•• •• aC1 1C C1 1Zel1 ~ove~er27,1981 News The National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League l$$N: 0030-8579/ Whole No. 2,166/ Vol. 93 No. 22 (3O¢Pa;tpaid) Stand 2

JACL and The Loyalty Oath CWRIC may get extension ('.ommentary by MiDoru Y-u. convincing. And therein lies the real danger of eternally harping

Calling the organized l;nme ants, and California's Prop. 131 group "modern-rge Kane• ora answered that for all Asian within the ranks of JAa... It is one deserving of note. tions of power. Consequently, this are not only possible, but already gai (West LA). who should have American groops, a balance must At the district level, five governors are in the process of mandates presenting a single, uni• exist been listed among new PSWDC somehow be obtained between fIed and powerful voice. I am one of those who fmnly executive board members elected maintaining me's heritage and be• passing on their gubernatorial gavel to their successors. Mr. HosokawaanswersthatAsi• believes in an Asian-American p0- Nov. 14 at Las Vegas JAOrhosted coming a viable economic and po• Completing their biennial tenns, Oterry Tsutsumida, an-Americans make up only 3.5 litical coahtion. Far from chasing district sessiro and to Gloria Ju• li tical force. EDA, chair of the Governors' Caucus; Kaz Mayeda, MDC; million people within the popula• illusions, I consider myself very lagay for having elTOllOOUSiy re• Earlier in November, PAART tion of this country, and that even pragmatic, seeing the world as it porting her electiro to the board. Nakadoi, MPDC; Do~ PNWDC; and Dennis named irs cabinet of officers and Em Richard if unified we could not compete IS, rather than what it might be. I In fact, she was tied with Gene board directors, with Mike Woo Kunisaki, PSWDC, leave distinguished records of dedi• with the larger ethnic minority answer Mr. Hosokawa by saying, Takamine and then lost in the run• elected cba.i.rman of the organiza- cated, diligent service. Their commitment and contribu• groups. This argument fails to coo- it is not those advocating for an offs. # tion. # tions are greatly appreciated; their presence and positive SPEAKING OUT: input on the National Board will be genuinely missed Special recognition and sincere thanks are extended to Detention Camps-1982 another long and loyal member, Thomas Masuda of Oti• cago, as he leaves his post on the Nat'l Endowment FUnd By SHERIDAN TATSUNO "we will never let this bappen again", here is ow- challenge. The Reagan Administration bas not even waited for the ashes of the Committee. His six years of unstinting service has earned washington February 19, 1982. President Reagan declares a national tate Redress Ccmmission to cool, because it knows the damning him our highest esteem and praise. evidence from the hearings would make passage of the pl'& • • • of emergency to halt the tide of unwanted immigration. The Coast Guard and Navy are ordered to seal off all harbors, ports posed. detention camp measures more difficult RlilOlq)hically, we must acknowledge that all things and coastal border areas. The Air Force sends its gunships along Thus, I challenge the . who have long been critical of the occur in due season Yet the changing of the guards is a the Mexican border and the florida Keys. The Anny and Na• silence of ow- Nisei parents, to investigate the current proposals) time of mixed emotions. We gratefully salute those leav• tional Guard cordon off Olinatowns, slwns and banios, with to lobby against them in the Congress, and-if necessary-to ing our ranks and at the same time enthusiastically offer a orders to arrest and detain all illegal immigrants. 300,000 QU• fight them in the courts of law, for they are too dangerous to be wann band of welcome to those filling their positions. I nese, Mexicans, Haitians and Salvadorans are rounded up into left alone. Attorney General William Frendl mith; Sen. Alan K prefer to metaphorically liken the succession of officers to makeshift detention camps, tried, and deported without appeal. Simpson (R-Wyo), 01ai.rman of the Judiciary ubcommittee on Immigration and Refugee Policy; and our Nikkei senators and the rotation of seasons. A recycling, if you will It is always Farfetched? Not quite. According to the Washington Post (Oct 22), the Reagan Administration is currently asking Coogress to congressmen are places to start hoped that JACL's valued resources-members who have We must make sure that detention camps never become a evolved into positions of leadership-will revolve into give the President emergency powers to bar illegal immigration. The legislation, part of the irrunigration package, would em• regular part of this country's Iaodscape. If we fail to challenge other areas of responsibility and involvement, thereby power the President to: Reagan now, we may someday find our family and friends in continually enriching and improving the quality product l~er the sealing of any harbor, port, airport or road. detention camps. After all, 1984 is only three years away. '# of our organization. 2-Restrict travel by Americans, both domestically and to any country ,...