FFIIEELLDD TTRRIIAALL RReevviieeww 122 nd National Championship Ames Plantation February 8, 2021

2020 National Champion Miller’s Speed Dial (photo by Nancy Brannon ) Covering the National Championship since 1986 2. 2021 Field Trial Review Remembering Robin gates By Nancy Brannon, Ph.D. onship [1985]. “Robin was in his twenty-first year of The field trial world lost one of its contending for the National in 2010 when prominent bird dog handlers on February the Carl Bowman’s Pointer, In The Shadow, 19, 2020, just as the 121st National Cham - won over the thirty-eight other competitors. pionship was nearing its conclusion: Robin “Robin’s third victory would come only Gates. Robert C. “Robin” Gates (63) of Lee three years later, 2013, when the setter, County, Georgia died at his residence. He Shadow Oak Bo, was the first setter in 43 was the son of John S. Gates, also a promi - years to win the title. When Bo was a very nent field trial bird dog trainer and handler. young dog, Robin made the statement that A highlight of Robin’s career came in he had a Setter in summer camp that was 2013 when he handled champion setter capable of winning the National. The next Shadow Oak Bo to the National Champi - year, 2014, Bo topped the field of forty-one onship. This was the first time since 1970 to again take the garland. that a setter had won the coveted title. Gates “Robin has been a part of the National and his son Hunter Gates, who scouted, for thirty years. He has competed every year were decidedly delighted with the win. In since 1989. In those thirty-one appearances, an interview after the ceremony, Gates he has entered 32 different dogs and has quipped, “After the fourth find, we really handled in 88 braces. got serious.” He described how the dog ran “Hunter Gates went to work for his fa - the course. “What impressed me about him Handler Robin Gates and scout Luke Eisenhart on the steps of the Ames Manor ther, Robin, and scouted for him for 13 was his endurance. He had a find off the House with National Champion Shadow Oak Bo, February 2014, the year Bo won years. The last year he scouted was 2013, , and then at pick-up time, I went his second National Championship in a row. ( photos by Nancy Brannon ) Shadow Oak Bo’s first win of the National. in there and found him pointed again. I He is the third generation to train out of the knew we had done a really good job and it camp his grandfather established in would take a quality dog to beat him. This Broomhill, Manitoba in the 1940s.” is the greatest honor that’s ever happened to Vera Courtney, long-time field trial en - me!” Gates concluded his remarks, saying thusiast and photographer wrote of Gates: he would like to do this again next year. “As his family and friends lay Robin And indeed, he did. Gates handled Bo to Gates to rest, my thoughts are moved to the a repeat National Championship win in prairies of Canada. A few years ago I made 2014, with Luke Eisenhart scouting that my first trip to the prairies and took that op - year. portunity to visit Robin at his camp for a On the steps of the Ames Manor House, few minutes. before the winner of the 2020 National “He was a man of ‘Big’ stature, but a Championship was announced, Dr. Rick man with a soft heart. On my visit I was Carlisle, Director of Ames Plantation, asked greeted with a warm welcome and short for a moment of silence and said a prayer tour of the ‘Gates Camp.’ I didn't know for the Gates family. Carlisle later told me Robin well, but he just made me feel like I that it was all he could do to hold back the was an old friend. tears. “Robin was a true, good friend. He Handler Robin Gates, scout and son Hunter Gates, with 2010 National Cham - “I know he loved his family with all his was a superb dog handler, dog trainer, and pion In the Shadow and owner Carl Bowman at the Ames Manor House. heart and was so proud of his son’s, Hunter, handled horses well. He was willing to help horse trainer by trade, but bird dogs are his and the dog had a special connection.” success as a sportsman. He loved and was anybody with anything they needed and passion. In The Shadow lived part of the In his article for the 2020 Field Trial Re - proud of his grandsons’ accomplishments. was very complimentary of the people year as a house dog with Carl. He was a view on “Fathers, Sons, and Brothers,” Na - On the one occasion I met his wife, Mary working with him. He was good at educat - well-trained house dog and even rode in the tional Championship reporter William S. Ann, he introduced her with great pride and ing people, especially owners, about the nu - car to the bank with Carl’s wife, where the Smith wrote: “Robin was 28 years old when love. ances of bird dog handling without tellers gave him dog treats. During these he entered his first National in 1984 with “Robin will never be forgotten for all his sounding condescending. He was just a re - times, he wore a leather collar. But when Flush’s Reedy Rogue. He is one of only a accomplishments in the Bird Dog Field ally nice human being.” field trialing season came and Robin took very few to win in his second attempt, when Trial world, but his biggest feat and success Carlisle recalled the year 2010 when off the leather collar and put on the orange the black and white pointer, Flatwood will be the family he created. Gates won the National Championship with collar, the dog’s whole demeanor changed; Hank, carried them both to the top of the “Fly High Robin. We will all meet again Carl Bowman’s In The Shadow. “Carl Bow - he knew it was time to get to work. Robin heap in his first appearance at the champi - on the Prairies of Heaven.” man [of Louisville, KY] is a Thoroughbred

About The Field Trial Review Field Trial Review Started by the late Don Dowdle, the Field Trial Review has been published annually Equus Charta, LLC Copyright 2021 since 1986. We have continued the legacy of covering the National Championship, P.O. Box 594 • Arlington, TN 38002-0594 paying tribute to the dogs, owners, handlers, and the Ames Plantation at this prestigious 901-867-1755 • 901-867-1755 (Fax) event. We hope you are pleased with this year’s issue. Publishers & Editors — Tommy & Dr. Nancy Brannon The Field Trial Review is a free publication made possible by the support of our Staff — Andrea Gilbert advertisers. Please tell our patrons that you saw their ad in the Field Trial Review. Email: [email protected] Website: www.midsouthhorsereview.com Every effort is made to avoid errors and to secure photos of every dog and everyone involved in the National Championship. If you find errors or if we missed you, we The Field Trial Review is an annual publication of the Mid-South Horse Review , a apologize. We express our sincere appreciation to all who contributed articles, photos, free monthly equine newsmagazine. Yearly subscriptions to the Mid-South Horse Review are available by first class mail for $35 annually. To subscribe, send payment to P.O. Box and information for this publication. Articles have been edited to fit available space. 594, Arlington, TN 38002-0594. Subscribe by phone: (901) 867-1755 . The Field Trial Review is available online at: www.midsouthhorsereview.com. Past issues are also available at this site. Deadline for the 2022 FTR is February 1, 2022 . EDITORIAL POLICY: The opinions expressed in articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of Tommy & Dr. Nancy Brannon, Publishers & Editors the Field Trial Review . Expressions of differing opinions through manuscript submis- 6220 Greenlee St. • P. O. Box 594, Arlington, TN 38002 • 901-867-1755 sions are welcome. Contents © 2021 2021 Field Trial Review 3. 4. 2021 Field Trial Review 2021 Field Trial Review 5. 6. 2021 Field Trial Review 2020 National Champion ahead” and kept on moving. “The mud Got Birds on was really bad, but he looked like a mil - dollars on every find. That’s a Miller- bred dog. He’s tough.” Speed Dial? Lester had had major back surgery in Article & photos by Nancy Brannon October 2019 and, at times, it seemed questionable whether he would be able to Miller’s Speed Dial is the 2020 Na - handle a dog at the National Champi - tional Champion, owned and handled by onship. But he and Mark had worked the Gary Lester, scouted by Mark Haynes. dog in south Georgia over the winter, and The announcement was made around 11 Lester said he felt better now than he had a.m. on Friday, February 21, 2020 at the in years. Ames Manor House, after a very short “I’m very blessed!” Lester often says, morning brace. and he thanks God for all the opportuni - This was “Joe’s” second year running ties he’s been given. in the National Championship after put - He praised Mr. Ferrell, his mentor, ting in a commendable three-hour run last “who taught me everything. Ferrell once year. The four-year-old orange and white told me that a dog who wins a champi - pointer male is a son of 2015 National onship must look like a champion.” Lester Champion Miller’s Dialing In. definitely agrees that Joe looks like a Dr. Rick Carlisle made the traditional champion. thank-yous to all the sponsors and con - He also praised his relationship with tributors to the National Championship, scout Mark Haynes. “I’m 100% better and then he announced Miller’s Speed handler when Mark’s my scout.” He ex - Dial as the winner. But in an odd turn of plained how well their partnership allows events, Gary Lester and the dog were one to anticipate what the other will do nowhere around. Even scout Mark Haynes and to work together seamlessly. “We’ve didn’t know where he was. Someone said figured each other out,” he said. “We’ve they’d heard he was eating at a restaurant probably spent more days together than I in Grand Junction. Carlisle got on the have with my wife!” phone, “speed dialed” Lester, and Lester Lester had a lot of good things to say made his arrival at the Manor House soon about Robin Gates. “He’s the best handler. thereafter. He could really show off a dog and he Lester had a few remarks to make on could get the gallery excited.” In his ear - the green steps of the Manor House, his lier years, learning about handling bird favorite place in the world to be this time dogs, Lester said, “I watched him like a of year, he said. “We’ve been very fortu - hawk. I learned a lot from him.” nate; we’ve been very blessed. God has The 2020 National Championship been real good to us. This is a time when The 2020 National Championship only I’m usually happy and excited, and I am missed one full day (Wednesday Feb. 12) today.” But he had just lost a friend and to rain, and another half day to rain, push - fellow handler, Robin Gates. “And it’s ing the last brace to the second Friday hard to celebrate when you know Robin’s morning. There were some rain delays, family is hurting so bad.” Lester con - and a “winter weather mix” delay one cluded his remarks with a prayer for the morning. But generally, the field trial ran Gates’ family. Then it was time for the on schedule. One dog, Coldwater Thun - photo session. der, was scratched from his brace on Miller’s Speed Dial with some of his trophies, posed by Scout Mark Haynes and Interviewed afterward by Larry Rea, Wednesday afternoon Feb. 19, due to “backed” by owner and handler Gary Lester, among the judges and dignitaries on Lester talked about his plans for running health issues. And 2017-2018 Champion the steps of the Ames Manor House. Joe in the National. The week before his Lester’s Sunny Hill Jo was scratched at run, Lester’s plan was to have Joe hunting the drawing, due to health issues. every step of the way and pointing a lot of The first solid performance came on birds. But seeing how muddy the fields Tuesday morning, February 11, when were and how rough the going was, he de - Dunn’s Tried N True had eight finds and cided to revise his plan. “I talked to Ferrell finished a solid three-hour brace for han - [Miller] about it and decided to change my dler Luke Eisenhart and owners Will and plan.” He had gone to Mr. Smith’s planta - Rita Dunn. That afternoon, Dominators tion and worked Joe about an hour and 20 Rebel Heir put on quite a performance minutes on Saturday. Then he decided to with nine finds, finishing the three hour let him rest the best part of the week pre - course for his handler Jamie Daniels and ceding his run at Ames. owner Jim Hamilton. On Tuesday in the 13th brace, Lester Jamie Evans wrote on the Ames Plan - said, “We turned him loose and let him go. tation facebook page: “Eighteen bird con - Once we got him to the front, he did tacts today! Seventeen total finds by just everything I asked him to do.” Lester two of today's competitors! A solid per - mimicked hearing the judges’ call when formance was demonstrated on both the dog successfully pointed birds. “After courses! The bar was raised high today by hearing it a couple of times,” Lester said, both Dunn’s Tried N True and Dominators “I started getting excited!” He talked easy Rebel Heir.” to his dog, he said. “And I didn’t look Heavy rain and thunderstorms led to Winning Scout Mark Haynes receives his hand-crafted Trooper saddle, by The back at the judges; I just looked straight the cancellation of both braces on Saddle Guy, congratulated by Dr. Rick Carlisle (right). 2021 Field Trial Review 7.

“Joe” shows his fine physique at the awards ceremony.

Wednesday February 12. To the untrained field trial judge, one Another solid three-hour performance may wonder what it was about Joe’s per - Gary Lester at the National Champi - Miller’s Speed Dial with Nick didn’t come until the next Tuesday morn - formance that surpassed the other three onship handling Lester’s Shockwave on Thompson just before the breakaway. ing, February 18, when Miller’s Speed dogs. Dr. Carlisle explained some of the February 17, President’s Day He was scouted by Mark Haynes. Dial was paired with Dogwood Bill. The nuances to judging the National Champi - (Jamie Evans photo ) day saw quite a bit of rain and some thun - onship. “It’s not just the number of birds derstorms. After an unproductive, Bill was pointed, but the dog’s ground race that is picked up at :30 because of a health issue. one of the most important criteria. Rebel That left Miller’s Speed Dial with the was at his best the first hour, but then an course to himself, where he had seven hour and a half lapsed until his next find. finds and finished the three hours. Here’s Tried N True ran a good ground race the the official account of his run: “Speed Dial first hour and a half, but then he went had a find at 1:09 in Low Lands; a second through a 30-minute sinking spell and find at 1:27 mid-way in Locust Turn; a [handler] Luke [Eisenhart] had to give him third find at 1:44 on the west edge of Mor - some “juice” to perk the dog back up. On gan Field along the tree line. His fourth some points, his tail was not up at “12 find came at 2:02 in the northern Low o’clock” as it is expected to be. Valiant had Lands field, and his fifth at 2:50 in the cut a few mistakes and an unproductive. The between Climmie Clark North and South. handler went to find the dog too many His sixth, and final, find was at 2:55 on the times, when that was the job of the scout. north end of Morgan at the pines. He fin - In contrast, Speed Dial was always to the ished the three hours. front, had plenty of energy, and always That afternoon, Valiant, handled by had his tail up. Gary let the dog hunt on Randy Anderson for owner Jay McKenzie, his own. The handler is not supposed to put in another three-hour performance, hunt the dog, but is supposed to allow the with five finds, an unproductive, a stop to dog to show how well he hunts birds on flush, and a back. None of the other dogs his own. Every one of Joe’s finds was a Gary Lester with two of his dogs in the 2020 National Championship running: in the competition would finish the three good, honest find, and the dog found birds (left) Miller’s Speed Dial and (right) Lester’s Shockwave hours. in some unexpected places.”

“Joe” gets some affection from Scout Mark Haynes Miller’s Speed Dial hits the course on what turned out to be a solid perform - ance. ( Jamie Evans photo ) 8. 2021 Field Trial Review Dogs Running In The 122nd National Championship

Ascension Coldwater Thunder Dream Chaser

Dunn’s Tried N True (Chris Mathan photo ) Game Wardon Lester’s Georgia Time (Chris Mathan photo )

owned by Coloradoan Brad H. Calkins and will be han - 2021 National Championship dled by Andy Daugherty. A look at Dream Chaser's pedigree shows his sire, Pleas - ant Run Bob as a son of Touch’s Knight Rider who was a Contestant Profiles former contestant here three years. Touch's Knight Rider By Stephen H. “Steeple” Bell - copyright Thunder Bess. Lulu is owned by Doug Arthur of Eades, was by Lance's Last Knight (a son of Erin's Bad River) out Tenn., Billy Blackwell, and David and Rachel Russell of of House’s Night Light. Pleasant Run Bob's dam was Ascension Como, Miss. She was bred by Gary McKibben of Her - Pleasant Run Judy and she was by House's White Hawk Ascension first came before the public in 2018 as the nando, Miss., and will be handled by Steve Hurdle. out of Quinton's Blackeyed Sue. House’s White Hawk was runner-up of the National Pheasant Championship while Lulu’s sire, Coldwater Warrior was by Whippoorwill a brother of House’s Wild Bess Again, Dream Chaser’s owned by Matt Pendergest and Norris Sims and handled War Dance out of Coldwater Flirt. A former contestant dam, and they were both by House’s Line Up out of Black - by Luke Eisenhart. Now with a new owner, Ted Roach of here, Whippoorwill War Dance was by National Champion hawk’s Sunflower. Blackhawk’s Sunflower and her sister Fort Wayne, Ind., and handler, Steve Hurdle, Ace has very Whippoorwill Wild Agin out of Motif. The dam Motif also Sparkles figure prominently in a large number of this recently qualified for his rookie run here. Ace took a first appears in another of this year's qualified contestant's pedi - year’s contestants’ pedigrees, so Dream Chaser will be place in January of this year at the Pelican State Open All- grees, Valiant, though he has now deceased. Lulu's dam, competing against a number of his close cousins. Age and shortly followed that winning the Alabama Cham - Thunder Bess is by National Champion Lester's Snowatch Dunn’s Tried N True pionship. This six year old, white, liver, and ticked pointer out of Miller's Go Rail (who gets her name from her owner The venerable veteran, Dunn’s Tried N True returns for dog was bred by Jim Pendergest of Lexington, Ky. Ace is Tony B Miller and not Ferrell Miller as we are prone to as - his seventh run on Ames Plantation's three hour courses. by Reloaded out of Dialed In. sume), she was by Addition's Go Boy out of Guard Rail’s He has completed a three hour run in four of his six previ - Ace will join his littermate brother, Marques Armed Misty. ous years, winning the title of National Champion in 2019. Robber, in this year's competition. Their littermate sister, Thunder Bess’ sister Thunder Snowy was also a mem - He has re-qualified this year with a second place at the Pendy’s Good Grace, ran here in 2018. The three contest - orable former contestant owned by Doug Arthur. Billy Kentucky Quail Classic and a runner-up champion at the ant threshold for measuring top producing dams has been Blackwell is remembered for handling his own National Quail Championship Invitational. Jack is a white and or - met for Dialed In, and she now joins a cadre of 36 to have Champion Warhoot Rogue in 1996. David and Rachel Rus - ange, eight year old pointer dog owned by Will and Rita done so. Both Pendy's Good Grace and Dialed In have won sell, at 34 and 29 years old, are some of the youngest own - Dunn of Lebanon, Ky. He is by National Champion Purina Awards: Dialed In won the top amateur all-age ers this year. Rachel is Billy Blackwell's daughter, and his Miller's Dialing In out of White Royal Pain, and was bred award for the 2018-19 season and Pendy’s Good Grace grand-daughter, Anniston, will likely be this year's by Chris George of Thomasville, Georgia. Jack is handled won the top all-age derby award for the 2016-17 season. youngest gallery member. by Luke Eisenhart. Coldwater Thunder Dream Chaser Of course the 2015 National Champion, Miller's Dialing Coldwater Thunder returns for her fourth year, though Dream Chaser is a four year old, white, liver, and ticked In is familiar to most readers, he was by Miller's Happy she has qualified five times. She was scratched last year, pointer dog who will be making his first run in National Jack out of Phillip's Silver Star. White Royal Pain was by but in her previous runs she has always completed the three Championship competition. He comes here having won South's Late Night (Miller’s White Powder ex Wiggins hours. She is the only bitch to qualify this year, and returns first places in the Stillwater Open All-Age last season, and Miss Sammie) out of Henley’s Becky Lynn (Miller’s On with a third place in the Hell Creek (Miss) Open All-age the Kansas Prairie Open All-Age this season. He was bred Line ex Anticipation). and followed that with a win of the Mississippi Open by David Hendricks of Russellville, Ky., and is by Pleas - While it has been Luke’s steadfast handle that has Championship. This seven year old, white, liver, and ticked ant Run Bob out of House's Wild Bess Again. Chaser is brought Jack to twelve championship titles now, a little his - pointer bitch was sired by Coldwater Warrior and is out of 2021 Field Trial Review 9. Dogs Running In The 122nd National Championship

