Boy, 14, Held in Theft at Waterbury Bank
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.-A'l I. \ -■ \ ■ . PAGB TWENTY TOURSDAY, FEBRUi^RY «, 196g; M m t if t ilt r lEtJ^tting !|^ralb A r in g * Daily Net Press Run The Weather . For the Week Eaded Feraeeet ef U. S. Westher BuMM February 1, 1958 during January 1W7, according to Panel, Parents coats and will bo raised to 60 per Snow eonUnuIng tonight. Ac-, .About Town a report issued by Griswold A. Town Welfare cent July 1, 1959. I rumiilation 8 to 5 inches. Hazard Chappell, building inspector. ' Among 26 towns with over 20,- 1 2 ,6 4 0 ous driving. Low 25-86. Buow aadr Discuss Pupils^ Costs Below 000 population, 17 got less of the! ing Saturday afternooM.- High The M e n c h e ■ t e r Lithuanian Despite this rise In construction, State's welfare grants per capita i Menlier ef the Audit however, Chappell .said thq total Bureau ef CIlrealatiMi 30-15. Choru* will hold It* yearly Binpo Course Choices State Average than Msnehester in the period, b'e-! Manche$ler-— A City o f VUlago Charm tomorrow evening in Golway SI. fees collected b y ’'his office this tween July 1,,1956 and July 1,' Hall. The public ia invited, rrizes ' year are about 28 per cent less. 1957. ‘ have been donated and refrc.ah-1 Parents were advised to encour This is due, he said, to* the large, Welfare costs in Manchester are In this population range. Hart- j menta will be aer\’ed. I age their children to make their number of licenses Issued during a much lower than the average for ford was high with . $2.72 and ; VOL. LXXVII, NO. 109 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1958 (Claaatfled Advertlabig on Page 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS own decisions as to which high comparable period a year ago. the State, according to a table Hamden was low with 3 cents, a c -' A.2.C. Willard W. Hilla, aon of school' curriculum would best fit This month 39 building permits Just rieleased by the Connecticut cording to the council's table. Mr. and Mra. Willard B. Hills. 528 their abilities and desires, a,t a were issued, estimated cost 'of Public Expenditure Council. %Voodbrldge St. Ifet today for panel discussion 'uesday night by ^271,173 and with $995 in fees col The table shows how State wel Tunney Balks McGuire Air Force Base. N. .1. on the Barnard Junior High Parent lected. A total of 268 other per fare grants were distributed to Teacher Student Organization. mits were issued, estimated costa Connecticut's 169 cities and towns SPECIA L Stassen’s his way to Mewfoundland. after a Dulles^ Menshikov 8h-day furlough. Nearly 1,000 parents attended of $27,351 and with $1,358 in fees on the basis of population in the the ndeeting in the auditorium of follected. 1956-57 fiscal year. LEE RIDERS At Vote Battle the high school. Grand total of permits Issued In Manchester, State . grants Colored slides of Japan will be Charles Johnson served a-, mod amounted to 24 cents for each Boy, 14, Held in Theft I was 307; estimated costa, $298,624; Join in Hope for Job Safci shown at the midweek service of erator and introduced the five pan man, woman and child. In the State With Governor prayer tonight at the Salvation fees collected, $2,353. UDIESONLY elists and briefly outlined the sub In January 1957, 39 building as a whole, the average was 87 Army Citadel. Major and Mr.a. .John cents. And in towns. over 20,000, Hartford. Feb. 7 For Pickup will lead the prayer service. ^ ject areas each would discuss. The permits were also issued, esti R e» 13.98. $ 2 panelists were Ekfson Bailey, Ches- mated cost of $244,631; fees, |886. Manchester's population bracket, U.S,f Soviet Accord mer world heavyweight cham Ike Says I <■ Robinson, Mrs. Stillman Hitch A total of 423 other, permits were the average was $1.14 per capita. pion Gene Tunney of Stamford Mra. Chartes Ponticelll. presi-1 cock, A. Hyatt SuUifMnd Mrs. Ed During the fiscal period covered. MORIARH is not interested in wearing the dent of Manchester Emblem Club. issued; estimated cost, $30,259; DIAMOND'S ward Hobkowski.' fees collected, $2,361. State grants were based on 40 per GOP. crown to do battle with No. J51. requests members to meet ' Parents participated by asking cent of the net welfare expendi By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER ^through the presence here of the Democratic Governor RIbicoff Washington, Feb, 7 (/P)— Grand total of permits Issued BROTHERS ambassador relationa between our At Waterbury Bank In front of the Johi B. Burke Fii- ^ numerous questions. tures of the town. ARMY m i NAVY W'sshington, Feb. 