THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY liyY-FOURTH ¥EAR~No Entered as Second Class Matter Published Poet Offlce. Weatfleld, N. J. WESTFIELD, , THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1954 Every Thursday 32 Pa,«a—-6 Cmmu lubhouseVarianceWins Church Council Mrs. Day Succeeds Foose As Ketcham Explains Town Gives Site tpd Approval Of Board Sponsor Excursion President Of Adult School Here Significance of To Rye Beach Reports given at the annual Special Election Spring Art Exhibit meeting of the Westfield Adult Notes 25th Year To Rescue Squad School Association held at the Jun- Mindowaskin Park Needs Approval June 12 Outing ior High School Monday evening Board President Features Boat "show the school to be in excellent Urges Residents to Red Cross Annual The annual spring exhibit of the Of Town Council condition, both financially and in Mayor Names 3 Ve$rtfield Art Association will be Trip Thru Sound the service being offered the com- Vote Authorization Meeting Here May 19 feeld Saturday in Mindowaskin munity," Weyman O. Steengrafe, ark from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Original Application On the morning of June 12, director, announced today. "We wish to remind the voters The annual meeting of the West' To Health Board heine of the show, which is open families of the member churches A. total of 852 were enrolled for of Westfteld," Frank Ketcham, field Chapter, American Red Cross the public, is "Westfield and Approved March 25 of the Westneld Council of the 25 courses offered in the fall president of the Board of Educa- will be held at the Chapter House cgiity". Churches will board trains for Jer- semester and 616 students in the tion, said today, "that on Tues- 321 Elm street, May 19 at 8 p.m. Council Awards Jjhe paintings will be for sale For the second time, the Board sey City, where they will transfer 19 courses of the spring semester. day, May 25, we will ask them to The public is invited to attend. Paving Contract i* members of the committee of Adjustment Monday night un- The total of 1368 enrollments was vote authorization of the purchase animously recommended that the to the S.S. "Pennsylvania" for a Iriljjbe on hand to aid prospective boat trip to Playland, Rye Beach, greater than last year's registra- of approximately 17 acres on Rah- Town Council passed > r«*olu> uKcollectors. George L. Schnable Woman's Club be granted a zoning tion, Mr. Steengrafe, reported. way avenue. The cost of $50,000 variance to convert a 17-room col- If. Y. tion at its meeting Monday nifht j i| charge of the affair, aided by Following the success of last Robert L. Foose, president, pre- will be met by using the $33,000 Dinner Tonight for which authorized the town to rent lack Langstaff, Curtis Hicks, Roy onial house at 31S S. Euclid ave- sided at the meeting which was received from the recent sale of nue into a clubhouse. year's trip, the Baptist Church, property on the south side of - fonts and Frances Pencyl. originator and sponsor of the ex attended by representatives from the 3.7 acres on Shackamaxon Town Fathers Spring street to the Volunteer The variance is subject to ap curslon, suggested that the local the sponsoring organizations, drive, and by transferring to tho Rescue Squad for $1 • year for '. proval of Town Council which wil Council of Churches take over the members of the Citizen's Commit' capital account, $10,000 from thi 20 years. The squad plant to ' not act on the recommendation sponsorship of the outing and that tee and elected directors of the bond and interest account and $7,- GOP Committee Given erect an L-shaped building OB MM . id Health Drive until May 24. Town Council hope all member churches be invited to association. He stated that "the 000 from the current expense ac- property if a $26,000 building fund to act on the board's recommends Westneld school holds an out- count. Testimonial Affair tjon at its meeting Monday, but i participate. campaign now in progress ia a aue. The schedule for the day is standing position In the state be- "This property would be used cess. The new structure would in- ;ins Sunday board meeting, scheduled prior t( cause of the enrollment, the va. as a general recreational area and Mayor Charles P. Bailey and the council session, continued be follows: 8 a.m., trains leave West- Polic. CRi.f Albert Pfirrmmn corporate a building now on th* field; 11:30 a.m., arrive Rye riety of courses offered and the of 948 North avenue will cele- as a site for a future school, members of the Westneld Town land and would contain * garage - yond the g o'clock starting time of caliber- of the courses." should one become necessary. In Council will be honored tonight Funds Will Aid the council meeting. Beach; 3:45 p.m., leave Rye Beach, brate the completion of hU 25th for two ambulances, an office, « and 7:30 p.m., arrive Westneld. Th« following were elected to year


f "4i - r*


through the store and at our new Home Branch, Highway 22, you'll find the biggest bargains ever! Fresh, new, exciting merchandise you need right 'I-'*! now for yourself, for your family, for your home* Every item is first quality, every item is from one of our regular manufacturers! Our every depart- ment is bulging with values for you, so come early . . . celebrate this Once-a-ycar event ivilh us! Ten full days of big bargains just in time for summer!

enter your name and WIN A 1954 FORD MAINLINE! beautiful 8-cvliiider Fordor Sedan

You have nothing to guess .. .no slogans to write. All you do U register at any one of the conveniently located booths on our street floor. That's all there is to it. And next thing you know, you might be driving through our beautiful Neiv jersey hills or perhaps on your way to the shore in this brand new '54 Ford! Of course, Tepper employees and their immediate families are not eligihle to enter this contest. Contest will expire Satur- day, May 2%nd, at 6 P. M. from F. Day Co., Plainfield, N. J. Page four THE WESTPTELD (N. I.) LEADER. THURSDAY, MAY %Z, 1&54 ! jfiven by each class, in which ev- • LEGAL NOTICES • Mayor Signs Proclamation • LEGAL NOTICIS LEGAL NOTIQJ OBITUARIES ! eiy child will participate. All i dances are lesrned as a pert of SI.lllIJ PHOPOSAIS JO" THE j (frandrhildrcn ar.d st-ven gn-at- ten rt-r o« i „, £»»W »„„„, the indoor physical education pio of the n tllp Edward McGuire STBKK MWt proposals inun al»u], ""< M4 j,jj I grandiViiSdicn. Biam under the direction of Mi" id thy Offl tllt> 3 11 ri» l Edward McGuire, E7, oi 722 j Fiiat'iiil services were* privatf. M fdt lH I,OT So. J-A. by a surety «,mi,a,,," '™'n|i«iB Kahway avenue, died Monday I Lillis Hull, supervisor of Klu I 'l Tun SEALED pROI-' t I pivnliie. Jluy 21. 1H.M, »t i- <• P1ali» and s|jiT.|ii,.(f, | Private fmHTa! .siTVirt'.s Wt re 'with three May pole dances with tUnvllBhl-KavinB Time) 'or Hie A carpenter, contractor, he "we? rh* 1 ^ trd uf iMttxlois is torn iuiimiMl..u ,,l Hie Pn»ii«l Ktrc-et l lhl< j he-Id at Cray's funeral Home la t \li children from each fguith 1* rd t)f Hit il»\e mentioned pel* J<.nn T. Hnpki," -] ,,. Otis,* born in New York, snd had lived , us nil Arnold A *Miii\.irtz 70? ..lunkipal P.irliinii !/'" gu;ird rail, curbing if. in the intn.,,1', „,.*"' or all y? liam P. Ciane of 014 Lenox ave- In iin-01dIfi% hi writing to pcbtlt ond' other wmk tiicidctual th;il^ tmiKt U*' iu'.cunij'ank-d 35 years. He was a communicant LEGAL NOTICES l.v ii c, rtlllrf rli.fl,- iiaj-nlilc to the bini' after a long illness. The Rev. MKiied of Holy Ti'mity Church aJid a Hull* Stun We order i'f tlitt Tl-eamtri-r e Town .:„.„ --4& member of Carpenters' Local 020, Richard L. Smith, associate Tunu*- 41 Kinil ill ruin ter of the Presbyterian Church, •VIM field \ J AFof L of Spring-field. l"-2t Tees $6.60 i officiated. Interment was in Fail- ml adopti'tl by thf Surviving besides his widow, are t Hi.- T or Wtstlieltf at view Cemetery, I ilitf tliurruf l.uld May Itlfllf . 1!>".<. piir HI:AIU\<; two daughters, Mrs. Robert W. ! Robert was born in Plainfield. JAN13 F. JOXKS, 7.OMNK OHI>lNA]«rK Willard and Mrs. David M. Hart, Ttnvii Clerk. Mountalnsldp, N, J. j Surviving besides his parents are May U. 19T.4 both of Westfteld; a son, Edward I three sisters, Vivian, Karen aif8 f!R\rcHAl. OimiVANTK Nil. 7112 NOTITK IS HE11EBV O.1VKN that 3P, of Mountainside and 14 uiand- n public- heuriiig will lie held by Shirley, all at home, his paternal l\ IIIII>I\>M i: ioil Till} ( III:A- liiv liourd of ZoniiiK AdjuBtmeiit in Ugh**r than springtime! children. grandpan-nls, Mr. and Mrs. Hen- TIJ».V OF A IM.AWINC- »O.*ltf> Hit' IVimcIl ^liainber, KoroURh Hall, 1\ THK TBKS OK WKKTF1KM1. ry M. Crane Sr. of (Trlando, Fla.i T'liesthiy evening, ainy 2."i, 1954, at Funeral services were held yes- IIIIM'V OF IAIUV AM) STATK S:l", o'clui-k, on the mntfer of an terday morning from Dooley Fu- and his maternal grandmother, or ]\i.:\v j|.]it»Ki, i'ii(ivii)i.\fj application of THE "WOODLANDS I neral Home, Craniord, and from Mrs. J. I. Crane of Westfielti. HU TliK AlTOIXTMK^l1 OF COHPOHATICW. Route 22 and Bver- MKVUKIIS TIIKKIOTO. AM) Slri'- grren Court, Muiliituinwlde, N. J. BIze —Weatfield Studios Holy Trinity Church. Interment ll\<; FOHI'H THKI1I III TIK.S nf lot: Kront »6. Hear 81. Dfpth 826. To erect a one-family dwelling on •Uror Ch«rl«. P. Bailer »'tn« th« procUmatisB Jeii n»ting the •was in St. Gertrude's Cemetery, Mrs. Ella J. Moore 2\('l,t*l>l.N4i THK FUKPARATIO* Lot 3A. Block fiA, 3!i2 Ontral Avt.- f A\ll A1IOFTIOV UF A MANTKll period fr*m May 14 U 21 •« "National Foot rUnhh Week". "Woodbridge. Mrs. Kila 3. Moore, widow of PLAN: KKI1\I\<; AS A 7.O\l\(i nue. ATI contrary to the Zoning 1 Ordinance. Present Ordinance re- Loskm an an Dr.'M. P. B.bbit (left) tni Or. Henry Turner. Charles 0- Moore, formerly i ; A\l) T11H Al - miircs lot to be 100 x liVO feet. f Westfield, died iast Thursday rnoviL OK srunnisiox BOARD OP A!>Jl!ST5TENT The Mayar ur(«4, in the proclamation, that all roidenti, particu- n.ATSi FOK mill'll'AL PI.AS- Ralph Dletz, Chairman larijr parenta, aacten, teachera, nartet, ihoe merchant! and William Von Borstel Jersey City. Nl>« PI HPOSES II* ACIOHU- Harry Lake, Secretary MOUNTAINSIDE—William P She is survived by three sons, A\C i: WITH IIIMTKH 4.1:1 OF r,-13-lt yeee J3.36 repairmen and all ethen ialereited in cooperating toward im- THE LAWS OF IBM AM) DIKVI). pravisa the faat heallk af our cemmiinity participate in the Von Borstel, 227 New Providence Joseph M. Moors of Plainfield, C. > neiTi A>n sLi i-i,i;jii;.vrs Hi ii lie III;AHIX; public eaacatiaa proaran ipsaaaraa by tne N. J. Chiropodiati road, died last Wednesday in Muh- Gilbert Moore of Albany, N. Y., 'I'llKHKTORPRrl.Al, Olllll.VA. M i; so. 113T XOMI.NU (IHDK.IHK lenberg Hospital, Plainfield. A na- Mountainside, N. J. Society during Ilia week. and James J. Moore of Elmhurst, Ax OHDIVAM i: <:IIA\TIM: l-i:n- Way T. 1954 tive of New York, he had lived in IH. MISSION TO < Alll, «. SI>AI)i:il NOTICB 18 HEREBY GIVEN that Mountainside for 52 years. A TO COJiSTRrCT SA.VITARY n puhlk. hearing- will be held by the • LEGAL NOTICES • • LEGAL NOTICES • Hoard of Zoning Adjustment In the self-employed painter, he was the SI;\\I:H i> iii.ot K 1171. Council Chamber, Borough Hall, husband of Mrs. Nettie L. Von C. Norinan Norloff 5-1 3-1NOTICi1 O TO CHEDITOHFeesS $5.28 Tuesday evening:, May 2ii, 1954, at Fimuc swih sion plat»: for Poroug'li j>Ianiiinsr Estate of CLIFFORD P. HUTCH- S:15 o'clock, on the matter of an Public Notice Is hereby given that punpoaes In accordance with (.Muiptor Borstel. He was a member of the Funeral services for C. Norman ING?, deceased. application of IlAnRY PIVNICK, two ordinances entitled n« follows, 433 of the Ivaws of 1853 nnd amend- Mountainside Union Chapel, Norloff, 41, of 52 West Broad Pursuant to the order or CHARLES ItSu Highway 22, Mountainside, K. J. were paused and adopted by the ments mid supplements thereto. A. OTTO, JR., Surrogate of the to erect a 1-story factory-type ma- Council of the Borough of Moun- Surviving, besides the widow, street, who died May 4 were held County of Union, made on the twen- sonry building of approximately tainside at a meet Ins thereof held THE! UAjl are two daughters, Mrs. Robert Friday from the Kossi Funeral tieth day of AprilA.P., 1954, upon 25,000 Sq. ft. All contrary to the May II, 1854, OHIK.\A\<'IO OF HOl.VrA the application of the underelgiied, Zoning Ordinance. BOBEBT r-AINQ, AN ORDINANCE establishing iMcCoIlum at home, and Mrs, How- Home, 1937 Westfield syenite, as ftxecufor of the estate of sala BOAUD OP ADJUSTMENT borough Clerk. rules, regulation^ and standards ard Byers of Alma, Mich.; two Scotch Plains. deceased, notice Is hereby given te> Ralph Dletz, Chairman May 8, 1954 governing the suUdivieion of land the creditors of said deceased to Harry Lake, Secretary within Mountainside, New Jei'Rey, sons, Joseph of Springfield and A Solemn High Mass of Requiem exhibit to the subscriber under oath -,-n-n Fees 13.00 HO.flO ONUmABrCE pursuant to the authority set forth Sumner of Kenilworth; nine was sung at St. Bartholomew's or affirmation their claims and de- AN ORDINACR for the Creation of In Chapter 433 of the UIWB of 195a, mands against the estate of said \OTICR a Planning Board In the Borough of and amend men ta and Hupploments Church, Scotch Plains with the deceased within nix months from Take Notice that Paul W. Twllley, Mountainside, County of Union, and therPto; getting" forth the proceeduie Rev. John Nelligan, pastor, offici- the date of said order, or they -will trading: as Elm Liquor Shop, has State of New Jersey, providing: for to be followed by the Planning be forever barred from prosecuting applied to the Mayor and Council of the appointment of members there- Board and the Governing- Uod1 y In ating. Interment was at Holy Re- or recovering! the same against the the town of Westneld for renewal to, und eetting1 forth their duties In- .applying and admiiiistering tlip^e deemer Cemetery, South Plainfield. subscriber. rules, regulations and standards; •3 YEARS OF of the PLKNAHY RETAIL, DISTRI- cluding thp preparation and adop- and jirovtUinK penalties for the vlo- John A. Hutchlngs, BUTION LICENSE heretofore Issued tion o1f a master plan; serving as a.1(411 on thereof. ExocutDr for premises situated at 9-11 Elmzoning commission; and as a referral 5-13-lt , P#s $6.^8 Snevlly & Ely, Attys. Sfreet, Weatfield. agency for the approval of subdivi- Franklin School Ill Quimby St. Objections, if any, should be made Immediately in wrltlne to Jane F. May Day Program Westdeia, N. J. Jones, Town Clerk of Westflelti, N. J. 4-22-U Fees fD.OO Signed Straw has the Green Dot! JgcuUrsfup PAUL, W. TW1LL15T, NOTICE The Benjamin Franklin School Take notice that Kay, Tncorporat- r>47 Summit Ave. will present a May Day program d, t/a Mayfair Super Market, has Westfleld, N. J. Noit of our buslntu amn thrcu{!i Luplled, to tne Mayor and Council 13-:t Fees ft.SC Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. The pro- >f flie Town of "Westneld for trans- pupil *•'»• thoughtfully served, gram will begin with a .proces- fer of Limited Retail Distribution NOTICK Hit rtiion-imleretindins, sincere License for premises altuated at 223 Take Notice thnt HAHRY VITA sional with the ^!ay Queen, Bar- North Avenue, Weslfleld, K. J, for- BTtmcKE nnd GEOHaB WILKINS, Delray Panama IUMMM tni) dependability In help. bara Ullrich, and her attendants, merly Issued to Dildner Bros., t/a trading as Robert Treat Llciuor Shop, Kings Super MarKet. have applied ot the Mayor and Coun- Inf you ultel I fins monument. Patty Whitenight and Mary Jane The names and addresses of the cil of the Town of Westneld, for Wiendl. officers of lltls buBiness are Stanley renewal of the PLENARY RETAIL Kiiufclt, President, 115 Donaldston DISTRIBUTION LICENSE for prem- This will be followed by dances Street, Highland Park, N. J.; Murray ises sltunted at 115 Quimby Street, Criip, imported itrav that ihades your head, Kaufelf, VIce-PresKleiit, naritan Wentaeld, N. ,T. SNACKS' • keeps you looking fresh, comfortable and CAIin O*> THANKS Gardens, New Brunswick, N. J.: Jack Objections, if any, should be made 2VI3STOH—The family of the late Kaufelt, Treasurer, 1127 lilchford Immediately, in writing,1 to Jane F. business-like. We feature the Delray in many William C. Nestor WIBII to express Terrace, Elizabeth, N. J.; Irving Jones, Town Clark of Westfleld, N. J. their Mncere thanks nnd apprecln- Kaufolt, Secretary, Heddeld Village, (Signed) handsome, exclusive bands — and every hat tlon to neighbors and friends for Metuehen, N. J. HARRY STURCKB, is marked with the famous Green Dot — that the kindnesses extended during their Objections, if any, should be made 415 Klmball Turn, rueent bereavement. Immediately in writing to June P. WeRtBeld, N. J. •hows it's first quality, shape-retaining and The Nestor family Jones, Town Clerk of WestflGld, N. J. • OEOnaB WIMCENS, VITA FOOD PRODUCTS, INC. Water-repellent trutcd. $5. Signed: 2220 Coles Ave., <:AHI> OK TIIASKS Scotch Plains, N. 3. 4U4 GREENWICH ST. NEW YORK 14 VOX lll>im'ri;L^-Th« widow and Mayfalr Super Market B-6-2t Pees H.02 children of the lat'e William P. Von 223 North Avenue Hor»tel oi Mountainside wisii to Westfleld, N. J. U L. MANNING & SON thank relatives ami THemls who 5-6-2t Fees $7.70 £«. 1861 were so lielpful !n the famlly'B re- PlillMC NOTICE 8Unl«7 Burner. O-vner cent bereavement. Their willing sila Take notice that Albert J3. Peter- HI WM> Frwit it. T.I. ftalnfi.ld 4-0704 In this time of grief -was greatly son, Jr., has npplled to die Mayor Qluitrittd Booklet Sent Upon ReaueaL appreciated. and Council of the Town of Weat- Mrs. William Von Borstel fleld for renewal of a PLENARY Butltcn o( Quality Mor.umeou RKTAIXi.ClSTlUDUTlON LICENSE lilt' "*. Tor Pv«r M Itu for premises situated at 1120 South t WESTFIELD, 18 ELM ST. Avenue, West, Westfield. • Objections, If any, should be made • PLAINFIELD, 111 PARK AVt Immediately In writing: to Jano P, Open Men. A Fri. Jones, Town Clerk of Westneld, N. J. Westfield 2-5696 ALBERT B. PETERSON, JR. Til 9 P.M. t/a Peterson's Home Beverage Service 1120 Soulh Avenue, West ilWYATTS: ' Westneld, New Jersey n-0-2t Fees $4.62 YOU I AM BE SORE OF WITHER NOTICF1 OP SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVBN, that Hie final account of the subscriber, Have Fun On Your Holiday Executor under the Last Will and Teetnment of HENRY (or Henri) PORLIER, deceased, will be audited and stated by the Surrogate, and And Enjoy It Long After reported for settlement t'o the Union County Court, Probate Division, on But just in case this summer will be Thursday, the 10th day of June, at 10 A.M. Daylight Saving; Time. Dated April 2Stll, 1954 A photographic rec- Peoples Bank '& unusually hot —you may wish to Trust Company, ord will keep the _J Westfield, N. J.! Executor. Snevlly & Ely, Att'ys modernize your home with air con- memory of those Westneld, N. J. happy days always HrP-it Fees {7.20 ditioning — a big open porch or any liOTlCB TO (HEDlTOnS alive. Estate of WILLAHD B. PAULIN, Funeral Director* deceased. pursuant to the order of CHATCLF3S other way. A. OTTO, JR., Surrogate of the Weatfield Cranford County of Union, made on the thir- Get your Cameras and Supplies Here tieth day of April A.P., 1954, upon the application of the undersigned, 318 E. Broad St. 12 Springfield Ave. ns Executrix of the estata of said deceased, notice is hereby given to tel. west. 2-0143 tel. cr. 6-0092 the credlt'orn of snid deceased to BROWNIE HAWKEYE exhibit to the subscriber under oath And if next winter is unusually or affirmation their claims and de- mands against the estate of paid deceased within six months from the dnte of said order, or they will cold you may want to stock up on be forever barred from prosecuting or recovenlnu the same against the subscriber. • • Orace H. Scaftergood, fuel now—-at low summer prices. Executrix. Snovlly & Ely, Attys. Ill Quimby St. Now Jfatrumu Weotflold, N. J. 5-6-U Fees J9.O0 6.95 Established 1867 NOTICK Take Notice that Echo Coclttnl! We've .got just the loan plan that Lounge, Inc. hnH npplled to the Mayor and Council of tho Borough of Mountiiinalilft for n renewal of a Plenary Retail Consumption License will enable you to do either. Why FLASHGUN Non-Sectarian Non-Profit for premise! aituated ut lloute 22 not come in? Learn how economi- 4.00 cally you can finance this type of A. beautifully adapted site, meticulously maintained. expenditure.

«tmmif myn ml tmt a ifc Sufficient acreage to meet the needs of Westfield and vicinity for the next hundred years Buhetribe SUBURBAN TRUST COMPANY Ut tljc visavt Brnttmtut 3 l f WESTFIELD - CRANFORD Fairview Cemetery nf a}iprn|irlatf iHnimrtela SCOTCH PLAINS - GARWOOD We pride ourselves on the quality of our Elm Street (Snmitn r ne fl v Westfield, N. J. ASSETS $32,000,000 picture processing service. Bring you 9 ' Utttroln OLDEST BANK IN WESTFIELD tives in today. Skilled Technicians Mean finpt's Office Executive Office ORGANIZED 1892 Better Picture Results. 1100 E. Broad St. 125 Elm Street Mtmrnne rxt (Ba. WE. 8-9781 WE. 2-0130 LAMONT W. CALDER, Proi. Deposit Insured Up To $10,000 By FDIC 4113-11 fflraitric Ena& Gates Close at 6:3up.m. manttlnlr. $. Ii. Ask for Ai near IQ you ai your phone PANEL ART Call callKt MOnlclalr 2-1800 CHANGE TO A&P AND

. 4 GET MO FOOD DOLLARS Customers' Corner If the jingle of coins in your pocket, purse or piggy bank is music to A Combination That Can't Be Heat! your ears, enjoy this change today: Shop at A&P! You'll save a pretty Ev«7 "hopping day, over six million people thop penny on item after item. What's more, you'll actually get more good at A&P to save money on ilieir family food budget*. food for your money because A&P sells only fine-qualitv foods in A-l We re very proud of that proof that folki favor condition . , , foods that guarantee you more good eating and less A&I » low prices ... but we're jurt aa proud of waste. Come see ... come save at A&PJ (he fine quality of our food as we are of our thrifty prices. For price without quality means nothing. Its the combination o/ low prtres and high qiulity that builds A&P's great values! To Get More Change from Your Food Dollars. And it's the combination that makes it possible for GET A&P's "SUPER-RIGHT" MEATS! us to guarantee every single item you buy at A*P! You re pleased . . . or you get your money back without question! Come see ... come lave ... at A&P! CUSTOMER REIJVT1ONS DEPARTMENT Ribs of Beef -53< -59 ACP Food Slor«« Int.lMervIca 1ilM» X* 420 Lexington Aveaue, New York 17, N, V. 7kwk Oven-Ready Ribs of C.t "QJC Cat ' 69c Ready-to-Cook — T.I irate - AII ib JFw FrlciiMt ir Salaii • To Get More Chang* from Your Food DolUri... GET A&P's FRUITS and VEGETABLES! SIked Bacon % « 41c «: 79< Ground Beef 35< Sirloin Steaks **«*« Smoked Hams Shanl portion lb.lSt* Fresh Corn-• 4-25c Ju Crlioe Adotph's Porterhouse Steaks ' Smoked Hams Whtltsraithtr half full cur >b'OJ* lb Pur* vagat.bla ihortanlnj Top Round Roast or Steak leniliu lutt Ik, Meat Tendorhor Fresh Peas c.»«u. 2 -2f° portion J b "b- Yellow Bananas *"»"* 2-25° Rib Steaks .... '°: b S3* «• Ready-te-Eat Mams .;n,.r h.» »,n , ib.7|t 33° M« e Can *• can •» v 1 1 Chnek Roast or Steak «3 Smoked hrk Butts Florida Oranges - - - lb Maine Potatoes Tea Sirloin Roast or Steak Sonalaii 13* Frankfurters leech-Nut carton | Beaeless Chuck Pet Roast •rolling and frying — itady-to-eeoli GallfomJa Lemons of4 Si»l undar 3 Ibi. F T Yellow Onions crop Boneless Brisket Beef DUCkS °P 1"i* — raady-to-csoii e Pilgrim quality Ragalo Bran I Stewing Beef •-' 55 Turkeys Baby Foods Cole Slaw callo bag ' Kaady-to-'cooli — IIHI 4 to 7 Ibi. Pilgrim quality Straimd Chopptd Beef Liver SP.«I.II,..I. Radiihes Southarn farmi bunch 5* S5« Turkeys Kaady-fo-cooi — iliai 20 to 24 Ibi. Waihad, trimmad io oi. I 7J Legs of Lamb' »,. ib.$s« Kaqalo Brand eallo bag • ' C Wnl.rn lib. |«( LOIS Of Lamb Ov*n-r»ac{y — In $S!(-S*rvlc« M«a< D«pl>. Ib. 71 5-49* Fresh Garrets •all* bag •« HARVEST OF For variety, quality and economy, Gisiitoers Florida Shoulder Lamb Chops — W ' THE SEA! buy Beech-Nut Baby Foods at A&P! Rhuharb From naarby hrim bunch JC Breast of Lamb *» •»«*••«>>»'•'»» *• 15° Av.ilibl. Only In Fr.ih Fish Daparlmanli Pascal Celery Ragalo Brand a>tr< 9%t Boneless Veal Roast a»"« kg* Camay Sean Camay Sean larga italk •* Loin Veal Chops ...... 73' Fresh Fillet codorH.ddock j Price Reduced! Priu Reduced! Rib Veal Chops ^«*-'•«»«'• ^63« Fancy Shrimp b 7§c »cVu. 31" Frozen Fish Sticks P|rk ChOiS Hlpudihouldarcutt lb-53° Fried Haddock Fillet .... b Loin Pork Chops ' Cinl-u" b85° Fancy Dressed Whiting . . .

