PRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 196 PAGE EIGHTEEN iianrlffBter Sutning l|waU> Avenge Daily Net Frees Ron The WeiBtha rw Gw Wsek ined Marine Pfc. Wesley D. Dick­ yoneant aC U. G. W aatet Bi Steamers, cherrystone olams iammrr n . im and clam chowder will be inson, son of Mr. and Mra. Wee- TerhpleBid About Town served tonight from 7 to 9 at ley I. Dickinson of 283 Spencer Announce Engagements O R A N G E H A a laereaG ag the Elks Club, Bissell St. Mern- St., and Lance Cpl. Robert S. 14,148 •eld Gwlght; Miu Nancy Jane Orayb, bers, their wives and guests are Oliver, .".on of Mrs. Sara M. Oli­ Goes to ZB A iEupmtm llpralh daughter of Mr. and Mra. Hen­ welcome. ver of 146 Bi.ssell St., have re­ r of Gw AeMt ry J. Grzyb, 99 North St., has turned to Camp Lejeune, N. C., ol OIresdaGoB Manehe$ter— A City of Village Charm been named to the dean’s list The Ladies of the As.sump- after serving a tour of duty in Second Time for outstanding a c a d e m 1< tion will meet Monday at 8:15 the Mediterranean with the achievement at Bryant College, Sixth Fleet. Temple Beth Sholom, which (Okwatfled Advertising on Page lO) PRICE SEVEN CENIf School of Business Administra­ p.m. at the church hall. Rob­ earlier this month had appeal­ VOL. LXXXTV, NO. 102 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1965 tion, ProVinence. She Is a June ert Munson of the Munson Can­ The Roller Skating program ed a Dec. 21, 19M decision of BINGO 1964 graduate of Manchester dy Kitchen will speak scheduled for tomorrowi night the zoning board of appeals EVERY SAT. N IG H T — 7:30 High School. a on "Making of Candy. ” at the Community Y, 79 N. (ZBA), has resubmitted an ap­ Refreshments will be served. Main St., has been canceled due plication for a variance for its Flaming flakes of grease un­ to lack of supervisory person­ building at Myrtle And Linden 72 E«t C u f f StrtGt — Mowchtsltr Events der a grill at the Egg-N-You Fifteen new members recent­ nel. Sts. Restaurant on Main St. this ly joined the VFW Auxiliary. They are Mrs. Edward Dupre, The ZBA laet month had Discord Threatens morning was responsible for a Manchester Rod and Gun granted the Temple a vari­ ‘Battle Hymn’ Echoes minor fire in which damage Mrs. Wilberforce Little. Mrs. In State John Kocamik, Mrs. Harrison Club wih have Its annual Ice ance to convert its building was negligible. Employes tried Follies all day Sunday at the into office apace, but had tack­ to put out the fire with an ex­ Wil.son, Mrs. Roland Wilson, clubhoti^e, Coventry. A dinner ed on a provlalon that eight tinguisher, blit failed, and the Mrs. 'William Leonard Jr,, Mrs. including chowder, stew and off-street parking spaces must MANCHESTER COMMUNITY COLLEDE Town Fire Department was Charles Gordon, Mrs. Loren liamburgs vill be served. be provided within 1,000 feet School Aid Measure Police Seeking called, at 7:46. Bone, Mrs. Leo Beauchamp, of the property. Mrs. Ben Huck, Mrs. Eleanor CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSES Motherhood of Mary Mothers On Dec. 30, the Temple’s only New Academy Churchill Funeral The First District of the Dingwall, Mrs. William Wag­ customer dropped an option he feeling they had a ner, Mrs. Edward Stickney, Circle will meet Monday at 8 WA for (MUbUsWng educational mandate "to overrule many meet Sunday at 2:80 p.m. at Mrs. Ann Ganter and Mrs. Ed­ ing, because he was unable to The first wave* of contro­ centers in which prlvsta agen state electorates on segrsgation. HARTFORD (AP) — A ward Wilsinski. Fischer. 11 Dorothy Rd. Mrs. Faith Congregational Church. Edward Wllkos will be co-host- '"C comply with the parking space versy have threatened the else could participate raise seri on rural emphasis In state aid training academy for local 2030 Main Si.. Hartford. The ruling. .Principles and Techniques of v systems at the alleged expense Manchester Assembly, Order Lorin* photo Markup, terms and datings. Psychology of buying "loUvea smooth sailing President ous problems of law and public police and state troopers E isenhow er meeting was scheduled for last Acqua-Vlva photo^ Atty. Philip Bayer, president policy. of the large cities, and on Gold- may rise on a 108-acre, Sunday but postponed because of Rainbow for Girls, will have The engagement of Miss Gail The engagement of Miss of the Temple, filed his appeal Prospecting pre-approach, meeting objections, and cloalng. Johnson’B $1.26 billion However, he said moot state water attitudes generally on a semi-public installation of of­ The Recreation Division will Janet Lee Greenway of Colum­ Industrial selling methods versus selling for perTO^l con- state-owned tract in Che­ of the storm. spon.sor a Junior High Di ' a Gollmitzer of Manchester to with the Hartford County school aid bill through Con­ school oHlcials would support federal aid and states rights.” ficers tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Donald F. Carvey of East Hart­ bia to Robert Oliver Gamache Court of Appeals on the basis sumpUon. PracUce sales demonstraUons for tangibles ana the heart of the bill — a provi­ Fuller, undaunted, ssdd the shire. Pays Tribute Masonic Temple. Mias Janet toniglit from 7:30 to 9:30 at the of Man.sfield has been announ­ intangibles. gress. Community Y, 79 N. Main St. I ford has been announced by her that "such conditioning of eight strong criUcIsm of parts of sion to spend |1 billion to im­ comment wse accurate, and At least the Connecticut Chiefs Miles will be installed as worthy parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley ced by her parents. Mr. and off-street parking spaces was, prove ediKstional service, in called Brademas "very unfair.” of Police Association, heartily ■■ K advisor. Installing officers are All boy.s and girls attending | Mrs. George Greenway, Rt. 87. the measure by a spokesman For America Manche.ster junior high schools | (Jollmitzer, 477 Tolland Tpke. in effect, a denial of the ap­ MEETING; Monday, 4:55 - 6:10; Wednesday, 7:46 - • P.M. for stats public echool author­ low Income areas. "It Is a highly partisan state­ backed by State Police Commis­ FREE Miss Judy Seavey, worthy ad­ Her fiance is a son of Mr. Her fiance is a'son of Mr. plication.’’ ities caused an angry, partisan When Fuller completed hie ment, highly charged emotion­ sioner Leo J. Mulcahy, is hoping visor; Miss Patricia Rhoads, are welcome. A membership and Mrs. Francis Carvey of and Mrs. Roger A. Gamache, The old Temple, built In 1940, card is required, and may be squabble in a House subcommit­ testimony Rep. John Brademas, ally, and not the bapis for an so. LONDON (AP)—To th« DELIVERY marshal; Miss Suzanne Cowles, East Hartford. Mansfield. and added to In 1945, now pro­ REGISTRATION JAN. 25-29 tee Friday and may foreshadow D-Ind., challenged his right to objective reply,” said Brade­ The new academy would be chaplain; Miss Constance Bar­ purchased at the door. Miss Gollmitzer, a graduate Miss Greenway, a graduate strains of the Battle H.vmn vides no offstreet parking •tormler seas ahead. speak for all 60 state school offi- mas. patterned after, but much big­ of the Republic, Sir Win­ ARTHUR DRUG rett, recorder. Members of the of Manchester High School and of Windham High School, is a whatever, and has been vacant The wrangle broke out when a ciala. Fuller said his testimony As Brademas continued to ger than, the State Police acad­ Mothers Club will serve refresh­ McKeown Secretarial School, student at Bay Path Junior since Jan. 1, 1964, when the Coll«9G OfRcG Republican member of the sub­ was based on replies to a ques­ challenge Fuller, Rep. Charles emy at Bethany, which Is con­ ston Churchill passed into ments after the ceremony. Hartford, is employed as a sec- College, Longmteadow, Mass. congregation moved Into Its committee accused the Demo­ tionnaire he sent out and on let­ B. Ooodell,. R-N.Y., cut In to sidered inadequate to meet the history today with one of Police Arrests retarj' by the Fuller Brush Co.. Her fiance, a graduate of Ed­ new building on K. Middle 134 E. MIddI* 'Hpk*. — 649-5377 charge Fuller was being perse­ demands of local police training. win O. Smith High School, is crats of persecuting and trying ters and telephone calls to the the most memorable fu­ East Hartford. Her fiance is Tpke. to muisle. the first criUcal wit­ officials. cuted. Mulcahy has already request­ a graduate of Monson Academy employed as a programmer at Atty. Bayer said today that "I have a profound suspicion "Up to this time there has ed that the land be transferred nerals in British history. Jeffrey M. Bantly, 20, of 318 and served three years in the the University of (Connecticut he considers it a hardship to ness to appear at the House "Mine eyes have seen the glo­ Ferguson Rd., was charged hearings on the bill. of the Integrity of that poll," been a lack of balance In the to him by the State Highway U.S. Army. He is employed in processing department. require the owner of a prop­ said Brademas, and he read hearings," said Goodell. "And Department, which acquired it ry of the coming of the Lord" with failure to obey a State the data proces-sing depart­ No date has been set for the erty to do something ov At the center of the storm was •at, •iV" echoed and re-echoed torou^ Kdgar Fuller, executive secre­ Into the record statements from the first time we get criticism of in connection with Route 1-84 Traffic Control signal, and was ment of The Stanley Works wedding. which he has no control. the bill there is an attempt to construction. I'" old St. Paul's (jatoedral where summoned to appear in the Co., New Britain. Miss Greenway is a grand­ He explained that the Tem­ tary at the CemneU of Chief a ‘‘commentary’’ Fuller sent the of Canterbury, "I've switched to State School Officers, which the school officials in advance muzsle the witness.” (Jhief Leno Bemiere of North Manchester session of Circuit A June 12 wedding Is daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth ple, to protect Itself, had to Goodell called Fuller’s testi­ Haven, pre.sident of the as.socia- Dr. Michael Ram.sey, conduct^ Court 12 on Feb. 15. Patrol­ planned. Greenway, Summit St. file an appeal within the 15- represents all 80 stats school of the questionnaire. the funeral service. superintendents. In It, Fuller said there was mony constructive. He apolo­ tion, said Friday the organiza­ man John Hughes made the ar­ day limit, but that it would | gized to Fuller for what he tion plans to submit two bills For perhaps toe first time 85 East Center St. rest after he saw Bantly prefer to settle the matter lo­ FIRST NATIONAL-they give Fuller said provisions In the "much distrust of the states” in ever, 'idngs, queens, presidents, bill to provide $100 million tn Washington, with President called "a performance that ill to the General Assembly. One make a left turn into W. Cen­ cally and withdraw the appeal. becomes the subcommittee.” would authorize Mulcahy to prime ministers — toe high and At Summit St. ter St. from the westbound lane grants to buy textbooks for Johnson and the Democrats in the humble — joined in singing of Center St. against the red JWGREEN STAMPS!” transfer the land to the educa­ toe American hymn. Long be­ WEEKEND CASH AND CARRY SPECIAL light, he said. ’Die arrest was Recreation Unit tion committee of the associa­ fore hl.s death. Sir Winston made about 1 this morning. tion, which would run the acad­ M i President Busy emy. ’The other would seek mon­ a-'ked that toe hymn ba sung Paul R. Roy. 20, of Talcott- Omits Meeting ey to begin construction of the and played at his funeral. ville, was charged with using Kozlov Dies at 56, Behind Scenes academy. "I want It in memory of my DAFFODILS !»1 «* defective brakes (hand) and The Adv'sory Recreation and Bemiere said present plane American mother,” said was ordered to appear in court call for one large building with (^urchin. His mother was tha OPEN TILL 9 P.M. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY on Feb. 16. Patrolman Brian Park Commi.«sion. with only While Resting beautiful Jennie Jerome of New Rooney made the arrest yester­ three members in Attendance, Red Visited U.S. living and classroom facilities 1;^ York. day afternoon on Hollister St. called off its meeting last night for 100 persons and an indoor P;*': for want oi an agenda. WASHINGTON (API — Presi­ swimming pool. Other training The of history and too dent Johnson was still home in ..A*» angel of death seemed close by W’lth Rcc and Park Supt. f R ^ Koslov became a familiar facilities would cover the rest .At' Horace Mu’phey 111. and Pro­ MOSCOW (AAPI__Frol F) rro i n . y ^ Americans early the White House today recov­ of the land. on tills historic day. ering from a week-long cold In addition to being toe day of gram Director Walter Fortin Kozlov, A former first in 1B69. when he visited and The New Haven architectural Churchill’s state funeral, It was attending a Rec In-sUtute at deputy premier, is dead, toured the United States as an a'lfile a delegation repreeented firm of Schilling and Goldbecker UConn, the three commission him and the United States at the has already begun drafting the anniversary of Adolf HHIer’a SPECIALS FOR THE THRIFTY SHOPPER! Tass, the Soviet news agen­ advance man for the visit of funeral of Sir Winston Churchill. advent to power In 1933. members decided to meet again then Premier Khruahch4v. He plans for the academy, he said. It was also toe birth anniver­ on Feb. 18, when both town of­ cy, reported today. 'There were no official ap­ The price for the facility has CARROTS I BANANAS Late lest year, Koelov was was considered then the No. 2 pointments on the President’s sary of toe late President ficials could be present to dis­ man in the Soviet Union and not yet been determined. Franklin D. RooeeveH, one of cuss the 1965-66 rec program. removed — appsu-ently becauee schedule. But, reporters learned Mulcahy said he "heartily en­ 3 pkgs. 29c I 2 lbs. 29c of his falUng health — aa find heir amtarent to Khrushchev. Friday, that doesn’t mean John­ Churchill's closest friends and a Khrushchev was overthrown dorsee” the plan. He said train­ comrade in arms in World War Vi deputy premier. Now 64, he was last October. son isn’t busy behind the scenes. ing of recruit policemen and W ho’s Who ICE CREAM. Reg. 99c...... gal. 79c “Why not? They have reported to have had a stroke ’Ihe President held at least special instruction for regular n. SMALL •bout two years ago. He had Frol Romanovich Koslov im­ five conferences and did eo Another old friend and war­ Fallot photo pressed Americans who met officers has increased the ef­ rior comrade, Gen. Dwight D. We stUI have A P P L ^ fresh from the coolers! Assorted Milk and Fallot photo<^ low prices, too!” been a powerful Soviet figure. In much work Friday that report- ficiency of local police depart­ A t Funeral The engagement of Miss ’The engagement of Miss Giat pok and in the secretariat him as a typical representaUve I asked if be now could be Elsenhower qat with kings and Dark Chocolate Lb. ^ I Carolyn Ann Nelson to Don F. WONDER of the post-RevolUtlonary Soviet ments. I commoners in St. Paul’s Cathe­ Judith F. Lucas of Manchester of the Oommunlat party. considered fully recovered and LONDON (AP) — Six mon- Enjoy The Variety This Weekend At Pero’s Roy, both of Manchester, has lOmCCNl Communist. back at hie fuB day’s pace. dral, tears in his eyes for his old to Walter J. Lesiak Jr. of Meri­ been announced by her father, He was an **a})jparatchik.’' a “Oh, I would not call this a Topps Wint Suit archs aiid a galaxy of foreign friend. Belgium Endive, Watercress, Spinach, Corn on the den has been announced by her Arnold K. Nelson. 737 Lydall St. plodder in the ranka-of the party heavy working schedule,” said HARTFORD (AP)—Goodyear statesmen attended the funeral { Speaking over toe Britleh Masterpieces parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley She is also the daughter of the Cape Kciinedy who fitted in well with the ap- White House Press leoretary Tire A Rubber Co. has been Broadcasting Corp.'s television Cob, Green and Yellow Beans, Broccoli, Cauliflower, If you'r* a thrifty shopper, today of Sir Winston Qiurchill. network, ffisenhower recalled F. Lucas, 52 Edward St. late Mrs. EMna Nelson. paratua of party bureaiucracy, Georgs Ready. rafuaad an Injunction against six ’The monarche: Leeks, Yellow and Green S^ash, Peas, Let­ Her finance is a son of Mr. Walkout Ends aerriag wHh aqaal, Impeurtlal that Churchill was an honorary in Miniature Her fiance is a son of Mr. and Equipped with 4-apeed, tnuw- you deserve both-low, low^ King Frederik of Denmark, i m tuce, Endive, Escarole, Brusi^s Sprouts, White Sweet Mrs. Walter J. Lesiak Sr., Mer­ Bind Mrs. Arthur Roy, 371 Lake First devotion under Stalin, oaorgl (Baa Page lio55F *YBae~Page Three) accompanied by Prime Minister American citizen. He said that St. inlssion, leatherette Interior, prices plus America’s OAPR KBNNBDT, fla. (AP) Malenkov and Khruahehav. in years to come Sir Winston ■ V ST Potatoes, Yams, Beets and Rhubarb. iden. ■eat belts, signal Indicators, National Jens Otto Krag. L O R T ' S Miss Lucas, a graduate of Miss Nelson Is a 1961 gradu­ most valuable stamps. — A twoHley sralhout of S.SOO During Ida mld-lM4 visit to King Olav of Norway, accom­ will be remembered aa "soldier, Also: Fresh Strawberries, Cherries, Melons, Temple Manchester High School, re­ ate of Manchester High School bumper overriders, wind­ StorGS statesman and leader whom two and Navel Oranges, Comice, D^Anjou and Bose Pears, Lim-K AmSTOCRATS shield washer, electric wipers. bultdinc and conetruetlon tredea the Unitad States, which inctud- panied by Prime Minister Einar great countries were ptaud 'te WWATURI CHOeOLATlS ceived a BS in education from and attended Ward School of workera which stalled t301 mil­ •d a tranheontlnantal trip by Gerhardsen. Ribier, Emperor and Almeria Grapes. Central Connecticut State Col­ Business. She is presently em­ COME ON OVER! plana, XbaliW struck his hosts Pacific Northwest Rivers King Baudouin of Belgium, honor as their own.” > lege. She is an elementary ployed at Beneficial Finance lion worth of top-priority con- as an urbans and shrewd tales­ accompanied by Foreign Minis­ "To you. Sir Winston, my old teacher In the East Windsor Co., Manchester. Her fiance ^1689.00 struotion bare has ended wiGi man for Soviet propaganda, aa ter Paul-Henri Spaak. friend, farewell,’’ he said. "THE KING "chool system. Mr. Lesiak, a served two years in the U. S. asaurmnes that their ^evancee dedioatad as K was po^ble for O verflow Borders Again Queen Juliana of toe Nether­ This came just as toe motor graduate of Meriden High Army. He is presently employed MANCHESTER will be heard bjr the nealdent’s any man to be to the idea that lands, accompanied by her hhs- 1aun

^ A, ■ ,.. r

PAGE TUKE>; MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 80, 1965 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 80, 1965 , PA(n two fHMWg' ^fV.0 :wj»>wq>Mg4wjf RockvUle-Vemon Sheinwold on Bridge. C ar Shears Coventry Tax Payments Nasser Snub May Have Imperiled E.J. HoU 91 Today North deekf P o le at B ase Building, Fund Committees Due on Monday RESPONDER Both sides w h w * le School Board Advisory Unit a f t e r o p e n in g N o r a y i ^ N O inR Edward James Holl, af­ A utility pole was shea^ Manchester taxpayers By ALFRED SHBINWOI^ 4) A K 7 fectionately known as "E. off at lU base in a specUcular Named for Leveled Church !® 1 car crash early this morning, are reminded that Monday More Than Is Publicly Declared Nattonal Men’s Tema Oahmpl» 5 A94 $ J 8 7 6 J.”, is 91 yean old today and remained dangling from is the deadline date for ■ WImii your pArtnor opfcni wiui the^ ’The church’s TPF will meet Sets First Meeting Monday ♦ A 1 2 ^ but, as he said this morn­ high tension wires for several The annual meeting of paying the second Install­ —#can aid and, In sttset, told the^Ths Rad aid, including Imprei one notrump you First CongregatkmalId Cht Church of tomorrow at 8 p.m. at St. WASHINGTON (AP) « n » r EAffT ing, “I feel about 68.” hou™- . ment of 1964-65 town taxes. Underlying the adminietration’s United SUtes to go to hell. That sive military asslstanct, nkaly hearts or four J^,***^ 'Vernon, destroyed by fire Sat­ Mary's Church In Menchester. •Hi* commltte* of^conductsd tomorrow Afternoon a game-going hand with no in­ Z j865S « 1042 The disan of Mancheoter real­ A 19 -year-old East Hartford Collector of Revenue concern with the rebuke the the House only tried to repay a is more Important to Ni er youth was Issued a court sum­ urday, 'was held last night. The commission on education the board of •dueation will have The drive will continue during Ernest Macheil says that terest In a slam, l^ e n you have tors had no advise for the More than 200 chcurch mem­ of The Rockville Methodlet House dealt Gamal Abdel Nae- snub with a snub Is not ques­ than food. ? f 2 OAK 109* younger generation except to > ■■ ' a ^ . mons and also treated at Men- Its firat meeting at 7:30 p.m. the week, at the convenience of ail delinquent taxes will be tioned by the administration. —The food the UAR receives an interest in a slam you usu­ ..a* .. ; bers aittended. Church will meet Tuesday at S the canva'-iera, Mr*. Eugene eer this week is the belief that “keep b u ^ and don’t think of chester Memorial Hospital as a Monday »n Coventry High subject to a penalty of one the United States could lose Yet it feela no good was eerved from the United States is not a ally Jump to three of your long result of the accident which oc­ The congregation unanimous­ p.m. The church’s Methodlet School. The board haa aaked Rychling, town chairman, re­ half of one per cent per suit rather than to game. getUng older." ly approved ^Udlng and fund- more than the United Arab Re­ by the House's gesture and that grant hut la paid for, though In “E. J „” who la recovering curred about 2 am. at W. Cen­ Men will meet 'Wednesday at 7 all looal ftoupe and orjanlia- porta. month, dating back to July much can be lost as a conse­ locallocal cuTTMicy. South could afford to bid gun* $ §1 10652 ra ls l^ committees to handle A total of $224.50 haa been public should relations between from a cold, said that he haa al­ ter St. and Hartford Rd. p.m. tlona to aend a repreaenUUve 1, 1964, the legal date of quence. even though he had only ~ O Q4 According to police, Forest the raising of money end re­ received through the mall re­ Washington and Cairo continue —Depriving Nasser of the ways adhered to hie i^losophy The Men’s Club of Talcott- to work OB thla Mudy com­ assessment. The effort to undo in the Sen­ pointa in high carda. He * Q76 L.^ Cague, eestbound on W. building of the 139-year-old vllle Congregational Church turns, Mr*. Rychling said. Any­ to deteriorate. food would hurt him, but by no that "An acUve mind makes an mittee. Payments may he made This is an unpleasant matter ate what was done In the House means to such an extent that he that hla partner had 18 to 16 North *•«» Center St, apparently lost con­ church. will meet at the church tomor­ one still wishing to make re­ poinU, with balanced distribu­ 1 NT Psis ^ ^ All rtm active body.” A difference of opinion was The board ia directing this et the tax collector'a win­ that officials find difficult to already Is under way, with Sec­ would be forced to throw In the \ trol of hi.* vehicle on a slight row at 7 a.m. to go to Andover turns In this manner is urged to tion. The combined strengm Local business and social as­ voiced as to how the restora­ group to conalder all phaaea of dow in the Municipal Build­ acknowledge publicly. Yet it Is retary of State Dean Rusk towel. -S curve and ran off the road, for breakfast and to hear a the local education problem. do 80 this week in order that the might be a point br two short sociates aU attest to the fact tion should be effected. Some ing, from 8:.30 a.m. to 4:30 conceded in "background" carrying the ball for the admin­ —Should the Senate side with ritould be enough for nine trlcke’ that HoU has one of the most slamming violently Into the Ulk. When the atudy ia completed It drive may be completed by the of the 26 polnU usually needM at notrump but may not be members said they wanted the p.m. or,. If mailed, must be talks, and in secret briefing ees- istration. He appears to be the House, turning a deaf ear to acUve minds they have ever utility pole. Next Week’s Menu ti to report to the board with end of the w'eek. Envelopes re­ fighting an uphill battle for for game, but South’s six-card enough for slven tricks at dia­ same style and others said they postmarked no later than eions. the administration's plea, an­ known, for he ia lUll acUvely y He was taken to the emer- newer looking bulld- Lake Street School: Monday,^ a recommendation. In ita atudy ceived in the mail are directed there is considerable sentiment suit would make up for a point monds. — ~ fnr wanted a jiowci wun—- to be returned to Mrs. Rychling. Feb. 1. The argument made publicly other country will replace the engag^ In hie real estate, In­ gency room of 1 Ing. In any case, it was brought spaghetti with meat sauce, wax the group will have accesa to against the Tuesday House vote in the Senate to sustain the United States as a supplier of or two. all information needed to eval­ Coventry High School Patri­ Warrants will be issued Even after bidding the hand vestment and Insurance ven- beans, cheese wedges, fruit; to halt further shipment of sur­ House and, as Sen. Frank J. food. France, also an exporter For Shelnwold's 36-page book-, leg. * About xZ BUturcs wero Vy* Tuesday, hamburg In roll, pota­ uate the aituatkm. ots basketball team will have a during Feh vary for unpaid properly South still had to find - and he was discharged. I practice* win oe useo. automobile iv:es. plus food to Nasser's UAR does Lausche, D-Ohio, put it Thurs­ of grain, is rumored to be ready let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge," ta k e n ------_ . to chips, pickles, apples; home game against Bacon day, block aid to nations who the right line of play. He could HoU, who was bom in Dudley, Oosnmentlng on the differ­ Upon receipt of the final re­ not go beyond such generalities to fin the vacuum >fhould the send 60 cenU to Bridge Bool:. E. J. HoU ’The vehicle was badly damaged ences of opinion that existed, Wednesday, beef stew, peanut^ port of the committee, the Academy at 3:15 p.m. Tuesday are "slapping us in the face." not afford to try the club finest Manchester Eve. Herald, Box' Bhigland on Jan. SO, 1874, first as the United States has great United States stop wheat deliv­ came to Manchester In 1900 to and was towed away. the Rev. John Lacey, pastor, butter and marshmallow or boiuti plana to call a town in the gymnasium. The argumenta the adminis­ at the first trick. East would 3318, Grand Central Station, Cague was charged with fail­ KofC Dance Set interests in the Middle East and eries. visit a sister. He liked the said, “ Now we may have som e' Jelly sandwiches, gelatin des- meeUng to appriae the ciUaene that these interests are endan­ tration would like to see cir­ gladly win with the king of New York 17, N. Y. Judge and was a police commis­ ure to drive In the proper lane The S t Jude Council, KofC, Who’s Who The argumenta that the Unit­ clubs, cash two high diamonds, country and the area so well unpleesent times during sert; Thursday, roast turkey in o f lU findings. gered by the snub. It is also said culated can be summarised as •Copyright, 1966 • sioner. and also given a written warn­ period of reconstruction but gravy, mashed potatoes, g;reen The committee wea eetah will sponsor its annual St. Pat ed States Is -more vulnerable Mve West a diamond ruff. that he returned in 1903 and In 1959, on hie 85th birthday, ing for driving after drinking. publicly that the Communist follows: than the UAR should relations General FeskturOe Copr. you must remember that we beans, dre-ssing, cranberry fished b r the board earlier this rick's Eve dance at 8 pm —Though U.8. food aid to the Refuses Finesse opened an Insurance office in the Manchester Realtor’s Asso­ Court appearance at the Man­ March 13 in the Knighta of Co­ A t Funeral bloc would be happy to replace turn from bad to worse, are as the Ferris Block, at Main and are building a house for our sauce, cookies; Friday, tomato month •'hopafifi that in thla whatever influence the United UAR is substantial and estimat­ South can virtually assure the PET TRAVEL UP ciation presented him with i chester session of Circuit Court lumbus home on Snake Hill Rd. fWlo'ws: contract by playing dummy's Oak Sts. Manchester’s popula­ 12 has been set fotfFeb. 