V- ^ -N.-* ‘■•s • MONDAY, MAY 4. IMS T Average Dally Cbcolatka birthday parto wi WnUarS Wind of LaorM etreot I Far t e Slaath a t A prg, |M l held t o honorr M n . W* A . Oola iB qiendins two weeks ia M la^ l About Town etreot, at tho haem of her 11a,. at the Cortes botoL rtabr, Mr*. Pater A. T e ^ of 13 7327 \ -i Tbi< iMta s n a p o f tbo Boutli Mdnntola rtroet, RockeUla. last Tho Boethovea <B*a C t e wm I WSJCJL wm n m t to^ etodlas* About 14 su«ots\were omit ita rrtiaanal toalgM toit the ■—ttiiy a t 7:S0 iik the preewlt. A dinner waa aei members are readadtA^ ho on cbtiie^ sa ilor. ^ Mr*. Oole reoehred many ttnu for th* Wedneaday oveains HanelikiSeT-^A City of Village Charm Stttk mmoert at the PutaSm Mathodlat X. CltartM lAttvop of BurohM .church, tb* flaalOiM of aboeyaea- [ VOL. LXL.JVO. 184 ea fe g a U> Hw annual meetlns of the '■ MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAT 5, 1$48 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENT»: h a n o A o d tho o so o f M , left ojr Hartford Archdeaconry branrti of \ ■liileai Sotnrdur for Mew York. the Woman’a Auxmaty to Ui* Na­ / oae o f the tional Council win be bald at the V. SoSo oad seeterdajf kowM u - Church of the Good Shepherd, •ter teae for Omndo, florid*, Hartford, Wedneaday, Kay 6. The M IT itete Bowffl vWt M ade.. Mr. Venerable Samuel SutcUffe wm be COAL ./■ l^lhioB ia a member.of Woppins the celebrant at the Holy Com­ ~ Moat central Pomona and munion aervloe at 10:30. The Rev. X \ Oia atata Qranse, and la weU John. Oass, D.D., rector o f J it. onese im a m loeauar. < PauTs ebinvh. Troy, N. IVwm /•' \ give an addreaa at t e afternoon '' Seibert Bohnlta and Clifford aeaelon. ShM hl who are leavtas Wednea* te r to Jola the Marliiea' wore glv- Qlhbon’a Aaaembly, '' Catholie P ii^ieai Mother *$ Day Gifts a a party yeaterday at the Kanehl Ladle* o f ColUmbua, will meet to­ h m a ^ WeOa atreet. Forty of morrow night at A o'clo^ in th* \ teir Mmda amons the local K. o f C., home. Tbere wm he a waoBS peoplo attended and pre- short hueinea* meeting at which ai^M ow n wltti fifta of money. plans for the installation wm be discussed. Mia* Lucy Sullivan o f **xS *\ Smr: W . Ralph Ward, Jr., and Hartford wiU speak on **Readlitg 52 2 / / Mm. Ward, are ependlnt a few to Form a Catholic Mind". There «qra la M*w Yoik aty. wm be ail exhibit of book^ B e a u tifu l St. PauTs Rises from Debris MeoAeri of Sunaet Council. De- Bmest Schiller, o f 94 BidweU gne af Focahontaa, are reminded street and Maty Ragdigan, of 9 H an d t i>; o n s c a r Cross Shallow Rive: eC the apedal bualneai meetlns Deerfield avenue, Hartfoid, aecur- ^.^Ua ervm&s la Tinker halt ed a marriage license In Hartford b4 -9 B on Saturday. B lo ck ed n e OeeUiaQ Clqb wm meet to* 8cUd color with mi flow- •mains at 7:90 at> the era, whit* with flowerai, Kethodiet churdi. *11 whit*. A fo r Moth- T o In vj er. All color ions. F a v o rite F o r IWMANDS FOR COAL >1ALE'S SELF SERVE The Original b New Euglaadl Inrohrc lorfn l Summer Wear m e r ic a n s JsIpaneseBRses Hit Traaspor* id Blodted tation AND HEALTH MARKET American tJnito Pledged Qniddy Capture French - 7 I Aa leas- aa ymi ''Hami''lm 'ate ■ ' ^ Allied Air Forces Again Invaders Advancing on I SaaM tefty af oeal oh hoad, wo To Fight Any Axis At* Nazis Urged Artillery Battery in le Raps I ami aei ham ar.heMliBeeh la TUESDAY SPECIALS DISH Light As A Feather Smash Forcefully at Chnkok Halted* Bnt ; eoaMo haateanS \ tempt to Grab Is­ Foreatalling Seianre Islands Above, Aus- Fighting Con^niii^ Double Green Stamps Glvea THth Cash Sales Made of flae quality aatlae cloth. Colon guaranteed' aUe. To Produce Hitler First Two pattema In green, btue, gtdd, and red. land; Conp Is An­ O f Vital Ihdhm. Ocean traha; Beat Off An­ With Unabated Fctoch : , s e a m a n c o a l CO. An Day Tuaadajrl \r nounced in Washing­ OntpoM by Japaneae; C te a Di WhMahaav Prep. TOWELS COCANUT STRAWS More Arms other Enemy Raid on Catch Cry ity; Wimting Renudiii i • Chatartt. leLMST Other Printed QoUis 89c to ton and London; Start Pushing AcrOfla Th* hat you wm want to waar from now Port Moresby; Five In Chinese Hands But Shop At, Hole's Self Serve Where oa regaaOeae of ago. You muat wear one.- Blunt Warning Ms to n e o f Pregg Comment laland to Diego Soar* Nipponese Pbmes Hit Evatt AtserU Those Bittilv Battlto A W to be In fhahloo. Given Vichy Rulers. ea; Expect Jap Movie. You Will Fiiid the Most Completo Fine Quality Hcadflixeat 22 and 23. $ 1 .0 0 More Grim a$ Indue- Defending Ontpoat. Using It Seem Incapa­ In Progress in^^Area* Chenille try A»ked for in- 3for$X*^ Washington, May 6.