To Get More Change from Your Food Dollars.. Jane Parker-Sliced, Enriched 16iz. GET FROZEN FOODS AT A&P! Sam Yiu Up Ti 5c A Liaf loaf May 8th to May 15th is Frozen Foods Week, White Bread 15 SAVE! and A&P ia celebrating with outstanding values.- Yellow Cling 21H. SAVE! Creen Peas libby's Peaches Sliced ar Halves can, 27 Broccoli Spears SAVE! Chopped Broccoli Frown 6iz. Brussol Sprouts Orange Juice OMSeith 2 cans 29 Lima Beans XlbiSH . Sunshine Lima Beans 2 Green Beans""" Lorna Doones ^ 18c ^r.;<35c Cheez-lt Crcickers Z.33c Blueberry Ke Libby LAME I" SIZE SaiMefa '' SeedlessRaisins - 2r29c Tomato Catsup .At 2 33c Season's ipeclal with that freth- vpinfnn ^»»f r choppid O Libby's Fruit Cocktail . L 25C picked flavor of juicy blueber- Pent Carrots can Prepared Spaghetti 2 23« ries in a crust that'i so tender it loot. B 9 Ubby'i — French friad Chili COR Came melts in your mouth! Blue Ribbon Napkins " 20 | ,o 17* 65< Strawberries River Brand Brown Rice Three Little Kittens Cat Food ^'3 !.: 23« ls e To Get More Change from Your food Dollars.., Chocolate Chip Cookies Pig. ' Thrive Dog Food 3 e^32 Burry's Cookies °<< I2OI.I Felt Naptha Soap . . . . . 3 -'•• 25° GET A&P's DAIRY VALUES! Lux Soap Lux Soap Bon Olive Oil Octagon Laundry Soap ... 3 ">» 25s c Price Reduced! Price Reduced! Large Eggs — ;:: :5ic 3 "?* 22' 3 bf 31« Cfcina Btwty Foods White |ggsi-n*-.-F .»e»*.« ,er.S5c Chicken Clow Mein Dinner . . rt $u er Bean Sprouts 2'?," 27c Chow M*tZ"^ 51« 3 I Fresh Butter ^rtr '^63c SWIFT'S New Instant Flavor! SoySavcB ^fJOc Noodles 2 ;t°, 29< Switzerland Swiss Cheese ^M b99c c C Gold'n Rich Ai.,,.,uu.» b 67° Ivory Personal Soap .... 4 -'•• 21 Mazola Oil ...... ^ 37quart I lb c ALISWEET Sharp Cheddar Cheese . . . . . 65 Heavy Cream FWHPPI,, , ^-SB« MARGARINE Oxydol Detergent r**»i*tir«& ';k'|*30° t.72«, Cheer ***,***»«* ';[,'•' Borden's Buttermilk . .. ^2^37* Borden's Milk H.™,.^2|e c c Prints pkg. Forth.frf>w..h '^30 t.72 Unit Laundry Starch ...2^ AMt>ICA'6 fOUEMOST FOOD RETAIIH ... SINCE 1M»

c c e Ajax Cleanser Kirkman's Detergent Dreft *.***«*•*»<**. S'30 Bab-0 Cleanser . . 21°;-23 "Z7J"t6 Fr«« ...,7'A oi. packaga of Fab with Buy I larg» padage a)* regular pric* f urchaia of two 14 oi. earn of A|ai,. . . gat I at half prict. ., IHE GREAT ATLANTIC ( PACIFIC TEA COMPANY All thraa 01 Q largt pigs. For washing diihii 9 e e banded logathw •' 2 band.ddfog«th*r 47' Joy bottla 30 boT72 Vanity Fair Facial Tissues 2&( Prieai •ffectlvo thru Solurdgy, May 15lh, in Super Mgikcti ond Soll-Survica ilorct only.

