plan, sexual difference is marriage,” though I would say that Catholic I wish to extend my own commitment as essential to marriage. Marriage is a unique teaching on the heterosexual nature of mar- bishop to all persons in the Church with a form of love and commitment, a “commu- Web site: www.todayscatholicnews.org riage is more than “a view.” The heterosexual homosexual inclination, especially to your nion” in which “the two become one flesh” nature of marriage is an objective truth known pastoral care and growth in holiness. Our (Genesis 2:24). Published weekly except second by (right) reason and revelation. As a Catholic Courage groups in Fort Wayne and South The Church believes that homosexual university, it is important that Notre Dame Bend exist to help you in this growth. All of Sunday of January; and every other persons are certainly equal in dignity to het- week from the fourth Sunday in continues to affirm its fidelity to Catholic us have the vocation to love. This vocation is erosexual persons. The Church teaches that teaching on the true nature of marriage as lived not only through the vocation of mar- June through the middle Sunday “every sign of unjust discrimination in regard of September; and last Sunday in a union of one man and one woman. I have riage, but also through chaste friendships. I to homosexual persons should be avoided” communicated to Notre Dame my convic- hope you know the Church’s love for you. December by the Diocese of Fort (CCC 2358). Not allowing two persons of the Wayne-South Bend, 1103 S. Calhoun tion that this affirmation should also include You are our brothers and sisters in Christ. same sex to marry is not unjust discrimina- efforts to defend the religious liberty of our I encourage you to persevere in your faith St., P.O. Box 390, Fort Wayne, IN 46801. tion. The “right to marry” is the right to enter Periodicals postage paid at Fort Wayne, religious institutions that is threatened in within the Catholic community as together we into a relationship that is unique and rooted in IN, and additional mailing office. potentially numerous ways by the legal redefi- strive to be faithful disciples of Jesus. a nature that includes sexual difference. nition of marriage, including the government I hope and pray that all will work together, POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: I and many others have been worried about forcing our Catholic institutions to extend in a spirit of love and respect for all people, Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, Fort the many possible threats to our religious any special benefits we afford to actual mar- in the face of so many problems that arise Wayne, IN 46856-1169 or email: freedom as a result of the redefinition of mar- riage to same-sex “marriage” as well. I have from the redefinition of marriage. I recom- [email protected]. riage. Changing the legal definition of mar- asked the Notre Dame administration to work mend to all the excellent website (an initiative riage may threaten the liberty of the Church together with the Indiana Catholic Conference of the United States Conference of Catholic MAIN OFFICE: 915 S. Clinton St., Fort and our institutions in numerous ways. One on these efforts. Bishops): Marriage: Unique for a Reason. Wayne, IN 46802. Telephone (260) example could be the government forcing Living in conformity with our Catholic The internet address is www.marriageunique- 456-2824. Fax: (260) 744-1473. religious institutions to extend any special teaching that marriage by its nature is forareason.org. BUREAU OFFICE: 1328 Dragoon Trail, spousal benefits they afford to actual marriage between one man and one woman needs reli- Mishawaka, IN 46544. Telephone (260) to “same-sex marriage” as well. This past gious liberty protection so we are not forced 456-2824. Fax (260) 744-1473.

News deadline is the Monday morning before publication date. Advertising deadline is nine days before publica- Courage offers pastoral outreach tion date. Today’s Catholic may be reached at : to those with same-sex attraction Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, Fort Wayne, IN a fully Christian life in communion with God in the light of the Gospel, said Father Check, BY SARAH MCCARTHY 46856-1169; or email: and others.” who is a priest of the Diocese of Bridgeport, [email protected] Father Paul Check, the executive director Connecticut. WASHINGTON (CNS) — For Catholic men of Courage, said the organization provides “an The moderators of the meetings, usually ISSN 0891-1533 authentic and rich expression of the Church’s a priest or chaplain, minister to participants USPS 403630 and women who experience same-sex attrac- tion, it can often be a difficult and confusing pastoral care for men and women with the through the use of Scripture, the beatitudes, task to understand how they can live out their homosexual inclination.” parables or any of the various resources avail- faith and participate in their religion. “Cardinal Cooke realized two things. able to Christians “that are helpful for people Courage, an international apostolate of the One, I think, in the popular mind, the only to grow in self-knowledge,” Father Check Church, attempts to support these members of thing that the Church seems to offer men and said. the Church by offering guidance and outreach women with the homosexual inclination is the The organization also has adapted the in the form of meetings, online discussion word no,” Father Check said in a phone inter- 12-step program from Alcoholics Anonymous, Find us on Facebook! groups and other resources to people around view with the Catholic News Service. “And though Father Check noted that does not mean www.facebook.com/diocesefwsb the world. secondly, I think he realized that this was, in the Church views homosexuality as a sex Founded in 1980 by Cardinal Terence fact, perception or not, an underserved group addiction. Cooke of New York, Courage acts as a of people who have as much claim on the “I think we want to take care in saying spiritual support system for men and women heart of Jesus Christ as anyone else.” that the 12 steps could be a useful tool for who experience homosexual inclinations. Courage has nearly 100 chapters through- a number of different things, moving away Follow us on Twitter! According to its website, http://couragerc. out the U.S. and 15 international chapters. Each contingent hosts regular meetings that @diocesefwsb org, Cardinal Cooke’s goal in establishing COURAGE, PAGE 6 the organization was to aid people in “living provide fraternal support, prayer and service October 19, 2014 TODAY’ S C ATHOLIC 3

WEDDINGS Public Schedule of CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades impresses in them His own fea- • Sunday, Oct. 19, 10:30 a.m. — Mass and Blessing of Parish tures and the indelible character Center, Saint Paul of the Cross Parish, Columbia City of His love. Marriage is the icon • Monday, Oct. 20, 9 a.m. — Mass and Pastoral Visit, Saint of God’s love for us. Indeed, Aloysius School, Yoder God is communion too: the three • Tuesday, Oct. 21, 7 p.m. — Mass and Meeting with SPARC Persons of the Father, the Son and group, Saint John Bosco Parish, Churubusco the Holy Spirit live eternally in • Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2 p.m. — Mass of Installation of Most perfect unity. And this is precisely Reverend Daniel Thomas as Bishop of Toledo, Our Lady, Queen of the mystery of Matrimony: God the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral, Toledo, Ohio makes of the two spouses one sin- • Thursday, Oct. 23, 4 p.m. — Mass at Ninth Annual Conference gle life. The Bible uses a powerful of Lighthouse Catholic Media, University of Saint Mary of the expression and says ‘one flesh,’ so Lake, Mundelein, Illinois intimate is the union between man • Friday, Oct. 24, 7 p.m. — Confirmation Mass, Saint Joseph and woman in marriage. And this Church, South Bend is precisely the mystery of mar- • Saturday, Oct. 25, 10 a.m. — Confirmation Mass, Saint riage: the love of God, which is Anthony of Padua Church, South Bend reflected in the couple that decides to live together. Therefore a man leaves his home, the home of his parents, and goes to live with his Missionaries help keep wife and unites himself so strongly to her that the two become, as the Bible says, one flesh.” people, Church, healthy Bishop Rhoades reflected that when the couples consecrated their love in the sacrament of Marriage, and holy, pope says they became one flesh, icons of God’s love. “They became icons BY CAROL GLATZ Pope Francis said recalling the of God’s love. They make visible lives of so many men and women God’s love, the love with which who endured so many challenges Christ loves His Church,” he said. VATICAN CITY (CNS) — and hardships will help bring “This is God’s design, God’s plan Missionaries do enormous good for strength and confidence to today’s for marriage.” the world and the Church by bring- Catholics living in cultures that But the frailty of the human ing God’s love to the far corners of make living and sharing the faith condition is also part of married the earth and by keeping the Church more difficult. life and it brings about difficulties healthy and fruitful, Pope Francis “Honoring those who endured — financial problems, unemploy- said. suffering to bring us the Gospel ment, disagreement or problems in Missionaries, who leave their means being ready ourselves to fight communications. homes and even risk their lives, the good fight of faith with humility, “This is life,” Bishop Rhoades “have done immense good for the meekness and mercy in our daily said. “And then, of course, there Church, because once the Church lives, and this bears fruit,” he said. are our own sins and weaknesses. JERRY KESSENS stops moving and becomes closed Cardinal Thomas C. Collins of I doubt that there’s a couple here, Couples celebrating anniversaries in the Fort Wayne area receive a bless- up inside herself, she gets ill, she can Toronto told Catholic News Service which hasn’t had some serious ing from Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades at the Cathedral of the Immaculate be corrupted, either by sin or that Oct. 13 that everyone can find inspi- arguments in their marriages. This Conception on Oct. 12. false knowledge separated from God ration in the heroic missionaries. is the human condition. But they that is worldly secularism,” he said People love heroes, especially have persevered, persevered with in a homily Oct. 12. young people, but most of “today’s faith and with the help of God’s reflected. “These virtues are riage. The pope presided over a heroes aren’t that wholesome,” he said. grace.” essential. And prayer is essential. He told the couples, “You show Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica as a The challenge is to help people Speaking of arguments, Pope Husbands and wives praying for our young people that definitive, celebration of thanksgiving for learn about the heroes of the Church Francis recently said: “The secret each other every day. That helps lifelong commitment is not only the canonizations of Sts. Marie because they’re “great models for all is that love is stronger than the to make the marriage bond stron- possible — it is worth the risk! de l’Incarnation and Francois de of us, in Canada and beyond,” said moment when there is arguing, ger.” You bear witness to faith. It takes Laval, two 17th-century French mis- the cardinal. and therefore I always advise Marriage is a beautiful voca- faith in God, a strong spiritual sionaries who were pioneers of the Archbishop Durocher said St. spouses: do not let a day when you tion, the vocation to love in a foundation, to build a relation- in Canada. Francois de Laval, who was born in have argued end without making unique way and forever. ship that is faithful and true in Pope Francis declared the new 1623 and studied in a Jesuit school, peace. Always! “Yet, we good times and in bad, in sickness saints April 3 without requiring the “was a kind of 17th-century Pope And to make must never and in health, unto the parting of verification of a miracle through Francis,” setting aside the ornate peace it isn’t forget that even death. Yes, it is possible to love their intercession or holding a can- material trappings and living a sim- necessary to ‘Marriage goes forward these things are forever.” onization ceremony; instead he used ple, “nearly austere, lifestyle.” call the United pathways for Bishop Rhoades reminded the a procedure known as “equivalent “He journeyed by canoe and on Nations to come growth in good- anniversary couples, “The Lord canonizations.” foot to go and celebrate with the to the house and when there is this courtesy ness, truth and continues to give you the love that St. Marie de l’Incarnation was people. He had a great love for the make peace. beauty, paths stands at the foundation of your a French Ursuline who traveled to native people that he met, for their A little gesture and gratitude and humility.’ to holiness,” marriage. Each day, He renews Quebec in 1639 and is known as the struggles, for their trials,” the arch- is sufficient, a Bishop Rhoades and strengthens your love. He Mother of the Canadian Church; and bishop said. St. Francois de Laval, who arrived The saint came to Quebec — caress, and then BISHOP KEVIN C. RHOADES said. does so here today, at this and let it be! Until “The key to every Mass. Here at the altar, we in Quebec 20 years after St. Marie a town of just 500 people — in tomorrow! And success is trust, remember that Christ loves us to became the first bishop of Quebec. 1658 as the apostolic vicar of New tomorrow begin trust in God and the end, giving up His Body and More than 300 people came from France, as Quebec was called, and again. And this His providence, pouring out His Blood for us. This Canada to take part in the Mass, there he began his missionary work is life, carrying trust in His is the love marriage is meant to which was concelebrated by bishops among colonists and the native peo- on, carrying on grace, the grace express: free, total, faithful, fruit- and priests from the archdioceses of ples. He died in Quebec in 1708. with courage received in the ful and self-giving. Jesus nour- Quebec and Toronto. Many parish- Cardinal Collins said even and the desire to live together.” sacrament,” Bishop Rhoades said. ishes us with His Body and Blood ioners were part of a pilgrimage Catholics who do not become actual Bishop Rhoades also reminded “That grace helps one to grow in to help us to love as He has loved that stopped first in France to visit missionaries can still live by the the faithful three words the pope love, to persevere in the difficult us.” cities and places connected with the same missionary spirit — turning says are very helpful for marriage: times, and to rejoice in the beauti- He asked God to bless the saints’ lives. one’s gaze outward toward others “May I,” “thank you” and “I’m ful experiences that one has.” couples on their journey of life The pope praised the new saints, and “taking care of the gathered and sorry.” The bishop noted a big chal- and love, “strengthened by the saying “they inspire us to imitate scattered,” those in the pews and “Marriage goes forward when lenge facing the Church is many Eucharist, the sacrament of their faith” and offer encouragement those who have drifted from the there is this courtesy and gratitude young people fear making the Christ’s love!” “at a time when we are experiencing Church. and humility,” Bishop Rhoades definitive commitment of mar- a scarcity of laborers in the service “If we’re doing that we’re really of the Gospel.” alive and sharing the faith,” he said. 4 TODAY’ S C ATHOLIC October 19, 2014 Paul VI beatification highlights dialogue, Vatican II, love for Church