------• named in the emergency declaration. I am cmfident that our outgoing members will do so for 3-PIace apprehended aliens into detention camps to await deportation they are individuals whose commitment transcends tran• hearings, without court review. PROGRAM DIRECTOR sient tenures and changing times. Theirs is a dedication 4-Exempl the govenunent fran almost all environmental law in JAPANESE AMERICAN CITIZENS lEAGUE that knows 00 season. setting up the camps. 1765 Sutter Street. San Francisco, Ca 94115 • (415) 921-5225 ~Authorize boarding of foreign vessels ro the high seas to search for JOB SUMMARY illegal aliens, without authority of the foreign country, Under supervISIOn 01 the National Director, the Program Director Will be 6-Cal.l out the Anny, Navy, Air Force and state and local agencies to responsible lor planning, coordinatIOn, and ImptementatlOn 01 IUnctlOflS, YOUTH DIRECTOR assist INS in seizures of vessels, arresrs and detentions. projects, and servlC8S proV1ded by the NallOnal organIZatIOn. RespollSlb• iht,es will Include budget adminIStratIOn, program planning. personnel man• JAPANESE AMERICAN CITIZ£NS LEAGUE Racism & Political Expediency Resurfacing agement, lund raISing, and membership selVlC8S, 1766 Sutler SIrttt • Sin FrancllCO, Cl94115 • (415) 921-5225 The President could declare an emergency situation any time DUTIES JOB SUMMARY he detennines that "a substantial number of aliens who lack 1) SuperviSIOn 01 support stall at Nallonal Headquarters In the operatlOl1 Under supervision 01 the National Dlrec1or, the Youth Director will plan, 01 the general management 01 the 01l1Ce. implement and coordinate programs and actlvllJes related to the NatIOnal documents authorizing entry to the U, ." are entering the 2) AssISt In the development 01 matenals and resour~s related 10 natIOnal Youth CoordmalJng Council, scholarshiP, student8Jd and other proj8Cts and COlUltry. $3S million would be authorized to pay for enforcing p~rams 01 the organizatIOn. prcx,Jrams 01 Interest and welfare 01 youth 01 Japanese ancestry In the 31 ProVide stall support to specifIC JACl proj8CtS and committees as NatiOnal OrganlZ8lJOn and the United States. Responslbllilies will Include these measures. assigned by the National Director. budget, administration, program planning and coordinatIOn 01 youlh related Do these proposals now circulating on Capitol Hill sound 4) Develop a monthly rep.>rt summanzlng the aClMhes and status 01 the actJvllies and seMC8S. National organlZabOn, and coordinate Its assembly and dlSS8mlnal1on familiar? They should. The "loaded gun" that Yale law professor 5) M Intaln the vanous operational manuals and polICY documents 01 the DUTIES Rostow warned about is to be taken off the rack and used against National JACl. 1) liaISOn among the Nallonal Youth Coordinating Council, the NaUonal 6) Represent the National Director and the NatIOnal orgamzal1On as Director and the NatIOnal Board, the thousands of politically vulnerable immigrants seeking ref• required at assigned meeting and evenl. 2)Provide staff servICes 10 the NatIOnal Youth Coordinating Council. uge in this COlUltry. These people-being mostly from Third 7) Assume the responslbilitl S 01 the NalOnal Director at Na\Jonal Head• 3) Administer the JACl Scholarship and Student Aid programs, or any World COlUltries--are rapidly becoming scapegoats for this Ad• quarters In his/her absence. prQ9rams related to youth serviceS 88 assigned by the NalJonal Director. 8) ProVide Inlonnatlon on the NatIOnal organIZatIOn to vanous med18 4) Provlde monthly reports on the actiVIties, plans and needs 01 youth ministration's economic problems. sources. related projects and programs Within the National organizatIOn, What we are seeing is the revival of racism and political 9) Perlonn other duties as sslgned by the National Director 5) Promote the general welfare, growth and development 01 youth 01 Japanese American ancestry. expediency in its ugliest fonns. In the last few years, we have QUALIFICATIONS 6) Represent the National Direc10r and the NatIOnal organization as witnessed a resurgence of cross-burnings, shooting of blacks, 1) Bachelor' degree In a held relevant to the wor\! 01 the NatIonal J Cl, such as In the humanities, SOCIal SCIences, buSiness or publIC admln - required 888lgned meetings and events. at trallon. 7) Perlonn such other dulles 88 assigned by the NatIOnal Director attacks on Vietnamese refugees and shrimp fishennen, and KKK patrols along the Mexican border. These have been is0- 2) Background In personnel managament, communICatIOns, budget and QUALIFICATIONS accounting, computers systems and human servICeS lor a year. 1) Bachelor's ~ree In a field relevant 10 wor\!lng With Japanese Amer• lated; if not pervasive incidents occuning in the f ce of official 3) Ability to communicate and work With dl rae populatIOns In the general ICan youth or combined experience In youth wor\!, organizational develop· neglect public, organizatIOnal membership and stall. ment, tralnlng. 