1 5 S E L M S T R E E T BETWEEN ORCHA«D AND BROAD STREET W E S T F I E L D, N. J. LARGE FREE PARKING AREA Ml PmwShi THE WESTFIEID (N. J.) LEADEB, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1954 • REAL ESTATE-SAL! • • REAL ESTATE-SALE • • REAL ESTATE-SALE • • REAL ESTATE-SALE • • REAL ESTATE-SALE • RATES: • REAL ESTATE-SALE • C. 1. SMITH.1T 2 Cent* a Word SAUNDERS ft MULFORD Ktaltor Realtor* — insurors RANDOLPH-WIEGMAN PEARSALL EDWIN O. EDWARDS Minimum Charge 50c 2 ELM ST. (Cor. Karth A-rt.) KISSED BY A CLOUD Realtor WE. 2-WJ21 BARRETT * CRAIN, „ CO. DUpIar Ratea & It's possible, if you live to On Application MKMBKR Heallara a Membei of the Wolflrld Board Ot Hr»Uoik Realtor* dreaiu of horne, hign vi* «" .«" CLOSING I WTEPKESDAr, » A.M. Multiple Liniluff Sr*tem Multiple Liatioy 8y«.en» mountain top, overlooking west FRANKENBACH Maltlale Uailaa; Meaiacra fleld. An emuljilte tome, In a na Pkoacai wniuu S-M07 — 4408 43 STREET WE, 2.18M turally beautiful location, custom TWO 3-BEDKOOM SEE THESE 5 HOMES LISTED $ FOR $ VALUE built for luxurious but informs REALTORS I151HORI country living-. Over an acre o: $16,900 UNDER $20,000 $13,200 picturesque landscaped grounas MMubrra of thi- There are just too many very ape rooms; modern WtAl *,*£ >b • REAL ESTATE-SALE • Thl» six year old Cape Cod bunsa- tfmtiple Llnting fr>tu SPECIALS 11 cial feature* to describe but her 1 NEAR WILSON SCHOOL lyw otters more dollar value t"; * arc a few of them: the 26 x 11.' #i most we have SOPH. There 1H a liv- studio living room; the Brat floo %* •ssst ssssy^aS- ' l4,!HH» — A ACM* $17,900 ing room wltTi flreplace, dinette, master bedroom 22 x 13 and but 115 Elm St., W»»ffield 2-4700 In (he vicinity ot Fninklin Sehoo ,\ E A 'J' li u 111 e that la j uxt a H t ep Fanwood. _35_, i)art H with convenience to the Junto modern kitchen, two bedrooms equipped with both stall Jlwwf from Parochhil School. 8 rooms and bath all on one floor. The beat and tub; a tremendous closet bui High. Pride of ovvnerwhip is deli plus den. The kitchen is modern, nitely reflected in the immuculHt This vomtortmblT l*rg*t, is oil fired, the garage Is attached for two. There are three add THME AT $i7,$oo REYNOLDS & BETZ COTE WHITE COTTAGE heat in ftteani-oil, and there's a me ven room httittr of and there is a Partially rtninhed tional bedrooms and two bath MX E»«i Broad St. cor. Elmer interior, %2-twt living room, ful 1-car Karage. \jog burning fire- recreation room in the basement. nlze dining room, and a porch wit Kitfrlisl. df«lKM In l»- a very Interesting dining room; #1. Almost new unlit i..-.i. , WKSTI'IELU 2-«3Ot» On oiie-lbird «f an acre place. Taxes $330. t'Htfd ruiireniejitlj" elOMe Very satisfactory O.I. financing huge kitchen, and a powder room J Multiple LUtUff Nrnbtn with niBD) (ret** HUU 1><>th screens and gla. j 1 V_ bath*. Plaj - TON st'HOOl, zone (Harding St.) the Mrmt floor you will , DO YOU NfEO line living. MlilS>orh oo d. - - ' ftnit bK-»we avnlinbU. we have hnutw <«r nviar}). «**?«i» as the owner is ready to lewve. >vhere your children will find ex- {we think) like the •jin- #2, Pre-war built' six room i handled them gladly whenever fh«-> oil best. A paratfJse fur cellent playmates, we will show clttMM living ru»m (23' x I BEDROOMS In flne condition. Uood ,,31 cenld be obtained for onr fosfoiaerB. ihildrm. fl-MSO, you a modem with It* open fire- DEN The ««h*r der w* r«-«Ive*l word Jn the lovely park-like section o 3 bedrooms, living room with tire- plare, the *n«-W from on* of our uiortjtaier* nourrrN Crest wood, where the tall tre« place, dining room and modern frrl for TV), full •i«fj 114IATHS that more jgrMteron* G.I. loaat are GRANT SCHOOL will pfiade you from the summe kifchen. The gratage is attaclied dlnfngr room, modem MS Blai tirttt WeatleUI S4W vow *vsflal*l«. s«. ff y«o are eiifcfble heat. An attractive Colonial bung and the yard is deep U"0'), kit •'bra with braakfajit 1st HOOK LAUNOHr Koort-Bized livlne rnj slow, unusual In that all threi Multiple LUrttas »e«»et Sltchen. Hot water h._ f* for • GJ, loaa snd jou have been «r*», Therr are three SACtinCI PRICED eat dlMmnolMted bet**!*? you needed a IVfcrlj reiiirVtittsl four bedrooms are on the first floor KiHid-HlBcd bedrooHiii on board radiation. ' *•*• minimum of JW& cRih before, we lirriruum bat knotty pine ktteken* we tunlty uf apnuirins one comes bu 1 Bickar4 C. Baaipla....W<. 2-2275-M $17,600 Itt to talk the maHer over. There Ol ONE FIJOOR and contains 3 bed- ed) un the 3rd, «HI heatf If so, this four yeBr old home i» ll *««Ml rfcnttv that ft tan now Jiave Hvev IM a ' >g pelduin. Another unusual feature rooms »n hard to find in this prioe bt lt a i.m*. He* air «II hvnt, Is the 22-foot living room, and h»8 all or them, plus a screened lie arranged wltfc u loner down range. 22' living room, dining ell. porch. aluminum combination t new roof, reeentty rp- open dining ell. There Is « breeze- Kitchen and breezeway. Plot 70 x nlred. The hit IK deep way iKirch. utfd attached estrage. gcreenfi and storm sflsh, attached 1".O. Taxfw %2\$. and location in garage and a 100 x 141 lot. ottering: plenty of vl*y Plenty of rear yard privacy in the Crest wood Section of Scotch Am xr hmvr «nld before, our *elec- area for cfifidrrn. With- this detightfui location. lloit t» «o wide that Hf «'mi nlint Plains In perfect for a young fam- in walklaK diKtance of ily. lUXUtY UVING porcn. uuut-in garage —™< kttrclr Nhow >«» MvwethlnK that juu WYCHWOOD AREA will Ilk*. $39,500 FRANKLIN SCHOOL SECTION #2. Blx rooms on 10/701101-- EDWIN 0. EDWARDS $a*,soo maculafe y cared-fw knd T EIM *J7.WM1—Tlir, IKK 18 NOT ¥KT UHY H»re Is the finest In step savins "move-In" condition. Conymifi 112 st. on the Us tin i? of this home that Just reduced from $18,000 to |16r n ear every lta PAftK StOfC, MOUNTAINSIDE MICfC BUNGALOW we. Is wonderfully located in the living and the ultimate in modern 900. Tnke advantage ot this re |°282"o. " " B- »S ScMecM e pbc Franklin School section Just a step There art* four h#dro»BiB architecture. You will be unfound- duction on this well-kept, good- H HnnMual M>4*laft* BWODI the Winifred Etfwartfs We. 2-R4T* from the Junior High School. Ex- aud two tiled hath* kltchCM and M|MI. price and quality. storm windows, Venetian blinds We I a**. I7M» .flN.MH) — ANOTHKH TRANSFER vtoum jgiutmeti and heat- rooms and buth. two »n_ \Si the heaHtiral view from the. iftakeB available this beautifully included. Steam heat, detached ga- second floor. Living room. „«! l-prwanrtlaaed living room fU.-IOIUW*—O\ Till; Ol'TSKIRTS \H ed **>*»ar-niand" |««r«'h rage, good plot. 1 modernized 7-room home. AAA-1 will he of latrrrat to a place, ainlng room, open wtX from the aorch. Kxcetlent rtln- an attractive 4-room bungalow, kitchen with G-I2 stove and dish- 113 Moaatala An, WcatteM Hot water heiil. "• rwMi «rell-Bian»ed kftrhra. BUCK CAPE COD with 2 finished 2nd floorbedro«m« , mother with young chil- nH>wk, 3 hmthu, lara-e •»»•«- washer. Younerstown sink and cab- dren. VnXl Mlvvd dlttlnv- Wt 2^|H otDfft tor NICE grume rormi, oil heat, way, at- inetH. % bedrooms plua a 4th on room, Mvlnir room with RcUT Ii. tk|a|a • •Ua.'Wa.S-JBM Cod; 25-foot living room, two S\ t, tf-ear g*.*age. 932,489. Charm Juwt nose* frnm tached garage. the 3rd floor. An extra room for* floor bedrooin« anil bath, Comcicr Jtreplace, average of two OnrOlar L. Eaaiataa,- We. >-l«II-M A new listing: in the Holy Trinity everr room In thta lie- TV on the first floor. Locafed just *>IOHct« per ticdrtfOM. Oil modern kftchen; three bedroom lifthtrul home nhlfh I\ WOOIIHOW Wilson oft Dorian Kfl. and Ideal for either Haatt I. Craw. . . «-.W«.M»l_ MeKinley School section at <13,- Rtid bafli upHtalrs. Near school heat, attached gara*** | 900. KIr«t floor—Ijlving room, din $30500 only a traavfer w.tald _.etlon. Six rorim house with liv- Lincoln, the High School or Paro- vrrttr ffi-«wnil« with molt, 1 #3. Kural location, Willow Grovt wake avallablr. Urlna; ing room 12.6 % 23. Oil iifftt, 3-car chial School. Ing room, lovely modernized kit section ut Scotch Pl.tfns, Cape Col •rreen lawa, RU many chen with breaKfast room, am nmnr with iireplife, full giiruge. Convenient fo Mountain- r«n bnabea. Kour bedroaniH, two batlu, tmt\i la tovrlr Mehawk Villa** »f dinlnic room, tHodern side stores. . open porch. Second floor—Thre painted and decorated. lioAtn will ikow >t»a a wrll.planned klti'kea, acrrened porch bedrooms and biith. Third floor- kitchen, recreation room, ecreentd mavh h*««« hwllt hr the pre»cnt pi it* UrM floor bedroom »^[,rr(Hi.w,—O\VM;M HIIIT n years Three flnlehed rooms. This nous* porch- •wurr la ISStt, and la Many w»>» aad tiled bath. l;pafaira old — you will Wee the setting AND Hf RE IS ONI IN THE Umt PRICED FOR QUICK SAIE has a new Thatcher oil burntni herfcr th«• ««•». Tkrrr'a a pr*Ur «>ouatlai> two additional of this center hall coionfitl. Large MACKfTS AT $3«,500 turiwve, screens, weathespjthcril l vntraHee kail fro" which yea bedroom* and balk. At- living room 13 x 20, dining room MODWN COLONIAL $1t,900 and attic innulfttton. It hus a two e. 1. SMITH, a. *nier the 38' esmfetMatte* livt** tached garage, h«t water with 2 corner cabinets, kitchen car metal garage and is situated NM a ad Malar riHtm. There art* oil krat, 73' x 1T»' lot. with dinette ->pat*e, bedroom or den 14 A (UK PLOT thnt will he your 5 IIDKOOMS - 4^ BATHS MICK FRONT COlONIAl on a corner plot. R*_lter hlrrb cabinet* In Ike kitchen— Ht.ilt In 1IM9 aad. iunt iind tiled powder room ]*U floor. prirte and joy. Tastefully deoo- iM *l**ty »f them, a* wrll aa naltlaKT for you. flC,,- 2 mauler bedrooms and tiled bath rated to please the most IttBtldloua, $35,000 Living room, fireplaee, dining Blarl U. We MM aleatr «f *aae« tor rwar break- 54M. 2nd floor, lotn of closetK, Coo. Hot JH*ir/*t floor has 4 room plan with room, large kitchen with electric McCMMACK & DANKER, INC. Rickar* F. LUsate W.MM faat net. Two twln-alsedl bed- water heat ,with oil, 2-c;ar attach- large center entrance hall. 2nd range and diahwasher. I-aundry M ProV«l St. We. 1-4MS—(M« Maltlala«» Mcatkm TMIMI artreii** aorrhj playroom ed garage, hard driveway, split floor, 4 bedrooms and 2 baths, 2 Thin attrnctlvr, m«ileni room and powder room. 2nd floor Mnaarr of Hultlvlr I.latinr HI CaatralAvc Wt.Hl» la b«a*aieati attached *«i-agej 81' mil fence, birth trees are Juttt more bedrooms iind bath on 3rd c!uloa)Hl la not only la —3 large bedrooms and tiled bath. lt STURDY AND SPACIOUS coming into leaf, all of which floor. Authentic Colonial architec- one of our hent lovntlona All plastered walls and ceilings, mitki'H thin a delightful home for ture. Don't wait *tll it's ffone. <«n larirc plot), hat con- inimlated, oil heat, attached ga- RALPH i CALVIN SCHWARTZ h«me vrfth a be*|i at Uv- modern living. *«l«ii m totml of Are »r raffe, Une location. nix bedroonm, four $17,500 li- fam- 41T Park Ave., S.olea Plalaa \\y aeedliMf room to f28,«MMH>--HRHK Is un older center hathn, powder room plua SAUNDERS A MULFORD den N I*.M. M*UI»U M.liup Mc alarr aaiar on Maple Hill B»«ra , . . W». 1!-I«S Mtop with Hhnve banlu ran.voi.d 2-8283 si'ot.-a Plalin SIX ROOMS done with someone who knows rc-sr (4 aan-fe, an atlavkni Kara.r aa* rtefnllH. Thin |R n neir a atellcktfal hack >»>•*• two balhM am «ee North Avenae W«. 2-1123 "POINT OF ORDER" ofTer. Tliere is a wonderful living ear B«rag *29f*m J. C. Darah, AMOclflte, We. 2-03ta room with a ncrt*ened-in Bid IF YOV I.lio: a lone, ranllini Jaat • ataac'a Ikrow from the Member Multiple Listing Hymtem adequately Intrmluoes porch, full rtfze dining room an< cottnge, o'n a luree lot, ftili ont •n KM arar «>ll» Hlret. 7 modernized kitchen on 1st floor. our fln« Belectton ot Three bedroums and bttth on th with two bedrooms and totl iwaaaa. lat'ladlnir aa extra rooia BARRETT * CHAIN. INC. beautifully located co- downstairs may be IT, Large ftre- aa ta" «rat flour aalfahfo far a KAftSAU SLEEPY HOUOW 2nd floor and more space on fh lonials. third. There IH also an outside place In the living room, dlflinl ataater aea>»iHM, a family- rooai. MULTIPLE LISTIHO MEMBEB1 room, modern kitfhpn, reweaUfs ar tor *#)«vUlo*. 5 fcata*. Kxeel- FltANKENBACH *25,5O0-$26,50O-$27,3OO entrance from the tlry cellar. The Irat ayaee In tke aaarntrat. At- |12,li00 — Center Hall nveralzed detached g-arage Is new room and bur, breezeway and |a- taehrli garage. Whtn you Inaarrt 43 Elm St. Wntfitld 2-1100 Fiirmlnmee. TIUH 100 Tnctliided are Ktorm Hanh, acreenf ruge. Price »H,900. Ikla .•.»»<• we ><•» nil! be 115 ELW STREET .'wBMIcll 2-47*0 FOR GRACIOUS COUNTRY LIV- ye»r oM homo ha« been and a wonderful JIUKIC Che; favarakly* fmpr#a«rd hy tin K«*trf DON'T DELAY ItaaMeace TCIC*II*H# bcv« completely renovated, Hto\&. Ui) heat plii.s moderate taxeH OW A *UHET rosidentfal street li Mcmbcn ING, BE SURE TO INSPECT THESE but Ktlll retains ttH au- make this beautifully matntatfted Crwnford we have a atx-room, 15 aaallO aail low malntmancC fea- A-aerlcaa LUtlNga, Inc. B. B. Barr««. Jr. WC.2-TSM thentlu e»\oniul urelil- bath, attached Borage Homo »l lim, wa/m». FINE MICK FRONT AND FRAME Gorasa F. Cratu W«.2-**•»* S-MSS NCTURESaUE SETTING MM Elm «lr«l WnlleM Z-SMM MOUNTAINVIEW AGENCY Multiple I.I»U»» Wrmfcer tial neighborhood. En- (in abundance of cabinets ant af only $5500. . , BXa .... Hea. 'akaae 1-tUt MaKiale LlatlaK Meaiker of the WralMd Boar* trance v«HCil>vile, living counters and the much desired Z HarllliiK nil,, Cor. Ht. 22 (!») of llcaltorn Sckaalft . RH '»k«ic I-gOM Unique whitewflshed, partial brick Rve*jlnaT«l O|IU. Old UciilrlbcrK Hntnuranl room with Hreplucf, dln- dl*ih%vHHhi-r. home with many line ftaturen, de- Alan JnknaOa WutRcIa 2-1240 Fan. 2-HOSil Sculi'h Plalna EDWARD A. CAMILLO hiff room, science kitch- OPT the kitchen is a spacious HARRY H. MALLETT .CntcM . Rea.'aaoaeJ-IKJM Hlt^ned for minimum upkeep. I>arg^ Maael Gllan Alcxla,. Weaillild 2-SMO REALTun — INSISHOR en-, three bedrooms i\n(l uti-Hy room whore the present Patricia V. Slaklrr .. »>•«. 2-44182.M Othir Homn un to »»H>.W» colored tile bath. Side living* room with fireplace, beauti- Oven Uully null Suadi<> to 8 I'.>.. 5-6-t! owner luts a huge deep freeze, a 23» tinrt. in. On- **<"M», MULTIPLE LISTIHO HBMBERS ful modern kltciien with dining: Rlckaia C. Hynale.... We. 2-2S7S-M fiat'Htbne screen porch. washer and dryer. Since flits util- area, two large bedrooms and tiled ity room has a large broom closet Grace Uartlsaa we. >•'"* bath. Upstair* are two well-plan- and a handy nearby powder room, LAND, LOTS O' LAND ned bedrooms and much clowet It could be a downstairs bedroom, upace. The lot Is Irregular, approx- PETER A. DUGHI, Realto $22,r»00 —4 hedrnom — 2 wonderful an a nursery, Ideal for imately 3/3 of-an ncre, ana beau bath rambling bungalow an older person or invalid or even Four dJITerent propertied, nil with rtfully Hhrubbed. CHARLES C. BAAK£ 214 Eait Broaa Strif« located Jn an excellent as a playroom for children. at leasif an ucre of erounu—one rustic atmosphere but lurge, one tsmall, one medium Thl« IB truly a dream VIOUBC and There's more to tell about this we think an excellent buy. »U,7.W—COMFOHTABt.K older typ Realtor juwt nitnuteH from ev- lovely bright home we are so CHOICE COUNTRY LISTINGS house; and one large old place Bix-room home about one-hal; $33,900 erything. Owner leaving ivlth a big red barn on four acres Located three blocks from Wilson Droiid to Nhow you. you'll love the block from town. Garage. Inline stave—ibis is truly an enclosed porch and delight In the MT.3M—ItAXCH HOME -- * aS with more available. Ail in the $15,900 diate occupancy, WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS School. Excellent condition. Larg excellent? buy. price range of 115,500 to $24,500. ]Jving: room and dining1 room, mod' well-kept grpundH. oordering lino stream f" "JH Don't wfllt too lone. Cull fis-14,nw_t HMDIIOOM houses, one ern kitchen, open screened porcli, This houne will soli. Don't miss with your own outdoor P«JJ H. CLAY HUEDitlCHS, Inc. Mrs. Betty Hampton. Fa. 2-0386 HAROLD E. YOUNG CO. hi JelTel-Kon School end one In 2 bedrooms and btith on th© flrm this splendid opportunity. grounds. Hrepliire; 1 I^VJSM JOT E. Broad St. we. z-ilos—ato; JIcKlnloy School district. Excel- floor. ISxpnnBion spiiro for a bed 5 extra large rooms, batn,Jj11^", REALTOR $27,.-iOO — Solid hrick ur lent VillUCH. rooms mid but It on tlio secon ASKING $18,900 kitchen, lircpliicc, P''' ',™i1*i tM S»ala Are., fannml FA. z-7700 RALPH I CAIVIN SCHWARTZ floor, «pUt-levct. Seven liirge ll«alc Frlrdrkba, En,,.. PA. B-77OU rooms and two bsitha EveningH Mrs. N, "Wood screened porch; fully >"™?,, tlKAWTOBH MOUNTAINSIDE ti4,4m—:i mcimooKf.. iji baths. Excellent heating system. "' Mra. Kar Bootke, Evr... .WE. 2-U8SK 4X1 Park Ave., Sc-otck Plalaa (stall shower), Features Fa. 2-5298 1 taxes. •in. Hala Tarlor, Eve... .PL.0-27M Hleh on a bin ft overlooking •Wilson School district. $25,500 Include wood panelled WeatUli MalUale LUIIuf sralcam dot., screen porch. Ex- winding lime, «'e have a home jui • ! I.7.1O—:i HICDIlOnils. 1H baths, tremely low upkeep and, CAPE COD *2],S0O — I YEA It OI.D. four years old. Twenty-two fot I^ranklln School district. Ideal Wychwood locat'lon on nuie ranch home on ."[ilendid i™ living room, large: dining room, Htroet. ISntrance vestibule, Hvlng insurance rates. FOR elevation, view; section. room with fireplace, dining- room. powder room, btidraom or Hen on — 3 HKMIOOH split level COMFORT'S SAKE liomes. 2 full acre», »a KOSTER'S the first Hoor, large modern kitch- Kitchen Including laundry on firHt benrlns: peach trees. Mrs; muise, 5 years old. low tuxeB, floor. Tliere are 3 bedrooms and en. Three bedrooms and blitli on "Washington School district. There Is plenty of comfort In hav- room with fireplace, pic™ the second floor. Tlio Hureened bath on the second floor, fteerea- $33,500 — Brick front, ing everything on one floor. Take dow, dininff room wltn SELECTED OUTSTANDING VALUES porch IK nituatod fo pick up any tlon room In basement. Attached center hall, four twin- this BUNGALOW for instance. window, modern kitchen. J »17,ll>0—.'I nEIIIIOOMS, l!i bntli», guruge. »lxc bedrooms, two col- istnty breeze, and ovtrlooka a ter completely modernized and deco- You will like tho abundant wall Klzcd bedrooms, tiled caw raced nnd beautifully itmdseKpe ored tile batlia, largo space Tor furniture grouping in porch with outdoor bartf"" J plot.. Two-car attached garage, rated, Lincoln fa'ehool district. Stop In and let us nhow you these Ifvine room, wood ptin- tho living room. Two twin sine basement, hot^ water oil IN HOMES elled den, dining room, rail \us for a,n appointment. }-'•)•- »1T,B«O—I IIKDIIOOMS. 11$ baths and our many other listings. "hedrooniw are Just what you've car Kiirase. Hcst of cop- 730. knotty pine kitchen been wanting. The sparkling yel- Pretty setting back Iroi Washington School district, excel with built-in electric lent eoridition. W,. 2-4OM Wt. 2-S107 low tile in the bathroom will at- MOUNTAINSIDE copper oven, breezeway, tract your eye. Wiiit until you Kambllnff center hall uplit-le two-car garage. ISi.BOO—CHAHMIXG A) it ttpnclftm living room, diniMfr $TJ,Smhl We. S-Stao derful porch overlooking fhe deep Best of construction nn£ two-car giiruec, open porch. }27, Auncr S. IleilMfln PI. a-s«4> Cull for un appointment 175' PLOT. In excellent taste. 1 ««•• -,,„. hath dowiiHtiilrs, 3 bedroomtf and to inHpect and •18,500—41-ItOOM SIM.11' l-10Vi:i.. .lunt iwo renm old in exrellrut eundl- S00 liitth npHtalrs. Close to Lincoln There la an excellent second «l«l bnth, powderrrn.PV » . 4Ion. Ci>mbliinfii»n iiturin mid Merern MUHIII IrlliidK KT<» tvlth School. PETER A. DUGHI, Realtor other excellent listings. floor with twin dormers for future the hituvr* Ynril cuiuitlefely fi-nocd tut lit thin iirtvv > tin vnn On. a' curve of New Providence family expansion. This well built mnvc on the extra* thnt BO Into ?i**»v home* And lit .lloii«(ul»— Dral Eitttite and Intmrnnce Jlmid, *?i jic-re of tall tmpH, fthneted — 4 m.-uiioo'rs 3 ij.ctii«, ultfiife hl*tin SjKtH Member PETERSON-RINGIE- home oTTprs the average family a aide, too, n'Uh ttkxca cf «ulj- 9'Z4O.W>. jflen. Larger center hall home with frame and brlcK. Wilson Seliot) K great deal In llvabillty and conve- «lx lovely rooms*. The opon porch dist'ritt. NEWMAN, INC. nience to schools and markets. 91U.300—AM. IMUCK S-HOOM M.WCII. Within n fen- MH>V* ttt the itetv overlooks rolling countVynidc, and HChwuI. Hut «flier hell., full iiii>t*, Ivir-i'iir KiirtiKt*. wher n hrook. Tlicre'H a playroom or |l_l,Sm — I I1I3DHOOMK, l',i hlllha, \or(«> — :t ni.niiniiii*. 2 oath llrs. Nell Mullllle, Fa. 2-8298 #1'.1,(M)O—-,-IIOOM fXASCtt. JVrnin-Sloni fr..i,(. Sunken Ilvlnj; room, itl|ile MtlnK lcttihrr* brand new cplit level, solid brick LOVELY WYCHWOOD HOME ! d Inrice dlnlnir rtiitui, lmlh IHIM H till I Mkoiver «inl *nl», 'J, Uirisv eoiiHiructlnn. Cimvenicnt to'new MOUNTAINSIDE RALPH & CALVIN SCHWARTZ SlTKS°on' fulb;imPio™ 'S bedrooms ivlth («o doulile cliiMetN In eiii'it. lletutttCul UirK^ THE DEXTER AGENCY JefTerHttn School. ttltehen %%'lth 'I'hfnnntlor elevtrlv tmeiu Cuntoni hull* by |irt*M- lit. 22, ^lountnlIIMfih* W'r. '2-iW2 Ili:.4I.TOH8 where you will h»" ' „„ «l< }'oin>w couple, wlt« ittiiMt Hell due in VIIUUKV "f clrciini- II. Orxtvr TPN. >nc We. U-I7T4 Koyr yeur olil brick nnd frame 417 Park Av<-., Scotch Plalaa quiet, Htnnt-cK In fnnilly. Tuki' *Iil« fiutturtmilty to «itve «*n r. Tlrynn We. 2-.1317 , — 4 lli:illlO0MS. 2 bnthl, Cunter Hull CnlonlM. I'our l>ed- Fa. £-4200 cn»tom bnlH, in Bluidowlawn sec- L370 OAK TURK COL'Il'P — *23,20tf Immueulately kept home. .1. U'nrd We. l!-7»r>0 tion. roomN, two batlis, ilrxt lloor den, powder room, hrmikfaRt room and 3 bedronms, living: room with dln- \ng (iroa, 2H batlin, 1 car earage. ANDREW HAVE 93^,500—LMUiE SWIMMIVC I'OO). c»eM MMII «1IIM KPVFII room' Itntivli- wpueluuK recrentlon room. Two- 1 VGU-IIOCMI Cillio Cod cottnKO- For npiiohnment to inspect flio ear" Enrage. Attractive eroundu. I leture window and Jlrephiee In Located Hentervllle, overlooking In ideal beautiful mcvtlon. .\rtenlun welt for ptwt—-isttutl %\tttvr above and other llatlnfiTK, coaault— YOUR COUNTRY RE*W nuiiply. Tiro full bnthN, IUHMJ cuMtom-bulU feu turps, 1'rlce: J3S.300. b«K«micnt. Large kitchen. Benutl- tlio Bumps River and Nnntuckot SCOTCH PLAINS ful wooded lot on dead-end street. Sound. Beautiful llvinK room, mas- (113,01)0—7 KXTHA LAIU.K IKIO11S. J. full hath* nnd 2-rnr u:"riii7e co.n- CHARLES C. BAAKE Jinny extriiK. ter bedroom with drcsHing alcove, RUCHt room, luree fcltrlien, thor- lirlfie tlilM »iilNtniidlii(C Itniiflt Iiome; l^ovely plimiied ronet THIS WILL SELL FAST LOUIS MUNCH, BROKER icnrdrir mid nhrnltN. DM 1o|> nf n Mil ultli beautiful VIioni<;Af;i:s 417 Ori),nrd Jlom], .Mounlnl>i«li Miiliiulttltiic n .reHKinittiilp offer. TIIIN rimlniii hiillt limiie IUIN in-ft. living loom with picture 137 Smith Arc. TV, W»lflcld. N. J, MitlUiile Llntinc Hemb«r lieautifuily shrublied. Highly re- inniij, niniiy iHifMtunilliiu: l>«litre* hu-oriiuriitcd hi It mid •window, TliermopHiK* s\nsn, log- I'honr WB. 2-7350 — 7551 stricted neighborhood. To settle iniiNt lie Hi-en to be iijr-.irtH'hitril. Cull fur nil lijtyoliitniont. Idirninc ilrcplncc, 2 bpdrrmitm eacl. Pl. CO-OP Ilkt. Ample I'nrkln Alnn Jld S-SIMO OWNER TRANSFERRED Atltlitionul information If deMlrcd. ;. YOUNG CO. built-in laundry luiniper, conibl- Mr«. Corllrlln Elliott.. We. 1MM0O-M Patricia C. Stuhler .. Wnl. i'-JUSS-M .*! bedroom bunnnlow — all rooma CiiH Klltott Uron. & AMoclBten. ii lit ion U itch on nnd dining area. Hembera Multiple Llitlns Srmtem Hlcltlira c, lluiniile... .We. 2-2273-M on one lloor. MVIIIB room, phin Inc., WcstllcliI 2-3010 weekdays. all fnrmn «' (!M rnlitre a rid copper apron o\- dliilnjf ell. kll'cheu, mi-eenvil nnd On Saturday and .Sunday lifter- SCOTCH PLAINS haiiHt * a ii, llcndix \vu flier, Krl- KiH.Mfied brf»ez*!Wity. Xlecly HniHhed tioonu, call Wtstileld 2-022IV. INSURANCE „* v] mi tor re Triform or, water HO ft-* FRANKLIN SCHOOL ret'l-eatlon room and attached era- 5-13-tt f J-I.0O0—nV^-IIOtlM HOMi:, :t IinlronmN. JiiKt t'.i- ji'cnrN old, S linlronniK oner, Vcncti'in bllndu, o]ion stalr- mge. Tuxes under 5233. Prigc— MT B. nroad St. 2J** nnd Imtli on IHI Hnor. lotiitlun. CuiiiMiiutloii Htiinn 1'iise, expansion uttic, insuhitct], $17,700 5i«aoo nnd Htrrrn doom liii>)udrd, t»ll rndbuit hoat, Hcrcetis, plot 62x 1T\7>\ fine location; near ptirocliful EXCELLENT CONDITION 1 ui-honl nnd 2 bus Hues. Tuxea $J,"iO. FRANKLIN SCHOOL «1N,5OI»—A 1,0Vi;LY STCnMC KItOM »A N( II loi-ntfil In n |>nrk-llUe i.ivi\(i itooM—II1 x :m> Mow CUSTOM ni'ir/r nuu-n lmime, MfHIiiK within wnlklnK dl**tiiute to l'liii^tMid 11.11. Mtnllon. An PXL'olJent buy at $i:i,f>00, l r I.IVIIIK room with llronliicc. rlinliiB THINKING OF Other homfy~$n,!t(Ht to $60,000 IIIMM: HOOM—t.'i" >- ii" :i lur^u bedrooniH, IVi buths i "xl. i MpucloiiN llvfnur HHIIMI 3 c.\tni lni*KC licilruiiuiHt full wiill llrc- J llvlnB room with xtoiio llrppiave rocirn, kitclieii, Hfrcened jtorcli, :i O1 E*\ DAILY AND HUN. TO 8 r.M. .iiAsrioii—ia' v is' Kond xlzt-d iK'ilroointi iiud tiled im plitff' liKni-hril Knrntfei vtty Hrnern, tliri-e >*-»r-i olil, mid hi and bay window. DlnlnB room nnd BUILDING? wooded plot•'•ji)yn) j2K('O tlin. Immnrtllnte. t'umUtluu* AVe. rrnmiiiifiiii HIIM IIM rout vniuo. This .v-lll Blip you fipme iflc;i i>t • InrRO modern kltcliun. Hoatcd en- luith- 1-uur eriiraea. Prk-o SI6,UUU. MOUNTAINVIEW AGENCY the riiom HIKI'K yi,u will Imvo In plaHOd parch, hot'tvuter beat'. Cor- (lier pruprrltcH rrom *75.OIIO donti view Agency. -—-~- K ( OLOMAh ivlth rnrlo>.r-,| llnrrli mitl carimr, \ l.-c this lovely a bedroom Immp. The ner lot. Wood AITC Ilrivo nnd Vtl PAST won If la our beat sd- »- Hurdtiit- l{tl,t cor. It«utc 'I'l (^fl> vorllooment. Well tulld in solid eurnrr Jut. )I»n.e In perfect ouiulHton. l*rh*fd fii I'luins diHliwunlR.r. I-'Irculiioo In tile llvlnc of our premium locations. All ma- ttt nn\e, IIH onncr numt MPII. 3I»II>* extniM liifluilt'il. l'/j hnth>. riiiiiii, uml a .tullKhtfiil ri'ur iiurch. IlenUar — Inaurance • SUMMER J/llce ncW. l'llll bimi'int'iit M-llli invuinry mul terial, workmamhlp and equip- ,\K«- Cl'STO.W III'II.T quiilily llome [= Bndler Court tVe. £-4140 ttientf su&rflfileed. • REAL ESTATE-SAL^ lntinrtry. (ill slenni hint. 2-o«r do- with i hi-drooiiiH, 2 tiled imtiiH llemlier Multiple IIIIIHK Syatein IMAHT WHUK — nor flU I.50U, *ir>,lHHt, nnd .%-t7.r,»0 IIN«1IIKN 1h»t t;irll<(! Kunrse. .ertruilc IHncl^llnn We. 2-752S rt fl livme vetllir imiulliHl livlnpr ruom IIMIIH-, I,".0 year.-' ul'l, irinodi-IU'il. with Irqilncc, film- MIL-IH-II Lantdown. Construction Co. l>iviliK lu'iin l.Sjil'S, full >.izf clinliiK IKE TRAYLOR, Realtor nnd (llniuK mt-Ji, iriiriiijc. ritll col- a* 2-5800 ISVB*. We. 2-0Of)g room, 2 iircijltu-oK, idu-hrn, miliiy lur, KHs-lh-pd wurni uir hf;a IEP- $19,500 D-B-tf riHiin, brdroom mirl halli, 1 r*t JUior. •hircil prluv )l!i,K>n. sin .stri-FiiK Four bedroom home in rrnnit WALTER KOSTER ffIlillklphiii Avc, cm) of \V,.IIM si. WtBtlltld '_' larpr hrriroomsj :inrl bath, Hhowr I'tfr Itihtiriuue t.'onip.tny School uren. Mvlnir r>>uiii 1,1 5 zj P1S91BR00K HOAO A.\L) ROLT10 :: on «SIM1 floor, Lot 'iDllx^in, hpiinll- \ rim,i, I,. Illnli,, Thrnlre •J-7SM or I'liilniiclil li-lt!i:i. with nrciilnuc, full rtlnliiE room, LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS MOl'.M'AJKJIDB, .V. i. IVKSl'IIELD S-2S00 ful treeH und fruit. Trlue 524,1)00. jnocli.rn klU'hcn with illHliwitahcr Owner. Fa, 2-72S6i WKSTl.'IKI.D S-IIS1IS—(IIIS1 plus TV room. Cull We. 2-E937. Cvcn We. K-73I(Mi4U4 LEADER WANT ADS PAY! ALWAYS BRING RESULTS THE WESTPIELD (N.J.) LEADEB. THURSDAY, MAY 13,, 1054 SUMMER RENTALS • • ROOM WANTED • FOR SALE FOR SALE • HELP WANTED- • 18 feet \n width ana S Inches In OHTU31 BB.1C11, 2 miles from Sea- • EMPLOY. WANTED • ihlcUness from the present Bave- ItlSISKSS pnmm d««irei> furniBl lutui In Woodmere 0rive in m reii- siil. Park. 6 room bun** ]»« f2. WKI.I. ROTTRD cow and sheep ma- rliairs, ppt of *lx. room or Kbare Iiome *vith adults nure. Also cord wood. Rich top FEMALE like to do day's pral w*stert>', (south westerly and u ut! ld c ! h wer For in vicinity of HIrcl] rkice, r. ROM. Also light trucking. Phone -'ik. r«il Ha. T--i::f.Q. southerly direction for a distance Cr( . . ;.t,-.H<4, i- i; 'evening', s Or August. C-^7!>!. »T*l Jum> .">. Bt-Ht of retVreTH-fS. Write West'. 2-tTSu-J. S-6-U HOISEWIVKS — Address advert! of 483 IVet «»d l>y doing all eratf- lo Unx 1HI, care Wrstfleld l,c,nlt-r. ItiK pustfartlii. tlusc Uave go< tng. dminog* and ol.i*r work acces- hiiiidwrlliiif;. l. N'UU <>il4, H'atc full tini*' f»t»«iUun in Witfield or sary and Infidentai thereto. SAVE 1 town. Muss. \l-iniiy. Nval. t-nhrti'lcnt iiii, anti Said improvement shall t>e pan- UKHM4V Wdni.iil wlshiw 2 r. Ins Piano*, iifiv and «»*rt» oys. W,.ik ii uti.r i» P.M. Ufl.'e with ]>lHiis mid Kpf>'&tlon4 li«x 114, i-arc West Held J^eait CRANFORO PIANO CO. 'iiMir jK-r cl-iy ;ii Miu' jiu.1 ear Uiut have Ufcn SJIVSHII^U fuv tli^ liuilol. tihis-s ,-nln-.\ i\..»«, twin, *ttine. which have been appruvea by 't'un'rs mid KtbuUrfeT* full lied, doulilv br:i«» bi>d, udd Ht> m- .nur.' (..•,• ,; ntil. I'all W U(MU^ ' * l> K in ilu at tiumo Oup. Jt.H. Station Crfd. (1-2T20 diissi-rj; ami uifarcnjtneuu.^. 11;'. 'Z~~9-:n Wiwft'n 1 ; the Town found! and are now on 5-S-tf Milii St., Tl.ur.vju) iind Friday un- file In the DtTic# of the Town Engi- IO AVKIfKir, WANTED TO RENT *AHT vmv *n\iu LIGHT mi rui\(i. jt-urden work neer. . !<; i)lotk from IX-PUH un(j iJav .,, til r.::io. ur IMU (,'r. 6-247il lifter UK IT tjHDAFNRD by the Co" n*M .. militia. 1'iwitwl beach i"lMY, SPENCER COHSKTIKHF. Individu- li.'PO P.M. woi-k, mi U'n\>y •!eai.i.itf. l'lii Ulltl •uitd John, (\ui We. :-i'7o^-M. Section 2. It |B hereby determined of the Ttjwn of W^atfleld, In tM " j-t, (41'. I Vi'IHVISHKn 2 or 3 bedroom cuokitiK. ^m.ill fur; illy, ltif.' and * i <' d q g^n era 1 amount of monpy necespaiy to b<*nnine No (i?ti be and til* »-.»• \\'e?t field, l>' ,lun^ 1.1. Very re- In the home. Chestnut 5-64 S3 i«?wi>rk I'.v d.iy, will also do raised from al! tdeixrets for paid llei'^hy U ni'intided aa fpllowe: rlioliKible party. WrllV Box 101, «tor*k of scleeted lamps, silk KXI'KBIM.Vf'Kll nnii-o worker wit ing-, ouu Wv. •>:.:;oi>'\v. pui'jjose is $60IMJ and thut tlm *stl- CAMPS liire U'estfleld Leader. 5-6-2t Kulh W. Hackett, 109 West Clay p hades, and parchment P hades. df-rtlon j. TltJif S.wiion 3 tniJt!#* Ave., Rosellu Park. N. J. &-ti-t£ Havings tin t'o [10%. E. T. WUlliimi, iir*t clasf* kno\vU.uiJr^ of b[H>k!<<- mat*Hi Hiaximuni amount of bonds "APPLICATION FOR PQRM1TA' b» 7,".o Central Aif., Westfleld, New ftlir. liiiltif, liandliii;^ of onh're, ' :e 'M\ with 1 or notes fletesSary to hs issued f&r nnd li.-n'l,y 1. aniPuJ.M"! by at*«lln# \*«l» W.1\AI,.IMW. Katun <»• I Ml IMSIIKIJ 3- apartment \et'lul> IIMOKIS and Heliera! ufl t-liikl, nitc 6, ttiuli ^ work in prl-Raid purpose is $fi400, Tiiere is here- t«-r, N. H. An .-xcellenf KUBUIM Jersey. Westtleid S-SluS, Op«n by iipiH'uin-iiitcd to Batij iiur|)ufe the the foliovMntf oubdlviKlon (I); ne;t r tiaiiKDuitutl Wiid STORK BOUND??? evtiiilngB. Fi-S-tf work, ['ivffiably livlliR In ur lira K, nil aro'inil (1) If ut tiny Units ihur* nhatl camp for boys < ti -1G > wftli iiTi HV call «>. ;- Bee oar Maternity Fankleaa Wrslllelil. Appointment liy Jlli it Jrh ii, liuoiiie Hum uf (COO.tJO fruiii caiiitul impi'uve- ceiitlonully Hni- Muff of c-oum-ll- nieiit funds uvulluble Tor sm.ii IJIU-- bp unu^r roiifftrjction in tit\y utm Hric-f d from »7.W lo We, ;.64:0. *so. <:»n Mr month in ihc aemi nt any *p- 1'iir further liifornintii.n call AVrishta Urnw 8ho» |)OHPS. We. 2-70.-,.-.•-•""•"• . 5-13.41 • PETS FOR SALI • }> rovi'ri mctp or nubA %'ip1on m4# FOR RENT Elm hi. We, |lMV anted, ^o u Hoi'tlon 3. To finance Bald p\ir ninre thin t^enfy slnwla r*mJJr 5-ti-tf. salary. pleu>un t ( • OFFICES FOR RENT • KUTART llll.KH lor rent by day ll g. WWe. 2-."S43-JJ. made for * tiuildliiK t^rmlt for;^ [>r hour. rvpi:\vHrn:Hs — AH makes. w« (^o't'lior^tliMi, lui'., Tut> Liberty Ave c*-s. Call MM. Nf. Ullxon. -«:' HOUR of 1 Nvw Jersey, in anticipation o large .industrial, e6mritSf&' ' Jllllf.RT MOTOHS • • - have your favorite make. Sales- lriiiou J'bi'.'p, t'v ii hone aft or 5:00 I'.Mtin. ixHUiinie of bonds, Itond Antlel business bullttiitg', OP far M j 1'IHMT n.ooit office locution avail- KO— Ham,.,, for nix vnrlrd unj We, ^-Ilssj-J, IJijflott Noteti of said Town whlc CheMlimt 3-4*20 or We. S''2't'2H repairs-rentals. Hep-air 'estimates esdns1 kiuV'iiK. We. 2-.">HSS. cliull not pxcepd fn tlie uggretat apsrtjnent, or fer ar/imt.,-_,_-- able July 1st. On one of WeM- 5-13-lt free. Cllman & Horowitz, 35 Kim VOl'SH. UOMAY for (Htuspwiirk ai Tutnlly rf.M.l.-nre bulldlnfir and tji*.; lit'lcl's must' (•imvenii-iit business St., We. 2-U3S3, S-ti-tf ^oifkillMT id Sii to %V#w FliitiipAhli s( IHHH, mm. W1KIU» work l)rlnch)[il atnoutit iton sum uf |i40i BuiidinK Inspe*to# BhaH;T*ff *Mfa streets- Office approximately Ss22 fur summer, Will nocompuny i'atn- H^id not^s Rliftll beat* interest ut stunitiK June 11. LMU Wf, >U!'H 1 opinion that £ueh ^rojeetiof.-»^w| Desk and chair possibly supplied . and ruga, used, all clean' lly to glimmer home, l.'nn of chil- into which shRll not exceed six p jects cati not lia peflpetlt Kent $V> per month. Call PI. ft. USED CARS rciitum }>^r aniiuin and muy be re FOR SALE ed, good condition, room sizes, dieti und houHpwoflt. J{?ffr#m'*'K. vtied* by him, then ih* tLr^ 3213 evening.*, o»" WP. Z-A$4$ days. enced. l>"ull or |)art time. (.";ill Plume We. <:-3flt>3-W. 6-18-31 ni'wwl froiH tlm0 to time iuti'suair remnants, stair and hall carpets, tn nnd within tht Umltutiunfl ure- for such ButldlTi* fermit of throw rugs, new reitmanra and 1»SK Poiillai- 8 CuavrrHMc COBP* '-Hi":1 nriiT ii P.M. in the limitations n inits flhull provide.aha pB tar LAKD9CAI*IKG THAT'S factory decdnfls. 1»6I olriamoNlle 88 Hotltoty ill ATI UK, OKIH-I'ieitot.'tl man would scribed by Sftisaid Iswlaw,. AlA11l matnmitert : «lu-vcr,v'. (imiiftlor tn ^nnwdi •APARTMENTS-RENT • DI^KKHKVT Open Thursday evening until 9:08. USl Bull It liixclal 2 «oui M*It) fur weekly cleaning. We. 2 like io secure an account rervlv- with rfflpei.t. to saf| notes not <3 with th« following_. B«forBsfor*« MW A Cuiaiilcte fiprvloc ^ll.dbrth Hur BntlMmtfw 1WSO DeSulo Cuatom COH|I» :t7"4. 5-13-t irbltt po^itiDii. Wril« 1 ^ador. Jlox tenninftd by ti..n .l a ordinanc. , e shall 1M« OMamokllc 88 KHMai Cmmtm 111. b Olti t it r ju-rniltrt •hull T and exclusive four room S Tun i> Par 303 Morris Ave.. ftllaabeth d«>t<>fmined t.y reaolutlons to ie thp sppHennt shall 4»voioillt DOAXE'S—iouik IHI OUiwMIt 8S »•••• Ol'FII *KUtH WAVfKIl on ladle herenfter aifloplfed, Hulldlntr In»peetor IKIK* and bath with garage. Second flooi e-c-tf lMt Ford VH Cu.lui> li'laa Oreswes. .Section ami complet Hi-ptlon *. Not more than |8(iO.O' with t\\* Hul -..-.. • corner will be available May lev Pllll4 1: 1M« Cadillac' 4 dour »»*«a »turn of Thi-ee Hundred - •' for preferably an elderly eouple LIGHT THI CKI.VO ana tnovlnp; In work. Hteiidv wutk and bonus Ky» will baby nit, days or evening.*. nf thii Hum to be ritUed by the Innu («S0O 001 to emtr tho co**co*t ol muc ; And olkfra (o <*<••*« hm. tem. Oall Tina lie Salvn. PI. 7-23SS aitt-'u of fiflld notes may be uaed t ntucittl iiiopectdr farr tb« p«rlfp«rlfJJ f • -who insists on quiet and refine- New Jersey la my tspare time. No Subelantlol aavlno nuy «• youri finance Interest on obllgationB is l itd f tb ment In thek- home surroundings. PORTRAITS (alien In the home or Job too small. Bob Crldkenberger, mifd to finance mi oh puii>oae, whotli oni! mouth frfini thth e datdte af pu«pu« b Rental (130 monthly on one or studio. Call Jule Wltte, at Jarvls, We. 2-WJ-J. 6-li-tf with the purchase of ftny of thfl lipimlt or permlU. At thh e endd of : more years lease, will bfi shown M'e. 2-0iili2. B-6-tr above cars which have beta tne- laumliy 1» hv ef tempurury or perinitnent. Or ti p;irh nioiLttt, the auifltcaut nh*U tlculounly serviced to tin stan- vniVfi (.mr. to be trained a. Ilnfttica eiifflneerliijf or inspecttoi (io'ioslt whatever addiHoBal mm by appointment. dards and satisfaction ot people eoMn and Xefcut etpenscfl or to fl FOH SAI.I3—An 11-ft. boat Ami out' DESIRAIIE ANTIOOIS Kwi(eJ)1>oard and lcH:l,V|»t' operator. ift neo$H«i.ry tu Incrcuftfl any bal« in the automobile business. Mimt t>« a-hle u» iy,»e.. l*leanun nunns rile c^pt ot the Inxuance unce ri>ninlitliijr In nte human «ff MILLS KEALTY MANACIMINT board motor, $*t). 