15. church." soup, tuna or Jelly sandwiches, way more oltmetia will have a States has in the area. ed to cover 26 per cent of Cai­ —The UAR 1s the strongest NEW YORK. (AP)—More and life memberahlp. He is a Ma^ He asked the congregation ohanoe to become better In­ Dick Adams and his orchestra ro's grain needs it is dwarfed ace of clube at the first trick. tion was then about 8,000. ' .' Louis J. Catania, 48, of Cen­ cake. (Continoed from Page One) Nasser declared last month country In the Arab world and more owners, especially ser­ iron, a Shriner, a member of the ■■■■ to "put aside their personal Skinner Road Schtrol: Mon­ formed o f educational needs. will play for dancing. The com­ by Communist bloc assistance. The best play at the second He had been educated in Dud­ Odd Fellows, and a member of W terville, was charged with fall- that he could do without Ameri- its voice is decisive in deter­ vicemen, are Uklng the family day, ravioli, tossed salad, com, It was Btreeeed that members mittee In charge consists of Pat­ President Shneor Shaxar of trick is the see of hearts since pet along when traveling ovbr , ley aiwl later took up the study the Hartford Club. u t r i o ’ yTeTd tr^’^i^hUof w o f the board of education were rick Mohan, chairman, Ray­ mining Arab policy in the Mid­ South cannot afford to try a ef medicine, but he succumbed to a vehicle not obliged to Italian bread and butter; Tues­ Israel. dle East powder keg. seas, according to Residen; HoU has made frequent visits During a discussion of the hopeful that organiaations mond Pooler, John Feeney Jr., President Luis Glannattasio of heart fineaee. M the king ^ to an urge for travel, and had stop, after he was involved In day, beef stew, com bread, Manager George F. Bauer of) to his native England, and hae duties of the building commit­ chopped ham and pickle sand­ would send repreaentatlvea who Michael T. Bamo, Paul Luft and Uruguay. Ansonia Man Arrationed —Although Nasser rails at hearts happens to fall on the visited most o f Europe and brought back many choice an accident yesteniay morning , the Anlmalport at Kenfiedy tee, the church leaders noted wiches, peanut butter and were not ta favor of the i»- Charles Carpenter. Former Preeiderrt Dwight D. Israel and, wltti the aid of Ger­ ace, South wiH have an eaay Australia before settling down antiques for the adornment of at Oakland and Woodbridge i man scientists, haa been build­ airport. , that the committee will wel­ marshmallow sandwich­ eently proposed building, as Tbe oouncil will have, a social Eisenhower of the United time. With this fact In mind, the In the United States. hie Bolton home, on the former Sts. meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday In ing a rocket arsenal while come suggestions and com­ es; Wednesday, roast turkey, well as thoae who were, so there States. In Wife^s Fatal Beating The heart king does not fw , American Society for the Pre­ HoU’s offices were later Daniels farm. AC ■ . Police say the accident oc­ ments from all church mem­ the KofC borne. threatening the country, Wash­ moved from the Ferris BuUd- dressing, mashed potato, gravy, would be a croee section repre­ Prime Minister Lester Pear­ but South runs three spades safe­ vention of Cruelty to Animals,^, In addition to many develop- curred when Catania, west­ ber*. sented" (on the advlmry oom- OOP kfeeta Tneeday son of Canada. ington views him as a re­ ly to discard a diamond fit>m Ing to the <3heney Block at 988 bound on Woodbridge St, peas, cranlroiry sauce, bread ANSONIA (AP)—A 43-year-oldf thought It was the wind but straining influence on the Syri­ which operates the airport ahel-. nqents in the Manchester area, A possible new source of in­ and butter; Thursday, noodles, mlttec). Tbe Repifirlican town com­ Prime Minister Sir Robert his hand. Then he leads a heart ter for animel air travelera, ha* Main S t, where he remained HoU has developed tracts in the struck a vehicle operated by come was discussed when Mrs. Bronfln got up to Investi­ ans, and thus a check on an all- hamburg and gravy, striiM T a i Seaaian Monday mittee wlH meet Tuesday after Mensies of Australia. merchant Jailed Friday In the to give up a trick to the king. Issued a new pamj^let, “ Trav­ until 1923, 'When he moved to Hartford and East Hartford Jayne L. Gore of 44 Peart St., church officer* reported that gate. out war against Israel, some­ beans. Jelly and butter sand­ The board of tax review win a public roast beef dinner to be Prime Minister Keith Hol- death of his witfinhas told po­ The defenders can then get one eling Abroad with Yourbur P«Pet.” the Orford Building, which he areas, and, has sold land who had been northbound on they had been approached by When Bronfln heard the back thing the United Statee wsnta to chib and one diamond. Both Drivers Hurt in Wagon-Truck Crash Oakland St. driving In a line of wiches; Friday, cod fish cakes,, have its firat of three eessione served at 6:80 p.m. In Coventry yoake of New Zealand. lice rtie was the victim of an The booklet llata requirement* owneA throughout New England In the Vernon board of education Prime Minister Borg Olivier door close, he got up to follow prevent by aH means. South would make an over- In 1987 he moved to hie present traffic. potato chips, coleslaw, spinach, for tsutpayers to file appeals Oraive Hall. his wife. —By controlling the Sues Oa- for taking dogs and cats into Florida, Ohio and Alabama. about the renting of classrooms from assessments on the grand of MSHa. early morning beating adminis­ trick if he tried the heart fin­ office at 1009 Main St., in a Catania was ordered to ap­ butter sandwiches. Persons interested In sttend- He looked outside and saw a nal, the UAR could at any time 62 foreign countries and offer.*) HoU was always on the look­ The collision of a sUUon.»and chest. His car was severely® The driver of the turning car, in the church’s Sunday school Bat of Oct. 1. 1964 on Monday Prime Minister Ian Smith of tered by a man lurking outside esse. but he would go down If building he owned, but later pear In court on Feb 15. Building B School: Monday, ii^ the meetti^ may do so their home. man striking her. He ran out­ harass the passage of tips to owners on shipping a pet out for colorful names for his wagon and an oil delivery truck damaged. which was slightly damaged, building. The building was from 9 a-m. to 4:30 p.m. in the when there will be a panel dis­ Rhodesia. the flnesee kxd. The best chance by air. Most countries, it points' sold to the Manchester Sa'vlngs Sidney Burleigh, 30, Keeney A written warning for fail­ hot dogs and beans, choice of Police said Arthur Bronfin side, grappled with the assail­ shlpe, and especially hinder or tracta Among them are Forest on Center S t at CSiurch S t was Town Counsel Atty. Irving damaged In the fire but is ex­ soupa, cupcake and milk; Tues­ office of the assessor in the cussion by members of sfversl Foreign Minister 2lavala Ortls is to get rid of s diamond be­ out, require a health certificate and Loan AMociation. Heights, Homestead Perk, Fair- Dr., Bolton, driver o f the west­ ure to grant the right of way pected to bo in operation soon. told them he rushed to his ant, l]ut was pushed hack. The delay tsuikcrs deU'vertng oil to fore allowing the defenders to During hla long and active about 9 a.m. this morning re­ Aronson. day, hamburg or choice of Sown office building on Rt. 31. town-elected boarde. A queetlon of Argentina. and rabtea inoculationa, but en­ view, Clalrmont, Greonhuret, sulted In the drivers of both ve­ bound M & M Oil Co. truck, was at a private driveway was Is­ The building was rented to Federal Chancellor Joseph wife's aid and grappled with man fled. Western BJurope. afe, HoU twice has been prew- soups, fruit and milk; Wednes­ Other eeeslons will be Friday and answer period is also sched­ ret their two diamond tricks. trance rules of pets vary' Northland ’Terrace. Greenacres, hicles being taken to Manches­ treated for a cut wrist and was Blow was thrown Into the sued to Charles Pringle, 66, of the school board several years Klaus of Austria. the man, but was pushed back. Mrs. Bronfin then ran back —Oalro eould sUr up trouble Dally Question dent of the Manchester Cmam- day, . beef ravioli, choice of from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Sat­ uled. The committee has one va­ into the house. Her screams around the world. Bhieflelds and Rockledge. ter Memorial Hospital for treat­ discharged. windshield of his car by the Glastonbury. ago during a previous class­ Prim e Minister Moise Bronfln, who Is charged with in / Libya, srhere the United PartaMr opens with one au- ber of Commerce, and hae force of the collision. His watch Acoording to police, Pringle, aoujie, gelatin dessert and urday, Feb. from 9 a.m. to cancy to be filled due to a mem­ awakened their two adopted He has fuIfUled his slogan, The accident apparently oc­ room shortage. During the dis­ Tshombe of the Congo. sMault with intent to commit States still operates the large Inaup (16 to 18 points), and served as a director for the lo­ m ent was ripped from his wrist. He moving his car out of a parking cream, milk; Thursday, sand­ 4:30 pjn. ber having moved out of town murder, supplied no description daughters, Judy, IS, and Loreen, "He cute the earth to suit your Edwin Blow, 36, of 482 W. curred when Burleigh swerved cussion of the use of the build­ The appeals are to be made Prime Minister Ahtl Karja- Wheelua Air Force Base and the next player paeaes. You cal and state chambers. He the truck into the eastbound was not wearing a seat belt. lot Into Oak St. In the vicinity wiches, choice of soups, cookies eome time ago. There arc no of the assailant, police said. 9. As Bronfin tried to calm the taste.” Center St., driver of the east- ing by the to'wn, the Rev. Mr. In writing on forms to be avail­ lalnen of Finland. where ri(A oil reeerves have held; 8padca. 10-4-t; Hearts, 8-7; has served lUeo as a town court lane to avoid a west'oound cc.r According to a hospital of Purnell PL, struck an on­ «Lnd milk; Friday, clam chow­ other vacancies due to resigna- Federal Chancellor laidwig Bronfin’s wife, Florence, 41, girls, he saw hie wife go out Juet now been tapped. bound station wagon, was being Lacey sold, "W e are all citizens able at the office and signed the back door and tall down Dtemooda A-K-16-9-$: Onba K waiting for traffic to clear, to spokesman. Blow will probably coming vehicle operated by of this community and we der, macarbnl casserole, ice tione to be acted upon as of to­ Ertmrd of West Germany. died in Griffin Hospital, Derby, —The West has enough head­ X-rayed for possible rib fm e- cream and milk. by the land record owner or Friday morning. Death was the steps. tures, after 24 stltchea were make a left turn into Qiurch be released today. (Herald photo William J. Pugrab, 18, of 45 should consider the use of our day’s date, aecorcfing to Chair­ Former Prime Mlnitker Nobu- aches in Africa and things could What do you say? by Pinto). Norman St., who was west­ Maple Street School: Mon­ agent. man Bertron A. Hvint. caused by mulUple skull frac­ Bronfin called his neict • door get worse considerliig the grow­ P a c ific N o rth w e st R ivers taken to close cuts on hie face St. building by the town a public Zone Meeting Changed Buke Kishi of Japan. neighbor, Alfred Ballester Jr., Answer: Bid three no trump. bound on Oak St. The accident day. ra'vloli, green beans, cole Town committee members Prime Minister Chung H-kwon tures, Dr. James Mooney, act­ ing Arab influence south of the service.” slaw, com meal bread; Tues­ The planning and aonlng ing medical examiner, said. and said something had hap­ Since you have 10 points, the happened yesterday afternoon A number of parishioners are reminded to bring In items of South Korea. Sahara where ISHm, die reMglon combined count should be 26 to TRUjLY 3IAONIF1CENT! about 3. day, hamburg and gravy, but­ commission has changed its to the meeting to be 'auctioned Deputy Premier K. bl. Rudnev Police said the woman had pened to his wife. of Mohammed, ie being accept­ O v e r flo w B ord ers A g a in recommended that the town be Ballester came, saw Mrs. 26 polnU In high cards. TUa F unerals American Hymn Echoes Both vehicles were towed tered rice, com, pickled beets; meeting datec to the second off t« T*^ee fiinda for the treas­ and Marshal Koniev of the So­ been struck by a blunt instru­ ed by a rapidly increasing num­ allowed the use of the building Wednesday, beiei stew with Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the ment of some kind. No weapon Bronfin lying In her nightgown from the scene of- an aci;ident rent-free. Howe'ver, one official ury. viet Union. ' • ber of Africans. the cold air also chilled south­ Italian bread; Thursday, roast board room in the town office has been recovered, they said. at the loot of the steps, and (OontlinMd from Page One) ' which occurred yesterday after­ noted that the school board will The executive boards of the Prime Minister Tage Erlan- On the specific aid situation ern eecttone. Miami’s low read­ Ohariea B. Shaw During Churchill Rites turkey with gravy, mashed po- building. Bronfln, assistant manager of called police. noon on S. Main St. neeu* Mt. not accept rent-free facilities. Coventry Grammar School and der of Sweden, with Prince Ber- the following figures are availa­ ing was 61. The funeral of Charles S. teRoes, peas, cranberry sauce; Coventry reeldents may at­ tU representing the royal house a sihall department store, and Bronfln is being held on both ble: Ham MulUn, klHing them both. Nebo PL The motion was approved to Robertson Sdiool PTA units It 'was below zero in most of Shaw of 299 Main Bt. was held Police say the accident hap­ Friday, home-baked beans, ma- tend the study-hall program Foreign , Minister Sardar his wite had attended a play s Circuit Court and a coroner's The United Statee gave $811 They were about 70. (Confinoed from Page One) offer the use of the building to will meet at 8 pm . Tuesday at warrant. Bond was set at $16,- the arefi from northern Maine to this morning from the Walter pened when Thor HladkyJ, 54, aroni and tuna fish salsid, cola from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mondays Swaran S ln ^ of India. reheai^ml at a synagogue Thurs­ million to the UAR from 1968 In Oregon the Oazadero Dam the town. Coventry Grammar School. Leo day night Each went home at 000 on the Circuit Court charge the Ohio Valley and acroas the N. Leclerc Funeral Home, 23 Hospital Notes of 93 Glenwood St., had his slaw. tn the Ckiventry Ifigh School M- through 1964. This constated of Main St., With a Mass of re­ family, led by Ids only son, Ran- The treasurer's report and Vernon Elementary School: Vigneault, director of pupil per­ 11 p. m. in a separate car. after arraignment Friday, but on the Clackamas River crum­ Great Lakes region, mudi of the brakes lock suddenly, causing budget for 1965, both drawn brary which is sponsored by the $112 minion in developtnent 3 northern haU of the Missieeippl quiem at St. Bridget’s Church. dolidi, 64. I Monday, meat loaf, buttered school’s library club, SodaUtas sonnel at Coventry School, Police said Bronfin gave them the terms of s coroner's war­ Amiilnadnsr___ ' RICHARD bled and a three-foot wave Beside Randolph was his son, Visiting hours are 2 to 8 p.m. a sudden near stop of his vehi­ up before the fire Saturday, loans and technical assistance, Valley and the northern half of The Rev. John J. Delaney was rice, stewed tomatoes, kem d wU| apeak to the group. Indian War’s this account of whiU happened rant prohibit release on bond. $669 million in surplus food and IWmTwmmn W i swept ew president of the'^ organization resigned or moved and submarines. swept through much the same made his point locally, moved St. P’aul’s Cathedral, four king*, passing trailer truck slipped off Couch, chairman of the Ver­ cocktail; Tuesday, hamburg in to the board of education's new the American Legkm home on the Nez Perces on their 1,800- from Manchester. area. The same combination of Union PL wlU be held tomor­ two queens, presidents — In­ David Hanley, Stafford Springs; and smashed through his wind­ non Fire Diatrlct Zoning Com­ rolls, potato salad, pickles, town Community Development on to torment the pt^ulatkm row at 1:30 p.m. at Second Con­ Susan Jensen, 148 Lydall St.; advisory committee which WaU SL mile run-and-ahoot batUs with Oontinulng as directore are warm temperature and heavy tn other areas, but he oouldn’t cluding France's Gen. Charles shield. mission, Whitney Ferguson, brownies; Wednesday, Vienna the cavalry. Foundation has been authorized gregational Church and not at Mrs. Thelma Lewis, 228 Lydall Frank Forbes, Mra Alice Ham- starts meetings at 7:30 p.m Opens New Law Office Ferguson, Oiarlas Burr, Lloyd rains melted the mountain Just leave well enough alone; de Gaulle In uniform — prime Bernard C, Gary, 48, of Hart­ sausage, aauerkraut, com, The wzu- ended with Chief Jo­ Plus Abeorbing Spy Story Holmes Funeral Home, as was ministers and statesmen from St.; Harry Munson, 112 Nike mar, Douglas Ingram, Mrs. Monday at the hig^ school. Atty. Robert G. Girard le to receive as a gilt an oight- Hobron, Eugene N. Kelly, Mat­ snowpack and sent the rivers he thireatened to "possibly'’ re­ ford, received cuts and bruises maah^ potatoes, cherries; The board of finance meetings seph's surrender in 1877, and, ^ nr iw. thew Moriarty. Nicholas Pen- "RING OF TREASON” rampaging. . printed in error In yesterday's 113 nations attended the solemn Circle; Robert Murphy, RFD 1 of his face and chest. He ■was Nancy Kunz, Wilton Lisk, Rich­ Thursday, roast turkey, mashed opening his office in the former Tilden escaped from a battle-1 »«-e tract off the WUbur Cross CHARTER OAK RESTAURANT Shown Tonight at 8:05 turn tonight or tomorrow. Rockville; Mrs. Janet Post, 97 are on the third Thursday of cheff, Bruce Watkins, Saul At John Day) Ore., men load­ Since Dec. 6 the area has suf­ Herald. The Rev. Felix M. rites. treated and discharged from ard Saich, Richard Sawyer and potatoes, buttered green hsons, town office building on Main field near the Bear Paw Moun- Highway. 180 CHARTER OAK ST.—MAN CHESTER Davis, pastor, will officiate. A cold and doctor’s orders Main St.; Mrs. Olga Sullivan, William Tuppeney m . the month at 8 p.m. in the St. effective on Monday. He Silversteln, Rabbi Leon Wind ed truckload ^ after truckload fered through four consecutive Manchester Memorial Hospital. cranberry sauce, cookies; Fri­ board room of the town office tsdns in Montana to avoid ban­ Part of the acresige will be and Atty. Donald Richter. NOW YOU CAN HAVE YOUR with rocka which were dumped snowy weekends, and six in the Burial will be at the conven­ kept the leader of the official 317 Spring St.; Emile Theriault, Police said the trailer truck On the fund-raising commit­ day, tuna rolls, potato chips, formerly operated his practice ishment to Oklahoma with his U.S. dele^tion. Secretary of Wapplng; Mrs. Carol Vennart, tee are Robert Baker, Gordon building. Chairman Wesley F. in the Wellee building at the turned over to the Pioneer Par­ Town directors (Will consider onto the river bank In hopes thle last eight. The intervening ience of the family. waa rounding a curve on Oak­ cole slaw, gelatin with cream. I,ewie leports the roeetlngrs are uncle. achute Co. as the site for its appropriatling $80,000 to as­ would stop the John Day River we^cenihi w « e aloo wet, hut Friends may call at the fu­ State Dean Rusk, from attend­ 129 Hemlock St.; Miss Barbara land Rd. near the Wapplng Beckiwlth, Mrs. Marjory Brown, comer of I^t. 31 and Lake St. Burnham, Wapping; Mrs. Tilly Wright Gifford, George Maha- open to the public at all timea Extensive r«novation* to the TUden’s Indian name was new office and production facil­ sist Pioneer hi relocating here, PIZZAS OR IRINDERS from imdercuttlng a dozen (With rain. neral home today from 2 to 4 ing. President Johnson was pre­ Shopping Center when frozen Vernon news Is handled by tert vented from flying to Lonaon Mature, 120 Bolton St.; Mrs. ran, James Morse, John Nes- Family Planning Talk former town building recently Stfiun-keen, which means "shirt ity. The remainder will be turn­ at Its meeting Tuesday. ANCHES : homes. Manchester has had an ac­ and 7 to 9 p.m. snow on its roof dislodged and The Herald’s Rockville Bureau, I'll for the funeral because of ill­ Anna Correntl, 86 Birch St.; teruck, Raymond . N e 11 s e n, An educational aid program purchased by Atty. Henry on." He was bom either in 1867 ed over to the town to con­ The board had origiiMlly in­ i DELIVERED Civil Defense authoritiee told cumulation o f about 41 inches The Holmes Funeral Home, crashed through the windshield 38 Park St.. 876-3186 or 648- ness. Mrs. Dorothy Wllmot, Coventry; Charles Platt, George Rlsley, will be featured by the Motherie Kucharski of Willimantic have or 1868 while his parents were struct a road to the planned tended to appropriate the funds WITHIN 6 MILE RADIUS the residents to paok and leave. of snow to date, atlU far be­ 400 Main St., is in charge of ar­ of Gary’s car, headed In the op­ 2711. Club at «a social meeUng at hunting. The English equivalent Pioneer plant. to the foundation in rm effort They obeyed. rangements. The funeral was almost Constantino Saba, 86 Talcott posite direction. Jerry Schuerman and Norman been made, Atty. Girard reports. ON ORDERS o r f t OR MORE TONIGHT - Ends S i m . low the 61 inchea experienced 8 p.m. Feb. 28 in the Nathan of his father's name Is "Packing The foundation's new presi­ to avoid a stricture against Construction equipment and through March of last year. medieval In its pomp, splendor Ave., Rockville; Mrs. Mary Led- Police said the truck driver Strong. Hale Community Center. AH Blankets.” using town funds for private I t f RUN! trucks were made available by ■WlUi snow on the ground, and pageantry. beter. East Hartford; Linda 'apparently did not notice the Members of a suboommittee Maacheater Evening Herald dent. elected at an organiza­ TKL 443-1492 aiding the fund-raising com Intereoted persons are Invited. Coventry oorreapondent. F. He was one of the first two tional meeting yesterday after­ purposes. lumber companies, loggers and but not on streets emd side­ The morning was dark and Taylor, 160 Union St., Rockville; accident and drove on. Officer Police Arrests Nes Perces to attend the Car­ gray. The mercury hovered In Scott Hyde, 37 Green Rd.; Denis mittee are Mrs. Dorothy Dugan, Mr*. Ruth Wheeler of the Pauline Little, tel^hoiie 742- noon, is Everett J. Livesey, It now a{^>ears feasible, how­ OF COURSE YOU CAN PICK THEM UP AS USUAL oontractors. Highway 26 was walks, everyone was happy to- Charles Jurgelaa is investigat­ Planned Parenthood League of lisle Indian Sdwol in Pennsylva­ ever, for the town to construct closed by water at the Ochoco day — the kids because they Events the low 40s. , Frechette, 11 Tanner St.; Wil­ ing. Mrs. Rose Clark, Mrs. Viola Ronald G. Nourie, 22, of 31 6281. president of the Savings Bank Couch, and Mrs. Berverly Par- Northeastern ComaectlcUt, a nia. After the Indian War, he 1 of Manchester. the access road and install wa­ Junctkxi below DayviUe. could go sledding and skating, At 9:45 a. m. Big Ben, the liam Cox, 756 Verfton St.; Rob­ C^ilumbus St,, was arrested yes­ resldeBt of Columbia, will be spent some time with the Sioux ter lines to the factory site Most of the catUe in the ares their parents because they could clock above the houses of Par­ ert Morin, 42 Dudley St.; Mrs. sons. terday on a ■warrant Isqued by^ The foundation will not be Rail Bonds Set The church, a landmark in guest speaker. Her topic will in Canada and on the Flathead asked to receive town funds Itself. apparently made It safely to go sapping tn safety. liament, struck for the last ume Wanda Afflcano, Coventry; the 12th Circuit Court charg­ be "Family Plaimlhg.” Mrs. Overnight Deaths Indian Reservation in Montana. The directors had balked at ^ It happened in dimox, Nevada h itler ground. But great quan. And, one can’t forget the In State this day. Miss Carol Newbury, RFD 2,' Vernon, was destroyed in less for development of the site, as ■ .on nnn HARTFORD (AP) — Work than two. hours last Saturday. ing him with larceny. Wheeler is a former public After 20 years on the Flathead had been proposed eerlier by appropriating the $80 000 to tte f ^ llB t e tMy b 4 i9di>iAkfffTMKUt)iHg titles of hay, grown for feed, local businessman, Who has be­ Eight solemn, long overcoated Rockville. The arrest stemmed from an Reservation Police Force, he ( develt^ment foundation slnce will begin immediately on a Officials believe the blaze start­ health nurse snd has taught at JOHN LARKIN town o ffic ia ls .^ ^ ‘ a.v*1«nn,«nt foundation - since were ruined. gun to wonder whether It wise (Continned from Page One) guardsmen emerged from West­ ADMITTED TODAY; Mrs. investigation by Det. John returned to Lapwai, where he the town would retain UtUe minister Hall, the coffin on their special bonding bill requesting ed in the church kitchen. the Windham Community Me­ • (AP) — John Instead, the town will pay The forecast of more warm to eiven open his shop on Sat- Theresa Zeppa, 178 H Spruce St. Krlnjak into the theft of a remained until 1960, when he control over the funds. shoulders. $3 million as part of Connecti­ Hospital Report Oot morial Hospital in Willimantic. Larkin, SS, an actor who had directly for the costs of con- temperature and rain did Utile urdayfi. Toppe Discount stores ^ Con- BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A number of hair driers, can* An informal discussion will moved to a nursing homo here. The towm must deal with Gently, almost tenderly, they cut’s share in the New York- Rockville General Ho«q)ital appeared in more than 7,500 BtrucUng the acce(M road to the to encourage the tired men bst- nectiout. son to Mr. and Mrs. David Sher­ Connecticut plan to save the openers, knife ifiiarpeners,- follow with a question and an­ either the Manchester Water K I S S m e . laid it on the gun carriage. admitted 231 persons during separate radio and television factory site and Installing wa­ tlliing to save their •■ ■ ■homes, niere U. 8. District Judge M. Jo­ man, Tolland; a daughter to Mr. New Haven Railroad, Deputy blenders and drink mixer* ^ r a ­ swer period. Literature ,will be roles dating back to the late ter to the property line. Co. or the Connecticut Water i n s some hope for cooler seph Blumenfeld ruled Friday Off In Hyde Park, mas.sed and Mrs. Robert Sabourin, Day- December, according to Co. in order to bring a water Cape Kennedy Finance Commissioner Leo V. the Iona Mfg. Co. last year. It la available. Refreshments will be 1930s, died Friday of a heart Woman Killed The foundations only duty IVR, sfeather Sunday. that the question of whether cannon roared out the first of ville; a son to Mr. and Mrs. monthly report by John F. Ml- served.* main to the site. 90 salvoes, one each for Sir Win­ Donohue said Friday. rablto, administrator. The hos­ alleged that Nourie stole these attack. He played the role of will be as recipient of the T-W In other parts of ttia nation, Goodyear has been damaged by Thomas Pasko, 4 Goslee Dr.; Donohue, special railroad aide Congregattonel News Bamini owms about 60 acres, winter’s coldest weather held Walkout Ends the sale of Japanese manufac­ ston’s 90 years. pital treated a total of 1.048 items while employed there dur­ Gen. Wiley Crowe in the ABC- eight acres that land owner § r iiP !S a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. to Gov. John Dempsey, said the The Religious Education Com­ During Holdup of wrhlch eight are to be turned tight grip on much of the north' tured rainwear labeled "Good­ A muffled drum sounded. persons during the month ing a brief period last year. Ths TV series "Twelve O’Cfiock John Bamini has offered for SUN. Ernest Keeton, West Willing- bill should be in the General mittee of the Second Congrega­ ------i the parachute oompeny's relo- over to the foundation. Five of ■miimmii iMuitin lif min> am haU of the country asst of year Deluxe by Weatherite, best The booming of the guns Thirty-two births were re­ total value of the items stolen' High." CONT (ContlinMd from Page One) ton. Assembly within two weeks. tional Church will meet at 7 COUNTESS SEZEC»ENTI 8T. LOUIS (AP) — Two hold- cation project. ' them will go to Pioneer, and h w A w m T IVJ the Oontlnental Divide. Sopie of in rain, made in Japan” would" seemed to punctuate the march­ corded, 85 operations perform­ Is estimated as about $200. Po­ ‘Asm BIRTHS TODAY: A daugh­ The Assembly has already lice aay that they have recover- ’ p.m. Tuesday in the Church WASHINGTON (AP) — Coun­ up men shot to death the woman i By turning the land over to three to the towm for the road. BURNSIDE Ohio and hrlngo them workers have to await a trial of Good- ing in slow time of 3,600 sol­ ter to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ed and 18 treated as a result of 2 g;ranted $2 million bond author­ ed most of the articles. Community House on Rt. 44A. tess Laszlo Sezechenyi, 78, the vice president of a tool company , the non-profit. quasi-public Pioneer hae negotiated for an remwaMVMsr to the Cape to 'assemble them. year’s suit against Topps. diers, sailors and airmen. Pelletier 324 Windsor St.; a accidents. The hospital had an The church Mlaeionary Oom- option on 10 more acres. Bami­ ity to insure continued passen­ Nourie is being held at ttaa'.' last surviving child of the late on, a South St. Louis street dur- fountation. B ^ i n i c m obtata Between 40 and 60 steelworkers daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Law­ average of 59 patients daily ger service on the railroad. State Jail in Hartford In lieu of mittee will meet at 8:15 p m ., Cornelius and Alice Vanderbilt. . ’ . , tax benefits that would not be ni may develop the remainder are involved. rence Boucher, ThompsonvUle; Chnroh News ing a snowstorm Friday night , were he to transfer Under the bi-state plan, each $500 bond while awaiting pres­ Tuesday in the O u rch C om -. died Friday. The Newport, R.I., as an industrial park. ■Ihe building and oonstructlot) Congress May Soon Solve a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Carl St. John’s Episcopal Church ^.'