/ ■ . y \- / .r / ■M . - / roAY, APRIL 4, The Weather -• Arersge Gaily Net Press Run PAG* ETGHTEEN ' For the Week Reded Pereeaat ,»f U. 8. Weather B orsu \ '. \ >- \ V March IS, 1958 Fair tanlght,‘ net quKe a# cold. The M Xachesti^abild . Study St John'a/PoUali' N ation al Lew SO-45. Sunday BMmisg,:ia the Church ludd a HOly Hour this 12,669 Group win visit the>l^abody Mu­ 80s, leww 80b Sunday aftemesii.. About Town seum In New Haven Tuesday. All af tem< li. Tonight Member at the Audit / at.? ^lock^l^ere will beI a penltfn- B u r e w ^ CXrealattMi Th« Au*lll»ry l» AndwawShea those Ihterested In fom g should M ancf^ter^A City Qf Vil{age Charm be j k ’ the NBuclcley SohooKat 8:30 ttaKMaaef'^Tomorrow, Holy Sat- Poat, v r w , .win .not hold lU regu­ day,AIass will be said at B a.m.; lar eaWl BartyUml^r. a.m. On tha return trip % stop will z be' made for iU|iicheon at the ■hd on Sunday at 8 a.m.,' Rasur- (Classined AdvaHiaiBg qa Pag# 10) Price f iv e cen tr '* - redtion Mass; low Maas at 8130 (TWELVE PAGES) lif^AISCHESI^ CONN*, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1958 j- kee Silversmith: \ VOL. L K ^ L NO. 1S8 Tha Miry Ghenav, Whlton and; and high Maas at 10:30 a.m. ^ ........... ■•^ .,.■ .1 .'a. ... I ............... laii. ..M ■ ^li t . ' I ' ~ ... Weat Bide libraridS, cloaed today: z L Dr. and Mrs. Will D. Stroudy for the h^Way, win ti^tpen tomor- j enjoying; a Miss Joan Olivt Lihgard, dai X rdv aa liNal.' i 91 Strickland St., an V springmg vacation In Me^coStico a ty . tOr of Mr. and Mrs. R onald^n - They are guests at the Hotel Del g a ^ 35 Hudson St., a stwient at Cuba Tense C ^ r members of the Salvation | B o s w College, la h o it ^ for s Army will conduct a food saie a t' Prado. 0 i h : F a n t i i0-(tt^vacation. Mt|« jUngard Citadel tomorrow at > a.m. Richard N. Johnson, son of Mrs, gradusthd' from MaRChester. Higj Agnes O. Johnson, 88 Unnmore Dh, School with the clu e of 1954 In Castro’s achieved high honors on the second Jn the fall\ entered Mar; term honor roll st State Technical Gqllege, ToIm d , Ohio, fromAvhich Institute, Hartford. ^ ''s.'. college hep^other grachuRed with Nerve a bMhelw of «^ta degree. It one* •gain JL Maj. John F. j^;«Kiernan, 40, son By ll\RRY ALLEN r of Mrs. Mary SchulU of this town, k 'hiomae Spibcer Circle of i iWhiithsr yeu'r* Edwards identified the Fkwk'^ 'Than I saw Mrs. Flook aa she Gas Heat JerB^ Shore, Pa., April 8'* came otif of the house. She waa In Havana, April 5 (/P)—Fidel recently completed a staff olHeer e South' Methgaiat\Church will ^en members of a fam­ chlldre'n aa WiUiam 15. months; refresher course for NstlonaJ meet Monds^-^t 1 mm. at the }utt ttartmg ♦o outfit Rictqu'd, 5; Kenneth, 6; Susan, 8; a terrible state. CastrG’s -' "total, implacable IS B ES T! Guardsmen st the Infantry Sclv home of MdsN John E .^ h lte ,' 43 ily, ^including eight children, Tefry, 10; Bonnie, Jll and Harry, "My father put a ladder up to war” against Cuban President Ft. Henning, Ga. He U a pla^an d Crosby Ba. Co-hosteasesXwill be umed to death early today in 10. He eald Mrs. Flook was badly the window of the house and he • .V yourssif Or you n««(l only Fulgencio Batista began today ■X training officer In headgu^era of Mrs. Wfliism M. Wilson and Mrs. losicm: and .fire which burned and In a atate of ahock. ' had hold of Mr. Flook by tbe’ arm as a war of nerves. the 43rd Division’s lOO^Ipfsntry Chides Bennington, y Mrs. Robert through their 2-8totY The fire chief said, the house was and either ho<^(Flook) passed out The nation was tense but rdta- Regiment In Hartfoi HI<^*ratl will s p « k «n "Y Vth • handbag or, 0 pair of about 1,600 feOt frbm the nearest or the floor pnye way and broke 'V apine timber home. hydrant., "Wa got our hoaea work­ Gvely calm., The big push "ft) Ltoa Turner’s Janitrol rvlng In the Gommunltj^" A neighbor said he aaw the faih- their grip. Dad Mr. Flook g o tjjjj perish"—aa Castro The meellnE.of-the American gloves to complota youf ing as quickly as possible hut the -caught In the^'Yui or aome-jpjjj^ j,j, declaration of war gion Auxlllaj^-'will be held m lly of Tbrimce Flook, 84-year-old aituaUon. was hopeless The place • AUTOMATIC The Methodist Youth Fellowship, \ truck driver, gathered at a aecond thing.” V I against the strongman president p.m. Monddy at the Legion Miinne. under tpfi chairmanship of Mra,'.. •nsembts, Hale's is still went up like a tinder box. They "Then I aaw Mra. Blklr come out |_;may hot come until after Etaater Child, 14, Used HfiATING and atory window durjftg the height never had a chance.” COOLING Memhem are requested toJbnng in Wayne Lundberg. .will present, a:* of the window, but the wtadow fell} holidays end Monday morning, coupMdi at this meetlhg.