1'houe Plain- DECORATIVf ACCISSOmiS wofklnff coiiiilfiiins. llosiiltul ows down, painted, Wlnil»»» puch oliliK«tlrni« an provided in w. . lit-lil 0-1221.aflw S;dU l'..M. local Bond hnvr. Tltl# <0: 1-fiR UP the BullBulldlnd R Inspectopector to TThn* CIH Hifffclnnd Are* W**tl*f*. N. J lAWHO MOTOR CAR COMPANY tlun and other boneftU. K-d, Hfr^ciiK repaired, palnteil. UundriuUdl l Doltarn <(300.00)<(30000) . UUfHf A r<-o-2( ANTIQUE JfWIUY vlipd Htatutea of New Jprspy I93T Uundriul Doltarn <(300.00). UfH Tel. WntfleM S-3NUT • B. rink *'. l»lalmel. . StunII latp^ntry, paint jobs. fomi>l«tlofom ltl h off thh e projpuojuttt orr p prproo 2-0788-H iiiK tUiJliillor!, rtv|>itirurt. KAIIIV Section Q, It is hereby deterhitnc such prior tim# ** !•• IHIIVHAMHI-.MI M ' iilantx. IT.c Pit*. H-S241 HELIPOT CORP. f'll ill) It. WeatjlflU l!-21(t«-H and declared tlmt the ln-rlod of \ifti* jject t at ch prior tim# ** !• C-6-t ouch, S^.r.O per dozen. Clumps at HRMtT E. ITEVINSON Oailllao ••< Old.x.kll. OMilrr fulness nf the puvposft-for the flrtan ltud (nfTprtarr Pliall l he of ih* DUc. and 7:.c, Choice varieties, UB- Html.- Wi Rt SimniiH f{fl'. >MM<1 W> l'.M. ti-ja-U on tluc it is no loniw #» r KNGISERR lias 2-bPdrnnir 1I9EIMST. 6-6-tf cirtgr of whloh said notes are to hi Mtiry to hnvfl ft e|t«<>|nl inopf Mudlu apartment to share will' Borted oolors.- Tel. Ha. 7-1)31*. •S3 KAIBKR Mannattan. One own- 'OMASI WIHIH'M wt-fUly position part ' \ied JH A period of ten years cam nny baInline reinltinlni' in i nujtable perpo-n. Call U. cutaway u-0-2t WEtlfUU MIM er. 3 months guarantee. CaU We. Unit', afternoons 'til m'tcr dtniit'i-. ted from HIP date of itatd l» fund Plmll be returnfd to th« rum tor clih'i-ls1 sick ui' children. icuttuh ti- t'o much of flie eotr Klllott 0-4010 from 8:00 tn 0:00 nffeut after flnul u^niHfff »n« IT'S EAiy to look imart In Blmple- Jieater. arood tires. Good, depend- Bini'i', ll'ijeral iMiijihivi'i' UIHMUH luibliciitlon. deluxe studio apart- able rraiiBliorlitlon. Tel. Wo. 2-> Summer ncason only .'iri-linui' woek, THR lii-; afi«r pfitfd thsreby nliftll be t»o - UlOHAMl HS—fl.OO.doipn; vegota- to-eew styles fine) ©aey-to-laurldor (•all Wf. ^-Kitit-lt. hy the Board of AssPHsorR. 1J-13TH ; ment. Opposite Post" Office. Coin 1 ble nitd Itower plunlK, (1.2[j bux or rubrics. See our Belecrion ot won- eiin-R. r.-i-ir Opportunity to 1K< buy IT. Apply i pletely private fUid modern. Ugh. Section 7. It IH hereby d(. 1 30c dozen. derful fabrics at budget prlcei, litVI! UKH7.U4IV hotiKOWoiker and declared that ths numbei oi , houHek^plntf. Hath. All utilities. J. llairoiirii* 1M1.1 OLDRMOHILf] .Suf)..r u miilnn ; Adults only. We. 2-.pi57i». 5-0-1 OilU'S SILK & COTTON SHOP with hydi'o.inatio di-lvn, power 1IHI, to koes* r^orvlf, wxpm-U vw ttuui(>dUttQ iiliK'^ annual 'liiHtttUmMtta i>\ which th( 6U1 Soutk Avv.t (*ltrwoo4 etn Kpoolnl nsseHPinents to he Iftvied pi 130 G. Bwom4 9U Wcslldi, f€. J, ^tcerlnff) 1tmat&r anil radio. Call not necfiMHitry, will be trained un H a hi I undei'^tniuls J'ln We. a-li:.i; mini hnii.lnn iiBonablt'bl . JJ,|vi| > I ficootmt' af tim mild intprovemen I'd 111 II Ff.OOH nuart merit, F5 room* Gctr Wo. .2-linn . Job. inauiit'ifie boiiBfltn, paid v-'iea ncortu af tu« and porch. Cull We. 2-2400, 8:0' r.-o-a • dun, (Auk fuc Mr. Slur) plnw. i'urilit! iiirorntiitUm fttl muy bbe pnlnld tn ftv*. A.M. t'O 6:00 P.M. I»4K < IIIOVIIOI.UT— I df, iHtest In- HPWIIIR ('outer, (ia Kim Ht., West Hppflon.HHppflon'.HHfl , It i« lierfby determine CAKMIAI) rlmtnut .post" anil ral r.NCKii oRSKTiicnn, Individ- BPoction, ^7,nui> tniloK. (Uiod con- lli'ltl. Kalary and commiHHliJn. nnd dpciftredid * fhut'tltp Hupplenipnta reiu-e, f per section. AAlsl o l Uflll/ designed eupporta. Over 20 dltlnli; i860. Cull Kl. "-B9S9. VK>lu Wtntement inquired by tmWl law OK I'll Hi: to IIOO41 upurtmfuit and bath prints and Katest . Huuto U'i lvuO « nirrmcr* AWD.HB- I'livatft mitriinep. Hent and eon yearB experience. PlalrifleJd •- 'II nii'on \iu part tlmo emp • LEGAL NOTICES • luiH boen, duly ninclo nnd (ll«d I Maple Ave., No. l'lainlield. Tel. 8M0. Heater, the olTloe of the Town Clerk of Pai IN TMK TOW* Or 11 mm UP hot \v liter supplied. Cal PI, 1-7.-.12. 5-U-2 — 11:30 a.m. tn B::i0 p.m. U WKnTriKhv". • • • .r*---i "We. 2-l»(i(i-M, MRS. HKI, HAMM guoii condition; $7G. l'liu O We. :'- ' Sum! ii y. Htewart'a J Town nnd that such uttttement n B4« Wfsl »>»•« B»., PlainIrU ur filPrt H!IOW« tliat t!ie gfo«fl debt o 4J6S-M ufliM- 8:30 I'.M. lie W " 2-4115-J. Nntlc- 1M lieieby BW.IT ORIMIKKD by tb» COMII!Jlt# JOIIUAN freezer, upright, 14 cu. ft., 0-6-tf Hald Town lirt ilPlllifd In Tit)«i 40 of the Town of Westneld. lit tft*£ iTl 1HO apartinent, unfurnished 1 year old. Perfect condition. Ori- 1 i'ti of which tlic \-U of Bixta K«vls«tl Hftitulen 1H In n Living room, bedroom, kitclifnetfe 11M7—I'rivjitt , one ownyf, County... , o¥f tTiiton6t'th**'$mifa'. tjjat^ j^rM^L'}k'kp;-lRt>* T »>*.S ginal price »52.".—aslclciE »350. Cal PIANOS—The finest nnd larffaut se- raellpiit conaition, ltAtt, gfond BCX3KKEEPER nro h hd ni'<'iiK<>(l by tlil« ordlnnnoe by fSI400 with refrigerator, tile bath witli Fuller, We. S-tiS30-J. 6-6-2 lection in Centrnl New Jersey. Ex- tlreH. Must be m>en to bo ni>pru- and rr«d Uf hi Artl«le 4, 8*so*iori S * shower. X«w couctionconst ruction.. XJtlll clusively , selling the world- ciutod. Call Wo. 2-4S1B-J, ('•IUI of tlip Town uf W'eair ' (hit* ordlnanco will hv- within nil and the fame hereby ara fttn^nd tics furnished. 9V>. Call WP. 2- .MOVIXfl to Oallfornia. Sacrifice .'tfriH: hold May 10th. 1!i".4 dpbt llmltutlons fcribeU by fialf* HO thnlf.the lands hereinafter ^v.(1 ^ 2307 G13f renowned Solnner, Krnnlch & nnd Unit the Mild rniiiicll will fu flCPibed, which ore noW within »?^a FrlBldull'e diilmnilUinor, J.'.r,; tuble Bach, Junsaen, Paul 0. Mohlin and SIMI1MM TAI.IIOI' STENOGRAPHER In w, rtnlio, $,',; ArioTio electric portable six other lea dine uianufacturers. ible, -t l*;iHHOni£(,r. lil.r)."l. r.lkconverte llt'V-. ttii'r I'HMKldfT tlic KHIIIH for flniil pfii Hpctloti 0, Thin ordirnineo nhnl HcHldencfl district atf shown on iklf.^E phonograph, J2U; lii:A. retx.rtl Your purciiaBts are nt lowest 1 Il 1 Plil.l. ^llAltnn Imolckeeper mi H»Kf r>n Wiv Ut\i day of May, Utft take pffpft twenty dnys nfter tin changer ntuuihment, 5li; 2 pnlnte< 1'orfei't condition. Very low iniltj- n( elKhl o'rlucU l'.M., In lite Counc prices and douuiy guaranteed: by c. $-,UOtl. Pone We. IMlNO. hteno typlft oapablc ot tuking- in Cliambpr, MunU'ljml BuIltilnR. M flrnt nubllcAttoil tlieiyof aft't?r Una builktiiisea, Sli each: H-jrl nfili'(>. AV PHWIIKP. bliick alpaca cuul, size 11, $2u Plnno Co. wftli over 25 years of ii r« look I tiff for u fully oxpi'ilcnci-. I'lntqiml HtriM't, WtiRllU'ld, New JPI' 1'ePB flii.6' poutheanteriy side lino of Hprin*;^ iipartinent,'3 rooms We. 2-SG1T. Pnno Co. wftli over 25 years of IIMI IU'irK~4 clr. Milan, 1! & TI. ney, nt willi'li tlmo and place an; B-U-lt Htrect Hultf tmtnt tutinf din tan] dependabldependbl e salel s and servicei . 478 Oooii runiiintf i-ontlltlon, gooii tires, .toji noLnli ivonian. Kivo duy week jKinna wlio muy 1" liiU»ri»«tpd there K f«pnok)\fH living room, in Htnrtluir Matury *70, ( KPKCIAI^ oHi>i\,\\rn N<> 42.1 feet Mn»fhw0pC«r]jr meantirM^f quit rfflidentlal sect Ion 2 blocks Union Ave., IUs. 28, Middlesex, l'rlvuto owner. Heat ofl'er. trull We. in will \ii' nlv^n nn nppnruinUy m fllonff *aid p1de ih)« front thr^i ORIK.VTAI. Bcatfer rugs (<), u open 'til 8 P.M. except Sal., Sun.. 2-D1D1-W. he hoard I'onrt'inliiK wsiIti ordinance. AN OHIII\A!V(:K TO IMIOVIOIH FOII from tuvFn. All utlUtleH Included oiidltlon, reiitjonuble. We. 2-7 MECCA PRODUCTS CORP. 1 nr>titllr>rly sl^f. Unv or Soifth A\'o*^f I ill WP. Z-.'.TCfi-J. ami Mori. O-O-tf ,IANi;0 I' . JONH I III] C O S H T H I' 0 T 1 O N OF A mie and.runttlfiff tlience it) sduth*--"^ IMS SII l)i:HAKP'lt Clirimpioll con- F4i rnitriii Ave, Wmtr'if, no. a-a*i- Town Cl svA\\r,v. I:.IK«II»H H'^ATIOK ON I'O.MPl.UTI'i collection of twenty LOT :p» OK Hl.OOK JI4A. FOH 'rill'] westorlv nlonft th« nauin»tt«t«rt]f^ Fl.OOIl nimrtment Foil vertible, H & II, Mild O. I)., very Ulltl' fur Full or" iiart time ofilc Sl'MCIXr, N or A NAMTAIIV liirfjc rooitiH and ncroened porch full sheetH, mounted 111 a ciiHton work lit aiounlaliiwldt . 'J'el, AVr. 2 \\ ni(i>i\A\ri; IMKM il>i\(; roll HIOWMIt AND IOIII I! MAIN tanpp of 121.5 feet to projiprty »r^i| N* wly dPconited, Heat, hot and N1SI.SON HAPP I 111. IM.'HOVI.MCVI' OV A H IIVR R&thollc I'buroh; thpn^e ;(J>^i de-luxe album holding? tho Khecth 741 Clark 81. 11IWV. a l>r. KfUll — lllurk, raillo, IIIHOI fill Ull.lli'-Ol -WAV AM # r i old wRter, tlectrkity find RT>S flat (unfolded). Album and mount 'I'KtN OI' f'OOIJtX.I] N'I'IM IV I0AHT HIIOAlt NI'KKfri' AM Mouth 40 3fi iQitftt nlnnfe Iln* of'^6 supplied. Loratod near town and Call KirnliiKi ht'ntiM-, illrei'tiuniil fliKlialM, llnder- n yinniK (ilrl ir» or 1 A\lt TO MAKi: AN Al'lMIOI'lMA 1 tironertr y of fhe ('(Uholii; Chur*j»if| ing cost at least $")U. Haciillco »nU Weckenil* routliiK', top riiiinln^ cotulitlon. TO MAKF. AS AI'l'HOI'lHATlO nil transportation, Aflults only. 1650.11(1. Ymng, Wesllluld 2-281): yearH old who would Ilko to Hpnn I ION roil H| < II IMIU'ONli! AM FOU SI I'll IM HI'OHi; AND T< mor a dlHtanpp of itn.R feet; th«nc*^ Me* jjjetB . Vacancy June 1.$ $125 per 4-1-tt $cjn. cull we. 2-ISS'J-.T. c-ia at Urn RtinwiU'i- a I. thu KCIIHIIIII'C' will TO l'KIM IDi; I IHI Till) INS) (S) North 43' 30' Rant for a dtH*^ Wit t li 113 \m helping w'llh Hie ihlliiren? Wt ATK OI'1 IH)M> ANTICIPATION riiovinH roii TIIK INHI ANCI tnnoe of -121.5 f*et; thfttien'•t4>'--1« month. Write to liox 113, cure MMAI.I. dl-eHsIng table, mirror top WASHEBS—L'Bcd and rebuilt, auar- "Wostfleld Leader. ;indd ainallll .sepulat'rt'e mini i $1 would Ilko Hiinii'nuc vvlio In lii^ KOTKH TO MKRT HVVM AIM'HO- OI' IKISO ANTICIPATION -NO'll. North 46" H' Wwl fop a dlstanc*^! anteed. 125 and up. roc (MU mended by licr nclyhl I'lM VISION. v of ApproxtmntPiv ^Jl? feel to tfi*>^ twn porch grant) rugH, 3 each. TO MRHT' " " " """ * Jf I-ROOM apart men t, fcnfli, second SNOWDKIV AI'PLUNCICI AUCTIONS untl school. l'lioiH! We, li-doii;. HI'J IT (iRnATNKD l.v llm COUIH- point of niQOINXlNd. t > w Phone Westfleld 2-0H47. 4S1 Nurlk Avr. Wral. Wr«l 110 nf lllot-k »4u Wll Tax Map nT th" Town nrVfesHft^iil , newly rpnovntpd flrH Excellent condition, Knclillce, Or, 7lh STRUT, PlAINHflD . We. ^-12011, exttwiDlun No. I!, ft fmm a point US fout nnrthmiHt nfcePHiiry fiirt'o mtiliiR and ttutV 1 (iom1 mmrtment overlooking tit ftREYER'S ICE CREAM nppoliitiiK'tit, (' roll- Hey holdH L'U t'rttm tho norllu-HHlerly Hldo Hti HOwor to pprvP proparty aimwn oi AND BI5 IT H7TtTlWn OR-,^ jMirk. Conveniently located ne»r e5:9s NKW row 1'iiici; 10 A.M., FRIDAY, MAY 14 lnr,, 7M iVntmi Ave. l^iilrvlow A v.i>mu» he hitprovcit map imtltb'd, "Mm> ut Wyrhflel' T5A1KRO thrtt thitt niMlin!inc^*ih|t|tS# bUH lines. Five." inimtteH walk to -PlIK'lJ dining- room PUIU», mahng •/, ini. unik, »i.xi notihPNfterly dirtH'Hou fur u Manor, Situated In lh« Town > t> lake effect Imnit-illatutyt -> "•'-"•• ••'•'-•'•-%&& town. Living room, two bodrooinn, any; pier ; telephony table (fl:tHH atut hrlc-a-lji'uc, S\l,i:si,lin for Indies'' spec I tiini'tt of 77 foot In llm follmvin, Union County, N«vv f»-i:,-U FeeM8.f«^ Imthrovin, modern kitchen and radiant lire jfas heater; fix') i LIPPY'S ul liuti« ;lipvnp« V'o ih' CMIM water suHplWl. Adults only. Sliup, Iti7 }•:. RvtiiuX HI., Wt'Ktti " sccl'lun Jin a width nf IMi fcot wit hest lnter«*Bt of tho'Town to inntn' A?i Mims'AXCK^i'ftAMKliB "AVif6 No pets. Immediate possession, bilunilnaitM conf-roti- linvln« an itv MOTOneVCI.E—BKA Unntuin, 197,0, 0-0-t n hii'trer HewaRft rjecfor Htution an OIUIIV,».\( IJ TO AftfB*li TUB *1V> per month. Wentfleld 2-021G, under 42O0 itifles, excellent condl I.AIU.K oak deHk, 3(i"xfl.T', llnnleu • LOST AND FOUND • eniK't: lhltl(li''H« nf J'a lncheB. lai'jfer force main, than would In tion. We. 2-am. to]j, two poilt'Htul, Hie tlriiwpf. Alsc Oi> Hxccpt fnr HIM 12 fool t»rl requirpil HOlnly for Wychtlold Manor I HOOKS, unfurnished, 2nd floor, HIUUIILT oak (lp«k, 3(»"xrt(>"f t\v LOST—(iold cluiln with gold nitrl fioi-tliJii i-DtiHlruct 8-rdiiito hlncli In ordor to provide Me\reraffp faclll TOWN nv wmrvmtft RMTiTt- - tile bath, hpiit. hot wnier, K»Tlii pciicwtjii typist desk, linoleum top, • HELP WANTED- (.'inbliiK alons hnth KIIIPH thoroof. ties for th« ciiitt'o H fttiJ'o dra.miB i8i) MS MBI\ATIO\ nltimlniitr iraiioa mai-iulam uu\eimmf with yi'hlU'ld Mnnor for mieh cnlftrgre TOWV Olf WK»TI'IKI,I)> (KWOWW, iltuiiilnoufl foiicrcto Miirfaro havlr AS TUB MSIMI OnDIK*KCBI% Wo. 2-4!'.">5 days, or We. 2-3854-M BOY'S 20" bicycle, good condition, H tor in and Hcroon windows. V I.OKT— Slrlne of frold bend«, Thurs- I:\IM:HH;\( ill) full tlmo ronl nsfjile merit IMLH been ent*lniated nnd ugToed IFI TK<' S3 IHH, Al l Call We. 2-79G2-W. for dlwpliiy jiurpopes only. ri0x2 day, May Ii. . 1'Ji»4. Hentiniental wilcBiTifiTi 12), find Baleswouirn VI) i width cjf ;i(i I'fft and a thlrluie: to Im tlio amount or 510,000,00. Both for $J8. We. 2-374D-J. value, lleward. Unit We. 2-4287. wanted hy a WentfteUt venl cKtule if N illchl-H Mini ))>• ddllltf (ill IHM't:i THRUKFOKW BM IT OUDAlNRO nnn iv SlIOWCASK. 6 ft. 9 In. 1on(?, IH ft. broker. KxiM'llont opportunity and «iry t'Xciiviil liifr nnd nil tit Her wnrli Ity tho Council of the Town o(W'"'- nv (.r.Nrmr oimiSA^rH rf«. u-ide, -10 In. high. Ha.* itiioreHi-ent WAI-NIT clilna or linen .closet, $10. ONT—I)ny'» bn«piiiUl ffl vfi, lout »t -nn uttrn.«t!v<* nrraiiK-emeiit Tor a icifM^ary and to tho ini fluld, In tlie County of Union: We. 2-;\\\i:>-\v. mivVmeiit, ' i 1. pprmlHslon in hereby »IH i n nr. ATI vc; TO «A BPET • ROOMS FOR RENT • light. Very reasonable. Toy chest, Taniaiiuep Pnrk hint Tnursduy. Krent future. Only tlui capuhle, In- APAIITMmTSf, AN1» (i^KKHAL We, 2-7207, Cftll We. 2-^tKA-M. telligent nnd the iitf#reHnlve men Haiti iiiit'invpincnt BhflH he enn to Wvchlleld Manor to oon- .i\ ur,ritir.UH VI int. (lining room nnd women need upply. M uwt itriK'tt'd muter tho hiipervlHion o Hlruct tho foilowinir: . Mr UFXATINB FURNISHED room for business man. Hiilte, kitchen tahlp, kitchen cabi- hij Town J'JnK'nppi* nnd In accord- (a) A HtnvaKO eluytor station on TO OfF*iTHKRT PAHK1KG. GRXVI.KMAVM riding breeches, LOST—Silver brneelot innrked "MIR llcensefl, havo a oar nnd be c£ip- 1113 IT ORDAINKD by. the' Town > • Garage available. Call We. 2- I£ngllsh I will, IS 4" wnist, worn net, umbrella stain!, flower pots, In Slam,," Friday nlnlit on «r near nble nf rompiftfng <1nnN. VVrlt'o iiui- with iila II H and HptKilDt at Ions Lot HO of monk in,"). aiGC-Tl. R-G-tf C'ninfurd t!-Ofllu. I'luit lutv-c• lu'en pit-pared fur .the (Ii) A 12 Inch ami I fury newer" In of WpHtfleld. In the County of Union '•?: OTKc nr twice, JtU; also mini's rid- South Avo, If fouurl PICIIHU cull con fldPij tin Uy nil pnrtk'tilnrjj that-tho a hove entitled ordinance I*. ing nhiM-M, nlmoM new, nlze 1U-C, Dux !)!', care Wcstllfihl I.einltr. same, \vht<*)i have brim approvod hy •Iff lit-of-way from salil station to ...j room for business man, UOV'S M lP, 2(i" We. 2-i;!7«. the Town Council nnd nrt> now on 3anL Broad Strci-t. ' t'o bo amended In the following par- Inquire W. J.. lialdwln, We. 2- tlciilnrn: • " decorated. Private bath 31 20. rniullf iu Clear 111.' Iu the otfico uf lli» Town JSngl- (c) An S Inch Hanttary Bower In and shower, Ground floor. Excel- 2S8U-A1. o r. Kant Broad Street from a point BKCTION 1. That Arllrlv 7A en.-:. lent neighborhood. Gfiraffe. Call INSTRUCTION ir\riumi;ssi;(t, male or tvmule, . rtcciWin 2. It \B hftrohy dPtprminod iihoiit lti» foet HouthwoHterly from ntleiT "Oardon Amtrtine'nt Zone," after fl:00 P.M., We. 2-2213. FOOT ODOItK—Sprinkle Dnston on III I.OVA wiitcli, ten months oki. Oal pcrlHtici-il. Siilnry opi*». Vuciitiun ....d Ntatt-d thnt tlio fftlttiiitei' Springfield Avenue lo Davis Court. Sr-etton r., RUhdlvlRlonR "K"->and "h'*V toes and feet—Hhoen and stocking" with pay. nho|i, itl'-e eljctit aniinint <>t money nfcesHary to he (fls set forth In «nirt Oencal Ordl- 5-C-tf free of odor nt end of d;iy. Money We. 2-C128-M. TDTOIIINR — Illak Kehool and Col. (d) A 10 Inch cant Iron force main ; letfc aiilijeeta, Carolus T. Clark, ralnt-il from nil nourci-H for an |d •trough rlRhf-of-way froiu ejector mncp No. 081), be amended to read 200 llORN PI. back guarantee. Sold at Jar vis xirnnHi! IM JlTiOi) nnd thnt the e.i nfl" 'OIIOVVH: Drutr. H-I\CII band KUW, cxcfllent nondi- B. A. (Yale), LL. B., Ed. M. 8311 itatlon to UUVIH Court, thence HouLh- - f FlTllTVIgllftl) room for hiiRineRB man. tlon, (80. We. 2-7(iri2-W. Mountain Ave., Westfleld, 'phono naterl maximum amount of humifi n«Htorly In DavlH Court to Kf»ut (a) Offfllreet pnrkfti? «Pftce In-^ References exchanged. Tel. We. 2- • EMPLOY. WANTED • ir notes niMM-Hnary to bo INSIHMV for Broad Street and thence* southwent- cUulltlK KHi'iitfi* whall be provided MAVLK WKI* with box MprSng, mnt- We. 2-27U-W. 5-0-W IK Id purpOHe IH S1HSI0. There 1H to nccommQdnte at Icnut ono (1) 5 5fttt treHH, brand new, reasonable; UIHO YOU DON'T HAVE TO WAIT u'ly in Eant Broad Street for a diH- 1 ATl'BNTIOW homo owners! Do you lerflby apl't'opriat^d to wrtlil p\irposo .ance uf 005 feetf to preiant naiiltury motor fur for each slnirle unit, deluxe stroller, perfect condition. For 11 wooden wedding tinnlver- Raymond Young —Piano Studio «eek advice or help In built ;fnB, \\« Kit in of $ 1 Id down pity merit on nntl In addition t*h«re (tlinll ba TWO furnished rooms and kitchen- Tel. We. 2-1733. itjwer. ette for one or two business pnry to find a ulft «t [Jnpalnted Illilh lloitert Vuiincr. Ant. alterations, , repalro? Highl__. yy ex- 'n ill In I Improvement Hindu avall- Hection 2. That nil tho nald work provltied parldiif? tir&n for an nd- 1 Kurnllure t'u., On- we now Imve perienced carpenter nenka part l)l« Tor Hiieh purjiiiHo, n 'A. To finance RRitl p^ir- I hi* HupervlHlon of the Town Eitgl- ot miph npncp for the parking of for summer cuitage. Cull We, !!• nnil t'nppcr. raoke, inn- 131 Su.S UuelliUlll AwA . WeW . 2O2art of this ordinance. pli' r;ii»11y UPM«, htit sucli gT'iragi* Items. Call We. 2-Ciy»-J. that will complement any table jrlndpal ammiiit tlio mim of |U90. facllltiPH nhnlt not exceed one (1) FOR IWSIXKS8 MAX. I-argc, com- KettliiB. lJrira« start nt J1.93. methods. Special course for ntlult "ild noti-M KICIII hear Interenl at a Section I!. It Is hereby ordnlned beKlnnerH, At your, home or studio. hfit fhe portion of Httld work to be woior car for each elng-la family . • fortabte ftirnlshed room In home ItAUIO nnd record plnyer, $10; 66fi Porlnn Rti., We.fitfleld. N. .1. ROTQ-TIIUNG rate wlllcli ulnill not «,'Xf*jed ff\x par o( adults. North aide of town- Ga- metal cabinet, }2; 9x12 Concoleum UNPAINTED FURNITURE CO. EfltlmateH cheerfully jrlven. Cal! (rntuni nor annum anil may be re- ndertaken as a. general Improve* rag-e available. Call We. 2-3242. Tel. "VVentfloId 2-530G. 6-C-tf oivi-iJ from tiin« t(» time pursuant lont to bo paid for by ffenerul tax- SKrTfotf 2- 'Pnnt Arrirle 11-A ruff, used' little," f 3.50. We. 2- 101 W. Front SI. ' Tel. PI. 4-01M "We. 2-6520 or We. 2-03711 evenlnpB entitled "OPFrtTKEET PAtEKINO 5-6-tf after 6:00 P,M. E-C-tf :» nnd wlt'Ulii tlio limitation* nrc- tlon over 1and above tho coat of 0342-J. IMnlullrlil, \. J. oven Thumhur.. 1(Il1 l D0 TITOlUVr. In tneRiiHHiiin innsunRp, rrihed hy Raid law. All mutters onBtructlng tho aewago ejector Btti* •"AClI.vnKS". Section ft. stflMUvtHion Ilniull-Chiirice Free Delivery written und spoken, BeglnnevB or •Ith rehpprt tn said iinten not do- Ion, sanitary Hewer and force main [el (an net forth In General Ordi- L.ARGK bedroom, furnished, with A UKAIv BI'V — Coffee table, club advanced. Cr.*6-r»H68. AM. KIIVDS of lawn work including o moot tho nej-ds of Wyehfleld nance No, 747) be amended ot react Klt*t'hen privileges. Near nil trans- wing chair, breakfiiRt set, solid pultinj? In new Inwnn. Pruning. •o-mlned by thla ordinance ahull be portation. Call We. 2-5722-M af- oak chair, porcelain top table. We. ettM'ininod hy reHolntloiis to be -lanor will cost t'ho mim of 510,000. IM fftllOWH! ternoonn and evenlnftf. 5-6-2t CIIRHRY cornpr cttplioard in fine Top Hull, all kinds—2fic a btinhel. orpnft'or adopted. Section *. The Mayor and Town (o Multiple tlwelllDR-f! — One 2-0342-J. iiwtW'» rtindltlon, not reftnlah ' Call We. 2-f.y7C from 8:D0-r,:O0 Clerk lire hereby authorized to oxe- pnrklilp- wpaee for eneh uln^le fnifl- Choice fraineil printH. • BUSINESS SERVICES P.M. Oitll We. 2-70G4 after G:O0 Section 4. Not mwfl than $100,00 u Le on lien alt of tha Town an ily vtnit, plus tuidltlonnl iiarklnvs ; FOU A nrsixEss PEHSO\ in a BABV CARHIACIC scale ond car P.M.—Mr, Lambortl. 4-22-4t »f thV Kinn tu In. ralHRil hy thn l«mi- »renment with Wychfield Manor to npape en»lv:ilent tn twenty-five fiimily of two adult«. No other bed. Excellent condition. Call We. MRS. MARJORIE MILIEN of said notpH (liny he \inrti to rovlde for the payment to them by C!fi) Her cent, of the foreffolng1 roomers. Centrally locnted nnd 2-2622. PHOTOSTATS) FREE LANCE GIRL FRIDAY *o tntiTfst on fthlltfiitioiiK IH- ho Town of W>fltfield the mini of provldlnfi* th:i( iraragrp facilities near nil ttpannportation. Tel. Wee . t«a F,Ml Ilrond Slrrrt Legal document! and discharge uod to finance HUC\\ pui'hOBP, wheth- 10,000.t)l) when all iiececNary rlwhtH- RIIIIII hp provlileu ut IIIP raid of 2-fiftSU-R. BICVCLIC, girl's full sir.e Kcbwlnn, (IOIIITUIKP on F.lmir SI.) papers. 2< -liour service. "West- TYrijVH. nilnif, Hlmplo bookkeeping, r temporary or permanent, or to • f way find ngreempnt for building 2UR C-8-2C82t tmc 1motor cut for eitch three good condition, (21). Call We. 2- We. 2-1S91 field Studios, 121 Certtral Ave, niscoli IH'clericalral;; pproofrcnclfread - rianco etiKlnei'inef'i'iny' ; or inHiiot-tlnn ;lto have beftn furnlshPtl tli« Town f^liiKl* fuinlly units i'sceiHl«K that .AHfiK, plt.Ts.'iiit rn'om for bu«ineHs 1307-Jt cvenlngK. 5-13-21' 5-6-tf ing:g:,, (.'tutoriaall asslstnnstnnR , speoclspeoc i onto nnd \m\\ X]ir«riM«'H or Iu fl- nd wlion nil of flie work cnumer- Kriii'Hga npru'c «lmll not Ito provided niiiri, in residential neighborhood wrltinprlti - HJIH S car, 2 ttyiiawritersit . tho fOKt. of th*> Inn ii a nee of .ted In Seetlon 1 has bnon complot- in except* of one pttcli Kflrnsra Hpaco near town, (luntse available. We. MAPI.R double bed. Rood condition, ... screens, various Rh Mnll AdTcrtlKlnK Experienced, intelligent, depend- ifh olillK.'itlonH ;IH provldod in said •d to tho mUlMfartlon of tlut Town for ft\c\t plnift" fanillv unit. 2fiSf B13tf J20; gray nn gray (Hire ms, 1U12, excellent condition. We. 2-lTi74-W. OFFSET printing:, Mimeosraphlnff, (ible. Conventional or odd hourM. ni.-nl Homl l-iliv, Tltlo iff. 1 -5r» KP- cr nnd accepted by him, pro- SECTION 3. Thin, oi-ainanco flhnll »1">. Call We. 2-13.-.2. Addressing, mailing — circulars, Jl.niJ per hour. Tol. eveningH, We. Mf-d Klatuti'H or XL-U* JerHi>y 13.17, akti cfrprt Inutu.'rllately, after puhll- ... 2irznp Dfitr „ tiie Town Is furnlnhod with l'l IIMSIIRO room. Call We. 2- 'bulletins, letter*, etc. Union Ser-tloii :.. It Is hemtiy chiter- uitiiMe CVIUPIICO that all bills In- utiuu In tlio manner provided by ' , 115T.-R after 7:00 P.M. POST A.>'ll HAIL fences. Hund hewn ritAll.i:il. I8-root, excellent condi- County Business Bureau, We. 2- hiiid nnil declared tlmt the iu»riutj urred in rotuifictlon with said work and expertly set. Call Plalnlleld tion In £iml out. Ideiil for Htnntner G614. C-fl'tf liUIiniiV liandy mnn available ff»r ~ UHcfulnpHH of thfl pui'iiOHr; for HIP ;u'<>.lioen paid. i-13-lt Fees J10.SO Kl'IiSISIIKU room for rpnt. Near 6-ioiir,.. r.-i3-2t %-acatIon. Can lie .ieon Jit (Jiilf Sta- part Lime work. Win down, HIIHU, tianclriR: of which HUUI notes are tn Section ft. It IH hereby deter- transportation. BiiPinens woman tion next t'o Co-op. Moke an offer. pain tin KI carpentry and tf;i rden- i Ismicd In a. jtr-rlod of tt-n yrntrs mined and Htnt'ed thnt tlio estimated f.F\KitAT, oniiiv.wrr K«I. ... preferred. *ilS AVestfield Ave. ti:lTIICi:llAI'())l, good condition, Call Wentllcld 2-210S-I!. WANTED Intf. Wo. 2-H04. r»-C-3t' »-nput nd from t'he duto of mild mount of money neeo»nn.ry to be »J0. Cull We. 2-0918-W. 5-13-21 from n.U Raurcew for tuicli itOOMS KOIt HRKT — Cent rally lo- fJllADl'ATIO.V dress, wllltc, worn ...... _> ami welt equipped Section fl. Ko tniirh of thfi cOKt .»., J IH $10,0fi0.[)0 nnd that there TITI.UIl "A\ OltlllXAM^ TO once 'at Junior in^h School. Size WE NK.RD VBKTi BOOKS. We'll pay A)II:M) (;KM-MAI, OHIMNAXCH cated, 521 Boulevard. Tel. We. 2- land- HCII per will ran; for your id f* \ p 11 n H o of i n a k I n rr nn 1*1 1 m - * hereby n])proprlnted to «uch pur- 1C01-J. . r>-l 3-2t 12. Prom Best's, ft. Cnll We. 2- top prices for yours. The P. M. lnu n, fiott'^r bed;-*, find pruning •ovt'ini'iit an muy bo lawfully nn- OHO the mini of JlO.IIOO.OO from NO. n,i» EXTrrt.F.D -AX ORDI- 'Aln of Antique Mahogany Stools, 7.H1. Book Shop, 330 P«rk Ave., Plaln- trec-H \>y thn liour or monthly •SHPII upon I Iio liindH Hp»'olally npltal tmnrovomunt funds available IVAMCK TO AMEND TUB JSON1NO COAIKOflTAIILOAIKOflTA G furnished room In suitable for Television. Hlnglo (leld. PLafnflcld 4-33O0, C-6-tf rates. Kreri owiimatRs. Call I'lnin- Miflltnd tlicrrhy Hhn.ll bo N» MS-or such purpoHP. OIIIH.\A^ICK OP* TIIK TOWX OV privatrivate home. Business man. f'all Student Lamp with (Jreen Shade. Antlqiira (ii'la flPld i-i\i'23. 5-G-4 1 •HN*'I! by tho IWmrd of AHBr-n«nrn. SectUui Q. This ordinance shall 1VKXTPIEMI KNTITLEO "'AN \VeV . 2-5412-M52M. B-13-U 'I\K corner cupboard, lue cream WE BUY all types of ruffs and car- Hwtlon 7. i( l.i h«reh.v dM*?r- nko off «ct twenty day a after the O H IH ,V A K O H KSTA1I1,ISHI>« DON MAXWELL'S Miairw, pine tuble, ironstone, china, pets, iSl. 4-4780. G-G-tf (lunlllU-il (;bilflren'» NurNp Int'd and dcchirf-il t.hrit the num- lll'lt.UIVC IIISTHICTS AND I1E- l^iiiss, prlmitlveH, chair caning, rst publication flioi'tof after final »TIUCTIONS I\ THK TOWN OP 885 MOU.YTAIN1 AVE. WOI'MI yon liltf! to KU fiwiiy fnr 2 •r of Jimiiiiil iriHtnlliiHMitR in which Tin- SplnnliiK H'lirrl !ASH FOR MUN'S Cf.OTIIINR, rid- weeks or a montb anil leavn your iu .sjjfirlul iiHH"XNnn-iifti to he lovit-i! Fern $15.00 • REAL ESTATE WNTD. • 1M2 Mounfnlii Ave. ing habits, boots, antiques, curios, children wild me *in your bonif-? i uermnit of tin? ^ald ltni>ruvi'iucnt BK IT onDAINFit) by the Town UPHOLSTERING furniture, brass ware, glass, china. ay In) paid IM five. Wolffs, 118 ModiuoD Ave. Tel. PI. Uent of rtifeicnee. Tel. 1*1. C-!H26. SPKCIAT. Oni)I.VA\Cl"l ,Vn. ... ounrll of the Town ot Wpstfleld HOY'S 20-inch lilcycle, good rldlnR r.-G-2t HiHtl'm S. H IH hnrfby iletfr- \ OIIIII\AN<|; OIIAM'INIi 1*1311- liut Hect'ion 'A oi Oencral Ordinance Will. I'AY *20.000 for" n S-room FURNITURE REPAIRS condition, needs imlnt. 1I;IH bnflltet G-24".&. _ 5-C-tf Inod and dfrlar-il that the Supple- o. C'd l>t) and tho same hereby la house or pplit-levpl home in erion and kick stniul. !(!. W«. 2-I9U." MISSION TO rKH-cxr in n,i)i:us nelKhhorllood nt Westflelti. Hoiae Westfleld 2-0226 n in a it win h *'s Ft ma 11 liiiin- fiital l>*'ht Hlahiincnt reiiulrttd hy TO co"v**Tiiiicr (*irnm*\*; AMI m«nded to read as folloWH; SHOTGUK9, rifles, pistols, modern dry tn d(. nt hnmr' (no HlilrttO. ild law has )i'><>ri duly ntado anil Scrtlun n. Appeals to the BoartI must hnvo privacy, charm, trees >IM\fJ roo table, ivititiut, fiOttS, or antique, wanted by licensed col- :.;d In tlu- olfit-.. of ih« Town nicrk 1M V BII11 ,VT 1 \ 1*011TIO \ S O If mid shrulis. Mnut lji> mociirn, not 1 AIHO ir inifiK itiii) cur t a In H. Itcf- r WVCIIVIBW URXVB AM* SUX- f Adjustment may be taken by any flir«"P extra extensions with tnlile lector paying high pricoi. Will CR. Center of town, conve- ' «, ihl 'J'own a nil that nurli ftn t'«- T or«ou aggrieved upon payment to older tlmn 5 j-rar«. tJlvc delnilfl In padH. Also sideboard CCs22. Call call when convenient Linden 3- i-iit »n fUcd fthowM thai Uio KIOHH HKT AVMM IC. full In first letter to Box 10*.. care HOW no AT, exccllont condition. To &54O. 5-C-tf nient for titcltuit ;ii»l 1«avR. lU-a- UR IT OHDAIN'RD by tho Council liff Town of Weetfteid of the sum - Wostileld Leailcr. 4-29-Gt see cull Wp. 2-f»!iC5-H. vi :oo;2 Honnlile ratcH. "Will help u t wed- 'lit of Hfild TIUVH an dfliticd In r tho Town of Weatllold, In the f Ten Dollars ($10.00) to eovar (IIJIRM, hamiuolH, utc. Call We. 2- Itlo 4'): l-7(i of Haiti Uuvlttiid Sta- STKINWAY nr other pood pin no (unity nf Union: tn, providing, however, that no JlKE7,nn—Howard upright, IT. oil. 3S4 4-J. C-fl-2t itt'H IM liicrwtflfi] by this (irdlnanco 1. .Stibjct't to conditions horelrv ee shall bo required In cases where HKSPONNinUa party, two children wantedd for gentleman. Please r *n:»r» aiui thnt Hitld nittoH nutlinr- o notice of hearing Is t'o t>o pub^ of schrml otre, requires 3-bei1n>om ft., 11 mnntlui old. Blue Intertnr. ROTARY PLOWING state makee, ngpg,, piceprice.. Writrit e ISox fti'r Rf»t forth, ij^indHHltm in grant- 1 Inner duor nhelvpH. Kqulpjifd with cd hy tlil« uriHiianeii will 1m within 1 to LeH-L'til MulIdprH to Cdn.ilriict ish^d or served, am" , appeals may unfurnished hoiifp in WeslfloH WE. 2-timr, 102102 , care AVtfilAVetitfieldd LLeaderd . A ilt-l.t llnilt'aUunn pri-Kcrlb^d by \*o be taken by tiny offloer, de- vlelnliV. fall .7. Hognn. Personnel lock. Nfust sacrifice, ?2^0. Call We. . urblnic ittid pnvonicnt In tlinlf cec- l>ppt., DI3 .VJIino, between y:00 1I-77OS. 5-fl-3t TVI'INT—Arcnnite fit fl on of Wyciivlftw Drlv*» and Sunset [nirtment or bnurd of the Town of ietlrr.-i, niiiinifii'rlplH, * S-ftlori '.). TITIM ordinance Blinll vi-niip an Hhnivn' on Map of Wych- Westfield tiffpctcd by sny decision qf ;: A.M. nnd 5:00 I'.M. Amerlrnn furniture, by BP:'. t'iivHr>|n llVIIRIl) rhododpntlrons, 2 ft.. $fi: ASIini! — IJlnckPtone. writiRer nnn'CritMtnerrlnl party. Tel. ]*rince- Uu Hlf.'nt twenty ilnyn aft*M- tin- i-W K-intoH a..L.tion Two. ho Tin I Id in fp Inspector or Zonlnif.''"= •\\K WISH TO m V 7 or S room pink iinffwoud, (12..'0 viilun for $S; typ's Kood condition anil clean. tim 1-0;i*!C or write Dox 3 01*. ^in'e I ] l f. Will pick up r[ iMihllcatliin thnoof aftt-r final -. Tlu* work sbiill be Hovt) In JiTlcer, Such nnpealR shall bo lakenj|^ liniiiP, N*r.rth fUif, approxImntHly wet-piiip willow, r>-ti ft., M : cver- Fnnwciod !-S:i3. WnptHcld Learlnr. f.-fi-Jt and ileliv-tT. iTurd;ini.'(i v.'ltli jjliinn prepared by vltliln a ronRonablo time, as? pro-^L irri-eiiH, larpe nsportment, $^.'0 up. Write Hnx MM. r.-1»-"»l io Town JilMtflncer in ftrlct Record- by tne rult'S of lb.o Boafd, byip 12(1.000. Box HI!, ciro ^VffltncUl CMien all dny Sutniny — Mountain tj:i i \ m.i: \v<[ii\\ rt-ouid lfkfi to with tho Zonlr\u Ottlcer ontlit ^CIIHKX 1)0011. 3714x81 "i, net' with Hit- To%\-n of WentfleldV : Lender. 111 3 Kit. .'-:»:. i;:, Avi*., corner ot ,iiTUsalt>in ltd.. nrrei-n (lonr 12U « »' i. »'• iln lir.ii»?-wr.rk. Call i- i>Avn \. ... landanl s|ippifitM,liun,a nnd subject with tho Board of At3jusenwnt o. 1MV1S an" Immediate nuy*r fnr a Ht'otcli Plains. C Kmory. 1'a. 2- solid bnsement dorjr, 37Vi x HELP WANTED - v (iiinivAvn: I'ltoviDi.Nt; von i iipprnvni of tho lown Engineer iiofice of nppeai -tpecilwlnitt^tnft; " two-family homo. Alan Johnston, CHS. (i. 138 So. Uuclld Ave. Tin; iMi'itoviiMiiNT or \ SKC- I/on cT'ni|>b-iUin, fironnas therefor.- Tno SSomtttC OBI* ^ « Realtor, ^vi* ^.r.iifiJ. f,il| \V. TIO.V in.' Mr.N.wwnou IIUIVH .1. Jk'fnrc flio work Hball bo com- or Khali trtnrtjjltrtp th%«^ Tn coMiiriOMiTn. woi-nnt, »i MALE AMI TM M.VKU AN Al'IMlOl'UlA- irnird all the- paT»« «W»ttWV*IB 1 COHPI.r.TR douula sink, linoleum nfiiired I.nH-Ciil BuHilPrn ahaH de- ton with tliernioptnt control, dt - dmlnhonrd. i'l. M Westflnld ltd., WOMI.AN wants live-hi JJob . Kxperlpr - TIO.V FOII SirCll IMIil'OMH TO innlt the Hum oC 9300.00 to cover he record upon' whtcK tft#•'ftSUftft?^ OVsa SIAX fnr mowing lawn. Call d ijabl CJl "\\' 2 ppo APT. WANTED linniidifle( r iind exhutiRt f;m. roalt* I'\lll\vood. Fit. 2-fiOG4. .iiriKT srm AI'I'HOI'HIATIO.V. bnrfrea Tor Inspection and ndver- 5( 0 ' Hinmrfl fept. HMPII tlirt-e Wl. 2-,1744-J. 51- I!K IT OltDAINlOU by tho Counrll Iwlntf. ND AlI D th*('thl< otHamce "finU'l,,., 4-nooilI nnfurnlBliPiI nparnnent In monthB. 12.-0. Call We. S-lSM-M. A .Ml HOT, iiKwIr piilnteil. n-ltli cor- • thf Town r.f Wi'Rtnma in tlio UK IT PURTHEn ORDATVRD ner tcatK. $r». We. l'-1l>t;4-J. I'lll/NO MA'.\ nlioul "II to K<> In XfW Hi:i.lAlfli: yoiinfr In', nftei* iiiml pasaawo. : Julv list. lieforenreB fnrnlslicil. USETEADOTWANT ADS I'hoiio tt>. '1-0VJ6. rL'TlW t'd iit-in,'tr;ttlun itiacaduni puvcnicnt MORE LEGALS ON PAGE 4 •••'"We. 2-USO-lt. cliftlre. Cr. f)-1078. Trinity Mothers I Guild to Elect The final meeting of the Holy Trinity Grammar School Mothers Guild for the current school year •will be held Tuesday evening at 8:15 in the ail purpose room of the high school. The nominating committee has presented the following slate of MQNtY officers for consideration: Presi dent, Mrs. G. M. Hebert; vice president, Mrs. John J. Conlon; recording secretary, Mrs. Joseph SUPER Lambert; corresponding secretary See feme much m iMter h*v* mi Ate- Mrs. Carl J. Pepe; treasurer, Mrs J. P. Mika. Election of' officers tUnmll Jmittth9thw*$mnd will be heM Tuesday evening. Eighth (rrade mothers will be thmt it p««s to stop iVew Merl hostesses for the evening. Ar- rangements have been completed mmat shopped super mmrkett for a teen-age style show with \1 NATIONAL! eighth grade students acting as models. The Jane Smith "Jun- ior Bazaar" will furnish the Hunts clothes worn by the girls while U. S. Choic* - T.mla.Rattd Wyntt's Clothiers will feature the boys apparel. The fashion show will be under the direction of Mrs. Bernard H. Semler and Mrs. W liam Gallagan. CHUCK ROAST Pre-Scliool Group Slates Last Meeting SoveI6tf The final meeting of the season for the pre-school group of the Mountainside PTA, will be held Tuesday evening at 8:15 in the HUNTS primary school on Central avenue. Because of the enthusiastic re- sponse to the movie, the "Terrible Two's and Trusting Three's," its sequel, the "Frustrating Four's PfACHES and Fascinating Five's," has been Frtlfc obtained and will be shown at this meeting. The children in this movie are the same group from a Aivertiiei FRESH CAUGHT Canadian nursery school who ap- Over WINS, peared in the first movie. They Dollar Day Feature in NATIONAL'S Meal Deportment t •re shown at play in school, Fr«h Killed , BLUE FISH BROILERS J'A-lb. Averaga Each • I • Take Your Choice of Family Packago - Armow Hew Serve on Fitdier'i j CMS FRANKFURTERS^'* »l FRANK R0US__i'.23c j IS. V. S. CHOICB BO>KI,K8!« { ~Borden's CHUCK For Kt»viln« or Grln41nB 5TC > I!. H. CHOICE HONRI.KH« j LONG ISLAND CROSS RIB ROAST ... 69c 10 SAUCE CREAM KOMIIKH «U I.B HONKI.KSH 1IH1SKKT Take your pick! Not one,- CORNED BEEF ..„. 59c but all these kinds of cream from Borden'a! HUNTS FRESH SOUTHERN SWEET CATSUP LIGHT! For your coffee, cereal and EARS fruiUl

