DISS. ETH NO. 16464 The Role of Spike Patterns in Neuronal Information Processing A Historically Embedded Conceptual Clarification A dissertation submitted to the SWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ZURICH for the degree of Doctor of Sciences (Dr. sc. ETH Z¨urich) presented by Markus Christen Lic. phil. nat., Universit¨at Bern born 07. 01. 1969 accepted on the recommendation of Prof. Dr. Rodney Douglas, Examiner PD Dr. Ruedi Stoop, Co-Examiner, Supervisor Prof. Dr. Michael Hagner, Co-Examiner 2006 ii Author: Markus Christen, lic. phil. nat. Institute of Neuroinformatics Winterthurerstrasse 190 8057 Zurich c 2006 Brainform B¨ozingenstrasse 5, 2502 Biel, Switzerland http://www.brainform.com Print: Printy, Theresienstrasse 69, 80333 M¨unchen Printed in Germany ISBN-10: 3-905412-00-4 ISBN-13: 978-3-905412-00-4 Purchase order:
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