Das GMES-Weltraumsegment & relevante Explorer Missionen

A. Ginati, ESA

© ESA 2003 DLR & DWD Nationaler Nutzerworkshop “Operationelle Satellitensysteme der Erdüberwachung” 7-9 November 2005, Walberberg Table of Content

¾ESAESA’’ss LiLivingving PlanetPlanet PrograProgrammemme


¾EarthEarth Watch/EUMETSATWatch/EUMETSAT

¾EarthEarth ObservationObservation EnvelopeEnvelope ProgrammeProgramme Living Planet Programme

• ESA dual-mission approach: –Earth Explorermissions, research oriented, also demonstration of techniques • Core and Opportunity Missions • Cooperation with JAXA, NASA etc – Implemented in Earth Observation Envelope Programme: • End-to-end implementation of Earth Explorer missions and preparation Earth Watch missions • 5 year slices, current EOEP-2, EOEP-3 proposed – Earth Watch missions, operational service oriented, implemented with partners • EUMETSAT, GEO and LEO operational meteorological missions • GMES Missions for the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security with the EC, EUMETSAT, MS others – Implemented in Dedicated EUMETSAT/GMES programmes: • Coordinate/parallel with programmes of partners (EUMETSAT, EC,MS) which cover also operational phase GMES

European independence in critical data sources for environmental monitoring & security European contribution to the Global EO System of Systems (GEOSS)

Established in 1998, gained political momentum 2001 ( GMES Service Element has been approved, MC Nov. 2001)

• Initially, GMES investments focused on service developments • 100 Meuro by ESA, 100 Meuro by EC, plus MS projects (funded by CNES, DLR etc.) • Large number GMES user organisations across Europe

Space segment preparation by ESA in 2004 • GMES system architecture, Phase A of GMES space missions

EU declared GMES the next flagship for Europe in space, after Galileo GMES Service Element – initial services

Coastal Real-time Ocean Ice Monitoring Northern View

Risk fire & flood Forest Monitoring Soil & Water Land Motion Risks

Urban Services Humanitarian Aid Food Security Atmosphere The overall GMES Space Component Gap analysis leads to 7 types of instruments

ƒ 10-30 m SAR for interferometry, ocean, ice, land applications ƒ 0.5-10 m SAR for detailed land mapping ƒ 10-30 m multispectral instruments for land mapping ƒ 0.5-10 m optical instrument for detailed land mapping ƒ 100-1000 m wide-swath thermal infrared instruments for sea surface and land temperature measurements ƒ 100-1000 m wide-swath multi-spectral instruments for ocean colour and global land monitoring ƒ radar altimeters for ocean current measurements at high inclination ƒ radar altimeters for ocean current measurements at low inclination orbit ƒ radar scatterometers for sea surface wind speed and direction ƒ atmospheric chemistry instruments for gas composition, pollution and climate change monitoring (leo and geo) ƒ 100-500 m infrared instruments for fire monitoring GMES – Space component

1. SAR imaging All weather, day/night applications, interferometry

2. Superspectral imaging, vegetation. forestry, security

3. Ocean monitoring Wide-swath ocean color and surface temperature sensors, altimeter

4. GEO- atmospheric composition monitoring, trans-boundary pollution

5. LEO- atmospheric composition monitoring

IR-element, 3-band sensor for hot spot detection GMES : Sentinels and IR-element

GPS Antenna

S-Band TMA Antenna Star Instrument Tracker X-Band Antenna Sentinel –1 Sentinel –2 Sentinel –3 C-band SAR, wide swath, Multi-spectral imaging, Multi-spectral imaging medium resolution 8 bands 443 - 1 375 nm, VNIR-SWIR-TIR, 250–1000 m 10-30 m res. res, Altimeter,

Sentinel –4 Sentinel –5 IR-element Atmospheric composition Atmospheric composition 3-band sensor for monitoring from GEO monitoring from LEO enhanced fire monitoring and detection Sentinel-1 requirements

User Requirements are derived from GMES Services. Three services have reached a level of maturity such that firm information requirements can be established. Others will follow.

– Monitoring the European Marine Environment

– Monitoring the Arctic Environment and Sea-Ice Zones

– Monitoring and Assessing Land Surface-Motion Risks across Europe Sentinel-1 Concept

• Alternative configurations under consideration •C band SAR Main modes are: – Stripmap 5 m swath 80 km – Scan SAR Interferometric wide swath 20X 5 m swath 240 km – Scan SAR Extra wideswath 80X25 m swath 400 km –Wave mode • S/C: ~2500 kg and 5 KW • Instrument duty cycle 15-20 min per orbit • Downlink data rate ~ 550 Mb/s.

