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M0285 OCR (CS 150Dpi).Pdf @[3(£cMarconi AVI()NICS House Journal of GEe-Marconi Avionics Limited Issue 2 PRINCE OF WALES MASSIVE DONATION HANDED OVER TO AWARD FOR GMAv MEDWAY SCANNER APPEAL A revolutionary new collections, sponsored swims, thermal imaging sensor, "The Gift is Right" - sales of books and other arti­ with wide application to John Colston cle s, and big social and sport­ "Some said it was ing events. All these - and emergency and security 'impossible' . Others said many more - have , together, services, has won the 1993 'extremely ambitious' ", said invol ve d thousands ·of ge ner­ "Prince of Wales Award Dr Mohan Ve lamati, Chairman ous people. for Innovation". of the Me dway Scanner Four Times Over Target! Appeal, re ferring to the Fund's The Aw ard was presente d £1 million target when he Over 70 pe ople re presenting jointly to GEC-Marconi came to Airport Works in all those who had de dicated Avionics, Sensors Division, April to re ceive a cheque for time and effort to our fund­ with GEC-Marconi Materials £101,445. raising were at the ce remony Technology and the Defence hosted by Divisional Manag­ Re se arch Agency. The ce re­ This spectacular contribu­ ing Director John Colston for mony took place at the UK Fire tion to the Fund has been the cheque handover. He said Service College at Moreton-in­ raised during the last two years "W hen a Committee was Marsh, Gl ouce stershire , and by the efforts of Rocheste r empl oyee s and their families forme d to co-ordinate the was broadcast during the Company's Appe al, we BBCl "Tomorrow's Worl d" taking part in, and contributing to, a host of events both thought a target of £25,000 programme on Wedne sday, serious and funny. These have was ambitious. But the energy May 26th. included efforts ranging from and enthusiasm of our The "Tomorrow's Worl d" individual sponsore d contribu­ employees for a cause that audience saw live pictures tions such as be ard, moustache caught the ir imagination, from inside the smoke-filled or hair (half) shaves, to raffles, together with an element of engine-room of a burning quizzes, Karaoke, boot fairs, inter-Divisional rivalry, has mock-up of a ship. The audi­ Christmas and Easter Bunny brought in over £101,000. Ordi­ ence was able to see a fire man nary - looking people maybe , but you are Superstars!" as he used his thermal imaging >I< Angular Rate Transducer - sensor to se arch through the START. John we nt on to mention labyrinth of gangways to 1993's winning imager has some of the contributions locate and re scue an injured al re ady been orde re d in ve ry made . Name s far too numer­ colleague . Me anwhile, the large quantities by a US manu­ ous to mention in full, but not handheld thermal camera facturer of firefighters' protec­ forge tting the participation of provided an overall view of tive clothing for integration Pe te r O'Keefe from the the scene of the fire from a ", Accounts Department who into its fireman's helmets. It helicopter flying overhead. has al so been incorporated into ke pt a tal ly of all the pounds THE PRINCE OF WALES GEC-Marconi Avionics' own and pe nce (and dollars) as they The winning of this prestig­ AWARD handheld camera, the PYRO came in. He me ntioned little ious Award demonstrate s For Innovation 2000, for which substantial Karis Walker who raised over GMAv' s innovative approach Winner 1993 orders have al re ady been £50 by re citing the al phabet at to the expl oitation of high .... This is the second occasion ",·d re ceived and more are I j.!./IJi.-I.J.r; the te nder age of 3, and intro­ te chnology and its commit­ on which the Company has ()"",(,,,"/,,.,,.,,,,/'II,,·I/"lIo.,,1 expected in the ne xt twelve ....h'tI,,IOI ,,,,,· duced Di Bower who worke d ,OIlI'("W/"''',,,''/I. ".,,"',., 11""'1' .�. '-, , •• me nt to the pursuit of f �. re ce ived an Award. As one of months. l incredibl y hard co-ordinating excellence. the Finalists in the 1990 and motivating so many pe o­ The Award emblem has Competition, Rochester's Award we re picked two ye ars ple - including persuading become synonymous with the Guidance Systems Division ago, the overall winner being John Colston, himself, to join a tug-of-war te am! John then highest standards of quality in (part of GEC Avionics) the Company who made the DrMohan Ve lamati and GMAv's DiBower invited Di to present Dr both product de sign and re ceived a 'Special Commen­ greate st commercial impact with a very large cheque..... Ve lamati with the cheque . manufacture. dation' for the ir Solid State within that time. Speaking to a . ....and some of the GMAv BBC Essex Re porter, Business employees at Rochester who