•ri4- T> 'qe . A f^Heire Girt” nine “Kiasin’ Cousins” ■mm state would contribute $5 mil entation in Circuit Court 12 on ^ munity House. | society leader, who had been in and shot off her finger, appar- the land directly to Pioneer, The Bamin land is part of a Sirloin Pit No. 88 trades workers contend the as­ Akerllnd, Broadbrook. lion and the federal government women will hold their meeting The church choir will meet (^]|||^ headth for some time, Monday. Hla case has been ently to steal a $12,(X)0 diamond j Bamini offered to give the tract of about 100 acres that sembly woric should be done by DISCHARGED YESTER­ $10 million for passenger equip­ Monday at 8 p.m. to sew for the at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the , hadhsd married the Hiinfi'srisnHungarian (oMPi I n scheduled for plea on Feb. 15. ring. They ignored the other | land to Pioneer through the will be rszoned from rural reai- Iron workers and millwrights Underwithholding Problem DAY: Douglas Andrew, 71 ment. Altar Guild. sanctuary.' count in 1908. He served as Hun­ I foundation as part of the town | dance to industrial zone by the ■'l/.'l IN Oir4 Jewelry she had on. already employed here. They Trout Stream Dr., 'Vernon; Mrs. . Installation of church officers, gary's minister to the United The men also fired four shots effort to keep the industry town planning commission said that if the steelworkers S T A Y E ra with uifforeseen extra pay- Doris Robie, 7 Oloott Dr.; Mrs. postponed because of the snow­ States from 1921 to 19S3. He died at her companion, Charles, here. Pioneer officials want to when Pioneer officially an­ '3 ' C.'- jlstl'j - JtJU - V- ■> ,i:iee" av u;t>U u ,:^\t must do the work, they should (Oontiniied from Page Ona) storm Jan. 24, will be held STEAK ments. Katherine Bauer, 48 ’IVebbe in 1938. Franklin, 82, president of the build a new factory somewhere nounces Ita intentions to relo­ I) I N N ! R have the same wage scale'as during the 11 a.m. worship WILLIAM C. WHITE firm, but missed. They robbed in the Manchester area. They committee may not get to it this Over-edl, and perhaps because Dr.; William Beattie, .46 Birch (K.rvice on Feb. 7. cate there. the iron woiriiera and miU- many taxpayers deliberately iii" SCHENECTADY, N Y . (AP) him of a 2-carat diamond ring were investigating sites in Ver- > ■rociaz CUT smmj wrlghta — vdro average $4.10 an year. St.; Francis Dixon, 37 Packard Ready Now For Your Enjoyment The Ladies' Association of non as well. The firm 1s cur • aiuAO arrange for It, there is over- St.; Stephen Nemecek, West — William C. White, a pioneer valued et $26,000 • TOM TOAST hour. The steelworkers are paid This la how the short-range the First Congregational in radio and industrial electron- The men then fled In the s(now rently housed In an old Cheney Theater Loses Suit withholding every year. In re­ Willington; Dennis Mahoney, m Open 1 Dnyo an average $8.12 an hour and problem came about: cent years the Treasury has Church will have an all-dayjeg ,grjth the General Electric and darkness. Mill building on Forest St. receive a Uvlng allowance of $13 WaiiH>hig; Pamela Fellows, 15 a Watt Middle TonpUn The $U.6 billion Income tax been refunding more than $6 SHADY GLEN work session starting at 10:30 Co.. died Friday. WhlU reUred Dead ia Miss NaUlie Wilkin­ At the foundation meeting at HARTFORD T P )—The Ber­ an a day while here. Chester Dr.; Mrs. Ethel McKay, a m. Wednesday with a business from GE In 1955 after a 44-year son, 68. She was shot in the the Chamber of Commerce of­ lin Drive-In Theater, Inc., has cut voted in 1964 waa deaigned billion annually to taxpayers. 24 Clinton St.; Mrs. Ada Wat­ meeting after lunch in the ves- This year, the President’s eco­ career in which he was Instni chest. fice yesterday, other hew offi­ been turned down in its attempt \aushm uag to taka effect in two atepa. As son, 109 Foster S t; Mrs. Elea trj' mental in the development of She and Franklyn had closed cers elected besides Llveaey to collect $8 million in damages nomic report estimates, the ag­ nor Coltman, 125 Baldwin Rd.; CHERRY VANILIA originally sTrittan, the legMa- gregate refund wlU be out by Dimes Drive Tomorrow vacuum tubes and electronic the Mound Tool Co. and were were Thomas Ferguson, oo-pub' from 14 major motion picture Mrs. Claire Hughes, 27 Dudley The March of Dimes annual circuits. He was bom in Brook- walking to Franklyn’s car. Leo Usher of The Herald, vice presi­ dletrtbutora and eiditbltore. ALSO tfon provided for withholding about $1 billion. APaCrfe RrF'Ze^ SUNDAY BREAKFAST SPECIALS There have been some propos­ St.: John Van Wyck, 8 Lincoln door to door canvass will be lyil. Leone, 66, a company aupervi- dent; Robert Brock, chamber A U. 8 Distriot Court Jury alao to be reduced In two atepe. St.; Robert Nelson, Stafford AND deliberated 2 hours and 20 min­ COkOlfe BV SBkIflCR o Dine to onr beauttfol Ooloolal The withholding rate waa 18 per als In Congress to allow taxpay­ JACK HYLTON eor, wras walking about 16 feet executive vloe president, treas­ Springs; Barry Gregory, Qlaa- utes before H returned Ita ver­ WED. — CARY GRANT — TATHER GOOSE” cent before the cut. It waa to ers caught with a substantial LONDON (AP) — Impressa- behind them. urer; and Atty. Allan ’Thomas, tonbury; Mrs. Leone . Oromulakl, Leone said he shouted at the dict Friday night, rejecting the drop to 16 per cent on 1964 in­ amount stlU owed to pay it In DuBonct Bbck Cherry rio Jack Hylton, 72, who started secretary. French Rd., Bolton; Walter his stage career at age 10, died gunmen, hoping to frighten The foundation was chaired theater'e civil anti-trust luiU. come, then to 14 per cent per- InataUmenta. So fai; there has FREE them, but instead one fired a by John Deme, former owner of The suits claimed that the dls- manepUy, beginning with 1966 been no action in this area. Wagner, Carpenter Ril., Bolton Friday. Hylton was a pianist It Mrs. Dorothy Cetae, 65 Foxcroft and conductor of theater orches­ shot at him. Leone ran into the ‘ radio sUUon WINF, unUl he trtbutore and exhibitors monopo income. In any case, now that tax ICE CREAM Dr.; Juan Gomes, 72 Seaman tras before he formed his own street for help and heard four'or moved to CarUbad, N. M., tn H»e«» Wine and conspired to SATURDAY MATINlt But thU aaaumed that Con- rates and withholding are about D ELIV ERY With m-ndaittgr Stenaphoifie I in the same balance as they Circle; Mrs. Sharon Maxfleld bond and toured the United five more 1963. It had been largely Inac-, keep first run moviss from tbs O N L Y A N D >DD wpuld fihiah action on the Both of these are the cheeriest . . • States and the Continent in the Police said Franklyn- placed Uve sines about 1960, however. I theaUr for about two years af- m^CONNESTEVENS S H W e r e Jan. 1, $964. InMead, were before 1964, there idrould and daughter, KeHy Rd., Ver­ ARTHUR DRU6 not be a repetiUon of this cherriest ice creams you’ve ever tast- 1920s. He became a theatrical the valuation on the two stolen Named as new directors of !««• the drlve-ln opened in Isp- SUN., MON., 1UKS. DEAN JONES I PMKMUCES final paoeage came in Febru­ non. , / manager in 1985 and staged rings. He said they were bought the foundation were Llveeey; I tember 1968. ary. Bo witnholding at tiro old spring’s taxpayer unha._ •ed, thanks to Shady Glen’s true fruit from a dealer in Chicago aitd ■yn|» and Oatfaa XoMt aad Ooffae rate of 18 iier cent continued But tile routine unaerwlth- many London productions. Marvin Osterling. manager of ih( BUr.M and CESAR ROMERO flavor. Enjoy your favorite soonl once belonged to Gloria fiwmn- the Hartford Electric U ght Co., duiing Uialie firat two montha of holding of tax from a aubstan THE ' H.JU 0( 0P' tied number of wage and salary President Busy TOP TREE TOPPLES son, the movie star. Manchester division; Richard l(^tl it>-cnr MIATIN*> 39e 39c 1964. WAYNESBORO, Miss. (AP)— Rothwell, manager of the Man­ At toe urging of toe adminle- eainers continues and H be- i i i GHAR-mOlLEO TO OROCIt AT EXCITEMENT, idBnSi * idBffljii oomes a Mt more serious every Behind S cenes The nation's top magnolia tree, No Cape Train chester office of the Connecti­ a* «ka PABKAM5 tration, IrltMh wanted toe ef- believed to be more than 400 cut Bank A Trust Co.; Nell El­ toots c( tos tax eut teH as qjilck- year sm the general level of m MEADOWS’ ENTERTAINMENT ^ Opaa AIX DAY Sondar 8-B Increoaea. Revenue speoiollats years old and accepted by the NEW HAVEN (AP) — New lis, president of First Hartford CHOP--CHOP! TAMI 'Zy as poaattOe,’ toa MU waa While Resting ■ay moat of the trouble ia con- Great idea f ot a daa* mm American Forestry Asm, as York to Oape Ood passenger Realty Co. and related film s; er Bow T» Lsam Te I AND amended beim final passage to 4 M . BMetai Pit Ns. 88 A n m a S m W V fY o m tlM ’drop toe wtUtooMtog rata aU the oentrated In toe bracket roughly champion among its speclaa, has •ervloe will not be resumed Alfred Werbner, sales manager between 17,600 and $10,000 an- (Coatbmefi from Page One) aert — or enjoy your been felled by dry rot and de- o f Jarvla Realty Oo. and cbalr- C »hTNim BIEVENf MUSIC I iBilaauKwRIlBII» — ■ id par \ tUe summer, the New Havsu nual eaminga. lOIIANZAMIR^ER eay. Railroad announced fHday. man o f the town developtnent two inontoa at 18 per cent He iMtid Jolinaon ta woridn ; "TWO ON A OF aad 10 montos at 14 per cent are Incidentally,iidentafly, anyone who favorite in a sundae PUTTfR The stately southern magnolia New Haven tnistsss said the oommtaslon; Everett Kennedy knows the withholding from hla moatly on appolifimenta to fttl grandiflora wMcfa stood in the decisioa was dictated by their purchasing and personnel man­ oum oTiNr not quite equivalent to 12 vacanclee in. federal agenciee. at the counter. •n toMtod bon TEENAOF PLUS BONUS H R montha at IB per cent, so there pay la inouCficient to cover Ma You Can The Quality aouthwesit comer of Wayne intention to eliminate all pas­ ager of Colonial Board; Atty« •iM — m aad fiat. w c UaWUty can do aomettalng Reedy aaid Johnaon la now County, was. 116 feet tall with a F R iS fE m S ^ S r A waa a - su^tantlal amount of i^ t h oBle senger service and by the rall- ’Ihomas, a member of the de­ DEAN M A M IN StM-^imidagr aboto R wHbout WBttii« for C ^ “in vary good ahape” aa tor crown diamater of 6 6 feet. The undarkrltolholdlng. . ' fnwhfriflR. rMul's deficit. velopment oommlasloa; and graaa Bo eon forgo k w u of Ua Me bealto la oonBemad, even Routfii 6 It 44A Manckastfir, Conn- entire top of the dead tree has In recent years ons train sacb Brock. “4 For To MO" "MMIRIU'S "m a aiia, K tota Iq not toou | d i tban la,atfil a,Mt oCint- fallen to the ground and all that day sxcept Wsdnesday has run Itoo dlrootors were luunsd to may n m, m ta a n g a refumi una tatton In tba finoait'aad a Ut iiC 0m m T D m UiBB-t yadr aa laid optnitad on- ha can aak hia employ- remainp ia a aakad sUm 60 faat tatwOURil ifnealaite Juae m vMuaeiw that wero esuat ) ntraaiaManb ilJEEL=223t high. to U il •d wbMi pant dkuotosu « f toa 1 h i| r aagr aiPiK hava to aoma VP j i ^


owMd and op«raUd by white p«opl« Area Churches who, one* tho barrier haa been broken, begin to raadi out for the Negro dol­ ■fc Fetorte Epteeopal lar. It may not be that direct or riemon- Churches goad Rd. tal with them. They have been toM to ILnO M iaa' Oommnnity Bi^dot Obnroh at. BridgaTs Wi Bev. , V le«r Uve In an Integrated worid. They begin, Rev. O. Henry AnderseB, 680 B. Center Bt. Bev. Aokn t. Del Bev. Alex H. Eiseeser, Bev. Btanliy T. perhapa,'by hiring aome V»gro help for Bev. Melvin T. FeWrsen, Minuter Bev. Deonto B. 10:10 a.m., Montag Pnyw the flrat time. They expect the Negro Aasistaat Pastor •ad bhuroh eobool. help to help bring them aome Negro 0:M a.m.. Church School for Masses at T, 8, 0:U , U :M and 8 p.m., Evening Player. Tueeday, T a.m., naM el MsMee at 8:4S, T:4S, S, ISfiB buaineaa. It la surely no ain to find that 0 a.m., Divine Wondilp and all ages. Claases through Grade Noon. and 11:10 Church BchooL Beimon, "O n the 4 w U have an expanded ses­ Purlfleatlon. Integration can be profitable. Monday ttmugh Friday, 7:18 Sea of U fe,’’ by Miss Dale Mac- sion. ■t. Jamra* On the other hand are the eatabllahed p.m., Evanlng Prayer. St. Maurieal. wiU preach Qie sermon. Oonoordla Lntberaa Chnreh 9 p.m., Junior Pilgrim Fel­ things. Perhapa they balance those subject: "Thq Ehiglish Reforma- 8:80 p.m., Service meetinf. 7:48 Am ., Holy OommuMon. 40 Pitkin St lowship. ■ealots way out In front who, oaring for Uoti.” 8 Am., Morning Praw , Hi Wednesday, 6 and 10 a.m.. Bev. Fanl O. Kaiser, Pastor T p.m.. Senior Pligrim FM- nothing except principle, and Immediate North MethodUt Ohnreh lowritlp. y any, ■ennon, elii t H , bahyalt Holy Oommvmion. 800 Parker 8t. rectification o f an old injustice, would Dally, 7 p.m., Evening 9 a.m., Holy Ooaununloa, Tuesday, 9 p.m., Toaober Bev. Earle B. Oister, training at the home of Howard 10:46 a.m.. Morning A «y «r, run the revolution much too fast for Prayer. Pastor Church School and NUrMiy. 10:80 a.m., The Service, Aldrich, Overtirook Dr., Vernon. Many, sormoa, eleswe, b ^ - anybody's good. Wednesday, 8 p.m., Church RWrar. m i 0 and 10:80 a.m., Worship Ghurrii School and Nursery. Charoh of the Nasareae oounoU at the home of Wilton Wwmood^r, 30:11 Am., Holy f W k n t T oBb Can Bsrildl Service. New members win he received 888 Main S t Usk, VaUey FaUi Rd., Vernon. OmnrauBloa. 9 a.m.. Church SriMOl. Nurs­ at the second eervlce. Recep­ Bev. Robert J. Bboft, Minister Thursday, 8 p.m.. Teacher ery and Grades 4 through 12. tion after service. W s auMsli.1sre<1 It a rare privilege, last Rev. B. Alfred Swain, training at the home of Donald BaekvUle MithoMM The OoDege That Can’t Get In 10:30 a.m., Church School. Associate Minister Oole, Kenwood Dr., Vernon. 148 Grave St., year, lo salute the voters of the state of Nursery, kindergarten and The Preebyteriaa Ctaorch Deaooneao meeting at the Rav. muaid E. Oonk^ Faator New Jersey because they had common A year ago a very fine educational 0:80 a.m., Sunday School Grades 1 through 3. 43 Spruce 81. home of AMce Hammar, Box Instltntion, the New York Institute of classes for all age ^oups. 0 p.m.. Senior Methodist Rev. James L. Ransom sense anough and principle enough to re­ Mt. Dr., Vernon. 8:80 Am ., Cburoh SobooL 10:46 a.m., W orwp Service. Youth Fellowship. Minister ject the proposition that the New Jer­ Technolog^y, found what It thought to be Saturday, 9:80 a.m.. Youth Nuraery throuih adulte. Message: "Being a Consecrated Tuesday, 7 p.mi. Senior Meth­ a very lovely and suitable place to set Church membenhip cla w at the 10:46 Am., Worahip Sonioo. sey Turnpike be uswl permanently as Nazarene,” by William Veale, odist Yoiith Fellowship CounciL 9:30 a.m., Sunday School with The master of the house examines an antique school bell as he relaxes in downstairs living room. Tin station lamp, black with gold lettering, is a prized family possession Itself up a main campus. It purchased home of WlNon Liak, VaUey Nuraery through Grade A a Boaree of Income for regular state eac- executive secretary of the Unit­ 7:46 p.m., Bible Study Group. classes for Nursery through 6:80 p.m., Junior and Senior AduHs. Falle Rd., Vernon. peniie. like welfare and education, thus t the 370 acre estate once owned by C. V. ed Temperance S ^iety of Con­ Wednesday, 6 a.m.. Men's [b Metbodlst Youth FeDow- necticut Inc. Bible class. 10:46 a.m.. Worship Service. ^mceiMlag the state from the necessity of Whitney hi the North Shore Long Island St George’s Episeopnl pi 0 p.m.. Youth Services. 7 a.m., Senior Youth Bible Sermon from Romans Chapter SMonday. 7:1S p.m., Prayer 'anaeHng and paying some more honest community of Old Westbury, a village 12, "How to Hurdle Hypocrisy,’’ B t 44 A, BoltoiiBodtoi 7 p.m.. Evangelistic Service. Study class. awhdiscuaslon CImo. cf tax to finance its necessary with a population of about 3,000. Message by the pastor. Thursday 9:30 a.m., Christian by the Rev. Mr. Ransom. Nurs­ Bov. Edward W. Vicar The other day Old Westbury msde its Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Pray­ Growth Group 2. ery and Children’s Churches. er, Praise and Bible stu ^. 7 p.m., Bible Service with The people of New Jersey, hi refer- respimse to the offer of a mw kind of 8 a.m.. Holy Communion. Trinity Covenant Church hymn sing, prayer time, sacred Bev. Bey B. Butcheon, Mlaloter ’SBdum vote, deckled that K was unfair destiny for Itself. verse and special music. Mes­ 10:16 a.m.. Morning Prayer Zion EvangeUoal Hackmatack 8t. near Keeney St B ar. Theodora Baeheior , ’Ihe response took the form of a de­ sage, " S t Paul’s Sermon on the and Litany. -to tax Juat one special claaslficatkm of Lutheran CTuirch Rev. K. EJnar Rask, Pastor 7 p.m.. Young Poopto’o i^BKitortet for the general expensea of the cision by ths hve man Village Zoning (Mlseoari Synod) Mount," by the pastor. Friday, 8 p.m.. Church Fellowship. Board. Cooper and U gh Sis. 9:30 a.m., Sunday School with 8:80 and 11 dX) A B t, TTbnMp .state of New Jersey. The people of New slon. Monday, 8 p.m., Brolheiheod It denied the Institute permlation to The Rev. Paol G. Prokopy, class for kindergarten through of St. Andrew. Borvtoo and CBnmdi Bchow. ^Jersey seemed to think that highway Pnstor adult. establish Itself hi Old Weetbury. Tuesday, 10 A m ., Ho|y Cbm- J"! TUs time their plan Is to dip into the lead1 discussiondfscu on "Science and 9 :U and 10:48 a.m.. Worship. ' revenues of another New Jersey I f there Is indeed, anywhere in this Religion.” continually narrowing land o f ours, a Sermon: “ How To Be A Misfit." MsGiodlat Freddo House over 200 Years Old - money maker, the Garden State Park- B t SO 6:80 p.m., Youth Fellowafalp. STORY By DORIS BELDING Foster willed the bouse and land , way, and use |1,6S0,000 In motorist small place such ss the one described In that The Salvation Arm y Rav. Morton A. Magsa to the state. paragraph— if Old Westbury ss thus 961 Main St First Latherma ChuTck PHOTOS By SYLVIAN OFIARA shaiige to build, believe It or not, a The paneling in the dining Capt WllUam D. M aclean 8 and 10 Am., Wofsbip Isrv- '"■icultural center." This is to be located described Is x«al and not the artiflrial Connecticut Yankee Bookvnie The colonial home of Mr. and and living rooms has been pre­ Otfloer In Charge Rev. TIUHam H. BalkaB Ics and child oars. Sermon by reproduction of aome ancient village o f Mrs. Frank Freddo of Rl. 88, served under many coats of -«n a beautiful 350 acre site right next ths pastor. By A .H .O . Bolton, was the former Warner paint; Original wrought iron 0 to the Parkway itself. It will be eaUed another day— then It should not be mo­ 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 8:46 a.m., HlHngton Center 0 Am ., Oiurch sobool tor homestead. The house and land door hinges and wooden door lested. classes for till ages. Church Scbml. Nursery, Undemrtsn, Grades 1 t "Garden State Arts Center" and It A dark horse came in the win­ people In need require more rep­ was in the Warner fam ily from knobs are throughout the house. 10:46 a.m.. Holiness Service. 0 a.m., First Lutheran Sunday through 4 andid Senior high. ^^wfll Indude an amphitheater, a play- Beyond our nostalgic loyalty to such a ner in the oratory o f the Con­ resentation than the so-called 1760 until the Freddos pur­ A comer cabinet in the dining Sermon by Capt. MacLean. School. 10 a.m., Church School tor f- potential village, there Is another twist necticut General Assembly’s well-to-do. Why not extra rep­ chased it in 1941 from Dr. Ben room has a divided door. The house, an historical mall, botanical 6:30 p.m., Prayer Service. 0:90 Am., Pastor’s Adult Grades 0 through t. "day of history" on which It resentatives representing the Warner. The house was sold upper hall has panes of hamd gardens, nature trails, art galleries, res­ to the affair which has a touch o f the 7 p.m.. Salvation meeting. class. 7 p.m., Methodist Toutti Fsl- voted to create, for the future, welfare groups, the education Sermon by Capt. MacLean. with 33 acres of land, which ex­ blown glaM set in a wood taurants and parking for 6,000 cars. pleasant In It These are the decades 10:90 a.m., Churrii Servlcs. k m olp . a reapportioned House of Rep­ groups, ethnic g^roups, religious Thursday, 7:30 p.m., BlUa tends from Rt. 86 almost to framework and the lower part The mahogany top of the dining room table boasts a gleaming satin finish To many o f these attractions, admis- when everybody is trying to get Into resentatives. groups? Can it always be said study. French Rd. is solid paneling. The cabinet ' skm will be free. some college or another. For once, at Sitting through the House de­ that these groups receive equal The original house, which is shelves are designed with a cir­ bate that afternoon, we thought representation according to least, the admission tables are turned, Calvary Church an ell at the rear of the present cular piece In the center of the But we are not to think that this is we had the prospective winner their need or ever will under (AsMmbUea of God) lives will be brought out hi dwelling, was erected in about V, and a half roimd piece on Just a caae o f a toll highway being kind and it Is a college which can’t get Into udien Rep. J. McCullough Tur­ this plan? 647 E. Middle Tpke. Chriatisn Science churches. The A Thought for Today 1749 or 1789 by Benjamin Mann. each side of the shelves near­ bo otdture. something. ner, veteran Republican legisla­ " It must be concluded that Bev. Kenneth L. Oustafsoa subject la "L o v e ," and the Gold­ The large addition fronting the est the glass. tor of the small town of Beth­ rationality as called for Just Bpoosored by tha 1 New Jersey Is being very shrewd Pastor en Text from 1 John 4: 7, 8 un­ road was built by Ichabod War­ The magnificent dining table any, took the floor against the won’t work because It calls for Council o f Churches •bout this. It Is calculating that, after derlies ths theme. Oorrelativs ner. He purchased the ellwand is thought to be about 300 years reapportionment bill. Through an assumption that all people surrounding land from John Gil­ old. It has a top made of three the Highway Authority has built such 9:46 a.m., Sunday School passages from "Science and Choice Of A Marking System five sessions o f the legislature. and all districts are exactly classes for all ages. Health with K ey to the Scrip- O God our fatlisr, lit us not bert in 1760. The house was sit­ wide planks of Honduras maho­ • wonderful attraction alongside the Turner has been a serious, alike. We know that they are 11 a.m.. Worship Service. Bi turee" by Mary Baker Eddy be content to wait aind aeawhat uated on, what was then, a 100- gany with curly mahogany sup­ * Parkway, more motorists w ill use the scholarly, and courageous le g ^ not and we have therefore lost ble message by the pastor. describe bow men learn to love w ill happen, but gtvo ua the acre home lot at the rear half ports on each side and solid, lator, oftm narrow but passion­ the battle before the first shot P a rkway in order to get to the cultural The A-B-C marking system is taking 6:30 p.m.. Evening Prayer. God: p. 4:17 - 22. determination to make tbs right of Talcott-Bump acreage. dark mahogany legs. a dignified raszlng from those who fear ate In his views, never happier Is fired. Wednesday, 8 p.m., Teetlmony tilings happen. Three Hitchcock chairs with R^aenter. Thle w ill produce even more tolls 7 p.m.. Family ^ s p e l ^ r v - Its present owners have con­ It may replace the S and N system than when ta k ii^ on the whole “In the name of equal repre­ Ice. Hymn sing and Bible meeting. TVhlle time Is nam lag out, verted the single house into two cane seats and one with a rush than before. In nine years, it is calculat­ now In use in the city’s 5th snd 6tb House on a question o f principle. sentation, a term o f which no messsTre. ReaiUng Room hours at 749 aavo us from pattmoo which apartments, and have gradual­ seat are around the table. They ed, the extra tolls coming tai will be grades. ’There is an unfortunate ten­ Thmer Is a researcher, and he one knows the derivation, w « Wednesday, 7:80 p.m., Mid­ Main St., excepting legal holi­ Is akin to oowatdiesv' ly modernized. It. There is a five are painted a dark brown, dency to overplay the "competitive "na­ cute a scholarly figure, and our automatically pass over what is days, Monday through Satur­ room flat on the first floor, now which was used to Imijtate rose­ ■ y-Ai-'si' > enough to let opera'flbn o f the project week Service. Give us the oouraga 00 .. p i : V ture o f the A-B-C system and to as­ bet was that It was going to be truly representative in favor o£^ day, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Thurs­ sMhor hot or odd, to stead tor occupied by the FYeddos, and a wood In the early 1800s. All braak even. sert that such marks have no real slg- be who delivered the best phi­ something that can never b« South Methodist Ofanroh day, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 7 p. somothlng, loot wo fan fbr aay* four room rent upstairs. When have their original stenciling A t that stage, of course, there might losophical valedictory to the old nlGcance, anyway. Furthermore, we are realized. . . . Equfillzation is a Bev. J. Manley Shaw, D.D. 9 p.m. thing. In Jeous* namo, Amon. they bought the place there and are signed by the maker. order which was that day pass- belief in the m a^c o f numbers, 1 f~' - be aome new emergency. In which the told, this system—^whlch many Am eri­ Pastor Dr. Potar MantiiaU. were fireplaces in almost all These, and other chairs were in equal numbers are better magi­ toll Income from the parkway might cans regard as a good Index of scholas­ Bev. Richard W. -Dope# Takon from Uaoommoa the rooms. Most of. these have the house when it was pur­ tic achievement— must now be sacrificed 7e were betting wrong. The cally than unequal numbers. I t Prayon. chased. The exact age of the •Ohoe again be greater than could be uaed Associate Pastor been closed off, except the ones in the name of democracy. membarship o f the House, which cannot be denied that the slo- Submitted by Tha In both living rooms. Hitchcock chairs is not known •or any honest highuray purpose. Herald Competition appears to have become had, after all, lived with him gran o f equality is one which 9 and 10:46 a.m., Worship Rav. Edward 1W . JolpMon, Before moving Into their but they are thought to be about W e think we ■ can trust N ew Jersey to a dirty word In many areas o f human more legislative hours than we, moves men. As a relationship Service. Dr. J. Manley Shaw Yesterdays S t Ooorga’a Eplaeopal apartment seven years ago the 150 years old. ^ meet any such emergency. If H arisee, endeavor in recent years. The 8 snd N made Its own bet with a kind of to districts or other considera­ preaching: "Change and tha Church. Freddos lived In the Foster Three hearts have been cut w s wholesale exodus to the corri­ tions, it is nonsense. with aome new scheme o f ^>ending the system imposes a superficial sameness Changeless." Church School. house on Rt. 85. The house out at the top of the doors in the on a large segment of the fifth and sixth dors which left only half an “ To go one step further, sup­ 10:46 a.m.. Second Mile d u b 25 Years Ago .stands to the left of the en­ living and dining rooms. These money of the motorist for something be­ grade enrollment in this city. This only audience to absorb Turner’s pose that A B and C represent for Grades 8 and 9. Senior Hig^ trance of what Is now Gay City doors open on to a central hall sides roads. W hat -frightens us is the delays the^m e when each child must sdiolarly wrestling with the 1,000 people each. Everything Is Forum: "Social Change and As Inveatigatoni search more State Pa^k. Freddo was em- and It is said that they were posslbUlty that these slick New Jersey realize thatsi: he Is an Individual, and that ghost o f Roger Sherman. supposedly equal to this point— Moral Values." deeply Into tangled affairs of ployed^y Miss Alice Foster for. used as listening sMts by par­ The real speech on the re- but, since we rule by the ma­ telcks will begin to appeal to other the problems he faces in the years ahead 7 p.m., Junior and Senior Vonco Oo. of Manchester, Judge 22 years, and later worked as ents concerned about conversa- apportionment issue came a lit­ jority—If A and B vote yes and Raymond A . Johnson, repre­ Ik n o te : caretaker for the State of Con­ tions transpiring between their m - atatoe. are different from thope that others High Fellowship. Twenties and will face. If that realization comes late tle later, from a rather unex-, C votes no— there arises a sim­ Thirties: "Symbolism of Wor- senting block of stoeikboMeri In Alcoa She atenA, necticut, whetv he was known daughters and gentlemen call­ pected source, Republican Ralph majestloally ahova alL and abruptly—and the transition to Jun­ ple point of inequality since any ship.” ooHapsed soop manufacturing Wooden p e g s hold maaaive hand hewn beams which support roof as "Mayor’of Gay City.” Miss ers. m ior high school Is difficult anyway— L. Earle of the town of North oombination of two can 'always W(ednssday, 10 a.m.. Adult Bi­ ooncerh, plans to go Into Bu- Honor • Guard c f Spring, The center hall of the house, it can be fully as harmful to morale as Haven. overidde the third person. . . . ble Study course in Susannah perior Oourt in effort to estab­ Summer, TTInter a|ia the s U l inside the front entrance, has a Desegregating The Dollars, Too any A-B-C system In grade school. Back in his first term In the “ There is also the moot point Wesley Hall. "Ephesians’’ will lish rsoelvanhtp for firm. Oonatantiy keeping rlgltpraylng wide staircase to the second House, In the notable .1959 ses­ o’er a lonaly flm But competition as such is not a truly that very often no one man’s be taught by the Rev. Mr. floor, and a high celling. The sion which enacted minor court Stars o f vaudovlUe, radio and Man and Barth together have No great revolution haa ever produced Important aspect of that system. It Is vote is equal to another’s be­ Dupee. Freddoe use a side entrance and county reform, Representa­ circus oomUno to glvs local pa­ something they moat yield. unfortunate that some parents and pu­ cause of circumstance If I re­ near the garage to gain access • perfectly moulded set o f human beings tive Earle created something of trons o f 14th annual Police Ben­ pils consider A and B as status sym­ turn to this House under the Second CongragathHial Ofanreli Mon did coma to ba part- to their apartment, which, be- moving through perfectly distanced and a stir with the disclosure of a efit Show at State Hieater a bols, and that others become sensitive new districts, can It honestly be 885 N. Slain St. drsasad In khaU brawn sides the living and dining reported attempt by some wick­ full two houni of dlveirifled ea» perfectly timed stages imd the civil about low marks. But if an 8 spares the said that my vote will be equal Bev. FeBx M. Davte, SUnlator Working, building to defend. rooms, has a large country ed politicians to bargain for tertalnment rights revolution ki vriiicb so much of feelings of a few, It also obscures the po­ to that of the Speaker, or the Bev. C. Bonald WUioa, She w M bnppy Mbefd been kitchen, bath and two bedrooms. votes for minor oourt reform Majority Leader, or Minority a— Mlwlaiar this nation's population is now partici­ tential—or the shortcomings—of aU. found. - A black stone fireplace Is. set with a promise to appoint some­ L faults, but M is better fof ^ i—vning Bks thsss: —m edallw apeedi aC ttw hla- m eat . . A bliKk iron eicleJhovan ov«r the fireplact in Uie upstidii:!lN(ii||i«isp:,;; Ob the one hand there a n enterprises Mtol aatura c t lore aa n prooees. — 8 P R IN O m 3 U > U N IO N n t is lafisMa 00 bsHsve MM8 0oala day. that eaa aeahnna, Hainan h MANCHESTE5R EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 80, 1968 PAGE SETEIh^^^ PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HliRAU), ttAilCHESTER, CONN., SATORDAV, lANUARY 80,1885 DAU,Y CROSSWORD PUZZIJS UUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOFUfi '(iT T tB SPURTS BY K0U80N Animal Talk ] Acaofs . _ >Nowo,husTMNot) 9cr/t\ 4iVann|laaa 448tnnatr 7h k T* IM G OL o T« 0 T T O 1 eCaaanoo HOOPLB l u c k -I to ADMIT, m a ; so« . | nwihamt ■athra flVS MINUTS4 OPl NOUR PRCJat«M-l ' 11 U r n hawk ttLaakaft n mtooBdad MEasruBfit SHovfitiNd ANof « olviN6 pitpCBSisM U P a fi up UOlSiSMlla M mi A \NAAM, . A ¥ KNtVsl TM» RAIN WA( lIHUaBIIMB as Pica or rat statL MSeakflu MSoureaa BUUGS VUNN1 IT NEVER PAIL^J PNILLIEG P«MT60 R ♦IMin.Y HAtJTO iTUbyw ■ttpert faPtruftt WORLD SCRiaS ■•TALL FORTUNE/ ItO M ftr DOWN ISBNsiaa iWaai S4l WPaoMt • MeoBi 1 South African laLymsbM sawhlla tlMuaa (aaiL) STDaNMllaa ttiaa Hu|uanot nvMaat 4raa4 . OUNLIFFE H IG H G R A D E 1/ UCovwad wUh SSquU iiiand ISFraad. le MSNOHESTER |l. etnmle placaa SPettt soanel SOUnltoC e«R I ^ SSMottta*aa 4 Tibia anas NOTORSRLES > MBUptoidtl BRtqulrtd B liS S S fS f tto 41 PRINTING i.I.I.VB'li'l MSNaetad (abj SUnetuouf and RENTU8 ■XTERT ADTO BODY aa« SlBoMhlfUe nrapartUoa M^raltaaiitaM eNm aasUd SUFOOD KNOER RBFAIRS Job and Commercial ptUar TbniUlaa SiSaeuUr 4t| ^ . a m . Printing L(i! as Oriental perur macaw seotharwlaa 4lBawlMan4 P in t la Blaaehcataar. Naw CHOICE VARIETY ENAMEL aad LACVIUKR STCoBfumas 4^Carra SlDanea lUp SSueeaailoa (Mt, fall matateoanre, rally EETIMSHINOS Frempt aa« EMdeat W V* ■ J S4 Royal lUlIaa (pralU) SSFamala laials ^ | i^ ,k n iM B Summart ( n j (ab.) . . (ab.) nsoraV la rednee yonr praly Qualiiy SEASON ABLE FRIOES Priatfiig Of All Rlads SSBiiclDMf 1 0 Fectograms may provide thia 4* program capitalize on this abil­ By Dr. I. M. LEVITT, radiation effects to be antici­ information for definitive fu­ REPAIRS DEALER IN WASTE DIRBOTOR ity in the immediate future. ture experiments. To completely explore the pated in space during long per­ 41 OAK ST. MATERIALS I | The Fels Planetarium Of iods o f welghtleseness. Stacked nuclear .emulsions PhOM The Franklin Institute potenUal of an observer In Visibility experiments to pro­ will be exposed to the space ToL 649W 9 space, the National Aeronautics environment to extend and com­ A Sorvleo This year, 1985, may well be vide definitive information on R A R S , IR O N A434365 and Space Administration has plement our knowledge of the B E PA IB S ON—> what the astronauts can and MORTY MEBKLB HY DICK CAVAIJ.i named a "manned - spaceflight- requested the science commu­ heavy ion component . o f the Grills, Electric Irons, O f cannot see from the orbiting observations” year if plans of nity to propose experlmentJ to primary cosmic radiations ar­ ' Toasters. Percolators, SCRAP METAL [BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE capsule la high on the list of Sineority be undertaken in the 10 Gemini riving at the earth from space. Vacuum deaners. Beaters, rwoNoEe our space agency to launch sev­ "must” experiments. TYiese ex­ eOCNCBB axJttrwfiTWne ^ ReHbcR Plen’s flights. Some 100 experiments The existence of ultra - small VYus. Sewtog MaAlnea, a i i P A P E R ’ SURE/ ALL CM TIME ONE line I GOTTA HAND too eral Manned Gemini flights to periments are necessary for YOU ; . N^EMBee» TFTHBBBiS Where Pereoaal were proposed and of these the particles called .nanometeorites Lamps 781 PABKEB ST. M3U ORPER ME 10 V3U, SAWYER. YOU SURE GOOL. ITS A explore scientific areas disclos­ there still exists considerable (IB&0NEO ’Vttfisrtmaaa A eUCHA Consideration 12 most promising have been in space has suggested a trap IVOR DIRTY WORK. SHAME WE ed by our Mercury flights ma­ debate concerning the alghtlngs A B OABAOilff OMOOnnMMoR^KAol TM. 008-8788 or 648-8870 FOOMTHB TWENiy ’m m A 3A Texaco Sfafion Is A Tradition approved for incorporation in to capture these in the Gemini. MB WBfB fBBfHBfvBa CANT FIGHT Y terialize. The Mercury flights made by Gordon Cooper. Plans upcoming flights. These experi­ A box mounted on the capeule ON THE SAME FCteNOOHIP 381 Main SfrM t proved that man is a skilled ob­ exterior will be exposed to the y epfpevwc'? ments embrace numerous fields are being formulated to lay out SlDE,lSNT oiJeiooAy. WTVOCW ©. ] 400 Meet Street server capable of making refin­ bright rectangular objects of q>ace environment. Sterile rr? Phono 643-9149 ed scientific observations while such as astronomy and aerono- surface will be provided so my, biology and physiology, variable size In one of the CAMPING orbiting the earth. Now it Is that some of these particles WATKINS-WEST geography and geology, mete­ southwestern deserts. The as­ BydYsmatlo TransmlsaloB planned to have the Gemini tronaut In flying over this reg­ can ibe trapped and then cul­ RepalrlBg orology and apkee physios. tured to see if micro-organisms FUNERAL EQUIPMENT All Work Onaraiiteed Dr. Joselyn R. Gill, chief o f ion will rpeort to the ground the number and orientation of are present in space. Tents, Cots, Sleeping Bags N A S A 's In-fllght sciences ta to e The experiments enumerated SERVICE TezMo Lobrleatlaa Servtc* WE HAVE Manned Space Program Office the visual targets. Enough tar­ Air Mattresses, Stoves, gets are planned in thia area so above are pilot models for fu­ Lanterns and Dr. S. J. Gerathewohl, life ture ones. However, as la most We Give jttir Stamps MACHINE SHOP that aUUstically valid results ORMAND J. WEST Jjl FAWr RAY OF HOPE. GOOL SEEMS science program n »n a ger with usually the case, the return of A ) REBELUOUS TOWARD SPARROW... SERVICE tho Manned Space Science Di­ may be acquired. While in orbit information from early flights MANCHESTER ALMOST FRIENDLY TOWARD BUZ. vision, writing in the Novem­ the astronauta' visual ability Dircetdr JStu a Piston Pin Fitting may point up even more Mghl* SURPLUS SALES CO. ______i k j ______Typowrltor Sorvleo ber 'tosue of "Astronautics and will be tested for color vision, ficant experiments to be per­ 14S B. OENTEB ST. 109 N. MAIN ST. a Boring Cylinden AeronauUcs” have elaborated brightness discrimination, vis­ formed in the manned orbital at Depot Square a Valva Rafaolng on the Objectives and nature of ual acuity and contrast thresh- flights. No matter what ex­ CAPTAIN EASY BY LEBUB TURNKh Manchester’s Oldest OpM Dally to 0:00 P J L liaCKET FINN BY LANK LEONARD Yale a Head Grinding the programs, to. be undertaken. hold. Here again tho presence periments are perftwmed how­ / J. F A R R — 0 ^ 7 1 1 1 a King Pin Fitting Livlug organisms Tested of stress, pure oxygen breathed ever, the end result w ill be the With Finest FsciUties Twwrv Yi^i’ ^1 w* ae*M^toc¥A 'in HOW rnmnc to dk ukb .Rlawr. «BRSBMir,.Tir ou> omrnfmi t y p w T it k n Repaired One o f the principle experi­ at 8 pounds per square inch and explosive expansion of basic THE HORSE IS MMPHJ TOAAORROW'S YEARS AaO( PUUA HWCTWMMWiaJiNP PSPTOP THB».IN A aHASBY HOTSL^ MOVIB tTAR.CUO VALPAl MOVBHKID aad 'Overhauled ^ a Brake Drums Turned VESj WITNHBBAD ----..... a ------CUiittTMfilhjilK lMfi fOM orraNiM B wmlouT ments involves the behavior of the weightless condition may knowledge which must make HEART, SOMEBODY PRACTTCALLV ENTRCS/ A FAT LOT THEYM « • «MaA' BUT TMNMMIO «mnsa>0R, Stondarda and Portablea a Ganerator and Starter living organisms under weight­ this earth a better place for IDPGLA NAMBYONOnaWM HI affect the astronauts' perform­ m TEMUBLy DBAPPOiNTEP, WILL HAVE TO HELP THROUGH, PHIL- TOAAENOW/ BABY BOY BJU IS0 rS Work (off the oar) less conditions. Body cells as succeeding generations. N «.a i‘ Wark Pleked Dp A DdUverad ance and it Ls hoped indications Painting—Decorating POP/ I I HIM HANDLE THE m GOING BACK ABOUT FINISHED AND I — MOVIM, a Etc., Etc., Etc. large as two-thousandth of an o f this may be revealed by these IPWITHMCflUFFySl HORSE AND TOHOAKARMKEE Machlnee Fur Rent inch in diameter may show SCHOOL BOAT YW»H1 Fom iga Domestio Can tests. TONIGHTy A some effect of weightlessness In Industrial Photographic experiments in­ CHARLESTON. W. Va. (AP) CO M M nCIAL • BIDUSTRIAl • RESIDENTIAL FraMit X. TerhuRt the rearrangement of the parts volving weather and, synotlc —No school bus for three stu­ of the cell. The developing egg terrain win be attempted with dents and a teacher at Hayes ' Int0ilor—-Cixt0rior—Color Consulting Service appears to be an adequate bio­ i-y i Phono 649-4986 Manchester a Hasselfolad or other 70 mm Ju^or High School. They use Comploto Insurance Coverage t V. ^ logical system for studying this camera while orbiting. One of a green and white row boat to Auto Parts offset. Ths Gemini experiments the goals wlU be the photogra­ get to school and back. Bat 1915 n o BROAD STREET will orbit containers of frog phy of major geolo^c struc- The four, who live acrofs the end sea urchin eggs In separate T «L 040-4888 Don’t Fuss, g H u s ! turas, to obtain their form, col­ Coal R iver in St. Albans, maks n ^ Read Herald Ads* flights and tbs results will be ths trip in fivs mlnutss, white eomparsd. Daring orbit ths as­ or and reflectance. I t is hoped that with these photographs, ths school bus takes half an WM. DICKSON & SON 'Y i Siuioco Heating ud tronaut w ill be *ble to Induce hour. The teacher, Mrs. Rlcharil fertilization and after a pre* large structures, too subtle to TeL 649-0920 — MRRchester, Conn. be revealed by normal momic Maddox, and' hsr sblpmatss, A quality hU tlng oil dellvarad determined Interval to term­ Jos StrlbUng and his cousla, metbpds. may be uncovered. inate the experiment. Upon Dan StrlbUng, both 14, take automatically! Burner service 24 Meteorologists look for photo­ HR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY DAVY JONES BY LEKF and MWILUAM^ return to earth thebe cells w ill turns rowing. Dan’s stetsr, Ann, hours a day! An aaay-paymant be compared with control seto graphs' of cyclones and other gots along as a paasenger. to determine the effect of ■torms fo r eoinparison with plani Get tham aN-Qat Sunheo AFTflllYOO^ H'HBLLO... wolghUessneas on the Intra­ weather satellite pictures taken SKIING DOWN A , OUST SKIMMING ALONG I WHAT COULD BE MORE R I A P THAT DAVY AM E S Haating OU. Lat'a talk. cellular proceasoo. from hlgber altttwlto. SNOWY H IUSIO E THE WIND IN YOUR FACE,WITH P^CEFUL AND SERENE TO DAVY ON -----kKlNA.* Some sdentisU have iadleat- Ultraviolet BEapping Planned BONEOFLIf^ THE BEAUTIES OF NATURE V, T H | PHONE. fW MNiN Rw |ib. . . m Iww iut Rm lipt IE twl OFIEATEST ed that the combination of AstrononuicaUy the Gemini ALL AROUND YOU... i iN'TBI^ N ri lor It •. hi 0^ E mrai w y ^ l Hm ■ welghtleMnew and q ^ e Tax­ fUghUi may prove Invaluable OFF ss PLEABURES.y^ pmtian M eotocT.. . «hit t* umT . . i hw E 04 R7 ation may muiutdy the harmful for fumlsjklng preliminary de­ CRll. IS iK.MVirt klip w yoM Mrt Uhlhii Eb. effoeu of akaw.. in tail tq Influence future re- RUR GLEJUHNR Uilz experiment small ssmples scarebaa aad experiments. By Far Cask and Oainyl h a m b u r g e r s of whole human blood during gstting above n nie s atmosphere Orbit w ill be expoead to eleo- It wUl bs possible to photograph I NEW CAKnETING: troM emitted by radMotlve the sky fo r sKtendsd periods In F90 T28 MAI^ M AN('H&BR-jpH«N« 649^M1 phosphorus. A fte r the flllAit the ultravlotet .wbioh caimot be HKATM iO 0>i^ PELMONT sa ^ M will be trestod along done with nx^sts. It may be BUY THE PAINT THAT'S WORt^ THE WORK with the ground-based oentrou reoaUsd that .sun^lnff ths slqr RUG H iU m lf s ^ add ttsa be swmtBSd for la ultravlotet Is oas of tbs hAfir m m b i t . . . We G. GUMNUrCQ. siaglo- er araltt-bnolc ehnano- princtpal objectives of the Or­ C L i A N I N G OOBirANt cENTtosnan 'BIB N ; M A|N.jiNi sQuo .shansUons.. Here soEn- biting Aatreaomieal Observato­ PAINTS tlsts bq}s to test b M only for ry, Bi llis Oemtal an ultravlo- RIB W ih EL a i a m m w E i o a r. a fuaita grat- . V i , V - - J *-• • -A 1. f :t tot PAG E NINE P A C E EIG H T MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, JANUARY 80, 1965 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 80, 1965

Psitttiiif—PaptrlBg 21 Htip Wilt Proves Magic at Box Office and on Court PAINTINO and papeihaaging. BABYSrmNO, part-tima, 6 good wmrk, raaaonabla rates, houra, 5 days weakly, to n ^ Rockville Blasts Newington High to Gain First Place CLASSIFIED 80 years in Mancbeetar, your home, Bannatt Junior H in n a i^ b o r la m y racoewnianda- araa, two chOdrea; 8 yearn tlon. Raym ond ITaka, (M6- and 19 months. 6^ 360 3 aftdp 1 0. 76ers Defeat Celtics :ain 9287. ADVERTISING EXTERIOR and Intartor paint­ ing. Wa^aper booka ftipar- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS hanging. Ceillnga Floors. Fully Van Paces Attack East Nears Conference Laurels PHILADELPHIA (A P)bton Celtics 118-105 Friday nighty Mr. Outside, Greer was free^Mlles led the Detroit scoring Insured Workmanship guar­ —Wilt Chamberlain h4s in the second game of a double- often Friday night since the Cel­ with 26 points. 8 A. M. to 5 PJMU anteed. Leo Pelletier, 649-6326. General header at convention hall before tics were sagging back on St. Louts moved 2M gam es in If no answer, 648-9048. done two things for the 10,881, the largest crowd to see Chamberlain. And Hal killed front of Baltimore in the fight 15 of 17 attempted field goals Tbs Indiana came back from With its ssason half over Bast | COPY CI.OS1NG TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. In 76-56 Triumph hss four stsrters aversging dou- » Philadelphia 76er8. a regular season pro basketball them, making 14 field goals in for second place in the Western INTERIOR and exterior paint Manufacturing much tor ths smaller Weat their haUtims break a fired-up He’s brought proaparlty back game here In almost four years, 33 attem pts 8 fo r I from toe Division. The Bullets closed to MONDAY Thru FRIDAY lOiSO A.M. — SATURDAY 9 A.M. Ing, wallpaper removed, fully Easily Top Hartford team and led East to team and had their best quarter ble figures ranging from an 18J ; averags for Malin to a 10.6 one ■ to the NatloruU Basketball Aaso- m the opener. New York defeat­ free thiw line to emerge the 119-117 late In the gam e, but Insured. Rme Belanger, 643- tor an 89 per cent accuracy as they tied the Elagle scoring elation team since tha 7(kra ac­ ed Detroit 106-99. high scorer with 81 points. tiiree free throws by Len Wllk- 0512 or 644-0804. Office Clerk By PETE ZANARDI from the floor. Junior Ray La- at 19 points each but still trail­ tor Klnel with Waickowski and J PLEASE READ YOUR AD Northwest LaGace in between at 16.6 and^ quired him tram the San Fran­ In otoer NBA action Friday Qi&mberlain scored 27 points ens and two by Bob Pettit won Undisputed first place in the Central Valley Confer­ Oace came in second in the ed 57-43 at the three quarter cisco Warriors m little over two night, St. Louis downed Balti­ and grabbed 84 rebounds while for the Hawks. Pettit scored 81 INSIDE and outslda painting. 16.8. Waickowski is hitting fisld Olaaalfled or "Want Ads” are taken over tha phone m You name your orwn price. ence belongs to Rockville High by virtue of a 71-56 win scoring race with 21 m arkers. mark. Waickowakl dump^ in 12 weelcs ago. m ore 124-119 and Loe Angeles holding Ruaaell to 12 points points while Zelmo Beaty to­ High sdKMl oommercial LaOaos wsnt eight for 1$ from points and LaOAce seven to goals at a 61 percentage clip eonvealance. The advertiser ahoold read his ad the FIRST 649-7863. 876-8401. course or business school In Newington last night before an over capacity crowd Five, 7 9 -5 7 and Malin balances out at an And he's taamad with guard outlasted Cincinnati 137-188 In Boston had a cold shooting taled 84. DAY IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In tline for the the floor and five tor six from seven by MuUady and six by B41 Oraar to give the 76ere a double overtime. night, hitting on only 40 field Lios Angeles trailed (Cincinnati graduate, type accurately in the small gym. It was the Rams ninth CVC win while the free throw line. Frank Hand. even 50 per cent while on the next Inaartlon. The Herald Is responaible for only ONE incor­ PAINTING, EXTERIOR and and rapidly. Shorthand de­ charity stripe LaGace baa hit on new Mr. Inside and Mr. Outside. Ironically, Boston has lost goals in 134 attempts. John Ha- by as much aa 24 points before rect or oniltted Ineertlon for any advertisement and then only interior, papertianglng. wall sirable, experienced in of­ Kewington High drops to ssc-<^ By JOHN GOLDEN Ktnel rounded out the major Poll Away Again The 7-foot-l (Chamberlain baa only nine g;ames this season, vilcek was high for the Celtics Jerry West and Elgin Baylor Mid place with an 8-1 mark. boards as Rockville outgrabbed scoring with 14 pdnta. Thm In the final canto the Eagles 75 par cent of his free throws to to the extent o f n "make good” Insertion. Errors which do not paper removed, dry wall work. fice procedures and inter­ thqir hosts 37-31. Van Ouden- Northwest Catholic be­ 59, 54, and 62 per cent for Wai- played In two games in hie na­ four of them to Phlladelplila. with 36 points. triggered toe comeback. Weat lessen the value of the ad-vertieement win not be eorrected by Reasonable rates. Fully in­ ested in a position that CUO STANDtNGS IndiaiM, Oary Hand, BUI Mul- pulled away again, outscorlng Early in toe season, toe 78ers had 53 points and B aylor 86 but W . I . T c t ho've led both sides with 13 re­ came the 10th straight vic­ ■kowskl, Kinel, and Malin. The tive city and tha 76ers have In the first game, Dave "make good” Insertion. sured. Free estimates. 649- 'Will pay well while doing lady, and Neil KeUy reached their opponents 33-14 tor the drawn abnoet 17,000 fane. Prior defeated Boston after toe Cel­ Budd’s field goal with 1:86 re­ it was a three-point play by Le- Ikocfcville •••■••••• *e 0 1.000 bounds whUe Mark Bucherl Eagles are stxiring 79 points a 9658, Joseph P. Lewis. work that Is demanding tim of East Catholic’s double, figures getU^ 13, 13, final 79^7 score. Waickowski to liis coming here, toe crowde tics bad reeled off 11 straight maining broke a tie and helped Roy Ellis 'With 2:50 remaining Newiagtm i ...... 8 1 .889 ^ lle d down 11 tor R ockville. and 10 respecUvMy. LaOace and game to 63 for their opponents YOUR COOPERATION WILL H I A I A A l 9711 as well aa rewarding. In­ Dupont also had 11 tor Newing­ Eagles last night as the un­ scored 10 in the final minutes as were a-veraging about 3,000. wins And Philadelphia last New York beat Detroit. Willis and another basket by Ellis to FlaimrlUe ...... 8 5 .667 Waickowakl also dominated the I reserves Larry Daly, Frank and are winning by sin average BE APPRECIATED 1/IMk I I terviews and te^ at 10 S kw tM n gto...... 5 4 Ji06 ton. beaten Easties picked up margin of 28 points. (Chamberfaln and toe 76en week snapped a 16-game Boston Reed was high for the Knicks the last 40 seconds that turned Electrical Services 22 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 3. boarde accounting tor 20 and I Rissa, Rick Wood, and Oreg with 23 points, w)ille Eddie ^ s o n ...... S 4 .420 ”They played a terrific JOE VAN OUIMENHOVE their fourth H artford,17 o f Bladt’ s 40 rebounds. BUI heated BiU Ruaaell and tha Bos- winning streak. the tide. rame,” Mid Ram Coach John, Willett came in to finah out EMt OMlKtUe (7t> FREE ESTIMATES. Prompt Olastonbniy ...... 8 6 .SSS County Conference win and i Troy contributed Mven more. ' the gam e. service on all types of elec­ 9 .100 Canavarl. "Van was Just terri­ B r PU laddletown ...... 1 qualified for the post-season Great Off Boards I Victories by the East Froah LeGace ...... 8-4 a trical wiring. Ucensed and in­ ROGERS CORP. W indsor ...... 0 8 .000 fic, really playing an outatand- tournament at the same time Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? kig game and Ne'wmarker did Orach Don Bums said, when and Jayvee teams in the after­ Troy ...... 1-1 6 sured. WUson Electrical Co., ■with a 79-67 -victory before a Welckoinld .16 >•11 M Manchester, 649-4817, 648- (Kirner of Mill and Oakland Sta. an excellent Job both on of­ P rince Tech aaked about the game, "Waic- noon and in the prelim gave the Lodge:e ...... 1 00 3 Flatarille 06, OhMtoolmry 06. full house at West Hartford. Eagles a clean sweep over the ____ Sleepless Evenings Ahead 24-Hour Answering Service 1388. fense and defense. It was a big kowski and LaOace were great 0-9 14 Manchester, Oooa. off the boards, when we couldn’t Green and White. The Eaglets Wood ..0 0-1 0 one to 'Win and the boys per­ (VO Still InaoUvs due to a frac­ Wins 88-68 STANBINOS get the ball to Waickowski tor PAUL WAICKOWSKI beat the Papooeee, 66-43, at 1 p y , ...... 1.. ^ z Free to . Herald Readers tured wrist, Allan Puts watch­ formed real wail.” W . L . P et. ..0 (M) 0 Rockville is active again the inside shot, Klnel came up home while the Junior Eagles ^ wiiiett ..0 (VO(VO 0 Floor Finishing 24 An e(]ual opportuntty aaqployas. ed Joe Van Oudenbove and B a st...... 4 6 1.000 but Waickowski proved too Want tafonnatlon on one of our elasolfled advertlaemontsf No Tuesday when they host CVC ri­ with some pretty shooting. This won, 62-40. Sophomore Pete ------aaswor at the telephone listed T Simply call the Boh Newmarker take advan­ W ith Cheney South...... 2 2 JSOO game waa eloeer than the score an 18-16 quarter lead with 10 Diminico led the latter game .S3 lS -» 79 For New Yale Grid Coach FLOOR SANDING and refln- tage of Newington foul prob­ val Southington at home tor the PuIasM ...... 2 2 JSOO ishing (specializing In older second time this season. ’They indicates but the boys did a points. with 21 points and Ed Lltwin IfeHkMat CMheUe (IT) lems in pacing the Rama to Northwest ...... 0 4 .000 good Job. This was definitely The Eagles broke the game got another 13. The JlTs are B r PU floors). Waxing floors. Paint­ beat Southington earlier. arrived in Bloomlngton,^196S. Pont said tha baclcfleld Job EDWARDS ing. Ceilings. Paperhanging. (iw ir 10th w in In 11 starts. One of the etate'e powers Paul’s best night” wide open in the second p^od now 1 1 -0. lIcKonnlek ...... 3 34 9 n e w HAVEN (AP) — H«lp Wanted—4tole 36 Van OudeiUiorre soored 30 Newington Jumped off to an Paul Waickowakl, senior, TViohy ...... 4 14 • at Indiana would have been Ooz­ No Job too small. Jolm Ver- among technical school entries. 6-8 Northwest c^italised on the as LaGace and Kinel put in- Next week the Blue and Heijd ...... 8 1-1 18 “I haven’t ilept for a wedc points to equal Puts’ high tor immediate lead as quick baskets put on a tremendous exhibition Tha ax-Yala coach, contacted za’e had he wanted It. ANSWERIND SERVICE fallle, 649-5760. DRAFTSMEN—-First and sec­ by Dupont and Verroneau put Prince Tech of Hartford toyed absence of Captain Tom Malin eight points apiece to marshal W hite com plete their HCXl Xullady ...... 6 34 13 the year. The muscular center by shattering the varsity scor­ K elly;...... 4 34 10 and I don’t suppose I’ll get Friday night, aaid Oozza’a wife Oozaa plane to' retain the pro­ ond ehlft, for die layout and Rockville down 4-0 before a with Cheney Tech yesterday at due to a knee Injury by resort­ a 20-8 rout tor a halftime lead competition with home gsimes had reached aome of the other type offense fairored by Pont. put in one of the fineet per- ing record with an impressive ing to a full court press in the Gagnler ...... 1 (VO 3 a good night’s sleep now un­ 649-0500 - 875-2519 guide electronic tracer ma­ tormancee of his career. Bob minute had passed. Paced by j local gym in posting an 88- of 38-24. Tom Lodge filled in against Pulaski Tuesday and , Bemabeo ...... 1 (V3 3 ooai^ea’ wlvee. "So I knew be- "W ell bave to make some ad­ Bonds— Stocks— 35 tallies (at least eight more opening minutes and the Indians for Malin as a starter and di­ tough South CJatholic Friday. Glynn ...... _0 (VO 0 til after the football sea^ and leave yonr meeaage. YonTl hear from onr advertiaor In Jig chine, all fringe benefits. Ap- Newmarker threw in' 19 pointe Van and Newmarker, the Rams -r,,- th. were lost by betore-the-shot fooe I got hie telegram,” said justments," he said. "Without time without apendlng all evening at the telephone. MortgagM 27 ily Gunver Mig., 234 Hartford and Jim ICartello added li. The fought back and went ahead in | The loss w“ ^th« were able to hold a three-point rected the attack from the out- East 'won both previous en- I 34 iT i 57 gon.' Pont, who wired hla con^tula- Merceln we won’t be able to fouls). Waickowski dropped in lead for the first five minutes I aide. Rams were a very hot 36-35 the final seconda of the period, ' seventh ‘in 11 starts for the Ran­ ” counters 80-61 and 73-57. > 80^ ‘sfv'si 'EeM. Oarman Oozaa waa talHng tions immediately. pound toe %eak side aa effect­ 8B»70ND MORTGAGE — Un­ 18-17, on Martello’i basket gers. fttm the charity atrip and 31 newsman Friday wbat It waa "I feel he le ready to take ively, Ixit we've got some strong Lgfft and Ponnd Business S e r v ic e s limited funds available for aec- TURRET LATHE machlnlsta. Big Second Stansa Bright spot for the losers was players and a coupJe of inex­ ond mortgages, payments to to r 71 frota the Una. Uke to be nam^ Yale football over in one of toe finest Jolia Good variety of work. Ovei^ It waa aU Joe Van in the sec­ the all-out efforts of Andy Tom- Puss Century Scoring Mark In toe country,” Pont aald. He perienced ones who should come LOST—Pair of glasses between ______Offered______W suit your nudget. Blxpedlent time. Mico Mfg. Co., 643-1571. Big Larry Dupont n a koto ko who scored a season high of coach. foul trouMe and had to ait ond stansa. He scored 14 points called Oozza’e selection "a vote along aH right.’’ High School and Pitkin Street; SHARPENING Service—Saws, service. J. D. Realty. 64841139. and Newmarker added four 34 points on 12 baskets. ■'Jiwt paint ma happy and o f confidence In the football Senior fifilback CSiuck M ercein -via P orter Street Reward. knives, axes, shears, skates, MAC3HINISTS for Bridgeports. out the entire third quarter yet Pitoce had four double-figure call me Uckied,” aald tha long­ A FRESH START v/Ul lump Must be able to aet up and atm led the kwers with 34 more aa'RockviUe edged out to and the total program we had was Yale’s leading ground gain­ 643-2012. rotary blades. Quick service. a 36-31 lead at the half. New­ point-makers, headed by Alex time aaslatant to John Pont on in New Haven.’’ er last season. Capitol Equipment Co., 38 your debts into one easy pay­ work to blueprints. Apply to points. Also hi doitole figures hie first day aa Pont’a aucceaaor. ment. If you have equity In person GTK Coiporatl^ 678 to r Newington w ere T«wn V er- ington managed to stay even Murphey’s 22. ’The latter drop­ Pats Score Win, Records Shattered Oocia and Pont played foot­ Oozaa said be plans to meet Main St., Manchester. Hours property, call BYank Burke to Tolland Street. roneau and John Porteus (10). halfway through the stanza. ped in four baskets on his first "You know,” Oozza said, *‘toa ball and roomed together at with the players next week. A n n o o i ic e BBSBlB dally 7-5. Thursday 7-9, Satur­ They cut the advantage to 44- tour tries in the first two min­ first peracxi I wanted to tell Miami of Ohio. K was there "We know each otoer,” he aaid, day 7-4. 