THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY liyY-FOURTH ¥EAR~No Entered as Second Class Matter Published Poet Offlce. Weatfleld, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1954 Every Thursday 32 Pa,«a—-6 Cmmu lubhouseVarianceWins Church Council Mrs. Day Succeeds Foose As Ketcham Explains Town Gives Site tpd Approval Of Board Sponsor Excursion President Of Adult School Here Significance of To Rye Beach Reports given at the annual Special Election Spring Art Exhibit meeting of the Westfield Adult Notes 25th Year To Rescue Squad School Association held at the Jun- Mindowaskin Park Needs Approval June 12 Outing ior High School Monday evening Board President Features Boat "show the school to be in excellent Urges Residents to Red Cross Annual The annual spring exhibit of the Of Town Council condition, both financially and in Mayor Names 3 Ve$rtfield Art Association will be Trip Thru Sound the service being offered the com- Vote Authorization Meeting Here May 19 feeld Saturday in Mindowaskin munity," Weyman O. Steengrafe, ark from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Original Application On the morning of June 12, director, announced today. "We wish to remind the voters The annual meeting of the West' To Health Board heine of the show, which is open families of the member churches A. total of 852 were enrolled for of Westfteld," Frank Ketcham, field Chapter, American Red Cross the public, is "Westfield and Approved March 25 of the Westneld Council of the 25 courses offered in the fall president of the Board of Educa- will be held at the Chapter House cgiity". Churches will board trains for Jer- semester and 616 students in the tion, said today, "that on Tues- 321 Elm street, May 19 at 8 p.m. Council Awards Jjhe paintings will be for sale For the second time, the Board sey City, where they will transfer 19 courses of the spring semester. day, May 25, we will ask them to The public is invited to attend. Paving Contract i* members of the committee of Adjustment Monday night un- The total of 1368 enrollments was vote authorization of the purchase animously recommended that the to the S.S. "Pennsylvania" for a Iriljjbe on hand to aid prospective boat trip to Playland, Rye Beach, greater than last year's registra- of approximately 17 acres on Rah- Town Council passed > r«*olu> uKcollectors. George L. Schnable Woman's Club be granted a zoning tion, Mr. Steengrafe, reported. way avenue. The cost of $50,000 variance to convert a 17-room col- If. Y. tion at its meeting Monday nifht j i| charge of the affair, aided by Following the success of last Robert L. Foose, president, pre- will be met by using the $33,000 Dinner Tonight for which authorized the town to rent lack Langstaff, Curtis Hicks, Roy onial house at 31S S. Euclid ave- sided at the meeting which was received from the recent sale of nue into a clubhouse. year's trip, the Baptist Church, property on the south side of - fonts and Frances Pencyl. originator and sponsor of the ex attended by representatives from the 3.7 acres on Shackamaxon Town Fathers Spring street to the Volunteer The variance is subject to ap curslon, suggested that the local the sponsoring organizations, drive, and by transferring to tho Rescue Squad for $1 • year for '. proval of Town Council which wil Council of Churches take over the members of the Citizen's Commit' capital account, $10,000 from thi 20 years. The squad plant to ' not act on the recommendation sponsorship of the outing and that tee and elected directors of the bond and interest account and $7,- GOP Committee Given erect an L-shaped building OB MM . id Health Drive until May 24. Town Council hope all member churches be invited to association. He stated that "the 000 from the current expense ac- property if a $26,000 building fund to act on the board's recommends Westneld school holds an out- count. Testimonial Affair tjon at its meeting Monday, but i participate. campaign now in progress ia a aue. The schedule for the day is standing position In the state be- "This property would be used cess. The new structure would in- ;ins Sunday board meeting, scheduled prior t( cause of the enrollment, the va. as a general recreational area and Mayor Charles P. Bailey and the council session, continued be follows: 8 a.m., trains leave West- Polic. CRi.f Albert Pfirrmmn corporate a building now on th* field; 11:30 a.m., arrive Rye riety of courses offered and the of 948 North avenue will cele- as a site for a future school, members of the Westneld Town land and would contain * garage - yond the