
Greek Gods Track 14

Verse 1 The Ancient Greeks lived by a religion God of light and knowledge and the sun is his symbol That was made of many gods is the messenger That’s called Bolt ain’t got a thing on ‘em They had that everywhere from Athens to He like Jordan cuz his shoes got some wings on ‘em Let’s flash back to the past Now who’s the goddess of wisdom? that’s And spit facts from the Greeks But she can be a warrior princess like Xena The descended from and Love is the strongest force known to man The Earth and the Heavens In a sense, is the strongest in the land Would be another way to say it And I ain’t tell you that is the god of music And from them came Olympians But it wouldn’t be MindMuzic, if I didn’t do it, ya dig? was the top dog Fought for the top spot, Titans got knocked off Verse 4 Now it’s Zeus’ but where he gon’ kick it? Gaia - of the Earth, Mother Earth Somewhere with a nice view And Mother of the Titans Maybe - the nothingness which all else sprang He took as his wife but he kept his mistress He’s not the god of anything Now she’s a jealous woman Chronos - he’s the god of time Scorned seeking vengeance Not to be confused with Titan , Father of Zeus There were plenty gods, I mean so many gods - known as the “Earth-Shaker” And some were having babies with mortals Creator of horses and god of the sea Creating demigods I know I said a lot and it’s sophisticated Verse 5 But it wouldn’t be MindMuzic, if I didn’t say it And Spartans never quit, they never drop their swords And they also love cuz he’s the god of war Verse 2 “Battle formations,” this is who they holler for Zeus - king of the gods And when they get the order to attack The ruler of Mount Olympus and the god of the skies They marching forward Hera - queen of the heavens - was the god’s blacksmith And goddess of marriage and women Symbolized by the fire and the axes Ares - god of war and Zeus’ son No need to hear more Was the goddess of fertility and nature Aphrodite - goddess of love and beauty Her daughter was Desire and pleasure ended up taking her He kidnapped her and took her to the underworld Verse 3 Demeter was mad cuz she couldn’t see her baby girl Poseidon is Zeus’ brother and ruler of the sea But nothing would grow so Zeus said give her back So if you taking a voyage, you better get with he But she ate the seeds for 6 months is the life of the party, he better be So Imma give her that He the god of wine, celebration, and ecstasy So in the wintertime, when it’s below freezing - goddess of the hunt Demeter’s walking all alone, in the snow grieving Symbol of the moon, virginity, childbirth I know I said a lot and it’s sophisticated The goddess of them too But this wouldn’t be MindMuzic, if I didn’t say it She’s the kin to Apollo and that’s her twin too

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