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FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1901, 4AGE TWENTY-rOtm AviTagt Daily Net Preaa Run The Weatlwr jlattrlftHter lEwfttfns Ifieratt For «|H Weak Endad Fovaeoat of D. 8. Waotkae I May 1,1666 Oioody wHk onazlioaf M The Manchester Area Alum­ care, X rays, mediclnea and sup- miMtMu: Mw. Israbl The Young People of Zion Leaders Named catalogue; Mrs. J*rome today, peaidbhi perieda af Evangelical Lutheran Church nae a u b of Pi BeU Phi wlU pNes. About Town meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. at Bicycle Fall He charges the town with hn- sixhtUt hostesses; Mrs. Merrill 1 4 ,1 4 7 taaigfct; portly amnq have been Invited to attend the Ruhtaow, Mib. 1?«U the home of Mrs. Edward Weiss, proper omv and maintenance of For Art Show a of Am Aodit ebaaea af aftenioea rimrera. 72nd Walther Leagtie Birthday the street b . Mrs. Robert Karns, DlbHogra- meeting dinner on Sunday at 323 Spring St., for the InsUlla- ad OIrcalatlon m« >:10 *.m. Mass at the tion of officers and a surprise Brings Suit The Sanzoe are being repre­ B y S iste r K lim ly: Mra. George Marlow :md Mmche9ter— A City of Village Charm Church of the Assumption on 2:30 p.m. at Bethany Lutheran sented in the acUon by Atty. Sol R. Cohen, publicly Church, West Hartford. program. Mrs. iy>ger Woodbury Sunday will be celebrated tor and Miss Lynda Hazen, both of Robert W. Gordon. and Mra. Paul Orooboit, poM- members o< the Ladies of the Against Town TTie civil suit Is retumaUe in Heading tha A rt SalacUon ara. (Olaaatfled AdvertMag on Pago 16) PRICE SEVEN CENT! The Hi-League of Emanuel Manchester, will be Installed as VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 186(TWBLVBlf AGES—TV SECTION—CONNECnCUT LIFE) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1965 Assumption. president and vice president, June in Tolland County Court commlttea for Templa Bath 8ho- Miss Linda Bayar, praaMent Lutheran Church will sponsor of Common Pleas, Rockvldla C. Blmore Watlcins of Man­ a car wash tomorrow from 9 respectively. The meeting is The Town o t Mancheeter la lom Sisterhood’s May 16-19 Art of the Temple’s United Syna­ open to all area Pi Beta Phi’s. being sued for $11,000 by Frank gogue Youth and an instructor chester will speak and show a.m. to 5 p.m. at the church Show and Sale is Mrs. U^on In the lOH program, ts eerving Slides of the Holy Land at a parking lot. Proceeds will be Sanzo Sr. of 9 Lillay St. on be­ Hunt to Speak Podrove, assisted by Mrs. Ray used to help 13 young people Miss Card M. Thomas, daugh­ as liaison between the Sister­ 230 Tons of Bombs meeting of the Men’s Club of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Evan A. half of himself and hia minor Beller, Mrs. Sanford Plejder, hood and the lOH in the prepar­ North Methodist Church on of the chUrch attend the Na­ son, Frank Jr., in an action f Monday at 8 p.m. at the church. tional Luther League Conven­ ’Thomas of 30 Steep Hollow To South PTA and Mrs. Robart Stone, Slster- ation of poetera. Sipmbers and guests are wel­ tion in August in , Fla. Lane, has been named to mem­ stemming from a fall from a bi­ iMod president. 5-Man Board Installed bership in the Alpha Society, an cycle on May 10, 1964, on Edg' The South School PTA will come. Refreshments will be Mark Johnson. Joiiathan Nelson honorary . society, of Hiram 'The Art Show and Sals, to I- " / served. and Richard Larson are in erton St., near Lodge Dr. hold its final meeting of the year (Ohio) (College. Miss ’Thomas, a T^iesday, at 8 p.m. and elect a be conducted in the auditorium CONDITIONERS Cong Targets charge of the car wash. senior, received recognition for In a writ filed today in the of Temple Beth Sholom, will be Members of Trinity Covenant town clerk’s office, Mr. Sanzo slate of officers for the coming held for the benefit of the lOH ATTENTION MEN! Church are rem ind^ of the her high academic achievement school year. ALL SIZES Loyal Circle of King’s Daugh­ (or the fourth consecutive year. clainu that his son, while rid­ (Instructors of the Handi­ We’ll make those old, oom- cleanup day tomoirow from 9 ters will meet Monday at 7:45 ing his bicycle on EMgerton S t, "The Netw English—Or How capped) and tor Sisterhood proj­ a.m. to noon at the church. swerved to avoid a pothole in to Talk Good” will be the sub­ fortable shoee of youn p.m. in the Fellowship Room of Chapman Court, Order of Am­ ject of a talk by Gilbert Hunt, ects. "HOT" PRE-SEASON Those who attend are asked to Center Congregational Church. aranth, AVlll mfeet tonight at 7:45 the road and, in so doing, the tnt) GOLF SHOES. Tour As Dominican Leaders chairman of the Ettglish Depart­ Mrs. Jules Karp and Mrs. bring lawn equipmenf if at all Hostesses will be Mrs. Clarence at the Masonic Temple. Man­ front wheel of his bicycle Struck Again Alan Kemp are in charge o t the new Fkster shoee made PRICES possible. dropped into another pothole, ment at Manchester High Peterson and Mrs. Robert Mc­ chester Assefnbly, Order of School. Refreshments will be May 16 Patrons’ Reception and LONGER or WIDER. Neil. Rainbow for Girls, will be causing the boy to lose control are being assisted by Mrs. Leon­ The annual state dinner meet­ of the vehicle and to fall to the served. ing of the Connecticut Associa­ guests. Refreshments will be ard Seader, Mra. Herbert Byk, SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP)—More than 160 Chief Bollerman Robert E. served. pavement. tion of Industrial Nurses will He lists resulting injuries to SEAWAY GRAINS GAIN Mrs. Wl'llam Cooper and Mrs. U.S. Air Force and Navy planes staged five raids Rebels Asked be held on Tuesday at 6 p.m. Zelser, U.S. Navy, retired, of Irving Aronson. SAM Y U LY ES against military targets and road communications in 266 Henry St., will attend a re­ The British American Club the boy’s face, mouth, teeth, el­ CHICAGO—Grain shipments at Les Shaw’s Restaurant, 70 bows and shoulders, and is on the St. Lawrence Seaway Other committee chairmen Sante Side As Watkins NORMAN’S North Viet today, raining more than 230 tons of Pond Lily Ave., New Haven. Dr. union of former crew members will sponsor a dance (or mem­ of the aircraft carrier US8 Lex­ bers and guests tomorrow from seeking $10,000 damages for reached about 100 million are: Mrs. Daniel Mosler, imrl- 23 OAK STREET bombs a g a in s t variety of targets. To Aid Unit Robert Turfboer. a consulting 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the club­ the boy and $1,000 for himself, bushels last year, 19 per cent tations; Mrs. Joseph G^tlleb, 445 HorKord Rd psychiatrist, will speak on ington tomorrow in Lexington, finance; Mrs. Henry Angel, ad- The large.st raid was carrled<|>- Mass. Zelser served on the USS house. Charlie Varrlck’s Orches­ for medicsil, surgical and dental ahead of 1963 shipments. out by 40 U.S. Navy A4 Sky- chewing gum, candy and school “Never Upset a R ell^ Seeking tra will play. ^ Employe.” Lexington from 1936 to 1937. hawk.s from the carriers Ctoral books. Restore Peace Sea and Midway. The planes In two separate incidents in Manchester Assembly, Order dropped about 100 tons of bombs central Viet Nam, Communist SANTO DOMINGO, Do­ of Rainbow for Girls, will meet on the Vinh military air field, land mines killed a U.S. Army Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Ma­ minican Republic (AP)—A 160 miles south of Hanoi. Special Forces man and seri­ five-man militai'y - civilian sonic Temple for the election of This was the second strike ously wounded two other Ameri­ officers. Officers and members OPEN THURSDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. qgainst an airfield in the three- can soldiers. ruling body installed in a are reminded to wear short month air war against the Com­ A Marine spokesman said an surprise move by the white dresses. ■ munist north. Earlier Vietnam­ eight-man group headed by a Dominican's military junta ese air force Skyraiders hit the lieutenant colonel went to the Le has called on Col. P'rancisco FLO W ER S 1 The planning meeting for the air base at Dong Hoi air field My village complex with five Presbyterian Vacation Bible near the frontier. A spokesman Vietnamese, including the re­ Caamano’s leftist rebels to School scheduled for tonight has did not say whether any Com­ Say “ I Love Yon!” better than anything gional and village chiefs and hell) restore peace and na­ been canceled. Lovely Lingerie munist aircraft were on the Interpreters. tional unity. ground. The Marines had no trouble in ’The Elders of the Presbyteri­ I ticn. Anlonio Imbert Barrerra RttlER GRAPES...... 39c lb. A U.S. Marine was killed the first hamlet, but as they en­ Friday night was named presi­ an Church will meet tonight at And nothing tells her that you do remember her better, than when Viet Cong guerrillas fired tered the second, they drew dent of the new group, which 8 in the church office. on a group of leathernecks tour­ heavy fire from a house, where TOMATOES Cello ...... 2 pkgs. 39c ing hamlets just outside Da 1 called itself a "government of Mrs. Katy Christman of Man­ these all-time lingerie favorites. Easy care fabrics, extravagant Nang air base, handing out (See Page Five) ; national recon.struction." Im- Premium ICE CREAM...... 1 /2 9®l* 8^® chester wiU give a demonstra­ I bert de.scribed Caamano a.s "a tion o f oil (Anting tonight at laces and trims.... gofid personal friend” with 7:30 at Mott’s Community Hall. 1 whom he was ready to talk at Laat Chance For APPLES In Large Quantities! I anv time. The Manchester Fine Art As­ I Caiimano, on the other hand, Native Aaparagua, Spinach, Rareripes, Rhubarb, Dandelions, sociation will announce the re­ Cong Hold American I claims that his forces .speak for Hothoose Toinstoeia, Squash, Green and Yellow Beans, Water- sults of the popular vote on their the Dominican Republic as its orran. Lettaoe, Com on Cob, Florida Potatoes, Egg exhibit at a “Sherry Hour” for legitimate govemnienl. He has Plant nnd Pena. members tomorrow at 6 p.m. at said that his re)>els will accept Mott’s Community Hall. Prizes no coalition government formu­ ALSO: Honeydews, Caataloapes, Rlbler, Almerla and Em­ wUl be awarded at this time. Searching for Brother la involving the military junta,. peror Ompes, Bose and D’AnJu Peam Strawberries, Limes, styles by Airborne Cuties Are ^Framed’ "We could not do this, not aft­ Papayas, XTgn Fridt nnd Mnnderin Oranges, The VFW will sponsor a sea- Recent graduates of American Airlines Stewardess er defending the coratituLion at (AP Photofax) tood night for members and SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP)—Donald Dawson, an the cost of nearly a thousand While 82nd Airborne troopers stand guard at a i*oad block, children in Santo American civilian searching the jungles for his lost School, the Coe twins of Kansas City, Mo., are lives, ” Caamano said. guests tonight from 6:30 to 12 “framed” to create this confusing illusion. Sandy’s Domingo play around an ancient field piece knocked out of action during re­ at the post home. pilot brother, is a prisoner of the Viet Cong deep in Other members of the new volt. (AP Photofax.) "THE KING Communist territory, according to a message reaching the one in the frame, Judy is outside. junta are Julio Pospigo. 61, a The VFW Color Guard will lawyer, lx)ok publisher and of Produce!" Saigon. participate in the Tall Odars of ■IWiUtAl /niit A Roman Catholic priest mayor of Santo Domingo in the PERO Lebanon parade tomorrow at 5 Dawson, 28, went into the jun­ regime of exiled ex-President gles almut two weeks ago with a friend, a Father Doan, then told 276 OAKLAND STREET a OPEN 7 DAYS a 64S-6S84 p.m. in Manchester. Dawson he had arranged (or Juan Bosch; Carlos Grisolia Viietnamese girl interpreter aft Poloney, 51, a provincial gover­ ar receiving word that the body him to meet the Communists to discuss returning the brother's nor under the deposed govern­ of his brother, U.S. Army Lt. Indians See Red ment of Donald Reid C3abral; Parade body. Daniel L. Dawson. 27, had been Alejandro Zeller Coco, 41, an found. Daniel was shot down in Dawson told The Associated COSMETICS Press then: engineer; and Col. Pedro B. Be­ a spotter plane several months noit, air force officer and hold­ FOB ago and hsia never been heard "It sounds pretty dangerous MOTHER’S; DAY and I don’t know what to think. Over Liquor Ad over from the three-man junta from. But I’m here to get Dan back which resigned Friday. FRESH FRUrr BASKETS Donald vowed to search (or V-E Day ARTHUR DRU6 and I’m not going to leave until Imbert, 44, did not explain him until he found him, dead or I succeed.” why the mlUtary junta resigned, alive. NEW YORK (AP)—Some irate American Indian or­ Dawson said the priest had ganizations went on the warpath agfiinst the Calvert but said the new g;roup was ap- BERLIN ( A f)—^Thousands of East German and So­ The gift of A fruit and deli­ Three weeks ago Donald, a agreed to go with him part of r"iatori ■~'f sworn in by Su­ merchant marine officer from the way to the rendezvous in the Distillers Co. (Calvert retreated. The-finly casualty-was preme Court President Julio viet troops joined forces for the first time to stage a I cacy basket is a time hon­ Costa Mesa. Calif., received jungle. The. priest had said the or^ cufitom. Each fruit in an ad. Acuello. joint military parade today through downtown East word that the remains of his Viet Cong insisted Dawson bring Protests from the Indian or­ sented 40,000 Sioux in North and (Jailed “Tony,” Imbert is one Berlin’s Marx-Engels Square. these baskets is a m agnifi­ brother had been found deep in South Dakota, as well as 640,0(k) of two survtvors of the band of Viet Ck>ng territory. (See Page Five) ganizations led Calvert to an­ The five-mile-long parade cent selection frmn the best other Indian citizens. plotters who ambushed and held in conjunction with cele­ whom participated in the World For-Get'Me-Not nounce FMday cancellation of a Calvert also had received pro­ killed Generalissimo Rafael growing areas across the nationwide advertising cam­ brations commemorating the War II capture of Berlin. SGROW tests from the National Con­ Leoidos Trujillo in 1961. His stat­ 20th anniversary of the defeat of TTie parade, featuring jack- country. Packed to order paign' depicting a warbonneted gress of American Indians in ure as a result of the Trujillo for every special occasion. the Nazis, ^displayed no -new booted, i-.stepplng East SLIP . Sioux brave raising a gla.ss of Washington; the Tribal Indian a.ssassination is regarded as pieces of military hardware. German irs by a 280- whisky. Land Rights Association of Tus- significant in the loyalist move White Poodle Is ^Top Dog’ Top ranking world Communi.st pound drui r and Rusriw 100% nylon tricot. . . adorned with The caption on most of the tih, Calif.; and Kato Valandra, to broaden the area for a possi­ soldiers in trucks Bid Gift and Delicacy Baskets chairman of the United Sioux ble agreement with the rebels. leaders on imnd to review the lUhSOI. a generously deep border, embroid­ advertisements read: "If the march included Soviet Premier tanks, sti with a 21-gun $10.00-$30.00 Around Justice Department Sioux had had soft whisky, they Tribes of South Dakota of Rose­ Imbert, a longtime friend of salute fire* y howltzer.s. ered all over with the delicately never would have called it fire­ bud, S.D. Bosch, was instrumental in Alexei N. Kosygin, Polish Pre­ curving tendrils of dainty forget- mier Josef Cyrankiewicz, Ea.st WWle the- parade wa-s in prog­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Af-doea as a New York senator. A water. The Indians didn’t call Maxwell Dane, vice president Bosch’s overthrow. He ascribed ress, U.S. Army hebcopters flew AH Fruit Box $7.50 and general manager of Cal­ to the complaint of . Gen. Elias German Communist party lead­ GEN. ANTONIO IMBERI me-nots. Scalloped inch-wide deep small controversy arose once whisky firewater for nothing. er Walter Ulbricht Red high over We.st Berlin territory, LAWN double net hem. Short and a v e r se poodle named "Beltor's White Why do you think they were vert’s advertising agency, Wessln y Wessin and other mili- .sufficiently near the border to Junta Leader Knlgtit” — or “King,” If you when it was pointed out that Doyle, Dane, Bernbach, Inc., army Marshals Va.ssily Chuikov Order at the store or by in sizes 32-40. White, blue or pink. government regulations ban all yelping all the time? But soft and Vassily Sokolovsky, both of observe the proceedings. prefer — has succeeded Robert whisky isn't for old squaws.” declined comment. (See Page Five) telephone—^^(Deliveries) but Seeing-Eye dogs from gov­ The Western Allies are ex­ FOOD F. Kennedy's Brumis as top dog ernment buildings. A spokesman for Calvert said pected to lodge a protest with at the Justice Department. Kennedy settled that by con­ the cancellation had cost about the Soviets against the parade.! Reed Quits Job The 8-year-old poodle — stlU tinuing to bring Bruml-s, a huge, $30,000 for scrapping printing Tbe United States, Britain and ' bearing ciaw marks from an ill- black Newfoundland, to work In plates and mats bearing the France consider all of Berlin, With GOP Group For-Get-Me-Not fated venture Into a bear's cage his official Hmouslne. There was portrait, plus “hidden costs.” East and West, an occupied city SHOP PINEHURST o/t the zoo — was led Into the nobody to say him nay, for he Large numbers of advertising Wilkins Jury Deadlocked, and therefore out of bounds for GREENWICH (AP) — <3ordon office of Atty. Gen. Nicholas was, after all, attorney general. cards and posters depicting the East German troops. W. Reed has resigned as chair­ PETTI SLIP Katzenboch Friday by Katzen- King Katzenbach, who' has tippling Sioux have been re­ Kosygin^ who shared the spot­ man of the state Republican SATURDAY 8 AJR. TILL 6 PJ^ Apply Sro-Sod... bach's wife, Lydia. tussled with Brumis in days moved from the New York sub­ light with Premier Josef Cyran­ Finance Oimmittee in protest past, was laid up for two days way cars and stations, the Tran­ kiewicz of Poland and Deputy over the party’s disavowal of Then Watch Your Lawn Now you can pamper your love of Kaitzenhach does not bring the Premier Lu Ting-yi of Commu­ the Connecticut RepubUcan Qti- dog to work with him, as Kenne­ recently after squeezing through sit Authority said. State Will Try Case Again pretty things with this matching the bars of the bear's cage at William Byler, president of nist China, used the occasion zens (Committee. firein Up and Stay Brain dy often did Brumis — and still the National Zoo. His goal: An Friday to blast the United Reed, who is chairman of toe Meat features for the day will be Large Fresh petti slip. Ideal for summer. Nylon the Association on American inviting chunk of meat. Indian Affairs, had lodged a HAYNEVILLE, A 1 a cult Judge T. Werth Thagard<^n $50,000 bond each on the fed- States for its mlUtary activities CROC, called the GOP State tricot with deep border and forget- It was the bear's property, declared a mistrial 24 hours and eral indictments and $10,000 on in Viet Nam and in the Domin­ Central C!ommitlee’-s recent ac­ me-not motif. Scalloped double net protest in telegrams to Calvert, (AP) — Alabama’s Atty. Chicken Breasts 59c lb. and Fresh Chicken Liv­ Fair Exhibitors however, and the bear b elt^ the Commission 20 minutes after he had put the the first-degree murder counts ican Republic. tion ”a stunning disservice 'to Here Is a high analysis fer­ hem. Sizes S, M, L in white only. Beltor’s White Knight for a loop. Gen. Richmond Flowers life of Wilkins in the jury’s in State Court. No trial date has “They (the United States) the party.” on Human Rights, the advertis­ 37»e wealthy Greenwlcli resi­ ers 69c lb. W e will feature our Chuck Ground tilizer that gives grass a Blame Troubles A friendly sort who shakes ing agency involved and many says a Ku Klux Klansman hands. been set on the federal charges. want to make capital out of the hands on command and recog­ of the outlets for the advertise­ whose murder trial ended The * first-degree murder Flowers expressed' belief that difficulties which have' arisen in dent was clo.sely identified with (the Hamburg with the college education) at quick boost, then feeds it nizes the attorney general of the ment. charge could have brought the even though the jury went home the world Scxiialist (Communist) Se pro-Goldwater wing of ttie regularly for weeks as its On Price Boost United States by the name in a deadl(Kked jury will be death penalty. without a verdict In Wilkins’ movement and it would be Connecticut GOP. ’’Daddy,” King has a stand.-in Byler said: "TTiese ads further tried again. Flowers, the state’s chief le­ trial, it may serve as a deter­ wrong to underestimate these He told RepubUcan State 75c lb. and regular Hamburg is a good value at urea-form nitrogen slowly NEW YORK (XP) — Interna­ as Justice Department canine. mock what was and is today a And, he said, "when people gal officer, said he expects the rent to Klan rfiembers bent on devious plan.s,'” Kosygin said chairman A. Searle Fbnney Kki- profound human t;-agedy begun releases. Light weight, con­ tional exhibitors at the New She ts "Jet” — short for "Jette realize that this Is not going to crewcut Klansman to be called racial violence. He apparently was referring ' day that he was resigning from 59c lb. ■ York World’s Fair are having d’Eau” — a black female stand­ generations ago through the use be swept under the rug as just to trial again in the fall term of "They know now that there to the ideologieal differences the finance committee chair­ centrated, economical. difficulty projecting their im­ of whisky. Derogatory adver­ another civil rights incident, court in September. was one FBI undercover agent between the Soviet Union and manship "because I can not ard poodle. tisements such as these impede Asgrow GRO-SOD for a age, and they blame it on a Apparently Katzenbach and that this is a murder trial, we Two other Klan members also in their ranks,” the attorney Communist China. He rejected condone your action in driving b ^ t in fair admission prices. his family will have little diffi­ the efforts of the most impover­ may get a conviction next charged with slaying Viola Liuz- general continued, "and there Swift Premium Bacon at 69c lb. and Premium Pranlui 59c superb lawn. “How can a foreign exhibitor culty smuggling King or Jet — ished groups of Americans to time.” zo of , Mich,, are may be others, "niey’re really (See Page Five) (See Page Five) lb. pkg. ore excellent volueo. project an image when there is or perhapn both — Into the aus­ help themselves build a better Ctollie Leroy Wilkins Jr. 21, of awaiting trial. Tlie charges going to have to reconnoiter and Only a handful of people to tere Department of Justice. life.” Fairfield, Ala., was free under against them also have been take Inventory. They won’t project It to?” ariced Col. NUs- TVo husky government In a telegram signed by its bonds totaling $60,000 after a carried over to the September know who might be an FBI in­ Magnus voh Arbin,. commlasion- vice president, Arthur F. Mur­ jury trying hipi in State Court term. Those defendants are Eu­ former and who isn’t.” guards — who Iqiter* acknowl­ phy, Calvert said: “Nowhere at •r general of the ^edieh Pai*!!- edged that they are quite famil­ for the killing of a white woman gene Thomas, 42, and William He referred to the disclosure In the Legislature Buy First Prize and Grote and Weigel Franks at lon. iar with regulations — were any time have we attempted to civil rights demonstrator failed Orville Eaton, 41, both of Bes­ that the state's key witness “If the fair admiaaion prices standing outside Katzenbach’s disparage any group. We can Friday to agree on a verdict. semer, Ala. against the chain-smoking Wilk­ the service case at the special price of 10c each. were lowered oa we have only say that we are sorry.” Ten of the 12 male jurors had The three Klansmen also are office on other business when ■The association said it repre ins was an admitted FBI plant aedeed,” he said, “mtlUons of Mrs. Katzenbach showpd up. voted for conviction. The other under federal indictment on civ­ In-side the Klan. Pensions at Age 55 Try a pound of assorted First Prize freshly sliced .more people would come to the They tipped their \caps — and “^two held out for acquittal. Clr- il rights charges. They are free The witness , Gary Thomas fair and give us 'the chance to one opened the door for her — Rowe Jr., identified Wilkins as cold cuts. show them what we came here without comment. r- the one whose bullets killed the (o show them.” Detroit mother of five children Asked for Lawmakers Von Arbhria chairman of (he I as she shuttled civil rights Princess International HhehiUtova Asao- I marchers back to Selma the HARTFORD (AP)—A- liberalized version of a con­ ciatlon which earlier this week Tiger in Gas night of March 25 following the troversial bill to provide pensions for state lesfislators START YOUR BARBECUE SEASON OFF WITH asked fair President Robert “freedom march” to Montgom­ SLIP Moaes to drop thq admiaaion ery. She had taken part in the has been recommended by the General Assembly’s Pub­ A TENDER CUT TO ORDER STEAK FROM PINE­ prices from $2.60 to $2 for aduUa O.K. But Not march herself. lic Personnel Committee. Figura-flattaring tlip of during tha daytline and to $1 in Rowe said he; Wilkins, Thom- The bill, which would provide limit is set at 60. If It were 65, HURST. ssuvette tricot, prettied the evening. M and Eaton were in the car $10Q a month pensions for legi-' 85 members would meet the [asgrow with a sheer fold. All ny­ Moaea aoid no. He ralaed tha from which the volley of pistol slators at age SS instead of 60 requirements in 1967. lon both fabric and deai^ price In the hope of helping to Boa in Dash shots was fired almost at point- as recommended by the Rules Van Raalte’a very own, as- make tq;) the fair's $1T milUon CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) -- blank range. But although he, (Committee, came as a suprlrse Fluorides aurtng you the same qual­ fiaficR of last year. too, had a gun, he said he didn’t when it was unearthed Friday. HARTFORD (AP) —Legihla- PINEHURST BANANAS 2 lbs. 25c ity found in costlier lin­ A tlgar in your tank may give The fair admlaaton price, added power, but a anake under use it. The Rules Committee bill was tive attempts to klM a regulathm Bra-Sod gerie by this fatuous crea­ which'’ Moaes raised from last your dashboard -— aspeclally a TTie two jurors who insisted made public several weeks ago. to fluoridate moat of Cbnnoctl-' tor of nice thlnga Short •eason’a $2, have been blsuited on acquittal were Dan Lee, a Both bills have the same pro­ cut’s public water suppUee are and avaraga in slaaa 32-42. seven foot boa constrictor—pre­ j.AWN r o n r " ) tn some quartern for a drop in sents a major mechanical prob­ Fort Deposit mechanic, and Bil­ visions, differing only in the seemingly dead. CUCUMBERS 3 for 25c" attendanoe tinder loot year lem. ly R. Cheatham, office manager age the legislator must ba to The House Puhtto Health ajM when fhe fair feE 18 mMion Four mechanics had to do (or a large lumber fabricator. receive the pension. They will Safety Committee, the last el* abort of Me expected total at- over three hours of ' snake Cheatham also Uvea at Fort De- go to the Appropriations Com­ flolal legislative hold-out, gaie tendance of 40 million. charming Friday w(ien a Boston Both men disavowed any af- mittee, which must p a n on all up Friday. Native Ameragua ... JiuJumbo CaUf. Beedkos matters requiring funds. O r tB fm hag c t “U the admisaione were \am‘ man drove Into Thibault Brda. (UiaUou wHh the JOan, but said The Committee's position had •red, mlHlona o t residenta of the garage with 4 boa entangled In they had Joined the pro-aegrega- Under -both bills, leglslatora bean that the laooe should be area would be able to come wlriss beneath tha dash. Uon White Otizena Council. must have eight years service decided'by toe Oenaral Anera- three and four and five times to 77>e driver said he was trans­ Che«Uham aald he la still a and must not m receiving other bly, not by a Stote Health De­ gee the fair,” Von Arbin said. porting tha snake tor a friend member; Lae, an ax-mamber. state pensions to qualify. Start­ partment regulatloq. “Instead, k they oe at a)l and . said it had gotten loose, and . "I didn’t accept his (Rowe’s) ing In 198T, members a t tha The rs65)totidB prorides that now, they come once and they slithered under the dash. toaOmcoy,’’ eoepiatned Cbeatlv (Seneral Assembly wiU contrih- water comps ntea serving M.OOl liave to run from one pavlUon to The garagemen tried tO 'lViM am, "not whan ha awnra before uta five per cant of their salary or more peranaa begin fluorktot- MANCHESTER other to get into aa many oa It out with neatr laoqpa, but Ihg Ood and broke hto oath.” He toward tha pension fund. tog by JoD. L 2661, and that Ky can in one day. reluctant r a 6 i i i • enuggled rafeivad to the KKK oath at. ae- Tharefmre, leglslatora serving those serving: $P,006 or PLUMBING and ' “So, you find people running around the wires as thouidithey creoy ■irtratnlafinil to the FBI thla year could collect penalona peraona begin hgr O ct 1, :h a foreign pavtilon ao wore Jungle vlnea. iatormar When ha Moen# a without eoMrihuttBC.to the hipfi Itodar m jnguhMIaB, 66 the people we brought F ln^ th» prtod gtt the mamker a t tha hooded order. If they do not rotam to $6VI< per omB 6$ OMOMOttoUfa | SU PPLY C O . from our bometands ooa't In th%current General laniifc wm66 ^have EBNZ8T LAB80N, Fn>. bolt tiMm kmg m tm i^ te b)y toare are 66 m enbere zrtto 877 Bbiw S t, Manf\yatar/ eouM qualify to 1667 It the to 4 «>.

