The Diocese of Ogdensburg Volume 70, Number 36 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Alookatthe human side of Pope NORTH COUNTRY Francis I PAGE 10

To prepare to vote: 'dig deeper than the debates' I PAG E12 CATHOLIC FEB . 24, 2016 A focus on families SAN CRISTOBAL DE lAS CASAS,MEXlCO (CNS) - always easy and often was a 15 in front of a boisterous faces from generous giving REST IN PEACE, warned against struggle, but he pleaded for audience of families, who to faces with makeup that moves to diminish the im­ perseverance, saying family came from across southern know nothing of tenderness JUSTICE SCALIA portance of the family, pep­ life was one of the solutions Mexican and nearby and compassion." pering his talk with to increasing isolation and Guatemala for a celebration The pope's focus on fami­ Remembered anecdotes and off-the-cuff uncertainty and its unin­ in the city of Tuxtla Gutier­ lies turned the focus of his remarks that kept a packed tended consequences. rez. six-day visit toward the pas­ as upstanding soccer stadium cheering, "I prefer a wounded family "I prefer a family that toral issues after hitting hard laughing and applauding. that makes daily efforts to makes repeated efforts to on matters such as corrup­ Catholic, jurist Speaking under a scorch­ put love into play to a society begin again to a society that tion, crime and the country's ing-hot sun as dozens were that is sick from isolationism is narcissistic and obsessed often impoverished and ex­ treated for heat stroke, the and is habitually afraid of with luxury and comfort. I ploited indigenous popula­ pope said family life was not love," Pope Francis said Feb. prefer a family with tired tions. Renovations, NEWEST NAMES IN THE BOOK OF THE ElEG repairs at St. Stephen's The ceiling of St. Stephen's Church in Croghan faces "in­ evitable collapse" without ex­ tensive renovations that have begun on the 114-year-old building. The parish has hired Baker Liturgical Art LLC, Southing­ ton, Conn., for the project. The specialized conserva­ tion process that Mr. Baker CNS PHOTOINANCY PHELAN WIECHEC will use is a system that will US. Supreme Court Justice Antonin stabilize and repair the ceil­ Scalia is seen in this AugJO, 2013, ing. The work entails repairs file photo at Georgetown University in the sanctuary, to side Law Center in Washington. The 7fJ­ aisles, walls, the choir loft year-old justice was found dead of and vestibules, with painting apparent natural causes at aresort and re-stenciling with like in West Texas Feb. 13. Among the colors, and cleaning statues and the Stations of the Cross. tributes which poured in, Villanova UnM!rsity law professor Michael FUll STORY, PAGE 4 Moreiand,a former domestic policy adviserto President George W. Bush, Mark your said "Justice Scarlil was arguably the most consequential Catholic in Amer­ calendars: PHOTO BY BETTY STEElE ican publiclifesince the death of John Lenten day of reflection for those in Bishop LaValley is shown with catechumens who will receive the sacraments of initiation - Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation - F.Kennedy." at parishes across the diocese at Easter. They each signed the Book of the Elect at the Rite of Election held Feb. 14 at St. Mary's charitable apostolates, March 8; Cathedral.See page 5 for more photos. FUll STORY, PAGE 11 Chrism Mass,March 17;End of life con­ ference in Saranac Lake,March 19 SUMMER IS COMING: It's time to sign up for CHWC and Guggenheim, p. 6 FUll STORY, PAGE 3 II NOR THe 0 U N TRY C AT H 0 Li e DIOCESAN LIFE MONTH X, 2016 NORTH COUNTRY EDITOR'S NOTE CATHOU C Box 326 Ogd ensburg, N.Y. 13669 March is marching in. hooray! USPS 0039-3400 •• BISHOP TERRY While February is a perfectly Year of Mercy celebration. "Death with dignity" may be Two years later, we've made R.LAVAllEY fine month, I'm perfectly fine There are thousands of a popular notion these days, significant strides in making President with the fact that it's a Catholics in our dio­ but as people of faith we must the priorities and goals a real­ REV. JOSEPH A.MORGAN short one I cese who feed the hun­ be ready to protect those who ity in our diocese. Vice President Yes, we know that gry and offer clothing, will surely be victimized by The work isn't done yet, but SR.JENNIFERVOTRAW,SSJ March can certainly shelter and loving care such a law - elderly people at this year's Chrism Mass, we Secretary- Treasurer come in like a lion and to those in need. This who worry about spending can take stock of all that has MARY lOU KILIAN go out like one too, but special day should give their children's inheritance, been accomplished towards Editor! March means spring them a little spiritual disabled people who don't creating a Christ-led, Christ­ General Manager and, this year, March nourishment in return. want to be a burden, depressed fed, hope-filled church. means Easter so I wel­ A couple weeks later, people who see death as an an­ The Chrism Mass is unique Publish 45 is- come its arrival with a program on the other swer to their prayers. The list in the way that it highlights the ~ sues per year: joy. side of the diocese will goes on and on. sacramental nature of our _ Weekl y except In our diocese, March surely offer informa- And , of course, if Easter is on faith: oils which are used for skipping one 2016 is also bringing Marylou tion and encourage­ the horizon, it's time for us to baptism, confirmation, ordina­ week in Jan. significant spiritual op- Kilian ment to those gather again for our diocesan tions are blessed; and the and every portunities as we con- struggling to keep the Chrism Mass. priests who preside at these other week tinue our journey insidious right-to-die In 2014, the Chrism Mass sacraments renew their com­ Ibeginning July through Aug. through Lent. legislation out of our state. marked a turning point in our mitments. and skipping on ewee k in The March 8 Day of Reflec­ (See page three for more in­ diocese as Bishop LaValley re­ So we're stepping into a Dec. by the Diocese of Og- tion at Wadhams Hall - for formation about this end of life vealed the diocesan pastoral month with days devoted to densburg. those involved in charitable conference set for March 19 at vision in his "Find Your Home charity, life and the sacra­ 622 Washington Street, Og­ apostolates - should be a true St. Bernard's in Saranac Lake.) in Christ" pastoral letter. ments. How Catholic is that? densburg, N.Y. 13669.

EllttorialOffice: 622 Washington Street, APASTOR'S PERSPEGIVE Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669.