The definition study is being performed by EADS Astrium UK and subcontractors Sentinel-2 requirements

• User requirements: from ESA GMES Service Elements, Forest, Soil/Aqua-SAGE, GUS (Urban Services), Risk-EOS, DUP Kyoto Inventory, Globwetland, and EC Geoland Project

•Translated intomission/system requirements: – Coverage: global land (EU+worldwide), except polar caps – Spatial sampling distance (SSD): 10 m (goal) - 30 m (threshold) – Revisit time: 7 days to guarantee “seasonal” cloud-free product – Spectral bands: 3 sets of bands defined to allow room for trade-off at mission level

• Minimum set of bands: 6 broad bands (Landsat-5 TM) •Nominalset of bands: 8 bands (LDCM), including 6 broad bands similar to Landsat-5 TM (band position and width optimised to minimise sensitivity to atmospheric water vapour) & two narrow bands at 443 nm (aerosol correction) and 1375 nm (cirrus cloud contamination detection and correction) •Extendedset of bands: 18 narrow bands encompassing LDCM spectral bands, with better sensitivity to bio-geophysical parameters & additional bands in the red edge (vegetation health) and SWIR (plant water content, vegetation structure, live/dead vegetation/soil discrimination) •Optionalpanchromatic channel at 5 m SSD (goal) Sentinel-2: Concepts

Optical multi-spectral wide swath, medium resolution for mainly land applications. - to provide continuity to services developed with SPOT-5 and Landsat data. - Complementary to OLI / LDCM possibly on NPOESS C1/C4 - Building on studies on super- hyper- spectral missions

Proposed sensor concept included: 10 bands in the VNIR and 2 bands in the SWIR Wide swath 320 km (700 km, SSO), 20 m spatial resolution

The estimates for resources were 135 kg, 120 W and 800 Mbps GPS Antenna

S-Band TMA Antenna Star Instrument Tracker X-Band Antenna The Definition Study aims for tuning of requirements and for the identification of efficient system concepts. Work performed by EADS Astrium and subcontractors. Contract started in early September. Sentinel-3: Requirements

• User requirements from ESA GMES Service Elements: ROSES (ocean), Coastwatch (coastal zones) and GMFS (Food Security), Risk-EOS, and EC Geoland and Mersea Projects, and are consistent with Eumetsat (strawman missions Ocean Imaging / Ocean Topography) •Translated intomission/system requirements: – Coverage: global open ocean and land areas (except polar caps), coastal waters of Europe, the Mediterranean Sea, and the North Atlantic – Spatial sampling distance at SSP: 1 km (open ocean) - 250 m (coastal zones/land) – Revisit time: 1-3 days – Spectral bands: 21 spectral channels in VNIR/SWIR/TIR providing continuity to MERIS, Vegetation and AATSR – Radar altimeter with 3 cm RMS range noise level • With the support of encompassing studies involving numerous related operational, research and technical organisations Sentinel-3: Concepts

Altimeter, high resolution ALT Doppler, no interferometry ACT 800 Km, SSO, 06:00 – 18:00 600 kg, 700 W, 20 Gb Implementation of optical and altimeter elements on separate Optical sensor: OC, SST by Visible Infrared Imager (VIRI), ocean /land colour, sea /land surface temp., or separated optical sensors 800 Km, SSO, 00:00– 12:00 830 kg, 950W, 150 Gb

The Definition Study aims for tuning of requirements and for the identification of efficient system concepts. Work performed by AAS and subcontractors. Contract started in early September. Preliminary considerations: Sentinels 4 and 5

Area Mission Characteristics Sentinels Ozone and Complement MetOp and NPOESS with limb- S-5 UV sounders operating in the MIR or mw range, radiation possibly UV-VIS (ACECHEM concept shown)

Air Quality Frequent temporal coverage, 2 h (0.5 h goal), S-4 candidate for GEO, 50 km ( 5 km goal) UV-VIS: 290 – 310; 310 – 400; 400 – 600; 750 – (example 780; SWIR: 2310 – 2390; MIR: 2100 – 2200 cm-1, desired, TIR: 800 – 1200 cm-1, desired MTG)

Climate CH4, CO and aerosol measurements, preferably S-5 with sensitivity to planetary boundary layer (Sciamachy, IASI, Mopitt heritage)