643-7958. discuss w ays amd means. (Con­ The hoota were 21-73 from the ELECTROLUX sales and serv­ necticut Mortgage Exchange, FARM POULTOY worker, ex­ floor and 15-36 at the line. 42 at one point but couldn’t utes of play and Prince waa about it, attar my wife, waa that Oozza began his college "and we Icnow we are going ice, bonded representative. Al­ LAWNMOWER sharpening; re­ 15 Lewis St., Hartford, 246- perienced collectin g e g g a R was a satisfying win for keep pace with Van Oudenhove. never headed. The visitors held In Bobcats’ Spree Pont. But be waa en route aome- ooachlng career, becoming to have to fill the -vacancies Phone 742-A232. ■Mkville (TS> Cheney without a basket for the whero In Ohio. So I aent him freehman coach when Pont waa created by toe loss of 24 FISHING IN STYLE fred Amell, 110 Bryan Dr., pairs, sales, rotor blades 8897. file Rams and their followers Manchester 644-8141. P B F pta ■ first six and one-half minutes. X talagram .” named head coach at Miami. ■anlors.” — It sheds the wind sharpened; bicycle sales, serv­ WANTED—Guitar player that following their sub-par per­ 8 ICartaUo ...... 8 S-S 11 Tie for ice. Manchester Cycle Shop, 3 Bucherl...... ’o 8-10 Toumey-bound 8 Prince led at Later Pont named Oozza back- The new coach said he also can sing; also, a drummer. formance against East Cath­ Records fell all over the South Windsor gym last night Pont, who waa named bead but still lets in the sun FEDERAL INCOME taxes 149 W. Middle Turnpike, 649 S(JiooIs and Classes 33 8 Van oiidenbore !!.'!."’is 9^11 86 the periods, 33-8, 47-24 and 65- coach at Indiana last weak, ra- flald coach and took him 'with lK^>ea to name Ms aasistanta Call 643-6058. olic last Friday night The 0 Nfwmarker ...... 88 3-3 19 40. if it is shining. Frank prepared with your sairings in 2098.-*. Forcing a deadlock at the as South Windsor High fashioned a 101-71 win over celvad tba news before tba tole- Mm when he came to Yale in next week. mind. Reaaonnable rates. Ed­ NOW YOU can graduate from Eagles scored an easy 81-67 4 K*Ilner ...... §o J Besides Tomko, Marc Renaud ice midway through toe second _ triumph which snapped 4 Rock- Windsor Locks High. It was the 11th win in 12 starts. Small of Navarre, ward J. Bayles, 649-6246. High Scho(rf. New easy way Vjleckwith ...... o (M> flipped____ in_____ seven___ baskets___ __ for 14 top of the Charter Oak Con- quarter, running a first period LAWN MOWERS—Sharpened 'ville win akein at 10 gam es. 0 0 Ohio, uses a makeshift and repaired, winter storage. at home. Diploma awarded. tafifes. BiU~~Re'nk~ added w tor ference, Coventry High advnnUge of lt-13 to 43-23 as t . INCOME TAXES prepared by Write for free facta. Ac€ulemy, X Prince. I handed Rocky Hill an im- ord with 45 points in pacing retired Internal revenue offi­ Snowbirds, also rental equip­ 339 Fifth Ave., New York 16. AUTO BODY MAN 8 Verrooeau ...... 8 6-10 13 Maintaining the edge, Coventry Frey to Play he tries his luck in ice cer, Marvin Baker. Cali 643- hhd to beat to move out front Sum m ary:. jpressive 76-58 defeat last Coach Charlie Sharos’ equad to Fred Shabel Worried ment. L A M Equipment Corp., 5 Dupont ...... 9 6.8 34 FtIbm Tech (88) held a 63-43 lead at toe three fishing on the Mogo- 0117 Due to our expanding In'- in the torrid race tor title hon­ 8 Brunette ...... 3 3-4 6 B FPt night in Coventry. The quarter mark. the highest acore in South In Benefit Route 83, Vernon, 875-7609. Help Wanted— F e m a le 35 cUltiee we bave an opening 6 Porteua ...... 65 OOM 10 Renk ...... g 3 Windsor history. Baker‘needed dore Reservoir near Manchester Exchange—Enter­ ors proved not only that the 1 Post , ...... 1 08 19 Patriots have now won tour Coventry hitMn 30 shots from INCOME TAX returns, busi­ for an experienced combi­ elub can come back but can 'win 1 04 3|Taylor ...... i.::::: 3 1 17 baekete and 11 foul abots prise 1945. 4 Hartuitxung ...... 0 00 Mack ...... 1 0 2 stra ig h t the floor and. 16 from toe line About Team Letdown The East Hartford High Kent, Ohio. ness and Indiiddual, prepared nation man. Good working tte big one without Puts. 1 X. JeeBn ...... 1 0-1 Murphy ...... 11 0 32| ------while tl\e visitors scored on 24 to set toe mark. by full-time Income tax lu;- conditions with all employe 0 J. Jukin ...... 0 (VO 0 WUko* ...... 1 3 8ohool gym will be toe eoene LAND CLEARING, tree re­ Fans were treated to some 5 COC STANDINGS from toe floor and 10 from toe South Windsor waa in eom- coimtant. New laws effecting CLERK-TYPIST benefits. find performances under the Valuer ...... 2 0 plete control from the opening of a baltoettMdl doublehmd- moval, and chain saw work. B ToUla ...... B 1^ i i Milea ...... 3 5 11 W. L. P et. s t ^ . University of Connecticut Coach Fred Shabel is wor­ er Sunday afternoon with Baseball Signings retirement income. Raymond A. Michaud. 742-8096. Naxxareno ...... 4 0 tip-off. Jumping out to 53-41 We bave interesting permanent Apply to Paul White, Bo(ly 8 R ock y HUI ...... 7 TTie P atriots travel to win in elx atmrts and their 18th Reynolds. STATE LICENSED rest home ]T ' points against Ellington. in 15 gam es overall. centrally located, reasonable Offered 13-A Apply to A1 BoulaiB, Serv­ Baker, who Sharos believes It evena toe series between the Patriots with 22 points ...... 4 1 9 In other games, Montclair rates, friendly atmosphere. WAITRESS WANTED, morn­ ice Manager, Manchester FIRST toe schools this season. Rockv eplece. Tom Kolodzlej toi-ew in ...... •? 2 ^2 to be ls are| to double figures...... B toe finest performance of his Iowa Stuns Top-Rated UCLA WANTED RIDE to Hartford, timates made. Manchester Re- Caippocci nlplac has a return date with ville 875-9554. Upsets Gunners now 7-2 in the conference. Dennie Flannagan paced the career. His previous high score Southern Connecticut; wlnleaa vicinity Asylum, Sigourney, finishing, 643-9283, R on Hud4dc and Rick Papan-I losers with 18 points. K * r this season was 29 points WilllmanUc State entertains Monday - Friday, 8:15-4:30. WAITRESSES for part-time against Smith Dec. 16. Call 643-4901 after 6. RE WEAVING of burns, moth PARTS COUNTER MAN Shooting toe loweat z(X)re o f oe shared the scoring lead fori Coventry put toe game on ' toui* ...... »» North Adams, and Bloomfield Underdogs Score Victories work, must be over 21. Call 10 88 South Windsor travels to holes. Zippers repaired. Win­ toe aeaaon, Manriienter High vlslte New Haven. ACXIOMMODATIONS for seml- dow shades made to measure, 643-0458. Man to work in parts Bloomfield Tuesday in itopes of In gmmea Friday night, Bos­ Rifle team lost iU ■ e c o n d revenging its only defeat of toe (K>nvalescent lady who prefers adl sizes Venetian blinds. Keys room , Good pay for right ton CoUaga, behind John Aus­ In M a jo r G )llege Warfare private to convaleeoent home. made while you wait. Tape re­ man. match of the y ea r againat aev- year. Bloomfield beat toe Bob­ tin, whipped Fairfield 96-88. Aus­ Sports Viewing cats 75-68 earlier this month. 643-1358. corders for rent. Marlow’s, 867 en wins yesterday afternoon to Zabilansky Stars DUSTY — WaK Taworski tin had 80 points aa tha Eagles Main., 649-5221. If you’ve never sold ANY­ Apply to Mr. Garter, Parts Windham High 896 to 894 a t Sm U Wisdaar (U l) 201-202—586, Dee Appolionio built up a nlna-point lead with CHICAQO (AP) — The under-‘f> THING national advertis­ Manager, Manchester Mo­ SATURDAT - B FPt toe Waddell range. 210-589, Tom Atamlan 3l8, Bill, about four mlnutaa to play. dogs got in a big bite at Cliiceigo AntomobOes For Sale 4 ing and beautiful packag­ tor Sales, 612 W. Center 4:00 ( 8) G olf C lu sle Slomcinsky ...... 8 0 4 Brown 206. J e ff W (uw lck 216-^ in g m ake it easy to seU St., Manchester, Goon. Jolm Rotowell waa high But the Stags, 6-6, came allva Stadium Friday night, with un­ Building— Contracting 14 scorer for both aides ■with a (80) CXiampioiMhlp Ifonlka ...... 0 1 1 568, Dave Cone 202, Dick Bick­ and cloaed tha gap to 91-88 with Sports Schedule NBBID CART Your credit turn­ In Ellington Win B ow ling Baker ...... 17 11 46 185, in the close match which Peterseo ...... 1 0 3 ford 211-564, Ike Rhodes 310- 16 seconds remaining. But they ranked Iowa ^lining the top-rat­ ed down? Short on down pay­ QUALITY CARPENTRY— 5:00 ( 8) Itece of the Week: I Goodin ...... 1 8 583, Don Oetbemr 668, Bill Plays Tonight ment? BrmkniptT Reposees- Rooms, dormers, porches, AVON remained undecided to toe last 1 could gat BO ckwer. The Bkglea ed tiasketball power, UCLA, 87- Saturday, Jan. SO shot. Hlaleah-Bougainville* I Rlordan ...... 7 1 16 Avery 300, Bin LaBonte 209- iced their victory with three 82, and unsung Loyola of Chica­ eion? Don’t despair I See Hon­ basements refinlshed, cab­ Behind a i^rd-breaking performance by Don Za­ (30) Big Hiree Golf 201—578, Ed Spencer 303, Ah Wrestling—Manchester High est Douglas. Inquire about low­ inets, buUt-MS, form ica, tile. FOREIGN 3BMPLOTMBNT In­ Windham High (896) j Total* ...... 41 19 lo i foule at tha hussar. Tall Chet Koblinsky go upsetting No. 6 Wichita 93-92 Cosmetics in spare time bilansky, Ellington High gained a half game on NCC ( 8) Wide World of Wiadaor L o ^ i (71) BoreUo 286-668, Joe (Coning-' at Conard est down, smallest payments No Job too small. William formation. CJonstmction, other Abee ...... 97-86—183 Pat Burke bad 36 pointe to has been a dependable in overtime. Sunday, Jan. 31 near homei- Generous com­ work projects. Good paying Knapp ...... 97-84—181 leader South Windsor last night with a 65-60 win over Sports ' B F Pt wood 303, BUI Vadere 310-576. toe losing cauM. The stunning defeats of the anywhere. No small loan or fi­ Robbirs carpentry service. (18) Kyle Rote’s reserve for Manches­ Green Manor at TerryvUle, 2. nance company plan, Douglas 649-8446. missions, no experience re­ overseas Jobs with extras, Giordano ...... 97-82—179 East Windsor in Ellington. Ellington is now 4-1 in the two powers overshadowed re­ quired. Opening now! W orld . Woolweaver ...... 4 I s 9 HOME ENGINEERS — Jen­ Southern Oonnectleut aur- ter Higb’s Indians this Monday, Feb. 1 M otors, 333 Main. travel expenses. Write only: (Jannon ...... 98-79— 177 ------* ------priaad Montclair 85-88. Ths de sults elsewhere. Denver upset Granby at Cheney Tech, 8. CARPENTRY — Bathrooms (phone 289-4922) M aler . . ; ...... 93-83— 176 SUNDAY Rousneau ...... 1 0 3 nie L e g g 111 176-188—642, Southern 79-78, Foreign Service Bureau, D e^ NCC STANDING Senla ...... 6 0 10 eisive beudeet cam e on Ralph season. Tonight the lo­ 'Tuesday, Feb. 2 JAGUAR HARDTOP coupe. tiled, recreation rooms, remod­ 601, Bradenton Beach, Florida. night for the Knights. Down 1:00 (80) Roller Derby . Sasall ...;...... 4 1 9 Wanda lu^auskas 190-197— W yom ing downed San Joee 92-70 Mancheater High (884) W . L. P et. 2:00 ( 8-20) N.B.A. ^S’i n Bucclnl’e lay-up with aix see cals play Conard High Manchester at Weaver, 8. XK120, new tires, new bat­ eling, garages, additions, ce­ R otow ell ...... 88-86— 185 17-18 by toe end of toe first SadowakI ...... 4 8 11 528, Bunny Welch 175-454, Gay for its sixth straight, LaSalle ment work. Call Leon Cleszyn- South Windsor ... 6 0 1.000 vs. R oyals Labbe ...... 3 0 4 Todd 482, Bea CarroU 177-472, ends to play. Walt Zalaakl scored in West Hartfc>rd in a IMlaski at East, 8. tery, new paint, 81,000. 649- Smith ...... 98-84— 182 stanza they fought back to go edged New Orleans L oyola 72- 2979. skl, 649-4291. BEFORE YOU BUY E llington ...... 6 1 MS 2:80 ( 8) Sporta Spec- Ritchie ...... 1 3 4 Flora WUson 177, Ginny (dark 36 points for tha Owla, who are South Windsor at Bloomfield, B axter ...... 99-81— 180 Snffleld ...... >4. 2 .667 ahead 60-42 at toe three-quar­ CCIL meeting at 8 69, Oregon beat Oregon State 69- LPN or RN. full or part-time, tatcnlar Total* ...... 39 i i n 469, Phyllis Heritage 481, Mar­ now 1-8. 8. M orrison ...... 100-74— 174 Stafford ...... 8 4 .671 ter mark. It was 35-aU at Uie Danbury State bald Husson to o’clock. 53, Brigham Young crushed Air 1957 MORGAN Sportsoar (plus CARPENTRY—Rec rooms, for­ 11-7. 876-2077. h alf. 4:00 (80) Sports in Action iya Dvorak 467, Marie Bolls F orce 110-77 and Georg;la Tech Southington at Rock-ville, 8. 4), excellent (x>ndition. Call mica, ceilings, closets, remod­ N echltilo ...... 89-84— 173 Eaat Windsor .... 1 5 .167 . a 48-41 halttlm a lead, but Dan­ Portland at Rham, 8. SERVICE or REPAIRS Ellington hosU Rockville ( 8) VVonderful World 461, Alice Huy 451. defeated Arkansas 93-82. 649-7576 after 6 p.m. eling, hatchways, attics fin­ WANTED—Babysitter from 11 Automatic Other Manchester shooters— Granby ...... 0 7 .000 o f G olf bury’s game deteriorated after Bacon Academy at Coventry, Clave tte 171, Johnson 172, Tuesday night before returning P*" Bowling C ollie Basketball After the night of surprises ished, concrete steps, floors, p.m. to 7 a.m., other hours. 5S)0 ( 8) American Sports­ JEWEL—Jackie London 301 . Intermlsslim aa Hueaon scored 3:15, 1958 STUDEBAKER Golden porches, garages. No Job too CaU 649-6320. Genta 166, Sarles 166, Penny Suffleld 88, Stafford 80. to conference action against \ a 108-82 victory. was over, the main shout was Stafford Friday. man —460, Janet Keewar 189—487, Wrestling — Glastonbury at Hawk, good condition. 649- small. 649-8880. 158. John Osborne (Rd what he EAST "wlio’s No. 1 now?” 2271. AMBITIOUS, personable salee- Transmission FOR YOUR CAR Ellhizto* (46) EARLY BIRDS — Edna Joan Lettieri 172, Sandy Beban Naturally, it came from Manchester. Zabilansky scored 27 points B FPt Christensen 154-366, Edna 459, Rita Gauthier 436. could to avert defeat, tallying NYU 62 Iona 60. ot. Swimming — Bristol Eastern A. A. DION, INC. R oofing ladlee. Make your own houra, Wei* ...... 1 4 6 86 pointa. Pittsburgh 89, Mass. 74. Iowa's dressing room after 1957 CHEVROLET, very (fiean, Biding, painting. Carpentry. Ai- oar neceeaary. SeU catering and a set a school record with Purphy ...... ; ...... Homat 128-180—367, Betty Coach Ralph MlUer, In his first at Manchester, 7:30. 25 rebounds as Ellington took ZahnAT ...... 0 0 0 Aceto 127-127—361. Vlvl Bayer Wesleyan’a John Warle acorad Boston College 96, Fairfield no rust, engine little noisy. terationa an(f additions. Ceil­ food service for weddings, M E E T M E A T Rec Volleyball GARDEN GROVE — Baihara season after being hired from Best offer. 649-4176, after 6. Trouble? full advantage of their 'visitors 5*y»n *ky ...... :;;io 7 27 127-128—tS59, Jean Beauregard Doyon 126, Fran JamaiUs 180-- 88 pointa hut it wasn't anou;"lU ^ 8 8 . ings. Workmanship guaran- parties, etc. Commission basis, ...... 3 2 8 as the Cardinals fall before the SyracuM 80, BowUng Green Wichita, had been carried off teed. 390 Autumn S 648-4860. protected local territory. Call losing four men on fouls in the American Standings 184. 365, Clara Trueman 135-355, the floor on the shoulders of Swimmers Lose : 1940 PLYMOUTH Coupe, Heml Next time your car needs service or repairs, final minutes to snap a loss Blanchard ...... 2 2 4 Ann Fidler 125-844. New Y ork A . C ., 89-78. 79. Mary Thompson, Simsbury, Emery ...... 1 1 W. Hawkeye ferns and players. engine, black and leopard skin DION C»NSTRUC?nON—Roof­ 658-6569, for interview. drive it to ona of the IGO shops listed below. mm streak that reached two. East Herald ...... 17 OONSTRUOnON — Gene It was only the second loss for With Hartford interior, needs minor work. ing, aiding, alterations, ceil­ W indsor ha Hoffman ...... 10 son yesterday afternoon with a Middle Tpke. STEAK09: Knights from toe floor 23-20 4 2 Center CJbngo...... 6 Ron Churchill 362, Burke Plank 608, Theresa Naaaift 195—458. D ecem ber. Iow a la 19-6 over-all Company—Roofing, siding, al­ reasonable price. Kla* ...... 8 4 20 149-355, Dennis Boxx 851, Jul­ 61-34 . dunking of Manchester 1952 FORD half-ton panel. terations, additions and re­ but couldn't match Ellington’s i Mankintofl'h ...... o o MUlie Lewis . 456. In Boston A A Games Tonight this season but holds second High In West Hartford. The In­ DENTAL ASSISTANT wanted ian Smoluk 141, Ixm Damato Case farm tractor with snow­ modeling of all types. Shccel- experience preferred but not > ludgm t TmrnM 25 polnto from toe line. John j Mansfield ...... 2 o National Standings place In the Big Ten race with a dian swimmers have now lost plow, good condition. Keeney’s 138. ient workm anship. 6494)496. required. Hours 8-6. CaU 649- Fuiphey chipped in with 12 tor I T,lJJJnbiy " " i ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; " ...... 4 1 W. PUWF-Pat Dibble 4-1 m ark. three In a row, after two wins Garage, Buckland 649-8082. (M veuM r’ 174-476, Mary Lou Small 188- 2396. toe winners while Pete Kiss! Derick o Liberty Mutual ...... 17 BOBTOH (AP) — BUI Ooth-OM bave run a mOe to lero than "This was our best game of to open the season. CARPENTRY—32 years expe­ INDEPENDENT OARADE OWNERS paced toe losers with 20 points. COUNTRY OLUR—Bert Da­ 464. Barbara Farrand l78-49Sr four minutes. toe season,” said MlUer. “ Even > AH Work Open 7 U a js 11:30-0 Total* ...... 33 14 60 Army A Na\*y...... 16 6 vis 136-858, John Dyment 137- am, John Davlea and foreign Manchester managed only rience. Ceilings suid floor tiled, 287 Weat Middle TumpUce It waa an uphill climb all N azarene ...... 14 7 Ruth Ann Glaaa 176. Foreign runners hava won toe a UtUe better than we played in Auto Driving Behoof 7-A porches, rec rooms, garages, GlM TCM tM d A&H Automatic Trans. ' Ollie’a Auto Body 161—891, Don Benoit 143-369, PERFUME — Millie Fergu­ (ttani to toe two-mile run under- two Indi-vidual winners. Len R otary ...... 11 10 Tom Conran 135-387, Paul Ball- BAA two-mfie toe past three beating Indiana.” Wassmer won the 60-yard free­ additions, attics finished, re­ Service Advance in Golf son 128,^ o a n W itherspoon 128^ M aoora tha atrong International Tom Markey’a foUow-up shot LEARN TO DRIVE — Bpeelsl W a tk in s ...... 9 9 sieper 135-864, Stan HlUnakl years and are favored by sheer style and Bill Stuek -was first modeled, concrete work. No ewiesT etiwc iwr e „ Ozzie’s Shell Service ' flavor of Ilia 76to Boston AA in the final second of overtime attention to nervous and eld­ Job too small. Immediate ee HOLLYWOOD, Fla. (AP)—De­ E ast S id e s ...... 10 14 381, Carl Bolin 876, Ken zlen- numbers to (xuitinue their domi­ In the 100-yard free style. erly. Classroom for teen-agers. Bantly Service Station Clvitan .... 1 ...... 8 15 HAPPY HOUDAT8 — Pat gamea aohadulad tonight. ive Loyola Its victory over Umates. 643-2629. Plen’s Texaco fending champions Gloria Ehret nett 868, Ed MifOtt 861. McMuUin 186, Eva Lewla 186. nation. Leadtog toe delegation 200 yd Medley relay: 1, Hall, Pickup aervloe. Day or eve­ of Danbury, Conn., and Jane Travel Service ...... 4 20 ^ Ita tact, tba 60-yiOd d a tfi is is Irieh three-mlla champion ichita. The Ramblers had to M aR Bhtstor Ed’s Atlantic overexims a 45-poiRt production (BcheUenger, Ckile, Johnson, ning leasoiu. Reasonable ratee. Woodworth of Hollywood, Fla., ScheduIe^Monday, 8, U A R ona of tha faw races on Tom O’Rtoidtn, winner berafn Roofing and CliUBBeyB 1 ^ A SAG Auto Service tba Boston Oardan (Sard wMoh by the Shockers’ great Dave W esaelB). Manchester Driving Academy, 4 mmSiriolii PH No. 88 Clarke Motor Sales have advanced into the semifi­ vs. Jln^; 8:45, Teachers vs. 1063 and 1964. , 200 yd Freestyle: 1, Cornet 743-7249. BOWLING Center ^ n g o; Tuesday, 8, Naz- s (ioaa not tootaida ovenaaz rapre- StaUworto, vtooM eUgiblllty wiU ROOFtNO — SpedaUitog re­ TraRsnitsiM Ots Vernon Service Center nals of the International Four- ■sntattvn. Bifi BaUUe and Geoffrey-Wne end with Saturday’s game (H), 2, Fleming (H ), 8, Loney pairing roofa of all kinds, new BONANZABURGER Cook’s Service Station Ball Golf Tournament. They de­ areno vs. (Civitan; 8:46, Herald Rham Checks Losing Skeinf from New Zealand, England's (M) T, 2:12.5. vs. NassUrs; Weetoesday, 8, Ro­ - n » attraettara ia Wjrdham’a against LoulsvlUe. Garage-Lservlce— roofs, gutter woik, chimneys Walsh’s Esso Station' 9 PsMs to 1 L.M. feated MargAret Jones o f (Cov­ ‘ Bam P erry , who Juat equaUed Maurice Herrtott and Malcolm One o f L oyola’ s main sur- 50 yd Freestyle: 1, Wassmer cleaned, repaired Alumlnuro on toasted roll 7 O L C O n STREET Gerieh’s Service Station ington, Ky., and Sandra Post of tary vs. Liberty; 8:46, Bast Robinson of Britain and South­ (M) 2, Brooks (H), 3, McKer- Storage 10 (REAR OM CENTER ST.) Sides vs. Watkins; Thursday, ' tha indoor 60-yard mark, sprint- prises was Billy Smith, absent aiding. 80 yeara* experience. Ed Wilson Superior Ontario, (Canada, 2 and 1, Fri­ Tops Bacon to Escape CeUan west Louisiana are others. Bail- racher (H ), T, 24.2. Free esUmatea. Call Rowley, with cole slaw4 day. 8, Travel Service vi. Army A - ing againat Olympiana Paul two years because of scholastic OARAGE for oar, boat, stor­ Hartford Rd. Enterprise Service $2j09 P tr P«rsM Dnufton, Mai Pander, Trepton lie, a sub-four minute mller, IneUglblllty. Smith, playing his 200 yd Individual Medley: 1, 648-5861. 644-8888. MANCHESTER N avy. owns the second fastest Indoor Rawskl (H), 2, tie Rathbone age, Cooper Hill Street, Man­ Opsa 7 Days 111904 Jkokaon and Edwin Roberts. first game of the season, chester, 37. Call Glastonbury HoUjrwood Service FRIDAY'S FIGHTS two mile to history, 6:81.9. (H), Oak (M) T, 2:37.0. Don Willis Garage and B ob BlUmrd provided the' f^ t(M shooting to move Qrotfaars craw-eut pharmacist pumped in 88 polnto. Including a 633-0067, 6 p.m. R eatiiig Riid Plumbing 17 MT Wea* Mlddla' Phomm 444-0022 Station WEST PAIAI BEA(CH, Fla. BED BIRDS IN PARADE margin for Rham High to get Isom Torooto, waa an 800-meter Oairying Ameitcaa eodon in nuket to the final 80 seconds Diving; 1, Johnson (H), 3, —Stormy Winters, 164, Fort Nathan (M). 8, Donovan (H): Stevenson’s Esso ST. PETERSBURG. Fla. out of toe’Charter Oak oon- 6**45 at the three quarter. aunnan«|» at Tekyo. He ia the ths tnso-ime event (ua MUIioim that lo ck e d toe score 88-88 and PLUMBING AND heating re- Ken’s Garage Lauderdale, knocked out Jimmy (A P)—This city virtll go all out ferenoa oeUar with a 63-60 mark. haayy tavnetta to tha 600 Raid, obampkm George Young of ssnt ths game Into overtime Winners Points, 128.06. . Bosiiiess ServleflB pairs and new toatallatlions. Rudy’s Mobil Service Beasley, 154, Miami Beach, 6. when the world champion St. coma from b^iind win over Rham maeta (Charter O s lt q whloB ta^todaa daCsndtog

= ..If-'- - ' r / . i • (’ -1 'V -'


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 80, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 80‘, 1965 p a g e ELBVEIf^"'^ a g e t e n Hoh8M For Sale 12 I^ooBCS For Sale 72 Garden—Pans— Dairy THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW By FAGALY and SHORTEN HoRSiS For 9ak 72 Sabnitan Pfar flate 75 Salrarban Fm* Sale 75 Radio Today Products 50 EIOHT ROOM Cu>8, intsrlor Immaculate, 8 orC 4 b#dPOQHIIL rOUR-BBDR(X>MS, 2-car ga- n o . COVENTRY — Custom VERNON — Choice area. Spa­ WDSC—1M8 APPLES—Macs and Cortlanda, 2 fidl baths, family room, ^ e . nice loeatkm, with ex- buUt oversize 6 room ranch, cious 6% room ranch, large 1:00 Sbaiuien S o UETS LISTEN TO LEHHIES TOME OP S ; lot, $16,600. J. D. Realty double gangs, 3 fireplaces, 4:00 Lons John Wade CLASSIFIED No. 1 and No. 2. Bunce Farm , L er umomair spent the best part eountar and stalnlesa sink, full to wall carpst to living room living room, fireplace, panel­ 8.06 Oidi Rqbliiaon 14 Spencer St. OP AVEAR NOOOUNG OM HIS MOST TEHOERHESS THE WAT THE PLATTER BOTS and dining room, flraplaoe, 00., 048-6120. 048-6770. built-ins, rsc room, complete­ ing, 2 baths, jslousied porch, 1:00 length living room-dlnlng room ly carpeted, wooded acre with BEEVOOTIFUL COMPOSITION > TURMED rr LOOSE \ dlshwashsr, dlspoiMd, alum l- Hayes Agency, 848- combination, ofl ateam heat, view. Pasek Realty. 289-7475, 1:00 Oene Anthonr ^uminum storms and acreens, num awnlnga over patio, 2-car 6:86 News. Bpotte 742-8348. 7:00 OsT« ArUiur thorn Household Goods 51 316,500. Wolverton Agency, garage, aluminum storms and MANCHESTER ADVERTISING iOUK QOSSAMtR HAIR ^ ^ Z WANT ID screens. One block from 7:60 (XSC vs. MoMcisIr Realtors, 649-2818. VERNON—Immaculate 6 room 9:80 Dave Arthur Stimr EVERTTHtNO in sterLlsed re- I IN MISTS OF » CAPTURE THE schools, buses and diopping. 13:00 8lsn Off a.ASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS conditioned used furniture and A good value At 31#i900. Call Cape-styled ranch, 6 rooms, Ranch, on 100x190 lot, 8 gen­ Wuitod—Real Estate 77 SO FMe AND FA/l9-‘ M MAUMTIM& erous bedrooms, family slsed wnc—uw 8 AJ«. to 5 PJkL appllancfcj, high quality- -low Owner at 649-4438. 2-csr basemsnt garage, 1 :00 New* prices. LeBlanc Furniture, 195 ManOheater $500. down, $120. per kitchen, lO* paneled Uving SPOT CASH paid for homes, 1:16 Honitor room, oil hot water heat, alu­ farms and aoraage, 34-hour 2:00 Met Opera South Street, Rockville. 876- CAPE COD—Five finlsiied, S month, to qualified buyer. 6:00 Monitor _ INVESTMENTS unfinished, garage, ceVar, minum storms and screens, ewvlce. Hayea Agency, 648- COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 2174. Open 9-* Oape, 4 down, 3 unfinished, 4808. 6:00 Newi, Weather, Iperti small down payment, fun one-car garage, St. Barthol­ buUt 1959, 316,900. Wolverton 6:80 Monitor Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. 7:06 Keynotes MONDAX Ihra FBIDAI lOrflO A.M.—SATl'BDAX • AJU. MOVING SOUTH—Must ^1 price, 38,600. over 100 mora omew area* $450. down, 7:80 Monitor ultramatlc Caloric gas range. Bhcceptlonal return with WANTED—As soon as possible ustings of all kinds. Call tha $116. m onthly. 8 bedroom home not over |18,- 7:50 UConn v*. Vernioot Call 643-0507. only 3700. down or live Ellsworth Mitten Agency, BOL’TON — Sixecutive 2 bed­ 10:30 Spectrum USA XOtJB OOOPiaiATION WILL H I A I M 3 -2 7 1 1 rent free in your own room ranch, 245x500 wooded 500. Client with large cash. 11:00 New* BE APPBBCIATKD 1 I Realtors, e4S-6630. lot, 14x23 living room, mahog­ Hutchins Agency, 648-0103, 11:16 Sport* Final S-rornn apartment. EVERETT AGENCY 11:80 StarllKht Serenad* Wanted— ^To Buy 58 any trim, wall-to-wall carpet­ Multiple Usm g. ROCKLBDGE — 4 - bedroom I 649-85S8 1:00 sum Off ing, walk-in closet, IH baths, WPOr—14M Cape. IH baths, mahogany w A jl, b u t clean, 8, 4, or 6 WANTED TO BUT—Antiques ^ ' l . c . g r e e n o u g h fireplace wall and trim, heat­ vanity, built-ins,' air condi­ 1.00 Lou Terri ConthiiM d From Preceding Poge and good used furniture. Vil­ tioned, 40 foot paneled recrea­ family home. Immediate ac- 7:00 Ken Griffin COMPANY ed rec room, 2-car attached MAi5 S 5 5 t TO -— Excellent 13 .00 SaJ LaRoM lage Peddler Auction House. tion room, patio, 2-car heated Uon. 643-5131 or 849-487^ 36 Situations Wanted— garage, breezeway and porch. 5 room Cape, nice location, Ask for Bill Belfiore. WINF—1386 __^ Help Wanted— Male Route 83, BUllngton. 875-8711. Tow M ’s. OaU owner, 648- garage, aluminum combina­ I2:10 Weekend Greater Hartford Male 39 Bob Fluckiger, and Son. Berkeley Estate 289-1558 exclusive Able Realty, 289- ...... ^ 5:50 ^ r t « Dtpeirt ___^ 4262. tions, awnings. 336,900. 649- HARDINGB h a n d s c r e w 4192. 3807. 6:00 World ThH Week; Dimet^od BUT, SELL or trade an­ 6:30 Weekend Greater Hartford and dnicker set-up operator, j RETIRED MAN, over 40 years COLONIALr—im rooms. 8% 8:00 Mancheeter ve. Conart experienced with Aircraft, experience. In management, tique and used furniture, china, MANCHESTER — Bhcecutlve sue ROOM Colonial, rec room VERNON—New listing. 4 bed­ 8:30 Weekend Greater Hartford glass, sl'iver, picture frames baths, living room 30x16, garage, fireplace, aluminum Events parts. All benefits. Doan Ma- ■ accounting, and auditing de­ •-S o neighborhood, loveW 7 room stene fireplace, 6 acres of room Colonial, 2H baths, 12:16 Slsn Off diine Products, 165 Adams St. sires part-time employment, aiid old coins, old dolls and Colonial, mammoth living storms and screens, reduced many extras, new carpeting guns, hobby co.'ectlons, attic land, outbuildings, 381,500. to 322,900. J, D. Realty Co., such as accounting for a small room, modem kitchen with Phllbrick Agency, 649-8464. throughout, garage, beautiful ^innT.nER for general mainte- business. Box J, Herald. contents or whole estates Fur­ built-ins, 2-car garage. Sacri- Si 643-5139, 648-8779. lot, only 323,000. T. J. Crock­ In World Singer’s Estate nsmee work. Vacation pay. Ex- niture Repair Service Talcott- fice at 319.900. Hayea Ag::ic y K.B. || ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE on f o u r b e d r o o m ranch ett, Realtor. 643-1677. ccUont pay for right man. 649- vllle. Conn. Tel. 643-7449. 643-4808. HUNTING-TON, LI. 6% room Ranch, 8 bedrooms, home*; we have three of them .AIXH ER8 (AP) — Congolese Goes to Husband S666. Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 1\4 baths, built-ins. fireplace, WAPPING — Beelzebub Rd. SIX ROOM Cape, large kitchen for sale. In the low 20’s, a 7 On acre treed lot In beautiful rebel leader Ohristophe Gbenye BOOKKEBPER-Clerk for Cov­ Rooms Wltnont Board 59 large lot, near school, shop- roomer with. IH baths, rec SMALL MINIATURE poodle, living room with tlr^lsu^, im­ pii^, parkway. No agenCa. nondevelopment area,' 5% reportedly has asked Algerian HOLLYWOOD (API — J*«a- entry concern, excellent sal­ close to being a Toy, AKC reg­ m ediate occu pancy, 316,000. room, two fireplaces, needs ette MacDonald bequeathed tha ary, vacation pay, hospitalisa­ THE THOMPSON House, Cot­ $16,460. CaU 643-2018. room Ranch, $16,600. Call President Ahmed Ben Bella for istered, 6 weeks old, paper Apartments— Flats— t'lirnlshed Aparnaente 63-A Business Fropoty PhUbrick Agency, 649-8464. oompiete redecoration; an­ Owner, 644-1136. bulk of her estate, described tion benefita. Write Box D, tage Street, centrally located, other in the mid 18’s, needs more arms for use in the war trained. 