Telephone: (315) 608-7556 Companions for my Lenten journey Lent is flying right by. Some ing from a dream of separate­ 'I want to do this.' If it is some­ E-mail: 'Father Bill Say;' ~ ~ news@northcountry days when I consider my ness, of spurious self-isolation thing God would like you to Lenten program this year, I am ti pastor22 @gnlail.conl in a special world, the world of do, go ahead and do it. But if rather disappointed; I don't renunciation and supposed ho­ not, erase it and keep on eras­ Entered at the seem to be becoming holier. ~ \ - liness." ing it. The world 'I' will disap­ Post Office: Am I becoming a better per­ Will I ever have this holiness, pear. Ogdensburg, NY son this year? I really haven't 1/1 this understanding of the fol­ I just now looked at my book 13669 and changed that much. I still give lowing of Christ - a goal for case with some of my favorite additional mailing offices as in to my usual temptations, Lent? books and I came upon an­ Peri odical Postage. even those that interfere with My next companion will be other good companion for Lent my relationship with God . about prayer. Near the end of Catherine Doherty. Again, I am - that is Brother David Steindl­ Subsaiption: So, I have to get serious his life he studied Buddhism certain that you know about Rast, O.S.B. I have ready and Foroneyear: about my resolutions for Lent. and searched to find meaning her. She is the Founder of the enjoyed many of Brother In-DioceseRate: $27 I need a lot more time for in the prayer life of Buddhists. community of laymen, lay David's books; they have a Outside of Diocese Rate:$3 0 prayer. I simply can't miss He died in an accident while at­ women, and priests called good influence on me. these opportunities give me tending a conference in India, a Madonna House, located in This book that I noticed Mattersfor publication during this sacred season of meeting of Christians and Bud­ Combermere, Ontario. today is entitled, "Gratefulness, should be Lent. dhists. Catherine's writings continue the Heart of Prayer, An Ap­ addressed to The next step for me is to I would like share a bit from to be a gold mine of spiritual proach to Life in Fullness." PO Box 326 find some help from some the writing of Thomas Merton. wisdom and a guide for my Let me share with you a Ogdensburg, NY 13669 companions for Lent. My first This is powerful thought that prayer life. She has always quote from this book: "Maybe I and should be recei ved by thought is Thomas Merton. is familiar to many from his been a wonderful guide for shouldn't have mentioned un­ Thursday prior to You remember him and his book, "Conjectures of a Guilty many years for me. She urges interrupted prayer at all. The publication. wonderful writings. Merton Bystander." me to set good goals for my very thought may seem over­ Paper is printed each became a Catholic during his He writes this: "In Louisville, Lent. awing and scare someone off. Monday; college days and, later on, be­ at the corner of Fourth and I would like to quote from Many of us might, in fact, say: dateline is Wednesday. came a Trappist Monk and a Walnut, in the center of the her book on "Reflections in 'Praying at all times? Goodness! Member, Catholic Press priest. His writings beginning shopping district, I was sud­ Lent." She writes this, "How From when I find myself it Association. with his early biography and denly overwhelmed with the much do I love? How often in would be a long way even to the many journals that con­ realization that I loved all my life does the pronoun 'I' praying at those times when I POSTMASTER: these people, that they were Send address changes to tained his teaching on prayer. disappear - replaced by the am saying my prayersl' All Merton was also very ecu­ mine and I theirs, that we words, them, us, him or her? right, then, let us start once North Country Catholic, could not be alien to one an­ PO Box 326 menical and reached out to In this we have a very simple again where we are. What is it others of various faiths, other even though we were yardstick of love. Let us say a to the secret of that sponta­ Ogdensburg, NY total strangers. It was like wak- 13669-0326 searching for further ideas though comes into your mind: neous prayerfulness? That NORTH COUNTRY CATHOLIC FEB. 24, 2016 IC DIOCESAN LIFE St. Bernard's to Chrism Mass set for March 17 OGDENSBURG - Bishop Terry R. During the Mass, Bishop nounced at that time: to cre­ LaValley will preside at the LaValley will continue to re­ ate a culture of vocations, to host end of life annual diocesan Chrism flect on the diocesan "Christ­ strengthen faith formation in Mass March 17 at 11 .m. St. led, Christ-fed, Hope-filled" family li fe and to build Mary's Cathedral. diocesan vision. parishes with living stones. The Mass is open to all the The bishop originally pro­ Committees have been conference faithful of the Diocese of Og­ claimed the Pastoral Vision working on five goals related SARANAC LAKE - Kathleen Gal­ This is the same type of densburg. of the Diocese of Ogdens­ to the three priorities includ­ lagher, Director of Pro-Life brain cancer as Brittany The liturgy features the an­ burg at the 2014 Chrism ing planning for a vocation Activities for the New York Maynard, the terminally ill nual renewal of priestly com­ Mass. summit in September. The State Catholic Conference, California woman who be­ mitment, the blessing of the During the past two years, event, called INSPIRE, is ex­ will lead a conference on came the public face of the holy oils and consecration of considerable efforts have pected to bring 7000 end of life issues at St. right to die movement in the Sacred Chrism for use in been made towards realizing Catholics to the Olympic Bernard's Church March. 19 2014 when she moved to all churches of the diocese. the three priorities an- Arena in Lake Placid. from 10 a.m. to 3:30 Oregon to end her life under She will discuss proposed that state's Death With Dig­ New York State legislation nity Act. on physician assisted sui­ Hanson is now president cide as well as the Catholic of the Patients Rights Action understanding of end of life Fund, a group opposing as­ issues. sisted suicide efforts na­ The program will also fea­ tionally. ture testimony from j.j. A suggested offering of Hanson, a former Marine, $20 will be accepted for the husband and father who March 19 program to help was diagnosed with with the cost of lunch and glioblastoma in 2014. materials.

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Extraordinary Form Stay tuned in bulletins and the North Country Catholic Every Sunday + 9:30am for more information St. Marys Roman Potsdam II NOR THe 0 U N TRY CAT H 0 Lie ~ DIOCESAN LIFE FEB . 24, 2016

James J. Pecorelli, senior project manager for Baker Liturgical Art,shows one of many Scaffolding lines the interior of St. Stephen's Church in Croghan, supporting workers locations in the ceiling needing reinforcement. Wall and ceiling portions had actually three and four levels above. Parishioners who are currently worshiping in the church become flexible,and if not attended to soon, large chunks would have started to tear Carlos Jaramilla, Queens, tends to resin basement are expecting to be seeing acompleted renovation by Memorial Day. away, he said work along the walls beneath the ceiling. Croghan parish working to save ceiling, artwork from happening has been hear his call, is this: "St. will also assure the safety of the ashes left by a conflagra­ By Dave Shampine blessed by an emergency line Stephen's needs your help our beautiful 1910 Moller tion which leveled 21 struc­ Staff Writer of credit granted by Bishop and support with a very chal­ pipe organ," he said. tures on April 24, 1902, is Terry R. LaValley for the total lenging and crucial repair The specialized conserva­ the fifth in a succession of CROGHAN- A million dollar ef­ anticipated cost, $1.4 mil­ and renovation project." tion process that Mr. Baker Catholic churches to be built fort to save St. Stephen's lion, according to Carol will use is a system that will in the village. A log cabin Church, a landmark dating Schneeberger, parish admin­ $1.4 million project to stabilize and repair the ceil­ first served worshipers in back to when this village re­ istrative assistant and mem­ ing. The work entails repairs 1831. Newer churches were covered from a disastrous ber of the "Restoring our preserve St.Stephen's in the sanctuary, to side built in 1834, 1852, and fire more than a century ago, Tradition" drive to raise Church is underway aisles, walls, the choir loft 1879. began in December. funds for the project. and vestibules, with painting The Romanesque The house of worship, "We believe the factors that For several months, small and re-stenciling with like building that stands today erected in 1902, is in danger aided in the deterioration of pieces of plaster have been colors, and cleaning statues was built in 1902 under the of suffering extensive dam­ the ceiling will be corrected found on the carpet in a few and the Stations of the Cross. direction of Fr. Leo Henrichs, age if renovations are not un­ and the ceiling will be pre­ locations in church, and ''The willingness and dedi­ who is said to have raised dertaken. served for many future gen­ cracks in the plaster have be­ cation of our parish families, funds for his new church by The ceiling shows evidence erations," Father Daniel I. come more visible. extended friends and family traveling up to sixty miles a of "inevitable collapse," an Chapin, pastor, told his "The beautiful artwork and as we move forward in day to beg woodsmen in expert in church renova­ parishioners in a letter last canvas murals painted (in 'Restoring our Tradition' is ," lumber camps for donations. tions, Brian Baker, owner of year. 1933) by Professor Louis Car­ Father Chapin wrote, "an as­ Father Leo, whose name Baker Liturgical Art LLC, The pastor's plea to his racciolo, who studied in Url­ surance of securing the fu­ was taken for the parish Southington, Conn., has de­ people - last year's census bino, , can be preserved," ture of our parish for many school that no longer exists, termined. shows 512 families - and Father Chapin wrote. generations that will follow was murdered during Mass The effort to prevent that anybody else who might ''The repair of the ceiling as a community that God is in 1908 in Denver, Colo. He the source of all that we was once considered for For a New or Used Car have." sainthood. Peaceful Dove Books & Gifts l~ His letter reminded parish­ The last significant renova­ 8 164 Boynton Ave. Sq., Ste 304, Pl attsburgh, N. Y. 12901 ~ Mort ioners that for many of them, tion at St. Stephen's was in parish members in years 1966, although smaller proj­ 8 Bibles, Crosses, Missals, Rosaries, Medals, Cards Backus & gone by "may have been your ects were carried out in 1975 8 Baptism, Wedding & Sacramental Gifts, Statues parents, grandparents, and 2004. In the latter proj­ I ~ Memorial, Candles, Icons, Music, DVDs, Recovery Sons aunts, uncles, cousins or for­ ect, the original church and 8 Willow Tree Products, Seasonal, Maple Syrup & More! On Canton-Ogdensburg Rd. mer neighbors. Their sup­ sanctuary metal roofs' shin­ Gifts oftlte Spirit! Shipping Avaihlble! 315-393-5899 port and dedication has gles were replaced. Hours: M-F 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sat. 10:00 a.m . - 2:00 p.m. helped St. Stephen's to re ­ Anybody wishing to assist main an active and growing St. Stephen's can call the (5 18) 561-5083 parish." parish office at 315-346- Mrs. Linda Bracy and Ms. Mary Beth Bracy CHEVROLET The building, rising from 6958. II N 0 ~ TH e 0 U N T ~ y e A THO Li e FEB. 24 , 2016 IC DIOCESAN LIFE RITE OF ELECTION 'The RCIA made it easy to learn and understand the basics of Catholicism' God, and He has a purpose By Julia Lashomb for each of our lives which In support of RCIA Member, Diocesan Catechumenate Committee can be discovered through prayer and hearing His Members of the Diocesan Catechu­ When you have been word. I know that the menate Committee meet regularly raised Catholic you wonder Church is the Body of to support parishes in their efforts where the people come Christ, and the sacraments toWards implementing the Rite of from who want to be re­ are for our benefit to Christian Initation for Adults and ceived into the Catholic strengthen His body. Children. The committee members Church. Some have been I know that the Church is baptized Christian but indeed bible-based and the are Father Daniel Chapin, pastor in never received the other scriptures areas relevant Croghan; Deacon Patrick Donahue, sacraments of initiation. today as when they were Western regional director of the Others have never been written. Modern interpreta­ diocesan Office of Faith Formation; baptized. Some hear about tion is available for us to in­ Pamela Ballantine, eastern regional Young Hunter Cash signs the Book of the Eleet atthe Rite ofEleetion of Catechumens the RCIA process by word of culcate His word more and Call to Continuing Conversion of Candidates held Feb.14 at St.Mary's Cathedral. mouth, flyers, and ads in easily. I know that we are in­ director of the diocesan Office of Hunter will receive the sacraments ofinitation at St. Mary's and SUoseph's Church in the paper and bulletin an­ vited to His ministry Faith Formation;Julia Lashomb, Massena. He is shown with his sponsor, Theresa Demo. nouncements. No matter through the church commu­ Massena; Starr Burke, Plattsburgh; where they come from their nity and can serve with gifts and Stephen Bateman, Ogdensburg. lives are changed during the and talents He has given us process and after they are can be used and developed. able to receive the sacra­ For me, I feel more confi­ in Christ as a journey, and ment of Holy Eucharist. dent in my faith and that I understand how God is in The following remarks are have a solid foundation and all things along the way. I from a man who has taken resources to use when believe we can discover Him part in the RCIA process at needed. in places we wouldn't ex­ Sacred HeartjSt. Lawrence The RCIA made it easy to pect to if we're open to Parish in Massena. Com­ learn and understand the seeking His presence. ments from other new basics of Catholicism. The I've become more aware Catholics will appear in up­ classes offered us opportu­ of His closeness to us when coming issues of theNCe. nities to explore our own we listen and obey His questions and see things prompting through prayer John states that as a new from each other's various and scripture. I've learned Catholic I now have a perspectives. It gave us to pray regularly, whether it deeper relationship with views on current topics as be a simple silent prayer God through the Trinity. I well as many historical and while working or kneeling in a pew at church. Bishop LaValley greets Dennis Bradley, catechumen for St. Bernard's Parish in Saranac know that we are children of traditional stories. I see life Lake, and his wife Carrie.