Lester’s Jazz Man Lester’s Shockwave Lester’s Storm Surge

Lowrider Frank Marques Armed Robber Miller’s Blindsider (Chris Mathan photo ) tory which I wrote last year about Jack's upbringing bears of the three brothers who are contestants this year, they are early last spring with a third place at the Lynn Taylor Clas - repeating here: Benji Griffin was well known for driving by Ransom out of Beane’s Line Dancer and this first litter sic and followed that with a first place at the Rend Lake the dog wagons, often with Too Bright, at the southern was bred by Ronnie Beane of Albany, Georgia. Joe is a six Open All-Age. This past fall he has notched a number of plantation field trials. He had been left disabled by polio as year old, white, orange, and ticked pointer dog. additional placements: a second place at the Kentucky a child, but had a great love of our sport and the dogs. Lester’s Georgia Time was a rising star for Robin Gates Lake Open All-Age; firsts at the Lee County (Georgia) and White Royal Pain was his dog when he passed away. Chris who handled him to wins of the 2018 Manitoba Chicken Hell Creek (Miss) Open All-Age trials; and a win of the George became her owner afterwards, she had not been Championship and the 2019 Florida Championship. I will All-America Quail Championship. And Bud is just three field trial broke before then, and after working with her, he describe his pedigree in the profile of one of his younger years old. He is one of the three brothers who are by Ran - decided to breed her for her bird finding abilities. John brothers, Lester’s Storm Surge. som out of Beane’s Line Dancer, and this repeat breeding Barksdale raised this litter for Chris while they were pups. Lester’s Jazzman was made by Derek Bonner of Mooresboro, N. C. This Game Wardon Lester’s Jazzman is a veteran contestant returning for white, orange, and ticked pointer dog is owned by Ken - Game Wardon, scion of former contestant Caladen’s his seventh year. In his past runs here, he has completed tuckians Tommy and Bonnie Hamilton, and handled by Rail Hawk out of Game Creek, will be handled by his the three hours every other year, so he is due to do so again Gary Lester. owner and breeder Dr. Fred Corder of Corinth, Miss. He this year. Sam has re-qualified with a first at the SoLaTex Lester’s Shockwave's and Lester’s Georgia Time's pedi - re-qualified for this, his third year with placements while Cajun Classic. He is by the National Champion Lester’s gree will be discussed in the following profile for their on Luke Eisenhart’s string: a runner-up at the Masters Snowatch out of High Point Jesse, and was bred by W. M. brother Lester's Storm Surge. Open Quail Championship, a win of the Tarheel Open Harkins of Auburn, Ala. Sam is a nine year old, white, or - Lester's Storm Surge Championship, and a third at the Kentucky Quail Classic. ange, and ticked pointer dog owned by Dan Hensley of Lester’s Storm Surge will be making his rookie year run Bill is a white, liver, and ticked pointer dog who is slightly Claremore, Okla., and handled by Randy Anderson. having qualified with a first at the Lynn Taylor Classic less than five years old. Did you ever know the kid who waits until the last night (Carroll County) and a win of the Missouri Open Champi - Bill’s pedigree shows a mix of Dr Corder’s dogs. Game to do his homework? Sam is such a dog. He has re-quali - onship last spring. He has twice been a runner-up at the Wardon’s dam Game Creek was sired by Decision Maker fied to run here in the last month of the season for the past Continental trials, in the 2019 Derby Championship and in out of String And Lace (a daughter of Touch’s Hardtack few years, this year at the Cajun Classic and the previous the 2020 All-Age Championship. One of the three brothers out of Tangier Pepper Grass). Decision Maker was not a couple of years at the Alabama Championship, the last two who are by Ransom out of Beane’s Line Dancer from the contestant here but his sire, Game Maker was for seven trials held each year before the National Championship be - repeat breeding made by Derek Bonner, he is a three year years while owned by Dr. Corder. Bill’s sire was Ross Call - gins. old, white, orange, and ticked pointer dog. Chip is owned away's dog Caladen’s Rail Hawk who Dr Corder purchased Sam’s breeding should be familiar by now. His sire was by Tommy and Bonnie Hamilton, and is handled by Gary and ran here four years. Caladen’s Rail Hawk was a son of Lester’s Snowatch the 2009 National Champion who was Lester. Rockacre Blackhawk. by Miller’s Date Line and out of Lester’s Leeza. His dam Ransom, the sire of the three Lester’s-named brothers Lester's Georgia Time High Point Jesse is a daughter of Miller’s White Powder competing this year, was one from the celebrated knick be - Lester’s Georgia Time began his career on the string of out of Native Missy (a daughter of Miller’s Silver Bullet tween National Champion Whippoorwill Wild Agin and the late Robin Gates, and ran here in 2019 under his whis - and Native Class). This “Native” mother-daughter line Sparkles. He has now been the sire of six contestants, tle. This is his second year to qualify, and he is now han - comes down from Cotton States Kate, the dam of the 1984 which is unusual since he was not a contestant here him - dled by Mark McLean. Joe has re-qualified winning the National Champion Native Tango. self. In addition to Lester's Georgia Time, Lester’s Shock - North Carolina Quail Championship. He is owned by Jim Lester's Shock Wave wave, and Lester’s Storm Surge running this year, his other Clark and Baker Hubbard of Atlanta, Georgia. The elder Lester’s Shockwave re-qualified for his second run here past contestants were Lester's ( Continued on pages 11-12 ) 10 . 2021 Field Trial Review Dogs Running In The 122nd National Championship

S F Stetson Touch’s Blackout Touch’s Gallatin Fire (Chris Mathan photo )

Touch’s Malcolm Story (Chris Mathan photo ) Touch’s Red Rider (Chris Mathan photo ) Westfall's River Ice 2021 Field Trial Review 11 . Dogs Running In The 122nd National Championship

Westfall’s True Grit Whippoorwill Forever Wild Whippoorwill Justified

Private Charter, Whippoorwill Foto Op, and two-time Na - Drama Queen. Their dam is Dialed In, who is a daughter Touch’s Blackout tional Champion Lester’s Sunny Hill Jo. House’s Line Up of the National Champion Miller's Dialing In out of Touch’s Blackout has re-qualified for his third run this also sired six contestants though he was not a contestant Rester’s Zumba Girl. Another former 2018 contestant, year with a new owner, John Harkins of Mead, Okla. His himself, and the leaders for this category (sires of contest - Shadows White Warrior is a brother of Rester's Zumba re-qualifying placements have both come this January with ants who were not contestants themselves) are the pointers Girl. These two are by National Champion In The Shadow a third at the Hobart Ames Memorial Open All-Age and a Rockacre Blackhawk and Fast Drug Delivery with nine out of Rester’s Whistling Dixie. runner-up at the Alabama Championship. Duke is an eight contestants each, and the setter Count Whitestone who Miller’s Blindsider year old, white, orange, and ticked pointer dog who was sired thirteen contestants. Jamie Daniels will be handling Miller’s Blindsider for bred by Gary Baird of Murphysboro, Illinois. He is by the With three contestants of her own, Beane’s Line Dancer his rookie year. He has qualified by winning the National 2011 National Champion Touch's Whiteout out of B C An - is this year's top producing dam. She is by House’s Line Derby Championship in 2018 and the Masters Open Quail gelina. Randy Anderson will be Duke's handler. Up out of Burrows Sinbad Lady (by Elhew Sinbad ex Championship last spring. He has also twice been a run - Both of Touch’s Blackout’s parents were sired by the Waubeek Rose). ner-up champion; at the Florida in 2019 and the South - 2009 National Champion Lester's Snowatch. Touch’s Lowrider Frank eastern in 2020. Sam is by Just Irresistible out of Miller’s Whiteout was out of Lester’s Nat and B C Angelina was Lowrider Frank is returning for his second year having Bring The Heat, and was bred by Fran and Jack Miller of out of Beaucoup’s Daisy. re-qualified with a first at the Inola Open All-Age and a Barwick, Georgia. This four year old, white, orange, and Touch’s Blackout is another dog from the Oklahoma win of the Southland Championship. He was picked up ticked pointer dog is owned by Nick Berrong of Maryville, school of hard knocks, and he, like Lowrider Frank, has early last year having made two finds by the 1:46 mark. Tenn. been knocking on the door for a while now. Touch’s Black - Frank is an eight year old, white and liver pointer dog The sire of Miller’s Blindsider, Just Irresistible, was the out has twenty placements in six seasons of open all-age owned by Dr. Jim Mills and Steve Lightle of Searcy, Ark. first dog for Jamie Daniels to “get his foot in the door” on competition and only one of them has been a championship He is by Miller's Happy Jack out of Fairchase Jiggs and the major all-age circuit, and he was a former contestant win, at the 2018 Mid-America Championship. He has been was bred by Tom Woods of Adair, Okla. Allen Vincent is at the National Championship for four years, 2014-2017. named a runner-up four times. the handler for Lowrider Frank. His breeding with Miller’s Bring The Heat has been made Touch’s Gallatin Fire Lowrider Frank seems to be a dog who has come up three times and has produced eight champions over the Touch’s Gallatin Fire was one of the first dogs to re- through the Oklahoma school of hard knocks. He has nu - gambit of all-age, shooting dog, and amateur competitions. qualify, winning the West Tennessee Open All-Age this merous placements, mostly seconds and thirds and had a Neither Stud Muffin’s proud mama, Mary Devos, nor your time last year. He has since garnered a third place at the runner-up at the Oklahoma Championship way back in scribe seem to be able to keep up with all of them. Just Ir - Lee County (Georgia) Open All-Age. This will be the third 2015, but this year’s Southland Championship win was his resistible was by Riverton’s Funseekin Scooter out of Just year for Bob to run at Ames Plantation, he has been picked first champion's title. Wait Bess. up early in each of his previous runs. Touch’s Gallatin Fire Should anyone need the reminder, Lowrider Frank’s Miller’s Bring The Heat is a sister of Miller’s White is by House's Ring Of Fire and out of Touch's Sandy. He sire, Miller’s Happy Jack was by Lester’s Bandit out of Wall who was the dam of two-time National Champion was bred by Keith Wright of Covington, Ind. Bob is a five Bryson’s Powder Twist. Frank’s dam, Fairchase Jiggs, was Lester’s Sunny Hill Jo. They are by National Champion year old, white, orange, and ticked pointer dog owned by by Sooner Tim out of Sooner Sissy. Sooner Tim was by Tri Lester's Snowatch out of L G White Lily. L G White Lily Alex and Brianna Rickert of Bozemann, Montana, and Boy (by Highview Tribute ex Highview’s Rockette) out of was a sister of Phillip's Silver Star, the dam of National handled by Mark McLean. Highview Dottie (by Slight Advantage ex Roll On Kim); Champion Miller’s Dialing In, and they were by White Touch’s Gallatin Fire is a littermate brother of Touch’s and Sooner Sissy was by Sequoyah (by Honkytonk Atti - Powder Pete out of Hawk's Silver Sue. Spaceman, who has also re-qualified to run a third time tude ex Sequoyah Lynn) out of Sooner Bandit (by Fiddlin S F Stetson this year, but has been withdrawn due to an injury. Their Rocky Boy ex Oklahoma Razmataz). It is fair to say that S F Stetson is a rookie contestant handled by Larry sire, House’s Ring Of Fire was by Lance’s Last Knight out Fairchase Jiggs shows a lot of Fiddler blood in her pedi - Huffman. He has qualified with two first placements: at of Grace’s Snow. Their dam, Touch’s Sandy is by National gree. the 2019 Prairie Open All-Age and this year's Hobart Ames Champion Touch’s Whiteout out of Touch’s Whippoorwill Marques Armed Robber Memorial Open All-Age. Hank is owned and was bred by Road (by Whippoorwill Wild Agin ex Whippoorwill Marques Armed Robber returns for his second year. Last Larry Smith of Altoona, Iowa, who also owned his sire S GMA). year he didn’t have a good time, getting picked up after a F Bandwagon (a dog which Larry Huffman handled here Touch's Malcolm Story second unproductive. He has re-qualified with several last year), and his dam S F Rushhour. Hank is a four year Touch’s Malcolm Story is returning for his second year wins: a second at the Bill Andrews Memorial Open All- old, white, orange, and ticked pointer dog. with first places in the Dixie Classic and Blackbelt (Ala) Age, a first at the North Carolina Open All-Age, and a win Hank’s sire, S F Bandwagon is by the 2007 National Open All-Age to re-qualify. He was picked up early in last at the National Free-For-All Championship. Sam is by Re - Champion Funseeker’s Rebel out of Deep Creek Rose. His year's competition. Big is a five year old, white, orange, loaded and out of Dialed In, and was bred by Jim Pen - dam, S F Rushhour is by Lester's Thunderbird out of S F and ticked pointer dog. He is sired by Touch’s Knight Rider dergest of Lexington, Ky. Sam is owned by John and Sue Sendout, a sister of the 2004 National Champion Miller's and is out of Blackhawk’s Sunflower, and was bred by Ivester of Huntersville, N. C., who have had a dog on the On Line (by Miller’s White Powder ex Wiggin’s Miss Keith Wright. Touch’s Malcolm Story is owned by Alex Ames Manor's porch in the past, Marques Gold Rush back Sammie). Some might remember that the mating of and Brianna Rickert and handled by Mark McLean. in 2000. Robert (Lefty) Henry is Sam's handler. Lester's Thunderbird with S F Sendout also produced Big is one of the two dogs owned by the Rickert’s in Marques Armed Robber is a brother Ascension and of Lester’s Thunderstorm, S F Wishbone, S F Cufflink, and this year’s field of competitors, the other is Touch’s Gal - the female contestant Pendy’s Good Grace who ran here other good ones, though none of them made their way to latin Fire. Touch’s Malcolm Story's sire is Touch’s Knight in 2018. Their sire, Reloaded is by House's Line Up out of the National Championship. Rider who was a national championship contestant three 12 . 2021 Field Trial Review times from 2013 to 2015. Touch's Knight Rider is by The sire of Westfall’s River Ice is the shooting dog The other younger brothers from this knick, Barshoe Lance’s Last Knight out of House’s Night Light. Touch's champion Westfall’s Black Ice. He is from the Rockacre Five N Dimer and Whippoorwill Mayhem, failed to get a Malcolm Story’s dam is Blackhawk’s Sunflower who was Blackhawk - Elhew Katie Lee knick, which produced so re-qualifying placement in this year's shortened season. Tip by Rockacre Blackhawk out of Southern Sunflower. Black - many more shooting dog champions. Westfall's Quick will be competing against his elder brother, the 2016 Na - hawk’s Sunflower is a sister to Sparkles. Gold, the dam of Westfall’s River Ice, is by Mount Nebo’s tional Champion Whippoorwill Justified. The eldest broth - Touch's Red Rider Lefty (by Rock N Roller ex Absolute Charm) out of I B ers, Ransom and Skyfall, now have their get at the big This will be the second year for Touch’s Red Rider to Fancy (by Highview Buddy ex I B Lonestar). dance this year (The contestant sired by Skyfall, Stash The run at the National Championship. He was lost at 0:44 after Westfall’s True Grit Cash, has been withdrawn). In all, Tip can claim to be a having two finds last year. Red has re-qualified last spring Westfall’s True Grit re-qualified early last spring with a cousin, or still more closely related, to nine of the dogs that with a third place at the Dixie Classic followed shortly after third place at the West Tennessee Open All-Age and fol - qualified for this year's National Championship. with a win at the Southeastern Championship. Red is a lowed that with a first at the Heartland Open All-Age in Whippoorwill Justified white, orange, and ticked pointer dog who will be just days March. This past Fall Jack has taken two more placements, Whippoorwill Justified won the title of National Cham - shy of his seventh birthday during this year’s competition. thirds at the Kansas Prairie Open All-Age and Stillwater pion on the first year that he ran, in 2016. This will be He is by Touch’s Knight Rider out of Whippoorwill GMA Open All-Age. Jack is a six year old, white, liver, and Patch's fifth year to re-qualify since then. He was with - and was bred by Keith Wright. Red is owned by S. Tucker ticked pointer dog who is owned, and was bred by Ryan drawn last year, but he has made commendable runs in the Johnson of Hobe Sound, Florida, and handled by Luke Westfall, of Liberty, Missouri. He is by Erin’s Braveheart previous years. He has re-qualified just weeks ago at the Eisenhart. out of Westfall’s Irish Bell. Andy Daugherty will be han - Prairie Open All-Age with a first place there. Ronnie Touch’s Red Rider’s three championship wins show him dling Jack for his fourth attempt at this title. Spears of Jacksonville, Ark., is the owner of this eight year to be versatile, winning on the prairies at the All-America Westfall’s True Grit was sired by Erin’s Braveheart a old, white, liver, and ticked pointer dog who is handled by Prairie Championship, on pheasants at the International former contestant who ran here in 2014 and 2015. Erin’s Larry Huffman. Lest anyone forget, he is from the Whip - Pheasant Championship, and down south on quail at the Braveheart is by Erin’s Bad River out of Erin’s Wild Rose. poorwill Wild Agin - Sparkles knick bred by Bob Wathall Southeastern Championship. Red's sire, Touch’s Knight Westfall's True Grit’s dam, Westfall’s Irish Bell is by Wig - of Tallahassee, Florida. Rider is by Lance’s Last Knight; and his dam, Whippoor - gins C C (by Wiggins River Crossing ex Wiggins Miss For the record, National Champion Whippoorwill Justi - will GMA was by Gamemaker out of Whippoorwill Dixi Maggie) out of River Ranch Belle (by Caladen’s Rail fied was sired by the 2008 National Champion Whippoor - Chic. Hawk ex White Powder Rail). will Wild Agin (by Whippoorwill Wild Jack ex Westfall’s River Ice Whippoorwill Forever Wild Whippoorwill Girl) and was out of Sparkles (by Rockacre Westfall’s River Ice re-qualified last spring with a sec - Whippoorwill Forever Wild returns for his second year Blackhawk ex Southern Sunflower). Sparkles and her sis - ond place in the Missouri Open All-Age, and since then he with a new owner, Phil Witter of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. ter Blackhawk's Sunflower's mother-daughter line goes has garnered two first places: at the Stillwater Open All- He was picked up early last year midway through his three back to the famous blue hen Hanna's Elhew Lou. Age and the North Dakota Classic. This will be the fourth hours with just one find. He has re-qualified for this year The knick between Whippoorwill Wild Agin and year to run at Ames Plantation for this white, black, and with a second place at the Alberta Classic. Tip is one of the Sparkles is without a doubt the most significant coupling ticked pointer dog, who will be just shy of seven years old. youngest of the nine former contestants to have been from ever in respect to producing qualified contestants for the Bud is owned by Brad Calkins of Centennial, Colo., and is the Whippoorwill Wild Agin - Sparkles knick bred by Bob National Championship. There have been nine: Whip - handled by Andy Daugherty. He was sired by Westfall's Wathall. He is now seven years old. Tip is a white, liver, poorwill Blue Blood, Whippoorwill Red Rage, Texas Wild Black Ice and is out of Westfall's Quick Gold. William P. and ticked pointer dog who will be handled by Matt Agin, Skyfall, Dazzling, Whippoorwill Justified, Barshoe Westfall of Liberty, Missouri, was his breeder. Cochran. Five N Dimer, Whippoorwill Mayhem, and Whippoorwill Forever Wild.

Best Wishes and Good Luck to all Participants in the National Championship

from © FTR Smith Setters

Harold Ray Owner/Trainer Doug Ray, Handler 1231 A Ben Hatcher Road Waynesboro, GA 30830 Ch. Dominator’s Ghost Rider 766-551-2011 Co-Owners Handler Doug Ray Tony & Becky Gibson 2021 Field Trial Review 13 . Wishing Everyone a Successful Run at the 2021 National Championship

© FTR © FTR CH Game Wardon

2018 Purina Derby Dog of the Year CH International Pheasant Championship 2019 CH Continental Derby Championship 2018 Second Place Bill Andrews Open All Age 2019 CH All American Derby Championship 2018 Third Place Blackbelt Field Trial Association 2019 Winner American Quail Classic Derby 2018 CH TarHeel Open Championship 2020 RU Master’s Open Quail Championship 2020 Dr. Fred Corder: Owner • Corinth, MS • 662.415.5244

Good luck to all qualifiers in the 122 nd National Championship From: CH Lester’s Georgia Time Jim Clark and Baker Hubbard

In Memoriam: Robin “Big” Gates

Handler: Mark McLean

Joe’s accomplishments: RUCH 2016 Kentucky Lake Open Derby Championship CH 2018 Manitoba Championship “Joe” CH 2018 Florida Open All-Age Owners: Jim Clark CH 2020 North Carolina Quail Championship Top Qualifier 2021 Continental Open All-Age and Baker Hubbard

© FTR 14 . 2021 Field Trial Review

Connor and pointer John, training Youth Field session, Mays Pond, North Florida. Trial Alliance Progress First time field trailer and winner, Tripp Whatley gives his setter a big hug at Sedgefield’s Field Trial Club’s 2020 Youth Trial held in Union Springs, AL Report By Mazie Davis and Chris Mathan pho - tos by Chris Mathan Following our successful fundraising effort last year and despite the obvious dif - ficulties the pandemic caused, we devel - oped the professional website needed to help promote youth field trials across the country. The website features an Events page to publicize upcoming youth trials, training events and seminars for kids, as well as a News page for trial results, pod - cast interviews and other information field (above) Reese Green at Sedgefield’s trialers might want to share about youth Field Trial Club’s 2020 Youth Trial, trials and handlers. Union Springs, AL. (below) Young han - The website also contains information dlers Dalton Drew and Noah Popiel about bird dog breeds that most commonly Bennett McFay, flushing for his pointer in Quail Hollow Field Trial Club’s 2020 training session with Mays Pond compete in walking and horseback trials Youth Trial held near Norman Park, GA. (all photos ©Chris Mathan ) manger Shane Drew, North Florida in the United States and Canada, as well feel is right for the kids in their area. If we as a short history and description of the can answer questions or connect clubs and sport for those entirely new to field trials. individuals with others who have experi - Mazie and I thank the many contributors ence running youth trials, please feel free who took the time to write short essays on to contact us through the website at their breeds. www.yfta.strideaway.com. We have a As we come out of the pandemic this Facebook Page and active Group which all year, we hope that the enthusiasm for are invited to join. youth field trials continues to grow and Thanks to Purina, a big supporter of that clubs around the country consider youth field trials, as well as to the many holding any kind of event for kids of all businesses and individuals who have ages — whether a trial or training day. given their financial support. The rest is up Many of the clubs in Alabama and Georgia to the field trial community. Let’s get it are running their youth trials to a Gundog done! Standard, but youth trials, which are not Visit the new website,Youth Field Trial officially sanctioned, can be run in Alliance, Strideaway at: www.yfta.stride - whichever way works for clubs that they away.com 2021 Field Trial Review 15 .

feeD yOur hOrSeS The BeST ... freSh TOP QualiTy feeD aT affOrDaBle PriCeS TRi-CounTy FeedS HaRveST FeedS Proud Supporters of field trials in the mid-south Ella Blease and her horse at Quail Hollow Field Trial Club’s 2020 Youth Trial and the 122nd held near Norman Park, GA. (photo ©Chris Mathan ) National Championship!

