PRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 196 PAGE EIGHTEEN iianrlffBter Sutning l|waU> Avenge Daily Net Frees Ron The WeiBtha rw Gw Wsek ined Marine Pfc. Wesley D. Dick­ yoneant aC U. G. W aatet Bi Steamers, cherrystone olams iammrr n . im and clam chowder will be inson, son of Mr. and Mra. Wee- TerhpleBid About Town served tonight from 7 to 9 at ley I. Dickinson of 283 Spencer Announce Engagements O R A N G E H A a laereaG ag the Elks Club, Bissell St. Mern- St., and Lance Cpl. Robert S. 14,148 •eld Gwlght; Miu Nancy Jane Orayb, bers, their wives and guests are Oliver, .".on of Mrs. Sara M. Oli­ Goes to ZB A iEupmtm llpralh daughter of Mr. and Mra. Hen­ welcome. ver of 146 Bi.ssell St., have re­ r of Gw AeMt ry J. Grzyb, 99 North St., has turned to Camp Lejeune, N. C., ol OIresdaGoB Manehe$ter— A City of Village Charm been named to the dean’s list The Ladies of the As.sump- after serving a tour of duty in Second Time for outstanding a c a d e m 1< tion will meet Monday at 8:15 the Mediterranean with the achievement at Bryant College, Sixth Fleet. Temple Beth Sholom, which (Okwatfled Advertising on Page lO) PRICE SEVEN CENIf School of Business Administra­ p.m. at the church hall. Rob­ earlier this month had appeal­ VOL. LXXXTV, NO. 102 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1965 tion, ProVinence. She Is a June ert Munson of the Munson Can­ The Roller Skating program ed a Dec. 21, 19M decision of BINGO 1964 graduate of Manchester dy Kitchen will speak and.show scheduled for tomorrowi night the zoning board of appeals EVERY SAT. N IG H T — 7:30 High School. a film on "Making of Candy. ” at the Community Y, 79 N. (ZBA), has resubmitted an ap­ Refreshments will be served. Main St., has been canceled due plication for a variance for its Flaming flakes of grease un­ to lack of supervisory person­ building at Myrtle And Linden 72 E«t C u f f StrtGt — Mowchtsltr Events der a grill at the Egg-N-You Fifteen new members recent­ nel. Sts. Restaurant on Main St. this ly joined the VFW Auxiliary. They are Mrs. Edward Dupre, The ZBA laet month had Discord Threatens morning was responsible for a Manchester Rod and Gun granted the Temple a vari­ ‘Battle Hymn’ Echoes minor fire in which damage Mrs. Wilberforce Little. Mrs. In State John Kocamik, Mrs. Harrison Club wih have Its annual Ice ance to convert its building was negligible. Employes tried Follies all day Sunday at the into office apace, but had tack­ to put out the fire with an ex­ Wil.son, Mrs. Roland Wilson, clubhoti^e, Coventry. A dinner ed on a provlalon that eight tinguisher, blit failed, and the Mrs. 'William Leonard Jr,, Mrs. including chowder, stew and off-street parking spaces must MANCHESTER COMMUNITY COLLEDE Town Fire Department was Charles Gordon, Mrs. Loren liamburgs vill be served. be provided within 1,000 feet School Aid Measure Police Seeking called, at 7:46. Bone, Mrs. Leo Beauchamp, of the property. Mrs. Ben Huck, Mrs. Eleanor CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSES Motherhood of Mary Mothers On Dec. 30, the Temple’s only New Academy Churchill Funeral The First District of the Dingwall, Mrs. William Wag­ customer dropped an option he feeling they had a ner, Mrs. Edward Stickney, Circle will meet Monday at 8 WA<IHTNOTON fAP^ —.eparochlal schools and $10 mii-^Gongrese American Legion Auxiliary will p.m. at the home of Mrs. Leo had for purchasing the build­ SPRING SEMESTER 1965 ^ ^ ww> for (MUbUsWng educational mandate "to overrule many meet Sunday at 2:80 p.m. at Mrs. Ann Ganter and Mrs. Ed­ ing, because he was unable to The first wave* of contro­ centers in which prlvsta agen state electorates on segrsgation. HARTFORD (AP) — A ward Wilsinski. Fischer. 11 Dorothy Rd. Mrs. Faith Congregational Church. Edward Wllkos will be co-host- '"C comply with the parking space versy have threatened the else could participate raise seri on rural emphasis In state aid training academy for local 2030 Main Si.. Hartford. The ruling. .Principles and Techniques of v systems at the alleged expense Manchester Assembly, Order Lorin* photo Markup, terms and datings. Psychology of buying "loUvea smooth sailing President ous problems of law and public police and state troopers E isenhow er meeting was scheduled for last Acqua-Vlva photo^ Atty. Philip Bayer, president policy. of the large cities, and on Gold- may rise on a 108-acre, Sunday but postponed because of Rainbow for Girls, will have The engagement of Miss Gail The engagement of Miss of the Temple, filed his appeal Prospecting pre-approach, meeting objections, and cloalng. Johnson’B $1.26 billion However, he said moot state water attitudes generally on a semi-public installation of of­ The Recreation Division will Janet Lee Greenway of Colum­ Industrial selling methods versus selling for perTO^l con- state-owned tract in