4) Ability 10 devolop and wnt& reports, grsnt appllCOtlOns nd fin netal 2) Ability 10 communICate and wor\! With Japanese American youth, orga· But the current proposals are much more senous; they ppers. nlZatlOnal membership and stalf. acknowledge and condone repressive m~ures ~n . a ~ati~ 5) PrevIous 0 perlonce With non-proht, tax-e omp!. public s rvlCe ,... 3) Ability 10 plan, develop and Implement projects and programs por tlons. 4) Knowledge 01 the histOry, Interests and Issues 01 persons to Japanese level. If implemented, they would restrtct our Clvil libe.rti . 6) Knowledge nd e perlence In the hIStory, Into rests nd ISSU s 01 ancestry In the Unl1ed States. Anyone remotely suspeoted of being an illegal immigrant persons 01 J P ne e ncestry 111 the United St tes, REQUIREMENTS (usually on the basis of skin color) could be thrown into a deten• REQUIREMENTS (1) Active memberShlfl With the Japanese American Citizens league. (2) tion camp, without ap~ o~ ~ue process, It woul~ make no (I IActivo membership With the Japerlese Amen an Iliz ns l A valid Calilomia Driver S hcense. (3) Ability to trallel periodically A va Id Callfon1lo Dnv r' IICeIl o. (3) Ability to tra I period ally difference whether one IS a Clozen, a permanent resJdent or an POSTING POSTING November 6to December 6, 1981 . Posting may be extended until poSllion Wldocumented worker, All minorities would be uspect until November I) to D mbar 6, 1981. Postln may be t nded until Ishlled. proven innocent. Korematsu would be deeply engraved into th I IllIed APPLICATION ConstitutiCfl. APPLICATION Send resume to above address. AHenllon, National Director For those of us in the Nikkei canmunity who have vowed that Send r sume to obov ddr ss AH IltlOn, Nat Friday, November 27, 19811 PACIFIC CITIZEN-S FROM THE FRYING PAN: by Bill Hosokawa re-election next November. 'Many Happy Returns, Norm' Senator Dan Inouye, senior in tenns of service, is a surprisingly young 57 considering he's been in Washing• Denver, Colo. Now mid-way through his fourth tenn, he's a seasoned ton since 1959 when he became the new state of Hawaii's Well, for goodness sake. They threw a Democratic veteran with seniority and respect, looked up first Representative. Inouye was only 3S then, and he's still ...:. fund-raising 50th birthday party for to as an expert on budgetary matters. His assigrunents tell good for many more years of service to country and state. Congressman Nonnan Mineta in San you that: Public Works And Transportation, Committee on Hawaii's other senator, Spark M Matsunaga, is 6S,bom . Jose the other night Can Nonn actually' the Budget, Select Committee on Intelligence, Deputy Oct 8, 1916. He's been in Congress since 1962 when he ~ J be SO years old? Whatever happened to Whip at Large. won the House seat vacated by Inouye when he ran for the ,.1 the smooth-<;heeked youngster who But if Nonn is SO, what about the other Nisei in Con• Senate. Matsunaga moved to the Senate in 1976 and is up they to Congress in 74? gress? The elder statesman in terms of age if not ex• for re-election in 1982. Let's see what the reference books say. Yes, that's right perience is Sam Hayakawa Who was no spring chicken 'That leaves Congressman Bob Matsui of Sacramento, Nonnan Y. Mineta, born in San Jose, Calif., on Nov. U, when he was elected to the Senate in 1976 in his first try at elected in 1978 and re-elected in 1980. Matsui had been a 1931. That would have made him all of 11 years old at the public office. He was born July 18, 1906, which makes him member of the Sacramento city council, vice mayor of time of the Great Exodus. That would have made him just 75, a venerable age even in these times. If he gets through Sacramento, chairman of the Committee to Re-elect Rep. short 43 when he was elected to Congress the first time. a tough primary race he will be 76 years old when he seeks John E. Moss (whom he succeeded when Moss retired), and member of the California'Democratic Central Com• EAST WIND: by Bill Marutani mittee. His primary Congressional corrunittee assignment is Ways and Means. .. .. * The Tale of.a Tail What all this amounts to is that the Nisei members of Philadelphia areas. It was a very sad day in the forest, even though Congress are building seniority which is still so very im• -r' . ONCE UPON A TIME, a fire broke many animals did not appreciate this fact portant in wielding influence, getting important commit• out at the edge of the forest in which THE YEARS PASSED. The receding forest fire was tee assignments, playing ever more key roles in the run• many animals lived. There was panic, snuffed out, with many of these very same donkeys vali• ning of the government And in view of their good records, and soon those with the loudest larynx antly risking and losing their lives in putting out the fire. it becomes correspondingly more critical to see that they ...,r (particularly the jackals and the hyenas) And some of Mother Nature's rules were restored to the are returned to Washington ~ ~ ., urged a quick "solution": cut off the tails donkeys and many returned to their fonner grazing lands, But it is not too early to be thinking about other Nisei of all donkeys because they might catch fire. The donkeys, and they prospered. A