The user requirements call for two elements: Sentinel-4 in GEO and Sentinel-5 in LEO Being studied in coordination with EUMETSAT MTG and Post-EPS Sentinels 4 & 5 : CAPACITY study to define user requirements Pre-phase A industrial studies 4th Q. 2005 Relations EUMETSAT and GMES missions

• Sentinel–3 – Related to Post-EPS Ocean Imaging and Ocean Topography Strawman Missions • Sentinel-4 – Related to MTG UVS (and IRS) mission • Sentinel-5 – Related to Post-EPS Atmospheric Chemistry Mission Strawman Mission – Current Sentinel-5 concept assumes tandem flight with MetOp for coincidence of limb sounding m-wave and / or IR observations with MetOp’s GOME-2 and IASI – also UV-VNIR-SWIR nadir looking “SCIAMACHY-follow-on” • Sentinel-4, 5 concept under refinement: GEO or multi-LEO • ESA – EUMETSAT staff coordinating definition of EUMETSAT and GMES missions supported respectively by EUMETSAT Application Expert Groups and GMES User Groups GMES Space Component - Implementation Approach

GMES Space Component 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

‹ C-Min

Segment 1 ‹ --- ‹ Phase 2 Decision Point (flexible) Phase 1 Phase 2

Segment 2 ‹ Segment 2 Decision Point

Funding ESA EC + ESA Decision Point ‹ Timing of Phase 1 and 2 flexible, depending on Ph.2 decision point EC invited to co-fund Phase 2 Earth Watch Missions

ƒ Missions for long-term operational Earth monitoring ƒ Cooperation with Eumetsat: Meteosat and Metop (MTG/Post EPS) ƒ Mission concept studies: TerraSAR-L, Fuegosat

Meteosat Metop TerraSAR-L Since ’78, ESA Europe’s first polar Assessment of has developed 8 orbiting satellite for L-band Meteosat op. meteorology capabilities satellites Launch: 2005 Fuegosat Fire detection

MSG-1 and 29.8.2002 fire monitoring EUMETSAT missions: MTG • Meteosat Third Generation (MTG), new generation of EUMETSAT geostationary operational meteorological

North system or L-band So u th antenna

Lightning Imager Combined • Five observation missions UHF patch Imager – High resolution fast imagery mission Xs


Ea r t h – Full-disk high spectral resolution Ys imagery mission Main Body Deep – Infrared sounding mission Space IR-Sounder

X-Band – Lightning imaging mission Antenna S-Band – UV-Visible sounding mission Y Antenna X Nadir (in co-ordination with GMES Launch Direction Sentinel-4, atm. composition mission)

Z EUMETSAT missions: Post-EPS • Post-EPS, to continue the EUMETSAT Polar System for operational meteorology from low Earth orbit after the MetOp A, B, C satellites • Six strawman missions –Sounding – Cloud, including precipitation, and land imaging –Ocean imaging – Ocean topography – Wind profiling –Atmospheric chemistry EUMETSAT missions: Post-EPS

Pre-development Receiver Enclosure

Scan Mechanism - Cross-track microwave radiometer Electronics Unit - Combined sounder/imager conical scanner

Momentum Compensation Reflector/Shroud - Visible-IR imager Mechanism - “Techniques and mission concepts for future EUMETSAT missions” 1st Q. 2006 - pre-phase A industrial studies 2nd Q. 2006

TIR Black Bodies Derotator

TMA Sentinels 4 & 5 Telescope

3 FEE Dual View Units - CAPACITY study to define user requirements Scanner Active Cooling System (2 Units)

th 2 Instrument - Pre-phase A industrial studies 4 Q. 2005 Control Units

Post-EPS Preparatory Element (PEPE) preliminary assessment of the possibility of building and launching a satellite capable of continuing the MetOp sounding missions with minimum development time and cost. Earth Explorers evolution



2008 1991 1995


Oceans 2005 Sea Ice + Global 2007 Cryosphere Ozone + Ocean Colour Land Surface + Terrestrial + Atmospheric Climatology biosphere Constituents 2009 1st Earth Explorer Missions

1st Earth Explorer Opportunity Mission Ice elevation, ice thickness ( ICESAT, Abyss) Launcher failure Oct.8th 2005; CryoSat-2 being considered

1st Earth Explorer Core Mission CryoSAT Gravity field and geoid ( CHAMP, GRACE) GOCE Launch 2006

2nd Earth Explorer Opportunity Mission Soil moisture and ocean Salinity (Hydros, Aquarius) Launch 2007

