154Th Birthday Celebration Of

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154Th Birthday Celebration Of 154th Birthday Celebration of 15th Inter School Quiz Contest – 2016 IMPORTANT & URGENT NOTE FOR THE KIND ATTENTION OF PRINCIPALS OF SCHOOLS Std. VII to Std. IX QUIZ PLEASE PHONE & CONFIRM IN WRITING THE NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED : 1) QUIZ BOOKLETS : To be given in advance to interested students. 2) QUIZ QUESTION : To be kept CONFIDENTIAL until the day of PAPERS the contest at school level. 3) ANSWER SHEET : For Correction RAMAKRISHNA MATH, 12th Road, Khar (West), Mumbai - 400 052. Ph : 6181 8000, 6182 8082, 6181 8002 E-mail : [email protected] Website : www.rkmkhar.org Contents Unit 1: Multiple Choice Questions(50questions) Unit 2: Fill in the Blanks 2a. Swami Vivekananda’s Utterances by theme (24 questions) 2b. Utterances of Swami Vivekananda (13 questions) 2c. Life of Swami Vivekananda (26 questions) Unit 3: Choose any one option (10 questions) Unit 4: True or False 4a. From Swamiji’s life (11 questions) 4b. From Swamiji’s utterances (8 questions) Unit 5: Who said the following 5a. Who said the following to whom (5 questions) 5b. Who said the following (10 questions) Unit 6: Answer in one line (4 questions) Unit 7: Match the following (28 questions) 7a. Events and Dates from Swamiji’s first tour to the West 7b. Incidents that demonstrate Swami Vivekananda’s power of concentration 7c. The 4 locations of the Ramakrishna Math 7d. People in Swami Vivekananda’s life who helped him in bleak situations 7e. Events in Swamiji’s life with what we can learn from them 7f. Period of Swamiji’s life with events from his life Unit 8: Identify the Pictures (16 questions) Note: Any of the questions below can be asked in any other format also. For example, ‘Match the Columns’ can come in ‘Fill in the Blanks’, ‘Multiple Choice Questions’ can come as ‘Who said to Whom?’ etc. 2 Unit 1: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. Name the special train launched by the Indian Railways to commemorate the 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda and create awareness among the masses about his thoughts and philosophy a] Vivekananda Express b] Vivek Express c] Narendra Express d] Amrita Express 2. A street in USA has been named after Swami Vivekananda as ‘Honorary Swami Vivekananda Way’. Name the city. a] Boston b] New York c] Chicago d] London 3. Who spearheaded the building of the Vivekananda Memorial at Kanyakumari? a] EknathRanade b] Indira Gandhi c] V.V Giri d] Bhaktavatsalam 4. Swami Vivekananda’s first interaction with Sri Ramakrishna at the house of a neighbour a] transformed his life. b] left him disenchanted. c] made no particular impression on him. d] left him fully satisfied. 5. In which sport wasNaren said to have won the first prize? a] Athletics b] Football c] Cycling d] Wrestling 6. Vivekananda “is the maker of modern India”.Who said this? a] Rabindranath Tagore b] Jawaharlal Nehru c] C Rajagoplachari d] Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose 7. The founder of Ramakrishna Mission, which is based on the principles of Practical Vedanta was: a] Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa b] Swami Vivekananda c] Swami Yogananda d] Swami Brahmananda 8. Where did Sister Nivedita first meet Swami Vivekananda? a] New York b] Boston c] Chicago d] London 9. In 1899 Swami Vivekananda started a Bengali journal to carry forward the ideas propounded by the Ramakrishna Mission. It was called - a] Vedanta Kesari b] Udbodhan c] Brahmavadin d] Prabuddha Bharata 10. What was the name of Swami Vivekananda’s sister? a] Sister Nivedita b] Swarnamayi Devi c] Sister Gargi d] Parama Devi 11. What was the question that Swami Vivekananda asked Sri Ramakrishna at their first meeting? a] Have you seen God? b] Do you think God exists? c] Do you believe in God? d] Is there a God? 3 12. Ekanathji Ranade founded a non-monastic organization based on the principles preached by Swami Vivekananda. What is it called? a] Swami Vivekananda Youth Association b] Vivekananda Kendra c] Vivekananda Mission d] Vivekananda Educational Society 13. “The Master as I saw him” was written by? a] Sister Josephine Macleod b] Swami Vivekananda c] Swami Yogananda d] Sister Nivedita 14. The World’s Parliament of Religions where Swamiji gave the famous speech on the Universality of Religions was held in Chicago in: a] September 1886 b] September 1893 c] July 1893 d] July 1886 15. Where did Swami Vivekananda live during the last years of his life? a] Dakshineswar b] Kanyakumari c] Cossipore d] Belur Math 16. Margaret Noble, a disciple of Swami Vivekananda is well known as a] Gauri-ma b] Sarada Devi c] Sister Christine d] Sister Nivedita 17. Disgruntled with his father, Narendranath once asked him, “What have you done