V > I . ' ■ 1 . t 1 PAGE PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY «, 1966 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1965 •Wonders of the Universe- Judge^s Bride Sheinwold on Bridge South Windsor Ex-Pilot Held Harry Truman 81 Today Still Missing, After Impromptu AMERICAN TEAM CAPTAIN PICCOLO'S Balloon-Like Space Probe South dealer Search Fruitless IS MASTER IN OWN RIGHT NeMher side vulnerable Budget Additions Bomber Flight Million Dollar Gift Second By ALFRED SHEINWOLD NORTH To Uncover Venus Secrets LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP) — John Oarber, non-playing cap­ Spades — A-J-10-6-4-S (AP) — Former A judge whose bride of four tain of the 1965 American team Hearts — 4 fighter pilot JamM A. Ashdown, ______000- A buffet will be served at 8 At the airport he gave offi­ cherishes most — the study by scientists can launch a payload experiments which can be pur­ dress will be given by Maurice I The couple was slated to leave clubs. If West had started with let him get out with a whole only K-Q-3, he would have led This sum was requested for p.m, preceded by a social hour cials a scare before setting the scholars of the office of the of at least 1500 pounds from the sued with the probe that It mer­ Samuel, noted lecturer, scholar Friday for Hawaii. skin. presidency, of the Truman ad­ its serious and immediate con­ the queen of clubs at the sec­ the services of Brown, Donald at 7 p.m. Residents of South plane down safely. earth and have it clrcie Venus and novelist and author of "The Referring to reports in which and Donald, planning consul­ Windsor and East Windsor are ’’He was headed right into the ministration and of Truman In a 1000-mile orbit. This 1500 sideration in this country's World of Shalom Alelchlm," Mrs. Yager was described as an ond trick instead of the three For Shetnwold’s 38-page book­ of clubs. tants. The major part of the invited. tower,” said McCoy, FAA in- Wmself. pounds represents a minimum scientific objectives. "The Professor and the Foe-sil" heiress, the judge said. "She let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge," Tom L. Evans, one of the 'Die details for the execution Gerber saw, therefore, that work anticipated will be done Tickets may be obtained from formation officer. "We thought value, for if other types of or- and "The Second Crucifixion." would laugh at that ‘heiress' send 60 cents to Bridge Book, memberif of the committee; Mrs. he was coming through the former President's closest of these experimente are fasci­ no good could come of leading a Manchester Eve. Herald, Box on the revision of zoning reg­ bita can be tolerated, the pay- Atty. Bayer, who has been busineas." ulations and solutions of short- Gritzer, Joseph Gaulin, Joseph glass but then he pulled out and friends and treasurer of the load can be doubled. Once the nating. Dr. Gross indicates that nominated to his third term as He said she had told him: club to the third trick. Instead. 3318, Grand Central Station, Gerber shifted to a trump. Now range problems. Carlno stated Krawokl Jr., Miss Mary Nichol­ came in tor a Ian(ling." Truman Library Institute Ortiiter is circling Venus, it the Ibwt step, to be initiated by Temple Beth Sholom’s presi­ "Frankly, Tom. I don't have New York 17. N.Y. Board, solicited the money in command frcm eairth, will be South could ruff only two hearts that he hoped the councU and son and Edward Pastula. Mifs. Police detective Jacob Yoon HITES can dispatch a 500-pound cap­ dent, resides at 31 Gerard St. enough money to be an heir- Copyright, 1965 Geers Mark 25th Wedding in the dummy. Eventually, he the manager \mderstood the Claire Gritzer is chairman of quoted Ashdown: ’’I just had an 70,000 letters. Evans says the sule into atmosphere, which the Injection of the payload into with his wife, the former Lil­ e.ss. General FMturea Corp. urge to fly again.” Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Geer-^ the 1000 - mile circular orbit had to give up a heart trick, go­ amount of work being under­ the arrargements committee. response has been over­ will comprise a buyoant probe lian Slegal of New Haven, and Mrs. Yager was the adopted Exchange Club Meets have three children, Gordon whelming. "contributions from containing the instrument com­ around the planet. At a given ing down one. taken. of 85 Wetherell St. were hon­ their two children, Unda and daughter of the late William M The South Windsor Exchange Geer and Miss Barbara Geer, $7,500 to 25 cents.” signal, cetnothrust, that is, a You don’t have to be a tour­ FREE i r r - c a r HEATERS Because of the scope of the ored at a reception celebrating plex. Aaron. Jeffers, retired president of the Club will hold its dinner moot­ both at home and Mrs. Edgar He’ll announce the current The ability to place a floating rocket firing in the direction of He is a graduate of Trinity Union Pacific Railroad. She in­ nament expert to know that It’s work Involved it is anticipated their 25th wedding anniversary Butcher of Warehouse Point, motion, will be given to the in­ better to defeat a game con­ ing on Monday at Howard Open Forum total at the birthday luncheon probe into the Venusian atmos­ College and the Hartford School herited the bulk of his estate, that the commission will not be on Saturday, April 24. at Coop­ An employe of Pratt and attended each year by 100 or phere is directly linked to a de­ strument capsule, sending it into tract than to let your opponents MEADOWS”"'-'' able to complete ita program Johnson’s restaurant on Rt. 30. of Law and has served as valued at 6500,000, when Jeffers Following the dinner at 6:30 er Hall of South Methodist Whitney, Division of United more of Truman's friends. vice called a "Ballute.” This is an elliptical orbit with a cloeest prosecutor of the former Man­ make it. If our team sticks to James Bond Is as indicated. However, Carino Answers “Distressed Parent” died in 1953. tried and true principles of this a general business meeting will Church. Aircraft Corp., East Hartford, The luncheon, if tradition a specially shaped balloon dC' approach to the,, surface of 100 chester Town Court and as Yager, who earns J25.000 an­ Back .. . To Back! felt that the major portion of To the Editor, for 25 years, Mr, Geer is a mem­ miles. A singlie firing of the kind in the world championship be held. About 100 friends and rela­ holds, will be the informal type. sigiMd for reentry into an at­ town counsel. nually for his judicial duties, the revision could be completed "A Distressed F'arent” , writ­ tives from Syracuse and the ber of the Square Club at that solid-propellant retrorockets, re­ we may bring the Bermuda Truman enjoys most, with mosphere and ca b b ie << being said, "My income was far during Ihla fiscal year. ing in the May 6 Herald, ’’fail Manchester area attended the company. He is also a member -short, affectionate speeches, a Inflated to provide the neces­ sulting in a speed of about 1130 Bowl back to North America 007 South Windsor news this week tempted In the future. In the fu­ greater than hers. My contribu­ 007 ' Oouncllmon James Throws (s) to see how the TJerw Eng­ event which was planned by the of Manchester Lodge of Masons, cheer by his Wo^ld 'War I bud- sary buoyancy. feet per second, is sufficient to late In May tor the first time should be directed to Anne lish’ advocated by Mr. Hunt ture much larger payloads could tions to charity were far greater since 1964. questioned if application for Lyons, telephone 644-8582. couple’s children with the aid Scottish Rite Bodies, the Shrin- d i^ and the singing of earthy It Is desirable to stabiMie the begin the de-orbit maneuver. than hers." Federal assistance under Ihe will improve anything or any­ As the Instrument capsule ap­ be made available even to the Daily Question of Miss Hannah McCann and ers. Sphinx Temple Motor Pa­ parodies specially written for Ballute in the Venusian atmos­ The Yagers met through a Sean Connery (In Color) “ 701 Program” had been made. one. ’’Distressed Parent” de­ Mrs. Frank Bedell, both of Man­ trol, Temple Chapter of OES the occasion. proaches the low point of Hs or- extent of using the Saturn V as Partner opens with I NT (16 “From phere at temperatures of not ______the laundi vtfilcle. And with mutual interest in Catholic These funds would be used to serves the opportunity to un­ chester, Mrs. Geer's sisters. and the American Society of A white telephone 1ms been more than 160 degrees F. so bit the retrorockets will be jet' to 16 points), and the next play­ Russia charities. They were married er doubles. You hold: Spades, implement the commissions pro- derstand. I should be happy to Mr. Geer married the former Lubrication Engineers. His wife irmtalled at the head table for a Sunday in the private chapel of With Love" Good Concert talk with ’’Distressed Parent” nut on 'board the ttrobe The inflated, and after many circuits I possibility that ex^rtments K-9-2; Hearts. Q-8-S-2; Dia­ I gfram. The anticipated costs as Edna McCann on April 27, 1-940 ns also a member of Temple call from President Johnson — Atmos planet the orbit "^becomes , dealing with the search tor Mv- James Francis Cardinal McIn­ monds, 10-3; Clubs, A-7-4-2. HamioRO ,'t'KiscfiiiD upRissrtsr suggested by the planning com­ at any time in order to ex­ at South Methodist Church. The Chapter of OES. The couple are another fixture at the gather­ BE SURE . >IAMTICCT:)/e con ard English in tha Merriam- tlzniing in the tradition whirii study is in the best interests May 17. aelected. pounds. day. he said. Webster'Neiw International Dic­ T h t Ballute will drift around TW HUlinil Viner felt that the Hbrary he eeitabiished. John Mlnnlck, of our national strength in its SHADY There are so many unknowns . "I expected the acquittals — V Mon.-Sat. 7-9:25 BURNSIDE tionary, 'Hurd Eldltion, which war with foreign Ideologies. I eoncendng Venus which may be Venus much as a high balloon San Francisco is sophisticaited” budget cut was excessive in Linda Johannson, Jeanot Wlr- records the changes under dis­ Duplicate Bridge uncovered with a buoyant probe moves in our atmosphere. Were J^^Sun. Cent. 2 P.M. view of the attempt to up-date | ^ * 5 Susan Kopphn w «^ subrfiit that factors such as said defense attorney MeMn cussion. I applaud “Distressed these do not repres^t a "beat that it appears this probe will j there no winds the Ballute would Belli, celebrating with his the library services. featured as soloists vrith the Parent’s” choics; I suggest Results in a duplicate bndge GLEN be most rewarding. Hanging remain roughly stationary over clients at the Off Broadway. on,, t-,,.™, proup in vartous numbers, all English staff." game last night at the base­ ANTHONY QUINN • IRENE FARAS • ALAN BATES • acquitting themselves credit- his linguistic position and inine May I repeat my earlier of­ high above the surface of the the surface, but because of the "This is a free country," said are nowhere nearly so far ment rooms, 39 School St., were; planet it can map the magnetic ! high temperatures Indicated, it Sprague acted as stu- fer to discuss those develop­ North-South, Joseph Marcello Judge Leo R. Friedman before apart as he believes. ments with any group interest­ field as a function of time and Is highly probable that there he told the jury to return a ver­ UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT and Jack Descy, first; C. R. Co- QUALITY later as soloist with the full There are many easily avail­ ed? I have written and spok­ altitude. It can determine the may be vicious winds on the dict of acquittal. "I think we basis and a head librarian Is able books (in inexpensive pa- vill and Rusesll Grani.ss, second; type and density of radiations planet to whip the Ballute overj \m II chorus. en widely on this subject al- and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Mc­ have a right to pick and choose !^n Walt Slmmem on bass and ready, and I welcome further ...AND VARIETY from the sun. It can detect mi- the surface, what we want to read and see." (Co-Ordinated Greek Council, I Carthy, third. ;a I JI -^ 1 r. Jerry Cambria on drums pro- ^“4" ' opportunity. I may be reached Also, East-West, John Perry crometeoroids. It can determine > The completion of a mission of Judge Friedman said that no grant from a local foundation. rtiythmlc accompanln^^ent dam ^tal H ^ Ie d g e llnguls- - — the extent of the Venu-sian ion this type could well set the stage et my home in Vernon, or at and Dwight Perry, first: Mr. and Mother’s Day calls for sfMnething one forces patrons to attend Funds from this grant may for the group in a "Swingle Sing- tic change. Of theon all, because toe high school. I shall be ad­ osjrfiere if one exists. Probably ■ tor other experiments to be at- night clubs and that “ I don't Mrs. Fred Penny, second; and SPECIAL in the way of dessert— be in excess of the amount era” version of a Bach Bouree completeness and schol- dressing the South School PTA Mrs. Connie Mason and Burt consider the human body lewd Presents — cut. The total amount of the re- ajid favorite ’’Dry soundness, I will recom- on this subject next Tuesday so make it Shady Glen Ice Cream. or obscene of itself." IIBBEAT! “1964’$ Flnett Film” | Cai-Lson, third. ductlon for books is 84,040. , Bones.” During the latter tune “ Essays on Language and evening at 8. I suspect they The game, spon.sored by the Shady Glen Ice Cream IS SPE­ Night club' owners Friday Mayor Egan observed that Cambria was kept th' 7hly would welcome guests as audi­ STANLEY WARNER night eaid "ever>'one's gone top­ Mancliester unit of the YWCA, CIAL! It has a special quality that if STARTS TODAY ir the council is a'ware of the dire occupied by an assort' ■ • i «t 1 ™ UConn English tors, although a call informing is played each Friday, beginning less on the atrip." straits of toe town libraries. He hardware from wWch he coaxed D e p a r^ n t, and Kenneto Wll- all mothers appreciate and there Double' The Fun * them you are coming might at 7:45 p.m. George Perry of The verdict in Judge Fried­ also stated that the school li- oda and owners non-exl.stent not too many years linguistic change from lan^age given us by the mod GIno Del Prete and Peter Mat- LITTLE g igo. There has been an litcroase S S rm n S lf w^r^ enjoyably written pages. ern science of linguistics. May CANDY ’n GIFTS ti<^l of tha Condor Club were Especially for her own very special day, take her ^ almost 100 per cent In toe Whether "Distressed Parent” I thank The Herald and “Dis­ acquitted of identical charges out to dinner. She’ll appreciate “time off” and en­ la-st two or three years, he changes his Hngulatlc position tressed Parent” for assisting in upon instruction of Judge Le R - \ .aid. musii^ly unao^lstlca^ modem one or not is un- ARTHUR DRUG joy the food. tots worthy enterprise. You Can Taste The Quality land Lazarus. RICHARD ~ Albert noted that toe budget Poulenc writes that important; toe horizons of our Sincerely, A deputy di.strict attorney as recommended by tot council performance em eig^ language are far-flung enough Gilbert B. Hunt, v LEGAL BEVERAGES was almost the some amount with gay, good humor. Fbr include all variations of Routes 6 & 44A — Manchester, Conn. TCCHNIOOUWr ai nS«iiiAWTim said he would decide Monday Chairman "DR. NO” 3:25-7:80 “ Rl'SSIA" 1:30-5:26-9:25 whether to drop charges against "LONG TALL SALLY" an laat y^ar with th« exception ®ome unknown reason the audi-; view. ^'Dlstreased Parent" has Department of Englleh, other topless performers and BREAKFAST SERVED SUNDAY MORNING of the salary for the hee^ M- found it hum oro^ when ©very right to believe as he 9e e s Manchester High School. Ipwner.s arrested in last! month's brarian. | U'r®* performers had to turn concerning the validity of SUN.! "DR. NO” 1:60-7:86 "RUSSI^” 1:45-5:40-9.26 police raids of a dozen - San Mrs. Shirley little,, librarian, I P®8T*6 simultaneously, and tji,, new dictionary's sanctions MURROM ESTATE Francisco night spots. TEL. 649-4684 said libraries irtiouW be oonsld- U>ere were guffaws in the .m j the findings o t modem lln- NEW YORK (AP) — Edward ered tools to work with hi con- auditorium. Don't ask me why. I gulstlc scdence. R. Murrow, Internationally fa­ The combined choirs were “ Area Weather THREE J'S RESTAURANT ALSO Junction with toe town’s fine When "Dlstreesed Parent” mous newscaster and former school system. V'ery impressive and came up descends to too level of name­ head of toe United States In­ ROUTE 6 and 44A— BOLTON Town Manager Terry Spren- with some excellent diction and calling, he is on less firm formation Agency who died WINDSOR LOCKS (AP) ptanlssimos. Probably the high Fuel Storage High pressure centered off the kel sUted in his budget mes­ grourid. His characterization of April 27 of lung cancer, has left CLYDE MePHAHER sage that many programs de­ point of the evening was a toe entire Manchmter High an estate estimated at $950,000. Maine coast was producing a JR. WALKER group of three numbers dedi­ southeasterly (low of cool ocean ferred last year are incorporat­ School English Department as Papers filed Friday in the cated to the memory of Mr. Taking Up Space? McCONVILlE air over Connecticut today, ac­ "TREASURE OF LOVE" "SHOTGUN" ed Into the current budget. "beat” (■which I understand to probate of his will showed he Plus Bonus Lata Show These deferments were made Pearson. It Included Persichet- be a derogatory use of toe left the entire estate fot the ben­ cording to the U.S. Weather U’s setting of "Siun Was A Change To Convenient m irBcam m iim sm N o u f Bureau. TONIGHT— due to the transitional year. tenn) shnply does not stand efit of his widow, the former The flow of air was expected He observed that South Wind- Man” by e. «. cummlngs, up. Among toe fine and schol- Janet Huntington Brewster, and "WEEKEND WITH LULU” Mr. Pearson's own “ Bo Thou bo Shift to southwesterly later oof was no longer a rural com­ ariy ladles and gentlemen who his only son, Charles (jasey today, causing the clouds, to munity but en integral and im­ My 'Vtalon” . and Haydn’s noble people this department are a Murrow, a freshman at Yale GAS HEAT portant part of the Greater chorus from The Creation, "TTie CORSAGES thin out somewhat and allowing You Chuckled At “ Carry On Constable” teacher who is also on the fac­ University. rOTTED FLANT^ temperatures to rise. Hartford urban Area. Heavens Are Telling.” Here P. STOLTZ, INC. You Laughed At “ Carry On Teacher” Sprenkel said he strongly urg­ there was absolute sincerity $1.00 and up AT REASONARLiE A more significant weather PLUMBING a HEATING OPEN chsuige will occur Sunday, the You Screamed At “ Carry On Nurse” ed restoration of toe cuts mode and excellent artistic integrity. weatherman said, with a torther — You Will Roar At — by the council In order to pro-, ‘But what of TTie Junior 668 Park St., Hartford CUT FLOWERS PRICES wind shift to the west. ’This Is vide residents of the town with Round-Table SingemT" you For The Season “ CARRY On SPYING” services to meet the needs of a may ask. The answer is, I don’t SUNDAY BREAKFAST SPECIALS 247-2651 expected to bring In a warm 55 Venn of Service AND lOUQUETS air mass from west of the Ap­ xapldly growing community. know. There was so dam much DINE IN OUR BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL GAROBIIAS palachian Mountains. at a * He said the budget represents noise throughout their efforts Free Eatlmatea $2.50 up the minimum amount of funds that I couldn’t haar a thing. CAYEY'S :.!r J-' xequired to openwte the munfcl- lAiM im iir ^ wil government. <^|ffl!e!!h(i|iiie - r GERANIUMS HYDRANGEAS TIMi Y U «0 Moooa Conferring Degrss fieiecolineseciefigenis . The Travelere Insurance Oo. Installation Set 3 for $1.00 and up Ht-FideUty Stereophonic Music MUM PLANTS Sp m M AM mI AttracHen — THE SPINNERS Degree Team wiU o o ^ r a Moo­ with TAFrS LOG CABIN OPEN ter Madon Degree at Evergreen By Bowers PTA Master of Ceremonies— DICK ROBINSON Lodge 114 on Monday at 7:80 8 PANCAKES 2 ECOS PANSIES FOR ^ I p.m. . Bowan School PTA will In- Bynip and Coffee Tenet and Coffee ANTIQUES 59c boilMf ROUTE 85 Golden Club Meets ■taU new offlcars at the year’s FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1965-9 P.M. The Siuth Wlndoor Garden LEiANON CONN. ADVANCE SALE 12.25 final meetinc, Tuesday at 7:80 ★ l » t ★ PIZZA ORib wm meet Monday at 1:80 p.m. 39c 39c TICKETS AVAILABLE: p.m. Mm. Adelma Shnmono of An operalita, “17n Myeteiy of ANNIVERSftARY • LEOAL BEVERAQES Owentry wW preoent the pro­ Double Bar 8 Ranch,’’ wUl be During thle Pri., tbit, nnd nt the FARKADE Sun., May 7, 8 and 9, Albert N. Jomnseii Auditorium Box Office 9:00-4:00— O r :. gram enttUed "Luncheon and mveented by Um fourth gnMe. AFTIR 4 P.M. Open ALL DAY Sunday ~8-8 10% DISCOUNT through­ MB ^ ^ fsa a ai^ t A .lea* s/-xS?"aa«i6 P l ^ Clip tlua Coupon and EncloM with Check and self-addressed envelope Iiwture at OapeUandi Kerti 17m piece ia the creation of Mixed Poll aed Baskets For Tbs CMMtsry Are Readf • FINE FOOD Mlae Sylvia ClofUn of the Bow­ out entire etoro! PITS'BLTO' CRE'ATBaf! ...II Name ...... Woroen’t American ORT ers ataft. Rafraehmeiita wtti ba We would Uice to expreee SUNDAY MAY 9 S treet...... apanoor a square deace bemgnt sarved. oar appreolnUon to our FOR RISiRVATIONS a th e Wapping Biementary ouetoiqera who Ipkve pa­ G R » H O U S iS C ity ...... S ta te ...... •...... Zip ...... School. The dance wW begin at tronized our Plaee busi- T IL 4234)254 8:80. Dick Zimmer will be the Domestic Tea Sought aeea end n n iwepottelble AND reORIST Ploaao make chodu «r money orders payable to The Univeraity of Conn. for the enecieoe we bnv« McCONVILLE oaUer. Mm. Melvin Stein may be THREE J’S ' Mail to: Mr. Michad Brotman, Manager eontaotod for ftnrther htfonna- B8 RKBUDT. OolU.—Univeew ei^oyed . Aibort N. Jorgonaon Auditorium tkm. atty at OaUfonUn < n 302 WOODRRIDGE ST. RiSTAURANT arc 4& v m IMEm o(' WILUAM H. TAFT Storia, O nui. 06268 CarWaelj.Set |8« HAJMfO«D RD. ■auto « m U 44A, HiritMi A ear wwh wauipoow r^ tm . 69 itfO N|Rr t f i 9 B | For fUrthar Infomatioa ca^ 429.9821 E at 441 . OPBN IVniINGS AND SUNDAYS a o o N i “HAh l o i t '. on; T


Rockville IRmtrl^patpr who played football at WeSt^Point or Area Churches Tall Cedar Variety Key Police Arrests Women Hear Wilkins Jury Deadlocked^ Annapoiia. x Obituary But it was an assumption speemofny IMniW larthsraa Chnroh S t FVaaels o f Driver Charged . l|prald •78 EOtaigta Bd., State Will Try Case Again questioned by the epeclal A ir Fofeq^ Churches SB Preapeet St Parade Set To Appeal of James W. Havens, 18, of 31 Two Speak F0BLIBHED BY TBS BoekvOle ScBt^ Windsor Chorlee A. IMLonne’’ MattihidI Rd., was c h a rg ^ with With 9 Counts WEltAt.n FRINTINO CO., m e. Oommittee investigating the recent un- Baptist CXnreli First Ohnteh o ( CBiM, Onirek of flw Bev. DavM P. Sonar, DJk, Bev. Gordon B. Wodhams, BOLTON — Chorlea A. De- carrying a dangerous weapon. ’ (Continned from Page Oiw) we were ignorant to be token la IS Btn«Il StTMt pleasentnese at the A ir Force Academy. 688 E. Oeotor St. Adams Bt. and llionipsoii Bd. Mancheirttr. Conn. Seteallst Paator At 5 Today VSCGA Band Patrobnon Charles Momeau ap­ On Povetty by that kind of thing.” Rev. Alex H. .Pastor Lorme, 64, of 384 Lake St, died A Rockville man, charged THOMAS F. rtiROUSON The committee, in its report, said that Ml N. Main St B «v. Frands J. MXtolak Bev. JolHi E. Blkteraltts, prehended him with a knife of with a total of nine motor ve­ He said "m e and him pretty Murphy blamed lilmseK tor WALTER R. FERQUSOM BOnleter Paator yesterday at Manchester Me­ it had examined directly the queatlon of 8 o.m., Churdi Service. Ser­ AasIstoHl Pastor illegal length In his possession hicle violations, was released well are on the same side.” the failure to win an acquittal, Publishers 11 a.m., Sunday service, Sun- Toll Cedars win parade on By HAROU) E. TURKINGTON About 70 women heard the * Founded October 1« i m Brnr. Eriwat J. Ooppa mon: ’ ’Suggestlana for Law- morial Hospital. on Pearl St. about 4 this morn­ on $600 bond yesterday for A strong plea for white supre­ and predicted his client would whether or not football players turned 9:S0 a.m., Church School for diw school and nursery. MSsSM at 6:48, 7:48, 9, 10:16 Main St at 5 o’clock this after­ The United States Coast Rev. Herbert Smith and Robert ^ .... ‘ ‘ ' ' '* Bom in Melrose, M o m ., he ing. court appearance on May 25, macy by Klan attorney Matt H. be found innocent when tried out to be better officers, and found "no all ages. Oassee through Orads 'The question of odtether man­ Masste at 7, 8, 9:16. 10:M hreakbig.” Vater discu.ss the topic "People. Publlahed Every Evening Except Sundgya 9 a.m., Sunday Bdiool and and 11:80 a-m. noon, opening the Diatriet 16 Uved in Bolton for 15 years. He Guard Academy Bond come Havens has been summoned He was presented in East H art­ Murphy Jr. of Birmingham an­ again. 4 will haim. an axpanded aea- kind can ootuofly exist without and U;48 a.m.. Poverty and Plenty” at the na­ •od Holldayi. Entered At the Poet Oftlce At significant relationship to exist, either was permittee of the lA M HaU to appear at the Manchester ford Circuit Court. tagonized some on the Jury, said ” I tried to win this one on the Mtacheiter, Conn., aa Second ClAee MaU Sion. Ood will be ex p lo re In depth Adutt Bible Oass. Spring O.remonlal. The district back to the Manchester area tional observance of May Fel­ In favor of the football player or ad­ 10 a.m., Qiurch Service. S t Maurioe Church, Boltoa includes forests from Manches­ in East Hartford. session of Circuit Court 12 on Lloyd H. Sinclair, 26, of 87 Edmund Sallee, a farmer from state’s evidence and on crosiF Matter. 