continue God’s action of setting emy and to his studies. BY CINDY WOODEN out to encounter humanity and In 1924, he began working in bring people to the fullness of the Vatican Secretariat of State, truth and salvation. slowly being given more and VATICAN CITY (CNS) — “How vital it is for the world, more responsibility. At the same Meeting Catholics from Pope Paul and how greatly desired by the time, he served as a chaplain to VI’s home diocese, Brescia, Pope Catholic Church, that the two the Catholic Italian Federation Francis said his predecessor’s should meet together, and get to of University Students, which witness “nourishes within us the know and love one another,” he worked to imbue Catholic students flame of love for Christ, love wrote. with the values needed to counter for the Church and the drive to But in the turbulent 1960s, the fascist student movement. proclaim the Gospel to the people it was not that easy. A 1977 In December 1937, he was of today with mercy, patience, biography of the pope by NC named undersecretary of state for courage and joy.” News Service — the former name ordinary affairs, a position that Pope Francis will hold Pope of Catholic News Service — said, made him a close collaborator Paul’s witness up to a wider “He described himself as an of Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, the audience Oct. 19 when he beatifies ‘apostle of peace,’ but Pope Paul Vatican secretary of state who him during the closing Mass of the VI knew scarcely a peaceful day” became Pope Pius XII in 1939. extraordinary Synod of Bishops on as head of the Church. “Called He worked alongside the pope the family. to the papacy in 1963 to succeed throughout World War II and With Pope Paul’s beatification the universally popular Pope John was in charge of the information approaching, the 50th anniversary XXIII, Giovanni Battista Montini bureau that gathered the names of of the publication of his first faced a Church and a world prisoners of war from all sides and encyclical letter, “Ecclesiam experiencing a period of self- forwarded the names to worried Suam,” and the 36th anniversary criticism and upheaval. His years family members. of his death Aug. 6, 1978, as pope were most notably marked After 30 years of service in the became the occasion for multiple by the Second Vatican Council — Secretariat of State, he was named reflections on his life and legacy CNS PHOTO/GIANCARLO GIULIANI, CATHOLIC PRESS PHOTO its hopes, reforms and crises.” archbishop of Milan in 1954. in the Vatican media. Pope Paul VI greets the crowd as he visits the parish of Jesus the Divine Celebrating the 50th He spent the next eight years “Although he was not always anniversary of Pope Paul’s June Master in Rome April 2, 1972. Pope Francis will beatify Pope Paul Oct. rebuilding and reorganizing ’s understood, Paul VI will remain 21, 1963, election, Pope Francis 19 during the closing Mass of the extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the largest archdiocese. When Pope the pope who loved the modern told pilgrims from Brescia that Family. Pius died in 1958, many people world, admired its cultural and the late pope “experienced to thought Archbishop Montini could scientific wealth and worked so the full the Church’s travail after be elected pope even though he that it would open its heart to the Second Vatican Council: the 5-19 include the encyclical for and formalizing its ecumenical was not yet a cardinal. Instead, Christ, the redeemer of mankind,” lights, the hopes, the tensions. He which is he is most known by dialogues, as well as improving the chose wrote Cardinal Giovanni Battista loved the Church and expended many people, “Humanae Vitae.” relations with Jews, Muslims and Cardinal Angelo Roncalli of Re. himself for her, holding nothing The 1968 encyclical, usually other world religions. Venice, who became Pope John The Italian cardinal, a former back.” described as a document affirming He was born Sept. 26, 1897, XXIII. One of his first acts was papal diplomat like Pope Paul, A reserved and reflective man the Church’s prohibition against in Concesio, a farm town out- to create new cardinals, including said that while St. John XXIII is who was trained as a Church artificial contraception, places side the northern Italian city of Archbishop Montini. remembered for having convoked diplomat and spent most of his that conclusion in the context of Brescia. Known as studious and After Pope John died in June the Second Vatican Council and priestly life in the Vatican, Pope Catholic teaching on the beauty pious from a young age, Giovanni 1963, Cardinal Montini was presiding over its first session, Paul’s papacy was marked by and purpose of marriage, married Battista was admitted to the elected pope on the fifth ballot, it was Pope Paul who was the public and often bitter debates love and procreation. Brescia seminary in 1916, but was cast on the second day of the “real helmsman of the council,” over changing sexual morality, the In his day — before the allowed to live at home because of conclave. He was the last pope presiding over the last three of validity of the Church’s traditional globetrotting Pope John Paul II his frail health. Six months after to be crowned with a tiara; five its four sessions and guiding its teaching and the changes in its was elected — Pope Paul was his ordination to the Priesthood months later, he solemnly laid implementation. liturgy called for by Vatican II. known as the “pilgrim pope.” He in 1920, he was sent to Rome for the crown on the altar of St. Both Cardinal Re and Pope The Mass most Latin-rite was the first pope in the modern graduate studies. In 1922, he was Peter’s Basilica as a sign of his Francis repeatedly refer to Catholics celebrate today often is area to travel abroad, visiting six selected to attend the Pontifical renunciation of “human glory and Pope Paul as a man sensitive referred to as the Paul VI Mass. continents in seven years. Ecclesiastical Academy, where power.” Cardinal Francis Spellman to the problems and anxieties Under his leadership there was His travels and his meetings the Vatican trains its diplomats. of New York made arrangements of modern men and women, a a complete revision of liturgical with bishops from around the After a year at the academy, Pope for it to be transferred to the sensitivity Cardinal Re said led texts, something he said was a world led him to speak out Pius XI sent him to the Vatican United States, where the crown the pope “to seek dialogue with source of joy, but it also was a forcefully against the nuclear arms nunciature in Warsaw, Poland, an is preserved at the Basilica of the everyone, never closing the doors source of some of his deepest race, the starvation of millions assignment cut short because of National Shrine of the Immaculate to an encounter. For Paul VI, anguish. In the last years of of people while the rich got his health. He returned to the acad- Conception in Washington. dialogue was an expression of the his pontificate, he repeatedly richer, a worldwide move toward evangelical spirit that tries to draw repudiated both those who made liberalized abortion and the wars close to each person, that tries to further, unauthorized changes in Vietnam, Israel and Lebanon, understand each person and tries to the Mass and those who not to mention terrorism and to make itself understood by each Take charge of your dream for a completely rejected the council’s guerrilla warfare in many other person.” liturgical reforms. countries. “Ecclesiam Suam” laid out the confident retirement. Pope Paul’s connection with Under his leadership, the vision for his papacy, looking at the themes expected to be raised Catholic Church made huge strides ways the Church could and should The American dream is of a better future. I’m dedicated to at the synod on the family Oct. in promoting Christian unity helping you keep that dream alive. By listening, planning, working with you one-on-one. I’ll help you build a plan to retire your way, with confidence. Call me today at All Saints 260.432.3235 to get started. JOHN C. REIMBOLD Reimbold & Anderson Religious Goods MBA, CFP® A financial advisory practice of Private Wealth Advisor Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. 8808 Coldwater Road Franchise Owner Fort Wayne, IN 46825 • 260-490-7506 5750 Coventry Lane, Ste 110 Fort Wayne, IN 46804 From I-69 use exit 312 North 260.432.3235 Located in Coldwater Centre at Wallen Road [email protected] reimboldandanderson.com •Advent Wreaths & Candles CA Insurance: #0G13892 •Religious Christmas Cards Brokerage, investment and financial advisory services are made available •Fontanini Nativities through Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. •Crucifixes •Bibles •Statues © 2014 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. (1/14) October 19, 2014 TODAY’ S C ATHOLIC 5 Because of Ebola crisis, people ‘can’t even go to church,’ says priest

sonally knows 16 people who have Church in Liberia, said he’s thankful BY JENNIFER BRINKER died from the Ebola virus. for the U.S. government and others “It’s been tough to be away from who have stepped in to help “restore ST. LOUIS (CNS) — Father them,” he said, adding that he keeps humanity” in his country. McDonald Nah is praying that the in touch with people back home To date the U.S. government people of Liberia are just as resil- through texting and social media. has committed more than $175 mil- ient with the Ebola outbreak as “You feel there’s ... nothing physi- lion toward the effort to thwart the they were following the country’s cally you can do to actually be of Ebola epidemic. The U.S. recently civil war more than a decade ago. help to them.” announced it will deploy 3,000 Father Nah is a priest of the Earlier this year, Father Mark, troops to help transport medical Archdiocese of Monrovia, Liberia, a member of the Society of the equipment, supplies and personnel. who is currently studying Catholic Divine Word, was asked by his Catholic Relief Services, the education administration at St. Louis community to serve on a new mis- U.S. bishops’ overseas relief and University. The priest, who resides sion team in the Diocese of Cape development agency, has increased at a downtown parish, St. Nicholas, Palmas, Liberia. However, plans its support in affected countries and with another Liberian priest, Father have been put on hold as the situa- has allocated more than $376,000 Urey Patrick Mark, is expected to tion evolves. He is expected to head toward efforts such as training return to Liberia next summer after to the Divine Word motherhouse in volunteers and religious leaders, he completes his Techny, Illinois, providing hygiene kits and making studies. in November. household visits in Guinea, Liberia, “The whole Sierra Leone and Ghana. Father Nah CNS PHOTO/LISA JOHNSTON, ST. LOUIS REVIEW said that people To donate to CRS timing with the new mission and Fathers McDonald Nah and Urey Patrick Mark of Liberia chat outside St. in Liberia have Nicholas Church in St. Louis Sept. 25. Father Nah, a priest of the Archdiocese been isolated the Ebola situa- visit tion has created a of Monrovia currently studying Catholic education administration at St. because of the Jennifer Brinker is a staff writer for severity of the serious panic in Louis University, is praying the Liberian people are just as resilient through www.crs.org the subregion,” the St. Louis Review and Catholic the Ebola outbreak as they were following the country’s civil war more than virus, especially St. Louis, the newspaper and maga- those who have said Father Mark, a decade ago. Father Mark, a member of the Society of the Divine Word, has who recently zine, respectively, of the St. Louis been called back to his country. been in close and click on “donate.” Archdiocese. proximity to learned that his someone who uncle died from has died from the the illness. In a illness. recent conversa- People tion with his “can’t even go superiors, Father to church,” he told the St. Louis Mark said he Review, newspaper of the St. Louis likely won’t go to Liberia until the Archdiocese. “Usually in Liberia, first quarter of next year, “or when- when someone is sick ... they go ever it’s safe to enter.” around to visit with the sick. But Seeing the images of people in they can’t visit them at all. It has Liberia being sprayed with chlorine former prime minister of poland and disinfectant after they handled the created something they have never former ambassador of poland to the seen before. I was in Liberia dur- bodies of those killed by Ebola ing the war, and apart from people “shows the dehumanizing face dying, we could visit. You could go of the virus,” Father Mark said. places. But with this situation, you “Families cannot care for one anoth- can’t at all.” er because of the virus.” A priest for 11 years, Father Nah Traditionally, families prepare a has served in two Liberian parishes, loved one’s body for burial them- Sacred Heart Cathedral in Monrovia selves, but the government has man- and St. Peter Claver Church. The dated that all bodies be cremated. people of those communities have Father Mark, who started a col- become like family to him. He per- lection of supplies to be sent to the SPAIN MAKES STOP AT AREA SCHOOLS