for me?” What did his father say in reply? a] Be you always a man, my son b] May no other father face such a question c] Go look at yourself in the mirror d] Be grateful all your life for what you have 18. One evening young Naren ventured into a grove of banana trees to meditate, expecting which God / Goddess to appear there? a] Ram b] Hanuman c] Shiva d] Kali 19. Sri Ramakrishna said, “if Keshab is possessed of one sign of greatness which has made him famous, Naren has _______ such signs to the fullest degree.” a] 7 b] 18 c] 1000 d] 108 20. As a young man, Narendranath was… a] Careful not to engage in arguments with anyone. b] Cheerful and made many friends who stayed close to him all his life. c] Studious and focused only on studies. d] Talented and showed-off his skills at every opportunity. 21. When Naren was not getting a job and went through many struggles in his life, what did he do? a] He gave up and wanted to end his life. b] He had faith in himself and found the strength to carry on. c] He sat down brooding over and analyzed why life had taken such a difficult turn. d] He prayed to God for a miracle. 22. Which of these ideas did Swami Vivekananda espouse all through his life? a] Have faith in yourself b] Never to live a life of secrecy c] Living a life of integrity d] All the above 4 23. According to Swamiji, “Politics has to be preached by showing how much it will improve the one thing that the nation wants – its… a] Wealth & development b] Yoga c] Spirituality d] Both (a) & (c) 24. According to Swami Vivekananda, what should we seek? a] Western science coupled with Vedanta b] Eastern science coupled with Western religion c] Western science coupled with Eastern science d] Eastern religion coupled with Western religion 25. According to Swami Vivekananda, what kind of countries become great and strong? a] Ones which believe in its people b] Ones which believe in themselves c] Ones which believe in unity d] Ones which believe in the nation’s progress 26. Swami Vivekananda’s missionary effort in the UK didn’t create any ill feeling or sectarianism. Why? a] Because he promoted Christianity as well. b] Because he promoted Hinduism. c] Because he was the promoter of ‘Religion’, and not of any one religion alone. d] Because he promoted everyone following all religions. 27. What happened because of Swami Vivekananda’s triumphal march through South India, especially the lectures he delivered in Madras? a] It aroused the latent energy of the Indian nation. b] It raised money for his trip to the West. c] It inspired people to be more religious. d] It inspired people to join the Ramakrishna Math & Mission. 28. Which of these adjectives has been most widely used to describe Swami Vivekananda? a] Punditji b] Vedantic Scientist c] Mahatma of the masses d] Shaheed Bhagat 29. The spirit of ______was implanted in Swamiji’s mind when he studied Western thought during his college days. a] critical inquiry b] religion c] sportsmanship d] fierce patriotism 30. Before Narendranath became a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, he followed the socio-religious BrahmoSamaj as _____________. a] it aimed to seek the revival of ancient customs and traditions. b] it believed in a formless God,condemned the worship of idols, and addressed various forms of social reform. c] it served as a platform to make friends with prominent religious leaders. d] he had ambitions of one day becoming the leader of the BrahmoSamaj. 5 31. Who was Swamiji referring to when he said this? “Who was there ever like Him? – the Lord, who never performed one action for Himself – with a heart that embraced the whole world! So full of pity, that He – prince and monk – would give His life to save a little goat! So loving that He sacrificed himself to the hunger of a tigress!” a] Gautam Buddha b] Sri Rama c] Sri Krishna d] Sri Ramakrishna 32. When Swamiji’s family was going through a difficult time, he prayed for _________________ to Mother Kali a] Wealth to alleviate poverty and distress of his family members b] Knowledge and devotion c] Spiritual bliss and liberation d] Personal fulfillment 33. Swami Sadananda, a disciple of Swami Vivekananda was entrusted the mission of _______________by him. a] Alleviation of poverty in India b] Spreading the ideas of Sri Ramakrishna across India c] Spiritual regeneration of India and the world d] Building a hospital at Kedarnath for pilgrims &Sannyasis 34. After his visit to Kanyakumari, Swamiji meditated on a rock, off the South coast of India,to be able to- a] understand the causes of India’s downfall and seek the means for her resurrection. b] attain the highest spiritual experience of Nirvikalpa Samadhi. c] overcome the distress experienced by witnessing the poverty and misery in India.
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