new generation of animals began to capable of moving up the political ladder. That takes time, understandably, did not think much of this proposal; in• asswne control of the forest, including the offspring of the dedication, detennination and money as well as ability and deed. many among them pointed out that such would be a tail-less donkeys. Soon the offspring wanted to know about a suitable temperament Of the five Nisei members of gross violation of one of Mother Nature's long-established, the tails, but the older donkeys did not wish to speak of it: Congress only Hayakawa did not climb to prominence. He immutable laws, namely, that every creature was entitled they were ashamed that among all the proud animals in was catapulted into the Senate while the rung by rung to hislher birthright of a tail, inviolate. But because the the forest, they had had their tails chopped off. For, you others paid their dues in service to the party from the donkeys were vastly outnwnbered, and it became evident see, donkeys have pride, too. Very much so. (Indeed, to precinct level up. It's too late for most NISei to begin their that if they continued to resist, it might be more than their this day, many of the older donkeys pretend that their tails political apprenticeship, but there probably are a number tails which would be severed, they had no choice. And so, were never severed and do not wish to recognize reality of Sansei already in the pipeline. even as the fire was in fact receding, a wholesale circum• by seeking to have their tails restored.) Whoever they are, more power to them. The Nisei already in Congress provide a splendid model of achievE7 cision of all donkey tails was indiscriminately carried WITH TIJE SUPPORT of other denizens of the forest ment in the face of overwhelming odds. Many happy out-without regard to age, infirmity, sex-and all don• who are of goodwill, the donkeys decided to seek restora• returns, Congressman Norman Mineta # kfiYS were also banned from their usual grazing lands. tion of their tails. But some differences immediately A FEW DONKEYS refused to accept the Ignominy of arose: whereas the older donkeys wished to detennine the $8 of JACL Membership Dues Covers One-Year Subscription such blatant violation of Nature's basic laws, and they ''why's'' and "how's" of their tail circumcision so that in the to the Pacific Citizen, One Copy per Household appealed to the wise and mighty Animal Sanhedrin for future, other animals in the forest would not suffer the relief, fully expecting that Nature's laws would be upheld same fate-the young donkeys simply wanted to have all and justice done. But, alas, such was not to be: the majority tails returned, with no explanations. The young donkeys 35 Years Ago of the Sanhedrin, succwnbing to the hysterical clamor of simply did not wish to learn of the causes, only the results. NOV. 30, 1946 tive Mas Satow "acting natiooal the jackals and the hyenas, engaged in a tortuous rational• Nov. 21-New York's Nisei • .. Weekender, founded as coopera• secretary", to be based at Head• izing away of Nature's basic laws and protection, and • tive enterprise in Dec. 28, 1945, quarters, Salt Lake City • allowing decreed that every donkey, without exception, should Moral: If you don't want your tail caught in the wringer, resumes under new ownership: National Secretary Mike Masaoka have hislher tail cut and also banned from their grazing better find out how the wringer works. # Hokubei Shimpo. to devote full time to JACl.rAOC Nov. 22-Olicago Mayor Kelly legislative program in Washing• receives American eterans Com• too; west coast chapters to be MUSUBI: by Ron Wakabayashi mittee report of racial violence in called to fonan on Oyama ruling. Cmrinll"dfrom P!!se 2 YA SUI Garfield Park area; windows to Nov. ~ . Attorney Gen• phenomenon that arose in the 1970's are ignorant of the past My John Yoshino's home smashed two eral Rob't Kenny denies issuing own case, arising on March 28, 1942, is also deliberately and times-fU'St record of violence di· recent order to investigate prop• erty owned by Nisei in wake of thoughtfully predicated upon the concept of recourse through rected against any Japanese The general membership becomes accus• American on racial grounds in Oyama alien land law decision ... law. Escheat actioo filed against wfi• tomed to the names of the peq>le in the Chicago, r fayor informed. JAular Japanese American approval." This ignores the foun• Nov. 27--$alt Lake VFW Post ings. We get acknowledged for work that we did or didn't do. We ence champ.iooship and play in ding of JACL dwing the late 1920's, and the first natiooal JACL New Year Day Raisin Bowl game. 4JSS asks repeal of 1913 Utah alien also get blamed for things by the same criteria. conference in Seattle in 1930. True, the JACLdid not have power SJS Jake Kakuuchi play sturdy land law. violates fundamental With a national holiday like Thanksgiving coming upon us, I over Japanese Americans in 1942-it did not have before the game at guard. concept of Americanism and re• think that it would be appropriate to thank the ~ and me camps, during