PHOTO BY BETTY STEElE PHOTOGRAPHY Dr.John Mclaughlin of Norwood and St. Mary's Church, Massena,a candidate, meets Bishop laValley is shoWn after the Rite of Election With candidates Who Will commit to full communion With the Catholic Church at Bishop LaValley as his sponsor Dr. Charles Robinson looks on. parishes across the diocese at Easter. II NOR TH e 0 U N TRY C AT H 0 Li e DIOCESAN LIFE FEB. 24 , 2016

Bishop's Schedule Environmental Stewardship Diocesan summer youth Feb. 25 - 11 a.m., Council of Priests lent. ... ASpringtime Meeting at the Bi shop's Residence for the Soul camps are announced The etymology of the word Feb.26 - 10:50 a.m ., Mass at StJoseph's Lent means"springtime':How can Home in Ogdensburg Two youth camping pro­ Dates for 12-lS year olds the Catholic faith of each this Lenten Season be a time that grams for the summer of are: Week 1: June 26 -July 1; participant. brings 'springtime' of new life to 2016 in the diocese of Og­ We ek 2: July 3-8; Week 3: During the week, campers Feb.27 - 8a.m. , Mass at 51. Mary's my relationship with God, with densburg have been an­ July 10-IS; Week 4: July 17- will volunteer at various sites Cathedral nounced 22 and Week S: July 24-29. throughout the Ogdensburg my sisters and brothers, and with 4 p.m., Mass for Campus Min­ The program for 16-18 area during the day and par­ the earth itself? istry Retreat at Wadhams Hall in Og­ Camp Guggenheim year olds will be held July 31- ticipate in fun, faith-building The first Sunday of Lent fo­ Registration for Camp Aug. 5. programs in the evening. den sburg Contact: For online infor­ Daily Mass, adoration, cuses our attention on Jesus who Guggenheim 2016 is now is" led by the Spirit into the desert open. mation and registration of penance and prayer nourish Feb.28 - 9: 30a.m ., Mass at 51. 4:1) Camp Guggenheim is lo­ campers see campers for their work in the Patrick's Church in Brasher Falls for forty days" (Lk. to fast and cated on Lower Saranac Lake gug community. pray before he embarks on his in the Adirondack Moun­ gy.html. The cost is $375 per per­ Feb. 29 - 10:30 a.m., Episcopal public ministry. The Church's tra­ tains. The Camp operates six Further information or reg­ son, which includes meals, istration without a computer lodging, transportation to Council Meeting with the Deans of dition offasting provides us with weekly sessions from late an opportunity to be more mind­ June through August. Each is available by calling the the work sites, t-shirts and the Diocese in the Brzana Hall at St. weekly Camp begins on Sun­ diocesan Youth Office 31S- snacks. Mary's Cathedral ful of the act of eatingWhen we day at 3 pm and concludes 393-2920. For information about the pray Grace at meals during Lent, Ogdensburg camp or to reg­ with Liturgy on Friday at 1 :30 March 1- 9:45 a.m ., Episcopal Council it can be a time to remember of pm. Catholic Heart Work Camp ister, please contact man­ how connected we are to all of agers Jocelyn Kelly and Meeting at the Bishop's Resid ence Each week-long session Catholic Heart Workcamp Creation. "The act of eating unites provides campers with a mix (CHWC) has announced that Samantha Poulin at chwc.og­ of faith, fun, and adventure. it will be returning to Wad­ [email protected]. March 2 -12 p.m., Mass at 51. Mary's us to the soil, water, and animals Camp activities include hams Hall in Ogdensburg Also, additional informa­ Cathedral of this planet like nothing else." swimming, kayaking, canoe­ this summer, from Sunday, tion about CHWC can be (Lent 4.2 Program, published by ing, hiking, rappelling, arts & June 26 to Friday, July 1. found at www.heartwork­ Liturgical Press) Pope Francis tells crafts, campfires, dances and This week-long camp is Rest in Peace us"Nature cannot be regarded as more. open to high school (entering something separate from our­ Faith formation and 9th grade in Fall 2016) and Protecting God's Children This week marks the anniversary growth is at the heart of the college students. selves or as a mere setting in of the deaths of the following Guggenheim experience and CHWC is a national organi­ The Diocese of Ogdensburg has which we Iive.We are part of na­ clergymen Who have served in is an important part of every zation whose mission is to scheduled sessions for Protecting ture." the Diocese of Ogdensburg day! Campers are actively in­ inspire young people to live God 's Children for Adults. Pre-regis­ In the words ofThomas Mer­ volved in living out and shar­ as disciples of Christ through Feb.24- Rev.George Belanger, tration online is required in order to ton,"From the moment you put a ing their faith. serving others and to foster 1932; participate. Participants may prereg­ piece of bread in your mouth you Feb. 25 - Rev. William Howard, 1888; ister at by selecting are part ofthe world. Who grew Rev. P.J. O'Connell, O.S.A. , 1895; Rev. the registration button and follow­ the wheat? Who made the James J. Duffy, 1912; Msgr.L. Kevin ing the direction s. All employees and bread? Where did it come from? Conners, 1971 volunteers who participate in church You are in relationship with all Feb. 26 - Rev.Francis X. LaChance, sponsored activities with minor are who brought it to the table. We 1916; Rev.John F.Wiley, 1984 ~7N ~ BUICK' , PONTIAC .~!:!s. @II=,.,-III required to participate Further infor­ are least separate and most in March 1 - Msgr. Alexander P. Landry, mation is available from Atonement common when we eat and "Family owned dealership serving the 1955; Most Rev. Stanislaus J. Brzana, Sister Ellen Donahue,31S-393- drink." North Country for over 56 years!" 1997 For more in fo rm atio n, visit our Website 2920, ext. 1440. Upcoming sessions: Our patterns of buying and at: Feb.25 -1 p.m., Stjames School, eating have an impact on the MARKET ST., POTSDAM, NY • (315) 265-8800 Gouverneur To Report Abuse whole of creation. Did you know April 7 -6:30 p.m., St. Alexander's, that pound for pound, livestock Morrisonville If you have a complaint of suspected requires more water, land, and misconduct involving diocesan energy than growing grains and clergy, religious, employees or volun­ vegetables. Nearly 800 million Here is what one subscriber has to say: teers, contact: Victims Assistance Co­ people suffer from hunger or ordinator, Terrianne Yanulavich, Adult malnutrition while much of the "vV hat a pleasure to be able to read the North Coun try & Youth Counseling Services of corn and soy grown in the world Catholi c onli ne. I am pl eased that it has been offered in Northern NewYork ,413 Ryan Road, feeds cattle, pigs, and chickens. th is man ner - as sometimes [ don't have time to sit and Churubusco, NY, 12923; e-mail: terri­ (Lent 4.2 Program) Consider the read a paper - but when [ can' t sleep at ni g ht - [ log [email protected] Phone: impact from simply choosing to onto the computer. Very ni ce gesture - thanks" 518-483-3261 ; or Father James Sey­ eat less meat this week, as the To sign up to receive the HCCin your e-mail you can call our office at mour, the Episcopal Vicar for Clergy Church encourages us to do dur­ 315-608-7556 at 315-393-2920 ,ext. 1340 ing Lent. II NOR THe 0 U N TRY CAT H 0 Lie FEB. 24, 2016 IC DIOCESAN LIFE Catholic Daughters donate to military groups WILlSBORO - The Catholic different service members Daughters of America Court overseas. St. joan of Arc #867 has The North Country shown support for the mili­ Honor Flight exists to honor tary with donations through the veterans of the North the past year. Country with a trip to Wash­ Members jan Orlowski and ington, D.C. so they can ex­ Robin Pearce undertook re­ perience the thanks of a search to discover which grateful nation. St. joan of groups would benefit most Arc's donation will help fund from funds raised from the their next trip. In addition to court's annual bake sale. monetary donations, they After several discussions, the are in need of guardians to court decided that the Cup of accompany the veterans on joe for joe, the North Coun­ this trip and volunteers to try Honor Flight and the Dis­ see them off and greet them abled American Veterans on their return. Chapter #179 would be the • The Disabled American recipients. Veterans Chapter #179 has a • Cup of joe for a joe is a mission of helping eligible way to express support to veterans receive their right­ the military men and women ful benefits and services that serving overseas through the they earned through their Members ofthe Catholic Daughters of America Court St.Joan of Arc #867 are shown as they present a $100 donation to the Disabled simple act of buying a cup of sacrifices for their country. American Veterans Chapter #179. From left are Greg lee, laurie Mero, Pat Trzaskos, Shirley Estes, TIna Bigelow and Commander Gary premium coffee and having The court's donation will Hamel. it delivered along with a per­ help fund a new van trans­ sonalized message of porting veterans to medical thanks. The court's donation appointments at the VA Hos­ will send free coffee to 25 pital in Albany. NORTH COUNTRY Visit our website Read Bishop LaValley's columns Search archived papers CATHOLIC View diocesan events and much more II (] Find us on Facebook! I!l

