Thirty-Second Generation Earl Walter of Huntingdon Birth Date Unknown
Thirty-second Generation Earl Walter of Huntingdon birth date unknown. He married twice. First, Gundred (Latin: Gundrada), He married Judith of Normandy 1070. They had the sister of Gerbod the Fleming, Earl of Chester. Second, to a following children: sister of Richard Gouet. 1. Judith (Alice) of Huntingdon31 . Earl William de Warrene and Gundred had the following 2. Matilda of Northumberland was born 1074. children: Walter died May 31, 1076 in St. Giles Hill. His body was 1. Reynald31 de Warrene. interred Crowland. 2. Editha de Warrene. 3. Earl William de Warrene was born 1071. Gundred died May 27, 1085 in Castle Acre, Norfolk. Her body was interred Lewes Priory, Chapter House. William was loyal to William II, and it was probably in early 1088 that he was created Earl of Surrey. He died June 24, 1088 in Pevensey, Sussex shortly afterwards of wounds he received while helping suppress the rebellion of 1088. His body was interred Lewes Priory, Chapter House. Hugh "The Great" of Vermandois de Crepi (King Henry I of France33 _) was born 1053. Called Magnus or the Great, he was a younger son of Henry I of France and Anne of Kiev and younger brother of Philip I. He was in his own right Count of Vermandois, but an ineffectual leader and soldier, great only in his boasting. Indeed, Steven Earl William de Warrene (Rodulf II33, Rodulf I34_) Runciman is certain that his nickname Magnus (greater or was born in Bellecombe, France 1055. He was one of the elder), applied to him by William of Tyre, is a copyist's error, Norman nobles who fought at the Battle of Hastings and and should be Minus (younger), referring to Hugh as became great landowners in England.
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