CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MAY 6 Both Sides Will Know That They Are Under Trial If This Bill Shall KENTUCKY Be Passed

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MAY 6 Both Sides Will Know That They Are Under Trial If This Bill Shall KENTUCKY Be Passed 8820 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MAY 6 both sides will know that they are under trial if this bill shall KENTUCKY be passed. I am bold enough to ay that if this proposed legis· Clarence Neighbors, Bowling Green. lation shall succeed, it will become the standard by which Yuman Watkins, Clarkson. similar machinery may be set up in the "\Thole indu trial world Willie G. Thornbury, Munfordville. of America. Who does not wish for that glad day in the l\larvin L. Whitnell, Murray. settlement of these disputes? So, I think, that when they come carefully to analyze the provisions of this measure Senators LOUISIANA will agree with the statement I made at the out et-that this Albert Boudreaux, Thibodaux. is the Yery best measure that can possibly be passed at the MICHIGAN present time for the preservation of peace on the transportation Eugene E. Hubbard, Hudsonville. systems of the country. Mr. BRUCE. Mr. President, I simply desire to say I do MISSISSIPPI not think this amendment necessary. I do not think this is Preston C. Lewis, Aberdeen. one of the respects in which the public welfare needs to be MISSOURI safeguarded under the provisions of this bill. I agree with Ferd D. Lahmeyer, Bland. the Senator from Indiana in thinking that the Interstate Com­ Florence Gilkeson, Garden City. merce Commission would have the power anyhow to take an Taylor Fisher, New Franklin. increase of wages into consideration when determining a rate controversy. At the most, it seems to me that the amendment NEW YORK of the Senator from Kan as is merely a declaratory amend­ John E. Gubb, Batavia. ment. It simply gives declaratory effect to an authority with Clarence F. Dilcher, Elba. which the Interstate Commerce Commission is already en­ Syl1ester P. Shea, Freeport. dowed. IJ.'herefore, while reserving the right to offer other Philip I. Brust, Medina. amendments to this bill which I think are of considerable Earl V. Jenks, Perry, significance to the public welfare, I personally propose to vote NORTH CAROLINA against this amendment. Roger P. Washam, Gastonia. .Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, I desire to ask the Senator NORTH DAKOTA from Indiana if he wishes to proceed further with the bill to-night? Mary B. Engbrecht, Goldenvalley. Mr. WATSON. Mr. President, if the Senator from Kansas OHIO is willing that the Senate shall adjourn now, I hope he will Harry E. Hawley, Mansfield. make such a motion. OKLAHOMA J.\Ir. CURTIS. I was going to move that the Senate proceed to the consideration of executive business. Bert A. Hawley, Leedey. Mr. 'VATSON. Very w:ell. _ PENNSYLVANIA MIDDLE JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF GEORGIA William E. Vance, Unity. Rutll Roberts, Vintondale. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the action of the Hou e of Representatives, disagreeing to the amendment UTAH of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 10055) to amend section 77 of Claude C. McGee, Lewiston. the Judicial Code to create a middle district in the State of WYOMING Georgia, and for other purposes, and requesting a conference Elmer W. Ace, Green River. with the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon. l\Ir. CUMMINS. I move that the Senate insist upon its HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES amendment, agree to the conference asked by the House, and tbat the Chair appoint the conferees on the part of the Senate. THURSDAY, May 6, 19~6 The motion was agreed to, and Mr. CuMMINs, Mr. BoRAH, and l\Ir. OVERMAN were appointed conferees on the part of the The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Semt.te. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered EXECUTIVE SESSION the following prayer : :llr. CURTIS. I move that the Senate proceed to the con­ HeaYenly Father, we bless Thee that we are still within the sideration of executive business. circle of Thy loving arms, for their protection is sure and their The motion was agreed to, and the Senate proceeded to the care is infinite. Each day give us courage and endurance and consideration of executive business. After three minutes spent may these virtues make us stronger and nobler men. May in executive session the doors were reopened. Thy greatness :flow around our incompleteness. We most humbly ask the forgiveness of our sins. We pray for our RECESS families that Thy love and mercy may be their daily portions. ~Ir . CURTIS. I move that the Senate take a recess until 12 In the integrity of soul, in the confidence and calmness of a o'clock noon to-morrow. conquering faith, may our whole Nation continue to set up the The motion was agreed to; and (at 4 o'clock and 28 minutes banners of the living God. In Thy holy name. Amen. p. m.) the Senate took a recess until to-monow, Friday, May The J ournnl of the proceedings of yesterday was read and 7, 192G, at 12 o'clock meridian. approved. PRIMARIES AND PROHIBITION CONFIRl\lATIONS Mr. CRAMTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to Execut,ive nominations confirmed by the Senate May 6, 1926 speak for one minute. POSTMASTERS The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Michigan asks unani­ ALABAMA mous consent to address the House for one minute. Is there Amos N. Fain, Ariton. objection? Charlie S. Robbins, Good Water. There was no objection. 