PROVIDED BY ST. JUDE SCHOOL, FORT WAYNE A visit from Spain came to area Catholic schools as Megan Cubero, who resides in Madrid, Spain and her husband, Angel, traveled to the U.S. This year they taught kinder- garten, first, third and fifth graders about the location and culture of Spain as well as a few Spanish words in a game of “Simon Dice” (Simon Says). Here fifth grade students par- ticipate in “Simon Dice” at St. Jude School, Fort Wayne. 6 TODAY’ S C ATHOLIC October 19, 2014 Ministering to those divorced was also discussed. When SYNOD Catholics see couples who are patient, kind, never jealous or CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 rude, they “behold the beauty and simplicity and strength of married love,” but the Church also must the discussion and synthesizing learn to help and to heal those its results, gave a nearly hourlong whose dreams for lifelong love speech that drew on the synod’s have been shattered, said Scottish first week of discussions. Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of “Homosexuals have gifts and Glasgow. qualities to offer to the Christian In their discussions of sexual community,” the cardinal said. and medical ethics, participants at “Often they wish to encounter a the Synod of Bishops on the fam- Church that offers them a welcom- ily are placing emphasis on the ing home. Are our communities concept of “graduality,” as a way capable of providing that, accept- of thinking about morality that ing and evaluating their sexual allows for human imperfection orientation, without compromising without compromising ideals. Catholic doctrine on the family In an address to the assembly and matrimony?” on its first working day, Oct. 6, Throughout the week, synod Cardinal Peter Erdo said, that speakers spoke boldly about issues “Humanae Vitae,” the 1968 encyc- that families face. lical by Pope Paul VI that reaf- The Church needs to find bet- firmed the Church’s prohibition of artificial birth control, “needs to ter ways to show how the Gospel CNS PHOTO/PAUL HARING be considered in light of the law of message is a way of life meant Pope Francis listens as Italian Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, general secretary of the Synod of Bishops, left, speaks to bring great joy to couples and graduality.” families, and is not a burdensome during the morning session of the extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the family at the Vatican Oct. 13. At right He suggested that it was set of rules aimed at exclusion, is Cardinal Peter Erdo of Esztergom-Budapest, Hungary, relator for the synod. unrealistic to expect immedi- one member of the extraordinary ate acceptance of the widely Synod of Bishops on the family flouted teaching. The cardinal synod auditors by Pope Francis “contraceptive mentality” that has In official reports of the closed- said. quoted “Familiaris Consortio,” and were chosen to introduce the led many Catholics to think the door talks at the Synod of Bishops “Church teaching has to be a 1981 apostolic exhortation by work of the synod’s afternoon use of artificial birth control is not on the family, an emerging theme rediscovered not as a set of rules, St. John Paul II on the role of the discussion on pastoral programs a sin. has been the call for a new kind but as a true good news, a good Christian family in the world that designed to meet the challenges Arturo and Hermelinda As of language more appropriate for news that frees people,” said was inspired by the last synod on that families face. Zamberline, married for 41 years pastoral care today. Archbishop Paul-Andre Durocher the family in 1980. According Alice is director of the diocesan with three children, addressed the “The Church constantly faces of Gatineau, Quebec, president to St. John Paul, each person is Office for Marriage and Family synod during the morning session the tension of upholding the truth of the Canadian Conference of a historical being who “knows, Life; Jeff is president of McDonell Oct. 9. The designated subject for while expressing compassion and Catholic Bishops. “God’s plan loves and accomplishes moral Catholic Schools in Chippewa the session was the “pastoral chal- mercy. Families face this ten- for marriage is not a structure in good in stages of growth.” Several Falls. lenges concerning an openness to sion all the time,” Ron and Mavis which people have to bind them- bishops referred to graduality in The Catholic Church, its par- life. We must admit without fear Pirola of Sydney told the synod selves in order to somehow gain their remarks during an afternoon ishes and organization need to that many Catholic couples, even Oct. 6. God’s love. God’s plan for mar- session dedicated to the theme of review “the methods by which we those who seek to live their mar- “Language appeared many, riage is a gift of God’s love for “God’s plan for marriage and the teach our children about the nature riage seriously, do not feel obli- many times,” Basilian Father us,” he told Catholic News Service family.” of human sexuality and the voca- gated to use only the natural meth- Thomas Rosica, the briefer for Oct. 8, on the sidelines of the Other topics discussed included tion of marriage,” Heinzen said. ods” of birth control condoned by English-speaking journalists, told synod meeting. a message of solidarity, sup- In addition, when Catholics talk the Church, said the Zamberlines, reporters Oct. 7. Existing diocesan programs port and prayers for all families about vocations and God’s call to leaders in their country of an “There’s a great desire that our and Catholic organizations aimed suffering the impact of war each of the baptized to serve the international Catholic movement, language has to change in order to at helping Catholic families ful- and violence, especially in Iraq Church and humanity, they can- Teams of Our Lady. meet the very complex situations” fill their vocation clearly are not and Syria. Also discussed were not speak only of Priesthood and “We must add that generally the Church faces. One bishop, strong enough to meet modern Catholic-Muslim marriages. When religious life. “Marriage should be they are not questioned by their whom Father Rosica did not name needs, a Wisconsin couple told the a Catholic and a Muslim marry, included in all programs designed confessors” on the subject. The in accordance with synod rules, Synod of Bishops. each brings a strong commitment to explore vocations,” they noted. Zamberlines, who are participat- reportedly told fellow participants “We must develop more robust to family life and their union can A married couple from Brazil ing in the synod as non-voting that “language such as ‘living and creative methods to share the be a seedbed for teaching respect told Pope Francis and the Synod auditors, said the “rhythm of life” in sin,’ ‘intrinsically disordered’ fundamental truth that marriage is for other religions, but fundamen- of Bishops that the Church should today makes it difficult to find or ‘contraceptive mentality’ are a divine gift from God, rather than talist currents often create serious stop giving “contradictory advice” time to learn natural methods of not necessarily words that invite merely a man-made institution,” challenges for the Catholic spouse, on birth control and help Catholics family planning, which they said people to draw closer to Christ Alice Heinzen told the synod Oct. said members of the Synod of obey Church teaching against con- have acquired an “unjust reputa- and the Church.” (“Intrinsically 7, reading a speech she and her Bishops. traception. On the same morning, tion of being unreliable,” because disordered” is a term used by the husband, Jeff, wrote. one of the synod’s leaders spoke they are badly explained and thus Catechism of the Catholic Church The Heinzens, from the forcefully against a widespread badly practiced. to describe homosexual acts.) Diocese of La Crosse, were named

and (being a) good example/role recognition that as individuals “What I’m talking about is homosexuality. Themes of self- model.” we’re incomplete and we’re made very particularly, can the erotic understanding and faith pervade COURAGE According to Church teaching, to step out of ourselves and find attraction to a member of the the film as the two men and one CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 homosexual activity is a violation fulfillment in different ways — in same-sex lead to a completeness woman share what it is like to of divine and natural law and any family life, in friendships and in that’s proposed to us there in experience same-sex attraction sexual activity outside of mar- love. Now, one part of that would Genesis 2? Well the story says ... and be members of the Church. from pornography, for instance,” riage — which is between one be spousal love,” he said. “So, no, you can’t,” he said. “And ... Father Check said the movie’s he said. “But the presence of the man and one woman — is sinful. with regard to homosexuality, I the Church asks people not to act purpose is to put a face on the use of the 12 steps is not to imply The Church also teaches, how- guess I would say that to act on on those inclinations exactly for issue of homosexuality within the that we are forcing a template on ever, that homosexual attraction the homosexual inclination would that reason. Because the fulfill- Church. people, or that we presume that itself is not sinful and that homo- be to leave someone incomplete ment that they seek, they won’t “We see homosexuality with a homosexual attractions automati- sexual people “must be accepted because when comparing that find.” face,” Father Check said. “We’re cally become sexual addictions. with respect, compassion and attraction, that desire, to our story In June, Courage premiered trying to ... perhaps suggest to We don’t believe that.” sensitivity.” as it’s given to us in Genesis, it “Desire of the Everlasting people gently that the Church’s Instead, “the real heart of the Father Check referenced the would seem plain enough that the Hills,” a documentary that tells teaching is not something sterile apostolate” and the main purpose story of Genesis as a way to fulfillment that is sought can’t the stories of three people who or severe, but rather takes into of the organization, Father Paul understand the Church’s views on come.” transitioned from living homo- account human weakness as well, said, is to achieve the “Five Goals same-sex attraction. Father Check said this doesn’t sexual lifestyles to becoming of course, as human greatness and of Courage” as outlined on its “When God says after creat- mean that people in homosexual connected to God and choosing virtue.” website: “chastity, prayer and ing Adam, ‘It’s not good that relationships can’t experience real to live chaste lives in accordance dedication, fellowship, support man should be alone,’ that’s a friendships and love. with the Church’s teachings on October 19, 2014 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 7 SJRMC opens new health Vicki Thorn, the founder of Project Rachel and the executive center director of the National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and MISHAWAKA — Saint Joseph Healing. Regional Medical Center has Around the Diocese A new program for evange- announced the opening of the Our lization, “We Are Called to Lady of the Rosary Health Center Witness,” specifically created for in downtown South Bend. women by the NCCW Leadership The new health center is locat- Commission, was unveiled at ed at 234 South Chapin St., in the SJRMC OPENS NEW HEALTH CENTER the convention. This program is same plaza as the Sister Maura designed to help members and Brannick, CSC, Health Center. affiliations discover and actively Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades blessed participate in sharing the Good the new health center on Oct. 3 News, the joy of Jesus. The com- following a brief dedication cer- prehensive program will be trans- emony. lated into three languages and will Our Lady of the Rosary is be available on the NCCW web- a primary care practice, offer- site, nccw.org. ing an array of family medicine, Convention attendees donated prenatal and obstetrical care. The diapers along with baby layette new health center is designed to items to HELP Pregnancy Crisis complement the services offered Aid, Inc. of Grand Rapids. at Sister Maura Brannick Health Established in 1920, the Center along with laboratory and National Council of Catholic X-ray. Women acts through its member- Dr. Michelle Pearson, currently ship to support, empower and edu- practicing at River Park Family cate all Catholic women in spiritu- Medicine, will oversee the medi- ality, leadership and service. Visit cal care in the office. In addition, the NCCW website at nccw.org. the Family Medicine Center is working with Our Lady of the Rosary to provide collaborative Safe Harbor Widow Group services. to host retreat Our Lady of the Rosary Health Center accepts most insurance FORT WAYNE — Safe Harbor plans, Medicaid and Medicare Widow Support Group will and began accepting patients on ROBERT SISK host a fall retreat for widows on Oct. 6. Saturday, Oct. 25, from 8-11:30 Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center President and CEO Albert Gutierrez introduces a.m. at the Msgr. Kuzmich Life Council of Major Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades at the blessing celebration on Oct. 3. Center, the building nearest St. Vincent de Paul Church at 1502 Superiors of Women E. Wallen Rd. in Fort Wayne. Religious elects new The retreat will begin with 8 a.m. sive experience in nonprofit fun- pus evolves from concrete park- will support the many, varied pro- Mass at the church if desired, fol- officers and Board of draising and development will ing, into a grassy student-centered grams, which cultivate a culture of lowed by a continental breakfast Directors serve him well as he cultivates quad, a green space in which life, including advertising aimed at 9 a.m. in the Life Center. Kay the organization’s base of donors students and faculty can gather. at helping women in crisis preg- Cozad, grief educator, will speak in this era of exciting growth for Brother Paige called this new cen- BELLEVILLE, Illinois — The nancies get the help they need. on the topic, “Not a Dash, But a Redeemer Radio. tralized courtyard “… a marvel- Council of Major Superiors of Dinner tickets are $45 and can Journey.” Registration is required ous space to increase our col- be reserved by calling 574-232- by Oct. 22, by calling Judy at 260- Women Religious assembled at legiate atmosphere and support Our Lady of the Snows Shrine in A new look at Holy Cross LIFE (5433) or online at www. 489-4875 or emailing judymock- the relationships we build at Holy prolifemichiana.org/dinnertickets. [email protected]. Free will Belleville, Illinois, on Sept. 25, College Cross.” for the 2014 CMSWR National donations will be accepted. NOTRE DAME — “Change New basketball, beach volley- Catholic women Assembly. On Sept. 26, elections ball, and first of its kind, regula- to the board of directors were held, is good!” Holy Cross College of the NCCW gather Teen Conference ‘Get President Brother John Paige used tion dodge ball courts will be followed by the election of new constructed adjacent to the Pfeil these words while highlighting the GRAND RAPIDS, Michigan — Inked’ to make writing fun officers. The CMSWR Board of Recreation Center. Expanded new look at Holy Cross College in Nearly 600 Catholic women lead- Directors for 2014-2015 includes parking on the southeast side of NOTRE DAME — The Saint Notre Dame, Indiana. ers from around the country gath- the reelection of Sister M. Angela the college will allow easy access Mary’s College Department While many colleges and uni- ered in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Mellady, provincial superior of to activities and events for stu- of Education and the Michiana versities are struggling, Holy Sept. 24-27 for the National Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual dents and visitors of the college. Writers’ Center will sponsor a Adoration in Mishawaka. Cross is experiencing growth in Council of Catholic Women’s teen writing conference for stu- student enrollment and in physical ‘Life is Precious’ benefit 2014 National Convention. The dents in grades 8-12 titled “Get Redeemer Radio names presence within the community. annual gathering of women lead- Inked” on Saturday, Nov. 8. The Matt Rowan director The latest addition to the college’s to be held Oct. 30 ers had nearly 600 registrants event will run from 8 a.m. to 4:30 campus will be a new women’s — representing Catholic women p.m. and take place in Madeleva of development residence hall scheduled to open SOUTH BEND — The St. Joseph nationwide and Canada — who Hall. The events start and end in in August 2015. County Right to Life 23rd Annual attended talks and educational Carroll Auditorium in Madeleva. FORT WAYNE — Redeemer A groundbreaking ceremony “Life is Precious” Benefit Dinner seminars, worshipped and enjoyed The cost is $40 for students to Radio has announced that Matt was held on Oct. 10 to formally will be held on Thursday, Oct. 30, fellowship. attend the daylong event, which Rowan has accepted the position kick-off construction of the new with social hour at 5:30 p.m. and Executive President Rebecca includes lunch and an autographed of director of development. building. Members of college’s dinner at 7 p.m. in the Century Woodhull said, “This has been copy of the book “What She Left As director of development, board of trustees, administration, Center, South Bend. a joy-filled convention. You can Behind,” by young adult author Rowan will lead and direct all faculty, staff, students and special The keynote speaker will just feel the energy of the ladies and keynote speaker Tracy Bilen. strategies and activities for donor guests were present to celebrate be Scott Klusendorf, president in every session. The Holy Spirit To register or for more infor- cultivation, solicitation and com- the expansion of Holy Cross. of Life Training Institute, who and Our Lady of Good Counsel mation, go to http://www.michi- munication. Responsible for donor At the groundbreaking, Brother travels throughout the continent are with us!” anawriterscenter.pbworks.com/. relations, he will also be develop- Paige noted that the new dormi- training pro-life advocates to per- Speakers and authors Dr. Ralph To reserve a spot, register soon. ing new fundraising programs to tory would add campus housing suasively defend their views in Martin and Teresa Tomeo offered Space is limited. Those students support the growing operational, for 68 young female leaders of the public square. A passionate keynote addresses at the conven- registered by Friday, Oct. 17, will capital and long-term needs of the tomorrow. The overall campus and engaging speaker, Klusendorf tion. be given preference, but registra- organization. housing capacity will increase by contends that the pro-life message Other speakers in the schedule tion will be accepted until all Rowan previously served as approximately 30 percent, a sig- can compete in the marketplace of included motivational speaker and slots are filled. Contact the teen program manager for the Northeast nificant increase in the makeup of ideas if properly understood and humorist Sheri Wohlfert; Joyce writing conference coordinator/ Indiana Regional Partnership, the campus community. articulated. Coronel, award-winning reporter director of the Michiana Writers’ as well as development director The new physical structure Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades will and columnist for the Phoenix Center Kathy Higgs-Coulthard, and senior executive for the Boy also means a dramatic change to offer the invocation and opening Catholic Sun; Jane Knuth, author via email michianawriterscenter@ Scouts of America in Cincinnati, the look of Holy Cross College’s remarks. of “Thrift Store Saints: Meeting gmail.com or at 574-220-8798 Ohio, and Indianapolis. His exten- campus. The center of the cam- Proceeds from the evening Jesus 25 Cents at a Time”; and with questions. 8 TODAY’S CATHOLIC October 19, 2014 Bishop Rhoades encourages protection of life, religious liberty at Red Mass