cJ;in W M Ive 1Oa(k wget/telv in ttttlv C3/t/udt/-ted, C3/t/udt/-:/ed, Gl-ittpe-:/ittect Who will replace Sister in the fields? cJ;ttIutey qfCla£t;lt

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Order your 2016 Diocesan Directoryt FACES OF FAITH The Official 2016 Directory of the Diocese of Ogdensburg includes detailed information about parishes. schools and other Catholic organizations. Order online at or call our office at 315-608-7556 $15.00 I each I to order yours today!

PHOTO BYHEIDI SAM PLE Members of the Catholic Community of Burke & Chateaugay Youth Group in conjunction with the Chateaugay Community Bowling Alley sponsored a Family Bowling Day eventto help raise money for charity Jan. 31.The students raised $186 and chose to award the money to the Chateaugay Central School Athletic Association. From left are members from the CCS Athletic Association,Josh Secore, Nathan Roach, Dylan LaBare, Derek, LaBare and Rebecca Roach, Mr. LaPlante, Leena Hoseler, representing Chateaugay Community Bowl; and youth group members, Madison McComb, Ainsley Crawford, Drew Crawford, Kennedy Boyea,Anna Dalton,Luke Dalton, Hannah Cook, and Cody Warriner.

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WORKSHOPS FOR PARISH EVANGELIZATION Establishing a Parish Evangelization Team Forming Intentional Disciples workshops Workshops on Documents: Go and Make Disciples, The Northem Conference of the Knights of Columbus recently held a Fourth Degree Exemplification St. Peter's Church, Plattsburgh. Disciples called to Witness, Evangelization in the Pictured are John Recore,Jim Recore,Clarence Rampersad,Joseph Dubuque,and Robert Rodier,all of Plattsburgh; FatherTojo Chacko, Modern World, Joy of the Gospel, On the Role of Massena;WalterTodd, Star Lake; Father Justin Thomas, Ogdensburg; and Clayton Luce,Old Forge; missing from the photo, Father the Laity, etc. Patrick Mundy, Plattsburgh. Evangelization through Social Media ------Welcoming Catholics Home Warm up with Good News! SPEAKING TO GROUPS Telling our Story, Sharing our Faith Visit our website at The New Evangelization and You to pay by Credit Card for immediate delivery. TV, Movies, Games and Evangelization OR Send this coupon with payment to: Speaking to and supporting Young Adult Groups North Country Catholic PO Box 106, Canajoharie, New York, 13317 SUGGESTING RESOURCES **Please allow 3-4 weeks/or delivery when mailing in your renewal * * The Office of the New Evangelization can suggest books,DVD-series, and other material for group study, I w~:~~i~: ~~~;~~:$g$ ~gu;~ ~~ ~:~~~e$~~~ ~:~~~~~i~~n~O ~y prayer groups, and individual enrichment. 'Warm up with a D New Subscription D Renewal e-mail address: subscription to the Name______FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT I North Country Catholic Marika Donders, Director at [email protected] and find out what is Address ______or see I happening with the City______State_ Zip__ _ I Diocese of Ogdensburg. I Parish,______II NORTH CO U N TRY CAT H 0 L I e FE B. 24, 2016 DIOCESAN LIFE

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For more information please contact: Scott Lalone, Executive Director Development Office PO Box 369, Ogdensburg, NY 13669. 315-393-2920 Ext. 1330 [email protected] WORLD/NATION II NORTH COUNTRY CATHOLIC FEB. 24, 2016 VATICAN LETTER News flash: the pope is human During trip to Mexico, Pope Francis delights many and frustrates some, too ring to Blessed Paul VI al­ By Cindy Wooden lowing women religious in Catholic News Service the Belgian Congo in the 1960s to take the pill to VATICANCITY(CNS) -- The pope is avoid becoming pregnant if human. Pope Francis they were the victim of demonstrated that in Mex­ rape, which was being used ico, as he does wherever he as a weapon of war. goes, and most people find Then, answering the ques­ it attractive most of the tion about Zika, he said, time. "Avoiding pregnancy is not In Pope Francis, Catholics an absolute evil. In certain can see a real person trying cases, such as the one I to live his faith in a compli­ mentioned of Blessed Paul cated world. Sometimes he VI, it was clear." The answer waves at them and they can led to headlines saying the see the frayed edges of his pope said it was possible soutane sleeve. When his that using birth control in sciatica is acting up, he response to Zika could be needs extra help going tolerated. down steps. His aides do The pope's responses to not keep his reading journalists, particularly, to glasses, so sometimes he the Trump question and to fumbles with the soutane the Zika question made a pocket trying to get them splash in the news and on out. social media. Crowds "ahhh" when he Thomas Peters, who tenderly strokes the face of tweets as @AmericanPapist, an obviously sick person, tweeted, "For the 1 millionth and they applaud when he time, no more in-flight gives a big hug to a child. papal news conferences However, they can be please!" And a bit later, he shocked when the human added, "Seriously, who be­ side of the pope is impa­ lieves that off-the-cuff inter­ tience or downright anger views at 30,000 feet after a like it was Feb. 16 in More­ CNS PHOTO/PAUL HARING weeklong international trip Iia, Mexico, when one of the Pope Francis embraces Rodrigo Lopez Miranda, 5,as he visits the Federico Gomez Children's Hospital of Mexico in Mexico City Feb. is a good idea anymore?" thousands of people who 14.At left is Mexico's first lady Angelica Rivera. Pope Francis' answer to grab the pope at public tie or none of the printed When people call Pope asked to react to Donald another question, one that events yanked him, pulling text. Francis "the pope of sur­ Trump's accusations that did not make the news, also him on top of a person For people who do not prises," they usually say it the pope is political and, illustrates his human side. seated in a wheelchair. usually agree with Pope with a delighted sense of ex­ since the pope had just cele­ He was asked what he was "What's the matter with Francis, the ad-libbing is pectation. But there are peo­ brated Mass at the Mexican­ praying for during the 20 you?" the pope snapped. just a nightmare. And, those ple in the world who really U.S. border, he also was minutes he sat before the "Don't be selfish!" spontaneous remarks can don't like surprises. asked to comment on image of Our Lady of While security officers be frustratingly incomplete As far back as the papal Trump's proposal to build a Guadalupe in Mexico City. helped the pope back up, or imprecise. trips of St. John Paul II, jour­ wall along the entire length He said he prayed for so Pope Francis caressed the But the pope knows that. nalists have valued being on of the border and deport many things that Mary, face of the boy he'd fallen For example, when he the papal plane because it is millions of immigrants. "poor thing," probably had a on. speaks about the growing the only time they are guar­ Pope Francis answered, "If headache when he was The off-the-cuff Pope gap between the rich and anteed a chance to ask the he says these things, this done. He said he prayed for Francis is very human, too. poor, he openly approxi­ pope questions. Popes do man is not Christian." forgiveness, for the growth That touches people who mates. "If I'm not mistaken -­ not hold regular news con­ The pope was less clear in of the church, for the Mexi­ experience a pope really lis­ the figures are approximate ferences. With Pope Francis, responding to a question can people, for priests, tening to them and who is -- but more or less 80 per­ unlike with Pope Benedict about whether "avoiding nuns, bishops. "I asked for a taking notes as people ask cent of human wealth is in XVI, the questions are not pregnancy" could be consid­ lot." him questions. It sometimes the hands of less than 20 submitted in advance, and ered a "lesser evil" when fac­ But he would not say frustrates journalists who percent of the population," his answers almost always ing the possibility of birth more or give more details. are given his prepared re­ he said Feb. 10 at his weekly make the news. defects from the Zika virus. 