10:80 a.m., Worship Servics. at oil Christian Science ch u i^- 8t. Barttioloihew*B Ohnrdi last ikght tor the fifth successive lowship Day yesterday at 8:80 p.m., WaJther League. Rev. Bernard L. MeGurk, ter, West Hartford, WUUmantic Survivors include his mother, May 24. Talcott Ave., was arrested ear­ nearby Letohatchie and one of examination alone,” said the verse to him.” Service of dedlcatlm for babies ss. The subject is "Adam and Rev. FhtUp Hussey, Pastor Paator year, and not the touith, ea was Emanuel Lutheran Church. The SUBSCRIPTION RATIOS and Danielson. Mrs. Delia DeLorme of Malden. Oliver R. Roberts, 78, of 14 ly yesterday morning by Rock­ those who voted for conviction. defense lawyer. himself a The reason the oommittee of inquiry and parents. S e rm ^ : "Faith Fallen M an." The Reeponslva Rev. Richard O. Bollea theme of the program, spon­ Payable In Advanca S t John’s Episcopal Obmoh promoted in the pre-concert no­ Arch St., was charged with fail- ville Patrolman Thomas ”I think a great many of us Klansman. "The next time I ’ll $33.00 and M arriage." N u rsi^ . Reading Includea tMs Une from, C. Leroy Norris, pest Grand Maas.;-e atepson, Donald Mas­ sored by the United Oiurch One Year ...... directed itself to this question was that Aaatstant Paator Masses at 7, 8:80, 10 and tices. It matters not how many ur-e to drive upon the right Sheehan has charged with two put on some testimony and blow Six Months ...... 11.00 6 p.m.. Senior High Felrawshlp Jamee 4: 8. The theme is oar-' R t 89, Vernon Tall Cedar of Nutmeg Forest, is sey of Framingham, Maas.; Women of Manchester, was to were insulted,” Sallee com­ lYireo llonUu ...... 6.60 11:80 a.m. times they have been here in hand roadway; he was observed counts o f evading responsibil­ this cose out of the water.” It found that football plasrers and other will plan a retreat. ried throu ^ In the Bible Leeaon Rev. Jamee L. Grant Rector general chairman. Whit Merritt three daughters, Mrs. Salvatore discover the extent and nature mented. "H e must have thought One Month ...... 1.U Masses at 6:40, 7t40, 9, 10:10 the past, but only that they con­ driving In the wrong lane of E. ity and operating a motor ve­ "recruited athletes” made up approxi­ 7 p.m.. Junior and Senior H l'^ to the final citation from Psatana to parade marshal, and his Orlando o f Hartford, Miss San­ of poverty on the community and 11:80 a.m. Sacred Heart Church tinue to visit us in the future. Center St. last night. hicle without a license. Police Baptist Youth Fellowships. 87:6. Related readings from 7:48 a.m., Holy Communion. aides, all Past Grand Tall Ce­ dra DeLorme and Miss Brenda MEMBER OF mately half of the 105 cadets who ulti­ R t SO, Vernon Tile baiKtsmen and Director Wil­ Patrolman Raymond MMzone said that Sinclair was involved level. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ( ‘Science and Health wMh Key to 9 a.m., Holy Communion, sei> dars, ■•U’e Gustave Peterson, Jack DoLoi-mc, both of Bast Hart­ Vater, spokesman for the mately resigned from the Academy over 8L Bridget’s Oharoh Rev. RaliA Kelley, Paator liam Broadwell share that feel- issued Roberts a court sum­ in an accident on Prospect St. The ABAoclAted Press is exclusively entlUed the Scriptures" by Mary Baker men, olaeees, babysitting. Gordon, Joseph Lutz and Robert ford; a brother, Richard De- Manchester contingent to Selma, Cong Capture U. S. Civilian to the use of republiCAtlon of All news dle- Jehovah’s Witnesses Bev. John J. Delaney, Paator Rev. Patrick SnUlvan irig; they like the reception they mons for May 24. Sinclair was turned over to the recent cheating scandal. Biddy will Include these Hnes: 10:46 a.m.. Morning Prayer, King. Lorme of Malden; and four Ala., stated that "seven per cent pAtches credited to it or not otherw'lee credU- Kingdom Hall Rev. Stanley T. HaattOe Aaalatant Paator get, their appreciative audi­ GlUzabeth S. Coleman of Bol­ state police who charged him . p Ad In this pAper And Also the IocaI news pub* Not finding that athletes necessarily p. M : 6 - 7. semon, dasses, babysUtlng. The parade formation is at grandchildiem. TM North Main St Rev. Dennla R. Hnsaey ences, and the acquaintances ton was charged with disre­ with evading responsibility, of the families in Manchester Searching for Lost Brother JUsh(^ here. Wedn4a^y, 8 p.m.. Testimony Wednieeday, 10 a.m., Holy Charter Oak Park and the Funeral services will be held All riehts of republlcAllon of spedAl dlA- made better officers, the oommittee Mossos at 7:80, 8:80, 10 and they have mode. garding state traffic control no operating a motor vehicle while are living in poverty. A start is 4:30 p.m., Bible group dlscds- meeting. ■ MtasMa at 7, 8, 9:10, 10:80 and Communion. route is north on Main S t to Monday at 10 a.m. at the New ­ being made, though,” he said, pAtches herein Are Also reserved. thereupon made one of its recommen­ Friday, 9 a.m.. Holy Oommu- 11:16 a.m. Last night they performed in passing signs and markings under the influence of intoxi­ Sion of the Watchtower maga­ Reading Room hours at 7M Noon. the Masonic Temple, where kirk and Whitney Funeral and was ordered to appear in "for this summer a pre-kinder­ (Continued from Page One) dations a suggestion for a little lees nton. marchers will be reviewed by Home, 318 Bumaide Ave., East the auditorium of Rockville cating liquor or drugs, two The Hereld Printing Company. Inc., aa- zine article: "The Love That Main St., excepting legal holi­ St. Bernard’s Church court on May 24. counts of operating a motor garten education program for _jm es no flnAnciAl responsibility for tj-pc- Tall Ceat "pieople need to Rev. K. Ejnar Rask, Paator 9:80 a.m., Bjmday School for Home.” Nursery through Grade p.m. Police Investigating the acci­ Associated Press, "you’ll know 'tJSibllcatloa except Saturday — » Am. fields of Eton. One oan be sure he Was son, 238 Union St.; Charles too many of the heavyweights, tions persi.sts and the union will pear in Rockville Circuit (Dourt know that you care” and that The Preebyterlan Church on age gm ^. 4. ” we need action and not just dent then issued a court sum­ we re In trouble. I can’t think df not referring to the mere physical 10:80 a.m., Sunday School and Hicklng, 138 W. Center St.; aa band musicians are wont to appeal to the board of education Tuesday on charges of tamper­ 9:30 a.m., Sunday School with 48 Spruce St. 10:45 a.m., HoKness Service. 6:30 p.m., Methodist Youth word*.” The minister concluded mons to Wayne R. Birdsey, 19, anything you can do to help ex­ Saturday, May 8 Nursery. Quest Speaker, Rev. TTiomaa Hoboth, 23 Harlan call some symphonic works or- at its meeting Monday at 8 p.m. ing wltii a motor vehicle and as- prowess of his officers, but rather to class for kindergarten through Rev. James L. Ransom Nursery services available. Fellowship. with these words: ” In this land ordering him to appear at the cept sweat it out for us.” Minister 6:30 p.m.. Prayer 'Service. William J. Robbins; "What’s Ave., Rockville; Neil Johnsom, igrlnally scored tor orchestra. in the Bennet board room. •srult. their exemplification of a certain code adult. Monday, 7:18 p.m., Prayer Personal Noticea School Supt. William (Durtis, Raymond, presented in East of plenty, we must commit our­ Manchester session of Circuit 7 p.m.. Salvation Meeting. Happening to Mother?” Tolland; James Melon, 16 New­ The audience reacted as ex­ of conduct and their adornment of a 10:48 a.m., Morning Worship. and discueeion time. Hartford Ciroult Court ye.st.er- selves to God so that we will Court 12 on May 24 to answer B;30 a.m., Sunday School with Thursday, 7:80 p.m., .BiUa man St.; Steven Slater, Carter pected to the selections from with the approval of the board, i The U.S.A., The O.A.S., The U.N. Sermon: "A Mother’s Creed.” has been taking a firm stand day, had bond set at $200 .and have the courage to stand by a charge of reckless driving. civilization and culture worthy of ths Nursery. nursery through ^ u U classes. Study. Taloottvllle Congregational St., Bolton; William Waallef- Mary Popptns, not only because Vernon Methodist Church In Memoriam rejecting the union’s Uberal va­ was o'-dered to appear Tuesday. our convictions.” Birdsey, who said that he last .sacrifice on the field of battle. 7 p.m.. Annual Mother’s Day 10:45 a.m.. Worship Service. Church Rt. 80 sky, 79 Main St,, Rockville; of its recent success and the I The Interplay between three aeta of cation demands. The incidents reportedly took A worship service on the probably fell asleep at the Juzf In! program. The Rev. Walter Sermon, “ Day of Vision,” by the Center Congregational Orarch Rev. Robert K. Shlmoda, In lovlnc memory of our father. Mrs. Anne Millis, 10 Durkin fact the music is so well known, ‘ Inltlala. the U.8.A., the O.A.S. and the These would have been the same vir­ Rev. Morton A. Magee At the last meeting Curtis told place on Vernon Ave. Thursday theme of poverty was conduc­ wheel, first left the road about Steen of New York City, guest Rev. Mr. Ransom. NurcMry and United Ctauvh of Christ Minister Auzuet Schubert, who poMed away St.; Mrs. Ellen Ferguson, 48 but because it enjoyed the work May tt. 1962. the board that the town had ted by the Rev. C. Henry Ander­ 1 a.m. at Center and New Sts., i U.N., has now been going on for 20 tues all of us would like to ^ pre­ speaker. ChiKlren’s Churches. ' I I OKnter St. South St., Rockville; Mrs. Irene of the percussion section in sup­ night. Patrolman Jack Reich- 9 and 10 a.m.. Worship Serv­ granted the same union longer son, pastor of Emanuel Lu­ while eastbound on Center St. FANNY ! years, and It makee an Interesting served on the playing fields of America, Monday, 7:80 p.m., Inquirer’s 7 p.m.. Evening Service with Bev. Clifford O. Simpemi, 11 o.m., Wonriiip Service and Lonely are our hearts today. Grlnavlch, 71 Summer St.; plying aill the various back­ enbach made the arrest. ice and child core. Sermon by vacations. The union provides theran Church, before the pro­ The car climbed over the curb Class. hymn sing, sacred verse and Minister Sunday School. Sermon, "Marka For the one we loved moM dearly Robert Kjellqudst Sr., ToUeiid; grounds to the music. Whereas ] story, Ulustratlve of the more perverse in an atmosphere and context which the pastor. From this world »-as called away. both the town and the school gram, and $.52 was collected in bent over the street sign, missed Tuesday, 1 p.m.. Ladles’ special music. Paator Ransom Rev. Joseph H. Dudley, of a Christian Home.” Recep­ Mrs, Agneh Secor, 144 High St.; ■the section usually is handled I Wrd of human ingenuity. could also, now and then, produce a 9 a.m.. Church school tor system with custodians. Curtis a free-will offering to benefit a tree by two feet and con­ FARMER Prayer Fellowship. begins series on Personal Evan­ Associate Minister tion of hew members. Children and GrandchUdreo Kaaill Fialkoff, Hartford; Miss by four men, K takes six to pro­ Nursery, kindergarten. Grades 1 asked and was given support in Special Service the work of the Manchester and tinued acro.ss the lawn of the \ Stated all too simply, but, we be- touchdown. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Mid­ gelism. "Popular Ideas About Rev. Francis C. Hawes, 7 p.m.. Pilgrim Fellowship, through 4. Kathleen Cambell, 191 McKee duce this piece. The music was rejecting such a vacation plan. state councils of United Church Baker Insurance Agency, bar­ week Service. Soul Winning.” Minister of Religious Edneatioa 10 a.m.. Church School tor In Memoriam St.; Edward Swanson, 130 Pearl grand; so was the background, J Meve, without any essential affront to Novlf (he union has asked to Set at Church Women. tering a sign on the lawn ad­ CHOCOLATES Friday, 7 p.m.. Junior Hi- Wednesday, 7:80 p.m.. Mid­ First Congregational Charch Grades 6 through 8. St.; Virginia DeHor, 26 West­ and attracted tha largest ap­ * tlie truth and real Intent of the action In loTl: appeal over his decision. Curtis Mrs. Abram Sangrey of the vertising the firm. League Activity Night. week Bible Study at the Manse. 8, 9:16 and 11 a.m.. Worship United Cbiuvh of Christ 7 p.m., Methodist Youth Fel­ inc memory oi Susie Rose minster Rd.; Harold Henry, 56 plause. Parker who passed away May t. and the union negotiators have United Methodist (Siurch, Bol­ The vehicle then crossed a » of thoee Involved, this is the way the re- On Hating: Hat« Topic: "What About Ufe in Ser^ce. Sermon: “ For This Andover lowship. Seaman (Dir.; Otis McCann, 82 St. John’s PdWsh National FOR 1961. But my choice for the best been working on the contract ton, chairman of (Christian So- driveway and an adjoining lawn ‘ lationiAiip between the three, the Unlt- Heaven?” CWM I Pray.” Pupils of Pri- Rev. Raymond H. Bradley Jr., Russell St.; Robert Ollvera, 60 work o f the evening has to go (Datholic Church has planned a That Long Island Congressman who St. Mary’s Episcopal Chnrcb laovtnf memoriM die, since January. ini its curving path before it ■ ed States, the Organization of American mary Department will attend Pastor First Lutheran Church never Lenox St.; Edward Steele. 999 special mother’s day service for Relations for the Manches- MOTHER'S DAY Church and Park Sts. Ae time coee on and dayi pass by to the finale, Verdi’s Manzoni ter Council of United Church cipMtlpIed up against a utility has the idea of organizing all the na­ Second Congregational Church church. Rockville Main St.; Mrs. Elsie MeVey, 34 Other major items on the tomorrow. There will be general ^ States, and the United Nations pro- Rev. George F. Noetrand In our nearU preckMia memories Requiem. The reading of these Women was chairman of the pole near Newman St. The im­ tion's moderates into a special organi­ 888 N. Main St. 9:18 and 11 a.m.. Church 9:45 a.m., Church Seboof. Rev. WUHom H. Balkan are kept j Flower St.; Oliver Chartier. 169 agenda follow. confession at 8:15 a.m. \rith the Rector excerpts and the Interpretation event. She was assisted by Mrs. pact of the collision snapped the j greased: Rev. M. Davis, Minister School. Crib Room (9:16 only) 11:46 a.m.. Worship Service. Of a mother and grandmother we ' Summit St.; Mrs. Lehte Klvl- 1 . The proposed policy change Maas beginning at 8:30. zation dedicated to fighting extremist Rev. John D. Hughes kived. and shall never forget. by Director Broadwell were ex­ Edward Werner of Ehnanuel Lu­ pole which wasn’t replaced until PINE Twenty years ago, getting the United Rev. C. Ronald Wilson, through Jimior High. Sermon: "The Christian Fam­ 9 a.m., Sunday School classes mae, 266 Autumn St.; Mrs. Rita regarding negotiating proce­ The Rev. Walter A. Hyszko, \ g^roups of both the right and the left Rev. James W. Bottoms cellent, and it came o ff about theran Church. about 10:15 this morning. A Rev. Ronald E. Haldeman Associate Minister 6:30 pjn., C Y P Club In Wood­ ily.” tor all ages. Dauchters Joet^lne Uoyer Betko. 61 Horton Rd.; Mrs. as good aa you would expect to dures will be discussed. The pastor, will bless carnations ; Nations Charter In final shape for sign* And Marfaret JonJones Frederic E. Werner was the fire alarm box on the pole sent shouldn't be permitted to spoil a good ruff Hall. Guest speaker, tha 7 p.m., Pilgrim FeHowship. ^10:80 a.m., Churrti Worship Hope Holden, TalcottvUle; Miss hear it. The attacks and re­ change is major, handing over wiiich will be given to each PHARMACY i tag at San Francisco and later ratlflca- Granddaufhter. Lee organist and Mrs. (Tharlee H. a brief signal to fire headquar­ idea. 7:80 a.m.. Holy (Communion. 10 a.m.. Worship Service and Rev. Nathaniel Lauriat of Hart­ ■fcrvtce. leases were precise, intonation to Curtia the task of negotiating mother by her daughter. The Joann Kemp, 9 Cross S t; Ed­ Miller was the soloist. Uehers ters farther up the street. 664 Center St.—649-9814 I tion by Oongreas, United States dlplo- 8:45 a.m., Nursery and Kin­ Church Si^ool. Nursery through ford. Bolton Congregational Church exact. salary and personnel matters mothers will receive communion He would spoil the good Idea, of ward Treschuk, (Doventry; Mrs. were Mrs. Robert Coe, Mrs. Cleo M. Karns of 61 Plymouth I.. macy was, at the same time, laying the dergarten in Children’s Chapel. Grades 7. Service of Baptism. Bev.V. J. Stanton Conover, United Methodist Chorch Legal Notices Marjorie Miller, Coventry; Mrs. with the teachers. in a body during the Mass. Fa­ The band also played one of The Manchester Education Robert Arendt, Mrs. T. R. Bur­ Lane was arrested for failure to course, if he ever really tried to or­ 8:45 and 9:45 a.m., Mondng Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Davis, United Pentecostal Church Minister Rt. 44A, Bolton Frances Moteunas, 1316 Tolland ther Hyszko will also read a spe­ groundwork for a hemlsiAeric regional 187 Woodbridge St. UQUOE PKBMIT Leonard Bernstein’s leaser Association has asked the board cial tribute to the mothers dur­ ton and Mrs. John McDowell. grant the right of way from a ganize such a g^roup. Prayer and Church School. "The Law of Life.” Bev. Abram W. Songrey, NOTICE OF APPLICATION Tpke. known compositions, Overture ^organization. With this groundwork In Rev. Robert L. Baker 10 a.m., Church School. Wor- to table the change since it ing (he sermon entitled ” <3od’s Refreshments were served by private roadway and was or­ i 11 a.m., Morning Prayer and 6:30 p.m.. Mu Sigma CM Minister Thbi Is to rivf notice that I. ADMITTED TODAY; Ste­ to Candlde. Bernstein writes 3 existence. It then insisted upon Inclu- And Congressman Otis G. Pike would riUp Service. Sermon: "W e Are wants a say in determining the Precious Gi'ft.” Mrs. Hugo Carlson, Mrs. Ernest dered to appear in court on May Holy Baptism with sermon by group will have a Mother’s Day n tA N C lS J. MAIX>NEY of 41 By­ phen Hummel, 60 E. Middle challeng;ing scores containing be off the true beam If he should per­ 10 a.m., Sunday school. Being Watched.” ron Road.* Manchefiter. have filed an future negotiating procedure. After the service, a ■ bouquet W. Johnson and Mrs. Harry 17. She was also issued a writ­ fe U Y Tnd SAVe" | r sk>n in the United Nations Charter of a the Rev. Dr. G. Douglas Krumb- Program. 9:18 a.m.. Children’s Day in Tpke.; Joseph Wiley, 2 Olcott compound^ syncopation and 11 a.m.. Worship. 7 p.m., PUfrim FeHowship. application dated 3rd May. 1966. The association presumably of white carnations will be Buckminister. ten warning for failure to carry ^ ptovislon authorizing regional alllancea sist In his first idea of a label for his haar, rector of St. Paul’s Epis­ Tuesday, 7:80 p.m., Churdi the Church School. Topic: "His Irllh the Liquor Control Comminekw • modulation; the band met the A during our | copal Church, Stockbiidge, School for Grades 8 through 13. 7:80 p.m., Evangelistic Serv­ for a Club Permit for the MJe of i T>TT>'Ftj Mr. and Mrs. M w ard R ^ , work on trumpet and clarinet. Police say wks making a I SPECIALS I worthy ideas, we might as well go all Daily, 7 p.m.. Evening Senior Pastor , Elementary School to participate in discussions. u proposed organization in this hemi- St. John’s PoUsh National ManchMtsr and will be rooductsd , Taloottvllle; a daughter to Mr. Ralph (Dllnton Thayer has be­ Reed Quits Job left turn freirt a parking lot uvto Prayer. Rev. Richard W. Diupee R ot. John A, Lncey, Minister Eastmlneter United by FRANOa J MALONEY of 411 m ts. Frank Aheam, South 2. Now that the school budget The executive committee of " ephere was, at the time, the rnily such the way. OatboUc Church Byron Road. Manchester, aa come something of a fixture on has been set by the directors, H, T A 'ij E .^ en ter St. when she collided Church Is open daily for pray­ Associate Pastor Mias Helen C. Fischer, Preabyteriaa Fellowahlp. Windsor. - regional alliance in prospect The prin­ er. Bev. Walter A. Hyasko the Manchester programs, and Curtis is paring off $141,000 With GOP Group !?.t, a car traveling east on E. And if you really want to change the Minister of Christian Educotioa George E. Slye School F R A N n a J. MALONEY BIRTHS TODAY: A daugh­ will meet Monday at 7 :3Q p.lfi. 9 and 10:40 a.m., Worship Paator last night he again earned (Center St. Damage was Inflict­ ts elide of diluting and diverting the juris­ world, you "hate” nothing, not even Kingston Dr. off Oak 81 Dated 6th May. 1966. ter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert from it and says he hopes to at the legion home, I # Aluminum | Chorch of the Nazarene Service. The Rev. Richard W. the plaudits of his listeners as present his adjustment recom (Continued from Page Ore) ed to the left rear fender of this diction and authority of the proposed "hate” Itself. To the contrary, you must 9:38 and 10:66 a.m., Church East Hartford Ludwig, RFD 2, Rockville. he played the composition of 238 Main St. Dupee ' preaching. Children’s Masses at 8:80 and 10 :N a.m. Sohool. mendations to the board Mon car, which was operated by Wal­ Rev. Gordon S. Bates, another great trumpeter, James Mrs. , Robert Beach will be new United Nations was, of course, understand it, and forgave it, and, if you Rev. Robert J. Shori, Minister Sermon, “ Standing ' Together.” 9:80 and 11 a.m., Worehip a wedge lietween the state party ter H. Hudson of 429 Main St., Minister F. Burke, entitled Danza day. hasted at Lutz Junior Mu.scum, a subject to oriticism at Uie time from want to choose a real four letter word Rev. R. Alfred Swain, Sermon, “ Jesus Christ, Lord ot Gospel HaO Servicee. 3. Two representatives of the organization and the Republican while the Karns vehicle suffered I • Windows | NOTICE Alegre. Ralph R. Loomis, re 126 Cedar St., tomorrow from 2 Associate Minister the Family.” The children win 418 Center St. 6 p.m., Junior Pilgrim Fel- Rockville Cerebral Palsy Association of Citizens (Dommittee.” a crunched right rear fender. those who thought it constituted a wild for your attitude toward it, you choose 10 o.m., Worship and Church A public hearing will be held cently of the Eastman School to 5 p.m. Sunday Is family daV sit in Church with their classes towehlp. Sohool. Nlirsery through Junior Greater Hartford will attend ” M y friends and 1 will do our Lionel Hucinskas, 40, of 84 Ma­ I • Roll-up I i-s and needless risk of the eventual suc­ the 'word "love” in the Biblical sense. 10 a.m.. Brooking bread. by the Tow-n Planning (Dommis- of Music Symphonic Band, dis­ at tile museum. 9:80 a.m.. Church School at both sessions. 7 p.m Senior Pllgriiit Fel- age. Sermon: “ The Promiee of the meeting to present its pre­ work for the GOP through the ple St., was given a written cess of the new world organization. 12:18 p.m., Sunday SchooL Bion of Manchester, Connecti­ Boy, 11 Hurt played masterful technique and ■ Awnings ■ Similarly, we are not impressed by classes for all ages. 10:46 a.m.. Second Mile Club lowoldp. Tomorrow” by the Rev. Mr. school program which it wishes citizeng—ufijil such time aa we warning for following too clo.se- 10:46 a.m.. Worship Service. for Grades 8 and 9. 7 p.m., Ooq>el meeting. cut. Wednesday evening. May range on the clarinet in von Walter DoB Jr., managing di­ ly. He was involved In a minor 'ji A t any rate, the prospective existence people who puff themselves up in their Boles. to establish in Manchester. egaifi have party leadership in rector of CANEL, Division of Message by the pastor. (Chil­ 7 p.m.. Junior High Methodist Tuesday, 8 p.m.. Prayer 19, 1965 at 8 p.m. in the Hear­ In Bike Crash Weber’s Concertino. rear end collision last night on of O.A.S., which was formally launched own well-intentioned virtue by pro­ St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Classes of this kind have beert Connecticut which welcomes all United Aircraft (3orp., Middle- I • Conopios I dren’s Church and Nufsery pro­ Youtli Fellowship Twenties and meeting. ing Room of the Municipal The music of Spain and South Center St. near Lilac St. The Sand Hill tti. St. George’s Episcopal Church set up in Hartford already. The groups and individuals who are town, will be gue.st speaker at a i, under that title in 1948, was made the claiming that the one thing they can't vided.) Thirties will study “ Gambling Friday, 8 p.m., Bible reodhig. Building to oonaider the follbw- Thomas Dumais, 11, of 31 Ban America with its divided tem­ dri-ver of the other vehicle was Wopptng Rt. 44 A, Bolton association requests the use of sincerely interested in aiding the meeiting of the Kiwanis Club of I • Jolousios t I prime reason for inclusion of the re- tolerate is intolerance. Again, if we 6 p.m.. Youth Services. and the Church.” Ing proposed zone change*; pos and lilting rhythms was Walter Tedford, 40, of 28 Lilac Rev. James A. BlrdsoU, Vicar Rev. Edward W. Johnson, MUDDL^ Tim ® danger Hat a school wlfere It might hold party,” Reed said. Manchester on Tuesday at noon 7 p.m.. Evangelistic Service. 7 :30 p.m.. Membership Semi­ exemplified in the Matador, and St. giqnaJ pact clause in the United Nations really want to change our world and Vicar — To change to Buslnesa Zone at Roc)rviUe General Hoopital these classes. at the .Manchester Country Club. - Free Estimates - ■J Message by the pastor. nar, 10:80 a.m.. Morning Prayer the works of modern day comj 4. There will also be reports _ Charter. eliminate intolerance, we have to learn Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Pray­ n . all or part of an area now today after the bicycle he was posers were offered In Jenhlhs’ I E-Z Terms | end Church School. 8 o.m., Hedy Communion. in these areas: Community col Rain of Bombs to understand it, and explain It, and, er, Praise and Bible study with Open Forum In Residence, Zone A A and riding collided with a car at American Overtcyre -FVi'r Band The Friendship Circle of the Since that time, everybody who has Zion Evangelical 6 p.m., Evening Prayer. 