Che­ of the storm. spon.sor a Junior High Di ' a Gollmitzer of Manchester to with the Hartford County school aid bill through Con­ school oHlcials would support federal aid and states rights.” ficers tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Donald F. Carvey of East Hart­ bia to Robert Oliver Gamache Court of Appeals on the basis sumpUon. PracUce sales demonstraUons for tangibles ana the heart of the bill — a provi­ Fuller, undaunted, ssdd the shire. Pays Tribute Masonic Temple. Mias Janet toniglit from 7:30 to 9:30 at the of Man.sfield has been announ­ intangibles. gress. Community Y, 79 N. Main St. I ford has been announced by her that "such conditioning of eight strong criUcIsm of parts of sion to spend |1 billion to im­ comment wse accurate, and At least the Connecticut Chiefs Miles will be installed as worthy parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley ced by her parents. Mr. and off-street parking spaces was, prove ediKstional service, in called Brademas "very unfair.” of Police Association, heartily ■■ K advisor. Installing officers are All boy.s and girls attending | Mrs. George Greenway, Rt. 87. the measure by a spokesman For America Manche.ster junior high schools | (Jollmitzer, 477 Tolland Tpke. in effect, a denial of the ap­ MEETING; Monday, 4:55 - 6:10; Wednesday, 7:46 - • P.M. for stats public echool author­ low Income areas. "It Is a highly partisan state­ backed by State Police Commis­ FREE Miss Judy Seavey, worthy ad­ Her fiance is a son of Mr. Her fiance is a'son of Mr. plication.’’ ities caused an angry, partisan When Fuller completed hie ment, highly charged emotion­ sioner Leo J. Mulcahy, is hoping visor; Miss Patricia Rhoads, are welcome. A membership and Mrs. Francis Carvey of and Mrs. Roger A. Gamache, The old Temple, built In 1940, card is required, and may be squabble in a House subcommit­ testimony Rep. John Brademas, ally, and not the bapis for an so. LONDON (AP)—To th« DELIVERY marshal; Miss Suzanne Cowles, East Hartford. Mansfield. and added to In 1945, now pro­ REGISTRATION JAN. 25-29 tee Friday and may foreshadow D-Ind., challenged his right to objective reply,” said Brade­ The new academy would be chaplain; Miss Constance Bar­ purchased at the door. Miss Gollmitzer, a graduate Miss Greenway, a graduate strains of the Battle H.vmn vides no offstreet parking •tormler seas ahead. speak for all 60 state school offi- mas. patterned after, but much big­ of the Republic, Sir Win­ ARTHUR DRUG rett, recorder. Members of the of Manchester High School and of Windham High School, is a whatever, and has been vacant The wrangle broke out when a ciala. Fuller said his testimony As Brademas continued to ger than, the State Police acad­ Mothers Club will serve refresh­ McKeown Secretarial School, student at Bay Path Junior since Jan. 1, 1964, when the Coll«9G OfRcG Republican member of the sub­ was based on replies to a ques­ challenge Fuller, Rep. Charles emy at Bethany, which Is con­ ston Churchill passed into ments after the ceremony. Hartford, is employed as a sec- College, Longmteadow, Mass. congregation moved Into Its committee accused the Demo­ tionnaire he sent out and on let­ B. Ooodell,. R-N.Y., cut In to sidered inadequate to meet the history today with one of Police Arrests retarj' by the Fuller Brush Co.. Her fiance, a graduate of Ed­ new building on K. Middle 134 E. MIddI* 'Hpk*. — 649-5377 charge Fuller was being perse­ demands of local police training. win O. Smith High School, is crats of persecuting and trying ters and telephone calls to the the most memorable fu­ East Hartford. Her fiance is Tpke. to muisle. the first criUcal wit­ officials. cuted. Mulcahy has already request­ a graduate of Monson Academy employed as a programmer at Atty. Bayer said today that "I have a profound suspicion "Up to this time there has ed that the land be transferred nerals in British history. Jeffrey M. Bantly, 20, of 318 and served three years in the the University of (Connecticut he considers it a hardship to ness to appear at the House "Mine eyes have seen the glo­ Ferguson Rd., was charged hearings on the bill. of the Integrity of that poll," been a lack of balance In the to him by the State Highway U.S. Army. He is employed in processing department. require the owner of a prop­ said Brademas, and he read hearings," said Goodell. "And Department, which acquired it ry of the coming of the Lord" with failure to obey a State the data proces-sing depart­ No date has been set for the erty to do something ov At the center of the storm was •at, •iV" echoed and re-echoed torou^ Kdgar Fuller, executive secre­ Into the record statements from the first time we get criticism of in connection with Route 1-84 Traffic Control signal, and was ment of The Stanley Works wedding.
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