NOTRE DAME — “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, this is our Christian vocation.” Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades offered this challenging reminder to those present at the South Bend Red Mass, celebrated on Oct. 6 at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in honor of all those who work in the legal profession. The Red Mass, which Bishop Rhoades celebrates on each end of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend annually, derives its name from the red vestments worn by the priest, which represent both the tongues of fire of the Holy Spirit and the scarlet robes traditionally worn by justices from the 13th cen- tury, when the feast was first estab- lished. Notre Dame Law School faculty and students participated during the special ceremony as lec- tors, ushers and gift bearers. Throughout the Mass, Bishop Rhoades invoked the Holy Spirit to bestow His gifts of wisdom, courage and right judgment upon all lawyers, PHOTO BY MATT CASHORE/UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME judges and those serving in civic Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades gives the homily at the Red Mass on Oct. 6 in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. The Red Mass is celebrated for those in the law office, as well as upon students and profession, the faculty, staff and students of the Notre Dame Law School and those responsible for the administration of justice as well as all public officials. professors of law, political science and constitutional studies. Emphasizing the words of St. development, from conception until viction that the family found in the Paul, Bishop Rhoades said, “We are natural death, and in every condi- marital communion of one man, all given to drink of one Spirit. The tion, whether healthy or sick, rich or one woman, is the cradle of life and Holy Spirit unites us as one Body poor.” love, the place where according to in Christ. Amid our diverse minis- Secondly, Bishop Rhoades God’s plan children are born and tries, offices and roles that the Spirit focused on protecting religious grow.” bestows, that same Spirit unites us.” liberty. “Freedom of conscience Finally, he stressed the need Bishop Rhoades further stressed and religion is intimately linked for charity. “Charity is the highest the need for living an “integrated to respect for human dignity,” he virtue, the mark of the disciple of Christian life.” He explained, “As said. “Though we are blessed in our Jesus, the key to holiness. Your wit- lay faithful, your vocation to holi- country with a tradition of strong ness of love, especially on behalf of ness expresses itself in a particular commitment to religious freedom, the poor, the sick, the suffering and way through your involvement in that commitment is threatened the needy, is an essential part of liv- temporal affairs and your participa- by attempts to limit that freedom, ing the Gospel in the world.” tion in earthly activities. The big reducing religious freedom to He also expressed his gratitude temptation, of course, is to sepa- freedom of worship. But genuine to those in attendance who have rate your spiritual life from one’s religious freedom includes not just generously given to the community everyday professional life. You freedom to worship. It includes through pro-bono work. “I thank are Christians and you are lawyers, freedom to live our faith, to seek you for your witness to the Gospel judges, civil officials, professors or first the Kingdom of God and His in so many ways — your faith- students. But this does not mean righteousness through our works of ful and unselfish dedication to the that you therefore lead two parallel education, charity and health care, good of others, your commitment to lives. We are to bear witness to the and to do so without compromising liberty and justice for all and your Gospel everywhere.” our values.” preferential love for the least of our Bishop Rhoades continued by He continued by stressing the brothers and sisters.” identifying four separate ways of requirements of upholding tradi- Bishop Rhoades thanked all who living out this call to holiness. He tional marriage and defending the contributed to making the event began by stressing the “serious duty family. “Your duty to the Church CHRIS LUSHIS a success, specifically Dean Nell in our democratic system to ensure and to society as members of the The reception after Mass was held at the Eck Hall of Law. Pictured above, Newton, the diocesan Office of through laws and judicial means the legal profession to promote and to Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades stands with Dennis Malloy, a third year law Family Life, the Notre Dame Choir, protection of human life and dig- defend marriage and family life is student and trustee of the Knights of Columbus Council at the University those concelebrating the Mass and nity, a dignity that comes from our a sacred one. We need your firm of Notre Dame. all the students and seminarians who Creator. I cannot emphasize enough commitment in this area, your fidel- were present for the special occa- the importance of your witness ity to the teaching of the Church, a sion, especially the members of the highlighting the dangers and conse- crimination.” to the inviolability of human life, teaching that is rooted in both faith Notre Dame Right to Life Club. quences of such a decision. He continued, “However, this your defense of the right to life and and reason. The family, founded on Bishop Rhoades then concluded He stressed that “the Church argument is grounded in the fun- human dignity, not halfheartedly, the communion of one man and one the Mass with a special blessing for has a firm commitment to uphold damental meaning of marriage. but with maximum determination. woman in marriage, is endangered all those involved in law, govern- the dignity and rights of those Unfortunately, many are no longer It is incumbent upon us as disciples today.” ment and civic affairs, asking God’s with same-sex attraction; men and convinced of the unique and irre- of Jesus, as Catholics, to defend Bishop Rhoades touched upon wisdom to shine forth to sanctify women who deserve our respect, placeable value that marriage and human rights, the most fundamental the action by the Supreme Court that the people of the United States care and compassion, and who must the family have in the development being the right to life, and to defend morning, which effectively legal- and help work to preserve peace be defended against any unjust dis- of society. We must live our con- the human being in every phase of ized same-sex marriage in Indiana, throughout the world. October 19, 2014 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 9 Area Catholic health care Mission team returns to Costa Rica professionals gather to hear BY VINCE LABARBERA