644-8966. For Sale 70 d i r e c t from owner — Owner only as being "in excess of 310,- Herald, In your own hand­ large pleasantly furnished Tenements 63 THREE ROOM furnished ______MANCHESTER — Luxurious 8 re-doing, but has garage, IH VERNON — 5*4 room ranch, against the government of Pre 000,” to her husband, actor room s, parking. Call 649-2868 transferred. Six year old 6 mier Moise Tshombe. w riting. COCKER PUPS, 12 weeks, sil­ apartment, »• heated. M m I for ' MANCHESTER — Indiurtrial room ranch, 2 full baths, main­ baths, dining room, etc.; in bullt;lns, aluminum combina­ Gene Raymond. for overnight and permanent FOUR ROOM tenement , 76 tenance fi'ee redwood exterior, room, L-iAaped ranch with at- ver buff, AKC registered, Wells Street. Available Febru­ working couple or newlyweds, and commercial properties tadied garage, excellent loca­ Bolton on four beautiful tions, excellent condition, $14,- The government-supported Miss MacDonald’s win was STOCK ROOM and Inventory wonderful disposition. Groom guest rates. , famUy room with fireplace, acres is the other home, load­ newspaper "Algiers Tonight” derk, experience neceeaary or ary 1st, 376. 649-5229, 9-5. 390 per month. Call 643-9353 available for invertment or tion, over one acre comer lot, 400. Owner 875-3471. filed tor prbboits Friday. She and board by day or week. or wply 4 Pearl St., Apt. 8. building. Bel Air Real Estate, scenic acre lot A Must See for ed with extras like a three said that Gbenye proposed died Jan. 14. Hlsd» School equivalent. Apply NICE ROOM next to bath for j the quality conscloua Hayea very well landscaped, 2 min­ BOL’TON—Brand New Raised H. C. Chase, Harmony Hill gentleman with references.' 4*4 ROOM apartment, heat and 643-0332. utes from school, plus 16x32 car garage, out-building, the six-point plan Friday "for solu­ Land’Grading Begins at Site of Vernon^s Junior High In the will She gave pereonat Iona Manufacturing Company, Kennels, Hebron Road, Bol­ ’TWOf ROOM furnished apart­ Agency, 643-4803. blueberry patch, under thlrt; Ranch, must be seen, 2 acree tion o f the Congo problem .” ’The Regent Street, Mancheeter. E xcellent location. 21 Church hot w ater, stove aind refrig er­ swimming pool, pool Includes property and "objects of adorn­ ton, Conn. 643-6427. ator, washer and dryer fur­ ment. Heated. Kitchen set, re­ T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 64! of fine trees, shrubs, 321,000. newspaper said the plan op­ Preliminary work started this week toevard construction of and Rt. 30. Several bams, Including this one, will be tom Street. 649-4966. frigerator, bedroom set, gas 6-^ TWO-FAMILY, new house, 2 ladders, diving board, 16’ ment” to many of her Holly­ nished. Nice location. 3140 per Boiism For riolc 72 slide, underwater light, patio 1577. J. D. Reatty Oo„ 848-6129, poses national rsconcillatlon in Vernon’s new junior high school. A lone workman from A. F. down. The building contract, signed Thursday, calls for com­ wood friends. t o o l m a k e r or aO around GROOMING and boarding, will range. Free electricity, gas. built-ins, very good location, 843-8770. pletion of the $2.8 mllllqn campus-style school by September machinist, experienced with ROOM FOR RENT, gentleman month. 649-0308. aroimd entire pool, complete­ the Congo and "excludes all the Peaalee Construction Co. uses a bulldozer to grade land at Singer Nelson Eddy, tier collect and deliver. H. C. Adult. Apply 10 Depot Square, 327,000. J. D. Rearty Co., 643 COZY 6 ROOM Cape, bay lackeys of Imperialism grouped 1966. (Herald photo by Satemis.) Aircraft parts. All benefits. only, references required, free MANCHES’TER — New 7 room 6129. 643-8779. • ly fenced in for privacy and the construoUon site on the Bcker Farm property, West Rd. screen partner for many mov­ Chase, Harmony Hill Ken­ parking. Call after 5, 643- THREE ROOMS, newly deco­ A pt. 4. raised ranch, 2-car garage, window, stainless steel built' VERNON — 3 new homes on today at Leopi^dviUe.’ ’ Dean Machine Products, 165 nels, Bolton, 643-6427. many other convenlehcee too ins. screened rear porch, jga- Phoenix Street. 5V4 rooms, ies, received a motion picture 2693. rated, heat, hot water, stove built-ins, IH baths, % acre lot, CAPE for 316.000 with an at­ numerous to mention. Well Gbenye’s proposals Included a eas is an invasion of the respon print of their movie "Rosa Adams Street.______and refrigerator, cloee to MANCHES’TER — 3 room rage, close to schools, bus full walk-out basement, large February Law Enforcement AKC registered German Shep­ tremendous value. Hayea Agen­ tached garage. 6 finished worth the asking price of 326,- call tor the "immediate depu- sibilities belonging to state and M a rie.” COMFORTABLE ROOM, cen­ churches, shopping and buses. apartment at Oak Lodge, pri­ cy. 643-4808. and churdi. Owner 643-2287 wooded lots, convenient to Bulletin. CHtOCmT CLERK, full or herd puppies, champion sired, vate entrance, parking, 16 rooms, new heat, fireplace, eot' 000. For more InfonnatlMi eall ture of mercenaries and all ral- Events local authorities.’’ The Music Academy of Ilia tral, continuous hot water, Call 643-4385. after 6. Manchester and Vernon shop­ p t j i and American armed People ”A few groups, if you are to part-time, mornings, some ex­ 375. For further information minutes to Hartford. Adults. ceUent residential location. Va 643-1589, 649-3331. ping centers. Price $15,200. In both instances, lie said, West, in Santa Barbara, OaMf., parking, gentleman preferred. MANCHES’TBR — New 8 room cant T. J. Crockett, Realtor, forces" and "immediate libera­ believe their public comments, perience necessary. Apply Mr. call 649-9724 after 5:30 or THREE ROOM apartment, gas, No pets. 3125. 643-9171. Garrison Oolunial, 12x34 Uving MANCHESTER — Executive Phone 643-0186; after 6 p.m., emotions and expediency have was bequeathed all of Mlei Mao- 80 Garden .St., 649-0328. 643-1 STi. SIX ROOM RANCH. Direct tion o t Antoine Gizenga, Louis In Nation considered the FBI to be all- Crisplno, Supreme Foods, 469 all day Saturday. i ____ electricity, hot water, heat, room , famUy room , faullt-ln 4-bedroom home on extra A X 5-0601. powerful — in effect, a police clouded the true facts and is­ Donald’s costumes, evening Hartford Rd. 2% ROOM furnished apart­ from owner. Includes storm large lot, modem. Immaculate Lumiunba, and all the other In the gowns, ■wigs and jewelry. SILVER GRAY miniature LARGE ATTRACTIVE room no pets. 643-8921, 17 Locust. kitchen, master bedroan with MANCHES’TER — Exception­ windows and doors. Washer, poliUcal hostages held by the arm of the federal government sues. The FBI director named for lady, second floor kitch- —T j;------IT ment, Ug^t housekeeping, cen­ dressing room, low twenties. throughout. By Mpolntment SO. WINDSOR^Neat 8 bed­ WASHING’rON (AP) — The no groups or individuals. poodle, femsde, AKC. pedlg^ree tral, reasonable, 12 noon-6 al 7 room Garrison Colonial, dryer, stove, refrigerator. Car­ Leopoldville niglma." to be used to squelch trouble PRODUCE CLERK, full of en privileges, parking, close THREE ROOM heat^ apart- Hayes A gency, 848-4808. only. Bel Air Real ratals, 643- room Split, large kitchen, Reserve Officers Association and strife any place at any Red pepper, or caplscnm, fa part-time, niomlngs, some ex­ papers, 11 weeks old, 3100. p.m., 649-8404. built-in kitchen and wall-to- peting, miscellaneous built-ins. den. fireplace, carpeting, IH "The FBI is not a national to bus line. 649-2761. ■to*'® and refrigerator, waU carpeting, beamed cell­ 9333. News hopes to win a Presidential veto tim e. police force,” Hoover wrote a native of the American tro­ perience meoessary.. Apply Mr. Call 643-0655. parking available. 649-6561. 6-6 ’TWO-FAMILY, older home, Only $16,000. Call Mancheeter baths, large lot, good loca­ MADRAS, India (AP) — TUs of plana for the merger of Army ROCKVILLE — Three rooms ing, paneled rec room, garage, 649-9592. sprawling port city has returned “ Others persist that we over­ “By law the FBI cannot go into pics, where it was used in pro- Crisptno, Supreme Foods, 469 FRONT ROOM, centrally lo­ aluminum storms and screens, FOUR FAMILY house, room tion. 317,800. Owner 644-1907. and Air Force reserves into the historic times and where Colum­ cmd bath, including gas and and manicured fenced yard. to attach two more apart­ to normal but south India’s lan­ JUSTICE REED step the boimds of our authority a state, county or city and take Hartford Rd. cated, parking. 59 Birch 2-car garage, 324,900. J. D. Only 321,90a Hayea Agmcy, National Guard. bus found it in general use Articles For Sale 45 Street. 649-7129. FOUR ROOM tenement, 360, electricity, heat and hot water, Realty Co., 643-5129, 643-8779. ments, good location. Call SOUTH WINDSOR — Modem guage conflict simmers quietly. WASHINGTON (AP) — amd that the discharge of our over or assiune the authority of second floor, private entrance, 843-4808. M anchester The organization said Friday prescribed duties in certain ar­ local officials.” among the West Indians. 132 BisseU S t 649-5229, 9-5. owner a ^ 4:30, 643-0748. 3-bedroom Ranch, 2 fireplaces, fa outlying toims, several Friends of retired Supreme H has asked for a meeting with rrs TERRIFIC the way FTJRNISHED room for rent carport, use of laundry room, SBIVEUJ ROOM older home, 4 LAKEWOOD CIRCLE — Colo­ $1,000 REDUCTION family roan, garage, non­ thousand oollen students dsm- Court Justice Stanley F. Reed President Johnson late next Wasted 96-A we’re selling Blue Lustre for near Main Street. 649-2170. 9 TTIREE ROOM apartment with two blocks from center. Ideal bedrooms, 2 baths, lot 72x151. MANCHESTER — Two-family, development area. Bel Air onstratsd for toe fourth day Fri­ cleaning rugs and upholstery. all Improvements. 136 BisseU nial, 6 large rooms, breeze­ gave a Ug party for him Friday month. Hazel Street. for one person or couple. No Marion E. Robertson, Realtor. way, 2-car garage, wooded lot, Well-kept 6 H-room eoloii- 5-4, bus line, city utilitlee. im­ Real Estate. 643-0332. day, protssting Tuesday’s for­ night. K was attended by 600 NATIONAL otmeern with AAA Rent electric sham pooer 31- S treet. children. Must have previous mediate occupancy in owner’s Rear Adm. Edgar H. Reeder, 643-5953. IVi baths, excellent condition, iai, offers lots of hvabtUty mal designation of Hindi as the gueets o t Washington’s judicial, president of the association, rating haa opening for oour- Olcott Variety Store. 238 CHARTER OAK ST.— ref^rencea CaU between 6:30- 6 rooms. Assumable FHA official language of India. But mm teona, ambitious man with car Small room suitable for work­ SIX ROOM duplex. Inquire at CONCORD RD. — Beautiful in a beautiful neighborhood, for prudent buyer. Bed­ diplomatic and social circles. said his group "has sought to 7:30 p.m., 876-3646. rooms large, cloeets plenti­ mortgage, owner will carry JUST OVER the Manchester the public outcry was dying .4 ^ to contact established cus­ LOST bright csirpet colors ing gentleman. Private en­ 68 Maple S tr^ or call 648- ranch, large living room, for­ 326,400. Phllbrick Agency, 649- line—2 bedroom Ranch, breeze­ The affair marked Reed’s 80th retard this headlong rush to de­ ful, fireplace, Uving room second mortgage. Asking 310,- down, at least for the time birthday, which was last month, tomers. High starting guar­ . . . restore them with Blue trance. 310 weekly. 649-1746. 6615 after 4 p.m. mal dlni^ room, cabinet 8464. way attached garage, full base­ stroy an historic and basic ele­ Lustre. Rent electric sham­ cheerful. Asking $17,990. 600. Lawrence F. Flano, Real- being. No 'vlolenee was report­ and the day he took his seat on antee plus expensee. Advance kitchen, 2 bedrooms, recrea­ ' tor, 648-2766. Dolores L. Mer­ ment, large wooded lot, ap­ ment of the nation’s defense pooer 31. Paul’s Paint A Wall­ COMPLETELY furnished light MODERNIZED 6 ROOM, sec­ Bnslnem Locatloni RANCH —7 rooms, 8 or 4 bed­ Act now, call Dick Beach, ed. the high court — Jan. 31, 1938. structure.” to five-figure bracket rapidly. ond floor flat, sunporch, Vene­ tion room, landscaped yard. rooms, modem kitchen, dining ritt, 646-0434, Charles Nidiol- proximately one acre. A very In Madras, poUcs armed with Further Inlonnatlon supplied paper Supply. housekeeping room suitable For Rent 64 Marion E. Robertson, Realtor, 649-5306. Reed, who retired from the Other officials said pari of tian blinds, new baseboard room, 1% baths, 2-car garage, ■on. 742-6364. nice home in tip-top condition. long clubs guarded colleges and court 'll* 1967 after 16 years o f at interrisw. Call Mancheeter for one adult, all utilities, 643-5953. A sound buy for 314.500. War' their save-the-reserves ammu­ IF CARPETS look dull and perking, 272 Main. heat, electric stove, full attic, large private lot, $22,900. Phll­ kept students from leaving oam- service, said he wanted two nition might be a letter 'written 644-0202 after 6 p.m. drear, remove the spots as cellar storage, adults pre­ ’THREE ROOM oftlce or busi­ brick Agency, 649-8464. » Barrows ^Wallace MANCHESTER—Modem, well ren E. Howland, Realtor, 643- puMs in groups. Colleges and MANCHESTER GREEN AREA bulk Oiu>e in convenient loca ­ birthday presents — a beret and by the late President John F. they appear with Blue Lus- i FURNISHED ROOMS, com­ ferred, 3110. 649-8671. ness, ground floor. 470 Main 1108. high schools in the state were Street, plenty of parking. 649- A 6 room Ranch with 8 gener­ MANCHBS’TER—Rolling Park. Manchester Parkade, Man. tion, close to sy PuWlshlnK a copy of this order apartment, seebnd floor. Por-: Mgerator extw . Bus shop- or call 649-4581. room Garrison Colonial, fire-1 the Municipal Building Hearing - in some newspaper having a cir­ with leading experts of the Eu Connie Francis and other Amer­ trade. Closed Mondays. F. E. treed lot, quick occupancy. landscaped, scenic view. WASHINGTON (AP) — J. I Bray, 737 Main Street, State ter Street area. $80 monthly 1 ping nearby. Hayes Agency, place, dining room, cabinet Room, 41 Center Street, ’Tues- culation in said dintrlct. at least ropean Common Market in the ican pop singers were the top WOMAN would like to babysit 643-4803. Bel Air Real EsUte, 643- Hutchins Agency, 646-0103. seven daye before the day of said hope of increasing trade 'with attractions Friday at the San Edgar Hoover aaid today "em o­ daya. CaB 649-0843 after 6. Theater Building.. includes heat, hot water, elec- kitchen, 1% baths, oversized | day, February 2. 1965 at 8:00 hearing, to appear if they see tion and expediency’’ have] 9332. Hayes Agency, 648- the six-member economic bloc. Remo Song Festival in Italy. mclty and gM’ no appliMces j POUR ROOM tenement Houses For Rent B5 garage. p.m. on a proposed ordinance cause at said time and place and caused public confusion over the j furnished. Call 643-6940 for 4803. concerning; ___ Mantflteeter be heard relative thereto, and by Common Market sources said M iss Francis, 26, o f Newark, South Main Street. Call 649- mailing on or before January 36, role of the FBI. Fuel and Feed 49-A appointment. MANCHES’TER — Like new TERMS OF OFFICE the Informal discussions are the N.J., who claims to have sold 30 Collared Look-Alilces 6810, Mrs. Orfltelll. MANCHESTER — 7H room 1966. ny certified mall, a copy of first between the market and a million records, drew hearty "Many persons — some ob- j WELL SEASONED hardwood 5*4 room ranch, one year The proposed change and t«- 2 FAMILY $15,900 this order to Leonard 8. Nowak, viously 'Without facta and others FOUR ROOM flat, second floor, lease, stove, refrigerator, car­ MANCHESTER ranch, 4 bedrooms, dining vislon may be seen in the Town 749 Tolland Bt.. Eiaat HaAford. Communist country. ’The Soviet applause. Another favorite was for sale. Free delivery. 643- central location, heat, hot room, 2 baths, 2-zone heat, g;a- office durlnx business Terrific investment, live Conn.: Irene JaquUh. 64 Deming Union, which has its own equiv­ Tlml Yuro, 28, of Brooklyn, obviously by design — have 9135. ROOM duplex, W alker peting. Garage. Top location, rage, only $18,500. Hutchins business 8t.. Manchester Conn.: Joseph R. misrepresented the FBI’s 'work water, one year lease. Call call 649-2930. wooded lot. Hayes Agency, VICINITY hours. rent free. Nice large, clean Nowak. 41 Cooildge St.. Manchee­ alent trade bloc/ does not recog­ N.Y., whose parents come from 849-5048 after 6 p.m. Agency, Realtors, 646-0103. rooms, choice location ex- ter. Conn.; Henry R. Nowak, 66 nize the market but conducts Molise, Italy. The other Ameri- and investigative activities,” 643-4803. » Robert M. Stone, Secretary the FBI director wrote In the | CENTRALLY located 8 large Board of Directors dltlon, move right In con­ Rogers Lane, HaaardvUle. Conn., trade with He members on a cane competing were Gene Pit­ THREffl ROOM apartment, New homes 10 minutes SIX-ROOM Cape, garage, fire­ and return make to this Court. ney, 23, Rockville, Conn., Joe Stylish Handmades! rooms, heat, tile bath, stove SIX ROOM single, good loca^ ____ Manchester, Connecticut dition. Be pleasantly sur­ JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. bilateral basis. heat, hot water, stove, refrig­ from Manchester. Ranches, place, Immaculate, St. James prised but move fast. Call Dam lano, 26, Philadelphia; Mon, and refrigerator, parking, Since it broke with the Soviet j tlon, steam heat, combination parish, (will paint it), 31’f,- I^ted at Manchester, Connecti- erator, 380. 247 No. Main. 649- adults only, $93. 643-6396. windows, adults. $125 month­ Cape Cods, Raised J. McLaughlin 649-5306, LIMITATION OBDEB bloc in 1948, Yugoslavia has ex­ Jody M iller, 18, Phoenix, A riz .; 5228, 9-5. 400. J. D. Realty Oo 643- cut, this 18th day of January ly, available immediately. 643- Ranches. $14,500 to 318,500 649-2773. AT A COURT OF PROBATE held panded trade with non-Oommu- and the Minstrels, a nine-mem­ OVER 2 MILLION 4% ROOM GARDEN apart- range. One acre wooded 5129, 643-8779. 1966. of Mancheeter. wlUiln and for the TWO ROOM heated apartment 6345. District of Manchester, on the 36th niet countries. Peter Tomlc, ber folk-singing group who per­ PRESCRIPTIONS ment, 2 bedrooms, heat, hot lots. and bath. 149 Oakland Street. day of January 1966. director of the foreign trade formed at the White House last Safely Oompoonded water, stove, refrigerator and Barrows ^^Wallace Estate of Julia Reardon a. ministry in Belgrade, heads his 365. 649-5229, 9-5. Julia A. Reardon, late of Man­ sum m er. for our Annual parking, 3120 per month. TOWN OF MANCHESTER Manchester Parkade, country's thrae-man delegation Subarban For Rent 66 CONN. chester, In said DIatrIct, de­ THREE ROOM, third floor, Available February 1st. Of­ U & R REALTY CO. INC, LEGAL Mancheeter 640-6306 ceased. to Brussels. ARTHUR heated, centrally located. Call fice 15 Forest Street. 643- On motion of Wesley C. Oryk of snoKUP msTRUonoN 643-0082, between 7-8. 0000 or 646-0090. ROCKVILLEj— 3% room apart­ R. D. MURDOCK NOTICE OFFICIAL •aid Manchester, executor. TRANSFERRED — Must sell ORDERED that eix months from ment, stove, refrigerator, the 26th day of January, 1966 be DETROIT (AP) — That old FOUR ROOM apartment, sec­ THREE ROOMS, first floor, heat, 390 monthly. Adults 643-2696 643-6472 NOTICE OF NOTICE large new Getrrison Colonial In and the same ate limited and al­ Plans Continue routine of sasfag "This is a range, refrigerator, heater, cnow-oown w u iu m tme at ond floor, 178 Maple Street No only. 649-4824, 875-1166. DISSOLUTION beautiful, convenient Wood- lowed for the creditors within stickup," didn’t suit a bank rob­ furnace. $66. Tel. 643-4751. central, $60. J. D. Realty, BY hill HelghU, 319,800. 849-0721. which to bring In their claim* To Form Cuban 643-5129. BOLTON CENTEIR Apartments, THE CENTRAL REALTY against said estate, and said ex­ ber here Friday. BOARD OF ecutor la directed to give public He handed teller Eleanore 4% ROOMS, heat, hot water, Comer Brandy St. and Bolton RAISED RANCH, custom built, COMPANY OF notice to the credltora » bring In BOWA stove and refrigerator fur­ SIX ROOM duplex, excellent Center Rd., new 8 ronna. heat, TAX REVIEW their elaime within said Ume al­ Exile Regime I Mailloux, 38, a note which said: 3i..oln Pit many extras, 2-car garage, MANCHESTER, The Board of Tax Re'vitw of nished. $126.50 per month. location, available February hot water, stove, refrigerator, fireplaces, family and rec Resort Property Pw Sale 74 lowed by pubUehing a copy of this ' "Keep calm. Quick. Put your 1st. 3100. Call Glastonbury S12S. 649-8286. 648-4812. INCORPORATED the Town of Manchester, Conn., order in some newspaper having right hand waist high. I have a 643-6105. room, 323,900. J. D. Realty a circulation In said probate dis­ MIAMI, F la. (AP) — Plans to CHAR BROiLLD STI.AK STOCKTAKING Notice is hereby given that will be in session in the Hear- COVENTRY . LAKiD — Must 633-7928 after 6. Co.. 643-6129, 643-8779. trict within ten daye from the date gun pointed at your heart. Fill BIRCK STREET—Modem flat ASHFORD, LAKE CHAFFEE The Central Realty Company ] Ing Room at the Munlclpa' sell. Cotta^ on three lots, of this order and return make to form a Cuban government In the bag with both drawers' of second floor, two spacious FH3UR ROOM apartm ent, h e a t,' —4 room furnished house with NEW 2 FAMILY, 6-4, under of Manchester, Incorporated, a Building on the following days |8,|K)0. Able Realty, 380-4102. this court of the notice given. ^ l e proceeded today after a 46,- money. Do this quickly. Turn 0 0 ; AND 2^33 ...... hot water, modem kitchen, fireplace, Feb. 1, adulto' only. JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. KNIT bedrooms, furnace. 649-4498. construction, tw o heating sys- Connecticut Corporation having nw,.™ during the month of February 108-ballot verdict in favor of around. Peas the note back, central location, adults only. Call 684-3331. terns, large lot, central k ^ - " ------“ 1966; LIMITATION OBOEB such action fa an exile plebis­ qu ick ." THREE ROOM apartments, 118 Call 649-7128. of Manchester, has been dis­ Suburban For Sale 75 tion. Call Builder, Leon Cies- February 8, 1965 — Wednesday AT A COURT OF PROBATE held cite. The bandit took $1,600 and Main Street, heat, hot' water, solved by resolution of the di­ at Manchester, within and for the HonmN# zynskl,, 649-4291 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. , District of Manchester, on the 36th That to more than half Mi­ strolled from the Nattonid Bank JF «eMMMveu«ar> stove refrigerator, $100. 649- THREE ROOMS for rent, $70 rectors and shareholders effec­ February 6,1966 — Saturday TOULAND — |3JM)0 assumes 6229, 9-5. monthly. Inquire 32 Church BusinesB Property faortgaga, save closing coats. diw of January, 1966. ami’s exile population. of Detroit bnuich. tive January 22, 1065. 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Present. Hon. John J. Wallett The final instruction on tha ten 7 Days 11:80-9 Shop "T Cubans balloted a few daye Street anytime. For Sale 70 All creditors, if any, are Febmary 0, 1966 — Tuesday B^potuss 6^ room Colonial Judge. , Heat Middle Turaplka POUR AND THREE room Raach, bullt-lns, % acre wood- Estate of Julia Ooleman, lata of after tha capture of guerrilla note was: "Keep smiling.” apartments, including heat, MANCHESTER — rooms, BOLTON warned to present their claims 2:00 to 4:00 pm. Manriiester in said District, de­ leader Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo BUSINESS ZONE m — Eight to Vincent L. Diana, attomsy, All persons claiming to be ^ lol. Hurryl Hayas Agency, ceased. hot water, and gas for cook­ S t James St., stove, refrigera­ rooms with two offices, sep­ 648-4808. On motion of Haurlos J, Cole­ by Fidel Castro forces In Cuba. ing. Electric refrigerator and tor, heat, hot water, $120. 648- 758 Main Street, Manchester, aggrieved by the doing of the Menoyo’e organisation, the Rev­ arate entrance, suitable for J»IOTICE ConnecUcut, on or before July: Assessor of the Town of Man- man of saM Manchester, admlnla- stove furnished. Ccdl 649-7834 9052. business or professional use. ^^CHESTER VICINITY—A trator. olutionary Alliance, favors "a or 649-5779. between 6-7 pjn. The Board of Tax Review of 1, 1065, otherwise said claims cheater. Conn., and tb/w* re­ 8 bedroom ranch on a country- ORDERED that six months from government fa arms” rather King’s Tues. Phllbrick Agency, 649-8464. FOUR ROOMS second floor, the Town of Bolton will be in will be forever barred as by qulring adjustments must ap- size well zhrubbed lot, huge the 36th day of January. 1966. be statute provided. and the same are limited and al- than one In exile. i NEW FOUR ROOM apart­ hot water, stove, near Main MANCHESTER — Six - room session at the Town Hall on the pear and file their complaint at Uving room with flieplace, hnred for the creditors within Spokeomen for the aWance "Open House" ment, including heat, hot wa­ Dated at Manchester, Con­ Street, reasonable. 643-7094 apartment, two stores and following dates: one of these meetings or at famUy alza kitchen, fuU odlar, which to bring In thslr claims and another anU-Oaetro ntnO*. ter, 'air-conditioning, appli­ after 3:30 p.m. Monday, February 1 necticut, this 22nd day of against said estate, and saM ad- ‘ AT commercial building all in one some adjourned meeting of aaid JpoUm condition, $16,600. nunletrator Is directed to give no­ Ravifluttoiiary Junta, haatled by ances and parking. $135 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. January, 1966. Board of Tax Review. wolverton Agency, R inuI ^ 8 3 9 5 IMMACULATE, recently re­ package. High traffic count dtors, tice to the credltoni to bring In Manuel |Iay, eaid many of their monthly. J. D. Realty, 643- A wise investment for only Friday, February 8 The Central Realty Company (Signed) 649-2818. their claims within said time al- 4-12 yf». 6129. decorated 4 room rent with ga­ Of Manchester, Incorporated kiwed by publishing a copy of this members deposited empty car- for Tremendous 326,000. Hayes Agency, 648- 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. Edward Dupre, Chairman t^dgas rather than ballots to FOX GROVE HEIGHT^ rage, conveniently located to Saturday, February 6 By: Vincent L, Diana Philip F. Freedman X IV - BOIfCOm — 8-bedroom order In some newspaper having a lew matching stylee for tfle OROOHET FIVE UtROE ROOMS second 4803. olrculation la said probate dlstrlot eim ess. their views. buses and shopping. $90. 3 PM. to 6 P.M. Its Attorney Z«. Paul Sullivan ■put level on 2 acre wooded 'wUhln ten days from the date of THIS SUNDAY — 3 to 5 P.M. ghU. TMs pretty pair ia young, second floor apartment, in­ Write Box C. Herald. Former Cuban president Car­ and weanble. 5098-N CORNER LOT on busy Route C. Church, lot. Kitchen buUt-lnz include this order and return make to this cludes heat, hot water, stove, court of the notice given. los FTio Bocarros, Who initiated (BfANOHBSTER — OFF KEENEY STREET) No. 8394 with Patt-O-Ram a ia 5, East Windsor, adjoining en­ Chairman refrigerator, freezer, stove, JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. Handmades can be both styl­ refrigerator, garage, near cen- MODERN 4 Room apartment. trance to new golf course. oven, dishwasher, fireplace. the exUa government mova^ fa Bises 9, U , 12, 18, 14, 18, ish and soft — the perfect top­ first floor, separate furnace. J. S. Ucltra, ment, zaltf an aesemUy of exllo . t fier-tn ren tor if ter of town, convenient to hos­ New exoltlng cuatom crafted T and 8-room GtaJitoon Oo- 18. Bust 8 0 ^ to 88. Size 11, 81H parking. Excellent location for office H. Pellerln Trout streiua on property. UHITATIOH OBDEB pings for your costumes! Here pital. Call 649-2396 between Call a fter 5, 643- BeUfaf tor 318,900. Itor fur- AT A COUHT OF PROBA'nD held leadero would be called eoon to inpisis and raised ranchaa Panel famUy roome, 114 baths, iNist, ttaavfaeas, yards of 86 9092. building, drive-in, gas station, ' Mancheeter, within end for the. you have your choice of a flow -' 8:30-6, between 6-9 call 649- used car lot, etc. Tongren toer.j&onnatlon caU the R. F. oonetitiite tiia body. fa d i. er-bedecked tarn in easy cro' itrict of Hanenseter. on the 36th biiUt-ln kitchena. High e ^ c % acre oountry lots with 6625. Agency, 648-6821. MORTGAGE Ptofjplc Co.. 649-0346. of January,. 1966. .. ■me ballots eaid onlv, ‘1 sup­ No. 8896 with P attO -R am a is Chet; or a three-tone in simple THREE ROOMS, modem, NEED port a government in exile." city conveniences. Don’t mtoe aeefag these value packed CHAR-BROIUD TO OROER AT Ment. Ron. John J. Wallett, fa ttma 4, 8, 8, 10, 12 years knit! DELIGHTFUL 3 BEDROOM ground floor, convenient loca­ ioL 'p t^ . COVENTRY line — Judee. Thera was no provision for vot- homea tomorrow between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. •ise a, sleievaless, 2% yards o f garden apartment heat hot tion, 6 miles to United Air­ Estate of Henry B.'lata Pattern No. S098-N has both 614 toom aj^t level, garage, of Manchester, in said Dlatrict. de- ing "n o ." / dB-inch. Two patterns. knit and crochet directions. w ater, range, refrigerator, craft, private drive and yard, tool— ;ahed. nreplaoe, puieled Mreottons: From Cantor ^ take M ete St. To order, send Me in coins tor ’fi) order, send 86c in coins to: parki:^. Ideally locatM. $120 newly decorated, stove fur­ NOTICE Oen, ien tra large bath with **^o5r^motlon of Mauric# J. each Mttam to: Sue Burnett, monthfy. Available February nished, 390. 649-7819. TOWN OF MANCHESTER, mmP it Mo f m r - - laen of laM faaaahaster. admlnls- THOM^ J. DBBOAN IM., right en Hartford R4. and flizt left mtte Anne Oabot, The Mandiester — 115,700. Can Owner. The Manchestar Elvenlng Her­ 1st. 643-0973. CONNECTICUT BrMUw St. oontlnueo Into Keeney 8h Froeaei oek KoHMy Evening Herald. 1150 AVE. OF FIVE ROOMS, downstairs, ga­ MONEYS '’ eSDBIlED .tlMj; tlx m pn^frtW GIANT St. MoMe an ee right, |Mt bsyaat sehaol. - SAVINGS ald. UM AVE. OF AMERICAS, I^bUo hearing scheduled for NEW YORK (AP) -^ Quote of AMEIUOAB, MEW YORK, M.Y. rage," steam heat Call aftw 4, NEW YORK, N .Y . 10088. 10088. HOSPITAL AREA — Deluxe Monday, February 1, 1965 con­ COvikxRT—614 rocm Cttpt, ...... I ^‘ aama ar> the Day: From Tboi^ J- I ■ ' 5H room apartment buUt-ins, 648-8801. tor the w For lat-class mailing add 10c For Ist-claes mailing add 10c cerning the proposed Bldwell- Phone 649-5203 plug 4 room rtatiL , Own .b m Daegan Jr., axecutlva-commit­ dinette, appliances, tiled bath, STEAK 9 9 : tor Otay 3I06JS6 a tee chairman of-tha Meiw Yoik SalM Afont In Every Dept to r each pattern. Print Name, for each pattern. Print Name, Folly Brook sanitary trunk SANDWICH Addreea with Zone, Style No. yard, garu;e, bas^ent, $125 montb. 33,000 down. Pwwk Worhf a Fair in danyiag Friday Address with Zone and Pattern monthly. Hajayes Agency, 648- FIVE-ROOM apartment fint sewer has been canceled. After 9 riotli,c. and Size. Number. further study, the board of di­ 389-7470, 743-8348, a fWid between htfa and fair 4803. floor. OaU 648-5888. ON OftftftNIA OMN A SAVINGS BANK Send Me today for tbs Spring Send 6Qc now .tor yofir new ’65 rectors will decide whether to a oepy*n|^Ma preeident Bobart Moeas •— "w a The Hayes A9eiicy ^ . •NO TISMNS OOVRUTRY—Stir roclm O tp t, have had our dteagreemaato. A Summer *05 issw of Basic l^>ring-fiununer Album! Regular FOUR ROOM Apartment, aeo- oaU another formal hearing. muet tie apM to HMtean -r- o-dT oompiata pattani fsoturez: Custom Ocdlectton; ond floor, near -Mata -Street . ' Mchasd Maran, n 7 Days 11:80-9 V OF MANCHESTER rtn Iriah enough to have ^ 79 JLLST CENTER ST—<4«-«08 i^saagasiiM. items to erochet, knit, stitchi 648-6863 mr 649-9668. Oeneral Mangror t Middle Turnpike !iii*:«|iA opiaifai Md Read Herald Ads. e n o o g h t o M l SATURDAY, JANUARY 80, 1988 Manrli^Bte r Hti:enin0 ff^ralh