The DiffereNCe BeTweeN Our CuSTOm milleD feeDS & N aTiONal BraNDS : (1) f reShNeSS (2) C ONSiSTeNT QualiTy GuaraNTeeD (3) m Ore Value fOr yOur mONey We Offer Bulk feed A Wide Variety of Available Youth handlers, Connor, Daley, Noah, and Dalton with future hopefulls, train - Horse & Cattle Feeds ing session, Mays Pond, North Florida. (photo ©Chris Mathan ) MondAy-FRidAy HOrse Hay (Call for pricing & delivery schedule) Round & Square bales open 7 am - 5 pm ~ Mon - Fri 7 am - 12 pm ~ Saturday 662.564.2920 3107 S. Red Banks Rd. Red Banks, MS. 662.526.9100 206 Hwy 51 South Attie McDuffie and Katie Bell Varner, participants in Sedgefield’s Field Trial Club’s 2020 Youth Trial, Union Springs, AL (photo ©Chris Mathan ) Como, MS © MSHR 16 . 2021 Field Trial Review In Memoriam: CH Valiant By Randy Anderson Champion Valiant: January 11, 2013 - December 28, 2020 “Mack” was bred by Pat Kammer - 2020 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP DVD locher of Norman, Oklahoma with the help of Larry Garner. The mostly white slab-sided pup was the pick of the litter sired by Ch. Miller’s Happy Jack. The six-time Champion, two- time Runner-up Champion amassed 22 total placements over his career. He died in the same year as he ended a storybook season by plac - ing ten times, five of those being Cham - pionships, two of which were endurance for all the dogs stakes; winning the 2019/ 2020 Purina Mack’s ashes will be spread across the Top Dog Award; and receiving the presti - prairie of North Dakota in Bottineau gious Joe Hurdle Award. County, near the spot where he pointed Several litters were whelped over the his first chicken; the place where young past year. Just a week ago we secured a trainer Jeremy Gulick watched the young female from Gary McKibben of Missis - pointer glide across the country and slam sippi and Weldon Bennett of Tennessee on point. Jeremy, with mouth open and out of Champion Coldwater Warrior. eyes bugged, turned and said, “That’s With his passing, our fingers are crossed what I’m here for!” that the breeding took – all with the hope We would like to thank Dr. Terry Ter - DVD only $45, priority shipping included and dreams of another “Mack.” lep of Georgia, Dr. Bill Wright of Mis - Mack was owned by Jay McKenzie of souri, and local veterinarian Dr. Danny Order from: Pleasant Hill Productions Eureka, Kansas. Jay’s dedication to the Lankford for all their help and support. 4842 Pleasant Hill Road • Athens, OH 45701 sport, and to our program, has been a This is a sad ending for a great dog, in by phone: (740) 591-6456 tremendous asset to all. He never stopped year that couldn’t end soon enough. believing in my ability or his dog that he “... and knowing Man’s need of a online: www.pleasanthillproductions.com loved, and would bring pockets full of Friend, God gave him a dog.” Previous National Championships and 16-year Collector Series also available treats every time, not just for Mack, but – The Biscuit Eater


CCKKrreeoonnssnnsseeccololssuunnttrryy © FTR

CH L ESTER ’S JAZZ MAN owner Dan Hensley

fueled by

TOUCH ’S BLACKOUT owners JoHn & Jackie Harkins www.crosscountrykennels.com | Vinita, OK | (918) 323-1324 2021 Field Trial Review 17 . In Memoriam: Catherine Bowling- Dean and Jeanette Holmes By Tom Brannon tures and incorporate dishes that she had tasted across the globe into her catering of - If you have eaten at any function at ferings. Catherine was an avid gardener Ames Plantation over the past 20-some and burgeoning beekeeper. years, you know what a tragic loss it is to Me and My Tea Room provided such a all of us that Catherine Bowling-Dean, sumptuous feast for the pre-draw party as founder and owner of Me and My Tea well as the post awards gathering at the Room Catering, left this world on January Ames Manor House that Mrs. Hobart 29, 2021. To add salt to the wound, Jean - Ames’s heavy dining table strained at the nette Holmes, the head cook and program load. The catering team which included director for the catering company, joined Jeannette, who was known not just for her Catherine just a few days later. These two cooking and professionalism, but also for (below left) Catherine Bowling-Dean. (above) The dinner table set by Me and were the captain and first mate of a very her quick wit and great sense of humor, al - “tight ship” that fed thousands of people My Tea Room Catering at the Ames Manor House. (below right) Jeanette Holmes at many weddings and events throughout catered other judges because they could be very frank in the mid-south, as well as at Ames Planta - events at Ames their critique. tion. Their standards in both food and Plantation, such Catherine made many desserts and service were as high as any in the busi - as the archeolog - cakes, some of which were her grand - ness. The company has multiple crews ical research mother’s recipes. This reporter can per - and, at times, may cater as many as 5 or 6 classes for sonally attest to how good they were, events at the same time, at different loca - Rhodes College having savored a scrumptious coconut tions throughout the mid-south. and The Univer - layer cake that Catherine made for my last Catherine founded Me and My Tea sity of Memphis, birthday. Jeannette’s special desert was a Room in 1994, mainly catering weddings and The Univer - caramel cake that everyone loved. She with the concept that a bride should have sity of Tennessee also knew how to fry chicken and fish bet - a beautiful wedding, at an affordable price, in-service train - ter than anyone else. offering made-from-scratch food that ing sessions. The good news in this tragedy is that, tastes as good as it looks. She was a fabu - ways kept the buffet fresh and delicious. One of Catherine’s duties was to cook with an experienced, seasoned crew in lous chef who traveled the world and vis - The company provided high end dinners the meals for the judges at the National place, Catherine’s husband and children ited many exotic places, taking in cultures at the Manor House, and fed everyone Championship, who were billeted in the plan to keep the catering business going, and broadening her culinary knowledge. lunch at Bryan Hall between braces at the Ames Manor House. She would take this feeding not only people at Ames, but also She would return home from these adven - National Championship. They have also opportunity to try out new dishes on the weddings and parties yet to come.

Pioneering Positive Gundog Training British Labrador Puppies - for Sale Bred For: © MsHr • Hunting & game finding initiative • Calm, pleasant demeanor • intelligence and ease of training • natural delivery to hand

started gundogs For sale • Coming when called Positive training is: For information: • steady for falls • 3 times faster than traditional training models Mauri: (901) 846-6119 • delivering to hand • 10 times more fun for both dog and trainer • Performing whistle stops, • easy to master; difficult to fail [email protected] www.duckhillkennels.com hand signals & blind retrieves 18 . 2021 Field Trial Review The smoke house had been yellow flame that nibbled kerosene from Streak ‘N’ visited. “Streak ‘n’ lean” sliv - the end of the wick. That meal would have ers were carved off last fall’s been lacking, somehow, without the soft ham hanging from a rafter. This light that cast a family of shadows onto the Lean was the bacon and it was a real wall. They seemed to be having as good a By Allan Houston chunk of meat, fried crunchy time as we were. and thick enough a fork had no The aromas were so mixed and min - Think back. For those of you who have chance against it. Cathead bis - gled, but so much a part of one another been hunting all of your life, what is the cuits, big as half a softball, they could have been bottled and sold as a earliest and best hunting memory you were piled high with home - perfume called “breakfast.” own: family, first deer, cold, a certain made marmalade or jelly: There are a million Mom and Pop place…? grape, cherry, “muskydine,” or places across the country with their own For some, and certainly for me, grow - maybe honey from the hive particular predawn perfumes; and if you ing up in the mountains where hunting ter - that flogged you last summer. ask, the owners they will tell you the cam - ritory in the National Forests required long Gravy, oh, the gravy – ouflage (and bird dog) crowd is one of the jeep rides and walks, many of my most sawmill gravy they called it – things keeping them in business. I love distinct memories are tied up in smells: had been developed with some these places, the “honey and sweetie” frying eggs, bacon, canvas coats and sort of magic after the eggs and joints, where the waitress acts like she sleeping bags, the particular odor of a streak ‘n’ lean had been knows you and might call you “honey,” scent as the pot nearly jumped off the 1952 jeep, old men, and fresh leaves. cooked. It was grey and thick and had lit - and does not mean anything beyond it ex - stove, percolating its contents into some - For a young boy food is important. In tle flecks of meat sprinkled in it. Draped cept as a natural welcome and genuine thing stronger than coal oil and blacker fact, with a metabolism running like a tur - over a biscuit, that gravy made the finest down home kind of friendly. than anything you’ll find painted on a Hal - bine, it is a mystery that young boys do not New York restaurant’s fare taste like hos - Find one and make a predawn visit a loween canvas. The men, caffeine starved, occasionally burst into flame. pital food. habit. They need you. To keep those mem - hovered nearby and poured little dabs into My Aunt would have breakfast sim - Roasted garden potatoes were piled into ories vibrant, you probably need them. their cup to check the color. Once done, it mering in the aroma only a wood stove a bowl. Tomatoes were sliced and lay mid- There is nothing like a sausage biscuit or came off the stove so hot it had to be can produce. There was an almost imper - table, I guess to cleanse the palate, al - pile of flapjacks on a cold morning with a poured into a saucer and supped (not ceptible scent of good oak, mixed with the though we did not know about such things chipped-cup of coffee steaming alongside sipped) in little slurps that no one found to tiny wafts of flame and smoke that es - much beyond a toothbrush. Milk came to get the morning cranked up right. be uncouth. The eggs, straight out of the caped when she opened the stove’s wood from the cow and had been chilled in the And don’t forget to tip those early-girl coup, out from under bug-eating chick - box. It heated the room and even on a springhouse overnight. Ice cold water gals. They never make as much as the sup - ens,were cooked any way you like them: frost-glittered morning, finding the best stood in the pail with a dipper hung along - per crowd. But they and the cooks help over easy, over hard, scrambled, and not spot at the table beside that stove, a place side. flavor some important memories. And, if in a skid free Walmart pan, but in a cast not too cold and not too hot, was a study in The room was not lit with electricity, you have a youngster with you, double iron skillet seasoned with a thousand chair angle and placement. but with old hurricane lanterns. The down on that stack of cakes. meals. The whole house was full of coffee etched-glass globes held a perfect little 2021 Field Trial Review 19 . The Judgement Call By: Brad Harter One of my early mentors and a man I had the greatest respect for was S.R. “Tate” Cline from MacArthur, Ohio. Along with the many bits of wisdom that Tate shared with me over the years was ad - vice on judging a field trial; there are a few important things to remember. Number 1 . Make it a priority to com - municate with your fellow judge or judges and know exactly where the dogs stand at the end of each brace. Number 2 . Always judge only what you see, not what you may have heard or even suspected. Number 3 . Always look for the posi - Mr. McDuff Mr. Herb Anderson tives in a performance and never look for Virginia Amateur Field Trials were held dog, Jim dismounted, walking towards his placing. If I remember correctly, we may reasons to throw a dog out. for several years. dog. A single bird flushed and flew di - have carried Duffy in third place for a Number 4 .When the trial is over, the I was honored to be judging that trial rectly to the dog hitting Duffy in the head. while, but later on a number of flawless winners have been announced and the pa - with one of my dearest friends, Mr. Herb Without moving his feet, Duffy opened his performances by several other dogs perwork is signed, never look back and Anderson from Oregon. The incident in - mouth and caught the bird between his moved Duffy out of third place. second guess your decisions. volved a setter called Mr. McDuff or teeth. For a moment time stood still! Duffy Even though Herb and I tried to never Number 5 . The most important thing to “Duffy” that was owned by Jim Jones. never moved his feet and gently released look back on that decision, there was remember: there is only one person to Duffy was having a great performance and the bird into Jim’s hand. rarely a time after that when we were to - worry about pleasing and that is yourself. had about one minute of time left in his Time was up; the hour was over. Herb gether that Herb did not bring up that in - If your judging partner is also pleased, that brace when he established point. Duffy and I looked at each other, both wonder - cident. After years of mulling it over, Herb is just a bonus! had four or five good finds up to the point, ing exactly how this should be scored. had finally come to the conclusion that we With those thoughts in mind, I am re - but this find came with only seconds left What a dilemma! Neither Herb nor I had may have made a mistake. minded of an incident that happened at a and Duffy was still under judgement. Herb ever been faced with that type of incident I elected to stick to the advice given to field trial in Virginia on the plantation of was officially covering the dog during that when judging a field trial. After a short me by my early mentor S.R. Tate Cline. Mary and Jamie McConnell. That planta - portion of the brace, but I was also pres - discussion, we agreed that catching a bird, Any way you look at the judgement we tion was called Summer Duck Wood, ent to watch what unfolded. even when the dog had not moved his feet, made that day, right or wrong: “There is which was a portion of what was once the With absolute total confidence in his was probably enough to keep him from no going backwards!” Hawfield Plantation, a place where the 20 . 2021 Field Trial Review was very surprised, and happy, that we had Support of a Small Field Trial made enough money to start our pavilion Estate Sale to house the fire engine. However, it would take at least three more years of Community: Ivester Invests work to raise the funds to complete the By Regina Brotherton We are very aware that the National Championship The south is filled with plenty of beau - field trial is very good for a tiful metropolitan cities that we all love to small town’s economy. You visit. But when it comes to enjoying a may think that the city 2020 GMC Truck 3/4 ton: purchased new in May slower life in a quaint, tight-knit commu - budget would take care of nity, Hickory Valley, Tennessee is the the needs here, but the 2020 to pull a 26’ camper. 3300 miles, one place for you. When people here ask, money just isn’t there. The owner. $2k bed liner. All towing features. “How are you?” they truly want to know. Hickory Valley Women’s $40,999 All reasonable offers considered. Neighbors share news and stories, talk Club tries to step in, with about the past, about holidays, parades, fundraisers like selling T- and picnics – and the National Champi - shirts, aprons, greeting onship for Field Trialing Bird Dogs that cards, and a yearly giant happens every February. It might as well yard sale. But all that just Farrier /fireman John Logan waves from neighbor - be the Kentucky Derby, the World Series, isn’t enough. ing LaGrange, Tenn. fire truck or the Super Bowl! Five years ago we started saving for a pavilion. Whether you know anything or not one After touring our park in freezing new project. Our retired, circa 1949, fire 2015 GMC Acadia. Practical, comfortable SUV, iota about a field trial dog, you can pick truck needed a home. Fire engines are the weather and looking at our progress, John your favorite. “This one has a great name; most important invention ever made for a announced that he wanted to donate the only 33,000 miles. Cloth interior in great condition. this one is my favorite color; that one has small town, and this one had served Hick - needed funds to finish the project. Shock One owner. More pics available. $18,200 a great owner.” The trainers, scouts, own - ory Valley well. We had to show it off, and was our first response – “Really?” “Are © FTR ers and their families become your friends. few things bring out the inner kid in us like you sure? He doesn’t even live here. Although we may only see them once or a fire truck! Why?” twice a year, we celebrate their marriages, One man who came to the field trial Then the response turned into “kind hu - children, successes, and mourn their pass - every year always wanted to know about manitarian, hero, champion, patriot.” John ing. The community appreciates them. our progress. He was truly interested and understood our hard work, and we can’t A large percentage of our neighbors became our cheerleader. He gave us con - thank him enough. The Women’s Club ex - Silver Lake 26KRB model 26’ camper; first came here as field trailers and decided tends a heartfelt thank you to everyone fidence. This man is not from Hickory Val - purchased new May 2020; used 1 time.$20,200 this is where life is sweet and they retire ley – not Tennessee – not even close. He is who supported this endeavor. Please con - Contact: Nancy Williams here. From New York to California, Illi - from North Carolina, and our benefactor gratulate John Ivester on carrying the key (901) 506-7313 nois to Texas, Florida, Georgia, and North is John Ivester. Last February (2020), he to our city! Dakota, people come. best Wishes to all Contenders in the 2021 national ChamPionshiP Congratulations to all the qualifying dogs in the 122nd National Championship!

marques goldrush marques armed robber 21 st anniversary of national Win this year ’s qualifying entry handler: oWners: Lefty Henry John & Susan Ivester Huntersville, NC