10:16 a.m.. Morning Prayer. lege proposed Insurance cur­ again, forgave it. missionary emphasis. Rural ResideRce Zone, described South St. and Vernon Ave. Salvation Army will meet Mon­ AIR wanted to have a dioice between having Lutheran Church Teen-ager Phlloatqthy Monday through F r iiiy , 7:48 and JacClb’a Fi6g of Stars. riculum, the vocational educa­ On Cong Targets I BILL TUNSKY | Young people of the church will as follows: Ail area of approxi­ The youth suffeied head in­ Tyvo ooheert marches, whose day at 7:45 p.m. at the church. (Missouri Synod) p.m., Evening Prayer. tional coordinator and recom the U.N. come Into a situation and keep- Nor is this quibbling, nor are these Church of Christ TV> the Editor, mately 80 acres pounded north­ juries in the accident. A hoe- ra n g in g tempos make them There will be a worship pro­ Cooper and High Sts. mendations for older schools r Ing the U.N. out has taken pains to set stipulations against hating hate and Lydall and Vernon Sts. The Rev. Paul O. PnAopy, With all ths raging talk about erly by Middle Turnpike West pital spokesman this morning not likely to be heard by a (Continued from Page One) gram with Mrs. Peter Steven­ CONDITIONERS coming out of the enrollment 1^ J some regional alliance, which could, • against refusing to tolerate intolerance Eugene Brewer, Minister Pastor Juvenile delinquency and tssn and properties N /F TVeat, Don­ noted the boy’s oepdittoh was marching band, were encore son. Hostesses will be Mrs. trends report. an estimated five Viet (Jong ri­ CJapt. William MacLoan and in a crisis, claim priority if it wished. mere esoteric Idealism. crime, a refreshing balance la ahue, Vallleres: eSuterly by Improving. numbers. National Spirit and A L L SIZES 9:46 a.m., Bible classes for 9 a.m., Sunday School. property of N/F Qertrude P o ) ^ aoid the boy ran into Our United States. flemen were hiding. Mrs. Peter Stevenson. ‘The United States organized such alli­ I f we knew more about how to oper­ to have received from a large Herald Attacking the house, the all ages. 9:30 a.m.. Adult Bible Time. Poefs Corner Treat; easterly and ao'qtherly the l4#t aide of a car operated Descriptive Introductions to ances as NATO and CENTO and number of junior high and high Marines lobbed a grenade in­ ■HOT" PRE-SEASON ate against the evils of this world we .10:46 a.m., Worship. Sermon: 10 a.m.. Divine Worship. Text: by Wilbur Cross Pkwy.; vi^ter* by John Mock, 46, of Constance the numbers were given by Safe with $800 school teen-agers t side, apparently without injur­ SEATO, all three of which have dimin­ would have made much more progress "Churchanity versus Christiani­ I Kings 2 : 19-20; Phllippians 4: Yesterdays ly by Hockanum River and East br., Manchester. Lt. Emilio Pel- bandsman David Bossart,, bas­ call for volunteers to serve u Mother Hartford Town-Lfne. Applicant: llgtini investigated. ing the Red guerrillas. One PRICES Give Mom ished and diluted the jurisdiction and ag^ainst them, long before this. ty.’’ 8. Them e: "Motherhood, Fam­ soonist. Taken in Break NOW OPEN! 6 p.m.. Worship. Sermon: ily and CHvic Life.” Nursery in counselors at our Kenneuy L»uy You hold a place deep in my Golf Associates, Inc. and ex­ Marine enlisted man, a scout, prestige of the U.N., and Russia re- (^m p. 25 Yean Ago Director, soloists and tlie ran to the rear of the house to Treosur* Shopp* Our failure has very often resided In "The Gospel In Samaria.” the parish house. heart. tended by Town Planning (Com­ band were given generous ap­ AT ' sponded with Its own regional alliance. Virtually all letters contained The Oak St. Grill wag the vic­ head off any guerrillas leaving JEWELERS som ething our willingness to U7 to use agioinat the Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Mid­ 11 a.m., Gottesdlenst mit For from you ray Ufe did start Ronald H, Ferguson, manag­ mission. plause from the audience, which expressions of desire to help tim of a safe robbery early tlii? the back way. Marine spokes­ Now, in the Dominican crisis, there week Service. A b en d m ^. You raised me up day by day. ing editor of The Herald, elected WINDSOR STREET — To NOTICE indicated it looks oforward to S. O. M. B. evils we deplore some of their own tech­ others less fbrtunate than them­ moni'ng. About $800 ia eat;- men said he was fatally wound­ Knowing that all too soon Pd to the board o f governors cf change to Industrial Zone?' all anotlier appearance by the band. Manchester from Italy, has been a rather perfect example of the niques and weapons. selves. OF ADOPTION * mated to have been contained ed by one rifle bullet in the go away. the New England DaUy News­ or part of an area now In Rur­ ,The concert was sponsored by Shopping Parkads NORMAN’S way a great power has been able to use Perhaps even greater tribute OF ORDINANCE In the safe. chest. But if we are really against hate, we From the time I began to talk, paper Association at the organ­ al Residence Zone described as Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars of belongs to the clergy whose In­ The break apparently oc­ this conflict betweep the regional and cannot use it, and if we really believe In TUI the time I began to walk; ization's nnnual meeting in Boa- follows: Approximately 1 acre AMENDMENT Lebanon, and the introduction 445 Hartford Rd France, fluence has permeated their curred aometlme between 3 and •th e world authorities. The United From the time Pd skip and play, ton. of land located on the westerly In accordance with the provi­ of Director Broadwell was made tolerance, we are tolerant. thinking for most of the letters aide of Windsor St. (No. 206) sions of (Chapter 3, Section 9, of 4:30 this morning when it was p la te s , in Dominica, uses the existence Connecticut Yankee used their minister, priest or TUI the time I ’d go to sohool Ground broken at Lakewood by Past Grand Tall Cedar Wil­ I f we ever begln^ to learn actually to each day. Circle site for "Life House,” twunded southeasterly by prop­ the Tovwi Charter, notice is discovered by a janitor. Patrol­ Switzerland of the O.A.S. as its excuse for keeping rabbi as a character reference. liam Stevenson. man Samuel Maltemp>o said that operate that way, we will begin making FVxMn the time 1 learned how model homo sponsored by Life erty N/F (Case A Llowney, ] hereby given of the adoption by NOTICE By A.H.O. Such Christian ideals, al­ entry wag evidently gained the U.N. out of the situation. With the to bat, Magazine. The house Is to oe Tru.stees and northwesterly by the Board of Directors of the ^OUTH WINDSOR - $21,900 progress. though less publicized, pertiape, property N/F Hartman Tobac- ip w n o f Manchester, (Connectl- through a rear bathroom win­ ZONING BOARD India an^ U.N. out of the situation, however, the All too many observers agree, A ll of this prospect, perhaps reflect the true spirit of the TUI the time I wouldn’t wear built by Knofla Bros, and fur­ CO Uo. Applicants: Robert A out, May 4, 1965, of on ordi­ Rebels Asked dow and that the 400-pound OF APPEALS U.S. did not use the O.A.S. as the alter­ as this special regular session natural enough for an aged and Manchester teen-ager phlloeo- a hat; nished by Watkins Bros. of the General Assembly, faces Dorothy Meek. nance as follows; safe wag rolled out through native. Instead, it moved lUone, and, cynical le^slature heading phy rather than the sick. From the time I rode my first OonstruoUon starts on two SmiMl N*w Ciittom Sullt RAISED RANCH TOWN OF COVENTRY Turkey. into its home stretch, that the toward Its last fling, has been bike, additions to Orford Soap Co. HA'WTHORNE STREET—To PARKING REGULA'nONS the rear door, probably Into a There will be a public hear­ after it had moved, ertended to the U. S. On Slippery Ground Henry J. Miumlng, change to Residence Zone B, all To Aid Unit waiting motor vehicle. stage has been set for an omi­ compounded and Intensified by Director, Kennedy Day Camp TUI the time of that Boy Scout plant on Hilliard 8L New rail­ ON TRAVELED WAYS 7 large rooms, 26 foot finished recreation room, 1 ^thin the been too soft ooi (Dommunlsta. pear that President John^n's latest ad­ house a 14 ft. extension, plus a * creations, and acts without either of set of legislators, two years This proposition Is an appeal culty o f peroeiving In an unha- back. Mpted to Mt. Holyoke (College, or less; then southeriy 410’, Town of Manchester which Posplgo’s present political venture on the world scene was no doubt For Lawmakers 22 ft. 2-car garage. them, leaving them to twiddle their ago, did a pretty goo8 job of to the gr^t legislitlve heart, faitual way," then The Herald And even though Pm mUes IS prosented MaiuAester Lodge more or less, along the R.R. is paved, plowed and other- alliances are unknown, but R. F. DIMOCK CO. inspired by the desire to appear the All interested persons are in­ collective thumbs at one another won- swapping legislative favors and not quite by the complete­ la, in Iru t^ harboring a genius. away of Elks’ $1,000 scholar^p, right-of-way; then easterly 127’, ,wlse maintsdned by the some Dominican loyalists attend­ R EALTO RS 649-6245 tough American. But the facts are that vited to attend. amoflg themselves. This time ly direct pocketbook route one The extmordlnaiy inaii^t oxtd 1 love you more edch and every ^ A ttj^ loon Podrova and Eu- more or less, to point o f begin­ / Town of Manchester, but ing tile swearing-in ceremony (Continued from Page One) , Bering why neither of them seems to prior to the landing not one single Grant E. Toothsdter Sr. they have more experience, would assume. discernment evident in your ed­ day. f « e T. Kelly become partnen ning. Applicant: Fogarty which has never been for­ in the heavily guarded National iHave any Influence over us. American had a scratch on him. The In law firm. Chairman perhaps a little less nervouaneas There are any number of nice itorial oomonent regardmg Viet­ I have but one more thing to Brothers, Inc. and extended by mally accepted os a publle Oongreas buikUpg said they con­ water, according to State Navy had already begun to evacuate ^ ■ So tbo& who, twenty years ago, were and uneasiness over the process, legtal^tors who aren't eligible nam la extremely welooine and, oay: Town Planning (Dommisslon. highway by the Town of sidered Pospl|^ a militant In Health Department figures. Americans, most of whom had lived in and perhaps, since about half themselves who have a oentl- unfortunotriy, extremely necee- "A very happy Mother's Day." 7 OLCOTT STREET AND Mimehester. Bosch’s Dominican Revolu­ The House oommittee chair­ ‘ .^ ticizin g the idea of having regional the Dominican Republic for years, with­ o f them wdll never be back In mental Instinct to vote to award aary. LOVE LANE—To change to Sec. 14-9 tionary party. H iia would add to man, Rep. J. McCullough Turn­ . BlUances sabotaging what they felt had out incident and was doing a perfectly Letter Received By Mrs. the new and smaller Legisla­ this pension to some of their While other newspopera are Joemdi Lh Mayer Residence Zone B, all or port of The Chief of Police o f the the lo y ^ s ts ’ search for broad er, R-Bethany, said Friday the competent job. The landing of the Ma­ ------This A Thought for Today (io be one world collective security alll- ture of the future, more willing­ fellow legislators who have merely decrying the fact that Week F on area now in Residence Zone Town of Manchester shall support. committee is abandoning its ef­ rines wa^ thus both imneceasary and : From Her Son Joey SponMired by the Maneheetor : ^ c e for peace and against aggression ness to Indulge themselv^ In served the state long and well they may not be getting aU the A, described os follows; Ap­ have the power and au­ ‘Ilie leader ot tiie party, Joee fort to have a rtatute that would ill-advised on these grounds. Council ot Chnroboa accomplieh the same thing re­ t .^fere juet as ooirect as they thought something of a last time fling. and who obviously won’t be news from the goveminent, only Spring proximately 3 oeres of land lo­ thority to moke such fur­ Francisco Pena Gomez, bitterly Now the landing of 2,500 paratroopen Tha Herald to dsturhed by the Spring to oome, cated on the north side of Ol- ther regulations os h* denounced the new regime, place the regulation. were, and their fears were, in In this mood, there are some coming back to Hartford. has the earmarks of an Invasion, and legislators who have been For some, then, ths paefcoga newe ttMti to htong retoaoed. AjmI W inter Is dotM, eott St. (west of Faulkner desma necessary and proper however. In a broadcast over '-^BCtuality, a little .short of t)ie mark. For, the fact that lefUsh rebels have fired on "Mo hath dona what aha D r.) and extending nortiierly to rebel radio Santo Domingo, spending almost aU their time o f leglalative pay doubling and I would also like to extend Now we look at tiie bright *^*^’uld .. Mark 14:8 to regulate piuitlng on any outside of an excuse for some big power Marines hardly alters these facts. Indeed to you my deeoeet appreciation yellow sun. love Lone. Applicants; Dolpli o f surii traveled wara, the Pansa sold Qetierzti Im’bMt In this session In the business of free pensions concocted by the The mtntotry of women la |to hide from the United Nations, most It only tends to confirm the suspicion setting up deals, propositions, Rules Committee represents for the rsmorkoble astuteneas W e lovem ths stats Ilka two TOUDDO, Spain ~ U s li« the aspeotally fine warriors. Mhllity o f either Communist partldpa- And aoon the acbool bellwBl r ybwn Pkuruting Camrolaslon quafUng tU rsferenoa to a apo­ tain tba u n i^” o f ths interna- AU interested persons may FHARMACY : reapportion Conneotiout wW be naiwvolent Roman Oonsula, •xtentove ooUeetton o f tba A m s tlon In a new government, or even a am al indsed in oomparison to wawuMj u«i9 HI John B. Lomenao, d a l T o W eleotion. ttonol Oommunlat movement ottond this hearing. A copy of This is an assumption which has been abiM naithsr alone oan yet be Pactory bore os a nusleus, Tble- •uoon AgvNrtlnelU. «W Hortfortl Riga SflU Mi Communist Uke-over. But the landing the number of interested advis­ you, Mother] Chairman Robert M. StoiMi 'Waahlngtan, Prcoldent tbia liotice ia on file in the of­ ved out, to the sentimental 'aatiafac- Caeaar, w ill make some kind o f do 1s pUnalng a Notional Mu­ In the Republic still appears to ba a ers Stats Chalmsn Baileyy and effort to dladpMns both the ou- '"Molhar In her offloa not only Oaronea W . WiriU. Seorotauiy Jbimaon, in on obvious ref- fice of the Town Clerk. I o f the public, by the occasional Hungary in reverse. -The MtuaUca U stUl seum of SbuOi AriPUk InpitoMM ...ANIhWEAEa WDfGg Secretary BMurd o f Dirootoifa C Plnnsy w ill Hod ehuitaring pldHIee and the senUnMotalitlea bolda the key of the aoul, ^ eienoe to De Oonlle’a^pnpoaala. Town Pbum lng Coramlaaion OPEN SUNDAY confusing, but U.S. policy does not seem strorda that opsa fapwlse, |UBW CraCAGO—Tha anranga girl OfNWi a— itisd ’ (tba Mod N f otn , or the oocaaionally diattngiSah- around them aa they try to ra^ of tiMir reapeotlve isgtoas, and lBg.knlvsa wlto helw for u (m « tooiniM the oota of chanotari” John B, Lomenao, at this point to bs partieulariy wall aolv4 tba qussttoa od who la to aaamM M w oM iaa^iSa^ E u h n itU d to Dfited I at MonoN otor, Oott- 1—w wMeh' dwtroy tin CbataTaan s4 T ear of sama tenend or admlnl got everything out of town wtth rtiM sweids, ae* eUwr . aqa (a SI, atonfaE Jaat § % m t nooti^ tWa Bth day o f lU y thought out--]im Dijrrov^ p r b m ttwdmtosWoB UtoCtwMol. draon of and Oorenoe W. 'Welti. Mofhsr's Day ' walgha pouate Read Herald Ads.- IM S . X lU-. ■ Ohuifllffig. f flacretary -i— ------Lmit PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY* MAY 8. 1966 UMlTCHESTER EVEHINO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1966 PAGE S S V B t DAILY CROSSWORD. PUZZLE LITTLE SPORIS BY ROUSON OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE I AniwRf to Prwrfom Punit Fill the Blanks lil Q Q □ □ D Q ACROSS veraifler □ _____ you KNOW NEWSUtBCROom fBNIC, 1 ..." — «< 38 Mock NOLAM.1H* SUV WHOmSOY6<^ X Mzpcne*” STFendnlne name 8 ------and MM (ear.) ^ MOTORcyCLI HKaNflTKiBD Poath 38___ Tex^(Shellead 8 "----- your Itlendf) pwalfillAvS; gi*\ a sleep if WBCL.H6 rtOOPL* mother come 88Shower B WEARO ROCKY PLA/ RlUAWN* from Irelendt' 41 IndUn wel|bt BU 12 “Somewbere 42 Number oncb-m- and R cottom 44Hitblander WEE (7iN?iMi.l|NOW-weyVB e o t M in her ----- the relnbow" 48 Apparent BUGGS BUNNY feSJIanISIM ISFtinee 49 Renown OCTOPUS lA A s h e e t s . 14------of Good S3 VemUh Feellns ingrcdltat 8Charm * St Quoted —HOWCAhURoaOB vHANT>|f^ epider SSMaacuUna BBxpuufa cit Parte rxkA- / IT------Peter to appellatloa 9Diaparasaa dOStarlika MNGHESTER GUNLIFFE HIGH GRADE I < f per Paul 87 Javaneae tree 10 — ban 4IBiithiaatk CAR LEASING UIncUiie SSShakaapaaraan llPacka 48 Judicial 19 Injmief abeam 16 Saa nymph ■aimanta On 1 or 2 MOTOR SALES 21 Ireqnoieh B9Ba atek 20------aanctnm ICamrleaLa PRINTING ImUen . SOSeaaooinS 23 Bury 47DiTaraa (comb, SEAFOOD E X PER T AUTO RODY and 23 Englend Teb.) 61 Oriental colni 24Scattan, aa hay form) YEAR PLAN FENDER REPAIRS Job and Commercial 29 Flib aaoca dSClty In 24 Kind of dence DOWN CHOICE VARIEH Printing 27 Inner (comb. 28 Acquired by C^on'omin Firut in Mnneheuter. New ENAftlEL and LACitt'EB IDmnkarda 80 Sprawl (Scot) form) onru. tnU malatenniiee, fulljr REFINISHINOS Prompt and Effldeat 29 Shoulder of e 2EUlpaoidal 2sFa^^n|to 81 nmoua Engliih lock's bolt 3 Roman emperor Tiaion achool Insured to reduce your prob- Q ualify REASONABLE PRICES Priating Of All Kinds 32 Educe 4 Juicy berry 30 Wintry wind 82Lowbaniita FREE ESTIMATES SCot^e 31 Cicatrix SSHerotea lemu nnd worriea. Bor full In- 34 BefiUlns e formotion eall Seafood BT. 88—VERNON. CONN. Community Press TU 7 8 9 10 n Juat Above the ’Traflle Paul Dodge Pentioe 43 OAK ST. Olrde 9 East Middle Tpke. 12 TT W INC. TEL. 649-9987 TEL. (148-0016 Telephone 643-5727 S7S .MAIN 8TK EET 15 W Tr Phone 64B-t8Al S0M£THlN6'd tVe UrKO Ton To Support ALLY OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN '.(aOTTOGWE* TT iT 20 The Lute diuilor Mnaeoui MANCHESTER GLASS YVNOW, OOP THERE MUST BU YEH...I •THERE RUG CLEANING PONTIAC SOME iONPA nJNNV-BUSINESS UAS 2T S' COMPANY AND e For Auto WlndaWeMe ABOUT THIS PREBHMT \OU PRETTY KING GEORGE IV e For Store Fronts and ail WELL W aTHi IS HANNAWAY ST. sizes of windows SHOOK UP. is r ST 127 e For Table Tops BLENDED TEMPEST ■V' Jf CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER Phone 643.0012 OPEN 8 AAI. to ft P Ji. SCOTCH WHISKEY Turnpike Texaco for Convenience SAIES and SERVICE SATOROAY 8 A.M.-NOON 3.DAY It would be nice- if every fam -^ ily were fortunate enough to PAUL DODQE J. A. WHITE ? r SERVICE! )or distributor for Firestone *4.99 have two cars. It would elim­ tires, and whether you want . — aKo — inate the service problem en­ new tlree or a recap Job, this PONTIAC, INC. GLASS CO. tirely. However, most of us are FURNITIIRB CLFiAMNO is the place to buy them. tl Bismn St—TeL 64»-7m happy to have one car in good Pizz€L> Grinders Delivered to You m Main SL—TcL B6B-MS1 VICHI'S running order, but there is a Did you know that you get a So" ST K" yery easy and simple answer to free quart of oil with every oil Have you often wished for PACKAGE STORE the service probimn—take It to change and lubrication Job at a nice piping hot pizza or a deadline for the last delivery W 20 B18RELL ST. Turnpike Texaco at the comer Turaplke Texaco? This is a lucious, crusty grinder Just for to leave the restaurant although MANCHESTER 15% OFF on of Broad and W. Middle Tpke. pretty nice way to save a good the asking? Well, you can en­ you may pick up pizzas or This statton is open 34 hours a sum of money over a period of joy either or both by calling the grinders up to 1 a.m. On .sun- TOURAINE ■ PRISCILLA’S POP RUG GLEANING day and they have the factiities time. Charter Oak Restaurant, 120 days deliveries start at 4 p.m. MEMORIAL GO. BY AL VERMEER! Charter Oak St., telephone 643- CUSTOM MADE For CaE&h and Carry! to service your car at night at Turnpike Texaco has one fea­ with the last order leaving .at 1492 for they deHver within a 10 p.m. Ju st aa the homemade PAINTS Opposite East Cemetery ANCnrWER the owner’s convenience. As a ture that is really special. Each CANVAS AWNINGS matter of fact you can drop week they feature a "Special of five mile radius on ail orders of bread is made on the pr«nlses, FISHINO )D ^ MDU BOUSWT I NEW CARPETING! | |2 or more. FOR BEST RESULTS C ER TA IN LY COMPLY" OUT OUR WAY BY J. B. WILLIAMS your car off at the station on the Week” on an A-Frame in also real Italian sausage is Quality Memorials your way home from work and' between the Islands. This week Three years ago Helen and made here. GOON ASPREE spr in g Salvatore Gallo bought the Over so Years Expertenee W HEN YDU OUTFIT pick it up in the a.m. If you (and next week) the special will Try one of the delicious grind­ OH, BELMONT need a ride home, they will be to rotate your tires for Just Charter Oak Restaurant and ers from the Charter Oak Res­ SET A LITTLE 4CR6CANT, since that time more and more PAUL'S CASH.' HOW drive you there and also pick 11.00 and this is a most popu­ taurant, there are four kinds CoB 649-5807 CARPET you up in the morning — how lar item as most people are people have come to know and and all the roils are made fresh LON<5 enjoy the really good food PAINT SUPPLY tOWH PLAZA much more could you possibly j taking off their snow tires. You dally. The grinders .sell for just A. AIMETn, Prep. STAY expect in deluxe service? Youri are sure of a 50% saving on served in the restaurant and 50c each and you will truly en­ 645 Main Street AT THIS 308 Main SL a 643-6662 car will be thoroughly serviced each feature item. Watch for it now their pizzas and grinders HarrUen S t. Manehestar POSTT joy any one of the fillings. All Tel. 649-0.300 and ready to go and it doe.sn’t each week and reaUy save are equally popular. material.s used are of the high­ cost a cent more. The next time money. P ir^ of all, all the breads est quality and you will agree served at the restaurant are your car needs servicing, take This Is the time to have your that homemade grinder roll.s SEE DS FOR: it to Turnpike Texaco for ex­ car tuned up for the warm home made and all the grinder 0 Alumlnuir Roll Up «na«M M*i rolls are homemade, and until are unsurpa.'-sed In quality and ___ Upholstery pert servicing. weather, have a grease job. oil taste. STEVENSON’S Awulnrs Ralph L. Stence, owner o f , change, have the brakes and you have tasted home made and i n Shop a Door Canopies grinder rolLs and the wonderful­ The Charter Oak Restaurant Turnpike Texaco, is well known j tires checked, drain the antl- is open daJiy from 9 a.m. to 1 RE-UPHOLSTERINa a Storm Doom arosind Manchester. He has a fre e x e and flush the radiator ly brown pizza crusts, ESSO y-6 • Combination Windows you have no idea what a differ­ a.m. six days a week and ail * Modorn Furnituro background of mechanical ex- ■ and the place to have It done is legal l)everapes are .served here. Manchester AwninR Co. perience of over 25 years, 15 of at Turnpike Texaco, ence it can make. • 405 MAIN ST. BONNIE As for pizzas, there are seven The menu is changed each day and Antiquos BY JOE CAMPBELL 19ft WEST CENTER ST. ■nB*t« CALL which were spent r^ht here in i Turnpike Texaco feature a and the 9.'5c business men's TEL. 649-5533 Telephone M9-S091 different toppings to choose a Store Stool, and Booths town. He is an expert ni6<^mc, | Texaco quality prod- luncheon Ls both hearty and de­ t^u.Ar>LOs« lUtabllahed ,1949 a i« o v m « from and if there is a differ­ a Custom Furniture * TuBO-ups rT'5 NIC£. WHAT DO we working on all makes of cam ucts. Sky CJhief high test gas ence of opinion as to what top­ licious, tills is served from noon Sttpeovers and Draperies ftppy/ look: A REAL A VOU MEAN, • p ao tU N o and h o l^ a Jfeneral reps rer s Fire Chief regular. A com- ping is desired, 'you may have on. There are booths where Made «o Order * Engine Cleaning AT MV N e w d in n e r :?; BecMRER^ U c e ^ . 'nils station is equipped pj^e line of Havolihe motor half of the pizza with one top­ both men and women may enjoy Oeraplete Selection of v m c H / WATCH to do all kinds of repairs and wtiy. Texaco Tum- ping and the other half with a really good food at most mod­ Blateilale * Minor Repairs ■WORK RROIBkK have the very Utest e o u lm sn t, Havoline motor oil In different one. The large plain erate prices. The restaurant FREE ESTIMATES h, DBCORATK WVITM such as Dyna-Vlslon which pre- wholesale prices specializes in spaghetti with Lower Level of the Parknde "Heilo, there, new vice president of WsmBr’s Pop* senU a complete picture of the g saving of 30%. This is pizzas sell for 81.25, the medi­ * Stamps um for 81.00 and the small one meat bails or sausage, a favoi'- ' 64»-6St4 and Twine, Inc." Sherwin Wil ia m s motor and shows «acU y g bargain for farmers or is Just 75c. n ie re Is an addition­ ite food with everyone. Now the trouble is in the motor. This for "do-it-yourself men, Mcmchester Moving saves time hunting for the ex­ al charge of 25c for each addi­ would be a good time to get S U P E R act trouble spot and is extreme­ Texaco has road service and tional item added to the regu­ away from cooking at home and offer pickup and delivery serv­ VIC’S PIZZA SHOP J.R .W u .^ ond Trucking Co. ly accurate. lar topping so you. can really enjoy a meal at down-to-earth WIPE OPEN SPACES KEM-TONE ice on cars at no extra cost. ';splurgc or not as you choose. prices, You will get a meal that DON WILLIS IftS \T. .Middle Turnpike BORKI FORTY YEARS TOO SOON Turnpike Texaco carry Sun l..i ; ‘ , r;i /vAl t I Electrical equipment such as If you want the finest in The sauce for topping for satisfies your appetite as well Phone 649-3700 distributors, alternators, bat service on your car whether it the pizzas is not really easy to as your pocketbook. 