Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-08-19
18, 19(5 ~ Partly Cloudy MEATS, "ATS, r •••1 .... '. Qt Ihr•• ,10 zt .... At Ih,.u,h Xl no .. valid. SUGAR, b ••• r•• r .,... , .. lOWA: Cleat 10 parUy dOlld, ,0•• ro, five po undo Ibr.Dlb AU. II. 8BOl8, .Ir • &oday. O"'trlPO I, ~, I ... 4 In b.o. lit•••• re , ... I,,· DAILY IOWAN plane THE ••'lnlloI7. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ~invt====C=EN==T=~====~==~J ==~-===========;T=~B~I=A=88=0=C=JAT=I=D=P=.=ls=8====~=;~==~======~==I=O=VV~A=C=ITY~~,~IO~VV=A:===~=S=U=ND~A~Y~,=A~U~G~U~S=T~1~9=,=I~~5========~==~X=~======T=n==A=8=so=c=M=T~1=D=p~u~ss======~Y=O~LUM!~~=I=I~'====NUMB~~~~ = Japs to Learn CHIANG TO MEET WITH COMMUNIST LEADER (ost of War Wartime Curbs Torn to 'Bits At (onference Imperial Delegate. ,In ,Rush·to Convert Economy To Meet MacArthur Tomorrow for Terms :It .... MANILA, Sunday (A P)- The Japanese, thei r dream of Chinese Plan! UI!.R~A pelegates Appro!e}~ Over Soviet O~o!i~on IU. S. Moves .empire vanished and t h('i,' oncc arrogllnt armies surrcndering, LONDON (AP) - Over-riding tions on relief to non-repatriates from the vote in committee, in 'Out of Woods' Jap Surrender the dissent of Russia Poland had been defeated earlier In a which the resolution was passed by will lellrn here tomorrow the Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia: stormy committee meeting. One of a 24-to-4 vote. mannet· and cost of ca.pitnlatioll. the council of the United Nations these propos\lls would have re- The decision yesterday cleared Relief and Rehabilitation admin- quired displaced persons unwilling the way for the remaining major Weather permitting, two un- Ten.ion Begins Ea.ing istration yesterday sanctioned aid to go back to their own countries problems of relief for Italy, Aus- Congress Hurries lletween Communists, for war refugees who wish to re- to live in camps.
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