Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-08-11
" . MEATII. (,ATII, ref ....,. QI l~re ••1 II a.. Al Ihru,h KI ••" ,0.'. rl100188SO rOODlI, .... Ilam,. y~ Ibr.. ,h III ••• AI 'IIr• .,1I Tl ••U' 1\.", lUG".. .. ••a ' •• r ..... , .. •••• '.r II,. ,•• d. Ihr.u,h .Ao,. 31. 1180B8, .I.pla•• llam,. I. I, • an' Fair • In "o.k Ibre. ar. ,... ..••• I.IIeI,. O"1I0LINII. II·" •••, ••• , ••• 'er liS ...10.1 ••• 8 I 8·', 8·., 0·7 IOWA: PartlJ doudy with ... 0·' ••• p ••1 ,... ,.. II.. ,a"'., ... b. 'UIL OIL, perl.. .n. Ilr•• ,1l II,. ooape •• , ... I .....' .. DAILY IOWAN occasional showers.. A.,. II; ,.rle' 0.' 00.,... '.r II.. INI·....... or. .... ,.... La.1 ,.••• '. perl.. 'II. .d II,. Iowa City's Mornlnv ~ewlpap.r ",,0•••• pl .. A.,IIJJ....!!. FMCENTS IOWA CITY. IOWA SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1945 ......IOCI' ........ VOLUMEDI NUMBER 273 = : • / eaee Reds Use Pince·rs in Manchuria· Third Fleet Gives REDS PURSUE JAP SA nlE Four Powers Confer Allied Leaders Show No Rush .' ' . r Japan Brief Respite On Jap Government Inyade lore.a, Sakhalin Island Ie Air, Sea Beating Surrender Terms To Accept Formal Plea as Is WASHINGTON (AP)-Japao sued formally for peace yester. LONDON (AP)-Rullsian mobile columns ripped 106 miles into Inactivity According Swiss, Swedish Act day but qualified unconditional surrender in an effort to keep the Japan '8 stolen Manclni.rian empire yesterday in a spectacular To Previous Plan; emperor enthroned. There was no immediat ru b to accept bel' sweep from the west along the Chinese eastern railroad, the Soviet MANCHUKUO As Int.rmediarie, plea whole. kigh command said last night. War Still Exists n,TSII4 ....• For Negotiations Allied leaders took the enemy's cry of quits under joint con Four mighty Soviet forces were' pouring in growing masses • H...
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