Unlimited • Simultaneous • No checkout • eReference Gale Virtual Reference Library GVRL Chinese eBook Catalog 2018-19 Gale.com/ebooks |
[email protected] Gale Virtual Reference Library 圣智盖尔电子图书馆 Gale Virtual Reference Library is your single source for eReference aimed at students, researchers, and general readers. Now you can access thousands of titles from more than 100 publishers covering the most- studied subject areas—all on one award-winning platform. Approximately 1,000 academic titles in both simplified and traditional Chinese are now available in Gale Virtual Reference Library. The titles are published by well-known publishers such as Zhonghua Book Company, Commerical Press, Peking University Press, Institute of Modern History (Academia Sinica), China Renmin University Press, and Beijing Normal University Press; and cover a variety of topics such as history, art, economics, education, international relations, and culture. These titles can be full-text searched and browsed in Chinese. Feature A VIBRANT, ENGAGING USER EXPERIENCE User-focused navigation encourages researchers to engage in efficient and in-depth searches for the materials they require.Features and functionalities include the following: • Eye-catching book covers • 24/7 unlimited and simultaneous circulation of your eReference collection • Cross-search and browse within your collection and across series in multiple languages • On-demand machine-aided content translations in 14 languages • Search within multi-volume sets • Users can cross-search Gale Virtual collection