CRISP, GREEN, TENDER e linden Hou» I'WP" Save l8 PASCAL to«* 1CELERY -* W EVAP ......

MEDIUM! FinetF!ne«tf MadiuMaciium SuSize _ 4k f\ light enough to pour, heavy lb> enough to whip! NEW POTATOES 5 19C FRESH LONG GREEN Snow Croop FroFroww n CUCUMBERS each ORANGE PIECE COVERED Delicious Apple' HEAVY! RKH IN ' com, •Whips like a dreamt VITAMIN Quickly I Final Week! JUICE "Wous CANISTER Everbrite Cutlery! High Carbon Steal KITCHEN CLEAVER. 39c in with ^urdi«H «f $5 ar nn. 'cop MISSING ITEMS? Ivy at many ctillarf , Grade A'Brown or fo 'ff»e, "led »)•<•• at yau ntt4 with punhasw af }3

Veek', SOUR! dox. Rich'i Refreshing with vegetables! and fruits! WHIP TOPPING \

When you sec the ELSIE save DAISY on the carton, you 10c! know it's

Snow Crap Frann White Lily Kosher Slyla ' $ d«i't ROLLED BEEF PEACHES 5pkB, l CHEESE T/T i b Filchtc'i Short iuh &.,Pi-ppo< CREAM SPREAD 1 OS or PASTRAMI CAKE SHELLS :f: 25c B* crfoV M"f

Kirkman Products Ehlers Grode A Producls BURRY'S - PANTRY STYLE \ Chicken of the Sea laundry All $ Ooffee Grinds—_Jb. can, 1.25 Soap 3bon25c RAISIN COOKIES! While Meat Tuna j Kcrackers_L36c Flakes .,....,. 29c 4 boxes $1 ;TeaBags_pl

At your food itera, ' or at your door. DetergenL_,a.!>vg 3.c j 138 CENTRAL AVE. - WESTFIELD TWIN COUNTY Mf«B« THE WESTFIELD (N. J.)' LEADEH, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1954 Club News Of The Week In The Westfield Area Principal In May Wedding Miss Judith Gottlick, Betrothed Elizabeth Bowden To Sanlomenna-Eke nd Mrs. Walter Edwin Lang Law Graduate Bridal Plam Made from Wed at Nuptial Mass Mr. end Mrs. John Stanley Bow- --.., —teited MrMr. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Eke of Lawrence avenue. ring were den of 517 Carlcton road announce Salsbury's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Judith Elaine Gottlick, Willow Grove road have issued ta- ilesdames Harold Bracher, Henry W. B. Salsbury. the engagement of iheir daughter, VmiMir tlFn ]4.*YU T71 1 • 1 . . daughter of Mrs. Paul Gottlick of vitations for the marriage zerny, Walter EJicker and Wil- —*- 930 Brown avenue, was married Elizabeth Ann, to James Donald Jam 0. Johnson. They were as- Mr. and Mrs. William L. Brower to, Walter Edwin Lang, son of Mr. Warren, son of Mr. ana Mrs. Dan- daughter, Jean Phyllis, to D. B»l» listed by Mesdames Henry Ham- of 825 Bradford avenue spent the and Mrs. John Lang of New Egypt, aid Warren of PlainnVltl. end Santomenna Jr., son of Mrv ilton, William Jockers, Robert latter part of last week in Atlan- griswold, Robert N. Inglis, Par- at a Nuptial Mass Saturday morn- Miss Bowden is a graduate of und Mrs. Santomenna of Mamir- tic City attending the Bankers' ing a 10 o'clock in Holy Trinity Westfield High School and attend- oneck, N. Y. ley Ketcham, Gordon Losee W Convention. Church. The Rt. Rev. Henry J ed Drake Business College. She '. Lowe and Henry MeFarland.' —•— Watterson performed the cere is a member of Beta Sigma Phi, The wedding will be held gun. Home after a month's visit in mony, which was followed by i international sorority, and is em- day, May 30, in the chapel of the . • After seven months in Europe, Japan with their son-in-law and Presbyterian Church, with th« R«v, r. and Mrs. Chester Macklin of reception in the bride's home. ployed as secretary at the West- daughter, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Escorted by her uncle, Walter field Young Men's Christian Asso- George V. Gardner, associate inln* •10 Kimball turn have returned Paul Zirkle, are Mr. and Mrs. Ray- Schaefer of Jersey City, the bride ciation. ister, officiating. The reception Westfield. The Macklins spent mond Powell of 625 Lenox avenue. will be held at Oak Hills Miner, host of their time in London, Eng- On their return trip Mr. and Mrs. wore a gown of embroidered Mr. Warren is a graduate of Metuchen. land, but also visited Paris, Powell made stops in Hawaii, San French organdy with an illusior Plainlield schools and Johns Hop- France, Hamburg, Germany and Francisco and Seattle. neckline and full skirt. Her finger kins University. He will be grad- Mrs. Ronald B. Barlow will bs pent Christmas in Switzerland. ~+- tip veil was held by a jeweled uated this June from New York matron of honor and Mis» Janet Mrs. J. Brenner, the former Mr. and Mrs. William Donald of crown and she carried a prayer University School of Law and will Feathcrly will be bridesmaid. Ann* Jeveiley Macklin and her baby 1045 Harding street are parents book with a white orchid. be associated with the law firm of Elisabeth Batten, a cousin of th» of a daughter born April 29 at The attendants were Mrs. Roger MISS ELIZABETH A. BOWDEK Crummy, Consodine & Gibbons in bride-elect, will be flower girl. ughter, Kathy, of Norfolk, Va Cunningham of Westfteld, a sister jre visiting at the Macklins. Overlook Hospital, Summit. Newark. He is vice president of Hubert Santomenna will be bert of the bride, and Thomas Green the Plainfield Young Republican Thomas Ayling, son of Mr. and man for his brother, and usheri Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Methfessel of New Egypt. Local Women Winners Club and delegate to th« New Jer- n Mrs. Thomas H. Ayling Jr. of 327 After a motor trip south, the will Include Mr. Barlow, WUltam * Carleton road entertained at a sey State Republicuns, Inc. Hodaton and Gordon B«tten. n voyage party Sunday after- Forest Hill way, Mountainside, en- couple will reside in Trenton. The In Writing Contest loon at their home for the lat- tertained at a dessert party for his bride attended Holy Trinity High tr's mother, Mrs. Louis Dejonge eighth birthday last Wednesday School and was employed by the Mrs. Frank Lewis of Lawreno at his home. The children were en- T 260 Walnut street, who will sail Peoples Bank & Trust Co. Mr. venue, chairman of the Creativi aturday on the "America" for tertained by a magician, The Great Lang was graduated from Allen- Are you planning a summer wedding? Charles. Writing Contest of the INew Jer |urope. town High School and is employed sey State Federation of Women's by the N. J. Bell Telephone Co. 'lubs, has announced two West Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Powell of in Trenton, Mrs. Edwin S. Stockslager of 24 Cleveland avenue are parents field winners. Mrs. Herbert Flap P6 Parkview avenue gave a tea well of Forest avenue won honor- Summit is so kst Tuesday for her prospective of a daughter born Friday at Muhl- enberg Hospital, Plainfield. Margery Budell To able mention for an essay and Vughter-in-law, Miss Sue Kerry, Mrs. Alfred Schroeder of Cherry beautiful Jiughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erie Mr. and Mrs"Fr*ederick Ulbrich Marry Harold List lane won honorable mention for a Kerry of New Vernon. ML of 544 Edgar road are parents of roup of poems. Both are mem- irry and Edwin S. Stockslager a son born Friday at Muhlenberg Mr. and Mrs. Victor Budell of bers of the literature and drama . will be married in June. Hospital, Plainfteld. 626 Hillcrest avenue, announce the department of the Westfield Wom- engagement of their daughter, b's Club. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Baldwin of Mr. and Mrsrs.. WWilliam Raub of Margery Lea, to Harold Truvor 45 Effingham place spent Moth- 211 Central avenue are the par- List, son of Captain and Mrs, 's Day weekend visiting their ents of a son born last Wednesday Harold Edward List of Pensacola, CO TO CHURCH SUNDAY Call Mrs. Carpenter •n-in-law and daughter, Mr. and in Rahway Memorial Hospital. Fla. for reservation* Irs. E. J. Osborn Of Fall-field, -•» The bride-elect is a graduate of onn. Mary A. Crouch of 61S Benson 1 H1 JI place entertained recently at a MRS. JOHN S. MacMILLAN JR!''"""" " °" Westfield High School, and is now * C-3000 |Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Martin May Day luncheon. a student at the University of Mi- 740 Lawrence avenue have Te- Presbyterian Ceremony Saturday Unites ami, Coral Grables, Fla., where lit Costs amed from a cruise to South Mr. and Mis. Curson Berse of Miss Barbara Peterson, John S. McMillan Jr. she is a member of Sigma Kappa irica. They visited Venezuela, 620 Lehigh drive are parents of a sorority. Her fiance attended blumbia and Aruba. son born April 29 at Overlook The marriage of Miss Barbara Jane Peterson, daughter of Mr Southern Methodist University No More Hospital, Summit. yd(! Peterson of 9B0 nd the University of Miami. He «wm Dunham avenue, and John Scott To Star* Your FURS I Mis. Kathryn Sheild of 525 Elm -•- s currently serving in the U. S. McMillan Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. McMillan of 159 Army. with a et recently returned from a Mrs. Samuel McCaulley and her Broad street took place Saturday afternoon at four-thirty o'clock lip,to Bermuda on the Queen of son of 312 Wells street spent last in the Presbyterian Church. The associate minister, the Rev. Richard The wedding will take placo in week in Willowdale, Ontario, Can- MASTER FURRIER S70 SPRINGFIELD AVE., SUMMIT jBrtK<«£a. Mrs. Sheild was accom- L. Smith, officiated, and a recep he Presbyterian chapel tomorrow SCIENTIFIC fcnied by Mrs. A. B. Smith of ada, visiting Mrs. McCaulley's tion was held at the Mountainsid Louise Neubauer To jvening at six o'clock, followed by orristown. sister, Mrs. Samuel Froehlich. Inn. reception at the residence of the COLD FUR STORAGE May 23 Miss Dolores Davighi, The bride, who was given in Marry Harvard Grad ride's patents. • MINIMUM RATH 'Honor guest at a recent mlscel- daughter of David B. Davighi of marriage by her father, wore a • MAXIMUM CAM Kneous shower was Miss Shirley gown of Chantiliy lace and tull Frank Nicholas Neubauer • FUUY INSUKED 154 Locust avenue, Mountainside, Miss Helen Goceljak • MINOR REPAIRS FREI FOR ALL OCCASIONS Tenny, daughter of Mr. and M-s. will become the bride of Frank V. over white satin, fashioned with of 753 Willow Grove road has an- "arold A. Penny Sr. of 601 Roose- Vitale, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. basque bodice with long pointed nounced the engagement of her Weds Rudolph Mutter, Rtpalrlng |slt street, formerly of Roway- Vitale of 836 South avenue. The sleeves and scoop neckline trimmed daughter, Louise Lott Neubauer. CUSTOM CLEANING Conn. The party was given wedding will take place in Holy with appliques of seed pearls anc to Albert Roche, son of Mr. and Stevens Tech Alumnus Miss Penny's sister-in-law, Trinity Church. sequins, repeated at the waist. Thi Mrs. John A. Hoche of Belmont, Irs. Harold Penny Jr. of Darien, full skirt had side panels of a& Mass. Miss Neubauer is also the MOUNTAINSIDE — The mar- ••» iage of Mi3S Helen Goccljak, onn., who will be matron of hon- Sunday Miss Diane Cornwell cordion pleated tulle ending in t daughter of the late Dr. Frank , Mill III! FURS I'June 30 for Miss Penny, when if Forest Hill way, and Rudolph Mount, daughter, of Mrs. John W. cathedral-length train. The bride'i Nicholas Neubauer, former prln- W.itfield'i Ot.llnctlv. Fur Sh*p i will become the bride pt Corp. fingertip veil was held by a queen's" cipsl'trf Westfleld High School. '. Muller Jr., son of.Mr. and Mrs. Giles of Cranford, was feted at fuller of Belleville, took placj liilliam T. Owen Jr. of Norwalk, two parties. Mrs. John Keeley of crown of seed pearls, Her bouquet Misg Neubauer is a graduate of 106 E. BROAD ST. onn. was of Eucharist lilies and lilies- Westfield High School and Gou- laturday in St. Peter's Church, W«. 2-3423 Cranford gave a kitchen shower lelleville. Msgr, Joseph M. Kelly in her honor and Mrs.'George W. of-the-valley. cher College, where she was a opuiv wow, rcvis. o Mrs. Henry Czerny of 320 Wood- Maid of honor was Miss Caro- member of Pi Beta Phi. fficiated. A reception was held ind avenue was hostess at a Anderson also of Cranford enter- the Military Park Hotel, New- tained at a dinner party. Miss line Grander of Westfield and Miss Mr. Roche is a graduate of Har- JEWELERS-OPTICIANS incheon bridge Friday. Carol Foote of Westfield and Miss vard Collcg* and Harvard Gradu- ark. SEE IT NOW! -•- Mount is the fiancee of Paul Wal- The bride wore a gown of nylon ter Izant of 203 Ross place, son Joan Perrine of Bound Brook were ate School of Business Adminis- SPRING COLLECTION OF *'M«I Iff* An informal dance was given bridesmaids. Their ballerina-length tration. He served with the U. S. tulie and lace made with a por- tturday evening at the Tennis of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Izant trait neckline and a full skirt. Her of Cleveland Heights, Ohio. The sky blue gowns had strapless bod- Navy during World War II with SMALL FURS ,SM HCMO STRUT, WMTFIIIO,**, lub by Helen Blackwood, Carol ices and shrug jackets of lace with the rank of lieutenant commander. illusion veil was held by a lace e Chellis, Phyllis Furch, Lillys couple will be married June 26 in the First Presbyterian Church, full skirts of tulle over satin. They The marriage will take place in cap und she carried white flowere. [arik, Maryanne Miller, Beverley wore clowns of variegated spring fall. Mrs. Joseph Gawrelik was ma- cwmillcr and Mclinda Scott. Cranford. (lowers and carried cascade bou- tron of honor and bridesmaids -•- -«~ quets of the sameUlowers. were Miss Jeanette Shelton and A breakfast for 75 seniors was Margaret Flint of 771 Fairacres Frederick J. Cunningham of American Home Miss Patricia McCauley. iven after the Junior Prom Frl- avenue entertained a group of Westfield was Mr. McMillan's best Group Meeting Harold Ponisi WHS beat man an ay night by Douglas Petci'son of friends at a dinner party before man. Ushers were Paul Davis and Walter Colelly ushered. 35 Willow Grove road and Mar- the junior prom Friday evening. Joseph U. Cunningham, both of The May meeting of the Ameri- The bride was graduated iron in Denning, also of Willow Grove -•- Westfield. sad. The party took place at the Miss Susan Jean Lewis of Plain- :an home department will be a pot Caledonian Hospital School The couple left on a trip to Vir- luck luncheon, Monday at 12:30 Nursing and is n dental assista eterson home. field, fiancee of Harry T. Hutton ginia Beach. For traveling the Jr. of 643 Scotch Plains avenue, p.m. in the garden of Mrs. Wil- to Dr. Nuthun Fishman of Newark Lttst Wednesdaesday Mrs. Russell bride selected a light blue linen liam Oakley, 720 Carleton road. Mr. Muller, an alumnus of Steve ocum of 35B West Dudley, rctir- was guest of honor recently at a suit. Upon returning Mr. and Mra. miscellaneous gift party given by New members during the cur- Institute of Technology, is ig president of the senior high McMillan will make their home at rent year will be in charge of the the Otis Elevator Co, TA, was honored at a luncheon Miss Anita Boise of Watchung 950 Dunham avenue. ' v and Mrs. David Young of North program with Mrs. Coghlan and |arty given by members of her The bride was graduated from Mrs. Geer, co-chairmen. LEADER WANT ADS PAY oard. Plainfield in Miss Boise's home. Westfield High School and is a Miss Lewis, daughter of Dr. and senior nursing student at Presby- Miss Lois Ann Pierce, daughter Mrs. Arthur W. Lrwis and Mr. terian Hospital, Newark. The ' Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Pierce of Hutton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har- bridegroom, also .a graduate of |73 Terrill road, Fanwood, will be ry T. Hutton, are planning a June Westfield High School, is employed parried May 29 to Second Lieut. 12th wedding in the Crescent by the California Oil Co. in Perth ouglas R. Purdy, son of Mr. anil Avenue Presbyterian Church Amboy. He is attending Rutgers Chapel in Plainfield. WEEKEND SALE frs. Irving B. Purdy of Pleasant- University. ille, N. Y. The ceremony will take -•- lace in the First Congregational Lieut, and Mrs. O. L. Butner Famous Brand Ihurch. and their daughter, Beth, of Sa- Membership Show vannah, Ga., have been visiting fquortd ht*l glvci pfrfact balamt—• Mrs. George C. Barnard of Dcn- Mrs. Butner's parents, Mr. and At Rahway Center httpt prtvfnt rolling from ildt t« ilriff. er. Col., has returned to her home Mrs. A. A. Gillis of 14 Gallowne. Lovable Bras A membership show will be held fter visiting her son-in-law and -•- Fine Nylon aughtcr, Mr. and Mrs. George Mrs. H. E. Wilde of 637 St. at the Rahway Art Center, 205 Cool Broadcloth fobre of 706 St. Marks avenue. Marks avenue, retiring PTA presi- Hamilton street, Rahway, from dent of Roosevelt Junior High May 23 until 28. Pictures will be A Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marik of School, entertained members of received Tuesday and Wednesda B Cup 32 to 40 14, Boulevard will be hosts Sat- her board last week. from 8 until 10 p.m. All picture; should be suitably framed an C 89c wired for hanging. There will be (Please turn to page 10) an open tea Sunday, May 23. 2 for $1.75