6ARAGE BEN CASEY teriee generators, etc., all man-1 be a motor tuije-up, alignment, make for It takes a long time l^eUier you are entertaining PIZZA SHERWIN WILUAMS ufactured by the Sun Electrical a brake job or some other me- to slow simmer to bring out or just'w ant a .snack, remember 18 Main St.. Tel. 649-4531 SPAGHEHI irSA SA S! THE CHICK) WUllE NOT JUST KEEPING Oompany They are also chanical problem Turnpike Tex- the flavor and the use of her'os the Charter Oak Restaurant 5-S 981 MAIN STREET takes a seasoned hand to IN THE CONVERTIBLE I ME DU'RE LOCKING eoulpped to do electricel work aco is the place to go. You get for outstanding pizzais and RAVIOLI ^ e A e th e r the Job be a ma- deluxe service at regular prices, achieve the right blend. If you grinders and remember free de­ SpoclalliiBg ir JUST WONT <30 AWAY. yOUItSElF IN! I'VE GOT TEE. 64S-«eS6 OPEN DAILY A' SHORT RIBS lor one or Just a small adjust-, courteous and prompt attention have not had a pizza from the livery on orders of 82 or more BY FRANK O’NEAL BffNOUTTHERE ' to all your car needs—all at no Charter Oak Restaurant, try w'ithin a 5-mile radius. Orders BRAKE SERVICE 8:00 A.M. to 11:00 PJ4. WFORTWOWMS- Turnpike Texaco are a ma- Increased cost to you. one soon, either drive down or delivered from 5 p.m. dally un­ HE'S ALWAYS 0>€AL SUNDAYS telephone in your order. They til 12 midnight, pick-ups till 1 Front End ARgnmMt 4 P.M. to 10:.30 P.M. -WERE eOES 'TRYING -TO PROMOTE A SPORTS chicken vegetable or tomato start deliveries at 5 p.m. co a.m. and from 4 p.m. to 10 DIMITRIOS. MARATHON RACES. LOYER, EH ? MANCHESTEf Hoch.yilltnV firnon soup, cupcake; Tuesday, ham- weekdays and 12 o'clock Is tiie p.m. on Sundays. Gonorol Rtpoir Work CLOSED MONDAYS burg on roll or choice of com AUTO PART chowder or tomato soup, des­ Menus Are T »'ste(l sert; Wednesday, macaroni sal­ Radio Today Mahoney on Trip 7 7 0 BROAD SI ad and luncheon meat or choice - For Next Week of vegetable or tomato soup, ..AND I CANT-GET WDBU—ISM For Flood Unit tlfu tcri R i/lfrCU l^ Ostrinsky MACHINE SHOP dessert; Thursday, hash and 1:00 Shannon OUT OF MY BAD WITH­ SERVICES Here are the school menus cheese wedges or choice of 4:00 Lons John Wadt b m c ^ DEALER IN WASTE OUT CATCHING AAORE chicken noodle or tomato soup, 6:10 Golden Serenade Mayor Francis J . Mahoney • Valve Jobe for next week In local schools. 1:00 News. Sign Oil SftS BURNSIDE AVE. MATERIALS OF HER CHATTER. y| a Cylinder Heads Done dessert: Friday, ravioli or left by plane this morning for yiiiii ; HM W h ia Be. n r C e uxlw ew . Skinner Rd. School: Monday, WnCH—919 EAST HARTFORD €> Complete choice of clam chowder or to­ 1:00 Matinee Miami, Fla. where he will rep­ S-t ravioli, tossed salad, string mato soup, dessert. 4:00 Ilartrord Highligfau Foreign - American Cnra 7:00 News resent the 5-8tate CotmecUcut 289^ 333 RAGS, IRON MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALLl (Off The Car) beans, Italian bread and butter; . Nortneast School; Monday, 7:30 Gaslight River Flood Commission, of Power and Hand Tools BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE Open Iteturdnyi Until ft P.M. TURNPIKE Tuesday, sliced luncheon meat, meat pio. buttered green beans, 13:00 Quiet Hours SCRAP METAL fruit salad; Tuesday, meat loaf, WTIU-IOM which he is a member, at the Palnttiig and Decorating potato salad, cole slaw,' butter 1:00 News Tools mashed potatoes, buttered car­ 3-day conference of the Council VIOUTS;,,. CHRISTY'S TAVORITE M ILA...I'D PLANNED TO SHOW vAetze-Ao-BCOTwaa© D BS’ DOWN r DIC3NTCOMEHB2& AUTO and peanut butler sandwiches: 1:15 Home Decorator Garden nnd I sumI Toole and PAPER / PLOW ER... AND RIGHT BY HER TH E HOMAN rots, .stewed tomatoee. sliced 1:30 Monitor of State Governments. The con­ ► YOU THE TOWN TONISKT, BUT uNPSRTfeefe:/N. IN eiD B, ID ee iNeatsTBO/ Wednesday, sloppy Joes, but­ 2:10 Red Sox vs. Indiana Baby, Houaehold. Party P i c t u r e .' peaches; Wednesday, baked ference xvi'H be held tomorrow 731 PARKER ST. . »I'VE HAD A HARD DAY. V; U LD iZAce’ieousr y c x JR B o u e r tered spinach, peanut butter 5:35 Monitor and Banquet Supplies 0 SEAT COYER ham, poU'-to salad, pickles, cel­ through Tuesday at the Deau- • YOU MIND POINS IT TOMORROW ONB&2EAT UUBAHB. and marshmallow sandwiches; 6:00 News, Weather. Sporta Invalid Needs Tei. S48-ft7Sft or C4S-ft87S Reuben Plen’s ery and carrot gticks, brownies; 6:30 Monitor rille Hotel. NIGHT INSTEAD? B tO m M O /... A* Convertible Tops Thursday, oven fried chicken, 7:05 Keynote! DIO SOU KNOW candied sweet potato, com. Thursday, hot. meatball sand­ 7.30 Monitor The Council is a Joint agency Texaco Sfafhn ■k Auto Seat Cdvers cranberry sauce, butter sand- wiches, tossed salad, cake with 9:00 Hootenanny Road Show of all the state governments of THAT7NA5TY? Icing; Frida y,-. fish sticks, 10:06 Monitor 381 Main Street Custom Made From The ' wlriiee; Friday, noodles, 11:00 Newe the nation — created, supported Bolt of Goods to F it Your creamed tuna, peas, butter and mashed potatoes, cote slaw, but­ 11:15 Sports Final and directed by them. WATKINS-WEST CAMPING Car jelly sandwiches. tered green beans, fruit gelatin 11:30 Starlight Serenade deasert. 1:00 Sign Off * Phene 643.9149 Vernon Elementary School; FUNERAL EQUIPMENT * Free Elstlmates Maple Street School; Monday, WFOr—1419 H/dramatle TrnnamlaMon * Free InatallatloB Monday, ham and caM>agc. but­ 1:00 Lou Terri Tents, Cote, Sleepli.g Bags tered spinach, mashed potato; beef stev;, assorted, sandwiches, 7:00 Ken Griffin SERVICE Repnlrlnf "Drive Down or Call” . T . date and nut bread; Tuesday, 12:00 Jonathan Dark Air ftlattressee, Stovea, All Work Ouaranteed Tuesday, ravioli, green beans, WINK—IIM Lanterns 166 Middle Turnpike West tossed salad; Wednesday, ham- scaIlo|>ed potatoes with ham, 12:10 Weekend Gre«ter Hartford ORMAND J. WEST TBXnoo Lubrication Servtcu Mancbdater burg In roll, potato chips, com, picklod beets; Wednesday, 2:00 Yankees vs. Senators .spaghetti with hamburg, green 6:50 Sports Digest MANCHESTER ^ S u j pickles, olives, carrot and 1:00 World This Week: Dimension Directer >8 We Give Oreen Stamps celery sticks; Thursday, pot beans, cole slaw, Italian bread; 6:30 Weekend Greater Hartford SURPLUS SALES CO. Thursiday, roast turkey and 12:16 Sign Off roast In gravy, mashed potato, 142 E. CENTER ST. 169 N. MAIN ST. MICKEY FINN CAPTAIN EASY sliced carrots, pickled beets; gravy, i.eashed potatoes, peas, S t Depot Square BY LANK LEONARD BY LESLIE TURNER Friday, home baked beans, cranberry sauce; FMday, toma­ Mancheeter^ Oldest macaroni and tuna salad, cole to soup or clam chowder, and Open Dafly to 9:UU P.M. TMS FOa THAT'* CLOUDED HH TURNPIKE Meeting Called WHAD YOU HMfB THEN WHERE WBRB 1 CANYJUV CERTAINLYI^RY slew. tuna flsh, peanut butter and With Finest Facilities J . FARR — 643-7111 ^HAl HOW DID 11 HAD A FAT AUNT W yaOLLY. HE'S SHOWING AAEAAORV of the ROSPBRY IMS voOrWinesawssici WU ON THE NieMT* PROVB CAPTAIN WLSyi MBS , Building B School: Monday, marshmallow or cheese sand­ VES* VDUCOMETO I NAMED EAAAAA—AND HEAL IHTgREST AT l a s t ! Z LIFTED, INSPECTOR', THAT BLOKE^ TIMt you KNEW MB TEXACO wiches. For CD Staff I'LL GCT VOUR TICKET FOR ^ VaT EAAAAA'' PICK THEM? THINK THE PROBLEM ISSOLYEO/ i| WAS ONE OF THE fiANai MIM i. IMJJrMaXIE, THAfTt 7 IN LONDON, ViSITiNa J tM A NOTED hot dogs and beans or choice of MIS* PENNY FSVCHIArKIST! THE FIRST HALF OF THE TWIN \ —AND AMERICAN TYCOON, Open 24 Hours A Day Lake Street School: Monday, civil Defense Director Edwin DOUBLE, AAC6INNIS/ HAVE VCHJ } "TIME Heating Oil.'Lefs talk. PLANNING A FiMlirIt .. la film B miO BqiUill Hlvf I for ADA •AFE ENTRY 4|M^ Ml eamr. . . MkR Is niT. , . hw If di Hf lau and IlUng Principal A. Hyatt INTO THE MU 01 iir MMrt bM « pB Mil laktiN lob. • DRIVEWAY Sutllffp,will, describe the Junior PUMP SERVICE ^^Donalds GROOGAN'S GTERN AND REPAIRING high prognun to Grade 6 atu> Water Systema and Pnmpe HAMBURGfFS RSMOVING Power Cleaned dents shd thsir parents. Jacnssl, Geolda, 1 Crnoke Bpolrsd This PTA Is participating In Falrbanka Mare* SUNOGI THBCiA.*AAN Wl&i Hoe inphnlt a aationwlda ooUeoUon of books M Rear j ' 7j s ^ma5^ st^ ^ S b o t b r -I p w in b wM-YeMmir < Qdl ■sstlbM * W. •. •LINNIY CO. < ' » PAINTS '•Mrs. iBdward 'Sgmiiisky's Bervie* N. l U l K RT. . ■' t , y ) 1iiM|iltifHiy cMBMltts*^ M>y* r ^ ) -'v, i'iirfn|lBtiHU. ’ i^liPd


World Record Offered U THE Resemble Anything hut Team Seeking Sixth Straight Flag CLASSIFIED fHARPONINO Not only repeat chain- Hilinski Co-Yankee Champ kBhrss, axes, aliesra. Skatss^ pioits in the Men’s rotary Madse. Quick ssrrtes. Capitol Eoatpraent Oo„ 8t Herald Angle NOTthem Connecticut Mala St, Msnchsster. Bonre Duckpin Bowling League ADVERTISING dally T-a. Thursday T-A, Retuzw B y but the Holiday Lanes* Town Golfer day 7-4. 648-7908. entry from Manchester CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS E A R L Y O S T 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. YOU ARB A-1! Truck Is A -ll Sports Editor Yankees Tumble to Ninth Place have established a new Scores 154 CsUnrs, atUca, trsah, small world team average rec­ trucking done A-1 right! Call ■ - k COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 648-2928, TrwnaDO TYucklag Clay Responsible for Liston Arrest NEW YORK (AP)—The^ ord. The Silk Townera Servloe. New York Yankees, resem­ In T ou rn ey ‘i MONDAY Thru FRIDAY 10:30 A.M. — SATURDAY • AJL Center of attention earlier this week at the Schine averaged 656-37 par bling anything but a tram game. TREE REMOVAL, prtedng, Inn in Chicopee, Maas., was Muhammed Ali or Cassius , • - 'O'.-.'t PLEASE READ YOUR AD land clenitng. Wo:rk gusiaxw that is seeking an unprece­ t m U m ii- Top shooters were teed, c a n 648-2000 o f 868-0614^ Clay, whichever you prefer. The world’s heavyweight dented sixth straight pen­ Following in the foot­ Olssslfled or "Want Ads” are taken over tbs phone as a George Pelletier, Jerry’ steps of his father, Stan boxing champion says its Muhammed Ali, with no ifs, nant, tumbled to ninth s oonvenlenoe. The advertiser shonld read his ad the FIRST RUSS’ Mower Service — Sharp­ Maloney, Herb Steams, lilinski III of Manchester DAY IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In ttme for the ening snd repairr, pick-up and ands or buts. During the press conference. Clay, pardon, place Friday night, drop­ Muhammed Ali. insisted he, and he tdone, was responsi­ Tippo Correnti, Walt deadlocked Bruce Morin of M ■ next Insertion. The Herald Is responsible for only ONE taicor- delivery hi Manchester, BoKon, ble for one of the numeroue ar-'^ ping a doubleheader to American League Berthold, Bill Wierdak reot or omitted insertion for any advertisement and then only Andover and Columbia.. 742- National League ;he University" of Rhode to the extent of a "make good” Insertion. Errors which do not 7607. rests against Sonny Uston's po' Washington 4-3 and 7-3. w . L. Pet. O.B. W. L. FOt. U.B. and Sandy Niles. (Kid) Bassey trail for their — sland for medalist honors lessen the value of the advertisement will not be oCirected by •Die double defeat left the ___ 6 .737 bee record. fight in Bcantown. The place Loe Angeles 16 6 .714 Chicago ---- 14 The Holidays held the In the Yankee Conference Golf Yankees with five defeats in 7 .611 2\4 s-j s- ^ "make good” Insertion. •'After I beat the Big Bear. r a.s de~crted. c- ’ “pt for about ___ 13 9 .691 2 'i Minnesota .. 11 previous record of 1,647, Toumamertl yesterday at the Household Services he was driving his car, going their last six games and an 8-12 3 13 9 .691 2'A '■ \ - • • ; V -.-a; > six writers and 20 or so unem­ Onclnnatl .. 12 9 .671 plus, set three seasons Pautlpaug ODuntry Club In about l.S miles an hour, trying record, 6V4 games from the top 9 8 .529 4 Cleveland .. 9 7 .563 8>/4 (Rockville, Toll Free) Offered 13-A ployed, odd-ioo.;.ng cliai actcrs. and nine percentage points be­ Milwaukee . Baltic. Par la 72. to get his head cleared, when Silverman was on the tele­ Chicago .... 10 10 .600 414 Baltlmcn?e .. 10 9 .563 814 ago. •.vs’ -. -5:.- he was spotted by several hind the eighth-place ^nators. 9 .500 414 Hilinski, wearing the colors REWEAVINO of burns, moth phone, calling Boston. The St. Louis ... 10 10 .600 414 Detroit ...... 9 of the University of Connecti­ 643-2711 875-3136 holea Zippers repaired. Win­ youngsters who recognized him. Startling is the Yankees’ team San Fran. .. 10 12 .456 5 >-4 Boston ...... 7 10 .412 6 conversation went something average of .213. That’s 10 points cut, posted a 73-81—154 while dow shades made to measure, "One boy hollered, 'Hey'. like this: "The place is mobbed. Phila’phia . 9 11 .450 6'/4 Washington . 9 13 .400 8 Vi "Sonny thought he said Clay better than the Senators’ mark 12 .400 Morin has a 75-79—154 total. an sizes Venetian blinds. Keys The guys are practically stand­ Pittsburgh . 8 14 .364 7^4 New York .. 8 Hilinski led after the morning . made while you wait. Tape re­ and he stepped on the gas and ing on one another's shoulder. but only one point above the New York .. 7 14 .333 8 Kansas City 5 14 .263 9 worst batting mark ever round but had to settle for a tie Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? corders for rent. Marlowe, 867 was arrested for speeding,” the I’ve never seen anything like Friday's Results Friday’s Results Main., 649-623L champ told his listeners, recit­ recorded In major league histo­ when his play fell off In the af­ it. This could be the biggest Houston 5, Chicago 4 Washington 4-T, New York 8-8 ternoon play In the rain. 24-Hour Answering Service ^ ing this bit of humor with a gate in history.” But In defense ry. The Chicago White Sox St. Louis 2, 0 Loe Angeles 5-3, Kan. City 4-6 % — FURNITURE REFINISHBD — dipped that low In 1910. TTve local golfer Is the son of straight, serious face. of Silverman, he has withstood Pittsburgh 6, Cincinnati 4 (Chicago 13, Minnesota 6 colors, changed, barns and • * * Elsewhere in the AL Friday PINERETrES — Doris Car- Stan Hilinski Jr., for years one Free to Herald Readers numerous physical threats from Los Angeles 4, San Fran. 3 Cleveland 5. Boston 1 of the top amateur players at scratches removM. Manchss underworld characters and Is night, Chicago trounced Min­ Milwaukee at New York, ppd., son 130, Norma Thewnaa 134 ter Reflitishlng, 648-9288. O ff the Cuff nesota 13-5, Cleveland defeated Detroit at Baltimore, ppd., the Manchester' Country Club Want Information on one of our classified advertisements t No still trying to make a fast but rain 840. answer at the telephone listed f Simply call the While not extolling hie merits Boston 5-1 and Los Angeles rain and a three-time club cham­ ' i honest buck. Today’s Games Today’s Games pion. as an individual. Cassius Clay edged Kansas City 6-4 before Milwaukee (Lemaster 1 •’ 2) EARLY BIRDS—Bdna Hor- Building— Contracting 14 found time to make one predic­ losing 6-3. Rain washed out I>e- New York (Bouton 2 • 2) at nat 134—363, Robbie DePrato The versatile younger Hllln- ^ ' j,s, •- t A.M, . at New York (Fisher 0-3) Wa.shlngton (Daniels 1-1) ski Is a former Manchester 10- EDWARDS tion, and not about himself, Short Stuff troit at BalUmore. Houston (Nottebart 0 - 1) at 142— 342, Flo Niles 141, Bert CARPENTRY—32 years that Jimmy Ellis, his No. 1 • * * Cleveland (Kralic 0-0) at Boa- Bottlcello 131, Betty Aceto 128, pln bowling king. rience. Ceilings and floor tOM. Men < interested in umpiring Chicago (Koonce 2-0) ton (Monbouquette 2-2) Rhode Island won team hon­ ANSWERING SERVICE sparring partner, would be the SENATORS-YANKS— Cincinnati (Maloney 3 - 0) at Ginny Diehl 126. Joan Wilson pori^ea, rec rooma, nuages, next light heavywetight boxing slow pitch softbaU games in Jim King won his third game Detroit (Aguirre 3-0) at BalU­ pinned three straight 95 gamee. ors with a 970 score, followed additions, attica finioned, re­ the Recreation Division’s pro­ Pittsburgh (Veale 2-0) more (McNally 0-1) by UConn with 982. CRAC^-UP—A racing car out of control after attempting to dodge another modeled, concrete work. No champion of the world. Clay in a week as a pinch hitter for Los Angeles (Drysdale 3-2) at 64941500 - 875-2519 and Eblis were teammates on gram during tbe coming months the Senators, cracking a two- Chicago (Peters 2-1) at Min­ MIXED NITS — Irene Lar- car, spews fuel as it hurtles over the other contestants in a sprint-car race at Job too small. Immediate ee- shoul contact Wally Fortin at San Francisco (Herbel 1-1) the United States Olympic box­ run homer in the seventh in­ nesota (Grant 2-0) •ia 130, Dawn Oarlaon 143-358 and leave yonr message. You’ll hear from our advertisee la Jig tlmates. 643-2629. the Blast Side Rec office... BUI St. Louis (Simmons 1 - 3) at Kansas Qty (Segui 2-2) at Los New Bremen, Ohio. time without spending all evening at the telephone. ing team in 1980. Hie peJr ning. That wiped out a 3-2 lead Philadelphia (Belinsky 0 - 2), fought twice as amateurs, Clay Skoneski, who has been han­ Clete Boyer gave the Yankees Angles (Lopez 3-2), night. . A. nON, me. Roofing dling publicity for the Knights night POYDER PUFF—^Tlna Miko- Major League Idlng, palntliw. Carpentry. Al- winning the first, Sniis the sec­ with a homer in the fifth. Ron­ Sunday’s Games lowsky 195-464, Carol Merritt s a i Automobiles For Sale 4 ond bout . . . Visitors to the ex­ of Columbus, reports a capac­ Sunday's Games Seating Capacity Only 5,000 aranena and addltlaas. Ceil­ nie Kline, in relief of Mike Mc­ Milwaukee at New York, 2 Kansas City at Los Angela* 186-458, Betty Wormolta 178- guaran- panded quarters at the Elling­ ity crowd is expected for the Cormick, set down a New York = L e a d e r s = = ings. Workmanship testimonial dinner Monday Houston at Chicago. 2 Chicaigo at Minnesota 465. 1964 VOLKSWAGEN, 1600N, teed. 299 Autumn 8 t 648-4860. ton Ridge Country Club should threat in the ninth. V New York at Washington National League .jtatlon wagon. Most recent ask for a personal tour of the night at the Kacey Home hon­ St. Louis at Philadelphia H ERALD The Yankees led the nightcap Cincinnati at Pittsburgh Detroit at BalUmore, 2 HOME ENGINEERS— Ginny Batting (86 at bats)—Krane model. Must eeU. Meneifleld, Bantly-Hilton Room, • just off oring East Oatholic High's 3-2 until the seventh when Class B championship baske- Loe Angeles at San Francisco (Cleveland at Boston, 2 Clark 194-513, Marie Ballard pool, New York, .878; Allen, Banned Bout Finds Refuge 429-II47. the new Ridge Room. OU "ty­ Washington exploded for five Monday’s Games 208-471, HUdur Zawlatowskl coon'’ Ted Bantly wiH be glad ball team... Realtor Stanley Monday's Games Philadelphia and Coleman, Cln. BOX L E H E R S 1967 OLDSMOBILE 4-door Hard runs. Frank Howard drove in 178-484, Wanda Kaaelau-skaa clnnati, .878. modeling of aU types. Bxcri^ to handle all arrangements . . . (Liefty) Bray has a close-up of Houston at Los Angeles, N New York at Boston, N top, good condition, $166, 449- the first three with a bases-load- St. Lonis at Philadelphia, N Detroit at Baltimore, N 193-473, Marie BoUs 190-182— Runs—Mays, Son Francisoo, lent workmanship. 9I9A4S6. Pete Naktenia, former major Cassius Clay at Chicopee, oc- ed triple off Pedro Ramos and Fo# Your 4128. cuplng a front row rest during Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, N Chicago at Minnesota, N 544, Dolores Lewis A73, Dot An^ 21; Rose, Cincinnati, 30. CARPENTRY—Itsc rooms, for* league pitcher out of Duke Uni- scored on Woodle Held’s homer. dereon 450, Jeon Greene 453 In Maine Textile Center vei^ty, reports his southpaw a press conference with the • • • Only games scheduled Oply gaimes scheduled Runs batted in—Banka, Oilca Information GOING INTO Service — must mica, ceilings, closets, remod­ pitching arm is getting oiled heavyweight champ... Favor­ Edith Palmer 473, Lee Pope 461 go, 28; Mays, San Francisco, 19. sell. 1969 Cihevrolet Convertible eling, hatchways, attics' fte- WHITE SOX-TWINS— Helen Wllkoe 187. Charter OtUca H its ^ . Alou, San FYancisco, up for the Hartford Twilight ite in the 1965 National Inter- Danny Cater’s three-run hom­ CLOSE SHAVE— Willie Mays of tlte Giants, left, and Gene Freese of the Pi- L E W I S T O N , Main camp in the Boston suburb^to make this the greatest fight $596. 644-1885. lahM concrete steps, floors, league's Old Timers’ game in collegite Bicycle Road Racing won championship season hoH' 34; Mays, San Francisco, 32. of Dedham, then shrugged and ever,” said Bob Niton, Inter­ THE HERALD will not porches, garsgea No job tos Championship today over the er in the seventh inning was the rates have something in common, "flieliey’re both finding it difficult to get away Doubles — Kranepool, New (A P )—The storm - tossed disclose the identity of 1960 PONTIAC 4-door Hardtop Hartford next month. deciding blow in Chicago's fifth ors. said: continental president. smsB. 649^4880. * e • Baldwin Drive Course in New from Los Angeles Dodger pitchers. Don Drysdale was working with Mays up York, 8; Santo, Chicago and Cassius CHay-Sonny Liston “ See ya In May.” The site Is one of the smailest any advertiser using box Venturi, 26,000 original mUee Haven la Mike Hlnnov, m- ingly grim aa litigation threat­ perhaps the smstUest since the Now that the American sity. Hlnnov, a native of Esto­ cisco, 10; Matltews, Mil'waukee, ened to throw the rematch off 1923 Dempeey - Gibbons hea-vy- desire to protect their construction, alterations or ad- nia, is the defensive champion. also homered for the White Sox Colonial Open Covington, Philadelphia and mitted to a May 25 date— identity can foUow this 1960 BUICK, 4-door hardtop Le- dlUona. Roofing, siding, paint­ legion has announoad John while Harmon Killebrew con schedule a second time. Harold welght bout at Shelby, Mont. iKibre, top condition, power Cervlnl would take over the He covered the 45 mountainous Stargell, Pittsburgh, 6. has found refuge in this Conrad, spokesman for Biter- The Boston Garden is prepar­ procedure: ing, etc. 643-4352, 643r0895. miles In the record time of two nected for the Twins, who con­ Stolen bases—Wills, Loe An­ Enclose your reply to the (Steering, power brakes, 649- helm from Dick Obfab as head tributed seven errors to Ohica- With 139 T o ta ls Maine textile center. Contlnental Promotiona Inc., ing to start refunding about 2681, QUALITY Carpentry — Rooma, coach during the 1966 season, hours, seven minutes - and 26 geles, 14; Brock, St. Louie, 11. box In an envelope — go's attack. B u t^ o Help WUh about $4.6 million In an- center of the Boston court con­ $86,

P A G E T E N MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1965 Business Property Houses For Sale 72 Houses Fmr Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Subarban For Sale 75 Suburban For Sale 75 Sabnrban For fialc 75 SobaiiM ii Far BumneM Locati«M For Sale 70 Rooms Without Board 59 VERNON—5 rtiom Ranch built SOUTH WINDSOR — 8-bedroom COVENTRY — Tan room 1 Help Wanted— ^Male 36 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY and SHORTEN For Rent 64 HOLUSTER 8t. — 6 room Cape, MANCHESTER — Rocklodgs, 4 NEW 6-6 duqplex, 8 bedrooms, 2 VERNON — spoUess 6^ room LOT 60x300, busineee soned. IH bathe, rec room, big porch, bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 lavs, 2- furnaces, baseboard heat, 1060, 3 bodrooms, kitchen with Ranch, cabinet kitchen, ceram­ spHt, just pointed outside, flre- ■lx se n s of land, t h e THOMPSON HOUSE, Cot­ built-in oven and range, alumi­ Irioce, carpeting, 1^ baihs. ga­ town, $17,900. OWl c EXPERIENCED auto me­ d e s ir a b l e store or otflce Marion Edlund Real EsUMe, sand bank, tut of state owner car garage, finished rec room, choose your cokira. Hutchins ic bath, basement rec room, tage Street, centrally located, num storms and screens, city rage, $17,800. Owner, 644-1907. 646^ chanic, good working condi- ■pace, ground floor, elsao, at­ 389-4519, 644-0414. wants action. Asking $17,600. den, patio complete bultt-ins. Agency, 646-0108. level treed lot, only $14,000. Tme service manager poo- poohed B ut tOOAV TME WARffANlV ENDED- large, pleasantly furnished water, full cellar, 90x150 lot, Hayes Agency, 648-4803. CLASSIFIED ttona, top wagra tor the right tractive and raaaonaWs. Apply Let’s go. T. J. Oockett, Rtal- Intercom system, air-condition­ COVENTRY — New 4-bedroom BOLTON-OOVENTRT town Ena.* EVERV ONE OP CRiNGELV'S 00MPLAINH5 AND 1>4E BILLS BEGAN - rooms, parking. .Cell 649-2868 tor, 648-1577. ed. Expeneive but worth it! For HANDYMAN’S Special—Sound $14,600. Wolverton Agency, man. Also, metdianlc's helper. for overnight and permanent Mr. Chaaas, Stato Thaakra, 11 COVENTRY — S rooms, 8-bed­ Garrison Colonial on one acre IMca reduood for qulek mloJ Apply in person Olender’s Body PURING TWE \NARRANTV PERIOD - • Houses For Sale 72 further information call the R. older 4-5 flat on bus line. New RMtitors, MO-2813. MMM-1 VONt line INE WAN 8>ir« guest rates. ______a.m. • 8 p.m. MANCHESTER — beautiful new furnaces, {dumbing. Needs re­ room year 'round home, excel­ lot, ail electric, $22,600. Leon­ 6% room spHt tovoL flr o p ta ^ Shop, Rockville. OOLCNIAL in one of Manchda- F. Dimock Co., ReoHora, 649- ard Agency, 646-0469. paneled rec room, •oraga, too* HEAR THAT « 0 \NHATf EVER/ NEW CAR HA9 dfllitOlNar-SOUNDS L I N E ^ OFFTCBB for rent, 800 or 1,000 4-4 two families, flats and du­ 6246. decorating. Asking $17,600. lent area near lake, only $9,- ADVERTISING , tEANEMISStONB SNOT! AND TNE SINGLE and double rooms, gen­ ter’s prestige neighborhoods plexes. Custom quality through­ Hayes Agency, 643-4808. VERNON 600. Hayes Agency, 648-4808. shed. $15,600. OoU owmr, MM QRIHPINS? NOISES ! 1HIS SA8V'« IN tlP -m tleman preferred. 17 Spruce sq. ft , all Invprovsmento, ka- with trees. Six large rooms, 4886. No ogonta. TRUCK MECHANIC ALSO, IT iGBPSX 5AR1N0 IN- r STORINGS TOO‘nONT! <1190 < 3u d ii« parking and janitor out. Full tiled baths, individual Recent 4-bedroom Colonial SOUTH WINDSOR CLASSIFIEO ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS COULD NAVE A SAD ACCIDENTj;/ Street. Call 649-24M. m baths, dining room, brsexe- cellan, hot water heat. Excel­ JUST LISTED . with attached garage, fire­ NORTH COVENTRY STALLING ANP A NORIW V sendee. D ^ r ^ t o Mata SUraet way, 3-cor garage, $26,400. LISTINGS GALORE! ' 8 AJL to 6 PAL FOR PRIVATE FLEET HTTIR LIT ME GIVE ROOM FOR gentleman, separ­ lent tocation with all utilities. place, built-in oven and Seven room Raised Randi, W anted— R m I E sta te 7 t IT STEERS ' — location. 849-5384. Philbrick Agency, 648-8464. 2 FAMILY 6-6, Central loca­ HCfi AN OVERHAUL!^ ate living room and kitchen, Call now. Hayes Agency, 648- For the finest in home range, one full bath plus — BOLTON LINE — featuring 3 bedrooms, large Permanent position f o r b a s t CENTER ST. — pratalge 4808. tion, Oarage, On bus line. Busi­ two half baths, scenic view. family room, 1% baihs, 2- LISTINGS WANTED. Two fom* private entrance, parking. In­ MANC9BI8TE1R — New UsUng. values in the Vernon, ness Zone, St. James’ Parish. Tolland Road . . . Real COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. heavy duty truck mechanic. quire 101 Chestnut St first floor office q>oce, will Rockville, Tolland, Elling­ Only $22,600. cor garage, electric kitchen. lly housee noeded in oB pclpa Spocioua 8 • room Colonial, MANCHESTER — 4-bedroom Priced to sell at $20,000. Call choice Cape, one of the rangee. CaU John H. Loppoiii First class mechanic is re­ adapt to tenant’s requiremonte. Imezsway, overaised garage, ton area be sure to stop in Brand new at $19,775. MOKDAX Itea nUDAT U M AJA—SATUBOAT t AAL quired with the ability to CLEAN, comfortable, furnished, Colonial, fireplace, modern now. nicest we have ever listed. Inc., M9-5261, M9-6140.