1\lr. CRAMTON. Mr. Speaker, the beer and wine polls have CALIFORNIA disappeared from the newspapers and we are now getting re­ Edna J. Keeran, Princeton. turns from the polls taken under authority of law. I read from William L. l\IcLaughlin, Sanger. to-day's Associated Press report of the recent primaries in CON ~ECTICUT Indiana as it appears in the Washington Post this morning: Oliver M. Bristol, Durham. All senatorial and congressional candidates who hinted nt tendencies IDAHO towal'd being moist on the liqu~ question lagged behind in the voting. Rose J. Hamacher, Spirit Lake. [Applause.] INDIANA As a matter of fact, I am advised by Indiana Members that the wet and dry issue was most squarely drawn in the fifth or Josiah J. Hostetler, Shipshewana. Terre Haute district, where Congressman JoHNSON defeated his KANSAS wet opponent by 10 to 1, and in the sixth district, where Con­ Charles Fri ·kel, Frontenac. gressman ELLIOTT defeated by 8 to 1 a woman candidate who Ella J. Starr, Scott City. advocated modification of the Volstead Act. 1926 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 8821 In the illinois primaries a little earlier the wets also failed The SPEAKER. The gentleman from New York asks unani· signally in their announced campaign to wiri a Congress that mous consent to address the House for five minutes. Is there will modify the Volstead Act to let in beer and wine. There objection? are two Congressmen at large in Illinois, elected by vote of Mr. TINCHER. Reserving the right to object-and I shall the entire State. Congressmen YATES and RATHBONE, both dry not object-the order to-da.y limits us to four days of deb!lte, and both opposed to beer and wine, were opposed by candidates and all time taken by unanimous consent comes out of that named Seidlinger and Miller. YATES, as a prominent member debate under the terms of the rule. I shall not object to this of the House Committee on the Judiciary and outspoken op­ request, but I hope there will not be too many requests for ponent of beer and wine modification or any other weakening unanimous consent either to-day or to-morrow. of the Volstead Act, was, of course, the particular object of Mr. REED of New York. I do not think I will take over attack by wet organizations and wet newspapers. Miller was three minutes. not outspoken on the issue of prohibition, but was understood to The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the be wet, while Seidlinger was indorsed by the Chicago Daily gentleman from New York? News and stated by that paper to have "promised to work for Mr. RANKIN. Reserving the right to object, is not the first modification." The primary figures, official for the whole State thing in order to-day the Graham resolution? outside of Cook County, are as follows: The SPEAKER. It is the first regula1· order, but this is by unanimous consent. Is there objection to the request of the fi~~~~o;e~:::~:~~~~~~~=~====~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::: l~~:i~g gentleman from New York to proceed for five minutes? lliller---------------·---------------------------------- 105, 484 There was no objection. Seidlinger -------------------------------------------- G3, 215 Mr. REED of New York. 1\Ir. Speaker, unauthorized and The official vote is not yet available, but the unofficial vote misleading statements published in the local press with refer_. shows that both YATES and RATHBONE had decisive majorities ence to the alleged action on the Reed-Curtis education bill by over Miller and Seidlinger even in Chicago. the Committee on Education~ of which I am chairman, can not Beer and wine advocates can not hope for any gain in the in fairness to the members of the committee and the House go Seventieth Congress from the Indiana and Illinois ~owing. unchallenged. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The following is taken from the Washington Daily News of A message from the Senate, by Mr. Craven, one of its clerks, May 4, 1926: announced that the Senate had passed bill of the following The Upshaw movie censorship bill and the Reed department ot title, in which the concurrence of the House of Representatives education bill were killeo by the House Education Committee to-day. was reque ted : '.rhe authors will probably seek action on the bills in December. An S. 3163. act to authorize the Secretary of War to exchange Here is a statement from the Washington Post of May 5, deteriorated and unserviceable ammunition and components, 1926: and for other purposes.
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