Gas Heat 5HOURS ONLY SCARFS Anti-Test Waik^Ungary Reds Told
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/ ■ . y \- / .r / ■M . - / roAY, APRIL 4, The Weather -• Arersge Gaily Net Press Run PAG* ETGHTEEN ' For the Week Reded Pereeaat ,»f U. 8. Weather B orsu \ '. \ >- \ V March IS, 1958 Fair tanlght,‘ net quKe a# cold. The M Xachesti^abild . Study St John'a/PoUali' N ation al Lew SO-45. Sunday BMmisg,:ia the Church ludd a HOly Hour this 12,669 Group win visit the>l^abody Mu 80s, leww 80b Sunday aftemesii.. About Town seum In New Haven Tuesday. All af tem< li. Tonight Member at the Audit / at.? ^lock^l^ere will beI a penltfn- B u r e w ^ CXrealattMi Th« Au*lll»ry l» AndwawShea those Ihterested In fom g should M ancf^ter^A City Qf Vil{age Charm be j k ’ the NBuclcley SohooKat 8:30 ttaKMaaef'^Tomorrow, Holy Sat- Poat, v r w , .win .not hold lU regu day,AIass will be said at B a.m.; lar eaWl BartyUml^r. a.m. On tha return trip % stop will z be' made for iU|iicheon at the ■hd on Sunday at 8 a.m.,' Rasur- (Classined AdvaHiaiBg qa Pag# 10) Price f iv e cen tr '* - redtion Mass; low Maas at 8130 (TWELVE PAGES) lif^AISCHESI^ CONN*, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1958 j- kee Silversmith: \ VOL. L K ^ L NO. 1S8 Tha Miry Ghenav, Whlton and; and high Maas at 10:30 a.m. ^ ........... ■•^ .,.■ .1 .'a. ... I ............... laii. ..M ■ ^li t . ' I ' ~ ... Weat Bide libraridS, cloaed today: z L Dr. and Mrs. Will D. Stroudy for the h^Way, win ti^tpen tomor- j enjoying; a Miss Joan Olivt Lihgard, dai X rdv aa liNal.' i 91 Strickland St., an V springmg vacation In Me^coStico a ty . tOr of Mr. and Mrs. R onald^n - They are guests at the Hotel Del g a ^ 35 Hudson St., a stwient at Cuba Tense C ^ r members of the Salvation | B o s w College, la h o it ^ for s Army will conduct a food saie a t' Prado. 0 i h : F a n t i i0-(tt^vacation. Mt|« jUngard Citadel tomorrow at > a.m. Richard N. Johnson, son of Mrs, gradusthd' from MaRChester. Higj Agnes O. Johnson, 88 Unnmore Dh, School with the clu e of 1954 In Castro’s achieved high honors on the second Jn the fall\ entered Mar; term honor roll st State Technical Gqllege, ToIm d , Ohio, fromAvhich Institute, Hartford. ^ ''s.'. college hep^other grachuRed with Nerve a bMhelw of «^ta degree. It one* •gain JL Maj. John F. j^;«Kiernan, 40, son By ll\RRY ALLEN r of Mrs. Mary SchulU of this town, k 'hiomae Spibcer Circle of i iWhiithsr yeu'r* Edwards identified the Fkwk'^ 'Than I saw Mrs. Flook aa she Gas Heat JerB^ Shore, Pa., April 8'* came otif of the house. She waa In Havana, April 5 (/P)—Fidel recently completed a staff olHeer e South' Methgaiat\Church will ^en members of a fam chlldre'n aa WiUiam 15. months; refresher course for NstlonaJ meet Monds^-^t 1 mm. at the }utt ttartmg ♦o outfit Rictqu'd, 5; Kenneth, 6; Susan, 8; a terrible state. CastrG’s -' "total, implacable IS B ES T! Guardsmen st the Infantry Sclv home of MdsN John E .^ h lte ,' 43 ily, ^including eight children, Tefry, 10; Bonnie, Jll and Harry, "My father put a ladder up to war” against Cuban President Ft. Henning, Ga. He U a pla^an d Crosby Ba. Co-hosteasesXwill be umed to death early today in 10. He eald Mrs. Flook was badly the window of the house and he • .V yourssif Or you n««(l only Fulgencio Batista began today ■X training officer In headgu^era of Mrs. Wfliism M. Wilson and Mrs. losicm: and .fire which burned and In a atate of ahock. ' had hold of Mr. Flook by tbe’ arm as a war of nerves. the 43rd Division’s lOO^Ipfsntry Chides Bennington, y Mrs. Robert through their 2-8totY The fire chief said, the house was and either ho<^(Flook) passed out The nation was tense but rdta- Regiment In Hartfoi HI<^*ratl will s p « k «n "Y Vth • handbag or, 0 pair of about 1,600 feOt frbm the nearest or the floor pnye way and broke 'V apine timber home. hydrant., "Wa got our hoaea work Gvely calm., The big push "ft) Ltoa Turner’s Janitrol rvlng In the Gommunltj^" A neighbor said he aaw the faih- their grip. Dad Mr. Flook g o tjjjj perish"—aa Castro The meellnE.of-the American gloves to complota youf ing as quickly as possible hut the -caught In the^'Yui or aome-jpjjj^ j,j, declaration of war gion Auxlllaj^-'will be held m lly of Tbrimce Flook, 84-year-old aituaUon. was hopeless The place • AUTOMATIC The Methodist Youth Fellowship, \ truck driver, gathered at a aecond thing.” V I against the strongman president p.m. Monddy at the Legion Miinne. under tpfi chairmanship of Mra,'.. •nsembts, Hale's is still went up like a tinder box. They "Then I aaw Mra. Blklr come out |_;may hot come until after Etaater Child, 14, Used HfiATING and atory window durjftg the height never had a chance.” COOLING Memhem are requested toJbnng in Wayne Lundberg. .will present, a:* of the window, but the wtadow fell} holidays end Monday morning, coupMdi at this meetlhg.