Matthew Hanley FORT WAYNE— A team of 11 high-school and college students known as Catholics on a Mission BY BONNIE ELBERSON breast cancer after an abortion. A traveled to the mission fields of Costa similar study done in 2013 showed Rica from June 29-July 10. There a 44 percent elevated risk. The risk they hosted several Vacation Bible FORT WAYNE — Health care rises to 76 percent for women hav- School (VBS) sessions for children professionals and members of ing two abortions and to 89 percent and shared their personal faith testi- the Dr. Jerome Lejeune Catholic for women having three or more monies with the local Costa Ricans, Medical Guild of Northeast Indiana abortions. “We never hear these sta- the Ticos — Spanish-speaking gathered on Wednesday, Oct. 8, to tistics,” he pointed out. townspeople — and the indigenous hear remarks by Matthew Hanley, Hanley also spoke at length Cabecar people in the mountains. a senior fellow at the National on the AIDS epidemic in Africa. They also gave food, love and dig- Catholic Bioethics Center, during He has traveled extensively there nity to homeless men and women in his visit to the Fort Wayne area. promoting the Catholic Church’s Turrialba and San Jose. The evening began with the response to the problem and has Most people in the vast region second annual White Mass for all authored the book “Affirming Love, only receive the sacraments once a medical workers and their families Avoiding AIDS; What Africa Can month due to the shortage of priests. which was celebrated by Bishop Teach the West,” which was award- But Mass could be celebrated daily Kevin C. Rhoades at the Cathedral ed a best book prize by the Catholic since Franciscan Father David Mary of the Immaculate Conception. Press Association. Engo — along with 12 Franciscan Mass was followed by a banquet The popular government-pro- Brothers Minor from Our Lady of at St. Mary Mother of God Church moted risk reduction techniques of the Angels Friary, Fort Wayne — PROVIDED BY CATHOLICS ON A MISSION nearby where Hanley was the condom use, treatment of sexually also made the arduous journey. In The Costa Rica student mission team poses with Dave MacDonald, seated featured speaker on the subject, transmitted infections (STIs), coun- addition, Franciscan Mother Collette right. They include, from left (first row): Jackson Fischer, St. John Bosco, “Ideological Medicine: Serving seling and testing have not led to Marie, and Franciscan Sister Churubusco; Anna and Rebecca Doctor (sisters), Divine Mercy, Antwerp, Politics, Not People.” a decreased risk of AIDS. Instead, Bernadette accompanied the group Ohio; (back row) Liam Holly, St. Vincent de Paul, Fort Wayne; Clare Wyss, “Ideology and ethics are anti- many studies have shown that HIV on the trip. The 12-day mission team Immaculate Conception, Auburn; Katie Killen, St. Vincent de Paul, Fort thetical terms,” Hanley began. prevalence rises along with condom included four lay adult leaders, 30 Wayne; Emma MacDonald, St. Jude, Fort Wayne; and Jacob Schmitz, Noah While ethics is a set of moral prin- sales.The Catholic Church teaches in all. Meiser, AJ Gill and adult group leader Kelsey Morris, all St. Elizabeth Ann ciples or rules of conduct based abstinence and fidelity as solutions “I was most impressed by the Seton, Fort Wayne. Katlyn Fischer, St. John Bosco, Churubusco, was not to the AIDS problem, said Hanley, on right and wrong, ideology is a joy of the people,” said student team available for the photo. body of thought guiding a political and that has shown marked success member Clair Wyss. “They were or social program which derives its in recent years. “It is never the role so friendly and welcoming. Even were singing ‘Jesus Loves Me.’ You experience. ideas from feeling and sensation. of the Church or its agencies ... to though they often had no clue what could just see the light in their eyes. Locally, Catholics on a Mission Ideological medicine, then, caters help people do the wrong things we were saying; they all were so Grace permeated the whole trip. serves the homeless community in to popular whim rather than what is more efficiently or safely,” he receptive.” God’s hand was there taking care of downtown Fort Wayne. morally right for patients. pointed out. “I, too, was most impressed with us,” she concluded. “It’s really a team effort,” Hanley referred to the current In conclusion, Hanley said that the people’s openness,” added stu- Beginning last April, the students MacDonald said. “Individuals and Pink October breast cancer aware- medicine needs a higher view of dent Jacob Schmitz. “I was in awe reached out to family and friends to parishes collect gently-used seasonal ness campaign as an example. man. The problem of risk reduc- of the love of the people toward raise nearly $40,000 in about eight clothing, portable snacks and toi- While the campaign promotes “full- tion as a philosophy is the implica- us.” But what moved him most was weeks, mostly from pledge letters letries and drop them by my office on awareness,” it promotes mam- tion that self-destructive behavior seeing the poverty of the people. asking people to underwrite one day each week. Another group makes mograms as a safety measure. While is unavoidable and that man has “It made me feel grateful for what I at $40 or sponsor a half day. over a hundred sandwiches — last mammograms provide early detec- no capacity to change. Enter the have, and really empowered me to Catholics on a Mission is a week it was students from St. Joseph tion of breast cancer, they are not Catholic health care professional realize these people need help. They student-driven organization working Catholic School, Garrett.” a preventative measure, he argued. who must witness to a higher moral are poor in spirit and in material from the Fort Wayne area evange- “While the clothing and food Women can help protect themselves and ethical truth, said Hanley. In an things as well.” lizing parishes, cities and the world are important, we’re really sharing from breast cancer by giving birth, era of ideological medicine, he or “What moved me the most was through corporal and spiritual works Christ’s love, dignity and respect nursing those babies and avoiding she must avoid the “fashions of the working with the indigenous people of mercy. Currently, the team con- with our brothers and sisters who altogether the carcinogenic birth day” and serve as witness to God’s up in the mountains,” added Wyss. sists of approximately 20 students need them most,” MacDonald noted. control pill. We don’t hear about love. Unseen by tourists, the Cabecar from about nine area parishes who In December 2012 a group of those preventative measures in the Dr. Tom McGovern, president of homes consist of dirt floors where meet every two weeks throughout nine students and four adults — secular press, said Hanley. the Catholic Medical Guild and host shelter is shared with their animals. the year for an hour or two and min- along with Father Engo and five Extensive studies which have of the evening’s event, closed with a “They’re pagan people, never hav- ister to the poor and homeless in the Franciscan Brothers Minor from the received little or no press coverage plea to those in attendance. “Unless ing heard of the true God all that Fort Wayne area. Fort Wayne friary — experienced are those relating induced abor- we band together, we will fall apart much. We put on a VBS for the According to Dave MacDonald, the team’s first 12-day mission to tion to breast cancer, he continued. due to the pressure of our culture. kids and the thing that touched me an adult leader from St. Jude Parish, the poor, remote jungle areas of A study done in 1996 showed a … Be Catholic first,” he said. the most about that and was kind Fort Wayne, the group embraces the Costa Rica. The inspiration for the 30 percent elevated risk of getting of the highlight of my trip was to call of the Church to evangelize, and initial trip came about when several teach these kids about God. At first empowers high school and college their eyes were dull and they were students to explore the missionary looking down, but by the end they and religious life through hands on MISSION, PAGE 10 The homeless in our midst: Who is homeless and why? In America, the homeless popu- • 23 percent are U.S. military and around Fort Wayne, with lation is equivalent to the size veterans. currently only 500 shelter beds of Los Angeles, with over five • 25 percent are children for emergency shelter. times as many houses sitting under the age of 18 years. • People experience home- empty across the nation. The • 30 percent have experienced lessness for an average of eight homeless population includes domestic violence. months, but it is not unusual for people from all walks of life: • 20-25 percent suffer from homeless individuals to have • In the U.S., more than 3.5 mental illness. been homeless before. million people experience home- • In Indiana urban communi- If you are interested in learn- lessness each year. ties, a good percentage of heads ing about ways to serve this min- • 35 percent of the homeless of households spend half or istry, contact Audrey Anweiler, NATE PROULX population are families with more of their incomes on rent or coordinator for Social Justice Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades greets Fort Wayne dentist Dr. Todd Briscoe and children, which is the fastest mortgage payments. Ministries, at aanweiler@dioce- his wife Mary after the Fort Wayne White Mass on Oct. 8 at the Cathedral growing segment of the home- • There is an estimated 2,500- sefwsb.org, or 260-969-9146. of the Immaculate Conception. A dinner with guest speaker Matthew less population. 3,500 homeless individuals in — Audrey Anweiler Hanley at St. Mary’s Church followed the Mass. 10 TODAY’S CATHOLIC October 19, 2014

mer. His wife, Jennifer, and Emma, religious life. Anna planned to join journeyed there with a team last before we left. Rebecca had been a STUDENTS TAKE PART IN WORLDWIDE MISSION December. cloistered Sister of the Poor Clares CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 As the Costa Rica mission was and Katlyn visited a few orders CHILDREN’S HOLY HOUR drawing to a close, MacDonald relat- including Mother Teresa’s in New ed that he wondered what would be York City,” he said. high-school students, many home- next for each of the team members. “Each of us has been changed schooled and actively involved in “Maybe some will be called to a in ways yet to be realized,” he con- the Franciscan Brothers Minor life of mission work or the religious cluded. youth group, approached Father life,” he mused. In fact, Anna and Engo with an idea. Rebecca Doctor, and Katlyn Fischer, Dave MacDonald accompanied have all joined the Franciscan Sisters Follow the group on Facebook: www. the team, which included his daugh- Minor order he related. facebook.com/groups/catholic- ter, Emma, to Costa Rica last sum- “Each had been discerning the sonamission.

2014 Fall Sharathon

106.3 FM Listen & pledge at RedeemerRadio.com 89.9 FM Call 260-436-1450 or Toll Free at 888-436-1450

Wednesday, October 22 Thursday, October 23 Friday, October 24

Women’s Care Center Diocesan Special Ministries 7:00 am St. Mary Anne Koehl Mary Glowaski

Christ Child Society 8:00 am Bishop Luers High School Bishop Dwenger High School Ann Arnold

Franciscan Center 9:00 am Our Lady of Good Hope University of St. Francis Tony & Sally Ley MICHELLE CASTLEMAN St. Louis Academy kindergartners, Evelyn Sordelet, Noah Immaculate Conception Tippmann Hour NW Ohio Hour 10:00 am Ames, Teresa Korhman and Chloe Diller pray before the Fr. Derrick Sneyd All Pledges Doubled Fr. Dave Cirata, Deacon Joe Timbrook Fatima statue during the Worldwide Children’s Holy St. Therese St. Joseph – Hessen Cassel St. Aloysius 11:00 am Hour on Friday, Oct. 3. Planned by the Catholic Identity Fr. Lawrence Teteh Fr. Bill Kummer Msgr. Bernard Galic Subcommittee of the school board, students participated St. Joseph – Brooklyn St. Vincent Noon St. Jude in the World Mission Rosary, Prayers of Reparation, Prayers Fr. Tim Wrozek Fr. Dan Scheidt for the Canonization of Blessed Francisco and Blessed St. John – New Haven Queen of Angels Most Precious Blood 1:00 pm Jacinta and the Pardon Prayer as they joined children from Fr. Bill Sullivan Fr. Ajay Tiru Fr. Joe Gaughan all five continents to help bring peace to the world after St. Mary’s – Decatur St. Anthony of Padua St. Charles Borromeo the All-School First Friday Mass. 2:00 pm Fr. Dave Voors Fr. Bob Shower, Fr. Bernie Zajdel Msgr. John Suelzer, Fr. Jacob St. Anne Home and The Huntington Hour 3:00 pm Retirement Community TBT Fr. John Pfister, Fr. Ron Rieder Fr. Jack, Fr. Sarrazine St. Elizabeth Ann Seton World Apostolate of Fatima St. Patrick – Fort Wayne 4:00 pm Fr. Ben Muhlenkamp, Deacon Kitchens Fr. George Gabet Fr. Thu Pham Franciscan Brothers Allen County Right To Life Catholic Medical Guild 5:00 pm & Sisters Minor Cathie Humbarger Dr. Tom McGovern Fr. David Mary Engo Chaplain Hour 6:00 pm High School Sports Hour Rekindle The Fire ✁ Fr. Ed Erpelding, Fr. Bob D’Souza, Redeemer Radio Fall 2014 Sharathon tax-deductible: q Check q Cash q Pledge q Monthly (circle) $100 / $50 / $25 or $______q One-Time (circle) $1000 / $500 / $100 or $______Name ______Address: ______City/State/Zip: ______Parish: ______Phone(s): ______Email: ______Please charge my (circle one): Visa / MasterCard / Discover / American Express ROBIN KRUSE Card Number: ______Expiration Date: ______Father Tony Steinacker and Deacon Dave Elchert Mail to: Redeemer Radio, 4618 E. State Blvd., Suite 200, Fort Wayne IN, 46815 260-436-1450 or Toll Free at 888-436-1450 kneel before the altar for the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with students, parents and parishioners from Please count my pledge during the ______Hour! Your gift may be made online at RedeemerRadio.com. Your gift supports Redeemer Radio, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. St. John the Evangelist in Goshen for the 12th annual Contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law. Worldwide Children’s Eucharistic Holy Hour on Oct. 3. October 19, 2014 COMMENTARY 11 Election issues, candidates and your vote Self-reflection in the age