g o'clock starting time of caliber- of the courses." should one become necessary. In Council will be honored tonight Funds Will Aid the council meeting. Beach; 3:45 p.m., leave Rye Beach, brate the completion of hU 25th for two ambulances, an office, « and 7:30 p.m., arrive Westneld. Th« following were elected to year <m the local Police Depart- addition, there is room for a foot- at a testimonial dinner given In meeting room, shop, utility room, ' County Clinic The application for the vari ball practice field, which U an im- their honor under the auspices of The S.S. "Pennsylvania" is the board of directors to serve for ment, Saturday. Shown a bore dormitory and kitchen. ance originally was approved by three years: Dr. George A. Bray, prior to die appointment to mediate need, and later on a base- the Westneld Republican Town Final plans for the joint fund the board March 25. The recom new ship and has a capacity of ball diamond. It is Ideally located Committee. The Et, Eev. Msgr, Mayor Charles P. Bailer an- over 3,000. The number of tickets Mrs. W«lter L. Day Jr., Mt». N. E. chief of petite, P6rrme,nn en- nounced the appointment of lira. ive for national, state and Union mendation was returned to the Loornis, William N. Sortor, George tered the department May IS, for all of these uses," Mr. Ketcham John L. McNulty, president of So- board for reconsideration April 12 is limited to 1,600 and are now said. ton Hall University, will be the George E. Buchanan, Otto Carpen- unty mental health associations available through representatives H. Moore and Mrs. Taylor, 1829, Ha wai promoted to 4 the Mental Hygiene Clinic, to when Mayor Charles P. Bailey the rank of nrfeant in 1941 "A Board of Education would featured speaker at the annual ter and Dr, Ralph A. Hall to m«m- in the participating churches. Other members of the board are non-partisan tribute to local bershlp on the Board of Health. ' launched in Westfteld, Sunday, ruled there had been a defect in as follows: Dr. S. N. Ewan, Byron and to hia preient rank on Oc- be remiss in its obligations to the ere announced last night at a the listing of property owners whi Reservations have been made at tober 15, 1951. He ia president community," Mr. Ketcham con- elected officials at the Chi-Am Mrs. Buchanan fills an un«x- Playland, so that Westfield will D. Stuart, Dr. Wilbur Harkrader, Chateau at 6:90 p.m. pired term of Mrs. Virginia Smith. ial meeting of the solicitora. must be notified. Gordon T. Parry, Miss Helen Whit of the Union County Polic* tinued, "if it did not secure avail- I naming' Westfield's goal of Monday's decision by the board have its own picnic area during Chief* Aaaociation, a member able property before the urgent Willard E. Bull, former Town Mr. Carpenter and Dr. Hall weri the hours spent there', Everyone comb, Irvine B. Johnstons Jr., named to three and fpur ye«« 100, William H. Baiimer, gen- was a result of a hearing April 29 Donald H. Bagger, Walter J. Lee of the Rotary Club of We.lfiaUJ, need for it arises. We do not want Councilman, will be toaatnustev. at which more than 100 persons takes his own lunch, but conces- Atlaa Lodge 125, N. J. Stale to have a future board find it nec- The Rev. Elbert C. Gates, min- terms In accordance with «n tui chairman of the drive, told and Dr. N. A. Guiditta. thorized increase last ye»r in th*' group that "every cent con- filled the Municipal Building for sions and rides are available Aaaociation of Chiefi of Police essary to condemn and tear down ister of the First Baptist Church, a second hearing on the proposed Playland. Members of the citizen's coin and the International Aaiocla- homes in order to secure a school will give the invocation. The For- site of the bond from five to ri uted would be used to support mlttee of 10 elected to serve for seven members. ical work, research and educa- variance, That session lasted al tion of Chiefa of Police. He la site, especially since such a desir- tune Hunters, » barbershop quar- tho coming year are: Carolus T. able acreage can be bought now at tet of Flalnfleld, will provide en- Sealed proposal! for th« furni»b- on in the mental health field." most five hoars. Clark, Miss Kathryn Rumble, Mrs, alio a member of the Baptiat Ing tho bell for mental health" The Woman's Club has agreed Police Request Church here. a favorable price, and when no tertainment. ing of asphalt oil for road reptin Glen S. Wilder, Victor E, Well now tax money is needed for th'i were received by Council and tween noon and 4 p.m.
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