

Petticoats Behind the Presidents First Ladies Fashion Show  Courtesies Class Candle Making  Colonial Cooking Demonstration Great Stories

The saying goes “behind every successful man is a woman,” and so it is true for our founding Presidents and their First Ladies as well as early settlers. Meet some of these dynamic women, discover the contributions they made to early America and learn how they helped defined the role of .

Citie of Henricus After the English arrived at Jamestown in 1607 helped stabilize relations between the English and her native Powhatan Indians. Discover this intriguing woman whose real story is as dramatic as her legend. Take part in a candle making or herbal workshop at Henricus Park, where Pocahontas was held captive during hostilities and where she later received an English education, converted to Christianity and met her future husband. St. Peter’s Church Nestled in a grove at the end of a historic back road, St. Peter’s was the church of widow Martha Dandridge Custis. At her nearby home she was courted by a young British army officer named . They were married by the rector of St. Peter’s and the ceremony almost certainly took place in this church. As America’s first First Lady established many traditions which would be followed through the years. Shirley Plantation An informative tour of ’s first plantation, Shirley Plantation showcases the lifestyles of Virginia’s Gentry Class. Martha Washington, Martha Jefferson and Letitia Tyler, three future first ladies, grew up nearby as part of this elite class and experienced a lifestyle very similar to the ladies of Shirley.

Mary Prince Lewis  804-678-9750  [email protected]

Petticoats Behind the Presidents

Hanover Tavern As Colonial Americans would have done our group will stop here for delicious traditional fare on the main road between Richmond and Fredericksburg. lived at the tavern for several years and practiced law across the road. Dolley Madison spent her childhood in Hanover County, where the tavern is located.

Scotchtown This was the home of Patrick Henry and Dolley Madison played here as a child. Her home was nearby and here at Scotchtown she enjoyed the spacious yard and airy house. James and Dolley Madison’s Montpelier James and Dolley Madison loved to entertain and Dolley was known as one of America’s great hostesses. When entertaining the Madison’s table was bountiful and loaded with good things in the Virginia tradition. A guided tour of Montpelier focuses on their life after the presidency, the people who visited them there, social customs of the day and food traditions still found in Virginia.

Wine Tasting at New Kent Winery One of the Richmond Region’s growing number of popular wineries, New Kent Winery was built with Old World timbers giving an ambience of gentility and welcome as one would have found in the earliest days of American wine making.

Colonial Cooking at the Rose and Crown Tavern Housed in one of New Kent County’s oldest buildings, the Rose and Crown Tavern serves casual fare with a contemporary English theme. Nancy Carter Crump, an expert on Colonial cuisine and hospitality, guides us through a traditional meal prepared by the Rose and Crown’s executive chef.

Hearthside Cooking Demonstration Get an up-close look at exactly how meals were prepared in 18th Century America. Learn about the key ingredients and cooking methods demonstrated by the able staff at Scotchtown.

Mary Prince Lewis  804-678-9750  [email protected]  www.hovtour.com

Petticoats Behind the Presidents

Try Out Your 18th Century Courtesies Learn about the “courtesies” of old Virginia at Shirley Plantation. was a cousin of the Carter family of Shirley and his wife Martha grew up just down the road. She visited Shirley Plantation on occasion and would certainly have made proper use of those courtesies. First Ladies of Fashion Take a seat for a vintage fashion show focusing on the changing dress styles of our First Ladies. was a trendsetter, introducing the French-Gothic/Early Romantic dress style as First Lady after living in France. She was the Jackie Onassis of her time!

Mary Prince Lewis  804-678-9750  [email protected]  www.hovtour.com