he Catholic Church teaches others enter the fray and take that government exists to sides in the debates and campaign of selfies promote and secure the activities. Because we know we Tcommon good and that Catholics will have to make a choice when ELECTION ena Dunham is not done have a responsibility to partici- we vote in November, most of confessing. That’s the pate in and fulfill their roles in us, in the midst of taking care of headline of the New York TWENTY 2014 LTimes Magazine profile just pub- the civic and public affairs of the family and work responsibilities, community. “Participation is a attempt to sort through the maze lished about the actress-turned- SOMETHING duty to be fulfilled consciously of contradictory comments and GLENN TEBBE memoirist, and it couldn’t be by all, with responsibility and pledges, and the overstated more apt. Though I’ve never seen an epi- with a view to the common assertions about the candidates, CHRISTINA CAPECCHI good.” — “Compendium of parties and policies. It is difficult; sode of her highly rated, super- so, addresses related issues such raunchy, nudity-filled HBO show Catholic Social Teaching.” As one can get lost in the detail as immigration, health care, one expression of this responsi- and rhetoric. How does one sort “Girls,” I consider Lena some- marriage, religious freedom, thing of a cultural case study, Kim when she was on his show bility, most of us will be respon- through and determine what economic justice, education last year: “I just wonder if you’re sible and exercise our right and issues are substantive and which given how often she is touted as and family. Because campaign the voice of my generation. That getting good advice.”) duty to vote this November. Yet candidate is more likely to better ads and candidates typically But it’s not just a question for this is not as simple as it would promote the dignity of persons voice has never shied away from only speak in sound bits, it is revelation, however unflattering celebrities. Self-disclosure is an appear. and the common good? important to focus on the salient issue every conscientious young There is a constant rotation The Church in its role or immoral. issues that will have long lasting It will reach new heights this adult grapples with. What goes of ads on TV, in newspapers as teacher will not identify impact on our society when on the blog and what stays in the and on the radio. Social media particular candidates but it does month, when her memoir “Not deciding on whom to support. That Kind of Girl” is released, private journal? What do you too is clogged with campaign contribute to the conversations One can do this by looking at share with a close friend, a group slogans and support for particular about what is best for society the product of a $3-million book deal Lena signed with Random of online followers, the World candidates. Many become numb by defending human dignity in Wide Web, God? Where’s the to all the noise and tune out; all of its stages. And in doing ELECTION, PAGE 12 House two years ago at age 26. The Atlantic called the memoir line between self-aware and self- “a new chapter in her campaign absorbed, between naval gazing of self-exposure,” while the New and soul searching? Will I know York Times Magazine said it was when I’ve crossed it? Live in light of the Gospel written “with a ferocious, hilari- I find myself composing ous and occasionally worrisome tweets in my head, a strange sort of outside-looking-in sensation Cyrus to accomplish the divine neither trap. The response was candor.” Lena’s revelations range from that, though aimed at capturing THE will. The divine will was to effect that the more important reality is the moment, surely hinders my the survival, and return to peace the kingdom of God, above every decades of psychotherapy (begin- ning when she was 9) to the loss ability to be in it. When it comes SUNDAY and security, of the children of other consideration, a spiritual to my social-media output, I try Abraham through Cyrus. realm in which God reigns. of her virginity — diplomatically summarized by the New York to evaluate my intentions and For the second reading, distinguish the sociable impulse GOSPEL the Church presents the First Reflection Times Magazine as a series of “questionable personal choices.” from the narcissistic one. Am I MSGR. OWEN F. CAMPION Epistle to the Thessalonians. making a connection or making a Thessalonica was a Greek city The Church still advises us The critical response that how to be true disciples of Jesus intrigued me most came toward statement? on the Greek mainland of the The Catholic Church calls us Balkans. It is today a living in these readings, as it has for the the end of James Parker’s Atlantic th last several months. review: “There’s something very to develop the inner life, beckon- 29 Sunday in community, the Greek city of ing us to bend our knees, bow our Saloniki. The epistle comes from It is a pity that this magnificent contemporary in Dunham’s self- Ordinary Time lesson from Matthew’s Gospel exposure, her restlessly acceler- heads and close our eyes, inviting Paul, travelling with his disciples us to make our confession before Silvanus and Timothy. is misunderstood, that it is a ated processing of her own expe- Mt 22:15-21 presumed teaching of Christ that rience.” He went on to render a a priest, not a camera. It gives As all other Christians at the us tools specifically designed for he second part of the Book church and state stand as equals chilling assessment of Life On time everywhere throughout self-reflection like spiritual direc- of Isaiah provides this but separate. Perpetual Broadcast, that 21st- Asia Minor, the Christians of tion and that increasingly foreign, weekend with its first read- The lesson is much, much century young-adult proclivity. Thessalonica were in the midst healing prospect of the silent Ting. Much had happened since the of a hostile culture. Virtually more profound. It tells us “That’s modernity: the inside’s retreat. first section of Isaiah was written. about reality. Church-state on the outside, leaving a vacuum every convention and practice in In an Instagram era, these The mighty Babylonian relations of course are real, and on the inside.” the Roman Empire that covered offerings feel more vital than Empire had overwhelmed God’s these relations have serious I often wonder about the all of Asia Minor stood in utter ever. How can we still our hearts people, literally destroying implications. All the discussion Facebook effect on the inner life, opposition to the Gospel of Jesus. when our thumbs keep on tap- the two Hebrew kingdoms, of church-state relations aside, what it means when the time Paul, therefore, had to ping? the kingdom of Israel and however, Christians must make between experiencing and sharing reassure, encourage and Pulling the plug on all social the kingdom of Judah. The all decisions in light of the is reduced to a matter of seconds. strengthen this community. He networks probably isn’t the solu- reigning Hebrew dynasties were Gospel. To eternal life God Reality TV stars are ques- also had to assert his own tion for most of us. But we can extinguished. Many people were has called them, leading them tioned about their willingness credentials. He was an Apostle, turn to this month’s Scripture, St. killed. The Babylonians took a home at times by messengers as to bare it all for national con- specially chosen by Christ. His Matthew’s account of the greatest number of survivors to Babylon, unexpected as Cyrus. sumption, and I’m amused when authority came from the Lord, commandments, for a litmus test the imperial capital. There these Of all messengers, the greatest these boldfaced confessors insist and Paul spoke as a most devout on each tweet: Is it drawing on a exiles, or their descendants, were are the Apostles. Their advice we they don’t share everything believer in the message of Jesus. love of self or a love of neighbor? to languish for four generations. St. Matthew’s Gospel supplies need. It awaits us in the Church. with the cameras. Somehow Eventually, however, the the last reading. It is one of the Kim Kardashian’s second go at Babylonians lost power, being a nationally televised wedding best-known passages in the New themselves overtaken by a was supposed to seem restrained Testament. stronger adversary, Persia. The Again and again, this text is because the footage ended right Christina Capecchi is a freelance Persian king, Cyrus, who used to defend the principle of READINGS before the actual ceremony and writer from Inver Grove Heights, conquered Babylon, had no separation of church and state, Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6 Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10 was shot only by friends, not Minn., and editor of SisterStory. interest in the exiles from the almost as if two reservoirs of 1 Thes 1:1-5b Mt 22:15-21 producers. (I can’t help but think org, the official website of once Hebrew kingdoms, so he divine authority stand in human Monday: Eph 2:1-10 Ps 100:1b-5 of Dave Letterman’s comment to National Catholic Sisters Week. allowed them to return home. For life, one the structures of religion, Lk 12:13-21 the exiles, it was a day of the other human governments. Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22 Ps 85:9-14 unequalled joy. The Gospel is clear. An Lk 12:35-38 A most novel turn of phrase attempt is underway to ensnare Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12 (Ps) Is 12:2-3, was the prophet’s designation Jesus. If the Lord spoke against 4c-6 Lk 12:39-48 Sign up for the digital version of Today’s of King Cyrus as an instrument paying taxes, then the Roman law of God. The reason that this would be violated. The Romans Thursday: Eph 3:14-21 Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, Catholic, the weekly podcast and more at was a novelty was that Cyrus were unforgiving. Yet, if Jesus 11-12, 18-19 Lk 12:49-53 was a pagan. He was not in any approved paying taxes, then the Friday: Eph 4:1-6 Ps 24:1-4b, 5-6 sense a son of Abraham. His Lord would endorse the validity Lk 12:54-59 www.todayscatholicnews.org ancestors had never followed of the hated Roman conquest and Saturday: Eph 4:7-16 Ps 122:1-5 Moses across the Sinai peninsula occupation. Lk 13:1-9 in the Exodus. Yet, God used In responding, Jesus fell into 12 COMMENTARY October 19, 2014 Created for joy: the family fully alive he extraordinary session of Catechesis: Part 1 SCRIPTURE SEARCH the Synod of Bishops is meet- ing in Rome to discuss the Catholic teaching about mar- LOVE IS Gospel for October 19, 2014 Tevangelization of the family. In the riage and the family flows from the Matthew 22:15-21 first week, the synod fathers heard heart of our faith. For this reason, OUR from an American couple, Jeff and we can begin by reviewing the basic Following is a word search based on the Gospel Alice Heinzen, about their work story of the Church. Our God is not MISSION reading for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle promoting family life in Wisconsin. inaccessible and remote; we believe FRED AND LISA EVERETT A: where Jesus proves too smart for his enemies. The Their main point was to emphasize that God reveals Himself in Jesus words can be found in all directions in the puzzle. that the Church already has the truth Christ. Jesus is the source for the about marriage and family; it just hope, faith, love and joy that should PLOTTED ENTRAP SENT needs a completely new methodolo- death. Because God Himself suf- animate Catholic family life. He is DISCIPLES HERODIANS SAYING gy in delivering it effectively to cou- fered these things, Christians believe the reason we can trust the wisdom TEACHER WE KNOW THE WAY ples. Theirs was, in part, a rebuttal of Catholic belief. Everything we that God is not remote from the to those who believe that the Church human condition. Nor do we believe ACCORDANCE TRUTH TELL US offer in this catechesis flows from LAWFUL TO PAY MALICE has to water down its teachings and Jesus Himself. As Pope Francis in a capricious god, or a deity in JESUS HYPOCRITES COIN sacramental practices in order to be has recently said of married life, competition with human beings. TAX CAESAR TO GOD more attractive. “Promising love for ever is possible The God in whom we trust wants Pope Francis has made a point when we perceive a plan bigger than us to flourish. Because of Jesus to encourage an honest dialogue our own ideas and undertakings, a Christ, Catholics have confidence in among the synod participants that is plan which sustains us and enables God’s love for us. As Pope Francis LAWFUL informed by both humility and char- us to surrender our future entirely explained in his first encyclical: ity. Based on the main points that to the one we love.” But we live in To those who suffer, God does not DETTOLPARTNE emerge from this dialogue, a new a time of deep worldly skepticism provide arguments which explain I HEROD I ANSET working document will be drafted to about any “bigger plan” or higher everything; rather, His response is help focus the discussions for next meaning to human experience. For that of an accompanying presence, SNYAWEHTRYEN year’s ordinary synod in October. many people, the human person is a history of goodness which touches CAKPJRASEACE At the end of that synod, the synod little more than an accident of evolu- every story of suffering and opens fathers will offer recommendations tion; carbon atoms with an attitude. up a ray of light. …” I N AWO S COH P I S to Pope Francis, who will then In other words, for many people, Catholic views on marriage, fam- P LWKOCU I COL A write an exhortation based upon the we have no higher purpose than ily and sexuality belong to a larger reflections of these synods as well whatever meaning we create for mission to live in a way that makes LUHJONRSATAY as the experience of the 2015 World ourselves. … God’s love visible and radiant; to E FCT J HK I EDM I Meeting of Families (WMF) in In the Bible, Jesus asks His dis- live this mission makes everyday Philadelphia. ciples, “Who do you say that I am?” life alive with God’s joy. The entire SWDS U L L E T J ON While we put together our dioc- Human history for the past 2,000 human person — body and soul, P A L L E R I OWE I G esan plan, you can visit the website years has turned on the answer. our maleness and femaleness, and E LDOGOTAXOSP for the 2015 WMF to find the latest Christians are people who, having all that follows from each — is information: www.worldmeet- met Jesus in a variety of ways — implicated in God’s invitation. The ACCORDANCEMM ing2015.org. Below is an excerpt subtitle for this World Meeting of through the witness of the saints and © 2014 Tri-C-A Publications www.tri-c-a-publications.com from Part 1 of the WMF Catechesis: the apostles, through Scripture and Families is “the family fully alive,” Created for Joy. The text focuses on sacrament, in prayer and service to and for good reason. The family is the central importance of encounter- the poor, in worship and through most fully alive when we embrace ing the Lord, learning to love Him friends and family — are able to God’s invitation to be the sons and and surrendering one’s life to Him in daughters He created us to be. trust Jesus, and who say with Peter,  49 Not max complete trust. By next month, we he 50 Spots “You are the Messiah, the Son of  hope to have a confirmation by the the living God.” Among many 51 Anointed Cyrus organizers of the meeting of hotel things that He did on earth, Jesus ross ord 52 Emergency personnel spaces in downtown Philadelphia that suffered and yet persevered in love; 12 3 4 5 67 8 910 Fred and Lisa Everett   will be held for Catholics from our Jesus was crucified by human hands are co-direc- 11 12 13 1 Rock of ___ diocese. Stay tuned! and yet was raised victorious over tors of the Office of Family Life. 14 15 16 2 ____ your neighbor 3 Declare positively 17 18 19 4 Part of the • Respect for life includes integrity, because there will be 20 21 Mediterranean Sea rejection of violence and death circumstances and issues arise 5 Manhattan’s neighbor ELECTION 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 penalty that now are not known, on which 6 Unruly child CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 • Affordable health care the official will have to make a 29 30 31 7 American sign for low and moderate income decision. At those moments we, 32 33 34 language individuals and families the electorate, are relying on 8 Chosen one 35 36 37 candidates through the lens of • Support of policies to protect our representatives and public 9 Scotsman Catholic social teaching and to vulnerable persons; prisoner servants to use their prudent 38 39 40 41 42 43 10 “Make straight the Lord’s” consider the moral dimensions of rehabilitation and re-entry judgment in determining the best 44 45 46 13 Where Babylon was public issues. programs course of action that will promote 47 48 49 • Support of “child benefit” and secure the common good, the 18 Parent groups 50 51 52 19 In shape Significant issues as principle for participation in primary purpose and role of the 21 Former U.S. president to consider and the education programs and parental position, which he/she is seeking. © 2014 www.tri-c-a-publications.com 22 Pop (pl.) choice in education of their Based on these Scripture Readings: Is 45: 1, 4-6; 23 Flightless bird candidate’s position: children 1Th 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 and Ex 22:20-26; 1Th 1:5c- 24 Affects • Opposition to abortion also 10; Mt 22:34-40 25 Executive • Conscience protection for includes support for mothers and ACROSS 29 Sycamore prophet 27 Make angry individuals as well as religious children during pregnancy and 1 Wing 30 Possessive pronoun 28 BB association institutions to serve the public in infancy 4 Syrian bishop 31 Thyme 30 Chop accord with religious principles • Stewardship and care of 8 Poisonous snake 32 Rises and sets 31 “Endurance of ___” and values the earth for this and future 11 Governor 33 Papal name 33 Moses did • Social and economic policies generations 12 Sins 34 Russian drink 34 Altered that support jobs with good No candidate will perfectly 13 Ancient N.A. Indian 35 Masticate 36 God grasped comport to Church teaching. And 14 First woman 37 Once around Cyrus’ right one working conditions and just 15 End 38 Eucharistic food 37 ___ of love wages all issues do not carry the same 16 ___ of Jesse 40 Adam and Eve 38 Torah table • Comprehensive immigration weight; opposition to intrinsic 17 14A’s enemy 44 Gain 39 Drug bust reform and support of refugee evils has a special claim on our 19 “Your work of ____” 45 Mongolian desert 40 Horse game resettlement for unaccompanied conscience. Often one has to Glenn Tebbe is the executive 20 Coin paid 46 Be 41 God called children choose which candidate is more director of the Indiana Catholic 21 Huckleberry 47 Love God with Cyrus by ____ • The definition of marriage as likely to do the most good or Conference, the official public 22 Pie nut all yours 42 Cut hair union of one man and one woman the least harm. Voting decisions policy voice of the Catholic 25 Central daylight time 48 Jesus’ body anointed in 43 Delivered by post • Opposition to legalization of should include the candidate’s Church in Indiana regarding state 26 Can metal 45 Girl euthanasia and assisted suicide commitments, character and and national matters. Answer Key can be found on page 15 October 19, 2014 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 13