©ftr 704.641.1570 2021 Field Trial Review 21 . Raising Quail in the PPAAYYNNEE Mid-South By Tom Brannon QQuuaaiill FFaarrmm LLLLCC Field Trails throughout the mid-south rely on Quail being in the thickets for the dogs to hunt and find: no game, no field Godwin Rd. | Arlington, TN trial. To insure that there is a plentiful sup - ply of birds for field trails, several farms in the area raise Quail and Pheasants, selling Flight conditioned birds them for many sporting events. One such operation is Payne Quail Farm near Ar - Quail, Chukar, Pheasants lington, Tennessee. Shooting Preserve / Guided Hunts Pheasants at Payne Quail Farm Dog boarding / Training bulk and do not fly well. That said, each www.paynegamebirds.com bagged bird from a hunt is dressed on site and taken home by the hunters for the din - fb: Payne Quail Farm, LLC ner table. Good animal husbandry is essential to keep things clean for a healthy flock. The pens are cleaned regularly and the water tanks daily. The farm produces 30,000 to 40,000 Quail per year, and about 60,000 eggs are collected and incubated for hatch - ing. A good ratio of male to female birds is maintained to insure regular fertilization. The brooding pen will hold about 4,000 Quail at a time and has controlled, timed lighting. Fans are used for temperature control and the pens are kept safe from Quail chicks at Payne Quail Farm predators. Justin said that there are only a couple of medications that are necessary for Quail. He can tell by their stool if any The late Jerry Payne switched from of the birds are sick and administer the raising hogs on the farm to raising birds in proper medication. the early 1990s. Jerry learned how to raise The main health issue is stress. Under - Quail by studying, asking other Quail standably, shipping birds can be very farmers, and by trial and error. Jerry’s stressful on them, so he instructs the re - grandson Justin Payne, who now manages cipients of a shipment on how to care for the operation, learned how to raise Quail and medicate the birds for stress when from his grandfather, working with him they arrive at the destination. To keep side by side. He has expanded the busi - good genetic diversity in the flock, birds ness and now raises Pheasants as well, and are often traded with other Quail and conducts guided hunts on their shooting Pheasant farms in the U.S through a loose preserve throughout the season. coalition of the farms. They have a kennel of 16 bird dogs for The Pheasants are kept in a flight pen the guided hunts, but many hunters have where they can exercise some and live in their own dogs and sometimes use the groups of about six hens to one male. © FTR 2020 hunts for dog training. The Paynes host Pheasants are very territorial and the males hundreds of hunters throughout the hunt - are aggressive, brandishing spurs that can ing season, including wild dove hunts in be deadly. This separated arrangement September. As the farm is only about a 30- keeps the males apart so they won’t fight minute drive from Memphis, many and provides fertilized eggs to keep the hunters can bring the whole family for flock productive. sport and make a day of it, or just an af - This is a family-run operation, but there ternoon. The birds are placed out just be - are also several long-time employees who fore a hunt and Justin said that if any are have knowledge about hunting and bird left over, they will not last long in the dogs, and about the horses on the farm. fields due to predation from hawks and They also help with the hay production. Justin Payne coyotes; so he would prefer that hunters As the wild Quail population has been bag as many as they can. very difficult to maintain in the past sev - The Quail that the Paynes hatch are eral decades, it is a good thing for field tri - 901-509-7562 specifically bred for sport rather than for als that farms such as Payne’s can produce eating, because the birds that are raised for enough birds for good sport. [email protected] eating have too much body weight and 22 . 2021 Field Trial Review as usual, on the front steps of the Ames Manor House. The winner will be an - nounced one hour after the last brace, probably on Saturday morning if there are no delays. But this year, there will be no reception in the Manor House after the an - nouncement. These measures are being taken to en - sure a safe event for all. Forestry In mid-summer, about 100-150 acres of timber suffered wind damage. Straight line winds, called a “down draft,” knocked down the massive amount of timber. Billy Watkins of Hickory Valley, TN has been Mrs. Ida Lee Avant Pealer salvaging the timber and selling it for Ames. general interest in history. Field Schools The COVID-19 pandemic greatly af - The two archaeological field schools, fected work at Ames in 2020, particularly Happening at Ames Plantation with University of Memphis and Rhodes with the cancellation of the archaeology field schools. They are, however, on the By Nancy Brannon College students, had to be cancelled this summer because of the pandemic, as well schedule for May 2021. The annual meet - Quail Release as the spring visitation of 16-18 veterinary ing of the historical society, usually in Jan - This year, there were 6,200 Quail re - students from the University of Tennessee uary, also had to be cancelled. leased on the Ames Plantation National College of Veterinary Medicine Special Guest Championship courses in three separate (UTCVM). Six senior veterinary students In October 2020, Ames had a visit from releases. On September 3, 2020, 3,000 were able to come in November 2020 to 94-year-old Mrs. Ida Lee Avant Pealer. Quail were released; on September 10, work with the horses and cattle. They are She was born at Ames Plantation in 1926, 3,000 more were released; and on Sep - supervised by Dr. Marc Caldwell and Dr. the daughter of L.B. Avant, a sharecropper tember 24, the remaining 200 were re - Amy Weatherly, Ames resident veterinar - and renter at Ames. She and her husband leased. There were 155 groups of twenty ian and adjunct faculty member. lived in the Ames Schoolhouse building, birds each released in or near 323 prepared which was converted to a residence some - feed patches, which had been planted with time after 1943. Once it is safe to do so, millet, , and teosinte in the spring. Dr. Ames Evans plans to meet with Mrs. Pealer Carlisle gets the birds from Stan Redfern again, to record her recollections of her of Quail Valley Farms in Thomasville, early 20th century life at Ames in greater Georgia. Historical detail. One of the Bob White Quail released Dr. Carlisle said he likes to release the Newly Found Prehistoric Houses at Ames Plantation on the field trial birds in the fall when there are still plenty Dr. Andrew Mickelson, with the Uni - course. ( photo by Jamie Evans ) Society of insects for them to eat. He said that versity of Memphis, and his graduate stu - some of the pen raised birds will acclimate From Jamie Evans dents have been conducting prehistoric to-back wins by Shadow Oak Bo. to wild conditions and join the wild cov - “Due to the nature of my work at Ames research at Ames for the past 15 years. COVID-19 eys. Redfern feeds his Quail grain I spend a lot of time with one foot in the While access to Ames has been limited, Like many other businesses and sorghum (milo), so they adapt well to eat - past and one in the present,” wrote Jamie Mickelson shifted his research focus to schools, Ames Plantation was closed to the ing the milo and other grains at Ames. Yes, Evans, Research Associate and Manager reevaluating data collected years ago, uti - public from the end of March to the first of there are still some wild quail at Ames. of the Cultural Resource Program at lizing improved interpretative techniques. September 2020 to try to curtail the spread “Quail are the most fragile birds,” said Ames. “I often think of how much our an - As a result, he has discovered previously of the pandemic. The staff at Ames con - Carlisle. They are a ground nesting species cestors leaned on each other in difficult unidentified prehistoric houses in a pasture tinued to farm and conduct research on the and everything preys on them. By putting times; how close knit communities near the Ames headquarters. “I can actu - property. the birds out in September, they have a worked together for the common good in ally see the site from the front porch of my The Ames Manor House has been better survival rate, about 40%, compared order to survive. Society today seems to house at Ames,” Evans wrote. “It was first closed for tours, but, hopefully, tours can to the approximate 10% survival rate from have drifted away from the ‘care for your discovered 30 or so years ago when I no - resume in April. one year to the next that research on wild neighbors for a common good’ mindset of ticed a small piece of broken ceramic in an For this year’s National Championship, quail in five wildlife management areas the past.” Evans attributes this, in part, to eroded cow path.” Evans shared this with all social events are cancelled and atten - found. our interaction with one another being Dr. Mickelson about ten years ago, and dance at the drawing is restricted to a se - Dogs in the National more remote, like on social media, and our Mickelson was able to conduct remote lect few: NFTCA Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Dr. Carlisle said there are 80 qualifying fast-paced lives. But he sees the silver lin - sensing of the area. Currently there are Rick Carlisle; President Charles F. Bryan; field trials in the U.S. and Canada, but 23 ing in the grey cloud by sharing stories of over 30 such known sites at Ames and judges Jadie Rayfield, Tom Shenker, and of them were cancelled in 2020 because of people with compassion and care for those their eventual investigation will make a Dr. Stan Wint; reporter William Smith; COVID-19. So there were fewer opportu - affected by the pandemic. “Sometimes we significant contribution to archaeologists’ videographer, Brad Harter; photographer nities to qualify for the National last year. lose sight of the good in the world when understanding of Mississippian settlement and web manager Jamie and Dee Evans; Still, 31 dogs qualified to run in this year’s times become difficult.” patterns in the region. and two handlers. However, the event will National, but because of illness or injury, Membership in the Ames Plantation Historic Research be live-streamed on the Ames Plantation ten of those dogs are not running, leaving Historical Society continues steady at The Ames cultural resource program fo - Facebook page. Wearing of face masks is 21 nominated contenders for the 2021 around 250 members. “I have always been cuses on gaining an understanding of the required in Bryan Hall and in the Rhea title. “This is the lowest number of dogs amazed at how our efforts to understand individuals and families, both free and en - Clubhouse, which is open for restroom ac - since 1946,” Dr. Carlisle said. But it’s not and preserve the history of the Ames land slaved, whose lives made the history of cess only. the all time lowest number. In 1946 there base are of interest to such a broad cross this area. The latest family to be intro - Box lunches will be available for take - were only 18 dogs in the National Cham - section of people,” wrote Evans. Evans duced to Historical Society members is the out only at Bryan Hall. This year Tom pionship, 16 pointers and 2 setters. That finds that there are a few common threads Humphrey family. Stewart’s Southern Eatery of Holly year a setter won: Mississippi Zev. An - behind folks’ involvement: some have an - The Humphrey family moved from Springs, Mississippi will provide the food. other setter didn’t win the National until cestral ties to the Ames land base. Others Robeson County, North Carolina to Ten - The announcement of this year’s Na - 1970 when Johnny Crockett won. The lat - are interested in the specific objectives of nessee sometime between 1833 and 1836. tional Championship winner will be made, est setter wins were 2013 and 2014: back- the historical research and others have a The Humphreys arrived in Fayette County 2021 Field Trial Review 23 . with limited resources, and their first per - African-Americans and cultivated 100 manent home was probably located on a acres, while Elsey owned two enslaved Proud supporter of the National Championship 100-acre tract purchased from John African-Americans and cultivated 45 Graves. acres. The father and son probably worked The family, headed by Jesse Humphrey, their adjoining land as partners, producing was comprised of Jesse’s second wife 25 bales of cotton in 1850. Celia O’Kelly (his first wife died in North The decade of the 1850s saw continued Carolina), one teenage son (Elsey) and growth for the families of Jesse and Elsey. five daughters ranging in age from an in - By 1860 they had increased their land fant to early teens. holdings to over 900 acres and were pro - With so many children to provide for, ducing 100 bales of cotton, and two more it is likely that the Humphrey family ex - children married. perienced considerable hardship. Unlike But the decade of the 1870s saw the de - © FTR many early arriving families who joined cline of the Humphrey family’s landhold - with extended family or neighbors to start ings. In 1873, 73-year-old Jesse sold 270 their new life in west Tennessee, the acres to Robert G. Patterson, brother of his Humphreys appear to have been on their son-in-law Smith Patterson. Elsey died in own. But they seemed to have reaped the 1874 at around age 55 and, during the next rewards of sacrifice and hard work, since two years, his widow Harriet sold all of by 1846 Jesse and the now-married Elsy their property. According to records of Mt. had increased their land holdings to 499 Pisgah Baptist Church, Jesse died in De - acres by purchasing several land entries cember 1875 at age 82. from the State of Tennessee for 12½ cents The land once owned by the per acre. Humphreys along the North Fork of the Jesse’s wife Celia died sometime prior Wolf River is now a remote forest. The to the fall of 1848 and in November 1848 homes of both the Humphreys and their Jesse married his third wife Nancy Brown. slaves, along with the cotton fields and In addition to Jesse’s second wife dying, pastures, have all disappeared. Their life some of the children who made the jour - story remains in the historical archives. ney from North Carolina to Tennessee There is much more news about the his - started families of their own. Jeannette tory of the Ames land area available to 11495 Hwy 64 / Somerville, TN 38068 married James Richey, a neighboring land members of the Ames Historical Society. 901-465-9811 owner in 1840. Elsey married Harriet Kel - Membership in the society is affordable at www.tennesseetractor.com ley in 1844 and by 1853 had three chil - $25 for individual and $35 for family, dis - dren. In 1844 Catharine married Smith counted for seniors. More information is Contact Salesman Julian Wilson at 901-355-0147 Patterson, son of John T. Patterson. available at: www.amesplantation.org/his - for all your John Deere needs! By 1850 Jesse owned eleven enslaved torical-research/ 24 . 2021 Field Trial Review Arcanum’s Spitfire: The story of a South Dakota miracle By Brad Harter A summer on the northern prairies can be the best opportunity a young bird dog can have, yet at the same time that sum - mer experience rarely comes without its share of risk. For a young, promising, pointer female named Arcanum’s Spitfire, her first summer north presented her with challenges that no dog should ever have been able to survive. “Fire” was born in August 2007. From the very beginning her proud owner, Dr. Aubrey Morgan, knew there was some - thing special about his young, precocious Aubrey and Fire liver and white puppy. Fire had been raised by Doc’s close friend Carol Wilkins, who knew that Doc would give they stopped near dusk, called in the two her every opportunity to become a com - dogs they were working to water them, petitive field trial performer. There was and put them in the roading harness. They something special about Fire, a certain Spitfire with Aubrey and Barbel were only a few hundred yards to the barn, sparkle, a resolve, a determination that you and it was getting dark fast. Out of only see in a few special pups. Fire had it that she had shown her first spring placed ened even more. By the fourth day, neigh - nowhere, a third dog appeared! I was with all, with the exception of the larger body her at the top of the puppy first string. bors as far away as 15 miles had learned of Aubrey and Barbel during this entire or - size often sought in field trial prospects. Then came a fateful day on August Fire’s plight. deal. While helping them with their dogs, She was slightly built. At maturity she 29th, the day Fire’s unbelievable odyssey On the fifth day the weather was chang - I was off my horse and on the ground. probably would weight no more than 30 would begin. Aubrey and Barbel had gone ing. A northern cold front brought rain and Within minutes the mystery dog bounded pounds, but she was fast, extremely ath - east to the Johnson Ranch to run Raven, a temperatures that dipped into the thirties. up to me! In total disbelief I examined the letic, and light on her feet. Then there was promising young derby who had made the The chances that Fire could survive these collar and the emaciated condition of the that distant look in her eyes, a look that puppy first string the summer before. All extremes in weather were pretty slim. Na - young pointer and exclaimed: “It is Fire, told you she had big plans in life. of their dogs had spent the day in the com - ture’s elements were stacked against her. it’s your dog, the dog we thought we had At eight months of age Dr. Morgan was fort of a large, covered building tethered Badgers, coyotes, rattlesnakes, and porcu - lost.” already entering Fire in puppy stakes. to their straw covered boxes, each with pines are a constant threat on the prairies. Both Aubrey and Barbel sat on their Born off-calendar in the bird dog world, large pail of fresh water. By mid-after - Add to that, the natural elements of chang - horses, their mouths agape, unable to Fire was running against dogs nearly a noon, the temperature was in the high ing weather and the fact that Fire already speak. It just could not be their dog and yet year older. But Aubrey felt she could use nineties, and on the trip home, Aubrey re - had a face full of quills, her odds of sur - it was! The sparkle in her eyes was still the experience and she was showing qual - ceived a phone call that a neighbor had viving were slim at best. Every day that there. The markings were right and the sig - ities seldom seen in dogs her age. Fire had seen a pointer dog behind his ranch with a went buy was reducing those odds. Only nature kink in her tail was still present. A an unusual ability to run to the front. She face full of porcupine quills. The neighbor once had Fire ever been sighted and that toll had been taken on her body, but some - would look up Aubrey just often enough had gone into the house to get a lead, but was the first day within hours of her es - how she had managed to stay hydrated. to keep her course direction in mind, and when he returned, the dog had vanished. cape. Fire’s color was good, and her mental she showed an uncanny ability to find and The neighbor’s ranch was nearly five By the second week all hope had van - frame of mind showed nothing of the or - point birds. She won the Southern Pines miles away from Aubrey’s as the crow ished. The thought of ever seeing Fire deal she had been through. The remnants Classic puppy stake her first spring, run - flies, but the neighbor felt it still could be alive was gone. A few dogs will show ex - of a dozen quills still protruded from her ning in the middle of the day under ex - one of Aubrey’s bird dogs. ceptional ability to tolerate heat, others body, but they were easily pulled out. A tremely hot conditions. She finished her Sure enough, when Aubrey arrived will handle the cold with no ill effects, but few lumps under the skin indicated places 30 minutes, seemingly oblivious to the home, one dog was missing from her box. few can handle both heat and cold equally the quills had invaded the body, but they temperatures. Aubrey had considered Somehow the snap that secured her had re - well. Fire’s small frame and the lack of could easily be removed as Fire regained picking her up midway through the brace leased and she was nowhere in sight. any excess body fat would not favor her her health and vigor. because of the heat, but after calling her in Horses were saddled and four wheelers well during the wet, cold periods that fol - Fire was happy to be home and imme - to water, it became obvious that an early were immediately put into use in search of lowed the record heat conditions. Both diately went to her box and graciously ac - pick up was not on her agenda. Fire. By this time, word had spread that a Aubrey and Barbel were resolving them - cepted the pan of food placed in front of When July came and the summer trip dog was missing and everyone in the area selves to the fact that Fire may have suc - her. A retired veterinarian, Aubrey spent north to South Dakota was planned, Fire was involved in the search. The search cumbed to the elements of the prairies. the next hour thoroughly examining his had made the first string. She would be continued well into the night without any These same conditions had taken a toll on young dog, only to be totally amazed as to one of 17 dogs making the trip north when success. hundreds of dogs over the years, and there her overall condition. It was obvious she Aubrey and Barbel loaded for the 2,000- The next morning, well before daylight, was no reason to believe it would be any had not received any food over those 17 mile journey to their training grounds in four people were mounted horseback, and different for Fire. days with the exception of maybe a deer the center of the Standing Rock Indian the search continued. The circle was ex - The decision was made that life and the carcass or another prairie animal that had Reservation, located in the northern part panded to an area that now covered more training the other dogs would have to con - succumbed to the tires of a truck or some of South Dakota and extending north of than 7,000 acres. All the neighboring tinue. With 16 dogs left in their string, other natural causes. the town of Timber Lake to just across the ranchers had been alerted and the entire Aubrey and Barbel abandoned the search Three small feedings a day began to state line into North Dakota. community was on the lookout for Fire. and began to focus on the other dogs. bring Fire back to health almost immedi - Fire made the adjustment to the prairies The second day’s search went well into Those other dogs deserved the training ately. Within the week, Fire was gaining much quicker than most pups. the night and still no sign of Fire. Temper - time that becomes precious as summer weight and acting like she had never been Well-conditioned and fed a premium atures were reaching well above 100 de - comes to an end on the prairies. gone. Where she had managed to stay hid - dog food, Fire was handling the early Au - grees and the situation for Fire, believed Seventeen days passed. On the 14th of den and what had sustained her will be a gust training program with the maturity of to be full of quills, was getting graver by September while working two other dogs mystery only Fire would know the answer. a much older dog. Those same qualities the hour. The scope of the search broad - in the alfalfa field south of their ranch, 2021 Field Trial Review 25 . Haggis Saddles By Tom Brannon Each year at the National Champi - onship a new Trooper saddle is presented to the winning dog owner, handler and scout. For the 2021 National Champi - onship, these saddles are custom made by three different saddlers: Tucker Saddles in Yoakum, TX, The Saddle Guy in Roberts - dale, AL, and Jack Haggis Saddles in Glencoe, ON. Haggis is the only interna - tional sponsor of the National Champi - onship and has donated a saddle for the winning handler for over 30 years. Master being the correct shape to evenly displace Other options available include leather The process of making a Haggis Sad - saddler Jeff Haggis is the son of founder weight on the horse’s back, as well as the color, horn, spoon or no spoon, crupper dle - from tree to complete. Jack Haggis and learned the art of saddle proper setting of the suspension webbing ring, three panel styles, Western or Eng - making and repair from his late father. With the limited availability of decent under the seat to allow for a comfortable, lish rigging, several stirrup types, and Jack Haggis, founder of Haggis Sad - used originals worth fixing, he decided to balanced ride. padded or slick seats. Haggis also offers a dles, got his start working on original UP start making Trooper saddles. Jack wanted Jack’s son Jeff and his wife Karen now full range of tack and saddle accessories. British/Canadian Trooper saddles around to make sure his saddles were as close to operate the business. Both worked with Jeff is not only a maker of field trial 1975 when he first became involved in the original Trooper saddle as possible, so Jack to learn the craft prior to taking it saddles; he is also an avid field trailer him - horseback field trials. He purchased a cou - he contracted a professional pattern maker over in 1999, striving to keep making the self. Jeff and his son Matt own bird dogs ple of original Trooper saddles that were to make moulds for the arches, which were same quality saddles and products. and compete in the U.S. on a regular basis. in need of repair for his own use, but could patterned exactly after the original arches. Many modifications have been made At least they did until the COVID-19 pan - not find anyone local interested in repair - He also made a jig to steam and bend the over the years to adapt to today’s riders’ demic closed the borders between the U.S. ing them; so he decided to try doing it wood side bars to the same bend and twist and horses’ needs. They now offer three and Canada. He has hauled down from himself. He developed a passion for it and, as the originals. These are still being used styles of wood side bars, along with dif - Canada several times for the National along with his mechanical background as today. He perfected his skills through ferent width arches to accommodate vari - Championship and was a judge at the West a licensed Journeyman plumber, things years of hard work and research, with the ous breeds and shapes of horses. A range Tennessee All age and Derby last year. started to come together. He began repair - help of books and a retired Canadian mil - of seat sizes and cantle heights are also One might say that as a rider and field ing saddles for other field trialers, as well. itary saddler. The military saddler showed available for the riders. trailer, he gets to test his workmanship. Jack the importance of the wood side bars

© FTR Welcome To Fayette County Best Wishes to All Competing in the 122nd National Championship Rhea“Skip”Taylor, Fayette County Mayor

www.FayetteTn.us Email: Rtaylor@ FayetteTn.us 26 . 2021 Field Trial Review Handlers Competing In The 2021 National Championship

Randy Anderson Matt Cochran Dr. Fred Corder Jamie Daniels (Chris Mathan photo )

Andy Daugherty Luke Eisenhart Robert “Lefty” Henry Larry Huffman

Steve Hurdle (Tommy Brannon photo ) Gary Lester Mark McLean Allen Vincent

www.haggissaddles.com 519-289-5544 [email protected] Makers of Quality Saddles and Tack for over 40 years