the camps, or after the camps. It is completely Nov. 24--Nat'1 JAQ.. Board stricts rights of persons of Japa• nese ancestry. member and the line staff persoo for all of the little things that ludicrous to imply that JAa had or even sought ' 'power' ' ~ ­ names JAQ.. Eastern Representa- are done to make the big things happen. cept the power of influence, of example, of doing. And, there was When I first anived at Natiooal Headquarters to asswne the ample evidence of Japanese American approval for 12 years position of Natiooal Director, I knew most of the name players. I prior to 1942. DAILY had to beame ale who did the mwu1ane Our fact-ignoring "witness" writes: "Nisei who opposed the stuff. I have been delighted by the experience. JACL's rejiJsal to support the test cases and supported the test ...... The line peqJle le in the delegation of disabled persons that we recent• United States Supreme Cowt cost more than $20,000 in 1942 ly hosted at Headquarters. The letters are addressed to peq>le dollars, and knowing that most of us were wiped out finan ially like Jane Hara, Julie Mason and Masi Nihei. by evacuatioo, there was no war chest for JACL to sponsor a test If there is a problem at Headquarters, the intervention is case to the U.S. Supreme Court-but, being unable to initiat a inevitably dooe by Fmily Ishida. She does much more than case did not deter JACL leaders and membership in supporting handle membership. the test challenging the camps. 10 any amount (previousl $40.000) The same kind of support comes out of the support staff in the cases regional offices. Debbie Erickson in the Washington office has A footnote, too, might be added that the National JA 'L ho• NATIONAL JACL CREDIT UNION become invaluable. The same is true of Carol Saito in PSW and nored a test case principal in 1~S2 with the "Nisei of the Bien• Now over $4.5 mil non In assets Alice Esaki in MDC. nium" award-indicating a deeply felt moral commitment to the The Pacific Citizen gets no less from Tomi Hoshizaki, Mark cause that was advanced-and lost--in 1942-1943. Car Loans low roles on n w used Saito, Mitsuko Sakai and Mary Imon The "testimony" submitted by th self-styled "expelt" wimt!ss A couple otherpeqJle should be singled out, if only on the basis at the Seattle, Washington, hearings of the l.WRIt.: is a oompl te• of endurance. Jane Ozawa of the Pacific Citizen staff has been Iy vicious, fallacious, and an inflammatory polemic thoroughly • I UAllflH'l ~ FIROWERS with us over 20 years. Frances Morioka has completed her 10th discredited by the facts and history. and should be given the PO 1721 Salt Lake City. Utah 84110 (801)355>8040 year with the Blue Shield program. Thanks, you ~s! attention and credibility it deserv s-Urnored! •

6-PACIF1C CITIZEN I Friday, November 27,1981 then outrage." said Marl. "that 1. ness leaders there argued against West Coast, it was proof that it an American citizen, without due any type of relocation for its Japa• would eventually take place. ENNIS process of law, was forcibly re• nese American residents. since it Continued from Page 2 Mr. l'vlichener praised the Com• moved from my home for an in• would cripple the tenitory's work mission, since they have an 11l1- being told by her Long Beach Jun• terrunent camp." force. portant taSk ahead: "I'm im• ior College .English teacher at the She added that the "excuse" He added that evacuation was pressed by the gravity of the urr• outbreak of World War II: given to her that the camps were also a "suspension of ordinary dertaking which is in your hands, "You are an American citizen, "for her protection" was "not val• intelligence" since then Attorney because many nations are strug• and your brother is an American id," because the guards there had General Earl Warren of california 'gling with similar problems and citizen, this is America. N0thing "their guns pointed inward, not once said that because there was what you decide, will be cited will happen to you, but perhaps outside". an absence of sabotage on th.e widely." your mother, who was born in James told the Commission that Japan, might have some of her the evacuation should be viewed movements eurtailed. But I doubt as a "racist move" on the part of Nationally Famous • 50 Years of Integrity even that, because we know all of leaders because President Roos• you are law abiding citizens." evelt himself once assured leaders ' However, her family was sent to in the Gennan and Italian com• HOPPER FURS Santa Anita Assembly Center, and mWlities on the East Coast that her brother was forced to sell, they would not be removed. PRE-OWNED AND NEW within a week, his fruit and vege• The famed author also said it table business for a mere $100. was an "economic" move, citing "r felt shame, hwniliation, and the case of Hawaii, wherein busi- FUR SALE Hundreds & Hundreds of Luxury Furs roles, but they never materialized, at a fraction of actual worth! Continued from Page 3 noted Lee. However, Shimoda garnered a 3 DAYS ONLY! as Asian first, an actor an second. part in the stage production of "Pa• Mter his performance in "Fare• 11/27 11/28 11/29 cific