— BaDetiBl ble o f Understanding iGontrabrSltrisr Grocery Stock In Town! creased Production, Allied Headquarters, Aus­ Chungking, May Dreaa up tbs Mtebea -> aU pie- "—-British warships and troops Loodoa, May 6.— tralia, May —Allied War Is World-Wide, Japanese troops invaded l^rtHiofi Sorvicc nwene BcnoHy i laandsred aad fast color. Thne h ^ Madagascar today and isk CoBuumdoa, Marliica and Air Forces again have smash­ pattema in an colors. London, May X—(P)—A Zurich na’s Yunnan province today, BATH ^American forces were infantry landed oa tlw north- ed forcefully at JapaneM, is­ London, May 5—<P)—Herbert V. aftar driving up the Burmi - Houseuktres - dispatch - to Bxrtiaag* Telegraph Egg^ to flght any Axis attempt to eru Gp of Madagaacar today, land bases above Australia Evatt, Auetrallan attmuey general road and crouing'the ahallow.i grab the great French island said today Adolf HiUer’s Voal- aad a Vichy news agency and beaten off another enemy and Bilnleter for external affalii, Wanting river. 670 miles ' MAT Hund Wrongfat» Non Tamishuble which'the Japanese apparent­ klecbw Beohachter had called up­ broadcast that they were at­ raid on Port Moresby, a com­ criUdaed today what he called a from this capital, a military;^ ly had hoped to wrest from on Oermany** war Industry for in­ creased productloa te a last gigan­ taching tha itrong French munique announced today. It catch-cry widely employed by spokesman said. A CUnasi y \ the weak and possibly willing listed five Japanese planes as some pcbple—that w* must con­ Corn Flakes' hands of Vichy. The coup by which tic struggle and th* tone of Nasi Naral baM of Diego Suarez quer HlUer first." communique said that Japa* and LID, press comment was more aad ttom the rear while warahipo hit by AUled fighters defending nea* troopa advancing on CSrakolL a BriUeh land and sea force took th* United NaUona New Guinea "Thoat who employ It," be said grim. In an tetarvlew, "seems Incapable on th* Burma eld* of tha frontier, over protection of Madagascar "Victory will only be posalMe and squadrona of airplanes outpost agateat a raiding air oppoaita tb* Chteese town' of was annouacad in Washington and aasanltcd the harbor frontal­ squadron of nine heavy bombers of understanding this Is a wortd Serving'ftajre Fruit Bowls Candy Dbhes when war Industry supports the war." Wanting, hod been halted but that in a N o “ t r o d b l e ” h e r e ! SETS Ixmdan last night. Dropping Ita fighting troopa by tecteued pro- escorted by ten Zero Naval fight­ fighting was oontteuteg with un­ SoiT 1H-1A.BOX 4c kid-glove paUcy la daaUag with ly. ___ . He amphaalaed ha was not le- to hrtas year Aato ers. Four of th* bit raiders were abated, ferocity. Vichy, tbs Vnlted Stats* wamad boraberA th* communique said, to ai. Ttot bluntly that If pro-NaM Flam La­ I'Ji 1 ea Page TVS) London, May 6.—(/F)—^Brit- « an rage Twe) Th* spokesman aald Wentlag II add th* raid—aimed at an alr- remained 4d’ ChteU* 'haado hS val’s govemmpnt permitted iah troopa landed- on the drome^waa “without.efiect.” tt briaga aa Crabmeot cu 27c warlike act agathst Uw occunyj that tetter fighUng waa ta profs set $1.59 ^ forces, It would be aa act northern Up of Madagascar Alrdroases Objeetfvo reee te that ana a !^ today, quickly oaptu^ a ** _ > against, tbo United Natloas. Big Question Airdromes also were th* objec- Feat of Fliers Baad Nal Y*4 DeaireyaS Four pattema. An colon. Nautical and floral pattaras In Th wart* Japaame Flaa French artillery battery and Uves of. Allied raiders over both Ha declared that dastrucUoa of fzs:"irjs: Lae, New Guinea, aad Rabaul, ■I Crackers n « . blue, green, aqua, duaty roae, peach, yrtlow. and black and wblt*. The British move thwarted any need toward -the Navid base th* Chinee# section of ^ Buraas Japanese plans to setos Matogae- Is Removed of Diego Suarez, forestalling New Britain. At Lae, the commu­ In Open Boat road, which wlnda through ahaar car either by force or by a "pro- nique said, an undlaclosed number mountatea and gaping gorgea, had NORTON Waste Baskets $ 1 .19 tecUve" occupation agreemant seizure of that vital hidian A London woikman oa a demolition ]ob look* over the bombed grounded enemy aircraft were not yet been necaasaiy but that aliQUar to the one u a ^ which Ja­ By Seizure outpost by the Japanese.
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