______| Ample parking. Don’t delay, fireplace, dining room, fine lo­ at our Vernon office and Six full rooms, 1V4 baths, overhaul and repair trucks, aU utilities, private entrance, call today. Warren E. Howland, kitchen with built - Ins, IH Colli &L Wagner cation. Priced right. Hayes baths, family room off kitch­ talk to Doris Smith. As SUMMB3R living at its best. S full dormer, basement beau­ BUY —. Sell, Trade real eotatiy TOUB OOWiatATION WILL Diesel experience helpful parking. 649:1853. Realtor, 648-1108. Agency, 848-4808. members of the Manchester 289-0241 Colli &L Wagner BB APPMCIATED DIAL 643-2711 and should be familiar en, formal dining room, one bedroom cottage at Coventry tifully finished, rear patio, Coll M3-7877, Juba J. VlDoak{ FOR RBDIT — front room, cen­ car garage, built In 1960. $22.- and Greater Rockville Mul­ Lake. 50' waterfront. Tremen­ two car garage, about an Broker. with automotive Instru­ VERY DESIRABLE space, ap­ tiple Listing Services we 289-0241 ments. CMTipany offers ex­ trally located, parking. 69 proximately 700 sq. ft., hoopltal 900. Philbrick Agency, 649-8464. dous living room, compact BOLTON — 5 room Ranch cus­ acre of grass . . . we could have a great variety of kitchen, 2-car garage. Outdoor go .and ramble on, but for cellent wages and working Birch Street, 649-7129. area, will subdivide. 648-6614. houses to show you. tom built in 1955, 1-car garage, CowHamd FroM PracMflng Po9« conditions, free benefit pro­ MANCHESTER MANCHESTER — New 8 room fireplace, c o v e r t patio. Financ­ summer porch and patio, walk­ $18,200 this 1s a tremen­ WILLINGTON — Cape Cod, SELLING YOUR HOME? gram including H A A In­ executive (Colonial, 4 large bed­ ing available. Time's awast'ln. out basement with play room, dous buy. rooms, extra large kitchen. rooms, spacious living room, JARVIS REALTY CO. Route 44-A . . . Five room 2 baths, hot air heat, barn, 1% Floor TlnishiBff 24 Help Wanted—Female 35 surance, Life Insurance and Apartm ents— ^Flats— Tan minutes from Man­ handy to lake. $16,900. Phil­ Do you hav« a 8-bedrootnr: pension plan. Write Box J, Houses For Rent 65 formal dining room, kitchen 5 RODM ranch In the coun­ brick Agency, 649-8484. Cape, custom built, with ex­ acres land, $12,900., school bus home 7 Can you give occo- '• WOMAN to do housework in new Tenements 63 chester. New Cape Cods, and family room, rustic beams, RT. 83 VERNON pansion up po.ssible. Full Tom Minor, Broker, 875-5042 n x x m AAITDING, finliMng Manchester Evening Herald Ranches a n d Ralaed try. Sparkling 3 bedroom home pancy within 60 day»T* and urajdnfr. 16 yea n ’ caqjert- home in Manchester two morn' BIGHT ROOMS partly fur­ central fireplace, 2% tiled (Vernon Lanes Blvd.) recently decorated. Garage, COVENTRY — Lakefront. A 5 dry basement, two car ga­ stating complete work his­ SIX LARGE room duplex op­ nished. Indoor, outdoor fire­ Ranches. One acre wooded Then call this agency xmmV «nc«. PromiA, d^>«ndab)e aanr. ings or afternoons a week tory and education. baths, complete built-ins, 2-car 649-1200 875-0625 large lot with trees. Assumable room ranch, 2 or 3 bedrooms, rage and a 30 by 100 chick­ VERNON — Hilltop view from Must have own transportation. posite Center Park, Ideal loca places. Garage. Large lawn, lots, built - ins, fireplace, oil hot water heat, fireplace, en coop in the rear. Not this large 8-room Cape with toll lec. Oall 640.0406. [ffllEEnu basement garages. Only garage. Truly a fine home In a mortgage. See It now. Must be experienced. Good tlon, oil heat, aduKs preferred parking area. Working adults. prestige area. Asking $38,900. knotty pine kitchen, full cellar, quite two acres. Good po­ shed dormer, new knotty pine PAUL J. CORRENTI and grown children only. No 10% down. Price range FLOOR B A im iN a and refln- pay. Csdl 643-9138 mornings. MACHINISTS that are able to 643-2^. Call Robert D. Murdock, UftR JOHN H. LAPPEN, INC. tip-top condition, $13,900. Wol­ tential bu.slness use. cabinets in kitchen, pos.sible tmhtny (macialising in older set up and operate. Interesting pets. 640-7529. from $14,600 to $17,000. FOUR BEDR(X)M Colonial, 2- verton Agency, Realtors, 649- THREE AND four rooma, fur­ Terrific value. Call Realty Co., Inc., 643-2892, 643- 649-5261 bedrooms, large shaded lot AGENCY — 643-5368’ floora). waxing floors. Pnint- and diversified work with guar­ M.GOLDBEQ& 6472. car garage, ceramic tile bath 2813. T. J. Crockett, Realtor toll walk-out basement, seclud' iag. Ceilings. Papwhanging. Pi anteed overtime schedule. Join WE HAVE custemnn waiting nished or unfurnished, oU heat, modem kitchen, large lot, new Eve.’s Or Weekend, Call m i tLDRID6B ST. for the rental of your apart- ed terrace, convenient to stores No M> too smaU.lU. John Ver- and grow with the company pmSBURGM /7.PA. g ^ location, parking, adults. MANCHESTER—7 room Ranch heating and plumbing, $16,500. Mr. Finnegan 649-6140 ELLINGTON—514 room Ranch, 643-1577 gHQgTEN^ca):^i<;e^ ment or home. J. D. Reialty, Reasonable. 643-6389. ROBERT E. MURDOCK and schools, $15,800. Excellent -faille, 64O-67S0. HIGH that offers you top wages, op­ built In 1958, dining room, u i J. D. Realty, 643-6129. assumable FHA mortgage, 414 financing available. Call Gall 643-6139. WEST SIDE —modern 6 room years old, full cellar, aluminum WAPPING— 5 room Ranch on WANTED — J-8- or 4 tamUy portunity for advancement, BEAUTIFUL 4 bedroom Rock- U A R REALTY CO., INC, baths, secluded lot, 2-car ga­ Graen, 742-7092. F. M. Gaal house. OaU M9-2497^______friendly and helpful co-work­ rage, Immediate occupancy. PORTER STREET area — 8 Cape, fireplaced living room, storms and screens, over an a professionally landscaped Iti MANCH5STER — New Ctolonlal ledge Split. Lease available for room Garrison Colonial to be Agency. 643-2682, 643-0281. Opportunity 28 SCHOOL ers, and excellent fringe bene­ 643-3693 643-6473 $21,900. Philbrick Agency, 649- dining room, 3 bedrooms, rec­ acre of land, conveniently lo­ acre, 2-car garage, aluminum Help Wanted—Female 35 Articles For Sale 45 Household Goods 51 4>4 room flats and duplexes, one or two years. B ^ o r e built, 4 bedrooms, family room, reation room. Bel Air Real Es­ fits. Middlesex Engineering A ceramic bath, stove, refrigera 8464. cated, $16,400. J. D. Realty, siding, fireplace, 22 foot living Have red hot buyera for ranch JJJ8T U8TED. Prosperous groc- Manufacturing Co., 1840 Silas Agency, 843-5131. 2-car garage. Wesley R. Smith tate. 643-9332. 643-6129. room, 3 bedrooms and a huge or split in 17-18 brocket; aldo. - ,fry stcne on Route SO, Vernon SENIORS MAN, part-time, monungs 6 to PICNIC TABLES, all sizes and EVERYTHING in sterilized re­ tor, private basement, free Agency, Realtors, 643-1567. Coventry Deane Highway, Rocky Hill, conditioned used furniture and SIX ROOM Garrison Colonial, kitchen. Quiet deadend street. a 2 famUy. For fOot resulta caB r i x tMddy populated section — 1, janitorial work, experience styles, from 6 foot $12.60, de­ parking. Hayes Agency, 643' COLONIAL—IIH rooms, 3H ready for occupancy, 1% baths, VERNON STREET — 5'^ room TEN MINLITES to Manchester, Conn. livered. W. Zinker, Plnney appllancM, high quality—low Owner moving out of state. thj Bushey Agency. wMA g o ^ foot traffic and a preferred. Good opportunity. 4803. baths, living room 30x16, 3 twin bedrooms, kitchen built- WEST SIDE — Ansaldl Cape, Ranch, 2 finished rooms In low down payment to qualified FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Apply in person 11 a.n. to 8 Street. ElUngton, 876-7143. prices. LeBlanc Furniture, 195 Suburban For Rent 66 vacant, brick. A .steal at $15, $18,500. Wolverton Agency, tremendous potenUal. For ftir- We are NOW Interviewing stone firrolaoe, 6 acres of 1ns, very small down payment basement, large lot. A sound buyer, 3-b^room Ranch, base­ Realtors, 649-2813. JERRY AMICO •48-64U the qualified SENIOR who p.m., Mr. Chasse, State Thea­ South Street, Rockville. 876- LOOKINa tor anything In real 600. See it. T. J. Crockett, Real buy at $18,900. Balch Real Es­ ment garage, fireplace, approx­ $8,800 View, quiet area, own ttter r details oall of our offices. Excellent com­ ters. 100x120 lot, one-car ga­ ally brand new, over an acre $18,900. J. McLaughlin, 649- age. Sears, Roebuck * Co., 380 LARGE national concern hiring WAREHOUSE cust St., $120. 649-5229, 9-6. ard Agency, 646-0469. 800. T, J. Crockett, Realtor, 000. Robert J. Smith, Inc., 963 ' M a it e Edtund Real Batata, mission earnings with full MLS DARK RICH stone-free loam, 6-6 DUPLEX, owner’s side im rage. Wolverton Agency, Real­ Main St., 649-6241. lot, $22,900. J. D. Realty, 643- 5306. Broad St., Industrial Zone. Spe­ college students and High fill, gravel, sand, stone, ma­ 3580 MAIN STREET. 522-7240 643-1677. tors, 649-2813. $12,200 Two rented 8 room cial Exception to have New Car A69-4619, 644-0114. TEaXElR wanted tor position in participation. Call Mr. Werb- THREE ROOM apartment, SPACIOUS country living, Bol­ maculate, central location. Can 5129. School seniors for summer em- ner, Jarvis Realty Co., Real­ nure, white sand for sand box­ Hartford, Connecticut stove, refrigerator, 247 N. arrange financing on good homes with lake privi­ Dealer's Licenke and Certiflcota local bank, experience pre­ ton Center Apartments. New 3 MANCHESTER — New 7-room TANNER STREET — will build ferred, but w4U train applicemt pioymOTit in sales work. Car tors, 643-1121, Eves, 643-7847. es and cool pools. Delivery. 643- Main, 649-5229, 9-6. terms. J. D. Realty, 643-5129. Manchester BOLTON — Seven room Ranch, leges. Income $130 of Approval for some, at obova necessary. Guarantee to start. 9504. Formerly Fuller Brush Bldg. rooms a-ith heat, hot water, Garrison Colonial. 12x24 living 3 bedroom Colonial, 1V4 baths, Barrows allace monthly, plus large Money to Loan 29 with suitable business back­ room, family room, built-in 3 bedrooms, large family room, location. _ Call 644-8393 or 644-0202 be­ CAREER opportunity in sales THREE R(X)M apartment, stove and refrigerator. 643-4812. PORTER STREET area — Ex Bowers Area, $20,900. E. J. PIG IN A POKE? MANCHESTER PARKADE business zoned corner ground. Please reply to Box kitchen, spacious lot. Priced ba-sement with garage and rec Peter Beszlnl, et ol, soutli- ▲ FRESH 8TART VTlIl lump tween 8-8 p.m. leading to sales management. FREE LAWN CHAIR or end Open Monday Through 470 Main Street, $90. 649-6229, ecutive 4-bedroom Ctolonial, In Carpenter, Realtor, 649-6061, room. Owners anxious. % acre MANCHESTER 649-5306 lot next to other busi­ west comer Adams * Hilliard I n , Herald. bench with our all bolted picnic ANDOVER — Walee Road. Two right. Hayes Agency, 643-4803. 649-9204. No sir! Ph-oud are we to nesses. Owners will 5 your debts into ona easy pay- ■Experience not required, com­ Saturday 9-5. year old 6 room all electric parklike .setting. Screened pat lot, dead end street. T. J Sts., Industrial Zone. Special ',-.ment If you have equity in CAREER Opportunity. Assistant BIXPERIENCE3D painters want­ tables while they last. W. Zink­ lo. formal dining room. Hurry! show this 2 family located carry second mortgage, pany will train. Some college 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Ranch, Con be rented tor $126. 6-5 TWO FAMILY. 2-car ga­ O w kett, Realtor, 643-1577. HEIBRON — 3 bedroom Ranch, Exception to erect gas statkia •property, Shrank Burke to Credit Manager. Collections ed. Call between 6-7 p.m. Glas­ helpful. Only ambitious men er, Pirmey Street, Ellington. FOUR and five rooms, heat, hot Hayes Agency, 643-4803. In extra nice area. You can good potential. tonbury 633-7786. water and parking. No children per month with option to buy. rage, separate heating, assume live very well and receive attached garage, built-ins, fire­ and Certificate of Approval for -olacuss ways w and means. Con­ and credit Investigations. Tele­ need to Inquire. Guarantee of 876-7148. CALL — ASK FOR DAVID SPLENDID BUY COVENTRY — Completely ren­ same, at above location. necticut Mortgage Exchange, pr pets. 643-2068. Leonard Agency, 646-0468. MANCHESTER — 26x82’ Ranch, mortgage, excellent lot, $22,- Income to help you pay. place, combination windows, LAWRENCE F. FIANO phone background helpful. Ex­ PART-TIME or full-time man to $120 per week to start. For in­ ovated 4 - bedroom home on walk-out door in basement, oil All persons interested may at­ 16 Lewis St., Hiutford, 246- perience desirable, or will GOOD FARM top soil, $14. a SINGER AUTOMATIC Zig-zag, Talk about housing valuas. built 1964 . 2-ca,' basement ga' 900. J. D. Realty, 643-6129. A.sking $25,000. Call Roger REALTORS work on lawns, steady work. terview call 644-0202 or 644-8393 load delivered. Big G C«)struc- large lot, new furnace, new ar­ hot water heat, % acre lot tend this hearing. 8687. train. Excellent future. Federal between 8-8 p.m. like new in cabinet, button Here's a listing we are sure rage, 3 big bedrooms, 2 toll Walker for Inspection. 649- tesian well, etc., $14,900. Leon Call 648-0000 or 646-0090. tim Co. Call 649-5731 anytime. holes, monograms, fancy de­ SIX RCXIM apartment, 476 Main Resort Property baths, enormous kitchen with $14 500 — Manchester. 6 room 5306. $16,500. 649-7921. 643-2766 646-0424 742-63M ZONING BOARD OF Credit Bureau, 806 Main St., St. 649-5229 , 9-5. will please you. If you ap­ Cape, new siding, fenced shad­ ard Agency, 646-0469. APPEALS 8BCOND MORTOAGB - Dn- Manchester. Tel. 648-1518, Mrs. PART-TIME male help, over 18, signs. Originally over $300., For Rent 67 preciate a distinguished ail buiU-ins, family room with hmtted funds available tor sae- SAVE BIG! Do your own rug balance due $65, take over ed lot with fireplace, sewers. SOUTH WINDSOR — Why pay John F. Clifford, Cbolraiaa Blake. tor work at our Manchester Help Wanted— home, good neighborhood, fireplace, completely alumi Barrows &W allace CWVENTRY—Five room Ranch, rent? $2,000. down will assume ond mortgages, payments to and upholstery cleaning with payments, $10. monthly. Deal­ GARDNER LAKE. Conn. Mod­ num sided. $25,900. Wolverton Hutchins Agency, Realtors, John A. Ceglanello, Secrotary Drive-In. Contact Mr. WilsOn Male or Female 37 Blue Lustre. Rent electric Manchester fine yard and lots of living 648-0103. good location, artesian well this 6-room front to back split SO. WINDSOR — brand new knit your nudgw. Bxpedlant er, Hartford 522-0931. ern housekeeping cottages. space be sure to call us to­ Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. MANCHESTER PARKADE custom built Raised Ranch. 7 aervlce. J. D. m alty. 64S-5U9. after 7 p.m., 649-6(XX). shampooer $1. Olcott Variety REMARKABLE LUXURY Lakefront. Boating, fishing, MANCHESTER 649-5306 plastered walls, toll cellar, with FHA mortgage, good con­ Help Wanted— ^Male 36 EXPEIRIENCED X-ray technl- Store. day, to see thia cu.vtom MANCHESTER Green — 3 bed­ other extras, low down pay­ dition, rec room, large lot, large rooms. 25 foot finished EXPERIENCED) back hoe op­ SEWING MACHINE — Singer APARTMENTS AT swimming. Inspect weekends. BOLTON LINE — 10 mlnutas rec room, baths, sliding MOTHER’S DAT ciarf for permanent position automatic zig-zag, cabinet built 6 room ran6h In Rock- room Ranch, family room, ment, assume mortgage. Call amesite drive, aluminum TWO AUTO meohanice tor a erator for Lorain shovel, one RENTS THAT MAKE Free colored pictures, bro downtown Manchester. Big TWO FAMILY. tWo years old, glass doors off dining room, Help W anted— ^Female 35 East Hartford radiology office CEDAR clothesline poles, many model, excellent condition, but­ ledge. Call Barbara Bsdiin room Split In beautiful area, 3 large kitchen with dishwasher 742-7814, after 5 weekdays. storms. Immediate occup>ancy. growing Ford dealer. Ebccellent to take full responsibility of beginning June 1. Cell 289-6461. sizes, installed; also, good hy­ chure. Arrowhead Grove, at 643-1121. 4-6 rooms, good income prop­ built-in stove and oven, 2-car ton holea, embroiders, hems, SENSEI Route 354, CtolChesUr. 242-9278. or 4 bedrooms, 1V4 baths, rec and disposal, screened porch, Hanley Agency, 643-0030. GIFTS BN or U N , 11-7 shift. Part or salary. Many fringe benefits Job. Oall after 6 p.m., 742-6190. draulic tmek jack, chains, laundry room, fenced in yard, erty, last home on deadend BOLTON LAKEFRONT — 6 heated garage, aluminum sid- Free Wrapping including vacatlmi ^ th pay, in­ MEDICAL laboratory techni­ etc. Repossessed, was $309.50, room, basement, garage. 1^ ind, complete landscaping and full-time. Laurel Manor, 649- tubes, etc. 649-1363. unpaid balance $69.60, take TWO ROOM furnished yaar carport, many extras. Owner street, central location, $24,500. room year 'round hou.se, hot ANDOVER — 40 foot Ranch, 3 , 4519. surance, etc. Ideal working cian, experienced, for full-time JARVIS REALTY CO. acres. Excellent condition. Low Call owneA 649-6661. amesite drive included. Imme over payments of $8. monthly. MARILYN 'round cottages. Lakefront 20's. 649-6985. 649-6973 for appointment. water oil heat, dock, boat, two bedroony!. many extras, roc conditions in a completely new PRESS OPERATORS and part-time work. Modem DON’T MEREILY brij^ten your patios, $16,990. Goodchild-Bart- room, fireplace, $16,200. C3all diate occupancy. $21,900. Call ARTHUR DRUfi shop. Apply in person to Walter City Sewing Center, Hartford, Park, Coventry. $16. per week. REALTORS — MLS laboratory, fringe beneflta, carpets . . . Blue Luotre them MANCHESTER — Two out COLONIAL on Buckingham St., MANCHESTER — East Side, lett. Realtors, 289-0939, 649- Helen Palmer, 649-3877, J. D. the R. F. Dimock Co., Real VlkUnstz, Service Manager PACKERS 622-0476. Includes lake privileges. Please 4-room home, 1V4 baths, 2-car Manchester Memorial Hospital . . . eliminate rapid reeoiling. call Mr. Frazier, 742-8893. 648-1121 Evee. 643-1686 standing splits, one on Spring behind the Bowers School. 6 4255, 643-0000. Realty Co., 643-5129, 643-8779. ’ tors, 649-5245. Fitzgerald Ford, Windsor Ave­ Laboratory. Tel. 643-1141, Ext; Rent electric shampooer $1. COURT garage, excellent condition, Mechanical experience pre­ (XEAN, USED refrigerators St., one on Doming St. Both rooms, 1V4 baths, garage, trees, We Have Good nue, Rockville. 219, Monday through Friday, Paul's Paint A Wallpeq>ei’ only $11,900. Hayes Agency, ferred, first shift. Apply in rangee, automatic washers ______CAPE COD, Dennisport, 3 and nearly new and in beautiful $21,500. and worth It. Start 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. An equal op­ Supgly-______Spacious and Becuitiful 1 * 3 643-4803. MAN WANTED to work in him person. with guaranteee. See them at I fiW io m ApartmenU. I bedroom cottagee, all oon- MANCHESTER — Luxurious 8 condition. Priced in the low packing. T. J. CroCkett, Real­ portunity employer. veniencee, automatic heat. Off tor, 643-1577. ber yard. Must have driver’s s in g e r commercial tailoring B. D. Pearl's Appllancee, 649 room Ranch, 2 full baths, main 20's. Over 100 more listings in Positions Main St. Oall 643-2171. season rates. Rockville 875- Lots For Sale 73 license. Apply Davis A Bran­ EASTERN BOILER WANTED — Experienced wait­ machine with extra large FROM $120 PER MONTH tenance free redwood exterior all price ranges. Call the Ells TWO FAMILY — all vacant, 0682. worth Mitten Agency, Real­ ford Lumber Oo., 300 Tolland & ELECTRONICS resses, part-time porter, utili­ tkand, 1-3 h.p. motor with new (Includes heat, hot water and family room with fireplace new heat, needs work, T. J. ANDOVER — 4 acre building MAGIC CHEF apartment size parking.) tors, 643-6930. ^ Available St., East Itertford, Conn. ty man and dishwasher. Call clutch. Excellent for drapery t a scenic acre lot. A must see for Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. Secluded setting, prime 99 Loomis St., Mancheetar stove, like new, $60. 644-2089 CXIT GE (or Rent — Misqua- Bite. 876-6291. or otiier heavy work.- 649-8879, between 1-7 p.m. IMMEDIATE micut, Rhode Island. pW r the quality conscious. Hayes residential area. Includes or­ EIXPESUENCSID slectrlcisns, Agency, 643-4803. ALTON STREET — prime lo­ MAN(^ESTER — 2-(amily, 6-5 YOU ARE INVITED... immediate employment. Cali LIBRARY (CATALOGUER). SWIMMING POOL, 16 feet by OCCUPANCY rooms. Qill 643-0491. ’’ cation, immaculate 2-bedroom chard, woodland, stone walls, ^ Now WANTED — laborers. Apply RUGS, never used, 9x12 beige, flat, 2-car garage, bus line, 2 brook. Hurry 1 Hayes Agency. 875-9870'after 6:30 p.m. $5,223.-$8,789. Knowledge biblio­ 36" deep, consisting of filter, SEVEN ROOM oiror home, 4 home, 2-car garage, $18,000. T. furnaces, immaculate, top lo­ Monday through Friday, Yost $30; 9x15 gold Klrman; 13x15 Elevators — dosed circuit TV MISQUAMICUT, Rhode Island J. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577 643-4803. 4 - graphical tools; teclmical cata­ ladder, cover, vacuum cleaner gold acrllon. 668-2000. and intercom—built-lna— extra summer resort: Now is the bedrooms, 2 baths, lot 72x151 cation. Hayes Agency, 643-4803. DRIVER tor school bus, 7 ;30- Construction, Route 30 and Ver­ loguing BkiU. Library science and all accessories, used one Marlon E. Robertson, Realtor. 9 a m.; 3:16-1:46 p.m. Tel. 648- non Avenue, Vernon. closet roace . . . and much time to make your reservation $11,900. — A bargain for 6 rooms HEBRON — De-sirable comer degree, or four years’ training month, buying price $257.08, | LATE MODEL Hoover vacuum more! (jomer S. Adams and for your summer 'racatlon. We J 043-595S. FIVE ROOM Ranch,'aluminum lot or 3 Acres, suitable for hors­ r >■ C ' • 3414. library science, one year’s ex­ will aeU for $160. Glastonbury in the center of tov-n, condi siding, garage and screened-in m cleaner, excellent condition, Olcott Sts. Just one block have cottage rentals by the tlon good, worth your Inquiry es. Call 228-3868. perience, . or equivalent. Civil 633-0184. all attachments; 21” Admiral carport, excellent condition, ^ Clerk-Typist DEAN Commercial south of Center St. Tel. 649- week, month or season. Lewiss LYDALL STREET Wesley R. Smith Agency, Real Service, Town Hall, Hamden. TV, fair condition. Best offer. 2662. Open dally, 11 am.-7 p.m. and Stanton Realty, Phone Mis- close to bus, school, shopping. COLUMBIA — Near Onter, MACHINE PRODUCTS A. B. DICK electric mimeo­ Call 643-8263. tors, 643-1587. Ten minutes to Aircraft. The Route 6-A frontage, 20 wooded graph, Model 418, excellent quamlcut 848-8117. SEVEN ROOM CAPE with full dormer. 2 Complete ceramic MANCHESTER Vicinity — Spilt price is right. Bur.sack Agency, acres. Florida owners anxious. ^ Typist 186 ADAMS ST. Refrigeration Situations W’anted— condition, and A. B. Dick No. THREE COMMODES; Lincoln. FOUR ROOM oold water flat. GIANT'S NECK Heights — 4 tiled baths. Fireplace In living Level on 2 acres of 1 649-9832 or 643-9716. Reduced to $9,000. Lawrence MANCHESTER, CONN. Female 38 6 mimeoocope. 649-7631. e Kennedy and other rockers; Call 643-6016. room modern cottage, hot ■ F. Fian'o, Realtors. 643-2766. chairs; pictures; mirrors; room, open stalrv-ay with NEW bedrooms, garage, owr MANCHESTER — Six room Exc^ent opportunity for USEJD STORM windows, wood, rtiower, large sundeck in back, xlous. Wesley R. Smith /tgen t Figurer Has Immediate Openings WANTED — ironing to do, over jugs; crocks; trunks; wa.sh SIX ROOM duplex, d l furnace, carpeting. Tiled floor finished Ranch with attached garage, STAFFORD — 23 acres, beau­ mechanic experienced in all twenty 32x63, $2. each; 3-track new artesian well, sleeps eight, in basement complete with cy, Realtors, 643-1567 lines of commercial refrig­ 5 years’ experience In the busi­ bowl and pitcher; iron kettles; children accepted, available $80. per week. Mrs. Carter, fireplace, hot water heat, large tiful, secluded, quiet, ideal for Brown A Sharp Automatie ness. Coll 643-9269. alumintim, eight 32x39; two 24x rocket power lawnmower and May 16, $106. monthly. 643-1936. laundry room and bar. Hot wa- lot, many additional features. executive hideaway or camp eration. Will be required to 61: one 24x39, $60. for all. Call 742-8142. tor oil heat. Combination win- BISSELL STREOT — * ^Transcriptionist Screw Machine service food chain in this 600 other items. Saturday and Asking $16,800. AMce Clampet, area, 11 acres open field, 12 Set-up And Operate 649-4533. HAVE PEOPLE looking for dows throughout. good return. Owner 649-6229 area. Company car and RELIABLE woman desires Sunday, Ward Taylor, 66 New 9-6. Realtor. 649-4543. Other Hstlngs acres beaufitol pines, 3 ponds, baby - sitting in my home, Street. places to live. 3-4-6 room apartv Wanted To Rent 68 THAT’S NOT ALL available, MLS member. private road into property, ar­ Hardinge Lathe tools are provided. This is menta or homes. Balch Real - Keypunch permanent year ’round em­ child may live in, references, Jalousled Breezeway with at­ MANCHESTER — 5 minutes tesian well, 75 gallons per min­ Set-up And C^ierate FLOOR Sander, drum type. Call LIVING ROOM SET, couch and E.state, 649-2012. MANCHESTER — $2,900. as­ ployment. Complete benefit reasonable. 643-9947. 643-0915. WANTED — 4-bedroom lake- tached 2-car graroge. Newly from Manchester Green, Im ute. Also other tracts of land. two chairs, good condition; din­ front cpttage for one month, sumes 4-% per cent mortgage Tom Minor, Broker, 875-5042. Turret Lathe program, including A * H WILL CARE for child in my NOW AVAILABLE painted outside. Redecorated In­ maculate 6-room Ranch with ; Operator MOTO MOWER, self-propelled, ing room set, 6 chairs, buffet, June, July or August at Cov­ side. Generous grounds with 2-car garage, built in 1959, l'/4 on modern 6 room Ranch near Set-up And Operate insurance, life insurance home during the day. Wetherell china closet, table; Jresser and EhcceUent Beneflta and pension all free. Write reel type, costs $140., sell $76. entry Lake or 0>lumbla Lake. brick fireplace enclosed by high baths, (6rmal dining room school, bus, shopping. Bel Air ^ Fine opportunity for the Street.' 