Overtures" and later signed a FRIDA Y SATURDAY SUNDA Y well to Manzanar", himoda contract with Universal Studios. should have been offered more 11-6 pm 11-6 pm Noon-5 pm But the stereotyped. image still re• Select from lUXUry trade-ins, mained, making it difficult to get acting roles. will-calls and estate furs that West L.A. Lee said that despite these hard• look and feel like new but must ships, Shimoda was still a "very be labeled second-hand used. wann and loveable person-but Quality pre-owned furs are marks 40th yr. also insecure." dollar-for-dollar the best buy for Waikiki entertainers Teddy and NanCI Tanaka will highlight a "I don t think Yuki realized the SANTA MONICA, Ca-West Los your money. You can save "Salute to JACL" hosted by the Honolulu Chapter on Dec. 3 at the Angeles JAa... celebrated its 40th impact he made on people," said Pacific Beach Hotel. anniversary in a special way-in Lee. "He didn't realize he was hundreds. even thousands, on the lead for the hlchiban" chapter (really) an actor until the last few mmk. lynx. sable, fox . marten, 'Salute to JACL' fund-raiser in Hawaii set honors for 1981 with 1,307 active days of his life. His peak was taken raccoon and other elegant furs. members, it was announced dur• away." originally valued at many times HONOLULU---The Honolulu JACL will hold "Salute to JAG.", an even• Mter the presentation, a screen• ing the installation dinner here their present cost.. ing of entertainment to raise funds, Thursday, Dec. 3, at the Pacific Nov. 21 at the Miramar heraton. ing of one of Shimoda's last films Beach Hotel Grand Ballroom. Charles Nishikawa, 70, was the produced by F'rancisian Commu• MEN'S FURS TOO! . Waikiki nightclub entertainers Teddy and Nanci Tanaka will headline nications, "Uttle Friend", was held ouTS lro11\ lone founding member present P~~ ~I~e-new the event with their East/West blend of contemporary music, performed Ron Wakaooyashi, national di• before an audience of about 30 Free Layaway '(esl 'Iou'11 lurs\ in both English and Japanese. A $10 donation includes two drinks, snacks rector, shared his personal views people. "Friend" is the story of an Major CredIt Cards neW and 10 11\\n\( stoles and door prizes. elderly Issei radio shop owner __ oose lol/ely \ust S1S8 of JACL in the '80s, stressing it BIG TRADE-IN v" .... Iro11\ \S Tanaka will chair the event, which will also include an opportunity to must be passed on to the Yonsei (Shlmoda) living on the West Coast 8nd \/ITS...... mIl'\( C08 learn more about the Honolulu JACL For more info, call (808) who, prior to and after Pearl Har• ALLOWANCES I el sm8 " ~"C>.A :ranaka with the help of the Nisei and San• 111\89 I' \leTS Iro11\ ~ 682-2888 or chapter president Earl Nishimura 521-2951. sei working together. Need for bor, is harassed by the FBI and and s\ro lIee\\on 01 Seabrook to host Dec. U Christmas fete for JACL continues, he said, as prob• local police. During his plight, It enlc cO 8f\t turs however, he befriends a young see "dll1eren~:!~ & up senior cit:iren fete Issei-Nisei appreciation lems due to trade imbalance, race 11\81'1, $388 to ~- ll'bl4J11 ,,' krlly, \\'.1\,. ,,,,,,,, P"fn/m/vrs, l/If OPEN EVERY DAY .*** ...... ** ••• * ••••••••** •••••••••••••••••• A.ppIIJnc€" . TV· Furniture Luncheon 11 :30 . 2:00 Dinner 5:00 • 11:00 NEW ADDRESS: Sunday 12:00 • 11 :00 BONDED COMMISSION MERCHANTS 249 S. San Pedro Sl 4 to 1 Tax Write-Off WHOLESALE FRUITS AND VEGETABLE Los Angeles, CA 90012 __ 6 South Harbor Blvd Plus a Potential 8-1 Return (213) 624-6601 Santa Ana. CallI 92704 929-943 S. San Pedro St. (7:4) 775·77 - In Your $ in Tax Free Gold CITY MARKET ( "mnll''' ",I I'. Inti"'III,,1 * Los Angeles, Ca. 90015 ~ \Ir ( ",,{tlll()nlll~ 1\ R"'fI~t'r.lllfJf1 FOR DETAILED INFORMATION CALl. (onlr.I( lor California Gold Investments Phone: (213) 625-2101 Sam J. Umemoto (213) 716-9622 (714) 851-6520 III II !III1I1I,1 ( !1l11! •••••••••• ** •••••*** •• *** •• _** ••• *** •••••••••••••• ** •••••••• SAM REIBOW CO. 1506 W. Vernon Ave. TAX INVESTMENTS Empire Printing Co. Los Angeles 295-5204, Indlvlduallnlles/ors, FInancial Plannars, CPAs, Tax Specialists «()\t\ll 1\( I \I ,Inti \O( I \1 1'111 I t'\(. Unique equipment leaSing proJects deSigned to Yield up to 300~o wrole 011 In I '/H'rt"'" f'd ',nf j' /'1 III I IILd"h .111.1 .I "I'.on,·" 1981 . Excellent tax Iree return on state onvestment. Possible retroeval of Income Today's Classic Looks taxes paid 78·81 Call 7 days a week. (800) 528·3393 or (602) 278· 79B 1 collect 114 Wdler St., los ,\ngd<.' \ 00 L 628·7060 for Women Be Men ALEXANDER HAMILTON FINANCIAL SERVICES Call for Ar~x)\ntmenl5 MIKAWAYA Phone 687 03R7 ON BROTHERS " 105 Japanae VlDage Plaza Mall EDSATO IUIUII1"'I' Phnhtf\ pt·,,,Ullh!. Sweet Shops Los Angeles 900 12 PI.UMBING AND HEATING 244 E 1st SI To hi Otsu. Prop I{l'modl'l und Rl'pllIrs 62~ Wall'!' Ikulers, (,lIrhflRe ()lSpOSflls 'I'() () PRINTIN J C Los Angeles CA 4'HS fo'ul'nUl' CS ~"11 2801 W B.!II Rd f1 MARUKYO Servicing Los Angeles 'Ill}) SI\ 1\'(1", '" 1.11' \ l\\!dl !)Otll.l Anaheim. CA r714)9<)r, 6612 293-7000 733~SS7 to! til ti.!!l 1I1 ~~1 PilCi lic 5qudre A Kimono Store Redondo Beach Blvd GRAND STAR CHIYO'S AT NEW LOCATION '= L- CHINESE CUISINE Gardena. CA' r2 n) S3H Japan' . , Bruuw N'edJ 'reift 9.1R9 New Otani Hotel Be l unell • DlOner • Cocktails ] "omong, But"'" KM, l s, c,,1 .. Aloha Plumbing 1 1R Japanese Village PI ella Garden-Arcade 11 We Spaclallze In • Steamed Fllh & Clam8 (714)995-2432 LI II 01 75· Sin 19 ... ;.. Los Angeles. fA 624 16f! I 110 S. Los Angeles P RT • UPPLIES REP IR (213) 626-2285 2943 W. BoU Rd, A"ol 1m, to 92904 Los Angeles tai\ L 771 Junipero Serra Dr. 943 SIll ,.. w." 