^or ,«the of the blaM and tried -io aet up . There was no indication of what EQUIPMENT prt^am on the theme ;‘The«Mara I vifell stoOked end able to a ladder. abut. Catching her foot^qnd she i Some rebel sources in Havana Butcher Knif^ Chjis Welfare prograj^ of Youth In Missions” st the meet-} caused the fire. S gt Raymond An­ hung'there until the fire deWoyed claim the - Catholic. Church has “ A bureau fell In front-of tha derson, of the -Pennsylvania State -1 ''V ' ing of the WSCS of the North! fill ypur needs! . * window." aald Herman Seichrtat. the window aill and she fell ta JOe ; been . friendly to the 31-year-old Maiiehittir Shnt ^CovenauU CongreglTtional women, Methodist Church Monday evening ; Police, who with Edwards Immedl- ground ’’ ’ ' i rebel leader's cauM and he would i/P)—y y at theljNfficent Jneetlng, voted to LX ‘That's the last we aaw of, them." ktely bimen an Ihveatlgatlon. noted Hollj’wood, April ^ st 8 o'clock sr the church. i The' •The only occupant to eacape the "We all went close to the house ( ^ antag^l«> the Catho-' Actress Lana Turner’, \X4^ change th ^ n ln n e to the Covenant Brewster Circle will serve as host-1 the home used an old fashioned Metal Works Women'a GulM. Ilie Men*agr«>up is holocaust, was Flook’ir wife, who wood stove and had kerosene fired year-old daughter last pigilt MI S-MIS—H High esses. fled acreamlng out .a back door, K.ru' .sr, 3' dS.'S'. i ; now officially known as Covenant room heatera.,, • ^ iin intn the i Thei*# was also no sign of Caa- killed a handsome HoUywooov,^ Men of Manchester. her hair a flaming torch and her Teh home waa located In a resi­ Marine 2nd Lt. Robert B. Rich-1 night clothes afire. Sfr *f^ a \ Iu t feet ^ »ong-0»reatened call for a underworld figure roniantica}* - dential section on the outakirta of air for about KKt feet. general strike. Rumors In Ha- ardson Jr., Son of Mr. and Mrt. i Fire Chief Richard Edwards ly linked with her mother. Robert B. Richardson, 208 High- thla north-central Pennsylvania I didn't hear any noises from y|,na said the bearded Insurgent Police said brown-hMred Cheryl aald Flook’a charrad. body was Cornmimity which la on Route 220; inside the^house. The noiae of the leader would' iasuc the tell from land St., and husband of the form er: f^ n d hloding two of his children, plunged a knife into the abdomen Martljm P. Forde, 94 Spruce 8t„ 1 some 100 mHee weat of the state names and the men outside made a , his mountain hideout on Tuesday, of husky Johnny Stompaqato, 42, grauated from Officer Basie School •1^ bodies o f the other youngsters capital at HarH|targ. _ . ilot -of noise, though. If I heard Caatro ^lainu 50,000 supporters X ana. their grandqabther. ..Mrs. in a pink-carpeted bedroom of Misa at Quanticd, Va.. on Mgrch 29. H e: Mrs. Shirley KCiton. daughter of j ,houtlng from the insldei I would then pour Into the atreeta. Turner’s home. ' Is a graduate of Trinity College, Wash^b^ fabric gloves for your Maude Blair, S3, Were huddled Sechrist. said she Was one of. theiyy,* too shocked to realize It." halt all commerce and do. battle j. arouiiif'Jiim; Two family peU, a flr*t at the acene. deacribed the' Stompanato died inatantly. Easter outfit. Cotton or nylon slip- kuvas iMm la.ov I hoiTibie —ouf nflgTowr* with the police and the army. Beverly HIU# Police Chief (Hin­ The Hartford Pembroke College hound arW a tarrler also perished. But the government, wiOi the on styles in medium and longer The houw was one big b la « "I heard .^mebody Calling d-V-ng tha^ way and everything.’” ^ ... ......... ton Anderson said he waa told Club will meet Wednesday night {backing power of the powerful that Cheryl stabbed Stompanato at^8 o’clock aC the home of Mrs. lengths. Colors: White, beige, navy, when we arri.v«d,". qald Edwards. help. I didn't know what was hap- ' Asked If ahe heard an e x p lo s i o n ,^ F e d e r a t io n of Labor, has * T 1 »» was ndschanee to save any pening, but I Just felt it was some- , Mrs.
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