2nd Earth Explorer Core Mission Wind speed vectors SMOS Launch 2008 ADM-Aeolus 2nd cycle Earth Explorer Missions

Earth Explorer Opportunity Mission:

SWARM: Earth magnetic field & earth core dynamics measurements


Earth Explorer Core Mission:

EarthCARE: Clouds, Aerosols & radiation measurements

(SPECTRA, WALES) CryoSat Mission Objectives

• Research goals: – Study of mass imbalances of Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets – Investigate the influence of the Cryosphere on global sea level rise – Use of sea ice thickness information for advances in Arctic and global climate studies • Measures variations in the thickness of the polar ice sheets Payload: SIRAL altimeter, conventional and thickness of floating sea ice pulse limited operation, synthetic aperture along track, interferometer across track

see GOCE Mission Objectives

Studies in: Solid Earth Physics - anomalous density structure of lithosphere and upper mantle Oceanography - dynamic ocean topography and absolute ocean circulation Ice Sheet Dynamics - ice sheet mass balance Geodesy - unified height systems geoid Sea Level change

Determine Earth’s gravity field and its geoid (equipotential surface for a CLS hypothetical ocean at rest): France high accuracy (1 mgal and 1 cm) fine spatial resolution (~ 100 km)


Payload: GNSS receiver and Electrostatic Gravity Gradiometer (EGG) Technology: accelerometers, ultra-stable structures, ion propulsion, micro-thrusters see GOCE Mission Objectives

see SMOS Mission Objectives

• To demonstrate the use of L- band 2-D interferometry to observe: • salinity over oceans, • soil moisture over land • ice characteristics • To advance the development of climatological, hydrological and meteorological models.

Payload: L-band radiometer, synthetic aperture, exploiting interferometry, multi- polarisation, varying incidence angle

see ADM-Aeolus Mission Objectives

Measures atmospheric winds in clear air to:

• Improve parameterisations of atmospheric processes in models • Advance climate and atmospheric flow modelling Payload: Doppler wind lidar • Provide better initial Wind speed profiles, 0-20 km, 1 – 2 m/s conditions for weather accuracy, 0.5 – 2 km resolution forecasting 1000 kg satellite, 400 km sun-synchronous, dawn-dusk orbit, launch 2008


-3 microsat constellation: 1 in 530km alt. I=86 deg, 2 in 450 km alt. I= 85.4 deg. - Payload: -Absolute Scalar magnetometer, Vector Field magnet., Electric field instrument, Accelerometer, -Supported by: star tracker, GNSS rx, laser retro-reflector PL resources: 50 kg, 50 W SC budgets: 250 - 350 kg, 160 W

- Core flow, core dynamics, core-mantle coupling, - 3-D imag. mantle conductivity, lithosphere magnetisation - Position and development radiation belts - Magnetospheric / ionospheric currents systems - Monitor solar wind energy input - Ionosphere / Plasmosphere electron density - Study modulation flux and effect on tropospheric conductivity and associated weather and climate processes EarthCARE (EECM) Explorer 6 -Satellite, 1400 kg, 1100 W in SSO 400 – 450 km altitude, carrying:

Backscatter lidar (ATLID) Cloud Profiling Radar (CPR) , JAXA 7-channel multi spectral imager (MSI) Broadband radiometer (BBR)

• divergence of radiative energy • aerosol-cloud-radiation interaction • vertical distribution of water and ice and their transport by clouds • the vertical cloud field overlap and cloud-precipitation interactions 3RD Call for Ideas EECM

The 3rd call for ideas for the (300M€) Earth Explorer Core Missions (EECM) overall schedule and priorities:

Scientific priorities applicable to the 3rd call: - Global water/carbon cycle - Atmospheric chemistry and climate -Human factor

-Release of the call – March 15, 2005 -Announcement of results (<= 6) of evaluation – May , 2006 - User consultation in 2008, results of (<=3) Phase A

(http://www.esa.int/livingplanet/explorer/) 3RD Call for Ideas EECM

- 31 letters of intent received - 24 mission proposals received - 2 from GEO, 22 from LEO - 4 multi-satellite, 20 single satellite - 5 use lidars, for vegetation canopy, water vapour and CO2 - 2 exploit microwave and optical signals in occultation geometries - 7 use radars, P-band (2), X+Ku (1), Ka (1), Ku+Ka (1), L (1)

(http://www.esa.int/livingplanet/explorer/) Earth Explorer Missions-Schedule

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

CryoSat 2 CryoSat



ADM - Aeolus



EXPLORERS > 6 3rd Call