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volved WIth polJce agencies In tlr day conference on how to prevent reign countries." Japanese orgaruzed crime groups Tourists shot and robbed in L.A., S.F. "Smuggling narcotics and guns from making their way into the LOS ANGELES-A tourist couple from Japan were shot down Nov. 18 selVlces as an mtllght mOVIe on safety for Japanese visitors en route to into Japan is a lot tougher than United States, especially the West just two blocks west from the city's Music Center and nine blocks from Los Angeles. Brochures would also be available for the tourists and trying to smuggle things into other Coast and Hawaii. police headquarters (1st St and Fremont Ave.). Slater is also consulting with police in San Francisco. foreign countries." The meeting is the second an• Kazwni Miura, 28 of Tokyo was taken to County-USC Medical Center "Our problem with the tourists is the same problem New York has, San Yoshinaga feels that if the yaku• nual Japan-U.S. Conference on Or• in extremely aiti~ condition with a bullet wound in the head. She had Francisco has," said Slater. "Los Angeles has no more problems than za decide to infiltrate into the U.s., ganized Crime, and representa• been in aitical condition after surgery. Her husband, Kazuyoshi, 34, was other cities, but I think. this the first time a major city has done anything they would become involved in tives from U.S. Customs Service, also admitted with a bullet wound in the left leg and was in fair condition. about it" # "other ventures than those men• FBI, U.S. Drug Enforcement Ag• According to police, the Miuras had parked their car at 11:45 am. and tioned in the Times article." ency and local police departments were taking pictures of the downtown skyline when a car containing two Canada holds man YAKUZA "After all, they are smart took part young men pulled up. enough to try to get the new ffi()o Japanese representatives in• The men demanded money, but the couple rouId not understand them. on swindle charge Continued from Page 3 ney market," conunented Yoshi• cluded members of the Natiooal One of the robbers pointed a handgun out the window and shot them. The MONTREAL-A Japanese sch(}• Japan, but he "wondered if they naga, "but also smart enough to Police Agency, Metropolitan Pol• robbers then turned their car around, got out and took money from Mrs. lar, Makoto Natori, 35, was arrest• would want to expand their opera• avoid the new troubles market" ice Department, the flnance Min• Miura's purse and her husband's pockets. Officers said that about $100 in ed here Nov. 6 for various charges tion out of the country." In Tokyo, nearly 100 U.S. and istry's customs and tariff bw'eau, bills were left on the street, as well as the couple's cameras. of petty swindling around the "They (yakuza) might be com• Japanese law enforcement offi• and the Health and Welfare Min• In San Fnmcisco, a Japanese tourist, gunned down inside a hotel while world. He had lectured in ~ mitting another 'Pearl Harbor' if cials met Nov. 17 to begin a three- istry. s~ with a mugger who tried to take her purse away, was reported mics until September, 1980, at San they decide to expand the sphere 11111111111111"" 111111111111"" "" II """" I'"'''''''''' 11111111111111111" I "" in satisfactory Condition Nov. 18 recovering from htlr wounds at San Jose State, being fired because he of their activities," said Yoshinaga, Francisco General Hospital. was found to have failed to pay who added: WEST LOS ANGELES JACL . Shizuka Okamura, 45, of Osaka, had been shot three times in the leg the charges for restaurant meals and "Most of the bosses may feel night before at the downtown Hilton Hotel, police said. The robber a car rental in California that they may as WE'll !~.c alone stq1ped Okamura at an elevator and demanded her purse, but the w(}• Kyodo News added he bor• instead (If :.,;ung off more than 1981-82 Holiday Japan Tour man, speaking little Thglish, refused and was then shot rowed 1,000 Swiss francs in Gene• th~y <:M ~~ by becoming in- Preparing for '1M Olympics va last July from Japanese cor• AIR FARE TO JAPAN In light of the number of visitors to Los Angeles, and in preparation for respondents, then fled to Saudi Gardena church an even greater influx dwing the 1984 Olympics. the lAPD is compiling Arabia He appeared in Seoul in $665 Round Trip statistics on how many tourists are victimized as part of a new Tourist September, borrowing from Japa• hit by 2nd fire Safety Program. nese businessmen and diplomats. Includes $20 administrative fee 1be main thrust of the program, however, is teaching visitors how to GARDENA, Ca.