Center CMigregational Church will have Ita annual meeting Chamber Scores About Town and election o f offlcera tomor­ row at S p.m. at the church. Referral Sales St. Oerard'a Mothera CVrele The meeting was. originally COMING! win meet Monday at 8:15 p.rti. Business Bodies scheduled for last Sunday and I t haa come to the attention at the home of Mrs. Wilfred postponed because o f the storm. of the Chamber of Commerce Miller. 78 Deerfield Dr. Mrs. 25-Y E A R CEVB that vacuum cleaners are again W alter Bycholskl wlU aerve as Dr. Harvey Pastel will be the being sold in . Manchester on ao-hoatess. The Quarter Century Club at host tomorrow from 2 to 5 the referral method. p.m. at Lutz Junior Museum, Pratt and Whitney Aircraft The Chamlnade Musical Club has added a number o f new The Chamber of Commerce 126 Cedar St. Sunday is family Will meet Monday at 8 p.m. in area residents to its rolls. would urge all oltlaens to be the Federation Room at Center day at the museum. There is no From Manchester are Iver very careful and cautious of Congregational Church. The charge to the public. G. Anderson, 15 Wllllard Rd.; the referral method o f eelling. program will feature the works Robert J. Bergarnini, 35 Green Under the referral method of o f Bach. Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Kiwanis Club of Manchester Manor Rd.; Anthony F. Cam­ eelUng, the salesman promises Crane of Andover will present will meet Tuesday at noon at bria, 50 Ardmore Rd.; Joseph the customer a certain amount selections on the piano and the Manchester Country Club. A. Goulet, 329 HUlard St,; Rob­ of money for every name that ▼lolin. Mrs. Charles Lambert, ert H. Holman, 29 Eastfleld the ciwtomer gives to the sales­ elub president, and Mrs. D. St.; Edward C. Klucewicz, 358 man, provided a demonstration Drummond Stewart will sing Hackmatack St.; Paul Korney, and/or aale ia made to the per­ ■oloa and a duet. Refreshments MRA Will Name 313 Hackmatack St.; Joseph son named. Tlhe chamber points w ill be served. The meeting is Simmons, 183 Maple St.; James out that in nmny cases the cus- open to all women interested Relocation Aide Thomson, 605 N. Main St.; tmner may oe told that he will fei music. and Frederick A. Towle, 299 actually make money by refer A relocation manager for the Spring St, ring names to the salesman and The Fellorwcraft Club of Man­ Vernon’s now member is that the product will cost him North End urban renewal proj­ chester Lodge of Masons will Charles Launbert, 8 Hemlock little or nothing. However, the meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. at ect will probably be appointed Dr. customer should keep In mind the Masonic Templa next week. that, when he signs a contract, CITED AT TRAVELERS he has assumed responsibility An kindergarten children in The Manchester Redevelop­ ment Agency this week re­ Nels C. Johnson of 270 Fer­ for the full purchase price of the Manchester public school the item plua any finance aystem will switch sessions viewed five applications for the guson Rd., Manchester insur­ job. ance agent, was honored last charges. Monday. Changes in the bus The Chamber of Commerce THE HARTFORD TIMES Khedules will be announced by The final appointment will be Saturday at the fifth annual announced in a renewal news­ awards bano.uet sponsored by urges that these simple rules aach scliool. Parents may call be followed; their child’s school if they have letter scheduled for distribution the Travelers Insurance Com' next week. 1. Do business with an estab­ questions. pany’s Hartford office. TRAVEL The relocation manager will Johnson was honored as the lished business firm that has a past history of performance Friendship Circle of the Sal­ be in charge of assisting present leader of the special fall cam­ EXPOSITION and reliability. vation Army will meet Monday residents and business tenants paign, marking the third con­ in the North End area to find secutive year he has won top 2. Have all business agree­ BROAD STREET ABMORT at 7:45 p.m. at the church for a ments in writing and specify service program. Mrs. Russell and move to new quarters when spot in life volume. In winning, the renewal project gets under he retires the gold cup trophy. exactly what it is to cover. HARTFORD Clough and Mrs. Maynard 3. Shy away from special bar­ Oough w ill serve as hostesses. w ^ . He was also given a special ■The redevelopment agency is award for producing more than gain prices and give-aways be­ JAN. 31 thru FEB. 6 aiming at an April 1 date to one-half million dollars in life cause the peraon “happens to KeMer Circle of South Me­ be in the neighborhood,’’ or be­ thodist Church will meet Tues­ begin acquiring property in the volume during the nine-week cause you have been chosen for Sat. and Sun. — 2 to 10 P.M. day at 7 p.m. for a lasang^a area. Most tenants will prob­ campaign. aupper at the home o f Mrs. ably not have to relocate until something. Weekdays — 4 to 10 P.M. 4. Don't sign anything unless Xlolwrt Bartoo, 165 Thompson considerably later in the year, QUALIFIES AGAIN it is fully read and understood. Rd. however. Frank Sheldon of 35 Meadow 5. Don’t be subject to high Lane has qualified for attend­ ADMISSION pressure sales. The gahratton Arm y w ill con­ Duplicate Bridge ance at the annual meeting of duct a service Monday at 3 p.m. 6. Compare price o f the Item Adults ...... $1 the President’s Club of the offered with similar items sold • t WeeMiUI Garden. Results in a duplicate bridge Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance in the stores. Children under 14, 50c game held last night at the Co. This is the fourth consecu­ Mlaa Nancy Mitt and Mlsa basement rooms, 39 School St., tive time that he has qualified Advance tickets may Geraldine Kosturi wfll give the are North-South: Mr. and Mrs. for the annual conclave of the be purchased from the first address entitled “Sisters club, an organization for nail- James LeSure, first; C. R. Co- Section to Hear Hartford Times at 50c on a Small Hanet’’ at tomor­ vill and Russell Granniss, sec­ lion dollar producers, which this row’s Worship Service at Sec­ ond, and Milton Ck)ttlieb and year holds its meeting in Puer­ SAE President each before Jan. 31. ond Congregational Church. David Saunders, third. to Rico in March. Advance Tickets in­ Donald Paterson will give the Also, East-West: Mr. and A Certified Life Underwriter, John R. MacGregor, national clude two FREE 25c aecond address on the same Mrs. T. J. Crockett, first; Mr. Sheldon has also won the desig­ president of the Society of topic. and Mrs. B. B. Smythe, second, nation o f Executive Field Un­ Automotive Engineers, will be Connecticut Co. bus and Jack Descy and Mrs. Con­ derwriter, an award made in guest 8|Maker at a meeting of fares. Members of Northampton Ro­ nie M a^n, third. recognition of outstanding sales the Southern New England sec­ tary Club w ill be guests o f Man­ The game, sponsored by Man­ and service to policyholders. He tion of ths society on Tuesday chester Rotary Club Tuesday at chester YW C A, is played each has qualified for the National at American Bosch Division the MamAester Country Club. Friday at 7:45 p.m. Award for the past 17 yeara. Cafeteria, Springfield, Maas. His Members of the local club.are topic will be "Core and Feeding reminded to be at the clubhouse WHAT K PREGNANCY? NEW OBT SERVIOE of the New Model," relating to at 5:45 pm . to meet the guests fuel and lubricants for new as they surlve by bus. George VENTURA, Calif. (AP) — The Connecticut Bank and Employes can’t get sick leave if Trust Co. has instituted a new autos. Dart is chairman of the meet­ The electrcmically controlled telephone switching office plsumed for Manchester will have MscOrsgor is vies president they get pregnant, the Ventura method of performing routine AND HEAR THE ing. A steak dinner will be made-in-Manchester plastics in its critical components. The parts, fabricated by the West­ and director o f the Standard billing and account analysis served. County Civil Service Commis­ ern Electric Co. for BelJ System affiliates, will be molded from Rogers Corporation’s special Oils o f California Research sion has ruled, because “ preg­ procedures of value primarily to high temperature plastics. To meet this and other custom orders, Rogers has just completed Ck>rporation. He is responsible CUADRO nancy is not a disease.” the medium-size business or the first of three contemplated new plant units for Its Manchester facility. Shown above is for reaeaxch and development Commissioner Kenneth Hay­ professional office. the plasUcs mill Inside the new building being readied for its first run this week. The mill on such products os automotive maker, a Ventura attorney, of­ FLAMENCO Called Computer Aut(»nat^ is designed to compound the plastic resins with reinforcements in predetermined propor­ and industrial fuels and lubri­ fered this alternative: “ Preg­ Billing Service, it represents trie tions. (Herald photo by Pinto.) cants and special products, in- from 8|iala nancy m i^ t qualify," he said country’s first commercial in­ WESTOWN “if they can prove H was an ac­ eluding waxepixef and asphalts. stallation of the new Digitone PHARMACY cident.’’ send out the bills and do all the economics. Incoming president struction of a $750,000 combin­ A social hour w ill begin at developed by the accounts receivable bookkeep­ Howard Benedict stated that ation hotel-restaurant on a 6:15 p.m. with dinner being The vote on the issue was 4-2. Bell System. 46> Hartfoid Rd.— 649-9946 ing. CAREB will soon introduce a three-acre parcel of land adja­ served at 6:45. The meeting will FOLK DANCES Commissioner Onorinda Jones This is how the system works. of Camarillo abstained because This new service joins two bill before the State Legisla­ cent to B r ile y Field. The en­ begin at 8. For reservations, To maintain our continuity A secretary dials a private and Folk Music by the “ I don’t know about this. I have other automated service."! at ture to this end. terprise, entitled the "Bradley contact Donald E. Manning, International Culture of medical service we are two cats and a dog, but no chil­ number on a Digitone transmit­ Connecticut Bank and Trust, Airporter,’’ will consist of a treosiuror, 61 Marion Dr. dren.” ter, which combines the capa­ the Computer Automated Pay­ Several nurserymen from the two-story hotel and a separate Clubs of Connecticut bilities of a telephone with roll Service and the Computer Manchester area will be among restaurant of glass, glazed Open All Day those of a data processing de­ Automated Municipal Tax A c­ the more than 250 horticultur­ brick and stone. vice. A dial tone will indicate counting Service. ists attending the 54th annual SUNDAY that she has been connected convention meeting of the New James McCarthy of McCar­ OOSHETICS Personal Notices with a receiving unit in the BRIEFS England Nurserymen’s Associa­ thy Enterprises, Vernon, has WE CARRY ALL DUCK computer center at Connecticut Herbert J. McKlmiey of 54 tion in Boston next week. Earl announced the opening of a new THE TOP LINE8 Card Of Thanks Bank and ’Trust, She then in­ Adelaide Rd. was Installed as C. Herrick, secretary of the as­ billiard parlor on Rt. 83 in the VAUDEVILLIANS serts one specially designed a district vice president of the sociation and owner of Herrick Talcottvllle Flats area. Hhititled ARTHUR DRU8 We wish bo thank all our neiRh plastic card for each transac­ Connecticut Association of Real Sales Agency in Bolton; Re­ “ Family Billiards,’’ It has 16 from Florido bora, friends and relatives for the tion, indexing the product sold Elstate Boards at ceremonies becca Treat, owner of the Bol­ tables. Parking is convenient. many acts of kindness and sym­ ton Evergreen Nurseries; and pathy shown us in the recent loss or the service rendered \Vlth the last week in Hamden. The pres­ Gall h i our beioved husband and father. amount charged. ’These impuls­ ident of McKinney Bros., Inc., two representatives from the C. es are received and decoded at R. Burr Co.'on N. Main St., Mrs. Walter Buckley on Main St. was among about and family the bank and converted into 200 realtors and guests who Charles S. Burr, president, and Bill Tiinsky punched cards. A fter process­ heard plans for the establish­ Webb Laue, general manager, REGISTER TUESDAY PRIZES ing of the cards and storing of ment of a center in Connecticut all plan to be present during 8:30.7:00 P.M. NOW the Information, the bank will for research in real estate the three-day convention. GRAND PRIZE^Two THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT round-trip tickets to at 649-9095 Elmer L. Odell o f 512 E. (Cen­ London, England, via ter St. has been elected secre­ onnonnoes the tary-treasurer of the Metropoli­ Pan American World FOR Spring Certificate Program In tan District Commission em­ Airways. Many other Aftenfion INSURANCE ployes credit union for 1965. The prizes for contest win­ Mid-Winter imion declared a year-end divl- BASIC PRINCIPLES OF PROPERTY INSURANCE ners. All Hairdressers and Cos­ Idend to shareholders of 4.8 pep metologists of Manches­ ten t and a 28 per cent interest Instructor—Mr. Wboley refund to borrowers. Tuesday evenings from 7:00-9:80 P.M.— 16 weeks SPECIALS ter and vicinity. Beginning February 2, 1966—Fee $60.00 ON Would you like to lend a Harold F. Porter Jr. o f 14 Manchester High School, Room 128 helping hand to the beauty Stephen St., has been appointed Register for this class February 2—6:80-7:00 P.M. TRAVEL ALUMINUM ne^B of the incapacitated assistant ^ucatlonal director BASIC PRINCIPLES OF PERSONAL INSURANCE at the Mansfield Training for the Phoenix of Hartford In­ AND S ^ o o l on Monday, Feb. 8th ? surance Ompanies. A graduate Instructor—Mr. Walker •DOORS If Interested, please contact of the University of Connecti­ Wednesday evenings from 7:00-0:80 P.BL—16 weeks roe—Teri Ivaniski at the cut, he joined Pfioenix in 1958 as Beginning February S, 1965— ^Fee $50.00 VACATION a special agent and has most re­ Manchester High S^ool, Room 128 • W INDOW S cently been state agent for the Register for this course February $— 6:80-7:00 P.M. EXHIBITS compcuiy In Fairfield County. JON-LY CASUALTY CLAIMS INVE8T1GAT1NO and ADXUBTINO from both sides • CANOPIES Instructor—Mr. Smith Charles A. Reiners of East of the world C o iffu r e s Windsor has been named sales Monday evenings from 7:00-9:00 P.M-^12 weeks • AW NINGS representative for the Hartford Beginning February IS, 1965—Fee $40.00 area by Panama-Beaver Corpo­ Manchester High School, Boom 128 > 643-9351 Register for this course February 15— 6:80-1:00 P.M. 'A Free inrimatMl ration, manufacturer of carbon paper, duplicator masters and ADVANCED PRINCIPLES OF PROPERTY INSURANCE CHILDREN’S ART •k ink ribbons. Former purchasing Easy Torms! agent and office manager of the Instructor—Mr. Ellen * Tuesday evenings from 1:00-9:00 P.M.— 12 weeks From Connecticut and Resolute Insurance Group in from Foreign Lands Hartford, he succeeds Robert Beginning February 16,1966—Fee $40,00 *?• Mongell o f 70 Brent Rd. who Manchester High School, Boom 182 . . . See what French, 53 V was recently appointed Con­ Register for this eonrso February 10—6:80-1:00 P.M. Austrian and South necticut State manager for Pa­ t ! Moil registrations to: American kids think nama-Beaver. n e Certlfloate Program, 17-56 the U S A looks like. The University of Cooneetloat Alexander Jarvis of the Jar­ Storro, OonnecUent vis Construction Co. plans con- CHUUK WASOH Alfred P. Werbner (left), preMdent of the Chamber of Com­ merce in Manchester, and R. Bruce Watkins, chamber vice International Anti Do­ president, examine a chart illustrating five aspeots of Man­ MANCHESTER'S mestic fooiiB aiervsd chester's growth during ttte last four years. Reading from during show honrs.^ top to bottom, the lines represent the course of construc­ tion, telephones, the grand list, population and retail salea Parfcu lar attention is being p ^ d to the rise in retail sale)i ONLY FUEL OIL DEALER Methodist which in the first three quartm of 1964 reoch^ ths sum of 359,504,000 compared to 151,962,000 for the similar p ^ o d in 1963./niis marks an increase in sales of 14.5% as opposed MARINE to an overall state average of 4.3%, (Herald photo by So- O PEN 24 H O U R S A DAY! temis.) E X H I I I T S Cor Top Boots obd to'tbe oontraot and brings its MORIARTY BROTHERS Church Changes Okayed total to $6S$.2S2.32. The origi­ Booting EqolpiiMiit 1226 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER nal amount was $630,700. For School Wing SERVINO YOU WITH Complnf Equlpmoot E6T KTTCR FOR USS AT 24 24 January 31, 1965 General Manager Richard Mobilhoot Martin has authorized the Jack HOUR HOUR TRAILERS 9:00 and 10:45—CHURCH SCHOOL R. Hunter construction firm to mldie change orders amounting ■«amUrioln f i t Np. SS PURL O IL lURNRR 9:00—MORNING WQRSHIP to $1,552.32 in the Robertson School addition contract. Youth Fellowship Choir D E u m v n iE L O IL S S E tY ie i H ie changes Include on oddl- FREE B U S 10:45—Chaned Choir with our Rhythm Choir ^ o n o f $1,959.32 to r additional m excavation, concrete and re­ D OmuMctiait .Oo. inforcing steel; and removal and win provide FREE SERMON: "CHANGE IN THE CHANGELESS" replacement o f storm lines. A CALL 643-5135 •huttlobw Bervk«,b$H Dr. J. Manley Shaw; Preaching saving of $407 was rooorded due twoen South GtziiMrct > to a lower hardwnrs oontraot 31S CENTER STREET M A N C H U r a t CpBstttvtfam PlMA Api {Mice. 187 W est MUHHa ■Jh- This li $he find choiife order Q p w 7 Sajw

\ ■

am 3oiM FEI.9 O IM ^N B U t : S^IS-tS-Z^.-Sb^

vn)»o nviart w b e k -^ a u . u o a n b c s d i v k d . h . t . d ic k i n s o m e. co.. fee. A TV 15-Year Review Few Series Survive [it)RD TIMES Notebook w ,... IWMSAS , wlU be hia laat. year with a HOlXiYWOOD (AP) — What’s^weekly ahow, iYEL ar 40AN c»oc»Y the secret for longevity of a tel- It was 11 years ago that Walt m m Y O R K (NBA)^~Onoe evlaion ahow? It helpo it the ae­ Disnsy and Lassie went on the s m o N ■MC* uato the breecti, denr ries otfera variety, quiases or air. R’s interesting to note that IMenda, .goea another CBS family fun. ' Rin-Hn-Tln also stsurted that EET ABMORT {Mogram, in an effort to make Thu’s the oonclpaion that can year, but lacked the staying a dant in Bonanaa’a rattaifa., be drawn from Variety's compi­ power of its coUle rivet rFORD Waylnnlng Sunday, For . tae lation of "TV'a Oraveyard” Lawrence Welk made his de­ ;F b(» m, a ihow produced*^ by from 1900 to 1906. The show bis but in 1966-66, also "Chins- lini FEB. 6 ■; Banert (Hie Defendera, The Bible listed every nighttime net­ moke," and Allred Hitchcock. Boetors and The Nuraea) work series — 70S in all — and None of tte new shows of the — S to 10 F.M. s Bro«B(la wOl mova In to the showed bow long they aurvived. followiiw season remain and from udiich aueh ahowa More than half succumbed after only “Wagon Train," "Perry — 4 to 10 P.M. na Jttdy Oariand and The Cel- one season. Only 36 per cent M ason" and "T o TeU the -aMty Game aank Into No managed three years on the air; Truth” from 1967-68. The farmer Vlaarar'a Land. 18^per cent 'made the golden two are expected to fade with For-Jbe paonla la the other mark of five years. this season. SSION sMa a t The Defandara’ coin. It’s interesting to browse Donna Reed is the lone survl-...... $1 ' Bat It's alao a lot more, accord­ through the list and see the vor from | the 1968-60 season. ing to William Shatner, who shows that succeeded. None of Two hardy Westerns started the nder 14, 50c pliya the lead, an aaaiatant dla- the Nbc and ABC shows of the following year — "Bbnansa” cim attorney. 1960-61 season are sUU on the and “ Raw hide." Among the 6- tickets may air, but CBS boasts tvro • year-olds are "My Three Sons,” led from the “Wlwt’a Uy Line" and “The Ed “The FUntotones," Andy Grif­ SulUvan Show," then caUed fith," "Clandid Osmera" and rimes at 50c "T oast o f Uie Town." Ben Telephone. re Jan. 31. Long gone are aU the other Will future seasons bring such entries of that year, including stalwart perennials T Probably Tickets in- such genu as "First Nighter,” not. The life e.xpectancy of tele- FREE 25c • "Hctlywood Screen Test," “I >^on series has dropped with It Co. bus Cover Times Square." "Mr. I. the years. Now if a show lasts Ibiglnatlon," "Tom Corbett, three years. Its participants Space Cadet " “ UghU Out" and consider themselves lucky. Se­ "B reak the Bank.^’ ries. Just don’t have the staying Marcel Marceau appean with Red Skelton Tuesday H ie 1961-M season brought the power they used to. at 8:30 p.m. in an hour of pantomime sketehes. first Of "I Love Lucy's" seven years; after a lapse,, LuclUe BaU came back to television, thou^ without her original coe- tiar. The only newcomer of that Season to maintain uninterrupt­ Sellers Recalls the u While Coals BAREE THE ed tenure was Red Skelton. Survivors of the 1962-63 season H eari attacks loft Peter Sel-<^samc time aa I did, and Pd sort<&that ho not be — in Selierio are Oigie and Harriet Nelson et lets on the brink of death on of wake ui) wdUv thcjje fellows phrase - ■ "a cai^lac^ nut” , ^DRO al, "Meet the Press" and “I’ve eight different occasions, but flying up in the air and then ^if you blink your left eye Got a S e cre t" SUll riding the com'ng d6\vn again smd all more than three times, you gM lE N C O air waves from the following his Sense o f humor emerged cou.ghing about 10,000 volts a bit worried." season ia indestructible Jack I 8|m1b unscathed—evm on the subject each. . .1 want to thank them : Sellers, who said he never Benny but It’a reported this of his brush with death. very much for all they did and gave up hope, during tho Interviewed for a - forthcom­ all the shocks they took oii my "touch - and - go days" of his ing "ABC Scope" program on behaU," heiu-t ailment, had some advlco ' WILUAM SHAram heart discaso, SeHers was ask- Sellers was interviewed In for people who never have had )ANCES Ann Sathern ed what advice he’d give some­ London for 'Heart Attack," heart arouble. He recommends *Wa are dealing with the one who's had a heart attack. Mnsto by Um psaaeoutlon o f •rU, putting which Will be present^ no smoking; as much exeidse "Don’t have another one if as possible, especially .pSoplo mal Culture OMia paople out of the way Might Join Wednesday, 10:30 - 11 pjn. The ior sooMar'a protootion. Wa you can possibly Kelp it," he re­ program will explore the na. with desk Jobs; no oversati^; Connecticut are ualng an active, inquiring plied. Uon’s number one killer dis­ do everything in moderation. oaaaara, wMdi nosaa and ^Lucy^sShow Then Sellers deacribed how, ease, interview some of its vic­ Had he known before thf »t-- prian after nis heart had stopped tims, )iQcUidlng Gellers and the tock what he knows ^now, Sel-. TlMfo ia nmch mora com boating, the Pacemaker, a spe­ Duke of Windsor, examine ad­ I'ers said, he would have dons' and aphhan har^tban in Tne NSW YfMlK (AP) — After an cial electric cardiological ma'i vances in diagnosis and treat­ ICK Dafandon; more amptiaaia on absence of several seasons, Ann chine, brought him back to life: ment, show actual heart sur­ What saved his life? ootvlag crimen.'* Botham is returning. to televi- “As soon as my heart would gery and talk with Dr. Michael “Being in a city very doss' VIU.IANS ^ mmiag Maadvanlnge sioh next month, presumably DeBkkey and other cardiolog- to a hospital that had an in­ for only a brief visit She will stop, this thing would sound a 'H w atruefauO o f telavlaian hooch .and 'ah^t five - miUion ists on hopes for defeating the tensive care unit, that hod a guest star in three episoues of disease. Pacemaker machine, that had Herido ■being wdat It ia today, it’a very CBS’ "The Lucy Show," playing white coats would rush in—one . dtfWonIt for a ahow atarting in on eacli leg and one on each In Sellers’ opinion, it’s kn- some wonderful imysieians the widowed Countess Fram­ poptant that a recovering avaiUble — and alao having saMaaaaon to* build a rating in boise of Paris, bom Rosie Har- arm.. . .whereupon this thing thna to gat on tha aoiiadule for would give off a terriflo'^ shock heart attack victim not be over­ .g;reat faith that I wasn’ t going rigan and Lucy’s old school ly serious about hik condition. to die.” the foBowlng aoaaon. eluim. and they'd aK get one at the "Wa nra at a diatiaet diaad- Although Miss Sothera neither ■uantaga atarUng lata," Shatner confirms nor denies, rumor per­ I’RIZE^Two edm i^ *1>aoauaa viewing hahita sists — and has since last sum­ a io m ore or lana a c t But wa mer — that with Vivian Vance SATURD A Y refed,io« PROGRAM I tickets to have an advantage in that wa determined to retire Lom the England, via ~ato the only ahow opening at long-playing Lucille BaU com e­ T te . • :W (8).CIooe Vp Oa Sport* U:I3 (3) Satarday Speotaealar irican World that time. dy aeries, there Is a chance that U:M (S) Sky Klar •:U (3) Ncwi “ Sword at the Caa§aeraia" Ann, in her new, noble charac­ (s-xe> Bar* Bwujr (33) Mayor Beport Sack Palaaee, Kloaaer Baoal- Many other wo make good our prom- Ooaot Oaard Procoata (33) Hava Gaa WUl Travel 3:33 (3) Maamat o lM a fciiih** hasn't even said yet whether I (J> TMa U VOoaa - (43) aanaat Mea there wiU be a "L ucy Show' (M*4> Aaerioaa 7:33 (3) Aady OrUHth « ^ 9y nUd-Fabmenr CBS ia aup- (U> Bab. T.V. (33) SUrriaePho Kdlton %oaad to make a aaclaion na to nskt season." ig ) b u m - 7:33 (3) daeldo Oleaooa Shaw VVEL But with “The Lucy Show" arday (3-33-13) The Blag IFhailly . Whidher For the People wik be consistently in tha Nielsen top WiUi n ipper iND eraund next aeaaon. Otaca” (Oalor) Bad flada auaey — the only thing needed is Ifiss Bad _____ with MBielhtag pccallat aboat >ltaaowal. I think, wfll de­ BaU’s nod to Insure another sea­ l:Sd (3) Bis niaa Thaaiia It — ia a o a n e a ohip. ATION pend on Um rovlewa we get. No son. ' ' “Opeiailaa Paeille” llfca •:33 (13-33) Kealaolqr Joaeo ^ •hS 'aspacta ua to atart with a Wayaa, Patricia Naal Iteaaia Weaver, Bobby Waav- "After aeven yean of televt- ItM (3 % ) 'TOAO BaakatbaB ar. Ihs had a aew Iriead )ka(li ^ m n e k luiga rating. siOa," Miaa Sothem remarked, BaataS vo. Soalaa Ball eavat a iptwaohop galtar. ilBITS don't think network poo* ‘T was anxious to get back to (M) KHa> 3:33 (3) OUllsaa’s latanT ELECTRONICS M a .s n atupid. H ie ahoWa they CkecluBate (33-33) Mr. Magoa h a^ lopped off the achedule that I began ,as a serious' ac­ :S9 (M-M) Pia Bawlan Tasr 3(33 (3) The BatettaiBerB LABORATORIES le world ware InliorenUy duS. 'Hte net- tress. I found I was getting Into J)4S O n a t MoBMats la Maola' (13.33) Satarday Night al Ikp WQ«I» want. qiuUty. If they a rat, doing things in the same 4:M (l> G M fOtasde Mavla ' 9M,MiriiuWh fliSilaaHaa laav- (Cater) "B oadiai" TOay Car- 277 BROAD hin^-a qnnllty ahow it only add. way, eheaung a bit in ecenes aaaioat. th , dsaet Leigh. Dvaaoa at tha to ttUa loater.'* becauee time was ao important . <■> Bars naaaa great laaclelaa’s diab. and* th en was never enough for ^ (39) OhaiSplaBahlp BiwBSg 9:iW (33343) (333431 MoBywaad__ Palaoe m ART g rd duulsaa. baatbaataaa.' Toay « G als Cktrddn, Banker K ooney real, reheanals." “"S.ISSrtJ"" ilartlB, daek____ Ositar,Osi Bay imiEw ■ , an "Hie Luoy Show," played Bo she sold iter lovely Bel Air Star^ athera. inecticut and - ^>«iio adMol prinotoal in the "Guv Ui33 (3) aaBomolM (gee Page Ihiee) Pwa M as VIelox dary. A paararfal fadlas reign Lands ¥^;yk n Brooifa" ateea aUp, Bt. Marita, . laadar aa xasla ta the TTMta 1S65 lateraatiaaal Baiflad, Hoaaa oaaoaatoro Dodge ivhat French,