ICCL SOOCER ENTERS TOURNAMENT ACTION Inter-City Catholic League boys’ varsity soccer entered its tour- nament on Oct. 12. In highlighted action, St. Joseph, South Bend, beat St. Anthony, 5-0; St. Thomas defeated St. Matthew, 3-1; Christ the King won over Mishawaka Catholic, 8-0; and St. Adalbert beat St. Pius X, 6-0. In girls’ varsity tournament action, Mishawaka Catholic beat Holy Cross, 1-0 on Oct. 11; and Holy Family beat St. Michael, 1-0; St. Matthew won over St. Pius X, 2-0; St. Anthony beat St. Sports Joseph, South Bend, 3-1; and Christ the King beat Mishawaka Catholic, 3-0, in action on Oct. 12. ICCL football opens CYO volleyball wraps regular season, playoff action St. Charles’ football winning streak holds

noted as the Saints would fea- BY JOE KOZINSKI ture running of big back Ronnie BY MICHELLE CASTLEMAN sive line, led by Joe Praising his oppo- King running off of right guard Tippmann, Peyton nents, Talarico said, Whitfield’s hip all day. Davis, Jacob Ford, “Justin Gaston is SOUTH BEND —The model was FORT WAYNE — The 2014 vol- Mike Fabini and one heck of a ball- simple — win and advance. The Blazers countered with leyball regular season has come a swarming defense that relied Sean O’Sullivan player and every The three-word phrase was to an end and three teams across created large holes time he touches the emphasis placed on the on everyone’s participation and the different leagues finished hoped to bottle up the one-two for Tippmann all the ball, he is a Mishawaka Catholic Saints and undefeated to receive the top seed day long. threat to take it the the St. Matthew Blazers as they punch of the purple-and-gold clad in the tournament. St. Joseph- Saints. Coach Sam length of the field. squared off at Father Hessen Cassel (5-0), St. Vincent 7 Talarico beamed, “It We had to focus on Bly Field at The Blazers’ game (7-0) and St. Elizabeth 8 (5-0) all plan worked on was the best perfor- containing him and we Saint Joseph hope to continue their success in mance by any offensive did that today.” The play High the opening the post season, which concludes drive as Joe line that I have had at St. Charles. of the game was a 40-yard pass School with the CYO championship at They were ready to play and they from Alec Bunt to seventh-grader for the Macheca St. Charles on Saturday morning, dove on have been on a mission all season Patrick O’Keefe who made an opening Oct. 18. long.” acrobatic catch and came down game a lose In Week 8 of CYO football ball and The St. Charles vaunted pass- on the 1-yard line setting up the of the action, St. Charles kept their ing attack took a back seat on first touchdown by TJ Tippmann. Inter- recovered record unblemished and clinched the fumble Sunday and instead let the offense Tippmann added the second City the 2014 league title with a rest on the legs of Tippmann and touchdown in the final quarter Catholic at midfield. 16-0 victory over St. John, Fort Their offense Ellinger. of the game and Mike Garrett League play- Wayne/St. Joseph-Hessen Cassel Talarico added, “TJ Tippmann converted on both extra points to offs. would be stalled (SJFW). by a penalty giving is one of those kids who was born complete the scoring. Both squads had The Cardinals, now 7-0, were to be a football player. He is a Talarico concluded, “This is a regular seasons that had major the pigskin back to their foe led by tailback TJ Tippmann almost as quickly as they had tremendous leader and he was not special team with a lot of gritty setbacks that would have demor- who rushed for 157 yards on 24 going to let his team lose today.” kids who are team players — not alized many teams, but that was possessed it. carries. Seventh-grader Hayden The Saints would start dish- The St. Charles defense shut ‘me’ players.” not the case for the combatants Ellinger chipped in 30 yards on out a powerful SJFW offense that In the first game of the day on as they regrouped, added focus ing out a heavy dose of King as five carries. Jared Lee and Alec the back willed his team down had been averaging nearly 30 Sunday, Oct. 12, St. Vincent got a and laid it on the line in hopes of Bunt led the way all day with points a game. big win, beating JAT, 8-0. moving on to round two of the the field getting the squad to the outstanding blocking. The offen- coveted championship tourna- shadows of the goal posts. A cou- ment. ple of miscues and then on fourth Mishawaka Catholic would and goal, Saint quarterback Lucas be a different team thanks to Fletcher lofted a pass that was the long awaited return of Zach broken up by Blazer Christian An inspirational evening with Whitfield, their dominating two- Tate on the goal line. way lineman who had been side- After turning the ball over on lined with a hand injury. The dividends would be ICCL, PAGE 14 Mark Forrest An acclaimed Irish tenor whose melodic voice has filled High Quality • Not High Cost concert halls and cathedrals from Carnegie Hall to the Vatican — has sung inspirational hymns for Villa of the Woods luminaries such as Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa. Senior Residential Living Our affordable rates include: •Furnished Room •Home Cooked Meals •24 Hour staff •Weekly Housekeeping Services •Laundry Service •Activities A Holy Hour for All SoulS •Free Cable TV •Medication Reminders •Free Medication Set Meditation —Music —Prayer Financial Assistance for housing costs currently available through RCAP program. A program of with Mark Forrest Visit us at www.villaofthewoods.com 260-745-7039 Saturday, Nov. 1 — 7 p.m.

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14 TODAY’S CATHOLIC October 19, 2014