643-8891. • — mirror, excellent condition. 293 One two bedroom apart­ Real Estate, 643-9332. Box NN, Heirald, stating 648-5826. ment available May 1st at Reply Box S, Herald. ohrubbery for privacy. paneled fireplace wall in Uv Resort Property For Sale 74 qualified high school gradu- WANTED at once — packers Spruce St. business experience, educa­ Colonial Oak Apts., 88 Oak ing room, wall to wall carpet BOWERS — Illing School — 6 MISQUAMICnJT corner shore: •• ate — complete benefit pro- on assembly lines. Apply. Per­ ing, intercom and fire alarm “ gram, including financial tion and salary require­ Situations Wanted— SIX WOODEN storm Y^ndows, St. Heat, hot water, stove, Business P roperty irx)m Cape, fireplace, oil heat, property, acros.s street from sonnel, Iona Mfg. Co., Regent ments. Boats and Accessories 46 refrigerator, parking, pri­ Call Julia J. Vincek systems, large one sicre lot well it asedstance for seK-lmprove- St., Manchester. Male 39 size 62%’’ length by 32" width, 'For Sale 70 grarage, handy to AV*tytWng, ocean property, 60x160. Good reasonable price. Call 649-2507. vate patio and full cellar, landscaped and fenced on *■ ment through evening stud- DRIVERS, school bus, hours 14 FOOT Chrls-Craft, 26 Sole Broker $15,600, Kenneth Ostrinsky, business comer. $5,000. Phone ^ ios — 5-dny week — free EXPERIENCED driver tor lum­ EXPERIENCED janitor — part-, $145. MAIN STRBJET site, near Cen­ aides, $20,800. For further la Realtor, 643-6169. 649-6788 after 5 p.m. 7:16-8:46 a.m., 2-3:45 p.m. Ap­ Evinrude motor, trailer, WALNUT bedroom set, 4-plece, formation call (he R. F. Dl parking. For further infor- ber yard in Bolton area. Call time employment, commercial vas, oleotrlc starter. $695. ter, with building of 6,600 sq. F or Appointment 643-7877 ply Stiver Lane Bus Line. 49 or apartment building, with or in good condition, $40. Also mis- moek Oo., Realtors, 649-5245. NEW LISTING — 7 room Split LOT 60x138, ijartislly cleared, • mation, vielt our Personnel 643-3198. Bralnard Place, Manchester. 4670 after 6. 643-4491 649-4436 ft. Many potentlala. Will fi­ Beautiful, on* • of - a - kind two-family _ Dept. without small apartment, good oellaneous furniture. Call 649- nance. Owner 649-5229, 9-6. ______^ ------Level, 2 full baths, family near lake beach. Ashford,! k. referencee, 16 years experi­ 2216. LARGE 6 room Cape in a de­ WEST SIDE—Rare opportunl room, fireplace', 1-car garage, Conn., $475. Call East Hartford DRUG STORE clerk, over 21, 649-6544 W for the appreciative buyer homas built by Damato Conitruetion ence. Box 0, Herald. 10 h.p. WIZZARD motor and 14 MANCHESTER — Six - room sirable area. FuH dormer, 1% a well shrubbed lot. Philbrick 568-0715. ...TO ATTEND experienced, reliable, some ^ cellen t 7 room Colonial with The Connecticut Do You foot boat. Oall owner 643-6624. MANCHESTER — West Side apartment, two atorea and baths, attiractive red room, out Agency, 649-8464. evenings and Saturday, driv­ commercial building all In one of state owner wants action, all natural oal'. trim, fireplace COVENTRY LAKE with privi- i^ Co., contractors for over 50 years. er’s license essential, refer­ Musical Instruments 53 rooms, nice yard, parking den, open stairway, front to FOUR ROOM Cape Just listed, leges — 3 building lots, buy in ^utual Life Insurance Co. Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 1955 18’ Cabin Cruiser, aleepe area. 648-0404. package. High traffic count. Wesley R. Smith Agency, Real­ ences. Oall 643-4134. 2, needs work, 30 h.p. Mercury A wise Investment for only tors, 648-1567. back hall, arched vestibule en­ $12,600. J. D. Realty, 643-5129, a package, $3,000. Call 649-2012, Prom the antique brick fronts to th* Like To Work FREE — three cute kittens — PIANO, Kimball, 41” console, lAO Garden St., Hartford, Coon. motor with controls, $300. 742- THREE ROOMS for rent, 28 $26,000. Hayes Agency, 643- try, wall to wall carpeting, 643-8779. Balch Real Estate. WANTED) — carpenters. Apply two gray, fluffy ones, one aH dherry fruitwood, 4 years oM, dishwasher, garbage disposal, 8243. beautiful condition, orig4naUy Church St. Can be seen Mon­ 4803. NEW RAISED RANCH — 8 hand-rubbed stained woodwork, they are Monday throi^h Friday, Yost black. Call 649-5610. rooms, one full and two half IH tiled baths, large fully In­ EIGHT R(JOM Raised Ranch, (DOVENTRY LAKE — CotUge W ith Boys? $1,100, selling $900. firm. Free day, 5-7 p.m. only. built-lne, 4 bedrooms, rec room, (or sale, 4 rooms, 2 lots, arte­ OPEN HOUSE Constructlqn, Route 30 and Ver­ BUSINESS ZONE m — Eight baths, 3 or 4 bedrooms, dining sulated attic, walk-in cedar delightfully different in every way. Only non Avenue, Vernon. EX5R SALE — Pedigreed Bas­ delivery first floor. 742-7176 be­ room, family room, one car closet, air-conditioner, enclosed baths, large lot, $24,900. sian well. 643-5026. LPN or RN, fun or part-time, We have an opening in our Diamonds— Watchc fore 2 p.m., after 9 p.m. 6^ kOOM apartment on Onter rooms with two offices, sep­ -U-T. 876-2077. Manchester Circulation Of­ set Hound, mele, with papers, arate entrance, suitable for garage, $23,000. Pbllbnck side porch with casement win­ J. D. Realty, 643-5129, 643-8779. five are available — 3 Duplexes and two excellent with children, one Jew elry 48 Street, all utiUtlee, available CRYSTAL LAKE — Beautiful fice tor a new^)«per boy immediately. Reasonable rent. business or professional uoe. Agency, 640^64. dows, combination windows BN or LPN, two days per week, year old. 649-8562. B3IOHT ROOM Ranch, excellent double lot with running water, | counselor to work with our WATCH AND JEWELRY ra­ Wearing Apparel—Furs 57 Call 643-2826 or 649-7667 tor in­ $22,000. Philbrick Agency, 649- throughout, 2-car garage, as- Flats. home tor elderly. Good worir- newspaper boys in the 8464. ROCKLEDGE — large custom halt tiled floor In basement, condition. exceptional land­ Ideal for permanent home or DESIGN FREE — cute kittens, white pairing. Prompt service. Up to spection appointment. 4 bedroom Colonial. bulH-lns, scaping, 2 full baths, fireplace, cottage, near lake with lake lot | 4ng oomdKions and salary. Mrs. Manchester a n d Bolton WHITE street length evening Siundry room, cold storage cel-, TOMORROW yCUer, 649-6986. with orange markings. 118 $20 on your old watch In 2H baths, 2-cor garage, gor­ family room,- carpeting prlvilegea. Owner, 643-1858. Maple St., tel. 849-7449. trade. Closed Mondays. F. E gown, size 7, excellent oondl' lar, hot water oil heat, under­ Furnished Apartments 63-A geous wooded lot. Bayes Agen­ ground tank, large outside throughout, garage, ^ double T e l e p h o n e salesladies, 9 Dutiea oonsist of the main­ ENGINEER Bray, 737 Main Street, State tion, worn once, reasonable. cy, 643-4808. driveway, extras. M9-0676. STAFFOjUDVILLB Lake — , GROOMING and boardli^. vvlll Theater Building.. 649-8506. stone fireplace, large maple room cottage, furnished, fire-1 BDtvYeen 2-5:30 Located on quiet Glenwood St., with alt ra.m.-l p.m., or 6 p.m.-9 p.m., tenance of an effective car­ trees, beautiful shrubs. Shown Jk> work in our office. Salary collect and deliver. H. C. THREE Race vehicles, targerts, mis­ St„ 648-7378. Wanted—^To Buy 58 Business Locations Ufn and A. and H. Agency, M6-0103, ^CPBRIENCBIj sewing ma- BRIDLE BROOK FARM an­ Here’s a rareYlnd in a rook Owner 648-9783, 633-4118. Suburban For Sale 76 ehlne operator, apfriy Manctwa- siles, and de-celerating air­ For Rent 64 prnmium? $14,400 — ROOM Ranch, Applicant ahoukl be a High nounces daylight savings riding DIG your own Blue Spruce, 4-7 WE BUY and sell antique and solid older e-room home. In IMMACULATE 6 room "'Ranch' ter Modes, Pine St., Manches­ SNiooI graduate with a craft on ground. Capable of built-in stove, cellar, aaaume Mancheeter but in a lovely NEAR BAST CothoHc — 6 room handling design and guid­ lessons. Pupils now may ride years old, $2.50 each. 460 Hllls- used furniture, china, gloss, sil­ THREE ROOM office or busl Top life producer aeelta on South Road, Bolton. Nicely . ter. good driving record (auto­ after school as well as Satur­ mortgago, $97. par month rural aetting. Three bed­ Cape, wall to wall carpeting, ing conatruction of hard­ town Road, Manchester. ver, picture frames, old odns, ness, ground floor, 470 Main affiliation with Multi-line, Hutchins Agency, B44-0108. tile bath, fireplaca, rec room, landscaped %, acre. Two car mobile furnlahed), w h o day mornings. Expert instruc­ guns, pewter, scrap gold, street, plenty of parking. 649 rooms, 2 full baths, en­ VATniESB, paK-Ume 11-3. Alao lives in the towns of Man- ware components. Resume plus Real Estate. Posalble closed porches, new furnace oversized garage and patio, basement garage, fireplace, I From Mala St. taka Oak St. fa top of hUL should Include detailed ex­ tion to high American atand- UPRIGHT yews, 18" tall, well watches, old jewelry, bobby 6239, 9-S. oliuninuyn atorma and aereans, Biort-order cook, male or fe- oh ester or Bolton. buahed, $1.25. each, 15 or more purchase. Write to RANCH — • large rooms, dining and plumbing,, aluminum spacious lot, woods and brook, DIRECTIONS: ■Mle, parMime 11-3. M4-18S8. perience and transcript of arda. Bridle Brook Farm ia collections, paintings, attic con­ $17,800. Owner 648-8698. Glanwoed St. is on rigkt, off Oak. situated at corner of Chapman fl. each. 1992 Manchester COMMERCIAL,and office space •ox EE e /o Harold room, large living room with storms, etc. % acre lot with oxoallent odtMUtion, $17,900. 6M- Thia ia an opportunity to achotastlc record. Starting tents or whole estatM. Funt- fireplace, 8 bedrooms, one car 0008. B IO G R A P H E R for ganerai and^ White Birch Roads, one Road, Glastonbury. 648-6801. ture Repair Service, 648-7449. for rent. W. G. Schwarz ^ fruit trees, w

-■ v'. / S . . SATURDAY, MAT S, 198B PAGE TWELVE lEwfutag IffralJi About Town

The Polish American Club Business Bodies will meet tomorrow at 1 p.m. at 106 Clinton St. THE FREE GIFT < Memtoers of the Manchester It is known that manufac­ Lodge of Masons will meet to­ turers and sellers of idols in morrow at 7 p.m. at the Ma­ ancient Greece would vie for sonic Temple and proceed to customers by including with Watkins West Funeral Home. each purchase of an idol some 142 E. Center St., where they attractive free gift.' Whether a will conduct a memorial service free premium might have been at 7:30 far a member, the late a packet of incense, a bracelet Richarl C. Matchett. or a magical potion was not really the important point — Mi.s.s Susan E. Boris, daugh­ the essential meaning of the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. free gift to the customer was Boris of 271 Henry St., has its embodiment of something been chosen as a member of the beyond a there perfunctory, Sophomore Push Committee at mechanical sale. Smith College. Mass. The com­ This didn’t mean that the mittee is responsible for pr- merchant offering the premium .ganizing and staging several of highest value automatically senior activities during com­ insured hlm.self of the most mencement week. dynamic^ trade. Purchasers then ak now were generally strongly Phebe Circle of Emanuel influenced by the intrinsic A Lutheran Women will meet worth and price of the mer­ Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. in Luther chandise. the personality of the Hall of the church. The Rev. C. selier and of his market place Henry Anderson, pa.stor, will and perhaps also by his ad­ speak on "Sacrament or Sacri­ vance advertising. The premium fice." Mrs, Charles Er Case will was a factor in a mercant’s lead devotions. Hostesses will be success only when all other Mrs. Charles Daniels, Mrs. factors in comparison with his Richard Bolin and Mrs. Gilbert competitors were equal in their Wright. combined force. Mercantile minds throughout Hartford County Retired the centuries have recognised Teachers A.s.sociation will have this principle of giving some­ its annual meeting, tea and so­ thing e.xtra. of themselves or cial on Tuesday at 2 p.m. at of a tangible commodity. This V, est Hartford Congregational was the motivation behind the Church auditorium, 12 S. Main Colonial merchant’s "bake r’s St., We.st Hartford. All retired dozen" and it also accounts for teachers in the county are wel­ the present day's astounding come. $1 billion annual total sales for the trading stamp indiistrv. | Miss Roberta Johns of Man- Of this immense flow of busi- * che.ster will direct the Sigma ness. Sperry and Hutchinson en- ' Alpha Iota chorus at an All- joys roughly a third. Founded in I American concert on Tuesday 1896, the firm, with total a.s- | Iwr.i at 8 p.m. at Lebanon Valley Col­ sets of a quarter of a billion . I thi lege, Annville, Pa. dollars and with earnings last | year reputed to have been over Dr. Tanash Atoynatan, medi­ $15 million, is con.s-idered to be ' • •’ A. cal director of the Manchester one of the largest privately Child Guidance Clinic, will at­ owTied companies in the U.S. SMr tend the Connecticut Conference Thi% year's S&H Ideabook on Pastoral Counseling Monday oomn catalogue, in running to 32 mil­ A spinning wheel flower planter- -6'/j books at M)inchester’s new Sperry and Hutchinson re­ ley 0 through Wednesday at Long­ copies, may actually be the demption center, 974 Main St. One of about 800 such redemption centers m 47 states, it is un­ shore Country Club, Westport. largest single-run color publica­ der the direction of Mrs. Betty Brown of Norwich. (Herald photo by Ofiara.) Reag tion ever printed. Miss Carol A. Gryk of 37 Aca­ ooslo) 25th anniversary with the com- the comparable period last year._^ •T demy St. has been named to tlie JOINS MORI.ARTY’S he is in the Work Analy.sis De­ dean's list for the first semester partment at the home office in pany this week. An alumnus of Net mcome for the three* ttie h John J. (Jack) Sanson of 35 Boston University, he has | montlis totaled $9,.507,258 or toi pu at Bo-ston College. Hamlin St. has been n.amed to Hartford. Sterne, a native of England, served .in his present capacity $1.39 per share on common leu I Airman 3.C. Daniel T. Sulli­ the sales and public relations stock. Contracts, orders and I tok department of the fuel oil divi­ is president of the Hartford since 1963. or w< van, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. chapter of SPEBSQSA (Society government letters of intent on * Sullivan of 9 Edison Rd.. re­ sion of Moriarty Bros. Sanson, John F. Sheehan of Wapping March 31 amounted to about PHTv. in January, retired as managet for the Preservation and En­ cently graduated from a techni­ couragement of Barber.shop has been named fleet manager $1.5 billion. Fo) of the State Theater, ending. cal training course for U.S. Air Quartet Singing in America). in the audit department of Trav­ twngi Toivn Does Its Own Housecleaning Force medical services specia­ elers Insurance Co. An alum­ Paul Ballsieper of 70 ’Taruier but i Sounding for all the world like a giant vacuum cleanear, the town's new Vac-All street lists at Gunter AFB, Ala. Air­ GETS PR POST nus of Bosion (College, he joined St. retired from Hamilton Stand­ cleaner draws debris from a storm aewer basin under the guidance of Mike Hassett, 74 Cot­ man SulHvan is a graduate of Hamilton Standard Division the company in 1959. ard last week after 30 years of tage S t (behind the pipe), and Bill Brown, 20 Flower St. The device, acquired by the town Manchester High School. of United Aircraft Corporation .service. He spent 25 of those in December, went into regular service last month, when the public works department began ha-s announced the appointment Jerry Amitxi of 426 W. Middle years as .supervisor of spare its spring highway cleanup program. The cleaner trails the street sweeper and road patching The Rev. C. Henry Anderson, of Charles A. Anezis of Vei-non Tpke. has been appointed to the part .sales, a po.sHion which crews, cleaning out storm drains after the rest of the highway work has been completed. It pastor of Emanuel Lutheran as its public relations director. sales staff of the Bu.shey Real i came under the contract admln- produces a vacuum so great, says highway chief Ernest Tureck. that it seeined, when he Church, will speak on "The The .assistant director of public Estate Agency and will special­ istnition department several once let one foot stray too near the nozzle, that it could pull the rubbers off his shoes. (Her­ Prodigal Son” on Sunday at 8:15 relations for the past 2% year.-;, ize in residential and commer­ years ago. He is a native of ald photo by Oflara.) a.m. on radio station WU4F. The he joined Hamilton Standard in cial properties. He is a grad­ Manchester and is presently a program is sponsored by the 1960, coming from the public uate of the City Univer.sity of member of the Manchester cuss the religiou.s education Manchester Ministerial Associa­ relations staff of the United Il­ New York with a degret in Country Club. Fellowship Slate material being used particular­ Baptist Leader tion. luminating Co. in New Haven. meclmnlcal engineering. ly in the Sunday School and A native of Peabody, Mass., 'Tile Hartford Electric U f/h t youth departments. Speaks Tuesday Mrs. Charles Lambert of Ver­ Anezis graduated from Boston Matthew W. Bortone, direc­ Co. has announced a net esm- To Be Installed non will be the featured soprano ing.s. increa.se of 7 per cent for Mrs. Eric A. G. Martin of University with a major in tor of real estate foe the First soloist at the annual concert of Hartford Realty Corporation, the 12 - month period ended Hamden, 1965 .state leader of Mrs. James Wyker, D.D., of journalism. He then served on The 'Women’s Fellowship of the CThaminade Musical Club, on the neA-s staff of Foster’s Dem­ attended the annual convention March 31 over the preceding 12 Center Congregational Church Christian education for the Con­ Berea. Ky.. will be the featured Monday at 8:15 p.m. at Kaiser necticut Fellow'ship of Congre­ ocrat, a Dover. N.H. newspaper, of tlio International Council of month.s. Net Income rose to $11,- Will have ita annual meeting speaker at the annual meeting Hall. Concordia Lutheran Shopping Centers in New York 763,000 and earnings per com­ gational Christian Women, will of the American Baptist Wom- and of the Pawtucket (R.I.) -and installation of officers on Church. The event is open to the thLs week. Included In the m oel' mon .share were $3.22 on 3,291,- Introduce books that are rec­ en of (Connecticut on Tue.sday at Times. Monday in Woodruff Hall of public. A free-'wiU offering wdll ing were class se.ssions and for­ 916 )^ures outstanding. the church. Potluck will be ommended for reading. She will Southington Baptist Church. benefit a fund for music .schol­ also install the officers of the Her topic will be "Instruments BRIEFS ums covering profe.ssional .shop­ eerved at 6:30 p.m. arships. Refreshments will be ping center management, archi­ The Rev. Francis Hawes, Fellowship Group.s in Memorial for Change Under God." A tea TTie Manche.*rter Auto Dealers Jane Morri-son of 50 Elizabeth served. tectural design of vertica 1 shop­ minister of education, will dis- Hall at the conclu.sion of the at 2 p.m. will honor all presi­ Association this week re-elected Dr. won first place and $25 gift meeting. dents. Dinner will be .served at Jack San»on Paul Dodge of Paul Dodge Pon­ ping centers, analyzing a shop­ certificates for herself and her Reservation.s are not neces­ ping center proposal and mort­ mother in Davidson A Leven- 6 with the evening seasion be­ Mrs. Ellis Head for the t’me being, a 60-year tiac as president, William Schal- sary. F'or transportation, con­ ginning at 7:15. ler of Manchester Motor Sales, gage refinancing. thai's Mother's Day Contest. A" tact Mrs. Donald Gordon, 53 caree)’ in various comers o f the Inc. as treasurer, and George certificate for .$15 went to Uie Mr.s. Wyker Us a past pre.si- Of Fund Drive theater business. Adams St. dent of the National Council of De (Cormier of De (Cormier Mo­ Robert Ahlne.ss of 164 E. .second place wanner Michelle Lesfer s United Church Women. She was He has managed numerous tor Sales, Inc. as secretary. Center St., general agent for Sharel of 482 W. Middle TjAc. recently appointed as special • Mrs,'- Neil Ellis of 43 Butter­ fund raising campaigns for They also dLscoiascd, at their Lutheran Brotherhood, attended Winners, of $2 certificates were ANTIQUE & .staff representative for the nut Rd. has been named chair­ charity drives in Manchester, annual election meeting, the a sales conference spon.sored by Jane Bigelow, Karen Bengston, Councils of Churches and Unit­ man of tlie 1965 fund drive to r served more than one term as prospect of closiing for two the fraternal insurance society Bobby Grzyb, Martha Muldoon. FIX-IT SHOP AIR ed Church Women throughout the (Japitol Region Mental chaimian of the Manchester nights a week. at Lake Ozark, Minn., this week. Richard Jennings, Laurene the country. A member of the Health Association in Manche.s- Chamber of Commerce and has Lutlieran Brotherhood has more Demers, Merrie Ann Sterling 384 Hartford Road Commission of World Council of ter. been cited by national and pro- Theodore E. Metheny of 18 than $2 billion of life in.surance and Allhson Grotta. fessiona.1 organizations for his 649-3185 CONDITIONERS Churches, she was dho.sen by She will be in charge of more Ardmore Rd. has been promoted in force and assets over $300 I Christian Century as one erf six than 500 volunteers who will services to the “country, the com­ to assistant division engineer in million. FIRST ANNIVERSARY ALL SIZES Protestant church women ex­ try to achieve Manchester’s munity am' the entertainment the .survey and mapping division erting the greatest influence in goal of $4,.500. industry. Tliis year he and his of the Metropolitan District George Forzley of 'Vernon, an wife celebrate their 55th wed SPECIAL 10% •’HOT" PRE-SEASON American church life today. A graduate of Pembroke Col­ (Commission. A graduate of employe of Pratt 4 Whitney COSMETICS The evening session will be lege, Mrs. Ellis is legislative ding anniversary. , Trinity (College, he has been Aircraft, has been elected 'as a FOB DISCOUNT ' open bo the pubhe. chairman of the Highland Park employed by MDC’s mapping director of the executive com­ MOTHER’.S DAY PRICES PTA, .a member of the education HEADS CLUB division for 25 years. mittee o f the American Insti­ throughout the store Fri­ committee of , the Manchester Peter R. Sterne of 800 Center tute of Industrial Engineers. day, Saturday, Sunday. May Club Will Hear Association for the Help of Re St. was installed as pre.sident of Dominick V. Cataldo of 19 Central Connecticut Chapter. ARTHUR DRUG 7-8-9. tarded Clilldren and a board the (Connecticut Bank and Trust Green Manor Rd., supervisor, Co. Employes (Club at its annual Thank you for your patron­ Talk on Egypt member of the Hartford chap­ claim section, in the group paid- United Aircraft Corporation ter of Brandeis University. meeting this week at Flano's up insurance department at the reported that earnings for the age. 'We appreciate It very Restaurant in Bolton. A veteran much. It has been respon­ NORMAN’S Miss Judith M. Lips of West home office of the Aetna Life quarter ended March 31 were i « j -r-w f i a j sible for the very successful Hartford will be the guest Rev. Krumbhaar of eight years with the bank. Insurance C!o., is observing his about 65 per cent greater than ] KeaQ neralcl AQS. year we have enjoyed. 445 Hartford Rd. speaker at a meeting of the Methodi.st Men of South Mcfti- odist Cluirfh on Monday at St. Mary’s Guest 7:30 p in. in Cooper Hall of the eburch. The Rev. Dr. G. Douglas One Of Greater Hartford’s Krum'ohaar, rector of St. Paul's Little things h a t s e r v ic e tiVo 1964 community ambassa­ C hurch In Stockbridge, 'Mass., WOW!! W dors, Miss Lips spent last will be the guest preacher at the 10-MIMTK SERVICE ON ALL C.ALI.S summer in Cairo, Egj'pt, where DON’T BELIEVE l.S — THEN TRV I S morning .services tomorrow at mean a lot... she ■ lived with a native fam­ St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. NOT THE BIGGEST — BI T THE BEST ily. While there, she visited the GRINDERS AND I’ lZ'/AS IN TOWN Gaza Stj’ip. the Aswan Dam, The Rev. Dr. Krumbhaar, a graduate of Harvaid University W e 643-0031 643-0031 AlexanAi’ia, Luxor and other areas. and Harvard Medical School, PIZZA-RAY'S A native or Arlington practiced as an obatetrldan BAR R iCiN i 130 SPRUCK STRKET Heights, 111., Miss Lips lives from 1932 to 1957 when he en­ FRY I'S .AND (OMP.\RE in West Hartford where she is tered the religious life. He is QUALITY MEA’TS & CHEESE SER\ ED HERE a member of the faculty in an the author of the pamphlet elementary school. She is a "Healing by Prayer." af the Parkade Open .Mon., T u p s ., 2-11; Tliurs., Fri., Sat. 11-11; Sun. ,4-10 ’]The guest preacher is a^ son- 4’losed Wednesday , cum laude graduate of Mon­ mouth (111.) College where she in-law of Mis. Austin Cheney, majored in Engllsdi. < 99,Hartford Rd. CANDY SHOP

FOR A DAY/J^EEK ... OR LONGER BOWLING A 1965 Car from OPEN RENT Moriarty Brothers 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. $2.00 Par Ponon SUNDAY

■k Brand new, fully equipped cars ready to go. BIlllARDS Whether it’s straight bil­ ALL D A Y ... k Reasonable rates. liards or pocket billij.rds, k Full insurance coverage. enjoy an evening with the gang or your date at Man­ mother’s day k Large discount if your car is in our shop for chester’s largest and finest repairs. billiard hall. ThomRdt of Cosmatiot miniature chocolates r. •■a 4iolotiiM to OhooM Fran. MORIARTY Every mother will appreciate a delicious box oi SOI CENTER STREET — TEL. 643-5135 Manchester Bowling Breen BafricinL, You couldn’t say Happy Mother's Day LEASING PLANS FOR ALL 1965 MA|iKS A .MOOEIJS All am Wramnd FREE! 634 CENTeH street ^ ADAMS ^ E E T with more taste, t H>. M iniatures n M . - S . *. - MAY H i Week j ^qoAMiinui

1--- Hit Series , ^ ■ TV Is Delaying N otebook HisPhD.

