1 1 1 « O H FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1901, 4AGE TWENTY-rOtm AviTagt Daily Net Preaa Run The Weatlwr jlattrlftHter lEwfttfns Ifieratt For «|H Weak Endad Fovaeoat of D. 8. Waotkae I May 1,1666 Oioody wHk onazlioaf M The Manchester Area Alum­ care, X rays, mediclnea and sup- miMtMu: Mw. Israbl The Young People of Zion Leaders Named catalogue; Mrs. J*rome today, peaidbhi perieda af Evangelical Lutheran Church nae a u b of Pi BeU Phi wlU pNes. About Town meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. at Bicycle Fall He charges the town with hn- sixhtUt hostesses; Mrs. Merrill 1 4 ,1 4 7 taaigfct; portly amnq have been Invited to attend the Ruhtaow, Mib. 1?«U the home of Mrs. Edward Weiss, proper omv and maintenance of For Art Show a of Am Aodit ebaaea af aftenioea rimrera. 72nd Walther Leagtie Birthday the street b . Mrs. Robert Karns, DlbHogra- meeting dinner on Sunday at 323 Spring St., for the InsUlla- ad OIrcalatlon m« >:10 *.m. Mass at the tion of officers and a surprise Brings Suit The Sanzoe are being repre­ B y S iste r K lim ly: Mra. George Marlow :md Mmche9ter— A City of Village Charm Church of the Assumption on 2:30 p.m. at Bethany Lutheran sented in the acUon by Atty. Sol R. Cohen, publicly Church, West Hartford. program. Mrs. iy>ger Woodbury Sunday will be celebrated tor and Miss Lynda Hazen, both of Robert W. Gordon. and Mra. Paul Orooboit, poM- members o< the Ladies of the Against Town TTie civil suit Is retumaUe in Heading tha A rt SalacUon ara. (Olaaatfled AdvertMag on Pago 16) PRICE SEVEN CENT! The Hi-League of Emanuel Manchester, will be Installed as VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 186(TWBLVBlf AGES—TV SECTION—CONNECnCUT LIFE) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1965 Assumption. president and vice president, June in Tolland County Court commlttea for Templa Bath 8ho- Miss Linda Bayar, praaMent Lutheran Church will sponsor of Common Pleas, Rockvldla C. Blmore Watlcins of Man­ a car wash tomorrow from 9 respectively. The meeting is The Town o t Mancheeter la lom Sisterhood’s May 16-19 Art of the Temple’s United Syna­ open to all area Pi Beta Phi’s. being sued for $11,000 by Frank gogue Youth and an instructor chester will speak and show a.m. to 5 p.m. at the church Show and Sale is Mrs. U^on In the lOH program, ts eerving Slides of the Holy Land at a parking lot. Proceeds will be Sanzo Sr. of 9 Lillay St. on be­ Hunt to Speak Podrove, assisted by Mrs. Ray used to help 13 young people Miss Card M. Thomas, daugh­ as liaison between the Sister­ 230 Tons of Bombs meeting of the Men’s Club of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Evan A. half of himself and hia minor Beller, Mrs. Sanford Plejder, hood and the lOH in the prepar­ North Methodist Church on of the chUrch attend the Na­ son, Frank Jr., in an action f Monday at 8 p.m. at the church. tional Luther League Conven­ ’Thomas of 30 Steep Hollow To South PTA and Mrs. Robart Stone, Slster- ation of poetera. Sipmbers and guests are wel­ tion in August in Miami, Fla. Lane, has been named to mem­ stemming from a fall from a bi­ iMod president. 5-Man Board Installed bership in the Alpha Society, an cycle on May 10, 1964, on Edg' The South School PTA will come. Refreshments will be Mark Johnson. Joiiathan Nelson honorary . society, of Hiram 'The Art Show and Sals, to I- " / served. and Richard Larson are in erton St., near Lodge Dr. hold its final meeting of the year (Ohio) (College. Miss ’Thomas, a T^iesday, at 8 p.m. and elect a be conducted in the auditorium CONDITIONERS Cong Targets charge of the car wash. senior, received recognition for In a writ filed today in the of Temple Beth Sholom, will be Members of Trinity Covenant town clerk’s office, Mr. Sanzo slate of officers for the coming held for the benefit of the lOH ATTENTION MEN! Church are rem ind^ of the her high academic achievement school year. ALL SIZES Loyal Circle of King’s Daugh­ (or the fourth consecutive year. clainu that his son, while rid­ (Instructors of the Handi­ We’ll make those old, oom- cleanup day tomoirow from 9 ters will meet Monday at 7:45 ing his bicycle on EMgerton S t, "The Netw English—Or How capped) and tor Sisterhood proj­ a.m. to noon at the church. swerved to avoid a pothole in to Talk Good” will be the sub­ fortable shoee of youn p.m. in the Fellowship Room of Chapman Court, Order of Am­ ject of a talk by Gilbert Hunt, ects. "HOT" PRE-SEASON Those who attend are asked to Center Congregational Church. aranth, AVlll mfeet tonight at 7:45 the road and, in so doing, the