1rday evening to a College Club + ridge group. Mr. and Mrs. +Richard Salsbury Famous Brand nd their daughters, Pamela and Ideal Wedding and ally, of 751 St. Marks avenue ave returned from a trip to Brad- Shower Gift — Perma-Lift Bras ord, Pa., whers they visited Mrs. RUSSELL WRIGHT AA-ABC Cups 32 to 40 American Modern Dinnerware Reg. 1.98 . . NOW 1.49 limited Time Only Nylon . Express Any ' Reg. 2.50 . , NOW 1.75 Reduced 15% to 60% On all Open. Stack and Starter Sets Message Reg. 1.50 . NOW 1.00 16-pc. Starter Set ... only 6.95 Cotton . Better Than Reg. 2.50 . NOW 1.75 Regular open slock price 11.60 Words Seafoam Blue, Coral, Cedar Green, Chartreuse, ' Grey or Black Chutney Use Your Order Yours From Jeannette's Gift Shop Milady's Shop "Gifts for Remembrance" Between the Theatre and the Library 167 E. Broad St. Westfield SCOTT'S Free Parking on Elmer St. Elm and Quimby Sts. We. 2-2758 Open Monday Evening til 9 167 Elm Si.,T«I.Wi. 2-2400 ' MAN Open Monday and Friday evening BRANCH STORE: 136 Elmora Ave., Elizabeth Page Ten THE WESTEIELD (N.J.) -iflAPBR.-TgPBSDAY,* MAY 13, 1664- field parents visited their sons at j The group included: Mr. and You Are Invited To Attend SALLY Colgate University and took part Mrs, Arthur Horner of 308 Hy-Charlotte Montgomery Wed Recently Em anon Group To (Continued from page 9) in the annual parents" week-end slip avenue and Mr. and Mrs. J. Elected VP Of Show Bridal Fashions UPPER MONTCLAIR ANTIQUE SHOl Last weekend a group of West- festivities. S. Grim Jr. of IS Canterbury lane. Parenthood League Mr. and Mrs. Elwocd Smith of , A bridal fashion program in Opw» May \7 thru 20 * 249 Munsee way were accompan- ' Ii-Jing the showing of an lBSi. ied by Miss Lynn Avery, fiancee Mrs. Harry M. Montgomery of i .«tiding gown will highlight the 1 to 10 p.m. of their son, liichuid Cook Smith. 240 Watehung fork has been elect- -IIIJI meeting of the Emanon group : ed first vice president and chair- Commonwealth Club Miss Barbara Heerich went with if First Congregational Church 541 Volley fcoad Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Cooledge man of the executive committee of I I'usday at 8 p.m. in the parish of 200 Wychwood road to visi the planned Parenthood Federa- , Thi$ onnouneemwit will serve as a discount tickii' their son, Richard. tion of America. ' 1 More than 20 gowns ranging and admit you for SO cents " Mrs. Montgomery was named to | ,'iom 19th century to 1964 fash- K('KO\ SKHVBl) Sirs. Robert Alpher of 728 War succeed Mrs. Philip W. Pilbbury ji'i will be modeled under direc ren street was hostess Mondu; of Wayzata, Minn., by the Federa- 1 'ioti of Mrs. Lester Dgnnecker as evening to members of the Paren tion's incoming board of directors Ui-'ud by Mesdames Frank Wurst Education Group of the Eoose meeting at the Waldorf-Astoria, HV.iliam Cordes, O B.ernard Hie- COMI TO WRIGHT'S velt Junior High PTA. A professional writer and regu- joc, Herbert A. Wells, Waltei June 19, Richard Davis Welch, lar contributor to such magazines I I*i out, Carl Pearson, Leslie Rowe, FOR YOUR SUMMER DRESSES | son of Mrs. Harold F. Welch of as Good Housekeeping, Bedbook, John Glendenning and H. P. 717 Coleman place, will marry Today's Woman, and Belter Homes Illutchinson, and Miss Madeline Hundreds to Choose and Gardens, Mrs, Montgomery Miss Carol Anne Jeene, daughter Shteri, Nyloni, lacas . . . c, ^Jj of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Jenne said her interest in family plan- The 1838 gown is of fine muslin of Ithaca, N. Y. The wedding ning stems from the fact that "a featuring sleeve shirring and flno Oreices to male* your summw'iL.1 will take place in the Presbyteri- writer is always interested in peo- not lace with a wire hoop at the pleasant. 9 to \m, f an Church in Ithaca. Miss Jenne ple and how they work out their hem of the skirt. A lace bonnet is a junior at Cornell University lives." headpiece is trimmed with rose Mr. Welch will be graduated in "I've been a volunteer in many juda and satin ribbon. The gown June from the College of Mo- fields of social work," she com- was featured on a recent televi chanical Engineering at Cornell. mented, "and I've come to believe aton program and has been loaned CLEARANCE - that planned parent hopd is basic by Mrs, Alexander McDonald, Ali Mr. and Mrs.' Melvin Amack of to family happiness. The hu&banc *otnen of the church and friends On our Sale Rack air invited to attend. 621 Norwood drive are parents and wife who get bogged down by 20% to 50% off of 8 daughter born May 4 at Muh- economic woes, by babies who come A luncheon has been planned lenberg Hospital, Plainfield. too close together (no matter ho1 next Thursday at 18:80 p.m. at the • •• beloved); are going to have a hatf punsh house for members of the •• Capt. and Mrs. Elliott Ranney time rising above the worry am sewing group and others wishing Maternities, sizes 10 »o were in town last week visiting bad health and discord that cat MRS JACK P. TOLA JR. to help with a service project for friends and taking cave of busi- follow. The family that isn't over- East Harlem Protestant Parish 6.98 to 14.98 ness. Captain Ranney is on duty whelmed by such problems has the Mrs. Jack P. Tola Jr., the for-New York, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Charleston, S. C, »3 district best chance of raising healthy, mer Miss Lydia Spadaro, daugh- Mrs. Charles Pond is in charge of supply officer, Sixth Naval Dis- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Spadaro arrangements. trict; but expects to retire in Oc-happy children.". WRIGHT'S DRESS SI Mrs. Montgomery is also a con- of 327 Livingston street, who was 5$ Ilm St. Wettfi.M, N.J.I tober of this year. They havo married Saturday afternoon, May bought a home in Tryon, N. C, in sultant to national advertisers. Delta letas Plan Open Monday Eves, Her husband is president of the 2, in the Presbyterian Church to the foothills of the Blue Ridge the son of Mr, and Mrs. Jack P. Annual State Day Mountains, where they will live advertising firm of Hanley, Hick & Montgomery in New York. Tola of Railway. after retirement. The Northern New Jersey Alum- A Vassar graduate, and mothe Among those attending Kasson nae Chapter of Delta Zeta sorority of two children, Mrs. Montgomery 'Phin$ DAR Sees wUl hold their annual State Day College's 20th open house at h»B served on the bo»rd3 of vari- Spiingvale, Me., were Mr. and Slides of India Saturday at the Latch String in ous civic groups including the Oradell. Mrs. R. C. Schott, 220 Seneca Westfleld Board of Education, the bu1"Y»ucon't plsce. League of Women Voters and th At the regular monthly meeting Registration will tak« place be- Union County Mental Hygiene As- of the Scotch Plains Chapter, tween 11 a.m. and 12 noon. Mrs, t«ll She wears thtm" ociation. She was the first pres DAIt, held recently at the home of Herman Wilde qf Westfield will dent of the Council of Community the regent, Mrs. F. P. VanderMeu- serve on the decorations commit- Organizations in Westfield. len, 2066 Elizabeth avenue, Scotch tee for the luncheon, Mrs. V. D. Plains, the Easo Co, entertained Barker, former Delta. Zeta chair- with color slides describing India, man, will be a gueat of honor at Ladies Day Out The meeting opened with Miss the luncheon, and Mrs. Howard Adelene Johnston, in the absence Bonnett, also of Westfteld, will be Breakfast Party of Mrs. Jeanette Atwood, chaplain, in charge of the music. reading: from the scriptures and The Delta Zeta theme for this GIVM' fashion perfection.' The Ladies' Day Out committe leading in prayer. All joined in year is integration of sorority and if the Westfield YWCA, heade' pledge of allegiance to the Daecommunity, as planned by the to the sm'tU 01 sagging iy Mrs. William C. Mearns, v/iX and American's Creed. state chairman, Miss Grace Poe of bmlline. Washable sntertain at a breakfast party at Mrs. VanderMeulen reported on East Orange. The speaker will be »cttlte jersey with the Y tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. inthe recent State DAR meeting at Mrs. ,T. Murray Booth of Glen built-in foam lubber, honor of the instructors of th A CLASSIC Trenton which she attended, giv- Rock, executive chairman of the ptdl in one piecej .1 Ludies' Day Out classes, who hav< ing the highligMs. speakers Bureau for the United design gives CouTtlrteT given of their time and talents to Miss Eeign.ette Marsh, historian, Nations. Mrs. Booth is also chair- A P»curs»p insure the success of the program. full, firm look—^ reported progress In the plans of man for New Jersey of the League Mttuully.l The Ladies'' Day Out committe' the chapter to have a bronze of Women Voters and has just PlNK,BU/F, consists of Mrs. Mearns, Miss plaque containing names of Revo- returned from their Denver con Ve-fTH WHITtr. Gladys Bovlno, YWCA adviser, utionary patriots placed in the vention as an official representa- and Mesdames A. S. Ayer, J. H. Scotch Plains Baptist Church tive for this State. Her subject Straps* or Strapless*, A, B k C cupi lompton Jr., H. E. Gerren, J. C Cemetery. will be "College Graduates, Their Imported French lace or Detpbttk. Hage, F. G, Healey, F. W. Horn, A substantial cash donation wan Place in the Community and in the Separate pads for swim suit or W. M. Javcma, Walter Jebena, received from Mrs. Edward, Hat- U. N.". playclolhts, (romj Iftrt Lothrop, A. W. Malthaner, Surgical pads, in field In memory of her mother, ., Following the speaker, a round . C. Rowland, R. I. Seeley, Ernes Mrs. Mariar Hare, a former mem-, • *«J,M. Nfclj Tauch, William D. Wilson and U table, discussion will be .Idad. by ber, to help defray expenses off Mlsif Poe.' Wouters. the chapter. MIKIAM OATES MG'i <• Special guests for the occasion A letter of thanks was received A dainty brief with no revealing outline, will be Miss Winfred Debbie, ex- from the Kate Duncan Smith Personal Adequacy Ideal for year with suits, dicsses, shoitt, ecutive director of the YWCA, and School in Alabama, one of the Meeting Tomorrow slacks, girdles. Easily adjusted to size, Mrs. Jules Favre, president of th< DAR's own schools, thanking the .acetate jersey. — 1.00 board of directors. chapter members for the numer- The personal adequacy depart- The volunteer instructors for ous boxes of clothing sent to the ment of the Woman's Club will whom the breakfast is being school. meet r imorrow at 2:15 p.m. in THE CORSET SHOP given, are: Mesdames Hilda Alt- Mias Ruth Vevmilyea of North trie home of Mrs. J. E. Hurley, 828 maun, M. W. Armstrong, Ralph Plainfield and Mrs. Thomas'Wtiek. Shadowl'awn drive. Mrs. Elliot Atkinson, Horner Baker, F. W. ley of Scotch Plains were inducted Perry will present a program, 148 E-BredSt Westfield, 1U, Brown, J. D. Collins, H, B. Dou into membership in the chapter by "Picture Period Dolls." Tea wili J^22552222^5E5^^3H£S222E52522222J25II^ wes, W. E, Ferreby, H. E. Gerren the regent, Mrs. VanderMeulen. be served by Mesdames 0. A. Mjrtle Grant, and Miss Mary Ha Mrs. Edward Hatfield read an Smythe, W. C. Stewart and R. F. gen. Others are: Meadames J. C article on the proposed revision of Audrey. Hage A,. Halg, F. M. Hall, W. F the United Notions Charter in Exceptional in design and color- Hemperly, P. G. Heas, Louis Hesse 1955. C. E. Morrell, E. A. Neu, J. E A cash donation was -voted to Regional HS Pupils O'Brien, E. A. Owens, G. T. Page the Mettlav's Woods Conservation In Chemistry Contest IASTLITOVS W. W. Robinson, C. W. Steiger project. W. C. Toomey, Floyd Valentine At the close of the meeting, a Seven pupils from Jonathan C. P. Yuknus, and Mr. Dan Ken ocial hour was enjoyed. ely. , Dayton Regional High School, 3pi;ingfield, will be among those Mrs. Wilkerson To high school students who will show Alpha Chi Omegas projects they have been working Address Intermediates on in a creative chemistry contest Conclude Season to be held in the chemistry labora- Miss Kay Suydam of 416 West tories of Drew University, Madi- Alpha Rho Alpha of Alpha Ch Dudley avenue was hostess Tues- son, tomorrow from 7 until 10 p.m. Omega held its final meeting of day evening to the board mem- and Saturday from 10 a.m. until he year recently at the Home of bers of the Intermediate Woman's 4 p.m. They are Seth Brown, Den- jane smith Mrs. L, E. Sharpe, West Caldwgll. Club. Mrs. Paul H. Burbage Jr. njs Cubbison,1 Alvin H. Demming, w.. 3.2958 he installation of new officers chairman, presided. , Richard D. Dletz, Donald B. Har- 137 Central Ave. ,nd a white elephant sale followed Mrs. Frank C. Wilkerson, exec' rison, Howard L. Mason and Diane i covered dish luncheon. utive secretary of the Youth Con. E. Taylor. sultation Service of Westfield, will GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY be the guest speaker at the Mas meeting of the club to be heH FOR BEST RESULTS Tuesday at the home of Mrs. John USE LEADER WANT ADS Weinman,'512 Dorian place. So practical playclothes in denim, Having jun . . • Girl to Pollocks Pocono Crest Camps seersuckers and the new non-ironing Mr. and Mrs. John W. Pollock mwunra •» arnta of Basking Ridge announce the \ 2BUi Beuon. aOOO-AcreuUU. Uki cottons. yBaUncea ptosram ot iporu va& In the summer sun . birth of a daughter, Wendy, May ' crMtlveuiUlt*. experienced Coun- 3 at Overlook Hospital, Summit. Mlnra. Phnttlanrciiurah Sernew. Mrs. Pollock is the former Nancy 4 Wrrka (ITS—8 Wecka $3O0 / 3 Hills.

t /) WE ARE GEORGE CHONO'S SPECIALISTS CHI-AM CHATEAU Rout* 29, Mountainside, N. J. - IN - AMERICAN-CHINESE CUISINE BEAUTIFUL GIFTS luncheon Dlnnar AND Try our wide verier, of truly CHilteM a!»nee that ar« different—prepared In HOME ACCESSORIES our all new modern '' ' 5-plece plow *"""' | OF MOILED CHARCOAL STEAKS AND CHOPJ WOOD and METAL BARBECUED SPARE MRS IAIIOE VMtllTY OF COMPUTE' In today's muted colors - soft CHINESE FAMILY DINNERS ond green against rich ivory tone edged in gold. Perfec ^^ Ordm \o lalta r> |. u (Wl lt decorl Your toblo in Caprice will be a complete fl' T ytfff Dancing superb quality of Castleton China assures that deli9nl RAY DeVAUEE and Nil OrcTuitia 1 to come,., Let us show you Caprice, Catering to ipadal partl.i In our M> ""•Sill. private dining roomi, email or large : : groupl. Mating up to 400. 121 E. BROAD ST. ^0^ ^jane smith Foe additional Information about group raroi or reservation 'phono 133-139 Central Ave. We. 2-2558 WESTFIELD 2-1844 WEitfleld 3-3)73 June 133-139 Central Ave. THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1954 SCOTiy SATS: SALLY Fiancee West Hartford Church To Marry Miss Berit Ronsen i "tnr «n» tudgil you have to Have loti of Itiltdk pad »l ol (Continued from page 10) Scene Saturday Of Weds Major Langaas Mr. and Mrs. Harold day of Uoit 15%." 121 Belmar terrace are parents of Turner-Pitman Bridal Of Norwegian Army a son born last Thursday at Muh- INCLUDES 4 SHUTS FANWO0D—Miss Jean Noble JBss Berit lngebord Ronsen, sizes FWrtml f lenberg Hospital, Plainfield. daughter of Mr. and Mis. pirger m (Please turn to page 13) Pitman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ALSO TRY: S. Howland Pitman of West Hart- Ronsen of Eidsvoll, Norway, who Our nehuin STA-NU Dry CUtming. ford, Conn., and Edward Wayne has been visiting at the home of and SM «4 fnl Mi* diffarmn. it cub Turner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lagergren of y«w fiethiag nrtra. CRESSf 6&0 Forest avenue, was married wT\ faw Pines, Pi. Opens May 21 gar P. Turner of 86 Farley ave- Saturday afternoon to Mgj. Jonas CORBY'S $>LJ Enjoy a wonderful Vacation or nue, were married Saturday aft- Honeymoon »t fell betutlfui 2000- Arvid Langaas of the Norwegian Acre Resort. 3 Modern Hotels. De- ernoon in the Church of the U£ widths ENTERPRISE LAUNDRY iiclous Meals. Honeymoon Lodge deemer, West Hartford. The cere- Army, son of Capt J. A. Langaas and cow Cottages with meals at of Senja, Norway, and the late Summit 6-1000 hotel. All Sports. Lake, Beach. mony was performed by the Rev. Tennis. Golf. Movies. Social Ac Mrs. Lunguas. Uvltirs. ctiurches nearby. «43 to »75. Wallace Grant Fiske. to fit N.Y-Office. UW.4Kd St. (Era. 1274) LOB-ISM The ceremony took place in the Given in marriage by her fa- First Lutheran Church in Summit ther, the bride wore a gown of at five o'clock, with the Rev. T. YOUI FU«S Chantilly lace fashioned with a Gulbandsen, pastor of Trinity a child pointed basque bodice and sweet- Lutheran Church of Flushing, L. heart neckline edged with nylon I., officiating. The ceremony was net ruffles and bouffant skirt end- performed in Norwegian at tho correctly OUTDATED? ing in a cotillion train. Her fin- request of the bridal couple and gertip veil of French illusion fell was followed by a reception in (.. .we have them!) let our experts do your from a Tudor cap of matching the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lager- MISS VALERIE THOMAS lace and she carried lilies of the gren. valley and stephanotis. —Wontlleld studios MISS KAY DODGE Escorted and given in marriage FUR Valerie Thomas To Maid of honor was Miss Joyce I. by Mr. Lagergren, the bride wore Wed Richard Sturmer Howe of Springfield, Mass., and a gown of white nylon net and bridesmaids were Miss Jean A. Hamen-Dodge lace, ballerina length, with elbow YMT «M fur CMt kw«M( Mr. and Mrs. Clinton W. Thomas Fothergill and Miss Patricia A. Engagement Told length veil which Was held by a • kmtiM. M«tr HyM of Hollis, L. I., announce .'he en-Trcwhella, both of East Hartford. coronet of pearls. Her bouquet Far Stab, Far Jack* m .. gagement of their daughtei, Val- Wilson Reese Turner of Boston Mr. and Mrs. Otis L. Dodge of was white azaleas, white carna- erie, to Richard Clayton Sturmer, was his brother's best man. Ush- Highland Park, 111., formerly of tions and lilies of the valley. son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sturmer ers were Francis J. Schieb of Lincoln road, announce the en- The maid of honor was Miss FUR CAPE of Readington, formerly of West- Schenectady, N. Y., and Davit] gagement of their daughter, Miss Audrey Smith of Plainfield and field. Larrick Richardson of Springfield, Kay Dodge to Wayne G. Hansen, the bridesmaids were Miss Nancy Mass. son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben U. Lagergren of Weslfield and Miss MIM Thomas is a graduate of Linda Kelly of Scotch Plains. - *45 Chatham High School and Kath- The bride is a graduate of the Hansen of G43 Hyslip avenue. A arine Gibbs School, Montclair. Woman's College of the Univer- late summer wedding is planned. The maid of honor wore shrimp INCLUDING Miss Dodge is a graduate of color nylon and her corsage was you have Mr. Sturmer is a graduate of sity of North Carolina and is a • Cltuiif k iltiiaf •( tU he member of the Martha Pitkin Wol- Westfield High and Denison Uni- shrimp color azaleas and lilies of •>«w liiiaf.. FTM NtMfiui Pingi'y School and' Lehigh Univer- versity, class of 1953. She is with the valley. The bridesmaids wore sity and is now serving in thecott Chapter, DAR. She is con- to take •Cfcoict ol I MhiMt (1|IM tralto soloist at the Immanuel Con- J. Walter Thompson Co., Newmatching gowns, one in Bhell pink Navy. and the other in pale blue. Their K to Hlir. •QwJiIT mrkwuuMp gregational Church, York. Hlne anil Wklte or corsages were of pale pink azaleas llrunn Mil Wkllc Mr. Turner, an alumnus of the Mr. Hansen was graduated from and lilies of the valley. lots of Joanne Whittaker's University of the Colorado School Westfield High and Dartmouth College, class of 1053. He is now The best man was Maj. Haakan of Engineering, is a member of Lunde of Oslo, Norway, and the FUR STORAGE Troth Made Known Tau Beta Pi and Phi Lambda Up- employed by the Chase National TIME!! Bank, New York. ushers were Charles and Donald time Mr. and Mrs. Lars Josef Sand- silon. He is associated with De- Lagergren, both of Westfield. fVR'CQ, Safeguard yowr berjt °f Darien, Conn., formerly Ball and Richardson, Inc., Haz- The bride is a graduate of the Prrciow Fimil of Westfield, have announced the ardville, Conn. 'Plains Resident Oslo Hospital of Oslo, and is a to fit a engagement of Mrs. Sandberg's Has 77th Birthday nurse at Overlook Hospital, Sum- sister, Miss Joanne Whittakcr, to Medical Society To mit. She was an exchange nurse Donald Fulton Cooke, son of Mr at Muhlenberg Hospital, Plain- child and Mis. C. Gordon Cooke of Es- Meet Next Week SCOTCH PLAINS — The 17th field, three years ago. sex Fells. birthday of Domlnick Crpone was celebrated by 60 of his relatives Mujar Langaas is with the Sig- Miss Whittaker Is the daughter The 188th annual meeting of nal Corps of the Norwegian Army correctly the Medical Society of New Jersey and friends recently at the hpmc and is stationed at Fort Monmouth of the late Mr. and Mrs. Arnold of Mr. and Mrs. Mauro Donatelli Whittaker of Winchester, Mass., will be held at Haddon .Hall, in for special work until June. After ic to (...we take it!) Atlantic City, Sunday, Monday, of 420 Stount avenue, with whom a stay in New York the couple White, Kerf, or Blue and Kye, N. H. She was graduated he Hve3. from Westfield High School and Tuesday and Wednesday. Th«' will sail June 0 for Norway where attended Marshall College. Miss Woman's Auxiliary to the State A native of Italy, Mr. Capone Major Langaas will be stationed FRED KEESING Whittaker is now associated with Soeiety holds its annual meeting came to this country in 18ftB andat Oslo. Hahne & Co., Newark. at the same time, and the Union has resided . here since then. He County Auxiliary is allowed to is retired from the lnternational- Mr. Cooke served for throe Parents of Daughter KadenV Shoes send 10 delegates and 10 alter- Plainfield Motor Co., for which he Photographer years with the U. S. Navy during nates to represent the members. worked 23 years. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Goodfriend World War II and is an alumnus Among these will be Mrs. E. G. of 15-10 Ilahway avenue announce OPEN of the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Capone is the father of 10the birth of a daughter, Cathy 1711. MOAD ST. Bourns of Westfield, Mrs. Elton children and seven are still living. MONDAY EVES. He is now associated with Olin In- Lance of Rahway, and Mrs. Carl Lynn, May 4 at Overlook Hospital, WfSTFIIlD a-MM dustries in the New England area. .One son, Anthony, was killed in Summit. They have three other Hanson and Mis. Robert Yuckman World War II. His wife died in CANDID WEDDINGS of Cranford. children, Barbara Ann, James Syd- DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTIONS CARIFUUY FIUIO Son to Eisenharts 1B40. nev, and Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Eiscn- hart of Elkins Park, Pa., announce 212 SENECA PUCE the birth of a son, Thomas Dun- can, Tuesday at Abington Hospi- Wktfleld 2-6493 tal, Abington, Pa. Mrs. Eisenhai't is the former Diane Duncan, daughter of Mr. and Mis. R. L. Duncan of 420 Baker avenue. FOR BEST RESULTS USE LEADER WANT ADS

You're missing one of the greatest Loons to housewives since the suffrage act if you're not taking advantage of C. O. Keller's wonderful Spring Cleaning and Storage Service! For only pennies, we will beautifully clean all of your i drapes, slip covers, blankets and quilts and store them safely, free of charge until October 15lh and you pay nothing until they are delivered. It's a wonderful opportunity lo gel more space in your overburdened closets and to relax with that they arc safe and sound in G. 0. Kellcrs's modern, protcclive storage! when you want better cleaning ... just call PI 6-0100 olh.r iiwci WX.J100 (No Toll) O.O.KKLLKIt*S We chose them for your sunniest hours ... for your most exciting occasions . . • oil, in D, N. J. COK. SOUTH & UUWD • «' '*« **E ' COR.'sANBOtPH «0. (, A«IINOTON