Good Luck To All Competitors in the 121 st National Championship

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© FTR Proud supporter of the national championship for over 30 years! --donating a haggis Trooper saddle to the 2021 Winning handler-- haggis saddleRy 4733 scoTchmeRe dRive , glencoe , on , canada n0l 1mo 2021 Field Trial Review 27 . Ascension, Pointer male; Ted All-Age Handler Award Standings Purina Dog Roach/Steve Hurdle 396 Purina (with points), as of Jan. 21, 2021 Dakota Nation, Pointer male; Ted & Gary Lester 1148 Julie Roach/Steve Hurdle 370 Steve Hurdle 976 of the Year Justifier, Pointer male; Dr. Robert Handler of Andy Daugherty 871 Rankin/Allen Vincent 360 Allen Vincent 847 Award S F Stetson, Pointer male; Larry L. the Year Luke Eisenhart 802 Smith/Larry Huffman 360 Larry Huffman 630 Courtesy American Field Dunn’s Tried’n True, Pointer male; Will Mark McLean 589 The second half of the 2020-2021 field & Rita Dunn/Luke Eisenhart 355 Award Randy Anderson 475 trial season has begun on a favorable note True Confidence, Pointer male; Frank Courtesy American Field Jamie Daniels 287 with 53 dogs in the just-completed Geor - & Jean LaNasa/Frank LaNasa 350 Ike Todd 280 gia Championship at Waynesboro, and 54 Westfall’s Red Man, Pointer male; Tom Not surprising is the name at the top of Tommy Davis 244 entered in the Florida Open Championship Faller/Andy Daugherty 350 the Handler of the Year Award roster: Gary Frank LaNasa 175 at Lake City, and 36 contenders having Out of the Shadows, Setter female; Bob Lester. In the standings as of January 21, Joel Norman 162 competed at Ames Plantation in the Ho - & Diane Wheelock/Bob Wheelock 330 2021, Gary Lester currently has the top Alex Mauck 160 bart Ames Memorial Open All-Age. Dominator’s Rogue Rebel, Pointer two dogs in the Purina Top Dog Award Scott Jordan 159 Handler Gary Lester has the top two male; W. Jack Schwarz/Jamie Daniels 310 lineup and he has a goodly lead in the ap - Lefty Henry 139 dogs in the current standings, but there is Dream Chaser, Pointer male; Brad H. pended standings over the second placed Weldon Bennett 135 a formidable list of points stakes still on Calkins/Andy Daugherty 310 handler, Steve Hurdle. Jim Hughes 135 the calendar before the season ends. Coldwater Thunder, Pointer female; At this stage of the major circuit current Judd Carlton 129 Purina Points are awarded based on the Billy K. & Rachel Blackwell, Doug Arthur all-age season, there are several trials Matt Cochran 105 number of dogs entered x 10 for first, 5 for & David Russell/Steve Hurdle 308 awarding Handler points, so there are Tracy Swearingen 86 second, and 3 for third. Hendrix’s Touch Up, Pointer male; likely to be a number of changes in the Jim Ledington 80 Appended are the standings as of Janu - Burke Hendrix/Steve Hurdle 291 points standings. Eddy Taylor 74 ary 21, 2021. Dragonfly, Pointer male; Jim Holly Springs, MS Dog; Owner(s)/ Handler/Points Hughes/Jim Hughes 270 who judged the Na - Miller’s Speed Dial, Pointer male; Gary Miller Unfinished Business, Pointer Joe Hurdle tional Championship Lester/Gary Lester 1085 male; Benjy Griffith/Joel Norman 270 for many years. It is Lester’s Shockwave, Pointer male; Westfall’s River Ice, Pointer male; Brad Award given to the owner of Tommy & Bonnie Hamilton/Gary Lester H. Calkins/Andy Daugherty 270 the dog that acquired 995 Strut Nation, Pointer male; Scott Jor - The 2021 Joe Hurdle Award goes to the most points each Double Deuce Zeke, Pointer male; Dr. dan/Scott Jordan 265 Gary Lester and Miller’s Speed Dial, hav - year in qualifying for Douglas E. McMillen, Jr. Dr./ Douglas E. Shadow’s Lord Magic, Pointer male; ing amassed 2,725 points. the National. The pins are hand-crafted by McMillen, Jr. 660 Carl Bowman/Tommy Davis 260 The Joe H. Hurdle Top Dog Award is a David Kelley of Kelley Jewelers, Whippoorwill Justified, Pointer male; Nosam’s Sweet Water, Pointer male; memorial to honor Mr. Joe Hurdle from Somerville, TN. Ronnie Spears/Larry Huffman 590 Jeff Busby/Larry Huffman 251 Touch’s Mega Mike, Pointer male; Miller’s Blindsider, Pointer male Nick Eddy Sholar & Ted Dennard/Mark Berrong/Jamie Daniels 220 ©FTR McLean 540 Texas Wild Rex, Pointer male; Brad Lowrider Frank, Pointer male; Dr. Jim Kennedy/Allen Vincent 220 Mills & Steve Lightle/Allen Vincent 530 Wild Hawk, Pointer male; Mike Game Wardon, Pointer male; Dr. Fred Moses/Judd Carlton 215 Corder/Luke Eisenhart 509 Stash The Cash, Pointer male; David Awsum’s Country Justice, Pointer male; Thompson & Tommy Loid/Gary Lester Bill & Margie Ricci & Dr. Bill 213 Bruchey/Luke Eisenhart 450 Marques Armd Robber, Pointer male; Knight Moon, Pointer male; Tucker S. John & Sue Ivester/Lefty Henry 200 Johnson/Luke Eisenhart 440 Miss Stylin Sue, Pointer female; Dr. Westfall’s River Ice, Pointer male; Brad Jim Mills & Steve Lightle/Allen Vincent BesT BaR-B-Q aRouND FoR 98 yeaRs! H. Calkins/Andy Daugherty 440 180 stay for dessert & enjoy our homemade pies! Touch’s Malcolm Story, Pointer male; Whippoorwill Forever Wild; Pointer Alex Rickert/Mark McLean 430 male Phil Witter/Matt Cochran 175 PHoNe: 901-294-3400 Westfall’s True Grit, Pointer male; Touch’s Spaceman, Pointer male; Matt 38049 Griffith/Randy Anderson 400 Ryan Westfall/Andy Daugherty 174 342 Hwy. 70 | Mason, TN

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Doug Arthur, David Russell, Anniston Russell, Rachel Russell, Billy Blackwell Nick Berrong (Chris Mathan photo ) Brad Calkins

Jim Clark and Baker Hubbard Dr. Fred Corder Will & Rita Dunn Tommy and Bonnie Hamilton

John and Jackie Harkins Dan Hensley John Ivester (Vera Courtney photo ) S. Tucker Johnson

Dr. James Mills and Steve Lightle (Vera Courtney photo ) Alex (and Brianna) Rickert Ted Roach

Larry Smith Ronnie Spears (Vera Courtney photo ) Ryan Westfall Paul Witter 2021 Field Trial Review 29 . Colvin worked the dogs again he was of age, the eighth time she had competed From Broomhill to Alabama amazed at their desire and intensity. Cap’n for that title. John Rex handled and, at that John told Colvin that he had overworked time, became the youngest handler to ever the dogs - a lesson Colvin never forgot. win the National at age twenty-five. She and Back: The Gates Camp In 1967 Colvin had been employed by was eleven years young when she Cap’n John for four summers and had recorded her tenth Open Championship – and Colin Davis been provided room and board in the a remarkable feat because of her age. Her Gates camp. He had been given the op - winning quite possibly saved a business By William S. Smith two dogs in a second series simultaneously portunity by Cap’n John to pursue his goal relationship between Colvin and Cap’n for the first and only time in history. That to become a professional trainer, having John and a friendship with Colvin and Generally, when a barren stand is cred - feat would not be reenacted here. It was been introduced to the prairies and tutored John Rex. ited in field trial competition, it typically decided that Colvin Davis would handle by Cap’n John. In those four summers in Colvin ran shooting dogs when he was does not produce a good result. But there Hurricane and John Rex would pilot Sa - the Gates’ camp, he and John Rex had be - in the Gates’ camp and the Gates ran all- was an occasion in field trial history when fari. come close personal friends. age dogs. Colvin had a dog in his string two such instances possibly saved a busi - Colvin was raised in south Alabama, a Now he was to handle Hurricane in the that his father had bought and given to him ness relationship, a friendship, and a ca - product of the outdoors. From an early age call back against Safari, his employer, and – named Blue Monday. Mr. Bill Allen, reer. he had been around hunting and hunting his friend. Colvin was in a hard spot. The famed reporter for the American Field , The 1967 edition of the Dominion dogs. He often accompanied his dad when talk that night was, “You know ole Joe had owned the dog at one time and had Chicken Championship was contested on he took many of the local residents on could beat Judy.” Colvin knew that Hurri - sold him for $2500. The new owner had the spacious prairies surrounding Gaines - quail hunts. Quail were abundant during cane could beat Safari. Colvin had handled fallen on hard times and Mr. Davis pur - boro, Saskatchewan in mid-September. that era and Colvin reported that the saddle Hurricane in the All America just a few chased Monday for $1500, a considerable The Dominion was the last Canadian bags were usually stuffed with quail when weeks prior. The question that Colvin pon - amount of money in those days. prairie championship of the season. Well- the hunters returned from an all-day hunt. dered was, “What will happen if Hurricane Colvin said that you couldn’t call Mon - known and respected judges Joe Hurdle of Some of these hunters were doctors and wins?” The words “ole Joe could beat day white and black because he was Holly Springs, Mississippi and Paul Mr. Davis would barter quail hunts for Judy” kept running through his mind. Al - mostly black with white markings. Some Treadway of Berkley, Michigan were cho - medical services, if needed. Colvin’s ex - though it was possible that Safari could be on the shooting dog circuit called Monday sen to arbitrate the event - both having perience as a trainer began when the de - beaten, no one in the Gates camp insinu - a “blue ticked hound.” Regardless of his judged on the prairies previously. sire to have a quality bird dog was the ated that Colvin should do anything looks, he was a bird dog. In a trial in South There were fifty-seven entries: fifty- impetus for some of the hunters to send wrong. On the contrary, he was told to do Georgia he once carded 13 flawless finds four pointers and three setters. The roster their dogs to Colvin for training. Colvin his best. in an hour. When Monday became a con - included: Carbide Imp, Paladin’s Royal had an affinity with these dogs and with When they broke away in the call back, sistent winner, the criticism of his mark - Heir, Wahoo’s Arkansas Ranger, The Hur - his success, he began to think of training Safari raced ahead, seeming to know what ings disappeared. He was Colvin’s first ricane, Red Water Rex, Flush’s Country as a career. was at stake. Hurricane went into a strip “money” dog and he literally put food on Squire, Satilla Virginia Lady, White John S. Gates, fondly known as Cap’n of cover and, shortly thereafter, Colvin the table during some hard times. Knight’s Bullet, Sugarshack, Precise, fresh John, also hailed from south Alabama. He saw him on point. At this time no one had Colvin and Mazie were married in off his win in the All America, Riggins and Colvin’s dad had been friends for a seen Hurricane except Colvin and he knew 1974. Colvin did not go back to Broomhill White Knight, Highway Man, David of significant part of their lives and had even that if he called point and flushed a bird in 1975 or 1976, but he returned in 1977 Caddo, and Safari. double-dated on occasions. From this con - that the dogs would be ordered up. But he and 1978 working for John Rex. Matters History would be made here if Safari, nection Colvin contacted Cap’n John and didn’t have a choice. With reservations, he at home kept Colvin in Alabama for the handled by John Rex Gates, were to be inquired if he could make the summer trip raised his cap. It was a long ride to the stat - next three years. In 1982 he returned to named the winner. She and Warhoop Jake to Canada with the Gates camp. This was uesque Hurricane. Colvin attempted to Broomhill, but this time he went to his had both accumulated nine championships the first meeting between Colvin and John flush, but was unable to put a bird to wing. own camp, established about three miles in their respective careers. If Safari could Rex Gates. He and John Rex would de - The relocation was not fruitful, but Colvin from the Gates’ camp with fifteen paying capture this crown, she would be the first velop an unwavering friendship in the was told to continue. dogs. It was the first year of being on his to win ten Open championships. The coming years. Cap’n John asked Colvin Just minutes later Hurricane was stand - own on the All-Age circuit. When Colvin Texas Ranger’s win record credited him what he expected for pay and Colvin ing again. The same negative thoughts returned to Broomhill in the summer of with ten championships, but one of them replied that he just wanted to go and did crept through Colvin’s mind as he rode to 2017, it was his 35th time to occupy the was an amateur title. If Safari was suc - not expect any pay. The Cap’n told Colvin Hurricane. In his mind there was no doubt same camp he originally leased in 1982. cessful, her ten Open titles would be un - that he could not do that and he would pay that Hurricane had birds this time. As Sun Browned Honey belonged to Mr. J. paralleled in field trial history. This him $500 for the summer if he was willing Colvin walked in front of the intense Hur - F. “Tobe” Stallings of Montgomery, Ala - prestigious goal was something that Sa - to work throughout the training season at ricane, he wrestled with his mixed emo - bama. She was the first dog of note in fari’s owner, S. H. Verdenburg of Mont - the Gates’ camp in Broomhill, Manitoba. tions because he expected birds to lift at Colvin’s All-Age string and was known to gomery, Alabama and her handlers, John Colvin didn’t have to think twice and any second. But they did not; there were have great stamina. In summer camp, S. Gates and his son, John Rex Gates, had jumped on the chance to go. That first no birds. The relocation was unsuccessful Colvin worked her one morning, but could hoped to achieve for their consistent per - summer was 1964, Colvin was 25 years and because this was Hurricane’s second not catch her when he wanted to pick her former. John S. had started Safari and had old. He would return to the Gates’ camp in barren stand, the dogs were ordered up and up. So Colvin just kept working her and handled her in her early years of develop - Broomhill through 1974, employed by Safari was declared the champion. The worked her all morning. He was only able ment and competition, but because of Cap’n John. time had been less than ten minutes for the to catch her in the afternoon when she health issues, John Rex had taken over the Colvin was allowed to take two paying entire scene to unfold. The “what if” ques - came to him for water. She did not point handling duties dogs to summer camp. The two happened tion would never have to be answered. many birds in a workout and, when she It was a competitive trial with ample to be setters and they were worked almost Dave Fletcher reported the trial and said did, she had a level tail. Her demeanor bird work and sufficient races, but the every day, as Colvin wanted to prove to this about Safari in the call back: “Safari changed in a field trial, when she pointed judges could not agree, so a second series everyone that he could break these two rolled to a hilltop from the breakaway and with a straight-up twelve o’clock tail. was ordered. Safari, as she was known to dogs this summer. Colvin wanted these made perhaps the most spectacular cast of Somehow she knew the difference be - do, laid down a far-reaching, scorching two dogs to be the best in the camp. As the the season. She hunted her way to clumps tween a workout and a trial. Her ground race and was credited with three flawless summer wore on, both dogs began to be fully a mile in front, and had we not been effort was always fast and forward. She finds in the first series. The other call back less and less interested in finding and on a pronounced rise, we could not have was called back in the 1986 Free For All dog was The Hurricane. Hurricane also pointing chickens. Colvin went to Mr. seen her move forward until a speck.” on race – a rare occurrence. ran a true all-age prairie race and scored Gates for advice and before he could ask, (American Field , Oct.7, 1967, pg. 348) It Colvin had never lost Honey in a work - four times on chickens. These were the Cap’n John said, “I know what you’re took some time for John Rex to finally get out or in a trial, but in 1987 at the Border only two called back, but there was a prob - going to ask.” He told Colvin to put the a rope on her. Safari would be retired after International at Stoughton, Saskatchewan, lem. John Rex had handled both dogs in dogs up and quit working them until about her history-making performance. he lost her for the first time and never saw the initial series. In the 1902 National a week before they closed the camp. When Safari had won the National Champi - her again. He stayed over for a week look - Championship, James Avent had handled onship the year before in 1966 at ten years ing for her ( Continued on pages 30-31 ) 30 . 2021 Field Trial Review and even chartered an airplane to conduct poorwill’s High Ann. The litter was bred but she had become bold and venture - 1991, both contested on the Ames Planta - an aerial search, but to no avail. To this by Mr. Kline’s son, Andy. some. She made the trip back to Broomhill tion in Grand Junction, Tennessee. Before day no one knows what happened to her. Dorothy had spent the first two sum - that summer and began to compete on the Dorothy ran in the National, Colvin told She was qualified for the upcoming Na - mers of her life on the Canadian prairies, All-Age circuit that fall, even though she Larry that if they missed her, Larry should tional in February of 1988. but she did not show any promise and had missed her entire derby season. She look at the places she had found birds in Pink Lightning, call name Sissy, was Colvin sent her home to Mr. Stallings. became one of those dogs who had such a the Hobart Ames Open. On two occasions also owned by Mr. Tobe Stallings. She was Dorothy was two years old when disaster desire to find game that neither heat nor when Dorothy was out of pocket, Larry a kennel mate of Sun Browned Honey. In struck with the loss of Honey and Light - cold affected her. found her standing where she had scored 1987 toward the end of the Canadian ening. Mr. Stallings sent Dorothy back to When Colvin finished her, she usually in the Open a month before. Larry re - prairie trial season, Sissy became ill while Colvin to give her a second chance, even won or placed in the trial. Her two great - ported that she was almost standing in her at the Davis camp as they were preparing though she had no field trial experience, est assets became her nose and her stam - month-old tracks. to break camp for the long journey home. because she was the only candidate Mr. ina. She would go on to record 20 victories Humor has always been a part of Colvin could tell it was a serious illness Stallings had at the time. Colvin took her on the major circuit in the ten years she Colvin’s career, but many times there is and he drove the 2,000 miles straight back, but he really did not believe she competed and attain ten championships logic in his cryptic responses. A few years through from Broomhill to his home in would develop into an All-Age contender. and three runner-up championships. The ago a client sent a couple of dogs with Minter, Alabama to get her to his veteri - Every time he went to the kennel to get pinnacle of her career was in 1991 when Colvin for summer training. The client narian. Sissy died on the operating table her, she rolled on her back with her legs she was crowned National Champion, also called frequently for information about the during the attempt to save her life. She pointed skyward and refused to get up. capturing the prestigious Purina Award progress of his dogs. One day the client was also qualified for the 1988 National. She would not penetrate briars in a work - that year. Had it not been for extremely said, “My friend would like to have that The Davis banner would not fly in the out and Colvin had to literally drag her bad circumstances Dorothy would never old dog of mine. I’m thinking about giving 1988 National because of the disappear - into the brambles. After what Colvin be - have been given three opportunities to her to him. What do you think?” Without ance and death of these two dogs. lieved was ample time for Dorothy to prove her mettle. She died on May 20, missing a beat Colvin said, “He’s not your The unfortunate loss of Honey and come around, she did not and he quit her 2001, just three months shy of her 17th best friend is he?” Lightning would allow a previously re - for the second time, informing Mr. birthday. She was Colvin’s only National When another client inquired about the jected dog a third chance to redeem her - Stallings he was through with her. Champion. progress of his dog, Colvin told him he self. Later, Mr. Stallings persuaded Colvin to An interesting note about Dorothy was needed to look for another prospect be - Mr. Tate Kline of Ohio was a friend of give her one more chance. Colvin reluc - her memory. On a workout in Canada one cause his dog was not going to make the Mr. Stallings. When he heard of Mr. tantly agreed with the provision that he day, Dorothy did not come around and the cut. The client responded, “Can you just Stalling’s misfortune, he sent an eight- could send her to Man Rand for him to search for her was futile. Colvin remem - dispose of him?” Colvin replied, “No. I’m week-old puppy as a gift for Mr. Stallings force break her to retrieve. Man Rand ac - bered that she had found chickens in the not in the shooting dog business.” to Colvin via Collier Smith. Mr. Stallings complished the deed and Dorothy was re - old Phillips alfalfa field in another work - Once a prospective client asked Colvin registered the young female as Quicksil - turned to the Davis Kennel. However, she out, and that’s where he found her pointing to take dogs on the summer trip, with the ver Pink. Her call name was Dorothy. Her was not the same when she returned. For over a mile away in the same bush as be - stipulation that he was not to use a training sire was Mr. Kline’s multiple champion some unknown reason a miraculous make- fore. collar on them. Colvin said he couldn’t and 1987 and 1989 National Champion, over had occurred and she began to show Larry Huffman scouted Dorothy in the take them. The client said. “Well, you can Whippoorwill Rebel. Her dam was Whip - promise. She was no longer timid and shy, Hobart Ames Open and the National in take them and just tell me you won’t put