7 i/P)— in the fall election. Harold E. Stassen said today neral Home tonight at 7 o'clock t o ! was 462; estimated coats, $274,890; The grants have now been raised M7 MAIN ST. *61 Center St. two countriea can be Improved both Arthur Illing, superintendent of fees, $3,247. Secretary . of State Dulles In the interest of our two countries The ex-champ was being after talking with President pay respects to Joseph Farr, whose ' ■ schools, spoke briefly about plans to 45 per cent of the. towns’ net Bfl 8-51S5 mentioned in some Republican Eisenhower that he is “con wife and daug^tc . Mrs. Thomas joined with Russia’s new am and in the interest of the whole for improving junior high facilities bassador to Washington to world." circles today as s po.sslble tinuing for now” as Ei.sen- Blanchard, are members of the and programs, the aim being a gubernatorial candidate. He Is club. day in publicly expressing Menshikov agreed. bower’s special disarmament "smooth and easy transition from Dulles said there had been no a Vegistered member of the FBI Seizes elementary to junior high school j hope for an improvement in substantial discussion of - Issues, GOP in his home town ef adviser. | The first sessions of three of the to the more rigorous senior high Soviet-American relations. adding with a grin, Vwe didn't set Stamford. Stauen said, however, he sUII is classes offered by the Manchester program." Dullea did this while posing for tle the disarmament question.” To "I never heard of it." Tun considering running for governor of j TWCA in its spring program have The next prograi.. will be held photoffraphs with the envoy. Mik which Menshikov commented', “ not ney said when reached by tele Pennsylvania. I YoungWife, been changed. The class In slip March 4, when Raymond Stinch- hail A. Menshikov. yet, anyhow," phone at his Park Avenue He said he must soon make a de covering will start next Tuesday Bishop’s Company Here Friday fleld. assistant superintendent of HALE’S SELF SERVE "<> MEAT DEPT. The unusual display of friend- .Ma.r Meet Gromyko apartment in New York City. cision on whether to quit his pres- ■ instead of tonight. Openings arc Rod Bcrgmann and Mark Weidenmann are members of the schools, will speak on a 6-iS-3 edu llnesa took place at the State De Thompson is aspect^ to meet "Would you be interested?" ent job and aeek the governorship; i Hunts Trio still available in the rug braiding Bishop's Company of Santa Barbara. Calif., the group of touring cational system. he was asked. - "I did not submit my resigna-. partment, where Menshikov, who soon with Soviet Foreign Minister tion," he told newsmen. "I was not: class which will start Feb. 10. from | professional actors and actresses who will present "Cry, Tlie Be arrived in a Soviet jet airliner only Andrei Gromyko to find out how "No." replied the retired 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. The adult ball- asked for It." By THE .\SSOCIATED PRJE5S I loved Country" at the Second Congregational Church here tomor yesterday, conferr^ with Dulles the Soviet government wants to prize fighter, who is connected The 50-year-old ptassen, report- j room dancing will start next row evening. On their fourth national winter tour since 1052, i Taxable Building thia morning. Dulles said he was proceed on negotiations for a top with more /than a dozen cor edly on his way out as U.S. dis-' A 14-year-old Waterbury week Thursday .instead of tonight, j the company has presented plays in schools, churches and institu •ure Menshikov v.ould be received level meeting. porations with headquarters In armament negotiator, met with; juvenile who warned police tions in 35 states. "Cry. The Beloved' Country" adapted f"om by President Eisenh' wer as soon Premier Nikolai Bulganin ad New York City. : Eisenhower about 45 minutes. He that his three alleged accom Miss Mani.tTi Lupien. .daughter the bold novel by Alan Paton. is the storj’ of love and hate In a Up in January as a conference could be arranged, vised President Elsenhower in s Tlie ciirr#nt two llsadlng con left the White House by s side of Mr. smd Mrs. Frank Lupien. 21 South African community. The performance will begin at 8 p.m. indicating It would be in the im- message last Sunday that Russia tenders for the Republican gii- ’ door and ran into a crowd of news-) plices were ready to "shoot it Sunset Dr., has been named to the The added taxable building con snadiate future. agreed to an exchange of ideas bernstorisl nomlnat'on met men. photographers, newsreel and: out” was arraigned in Hai*t- dean's list for her senior year at Mr.