'The things a child tells his marks in advance, knowing general audience at the Vati­ Flying back from Mexico The pope used the word mother are kind of secret," full well that he may use Iit- can. Feb. 17, Pope Francis was "contraception" when refer- he explained. II NOR THe 0 U N T R. yeA THO Lie FEB. 24, 2016 Ie-WORLD/NATION Justice Scalia remembered CATHOLIC as both an upstanding Catholic and jurist WORLD informed by his Catholi­ the church." By Mark Pattison cism." The archbishop also took AT A GLANCE Catholic News Service note of the vacancy on the Justice Scalia was arguably bench, given the upcoming WASHINGTON (CNS) - Tributes to hearing on the HHS mandate. Appeals court rules against EWTN,other Catholic groups on mandate the late Supreme Court jus­ the most consequential 'There's no doubt that ATLANTA (CNS) -- The head of the Eternal Word Television Network said Feb.18 tice Antonin Scalia poured in Catholic in American (Scalia's) death introduces in­ that a federal appeals court ruling handed down earlier that day "in effect" or­ almost as soon as news stability in the court and that ders the Catholic global network "to violate its religious beliefs and comply" emerged of his Feb . 13 death public life since the death instability is a source of con­ with the federal contraceptive mandate or "pay massive fines to the IRS. We are at a Texas ranch while on a of John F. Kennedy cern," he said. extremely disappointed that the court has refused to protect our religious free­ hunting trip. "The community of Scalia "was routinely de­ Thomas Aquinas is deeply dom," Michael P. Warsaw, EWTN chairman and CEO, said in a statement. In a 2-1 Rep. Chris Smith, R-New saddened to learn of the scribed as a conservative, jersey, who represents the decision, a three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta and so he was. He held fast passing of justice Antonin upheld the Health and Human Services mandate that is part of the federal Trenton-area district where Scalia," said a Feb. 13 state­ to a lot of traditional values. Scalia was born, said in a Feb. health care law. In one decision, the panel ruled on two cases. One was filed by He loved his church, his wife ment from Michael F. EWTN, based in Irondale, Alabama, and the other was filed by Catholic entities 15 statement that Scalia was McLean, president of and nine children, and his "an extraordinary man of in Georgia -- the Atlanta Archdiocese, Catholic Education of North Georgia Inc. country. He favored small Thomas Aquinas College in deep faith, great intellect and Santa Paula, California. "A and the Savannah Diocese.The majority opinion rejected the Catholic organiza­ government over big, and with -- who wrote complex tions' argument that complying with a requirement it opposes on moral local over national," said a faithful Catholic, a patriot legal analysis with a strength and a brilliant jurist, justice grounds violates its freedom of religion. The decision also dismissed the groups' Feb. 14 column by Catholic and clarity that will leave an University of America presi­ Scalia will long be remem­ position that they would be unduly burdened by the Obama administration's enduring mark on American dent john Garvey written for bered for his fidelity to the "work-around" whereby they could notify HHS in writing of their religious ob­ jurisprudence. Constitution of the United Catholic News Service. "But Smith added, "His commit­ jections and a third-party administrator would be told by the government to as a judge he was a democ­ States," McLean added, call­ provide the objectionable coverage at no charge to employees. However, the ment to the Constitution, as ing his death "an enormous rat, not a conservative, and written and not as inter­ ruling also said the HHS mandate should not be enforced until the U.S. his death diminishes by one loss for our country." preted, and to the separation At the court, in keeping Supreme Court rules on the issue. strong voice our commit­ of powers among the three ment to constitutional with tradition, Scalia's bench branches of government, led chair and the bench directly Synods should get more input from lay faithful, church experts say democracy." to justice Scalia's ongoing "justice Scalia was ar­ in front of it have been VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- An assembly of bishops at the Vatican should have more concern about actions by the draped with black wool crepe guably the most consequen­ Supreme Court which he input from the lay faithful, said church experts attending a seminar hosted by tial Catholic in American in his memory. There also is the head of the Synod of Bishops. Arenewed understanding ofthe role ofthe deemed 'legislating from the a black drape hanging over public life since the death of bench' and which he vehe­ people of God and their bishops "warrants considering not just the bishop of john F. Kennedy," said Vil­ the courtroom doors. Ac­ mently opposed with his per­ cording to a Supreme Court Rome (the pope) and the episcopate in the synodal process, but also the lay lanova University law profes­ suasive arguments and faithful," said a communique issued by the synod's secretary general, Cardinal sor Michael Moreland, a news release, the tradition votes. A truly gifted writer, dates back at least as far as Lorenzo Baldisseri. The communique, released by the Vatican press office Feb. former domestic policy ad­ he offered articulate, consis­ viser to President George W. 1873 when Chief justice 17, provided a brief summary of the conclusions reached by a seminar held Feb. tent and persuasive opinions Salmon P. Chase died. 6-9 at the Vatican. Sponsored by the synod's secretary-general, the gathering Bush, in a Feb. 15 statement. on the important issues of "justice Scalia remarked once President Barack Obama looked at the Synod of Bishops as being at the service of a "synodal church." our time." ordered flags to be flown at during a visit to Villanova A challenge to the federal Participants, who included professors and experts in ecclesiology and canon that there is no such thing as half-staff at the high court law from all over the world, reflected on Pope Francis' call "to overcome self­ Health and Human Services and other federal buildings a 'Catholic judge' just as contraceptive mandate referentiality in the ordained ministries in order to go back to seeing bishops as there is no such thing as a throughout the country, as under the Affordable Care well as at U.S. embassies and those" who each represent their local diocese and together represent the entire Catholic way to cook a ham­ Act is one of several cases church, the statement said. This rediscovery of the bishop's relationship to the burger," Moreland added. military installations scheduled to be heard in throughout the world. local and universal church and the role of the lay faithful requires rethinking "But, in his commitment to March by the now-eight­ textualism, penetrating Scalia's current and past ways lay Catholics can playa bigger part in the entire synodal process -- in member high court. colleagues on the Supreme prose style, and aspects of Calling Scalia "very witty preparing for asynod, in the actual gathering and in implementing final deci­ his jurisprudence, there are Court each issued separate sions, it said. and funny," Archbishop statements. marks of his jesuit education William E. Lori of Baltimore and lifelong Catholic faith. "He was an extraordinary dwelt more on his legal individual and jurist, ad­ While justice Scalia thought mind. "Whether one agrees contentious social and moral mired and treasured by his or not with his juridical ap­ colleagues," said a Feb. 13 questions were best left to proach, he was a brilliant ju­ the political process and not statement by Chief justice to the judiciary, he increas­ rist. I think that even those john Roberts. "His passing is who disagreed with him a great loss to the court and ingly came to worry about widely appreciated him and the state of the legal culture the country he so loyally he took positions that were served." in ways that were inevitably widely appreciated within II NORTH C OUNTRY C ATHOLI C COMMENTARY FEB . 