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In 1995 field trials returned to “No, I’m not going to lie to you because was released, he took one look at Colvin The Free for All also ranked high on Broomhill when the Alabama Prairie was that’s exactly what it sounds like they and went the other way, which in reality, most of the older trainers’ wish lists as a hosted in August by the newly formed need!” was to the front. They took second place trial to win. The format for the Free For club. Once while in competition, Pleasant in the stake for the one and only time the All has been changed recently and many Colvin also established the John S. Run Dot had been handling kindly, but had dog ever placed. of the trainers in Colvin’s era feel the Gates Memorial Open Derby Classic in not been seen for a time. Colvin was puz - Colvin and Mazie were working in change diminishes the expectations for the the same year as a tribute to his mentor, zled where she had gone, but then she ap - Canada one day when Lester’s Absolute trial. Once the qualifying stake was one Cap’n John. During the infancy of this peared to the front. Colvin called her in to was a young dog. Colvin told Mazie that hour and the call back was three hours. derby classic, Colvin personally guaran - water her and discovered her collar was there were three coveys of chickens be - Many felt that it was a truer test of a dog’s teed a purse of $5,000. missing. Someone in the gallery offered tween where they were and the next endurance, compared to the National. The Pelican relocated to Broomhill the use of a collar. Colvin thanked them boundary road. He said Absolute should Colvin won the Free For All four times from Louisiana the following year in and said, “I’ll just leave the collar off be - point all three and if he does, just ride off with Sun Browned Honey in 1986, Pleas - 1996. Now there were two qualifying tri - cause if she gets tangled up again she may and leave him on the first two finds. Don’t ant Run Dot in 1996, Quicksilver Gold in als headquartered at the Davis camp. not be able to slip it.” flush his birds and don’t say anything to 2004, and White Powder Pete in 2006. The inaugural of the Manitoba Cham - Colvin has also used some unorthodox him – just ignore him. When he points the Some of the other notable trials Colvin pionship was held in Carmen, Manitoba in methods in his training that achieved some third time, flush his birds. The scenario won are: the Southern Championship three 1902, but had not run since 1941. After a astonishing results. Farm Boy could not played out as Colvin had anticipated. He times, the Saskatchewan Chicken Cham - 64-year hiatus, the Manitoba Champi - resist running the roads. Whenever he got later explained his theory that Absolute pionship four times, the Manitoba Cham - onship was resurrected in 2005 in the chance he would hit the road and be had to learn that he had to stay in front and pionship three times, the Dominion Broomhill, due mainly to Colvin’s efforts gone. On the way back to camp from a couldn’t point every chicken he found. Chicken Championship, the Border Inter - and today is a much anticipated event by workout one day, Colvin put Boy on a The result? Absolute went on to win mul - national, the Hobart Ames Open in 1991 the field trial fraternity and the local com - boundary road in Canada that was seldom tiple championships, including the es - with a record entry of 106, the Alabama munities. used and left him. Two days later Boy teemed Quail Invitational. In a four year Championship, and the Southland Cham - Colvin gained much from field trials, showed up at the kennel. Colvin took him span Absolute won the Invitational two pionship. Colvin won the Biscuit Handler but field trials have also gained much from back to the same section road with the times and was runner-up twice. He was the of the year award twice, the All-Age Han - Colvin’s efforts to promote the sport. He same result. The next weekend Boy won Purina Top Dog Award winner in 2004. dler of the year twice, and won the Purina always gave back in measure what he re - first place in a trial. Colvin along with his wife Mazie trav - Top Dog Handler Award three times. ceived. In 2006 he accepted the ultimate Colvin had a derby one year in Canada eled and competed on the All-Age circuit Broomhill once served as the head - compliment from the field trial commu - that refused to go forward when he was re - for over thirty years, and they produced quarters for the trials contested there, but nity when he was elected to the Field Trial leased. He always, without fail, went over forty championships. The National with the demise of the local club, the trials Hall of Fame. Not bad for a career that backward. The owner was aware of the sit - Championship is naturally on every han - ceased. It had been many years since a trial could have hinged on a lone Prairie uation, but wanted Colvin to run him in an dler’s bucket list to win, and it was a had been held on the spacious prairies of Chicken in 1967. upcoming derby stake. Colvin agreed but thrilling and rewarding experience for Broomhill. But Colvin was determined to warned that the results would not be good. Colvin and Mazie for all the long days and bring the trials back and, with his guid - William Smith is the official Reporter Just before breakaway, Colvin turned his hard work of preparation and participa - ance, the Broomhill Field Trial Club was for the National Championship.