^or ,«the of the blaM and tried -io aet up . There was no indication of what EQUIPMENT prt^am on the theme ;‘The«Mara I vifell stoOked end able to a ladder. abut. Catching her foot^qnd she i Some rebel sources in Havana Butcher Knif^ Chjis Welfare prograj^ of Youth In Missions” st the meet-} caused the fire. S gt Raymond An hung'there until the fire deWoyed claim the - Catholic. Church has “ A bureau fell In front-of tha derson, of the -Pennsylvania State -1 ''V ' ing of the WSCS of the North! fill ypur needs! . * window." aald Herman Seichrtat. the window aill and she fell ta JOe ; been . friendly to the 31-year-old Maiiehittir Shnt ^CovenauU CongreglTtional women, Methodist Church Monday evening ; Police, who with Edwards Immedl- ground ’’ ’ ' i rebel leader's cauM and he would i/P)—y y at theljNfficent Jneetlng, voted to LX ‘That's the last we aaw of, them." ktely bimen an Ihveatlgatlon. noted Hollj’wood, April ^ st 8 o'clock sr the church. i The' •The only occupant to eacape the "We all went close to the house ( ^ antag^l«> the Catho-' Actress Lana Turner’, \X4^ change th ^ n ln n e to the Covenant Brewster Circle will serve as host-1 the home used an old fashioned Metal Works Women'a GulM. Ilie Men*agr«>up is holocaust, was Flook’ir wife, who wood stove and had kerosene fired year-old daughter last pigilt MI S-MIS—H High esses. fled acreamlng out .a back door,' .sr, 3' dS.'S'. i ; now officially known as Covenant room heatera.,, • ^ iin intn the i Thei*# was also no sign of Caa- killed a handsome HoUywooov,^ Men of Manchester. her hair a flaming torch and her Teh home waa located In a resi Marine 2nd Lt. Robert B. Rich-1 night clothes afire. Sfr *f^ a \ Iu t feet ^ »ong-0»reatened call for a underworld figure roniantica}* - dential section on the outakirta of air for about KKt feet. general strike. Rumors In Ha- ardson Jr., Son of Mr. and Mrt. i Fire Chief Richard Edwards ly linked with her mother. Robert B. Richardson, 208 High- thla north-central Pennsylvania I didn't hear any noises from y|,na said the bearded Insurgent Police said brown-hMred Cheryl aald Flook’a charrad. body was Cornmimity which la on Route 220; inside the^house. The noiae of the leader would' iasuc the tell from land St., and husband of the form er: f^ n d hloding two of his children, plunged a knife into the abdomen Martljm P. Forde, 94 Spruce 8t„ 1 some 100 mHee weat of the state names and the men outside made a , his mountain hideout on Tuesday, of husky Johnny Stompaqato, 42, grauated from Officer Basie School •1^ bodies o f the other youngsters capital at HarH|targ. _ . ilot -of noise, though. If I heard Caatro ^lainu 50,000 supporters X ana. their grandqabther. ..Mrs. in a pink-carpeted bedroom of Misa at Quanticd, Va.. on Mgrch 29. H e: Mrs. Shirley KCiton. daughter of j ,houtlng from the insldei I would then pour Into the atreeta. Turner’s home. ' Is a graduate of Trinity College, Wash^b^ fabric gloves for your Maude Blair, S3, Were huddled Sechrist. said she Was one of. theiyy,* too shocked to realize It." halt all commerce and do. battle j. arouiiif'Jiim; Two family peU, a flr*t at the acene. deacribed the' Stompanato died inatantly. Easter outfit. Cotton or nylon slip- kuvas iMm la.ov I hoiTibie —ouf nflgTowr* with the police and the army. Beverly HIU# Police Chief (Hin The Hartford Pembroke College hound arW a tarrler also perished. But the government, wiOi the on styles in medium and longer The houw was one big b la « "I heard .^mebody Calling d-V-ng tha^ way and everything.’” ^ ... ......... ton Anderson said he waa told Club will meet Wednesday night {backing power of the powerful that Cheryl stabbed Stompanato at^8 o’clock aC the home of Mrs. lengths. Colors: White, beige, navy, when we arri.v«d,". qald Edwards. help. I didn't know what was hap- ' Asked If ahe heard an e x p lo s i o n ,^ F e d e r a t io n of Labor, has * T 1 »» was ndschanee to save any pening, but I Just felt it was some- , Mrs.