24, 2016 SCRIPTURE REFlEalONS Getting out of our comfort zones for Lent The first reading this Sun­ on a mission to free the Is­ do when watching a TV to the Corinthians, is urging day gives us a favorite story. raelites. He gives God ex­ drama or an old movie. them not to be complacent It's about Moses cuse after excuse in Should we stick to our FEB.28 at all the good they have and the burning protest, but to no comfort zone this Sunday as done, but to make sure they bush. avail God then re­ we hear jesus struggle to Third Sunday of lent have gotten rid of any sin­ Imagine Moses, veals His name to convince his "righteous" READINGS fulness. who at this point, is Moses: "I am who hearers that it's time for ac­ Exodus 3:1-81, 13-15 How about us? Are there just a lowly shep­ Am",tell them that tion, time for them to re­ 1Corinthians 10:1-6,10-12 sins that we've been unwill­ herd, living in exile Yahweh sent you." pent of their sins and Luke 13:1-9 ing to part from? in Midian when he In fear and trem­ change their ways before God is calling each of us wanders with his bling, Moses goes God's grows tired, and this week to move out of sheep to the Holy back to Egypt to an­ brings them to final justice? slavery into the desert free­ Mountain and there nounce God's deci- Toward the end of the God, in His mercy, is so dom of prayer and penance. sees a bush on fire - Monsignor sion to the elders. Gospel, jesus tells them very patient with us. Above all, we throw our­ and the bush is not Paul E. On our Christian about the owner of the vine­ That fig tree is a symbol selves on God's mercy. destroyed. Whitmore journey through yard who wants to cut down of each one of us today. That, of course, means mak­ Filled with curios- Lent, as we hear read his barren fig tree. Year In what way have we per­ ing a good confession - at ity, he moves closer. the stories about the after year, he's waited. Now haps exhausted God's pa­ least once - during this sea­ When he hears a divine prophets, and listen to the he's tired of waiting. Fortu­ tience? Lent is the time for son of grace. command, he takes off his teaching of jesus, there is a nately, he's persuaded to some action on our part that "Merciful and gracious is sandals. danger that we'll keep the wait just one more year.. will remedy that. the Lord, slow to anger and Then God calls him to go same cozy distance that we just one more year!. St. Paul, in his exhortation abounding in kindness." RESPEa LIFE To prepare to vote: dig deeper than the debates tors as well -- that I can no Supreme Court justice An­ running for office has a It's also critically impor­ by Kathleen M.Gallagher longer watch. They play out tonin Scalia made the South website, not to mention a tant to understand what our Director, Pro-life activitiesforthe like Republican and Demo­ Carolina debate seem more Facebook page, a Twitter faith teaches about the NeW York State Catholic Conference cratic reality shows, alter­ uncharitable than usual, as feed and various other apps preSSing issues of the day. nating between spews of his passing on that very day for your phone. You could For that I recommend the Is it just me, or are you as venom and strings of bore­ was politicized before start there, but U.S. Bishops' "Faithful Citi­ weary of these presidential dom. Give me a Law and the country even had a quite frankly, zenship" documents, all debates as I am? Order rerun, an episode of chance to mourn. To those are just available by going to I am so tired of the mali­ House Hunters, a basketball borrow Uncle jesse's fa­ going to give you cious, childish and re­ game, anything but these mous phrase on Full more carefully There is a wealth of infor­ hearsed behavior --- of the God-awful spectacles. House, "Have mercy!" scripted acts. As mation here, like the key candidates and the modera- The sudden death of U.S. Coming from me, an an alternative, I principles of Catholic teach­ admitted political news recommend "On ing and how to apply them junkie, this is quite a the Issues" at to a broad range of issues. Prayer Before an Election statement. What are we www.Onthels­ There are also lots of re­ Lord God, as the election approaches, we seek to better understand the voters to do? sources you can share with The simple answer is, Kathleen "On the Issues" your parish, like prayer and issues and concerns that confront our city/state/country,and how the we have to dig deeper. Gallagher lists all of the liturgy suggestions, bulletin Gospel compels us to respond as faithful citizens in our community. And, yes, we have to 2016 Presidential inserts and announcements, We ask for eyes that are free from blindness,so that we might see each have mercy. candidates and and do's/don'ts for the elec­ other as brothers and sisters, one and equal in dignity,especially those As citizens of this great their positions on a wide tion season. who are victims of abuse and violence, deceit and poverty. country, we enjoy all the range of issues, from inter­ Digging deeper for a rights and privileges and national issues of war and closer examination of our We ask for ears that will hear the cries of children unborn and those protections of the United peace, to domestic issues political choices requires abandoned,Men and women oppressed because of race or creed, religion States of America. We are like health care and gun more time and effort than or gender. blessed. But along with control, to social issues like just sitting in front of the We ask for minds and hearts that are open to hearing the voice of those rights come certain abortion and education, to television. Yet our faith calls leaders who will bring us closer to your Kingdom. responsibilities. And chief economic issues like tax re­ us to do just that. Because among them is the moral we are Catholic, we must We pray for discernment so that we may choose leaders who hear your form and Social Security. It obligation to inform our­ doesn't rate anybody, attack demonstrate that we care Word, live your love,and keep in the ways of your truth as they follow in selves about our political anybody or endorse any­ about the future of this the steps of Jesus and his Apostles and guide us to your Kingdom of jus­ choices. If the television body. It simply gives you country; that we value civil­ tice and peace. performances (and they are each candidate's positions, ity, morality, mercy, and We ask this in the name of your Son Jesus Christ and through the performances) are not in­ based on things they have true public service; and that power of the Holy Spirit. forming us, then we must said on the record, with we vote. do it ourselves. sources for every quote. I Start today. There is much Amen. Virtually every candidate find it helpful. to be done. II NOR. TH e 0 U N T R. ye A THO Li e FEB.24 , 2016 II ENTERTAINMENT AT THE MOVIES ... BETWEEN THE BOOKENDS RISEN fects, whether they involved rior and patron, Pontius Pi­ By John Mulderig slave-powered sea battles or late (Peter Firth), orders Catholic NewsSer vice the parting of the Red Sea Clavius, a few days later, to into towering walls of water, investigate the disappear­ In days of yore, Holly­ were another purely secular ance of the crucified man's wood knew how to make draw. It's a recipe few were body, it strikes the jaded of­ Christian themes payoff at cooking up in the last third ficer as just one more task the box office. Though the of the 20th century, how­ in the endless work of main­ result was not always deco­ ever. taining Roman sovereignty rous - risque content in Avoiding alienation from over a religion-crazed popu­ 1932's "The Sign of the the sacred source material lace. As Caiaphas (Stephen Cross" helped spur the for­ without, on the other hand, Greif) explains, Jesus' fa­ mation of the National Le­ declining into a lazy stance natic followers are spread­ gion of Decency - they were of believers-versus-the­ ing wild rumors of his sometimes spectacular. world piety can be a tricky return from the dead, so And so there arose the business. But the makers of physical proof is needed to biblical epic, a genre which the Resurrection-themed contradict their crazy fable. gave us such iconic specta­ drama "Risen" (Columbia) Assisted by Lucius (Tom cles as the chariot race in have pulled it off to splen­ Felton), an ambitious, 1959's "Ben-Hur" and such did effect. though untested, junior offi­ memorable lines as Wisely, writer-director cer whose major qualifica­ Pharaoh's imperious order Kevin Reynolds begins by tion for serving as Clavius' CNS PHOTO/COLUMBIA PICTURES in ''The Ten Command­ giving us a hard-bitten, cyn­ aide-de-camp lies in the fact Joseph Fiennes and Tom Felton star in ascene from the movie "Risen." ments" (1956): "So let it be ical protagonist. that he's a family friend of written. So let it be done." Clavius Ooseph Fiennes), Pilate's, Clavius sets out on usually effective big-screen dent joy to the character of The formula behind such the Roman tribune at the what he imagines will be a treatment of the origins of Mary Magdalene. films blended some of West­ heart of "Risen," is too bat­ straightforward hunt for a Christianity. The film contains some ern civilization's most famil­ tle-weary and blood-soaked corpse. Instead, of course, Fiennes