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Visit us at: 3698 US Highway 80 E | Twin City, Georgia 30471 | (478) 763-2920 www.beavercreekplantation.com | Facebook: Beaver Creek Plantation 34 . 2021 Field Trial Review National Championship Quiz This National Championship Quiz first appeared in the 2001 issue of the Field Trial Review . It has been update for this 2021 reprint of the original quiz. Compiled by Brad Harter _____1. In what year was the National _____10. The only setter to ever win the 1. Luminary tional title four years in a row is: Championship first run over the grounds National three times was: 2. Ariel 1. Clyde Morton of the Ames Plantation? 1. Sioux 3. Paladin 2. John Rex Gates 1. 1898 2. Feagin’s Mohawk Pal 4. Whippoorwill Rebel 3. Jim Avent 2. 1901 3. Count Gladstone IV _____20. What dog holds the record of 4. Chesley Harris 3. 1902 4. La Biesta number of finds by a winner in the Na - _____30. This man is credited with hav - 4. 1906 _____11. One of the most controversial tional? ing the dream of starting a trial that would _____2. James A. Avent won the National wins of the national involved a dog that 1. Whippoorwill Rebel become the National Championship as we many times with setters, but only once actually chased his last covey of birds. The 2. Wayriel Allegheny Sport know it today. He was also elected the first with a pointer. What was the name of that judges overlooked this infraction in lieu of 3. Ariel president of the Field Trial Champion As - pointer? this pointer’s otherwise superior perform - 4. Becky Broom Hill sociation. 1. Rip Rap ance. What is the name of this controver - _____21. While John Gardner ran in the 1. Hobart Ames 2. Comanche Frank sial winner? National often, he only won the title once 2. Edward Dexter 3. Manitoba Rap 1. Bluff City Mike with what dog? 3. Jim Avent 4. John Proctor 2. Stormy Tempest 1. Home Again Hattie 4. W.W. Titus _____ 3. The very first dog to win the Na - 3. Home Again Mike 2. Stormy Tempest ____31. In the first year the National title tional three times was: 4. Was Storm 3. Safari was awarded, Count Gladstone IV was 1. Mary Montrose _____12. What owner won the National 4. Miss One Dog named the winner. His performance was 2. Sioux more times than anyone in history, a total _____22. This father and son team have not without flaw. What infraction occurred 3. Becky Broom Hill of nine times with six different dogs? both been winners of the National Cham - that would have cost him the title today? 4. Ariel 1. Hobart Ames pionship: 1. He failed to back his bracemate _____4. While Hobart Ames had dogs 2. A.G.C. Sage 1. John S. Gates & John Rex Gates 2. He would not hunt singles compete in the National many times over 3. J.M. Avent 2. Bill Rayl & Fred Rayl 3. He laid flat on his belly on a number a span of years, he won the coveted title 4. G.M. Livingston 3. Herman Smith & Collier Smith of finds only once with a setter named: _____13. This great dog never won the 4. All of the above 4. In all three series he was credited 1. Pioneer National although he held ten champi - _____23. Hoyle Eaton has won the Na - with flushing a covey of birds 2. Prince Whitestone onship titles. The closest he came was in tional with how many different dogs? _____ 32. What event brought the Na - 3. Monora 1943 when he lost in a second series to 1. 2 tional to Grand Junction for the first time 4. Alambagh Ariel. 2. 3 in 1900? _____5. The man credited with winning 1. Saturn 3. 4 1. A smallpox outbreak in West Point, the National Championship more times 2. Titan 4. 5 MS than any other handler in history, a total of 3. Wayriel _____24. The man who leads the field in 2. A lack of birds on the former grounds eleven times, is: 4. The Texas Ranger having judged the National more than any - 3. A big dollar purse put up by the town 1. James A. Avent _____14. The last National to be cancelled one else is: of Grand Junction 2. John S. Gates due to low bird populations was in what 1. Joe Hurdle 4. Severe weather that prevented peo - 3. Clyde Morton year? 2. Dr. T.B. King ple from reaching the grounds 4. Chesley H. Harris 1. 1972 3. Nash Buckingham _____33. An interesting fact concerning _____ 6. The very first dog to win the Na - 2. 1965 4. Hobart Ames the very first National is that: tional and to be handled by his only owner 3. 1944 _____25. John S. Gates has been deemed 1. No pointers were allowed to compete was: 4. 1938 one of the greatest handlers of all time. 2. Only one setter was in competition 1. Quillen’s Rising Star with Chuck _____15. The las setter to win the National How many times did he win the National? and he won the stake Quillen was: 1. Twice 3. Five pointers competed against six 2. Joe Cumming with W.W. Titus 1. Johnny Crocket 2. Three times setters 3. Monora with James Avent 2. Sioux 3. Five times 4. Only one judge was used in this 4. Warhoot Rogue with Billy Blackwell 3. Shadow Oak Go 4. Six times event and it was Hobart Ames _____7. The running of the National was 4. Tekoa Mountain Sunrise _____26. This dog won the National _____34. 1999 will go down in history for not held on the Ames Plantation during the _____16. The most recent dog to win the twice, as did his sire, and his grandsire was at least one special event at the National. years 1910, 1911, and 1912. During the National by running in the last brace of the a triple winner of the crown. Who was this What was it? first two years of that absence, where was first series was: dog? 1. The trial was won by an amateur the running of this Championship held? 1. Whippoorwill Rebel 1. Luminary 2. The largest gallery ever recorded 1. The old U.S. Grounds south of Grand 2. Warhoot Rogue 2. Ariel rode on the first Monday of the trial Junction 3. Navajo Dude 3. Eugene M 3. It was the only time the winner ever 2. In Rodgers Springs near Hickory 4. Bluff City Mike 4. Palamonium ran on the first day Valley _____17. The most recent National to be _____27. The most recent dog to win the 4. It was the first time a lady ever han - 3. West Point, MS won in a second series was in: triple crown, consisting of the National, dled a dog in the National 4. New Albany, MS 1. 2004 the Free-For-All, and the Invitational, was: _____35. In 1922 a pointer named Becky _____8. The first National Championship 2. 1992 1. Allure Broom Hill won the title but the records held in 1896 was won by: 3. 1990 2. Whippoorwill Rebel show it was a controversial crown. An - 1. Clyde Morton 4. 1988 3. Wrapup other dog had completed the three hours 2. C. E. Buckle _____18. The most recent handler to win 4. Miller’s Silver Ending very strong with a tally of 16 bevies and 8 3. W.W. Tims four National championship titles is: ____28. The only man to win the National singles. Some say he blinked a bevy; oth - 4. James A. Avent 1. John Rex Gates and then span 23 years before he would ers contend that Mr. Ames felt too many _____9. The last dog to win the National 2. Gary Lester win again is: scouts had been used to get the dog around Championship twice was: 3. Billy Wayne Morton 1. Jim Avent the course. The result was the title did not 1. Palamonium 4. Tommy Davis 2. Chesley Harris go to this dog with the outstanding bird 2. Whippoorwill Rebel _____19. The most recent dog to win the 3. John S. Gates score. Who was he? 3. Paladin National and also sire a dog to win this 4. Clyde Morton 1. Eugene’s Ghost 4. Lester’s Sunny Hill Jo title was: _____29. The only handler to win the Na - 2. John Proctor 2021 Field Trial Review 35 . 3. Prince Whitestone 1. Manitoba Rap 4. Commissioner 2. Comanche Frank _____36. What dog won the National only 3. Mary Montrose after having competed in three different 4. Becky Broom Hill heats, totaling four hours and fifteen min - _____44. In what year did the National utes? After his second heat, his front foot Championship record the highest total was swollen to nearly twice its normal covey count on both the morning and af - size, but the next morning he ran in an ternoon courses? hour heat, pointing three covies, one un - 1. 1912 productive stand, and sketchy work on 2. 1928 scattered birds. The next day, while sitting 3. 1959 on the floor with the new champion, Mr. 4. 1970 Ames examined the swollen foot, only to _____45. The all-time record of the most find and remove an inch-long Honey Lo - recorded finds (26) during a single brace cust thorn driven deep into the foot. This by one dog came in a year when that dog dog is the only dog to win the National was not awarded the title. Who was the running on three legs in the final one-hour dog and what year was it? series. 1. Pioneer, 1906 1. Sioux 2. Wayriel Allegheny Sport, 1958 2. La Biesta 3. Bisco Big Jack, 1988 3. Ariel 4. Texas Trailrider, 2004 4. Joe Cummings _____46. The historic high for the largest _____37. What was the first year that Mr. number of dogs (52) running in the Na - Hobart Ames judged his first National tional Championship came in what year? Championship? 1. 1959 1. 1899 2. 1965 2. 1900 3. 1902 3. 1902 4. 2003 4. 1920 _____47. What dog in the last 30 years _____38. In what year did the National was thought by many to be winning the Championship have only two entries han - National Championship when, with his dled by the same handler in a 3½ hour handler out of pocket, he broke and chased brace, owned by the same pair of owners? birds on his last covey find? 1. 1896 1. Cypress Gun Powder 2. 1902 2. Cedar Oak Kate 3. 1925 3. Miller’s Silver Ending 4. 1907 4. Sir Lancelot _____39. What early professional handler _____48. What professional handler had a won the National Championship and three dog poised to win the title in 1965, that years later judged the National Champi - was owned by a man who later became a onship his one and only time? judge at the National Championship, when 1. Herman Smith the trial was cancelled because of low bird 2. Jack Harper numbers? 3. John Gardner 1. Pete Hicks 4. Jim Avent 2. Freddie Epp _____40. Injured in a horse accident the 3. Nathan Cottrell week before at the west Tennessee trials, 4. Jack Harper what owner was in a hospital in Memphis _____49. In the entire history of the Na - and unable to be present for the winning tional Championship, how many times has announcement of his dog on the steps of the event been officially cancelled? the Ames Manor House? 1. Only twice 1. Dr. Jack Huffman 2. Three times 2. Dr. W.R. Trapp 3. Four times 3. S.R. Tate Cline 4. Six times 4. Gary Lester _____50. What was the lowest number of _____41. What dog was named the Na - finds in the three hours for a dog to have tional Champion after flushing birds on his been awarded the National Championship own more than once? He also refused to title? back and stole the point from his brace - 1. One find mate. 2. Two finds 1. Paladin 3. Three finds 2. John Proctor 4. Six finds 3. McTyre 4. Mohawk II Answers to the quiz are on page 38 . _____42. The first year that there were How did you score? nine starters in the National and all of Superior score if you miss 4 or less. them were setters, without a single pointer Excellent if you miss less than 6. Very in the competition. good if you miss less than 9. Good if you 1. 1896 miss 12 or less. Average if you miss 14 or 2. 1901 less. More than 15 missed and you are 3. 1905 Below Average . You might want to visit 4. 1930 the Bird Dog Museum and brush up on the _____43. The first English pointer to win history of the National Championship. the National Championship title was: 36 . 2021 Field Trial Review were expecting. Nevertheless, both were ries, Prince was pitted against Green The Six Amateurs Who called back for a second series. In the River Kate and Lanark Lad competed second brace Granite Dick, piloted by against Caesar. The second series did not Jake Bishop, went up against Sir Royal produce a definite winner and the judges Won the National Spot, handled by D.C. White. Both per - said a decision would be forthcoming. William S. Smith the handlers of Prince Whitestone and formances were judged not to be of The delay for the noon meal was taken Miss Ransom were notified of a possible championship caliber and both dogs and the judges announced that Prince Tom Pace and Prince Whitestone second series, but the decision could not were eliminated. Whitestone and Lanark Lad would com - (1907) be made officially until after Jessie Rod - The third brace was delayed one hour pete in the third series beginning at 2 His face was vaguely familiar to some field’s Count Gladstone had run. The until 9 o’clock on Tuesday morning be - o’clock. In an unlikely happening, Ed of the men gathered there on that day. second series did not take place because cause of the below-freezing temperatures Garr, who had handled Green River Veteran handlers Jake Bishop, Ed Garr, Miss Ransom died the day before the and the frozen grounds. Tom and Prince Kate, sought out Tom Pace with some W.H. Beazell, Er M. Shelley, and D.C. trial was to resume. were braced against Caesar, handled by advice. One would wonder why Garr ev - White looked on in unbelief when this al - Another oddity occurred when J. M. W. H. Beazell. In spite of the cold, the idently wanted Pace, an amateur, to suc - most-stranger announced he was there to Avent was pressed into service as a judge gallery was well represented to observe ceed since this trial was generally enter his dog in the trial. The man was to take the place of one of the original the duel. Throughout the brace, Prince considered to be for professional han - Tom T. Pace, his dog was Prince White - judges, Walter Updike, who had become and Caesar were pretty evenly matched. dlers. At any rate, he asked Pace if he stone. The trial was the 1907 National ill. The decision was made to pair Prince Both had multiple finds, but both also wanted to win the championship. He told Championship. This would be the Whitestone with Jessie Rodfield’s Count made some mistakes. Since the judges Pace to do as he told him and if he didn’t, eleventh running of the National and the Gladstone for the final two-hour brace. were in agreement that a performance he would have lost already. Garr told sixth consecutive year it would be con - In an improbable scenario, Prince White - worthy of a National Championship had Pace, “Throw away your whistle; lose tested on the Ames Plantation. Two stone was declared the new Illinois not occurred, Prince and Caesar would your voice; forget you are alive! Turn pointers and five setters comprised the Champion when he ran a powerful race return for a second series, joining Lanark Prince loose. Let him get lost. Let him seven that were entered in the competi - and pointed more birds than his oppo - Lad and Green River Kate. win the battle on his own. He knows tion that began on Monday January, 24 nent. Pace set his sights on the 1907 Na - An interesting thing occurred during more about this bird dog game than you and was completed on Wednesday, Janu - tional Championship. the brace. Caesar went missing and know, or ever will know.” (National ary 26. Six handlers would compete, Pace arrived at the Village Hotel in Prince has held up for ten minutes while Field Trial Champions, pg. 87) five of those being professionals and, for Grand Junction, Tennessee the afternoon Beazell looked for him. The heat was ex - Lad was reported to be one of the the first time, an amateur would handle prior to the running of the National, an - tended an extra ten minutes to make up fastest dogs of the day, and he was out- in the National. Tom Pace was the ama - nounced that he was there to enter his the time that Prince was held—down at running Prince off the breakaway, but he teur. dog, and inquired of the cost of the entry 9:08 up at 12:18. was soon looking at the Prince’s heels. Prince Whitestone was bred by C. C. fee. He then extolled the virtues of The judges were Herman B. Duryea, Both dogs kept to the open fields and by - Burkhead from a breeding of Count Prince, stating that there was not a dog Colonel Dave Rose, and C. W. Keys. passed the plum thickets bordering the Whitestone to Burkhead’s bitch, Queen anywhere that could beat Prince. Every Dave Rose had handled the winner of the field edges. Approximately a mile from Lilla. Prince was whelped on April 19, eye was drawn to the object of praise 1898 National, Tony’s Gale, and the win - the starting point, Prince reversed direc - 1902. His color was noted as white, warming by the old wood stove. When ner of the 1900 National, Lady’s Count tion and raced back to the plum thickets. black, tan and ticked. Tom acquired Pace was asked about the breeding of Gladstone. As had occurred in the Illinois “Here the matchless mentality of the dog Prince at a very early age. Tom lived in Prince, he replied that Prince was out of Championship, Jessie Rodfield’s Count presented itself. The fields beyond did Jellico, Tennessee, a a location where a litter sired by Count Whitestone and a Gladstone was drawn as a bye dog. not look birdy—the birds were to be quail were seriously hunted most days of very good bitch that was strictly a hunt - Er Shelly brought Jessie to the line for found in the thickets, and then he went the week. Prince benefited from this en - ing dog. the last brace Tuesday afternoon. Expec - back to the plum thickets.” (Fields of vironment, as he was exposed to quail The veteran handlers were beginning tations were high since Prince had beaten Glory, pg. 189) Lad, whether he recog - very early in his development and he was to tire of Pace’s perceived arrogance and Jessie in the Illinois Championship and nized what Prince had acknowledged in hunted extensively by Pace. one of then began to explain that he, the popular opinion was that it had been a glance or whether he was simply fol - Tom and Prince made their uneventful Pace, might not understand the difficul - a fluke and Prince would not be able to lowing Prince, also reversed course and and unnoticed debut into field trials in ties encountered in the demanding three repeat that feat. Those who had wagered headed to the thickets. Prince was stand - 1905 when they competed in two trials. hour test of stamina, strength, and perse - against Prince were feeling confident at ing on a covey when Lad arrived. This In the fall of 1906 they would make their verance. The speaker went on to explain this point that Jessie could take it all with same scenario was repeated a short time presence known in the field trial arena. It that for a dog to have a chance to win he a superior performance. Some were there later when Prince was first to identify a was November of 1906 when Prince was must be in top physical condition; in ad - in anticipation of collecting their win - possible objective and race toward that entered in the All-Age stake at Robinson, dition, had to be able to survive the chal - nings from Pace, believing Prince would objective ahead of Lad. Soon after this, Illinois. He was called back in a second lenges of the best dogs in the country. not be successful. One of Hobart Ames’ the judges huddled together out of series to determine the second place win - Pace’s reply was that Prince could run as shooting dogs, Buck, was put down with earshot of the gallery and Judge Rose, ner. His performance was deemed to long as necessary and that it was fine Jessie to provide competition and maybe after a short conversation, called the han - have bested his competitors and he was with him if they wanted to run all day. inspiration. Perhaps this boomeranged dlers in. Judge Duryea then announced: awarded second place in the stake. After the drawing had taken place when Buck found more birds than Jessie “Prince Whitestone wins.” The Illinois Championship was also later that same evening, Pace astounded did. Shelly tried his best to encourage The impossible had happened—an un - on the card to run and Tom entered those present with the prediction that Jessie by killing three birds for him, but known amateur handler with an un - Prince. Jessie Rodfield’s Count Glad - Prince would, without a doubt, claim the it was not to be; it was not Jessie’s day. known dog had won the 1907 National stone, drawn as a bye, was the only dog Championship. He then put his money During his bid, Jessie knocked two sin - Championship. Prince Whitestone was left to compete when the trial was halted where his mouth was when he offered to gles and a covey to go with three barren the second son of Count Whitestone to because of lengthy, sustained rains. Be - take all bets from anyone who did not stands. He did not finish the three hours win the National, Pioneer being the first cause the rain continued for several days, agree with his extrapolation. Many because of fatigue, and the table was set in 1906. Prince is credited with only making conditions unsuitable to continue dreamed that night of the extra cash they for the second series. three field trial wins in his short career, the trial, it was decided to resume the would take home at Pace’s expense. None of the three professional han - the fewest in history for a National trial on the Ames Plantation in Grand The first brace pitted Lanark Lad, han - dlers in the second series, Garr, Bishop Champion. He came back to compete in Junction, Tennessee on January 13, 1907, dled by Jake Bishop, against Green River or Beazell, had won the National, and it the National in 1908 and 1909, but he a delay of over a month. Prince White - Kate, handled by Ed Garr. During their goes without saying that Pace certainly was not conditioned properly and in no stone’s and Miss Ransom’s performances brace both dogs had bird work and ac - had not. One of these four men would form to contend competitively. had been deemed to be of championship ceptable races, but neither had perform - achieve his dream of winning the Na - “Prince Whitestone’s summary of caliber by both judges and, consequently, ances that met the standards the judges tional, but which one? In the second se - bird work disclosed seven bevies and six 2021 Field Trial Review 37 . singles in his three-hour exhibition, dur - National Champions, Quicksilver Pink met that part of the requirements of the Rogue until the beginning of his Derby ing which he also pointed a rabbit, had (1991), Dunn’s Fearless Bud (1990), and Amesian Standard that states: “He must season. Blackwell told Morris that he two unproductives and one correction, The Hitch Hiker (1992) had returned, be regularly and habitually pleasing, would try Rogue for 30 days and at the and was credited with a back. Prince also seeking another title, and Brush Country governable, and must know when to turn end of that trial period Blackwell was broke to retrieve a bird. In the one-hour Spectre, who would be crowned the 1994 and keep his handler’s course in view, ready to quit him. Morris convinced him second series, Prince had two bevies, a winner, was also competing. The roster and at all times keep uppermost in his to work him for another 30 days and correction and two backs, and also indicated the competition would be stiff. mind the finding and pointing of birds Blackwell reported that on the 60th day pointed where birds had flushed. No There would be two Rising Stars, for his handler.” When the announce - Rogue turned the corner. exact time was given for the third series, Miller’s and Quillen’s, but only one ment was made that Quillen’s Rising Star Blackwell said the way Rogue ran was wherein Prince found a bevy.” (National would light up the field trial community. had won the 1993 National Champi - deceiving because he did not appear to Field Trial Champions, pg. 88) The list of handlers included three am - onship she became the second amateur be hunting, only running, but then he Tom Pace was the first amateur to win ateurs this year, Billy Blackwell, Chuck dog and Chuck Quillen became the sec - would slam into a point. He was trained the National. It would be 86 years before Quillen and Ferrel Miller. As luck would ond amateur handler to win the National. on wild birds and the more birds he another amateur would stand on the have it Blackwell, Warhoot Rogue, and However, Quillen caused a contro - found, the bigger he ran. He was an in - green steps of the Ames Manor House as Quillen, Quillen’s Rising Star, would be versy concerning the true ownership of telligent dog and he used the wind prob - winner of the National Championship. paired together during the first week of Star when he stated to the reporter, Joe ably better than most other dogs. If the the trial in the ninth brace. Miller would Walker, that Star belonged to Wally Wal - breeze was slight, Rogue hugged the handle three hopefuls: Miller’s Show - lace of Redlands, California and Bob field edges. The more the wind blew, the Chuck Quillen and Quillen’s Rising case, Miller’s Silver Bullet and Miller’s Carroll of Florence, Alabama. It was af - father he moved off the line, but because Star (1993) Rising Star. firmed that Quillen accepted the mone - of his exceptional nose, he pointed birds In the 1990’s living quarters trailers Quillen’s Rising Star, white, liver, and tary rewards for the win, which would sometimes as much as 30 yards away. were not a common sight at field trials ticked pointer female, was bred by C.F. have designated Quillen as a professional Blackwell said he walked many miles in on the All-Age circuit, but there was one Wallace. She was out of a litter by Ra - if he, in fact, was not the owner of Rogue’s career trying to flush those dis - exception. Chuck Quillen traveled ex - mona Calif Pete and Ramona Calif Sally. record. As a professional, Quillen could tant coveys. tensively in his home on wheels. He lit - She was whelped 7/27/1987. She would not have competed in amateur events as Blackwell also said that after Rogue’s erally traveled from California to Florida begin her field trial journey in the Spring he did after his win of the National. Ac - first All-Age year he never saw Rogue to Canada and all places in between. He of 1988 and in the Spring of 1993 she cording to records of the American Field, bump a covey. Rogue was an exception - lived in his trailer for months at a time was crowned the new National Cham - the ownership of Star was never in ques - ally calm dog, often sleeping in the dog while traveling the circuit. He began his pion, but it almost didn’t happen. tion as it was never transferred to Wal - box waiting for his turn to compete, but field trial odyssey in California and he In January of 1992 she contacted lace or Carroll. The motive behind when the whistle sounded he was all campaigned his dogs aggressively in Bronchial Pneumonia and Quillen cred - Quillen’s assertion, it is believed by business. both Open and Amateur competitions all its Dr. Bobby Horn, then of Auburn Uni - many, was just a way to get Quillen’s Rogue did not produce many offspring across America and Canada. He was a versity, with saving her life. She had friends, Wallace and Carroll, mentioned because of his low sperm count. In the strict and demanding disciplinarian, been named Runner-Up in the Florida in the report of the National. Quillen was litters he did produce, there were only some thought him too harsh, but his dogs Championship in January prior to com - always the owner of record and he main - one or two puppies. Sean Derrig was performed for him and they won. He re - ing to the National. Star is credited with tained his amateur status throughout his lucky enough to obtain a bitch out of ally began field trialing in earnest when 12 wins during her career with three of field trial career. Rogue and he went on to win four Cham - he retired from his profession as a busi - those wins being Championships, in - pionships with her. ness executive. His Ramona prefix en - cluding the National and two Runner-up Billy Blackwell and Warhoot Rogue Blackwell had a son of Rogue that he tries soon began to get the attention of Championships. Her win record is 12-0- (1996) thought may have had as much potential the field trial community when they be - 0. Mark Roper had won it all in 1988 as Rogue. He was running him in a trial came consistent winners. Quillen’s The mercury stood at 18 degrees when with Navaho Dude and now he had also when the dog veered off course onto a “money dog” was Quillen’s Ramona Rogue and Star were turned loose in the scouted a winner. It had been four score road and Blackwell never saw him again. Rex. C.F. Wallace of Redlands, Califor - Out Front Field across from the Field and six years since the first amateur had Blackwell and Morris were working nia bred Rex’s litter out of his sire, Ra - Trial Stables. After crossing Ellington won; it would only be three years this Rogue on Blackwell’s farm in Como, mona’s Redsmoke Rex and his bitch, Road, Star was pointing on the west side time before another amateur captured the Mississippi one afternoon when they lost Ramona Doll. The litter was whelped of the Morgan Field with Rouge backing. crown. him. There was a light rain falling and it 1/07/1984. Quillen acquired Rex from The first find was in the book for Star. Travis Hicks owned a farm just south turned to snow as the temperature plum - his friend, Mr. Wallace, when Rex was a In the L.B. Avent Corn Field, Quillen of Hickory Valley, Tennessee. He al - meted and the light began to fade. Black - puppy. Quillen entered Rex in NSTRA spied Star standing just before Turner lowed some of his friends to hunt on his well decided to search across the road trials as a puppy and Rex won 3 firsts Road. Star was asked to relocate when farm and they reported that almost every that bordered the farm and that’s where and a second. In 1985 in his derby sea - the initial flushing attempt failed and she time they went to the farm, they would he discovered Rogue standing. Rogue’s son he placed 13 times and, in the pinned the running covey in the thicket see a young dog styled up somewhere. hair had turned up on his back and ice process, he won the Region 10 Amateur edge. Star nailed her third covey in the There was never anyone with the juve - had begun to form on him. Blackwell Shooting Dog Championship and was vicinity of the Bates Place with Rogue nile dog and they asked Hicks about him. flushed his birds and by his watch Rogue Runner-Up in the Region 9 Amateur backing for the second time. Rogue se - Hicks replied that he was allowed to run had been missing for one hour and Shooting Dog Championship. Rex’s ca - cured his first find in the Mary Scott loose and he was a self-taught hunter. twenty-five minutes. Besides his out - reer was shortened by a debilitating in - Loop at a quarter past the first hour mark. Word began to spread about this dog, standing nose, Blackwell said his two jury in his eighth year of competition. He Star pointed again at the entrance to Lo - who would later be registered as Warhoot other special qualities were his en - amassed a remarkable record by winning cust Turn and Quillen called flight of Rogue. Blackwell heard the rumors, but durance and the fact that he always came nine Open and four Amateur Champi - birds. Judge Cottrell and Quillen had a he had never seen the dog. Professional back. onships, and five Open and four Amateur brief conversation and Quillen took Star trainer, Norman Gross, saw Rogue in a The 1996 National featured two for - Runner-up Championships. When Rex on without firing. walking trial and he called Blackwell and mer National Champions, The Hitch was no longer able to compete, Quillen A divided find was recorded in Ed - told him he should buy the dog if it was Hiker and Quillen’s Rising Star, along turned to a female he had in his string, ward Clark South minutes ahead of the possible because he believed he had with 35 other hopefuls. Billy Blackwell, and in only six years of trialing, Quillen two hour mark. This would be the last great potential. Blackwell did not know Chuck Quillen, and Ferrel Miller would would win it all in the Grand Junction, contact of the brace when Rogue was last Hicks, but his partner Graham Morris compete again as amateur handlers. Billy Tennessee classic. seen in the Edward Clark North Field. did. Blackwell was a co-owner and handler The 1993 National boasted a field of Star continued to drive to the front in a Buddy Smith was working the dog at of the white bodied and liver headed 39 pointers and one setter, Skidrow Joe, seemingly tireless ground-eating rhythm the time and Morris brokered a deal to Warhoot Rogue. Billy’s brother Gerry handled by Rich Robinson. Three former throughout her performance. She had purchase Rogue. Smith continued to train and (Continued on pages 38-39 ) 38 . 2021 Field Trial Review Dr. Graham Morris completed the own - “Matlock” was on. Rogue passed away up Championships. She competed from ver Ending. ership roster. Rogue was bred by R.E. when he was 15 years old. 1993 through 1998 and recorded a win Miller’s Chief was the first dog that Thompson. He was whelped 4/4/1986, record of 16-3-3. After her win of the Na - had greatly impacted Miller’s breeding sired by Wahoo’s Trouble Doc and out of Tom Honecker and Cedar Oak Kate tional in 1998, she won her last Champi - program. His favorite dog was Miller’s Awesome Cotton Candy. His win record (1998) onship when she was declared the winner Silver Bullet, out of a breeding of is 57-5-42. Professional handler Buddy Smith of the International Pheasant Champi - Miller’s Showcase to Miller’s Crystal. Rogue would compete in the four - was working puppies one day with Joe onship in 1998. When asked why he preferred Bullet teenth brace pitted against Southwin Don House when he was impressed by a The temperature had remained con - over his other dogs he said there were Mike, piloted by professional handler 4-month-old female. He inquired if she stant at 40 degrees through the day and several reasons. First, he was a short- Mike Matney. Coincidently Travis Hicks was for sale and House replied that she remained so for the Friday afternoon coupled dog and that allowed him to be of near-by Hickory Valley, Tennessee was, but that she was not running brace. The pleasant weather had swelled quicker than longer bodied dogs. He also had raised both Rogue and Mike. The enough. Smith liked her so much that he the gallery to 395 riders as Borrowed said Bullet had more class and was ownership of Rogue was transferred purchased her from House, taking a Money, handled by Gary Pinalto and flashier than most dogs. He said that Bul - from Hicks before the start of Rogue’s chance that she would start to run bigger. CedarOak Kate, under the whistle of let was a better sire than his other dogs Derby season. Under Blackwell’s whis - Smith liked the classy way she moved owner Tom Honecker, began in the and there was a special bond between tle, Rogue chalked up 57 wins in Open through the country with a cracking tail. muddy East Pasture. They were almost them. Bullet amassed an incredible win and Amateur competition including five Smith handled her through her Derby ten minutes ahead of schedule when they record of 100-613-4357. Bullet is also Championships. Rogue’s win of the Ken - season. As a Derby, her first placement reached the Strawberry Patch where the all-time leading sire of dogs that tucky Quail Classic in Paducah, Ken - was a first in the Mississippi Open Derby point was called for Money. Pinalto competed in the National with 23. It is no tucky in December of 1995 requalified in the fall of 1993. Then she garnered a could not put anything to wing and wonder he was the favorite! him for the 1996 National, which would second in the Blackbelt Open Derby in Money was credited with a barren stand. Bullet’s life was almost cut short when be his fifth time competing in the Na - the same fall. In the Spring of 1994 she At 1:59 Honecker looked at his watch he was poisoned in his kennel at a run - tional. Thirty-eight entries competed was first in the Southern Open Derby and informed the judges that he was ning of the Amateur Invitational on the under the watchful eyes of Nathan Cot - with over 20 entries, and her last Derby going to run to the end of the field and if Ames Plantation. Greg St John discov - trell, Freddie Epp, and Dr. Dorwin placement was a third in the Prairie Open Kate did not have a find he would pick ered Bullet in his kennel foaming at the Hawthorne. Derby stake. her up. It was a good decision because at mouth. A piece of uneaten meat lay in the The ground was still wet and very Smith’s hutch paid off because Kate two minutes past the second hour Kate floor of the kennel. Bullet was rushed to muddy from the previous day’s rain in had begun to run at All-Age range before scored her first covey in the Jack Harris Collierville Animal Clinic where Dr. the afternoon breakaway field. Rogue the end of the season. Tom Honecker had Cabin Field. Twenty-six minutes later Jerry Horn was acknowledged with sav - was the first to find game when the scout, had his eye on Kate throughout her Kate was credited with a divided find ing his life. By all accounts Bullet should Larry Huffman, found him standing at Derby season and he approached Smith after both dogs were allowed to relocate. have died because he was poisoned with the apex of Cedar Hill. Rogue covered a about buying her. A deal was struck and Near the end of the three-hour mark, Temik, a lethal poison that was used to lot of ground before he scored for the Honecker acquired sole ownership. scout Steve Hurdle discovered Kate spray cotton. Temik was so deadly that second time just past Prospect Church. She was quick across the landscape standing on her third bevy near Turner the EPA has prohibited its production Mike and Rogue both showed well and she moved at an easy-going but Road. Her race had been recognized as since 2015. The next morning when through Turkey Bottom and crossed into ground covering gait. One of the things outstanding. Kate had been credited with Miller called for an update, he was told Alfalfa Bottom. Rogue located his third that impressed Honecker was the fact three finds and one back of her brace that Bullet was running around in back bevy on the north side of the Bottom. that she ran big, and she would check in mate. Kate’s wins of the Kentucky Open of the clinic. Bullet was scheduled to run The birds flushed wild, but Rogue stood with Honecker but she didn’t come all All-Age Championship in 1994 and the that afternoon and Miller decided not to statuesque, waiting for Blackwell to ar - the way back to him. Once she saw Ho - International Pheasant Championship scratch. Bullet had one find during his rive and shoot. necker’s horse she would continue to the two years later in 1996 qualified her for brace and that was a good sign that he Rogue was not long in pinpointing his front. the National. had not lost his scenting ability. Since fourth covey going up Cox’s Ridge. He Smith reported that Kate was one of Bullet’s temperature had been so high, had remained solid to wing and shot on the prettiest dogs running that he had Ferrel Miller and Miller’s True there was concern about his ability to all four finds. Ten minutes later scout ever seen. She never lost that cracking Spirit (2002) smell. After that incident, Miller reported Huffman found Rogue standing in thick tail and her class never diminished. She Mr. Joe Hunter was a Kentucky neigh - that he could still smell, but his nose was bi-color. He had the bevy located accu - was picturesque on point. During her bor of the Miller family and it was Mr. never the same. Bullet was admitted to rately just ahead of his flared nostrils. quest of the 1998 National, as she was Hunter who introduced Ferrel Miller to the Hall Of Fame in 2002. A reward was Rogue notched his sixth and final find in rimming a field, a herd of deer came out field trials in the late 1950’s. Miller had offered for information leading to the ar - Morgan Swamp when Huffman found of the brush just ahead of her. A gasp was 11 brothers and sisters and was not a rest and conviction of the person who him on game for the third time. Rogue heard in the gallery as it was assumed stranger to hard work growing up. He poisoned Bullet, but the culprit was finished on a nice cast going away. The she would chase, but she did not. She was exposed to hunting dogs and hunt - never discovered. muddy course had taken its toll, but completed her cast and sped away look - ing as a young boy. Miller’s father was When asked what was the one thing Rogue had enough left in the tank to fin - ing for another field to search. the “dog man” of the family, but his that made an All-Age dog, Miller replied ish ahead on course. The 1998 National would see Quick - brothers and uncle all hunted and owned it was opportunity. He said for a dog to The National would be Rogue’s only silver Pink competing for the tenth time; dogs. As soon as Miller could keep up, have that opportunity he had to be pre - Open Championship, but he had four Miller’s Silver Bullet siring eleven of the he was allowed to trail along after the pared to compete and he was not shy Amateur titles to go with it and he was 39 entries in this year’s competition; hunting party. about working his horses and his dogs named Runner-up in the Mississippi Larry Huffman scouting nine dogs; and Miller’s first field trial dog was hard in order to gain the winner’s circle. Open All-Age Championship in Fall of Tom Honecker and CedarOak Kate Miller’s Lou and the first field trial he at - Besides opportunity, endurance, style, 1992. Blackwell and Rogue were the would become the fourth amateur set to tended was at Clarksville, Tennessee. He and desire are critical. third amateur team to accomplish the feat win the National in the last six years. became a student of the game as he After an almost 90-year drought be - of winning the National (1996). Ferrel Miller was the only other amateur watched the experienced handlers pilot tween the first and second amateur win - Rogue was retired at just over ten handler in the stake. No former National their dogs, and he began to study the ners, Ferrel Miller became the fifth years of age. Blackwell let his good Champions were entered this year. breeding of those dogs. He had a vision amateur to win the coveted title and the friend Doug Arthur take Rogue and bird Kate was out of a litter bred by J.D. of what kind of dogs he wanted to breed fourth in a nine year span. Thirty-six hunt him. Arthur allowed Rogue to stay House, sired by Go Boy’s Shadow bred and his breeding has left its mark on the were entered in the 2002 affair, 35 point - in the house and said his favorite TV to Williams Miss Shadow. Kate was al - lineage of field trial dogs. To date, he is ers and one setter. C.F. Bryan, J. N. show was “Matlock.” He didn’t pay most all white with liver marking. She the recorded breeder of three National White, and D.E. Hawthorne made up the much attention to any other TV shows, had a total of 16 field trial wins, includ - Champions: Miller’s Miss Knight, judicial panel. Billy Blackwell brought but became fixated on the TV when ing four Championships and four runner- Miller’s White Cloud, and Miller’s Sil - his entry, House’s High Plains , 2021 Field Trial Review 39 . and he was the only other amateur han - ner-Up Championships. His win record as nine times a week. He ran in his first the Harris #2 Cemetery at the western dling this year. Again, as in the previous is 53-153-809. Snowatch was inducted National as a Derby. Third was his de - edge of Govan Hill. He was covering a year, a former National Champion was into the Hall of Fame in 2017. sire to find quail. Not many knew that he lot of ground, and he exhibited his intel - not entered. Gary Lester’s introduction into Field had knocked a pad just prior to his win - ligence because of where he ran. He Miller’s True Spirit was out of a litter Trials was orchestrated by James Ladd, ning the National, but because of his stayed out of the big fields and chose to sired by Miller’s Silver Bullet bred to who lived a few miles down the road tremendous desire he ran through the hunt the field edges where he had been Numark Mega. The breeders of record from Lester in the next town. Ladd was pain. Fourth was his intelligence. He successful in finding game; he was work - are Ray Potter and Dr. Art Griswold. active in club trials in the surrounding knew the courses where he had run so ing hard for Lester. True Spirit, whelped 4/06/1992, was al - area and Lester, wanting to do more with many times and the last two years of his He found his third bevy in Edward most solid white with orange markings his dogs than just quail hunt, asked to ac - career he would go to the places where Clark North at the end of the old bird and was destined to be crowned the 2002 company Ladd to some trials. Things he had found game in previous trials. If pen. He continued to run a strong, pow - National Champion. His win record is progressed from there and Lester soon he was not found standing on game, he erful race and at the 3:50 mark his efforts 93-86-443. He competed for ten years acquired his first field trial dog, Lester’s did not finish because once he located his paid off with his fourth find. When re - and won seven Open Championships and Spud. Lester said, if his memory was quarry he would not break point. Ike leased he sped away showing no sign of 19 Amateur Championships. He also correct, Spud placed 14 times as a Derby. Todd steadied him to wing and shot, and tiring. Reporter Brad Harter described achieved six Open Runner-up Champi - Hoyle Eaton ran Sir Lancelot in a Na - Snowatch never forgot his training. Snowatch’s bid as “A great performance onships and ten Amateur Runner-Up tional Derby Championship where Lester Lester said that every trial that Snowatch and a great finish!” There were 41 entries Championships. True Spirit is the only was impressed with his performance. He was entered in, he was confident and three of those were former National dog in history to win the Amateur inquired of Eaton if Lancelot had any sis - Snowatch could win. Champions, Miller’s On Line (2004), Chicken Championship on the vast ters. Eaton replied that he had three but Snowatch ran in the first week of com - Shell Creek Coin (2006), and Whippoor - prairies of Mortlach, Saskatchewan for they were not field trial prospects and petition on the morning course. His first will Wild Again (2008). The challenges four consecutive years. they were not broke. Lester said he still find came at about the halfway mark of were formidable, but Snowatch was up The decline in the wild bird popula - would like to look at them. Eaton agreed the first hour. He was poised in soybeans for the task. tion had taken its toll on locations to bring them to the Alabama Champi - that had been left standing as food for Will the seventh amateur to win the throughout the land and the Ames Plan - onship and Lester said he would be there. quail. He didn’t falter when Lester fired National be crowned this year? Time will tation was not exempt from the shortage The three bitches were turned out in a as the covey took flight. tell. of quail. Two finds would be the highest large horse pen and Lester negotiated an Snowatch scored his second covey at number recorded for any entry. Miller’s agreement with Eaton for one of the fe - White Powder, Joe Shadow, South’s males, who was registered as Lester’s Swashbuckler, Lester’s Silver Chief, Leeza, who would become Snowatch’s Miller’s True Spirit, and Shell Creek dam. Gentry all recorded two finds each. Gary For Leeza’s first breeding, Lester de - Lester had scouted Miller’s dogs. Since cided to breed her to Miller’s Date Line both White Powder and True Spirit had for many reasons, but chiefly because of been credited with two finds each and Date Line’s conformation. Lester liked completed the marathon three hours, the way Date Line was put together and there was a discussion between Miller he believed this contributed to the abil - and Lester as to which dog they consid - ity of Date Line to be campaigned heav - ered to have had the best performance. ily without incurring injuries. Leeza was Miller extolled the virtues of Powder and bred to Miller’s White Powder for her Lester was of the opinion that Spirit had second breeding, but tragically all the come closest to the Amesian Standard. puppies died. She was then mated with As it turned out, Lester’s opinion agreed Phillip’s White Twist, but unfortunately with the judges. The judiciary was in this mating did not produce any field trial agreement that True Spirit’s exemplary prospects. Leeza was not bred again be - bird work coupled with his far-reaching, cause she sustained an injury that strong, determined race set him apart and crushed her hips. he deserved the title of National Cham - Lester had worked Snowatch in the pion. Because of the severe lack of wild big Kentucky bean fields and he was birds, the Board of Directors made the ready for his first trip to Georgia. Early decision to implement a quail release on, Snowatch let it be known that he was program beginning in 2003. going to be hard to break. The first time he was turned loose on his first exposure Gary Lester and Lester’s Snowatch to the numerous Georgia quail, he would (2009) point but would flush before Lester could Gary Lester and Lester’s Snowatch get in front of him. The next day he did - are the sixth and last amateur team, to n’t check up when he found birds; he date, to win the National. They accom - liked to see them fly. It was a sign of his plished the feat in 2009. Lester bred his desire that would play such an important bitch, Lester’s Leeza, to Miller’s Date role in his field trial exploits. Line to produce Snowatch’s litter that Lester said that he never had a dog was whelped 2/03/2004. Miller’s Date that worked harder than Snowatch. He Line entered the Hall Of Fame in 2015. also said that were four qualities that set Lester is the only breeder of record of an him apart. First, was his conformation. amateur who has bred, owned, trained, He was campaigned rigorously in Ama - and handled a dog to a National Cham - teur and Open trials. He was never in - pionship. The almost all white Snowatch jured and he did not get sick. Second was competed for seven years and accumu - his endurance. He won the three-hour lated 53 wins. He won six Open and Free-for-All just two weeks before he three Amateur Championships, and three won the National in another three-hour Open Runner-Up and four Amateur Run - endurance test. He was also bred as much 40 . 2021 Field Trial Review know how important they are to us. 2021 Field Trial Hall of Fame The coronavirus has forced many changes at the museum over the past year, The Bird Dog Foundation congratulates the following new inductees into the Field including the closure of the museum for a Trial Hall of Fame. few months and the curtailing or cancela - tion of many of the museum’s events. The Brittany Field Trial Hall of Fame museum is now reopened to the public, but People : Ken Jacobson and Charles “Bernie” Crain with some restrictions. There is a limit to Dogs : Bourbon XIII (Owner: Joe Jung) the number of people we can allow into the museum at any one time and we ask Cocker Spaniel Hall of Fame BDM News that you wear a mask to keep us all safe. People : Hartwell S. “Bucky” Moore and Tawney Crawford By Tonya Brotherton—Executive Director Unfortunately, the museum’s events Dogs : Camino’s Cheetah continue to be affected this year, as the Ballymena’s Lucky Shamrock MH (Owner: Hobson and Lisa Brown) February 16, 2021 marks the 30th An - pandemic is still wreaking havoc. The niversary of the National Bird Dog Mu - 2021 Hall of Fame induction ceremonies English Springer Spaniel Hall of Fame seum. It’s hard to believe that our Grand and the National Championship Kick-Off People : Bob Child; Ed and Esther Faraci Opening was held on February 16, 1991. Party have been canceled. This decision Dogs : Conklin’s Bandit While 2020 has been a rough year and was made by the Bird Dog Foundation’s 2021 got off to a rough start, the good board of directors for the safety of our Hall German Shorthair Pointer Hall Of Fame news is that the Bird Dog Museum con - of Fame inductees, their families, our vol - People : Robert Holcomb tinues weather the storm. unteers, and staff. We will miss seeing Dogs : When reflecting on 2020 and the losses everyone, but hopefully we will be able to MSR’S Opalescence (Owner: James and Sarah Messer) we have endured so far this year, I find meet again at the 2022 events. Uodibar’s Shoot the Moon (Owner: John Rabidou) that there is no better time to say thank you Most importantly, please keep in touch to all of our friends of the museum for all with friends and family; you never know Pointer/Setter Hall Of Fame your help and support throughout the year. what it might mean to others. Live each People : 2021 HOF Inductions Canceled We so appreciate the calls, cards, and day with hope and courage. Dogs : 2021 HOF Inductions Canceled thoughtfulness that have been shown to us. In the words of John Wayne—“Real It means the world to us and has been one courage is being scared to death, but sad - Red Setter Hall of Fame of the few bright spots in the past year, dling up anyway.” Be well and stay safe. People : Stan Zdanczewicz helping us to navigate these rough times. And come see us at the Bird Dog Museum. Dogs : Breakstone The National Bird Dog Museum has lost many friends this year due to sickness Retriever Hall of Fame or other circumstances. Our prayers are People : Gary Ahlgren, Mitch Patterson, and Martha Russell with their families. This year has truly re - Dogs : Lane’s Let’s Get Ready to Rumble minded us to not take anything for granted and to treat life as a gift every day. This is the time to let people know how important they are to you. Send them a card, or even a book – something more than a text mes - sage – to let them know you are thinking about them. The little things mean a lot! Life is precious and we need to let people Congratulations to All the Owners of Dogs in the 2021 We Are Open National Championship ©FTR Doug Arthur, Billy Blackwell, Rachel and David Russell - Coldwater Thunder The National Bird Dog Museum in Grand Junction, Nick Berrong - Miller’s Blindsider Tennessee features a vast collection of photographs, Brad Calkins - Dream Chaser and Westfall’s River Ice paintings, and memorabilia pertaining to field trials, Jim Clark and Baker Hubbard - Lester’s Georgia Time upland game hunting, and waterfowl hunting. Dr. Fred Corder - Game Wardon The museum is home of the National Bird Dog Hall of Will and Rita Dunn - Dunns Tried N True Fame, which honors people and dogs of various breeds Tommy and Bonnie Hamilton - Lester’s Shockwave and Lester’s Storm Surge who have contributed significantly to the field trial sport. John and Jackie Harkins - Touch’s Blackout The spacious facility also features a Gift Shop with a Dan Hensley - Lester’s Jazz Man wide variety of clothing, gifts, and décor items. The Wildlife Heritage Center contains a vast array of John and Susan Ivester - Marques Armed Robber wildlife exhibits. S. Tucker Johnson - Touch’s Red Rider Paving Memory Lane is great way to immortalize Dr. James Mills and Steve Lightle - Lowrider Frank your dog or an important person with an engraved brick Alex and Brianna Rickert - Touch’s Malcolm Story and Touch’s Gallatin Fire on the memorial walk. Ted Roach - Ascension Visit us online at: www.birddogfoundation.com Larry Smith - S F Stetson Welcome Field Trialers, Handlers & Owners! Ronnie Spears - Whippoorwill Justified Ryan Westfall - Westfall’s True Grit The National Bird Dog Museum Paul Witter - Whippoorwill Forever Wild 505 W. H WY . 57, GRAND JUNCTION , TN. Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. | Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Every year we try very hard to obtain photos of all the owners and dogs for each Sunday 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. | Closed Mondays issue of the Field Trial Review . As your dogs are competing in field trials throughout the Phone: (731) 764-2058 | Tonya Brotherton--Executive Director year, please consider sending us their photo - and yours - for future use. Thank you! 2021 Field Trial Review 41 . Field Trial Review BULLETIN BOARD The World’s Best Trailers for the World’s Best Dogs Jones Trailer Co.