-Fire of mysteri• He arrived in Canada Oct 10 and ous origin last week (Nov. 20) SPEND CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S IN JAPAN avoid becoming crime victims, said Officer Jim Slater of the Central stayed at the Regent Hotel, Mon• Area Crime Prevention Section. struck Gardena Buddhist Church, treal, where he was arrested after which was midway in the Depart LAX: Dec. 19/ Depart TYO: Jan. 2 In addition to their statistics canpilation, the special sectioo will be failing to pay hotel bills of four recon• wo~ with thE; Asian Task Force on preparing such infonnational days. struction process since the first Optional individual return dotes to Jon. 23 • Optional Hawaii fire July U, 1980. 'The roof was stopover: $25 plus tax • Optional Land Tour: $970 U.S. Navy pays kin, being put into place. The altar What's Happening ------pieces were not affected since FOR RESERVATION/ INFORMATION, CAU OR WRITE PMadena--Ouistm potluck party, survivors of accident • NOV. V (friday) they are being stored elsewhere. TOUR ESCORT: TOY KANEGAI, (213) 826-9448 Harris Ozawa res, 6:30pm. TOKY(}-The Navy paid IDCISaII Uk&-Dist CUlV (2da), Ra• u.s. The previous fire bwned every• 1857 Brockton Ave., LosAngeles, Ca 90025: OrcaIl820-4309/397-7921 mada Inn Conv Ctr. Fri: 12n roc mig, ~r Cit appreciate night, $373,913 Nov. 13 to the family of worlGhops, Spm Whingdingj Sat: 7am Buddhist Orurch hall, 6pm Taizo Noguchi, skipper of the Nis• thing and an extensive fund-drive 1982 FUGHT PROGRAN. DATES AVAILABLE :)an francisco.-.SFJASC Woris: 6pm Mixer; Spm Preserving family photo albums. Place building process. (Washington to be annoonced. Kyushu last April by the nuclear 11""11'1"" 111111111111111111111111111111"" 111111111111111111111111111111111" III Banq-ball. submarine George Washington. JACL representative Ron Ikejiri's • DEC. 6 (SurJdIQf) father is president of the Gardena • mx:. 1 (I\Iesday) PocaIeIb-BIIdd'oot-Moc:hitsuki, Also compensated were the 13 SW"• MiIwzIukee..... Tree decora- Buddhist Church, who has been in JAU Hall, lOam vivors from $25,217 to $29,130. tions at Governor's Mansion, Madisoo. the forefront in the rebuilding ef• Announcing: .mx:.3~) Mmterey PeniosuI&-Year-6ld bd The Navy previously paid fort) The first temple was one of Honol""~ute to JAD... PacifIC dnr. $373,913 to the family of the other 1982 'Annual' ESCORTED TOURS MiIwa.Ike&-<.lm party, Mitd>• the Japanese cultural attractions Bcb Hotel, 5-9~ Gov. George Arl· man who was killed in the ell Park Pavilion yoshi, keynoter. ~ent in Los Angeles. JAPAN SPRING ADVENTURE ...... APR. 5th Stocktan-Mt Educ Assn of ::in Joa• • DEC. 9 (Wednesday) of CANADIAN ROCKIES - VICTORIA (8 Days) .... JUNE 17th quin Olty Forum 00 J:.'vacuatialfRe• Milwauk_UW-Milwaukee lnst dress. CalIism College Lodge; Ben Ta• Worlds Me dnr, PfISter Hotel, 7pm; Ja• JAPAN SUMMER ADVENTURE ...... JUNE 28th keshita, main spkr. pan Amb. Yashio Okawara. spkr. Richmond-Shimada • DEC. U (Saturday) EAST COAST FOLIAGE (10 D_ays) ...... OCT. 4th • mx:. 4 (FridIly) ~1JTlaS W~ InstitullaJ Iuncheoo, No Friendship Cookbook Berk Sr Or, JAPAN AUTUMN ADVENTURE ...... OCT. 15th recital by :iurushi Hanayagi, Japanese noon. A Bilingual Cookbook. Over 200 In Each Language Va1Iey-Omsnnas party, Ran• classical dancer, Baird Aud, 8pm. Diablo cho San Miguel ~ club. Recipes from Friendship Commission members in For full information/brochure: • mx:. s (SarunIay) Riverside-lbeater party. East-We.'t RICHMOND, CALIFORNIA and SHIMADA, JAPAN ~lnst dnr, Orringtoo Hotel Players. Evansnm, 7pm; Linda Yu. WMAQ-TV An Unusual Gift: $1 0 Including tax & postage news ancflorperlm, spier • mx:. 13 (SundRy) TRAVEL SERVICE ~OI/ltUlStdnr . ~party SEND ORDERS TO Hoosier-int'I luncheon. Hentage Reno-Inst dnr, L'tr for Re1igioo & Richmond-Shimada Friendship Commission 441 O'farrell SImt (415) 474-3900 We,6pm; Roo Wakabayashi, spier House, Un. Rm. 301, City Hall, Richmond, CA 94804 San Francisco, CA 94102 New Y~oIidav !W;u,r .lsvu. • DEC. 17 (1bunIday) nese United Olnstlan Qllum,l2n-7pm. Hcuitoo-Olnstma party, An· heusec-Busch-7 Uo House. .. GARDENA BUDDHIST CHURCH DANA MOTHERS' COOKBOOK BUSINESS IN JAPAN? It·s mOCHI season 'ITADAKIMASU' ROUND TRIP FARES " ••• agaln Currently Available - 4th PrintJng $699°0 $8 Postpaid ASK FOR IT AT YOUR NEARBY MARKET Favorite Asian and Popular Amencan, Italian, Mexican Recipes CALL THE EXPERTS SEND YOUR ORDERS TO A T JAPAN CLUB TOURS Dana Mothers' Cookbook, c/o Gardena Buddhist Church 1517 W. 166th St., Gardena, CA 90247 354 So. Spring '401, l.A., Cal. 90013

1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 (213) 622-5091/5092 Favorite Island Recipes-Book II OutSide Cal. (800) 421-9331 ·~···:X~·:'-~~~~,*::~;::~~"\~~:;'~~S:~:=~W:::::::;:;:;~:~;·~:.1 ~ ~·:--: .; ·;·:·:" . A gift everlasting. Lucky Is the Samurai who has a Japanese American wife. Publfshed by the Buddhlat Church. Send $12.50 check, payable to Paul Yamanaka, 1332 Komomal, Peart City, HI 96782 Celebrate the New Year with the traditional 'TSURU' design ...

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