W15TFIILO, N. J. III "°«5"EEI QUIMBY STREET WESTFIELD, N. J. pre-shrunk cotton . .. sizes 7 to 15 OPEN MON. AND FM. EVENINGS UNTIL 9 Tweh THE JWESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADER. THURSDAY., MAY 13, 1954 Germinder-MacLaren Engaged Order of Rainbow Jane Colville antville High School, studied piano The couple w«] be r SALLY and music theory for four years the Presbyterian Churc] Marriage Performed Plans Installation Plans June Bridal with Mme. Hedwig Kosenthal. He (Coistinaed from pag* 11) Ewer June 26 and will m,, made his New York debut as a future home in Gale F " Mr. and Mrs. James W. Taylor In Hillside Church Arline French, daughter of Mr. 1 FANWOOD — Mr. and Mrs.concert pianist in 1951 before be- where both will u.arh *' and son, Stephen, of Lenape trail and Mrs. L. V. French, will be Donald H. Colville Jr. of Belle and Mr. Tayloi-'g parents, Mr. and FANWOOD — Miss Bartjara installed as worthy adviser of At- Vista, Fla., and Island Heights, Mrs. T. VL. Taylor who are visit- Jean MacLaien, daughter of Mr. las Assembly, 44, Order of Bain- formerly of Midway avenue, have ing here from Bismaiek, N. D., and Mrs. James A. MacLai'en; of bow for Girls, Saturday night bt announced the engagement of their have just returned from a trip Elizabeth and Kobfrt Germinder, the Masonic Temple. daughter, Jane, to Donald Wayne to Williamsburjf, Va. son of Mr. and Mrs. George (jler- Also to be installed are: Wor-BetU, son of Dr. and Mrs. L. -•- minder of Beech avenue, were r^ar- thy associate adviser, Lois Mc- Wayne Betts of Absecon. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Holand of ried Saturday in St. Catherine's Nutt; charity, Lois Lear; hope, 407 Tuttle parkway are parents Church, Hillside. A reception fol- Gail Sthrul; faith, Joan Kyllo; >e- Miss Colville was graduated of a son born April 28 at Over- lowed at the Hibernian Club, E)ii- corder, Joan Cox; treasurer, Clare from Scotch Plains High School look Hospital, Summit. abeth. Davison; chaplain, Brenda Kapkt; and also is a graduate of Wilson College. She received a master of • Miss Maureen MaeLaren drill leader, Carol Schade; love, Linda Kelly; religion, Carol Get- arts degree in English literature Don't wait until Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jack and maid of honor for her sister from Colombia University and is sons, David ami Chris, left Friday bridesmaids were Mrs. a ter; nature, Barbara Garabrant; damage from immortality, Lynne Pecklers; fidel- on the faculty of the Emma Wll- for Paris, France, where they wil Groves, Misses B. Elaine Jarjies ity, Eleanor Bell; patriotism, lard School, Troy, N. Y. and heat is dent. make their home for the next t\y and Elsie. Lois McNair. \ or three years. Mr. Jack h aero- Kathryn Howell; service. Colleen Store your fun with -•- James A. MaeLaren and J. ^Ii- nautical representative in Europe Gallaway; conference observer, «* NOW. ReosonaU* " for Curtis Wright Corp. Mrs. Jack chael MacLaien, nephew qnd Jerel Erlich; outer observer, Edith is the former Edith Clark, daugh- brother of the bride, respectively, Selber; musician, Sally Giggey; rattt for all-around j ter of Mr. and Mrs., Edward G. were ring bearers. ' choir director, Judy Clark 2nd and WESTWS SUNDAY Holger Froden was best man and floral marshal, Barbara Ktipp. y Clark of B6i Highland avenue. MISS CLARA M. ANDERSON They made the trip by "Air MISS ROBERTA KAMBEE Claude R. Cook Jr. and Hotyrt Choir members are Judy Wil- 0RU6ST0RESCHEDULE fur itoracje 8u«,B1, France" Constellation. Nehring. liamson, Barbara Kellse, Judy \—% abtolute Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Meserve William Cowperthwaite The bride attended Bowliing Troth Made Known Clark 1st, Carol Wellmont, Sylvia of 246 Maryland street recently Green State University in Ohio. Klepper, Ginni Connell, Ruth Halg OPEN THIS SUNDAY entertained at dinnerAlci Pap of To Take a Bride Mr. Germinder is a construction Of Clara Anderson and Gail Youngster, London, England, Martin Pitt of carpenter, They will live at 1308 The installation services will WfMlan'a Monmouth avenue, Linden. Renfrewshire, Scotland, and Heinz Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Kamber of Mr. and Mis. Adam Miller of start Saturday at 7:15 p.m. The • A. M. <• • P. K. Oithoff of Hamburg, Germany. Guatemala City, Guatemala, an- 1545 Lamberts Mill road, an- public is welcome to attend. Re- CMMura* Itrvie* Dr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Hlchal- nounce the engagement of their RobinsoiuBartlett nounce the engagement of Clara freshments and dancing will fol- son of 200 East Dudley avenue daughter, Roberta Scott Kamber, Betrothal Told Marion Anderson, daughter of the low. entertained the executive board of to William S. Cowperthwaite, son late Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ander- the Woman's Society of Christian of Mrs. William S. Cowperthwaite son of Elizabeth, to John Brenden Paul J. Kran* of ZS7 Seneca CLOSED THIS SUNDAY Service of Westfield, at luncheon of Akron, Ohio, formerly of Moun- Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Bartlett pf Abbott, son of Mrs. Frank Abbott place was initiated as a member last Thursday.* , tainside, and the late Mr. Cowper- Lubbock, Tex., announce the en- of Cranford, and the late Mr. Ab- of University College Honor So- W.itfitld Pharmacy thwaite. gagement of their daughter, Mar- bott. ciety, Rutgers University, at the formerly •W1TMAN-BELI/S Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oppenheim Both Miss Kamber and Mr. Cow- garet Ann, to Carlton Allyn Rob- Society's 18th Annual Dinner- Miss Anderson is a graduate of of Standhh avenue- are spending perthwaite are students at Antioch inson Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Meeting held recently at the Mili- Baron's ir Jarvis Westfield High School and is em- seveiif weeks, at'tlye Santa Bar- College, Yellow Springs, Ohio. A. Robinson Sr. of 905 Woodmej-e tary Park Hotel in Newark. bara BUtmore, Monteclto Santa drive. i ployed by the Aluminum Co. of America, Garwood. " Barbara, Cal.'Xatfr in the month Miss Bartlett is a graduate of they will lttra for. San Francisco Planned Parenthood Lubbock High School and attended Mr., Abbott attended Cranford to attend their son's wedding May Group Plans Bridge, Texas Technological. grammar schools and Is a graduate 22 at the Mills Collet? Chapel. The prospective bridegroom was of Holy Trinity High School. He D> and ONLY CO-OP graduated from the Westfield High is employed a3 a laboratory techni- Mr. and Mr*. George Kamen of At the annual meeting of the cian by the Aluminum Co. of Planned Parenthood Committee of School, attended Arlington State 208 Lenox avenue are parents of University and is now a studeijt America, Garwood. Mr. Abbfttt is a son born' April 25 at Overlook Westfteld, held Monday afternoon also master sergeant in the Both T GIVES YOU ALL 4 Bt the home of Mrs. Lester Philp, at Texas Technological. He served Hospital, Summit. in Korea w'th the First Marine Reconnaissance Battalion, New the chairman, Mrs. D. E. Knox Jersey National Guard, Westfield, MK an* Mrs.n Ralph C. Bates of announced that the hostesses for Air Wing. ! 257.Scotch Plains avenue had as the telephone bridge party to be The wedding is tentative!^ No date has been set for the . CONSUMER SELECTED, TOP QUALITY FOODS their guests for the past week, his ield tomorrow are to be Mes- scheduled for the fall. wedding. cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney M. dames Thomas Roy Jones, Elmer Berwick of Oakland, Cat. The Ber- Been, Martin W. Vincentsen, Gil- FRIENDLY SERVICE IN A KITCHEN-CLEAN STORE wick! motored east via Lansing, bert Samuelson, James Byrd, Rob- Mich., ajid Niagara Falls. Their ert Barrett and Knox. Mrs. Jas. return rdute trifl take them to Fulton is to be in charge of prizes. MEATS EXPERTLY CUT TO YOUR ORDER Washington, D. C, Florida, and Mrs. Harry Crichton waB elect- No Better Gliwet New Orleans. ed vice chairman; Mrs. James Byrd, secretary and Mrs. E. R. —when and how you wantthem WHS Art Department Beckwith, corresponding secretary. New members elected to the board Hold* an Exhibit were Mesdames John Campbell, Robert E. Ross, Russell H. Tandy The first out of town art exhib- Jr. and Thomas Bennett. SHOP CO-OP THIS WEEKEND—YOU'LL 6E GLAD YOU DID it of the Westfteld Senior High The committee's eduactioiml and School art department gave an in- fund-raising projects for the ben- NEST FRESH - URGE WHITE dication of the broad interest of efit of the maternal health cen- 3nmncr's townspeople in its young people. ters in' Flainfleld and Elizabeth More than 100 guests enjoyed were reviewed by the chairman, -C*nn BtoU mul It* JERSEY EGGS ^ 55c tii* punch party at the opening of and Mrs, Jones, public relation! WUTFIEIO 'From Local Farmer (o Us, to You! the recent exhibit at the Rahway chairman, discusRed the urgent Opw Monday fo"N» Art Center. and widespread need for educa- MIUZAMTH, UT Htnti twi ft* CO-OP Many of the students' mothers tion in family planning. (•volunteered their services to act T«a Was served following the is hostesses. :" "* 'business meeting, TEA BAGS^AHOE 4%

SITROUX FACIAL TISSUES Z 23c I You 'II Thrill At These Bargains PKO. OF 10 • ••'-..-•• i BORDEN'S BISCUITS 2f.r27c| Smart DROMEDARY - M-oi. pkg. . Budget DEVIL'S FOOD MIX 2 for 45c COFFEE TIME SSS 2I£ 29c Hundreds and Hundreds of Vdlue- LINDEN HOUSE - 12-«*. glass Packed, Style-Packed Cotton Dresses STRAWBERRY PRESERVE 25c Sensatioially Low Priced! Cut-to-your-order Meats *5.98 *6.98 *7.98 BEEF LIVER S*»T-TEND« ..49C 2 for 11.00 2 for 13.00 2 far 15.00 BOLOGNA SUCED OR CHUNK >». 43c Discover for yourself why Herberts has consis- tently sold more budget cottons — year after FRANKS HY^DE .>49c year — than anyone in town!!

OUR GUARANTEE: Ever/ cotton It fait color, Sanforiied and hand-waihablcl! Fresh Fruits and Vegetables D'ANJOU PEARS 2* 29c

Early Bird Special Early Bird Special • Early Bird Special SPINACH FRESH GARDEN Ib. 5c Limit 2 per Customer Limit 2 per Customer I | Sensational Copies FINEST COTTON each 5c "Fruit-of-the-loom" of Famous Brands CUCUMBERS 252 "DAN RIVER" ' BATHING COTTON SHIRTS j SUITS GRAPEFRUIT SEEDLESS 25c HOUSEDRESSES Checks, Solids, Plaids, etc. tleg. 12.98 to 24.98 25c $2.54 each $1.59 each NOW $7.98-$12.98 APPLES W.NESAP Jr. — Misses — % Slzet Sizes 32-38 Sizes 32-3B OPEN FRIDAY THE UNTIL 9.00 P.M. OPEN FRI. and MON. Forking for 165 Cars Meat and Produce Prices EVENINGS at Our Back Door guaranteed through May 15lh. Others through May You may Handi-Charge 19th. CO-OP 231 E. Broad St. Tel. WE. 2-3908 VporPorchase Westfield FOOD'SOUT HSTORE THE WESTFIEIJ) (N.JJ LEADEB, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1954 Westfield Party At farm for a p ]' Cabin Luncheon a s College Women To Fuher Children for their excellent i_ ...„,, Bonnie Brae Farm at 12 noon and dessert bridge and public, culturaf and civic jairi Monday, May 24 canasta beginning at 1 :S0 p.m. Present "Rosidinde" In Piano Recital The thirty music student* »r« The Bonnie Brae cottagres and children of Mr. and MM, A. other buildings at the farm this Homlinde, a one-act play by Bonnie, Jean ami Allan Fisher Th« three-day, spring, bridge, year are to he featured and dec- James M. Barrie, wiH be present- Fisher. and canasta party at Bonnie Bite orated as various European coun- ed Tuesday at the meeting of the of 637 Clark street will be among Farm for Boys, MilJington in tries through which guests will be Dramatic Club of the College the pupils of Eleanor D. Pioran, : which 2,500 women from many escorted on a grand tour which ' Woman's Club. Meeting place for Irvington concert pianist, organ- Parents of Daughter *ti| the group will be the home of ist and teacher, who will appear • parts of the state participate, is will include London, Paris, Rome, in a piano recital Saturday at 7:30 |j scheduled for Monday, Tuesday Geneva, Madrid. Hostesses will be Mrs. V. D. Barker, 039 Shadow- Mr. and Mrs. John JMchtrd Oeft? "3 lawn drive. Mrs. H. C. Bushkoff p.m. at the Griffith Auditorium, If and Wednesday, May 24, 25 andin costume and Bopnie Brae Farm 605 Broad street. Newark. noily of Madison announce the" | 26. boys will serve as guides. Flags is director of the play, which fea- birth of their second dsufbter, JBs*. tures Miss Carol Brinser as Bea- Jean is a gold medal winner of and posters will decorate thj the Griffith Music Foundation foi borah Elizabeth, last , Mrs. Elmer E. Browning Jr. of grounds, and prizes will carry out trice Pajre, Miss Jane Sortore as at New York Lying-ii S 819 Cedar terrace, local hostess the grand tour theme. The boys Dame Quickly and Mrs. C. H. maintaining an average of 90 per has announced that Westfield's cent. Both Bunnie and Allan have Mrs. Connolly is the femuaK of the farm have voluntarily usec Voelker playing the role of the Elizabeth Floyd, daughter of Mf£o day at Bonnie Brae will be Mny boy, Charles Roche. received two Griffith honor awards ; their leisure for man; weeks on a for their outstanding pianistie Edward Dudley Floyd o* M«#- 24 when a large delegation from project which has produced color- Mrs. W. II. Pfaffle is chairman [' this community will be at the ability. Saturday, these pianists York end the late Mr. ful lamp stands and lamp shades of refreshments for the evening, will receive a special merit award Westfleld. assisted by Miss Carol Brinser and Mesdames R-. H. Maier, T. VV, Rodes and L. E. WOUUTS. Bird Club Arranges BLANKETS Sunday Bird Walk SILVER PLATING.. • e Roy Puckey, president of the WestfteM Bird Club, announces a bird walk and breuk*ust Sunday at (i a.m., starting at the "Bitch- KENWOOD - CHATHAM es" Echo Luke Park. It is re- SILVER SMITHING. quested that breakfast reserva- tions be made with Mra. Donuld Maxwell not later than today. PEPPERELL Following the walk, the group ' • . —Crawford fc Kmillile will proceed to New Brunswick ; Mri. C. E. Wl«denm«yer serenidei • group rah«tniii| for Ik. "Gr.nd Tour", tk* »nnu»l •prlng where, with a guide furnished by Restoring of Buy on Hi* ,'uH ptrtj at Bonni. Bra. Farm for Boy., Millinfton, May 24, 25, and 26. From left to rifht Hutjrejs University, they will tour «r.i Mra. Bradford Cochfan of Bern>rdtvill«i Mra. Elmer Be.ri Jr. of Weitfi»ld; Mri. G. E. Mettler'a Woods, a tract of virgin Wied.amayar of South Ofanr<; Mri. Gilbert S.mualion of Weitfi.ld; Mra. Rob.rt M. V.nburg forest which is being considered Antique and Modern of WolfiaM and Cry Minion, • Bonn!. Brae boy. by the state as a conservation area. '•* Silver,. Sterling and to be sold at an international ba- Johnston, H. A. Kiep'Jr., Louis BLANKET CLUB PLAN zaar. Door prizes will be "cleared" Tofte, George C. Hoffman, Elbert through k customs booth, A gang 0. Sbworwlne, Kenneth S. Gaston, Plated Ware plank made by the Bonnie Brae William E. Ransom, A. a. Dillon, ALL WOOL bojrs will greet guests as they en- J. H. Bun-ill, W. Chester Smith, BEFORE ter the gateway leading to thj William Edgar Reeve, Frederick farm buildings. H. Sander, H. F. Southard and G. Friends of Bonnie Brae Farm G. Abemethy. $12.95—*14.?5—$16.95 from Westfleld wtll be interested In the new buildings which arc Methodist Croup rising in this center of education $17.95— $19.95 and guidance for New Jersey's un- Has Supper Dance ' Call: ILliot 6-0370 derprivileged boys, made possible Choose Your Colon New ami Have Thorn Paid Far By Fall, by recent grantt from the Turrell The "annual dance of the Satur- (A. Mwlrlch t Un) •toutifiii th*d*i H CINMM from Fund and th« Charles Itayden day Night Supper Club will be Foundation. Bonnie Brae Farm, held in the "Circus Room" of the John A, HMlrlrfi I S*n which for 32 years has maintained First Methodist Church Saturday HUE YiUOW UOHT OMEN a home-school throughout the year at 7 p.m. CORAl AQUA for boys needing? special care and The social hall will be decorated SAND summer camp for 800 additional AFTER ROSI FOKIST GMEN in keeping with the circus motif youngsters, is supported largely by and dancing is planned. AVOCADO DEEP ROSI voluntary contributions and the iprlng card party is sponsored by Any interested murried couple the many communities from which should call Alice und Art Schimpf, SUMMER WEIGHT BLANKETS the children1 are drawn. This an- We. 2-3078-M.- PLAINFIELD PLATING CO. in lovely colon ... at $4.95 nual pilgrimage to Bonnie Brae is colorful event which is widely 1ST, 1906 Lilac - Pink - Yollow - Hunter Hue - light Gr**n - patronized. Hospital Auxiliary While — Aqua — Geranium Assisting Mrs. Browning as hos- Arranges Luncheon Route 22 Round Brtok tesses are Mesdames Gilbert Sam- uelson, Elmer R. Beers Jr., and The Woman's Auxiliary of Ruh- Robert M. Venburg. wiiy Memorial Hospital will hold n Among those from Westfield luncheon bridge Wednesday, May Schaefers who have taken tobies for the 20, at 1 p.m. at the Illderan Club party arc: Mesdames Herbert in Rahway. % No Poor Goods At Any Price Wilke, Frank L. Blackburn, Herer-, Anyone wishing tickets may con- bert C. Newell Jr., John••J-.'Whii"' ict Mfsj'Vttlentlno Brown, Roh*- WE 2-O8OO Wtsm P. K. Krollch, Frederick S. 7-OOBC. Daniel Leeds Miller Jr., Rober Vac ation time (to introduce more leg-wise women .to leg-size stockings by is just around the bend

ElUE-SHARMEER No doubt Junior's been rushing Hi* waion a bit with hint* about tastUs In tht sand and.such. Vacations aro wendtrful but th»/ can causa torn* we offerJorlOl WH Oil- May 15th to22n d folds to turn financial eartwhotU tool these SPECIAlPRICES Regular $1.93 Regular $1.63 Regular $2.30 $169 Dark Heel« $143 12dsnlsr 20 and 30 denier UHrctSheer IS denier * iqndalioot Luxury Lace JOIN OUR 19SS Accented soanu 3p»i«...S4.95 3 pair.... $4.20

Regular $1.50 Regular $1.33 $11( 9 $129 30 denier day- VACATION CLUB 15 denier time sheer evening sbeor 1 40 denier Knee-Lencjihi 3 pain. $3.43 doubled with twisted seams-with stockings that sag at the knee, bag at the ankle? Then try your personal, perfect-fitting Belle-Sharmeer leg-size-at a sale price! make this offer for one week only so that you may discover what thousands of leg-wise women know. Regular omounls saved each week will Insure a smooth sailing vacation for you next year. Vacation Simply this: Belle-Sharmeer leg-sizes^fit cheeks are now being mailed to our 1954 Club clingingly, smoothly as skin. members. Won't you come in for yours? , SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000" WESTFIELD FEDERAL SAVINGS

br»v (r«d adga) (porpliedgO (green edga) lornvoroga for loll, fw ilender larger l«g». ofimollley.. ll» lagi. 5Jiei8tolOV4 Sires t'A to II Founded (plain e-fae) for brSa.l IeS.. S!». 9V, lo 11» 1888

Schaefers BROAD AT PROSPECT % Mo Poor Goods •'At Any Price WESTFIELD 2-4500 A SAVINGS INSTITUTION WE 2'OSOO WESTFIELD Pa~e Fourteen THE WESTFIELD (N. 3.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1954 pitality chairman, was in charge secretary. Mrs. W. A. Brosius; cor- tary, Mrs. H. H. Ward. lowing garden clubs: Fanwood of the club house fund, then gave Junior Women Elect Blue Star Club Minnesota Congressman a complete report of the year's of the affair. Mrs. R. V. Thiede responding secretary, Mrs. E. H- Garden Club, Cranford Garden presided at the meeting. ! Announces Rules For Club, Kenilworth Garden Club, Discusses World Affairs projects. $10,612.04 was the total Officers at Banquet Bo'rchard; treasurer, Mrs. H. H USE LEADER WANT.Ar« Spade and Trowel of Plainfield, amount raised in less than a year. The following officers wera Anderson; and federation secre- FOR BEST RESULTS* Annual Flower SJu)tc garden department of the Wom- At Women's Club The Make Your Dollar Grow cam The annual banquet of the Jun- elected: President, Mrs. F. J. New- an's Club of Westfield, Crestwood . , paign under Mrs. C. F. Denney, ior Women's Club was held at the man; first vice president, Mrs. J- MOUNTAINSIDE —The Open Garden Club, Meta Sherff Garden Representative Walter H. Judd , made ? The Scholarship Echo Lake Country Club Tuesday D. S. Johnson; second vice presi- Homes Flower Show being staged Club of Elizabeth, Mountainside of Minnesota, speaking before Fund surplus, including $32.50 evening. Mrs. Charles Taylor, hos- dent, Mrs. John Powers; recording by the Blue Star Garden Club of Garden Club, Hake and Hoe of the Westfield Woman's Club Mon- from the musicale of the Music Mountainside, Wednesday after- Westfield, Plainfield Garden Club day afternoon, declared that the Department -was $421.75. The noon, from 2 to 5 p.m., promises and the Westfield Garden Club. disaster in Indo-China has made American home department lunch- to be the most interesting of its it more apparent that the inde- eon for the play festival under type in some time, according to Judges in the horticultural class- pendence of Asia is as essential ys the chairmanship of Mrs, Byron the schedule planned by co-chair- es will include Mrs. Thomas Laus- th-e independence of Europe. The Vanderbilt, neted 1180.00. A mu- men Mrs. Harry E. Lake and Mrs. ten of Mountainside, Mrs. Adrian Communist's shortest and quickest sic department theatre benefit, Walter Koster. The theme of the B. Hubers of Maplewood and Mrs. way to get Europe intact with all Mis. Mona Dayies, chairman, rea- COOL WEAVERS; show, "Americana," will be fol- Lloyd Oneal of Westfield. In its rehabilitated plants is to ze: lized ?50.00. The intermediate de- lowed in all of the four homes group 1 arrangements, judges will Asia. We cannot save Europe with- partment made a gift of $100.00. open to the public Wednesday. be Mrs. Simeon P. Shields of Mont- out a free Asia. If France had The club program for 1954-5D clair, Mrs. Victor M. Hyler «f given Indo-China freedom or set a was announced by Mrs. W. E. Dy- An Ingeniously bond woven stytv On the back of the tickets, which Gladstone and Mrs. Robert E- Mc- date for independence as we did are on sale through all club mem- sart, chairman. Among the speak- which hat been Neil] Jr. of Montelair; while in in the Philippines, one-half of thu ers will be Sir Hubert Wilkins, bers, or at each of the homes to group 2 judges will include Mrs. Viet Minh strength would have be open, is a map showing the lo- Mrs. Norman Vincent Peale and perforated for Mathew Linton of Bernardsville, been destroyed. Without freedom, Arnold Moss, Shakesperian actor. cation of each of the four stops. Miss Margaret Grumbine of Jer- there is no will to fight. odditionol cool comfort. First on the list is the home of sey City and Mrs. W. A. Lowndes The membership chairman, Mrs. Mrs. Harry Holland, 1347 Wood of Chester. Dr. Judd believes that the big E. A. Hescock, announced these Valley road. This barn-red Cape question of the 20th century is th» new members: Mrs. Herbert L. Cod home will feature arrange- Assisting the co-chairmen of the fate of the 12 fingers of land Smith, 1025 Rahway ayenue, Mrs. ments according to its style, as show and the club president will extending from the palm of China. William K. Swartz, 224 Prospect well as a conservation exhibit on be the following committee chair- The future of this mainland of street, Mrs. Paul J. Quinn, 871 protected wild flowers by Mrs. men: Homes, Mrs. E. Royal Zeit- China is the* key to all Far East Shackamaxon drive, Mrs. Norman Bernard Buck and a bird exhibit ler, Mrs. E. Alder Owens, Mrs. problems. Japan cannot live for L. Kehrli, 452 Grove street. Mrs. by the club president, Mrs. Paul Fred Olton, Mrs. F. H. Stedman more than five years without the D. C. Sargent, 14 Canerbury lane, K. Davis. and Mrs. S. H. Camp; horticul- China market. Korea can never be is a transfer from the Ridgewood tural, Mrs. Lake; tickets, Mrs. restored while Russia owns Man- Woman's Club. Home number two, that of Mrs. Christian Fritz; Junior Garden churia. Formosa with its 60 air- At the close of the meeting Mrs. Frank Urner, 347 New Providence Club, Mrs. Lauren L. Sevebeck fields is the most valuable piece of Drew D. Hall invited all members road, is authentically Early Amer- and Mrs. Roy H. Minton Jr.; re- real estate in the Far East today. to a surprize tea as her guests in ican and arrangements will fit its freshments, Mrs. George Dreyer; It is our greatest weapon against appreciation of the work accom- style. In addition there will be an birds, Mrs. Paul K. Davis; public- Communism. plished during this year. Pouring Many brides toss a bouquet educational exhibit on the growth ity, Mrs. Joseph H. Hershey. All at the tea tables were Mesdames of tuberous rooted begonias, with club members participate on one Dr. Judd thinks that history will say that Stalin's greatest mistake C. W. Bryden, C. R. Byers, H. T. slides and specim'ens by Mr. Ui- or more committees. Brown and E. B. Mayo. our way! ner. •was the Korean war because it Schedules for the horticultural awoke people in Asia to the truth • Meanng, of course, that our files are filled with J At home number three, that of exhibits stress the fact that all bout Communism. Now they arc PEO^Chapler Host Two Eyelet Tie Mrs. William Heine, 27 Bayberry blooms must be grown by the ex- complimentary letters from brides whose wedding " afraid, they want to be on our Genuine Tan Pigskin wilt receptions we have prepared and supervised, lane, the contemporary decor will hibitor who should be an amateur side but have a haunting uncer- At Picnic Luncheon be followed in arrangements and and should be named wherever tainty of our policy and purpose. Burnt Sugar NylonMtih. Prospective brides are cordially Invited to seek tht there will be a special exhibit of possible. Specimens may be placed Only the Philippines has complete Wednesday, Chapter N, PEO, advice and assistance of Mr. Blake, our Banquet arrangement classes for the Jun- Tuesday, May 18, from 7:30 to 9 will entertain the members • of Manager, in planning the most important social confidence in the United States. Chapter E and U at a picnic $13.95 ior Garden Club members, as well p.m. and Wednesday morning be- Therefore we must have a purpose event pf their livetl as an educational African Violet tween 8:30 and 10:30 and may be in support of human freedom, we uncneon in Tamaques Park, Mrs, display. removed after 10 a.m. May 20. must try to keep hope in the hearts George H. Denny is serving as Home number four, showing the Containers will be supplied by the of the oppressed behind the Iron chairman of the committee on PL6-34O0 simplicity of good modern line and committee or exhibitors may use Curtain, and we must not sacrifice rangements for the hostess chap- Men'i Shoo Available to She 13 materials, ia that of Mrs. William their own. Four seals will be other peoples to gain security and ter. Stanke of 1509 Fox trail. Modern awarded in each class, first, sec- peace for ourselves. Following the luncheon the arrangements will be featured, as ond and third, also honorable men- chapters will hold their meetings tion. As mentioned above, a tri- At the club's business meeting, as follows: Chapter E at the home well as the horticultural exhibit Mrs. Stuhler, past-president, pre- open to all amateur gardeners. color seal may be given to an out- of Mrs. C. B. Robertson, 303 Wal- VAN ARSDALE'S standing entry. sided at the installation of new nut street; Chapter N at the home There will also be an exhibit of officers. Mrs. E. A. H«scock, newly pamphlets on the accomplishments of Mrs. W. C-Snell, 2145 Button- 137 WEST FRONT ST. PLAINFIELD, N. J. elected president, made an accept- wood, lane and Chapter U at the of Blue Star Drive, and an excel* ance speach and in behalf of the home of Mrs. J. O. Izatt, 561 —; Quality Footwear Sittce 1887 —:— lent exhiibt of modern garden ap- Garden Club Holds club, presented Mrs. Drew Hall, pliances by John Meeker of West- Shackamaxon drive, In case of Annual Meeting retiring president, with a gold ex- rain the luncheon will be given at field Refreshments will be served president'a ptn.- to alt. the home of Mrs. A, K. Ferguson, The annual meeting of the Mrs. Roy Workman, treasure, 7 Stoneleigh park, SHOP THURSDAYS 'TIL 9 PIAINFIELD, N. J. Rales which have been establish- Mountainside Garden Club will be presented the annual financial re- ed are that the show shall be held Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the port and the 1964-55 budget judged as an accredited open home of Mrs. Earl Wyman, Syl- Mrs. R. E. Hartwig announced a homes flower show; arrangements vania place. Members are re- new members tea at the home of and horticultural exhibits open to quested to bring a box lunch. A Mrs. D. D. Hall Monday, May 24. amateur*. A tri-color award may meeting of the executive boar'd This is a change of date. be jgiveo to any outstanding ar- will be held at 12:30. prior to the Mrs. F. C. Hohnbaum, chairman rangement or horticultural entry. meeting. of the recent white elephant sale, Lastly, that in artistic arrange- announced that, including $285.25 ments, any material may be used. Joyce Wright of 774 Westfield from a food sale. Mis. Hescock, In addition to club members, ar- avenue, a freshman at Carnegie chairman, the sum realized was rangements in the various homes Tech, has pledged Delta Delta Del- $3,113.48. •will be made by guests of thefol. ta sorority. Mrs. Russell Freeman, chairman DECORATORS CLOSE-OUT of Famous CAMEO SHIR-BACK Curtains

ORGANDY! Up to RAYON MARQUISETTE! oft COTTON MARQUISETTE! All Sizes for Single Windows 54", 63", 72", 81" & 90" long! buf not In all sizes in every fabric $0.99 PAIR

REG. TO $9.95

Double Width-all lengths.' #• OQ Reg. to $]6.99._; pair**'*'

Triple Width—all Lengths. Reg. to $24.99 pair

No other, curtains are like Comeo Shir-Backsl They just can't hang wrong. Just pull the tape-ypur cur- "JUST PULL THE TAPE FOR A PERFECT DRAPE" tains fall In perfect folds. No more struggling, no more tacking, no more DAINTY ROSEBUD COTTON COORDINATES one-side up, one-side down. HOW can Sherman's sell best-selling Cameo HALTER 3.98 BLOUSE 3.98 Shir-Backs up to 70% off? The manu- facturer discontinued these particular SHORTS 3.98 SKIRT 5.98 SALE IN OUR WESTFIELD STORE ONLY fabrics. Don't ask us why. Blame it on Spring fever. Or maybe it was some- Petite garden-real rosebuds make a pretty pattern on while polished cotton. thing he ate. At these prices-who Color-fast and a dream to launder. Sizes 10 to 16. Blue, pink rosebuds . . . cares? Rush in for wonderful Cameo on white. Shir-Backs-limited quantities in each size! White only. Just say "HANDI-CHARGE IT" please! LIMITED QUANTITIES