made the Appeal a success. continued on back page. Manager lain Matthews said that his te am de se rve d to come top. JerryJERRY Fisher has been appointed FISHER "We' ve been working ve ry Senior Vice President Marketing hard for the last fifteen (USA) with effect from 6 June months on the contract to 1993. Based in the GEe-Marconi Washington Office, and whilst con­ supply sensors to American tinuing to report to Brian Tucker - firefighters and I was delighted Director of Programmes, Jerry will when it all came through. be responsible for directing all Then, to win the Award was GEe-Marconi Avionics' marketing just icing on the cake, it was activities in the United States, wonderful! And it was a re al including the co-ordination of mar­ te am effort, from everyone on keting by the UK-based Divisions the shop-floor right through and GEe-Marconi Avionics Inc. All the whole management struc­ US corporate marketing personnel Jerry Fisher - Snr lIP ture of the Company. will report to him. Marketing (USA) continued on back page. TORNADO Editorial Note Keeping The Peace GR4FIRST As Editor I welcome contri­ Tel: GNET Access code + GEC-Marconi Avionics' Trials work on the very quickly to the custom­ butions for VISION (and corpo­ 344 + 3110 Fax: GNET equipment is helping the advanced 2G variant of er's needs. The To rnados' Foxhunter has been taking GEe-MarconiFLIGHT Avionics rate GEC's magazine TOPIC) Access code + 344 + 3 140 RAF patrol the skies of role in Bosnia highlights from all employees throughout Bosnia as part of NATO's place recently at RAF the changing role of the Supplies Upgraded GEC-Marconi Avionics. peace-keeping efforts in the Coningsby in Lincolnshire. UK's armed forces and Electronics region. In support of these activities, their peace-keeping activi­ The 29th May, 1993 saw All contributions should be a team from Milton Keynes ties emphasise the need for the maiden flight of the first addressed to the Site Co­ A number of Tornado F3 has been using a container­ equipment to operate and avionics development air­ ordinators/Correspondents - or fighters, normally based at ised radar test station which be supported far from home craft for the To rnado Mid-Life in the case of Basildon, direct was built during the Gulf Update (MLU) programme. RAF Leeming, have been bases." to the Editor - as should any deployed to an airbase in War. Within 48 hours of the GEC-Marconi Avionics is a comments relating to the Italy which is within range of RAF Leeming To rnados Contracts Manager Jim major supplier to the MLU. Many of the proposed new Magazine's content etc:- the former Yugoslavia. leaving for their Bosnia Driver said: "Our Foxhunter mission, this eqUipment was programme at Milton sensors, displays and sys­ can, of course, be tems that will extend the The Tornado is fitted decommissioned, shipped to Keynes has been running for contacted direct: capabilities of the aircraft to with many GEC-Marconi Italy and re commissioned by a number of years and the fulfil current and future tasks Avionics products including GEC-Marconi Avionics, staff Colin Langlands Editorial work is not over just because will be supplied by the NEXT COPY and RAF personnel. Officer B450 Business the Foxhunter radar which is the radar is operational. On Company. These include: Development Group DATE - Wednesday the main sensor for the PhiI Poole, Business the contrary. It is an The pilot's Head-Up Display August 4th aircraft. Foxhunter was Development Manager, Mili­ ongoing, developing, live The computer symbol Sensors Division Basildon designed and developed by tary Systems, said: "As in radar which has unique generator Radar Systems Division at the Gulf War, the Company features, making it very The SPARTAN passive HOT OFF THE PRESS! Milton Keynes. has been able to respond effective for front-line use." Terrain Referenced Navigation and Terrain The visit of Publicity Manager Helene Cox to Sensors Following system Division's Business Development Group on 26 April The digital map database coincided with the first copies of VISION (Issue 1) rolling off generator the presses at Basil don's Carter Print Limited. The terrain following display A photo-call to mark the occasion had been arranged at the Print Works and the resultant photographs show: A computer loading system A video recorder system An enhanced stores management system A covert radar altimeter The Mid-Life Update pro­ gramme will also integrate the Company's Night Vision Goggles and Forward Looking Infra-Red equip­ ment into the aircraft. These systems will extend RAFTornados are keeping the peace over Bosnia with the help of GEC-Marconi Avionics.
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