" . MEATII. (,ATII, ref ....,. QI l~re ••1 II a.. Al Ihru,h KI ••" ,0.'. rl100188SO rOODlI, .... Ilam,. y~ Ibr.. ,h III ••• AI 'IIr• .,1I Tl ••U' 1\.", lUG".. .. ••a ' •• r ..... , .. •••• '.r II,. ,•• d. Ihr.u,h .Ao,. 31. 1180B8, .I.pla•• llam,. I. I, • an' Fair • In "o.k Ibre. ar. ,... ..••• I.IIeI,. O"1I0LINII. II·" •••, ••• , ••• 'er liS ...10.1 ••• 8 I 8·', 8·., 0·7 IOWA: PartlJ doudy with ... 0·' ••• p ••1 ,... ,.. II.. ,a"'., ... b. 'UIL OIL, perl.. .n. Ilr•• ,1l II,. ooape •• , ... I .....' .. DAILY IOWAN occasional showers.. A.,. II; ,.rle' 0.' 00.,... '.r II.. INI·....... or. .... ,.... La.1 ,.••• '. perl.. 'II. .d II,. Iowa City's Mornlnv ~ewlpap.r ",,0•••• pl .. A.,IIJJ....!!. FMCENTS IOWA CITY. IOWA SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1945 ......IOCI' ........ VOLUMEDI NUMBER 273 = : • / eaee Reds Use Pince·rs in Manchuria· Third Fleet Gives REDS PURSUE JAP SA nlE Four Powers Confer Allied Leaders Show No Rush .' ' . r Japan Brief Respite On Jap Government Inyade lore.a, Sakhalin Island Ie Air, Sea Beating Surrender Terms To Accept Formal Plea as Is WASHINGTON (AP)-Japao sued formally for peace yester. LONDON (AP)-Rullsian mobile columns ripped 106 miles into Inactivity According Swiss, Swedish Act day but qualified unconditional surrender in an effort to keep the Japan '8 stolen Manclni.rian empire yesterday in a spectacular To Previous Plan; emperor enthroned. There was no immediat ru b to accept bel' sweep from the west along the Chinese eastern railroad, the Soviet MANCHUKUO As Int.rmediarie, plea whole. kigh command said last night. War Still Exists n,TSII4 ....• For Negotiations Allied leaders took the enemy's cry of quits under joint con­ Four mighty Soviet forces were' pouring in growing masses • H.... IIN sideration even before it was received in official form late yester· .cross the 2,OOO·mile Russo·Manchurian frontier from outer Mon· GUAM CAP) - The mig h t y LONDON (AP)-No. 10 Down­ day through the 8wi government. But a number of senators and ves fOlia to the border area 75 miles northwest of the great Rus~ian , Thir~ fleet gaye beaten Japan a ina street said.last night that Bri· orne strategically placed officials saw in the stipUlation of the . ' port of Vladivostok, Moscow's second Japanese war con1mumque respite from aIT and s ~a att~cks tain, Russia, the United states and emperor's overeignty something Ie than the unconditional 8ur­ said. tod~y after heavy carrier strikes ;,rash : China w~re conferring on "the render which the allies have demanded. Tokyo SIIid the hng-e Russian drive also had invaded the Japan. which destroyed or damaged at- , . least 523 Japanese planes on Japanese government statement There was no comment of that natur which could be traced ) - Th'e \!1l~.eonquered .Iand of Korea .and hll:d ~mas~ed mto the ~outhern northern Honshu Thursday and on surrender terms." back to Pre ident Truman or ecretary of tate Byrnes. However, ir Roes is baH of Sakhabrl (~arafuto) J s la~d, which laes only 30 mIle from Friday. Absence of action, how­ The prime minister's residence officialdom p id close attention to an indication that Russia Saw lciflc after the nortbernmost Is land- Hokkaldo--of -the Japanese homeland. ever, was according to advance issued the statement after the the enemy proposal in that light and did not like it. ~xplOSlons The oviet far ea~tern armies were rolling back Japanese d e~ plans-not the result of Japan's Swiss and Swedish foreign offices That indication came in a {jlte crash tenses with tbe same fierce as- announced willingness to surren- had said they had transmitted broadcast over the Moscow radio. sauns which collapsed the Ger- der. "important communications"-the As recorded by NBC. Commenta­ S Japanese surrender bid- to the :lay of the tor J. J . Yarameshenko discussed deal which mans on the European eastern ub Destroyer The carrier aUaets yesterday four powers. Atomic Bomb Iront, cracking Japanese border,' continued throughout the day the stipulation on the imperial . yard, tor fortifications with power-packed • • almost UP to the time the Tokyo Crowds Hall 'Victor,' perogatives and then asserted: lted In the Celebrating crowds hailed "vic­ uti1l~y and tank blows. L b N radio annl'unced the Japanese "Unconditional surrender means of skilled tory in a Picaciilly circus demon­ just that-!