Central and Broad Westfield ELM & QUIMBY STS., WESTFIELD - Open Monday Evenings to 9 P.M. "for women who prefer quality" THE WESTFIELP (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1954 .".rf Garden Club Holds Carlton Robinson, reported plans day and tomorrow. The following mion Committee by Monday. The ments with the hotel and also pre- class History will be distributed at being able to make reservations Donald Barrett has been n»m«J ' aie complete for a visit to "All- members will attend the confer- reunion is to be held at the Park pare an appropriate yrogram and the dinner and mailed to those who by this date, please cell Mrs. to Nu Beta Pi, engineering hen- Annual Meeting wood," the estate of Leonard J. ence: Mesdames Frank Oertel, Hotel June 19 and the committee class history. If enough question- cannot attend, Charles Hull, Ci. C-B347 or Mrs. orgry at the UniTersity tl Vtr-'i Buck in Far Hills, Tuesday. Robert Messier, T. A.. Bush, C. W. is anxious to complete urrangc- naires are returned, copies of the If there ii| any question of not Reginald Housel, We. 2-24C2-J. mont. * . •: The Garden Club of Westfield Mrs. Addison Outwatei-, ehair- Barnett Jr., S. V. Stewart and held its annual meeting and lunch- rnan of the flower show entitled Lloyd Oneal. Mrs. Oneal is pub- «Sti Tuesday moraing at the home "Wonders of the Garden" to be licity chairman for Uio entire con- it Mi-a, I^o Salvati of 1250 Pros- held June 2 in the parish house ference. - TS f pect street. The president, Mrs. of the First Cong relational Luncheon was served at the Sdwavd L. Coffey, presided. Church, presented the schedule for close of the meeting by the hospi- :• Mrs. A. T. Gridev, correspond- the show. This was approved by tality chairman, Mrs. Aubrey Brings you 4 ing- secretary, read a letter of the members of the club. Sehliess, assisted by Mesdames thanks from Mis. Louise H. Knif- The recording secretary, Mrs. Charles Tice, C. M. Barnett Jr., jjn, director of the Children's M. E. Lowell, read a condensed an- Roger Stephens, H, G. teesch and Country Home for the dogwood nual report of the committee chair- Leo Salvati. tree donated by the Garden Club man, after this report the follow- The flowers were arranged by #nd bulbs planted by Mesdames lowing officers were elected for the Mesdames Charles Tice, Frank William Ransom, Edward Coffjy, coming year: Mrs. W. R. Marsh, Oertel and H. T. Brown. and P. G. Haynes of the Moun- second vice president; Mrs; Frank tainside Garden Club. Lewis, recording secretary) Mrs. Date Set For The program chairman, Mrs. Osgood Rogers, assistant treasur- er and Mrs. Carlton Robinson, Garden Club Show member at large. Mrs. George S. Laird*was elect- "Wonders of the Garden" will Edw.Mackie & Sons ed an honorary member. This was be presented Wednesday, June 2, conferred upon her for outstand- by the Garden Club of Westfield Cut-Up ' Serving Northtm N. J. ing work in the club. in the parish house of the First for Ov*r 50 r.or. Two members will. exhibit In Congregational Church. Mra. Ad- 15 KafcfhM M174 coming flower shows, Mrs. Prank diaon Outwater is chairman. Frying i Opwt Craning! by Appoinlimnt Oertel for Blue Star Garden Cfiib of Mountainside Wednesday and UPHOLSTERING WHS tlm» Plans Chicken Mrs. H. L. Monier in theiNaver- from quick-frozen foods SLIPCOVERS sink Garden. Club next Thursday. Fifteenth Reunion FREE MATTMSSH AND IOX The president, Mrs. Edward L. As Advertised in McCall't Magazine mmot HNQVATEO Coffey, will be in charge of the .All 1939 Westfleld High School IN I0MHIIT tlHf t horticulture exhibit at the spring graduates are reminded and urged Sliced the Life of conference of the Garden Club of to return their reservation blank flAltmilO, N. i. New Jersey at Buck Hill Falls to- and questionnaire to the 15th Re- "McCALLS" Strawberries rRi«1it from the page* of McCall'i Miner Joe bring* you lheae-4 new dinner* and Green recipes. Pliu many other new reclpet uiing'FroMH Foodi.' Get yqur free copy Beans NOW. Cut or French JuttAtkforTktmvtKhgtt Cauliflower 25c Swlff'i Park L«nt lirdt Cyt Orange Fancy Ice Cream Peas and Carrots Vz gal. 89c

MILK-FED LEGS OR C RUMPS OF VEAL 45 Birds Eye Short Cut Smoked Beef Tongues Ib. 39c LEMON AOES Kosher Stylt loncless Brisket Corned Beef Ib. 59' Freshly Sliced Sliced or Chunk lamb Liver Bologna

(R*8. lie la.) LB. LB. IIAUTIFULIY LAUNDHIO 33c 53c

Del Monte Western Delicious PtachH 19c Spinach __ APPLES 2 lbs. 29c5-lb. Prune Julct 2'33c Si*w«d bag Tomatoes _ Jt 21c PILLOW St*wid Crisp MU1 Ib. CASES Prunes -lof 23c • STORED CUANINO CHAIQI Mb. • INSURED fOR $35 Prunts 51c Garden Lettuce head 13c Breakfast nciu VAL Sited LAUNDERED AND FINISHED lie Any Pinuipte Florida Golden Bantam FUR COAT Kleenex » STORED Sweet Corn • INSURED FOR $S0 00 4 HOUR SERVICE Florida Pascal ON 5 S I Iqe. solid DR YaEANIN 0 SHmT UUNDEPUNO FUR COATS Jk 991 * Flagstaff Frezftn Celery stalk 15 T Orange Juice CLEANED O- "• N0EXTRA CHARGE T;nder Young |-k 6-oz. lbs 2 cans String Beans * * «VAItAIITfl»JM9TttMtO*FIN9 Any 335c OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY NITE TILL 9 P. M. CLOTH COAT Ni» TROUSERS "» 9 SPORT SHIRT DRESS C1«iii»f Chargt OR BLANKET Cbtmlng Ckmgt BUTTER **^ 223 North Ave. U. 5. Govf. Grade A Westfield LB. 59c Mr. Joe Pays the Charge Parkay i Park at Station Plaza AS ADVERTISED BY JOHN HENRY FAULK Margarine LB.29 CBS 5:00 to 6:00 P.M.

Kraft /^JLuLi Box Yelveeta Z-lb. box 89 MARCAL ; COLORED NAPKINS 3 of 6os 25c Meat it—Spoon it—Spread it Cheez-Whiz ••«• iar 29 Where Mr. Joe Saves You DoOgh 7:30 A. ML to 6 P. M. THE WESTFIELD, (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1954

Park your car in our convenient Barn's Park Shop Barn

Barn's NEW Plainfield Kay Windsor puts her light touch STORE HOURS on a smart cooling system 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. — Sats. till 6 Dimitvy!! J T% OPEN THURSDAY TILL 9 P.M. "* T '." ' , . 1

SHOP BY TELESERVICE 8.98 Call your local number listed b«low on orders of 3.01 or more You're in sheer comfort no matter how scorching it gets! These are the wispiest cottons you ever saw the\ PLainfield 7-2100 do-up neat as a cotton hanky, go casual or career with a quick-switch FUlton 1-2424 of accessories—and, hm-m-in, how we like their innocent-baby looks! ELIiot 6-4545 Mail. Teleservice. CHarter 9-4040 A. Triple tier, skirt dress with con UNionvill* 2-3232 vertible neckline. Bed, orange or blue on white. 10-18.

B, Coat dress with solid Lindinp. Blue? orange or brown on white 12-20, uy22y '


It's got the Ilirtiest skirt in town . . . the What makes a full skirt out-standing? Rustling Val Mode "Ruffle Dress" petti-slip!? 3.98 A terrific teaming of cover-bra slip and whirl- a-gig petticoat—in sudsable acetate taffeta that 10.98 whispers teasingly as you walk! Its adjustable wide straps and side zipper give it a sccond- Ruffles arc the rage—and Bain's has them! nkin fit—and—it's shadow-proof under sheers! This is a gay and wonderful silhouette Ah-h-h, those colorsj Size^J2-40. Mail, Tele- circling you with 8 tiers of frou-frou! The service, pretty neckline twinkles with rhinestones. Flowering print in blue, green or gray. Washable_cotton. Mail, Teleservice. " "' •

BE SAFE Store your precious furs in Barn's qwn cold storage vaults Call Teleservice. A bonded Bamb ONCJDf AMERICAS ersreGB(A! r s messenger will pick up your coat, " •* * — NEW Plainfield THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY. MAY 13. 195« rovernor Plans Conferences With KOOJS ;BI»OS; Weekly Editors VPSM NIGHTS

JGov. Robert B. Meyner set an- Hier precedent today with the an- |uncement that starting Friday Peekdayi & fey 21, he will hold a series of Saturday TABLES UNDER trass roots" monthly press con- Irences for editors of the approx- iately 200 weekly newspapers of few Jersey. It is belisved to hu m first time a New Jersey Gov • Rich mahogany veneers •All mahogany* jior has scheduled press confer- jces expressly for weeklies. [[Purpose of the conferences, • Even leather-tops • Were up to 39.9S tyner said, is to give weekly edi fs the opportunity to discuss di- fctly with the Governor, state loblems of interest to local read- Koos knows that wheu you go to a table sale, you want to see lota of tables ... not just a handful in each :. "In my inaugural message," price range. "Lots" is what you'll see tomorrow at Koos! This sale is so BIG we jammed our Table Shop! i Governor said, "I gave notice i my intention to keep the public You'll find tables that have sold up to 39.95! You'll see big, beautiful cocktail tables with hand-tooled Tly informed of the aims and irposes of my administration. leather tops .,. with removable glass tops. Drum tables with carved pedestals and brass ferrules. Ele. "To achieve this objective I pro- tee to make use of all available gant step, lamp, commode and end tables . . . some with hand-carved bases, some with gallery-edges, pdia of mass communication, in- fluted posts, leather-tops. We're agleam with haud-polished mahogany-veneers . . , with tables that bding television, radio and the lily and weekly press. The week are all mahogany, every exposed inch! Naturally, quantities in most styles are limited ... in man; Inewspapers of New Jersey per- p» a valuable function in pub- cases there are just the floor samples or a single pair! Be here at 9 A. M. and take your pick! tting information not usually ailable through other channels Drum tabL, U.ti I communication. It seems to me (ey have been ignored too long ' a medium for informing the blic about state issues as they ate to local problems back ne. I hope to rectify that mis- .e." Conferences have been Khed- fed for 1:30 p.m. May 21, June July 16, Aug. 20, Sept. 17, C 18, Nov. 19 and Dec. 17. prcsentatives of dailies, radio itiona and news agencies are Vited, provided that information jcited at the conferences is with- jld from publication until the fol- WERE TO 3B.»3 ding Thursday, the publishing te of most weeklies. The schedule was arranged wit1.) i cooperation and assistance of i New Jersey Press Association, i admission to the conferences I not limited to the members of i Association. PA Council icers Elected

IWhe annual spring meeting of e Union County Council of PTAa it recently at the Lincoln School Summit. Mrs. J. H. Augerbauer president of the' council, pre- d. Most important on the nda was the election of officer! -at* a three year term. WERE TO 3-1.95 :Mis. C. P. Morrison of Union, irman of the nominating com- ittee, presented the • following ite, who were duly elected and (tailed in of flee: Mrs.. Frank mdle of Union, president; Mrs. iran Whatley, Plainfield, Thomas , Roselle Park and C. P. Mor- ion, Union, vice presidents; Mrs. Holmes Williams, Cranford, ording secretary j Mrs. Addison nborn, Hillside, corresponding retary; Mrs. T. P. Doherty, * % iringfield, treasurer. Mrs. Charles irgerson, Fanwood, installed the cers. £)r. Mason W. Gross, provost of utgers, gave an address on "The •sic Objectives To Be Achieved the Area of Education". Frank B. Stover, executive as- WERE TO 39.93 itant to the commissioner of ed- :ation, brought a message from e state. A musical program was esented by the Lincoln School loir and the All City Orchestra Summit. A delegation of 31 V .H*-4l irsons representing all the pub-. schools in Westfield attended. USE LEADER WANT-ADS FOR BEST RESULTS FAMOUS §OFA-BEDS! SIMMOXS HIDE-A-BEDS!

Heantyvest cushions! .Fuvz vushionsl Even Beautyrest Mattresses!

Save us much as $100! TO

Over 200 ... in 18 etyles! Contemporary, modern, traditional, provincial . . . and they've been selling for $219 to $3991 Some are floor samples,.. some manufacturers' own surplus stock. We scooped up a few here, a few there, put them all together in one big sale . . . with as much as $100 lopped off their regular prices. All have fine inncrspring mattresses with pre-built borders ... a few with Simmons famous Beauty- Good driven drive safe cart with rest mattrcsBes. Some are cushioned in Goodyear Airfoatn . . . some with rubberized imoolh-slopping, dependable hair over imislin-poekctcd coils . . . some with Simmons famous Beautyrest cushions. brakes. Are your brokei safe? You'll find full-eize sleepers, convenient apartment-size .. . even king-size with extra- let our experienced mechonici check your braket, today. II take* wide mattresses. Wide range of fabrics includes nylons and interesting textures. only a lew minute* end co»l» Quantities limited, some one-of-a-kind ... so make tracks for Koos tomorrow sure! you nothing. Our shop ute> prt-

I Schmitz Bros. j Central Ave. and Grove St. (Vo. 2-1444 Weslfield, N. J. Complete Automobile Repairs

Free Pick-up and Delivery Service Page Eighteen THE WESTFIELD, (N, J,) LEADEB, THURSDAY, MAY 13. 1954 by O. Soglow Detective Duelks was introduced of establishing THE WESTFIELD LEADER time during his life. Something can be The Passing Scene Jefferson PTA by Al Chrone, club adviser and dence. done. - -^ local Y physical director. In his This is the first In Entered at th# Po«t Offlc« at Westfield. N. J., u Second Class Matter. Progress on polio, tuberculosis, cancer, presentation, Detective D u el k s Planned programs that Published Thursdays al WestOeld, New Jersey, Organizes Tuesday pointed out the highlights of the las are setting by The Wentfleld Leader Printing and Publishing and heart disease is the result of public Company. An Independent Newspaper. various pieces of equipment used the Y two ni!htsWe Official Paper for the Town of Weatfleld and generosity stemming- from a public by the detective bureau in investi- recreational, education,! Soroush of Mountainside- awareness of the seriousness of these At the Jefferson School organ- cal activities, tfenewl, Subscription 12.50 a year In advance. izational meeting: Tuesday at 8 gating cases. The use of the io- group hopes to con difficulties. How serious is mental dis- dine fumer as means of identifica- it, Established 1890, p.m. in the Columbus School, Mrs. ities through the S ease? It is America's Number One Frank J. Steudle, president of the tion were demonstrated. Detective ' Ottle*: tl Elm Street, Westfleid. If. J. Duelks also had with him several T«L WE. I-4407 — WE. i-4401 Health Problejn. It is the root of such Union County Council of PTA% will speak and install the new of- photographs of various cases and tale St. Ctalr Member social shames as vandalism, delinquency, L»ke St. Clair is „ Qmllty Taikllsi of Maw Jinn ficers. related to the group the impor- •hallow basin through \ N«w Jerspy Press Association crime, perversion, divorce, alcoholism, This week letters were sent to tance of photographs as a means Huron discharge i^ National Editorial Association and it frequently is the basis for such all parents whose children will at- NATIONAL EDITORIAL tend the strhool, telling them of wa.=teful problems as industrial absen- the meeting and enclosing a copy teeism, accidents, rapid employment of the by-laws of the new organ- turnover, and illness manifestations like ization for all to study. tens-ion and emotional conflict. At the meeting the following slate of officers will be presented If funds were available for mental dis- by the nominating- committee: ease research and training in the same President, Mrs. Eric H. Peterson THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1954 Jr.; vice president, Mrs. Lambert magnitude as they are in other disease J. Abel; second vice president, New jersey's Most Heavily problems, the public would be saved the Theodore Frank; secretary, Mrs. billions of taxpayers' money spent yearly William B. Derrick) corresponding taxed Citizen • on inadequate care for the mentally sick secretary, Mrs. Frank E. Diggory The proposal to exact from the New and treasurer, Mrs. E. R. Grupe. -—not to mention the. billion dollar poten- Nominations will be opened for Jersey motorist ?14 million of the rec- tial earnings lost to mental patients dur- all positions from the floor pro- ommended $31 million, increase in state ing the course of their illness. Expanded viding the nominator has previ- aid to schools, is to put 45 per cent of ously obtained permission of the knowledge means reduced need for ex- person whose name is to be placed the added tax burden squarely on the tensive therapy. , on the ballot. shoulders of New 'Jersey's "most heavily The public is invited to attend taxed citizen". Your contribution in helping to "ringi the meeting. the bell for mental health", is not only The Commissioners on State Tax Pol- It's never too early—It's never too late for the nation—and hence for your com- of Ghl Scout World Friendship icy, in the report making this recom- an investment in a sounder economic life paper dolls, dressed in the uni- mendation, asserts that in considering to BANK BY MAIL munity. It is equally significant as a pro- •Ian SafMy Urvia forms worn by Scout troops in all the possible revenue sources that various countries. Mesdames Wil- tection of your family and fellow citi- liam Mendenhall, John E. O'Brien, might provide the necessary funds, it has zens against insufficient therapeutic and M. B. Bagger are in charge of looked at tax bases from two points of knowledge and facilities. this exhibit. ,.. and the only cost is postage on an enveiopr view: Editor, Leader: The membership committee will The shortcomings and failures of men- CoHgiatulationa ire in order ti World Fellowship hold a sale of home cooked foods in • tnclosing your deposit and deposit form. (Coik "1. The comparative burden of each' tal illness care have been widely publi' not! the YWCA lobby from 1 to 4:30. base as compared with that borne in cized, but little has been done about it. Exhibit at YWCA Baked goods, casseroles, pre- should b» sent by registered mail; of coarse.) So, -,*, other states . . ." and serves end jellies will be offered. Here's y6ur chance to help alleviate this Mrs. Walter Marvin is chairman next time you're short of time/ visit us "2. The economic impact -. . . the terrible condition, and at the same time leld. By their TTobbyinif, th< Mrs. Nelson B. Aikens, chair- of the membership committee. method of least utility, which applies iave forced a Town Council t man of the world fellowship com- assist a well-organized association in a elect th« proposal for establish Among other contributors to the especially to go-called luxury taxes." mittee of the Westfield YWCA, exhibit are: Mesdames B. N. Crav- forward step against the country's eco- has announced that the annual er, J. P. Edwards, Jules Favre, By its selection of the gasoline tax as nomic and social ills. Send your contribu- To Citizens of We»lfii>ld World Fellowship exhibit will be A. S. Ayer, Herman Erath, J. van the revenue source to carry the major tion to New Jersey Association for Men- held Wednesday from 1 to 5 p.m. de Kamp, Henry Bering, J. A. t Co, share of the school aid program, the Editor, Leader; The exhibit will feature displays Szillard, C. Hagers, W. H. Shell- tal Health, 12 Kimball circle, Westfleld. The annual PBA show is sched- of art objects, treasures and sou- enburger, C. R. Addinal, W. B. WESTHELD - CRANFORD - SCOTCH MAINSS -- ttAIWOoi Commission therefore has said in effect M M M uled for Saturday night, May 22, venirs'from 23 different countries. Gundrum, Ernest Alpers, Louis that "motorists in this state are taxed at 8:30 p.m. at the new high DeitE, the Misses Helen and Ine2 "This Ought Not To Be" school, Rahway avenue and Dorian Among the new exhibits will be lower than in other states" and that a display of articles collected in Winberg' and Mrs. Edward Thom- road. as. "gasoline is a luxury". Both of these con- Way back in 1837 this country under- Tickets are now on sale from Egypt by Frank Wurst, including tentions are in error. went its first major depression. Many de- copper pieces, applique on linen Flower arrangements will be s4 members of the Police Depart- and an ancient ink well. Mrs. P. done by the Rake and Hoe Club. —- Figures published recently by the manded that a program of heavy federal ment; they will gladly sell you any H. Oppenheimer has contributed Cookies and punch will be served U. S. Census Bureau in "State Tax Col- spending be adopted. That led President number. her German kitchen display, and to visitors at the exhibit. Van Buren to make some observations The proceeds of this affair go to Rabbi and Mrs. David Haab will PHOTOSTATS lections in 1953" show that the $9.0 mil- the sick and death benefit for PBA exhibit articles from Israel. A lion paid in special taxes by New Jersey that are as timely now as they were then. members. variety of cultures and customs Centolas Hear motorists in 1953 represented 47.8 per He said: "AH communities are apt to We encourage your co-operation is represented in the many other Delective Duelks SAME DAY SERVICE in backing your town police offi- collections. cent of the state's total tax revenue from look to,the government too much. This cers. all sources. The average for all other ought not to be. The framers of our Con- FLOYD HEWITT, There will also be an exhibit of At a recent meeting of the Cen- Westfield Studios stitution . . . wisely suggested that the Chairman special interest to young people. tolas, a club group of Westfleld states was only 28.4 per cent. In other ALFRED FROMW, One room will be devoted to a col- •yjJCA members, Detective Jack Portrait and Commercial Photographer! •words, the relative tax burden upon mo- less government interferes with private Co-Chairman lection of dolls, books and toys Duelks of the Westfield Police De- 121 CENTRAL AViNUE WESTFIELD 2-M* torists in New Jersey, is nearly twice as pursuits the better lor general pros- from many nations and a display partment was the guest speaker. high as the average for other states. perity. But let us look also at the gasoline tax "It is not the government's legitimate Family Life Today object torjnake men-rich or to repair, by ' alone/The ?74' ttillion B^-ear which New ., PHYLLIS PAGE BRADSHAW Jersey motorists pay in taxes on gasoline direct grants of money or legislation, Specialist, in Human Relation* —three cents a gallon to the state plus losses not incurred in the public service;" Rutgers, the State University The nation never was. given wiser two cents to the federal government— ON SECOND THOUGHT WAIT TILL YOU now range from 22.7 to 33.3 per cent advice. "You went to the movies after of the retail price. This can hardly be 1« M M I definitely told you not to go," says an angry father to his son. considered a "low tax rate". National Maritime Day Because you deliberately disobey- So much for the Commission's first On May 22 this country will observe ed, you can't go to your science THE contention. Now let us look at the sec- National Maritime Day. It will be a very club meetings for a month." Father i3 furious that Jack -went ond : That gasoline ia a "luxury" item. significant day indeed in at least on?, to the movies after all, and he's Who are the "luxury" car users in respect—for, unless the current situation going to show who's boss, around , New Jersey? Would they include the changes drastically, the future of our the house! He's not going to let Jack get away with that kind of 37,000 passenger cars and 24,000 trucks merchant marine looks dark indeed. behavior. In the anger of the mo- used by New Jersey farmers? Would A merchant marine of our own is abso- ment, Father deals out punish- GRAND NEW DEA they be the 709,000 workers and busi- lutely essential—-yet we lag far down ment that is too severe. The reason in back of Jack's nessmen in the state who regularly drive the list of nations, in seventh place, in disobedience should be related to to work, the 347,000 housewives who private ship construction. the type and amount of punish- rely on the family car for shopping and An excellent plan to create such a ment. If Jack deliberately went other purposes, the hundreds of doctors, to the movies just to see what program has been offered by a spokes- would happen or how much he FOR HOME OWNERS nurses and health officials who operate man for the Committee of American could get away with, he should be motor vehicles daily? To the great ma- Steamship Lines. In his opinion, it would dealth with firmly. On the other hand, if Father was arbitrarily jority of these people, the private car is encourage private and institutional lend- obstinate about allowing Jack to a necessity. ers to invest up to $2,500,000,000 in new go when there was really no rea- It is true that the 22.7 to 83.3 per cent U. S. ship construction. Under it tha son why he shouldn't, then Jack's sales tax which motorists now pay on government would insure mortgages on disobedience is almost logical. COMING SOON TO Parents are human and every- gasoline is a "super-luxury" tax rate • the new ships, under rules and stipula- body makes mistakes when angry. This is especially true now that Congress tions that "would fully protect the tax- In this situation, father would payers' interests. The time for action ia have been wise to count to 10 be- has seen fit to reduce to 10 per cent the f o r e pronouncing punishment. truly luxury taxes on perfumes, jewelry now, if in future years we are to have During the count, he could think and furs. a reason for celebrating- National Mari- about why Jack went to the mov- ies after all. Then he would be in FIRST FEDERAL! time Day. No, the family car is hardly to be con- a better position to determine what sidered a luxury today, and car owner- * * «• to do about it. But if father does ship is not a sign of wealth. The high tax get carried away and deals out The Low Down From Hickory Grove too much punishment, and on sec- EVERY HOME OWNER IN THIS AREA WILL BE DELIGHTED rate on gasoline can be justified only on I will donate my time today to gassin' ond thought realizes it, it's much one ground—that every bent of revenue on dividends—and the present system better to admit the error. Young- WITH THE NEW DEPARTMENT NOW BEING INSTALLED IN must be used for roads. It should not be sters appreciate such fairness and of putting a tax on same and not once, have much more respect for a par- OUR BUILDING - A NEW, FREE SERVICE JUST FOR YOU . . • used for schools, or for any other non- but twice, both in the same place but ent "who is just and honest. highway purpose, however worthy. looking as thought it was two .things be- AND, IT'S ONLY NATURAL THAT THIS SERVICE, OF INTEREST ing taxed, which it is not. If everybody A Root of Evil is to have a chance to save and to pre- LINES BY SOGLOW TO EVERYONE IN THIS COMMUNITY, SHOULD BE BROUGHT When someone in your family sud- pare for the years out yonder—after 64 TO YOU BY FIRST FEDERAL, A SAVINGS INSTITUTION THAT denly becomes ill physically, the appro- —there has to be a handy saving vehicle' priate medical treatment is usually avail- at the curb. HAS BEEN SERVING HOME OWNERS FOR TWO GENERATIONS. able. But what would-you do if one of Owning a share or 100 shares of stock your family "members should suddenly —you can be a partner in progress and develop a mental illness? Generally profit. No big company is going to shove WATCH FOR IT! speaking the chances are good that you you around—you are IT, the company would run into a lot of trouble getting itself. For 40 bucks you can start in with psychiatric treatment. In the state of one share of U. S. Steel—be a part of big New Jersey there are less than 200 psy- SAVINGS INSURED UP TO $10,000.00 business yourself. li life catching up with you? Or chiatrists trying to handle more than What I am chiming-in about today is are you catching up wilh life? Or put it thia wuj i Are you just work, 250,000 cases of mental disease. This the unfairness in not letting the guy with ing for j*uur money, or is your ACCOUNTS OPENED BY THE ldth estimate of the number of patients is his one or 100 shares of stock get the full money working for you? You'll culcll up tvitlt tile life you hope to enjoy EARN DIVIDENDS FROM THE 1st based on the statistics of the National profit coming to him. Steel and many if you siori uiving now—regularly, Association for Mental Health which outfits pay taxes on their income—the in United Stnk-s Savlngrt Donds. Whut ilo you wnnl—u new cur . • i show one person in every 1G now living stockholder gets, after taxes, a dividend. it new home . . . rriunilion for your is suffering from some kind of mental That is okay. But the fly in the ointment children , . , leiaurc-liinc travel? Uiifnrlunu*e!y. eo ninny good things FIRST FEDERAL disorder. Do these facts surprise you? is how the guy with his one or 100 shares in life aren't free! Plan la liave They should. They are not well known. can't keep the full dividend. A second them just the tame. Dollar! invcaled S A V INGS ,VAn A S S O C I A T I O N loday In United Slatei Savings [londs One in every 12 children born this year tax clips the corner off his dividend return with Interest—wake up and 150 ELM STREET, WESTI'IEU). M.W JERSEY will need to go to a mental hospital some- check—two taxes on the same income. live tomorrow I THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY. MAY 13. 1954 it is not in proportion to its jrreatei weight. Chairman Dear Sis: Playing The Cards proposed New Jersey law exempts It is said that enforcement costs If you get tired of hearing me all trucks with gross weight under would be burdensome, but admin By ALEXANDER SPENCER talk about taxes just remember 18,000 pounds it will apply to only istration in New York State has been under 5 per cent of collec- that it is at this time each yes. about 13 per cent of all truck = South was a little light for his [that the Legislature takes aetic tions, considered moderate as the registered in New Jersey and a cost of a tax. opening two-bid in today's hand on tax bills. So now is the time the same time will cover the heav- and his jump to six clubs aftei tfor telling our Assemblymen what ier ones which cause greater dam- It is said that the necessary rec- North's raise wasn't timid eithel lour thinking is on the proposals on ag to roads in relation to their ord-keeping and computation but he played the hand nicely t< •which they are about to vote weight than do lighter trucks. would be a hardship on the truck- bring in the slam. Right now we are very interested There are arguments against the ers. In many cases the same rec- NORTH (in the of Assembly Bill bill so I'd like to mention and re- ords must be made for other regu- 4 J 10 6 i380 which sets up a highway use fute some of them. latory bodies and many truckers V 8 3 It is said that such a bill would keep such statistics for their own • J 10 8 5 2 .tax on vehicles based on their operating purposes. [gross weight and figured by multi end reciprocity between the states. • K Q 7 WEST EAST iplylng the number of miles trav- However, a New York State Legis- It is said that we do not need • K 9 7 2 A Q 8 5 eled on non-toll New Jersey high- lative committee report stated in more highway user taxes as we are already diverting funds from » Q J 10 4 ¥9652 ways by the appropriate tax rate part that "states considering them- selves as reciprocating (do) levv those we have to other purposes • 76 • Q 9 4 3 'or the vehicle. This would yield than highway. The fact is that our • 662 * 4 3 he state between $14 and $16trip fees, gross receipts taxes 'compensation' taxes, 'equalization total state and local expenditures SOUTH . illion a year. The L.W V of fees and more recently ton-mile or for roads are more than we collect A A 4 3 [NJ. has supported a tax on heavy mileage taxes." in highway user taxes. At the same V A K 7 •'Ticking since October, 1950. time, many groups feel that great- • A K MRS. RICHARD BENJAMIN It is said that increased trucking ly increased expenditures for both • A J 10 9 8 The State Tax Policy Commia- costs may be passed on to the con- state and local roads are impor- With neither side vulnerable, ion in I960 recommended such a sumer in higher prices—anothei tant to maintain industrial an