® CHINMAYA MISSION® WEST BIMONTHLY NEWSLETTER March 2010, No. 134 In This Issue SPIRITUAL TRAILS Graceful Aging My Teacher, Swami Tapovanam TraveLogUe Vande Mataram Chinmaya Dham Yatra ReFLeCTIoNS What Prayers Do Lead Me from the Unreal to the Real My Guru Is in the Driver’s Seat Pujya Gurudev’s Demand Ashtakam NewS Prabhavalis Arrive at CM Houston New Properties for CM Centers Bhumi Puja in Virginia CM Dallas/Fort Worth Family Camp Chinmaya Rameshwaram Opens CHYK Retreat CM San Diego’s Ninth Anniversary CHYK Austin Film Workshop CM New York’s CORD Walkathon Kenopanishad at CM Niagara Falls CM Minneapolis Events ANNoUNCeMeNTS Easy Sanskrit Online Course CORD USA 17th Mahasamadhi Camp Dharma Sevak Course 2010 Pujya Gurudev’s Birth Centenary Chinmaya Publications: New Arrivals CIF’s Correspondence Vedanta Courses Worship at Adi Shankara Nilayam Ottawa Awakening Canadians to India Summer CHYK Retreat CM Trinidad Summer Camp Vedanta 2010: CMW’s One-Year Course CM Chicago Summer Kids' Camps Mission Statement To provide to individuals, from any background, the wisdom of Vedanta, and the practical means for spiritual growth and happiness, enabling them to become positive contributors to society. CHINMAYA MISSION CENTERS IN NORTH AMERICA www.chinmayamission.org CENTERS in USA Arizona Minnesota Phoenix (480) 759-1541;
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