tnt) GOLF SHOES. Tour As Dominican Leaders chairman of the Ettglish Depart­ Mrs. Jules Karp and Mrs. bring lawn equipmenf if at all Hostesses will be Mrs. Clarence at the Masonic Temple. Man­ front wheel of his bicycle Struck Again Alan Kemp are in charge o t the new Fkster shoee made PRICES possible. dropped into another pothole, ment at Manchester High Peterson and Mrs. Robert Mc­ chester Assefnbly, Order of School. Refreshments will be May 16 Patrons’ Reception and LONGER or WIDER. Neil. Rainbow for Girls, will be causing the boy to lose control are being assisted by Mrs. Leon­ The annual state dinner meet­ of the vehicle and to fall to the served. ing of the Connecticut Associa­ guests. Refreshments will be ard Seader, Mra. Herbert Byk, SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP)—More than 160 Chief Bollerman Robert E. served. pavement. tion of Industrial Nurses will He lists resulting injuries to SEAWAY GRAINS GAIN Mrs. Wl'llam Cooper and Mrs. U.S. Air Force and Navy planes staged five raids Rebels Asked be held on Tuesday at 6 p.m. Zelser, U.S. Navy, retired, of Irving Aronson. SAM Y U LY ES against military targets and road communications in 266 Henry St., will attend a re­ The British American Club the boy’s face, mouth, teeth, el­ CHICAGO—Grain shipments at Les Shaw’s Restaurant, 70 bows and shoulders, and is on the St. Lawrence Seaway Other committee chairmen Sante Side As Watkins NORMAN’S North Viet today, raining more than 230 tons of Pond Lily Ave., New Haven. Dr. union of former crew members will sponsor a dance (or mem­ of the aircraft carrier US8 Lex­ bers and guests tomorrow from seeking $10,000 damages for reached about 100 million are: Mrs. Daniel Mosler, imrl- 23 OAK STREET bombs a g a in s t variety of targets. To Aid Unit Robert Turfboer. a consulting 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the club­ the boy and $1,000 for himself, bushels last year, 19 per cent tations; Mrs. Joseph G^tlleb, 445 HorKord Rd psychiatrist, will speak on ington tomorrow in Lexington, finance; Mrs. Henry Angel, ad- The large.st raid was carrled<|>- Mass. Zelser served on the USS house. Charlie Varrlck’s Orches­ for medicsil, surgical and dental ahead of 1963 shipments. out by 40 U.S. Navy A4 Sky- chewing gum, candy and school “Never Upset a R ell^ Seeking tra will play. ^ Employe.” Lexington from 1936 to 1937. hawk.s from the carriers Ctoral books. Restore Peace Sea and Midway. The planes In two separate incidents in Manchester Assembly, Order dropped about 100 tons of bombs central Viet Nam, Communist SANTO DOMINGO, Do­ of Rainbow for Girls, will meet on the Vinh military air field, land mines killed a U.S. Army Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Ma­ minican Republic (AP)—A 160 miles south of Hanoi. Special Forces man and seri­ five-man militai'y - civilian sonic Temple for the election of This was the second strike ously wounded two other Ameri­ officers. Officers and members OPEN THURSDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. qgainst an airfield in the three- can soldiers. ruling body installed in a are reminded to wear short month air war against the Com­ A Marine spokesman said an surprise move by the white dresses. ■ munist north. Earlier Vietnam­ eight-man group headed by a Dominican's military junta ese air force Skyraiders hit the lieutenant colonel went to the Le has called on Col. P'rancisco FLO W ER S 1 The planning meeting for the air base at Dong Hoi air field My village complex with five Presbyterian Vacation Bible near the frontier. A spokesman Vietnamese, including the re­ Caamano’s leftist rebels to School scheduled for tonight has did not say whether any Com­ Say “ I Love Yon!” better than anything gional and village chiefs and hell) restore peace and na­ been canceled. Lovely Lingerie munist aircraft were on the Interpreters. tional unity. ground. The Marines had no trouble in ’The Elders of the Presbyteri­ I ticn. Anlonio Imbert Barrerra RttlER GRAPES..................................... 39c lb. A U.S. Marine was killed the first hamlet, but as they en­ Friday night was named presi­ an Church will meet tonight at And nothing tells her that you do remember her better, than when Viet Cong guerrillas fired tered the second, they drew dent of the new group, which 8 in the church office. on a group of leathernecks tour­ heavy fire from a house, where TOMATOES Cello ......................... 2 pkgs. 39c ing hamlets just outside Da 1 called itself a "government of Mrs.
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