-,ncondltlonal surren­ ld, Calif, The RUMlans, the MolICow war ost··y avy bid for peace. station even though there was no Results Good kIIetln repOrted, made two new Ignoring officially in his com- der." i. enllllinp of Ute Amur river and munique Japan's .offer to surren- BORDER BETWEEN RUSSIA and Jap-held Manchukuo, showln&' how indication of whether Japan's pre­ Nobody here was Inclined to be· '/'live alol\l' both the western der, Admiral Nimitz reported a big troops were massed before R.ussla declared W&.l and arrows Indicat­ sent offer would be accepted or lieve a commentator on the official Ing the possible Red army attacks. rejected. Tremendous Explosion eastern ends of the Ch'ne~ U. S. Bags 13 More bag of Japan's carefully hoarded tr** I.eastern railroad, which stretches aidorce, the bulk of it caught on • The Downing street statement, Crushes 30 Per Cent Late last night an associate of miles across Manchuria and Jap Ships to Hit the ground; a small bag of enemy however, suggested V-J celebra­ '51 tion arrangements. Of Nagasaki Secretary of State Byrnes said fee* the Japanese arsenal city Total of 1 "243 sh ipping; and heavy damage to Okinawa Bombers At a Glance- that consultations among the .t Barbin. f"I ground targets. Remain on .Job Big Four - the United states, " ' It asked that workers in essen­ GUAM, SATURDAY (AP)­ Tan~s and cavalry following in­ ---- It was · emPhasized at neet Great Britain, Russia and China lial services remain on their jobs t.n~rymen manning armored trains WASHINGTON (AP) The headquarters that so far as the Smash Island Fields Atomic bombed Nagasaki was - on the surrender offer had Is during the "holiday when hostili­ surged 93 ~ miles from the Russo­ navy announced the. loss. of a sub- navy concerned a state of war crushed by a fiery explosion "too made progress during yesterday marine and a aestroyer escort yes- stili exists and will continue to radar's ties with Japan cease." For all ManGhurian border area north of tremendous to believe," American afternoon and early evening Hulun (Dalai) lake and captured terda;.-, with. about 200 men. .exlst. until such tlm.e as surren- Varied Aircraft Sin~s others the statement said the two and would be resumed today. A,t the same time t.he· destruction der is made official. working days Immediately fol­ eyewitnesses reported Friday. the rail junction and five-way 90 Enemy Vessels Meanwhile B-29's carried their highway j u n c t ion of H u 1 u n of 13 more .Japanese s.hips by sub- Admiral Halsey's 1,500 Ameri­ Iowan lowing a peace announcement Soviet radio went into that kind of marines was announceq. The bag can and cooperating British flat­ hl Coastal Blockade should be regarded as holidays. issue without guidance. , . (Hailar), Moscow's broadcast bul~ Japan raids into the fifth consecu­ .. letln saJd. Inl!luded a lIght. cruiser and a pa- ,top raiders, finding most of their Sweden, the protecting neutral tive day with attacks on the Tokyo Also stresPJed here w.# Ihe trol 'escort vessel. victims On the ground, wiped out MANILA CAP) - J a pan's * * power for Britain and the Soviet Truman-Attlee-Chlan&' declar­ C.pture of Hulun cut the only Japa.nese offer* to quit, retain­ arsenal and Amagasakl oil refin­ \. Meanwhile a dl~ ~atch from or cqppled 391 Thursday, then dwindiing air powcr suffered new union in Japan, acted as inter­ ation or Potsdam, to which RUII­ weaterD h1,hway sup ply In, ing emperor, stirs allied capi­ ery. Pearl Harbor told of daring 1,10- destroyed 69 and damaged 63 yes­ heavy damage Thursday when far tals. mediary for Russia and Britain. sla. subscribed, emphasizing that 1b0000Dds of Japanese troops In dersea . raiders who invaded the terday. Additional reports for yes­ east airforces bombers and Ught. Switzerland, acting in Japan for Japan (:ontinued to treat Naga­ uncondltiona.l unendet \" nC)\ exlrelne northern Manchuria. Se$ Of Japan, the enemy's last terday remained to be filed. ers from Ok.inawa smashed at BIll' Four continue to conter on the United States and China, con­ saki's destruction with silence but a matter tor qulbbUn,. or del., From Hulun, the Soviets bat- free sea lane to China, ' and Of the Thursday-Friday bag, some of the plincipal fields on tile veyed the offer to those powers. Meanwhile the war went on, tered another 12 Y.o miles into the reaction to peace J?roposal. Tokyo announced that a protest knocked more than 50 ships out more than 300 of the enemy air­ main home islands of Honshu, No Official Text against the first use of the atomic with announcement of heavy new 2,66o-foot.hlgh foothills of the of the dwindling Nipponese cargo craft definitely were destroyed. Shikoku and Kyushu. strikes by the American-BrItIsh Feat Khingan mountain range U. S. Third fleet hands out fur­ Radio broadcasts from the two bomb, which obliterated 60 PCI' fleet. Nimitz altJlounced also that Announcing the strikes by nearly ther punishment to Japan. neutral countries, made only a few cent of the city of Hiroshima Oeet prow)jn~ ott the Ja!)anese barring the path to the central • In Sea of Japan new Information on the naval every type of aircraft !Ander his Manchurian basin, tearing out a minutes apart, did no~ give the MOlJday, was be'lrt~ sent to the Islands.
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