see our S porting Dog DiviSion www.jonestrailers.com • 1-800-336-0360

AKIN EQUINE VETERINARY SERVICES © FTR Open 7am - 8pm Mon - Sat New Hope Saddles & Tack MARK A. A KIN , DVM The Practice limited to 750 New Hope Road Lameness and Performance Ripley, TN 38063 Issues associated with the HUT Family Restaurant Cell: 731-697-3356 Equine Athlete est. 1952 By appointment only: Emaiil: [email protected] 601-813-1128 cell 901-854-6773 (85-HORSE) 16920 hwy. 64 • Somerville, TN Saddles & Tack <> Saddle Repair ©MSHR [email protected] 901-465-8988 Custom Leather Work National Championship CCLLAASSSSIIFFIIEEDDSS The Mid-South Horse Review www.midsouthhorsereview.com DOG 901-867-1755 Pointer at Stud : White Knight bloodlines. Private Treaty Call: David Snyder 662-534-7803. [email protected] National Championship CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS 2021 National Championship Contribution Form My gift as designated below signals my support to the field trial, wildlife research, education, and public service programs at Ames Plantation which benefit sportsmen and citizens throughout the United States. My desired participation level is as follows: ( ) $1,000 ( ) $100 ( ) $500 ( ) $50 ( ) $250 ( ) $25 ( ) Other ______I desire that my contribution be allocated as indicated (make check to appropriate organization): ( ) Hobart Ames Foundation - Funds to be used to enhance physical facilities, field trial venue, and quail habitat. ( ) The University of Tennessee for Ames Plantation Development Fund - Monies to be used to support wildlife research on Ames Plantation with special emphasis on quail management.

Name: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip:______RETURN ALL DONATIONS TO: Ames Plantation P. O. Box 389 Grand Junction, Tennessee 38039-0389 CONTRIBUTIONS TO EITHER OF THE ABOVE ORGANIZATIONS QUALIFY AS CHARITABLE DEDUCTIONS UNDER CURRENT FEDERAL INCOME TAX LAWS. 42 . 2021 Field Trial Review National Championship Drastic Price Reduction ! Quiz Answers Answers refer to the content of the an - swer , not to the particular answer number in the quiz.

1. 1902 2. Comanche Frank 3. Mary Montrose 4. Alambagh 5. Clyde Morton 6. Joe Cumming with W.W. Titus 7. In Rodgers Springs near Hickory Valley 8. James A. Avent 9. Lester’s Sunny Hill Jo 10. Feagin’s Mohawk Pal 11. Home Again Mike 12. A.G.C. Sage 13. The Texas Ranger 14. 1965 Country Paradise 15. Shadow Oak Bo 16. Bluff City Mike 40.47 acres with 5 homes 17. 2004 18. Gary Lester Can divide house/apt. with 18 acres 19. Whippoorwill Rebel 20. Wayriel Allegheny Sport 21. Miss One Dot 22. All of the above 23. 4 24. Hobart Ames 25. Twice 26. Palamonium 27. Whippoorwill Rebel 28. John S. Gates 29. Clyde Morton 30. Edward Dexter 31. In all three series he was credited with flushing a covey of birds 32. A smallpox outbreak in West Point, MS 33. Five pointers competed against six setters 34. It was the first time a lady ever han - dled a dog in the National 35. Eugene’s Ghost 36. Joe Cummings 37. 1902 38. 1902 © MSHR 39. Jim Avent 40. S.R. Tate Cline 41. Mohawk II 1215 beaver Creek Road, Mason/braden, TN Jimmy D. Norman, bRokeR 42. 1905 (Fayette County) 43. Manitoba Rap NoRMAN ReAlToRs 44. 1959 40.47 acres with 5 homes. absolutely beautiful rolling acres! 6061 stage Rd. suite 12 | bartlett, TN 38134 45. Wayriel Allegheny Sport, 1958 approximately 27 acres open grass land, 46. 1959 remainder is beautiful woods with mature trees. 901-382-8282 (office) | 901-483-3606 (cell) 47. Sir Lancelot 3BR, 2½ Ba main house with 2,000 sq ft garage apartment. [email protected] 48. Nathan Cottrell 3 double-wide mobile homes. shop and 4-stall Barn. 49. Four times 40 ft Rv shed, 50 amp. live in the main house, with 50. Two finds potential $50,000 annual income from rental houses. Total your score:______6 mi. from i-40 | 5.5 mi. from coyote Run arena 10 minutes from arlington www.nestigator.com/home/1215-beaver-creek-rd-mason-tn-38049/86083239 2021 Field Trial Review 43 . First Week of Running • February 8-13, 2021 2021 Officials BS Judging this year’s National Champi - Brace Dog Owner(s) Handler onship are Tom Shenker of Hurtsboro, Al - abama, Jadie Rayfield of Mount Pleasant, Game Wardon P M Dr. Fred Corder Dr. Fred Corder 1 South Carolina, and Dr. Stan Wint of 2/8/21 Gardner, Kansas. William Smith of Lester’s Georgia Time P M Jim Clark & Baker Hubbard Mark McLean Moscow, Tennessee is the reporter.

2 Touch’s Malcolm Story P M Alex & Brianna Rickert Mark McLean 2/8/21 Whippoorwill Forever Wild P M Phil Witter Matt Cochran

3 Ascension P M Ted Roach Steve Hurdle 2/9/21 Miller’s Blindsider P M Nick Berrong Jamie Daniels

S F Stetson P M Larry Smith Larry Huffman 4 2/9/21 Westfall’s True Grit P M Ryan Westfall Andy Daugherty Jadie Rayfield

5 Lowrider Frank P M Dr. James Mills & Steve Lightle Allen Vincent 2/10/21 Lester’s Shockwave P M Tommy & Bonnie Hamilton Gary Lester Doug Arthur, Billy Blackwell, Coldwater Thunder P F Steve Hurdle 6 Rachel & David Russell 2/10/21 Lester’s Jazz Man P M Dan Hensley Randy Anderson

7 Whippoorwill Justified P M Ronnie Spears Larry Huffman 2/11/21 Marques Armed Robber P M John & Susan Ivester Lefty Henry Dr. Stan Wint

8 Westfall’s River Ice P M Brad Calkins Andy Daugherty 2/11/21 Touch’s Red Rider P M S. Tucker Johnson Luke Eisenhart

9 Touch’s Gallatin Fire P M Alex & Brianna Rickert Mark McLean 2/12/21 Dunn’s Tried N True P M Will & Rita Dunn Luke Eisenhart

10 Lester’s Storm Surge P M Tommy & Bonnie Hamilton Gary Lester 2/12/21 Dream Chaser P M Brad Calkins Andy Daugherty Tom Shenker 11 Touch’s Blackout P M John & Jackie Harkins Randy Anderson 2/13/21

Note: S indicates Setter. P indicates Pointer. For more information and updates, visit www.amesplantation.org and the Ames Facebook page

WELCOME TO AMES PLANTATION William Smith ( Jamie Evans photo ) Rules to remember while you are at the Ames Plantation: 7. Alcoholic beverages, regardless of container, are not permitted on the grounds or 1. Park off the road in areas designated for parking for those not officially involved in the parking areas. Failure to observe this rule will result in your being asked with the competition. Do not unload on the shoulder of the road. Do not block to leave Plantation property. public roads! 8. Take your trash with you. Do not litter the grounds. 2. All horses must be accompanied by acceptable proof of their current negative 9. No cooking of any type is permitted on the Plantation. Coggins test. 10. Children under 12 years of age will not be permitted to ride in the gallery unless 3. Ames Plantation assumes no responsibility for injury or loss of property. Ride at accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, and no more than one rider to a your own risk. horse will be allowed. 4. Ride on blacktop roads only when absolutely necessary. It is easy for a shod 11. No stallions allowed in the gallery. horse to slip on these surfaces, thus increasing the likelihood of injury to animal 12. SPECIAL NOTE: Road traffic will be regulated along Turner Road and National and rider. Championship Drive from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and along Ames Road- 5. During the competition you must not interfere with the judges. It is essential that Plantation Road from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. you stay with the main body of the gallery. Those lagging back will be escorted 13. Sheriff’s Deputies are present to enforce these and other appropriate restrictions off the property. to maintain a safe environment and to enhance the conditions for the main 6. Running horses by members of the gallery is not permitted. Boisterous behavior objective, field trial competition. If you do not understand these rules, contact a between riders increases the chance of injury and is not acceptable. deputy for a more detailed explanation. 44 . 2021 Field Trial Review