is especially im­ harsh but mostly bloodless iar narratives - scriptural to entertain any easy hopes the pursuit turns out to pressive as the solitary, violence and a few disturb­ literacy then being a much for the world. So the execu­ have life-altering conse­ combat-haunted warrior ing images. The Catholic more widespread asset than tion of Jesus (Cliff Curtis), quences for him. whose relentlessly practical News Service classification it is today --with action se­ which he witnesses almost Fine acting, lavish settings outlook offers nonbelievers is A-III -- adults. The Motion quences and, preferably, a accidentally, makes little im­ and the sense of humor fre­ a ready path into the story Picture Association of Amer­ love story. pression on him. quently evident in Reynolds' of the Resurrection. And ica rating is PG-13 -- parents High-caliber special ef- Similarly, when his supe- script all add up to an un- Maria Botto brings transcen- strongly cautioned. Book advocates using science to deepen faith reconcile or bridge some of Dennin uses several key less, believers and scientists ent on the mother/God but By Agostino Bono the gaps between the two. building blocks to make his can more easily come to­ is destined to become inde­ Catholic NewsSer vice True, faith and science case: science can't prove or gether to discuss what is re­ pendent while still sharing abide comfortably in many disprove the existence of ality, goes his argument. in the identity/reality of the Walking hand in hand people; but so far no one God; the Bible is not a scien­ Dennin squarely con­ mother/God. through history has not has succeeded in convinc­ tific textbook; science can fronts scientific evidence Dennin is not so convinc­ been easy for science and ing all of the diverse men­ tell us how the earth and its that many things described ing in discussing biblical faith. People on both sides talities in either camp to inhabitants came to be but in the Bible could not have miracles and the afterlife. too often and easily toss in­ accept a basic compatibility. can't tell us why this oc­ occurred, such as God creat­ His basic argument is that vectives at the other, such Adding his voice to the curred; science deals with ing the world in six days. He while science may not be as "superstition" and reconciliation effort is the physical while theology parries this by debunking able to prove specific mira­ "heresy_" Michael Dennin. A cradle and philosophy deal with literal biblical interpreta­ cles or the afterlife, it does At the same time, ambi­ Catholic who continues to the nonphysical. tions such as creationism, provide academic underpin­ tious historical efforts have attend Mass regularly and is To these, he adds a defini­ noting that the Bible is more nings that these things may been made, going back at active in parish life, Dennin tion of God as the "fullness interested in conveying be possible. least to the fourth-century also is a professor of of reality," the "I am who truths rather than facts. Despite some failings, St. Augustine of Hippo, to physics and astronomy at am" of the Old Testament. The book is strongest and Denni succeeds in his over­ the University of California, His thesis is that as science most convincing in its chap­ all aim of showing believers Irvine. Dennin's book, "Di­ helps us understand the re­ ters on creation and evolu­ that science is an aid rather About the book vine Science," uses his faith ality of the physical world, tion. than an obstacle to further­ and scientific knowledge to this knowledge deepens our In these, Dennin uses the ing their faith. "Divine Science: Finding Reason at make a case that believers understanding and personal metaphor of a fetus in the Like science, "true faith, the Heart of Faith" by Michael Den­ should embrace science as a relationship to God, the womb: The mother repre­ agile faith, dynamic faith is nin. Franciscan Media (Cincinnati, tool for deepening their be­ "fullness of reality." While sents God while the fetus about constant reflection, 2015).288 pp., $16.99. lief. arguments over the exis­ represents creation and evo­ constant revision, and con­ As others before him, tence of God can be fruit- lution. The fetus is depend- stant refinement," he writes. II NORTH COUNTRY CATHO LI C AROUND THE DIOCESE FEB. 24, 2016

ADIRONDACK Features: Adoration of the Blessed McMeel Publishing, the publishers of END OF LIFE ISSUES Sacra.m.ent will continue for 24 hours Calvin and Hobbes and The Far Side. He (throughout the night);the Chaplet of and his wife, parents of four sons, reside Saranac lake -Join Kathy Gallagher the Divine Mercy wi ll be sung at 3 p.m. in Brewerton. from the NYS Catholic Conference to dis­ on Friday; Confessions will be heard on cuss proposed NYS Legislation on Physi­ Friday, 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., and Saturday FRANCISCAN MYSTERY PLAYERS cian Assisted Suicide and the Catholic from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. (with two priests Clayton - The Franciscan Mystery Players understanding on End of Life issues. ava ilable at all times) . ofSt. Mary 's and St.john's Churches Date: March 19 present "The Way of the Cross", a dra­ Time: 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. SEVEN LAST WORDS OF CHRIST matic presentation of the Passion and Place: St. Bernard's Church Malone - Aservice of meditations on Death of the Lord. Cost $20 will be accepted to help with the Passion for the beginning of Holy Date: March 25 the cost of lunch and materials. Week has been planned by the music Time: 7:30 p.m. Features: Includes testimony of JJ Han­ ministry of St. Andre Bessette Parish Place: St. Mary's Church son, a former Marine, husband and fa­ Date: March 20 (Palm Sunday) Contact: St. Mary's Parish office,686- ther who will share the story of his will Time: 4 p.m. 3398 or Christine Woodley,778-5125. to fight against a terminal cancer. Place: Notre Dame Church The North (ountyCatholic weicomes contributions to "Around the Diocese': Features: Readings from Scripture, writ­ ADULT BIBLE COURSE CLIMATE CHANGE Parishioners are invited to send information about activities to: ten reflections by the sa intsand other Evans Mills - An adult bible course to be Paul Smiths - Climate change as a moral North (ountJyCatholi~ PO Box326, authors, and songs for both choir and held. issue discussion to be held. Ogdensburg, NY 13669;fax, 1-866-314-7296; congregation . Date: Introductory class, Feb. 24 Date: March 5 e-mail [email protected]. Time:6:30 p.m. Time: 7:30 p.m. JEFFERSON Items must be received in the NCCoffice by the Thursday before publication. Place: St. Mary's Parish Center Place: Paul 's Smith's Freer Auditorium DIVINE COMEDY Features: Part DVD and part discussion, Features: Catholic Climate Change Am­ Date: March 18 Elisabeth Churchill and George Schnob, Watertown -Immacu late Heart Central running 90 minutes on eight Wednes- bassadors from the Nation are invited to Time: 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 Guinness and Baileys for the adults, School is hosting Dan Reynolds ' "Divine days. Start time is 6:30 p.m. Course ma­ bring the light of faith to the topic of cli­ Place: Sacred Heart Parish Center 50/50 raffle and take out ava ilabl e. Comedy" presentation "How to give terials are free. mate change. Dr. Gerry Gacia, head of Cost: Adults $10; Children 6-12, $5.Take yourself a'faith-lift'with humor." Contact: Students should register in ad­ Cardiology in Rochester, who has spoken outs available for $10. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE Date: March 8 vance at 767-1065. several times in our Diocese on care for Features: fried perch, macaroni and Plattsburgh - 40 Days for life to be held. Time: 6 p.m . God's Creation, will be one of the pan­ cheese, tater tots, cole slaw, dessert. Date: Feb. 10- March 20 Place: IHC;free and open to the public. SPAGHETTI & MEATBALL DINNER elists. Event is supported by Catholic Cli­ Place: In front of Planned Parenthood Presenter: Dan Reynolds, a professional Evans Mills - ASpaghetti and meatball mate Covenant and National Science SETON SPAGHETTI DINNER Time: 7 a.m .to 7 p.m. cartoonist and part-time coordinator of dinner will be held to benefit the Indian Foundation and is being promoted by Plattsburgh - The Seton Catholic Na­ Contact: Nancy Belzile at 518-593-6024 parish life at Divine Mercy Parish in Cen ­ River Knights of Columbus. the Faith and Ecology Groups in the Dio­ tional Honor Society is sponsoring a or [email protected] info tral Square, NY.A native of Oswego, he Date: Ma rch 5 cese.The Public is invited. No cost. Spaghetti Dinner. at graduated from SUNY Oswego, spent Time: 4 p.m. to 7 Contact: Curt Stager at cstager@paul­ Date: Feb. 27 four year in the Navy and then worked Place: St. Mary's Parish Center smit or Sr. Bethany Fitzgera ld,SSJ Time: 4 p.m. to 6:30 LENTEN ADORATION 22 years at the Oswego City County Cost: Adults, $7; Seniors, $6; Children at srbethssj@gma Place:Seton Academy Plattsburgh - St. Peter's will offer Adora­ Youth Bureau as the Youth Activities Co­ under 12, $5; under 5,Free CLINTON Cost: Adults, $8; Children under 12, $5 tion of the Blessed Sacrament during ordinator. For the past 25 years, Dan has Features: Take outs available, money is Lent on Mondays and Tuesdays in the been a professional cartoonist. His car­ DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY PANCAKE BREAKFAST being raised to build four houses for the Chapel. Will conclude with Benediction toon work is distributed nationally via Watertown - Our Lady of the Sacred Treadwell Mills - St.Alexander & St. Mission of Hope this summer. on Tuesday of Holy Week at 7 p.m .. National Greeting card companies like Heart Church wil l hold a Divine Mercy Joseph 's Church will hold an all you can Schedule: Mon. and Tues American Greetings. He has five nation­ Sunday Celebration. eat pancake breakfast. PANCAKE BREAKFAST Time: 7:30 a.m. until 9 p.m. ally published books with Andrews CONTINUED ON BACK PAGE Date: March 6 and April3 West Chazy - StJoseph's Men's Club will Time: 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ESSEX host their Annual AII- You-Can-Eat Pan­ Place: StJoseph'sChurch parish hall cake Breakfast. ST. PATRICK'S DINNER IMMACULATE HEART CENTRAL SCHOOL Cost Adults, $7; Children 6-12, $3; Date: March 6 Elizabethtown - The Annual St. Patrick's under 5, Free MYSTERY PLAYERS Time: 8:30 a.m. to noon dinner. ham or corned beef, sponsored by LENT 2016: "Oh, The Places We'll Go Tour" Place: Parish center St. Elizabeth's parish to be held. SPAGHETTI DINNER FUNDRAISER Cost: Adults, $7.50; Children 6-10, $3; Date: Ma rch 13 Date Place Time Morrisonville - St. Alexander Church and under 5, free Time: 2 p.m. to 6 Feb. 26 Sacred Heart C hurch Watertown 7:00 p.m. the Knights of Columbus 7248 and 6067 Place: St. Elizabeth 's Parish Hall Feb. 28 St. Mary's C hurch Evans Mills 7:00 p.m. will host a spaghetti dinner fund raiser ST. PATRICK'S DI NNER Cost: Adults, $12; Children under 12, $5 March 6 St. Mary's Church Copenhagen 7:00 p.m. for vocations to the priesthood. Peru - Catholic Daughters' Ct St Monica's March II St. Stephen's C hurch Phoenix, NY 7:30 p.m. Date: April 30 FRANKLIN to have their annual St Patrick 's Dinner. March 13 St. Anthony's C hurch Watertown 7:00 p.m. Time: 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Date: March 12 24 HOURS FORTHE LORD Place: St. Alexander's Jubilee hall March 17 St. Peter's C hurch Rome, NY 7:30 p.m. Time: 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 Malone - AJubilee of Mercy observance Cost Adults, $8; Children 6-12, $3; March 18 St. Matthew's Voorheesville, NY 7:30 p.m. Place: St.Augustine Parish Center called for by Pope Francis has been C hurch under 5, Free Cost:Adults, $10; Children 4-12, $5 planned for Franklin Deanery March 19 Immaculate Fayetteville, NY 7:30 p.m. Features: Corned Beef or Ham dinner Date: March 4-5 Conception Church ANNUAL FISH FRY with all the trimmings. Iri sh Dancers, Time: 1 p.mJriday to 1 p.m. Saturday March 2S St. Patrick' s C hurch Watertown 7:30 p.m. Chazy - Sacred Heart Church to have its Traditional Irish music performed by Place: Notre Dame Church annual fish fry. www.ihcschools.orglspiritual-life/mystery-players II N 0 ~ THe 0 U N T ~ yeA THO Lie FEB. 24, 2016 II NEWS OBITUARIES ... ' ;:;; I "" The Pontifical Mission Societies of the Bombay - Gerald F.Jock, 89; Funeral Massena - Phyllis (Treers) Marlow, 86; Fu­ neral Services Feb.19, 2016 at Church of Services Feb.8, 2016 at StJoseph's neral Feb. 13, 2016 at Church of Sacred the Assumption. l,-,!~~~~.~H"~l Diocese of Ogdensburg, Inc. Church; burial in StJoseph's Cemetery, Heart; burial in Calvary Cemetery. /' The Society for the Propagation of the Faith Bombay. Rouses Point - Rodney J. Harvey, 57; Fu­ ,. I ... ~ \ Sr. Mary Ellen Brett,SSJ,Director Massena - Joseph R. Romeo, 78; Funeral neral Feb. 22, 2016 at St. Patrick 's 622 Washington st., Ogdensburg, NY 13669 Burke - Freeda H. Whitney, 98; Funeral Services Feb.17, 2016 at St. Mary's Church; burial in parish cemetery. - (3 15) 393-2920; la, 1-866-314-7296 [email protected] Services Feb. 19, 2016 at St. George 's Church; burial in Calvary Cemetery. Church; burial in Ridgeway Cemetery, St. Regis Falls - Raymond A. Susice, 85; Morrisonville - Bertha M. (Martin) Wood, Funeral Feb. 18,2016 at St. Ann's Church. Hogansburg - Cecelia "Sadie" Peters, 96; 86; Funeral Services Feb. 19,2016 at St. Discover the Funeral Services Feb.15, 2016 at St. Regis Alexander's Church; burial in St. Phillips Tupper Lake - Gloria "Dolly" May La­ Church; burial in StJoseph's Cemetery, Cemetery. Pointe Gerrelts, 81; Funeral Services Feb. Akwesasne. 13,2016 at St. Alphonsus Church; burial Missio App Norfolk - Agatha P. (Robideau) Carson, in St. Alphonsus Parish Cemetery. Missio is a mobile digital technology platform that offers Lowville - Nancy C. (Feisthamel) Boliver, 86; Funeral Services Feb. 20, 2016, at a direct, reliable and communal way to be a change-maker 77; Funeral Services Feb. 19, 2016 at St. Church of the Visitation; burial in parish Tupper Lake - Alan LaFlamme, 53; Fu­ in some of the world's poorest places. Direct: Missio gives Peter's Church; burial in St. Stephen's cemetery. neral Services Feb.16, 2016 at St. you an unfiltered access to those in greatest need - and to Cemetery, Croghan. Alphonsus Church . those who are making the greatest difference in their lives. Newcomb - Elizabeth Mary Fennessy; Reliable: Our existing global network guarantees that Lowville - Shirley E. Dening McGrath, 90; Funeral Services Feb.19, 2016 at St. Tupper Lake - Theresa A. (LaLonde) Ya­ your support will go directly to the project and the people Funeral Services Feb. 18, 2016 at St. Therese; burial in parish cemetery. worski, 66; Funeral Services Feb.17, 2016 that you select. Peter's Church. at St. Alphonsus Church. Communal: You can get in touch with others close by or Plattsburgh - Ambrose J. Kipp, 92; Fu­ friends around the world to make a difference. Malone - Martin "Marty" G. Bissonette, neral Services Feb. 22, 2016 at St. Peter's Watertown - Peter E. Hare, 66; Funeral What is Missi07 83; Funeral Services Feb. 20, 2016 at Church. Services Feb. 19,2016 at St. Anthony's Missio is an online tool that connects people to the peo­ ple to change the world, providing a variety of ways to Notre Dame Church; burial in Notre Dame Church; burial in Glenwood Cemetery. show your support: give, share or act. Who is behind Mis­ Cemetery. Plattsburgh - Byron T. "Joe" Mosher Jr., si07 Pope Francis launched Missio from the Pontifical Mis­ 86; Memorial Services March 18,2016 at Westville - Odena Emma (Henault) Chat­ sion Societies in May 2013 as a way to disseminate news of Massena - Bernard l. M.Ashley, 65; Fu­ St. Peter's Church; burial in So. Glens Falls. land, 91; Funeral Services Feb. 18, 2016 at heroic work being done all over the world. The latest ver­ neral Services Feb.15, 2016 at Donaldson Our Lady of Fatima Church; burial in St. sion of Missio makes connecting people with people and Funeral Home. Redford - Dona J. (Hart) Parnell, 72; Fu- Joseph 's Cemetery, Bombay. projects so much easier. Missio is an app you may download from iTunes or GooglePlay. It is currently available for iOS and Android, Follow Pope Francis on and a web based interface is under development. Below is Twitter! an example of something you may find on Missio .... News From The Change-Makers ... Tuberculosis is one of the most common infectious dis­ Elemal Father, Mass eases worldwide. While significant progress has been made W#Pontifex we lift up to you these Rosa ry toward its elimination in the United States, this disease re­ and all lhe pri esls of Ihe world Fasting Sanctify thcm. Day Offering mains an urgent public health threat in many other parts of Hea l and guide them. Eucharistic Adoration the world. In the Philippines, Sister Maureen Cejas is work­ Mold them into the li keness and OlTering of SuITe rin gs ing to change that. holin ess of your Son , Jesus, Di vine Mercy Chaplet the Eterna l High Pri est. At the Canossa Health and Social Center, she and the May the ir li ves bc pleas ing to other Sisters in her Community serve the poorest of the you. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen poor who are sick and suffering. Patients receive free health Thc DiocaeofOa