Chapter 16—Transportation 16.1 Introduction This chapter describes the existing conditions (environmental and regulatory) and assesses the potential transportation impacts of the 2020 Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (proposed MTP/SCS). Where necessary and feasible, mitigation measures are identified to reduce these impacts. The information presented in this chapter is based on review of existing information and is regional in scope. Data, analysis, and findings provided in this chapter were considered and prepared at a programmatic level. In response to the Notice of Preparation (NOP), SACOG received several comments related to transportation from Sierra Club (Placer County), Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD), ECOS, Sierra Club (Placer County), and Delta Protection Commission. The commenters expressed that the Draft EIR should consider the following: . Different transportation improvements for Placer County, . Relationship between planned transportation improvements and the goals of the MTP/SCS, . Increased transit service, . Induced vehicle miles traveled, . Multiple lanes as a part of consideration of managed lanes, . Increased funding for active transportation projects, . Shared modeling with member jurisdictions, . Relationship between vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and greenhouse gases (GHG), . Equity and environmental justice concerns related to transit access, . VMT impacts, and . Delta Trail Master Plan. The CEQA Guidelines note that comments received during the NOP scoping process can be helpful in “identifying the range of actions, alternatives, mitigation measures, and significant effects to be analyzed in depth in an EIR and in eliminating from detailed study issues found not to be important.” (CEQA Guidelines Section 15083.) Neither the CEQA Guidelines nor Statutes require a lead agency to respond directly to comments received in response to the NOP, but they do require they be considered.
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