>nal and Do- 'oods served low h o u r s . RINE I I I T S I loats

SUNDAY Television ^ PROGRAM "k 'k 'k 'k 'k 'k Networks Mark T tm f OkanBel (30) Sna. Matlaeo (20) Halls of Ivy AUTO STAR PROGRAM 7:45 (8) Sacred HeaH • The Jaa(la«* Shows to Drop $:t0 (3) Tbe Chriitoplien (24) What's New 1:80 (D Bppns Spectacaiar (40) Wanted Dead or AHva 8:88 (8) The IMye Of NlyM 8:88 (1) Oar 64, IVhere Asa ‘VauT (8) Thia U the Life ____(22) H ylB * n sh erm a a t : » Memaati at OaaaHaH aad (M) Sunday (22-80) Profiles In Conrage ZENITH 8«88 (3) To Tell The Tnrih eel Mareeaa. (8) Davey aad Goliath 8:26 ( 22) C ollefe BashetlMJI 10 days of agonising decision as Newacajpa (88ri8) The Yoaas Marriods (33-36) Ballabaloo (St) Science Today Robert Hooks, Claadia i^NeU. 2:30 (24) Intertel Stoiy of the cmsadlng slave its programnvera nail down next g m Wonderfnf World of MOTOROLA - SONY 7:15 (tt) Weather (8848) TraUmaator Enrlsn Parker as his sMa. A thanderstorm floods a oom- (SO) Word of Ufe Golf son’s end are ABCs "Wagon T:M (8> Teroepttm 4:86 (88-38) News (34) Casals M aster Class (40) ^ c r e d Heart (Color) Tony Lensa vs. Carl ^ mnntty and endangers n child. 4:38 (8) Zoorama Train," "Bing Orosby Show," _ „ <•) at Mr. Oaabar (3-88) Movie • i88 (8-2848) The Tycooa 0:15 (40) The Christopher PoBisen, RBa|t«ted d a b , Cop- 8:88 (8) OiurtalB Kaasarea (38) Comedy Time 0:80 (3) Iraaaes of Amei4merfea (18) Compass "ValenUne’B Day,” "Burke’s 8:88 (8) Bzerolae WMC Oloria Walter Brennaa, Vaa WiUlams. enbaKeD, Deamarh. (20) Broadway Qoos Latin 6:88 (8) Blfleman (8) lnsi|Ditlaht (30) Sports In Aetioa Law" and ’Wendy and Me.’’ _ (4#> Ooatlacolal Clan ream (88) Brave StalUoa Waltervvtaawva learaasvm a aw someWW8 0 « HievrVMr*iateroat- (30) This Is The U le (24) The French Chef 8:88 (S> Hap BlelwTSs lar thlnini aboat retlremeat *'NassaB Speed Week" road (40) AlamnI ^ n September will proHjebly find (84) Friendly Giant darinr » Sonih AmerioM vltlt, (40) Oral Roberts racing; hishliffhts; "Saahehmnt Television and Radio (8> QIR Ta» (38) Saperman 7:80 (8) My Favorite Marilaa (96) Cincinnati Symphonjr n 10:00 (3) Lamp UbIo M y Feet in the BveKlades.** "Hanel,’’ ’’Karen," "Mr. Ma- <>» Hamper Beam (M) The Admiral Jaok aad .Kxaminatlon of the Catholic 4:30 ( 24) FoBrth" •*, EiEstate Martla "adopts" aa orphan Is <88) Today la OoBBeeUeat 9iM Petticoat Jnaottoa prove n Martian theory to Tim. “Stoner” Smith goo,” "The Rogues” and "Ken- Swabby Show Church in Latin A m erica (and (48) Bo m the O ew a IiU (18) sfuilon Dollar Movie Hopinr to boat th e 9896 fai- the chaBaifiir social order. (18) Sab. T.V. twoky Jonee” missing from 8:U (8) Depa^ Daws itailatioa charfOs Ua^o Joo (22-80) WonderfnI WorM of "Collece Holiday" <8) dewisB News and Views WE SERVICE ALL MAKES OF SETS Treasurer NBCs lineup. 8:88 (8) Lmve It To Beaver (84) Sins HI Sins I-o aoei into tho b^H oc OolophoBO (22) Chalice o4 SalvatloB C/Olor (8) The Yaaae Harriada bastaoMi (CTolor) (PnH II) Roger Mob­ And among CBS’ projecied 8:88 (8) Woody Woodpoehor (30) Sacrifice of the Mass „ (?•> Hamper Itoam (88) Film <8-29'49) Peytoa Flaoo (40) This Is The Life ley. Qallegher Is snre the po­ drow>lng of 10 shows, there M:88 (8) Hawa Mia Farrow. For AUloon a ll^ chief is being framed. (84) Whal’r Now 10:80 (3) Look Up And Uve — Sajre — most likely will be "The Cara <••-*!> Maho Boom far Daddy (88) Maverick BOW world of loamlagi aad Reltaion series. The philoso­ (8-20-40) Wagon Train <8> Oaaeral HaapNal Frank De Kova, Andrew Prino. Williams Show,’’ “Bailey’s of (48) Blfleman for Botts^ a Now York world phy of the play^y In America „ ^ (48) Oala Storm 8:88 (8) Newr and Weather of a par^ rlrl. IS examined (Part I) A town's tnbabitants flee at the “If you don’t buy Balboa," "The Entertainers," MtM Navy FUm at the Wbek man is being held for hi# mar* visitors from Moscow, meet duty. and for the next 18 months stud­ (30) Open Mike der. ^n. Robert Kenney, aittst (8) Movie (26) la School Prevlow 0:00 (S> For The People ied acting with the famous Stel­ (88) Hello Poa Piokoro Newr aad Weather Norman Rockwell, others. (Premiere) William Shatner, 277 BROAD STRICT Phone 649-1124 (34) Colleye Bound (18) The Christophers la Adler. Then she moved back ( 8 ^ ) At Home With KHty 11:88 (84-20-23-3048) Newr, Weather Howard DaSilver. A prosecn- AUTO (48) Newr . .. Newr and Weather and Sports (22) Passiny Parade tor is obsessed with indicting to motion pictures, playing seri­ 7:16 (33) Wert. Marr HIshllshtr 11:16 (29) Les Crane (30) Jewish Life Ttii Bomard Shew (36) Sportr a racketeer. ous, demanding parts, including 1.88 (J) Ar The World Taras (30) Tonight 11:46 (30) The Christophers (8-2040) Sanday Nigkt Movie (48) Newr 11:20 (3) Movie 12:00 (3) Perception one lady of the evening. (88) ladlo. Day "One. Two, Tkree^’ James DISCOUNT 7:38 (3) What in the World "The Black Aagol" Daa (8) Comments aad People Cagney. Arleae Francis.- HUar- "Then, working with Lucy, I <**;*•> t^ l’r Make A Deal (8-3848) Combat (18) Fisher Fam ily , „ Teaplekerr Daryea, Peter Lorre ioas comedy about an Amer­ found it hard to get back to P’™"kle Avalon. Yeans rocrmlt (40) Les Crane (20) Livinc W’ord ican bns«*»e*«mnn in cold war I:*® (88-38) Newr roller on older soMter for (22) Bijt pTctore comedy again,’’ she com­ 8:88 (3) Parrword U:25 (8) Tell Me. Dr. Brother! Robert Hooks stars as Berlin. HOUSE, Inc. plained. "My timing was off. brelherly protection. ' 11:30 (22) Tonight (30) R ia f Aroand the World (22-30) Buuuu^ •* Trath (33-38) Mr. Novak (8) Les Crane (40) Beany and Cecil a slave on NBC’s “ Pro­ 478 Center St but it came back pretty eiSly," a a a PU m o 1b the Wlad 12:16 (3) We Believe (Color) Karl Holliman. Disre­ li88 (3) Heare Party i?*” *?. Tranclrcnr, Barserr 13:56 (8) News, Weather. Momealu files in Courage” to­ garding Adam's warning, , DEMPSEY-TEGELER and C#.. Inc. Meredith. (Part I) Novak rnnr of Meditation (20) The Christophers <*•;*•> The Oootors Into trouble tryins to direct 12:25 (8) Capital ^ p o r t neighbors hire a ganfighter to Phone 648-»56£ POLL WINNERS 1:00 (8) Gale Storm morrow from 6:30- protect the herds . from FRIENDLY AND HELPFUL TRAN8AOTIONB HANDLED ON 8:64 & r i?J w r ” *>' *- a fnnd-rairins show. (40) USAF Beligions Film 12:30 (8) Opinionated Man rustlers. Elisabeth Montgomery, star (34) Science Boportor 1:30 (8) News (18) Bible Answers 7 ;30 p.m. 10:00 <3) Candid Camera ALL EXCHANGES LISTED AND UNLISTED—MUTUAL FUND6 • B-Z Finandng of "Bewitched," and David (20) Silver Winas USAF (22-30) ‘ The R ogaes" (22) 10 Pin Bowliar 6:00 (8-20-40) Am erican Sportsman ; (iig Young, Charles Boyer. •t9 MAIN STREET Janssen, star of "Fugitive,’’ (30) Watch Mr. Wisard (('-olor) (Prem iere) Robert | Tony and Marcel lead a rich -IIM • Open Evenings both on ABC, have been elect^ (40) Conversation With Stack stalks a lion in Kenya; | man on n wild goose chnse for Members of Now Tork Stook EKeluwgo "Woman of the Year” and WEDNESDAY Television PROGRAM 1:00 (3) Yonr ConsmBnity Tana fishinr In the Bahamas. African diamonds. (8-20) Directions '65 (22-30) Wild Kinadom 10:30 (S) What's My Line ^ x 'k 'k i^ irk i^ ic k '^ '^Can o f the Year," respective­ Tim. Ohaaaal Interview with arilst Mordedal (Color) .Marlin Perkins. Jim tl:00 ( 3-8-22-30-40) News, Weather ly, In Radio-Television Daily’s 8:36 (3) Town Criar (8) Admiral Jack (8-28-48) Patty Dake Show Ardon. (18) MUlioa Dollar Movie Fowler. Stody of the aboriainal > and Sports 5®rd annual AU-Amerlcam *■** Semoalar Bobby Vinton. The Lane# think (18) SabscriptioB T.V. AustralUns. I 11:15 (8) Changing Times . „ (*8-48) Trailmaster a yoang Journalist is being (30) Boiler Derby (24) Channel 24 Report (22) .Movie Awards poU of the nation’s TV- a.m Irf* **• Ptetara 4:36 ( 33) News groomed for Martin's job. 6:36 « ) Mamentr at ComfaH aa 4:38 (3-33) Movie (40) Westover Presents 6:30 (3) I’ ^e Movie (38) Comedy Time 9:3# (8) B everly HUlbUlles (8-20) Issues and Answers (('olor) Portland Stale College (30) (treat Moments 4a Maslc SHOP and 7.00viaa !r! (3) Speak Up ■daoatlaaal TV 3:88 (8) The Biiieman ' Jed take# the beotaik vietins (22) Hockey * (Ore.) vs. I’nM. of San Fran- 11:30 (8) Big Pirtore (33-W) Today Show (28) Memory Laao of a ^ o p y crash Into the Boston Browns vs. Toronto Ma­ ^ cisco. "The Wild NorU" StowaH IT D O E S Mak« A OiffercECk Where Yor Savel SAVE (34) Klnderyartoa honoe for mountain-style doe- ple Leafs. (24) Casals Master Class Granger, Cyd Charisse ! 7 .J , Sj (88) Sopermaa toring. (40) Winning Pins (40) The Admiral ood Swabby 6:00 (3) Twentieth Century 11:35 (30) The Untouchables WHERE 2‘S Weather (8-30-40) Shindig 2:00 (3) Our Miss Brooks Report on the treatment ac- 1:00 (8) Newscope, The ('hristoph- 7:38 (3) BFD No. 3 Show 9)00 (3) Dick Van Dvke Show’' (8-20-40) National Basketball (‘oided Japanese- Americans ers. Moments of Comfort, 5:30 (8) Peter Potamas Bob discovert tnat Laura ood ’f t g aasssn YpU SEE r aa {?{ •* 0*al»« Assn. Game during World War II. I Go<^nifht Hymn §•!? iJ{ Captain Kaayareo (18) Millloa Dollar Movie Millie are stage mothers e t Cincinnati Royals vs. Phlladel- (8) Siirfside Six (40) USAF Religioas Film "Bvery Night at Eight" the worst sort. pbia 76ers. * '* * Rxerislro WHh Gtoria George Baft, Aliee Faye (18) Spread of The Kagle I 1:25 (3) Decoy , „ ^ntlnoatal aararoom (33-30) W ednesday Night at Ike (24) Open Mind (22-30) .Meet The Press 1:55 (3) News and W'eather S A V I M G S 4% SIGN 8.88 (3) Bap Bicharda (24) V h a t’s New Movies (8) Girt Talk (M) Cheyenne "The Angry Hills." Bobert (40) Blfleman I . O A N Ourreat 52*. Beam Mitchum. Ola Scola. War cor­ 8:88 respondent takes oa dangerous ' ' • ‘ « I \ I I I . V A n n u e l BELM(H4T BUG /fa ! *■ Ooaaaotteat (24) Jamaica5 "'* ’ W®*****'. ••4 Sportr a u Claw* underground mission ftu MONDAY Television PROGRAM DlTideod OLEANINO COMPANY 8:M (3) Dopaty Dawy (40) News Greece. Roto MS MAIN ST e MS-SeM 8:86 (40) Laram ie (34) New Orleans Jons * '** J2! *• ®«8var 8:18 (8) Sports, News ood Weoflier 8:16 9:90 (3) The Cara WllUam# Show Tim e Channel (8) Admiral Jack (8-20-40) Wendy and Me n i n t f i T i y w i i r (8) News Cara becomes baby-sitter for 6:25 (3) Town Crier (18) .Million Dollar Movie . Jeff’s second (33) Clubhouse M:88 (3) N «7**' 6:36 a tdiimp and a m yna bird bo* 6:30 (3) Sunrise Semester (20-40) Trailmaster honeymoon plans go awry leOT M AIN 8 T ., M AN C H E STE R • RO U TE M , COVEN TRY (33) Special BepeH Ing nsea in a space project. (30) Agricultare oa Parade 4:25 (22-30) News when Wendy invites a gang <**-M) Make Baam f ' Baddy 6:88 (3) News (8^0-40) Burke’s Law 0:36 (8) Moments of Comfort and 4:30 (3-22) Movie along. 551.*^?“ **** HaapBal (8) Sorfside Six Nick Adams. Amos hs* Newscope (30) Comedy Time (22-30) The Jonathan Winters (48) Gala Storm (33-30) Hnntley - Brinkley Be- MA8 (3) Movie vesHgaies the death of a ten­ 6:45 (8) National Educational TV 5:00 (8) Rifleman Show’ t i v i i h ' s nis champ who hod been O' 7:00 (3) Understanding- Oar World (20) .Memory Lane (f'olor) Guest: British com*- (K -M ) WhaPa YOU 8 o a «r What’# New bum. (22-30) Today Show (24) Kindergarten dinn Michael Sentine. (fi.PbtnMi la Tho Wlad 8:48 News, Wsather (34) Point of View (8) Operation Alphabet (30) Superman (24) Population Problem u,aa P»~dtoo 6:46 (30) New# 1#:00 (3) Danny Kaye Show FURNITURE M jOO (M-M> Ooaoeatratioa 7:08 7:15 (8) Davey and Goliath (40) Admiral Jack and Swabby 0:30 (3) .Many Happy Returns (3) Littleat Hob# Guests: ^ ed Gwyune. Jeh m 7:25 (22) Weather 1116 MAIN STREET Show John .McGiver. Walter m as­ U :38 (18) Sub. T.V. Gary. 7:30 (3) Your Community 5:30 (8) Yogi Hear querades as a general to see (30) Memory Lane _ (34) In School Preview (8) Friend of Mr. Goober (18) Million Dollar Movie whv Lynn's soldier fiance PLEN’S TEXACO M A 8 *• Iff! Nows 10)30 (8) One Step Beyond 8:00 (3) Captain Kangaroo "American Tragedy" Phillips called off the wedding. Master Clara <“ ^ ,S av Whoa (30-40) Scope 8:30 ( 8 ) ’7<:xercise With Gloria Holmes, Sylvia Sidney (8-20-40) Bing Crosby Show 381 MAIN ST. (3848) Newr and Weather *'Heart Attack" Includes ac­ (40) Continental (iassroom (24) Whal*^s New Jomes Shlgeta, Nobu McCar­ ia.aa <12! ^ tual heart operotioa and !■* 8:00 (3) Hap Richards (SO) Cheyenne thy. Bing and KIlie are baffled STATE SERV. STATION Sherry Jackson ap­ ***** Tomorrow (38) Sportr terviews with Peter Sellars, (8) Girl Talk (40) Superman by some Japanese domestic (eSelrai^BSa Oonaoqaomsoa (48) Newr the Duke and Duchess of Wind­ (22) Romper Room 0:00 (8) News and Weather customs. m.aa Waowr Bert (3) Mtater Ed 770 MAIN ST. pears on CBS’ “Corner M:86 (3) Oaldlay I.i(bt sor. (30) Today In Conneettent (22) Top 22 Plus One 10:00 (3) .News Special ^***. A Boickbor H :88 (3-8-:^33-S8-48) Nawa, WraUmr (40) Koso The Clown (24) Who Wrote That? "The Mystery of Stonehenge" Pyle — USMC" Friday 1«88 (3) Bert SeHev wants to invert In a soft drink and Sportr 9:15 (3) Deputy Dawg (40) News Experts examine a new theory WYBIAN OIL CO.. Ine. 9:30-10 p.m. (8) Mavle Ed haa invented, bat Ed won’t U ;I6 (28) Craao 9:30 (3) Leave It To Beaver 0:06 (40) Laramie about the ancient rains. 24 MAIN ST. (*}) HeBo Paa Plohera •“f'odlontr. (88) Toaicht (8) The Young Married# (3) Sports, W'eather and News (22-30) The Alfred HItchceek 768 MAIN STREET — 643-1191 (J*;*^ At Hhme With HtUy (32-38) The VIrrInlaa HtM (3) Movie (30) Romper Room 0:16 (8) News Hoar (48) Newr Harriett "Shack Ont oa 181” T»nr 10:00 (3) News (22) Clubhouse (8-20-40) Ben Casey (34L Preview RANGE and DRYER i!a a rJ?- M ^ro, Frank Loveioy (22-30) Make Room for Daddy 6:25 (22) Special Report Vincent Edwards, Peter Has­ ENJOY A NEW WORLD OF HEARING IrtO (I) An tho W orld Ta ras 8:88 (8> My Uvlny DoH (48) Lm Crane (8) General Hospital 6:30 (3) News kell. Casey clashes with a phi­ WIRING SERVICE (30) Tho OhiWtophers 11:86 (8) Dr. Brotherr (40) Gale Storm (8) (iallant Men losophy scholar who diagnoses WITH THE NEWEST EVEOLAS8 HEARING AH ta>-ro> Lot*!in Make A DobI U :88 (33) Tonight 10:30 (3) Movie (22-30) Huntley Brinkley Re­ his own and other cases. ( ^ T h oe 1PoBplekers (8) Lor Crane (22-30) What's TUa B orn g f port (24) In School Preview SorviM Changed Complete Nows 13:36 (8) Newr, Weather, Memeata (8) Flame in the Wind (24) Wkat's New 11:00 (3 8 20-22-30-40) News, Weather W iring InatnIUtions in (Hd I (ir W^..M t o o v word of Meditatioa (40) Adventures in Paradise 6:65 (20) New*s and Sports OTARION SUPER-9 \ and New Homes and BimI- (M-**)' •! Mommt at Trath 1:88 (8) Gale Storm 11:00 (22-30) ('oncentration 7:60 (3) After Dinner Movie 11:16 (20) l^ s Crane nesaes. a aa 8) **•“ • *■ Wlad (38) Newr (8) Hello Pea Pickers "The Best Things Ik Life Arc (30) Tonight (O) ultimate in oyeglaao hearing aide. How 1:88 ({> Baaaa Party 1:18 (8) Newr 11:30 (22-30) Jeopardy Free" Gordon .MacRae, Daa 11:10 (3) Movie (it-»8V Tha Daatara (8-20-40) Price Is Bight Dailey "T h e Fighting GwardsBMMi** "®*’-f*P«f-*«n**tivo amplifier. Haa the g^n and power to oorroot Eleetrie Heat Installstiona. 12:00 (3) Love Of Life (18) Topic John Loder, Anita Loalse ‘'•ll- ^ ‘‘tweight, compact, trim desl^. The >:M FALCON FALTERS (22-30) Say When (20) Danger Man (40) Les Crane Performance you want in a hearing aid. K you have The most frustrating pewt for (8-2(M0) Donna Reed (22) Weather, Local News 11:25 (8) Tell Me. Dr. Brethera *■- |Jii?-A5Jirar-w7«' 12:30 (3) Search For Tomorrow (24) The Magic Room 11:30 (8) Les Crane becauoe your loM is too MvorO, you must t*y the Supsre (8) TraHmastar producers Jean Rogers mid (22-30) Truth or Conseqaences (30) News and Weather (22) Tonight (€) believe R! For a free demonstration, stop in or call us soon. (3848) Qaaaral Mrabttal John iSecondari in preparing *% (8-20-40) Father Knows Best 7:16 (22) Mass. Highlights U:45 (3) News and Weather IA8 (3) To ToK tho r U S k Leonardo Da Vinci"—soheduied 12:45 (3) Guiding Light (30) Sports 1:00 (8) Gale Storm 1:00 (3) Best Seller (40) News (30) News on ABC for Feb, 28—has been (8) Movie 7:30 (18) Sub. T.V. . ^ ^ (40) USAF ReUgiesM ¥ U m trying to film a sequence with (20) Hello Pea Pickers (22-30) Karen 1:10 (8) News Onstemlied Seat Covurs a falcon. During the shooting hi (22-30) At Home With KHty (8-20-40) Voyage to the Bottom Cnstomlaed Auto Tops (40) News of the Sea Italy last summer the scene 1:05 (40) Barbara Bernard Show Richard Basehart, David Hedi- was disrupted when the bird bit 1:30 (3) As the World Turns son. Rol»ot, recovered from a MANCHESTER TURNPiKE AUTO Secondarl In the hand. Tlio oth­ (20) This is The Answer space capsule, toms monster. Ort s p e e d y Specialty (22-30) Let’s Make A Deal Compleat Gardener WILSON V er day they were about to start (40) The Peapickers SEAT COVERS TRULY DBUCIOU8 Turning the sequence again, 1:5.5 (22-30) News CYCLE SHOP ' MANCHESTEE ELECTRICAL CO. using a falcon owned by a Long 2:00 (3) Password 1«S W. BfMdIe Tpke. y ' " vaoKhn, KIchard CYCLE SALES A SERVICE RealdeeUnJ-Oomm.-Iad. Island man. Just as they were (22-.30) Moment of Troth Hayden. A mild-mannered man BICYCLES $48-8366 646-4817 — 646-U88 CHICKEN (20-40) Flam e in the Wind If can destroy OLDSnOBILE BALES about to begin, the mi^ heeled 2:30 (.3) House Party U.N.C.l.ft. at will. Can Be Bourbt Brown ki # Miniitee over and died. (22-30) The Doctors (24) French Chef On Loy-Away 'o r o w (8-20-10) Day In Court 8:30 (8-20-40) No Time For Serv- The w orld '! “ ItaiMi e«tla ’ 2:M (40) News euiits oMckea” . wMi iBeomnarBUe FALK 8ERIB6 3:00 (3) The Edge Of Night JVIIl'n klBfolk rrfuse to believe Wo Carry The 812 WEST CENTER ST. taate. Peter Falk hew signed to star (22-30) Another W'oiTd hl» promation «o KenenU le a (8) Trailmaster Pleriral error. JACOBSEN Don W ILLIS Gor«rae Douglas Fairbanks Jr. in "O’Brien," new full-hour (20-40) General Hospital . „ <*«> Brldne Snow Blowor MS-MU CALL IN ORDEE comedy drama series about a 3:30 (3) To Tell The Truth SPECIALISTS IN is master o f em'e- (3) The L ory Nkow WHEEL ALIGNMENT AMD Mok Up 10 Minute! Lntar lawyer, which is planned lor (20-40) The Young M arried! A?.?..®"*.’*'*'"- I-ovy and her next seaeon on CB6. ' (22-30) You Don't Say cnililhood friend, now a oonnt- BOB KIERNAN, Prop. HKAKE SBRYIOB monies on a new series, 6;06 (S) Ranger Andy Show oss, fall to eat dinner before T49 W. Middle I^ke. MS-MMS NEW or USED ow nnuL AUTO r e p a i r “Alcoa P r e V i e w,’ ’ t83-30> M ntob Qnaio Being wibe>tMUnga DECrS DRIVE-IN 646 4661 ■ M MAIN SY., MANCHESTER starting Thursday on Tony Curtia and Janet lieigh 46« CENTER ST.—64S-M60 aU r in **HoudiDd** toaiBbt mm ABC 10-11 p.m...... 1...... “t r r r WBC at 0. i .J J r


t( THURSDAY 7Vfer.«,o« PROGIiAM g Bittersweet News: tl (88-89) Aaother Worid eased of- asardsffag m la v s *- . Time Chmmel >' (S) Tewa Orler (8) Trallmaster tor's soorotary tmh a leto P • :M ( S> Saarlte S^merter (8940) Ueneral Hospital phone. b KxperleBce la Writlair 8:89 (8) To Tell The Trath (9-9949) Beatles Will Return (84) The Csnsors • :M nBIA LOWRT irigbt record tor American au­ I.'M (S) The Bletsiara ol L I b e itj (88-89) M atch G am e Charley foes aloaj la aartoal diences. Weather 4:85 ( 88-89) News RiehaM Ohamberlala; Jaek departments, but good news tor new record company started 7:M (8) ThU la UCeae 4:89 (8-88) Movie Warden. A eab driver with a <8) Frtead at Mr. Oeeber (89) Comedy Time heart aOmeat Joopardkes Ua the teen-agers: The Beatles are promoting them. One of the peo­ S:SS (8) Captaia Kaararoo 5:9 ( 8 ) The Rinemaatiflei life for his danyhiers. eoming back tor another Ameii- ple I went to see was Ed Sulli­ 8:89 (8) Bzerclae With Glaria (89) Whiplash (94) Fearth Estate van — and I rather think I (M) Ceatlaeat^ Claiaroem (84) Friendly Giant 9:99 (8) Password ean tour. 9:99 (8) Hap Kiehards (89) Superman (99949) Bowitebod But not tmtU next August, so Eihook him by demanding star aiA T a U (49) The Admiral and Swabby It’s many Bases whoa a aaw (here is still time to make billing for the boys.” (88) Bemper Boom 5:15 (84) SInr HI Sinp Lo asslstaat'I triesi (or DarrtaU job. His final explanation about his (99) Teday la CoanecUeal 5:89 (8) Huckleberry Hound (M) By Line 84. proper preparation for the inva­ (99) Base The Clowa (18) Million Dollar Movie 9:99 (8) Doelaloa sion. most famous clients: 9:18 (8) Depaty Dawr “BillUa DolUr Scandal” Rob­ (98949) Peytea Placo The news comes from Brian "The boys wear their hair 9:89 <8> Ijeare It Te Beav ert Armstroap, Constance Byan O’NesU. Badaey makao long just because they happen (9) The Yeaar Marrteds C nm m inps a stand for Independenro at ■petein, the long-haired boys’ (89) Bompor R oom (89) F ilm emotion aad acUea. B^rt- hsdred manager and to like long hair. It is not to at­ 19:99 (8) Mows (84) What's New (88-89) Hand agent wlm is in town briefly to tract attention or anything else. (88-89) Make Boom for Daddy (89) Maverick (Color) Shirley Booth, Barbara After all, men did wear long (8) Oeaeral Hospital (49) Rifleman Shelly. A prrma doaaa eom- make some arrangements for a (49) Qalo Storm 9:99 (8) News, Weather and Sports pliratea Hasel’a dance date. coast-to-coast Beatles tour; set hair once and may again. Is 19:89 (8) M otIo (89) F ilm (84) New Oiteaas Jana another of his clients, singer there any psuticular reason why (88-M) TThaPs ThU SoasT (84) O peration Ai slyo 19 (8) The Defenders I part my hair on the right side (9) Plamo la thr Wiad (49) N ew s E. a. Marshall. Kim Haalor. Cilia Black, for a forthcoming (49) Adveatares in Paradlso 8:96 (49) Checkmate A man murders his wife’s ■d Sullivan appearance on CBS, except that I like to?” 11:99 ( 88 ^) Ooacontratioa (3) Sports, News aad Weather lo v er. and discuss his future participa' (9) Hello Pea Pickers 9:15 (88) Weekend Ski Reports (88-89) Perry Como Mnsic Man 11:99 (88-89) deopardy 9:85 ( 88) Special Report Geests; Shirley Jaaes, Daaay (ton in the new "Hullabaloo.' _____(9-8949) JMce Is Blsht 9:89 (8) News Thomas. Live from Kiel Aadl- Slpstein, 29, recently has blos­ 18:99 (8) l.ove of Life (8) Laramie torinm, St. Leals, Mo. somed as a TV performer him (88-89) tU y When (88-89) HnnUey Brinkley Re­ (98949) Preview Special self, introducing singers in a Coming Shows (9-8949) Dsana Be«d p o rt Doaglaa Falrbaaks, Jr., em­ 18:89 (8) Search For Tomorrow (84) What's New cee. Behlad-tha-oceaes vUMs special weekly segment of the (88-89) TraU or CoHurqamcet 9:46 ( 89) News with Tony Boanot, Kim Novak. NBC show which is taped in (8-89-19) Father Knows Best 7:99 (8) Wyatt Karp ^ Vittorio DeSIca. London. A new theory on the ancient 18:45 (8) OaidlBs Liyht (18) Sub. T. V. (84) la School Preview 1:99 (8) Best Seller (80) Best of the Post 19:89 ( 84) Bedoaal Report ■pstein, whose association ruins of Stonehenge in England (9) M ovie (8S-3(M0) News and Weather 11:99 (99.8988-8949) Mows, Woaths* with the Beatles started when is examined in "The Mystery of (89) Hello Pea Pickers (84) Who Wrote ThalT aad Sports be was running a Liverpool mu­ Stonehenge” Monday on NBC (88-89) At Home With Kitty 7:U (88) Went. Mass. HI LHes 11 :U (89) b s C ra a e (49) N ew s (89) SporU (99) Tsalpht sic shop and began receiving from 10-11 p.m. 1:96 (49) Barbara Bernard Show (49) News U;89 (8) Movie requests for their records, be- 1:89 (8) As .The World Taras 7:89 (8) The Mansters “Fssleat Oiri la Pario” Maas Uevea that their phenomenal Jonathan Winters returns (89) This Is the Life It looks like space travel for tia C a r d Monday on NBC from 9-10 p.m. (88-89) Let's .'Make A Deal Grandpa when he snbstitates (49) L os e ra s e success is no flash in the pan (49) The Peapickers for Igor the Bat. 11:96 (8) Tell Mo. Dr. Blethers and is constructed on thieir mu­ 1:85 (8889) News (8-89^) Jenny Quest (U) Ski Reports sicianship rather than their Lhe period when President 8:99 (8) Password (Color) The party U takaa 11:89 (89) Toalaht aray-out hairdos and tailoring. Franklin Roosevelt was inaugu­ (88-89) Moment of Trath prisoner on aa laaccessIMo (9) Lea Crane (89-M) Flame in The Wiad ifricaa moantain Inhabited by 1:99 (8) Nows, Weather, aad M 9 "Two of the boys are fine rated 32nd President is ex­ 8:89 (8) Hoase Party c a v e m en. asoaU ef Meditation composers, too,” Epstein noted. plored in ‘The Hundred Days” (88-89) The Doctors (88-89) Daniel Boone (9) GaU Storm "And while I think that the teen­ on ABC’s ‘‘FDR‘’ Friday 9:30- (9-89^) Day la Coart (84) French Chef 199) N ow s 8:54 (49) News 9:99 (8) Perry Mason (49) VBAF RdMIoas Film age excitement wiH continue on 10 pju. 8:99 (8) The Kdyo of Niyht A company eomptroUor la ae- 1:89 (9) Nows for another year or so, I expect they will go on to better things. Jane Powell will be the host­ Including some more fine . ess on NBC s “The Bell Tele­ They have great talent.” phone Hour” ‘Tuesday 10-11 Television young Impresario con­ pjn. Louis Armstrong is among FRIDAY l»ROGIU\M Tiase Chaaaol fessed he was unhappy about the guests. (88) ClabhoBOe U :9 (8-9-8949) Nowa, Weather, aad the filmed "Beatles in Ameri­ 9:89 (9) Team Crier 9:88 (88) SpecUl Report S p a ris ca” show which CBS broadcast, Sir Madcolm Sargent con­ 9:99 (8) Sanrioo Semester 4:89 (8) Nows (81) Big Naws (89) AgrirBltato oa Parade (8) New Breed (19) Naws aad Waathor adding that it was made without ducts the Royal Philharmonic 9:19 ^ ) Memento of Comfort s (U) Sab. T.V. 11:18 (89) Lea Craae permission. Orchestra of Londbn Friday on (88-89) Hnalley Brinkley Ro- (89) TOBlght 9 ;46 (9)*Nd£tiial Edocatloaal Tl p a ri U:89 (S) MovU He chuckled rather cynically Channel 24 at 8 p.m. 7:99 (9) The Seekers (14) What’s New (98-19) Today Show “Street With No Name" Mark about the numbers of people • :U (89) News Stoveas, "This Hoase ef Oars” (9) Operation Alphabd 7:99 (I) Death Valley Days who now are claiming they had James Cagney, Horst Buch- 7:16 (1) The ChrUtopheri Merle Obeiwa. (89) Mystery Is My Basiaess (49) Les Craae important parts in the Beatles' holz and Pamela ‘Tiffin appear 7:85 (88) WeaUer (88) Weather and News 7:89 (8) Fram The CoUege Camr 11:89 ( 9> TeO■ mMo. o. Dr. Brstkors success. in “One, ‘Two, ‘Three” on ABCs (84) O ^ratlaa Amigo (88) 8 U ~ , _ !J) Priand n( Mr. Gaa(ker (89-49) News aad Wealhsr "The boys and I have a pri­ The Smiday Night Movie” to­ 1:99 (1) Captaia Kaagareo M :9 9 (88) vate ‘We Made You' club," he morrow from 9-11 p.m. 7:U (88) Mass HlghUghU '' ( 8) LeoI C rn s 9:19 (1) Rzerciae Wllh Glaria (89) Sporto 1:99 (9) GaU Storm said. "It even has some honor­ (49) Coatiaeatal Classreom (49) N ew s (89) N ew s ary members. 9:99 (8) Hap Richards 7:99 (9) BawhMe (8) Gill Talk (49) USAF Bellgioaa FUm ‘The truth is that I came over (9-8949) The Fliatataaes 1:66 (1) N ew s (88) Bomper Room (Color) Fred and Ramey face here in November, 19«3 with (89) Today la ConaoclioBi deoMiadoes whea Fred Is anoUter client, Billy J. Kramer, (49) Boao The down made sheriff of a weatera Paul Anka wiU be the host ot partly to find out why nothing 9:19 (9) Depaty Dawg tOWM. 9:89 (8) Leave ft To Beaver < » ) A m M — Im M » ic h WH m NBC's "Hullabaloo" Tuesday was happening here. I found the (1) The Yonag Marrieda (t4) 8:30-9:30 p.m. answer was that the Beatles had (89) Bomper Boom (S6) UtenuUioMl Sbowtima not been promoted properly and 19:M (1) News A anache, homi, **Tlie Bl«e (88-89) Make Room for Daddy D a a a b e lec also that they had not made the (8) General Hospital 8:66 <8-86-66) F a r m e r 's D a a rlita r (49) Gale Storm (88) The Cottiaa Edre 19:99 (9) Movie ^ PhUaarmaaic n (88-89) What's This SsagT 8:16 Ssrvtval (9) Flame in the Wind <88-S6> Bob H ope SAVE (49) Adventares in ParadUo (6-86-46) The Addams Famll]r 11:99 (88-19) Coneentralloa A mldceft relative whose doa­ (8) Hella Pea Pickers ble-talk is aaderstood only by by Installing an 11:9# (88-39) Jeopardy th e family is advoeated as boo .. „ <»-*t49) The Price U Bight c a ra to r. U:99 (3) Love Of Life 6:66 Tw elve O ’C laek High (88-39) Another Werid fi*!'' *■ officer with RADIOS PETS (1) Trallmaater diriarbing pcrMuality prob- (89-49) General Hospital CALL 649-1124 9:99 (SI Ta Tell The Trath **^9f*J**!J?*,**\ -®*-***’t Eragrsm PET F O O D S (89-49) The Young Marrloda (CoUr) GsrsU: Nlehols (88-39) Yon Doa’t Say Nsy, Bacry Sisters. 4:99 (3) Banger Andy Show FlakeriyF ld h e ri nnd Film TV-Bfidto, Sale# aad Servloe (88-19) Match Game 16:66 (84) C b an n el 84 B e p e rt PET A TTIR E (9) Admiral Jack (19) MUIloa Dollar MovU (8949) TraUmaslar G ankii SvppliM 4:86 (18-89) News GARNER'S ----- 4:19 (8-88) Movie I w t i i l u v r a (89) Comedy Ttasa PAINTING » • CiMUli Quidt ^ __ 9:99 (8) BUlemaa ' (89) Tns Boat Aaala Interior, Exteirior • Dsp^idabl* (84) Kindergarten Wallpaper Books Lown MointtiKMC* (89) Suerm aa (49) Admiral Swabby Shaw Pa^ritangliig , . vEoonbmicRl Lawn Mowttfs .liU (18) MUlUa Dollar Movie F loors aad OeUIngB ' '^Optrstloii ' "Dade Baach” ^ k Oakto ~ Painted nnd Befinlahed ~ R«paii«d, SharpMMd 9:99 (8) MagUU OoriDa N isW JLOW OAS R A m s ncK-urApHivMr (89) F U m < Worfcinnnaidp ORarMteetf'- (14) W h at’s NSW Fnlly insnred (99) Cheyeaae CALL 649-1752 U T T L E & (49) Saperaiaa PETERNAirS 5:99s:ss (88)(XI) SkiBU Bopori Baport fl^BBk Fiadlay—P«to OtMwer M cK i n n e y 9:99 (9) N ein, W eather aad Sparta LEO PELLETIER Ftambtaw a Htaritac On. Props. (S4> V eBaw stoBk O r 9 e a a 15 WOOMUHDOB ST. (49>'N ow s M 9-WM 9:8S (49) Lanuale or 8 Ortowold St. BlaBchMiter Maaohestep—64S-WM M t - M M 84S-90U M 4 MMh S t. m m