By JOAN GBOSBY By JAMES BACON ’^K0W YOnk—(NBU.)-jton- BOLLYWOOD (A P ) — iSobert ■Id Reagan; wHo taaa been in­ Vaughn, television’s »“ The Man volved in many tougH struggles from. Ui.N;C.L.E.,’’ is faced .ta tala career, haa Jut been tn with a problem unique for show Ilia bl^eat fight, mether or buknees.' ' hot ha wtm la open to queatlon. '-4V ' the Battle of Pattlfa Bangs If his M ries, which recenUy Is tn tlie classlo faiUur-4aingta' broke into the top. 10 rated ter moML ’ Patti Reagan ia "13 shows, continues ’successful,. Vaughn’s quest for a doctor of going on 3.3," and w a a n her pMosoihy degree will be seri­ hair in the current style: Thick ously delayed. bangs that bnah the face at No actor, or actress, in mem­ mkl-eyebaH and the rest of ory ever was known to be work­ the hair shoulder-length and ing for a Ph.D. while actively meatfly straight. pursuing a theatrical career. "We have been having a But Vaughn, 33, acts by day M cC a battle," Reagan said. and goes to the University of "T h e entire taouaeliokl re­ Southern California by night. He volved around Patti’s hairdo, already has his bachelor and and I finally gave m and let master degrees. her have that long hair. Bat “ It takes a jg3>od three years I think her bangs should be to get a doctorate, including one alMiVs the eyebrows." uninterrupted stretch of six ^ None-to-Noee ConlUot months where' I could let noth­ n ie battle came to its climax ing Interfere with my studies. whan Patti sraa signed to tip- "Now the show Is in orbit and i>ear wiUi her father in a.Borax I don’t know when I ’ll ever get Oommercial M t for Death'Val- that six-month stretch. Mean­ u tc h ln s o n re- ley Days, the IS-year-old ayndi- while, I ’ll continue with my a t e 5, It is u n - oatod televlaion Mriea of which studies.’’ Raagan is regular host and oc- Vaughn is~ majoring in politi­ caskMua actor^ cal science. Long before George Murphy decided to become U.S. x?riod last y»ar._^ "1 asn goiSg to detormlne ttie hairdo in which ahe ia seen Mnator, Vaughn wanted to run or the three” for public office. He figfures he J9 .SOT, 258 or in public. It got down to a sul- lan nose-to-noM conflict when has a dozen years left as an ac­ e on common tor. s, orders and I told her ‘I dictate the hairdo we hire an actreea do your “ Then I ’ll be ready for poli­ ers of intent on or to tics,” he says. anted to about p a r t '" For the commercial, Patti’s -i " I have been working hard in Democratic party politics for k bangs Juat hit hef eyebrowa, long time and I think that it will >r of 70 Tanner but inatead of being thick, they take 10 or 12 years before I can Hamilton Stand- •re slightly fringed. And eo make the move solely on the fter 30 years of •nother shooting (bong-bang) basis of knowledge and experi­ mt 25 of those laar oame to an unaaey tnice. “Kristie ” the TV adaptation of a popular children’s story about a boy, his sis­ ence — and not as an actor.” -visor of spare Reagan, who oouM be a can­ ter and a stubborn horse, will be telecast May 16 on “NBC Children’s Theatre’’ Vaughn was a tireless cam- didate (or governor of Califor­ position which from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Ed Begley;'will narrate. palg;ner for President Johnson contract admin- nia on the RepubUoen ticket duitog the campaign. H e , fre- rtment several ("K the evidence in the next .quently makes trips to foreign is a native of few moiitIw..indleatee that’s countries. He spent the Christ­ 1 is presently a what the party wants, I’ll run”) mas-New Year’s holidays in the he Manche^r has written a book, ‘Where's Astronauts Soviet Union as the guest of the Rost c f MeT" which detalte Coming Sh^ivs Valery Brumel, the world the foundiw of the Screen Ad- chamiNon high jumper. Electric Iil*ht tora OuUm ttM trade nnion "Starring The Editors," Chan-^ "KKK: ‘Society of BigoU’?’’ “ I found out I was known in Interviewed Russia,” says Vaughn. “ ' ‘Tlio ced a net eam- •trikes and an attempted Com­ nel 30 at 4:80 p.m. and Channel will be preirented on "ABC [ 7 per cent for munist take-over of unksu. All Scope’’ Wednesday 10;30-11 Magnificent Seven,’ a movie I An exclusive fuU-hqur inter­ 40 at 6:30 pin. Sunday will have made some years back, is one period ended this Jn addition to biogr^;^ical view with the two Soviet p.m. the preceding 12 ^formation. astronauts who flew the his­ as this week’s panelists Richard of the most popular movies over sme rose to 111,- Bemembared Kverythlng toric Voskhod 2 -apace miasion, Garvey, SprtngMd Dally News; Elxcerpts from dramas by there. ■nlngs per com- ' -*T have bemi acquainted with during which one astronaut be­ Bice Clemow, West Hartford Robert Frost, Elmer Rice and “ I had the red carpet treat­ ! $3.22 on 3,201,- the publi^era (D u ^ , Sloan and came the first man to s t ^ into News; Harold Le Van way, Bertolt Brecht will be present­ ment, even a huge-press confer­ anding. Pearce) ainoe my days as a space, will be presented in a Greenfleld Recorder - Gazette, ed on Channel 24’s "Repertoire ence. It’s one of the few Ameri­ ^lorta announces In Dea M L o cal. News b ^ seen in this oduhtry; U:M (» U> SkirKlBSSkjr.KlBf 44f> OuUr LimiU U:Xd (U Satnrday Spectacabr V. Middle Tpke (AM) BaMir TiW <$> Aadr OrUtitk Skew “The Naked Maja” Ava Oard- [■crtificatcs were NBC correspondent Frank Satarday A tUlaniaaB Faa- (S) Hcaaesey Bed, AnAony Frsaciosa Karen Bengston, Bourghoftzer fUmed the inter­ tare 7:S« (S) darkle Gleason “Beware My Lovely” Ida La- view with Ueut. Col. Aleksei (W> BoVlIac (S-M-t0> Kins Family pba. Robert Bysa dartha Muldoon. (M) Caadlepla Bowltas (IM S) Flipper (Coler) “T k e (M> Toalght Show lings, Laurenc A. Leonov, 30,' the first man »;M (•> BB» tie. S Gall Between” Diane Van Der 11:15 (A ) 4dA DimeasUa e Ann Sterling to float In space, and Col. Pa- (i^ > Happiljr Hoopcl > Vlts. A beantUnl vIslUr spalU ZilS (5) Newscope, MomeaU e( v d L Belyayev, 30, commander liM <|> Tkia fa DCaap Saady'a water-pale pleas. (B> otta. (lit> 4e>i Amerlcaa Baadataad Comfort aad Hyma o f the Voskhod 2, in Moscow- • ;M Koatneky Jones 1:55 <$> Momeat af NediUtiaB Sal. Mallaea ‘:The Sens NoU” Leslie. Far- In the Interview, O n. 'Leonov “ Flat Tap’) Sterlias Bapjea _ ilsk. Whea Ike kas troable explains his preparatiema for Ids W Y a v Caasreaamaa fram witk maslc. Keatnrky Is aaly entering the space and thoughts Oeaa. tea happy to eoafer srtth Hid be had in the final moments 1:M (U ms TklM TkealN - teacher. (B> . ^ (9) Tm Ic . • :M <$> GUlisaa’e Isbad idETICS bsfocs he left hU qtacesUp f tM jp*> Feaian ' OiUbaa paU the Skipper ea a FOB March 18. He tells of his first :U (firBaseball erasn diet so ke caa eaalUy ER’.S DAY lieu va. BlllwaakM far tke. Navy U resoae comes.'' knprMsions as he- floated’ In 9M4) MaJar.Xeasae Baseball (S-tdrtd) Laarreace Welk Skew apace and describes v^&t lie ItU (I) Baseball — (XU Mr. Macoa’s Treasare saw and heard; and the ohangea Yaakees^ vs. - WasUasUa . Isbad (Colar) IR DRUB in temperature he M t while (• d t) BasebaU' ($•> Naked City j‘ . . , .BSstaa vs, ClevelaaA cuta|d«- 4 d »d l) BatrlUg f;td (S) Secret Acest ELECTRONICS 4:M (i) Bara fiaaoe jn -M ) Sataiddy Night at A a 4:45 «— *• la - Na« Il‘ - - - - - ta flad Ws mair^order bride Fi«td llanhal Viscoun£ -r was married eaee belere. BROAD probable that Danny Kaye’a 9 lN <«-td-M> H^yweed Palace 277 Montgesnery in June^ apot wUI be taisea' ovar-,^Wa ~ Steve. Lawrepce, Ikosi. Mickey 1945 on CBS’ “Victory summer J>y tefuna. of IpoM agad ■ Beeaey, Oeae Bayba, eAerS. hour-long Luc die BaH-Oaan > Ae- Jd:Mi (S> GaasmelM ; in- Europe 20 Yfeara 5iN (I) Bib Feetas aad BreCk Taylar bke ALLNEW nasah owa'. “ The U io ^ . Show” . (U ) SUver .WiagS A e b w 'b to Aelr awa kaade Af Ur/Sdtuiaay S-10 ttaelf win bo flUed with raturaa (fijs ) S a l ( ^ DesnM Baee whea saddle bams are accased of last season’s . . Isack, : , t at beatbg aadrebbbg Dee. p.m. .. -X I dtM < » Weather _ Iditd (U The Depaty 1965 m > Y ew Kelghber - • Tha ! (M> Stage Saves W) OreaUsT FlghU e( Ae (It) FUib Ce alary M I ICE PIANT OPEN ^ dtW'(M) Theatre M U:d (8-a-XMS4 d) • Newe, WeaAer, “Doable' Baak" Jaa. Oar- •iiA CtaMrIi Wiwibdars 8 AJH. to 5:30 PAf.— Sandays SfAJdL to 1 PAL mlekael' D im (ST Capital Beperta CRACKED ICE — BLOCK ICE — CUBES ftW (I) Olaae-Dp da Starts U :U (S> ChQler T h ea ^ RADIOS diur B r^ e a Arresr “Attaeh A a M F ^ Weas- L T. WOOD <•) Trad Tom Bast from Main SfcwtBtato Theater on to BIssell. (It) Saksoriptiea TY M avb . T V-BaUo, Shied and Servle* >:< - r4N>-nUa»'' > -r'A -• FaW«r Oe-W. J V.' J,, P A G E TW O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1965 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1965 P A G E TH R E E New Life^ SUNDAY Television PROGRAM AUTO STAR J TUESDAY Television PROGRAM Lard, Lord.” James Fraaclo- ( ) Baseball Juliet Prowse, Three Stooxcs* Time Channel * <8) TmllmAst«r ttm e diunnel 8 6:Z5 <3) Town Crier (2(M8) General Henplial CQs. Three students try to boat 7:45 (8) Sa.crpd Yankees vs. Washinxion Della Reese NEW SUMMER SCHEDULE New Series^ a teacher. (R) . (28) Issues and Answers (24) Short Stories of Demau- 6 :M (S) Snnriie 6em eiter The ChrUtophen ’’The Bamboo Prison*' Robert (3-28-48) Broadside T:I5 (8) Prayer (20-40) Trallmaater (38) Government In Am erlea NEW YORK (AP) — Well, 7:25 ( 22) Weather 4:26 (22-30) New* <22-38) Hullabaloo <40) Bible Instltste Francis, Dianne Foster 9:88 (3) For the People - 4:38 (3-22) Movie (Color) Frankie Avalon, host. 8:45 (8) Llcht Time "Stranxe Lady In Town** Oreer ” A Competent Witness’ Wll* Lisa Hughes has run away from 7:20 (3) Perception liam Shatner. Koster prose­ <8) Friend of Mr. Ooober (8) Admiral Jack Show The Snpremes, Barbara Mc­ 8:88 (3) Tales of the lUverbanks Oarson, Dana Andrews Oakdale, her ex-husband, her (38) Superman Nair. Sam the Sham, the Phap* <8) The Answer (28) Film cutes for murder on a dis­ (M ay - June - July-Aug, - Sepf.) 8 :M (3) Captain Kancaroo reputable wltnesu* testimony, child and all her troubles in "A s (40) Coatinental Classroom 5:88 (28) Brave Stallion aohs, others. (22) D ior Donr School (24) Open Mind (24) The Friendly Giant <28-48) M cHale’s Navy (38) Word of Life (48) Movie (8-28-48) Sunday Nixht Movie The World Turns” to start a 8:30 (8 ) Exercise with Oloria 3:88 (24) Point of View ’ ’The Miracle W o »e r ” Anne (40) Mack and Myer (SO) "Th e Birth of a Salesmaa** (48) Sacred Heart new life — and a new TV serial (48) The Admiral Jack and McHale and his heavily la- 8:15 (40) The Christophers 3:38 (24) Population Problem Bancroft, Putty Duke. Inspire 9:00 (3) Hap Richards 4:88 (18) Bible Answers Injr drama of tne yonnjr Helen — in Chicago. (8) Girl Talk Swabby Show ■ured men are lost at sea. 8:38 (3) Some Herolcal SplrBa 6:16 (24) Slnx HI Sing I jO <24) Olympic Games (8) Insight UO) Checkmate K riler and how Annie her Lisa's new job Is in a hospital, (22) Romper Room teacher broke thronxh the bar­ (30) Today in Conneettcat 6:38 (8) Wo4^y W o^pecker 9:88 (20-48) The Tycoon (30) This Is the Life 4:38 (8) Invitational Golf Toum. the ideal setting for a serial be­ (18) Million Dollar Movie (24) Antique 18:88 <3) Lamp Unto My Feel (18) Herald of Truth riers of deafaess and blind­ (40) Roxo the Clown (22) Film ness. cause its a great place to meet 9:15 (S) Depnty Ila w x' "H ell and High Water” Rich­ 9:38 (3) Petticoat Junction (40) Oral Roberts -Stoiwr” Smith ard Arlen, Judith Allen (2awrence, Gordon ( ) Five Finxers (22) Movie (24) What’s New MacRae, Bill Hayes, Leslie (8 ) Comments and People 8 spend less time sitting around (8-20-40) Father Knows Best Uggams. (20-48) Bullwinkle (C) (18) The Worids Greatest ’ ’The Paleface” Bob Hope, • Large Selection of ^ 12:45 (3) Golding Light (28) News and Weather (22) It Is Written Mother Jane Bussell drinking coffee and discussing 1:00 (3) Best Seller (28) News (24) The Senate Institution (28) Hall of Ivy 11:28 (3) Movie Fine Cars! 38 their troubles. They discuss 11:80 (S-8-20-22-38-40) News, Weather (30) Jewish Life STANEK ELECTRONICS (8) Movie (3) To Tell the Truth 4 and Sports (22-38) Meet the Press ” His Majesty O’Keefe” Bart 11:45 (.30) The Christophers them but they don't drink so (20) The Rebus Game (18) In the Public Interest (18) For Adults Only 11:55 (8) Capital Reports (24) What's New Lancaster,r, JoanJos Rice (22-.30) At Home with Kitty (20) Open Mike 8:38 (3) Zoorama (M ) Great Moments In Music 277 BR O AD STREET— PH O N E 649-1124 much coffee. Maybe we viewers 11:16 (30) Tonight (C) Johnny 12:08 (3) Perception (40) News (24) Opinion in the Capitol Carson (8-20-40) Discovery ’65 (18) Subs. TV 11:38 (48) Feature AUTO should. 1:05 ( 40) Barbara Bernard Show (38-40) News and Weather (28) Operation Success 11:35 (38) The Uatouchables t (20) .\ferv Griffith ” lt All Adds Up to You*’ Ex­ 1:30 (3). As the World Turns (22) Massachusetts Highlights (22-30) Profiles in Couraxe 1:18 (3) Decoy 11:20 (3) Movie amination of heredity, chromo­ NBC, which has been leading (20) I.adlFs Day (SO) Sports "The Young Land” Pal somes and xenes. oes Latin % ALL EXCHANGES USTED AND UNLISTED—MUTUAL FUNDS (22-30) Another World l2:55 (3) Your C-onxressman from (24) FrencJi Chef • E-Z Financing Dream of Jearaile," cut along "W ith a Hammer In His Hand, Comfort Conn. (48) WanteShDead or Alive convince me to write the book. • Open Evenings the pattern of supernatural "Be 1:88 (3) Your Community 7:38 (3) My Fav^te Martian I kept saying no one would be S29 MAIN STREET 64S-1106 witched.” (8) Nationwide Bowllax Tour­ Tim disappears into limbo interested in what happened to ' Member, of New York Stock Exchange nament when he comes in contact with me. ★★★★★★★★★★★ (18) Baseball Martin’s antennae'. ABC, which .started its color WEDNESDAY Television PROGRAM Mets vs. Milwaukee (22-M) Wonderful World of "Once I gx>t sUuled, and be­ casta modestly with cartoon ser- Color (20) Directions ’65 gan remembering, I remem­ ie.s and reruns of feature mov Time Channel niture, Wilbur Is blamed. *’A Catholic - Jewish Dla- (Color) ’’One Day at Teton 6:25 (3) Town Crier Marsh” Nature production bered everything until I was up ie.s, now plana to move about a (8-20-40) Oxsie and Harriet loxue’’. Investixattnx Chris­ 6:30 (3) Sunrise Semester "R ick and the Girl Across the tian source of anti-Semitism chronicles rituals of marsh ani­ to 659 pages. Tlien the publisji^ Ihirtf' of its evening entertain­ (30) The Rig Picture and deterioration of the dia- mals.


^AOE PQWR MANGHESTEH BVENINQ HEEAU). K ANCH B Slm CONN^ SATUBDAT,. MAY 8^ THURSDAY refeefotoa RgOGRAM Ohaaaal IS T a «to tfirth Freneil 0h4( n> Anni Cite WT Y sa i^ Manteds St«l< ;rwsr?t.d:shsw IfHJW YORK (AP) — P«t«^ “No," he «ald, with dUHiiqjrb- (II BssiIm BaaMstst'' ~~ v s i i Dsb’i ssy lisimBts eiOeSBlettieal latch Gams “Black Saddle’' series of televi-; modem times. AnV wayi there ny Msoss dab sfhea a aatohhar Aides aaas« ■ion's vestervear, la dager to are three boys and a daughter. eraUaa Alihabet 8^ Has DeUsr Mavis Xakliur si ■ssle Sw*Ttolle Witt a kealptor ... I get back on the range after sev­ Pm Nick who runs the ranch M la r A im 4iW . Maws SMS; eral . seasons of horseless movie which la -a‘ 440-mile spread. And 4:W Mavis ^ ^^g .d ’Wr^^’sal^ an

Adaslral AdaOrat -da^* iShsw ir-papamr eaana glvsa osl- («*-IklsUOOeaa (N ) Sapermaa saa asara try. In Nesf York recently to talk lawyer- in-San .PYancisco. And (S> FHtirf St Nr. Ossbsr Slid (W> WUplash » Dr. KMare up ABC’s forthcoming ''Big Val­ then there’s Heath, the younger (l> .Oaalaia Ks m s is s . .(M l The Friaadiy Oiaat at Maps" Karl H al^ ley’’ series which will star Bar-' one." <4S) (Jiw tlaea^ Olstor Maverleh baase, Kildare to ) <•) Kxstciss wNh Otoria The Admiral aad Saabhy Ue eeckplt Srhea bara Stanwyck, Peter attracted "Sort of like ‘Bonanpa,’"' re­ .(4*> Naek sad Myet r~ BiU...... Star h T SSlay ’ •l e .- the pool ealtmtscs- considerable attention with his plied Peter, with a frown. "The BloharSs StW > — fears- ■It Is Bsarsr The Rtfleasaa amksaa antnuad to diMwver hardly wait tb explain, is set in (t) M — -Ysaiw MsrrMs - Btodara aad f t m aatta havw Oalifomia’s San JcJoaquin Valley ' "Oh-ho," shouted your report­ (M) simper fissm Sits it )' Mews. Weather aad Sparta ehasnd hto facet, In the 1870s and is built around e d ."U k e ‘Peyton PlacO!’" - 1S;M (t> Mews (M> FUm .(M) My Liae M - the matriarch — Barbara Stan­ “Can’t you people stop com­ (SS-M) Trsth sr Cssssqasaess Tap tt Plaa Oaa •iM (S> Btohasd Dtoasaad OsBsral Hospital (M l U naahae Waais Peytoa Plaea . wyck — and her children. paring everything new to an old (4t) Oirio BIsras Advaalarea wlU Plash A weddlay party assembles. "Ah,” exclaimed your report­ show?” asked Breck. "Any 1»:M (S> Movie Oardaa Basel ed, “Uke ‘Empire’ three yeaip way, it’s going to be ; a good, riaaM la the W ipl . SiSS (4S> Advaalares la ago." fast-mo'Ving shOW." 1 ^ (4t> The Salat S ilt (S) Spaita, Maws -sad Weather U.-to (XMS) Csaoeatralisa ' S:U ( t » WoehSad______Ski “ ■ Baparta~ 7M4) Gtora. ry TraUTrau ( {) Itohas Oama S:M Special BapsH ISiSS <}> The Dsleadcr. U :W .(>»-M> Jcspardr ti|S (t> (|> Maws ii-IS4S). Jimmy Deaa Shaw Channel 24 Sets (SSS4S) Pries U HisM (ii re ramta AUea, Bor Clark, dady U:W (S> leve of Ufe Can N r BlsH I M t ) Samaare Theatre Series on Music (S-N-tt) Bsaaa BssS f w What’s New (Oalar) “ The Baiter Breach" John William U:M (t) SMrch for Tsmsrrsw S:4S (W ) Local Maws, Waathar Blehatd Beymer. Kathariaa Berry are sh I’U Bet St48 (W> Mews Orawfeid. East Oermaa tel- "The World of Music,” a new Father Kassrs Best 7itS (t> Wyatt Baip ■yae tries la spirit his wife Chester Circui IZriS (1) OaMUr UshI (IS) la U e PabUe ■ateiest thniiifh Ue BeiUi WaH, twenty-two program series, will 1:M (S) Best AK er (M> Sea War Mevie MSws aad WeaUar I t iN Sarvlval la Ue Saa UiSS Mews, Weathay Thursday at 10:20 pm. At Hease with K lllr 7:U Maasaehasalta Biyhiishta <4f) Mews Saaits taarts On the series, with composer- <4S) News (IS) M Adalto Oaly IriS (4S) Barbara BeraaiS Show M tU S) Tsaiyht, dahaay Cari oonductor Morton Could as host, 1:W -As the World Tstas 7 its <>) The Maasters (M> Merv Oitlfltt (M> This Is Us Ufe “MbbsIsc Ue MayaUtosal” B i- will be top talent from the mu­ (»-M> let’s Mahs a Baal dia valaataera to 'have Her- U tM (S) Mavta (4S> Tbs Bebas OaaM ama perfarat la a achaal talaol "Tha Oeatta Art al Marder" Mm sic world participating in an ex­ Bichard Tsdd, Daalelta Day 1:U (2>AS) Mews itaax tensive exploration of the many t:M (t) Fassweid daaay Qaest U itS (S) Mavta performing art. l:W (S) Hease Party "Pirates frem Belew.” “ The Backet" Behert MHeh- Day la Ceart priteaers by pirates. U :M TealyhI. dehssqr Oarsea A program featuring Noah <4S) News (>t-W>------laaMDaalef rBeeae (4S> Theater 4# Trallmasler ' saerades as Baeae to wta la- t ilt (•) Newscape, Mameato at otmunonUng on the music of Oeaeral Hospital alaa alliaa. (B) OaaBart 'Two Scitico Shakespeare’s time; Dr. Mar­ been (rharged w tin Luther King Jr., and a In the .stabbing group of folksingers in a spec'al Elsa Martinelli ' in night of Edwa program on the role of freedom FRIDAY Television PROGRAM songs in the civil rights move­ N B C ’s “The Rogues” Vernon, co-own ment; Ruggiero Ricci perform­ 80 restaurant. Sunday 10-11 p.m. TIbm ChaBael ' ‘Lareh, Ua Taaa-aga Idol.’* ing on five of the rarest and Sits Tawa Ortar Baeaidmga a( Lareh’s abtw- The 25-year-old alra vataa ga aver wNh the most valuable violins in the Sits Saariae Semesisr portedly itabbed Operattoa Alphabet (Calarl latorvtows wMh Ua ing of Israeli soprano Netania Coming Shows two Bavtal astraaaato at Tash- livBl at Rockville Davrath, and paintings of Marc 7iM (t) StoiT el Italy (t»SS> Tatoiy Shew had S. FUm aat saaa la UA. pitnl. Chagall. 7:U Frtead af Mr. (taaber “ The Ufa Toe Save u Vm tS, in the glaylt SINGLE STAB Val racaUs Ue beyiaalag of broadcast w(U take place Mon^ tits <11 CaplaU K aan m both live on Bnili (4S> Caattaeatal CImssroasa hie trtaadahlp sriU Becky. (HI day 10-10:30 p.m. with the (Ml Al Issae M tico section of N E W YORK (A P ) — Eric S:M (SI Exercise wIU Gleda presentation of "Finlandia,” (4S) Mack aad Myer SiSS (Sl d e a m r Pyle, USBC 'were preser Fleming and Sheb Wooley will nia mrgaaatIt 1aeUavaa he’s tae­ commemorating the' 100th an­ tiW Osacealratlaa dar." Peter Feada. Savage re­ an Intensive se( ^ t d m k viewers of a tour of Tin Pan (SI TTie Bebas Game Aline Saarinen, art au­ wards, Uea dlsclpltass a yaaay/, murder weapon. ( lliS t (St-tSi Jeopardy officer. (Bl Alley on N BC ’s “Bell Tele­ (S-tSAt)------liSeThe Price- ■ Is Blyht thority and NBC cor­ (tSASI daeh Pear fish knife. phone Hour” Tuesday 10-11 p.m. (M l The Staadwells The slayer is ELECTRONICS U :N (S) Lsve el Life respondent on “Sun- U iM (SA-SS Ml News, Weather aad Carol Lawrence, Leslie Uggams (ttlSSI Can My Blaif *. have thrown the .. (AJS-tSI Deaaa ‘Beed da;^’ and "Today.” LABORATORIES and Peter Nero are among the ItiSS (SI Search ter Temfrrew (Ml Big Mews rubble in the Roc guests. •■d.^lciriher (tS4SI l ‘ll JBet _ ^ Hits (Ml Merv OritflU ‘i. opment area. PoH< (SASASI Father Kaews Best (ssir Tap St nss>o)ta nearch into the 12:48 (SI Galdlay Light .'(Ml Basata Adveataras la Aata 277 BROAD The story of the Pilg^rim’s U iM (m ’ mV u P*- ■u(x;eM. iiM (SI Beal Seller . (M l Adveataias wlU Flash H Uale*' Cllftoa B ee- .. ...fcl flight from persecution from (SI Movie ’ Gardaa *— Steamck Polio* have rev Ekigland to the New World wlU (2SI The Bebas Game I (Ml laraaUe Uwkft” fU EX P ER T (SI Sparto, News, Weather M Ughl'< Omrgi Baft, Vim be presented in "The Pilgrim (St-SSl At Heme wiU Kitty (4SI Maws (SI Mtws [a. Dr. BraU era SERVICE Adventure” on the final pro­ 1:M (4SI Barbara Beraard Bhevr (SSI (dabhaasa gram M UtlS season’s "Saga of liM (SI As U e Warid Taras (SSI Special Baparl ( (SI Mews Western Man” series of ABC (M l FslU far Today Bm s. PM 0*Bttea Two Bl OH all makes (S2-M) Lei’s Make a Deal (81 Baarbea Btraal Bdal Uipe Tealghl Monday 7:30-8:30 p.m. (4S The ItobM Game (SS-Ml Haaltay BrtaUsy M y . (M ) Thaator M (4SI Mews , liM <8> Mswampa, of TV aad 1:S8(2X-MI Mews Wb*t’s New Oassfoit aad IHyau 2:M (SI FaSsward (Ml Leeal News, WeatteP P lead (tSrSSI MatoMil af TraU (M) Maws RADIOS (2SASI Flame la Ue Wtad 7iM (SI D < ^ VaUey Days GARDEN S;M (|). B eu a Party (Ul «ab T,Y. N O JD O fTB LB (AH) Tbs Daftei (M l OpsB MUe lAKfllta Bail, gUr bf "TIm As Red CALL 649.11:^4 (S-2SASI Day..la Ceart (S2> wsathse aad News SiM (4SI NeWs (M l ipaigpi Stos’s Orsal Ad- ^iv'rSbow," decUnM to u m k S U P P LriES vsatara (louble. She has nover refused TV-Radlo, Sales and Service SiSS (SI ThA Bdge of Might LOrtoON (AP) . (tt-M ) Ahatltor World ItS ^Lam S u T*^ Weather to do n gtunt the aoript Admiral daolr Shaw Floon nad Oelllags BSlling guided ml RnpaifOd. Shorpnnnd S.-M (M l lateraattaaal. Showtime Pnlntod nad geftnliiied (Be &>vlet'Union (Ml Kiade.rgaitSB !> « « , Asjeeho. best. “ Clreas Gon claimed he r pioc-u p a S&iviiiv (M l Chsyi aad.Im Fiesta. . Worfensuulito CWnDurteed sd 114,000 to neari I (4SI- AdmAsI■ aft ami Swabby ihaw tiM (S-thAil Fsrmer’s Dasghler VUBjrW uor Inaaredi L IT T L E & 8i|s (SI Magffla OasiUa “ Mel, MsJ, A Thsssaad Tiaies CALL 649-17^2 (U l MOItaa Dollar Marta Ms/." raps decides a Cea- SI* “ Lave He T e a lA l" Jeanaetta gressmad-ls a pmr bet as a British army cl« Fnmk Findlay— Pete Garner M c K i n n e y MacDsaald ma-ta-law. LEO rELLETIER Piraps. TMI FSm (SSI CatItag Edge 0 4 »-a M tatwe Mintotry, 15 WOODBRIDGE ST. (M l TThat’s Mew (M) Short Stories af Gay de 10 years’ im (4S> Sapsr ‘ ifaapasssBt fi Orisweld St. Maarbestor Maaoliester—64S-80M Sils (4di Kaaebait SiM (S) Sarvlval Mlling defense (k 1 .. A tS■m.lt»BSi.Wsdifcesj ‘ ■■ Sv—a.-IW M IXiAdteiM Fsmlly jibcMstas. t of tiv .^publicP and Inu S■bent at only $1K *d March 18, hat bscame “desperi ■dter his wife un M r operation. 1 OiUdren. Two spy oaiMs dtber were unp old Bailey, the lurid crimiiiajl trl leji Eilwyn Jonei

oMl secrete law. panaHy could juars. He was seiaed