Branson at the seven and only working group that they would ICCL 3:17 left in the third quarter. end their season empty handed,” Thanked Your Priest Lately? The Saints’ offense took con- explained Blazer Coach Ben Here’s your chance! CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13 trol as handoffs to King, King Domonkos. “This team showed Do it on World Priest Day, October 26, 2014 and more King were highlighted pride and character in everything with a couple sprinkles of run- they did the entire season, and downs deep in their own territory ning mate Noah Espiritu as a for that I’m honored to have been Dear Father______the Blazer defense would again march of monumental proportions called their coach.” have to hold off the festering pushed down the field. “The Blazers gave us every- Thank you for______Saints. With just over a minute left thing they had. We were fortu- A couple of big defensive in the contest, King finally broke nate to come away with the win,” ______plays defined the ensuing drive the plain of the goal line after the said Saint skipper, Tony Violi. as Blazer Jacob Lyle sniffed double-digit drive covering 93 “Our team has a bit of a new ______out a pass in the flat and simply yards, propelling the Saints into resurgence with the addition of blew it up. Then on a reverse, the lead, 6-0. Whitfield in the mix.” Tate stepped up to the plate and The Blazers would have just “We will have to really prac- ______devoured the ball carrier in a text- one more opportunity for redemp- tice and focus to match up with Our grateful love and prayers in celebration of your book open-field tackle effectively tion, a rush of 10 yards by Tate, the league champion St. Anthony inspiring commitment and all you are for us. ending the first half with the a pass play of 10 from Lyle to Panthers this week,” remarked (Please cut out, fill in a special qualityr o score tied at zero. Randy Moore and a huge attempt Violi. “They are a good squad action that you especially appreciate, and The second half would start from Mike Gibson just off the and well coached. The only with a patented Blazer clock- give it to your priest in person or place in the fingers of the attended receiver promise we can make is that we Offertory collection at Mass. eating ball-control drive that stretched the Saint defense and will show up and play our hard- would feature big runs from Tate, had them on their heels. est.” a Saint personal foul and a mon- Enter Whitfield. The defen- The round two of playoffs Sponsored by couples and priests supporting Worldwide strous push from their offensive sive lineman made a tremendous continue this weekend at Marian Marriage Encounter in the Diocese of Fort Wayne/South Bend line settling the leather-laced stop and with the Blazers out of High School’s Otolski Field as sphere inside the 10. downs and timeouts a final pass the Saints take on the Panthers at It was now time to test the fell helplessly to the ground end- 4 p.m. immediately followed by fortitude of the proud Saints and ing their come-back dreams and the West Side Catholic Cardinals they would not disappoint as their season. matching up against the one loss they ended the drive dead in its “This was a tough one. I’m Holy Cross Crusaders. PUT YOUR MONEY TO WORK tracks with a tackle for loss Seth so disappointed for this hard- NATIONAL 1 CATHOLIC SOCIETY OF Annuities FORESTERS IRA AND ROTH Home Office: NON-QUALIFIED AND QUALIFIED, SERVICE DIRECTORY Mt. 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Surrender charges apply for early withdrawal. 2.25% SERVICES your service 10.14AD-ANN interest rate after 1st year. 3-Issue age 0-80 per state limitations •24 Hour Emergency needs. Restoration Visit todayscatholicnews.org (260) 483-2112 www.cioccas.com The Kendzicky & Lothary Group CHUCK’S Park Lake Medical Building Michael Kendzicky James Lothary Glen Lothary OOT UPPORT 2410 Lake Avenue 4220 Edison Lakes Parkway, Suite 100 F S P. O. Box 5486 Shoes - Pedorthics - Repair &Co., LLP Fort Wayne 46895-5486 Mishawaka, IN 46545 Chuck is the only Silver Cup Award winning, (260) 423-9405 574-247-6830 . 800-866-9022 Great outcomes. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Done well. shoe repairman and Silver Cup Judge in the Fax: (260) 422-9206 Fax 574-247-6855 Fort Wayne area. Let a Master Craftsman repair your shoes and boots. •Tax Planning and preparation Private Wealth Management | www.rwbaird.com 4546 Maplecrest Road • 492-1752 THINK GREEN corporations, individuals and partnerships Repair it! Tuesday-Friday 8-6. Saturday 8-2 •Estates and Trusts •Auditing Services Capital Markets • Investment Banking CLOSED SUNDAY & MONDAY Private Equity • Asset Management www.chucksfootsupport.com Visit us at www.ljandorfer.com ©2010Robert w. Baird & Co., Incorported Member SPIC www.rwbaaaird.com MC-27403 •Plumbing •Heating •Air Conditioning •Electrical COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL 7701 Opportunity Drive, Fort Wayne 46825 •Humidification 6332 Maplecrest Road Fort Wayne 485-3412 489-1234 October 19, 2014 T O D A Y ’ S CAT H O L I C 15 REST IN PEACE Fort Wayne Huntington Maurice T. Cocquyt Jr., What’s Happening? Jeanne Schirmeyer, 92, Thoresa J. Briggs, 99, 58, St. Bavo St. Vincent de Paul Ss. Peter and Paul Nandor Mago, 86, WHAT’S HAPPENING carries announcements about upcoming events in the diocese. Send in your Elizabeth Betty Baker, South Bend Our Lady of Hungary 94, St. John the Baptist Virginia Kenna, 97, announcement at least two weeks prior to the event. Mail to: Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, James McCarthy, 72, Holy Cross Fort Wayne 46856; or email: [email protected]. Events that require an admission charge or Gary C. Gamble, 63, St. St. Casimir Joseph-Hessen Cassel Greg M. Olen, 56, payment to participate will receive one free listing. For additional listings of that event, please call St. Joseph our advertising sales staff at (260) 456-2824 to purchase space. William Walter Hagerman, 74, Gabriel Reyes- Cathedral of Maldonado, 32, Rummage sale planned for children. Dine in or carry out. delve into personal gifts and what the Immaculate St. Adalbert Fort Wayne — A rummage sale it means to be called to share those Conception will take place at St. Joseph- Knights plan spaghetti dinner gifts through service in everyday Adele M. Kukla- Hessen Cassel School, 11521 South Bend — The Knights of living. For information, visit dio- Don Edward Getts, 79, Schreiber, 95, U.S. 27 South, Thursday, Oct. Columbus Council 5521, 61533 S. cesefwsb.org/yam-fw. St. Vincent de Paul St. Anthony de Padua 23, from 6-9 p.m., Friday, Oct. Ironwood Dr., will have a spaghet- 24, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and ti dinner on Friday, Oct. 17, from Granger Mario Beristain, 17, Saturday, Oct. 25, 8 a.m. to noon. 5-7 p.m.he Adults $8.50, children he Rubyhe M. Patterson, 90, Our Lady of Hungary A bag sale will be on Saturday. (5-12) $3.50. Carry-out available. St. Pius X ross ord ross ord ross ord Trunk or Treating at St. Francis Xavier       ‘Toward Service’ discernment evening     Pierceton — St. Francis Xavier, will FortAPE Wayne — SCOW Young adults MARS are ALA ABBA ASP F FA ALMSBrady N I P Benefits & have Trunk or Treating on Friday, invitedCOO for an TRUE evening of dinner, ALOE GOV ERRS I NC A ARC MEEK CODEAssociates, LLC Oct. 31, in the St. Francis Xavier Your Trusted Advisors conversationV I NEYARD and guided reflection NEBA EVE GOAL ROOT RAM AWAY EVEN parking lot from 5:30-7:30 p.m. called “TowardYES Service: DA A INight SES SERPENT F A I TH MUE Z Z I N C L E AN•Group Health Insurance of BDiscernment” I D E SW with I the R Sisters L TAX F I NN MatthewEOS T. Brady CA LM•Individual Health Insurance Music ministry to host lasagna dinner of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus ADUST ENRAGED PECAN CDT TIN URBANParishioners MAL•Obamacare BOA •Medicare-Supplements Mishawaka — Queen of Peace Christ as they return to their Fort St.Vincent de Paul BOA OMEGA OU I AMOS HER HERB SILLFort Wayne AIR•Retirement WELL Income Planning •Annuities •401K music ministry will host a lasagna WayneALLOWED beginnings. The YEARSevent SUN LEO VODKA APE ELL THREE dinner Friday, Oct. 24, from 5-7 will be heldMENSA on Thursday, BLOct. 23, OC CH EW L A P SEAL V I I p.m. in the gym, 4508 Vistula Rd. 6:30-8:30BOL p.m. ERO at Fortezza PRO Coffee, BREAD PARENTS ASSET COPP I CEOffice: 260-220-8800 Tickets are $8 for adults and $4 819ABEL S. Calhoun RARENESSSt. The sisters will E ARN GOB I AR E PHIL DRIPMarketplace: ROT 260-220-8001 W I NE AK I N ALE MIND ALOE MIN SONS N I CEwww.bradybenefitsusa.com I NN ADULT LEARNINGLEST CENTER HALT RYE ADS LORD EMT EEGShannon Brady ABET SEA © 2014 Tri-C-A Publications © 2014 Tri-C-A Publications © 2014 Tri-C-A Publications AT ST. JOSEPH PARISH The Adult Learning Center is looking for adult volunteers to teach Redeemer Radio 95.7 FM day and evening classes next semester starting on Jan. 6, 2015. Coming to Michiana Adult volunteer instructors are needed in various subjects Hiring three Full-Time Positions such as: ESL — English as a second language (beginner and Redeemer Radio, a non-profit, Catholic Radio These positions include: advanced), SSL — Spanish as a second language (beginner Group is seeking to fill three staff positions for • Operations Manager and advanced), Faith Formation (English and Spanish), and its new listener supported Catholic Radio Station • Community Relations Director additional life skills classes. Especiallyhe needed are volunteer he coming to Michiana. Redeemer Radiohe will soon • Technical Manager instructors that can teach 2-3 times per week. have local studios and will be broadcasting all serving the greater Michiana ross ord on 95.7ross FM. ord ross Catholicord community. If you are interested in sharing your time and talent,     contact Terry Stuczynski at St. JosephAPE Parish, D IMSFort Wayne. PAS NAACPOperations CDT Manager SPA DUMBCommunity SR Relations I ADM Technical Manager VAT ERAS ARCH AD I EUresponsibilities LEO ALB I SAACDirector responsibilities EON FEE responsibilities 260-432-5113, ext.ERN 355. VOTE DOME POL ARinclude: ACP T AO MACROinclude: ABS ONE include: Sponsored by Our SundaySEASONS Visitor Institute SAVED SPAM• Manage staff P and LA I N • PromoteREP and create SP Ilocal R I T • Production (live recording H I S FAME J EWE volunteers, L S B introducing L OND Ea TUXEDOS on-air announcements I TEM and editing) of long and LEPER DIM RED ALE quality ESTHER Catholic Radio SP about I N parishes STARS and Catholic short form on-air messages PLEA J AR ABLY You are invited to the GLEE station I OU on-air and D Iin ME PS apostolates I GEESE free of charge HUM • Production and broadcast MID JOY AISLE BESETS LAG the community • DevelopSARAH relationships SONS with of all live and remote EPEE FDR ADVENT APOL LO DAU B DEMAGOG • Instill and maintain a strong local Priests and Deacons for broadcasting All Souls DayBESOT Mass LEVY I NG BR I DE SN I P CAMERA REM Catholic faith atmosphere locally produced Readings • Equipment maintenance, ALTO CITE TAN BIB RYE RIVEN AVE I RS SUGAR amongst staff, volunteers and Reflections and future repair of broadcast and TSAR AMEN EPA EVE GEE I NANE L I B ETA HENRY studio production equipment EEL LOST MST YES and YAP donors TENET FDA local programming LST LUKE • Develop and enhance • Provide direction for with assistance of technical © 2014 Tri-C-A Publications funding© 2014sources Tri-C-A for Publications both station events© 2014 including: Tri-C-A Publications volunteers and contract operational and capital Sharathon (on-air fund engineer in an advance needs while ensuring drive), Catholic Schools telecommunications/data budget attainment in both Week and special Diocese center environment revenue and expenses local broadcasts

To learn more about Redeemer Radio and these Redeemer Radio positions go to RedeemerRadio.com and click on Attn: Executive Director In the Resurrection Mausoleum Chapel the careers tab found under About Us. 4618 East State Blvd. Ste. 200 of the Fort Wayne, IN 46815 Interested candidates should send resume, Catholic Cemetery of Fort Wayne references, salary history, and salary You may also choose to email all of the above 3500 Lake Avenue requirements (necessary for consideration) to: information to: [email protected]. Sunday, November 2, 2014 - Noon As a religious broadcaster, St Joseph Catholic Radio (Redeemer Radio) has established a religious qualification for all employee positions. In accordance with all FCC rules and EEO Program compliance measures, Redeemer Radio makes reasonable, good faith efforts to recruit and hire applicants without Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades, Celebrant regard to race, color, national origin or gender, among those who are qualified for employment based on their religious belief or affiliation. 16 TODAY’ S C ATHOLIC October 19, 2014 Faith in Uganda ‘When you reach out to a great that it led to the development only given the chance to receive of this child sponsorship program, an education and provide for them- child in need, it’s not just enabling people who wish to care selves and their future children, but your hand you are offering’ for an impoverished child to do so, food as well. without having to physically adopt. Here in Uganda, where so many Now, in 2014, the program is thriv- people have next to nothing, they BY MADELINE RICHEY ing in Poland, and several locations believe — with a conviction I have in Africa and Latin America. rarely witnessed — that God will My name is Madeleine Richey, provide. When I visit my students KAMPALA, Uganda — The streets and I’m a student at the University in their homes their families rush of Kampala, Uganda, are crowded, of Saint Francis in Fort Wayne to offer what little food and drink filled with the sounds of music and — I’m currently working with they have to make me welcome in the constant murmur of people talk- CARITAS for Children in Uganda, their home, displaying their joyful ing amidst the noise of traffic. After East Africa, as a volunteer. and generous hearts. It’s a privilege a while, it fades to white noise, but I am volunteering at St. to witness the joy of these children there is one sound that stands out Anthony’s, the nursery school run when they learn they have been by the Little Sisters of Saint Francis, sponsored. Someone has just told from the rest, clearly audible even Above, a CARITAS-sponsored child on the busiest streets. It’s the sound CARITAS for Children’s ministry them that they care about them — awaits new shoes in Uganda. At of children crying. partners. I work with the children that they believe in them — and my There are countless street left, a young boy in Uganda is who are sponsored through our faith grows whenever I see the gift children in Kampala. They stand shown walking home alone. program, and witness firsthand its God has given to us in each one of on sidewalks — thin, dirty, hun- impact on their families. When they these people who are helping each gry — begging for money. Most are chosen by a sponsor they’re not other, children and sponsors alike. people pass them by, ignoring their outstretched hands. So they scream. Imagine the sound a child makes after hours of standing in 80-some- thing degree heat, crying for atten- tion. There are no tears, but rather their faces dry, voices hoarse and croaking. Sometimes as you pass they grab onto you, latching onto PHOTOS PROVIDED BY MADELINE RICHEY your arm, wailing. Poverty is a vicious cycle, and them into his outstretched hand. He from the inside it appears that there doesn’t blink, but just stares at me, are very few ways out. The main motionless. one people can see is education If you didn’t receive an educa- for themselves and their children. tion you’re limited to manual labor The only problem is that they can’t or a small family-run store in the afford it. local village. You can’t get a job When parents die, often at a that pays well, which means you young age from HIV/AIDS or other can’t pay school fees for your chil- illnesses caused by poverty, and dren, and often they will go hungry. if relatives can’t afford to care for And when they grow up, because the children, they’re forced to the they are uneducated, they and their streets. Often uneducated, they have children have the same bleak future no skills to help them fend for them- of self-perpetuating poverty. selves. Unfortunately, it’s another So how do we fix the problem? cycle. The girls, even as young as One answer is child sponsor- 12 or 13, are often raped, and their ship. CARITAS for Children children face the same fate as their is a Catholic nonprofit based in young mothers, thus the small chil- Milwaukee, Wisconsin, founded in dren. 1998 by Chris and Barbara Hoar I pass one of them: a little boy of when they adopted two children two or three, too young or too tired from Poland and found that there to speak, just holding out his hand were still so many children left and staring at his empty palm. I give behind in need of homes. The need him some coins, stooping to drop for love for these children was so


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